#and the script saying tom looks at greg with love is exciting but still means dick to me
gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
tbh this has been said before. and it is controversial but i sort of want to say it again
the fact that tom n greg may very well be turning out as such classic queerbait where they use it in the marketing, and the storytellers and actors are asked about it and talk about it... and still in the show it's in this nebulous place, where it's fairly clearly told through intense moments, background props, and drug metaphors- yet is still on the cusp of too overt to be undeniable.
and then, like, a good amount of other fans are annoyed as us for caring even a bit about that?
and, i don't necessarily need them to be happy or cutesy. but just because suck session isn't 'about shipping' doesn't mean... that's not still... like, queerbaiting? And. human relationships are part of most stories, and are actually central to Succession.
Tom's relationship to Shiv has been one of his primary roles in the whole show. They get to be acknowledged as having a romantic and sexual relationship that is important and messy and fucked up. this is not notable or seen as "focusing on the shipping", it's just part of a good story- perhaps because they're 'straight'?
and people don't have to like it. it doesn't have to be "the point" of succession. i don't mind people disliking tom/greg, it's the fact that others act like it "can't be queerbait because you can tell they aren't going there, they were never that important and were never gonna make it more explicit than it already is", that's... what makes it queerbait.
wanting clarity of intent and narrative payoff with tom and greg when they are, in fact, used in the marketing and have had seasons of buildup is not 'watching the show wrong' or inherently bad.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Baked Chicken
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Submitted by @mylittleladysblog :
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A/n: Shoutout to Greg Townley, though I pray he never sees this.
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It was the first week of shooting the newest Spider-Man movie, and you were finally wearing costumes. Getting to wear MJ’s comfortable clothes was always an exciting part of the film making process for you. You saw your stunt double in the same white t shirt and ripped black jeans as you were in and gave her a high five. She didn’t wear her wig unless she was filming, so you could easily be told a let. Unlike Tom and Greg, who were impossible to differentiate between when they were wearing the same costume and facing the back.
“Hey you.” You spotted Tom with his face buried in the script and tapped him on the shoulder. After two movies together, now working on your third, you were best friends.
And it is perfectly normal to be in love with your best friend.
“Hey Y/n.” Toms stunt double, Greg turned around with a surprised smile.
“Greg! What a surprise!” You laughed in shock and tried to hide your embarrassment for mistaking Greg as Tom.
“Surprise? You tapped me on the shoulder.” Greg reminded you, not realizing you had been looking for Tom. You nodded and decided to lie as to not hurt his feelings.
“And it’s very surprising that you turned around. I could’ve been anyone. I could’ve had a knife!” You laughed awkwardly at your lame attempt at a cover up and Greg saw right through it.
“You thought I was Tom.” He said matter of factly.
“I did, yes.” You admitted. “But getting to talk to you is a lovely surprise.”
“Right.” He laughed dismissively and you instantly felt guilty.
“I’m sorry. I am happy to see you, though. You’re doing a really great job with the stunts.” You told him sincerely and he gave you a half smile.
“Thanks. Its really not that scary if you ever wanted to try it. I could even show you.” He offered with a certain kindness to it.
“Haha, thanks but I think I’ll let my stunt double handle that. I’m not a huge fan of heights or falling to my death.” You said and he laughed.
“Nonsense. I wouldn’t let you fall.” He shrugged shyly. 👉👈 I’ll put them in every story just watch me
“Thanks, Greg.” You smiled, pleasantly surprised with how the accidental conversation had gone.
“Hey, Y/n.” Tom came from behind you and put his hand on the small of your back, something he did when the paparazzi on the red carpets were shouting a little too loudly or if someone got a little too close to you. “Hi, Greg.”
“Tom!” You leaned into his touch, sensing he was a little off.
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” Greg nodded and walked towards the trailers.
“Since when are you and Greg friends?” Tom asked as soon as Greg was out of earshot. He kept his hand on your back and you realized he felt threatened.
“Since we started rehearsing in costume and I can’t tell you guys apart from the back.” You told him to ease his mind.
“That’s too bad.” Tom laughed lightly, relieved to know the playful shoulder tap was meant for him.
“It is too bad. I just wasted some perfectly good flirting on your stunt double.” You joked and Toms angst was immediately alleviated. Neither of you dared to say it, but you both knew you had something going on. Tom was just as hopelessly in love with you as you were with him, but the fear of getting rejected and then having to continue playing love interests stopped you from confessing.
It just didn’t stop you from flirting.
“Oh yeah? Maybe I should start doing my own stunts, then, like Tom Cruise.” Tom said and flexed his arm to make you laugh. “Makes the action shots look a a lot cooler anyway, you know?”
“I have never seen a Tom Cruise movie.” You said as you playfully squeezed his muscle.
“Really?” Tom asked.
“I don’t even think I’ve seen a trailer of his.” You realized. “I doubt I could even name one of his movies.”
“Mission impossible.” Tom told you.
“Well, I don’t think it’d be impossible for me to name one but it might take a while.” You disagreed, not realizing he was naming a movie.
“No I was- you know what? Never mind.” Tom laughed fondly and you had a feeling you missed the joke. Not wanting the conversation to end there, you gave him a soft shrug.
“Maybe we can watch one together one day.” You suggested as you fixed them collar of his shirt.
“I would love to.” He said with a faint blush.
That night, you watched about 47 minutes of a Tom Cruise movie before falling asleep in Toms lap. He made it midway of the movie before dozing off as well.
You woke up first the next morning and jolted a little when you didn’t recognize where you were. You quickly realized you were in Toms trailer, smiling softly when you saw his sleeping body next to you. Your legs were practically braided together, so you couldn’t move. You nudged him a little and in his sleep, he pulled you back on to the bed and held you to his chest.
“Morning.” You giggled as he rolled on top of you, still half asleep.
“Good morning.” Tom said groggily, opening his eyes a title. “What time is it?”
“7. We have to be in makeup by 8.” You checked your phone. You pushed him off of you but he held on tight, leaving you with your chin resting on his chest as he stared down at you, arms clad around your waist and resting on your back.
“I kinda want to stay here all day. Is that bad?” He said with a sleepy smile.
“It’s not bad if I want to do it too.” You smiled and brushed a hair off his nose. “We can stay here a few more minutes and then go get some breakfast. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.” He nodded and ran his fingers through your messy hair.
You spotted Tom later in the blue plaid button up he was wearing as Peters costume. After the morning you’d had together, you were less worried of his rejection and more focused on sealing the deal. You walked up to him with confidence and gave him a hug from behind.
“Hey.” You wrapped your arms around his torso, missing him after a long day of shooting separate scenes. You were surprised to hear a deep sigh come from his mouth, as if he wasn’t happy to see you.
“It’s Greg.” Greg said and you quickly let go as you realized you were hugging the wrong boy.
“Oh shit.” You whispered as Greg turned around. “I mean, hey Greg! Don’t be silly, I knew it was you.” You lied through your teeth.
“You did?” Greg asked with a hint of skepticism and a hint of hope.
“Well of course! I just had to give my special guy a hug, like I always do.” You said with unnatural cheerfulness. You were a great actress, but a terrible liar.
“I thought you only hugged me when you thought I was Tom.” Greg said and you felt stuck.
“What? Me? Never. I hug you because I…love you.” You blurted the first thing that came to your mind. You barely knew Greg and now you were telling him you loved him.
“You love me?” Greg said with a bright smile.
“Who doesn’t love Greg? Not me, I’ll tell you that.” You slapped his arm. “Love me some Greg every now and then.” You committed to your lie.
“Thanks, Y/n. That means a lot.” Greg was somehow unaware of your deceit.
“Anytime, pal. Anytime.” You punched him lightly on the shoulder. As he walked away, you made a mental note to double check before hugging anybody in a plaid shirt.
You went two full weeks without accidentally hugging Greg after that. All your hugs had been given to Tom, who they were rightfully meant for. He enjoyed the affection from you and at the same time, Greg began to miss it.
“That was amazing! God, you take my breath away.” You threw your arms around Toms shoulders and squeezed after a strenuous shoot with lots of wire work. He put his hands over yours and gave them a light squeeze before turning around.
“Aw, thanks Y/n.” Greg smiled and you felt like an idiot.
“How the hell does this keep happening?” You thought.
“Greg!” You said with a fake smile as you scanned the background for Tom.
“You thought I was Tom again, didn’t you?” He asked, a little disappointed.
“Would you stop with that? I always know it’s you.” You blatantly lied to his face
“You don’t have to say that, Y/n. If you were expecting Tom-“ Greg began.
“I wasn’t expecting Tom.” You cut him off, even though you were completely expecting Tom.
“So I take your breath away?” He tested you.
“Absolutely.” You let out a fake scoff.
“That’s funny.” He said with a small smile.
“Why?” You asked.
“You do the same to me.” He said timidly.
“Oh.” You said softly.
“See you around.” He nodded and walked away, leaving you confused and questioning what he meant.
The next time you waited for Tom after filming a scene, you made sure it was actually Tom. You waited until Toms sweet brown eyes met yours before you ran to him.
“Tom! Great job.” You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his neck. Tom happily picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He set you down gently and squeezed your face between his hands with an endearing grin.
“Thanks, princess.” He said. The nickname made your heart skip a beat. You smiled brightly at him until your eyes trailed to the right. Tom followed your gaze and saw Greg leaving set. You broke out of Toms embrace and went to Greg.
“Greg! Awesome work!” You said honestly and gave him a quick hug, which he happily accepted. Tom felt jealousy bubble in the pit of his tummy at the sight of you and Greg. He had no idea when it started, but he seemed to be seeing you and Greg together everywhere he turned.
“Thanks, Y/n. Catch you later.” Greg smiled and left the set.
“I didn’t realize you and Greg were on a hugging basis now.” Tom said, sounded less friendly than he intended. He was annoyed, and you could tell.
