#and then I hated the lock on/weird camera control
poppyrays · 7 months
I have dead by daylight, ultrakill, Elden ring, and every borderlands game yet I collectively have less than 15 hours on them all
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saiidahyunie · 1 month
chasing that feeling
f1 racer!park jihyo x f!reader
synopsis: jihyo’s on the backend of the competition, and you’re being vocal with your frustrations in one of the few crucial weekends of the season.
tw: smut! ; degrading (kinda) ; praise ; bottom!zyo!! *huh jihyo as a bottom??* ; cursing
btw! this is a prequel/prologue to "pole position"
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park jihyo absolutely hates losing. to her, it’s basically the equivalent of not being able to breathe.
it’s embedded in her dna: to keep moving constantly until she physically can’t anymore.
ever since she went to japan with her family as a little kid, stumbling onto the suzuka racetrack as a mere spectator. from that moment on, the thrill of speed and the rush of everything about racing swallowed her up whole. 
winning was everything to her, a hard-fought victory that only proved that she was better than everyone else, anything less than that result only made her hungry to bounce back even stronger. 
“whatever it takes, you’ve got to see it through.” her team principal sejong tells her after the race weekend at azerbaijan where she had to end the race early after a mechanical problem in her car forced her to retire from the race early. it felt weird for her to not be on the track and on the paddock watching her teammate tzuyu play damage control on the screen replay, faltering behind the other two championship contenders momo and sana in heartbreaking fashion. 
she turns over to you standing a few feet behind the decrepit race car, headphones around your neck while jeongyeon and nayeon in tow, giving a wave of encouragement while you gave your girlfriend a heartfelt smile.
after she did all of the usual team debriefings and press responsibilities, she walks out from the back of the garage to meet you, giving a chaste kiss to her cheek and a comforting hug after what had unfolded about an hour and a half ago.
“i’m so sorry baby,” you say, nose in her hair filling up that one sense, “sucks that it had to happen to you like this.”
jihyo pulls away, shaking her head in disagreement, “no need to be sorry. i just got a little bit of unlucky coming my way that’s all.” she says, reassuring with a smile with that sweaty face making you want to pass out on the spot in front of her.
things were gonna be fine in the long run. after all, this was a speed bump on one unfortunate race.
jihyo doesn’t usually have strokes of bad luck, and when it happens in back to back weekends, she’s convinced that there’s something fishy going on. there’s this saying that lightning can strike in a bottle twice, but when there’s a third time–
“you alright?” jihyo’s engineer keji asks through the radio, head spinning after crashing out in the barcelona grand prix leading the race up until her brakes locked up at the last sequence of corners on the second to last lap.
“yeah—“ she groans out trying to fight the lingering effects of whiplash she just got hit by, “fuck- i’m sorry, guys. i’m out.”
–her smoking car was a frightening sight to see, mangled into the tire barriers and the pit crew members in front of you were also in shock to watch their racer not finish the race for the fourth consecutive race in a row. 
you could see her little helmet shake back and forth in the cockpit in frustration, punching the steering wheel before putting her hands in her face once the realization had slipped in. the camera then pans back to the track where it showed both sana and momo battle it out for the race win, weaving that same section of corners until the main straight where momo had just edged out of sana, taking the grand prix win away as well as the full points. 
once the celebrations had gone underway, jihyo didn’t even think about sticking around for her good racing friends, the fact that she’s falling behind in the standings was enough for her to not even look up at the falling champagne and booming music filling her ears. back at the garage, she sees tzuyu standing by her car, walking over to give her an encouraging hug before she steps inside more, locking eyes with you, nayeon, and jeongyeon. 
“you think she’s gonna be okay?” jeongyeon whispers in your ear when jihyo is approached by her race engineer, breaking the distant face-off. “this must be really brutal on her, and i’m speaking as a close friend and manager.” 
“i think you should have her not look on social media when you two get back at the hotel,” nayeon chirps in, “the fans are gonna absolutely belt her for her recent performances.” 
“it’s not even the fact that these things are happening to her,” you say, scowling at the double -yeons behind you. “i think she’s getting a little bit complacent.” 
nayeon quirks her brown when you turn around to start making your way out of the paddock, “huh? what do you mean by that?” she asks, picking up your headset and radio in the locker before trailing even more, “hey! i asked a question!” 
you are one hell of an oversharer. 
but hey, jeongyeon was the one who set you up with the park jihyo at last season’s race in abu dhabi, her third year of racing f1 in the books and your last year in f2. it started off as a friendly approach, realizing you and her had the same amount of interests: germaphobes around the house, outrageous activities such as hockey and a few other sports besides racing, watching movies or tv series during off days, and having a really high alcohol tolerance. 
once paths crossed, you and jihyo hit it right off the mark. the whole f1 community across all boards took the dating news in a positive regard broke through a candid picture of you two wearing baseball caps backwards on a daytime stroll around germany. jihyo loved your sense of charisma when the cameras were on you during your time with sm vantage - the developmental team under jyp racing during your last stint in the f2 scene. 
as for you, how could you not fall in love with jihyo? she’s quick, intelligent, ambitious, always wanting to improve more race after race, year after year. you liked that she’s competitive. her lifestyle was lavish with the cars, planes, clothing but at the same time it was normal, she didn’t bat an eye of her overwhelming success, she knows she’s good, and she has the skill to back that up. the brand deals, the crowd roaring her name when she crosses the line, and that splash of champagne when she’s celebrating her win–
“why the fuck are you showing us this in public!?” nayeon exclaims, hushed by jeongyeon next to her with a flick to the forehead. “what the hell was that for?!”