“I just have to convince him that I hug him on purpose.” You said and Tom furrowed his eyebrows.
“What does that even mean?” Tom inquired.
“I’ll explain later. Come on. I’ve missed you all day.” You tugged him by the hand and the pit in his tummy was replaced with butterflies as you tugged him towards your trailer.
“Hey man.” Greg said as he walked up to the snack table and stood behind Tom.
“Mate, awesome work today. The stunts look great.” Tom complimented.
“You’re doing something great work yourself.” Greg returned the favor.
“Thanks. I could never do what you do, though. They must’ve dunked you in that water a thousand times.” Tom kept the conversation light.
“It’s worth it. Especially this next scene.” Greg smiled to himself.
“Next scene?” Tom asked as he stirred some sugar into his tea.
“When MJ dives in the lake after Peter and kisses him through the mask.” Greg said with a light blush on his cheeks. Tom knew the scene was being shot today, but he assumed it was going to be between Greg and your stunt double.
“Oh, right. You’re excited to spend all that time underwater?” Tom forced a laugh before taking a sip of tea.
“I’m excited for Y/n to kiss me.” Greg laughed and Tom choked on his tea. He snapped out of it and tried to keep his cool as he continued the conversation.
“Oh, yeah? I thought her stunt double was gonna do that.” Tom said as he dabbed his chin with a napkin.
“Nah, man. That’s what makes her so cool. She said something about seeing a Tom Cruise movie for the first time and wanting to do her own stunts. She’s gonna be the one diving in the lake and kissing me underwater. Best job ever, right?” Greg nudged Tom playfully, having no idea how much Tom liked you. Or how much this conversation was killing him.
“Right.” Tom laughed nervously. “Are you into her or something?”
“God, I am in love with that girl. And I think she likes me back.” Greg said confidently and Toms heart stopped. You were always talking to Greg, and usually seemed very happy when you were. You hadn’t mentioned anything about liking someone, but then again, you never talked about that stuff with Tom. Toms mouth went dry at the thought of you losing you to his stunt double.
“What makes you so sure?” He asked curiously, a little afraid to hear the answer.
“She’s always running to see me or hugging me from behind. And she compliments me so much, it’s insane.” Greg chuckled. “I think she might really like me.”
“And all the hugs from behind, are you sure they’re meant for you? I don’t mean to burst your bubble or anything, but she and I are very close and she could be mistaking you for me when we’re in the same clothes. Or something.” Tom stammered.
“That’s what I always thought, but she assured me it wasn’t true.” Greg smiled to himself at the thought of the conversation you had once. “She told me I take her breath away, man. How cute is that?”
“Adorable.” Tom gulped. He didn’t know you said that to Greg, and it made him upset to think about you giving such a sweet compliment to someone else.
“I’m gonna ask her out.” Greg decided. “I’m tired of waiting. I’m just gonna do it.”
“Ask her out? When?” Tom panicked.
“Next time I see her. You’re shooting a scene on set B later, right? She usually hangs around when you’re filming. I’ll probably catch her there.” Greg drew up his plan.
“Ha, yeah.” Tom laughed weakly.
“Alright. See you later, dude.” Greg patted Toms back and walked away from the table.
“Later.” Tom said, but Greg was already gone.
Tom left the snack table and started furiously texting you, asking you to meet him anywhere as quickly as possible. He entirely missed you walked past him until he heard your voice.
“Hey Greg.” You said as you walked by, also buried in your phone. Tom stopped walking and looked at you curiously.
“It’s Tom.” Tom said, a little bitterly, and you stopped in your tracks. You turned around with a surprised smile and walked back to him.
“Oh My God, really?” You said in disbelief, looking him up and down to make sure it was true.
“Were you expecting Greg?” Tom worried after the conversation he’d just had with Greg.
“I am literally never expecting Greg. That’s my problem.” You laughed and fixed Toms hair that had fallen into his face.
“What?” Tom asked, feeling better now that you were being your usual flirty self with him.
“Nothing. Long story.” You shook your head and stopped touching his hair, content with how it looked.
“Okay. You ready for that lake scene later? I heard you’re doing it yourself.” Tom faked a smile, desperate to know your thoughts on shooting the scene with Greg.
“I am! I’m really excited for it actually. You’re gonna be there right?” You asked for confirmation.
“Definitely.” Tom assured you, trying to read your reaction.
“Cool. I like when you watch me film.” You told him and he perked up a little.
“Having me there doesn’t make you nervous? Every time I know my mum is watching a take, I forget how to blink.” Tom eased up and you laughed.
“It’s different with you. I feel more at ease knowing you’re watching. It calms me down.” You told him and he couldn’t help from smiling.
“I’m happy to hear that.” He said honestly. “And you’re doing the scene with Greg, right?”
“Yeah. Greg.” You nodded slightly, not wanting to change the subject.
“Great guy.” Tom commented with an uneasy smile.
“No, totally.” You said stiffly. You did not want to be talking about Greg with the boy you liked.
“Are you excited to kiss him?” Tom blurted and you looked at him strangely.
“Excited? Bleh. It’s through the mask anyway and it’s in the script. It’s nothing like what we shot yesterday.” You tried to bring the conversation back to a place where progress was being made. Toms face flushed when he thought of the climatic kiss you shot yesterday. After 18 takes of kissing you like he’d never see you again, Tom went home dizzy with a dreamy smile on his face.
“Yeah I um, I enjoyed yesterday.” He looked at the ground and smiled shyly. 👉👈 I’ll never stop.
“We should do it again sometime.” You said boldly and Toms attention whipped back to you. He had to stop the giant smile that wanted to break through from surfacing.
“I agree. Maybe without the camera though.” His mouth moved faster than his brain, but you seemed to like it.
“Yeah.” You smiled and took a step closer to Tom. “I meant to tell you this before, but you’re doing a great job with this film. I love staying on set to watch you do your scenes. Especially the emotional ones, Tom.” You sighed in content. “You take my breath away.
“I do? Me?” Tom asked when he recognized the compliment you had told Greg.
“Yeah, you.” You laughed at his strange response. “Why?”
“Can I ask you something?” He became serious.
“Anything.” You assured him.
“Have you ever hugged Greg thinking he was me?” He asked if as casually as he could to not make it weird.
“Um, only like everyday. That’s why I was so surprised it was actually you earlier. Why?” You wondered how he had caught on to your ongoing dilemma.
“There’s something I need to tell you.” He said, all playfulness gone from his tone. Tom wanted to tell you about Greg’s plan, not necessarily to steal you from Greg, but to prepare you for what was coming. If Tom was putting the pieces together correctly, all your flirty banter with Greg was intended for Tom. Now Greg was whipped and you were about to look like the bad guy.
He also wanted to steal you from Greg.
“Tom Holland to set B. Tom Holland to set B.” A voice rang through on the announcements at the worst possible time.
“You can tell me after. I gotta head to makeup anyway.” You smiled and Tom felt his panic rise. “It’s just a touch-up, so I’ll be by soon to watch your scene. Good luck.” You squeezed his arm and walked away. Tom watched with dread as you left before he had a chance to tell you what was coming.
Tom stood on his mark and listened to what the director wanted him to do in the scene, even though his mind was a million miles away. He only barely heard them call “action” and began to deliver his lines with his focus all over the place. His eyes trailed off his scene partner and landed on Greg, slowly approaching you as you watched the scene with a giddy smile. Toms mouth went dry and he purposely flubbed his line so they could stop filming. The director began to give him some more directions, but Toms focus was pointed at you and Greg.
“Hey, Y/n.” Greg taped your shoulder and you turned around.
“Freaking Greg.” Tom muttered through gritted teeth.
“Hey Greg. Come by to watch the scene?” You asked politely.
“I came to see you, actually.” Greg said, making your head turn.
“You did?” You asked, not used to him initiating the conversations you had.
“Yeah, there was something I needed to tell you.” Greg smiled nervously and Tom felt himself beginning to sweat, the cold kind that chilled your spine.
“Oh, sure. Go ahead.” You said and gave Greg your full attention.
“No no no no no no.” Tom whispered in despair.
“What was that?” Kevin, the director asked.
“I said ‘woah woah woah woah woah’ because this scene is just so good.” Tom lied and turned his attention back to you.
“Can we go somewhere private, actually?” Greg requested and Tom nearly fell to the ground. He wished he could leave the set and ask you to stay, ask you to be his instead, but he couldn’t. He had to stand by and watch as another boy whisked you away. A boy in the exact same freaking clothing as Tom was in.
“Okay.” You made eye contact with Tom and Greg began to lead you away. You weren’t blind to the look of devastation on his face and gave him a quizzical look. Tom shrugged sadly and you began to wonder if this had anything to do with what he was trying to tell you before.
You and Greg walked off set and found a quiet space near the trailers. Your tummy did flip flops as Greg cleared his throat, obviously getting ready to tell you something. You took a deep breathe and lead the conversation.
“What did you need to tell me?” You asked.
“I guess I’ll just be straightforward. I like you, Y/n. I like you a lot.” Greg admitted. “I wasn’t gonna say anything because I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance with a girl like you, but then you kept hugging me and complimenting me and I don’t know. It made me think you liked me back? Am I right when I say that?”
“Greg, I…” You absorbed his words and let them sink to the bottom of your tummy like a rock. “…am a jerk. I’m a total jerk.”
“That’s not true. You’re the nicest person on this set.” Greg insisted and you felt even worse.
“I’m not.” You sighed. “I do admire your work and I am always happy to see you, but I have never approached you thinking you were…well, you. I’m always-“
“-looking for Tom?” Greg finished your sentence.
“Yes.” You came clean. “I shouldn’t have lied to you, but I just felt so bad. I didn’t want you to feel unappreciated, because I really do think you’re great. I didn’t realize lying would make the situation worse.”
“I had a feeling you weren’t actually excited to see me.” Greg laughed halfheartedly. “Probably should’ve listened to that feeling.”