“because you don’t know how to keep it down!” jeongyeon answers, “it’s just jihyo in the covers with y/n putting on a sweater on the right side of the picture.” she says, and you’re rubbing your forehead at the fact of how gullible nayeon is with things like these. “so? what if you and jihyo have been getting cozy and hooking up more frequently, how is it a bad thing?” 
“i’ve been too nice with the reward, and clearly it’s getting to her.” 
“you mean.” 
“she isn’t focused.”
“and who's fault is that?” nayeon asks abruptly, rolling your eyes, “all of the pictures i’ve seen from the past races either have you two in it or something else.” 
“nay, i know.” you tell her, “that’s the problem. you could say i’m one for being horny and all, but she is too.” 
the three of you look down at the ground level from the racing team’s designated vip area, you see sejong walk with jihyo and tzuyu, discussing the debrief that they had with the team as well as the conventional heart to heart talk with both drivers. it’s midway into the season, so the points to the team count from here on out, especially in the drivers and constructors championship. 
“jeong, when’s the next race again?” 
“what’s wrong with that race?” nayeon inquires yet again, clueless but primed for the reminder. 
“it’s one of the two most challenging races of the season. i could delve a whole lot more into it but you’d probably be bored after the first two words that come out of my mouth anyway.” 
“you’re right, y/n. but why do i feel scared about it?” 
you and jeongyeon share a look from across the table, realizing that this next race weekend was vital for jihyo’s chances of staying within sana and momo’s tail in the driver's standings. 
race weeks were always something to look forward to. there’s this sparkle of magic buzzing the air every time, traveling to different corners of the world to compete by driving. 
there’s nothing like it. 
the luxury of being rich, people with deep pockets wearing vip tickets trying to get a peek of the car in the paddock. the superstars that come out to see the peak of motorsport racing, because who doesn’t like cars? coverage, exposure, and upscale is the name of the game in some of these parts. but there’s no denying how beautiful some of the places across the globe are that you have the fortunate opportunity to be alongside jihyo for it. 
even when you feel the breeze of the sea flowing through the boat, occasionally bouncing along the wavy surface to the point you might just fly off the seat, letting your laugh be the substitute of the small pit forming in your stomach, before touching back down with the splash of water hitting.
“ji! easy with the freaking boat will ya?!” jeongyeon exclaims, while on top of a face-flat nayeon frantically hitting the pad of the seat to signify that she can’t breathe with the amount of sudden weight on her back. you prop your feet up on the small table in between, hand over the railing like this was a huge accomplishment of winning at life, which it was, sunglasses and everything when you turn to see jihyo at the wheel. 
“how long until we reach the bay?” you ask jihyo, her teal v-neck polo with the sleeves rolled up making it much more appealing to look at, the subtle flex of muscle across her forearm when she swings the wheel with one hand seamlessly, sending the boat portside near the coastline of the lovely city of monaco. “we were supposed to be back there ten minutes ago!” 
“what are they gonna do, penalize me?” jihyo yells over, “it’s not my fault they put your cousin’s boat on the opposite end of the port or we would’ve been over there already!” 
“is tzuyu waiting for us?” 
“she’s been waiting over there with nai for thirty minutes.” 
eventually, jihyo does make it back to the proper port, greeted by her teammate tzuyu and her race engineer, nai waving to you and the other two-yeons before the boat stops right at the deck. jihyo was the last person to get out, looking up to see you waiting, with an outreaching hand for her to take while you held her favorite tiny north-face backpack that she carries around with her when traveling. 
there’s a brief period of silence when you get to the buildings exiting the nearby streets. it’s pretty busy, most of the track was already in place and there were some last minute preparations of the surrounding stands. the hotel was just a couple minutes away, turning to jihyo who was staring out to the endless horizon of the sea and sky. “everything okay?” 
jihyo looks back, wide-eyed and blinking. “yeah,” she breathes, tone unsure, “i’m okay.” 
you bite the inside of your cheek, brows slightly furrowed together. her answer wasn’t convincing enough, and it’s rare for her to act like this in front of you, which could only spell a sudden wave of anxiety building up. jihyo was headstrong, always thinking about the positives, but she has been feeling a bit uneasy with the amount of criticism that she’s been receiving recently in the media for her recent performances. 
“hey,” you call over, pulling her in for a sudden hug that she reciprocates easily, open and inviting. “i know that we had a small disagreement before flying over here, but just remember that i still love you, okay?” 
jihyo’s hands are palming your face, your hands around her hips, the small tender moment of reconciliation firmly set in stone. nodding in agreement that you simply stressed about having her succeed even when there were tough times like this, so she doesn’t say anything. 
“you’re not gonna go quiet on me, are you?” you ask her again, sliding an arm across her shoulder while you two walked to the nearby accessible street to see a bright orange and black car; jihyo’s favorite rx-7.
she was left surprised to see that you pulled some strings behind her back to have one of her cars brought over here for a couple days, even though this will probably be the only time she’ll actually use it until the summer break, but the effort to cheer her up was there, and you see her smiling. 
“why did you–”
“because you’ve been staring at the pictures of your car on the plane before you passed out on me, idiot.” 
“i hate you.” 
“no you don’t.” you dart back, “you absolutely love me.” 
jihyo smirks, opening the passenger side first to the car, “alright, get in.” 
the trip to the hotel you were staying at was a quick one. everywhere you looked was plastered with racing banners and people on the balconies just taking in the view that will be seeing speeding cars in the next few days or so. you look over to see jihyo lost in thought, tilting her chin up just so that she could see the rear view mirror better, a cute habit of hers really. 
once the valet took the car in, jeongyeon was already at the front of the revolving door greeting with a smile. “took you guys long enough, i managed to get everyone’s rooms situated for the weekend.” 