“I’m so sorry.” You apologized and squeezed his arm.
“You know what? It’s okay. We wouldn’t have worked out anyway.” Greg said with a sincerity you appreciated. He didn’t seem hurt, just relieved to get it off his chest.
“Why do you say that?” You asked out of curiosity.
“Well, like I said. You take my breath away.” Greg said and you felt guilt again. “You make me so nervous, it’s not even funny. And there’s this study that says if you meet someone and they make you nervous, and your palms get sweaty, and your heart races out of your chest, then they aren’t the one for you. It’s not until you meet someone who makes you feel totally calm that you’ve found your soulmate.”
“Oh.” You said quietly, taking his words into consideration.
“Have you ever had that? Someone who makes you feel at peace?” He asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” You told him, too deep in thought to give him a better answer.
“Greg Townley to Lot A. Greg Townley to Lot A.” Rang over the announcements.
“That’s my cue. I’ll see you around, Y/n.” Greg gave you a kind smile.
“See you.” You said sadly. He walked away and you felt your heart sink with every step he took. You didn’t want to be with him, but you also didn’t want to break his heart. He was so kind about your rejection that it made you even sadder. He deserved better than an “I don’t know.”
You took a walk to clear your head and didn’t get back to your trailer until the sun had set. You’d taken a lot of time to think, asking yourself what today was supposed to teach you. If Greg could put himself out there and confess his feelings, you could too. You could also tell him the real reason you had to turn him down. You opened your trailer door and jumped when you saw Greg in there already, facing the wall and flipping through a magazine. You took a deep breath and prepared to rip the band-aid off.
“Greg! I need to talk to you. Remember when you asked me if I had someone who made me feel at peace and I told you I didn’t know?” You asked. “I do know. It’s Tom. It’s always been Tom. You are so sweet and talented and kind but I am so in love with that boy, it’s unbelievable.” You let out a laugh. “I really appreciate you telling me about your feelings and I’m sorry I can’t reciprocate them, but it has nothing to do with you. It’s just because I’m in love with someone else. I’m sorry.”
Greg had stopped flipping through the magazine at some point and stood frozen, facing the wall. You were out of breath from your rant and his stillness wasn’t helping your anxiety.
“Please say something.” You begged. Greg slowly turned around and lo and behold,
It was Tom.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” You yelled, not to anyone in particular, but it was slightly aimed at God.
“You’re in love with me?” Tom asked like it was the craziest thing he ever heard. You gave him a shrug, not knowing what else to do.
“Now it’s you? Why hasn’t it been you the 500 times I’ve given Greg the best hug of his life? The one time I need to talk to Greg, and it’s you? Really?” You asked the Heavens why you consistently made that mistake. “Oh and yeah, I am.” You sheepishly answered his question.
“I thought Greg was gonna ask you out.” He said, hurt evident in his tone.
“He did.” You told him, once again talking about Greg instead of your budding romance with each other.
“And you said no?” Tom tilted his head to the side.
“Did you not hear my whole rant?” You practically yelled at him out of frustration.
“Well, not the first part because I was reading a recipe for baked chicken-“ Tom glanced back down at the magazine and pure rage filled your body.
“TOM!” You yelled to regain his attention.
“It was a good recipe!” He defended as he pointed to the centerfold. “It has sweet potatoes.”
“I’m trying to tell you how I feel and you’re-wait, sweet potatoes?” You pretended to be caught off guard at the new information.
“Yeah, look.” He handed you the magazine as you glared at him for not getting your sarcasm. You smacked it out of his hands and he stared at it on the ground. You both stood in silence for a moment, staring at the magazine before Tom started to laugh. You were angry at first, but started laughing as well when you realized he was messing with you.
“You don’t care about the chicken.” You said indefinitely.
“Nope.” He shook his head.
“You’re messing with me.” You realized.
“Yep.” He nodded with a cheeky grin.
“I hate you so much.” You whined and stamped your foot.
“I may be in love with you, but you’re always gonna be my best friend before anything else. And there’s nothing I love more than messing with my best friend.” Tom took your hand and pulled you against his body. You let out a little surprised laugh but quieted down when you saw the look on his face as he took your face between his hands. “You think I care about baked chicken when my princess told me she’s in love with me? You think I’m worried about sweet potatoes now? At a time like this?”
“That was half sweet and half absolutely ridiculous to listen to.” You berated him and he laughed. You could feel his body moving against yours as he laughed and it had a certain effect on you.
“Was it the part about the sweet potatoes?” He pouted and you wanted to smack him.
“No.” You huffed and he pressed his forehead against yours.
“The baked chicken, then?” He asked.
“Say baked chicken one more time and I promise you-“ You were interrupted by Tom kissing you. You’d kissed plenty of times before for the camera, but this one felt different.
This one felt earned.
Tom pulled away after a minute and let out a soft chuckle.
“I’ve been in love with you for years, and all it took was Greg and some baked chicken for us to finally get together?” He whispered to not disturb the peace.
“Don’t mistake my gentle tone for calmness because I can assure you, I am filled with waters of rage,” You said sweetly and Tom laughed, “but I dare you to say baked chicken again. I dare you.”
“Alright, I’ll stop.” Tom smiled and pecked your lips again. “We can’t go to far from set, so I have some ramen and Cheerios if you want dinner. It can be like our first date.”
“God, ramen and Cheerios? You spoil me too much.” You teased him over his food choices.
“Says the girl with nothing in her trailer but popcorn and no microwave.” Tom teased you.
“It’s not my fault that they took away my microwave after I accidentally put the mental cup in there.” You shot back. Tom bit his lips as he stared at you with a dopey smile. It wasn’t long before you smiled back.
“Tell you what princess, as soon as we get a break from filming, I want you to come over to my house for a real date.” Tom said as he wrapped his arms around you. “I have plans for us.”
“Plans?” You asked with a cheeky smile.
“There’s this great recipe-“ Tom didn’t get to finish his sentence, as he was smacked across the face with one of your pillows.
More like this: If We Were A Movie
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
in support of Black Lives Matter, @scgemini donated $50, and requested ‘Jensen/Jeff sneaking around on set with peeping tom Jared.’ Thank you for donating!
to get your own personalized fic, please see this post. (no longer taking prompts)
“Okay, everybody, we’re going to call that lunch. Crew, back at 1:30; cast at 2:00.”
Jared wasn’t even in the scene, but he relaxes. It’s boring in his trailer when he’s waiting to shoot coverage and, anyway, this is a fun crew. Greg the sound guy high-fives Jared as he heads for craft services and Tori the script supervisor invites him for beers later at their new favorite bar. “I’m so there,” Jared says. “In fact, I’m so there I’m actually already there, and I’m waiting for you to show!”
Tori grins at him, rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. See you later.”
Most everyone’s cleared out of the set already. There’s a little huddle going on near the screens as they work out something about--Jared doesn’t know, editing or whatever--but other than that, the cast and crew pretty much evaporate when lunch gets called. Means it’s pretty quiet, on the stages. Means there’s privacy, if anyone needs it.
Jensen was gone about one minute after the cut was called. Time enough to smile at people, shake the hand of the extra they’d brought in for the scene. Enough to be polite and not suspicious, and--well, who’d be suspicious? Jensen’s perfect. Jared’s oversensitive, maybe. With what he knows.
He’s still wearing Sam’s costume, from shooting a few scenes ago, and they’re going to pick up a Dean and Sam scene after lunch. The sneakers are soft, comfortable, nearly silent as he walks through the stages, getting further and further in. Darker, back here, with only the ambient lights high up in the ceiling illuminating things, and he sticks his hands in his pockets, tries to chill out. He doesn’t even know if what he’s looking for is going to be there. No need to get excited, before it’s time.
He passes the interior set for Bobby’s house, all tumbled props and fake dust. A motel shell, currently half-stripped for another new insane design. Furthest back is a bar set, this new roadhouse location they’re bringing in for next episode, and he hears--a laugh, and stops in his tracks, and has to take a deep breath.
It was an accident, the first time. He really didn’t know what he was walking into. It had been that episode with the shadow demons, when John Winchester met up with his sons again, and afterward they’d all gone drinking and Jeff bought everybody rounds--was charming, and funny, and awesome. Jared liked him a lot; Jensen liked him even more. They’d gone back to Jeff’s rental house for a few more drinks, after the bar, and Jared had gone to the bathroom and then he’d spent some time talking shit at Hank and Mike playing that basketball game on the Playstation, and then he’d realized Jeff and Jensen were MIA, and he’d looked in the kitchen and in the den, and he’d turned into the hall down to the bedrooms and he’d--
They’re here. Another laugh--Jensen says, “Shut up,” quiet but not quiet enough that it doesn’t carry, and Jeff says, a little louder, “Maybe you should make me,” and Jared bites the inside of his cheek. Every time. This happens every time there’s been a John Winchester scene, and he doesn’t know how he’s getting this lucky.
The roadhouse set has a big frame--wooden walls, a bar. He’s careful as he comes up to the side, listens careful. Jeff says, “Oh, that’s right,” dirty and nasty-low like Jeff’s voice can get, and Jensen makes a--sound, something Jared’s gotten to recognize. That’s Jensen turned on beyond belief, wanting something. Jared bites his lip, eases closer. Lines up, against the very edge of the set, and peeks around, and sees:
Oh, fuck. Jeff’s in street wear, with his coverage finished for the day; Jensen’s still in Dean’s hospital clothes, and Jeff has him crowded up against the edge of a pool table, his hands under the thin white shirt, his mouth up against the back of Jensen’s ear. They’re in profile to where Jared’s watching and the lights are dim, but Jared can still see how Jensen’s eyes slide shut and how he tips his hips back against Jeff’s crotch, how Jeff’s hand moves under the shirt and Jensen huffs out a low fuck.