“great!” you say to her, “traffic was a small pain to deal with getting here.” 
“you weren’t even the one driving.” jihyo chimes in, bumping her elbow to you while rolling her eyes. “what about our bag situation?” 
“already sorted out. you’re welcome.” 
jihyo nods, darting her eyes towards the hotel lobby past the door as jeongyeon took the lead heading inside. it felt grand, with the marble structure from the flooring to the ceiling, the chandeliers overhanging with small lounge areas spread across and a restaurant off to the right side when walking in. no shortage of guests as they crowded the line at the front desk trying to get their reservations confirmed and into their rooms. 
even when jihyo was out in public, she didn’t really make the effort to hide her appearance since at the end of the day, she’s just a regular person over an f1 driver. passing through the main foyer, some people did take notice that she was staying at this hotel, so when one person notices, there’s a small following afterwards. 
jihyo was quick to get some autographs on different items; a shirt, a hat, a few tumblers, even a full fledged poster that someone had on hand for some apparent reason, but you couldn’t help but chuckle. jeongyeon being jeongyeon, naturally took charge by standing in front of jihyo, hands up to the sides giving a proper amount of space until the assigned security detail swooped in for extra support. 
you three manage to break away from the sizable crowd in the lobby, jihyo fulfilling those last couple of autographs before reaching near the elevators. before you could even get to the waiting area, you get called over by a few journalists that were actually trying to get to jihyo through jeongyeon’s attention. interrupting the racer’s private time wasn’t substantial to these media outlets, but a simple flick or question was good enough to get a story going. 
luckily, you had to do half of that work when you answered to one of the journalist’s calls on behalf of your girlfriend. 
“hello y/n!” the reporter briefly greets you with a phone in their hand, automatically inferring that they’re doing a voice recording of their exchange with you. it would’ve been a lot more simpler if this was in a designated area and window for these interviews, but nothing ever really goes to plan in life, not even formula one. “i just had a quick moment to ask a question for jihyo, if you don’t mind answering of course.” 
“i’d be happy to hear what you’ve got for me to answer with.” you reply optimistically, “let me hear ‘em.” 
“the monaco grand prix is one of the greatest trials in any given scenario for a driver, do you see jihyo bouncing back with a win here to get back on track for the running of the championship?” 
“ah, well–” 
“given her recent performances, would you say that she’s letting herself loose and complacent?” another reporter of the same media outlet asks behind the initial reporter in front of you. 
“as one of the closest people in her circle,” you start the answer with a clutch of your arm, “the best that i can do is to ensure that she has the right amount of support from all parties to maximize her ability to compete and win.”
“will the jyp racing team do anything different to—”
“alright!” the arm of jeongyeon butts in between you and the reporter, breaking the conversation suddenly. “i would greatly appreciate it if you could direct any questions towards jihyo to me instead. please respect the driver and their loved ones privacy with the utmost consideration please and thank you.” she announces to the small horde of camera flashes and phones in the air wanting to get an inkling of information out of you for jihyo. jeongyeon turns her head and nods over to the open elevator door at the end, a security guard holding it for you specifically, so you breeze over to see jihyo leaning against the side railing of the elevator before the door closes behind you and ascends up. 
jihyo scratches her head before sighing out in a sign of tiredness, closing her eyes at the end. “so, what did they say about me this time?” 
“nothing out of the ordinary.” you reply. “they’re still on about your sudden slump from the past few races, but i didn’t give them any more than your current struggles.” 
jihyo then runs her hand down her face in a slight bit of frustration, she feels the immense pressure of not being able to deliver for the team and herself as a driver, it’s clearly shown that it’s taking a toll on her, and something has to change this upcoming race weekend before everything starts to take a turn for the worse. “this sucks,” she says now looking up to the ceiling, “this is the worst run of luck i’ve ever had in my career.” 
standing on the opposite end, you make your way across to her, clutching her left shoulder while your other hand is placed flat on the wall. the elevator space feels full, despite being small with the close proximity. 
“why don’t you tell me directly why you’ve been performing badly, hmm?” you ask jihyo, face being dangerously close to the point where jihyo could feel the heat from her cheeks rise up to fill the air. “it’s definitely not your skill set, nor the car, or the team, is it?” 
“y/n, what are you say—”  
“you’ve been taking our fucking a little more lightly these past few races, almost comfortable with the luxury that you’re guaranteed to ruin me.” 
jihyo stares into your eyes, the look of worry wrenching it’s way through while you smirk victoriously, realizing that the prior disagreement from before was still the apparent case.
"so that’s what it is then.” 
you don’t even give jihyo the chance to even argue, because it’s true. 
“what the fuck are you even saying?!” jihyo asks, faltering behind in the hallway to the hotel room and into the suite. you don’t even reply to the initial question jihyo asked because you know how you like her when she gets the slightest bit of frustration in her tone. “i swear it’s not that, but—” 
“you say that, but do you hear yourself right now?” you snicker, “it’s hilarious how you’re trying to reason with me but the fact still stands: you just want to get between my legs after every race since we started.” 
“yes, and—” 
“i mean, the public doesn’t know how sexually charged you are, but i can see that it’s affecting you right in front of me.” you tell jihyo, discarding your shirt with your bra following the ground as well, pushing jihyo to the bed where she falls flat on her back, you can hear her breath hitch with the neural overload she’s having from her eyes and the touch. jihyo naturally lets a hand float up, but you’re quick to slap her hand away before pinning it on the mattress. 