“You said to be quiet,” Jeff says, low and teasing, and Jensen flails a hand back and grabs his hip, says, “Oh, fuck you,” and Jeff grins and kisses his shoulder. Soft, almost sweet, and Jared presses his temple against the set wall, hot and sick inside. God, they look good together. Comfortable, knowing each other’s bodies, and even that first time when Jeff had Jensen pressed against the wall in that hallway, practically eating his mouth, it looked--right. Like that was how it should be.
Jeff’s hand slides down Jensen’s stomach, palms at his dick through the thin hospital pants. “You ready?” he says, soft, and Jensen nods, fast. He’s so much cooler than Jared is--always calm, in control--except like this, with Jeff, and it just makes Jared’s dick throb, every time. Jared watches while Jeff undoes the drawstring on the pants, while he pushes them down along with the white boxers, and Jensen’s dick spills out, heavy and thick, dragging against the wood rail. Jeff gathers it up in a big hand, squeezes, and Jensen groans, loud enough that he covers his mouth with his own hand. “That’s right,” Jeff says, grinning big again, but then he’s probing at Jensen’s ass with his other hand, not asking, and Jensen props his hands on the pool table, his shoulders high and his head dropping, the line of his back curving down to where Jeff’s fingers are inside him.
It’s Jeff who groans, though, unexpected. “Oh, sweetheart,” he says, and Jensen smiles, eyes closed, tipping up his hips. “When did you manage that?”
“That break for the blown light,” Jensen says, and it’s quiet but it’s cocky. “Knew you’d want to take lunch. Was I right?”
Jeff kisses the back of his neck, his shoulder, says, “So right,” sounding almost dumb, and he’s fumbling his jeans open, drawing out his dick and pumping it, dark in the space between them, before Jared finally puts together--Jensen lubed himself up. On set. In costume, in a break between scenes. Jared feels his face go bright red, the heat searing up in his cheeks and throat, and he has to get a hand on his crotch, squeezing through his jeans, because--because that meant that when Jared was playing a quick match of Soul Calibur in his trailer, in the trailer next door Jensen was spreading his legs, getting his fingers wet, pushing--in---
A groan, two--Jeff, lining up, shoving inside. It’s fast, and Jensen’s rocked up against the table with the force. “God,” Jeff says, and gets his hands around Jensen’s bare hips. “You’re perfect.”
“So I’ve heard,” Jensen says, and braces his hands better, backs up, makes the angle better. His mouth opens, his back arching. “Ah--Jeff, come on--”
Jeff obeys. They always fuck hard, after all the teasing--no slow corkscrewing thrusts, no pausing. Every time Jared’s seen, the same. Jensen likes it, shoves back into it, wants it deep, fast, and his dick’s heavy and slapping against his thigh now, his shoulderblades popped out from how he’s bracing against the table, giving as good as he’s getting against the force of Jeff’s hips. Jeff holds him tight, rams him strong and good and steady, and Jared--he’s fucked a girlfriend in the ass, a few times, but they’ve always been doing him a favor and he’s given up on it because they clearly didn’t love it, and so--he has an idea of what it’s like, but he’s never had that. Never someone like Jensen, who clearly loves it, hard and flushed, throwing his head back at how good it feels, wanting it bad enough that he’s lubing himself up on a break and fucking at work--
“Jesus,” Jeff spits, “for fuck’s sake, Jen, I’m--” and shit, he’s close already--Jensen groans, goes down to his elbows on the table, and Jeff grips him tighter, shoves into him even harder, faster, chasing it, and Jared watches Jensen’s face the whole time and sees the tight turned-on ripple of pleasure when Jeff shoves up into him and groans, flexing, dumping inside him. Fuck’s sake is right--Jeff shoves in again, reflex, and Jensen’s mouth falls open, like it’s the hottest thing that’s happened to him in years.
Jeff folds over for a few seconds, forehead against Jensen’s back. “Lord in heaven,” he mumbles, and Jensen laughs breathlessly. Jeff pulls out slow, makes Jensen shudder--says, quiet, “Creamed you up, sweetheart,” and Jensen’s face spasms, and Jeff smiles like he knows--and then he spins Jensen around by the hips, kisses him on the mouth, and sinks down to his knees. Jared can see just enough above the corner of the pool table to see Jeff suck Jensen’s dick down at the same time that he burrows three fingers right into his open wet ass--and Jensen shoves his knuckles into his mouth, half-shouts fuck around them anyway, and it’s not long then, a handful of seconds with Jeff clearly working magic and Jensen caught between his mouth and his hand, before Jensen grips Jeff’s shoulder and goes stiff and comes nearly silently, aside from his heaving breath.
Jeff swallows. Jared breathes shaky, against wood. He never saw that before. Jeff swallows, and keeps rocking his fingers into Jensen’s ass even when he pulls back and let his dick fall wet and heavy from his mouth. “How was that, sweetheart?” he says, smiling and smug, and Jensen shakes his head, laughs, soft and shaky. His shoulders gleam with sweat in the dim light.
Jared’s hard enough that he feels like he’s going to pierce a hole through Sam’s jeans. He’s got to get out of here, got to find a quiet place to jerk off with this new image fresh and hot behind his eyes. Jeff finally drags his fingers out, pats Jensen’s ass. “That’s a wrap, champ,” he says, hearty as a little league coach. He stands up, does up his jeans, and when he looks up from that his head turns, and he looks Jared directly in the eye.
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fanficparker · 5 years
Faking, Falling > Part 3
Harrison Osterfield x Reader (Fake dating! Unrequited love switcheroo!)
Word count: ~3.3k words
Warning: Swearing, Angst.
Summary: Positive or negative intentions yet the results do look pleasant but for how long?
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"I am taking the day off early." You tell Jade, making sure Harrison was nearby and could hear you clearly.
"You seem excited, is there something special?"
You look at Harrison through your peripheral vision, who was just sitting ten feet from you, reading his script. But as much as you know him, you were sure his concentration was not on his script but on you. Completing almost one and a half month here on set you knew if you and he were in the same room, his mind was always wandering around you. Well, you would be more than pleased to get the eyes of the blonde who has the ability to get everyone's eyes on him, only if he wasn't a jerk. You were sure the only reason he had is eyes on you was to search for a perfect opportunity to belittle you or to make fun of you in some way or the other like he does every time.
But this time was different. You wanted to belittle him. Everyone who works on this set very well knew Simon and Harrison never got well. They had arguments every now and then and it would be really cool to show how his enemy was far better than him.
A smirk played on your lips as he stole glances at you thinking you weren't noticing. Idiot. You turned your attention back on Jade as you spoke further, "Simon asked me out! And now we have a date tonight, of course, I am excited."
"Really? But you told me just a week before that you weren't ready to date after-" She paused turning her head to see Harrison in the corner and then back at you, afraid she would speak anything that could hurt you. But you completed her sentence yourself.
"After that arsehole pulled that prank on me? Pfft." You were louder than you should for a bilateral conversation with Jade because it was with someone else. She looked surprised at your confidence level and that you were so comfortable saying Harrison 'arsehole' when he could easily hear.
"Look I thought about it and came to a conclusion. I am sure every fucking person on this planet is better than him and Simon... Simon hates him, I hate him. It's a perfect match!" You sounded as if it was a sure thing. You could feel Harrison's gaze on you, making you almost chuckle but you successfully hid it under a fake cough.
"Okay. I am happy for you." Jade said although you were sure her approval only translated to 'but Y/n that's not a very reliable reason to date someone.'
"Yeah, anything except that arsehole makes me happy." You smirked turning giving him a look and walking back to your designing room.
"Mate, I think she was referring to you." Harrison's co-star Greg whispered in his ear.
"Fuck off!" He mumbled and slammed his script on the front table, getting up and walking to your room.
"Seems like we aren't on good terms, specky."
You heard his voice behind you as you continue to sew your costume.
Without looking at him you clearly stated, "Next time make sure to knock before entering."
"Excuse me, what?"
"Looks like you need to get your hearing checked." You said finally looking at him. His jaws dropped yet again. You could see him struggling to take in your changed behaviour, which simply means - your faking game was working fine.
"You have changed," He said quietly.
"Guess it's a change for good."
For like minutes he just stared at your eyes as if he was trying to read them. It felt like he was searching for the part of you that you no matter how much you acted to be confident yet get flustered at his sight or snarky comments. You didn't give in, maintaining firm eye contact. He licked his lips and you could see the clear movements in his Adam's apple.
Harrison Osterfield was nervous and you were the reason behind it.
"Did it really hurt you that bad?" His voice was barely a whisper but still, you could clearly make out his words.
"Like you care, Osterfield."
He exhaled deeply.
"Yeah, you are right. I don't care."
"Good for you. Looks like the hatred is mutual."
"Never said it was hatred---"
"Action speaks louder than words..." A third voice interrupted before Harrison could complete himself. You and he both turned to see Simon standing by the door, holding a bunch of costumes. He was also you assistant after all.
"I am sorry if that sounded cliché but Y/n surely isn't enjoying your company." He said entering inside, keeping the costumes on the table and faced Harrison.
"You are no one to speak for her," Harrison spoke with gritted teeth.
"Well for your kind information, we are going on a date to---"
"That still doesn't make you speak for her. You aren't her boyfriend."
"At least she doesn't hate me," Simon said, standing just two inches from Harrison. The scene that played in front of your eyes seemed a lot more serious than you expected, making you quietly stand there and listen.
"Well, she will definitely hate you if I tell what you really do." The corners of Harrison's lips tugged into a light smirk.
"Ensure you have enough proofs before opening your mouth, Osterfield. We both know whom Y/n will trust otherwise."
Harrison smile fell and now Simon was the one confidently grinning. Harrison shifted his gaze towards you and then back at him. He exhaled again and walked from the side, saying nothing, leaving you and Simon alone in the room. Simon turned to look at you, giving a bright smile but it didn't do anything to the sinking, dark feeling in your abdomen. Their conversation was so shady that it made you sick.