“you can watch, but you can’t touch.” you sigh against her ear, “the only you can get me back is by—” jihyo lets her eyes flutter shut but automatically shoots open when you rise up from on top of her, jihyo confused as she propped herself up on her elbows to see you walking to the bathroom while tying your hair up. 
“y/n, what are you—”
“if you want me to return the favor, i better see you on that podium at the end of race day.” you tell her, it’s not an offer, a command, because she’ll do it, jihyo will always deliver if something is put on the line. “not from third or second, i want to see you win from first.” 
a lump forms in jihyo’s throat, sucking in the saliva from her mouth when she’s eyeing the subtle back tattoo on your shoulder blade, as well as the hidden design of small stars behind your right ear on your neck.  jihyo knows what she needs to do, she has a reason to win. 
whatever it takes, i’ve got to see it through. jihyo thinks to herself. 
she can feel the desire to win on the tips of her fingers.
two days pass of free practice and it’s pretty much a blur for jihyo. the standard routine of going over the briefing and the set strategy set with the team, coming to grips with the car and the new upgrades that come with it. you’re watching on the screen as she seems to have reverted back to her normal self. she’s hitting all of the corners and turns with the fine precision that she can produce, and monaco is no easy track to race on. 
once the three practice sessions were done, you’re deep in the paddock while the pit crew rolls the car back in, jihyo taking off her gloves and getting out of the car before pulling her balaclava off her face, already giving her opinion with how the car felt and everything in between. she sees you and jeongyeon in the distance, nodding before leaving the garage to get more necessary checks before the debrief.
jeongyeon pulls her headset off from her ears, “i suppose you did something about her little ‘issue’?” she asks, prompting you to follow her to the back entrance and into the restricted area behind. 
“yeah,” you answer dismissively, “and what about it?” 
“nothing,” jeongyeon follows, “she just seems a bit more focused now than before.” 
“maybe i did.” 
“oh have you, now?” 
qualifying was the day after, and jihyo managed to get adequate hours of sleep before the wave of nervousness could settle in her body again. she got up early in the morning while you were knocked out, conjuring up a quick cup of coffee with the items provided from the hotel’s set hospitality package on the table next to the tv. stepping out to the balcony, she oversees the bustling atmosphere below at ground level.
her mind was calm, and she felt excited for another outing on the race track in the next few hours. there was no rush, but taking it easy didn’t feel much of a bad thing. she needed this, and before jihyo knew it, she turned around to see you already up on the bed. 
morning preparation before the race went a little bit smoothly. drivers didn’t have to show up for another hour and a half, so jihyo took her sweet time in getting ready, not opting to shower until you went in first before her, so you did. while that was happening, jihyo hears her phone go off on the coffee table, picking it up to see that jeongyeon’s name came up on the screen. without a second thought, she picks up the phone, “hey jeong, what’s up?” 
“is my racer ready for today’s quali session?” she asks through the speaker that makes jihyo chuckle when she plops on the couch, bunching up her legs on the cushion against the armrest. 
“yes, i’m feeling pretty good about today. why’d you call?” 
“just checking in on you.” jeongyeon answers, “you were pretty down in the dumps before the FP sessions so i didn’t want to assume that something was up? there isn’t, right?” 
“no,” jihyo stops jeongyeon. “whatever it is that you’re thinking, it’s not the case.” she says. while that was happening, you walk out in a simple white tank-top with black underwear that exposed your toned body towards her, earning a puzzled look from jihyo to see that you left your pair of pants on the edge of the bed. “i know you’re not calling me just to do a checkup, did something else happen that i should know about?” 
“is that jeong on the phone?” you interrupt with a lowered tone, noticing that jihyo was on speaker before she gave a simple look that makes you nod in realization. 
“jeong,” jihyo begins again, “did you mess with the press behind my back?” 
“i didn’t. but they kept pressing me about your poor performances so it was a bit difficult to deal with.” jeongyeon replies with disinterest to the question, “god, i hate journalists with a passion sometimes.” 
“me too,” jihyo adds, “i just want to race, but i can’t help with the headaches i get when they ask me stupid questions about the simplest things” 
you walk over to jihyo, leaning down to meet her lips when she looks up from the couch, a bit surprised from the sudden action and contact of your lips, closing one eye with a smirk while jihyo pulls the phone away from her face more. “what are y–”
jihyo then hears some background noise on jeongyeon’s end of the call, giving an indication that she’s near the track with the team, most likely with tzuyu who wanted to be ahead in the scheduling. “how busy is it down there?” 
“very. typical monaco for a race weekend. nothing more or less to expect.” jenogyeon’s voice is drowned out by more voices. “when are you making your way down to the garage?” 
your hands suddenly slide up jihyo’s cropped undershirt, causing her breath to hitch from the roughness of fingers skating along her fair skin, stopping just underneath the breasts to cup them, leaning for another kiss to put another push. 
“i’ll be there in an hour,” jihyo answers, seeing that you’re trailing your way down to the edge of the seat, bringing her legs down from their folded position and slightly apart, “give or take thirty or so minutes.” her mind starts to wander with the feeling of her breasts on your hands, kissing her inner thigh close to the knee before trailing up.
“wasn’t sejong supposed to call you for a minute? i overheard something before you two got set up for fp3?” the questions keep on coming from jeongyeon, and jihyo is wondering if she’s also one of the annoying reporters asking the stupid questions. 
“yeah,” jihyo’s breath catches when she feels your hands slide off her red shorts before she sees the garment tossed away to the bed, the warm air hot against the line of her thigh. “i had talked to her beforehand, just a short heart-to-heart like she always does with us before races.” she huffs out when you skate your thumb lightly on her clit sealing your mouth off to the side of her soaked slit. 