"Aww come on Y/n, don't listen to him. Just two more hours of work and we are free!" He cheered to which you smiled (fake, obviously) but still you believed in him more than Harrison which let you sigh and calm yourself.
* * *
Two hours went by really slow but they did anyway. Simon asked you to leave together but you told him to leave first as you had to do finish the last tid-bits of your designs.
"I will be at Regan's Diner at 7. Can't wait to see you there!" And then he left when you concentrated back at your costume. You sighed, stretching your arms, relaxing. You glanced at your phone.
"Shit!" You jolted up from your seat, it was already 6:25 pm, you were late by 20 mins. You needed time to go back home, get dressed and then reach the restaurant. You cursed under your breath, assembling your stuff and shoving it into your handbag. Accidentally your phone slipped landing on the soft carpet beneath your table. You zipped up your bag, oblivious to your missing phone and rushed outside. You almost bumped into that blue eyes notorious blonde but stabilised yourself before you could collide. He gave you a blank look and you ignored him, walking out and driving to your home.
* * *
It was just five-minute past and Harrison couldn't find any interest in rehearsing his role. The conversation between him and you played over and over again in his head. If your date with Simon goes well, he would no more be able to follow you around or see your flattered or maybe annoyed expression. The thought of completely distancing himself from you made his stomach churn. But he doesn't care, right?
But you weren't wrong... He did feel guilty of what he did now.
No. No... He doesn't care about you or anyone... He isn't guilty.
It was your life, your date, whatever it was it had nothing to do with him. Maybe it was good for both of you. If he could survive without Tom and his company then he was sure he could definitely survive without interacting with you. You, who was basically nothing for him... He shook his head at all these annoying self debates going in his mind and he decided to take a break too. He finally called it a day off. He was about to walk out of the building when Greg called him.
"George asked you to keep all your costumes arranged as Simon & Y/n both have already left."
"Yeah yeah, no need to explain..." He rolled his eyes, dramatically.
Thank you Greg for making the day hundred percent better! He placed his costume in the wardrobe stand and then heard the sound of a chime. He checked his phone, but there was nothing. He again heard the sound and this time his gaze landed on the phone lying beneath the table. He picked it up, realising it was your phone. He would have not cared even a little bit if the 'two new messages' notification didn't show the name, Simon.
Don't open the message. Don't open the message...
And then he did... You didn't put a lock-screen password and Harrison felt calm blaming it on you.
Simon [6:35 pm]: Hey Y/n. I m really sorry but I got stuck in some important work. Can we plz meet at 9:30 instead of 7?
Simon [6:35 pm]: Tell me if this works for you. And I m really sorry for changing the plans on last minute.
Harrison read through the messages, rolling his eyes as if it was the most stupid message of all time. The phone chimed again.
Simon [6:36 pm]: Waiting for your reply <3
"Look how fucking excited this bastard is!" Harrison mumbled.
Maybe he does deserve a reply...
Harrison's fingers danced on the phone screen without thinking twice.
You would have put in a password if you were too bothered.
Y/n [6:38 pm]: No problem. See you at 9:30 then.
And the phone chimed again.
Fucking desperate!
Simon [6:38 pm]: Great. Can't wait to see you ;)
"Haha... Like she'll wait for you till nine-thirty!" Harrison finally felt a bit relieved from today's incident. A proud smile formed on his lips. He debated whether to keep the phone with him or leave it here... But first he should delete this conversation and he did.
Wait... What if he hands you back this phone himself? And enjoy your and Simon's date... Sounds like a plan to him.
He slipped the phone in his jacket and eagerly drove to your house, smiling proudly. He parked the car in the driveway and didn't waste a single minute ringing your door-bell.The door opened a minute later.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Thank you for being so polite. I really appreciate," Harrison chuckled at your annoyed voice. His eyes travelled from your head to toe, taking in your complete look. There were a hairbrush and a lipstick in your hands. Your hairs were half combed. You were wearing a blue knee-length dress, and the ribbons on your sleeves were still untied. You looked like you were rushing.
Yeah, rushing... For your date.
"Tell me what's your work I literally am getting really late and can't even find my fucking phone!" You growled looking at the wall clock showing 6:59 pm already.
"Well maybe this is yours," Harrison said taking out your phone. You looked at his hand and instantly snatched the device out.
"Oh God! Where do you get this?"
"Really Y/n. Your guest serving etiquette is kinda fucked up." He said leaning at your door frame as you checked your phone.
* * *
You were absolutely confused to see Harrison at your doorstep but because you were already late for your date, you didn't want to waste any more time thinking about any possibilities. But now he was here, safely handing you your phone. It's true you haven't forgiven Harrison for what he did and neither ever he asked for any apologies making you want to continue this hating game. You won't be lying if you say - you were actually enjoying it. It was easy to hate him than to deal with any other feeling. Maybe this crush was dying slowly, slowly. Everything you ever wanted...
But right now, he came to return you his phone and maybe he was right. It deserved a thank you.
"Oh sorry. Thank you but really where did you get it?"
"Beneath your table."
"God! I am such an idiot... " You laughed and damn, something in his heart stopped working. He glanced at your face, how your eyes squinted forming little creases along the corners and how your lips parted ever so slightly. He has always been the sole reason for your sadness & anger. But seeing you smile and laugh because of him automatically made his own lips tug into a small smile, his eyes still concentrated on your face.
Your laugh died down as a nervous chuckle in the end when you noticed his intense gaze on you.
"I-uh... I am getting late. You make yourself at home till I get ready." You tucked a hair strand behind your ear looking at your feet. You heard Harrison lightly cough, maybe to lighten the thickening air between you both.
After five minutes you showed up again cursing about already being super late.
"I should call Simon. Maybe he thinks I am flaking out!" And before you could search for his contact, your phone was snatched from your hand. Your eyes shot up only to meet Harrison's icy blue ones.
"What are doing? It's just six-ten. You don't need to call him." He told.
"But I have to reach Regan's Diner too---"
"It's just five minutes from here. I'll drive you there. You don't wanna look like an idiot apologizing for just 15 minutes..." He handed you the phone back.
"You-you will drop me?" You asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, why not. Now hurry up, you don't wanna waste any time, right?" He already opened your main door signalling you to move out.
Was it right for you to go with Harrison when you already knew how much Simon hated him?
"Y/n, we are getting late!" He yelled standing near his car, giving you no time to think too much. You would have straight away denied if you weren't so punctual and being already late wasn't making you feel guilty.
The drive was silent and you couldn't thank less. You were panicking for your date but he was panicking about something else.
What if you come to know about those messages he sent and then deleted?
"Hey hey stop, we came ahead!" You said and Harrison instantly pulled the breaks.
"Ah, sorry, I was thinking about something."
When did Harrison Osterfield start saying sorry?
"Thanks for dropping me by the way," You smiled genuinely to which he nodded. You rushed inside the restaurant asking for your reserved seat. The waiter gave you the seat and you came to know Simon didn't arrive yet.
Good, you didn't call him.
7:40 pm and Simon didn't show up yet. You rubbed the skin of your arms in concern and embarrassment or maybe shame. You tried to divert your attention by scrolling through Instagram on your phone when you heard the noise of a chair pulling in front of you. Your head shot up only to see Harrison...
"Harrison? You didn't go?---"
"Saw you waiting and well... Guess my doubts were real!"
"What guess?"
He took a seat continuing, "Simon isn't going to come. He is a jerk, he likes flaking out---"
"At least, he isn't doing anything you did at Rick's party!" You spoke straight.
"Oh, come' on. Can we just forget it." He groaned stretching his back into the chair.
"You didn't even say sorry or anything regarding it. I have the right to carry whatever feeling I have for that incident and you." You said, one hand resting on your chin while the other mindlessly making invisible patterns on the table cloth. Harrison sighed and rubbed his palms over his eyes lightly.
"Okay okay... I get it. Sorry. I am really sorry. Now can we just forget it?"
The corners of your lips tugged upwards, a small smile forming.
"Will think about it..." You said slowly.
"Hello, sir and ma'am would you like to order something?" The waitress asked coming to your table, a big smile on her face.
"Umm... Actually, someone still didn't arrive---"
"Yeah, we can start with some starters... Cheese rolls, soup. Are you good with that?" Harrison interrupted you. He looked at you and you didn't understand what to answer so nodded.
"Thank you, just give us five minutes and hope you both are enjoying your date..."
"We--no..." You tried to clarify but the waitress had already walked away. You hated it but your cheeks felt warm making you look down at the table. An uncomfortable silence enveloping the two of you.
Harrison fake coughed to get you attention, "Umm, so for how long are you been here, in London?"
You looked up at him, a bit astonished to see him actually starting a good conversation.
"Well, two years. I came here to learn from some big fashion designers basically thought of getting an internship at Joshua Kane but guess they didn't need interns." You gasped.
"So, you came here to get a job at JK?" He leaned towards the table.
"No. For learning. I actually would love ṭo start my own brand. Basically, it's my dream, goal. There's just too much competition. Seems like everyone is better than me." You pursed your lips, looking at the glass of water blankly.
"Your work is personally my favourite. I mean it doesn't look like you are any less than professionals."
No. No... That feeling you hated it. Those butterflies... Harrison Osterfield... Not a good combination.
"You're just bluffing." You say, smiling shyly.
"Don't believe me but my fortune cookie did tell me that." He lightly chuckled.
"So, you believe in those?"
"Come on Y/n. I am saying the truth..."
"Thank you..."
"Your order." The waitress served your starters.
"Well, then see you tomorrow..."He dropped you back home.
"Yeah..." As he left you raced inside your house almost squealing in excitement. Changing your clothes you got into your bed. You replayed your time with Harrison this evening. Your phone rang and you absolutely blocked Simon's number the exact minute he called. He flaked out in your eyes after all. But then your phone chimed.
A new message.
Jade [10:45 pm]: How was your date?
You smiled at the message and wrote without thinking twice.
Y/n [10:45 pm]: Fucking awesome!
PERMANENT TAGLIST (Everything I write):
@i-love-superhero  // @caswinchester2000  //@vintagexquill* // @babebenhardy //@acceptance07  // @caitcaitcaitcait1 // @httplayer // @hollisellers2003* // @thequeensardine // @osterfieldholland01 // @jjasalem // @zselenophile // @miraclesoflove //@yourmum792* // @maryosprinkle // @crazyfreaker // @practicallylivesonline // @trustfundparker // @emcsii04 // @asmilinghopelessromantic // @
Faking, Falling - Haz x Reader Series:
@haz-the-divvy-div-div* // @avenirectioner // @kisses-holland // @tominhoodies // @hazarchive a.k.a @deleteidentity // @yourmum95 // @alt-ernativewonderland // @plumsfrombucharest // @justasmisunderstoodasloki // @thotsterfield // @osterfield-holland-andcompany // @tomhollandthing // @veronicas-littleworld // @still-awake-daydreaming // @fic-lover // @v-valz-n // @justchillinhereandthere // @peter-man-parker // @
All Harrison Osterfield x Reader content (Series + One-shots):
@tomhaz // @v-valz-n // @marvellously-marvel-ish // @
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What DC’s Infinite Frontier Means for Batman and Joker
James Tynion IV has been writing Batman in some form or another for his entire career. He began his time at DC Comics by writing backup stories for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman during the New 52 era, fleshing out the history of the villainous Court of Owls before landing his first owl-centric series titled Talon. Tynion was one of the lead writers on Batman Eternal and Batman & Robin Eternal, two weekly series that mainlined years of Batman continuity back into the New 52. And following the Rebirth reset, he got a long run with the Bat family on Detective Comics. 
With all that time on the Bat-books, it’s a little surprising to see the deluge of ideas still pouring out of the writer now that he’s got the flagship title all to himself. Tynion took over after Tom King’s 85-issue mega run, and proceeded to pit Batman against an entire city of clowns in “Joker War” after stripping the Dark Knight of his greatest superpower: his money. Tynion returns to the Dark Knight for the Infinite Frontier era, the post-Dark Nights: Death Metal status quo that has an energy to match Tynion’s voluminous idea output.
We had a chance to talk with him about a new year of Batman stories, his next big arc, and the surprising Joker solo book spinning out of “Joker War.”
This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.
Den of Geek: When we last talked to you, you were just getting Punchline into the wind and just getting cracking on Joker War. Now we’ve got Joker getting his own series, you’ve got Batman past the big 100th issue milestone. You’re the boss now, right? 
James Tynion IV: :laughs: Right. And to be honest, when I came onto the title, the company had certain things that they were looking to accomplish with the Batman title. So I had a list of things that I needed to accomplish in the book, which is honestly part of why I leaned into creating so many new characters, especially once I got [artist] Jorge Jimenez as a creative partner. It was because those were the elements that I had the most control over. And in doing it because the company had where they wanted Batman to end at, where they wanted Joker then. 
But then as things started to change and it started to look like I was going to be staying on the title for the long haul, they started asking me “totally blue sky, what would you do next year if you had total carte blanche to do whatever you want?” And I said “I want to do a Scarecrow story.” 
There’s a Scarecrow story that has been in my head since I was working on the [Batman] Eternals, since I was working on Detective Comics. It’s changed a lot since then, but there there are some core pieces that I’ve wanted to explore in a big Batman story for years. And now taking everything I’ve learned from my first year on Batman, taking everything I’ve learned from working with Jorge Jimenez, and also just looking at the state of the industry and the state of DC Comics in particular, I wanted to try some new stuff. I wanted to see what was possible and sort of test the limits of how far we can push the Batman mythology and still have it feel like a Batman book. And that is what we’re up to next year, and I’m really really excited about it.
Scarecrow as a character has always been a great, classic Batman villain. But he’s also got some mission overlap. He’s creepy and scary like the Joker is. He’s a brilliant scientist like Hugo Strange. What makes Jonathan Crane stand out as different and important and worth examining to you?
Well, I think there’s a really interesting parallel between Dr. Crane and Batman, which is the fact that Batman, by putting on the costume, is trying to instill fear in people. That is part of the core mission of him trying to put on that costume. It’s the belief that criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot and if he makes himself into something that seems inhuman and frightening, criminals are going to be scared out of their mind. In a weird way, it’s a psychological experiment on criminals that Batman is waging war with. 
With Jonathan Crane, with Scarecrow, he is someone whose entire modus operandi is trying to unlock all of the secrets of fear and doing it with the amorality of a classic mad scientist. He doesn’t care how many people get hurt around him, but he’s genuinely fascinated in scientific terms. He thinks he is unlocking some of the truths of human nature and he’s willing to use the entire city as the testing grounds for that. But in a weird way, so is Batman. And that’s why the name of the big arc is “Cowardly Lot.” 
Post-Joker War, you’re taking [the Joker] outside of Gotham, right? Where are you most excited to send him and why?
Honestly, there are a bunch of exciting places. I like showing him in places where it’s tonally incongruous for him to be. Like, I like Joker in the sun. It’s just the most bizarre thing possible with his pasty white skin, just him out on a beach laying with some sunglasses is really, really wild. 
But tonally, what I was really excited to explore is the idea of what is the whole secret criminal underworld that spans across the globe? How do people like the Joker stay off of Batman’s radar for years at a time sometimes before they reemerge to cause their latest havoc? And what are the support systems that hide these people away and all of that. 
One thing that I tapped into was a little bit of real life history, with the ratlines out of Europe at the end of the second World War, where a bunch of Nazis basically snuck into South America and changed their names and identities. And a lot of those similar systems are how organized crime evade the authorities and set down roots in places where you can’t be extradited. 
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Joker, in particular, he is someone who appears to be a part of that world, because he is part of organized crime. He is the Clown Prince of Crime. But at the same time, he is such a chaotic element that he cannot…he walks into those systems, and those systems think they can control and contain him, but they can’t. And so a lot of those players who have been burned by him before are just as eager to take the Joker down as the heroes of the world. So that’s some of the core pieces that we’re trying to unpack here. 
The element of the Joker that I’m most excited about is the fact that Joker does not necessarily make a great protagonist, because he’s someone you can’t really get into the internal life of. So emotionally the real protagonist of the Joker series is going to be Jim Gordon, who is one of my all time favorite characters, and the character I’ve been missing writing the most while getting to make my mark on the Batman mythology. So getting to put him up front and center with all of his very personal enmity towards the Joker, that is really exciting. And it also gives the book its tone. I keep referring to Joker as a horror noir book. This is this is me trying to do something that feels a bit more like a work of crime fiction, with the horror knob dialed up to 11. I honestly think the first issue is one of the best things I’ve written for DC.
Joker is going to function more like a kind of Jason Voorhees, right? He’s a horror movie villain rather than the focus of the story?
He is. Everything in the book happens because of the Joker, and the Joker is in every single issue of the book. But it is about the people who are pursuing the Joker, and the Joker playing with the people who are pursuing. He is both the Hannibal Lecter and the Buffalo Bill of the book. There is still a Will Graham, Jim Gordon is the Will Graham/Clarice that he’s playing with along the way.
You are obviously a very well established horror guy, but the artists on your horror books generally have a certain art style to them. Something Is Killing The Children [Tynion and Werther Dell’Edera’s horror comic about exactly what it says on the label] and Department of Truth [Tynion’s book with Martin Simmonds about conspiracy theories that become real], they don’t look like your typical superhero books. Guillem March has a vastly different art style to what Martin Simmonds and Werther Dell’Edera are doing on the other books. Has Guillem’s art style changed your approach to the horror in Joker at all? Or has your horror brought something different out of Guillem’s art?
One of my first books for DC comic was a title called Talon back in 2014, and Guillem March was the artist. I had been a fan of Guillem’s work, but I started realizing how good he was at the horror moments. Because he has this style that, I think you can see a lot of Joe Kubert. In his line work, it has a kind of Gothic edge to it. I’ve always loved writing some really scary moments for him. And I tried to tap into that, again with Batman…I think that his work on [Joker] so far is my favorite stuff he’s done in all the time that we’ve worked together, which has been pretty much my entire career. 
Who’s your definitive Joker? When you’re dragging in a script, what Joker stories do you go back to to try and catch his voice again?
Oh, boy, that’s a really good question. One of the north stars just because of how closely I’ve worked with him, and for how long, is the Scott Snyder Joker. I think Scott got into the Joker’s head more than almost any other writer in the modern era. There’s a certain element of the Joker as the devil who just knows how to hit every single emotional pressure point on your body to make you afraid and to pick you apart. And the idea of him being almost ever present and in this solitary, terrifying way. So there’s an element of that, that I always bring in. 
But I’m never going to be able to shake the Mark Hamill voice from my head. There is an element of Joker when he’s at his most performative and he’s always performing to an audience, [but] it depends who the audience is. Sometimes the audience is Batman, but his voice changes a little when he’s talking to other villains and those are the stories that I’ve always loved. When I was doing my Legion of Doom one shots during Scott Snyder’s Justice League run, writing him as a foil for Lex Luthor was incredibly fun. Even going all the way back when I was doing the backup stories in the New 52, writing a Joker up against Two Face or up against Penguin or up against Riddler. He has a very different dynamic with all of them that is a little more playful because he’s not trying to kill them. He’s just trying to mess with them. So that Joker gets a little more Mark Hamill where he is a bit more of the clown. 
But honestly, my favorite Joker story ever is Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. I think it captures all of the sides of him. It’s him at his most performative, but you also see the deep hatred and also the incredible intelligence of the character, which is the thing that makes him so dangerous. The Joker would not be effective if he wasn’t as smart as Batman. The scary thing is he’s always playing a larger game. And it’s a larger game that does not necessarily follow a logic, but he can follow every step of it.