“shit, am i supposed to go now?” jeongyeon asks again, and jihyo can’t think straight the second after she switched her phone to speaker, phone cast aside next to her, “i was supposed to meet up with tzuyu, but she’s already here ahead of you, which means that she’s eager to get going.” 
“uh-huh,” jihyo says, letting a half-moan spill out accidentally but not audible enough for jeongyeon to hear through the phone. she picks up her tossed device, hoping to keep her mind off of you lashing your tongue against her cunt, savoring that leak slick some more when jihyo has her hand on the back of your head. “it’s because of the data that they collected the other day from practice, and the adjustment of the car they did with her rear wing.” 
jihyo’s fingers grasp deeply against your scalp, her head falling back against the couch, mouth hanging low and breath getting heavier as you insert a finger inside that makes her eyes roll upwards. she’s supposed to be focused on the race, but how could she focus when you’re sucking the very life out of her on the morning of qualifying day?
“well, you better get here in the next hour. more drivers are coming in by the minute. momo!” jeongyeon says clearly into the phone now, “i’ll get going now, see you down in the garage.” and hangs up the second after. 
jihyo looks down to the sight of you locking eyes with her, hungry with want, need, hunger, everything that’s within the margins of the word ‘craving, lapping up her slutty cunt as you please when you hear the overdue soundtrack of her hushed out moans finally being let out. 
“fuck,” she groans out. “seriously, fuck you.” 
you pull away, licking your upper lip before breaking a smile. contemplating on saying something to her that can ease jihyo’s mind of the image of you between her legs like this, but-
“you’re so cute,” you coo. “trying to stay professional with your manager while i’m fucking you this early?” 
–jihyo’s gonna curse you for putting on this act, but the motivation is clearly there for her after last night’s conversation. 
“mine, mine, mine, all mine.” you tell her, breath hot against her pussy and jihyo tries to say something coherent, but it’s all slurred and sloppy just when your tongue is swirling inside her core again. 
“whatever, okay-uh-shit, you’re so fucking good at that.” and you’re grinding her cunt against your mouth, the room filling up with all of the bits of whining, gasping pleas the more you soak your face into her. 
jihyo guides your free hand from the crease of her hip up to her breast, grasping it for dear life when she hitches the ball of her foot on top of your collarbone. “my–fuck, babe, just like that, you’re gonna fucking kill me like this.” 
she’s jerking her hips against the sensation, the swipe of your tongue all over the molten heat of her pussy and the shoving of your two fingers right under your mouth, curling a finger to that spot that made her see the light for a split second before being brought back to earth. 
“y/n, my god, you–” 
the increase of moans only get louder when jihyo’s legs press your head, enveloping you like it’s the only oxygen needed in your life, and in a way, it is. right when jihyo’s eyes roll back into her head, the abrupt sound of her phone rings, and the movement comes to a solid stillness. 
jihyo is immediately flushed when she pulls her head back from euphoria, the satiating ache of your mouth the only thing in her mind when you take your fingers out of her, hiding your bottom lip while your tongue licks off the rest. “you gonna answer that?” 
as if it was a cardinal sin that you just committed, jihyo digs her head back into the cushions, closing her legs when you stand up and go on with your morning, successfully taking advantage of jihyo when she least expected it. 
“you’re the worst.” she tells you, the sight of slipping into your pants for the day before looking back at her on the couch sitting up now. “i can’t believe-”
the phone is still ringing, and jihyo looks over to see sejong’s contact name on the screen. she won’t answer, it’s pointless since it’ll be the same stuff that she was told the other day. 
so, she doesn’t pick up the phone. only solidifying your method to get her straight already working. 
“might as well get ready now, you’ve got a long weekend ahead of you.” 
few hours passed of preparation and once all of the routine checks around the car were good, jihyo got the signal and rolled out onto the track, completely in race mode getting some good laps on the track for qualifying. 
the first two qualifying sessions went smoother than the team initially anticipated, flying with the pace to get the set fastest time within the top five racers left in q3. you see the list of the final racers on the top left of the screen in jihyo, sana, momo, tzuyu, and a surprise appearance of somi from bb block racing. 
“alright jihyo,” her race engineer, keji, comes in through the radio, “good outlap, let’s get a gap going, five seconds out, and let’s set the bar with this first lap.” 
“copy.” jihyo replies through with her foot to the floor on the main straight, dive bombing into turn one. she’s all too familiar with the iconic street circuit as it is; an okay performance in her first year finishing p11, a dnf after oversteering the nouvelle chicane, and last season where she improved a lot by finishing just outside the podium. jihyo knows that she’s fast when she clears the first and second sectors, but just manages to get the benchmark time to 1:12.141 to start things off. 
“okay, so p1 at the moment, you’ve got both minatozaki and hirai both pushing up half a tenth. chou is also behind by more than half a second.” keji relays the information to jihyo while she hikes up beau rivage. “let’s keep this 10 second gap, and recharge on before we go again.” 
“i can definitely push more than this,” jihyo says, “the car is nearly getting there.” she knows that she can get more out of it, and there’s still a good amount of time to get the car to perform perfectly. 
the next seven minutes would see a trade off of sana getting pole, somi surprised the entire broadcast with a gauntlet time of 1:11.513 putting her p2. tzuyu couldn’t get her time to improve, so she stays in fourth. while that was happening, you watch the screen with jeongyeon back at the paddock as momo bumps sana’s time down to take pole away from her with a surprise time of 1:11.449 with two purple first and second sectores reflecting the time as the session neared its end. 
“track is all yours park,” keji breaks through on the radio again before jihyo starts her final lap of the day, “make this lap count, all eyes are on you.” 
jihyo got straight to business again, speeding down the corners and gliding with so much ease. the car itself can handle it, like it can literally do everything that jihyo wanted it to. pace felt amazing, and right when jihyo got around the annoying hairpin curve before reaching the tunnel, she knew that this lap was hers. gambling in the last sector before getting back on the main straight, literally wallriding her way to the finish line and once she crossed it, confusion and bliss plagued her mind. 
“do we have it?” she asks on the radio, “tell me we have it!” 
it all happened in a flash on the official broadcast, the glide of her car so instant that when jihyo crossed the line, the whole garage erupted when they saw the final time for qualifying: 1:11.267. nearly two hundredths faster than momo, celebrating with a clenched fist and a smile while jeongyeon clapped her hands together while shaking her head in disbelief.
“that’s pole position,” keji confirms. “don’t forget about slow mode by the way.” 
“ha! had to pull that one out of my ass, but very very good today guys. well done.” jihyo chuckles and congratulates the team on the radio, but the job was merely halfway done. 
another period of sleep passes, and jihyo’s on the track just minutes before the race starts. you’re watching the offical broadcast on the side of the garage, the camera cutting to a few notable celebrities that were in attendance: you, (because on the side you had a personality on the internet that the whole community adores and loves) mina, who was apart of the famous myoui family that had a stake of ownership in sana and momo’s racing team, tozaki motorsport, and as well as famous dj chaeyoung also coming out from performing prior to the race. 
jihyo can’t help but feel nervous, knowing what’s at stake here if things do go south, but she’s smart enough to not think about that. the only thing that matters is to be in first, and to stay there. 
“radio check?” keji asks once the pit crew members start to grab their things and break away from the grid.
“radio is good.” jihyo answers, fixing up her gloves before setting the dials on her wheel to the preferred setting as instructed. 
one formation lap later and time seems to slow down once jihyo got into track position at the start. heartbeat thumping a lot more frantically, but her breathing helps calm it down only just a bit. 
“focus on the lights.” keji instructs, and jihyo stares at the set just hanging above her. those five red lights emitting one by one, and then–
right when the cars start to roll along the track, you can’t help but to smile at yourself in the manner of place that you’re in, same goes for jihyo. she’s chasing right at the beginning, hunting for that needed win. she’ll get it, because you’ll know that she won’t let go of first place. not for momo, not for sana, not even for tzuyu, she wants this more than any of the 19 drivers combined. 
she’s running away with it, and everyone else is just trailing behind her. 
it wouldn’t be until after the first 10 laps where they’d be an incident on the track caused by kazuha after colliding with somi, bunching up the pack under the safety car. you can’t help but look confused to see to see the pit crew members scramble about the garage, preparing for a change with the car. 
“alright jihyo we’re gonna box this lap,” keji says on the radio, “safety car is in, so box now, box.” jihyo complies by pressing the ‘confirm’ button to pit before turning into the entrance of the pit lane. momo, sana, and tzuyu all do the same to take the chance during this window. 
“wait, kej are we double stacking?” jihyo asks on the radio before turning into the designated area of their garage. 
“we are double stacking,” keji answers, “we are also putting mediums over hards, hoping that they’ll do you some good over the first set of softs.” 
“uh, are you sure about this?” jihyo asks again, rolling out of the pit lane under the limiter before accelerating out onto the main track. 
“we should be okay for now, but i’ll brief you if there’s any changes.” keji updates one last time before the channel goes silent, and jihyo picks up her speed just a bit behind the safety car before the race could resume again. 
the next few thirty to forty laps or so go smoothly between the alternating camera switches between the racers and the view of the track in that one area where it’s parked by yachts. you’re watching the list of drivers off to the left side of the broadcast to see that there were hardly any change of positions between the pack, but one thing that’s scratching your head was the small gap that momo had on jihyo, sana wasn’t too far behind momo also, which has you a little bit worrying.
“why is jihyo going a little bit slower than usual? is that just me?” jeongyeon asks you while you’re squinting to see what the problem is, and then it hits you. 
“they fucked up the strategy with her.” you say, rubbing your eyes when the broadcast mentions that jihyo’s tires were only supposed to last about fifty laps or more, and it’s on the 61st lap of the race. “she should’ve been on the hard tires at the swap.” 
“how did they do that?”
boo-di-boop, the iconic sound of the radio comes in on the broadcast with jihyo’s racing picture, and the motor is heard in the background of her microphone.
“kej, i can’t keep the car behind like this. my tires are dead.” you hear her say on the radio as she starts the next lap. “we’re gonna lose this race at this point if she keeps this up.” 
“understood jihyo, just be aware of the pace that you’re going should be enough to keep up with the cars ahead.” keji replies on the radio channel as the camera panned to jihyo taking another move into the chicane towards the tunnel again. 
“i can’t keep the car behind, keji!” jihyo exclaims in desperation while gripping the wheel, hitting another left curve on the track. “i can’t keep my focus on the tires if hirai is breathing on my ass!” 
“copy, just maintain your heading.” keji answers back before she closes off the radio channel again. 
your face is in your hands when you hear the commentator say that this was the ultimate challenge for jihyo who’s on the cusp of losing her first palace to momo just a few milliseconds behind, the front of her car just gaining on hers as the laps continue to pass. 
jeongyeon can’t even look at the screen either, but she still watches as the conversational atmosphere in the garage kept everyone on the edge of their seats for what felt like an eternity. 
“8 laps, 8 laps to go. we are on 70.” keji tells jihyo again to update her. she looks over to her front left tire that looks completely thrashed against the asphalt, glancing at her rear view mirror to see momo’s car just inching behind after her challenge in the second to last corner before the new lap. 