So we’ve got Jim [Gordon] in the Joker book. I’ve also read Barbara [Gordon], Bluebird, Punchline, [canonical best Batgirl] Cass [Cain], and Stephanie Brown are all showing up there.
Yeah, in the Joker book, there are also going to be backup stories continuing from the Punchline one-shot that I co-wrote back in November of last year, and continuing the story of Leslie Tompkins and Bluebird investigating Punchline’s past while she’s on trial for her crimes committed during the Joker War event. That story is going to continue there. 
Barbara Gordon is going to play a key role in that book, especially her relationship with Jim Gordon. Joker looms large in both of their pasts but also in both of their recent pasts. In the Joker War tie-in issues, we saw the death of James Gordon Jr. and that’s going to be one of the key things that sets the story in motion here. So, there is both a loss in their family instigated by the Joker that sets the Gordon family on this journey. 
The Gordon family is a very central force in the book, and tied very closely into that is the new arrangement in which we have Barbara Gordon working a bit more [behind the scenes, but] has not fully given up the Batgirl costume. But she is working more and more as Oracle again. And because she’s behind the computer, she is using Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown as her agents in the field, as her Batgirls. And so we are playing and building out that whole dynamic. 
A lot of people are very happy with that.
I’m very happy about it. :laughs: And we have big plans for all of the Batgirl characters in the line that will become more and more clear as the year goes on.
Is everything pointing back towards each other? You’ve got the big Scarecrow story in Batman, you’ve got all of the toys that you’ve brought into the Bat-family hanging around with Clownhunter and with Ghostmaker. But it sounds like they’re kind of eventually going to converge again.
Oh, absolutely. You can’t have two parallel threads going if you don’t plan to have them intersect. And honestly, one of the big things that I am most excited about this next era is how closely together all of the writers are working. There are certain things you can only pull off in a connected superhero universe. And especially like in the era right now, there is an incredible opportunity at DC which is, we have Black Label and books in the YA space and all of that. There are more straight up the middle, back to basics Batman stories being told that are more in the classic mold. And then there is stuff written for all ages audiences with the Bat family characters. So it frees the main line books to go a little further, where we don’t need to reset everything to the status quo, we can kind of push the status quo a little bit and change it 
The guiding idea that I’ve been going back to over and over is we’re further down the timeline than we’ve ever been before. If you look at Batman The Animated Series as a kind of core archetypal peak Batman moment where you have Batman, you have Bat Signal in the sky, you have Jim Gordon on the roof of the GCPD, you have a Tobin at his side, he’s in Wayne Manor, and Alfred’s in the Batcave. That is the era of peak Batman. And then you see at the end of the spectrum, you have stories like The Dark Knight Returns and Batman Beyond. We’re now at the midpoint of those two points. And that’s really exciting to me. Because you get to play with a Batman who’s a little worried that he used to be more effective than he is. Because when he first came on the scene, he cleaned up crime, he was all that, he made it for a better city, but then everything started pushing back even harder. And the city started becoming a more dangerous thing. 
And now Bruce Wayne is no longer a billionaire. He’s still wealthy, still a millionaire, but now he can’t just buy up all of Gotham City and try to fix it. He’s having to re-approach what he’s doing, build his methods back from the ground up. He’s doing it with the Bat family. But this is not an all powerful Bat God who can solve any problem that’s put in front of him in 30 seconds. This is someone who has to do the grunt work, the detective work, and touch up on his training and push himself to new limits, despite the fact that he’s not as young as he used to be. And I think that that makes for exciting storytelling. 
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I’m really excited. And seeing how the other writers in the line are tapping into the new elements of the status quo. The hope is creating an era of Batman comics that people come back to long into the future. I want people to look at this era and be like, “that’s my favorite era of Batman.”
The post What DC’s Infinite Frontier Means for Batman and Joker appeared first on Den of Geek.
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aion-rsa · 7 years
DC Comics: The 15 Biggest Moments of 2016
DC Comics endured yet another year filled with recalibration and revelations. The publisher underwent a “Rebirth” to restore some semblance of sense between the pre-“Flashpoint” era and the New 52, while still keeping the new continuity intact. The product? A year of mind-games, clues and hints as to what actually caused all this fragmentation within the DC universe and just how cohesive it could be if put back together.
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Fans also saw the beloved Trinity being pushed to the limits, mentally and physically, with character deaths and returns sprinkled all over their precious pages. With the Justice League and Suicide Squad embedded in an even bigger spotlight due to the burgeoning DC cineverse, creators  churned out some pretty monumental moments that truly defined and dealt with DC’s legacy and evolution. Without further adieu, CBR brings to you the biggest DC Comics jaw-droppers from 2016!
SPOILER WARNING: The below contains spoilers for multiple DC Comics titles.
“Justice League” #50 from Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok was one of DC’s most action-packed comics. It wrapped “Darkseid War,” which saw the Justice League barely overcome a resurrected Darkseid, under the control of his daughter, Grail. In the aftermath, a recovering Batman revealed crucial information on the Joker, which he found out before this fiery finale.
In Issue #42, while imbued with the universal knowledge of the Mobius chair, Batman inquired into Joker’s true identity and finally revealed to Hal Jordan that there wasn’t one, but three Jokers. Theories are that the three correspond to different phases in Joker’s career: one resembling the Golden Age Joker, the other resembling the ’70s and ’80s-era Joker, and lastly, the modern one from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Multiple Jokers would explain why he’s always cheating death, why his past is so vague and why his personality shifts so much from silly prankster to psychopath. Fans are eager to see more of this mystery unveiled in 2017 because of the impact it will surely have on the Batman mythos.
“Justice League” #50 delivered another emphatic Darkseid death. This was his second demise after the Anti-Monitor and Flash/Black Racer infusion killed him last year in Issue #44. This time, Johns and Fabok scripted Grail as her father’s murderer. With the Anti-Life Equation extracted from the Anti-Monitor, leaving Mobius behind, Grail used it to weaponize Steve Trevor to kill the powerhouse. Eventually, she took back the Equation and merged it with the Omega Sanction (taken from Lex Luthor) into the son of Superwoman and Mazahs (both of the Crime Syndicate), reviving another iteration of her father.
She held full control over this Darkseid and used him to pummel the League. However, her Amazonian mother, Myrina Black, realizing her daughter was becoming a tyrant like her father, urged her to cease her lust for war. With Wonder Woman restraining and calming Grail via her lasso, Myrina beckoned her daughter to rid her slave of the Equation. An emotional, repentant Grail obliged, with her Omega Beams piercing through both her parents, removing the Equation from Darkseid. It was all part of a stormy finale that revealed Superman’s ill-health, Jessica Cruz as a Green Lantern, Lex ruling Apokolips and Wonder Woman’s twin brother.
“Superman” #10 offset all the dark and gritty clouds that covered the Rebirth era with something a bit more fun in the shape of a pint-sized super-brawl featuring the sons of the World’s Finest. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason constructed a lighthearted story of Batman’s son, Damian, kidnapping Jon Kent, Superman’s (pre-New 52) son, after becoming concerned that the latter couldn’t control his evolving powers. Batman immediately chastised Damian upon finding out, only for a peeved Superman to come crashing through the Batcave, angry that Jon was whisked away without permission.
As both fathers worked out their differences and began testing Jon’s DNA for abnormalities, the kids apparently reached a truce through Alfred and their love of animals. However, Damian’s constant antagonizing brought a truly hilarious moment that saw a fed-up Jon punch the volatile Robin in the gut for his insults about the youth’s emerging powers. They ended up scrapping only for their fathers to break it up with looks of disapproval. Jon’s punch was certainly a laugh-out-loud moment that sets the stage for their “Super Sons” book, slated for a February 2017 release.
“Suicide Squad” #2 threw us for a loop when it took Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness) off the table at the hands of General Zod. Fans were shocked that Rob Williams and Jim Lee scripted his death, especially after the Rogue’s breakout role in David Ayer’s film. On a mission with the team under Rick Flag’s watch, Squad members Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Katana and Enchantress infiltrated an underwater facility housing a cosmic artifact.
After locating their prize and picking up a new teammate, Hack, they found out that it was a portal to the Phantom Zone. Stunned, Flag urged his team to get away as they were in over their heads. However, before a prying Boomerang could escape, Zod promptly dispatched him via heat vision before revealing himself to the Squad. It ended up being a temporary removal as the character returned in Issue #8, thanks to Hack, who revived him from digital entrapment during a prison breakout and riot at Belle Reeve. It was a sigh of relief for his cult following who thought his newfound popularity fell on deaf ears.
DC swung for the fences when they killed off the New 52 versions of Lois and Clark, making way for the classic versions to take center stage again. The New 52 Superman exited in Tomasi’s “The Final Days of Superman” arc in “Superman” #52, when the icon died from kryptonite poisoning, surrounded by friends and the pre-“Flashpoint” Superman. He exploded and turned to ash, simultaneously emitting energy bolts that powered up both the New 52 Lois and Lana Lang, making way for “Superwoman” #1.
However, Lois’ stint would be short-lived as artist/writer Phil Jimenez killed her off in the same inexplicable manner. She also turned to ash instantly while fighting off a Bizzaro-Superwoman clone belonging to Lex’s sister, Lena; aka, Ultrawoman. On perishing, she hinted that she saw the dead Clark and that she finally understood why he died, leaving Lana alone to carry the mantle. With this Lois dying, the pre-“Flashpoint” Lois decided to take up her identity. It was a bold move to take two big players off the chessboard in this way, but with another Lois and Clark present, fans were already looking to the next chapter (and honestly quite happy to have the return of more familiar faces).
James Tynion IV and Eddy Barrows delivered quite a stunner to Tim Drake fans, without even following through on killing him. In “Detective Comics” #940, the Bat-family took down Batwoman’s father, Jacob Kane, and his rogue military operation, The Colony. Tim, aka Red Robin, stops Kane’s fleet of weaponized drones by reprogramming them to target himself instead of innocent Gotham citizens. A wounded Tim survived the first strike, only to discover a second unstoppable wave that seemingly destroys him, leaving his staff alone behind.