“i don’t know what you guys were thinking when you gave me these tires, guys.” jihyo huffs out, the exhaustion getting to her given the heat of the car making her sweat a lot more. “you guys better pray for a miracle out of me.” 
“understood jihyo, i’ll update you when we’re at four.” keji replies before giving her more space to concentrate. 
jihyo knows the struggle so well, but she can’t get frustrated yet, not now. even when the car is a literal furnace nearing the end of this race, she’s willing to go all the way. four more laps pass, then three, then two, and finally–
“last lap, i’ll leave you to it.” 
–the last comm from keji to let jihyo work her element, breezing past the corners so well, defending with her life against momo who was just less than 0.1 seconds behind. she’s in the last sector, past the pit lane entrance, you see the pit crew members scramble out to the crash fence near the start of the track, once they saw the glide of jihyo’s red car zoom past the checkered flag, jihyo let out a sigh of relief while you clenched both of your fists, smiling at the screen so stupidly. 
jihyo doesn’t remember celebrating the trophy lift on top of the first place podium, conversing and talking with a whole wave of people congratulating with her on the race win, talking with momo and sana in the cooldown room and catching up with the all of the stuff in between the race. momo specifically gave her flowers and praise for going with the medium tires for nearly the entire race. it’s all a blur to her. 
what she does remember, however–
is the whimper she lets out in your mouth when you pin her against the wall of the elevator, going back up to the hotel suite. she’s smiling against your lips when your hands are roaming her sweaty body, licking her clean and raising a leg up for you to press your thigh against her clothed core. 
“mm” is what leaves your lips when you press more against jihyo’s face, tugging her bottom lip before soothing it with a lave of your tongue soon after. jihyo has her own initiative to this, like she deserved it and in which, she has. but you remind her again when you pinch the side of her waist that makes her gasp for air suddenly with a hand at your chest. 
“babe,” she barely utters out from the unracked breathing, willing to fold and be sculpted in the ways you want her to be for you. “please, i–”
“what is it, sweetie?” you ask her, landing another stolen kiss that she receives beautifully, overwhelmed and having her lingering for more. jihyo can’t think straight when you’re the one leading a heated intimate moment like this, it’s unfamiliar - much added onto the fact that she lost about a good 3-4 pounds from the race which made her loopy due to the lack of blood flow in her brain. “i’m here, you can always tell me what’s going on.” 
jihyo melts when you land the flat of your palm on her right cheek, like a dog with it’s owner asking for attention, she’s quick hum from the contact on your hand, eyes filled with constellations that look like dying stars, “baby, please…” 
“please what, hm?” 
she pouts, foot stomping on the floor with a low swinging fist. she’s having a temper tantrum like a kid. “you need to–”
“need me to do something?” you tell her, hand hiking up the inside of her leg, once tattered with scratches and marks left to fade away with the constant of time only for them to appear again. she’s mumbling, speaking nonsense when your fingertips tuck inside her pants with the fancy trick of unbuttoning them with just a hand. “you have to be a little bit more clear for me this time girlie. i can’t really hear what you’re saying if you’re gonna be acting all shy now.” 
“i’m gonna go insane if you don’t…keep going…” jihyo mumbles, eyes to the ground, hand in yours while you close the distance again. instead of landing a kiss on her chin, you let your lips just float over her neck while she tries to collect her thoughts. 
“with what, honey?” 
“your hands…your lips…i’m gonna-i’m gonna go fucking insane if you don’t touch me right now.” 
“yeah, i thought so.” is what comes out of your mouth. and with perfect timing, the elevator dings, opening the door out to the hallway, grabbing her hand and briskly making a break back to the suite. 
the door opens quickly as it closes, followed by the shuffling of shoes being taken off and jihyo’s back is against the wall again. you’re cupping her face in your hands, running a thumb over her lips before diving back for another kiss. she jumps the gun when her hands fling forward towards your sweater, eager to rip it off; you can’t help but chuckle at how jihyo was in the span of a few days. 
your hands find her wrists, putting them against the drywall. “you’re so cute like this.” you mumble out, lifting jihyo’s chin slightly to drink in the sight of her flushed cheeks, the small parting between her lips, and the irresistible look she’s leaving you with. “my beautiful girl. you did a great job today.” 
“huh?” jihyo flushes more when you strip off the cotton blend of your sweater, leaving your body, unclasping your bra soon after. she can’t process the events that are happening and before she knows it, your lips were on her neck again, sucking harshly. 
“hnn,” is the only thing jihyo manages to say, feeling her clothes being dragged away. the jacket, the undershirt, the bra, leaving her tits exposed out for the space to be filled in. jihyo squirms when your mouth starts to sweep from her neck down to her chest, gripping your hips when your tongue hits the bud of her nipple, lightly biting it just to test the waters. “my god..shit.” 
a cry cuts through when you slide her further up the bed, taking the unbuttoned pants that you opened back in the elevator off her legs. the drag, that little delay of friction with your movements. jihyo presses her legs together to calm the needy ache that her core needs when her panties are the last thing that comes off, completely naked now for you to ruin her. 
“my baby needs to be cleaned up after a long race, no?” 
“speak up, princess.”
“do your worst.” and the snort that comes up is interchanged with what she says next. “go ahead, put your hands all over me, grab my neck if you want, split me apart like nothing else matters.” 
this was a different way to get things around, but when you part her legs to see those glistening lips, you can’t help but bite your lip at the sight. it’s funny how jihyo shivers just a bit when you slide down the same way you did the other morning while she was on the phone with jeongyeon, but now with no more outside interruptions, you could gladly take your time with her, or not. 
either way, she’s gonna be begging for more at this second. 