However, the issue’s big twist is that while he is injured, he is alive, transported to a cell at an unknown location. There, he’s confronted by the same hooded stranger we saw in the “Rebirth” one-shot who’s also been keeping tabs on Superman in “Action Comics.” The mysterious entity, Mr. Oz, cryptically says that because Tim had been “reconnecting threads that could not be reconnected,” he needed to be taken off the playing field. It was a painstaking moment to see Tim expressing hope that his allies will find him, with his fate appearing very bleak as everyone is grieving. It’s hard to come back when no one’s searching for you, though we suspect we’ll see him back in action soon enough.
In terms of being the ruthless megalomaniac we’re accustomed to, Max Lord has remained relatively low-key post-“Flashpoint.” Leading Checkmate, he did battle Brother Eye and the new O.M.A.C., but it’s “Justice League vs. Suicide Squad” that sees him return to his despotic ways in grand fashion. The former League benefactor assembled a third team, filled with villains, and all sharing the objective of taking out the stalwart chief of the Suicide Squad, Amanda Waller… by any means necessary.
It’s exciting to see this conniving attitude once more from the man who once put a bullet through the head of Ted Kord, the original Blue Beetle. He rounded up Lobo, Emerald Empress, Doctor Polaris, Johnny Sorrow, Rustam and Eclipso, to get to Waller, even if it means going through her Task Force X unit or the League themselves. The cold, cruel and bloodthirsty manner in which he broke his team out from The Catacombs prison, using his mind control to turn the guards on themselves, showed that he means business. We can’t wait to see how Joshua Williamson and Jason Fabok craft Lord’s new mission, which, ironically enough perhaps, involves “saving the world.” We’ll believe it when we see it…
“Batman” #12 by Tom King and Mikel Janin shockingly elaborated on what the arc “I Am Suicide” truly meant. It wasn’t in reference to Batman’s makeshift Suicide Squad that attacked Bane’s Santa Prisca base to extract Psycho Pirate, but rather, a confession to his teammate, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), who was being transferred to Arkham Asylum for allegedly murdering 237 people. In a letter, he told her of a childhood trauma, confiding that he resolved to dedicate his life to crimefighting, only after attempting suicide via razor blade.
It was his way of showing her that there was hope to be reborn, with the admission painted against a backdrop of Batman overcoming an army of attackers. It was a daring revelation by King that spoke volumes of the eternal struggle raging within Bruce Wayne, overcoming despair to find a real purpose. It also showed that he was just as invested as Selina was, in fighting for her life and her very soul, adding another dimension to their complicated love story. The breathtaking visuals made the experience all the richer and continued to show the caped crusader in an inspirational, if decidedly more human light.
In “Darkseid War,” every issue raised the stakes, with Issue #50 being the most provocative. It’s not often we see Darkseid killed, let alone twice, and then used as a pawn, but Grail managed to play her father like a fiddle. She manipulated the Anti-Monitor, Crime Syndicate, Steve Trevor and to some extent, the Justice League, in aid of achieving her goals. That comes as no surprise, given how focused she was since Myrina escaped Themyscira with her and raised her as an instrument of war.
In a twist-filled finale, Grail finally grew compassion and understood that she didn’t have to inherit her father’s destructive ways, releasing him from the grasp of the Anti-Life Equation, seemingly at the cost of both her parents. However, she escaped with Darkseid, who was reduced to an infant, and in the closing scenes, was seen soothing him. She told the child how she intended to raise him so that he has a second chance, away from his destiny to conquer and rule with an iron fist. While Grail promised to love him, the cutaway showing the child’s glowing-red eyes was ominous to say the least, hinting at just how much of Darkseid’s power — and demeanor — the child retained.
Greg Rucka and Liam Sharp delivered a game-changer in “Wonder Woman” #11, wrapping “The Lies” arc. Diana’s journey to self-discovery came to a screeching halt as she found out what had been haunting her recently. It was revealed that the Themyscira trips she’d been making in the past were to a fake one and upon discovering the real island, it turned out to be abandoned and derelict, leaving her clueless as to who put up this facade that kept her in the dark all this time.
She and Steve Trevor were left baffled at the run-down, low-tech state of the real island. It was a heartbreaking moment that dealt her a huge blow because of how important it was to her heritage and eventual destiny. In reality, Wonder Woman’s never had a homecoming until now and it’ll be intriguing to see how she traverses across dimensions to try to find the fake Themyscira she’s familiar with and the Amazonians she calls family. With the mirage revealed, fans can’t wait to see what is actually going on, and just who has been messing with the routes whenever she tries to go back.
Following the Joker’s “Endgame,” Batman was taken off the table, with Bruce being reborn without his memories or crime-fighting skills. James Gordon was then installed as a police-sanctioned Batman, with a high-tech armored suit. However, Scott Snyder brought Bruce back as Batman, reinvigorated like never before. His body was fully-healed and it was indeed a rebirth as he even boasted a cocky sense of humor.
In the issue before, Bruce broke the hearts of his girlfriend, Julia, and Alfred, by stating he wanted to download a copy of his brain back into his body: a contingency plan he always kept in case he died. Alfred didn’t want him erasing his life of happiness, finally, just to go back to the cowl. Jules, on the other hand, eventually got the process started, as she knew the city needed their guardian. Issue #50 saw his return, in a quippy exchange with Bat-Gordon, as he began his retaliation for Bloom’s assault on the city. Bruce stemmed the threat and a hospitalized Gordon would go back to his old job, inspired after realizing just why vigilantes needed to operate outside the law.
“Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps” #10 told some of the most stellar stories Robert Venditti’s written since dabbling with the mythos. His current “Rebirth” arc saw Hal return as a Green Lantern, forging a new ring from his own will. He was also literally changing into energy, becoming willpower itself after going on the run with the Krona Gauntlet to take the blame for all the Corps’ misdeeds. Re-powered, he ended up fighting a rejuvenated Sinestro in a battle that seemingly cost both their lives, which led Hal to the Emerald Space, aka Green Lantern heaven.
Rafa Sandoval beautifully illustrated Hal’s inspirational meeting with his successor, Abin Sur, as well as emotional moments with deceased Lanterns. It featured heartfelt messages from Katma Tui to John Stewart, and from Tomar-Re to his son, Tomar-Tu, reinvigorating Hal just before he was plucked back to the land of the living by the White Lantern, Kyle Rayner. This issue also offered immense fan service to any Corps fan, setting the stage for Hal to lead an assault on Larfleeze, who had imprisoned the Corps that disappeared and whom Hal was searching for at the end of “The Lost Army.”
When the New 52 Superman died, he had help in his final mission from the pre-“Flashpoint” Superman, who was living in hiding with his wife, Lois, and their son, Jon. In passing, he made it clear the world needed a Superman and the old-school version decided to take up the mantle once more. In Tomasi and Gleason’s “Superman” #2, he found himself in full, public swing; clean-shaven and back in uniform, just like the good old days, helping out a uranium-powered submarine and its crew.
After he realized that there was no regeneration matrix in the Fortress of Solitude to bring the New 52 Superman back in this universe, vintage Clark knew that it was up to him to replace the hero, not just in Metropolis, but with the Justice League, too. Seeing him take flight and assist like a true boy-scout was both nostalgic and endearing in a way the character hadn’t been in some time, enhanced by how he used the task as a lesson to teach Jon about being a superhero. It was an incredible moment not just for the character, but for DC Comics, as the old Supes triumphantly donned the cape and emerged out of the shadows for truth, justice and the American way once more.
Speculation has been rampant that it’s Doctor Manhattan who’s been tinkering with the DC universe all this time, taking a valuable 10 years away from it to create the New 52. While that’s yet to be confirmed in the comics, the “Rebirth” one-shot planted a lot of seeds and colossal moments indicating that the “Watchmen” universe did indeed have an integral hand in shaping things. Johns wrote off Pandora, who many believed was responsible for the era after “Flashpoint” in a manner similar to how Manhattan killed Rorschach, more than suggesting it was his semi-divine hand that had something to do with the soft reboot.
Also, the issue showed Batman finding the blood-tainted smiley face button associated with the Comedian, as well as an ending that depicted what appeared to be Manhattan conversing with Ozymandias while fixing a watch on Mars: all signature stamps of Alan Moore’s epic. Other hints include Manhattan (allegedly) obliterating Owlman and Metron in “Justice League” #50 in what seems to be his distinctive style of dispatching enemies, as well as Mr. Oz’s monitoring and potential manipulation of Superman, not to mention his kidnapping of Tim Drake. With Johns teasing at writing some “Watchmen”-related stuff in 2017, prepare yourselves for even bigger shockwaves when the truth comes out.
Wally West’s return was one that made grown geeks cry. Taken out the equation after “Flashpoint,” the “Rebirth” one-shot saw him trying to find a tether back to the present reality and away from the Speed Force. He first haunted the Batcave before journeying to the love of his life, Linda Park, but she too had no memory of him. Unsuccessful in finding that anchor point back, he had an emotional last-ditch interaction with Barry Allen. Barry finally remembered Wally and pulled him back into current continuity, with Wally revealing that some omnipotent being — believed to be Doctor Manhattan — warped their reality into the New 52.
Both embraced in a tearjerker moment that had fans rejoicing at the sight of seeing the Flash duo united once more. Wally was younger and wearing the Kid Flash costume, but was clearly relieved to be back to try to fix things. Later, given an upgrade in costume, he’d continue to find clues in “Titans” as to who’s been toying with everyone’s lives. What his return really represented, however, wasn’t just someone to help solve a lingering DC mystery; it offered promise that DC’s universe can be fixed, reshaped into what it should rightfully be.
What do you think was DC’s biggest moment in 2016? Sound off in the comments!
The post DC Comics: The 15 Biggest Moments of 2016 appeared first on CBR.com.
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