“are you sure?” you ask her. “does my pretty driver deserve this reward for putting up with my shit last time?” 
“yes,” jihyo groans out when you stick your tongue out the inside of her leg, moving up. “fuck yes, please. y/n–mmn.” 
you mutter something, or it could’ve been a hushed growl of some sort, no matter. when your tongue slides up her leaking entrance, the sigh of relief for jihyo to be used like this, it all seems paid off in a way. she deserves this, driven beyond horny that not even the others could properly explain. 
jihyo can’t function at all. the way your tongue flattens out entirely, chest open to the air and head sinking back into the satin pillowcases. she’s pressing her hands over your head before you divert them to the mattress, biting harshly on her clit that makes it stretch out away from her body, even if it was about a centimeter or two.
“hnn–no, bab–i need your–”
“shh,” kissing her sweaty abs, hips bucking when you cup her pussy just slightly from the twinge of overstimulation. “i know, don’t worry. i’m gonna treat you right this time, and you’ll be thanking me later.” 
you could hear her whimper when you dive headfirst again. 
fucking her dumb was the point in all of this, ears filled up the brim of her constant babbling of how much you’re taking care of her. she’s exhausted from the race, yes. but with how you prompted her to be splitting her insides apart with your fingers, she could go for more, and she will. 
“fuck–my–bab–god—” jihyo mumbles out, and she’s trembling. she’s on another echelon past cloud nine, and this feeling of being the one to receive rather than give is completely new to her. your eyes perk up to see her head tossing and turning, losing focus slightly when she looks down to see you become cross-eyed, drunk on the scent of sex filling your senses. 
“please-please-please-please-please, you’re gonna make me–ngh!” 
it’s hot, messy, the molten core of it all enough to burn right through you when she cums. jihyo feels a few streams of tears fall from her cheeks, sobbing uncontrollably when you fuck her through her orgasm. her legs close around your head tightly, toes curling inward to the point that they actually look like fists. you eventually pull away, towering over her, milking the sight of her flustered face, heavy breathing, the small shake you see in her shoulders. 
you lick your fingers in front of her, and jihyo just bites her lip in anticipation. “so good, always.” you tell her and she sighs. “i hope you’re ready for more.” 
jihyo nods. 
the way that she’s sprawled, pliable, like a lump of clay in your hands, she’s liquid enough for you to mold and twist in every way that you can. going for another kiss, your hands are quick to find her breasts. you shift slightly to put your knee between jihyo’s cunt, making her yelp lightly against your teeth. 
resting your head on hers, she stops for a quick breath, “i’m getting dizzy…” jihyo mutters, pulling you in for another kiss like her life depended on it. this was the best version of jihyo you ever got out of her. 
you pull away, kneading her breast before skating down to the side of her waist, dipping down for another mark left on her neck. she’ll be able to wash the sweat away, but you kinda feel bad for the concealer box that’s sitting on the vanity. the buttery smooth glide of your fingers against her slit makes the air coming from her lungs stop at the bottom of her throat. 
“need me some more?” 
“y-yes baby.” 
“how bad do you need this?” you ask her again, sucking harshly on the firm collarbone that makes jihyo chuckle turned into another throaty moan. 
“very bad, just please–put it in already.” 
shaking your head, it’s amazing how she can be competent one part of the day to cracking under the fault of your touch. “what my driver needs.” and you slip two fingers in her walls. she’s so fucking slick for it, it’s unreal. 
taking it easy isn’t the right route no more, so you push. pounding, keeping pace while your mouth is working her chest again. jihyo is a mess, it’s getting hectic. her moans are like a siren calling out in the sea late at night, urging you to throw all rationality out the window, to fuck this woman to the brink of oblivion. 
jihyo knows you’re good at what you do, “god, my beautiful sweetheart. all fucked good because you won the race again. this is what happens when you come in first.” 
the angle isn’t optimal, so you raise her leg up. jihyo flips the pillow over her head, putting her face near the headboard of the bed, and you continue to let your hand get caught in the tornado of slick between skin-on-skin. the moans themselves are so loud enough that you might as well open the window for the whole world to hear. 
you’re pulling her apart, jihyo isn’t even crying anymore. she’s gone quiet, eyes rolled back while her singular foot is just dangling up in the air. she’s tense one second, then loose the next. her hand grips the bedsheets on instinct, and she’s slurring her words by the beat of your heart. 
“more,” the girl with her body mangled on the bed by you says, complaining, and that’s your cue to really fuck her brains out. 
“c-c-clo–i-babe-i can’t-”
jihyo just nods, mouth hanging open in pure unraveling. 
“so fucking pretty.” you tell her, dipping for a passionate kiss, your left arm swooping under the arch of her back while the other is preoccupied with the relentless stroke of your hand inside her. you let your face float over hers when the slightest curl of your knuckles sends her over the edge, and she clenches your fingers with her walls. 
the pace slows down, and you slide your fingers out, placing jihyo’s own essence for her to taste. christ, it’s a fucking sight for you, the wave of lust fading away and everything is goes back to normal when you see jihyo’s sleepy smile break through. your body just tumbles over onto her, wrapping your arms around her chest, lightly squeezing from behind, but careful enough to not overdo it. some minutes pass and jihyo turns her head to meet your eyes. 
you’re locked in a small staring contest before she leans for a lazy kiss on the bottom of your chin. it’s calming in each other’s embrace before falling asleep just seconds after. 
post race mornings are always slow, and jihyo wakes up to see you sitting up already ahead of the expected routine. she shuffles over to kiss your shoulder before resting against your body some more, the drowsiness still present in her mind. 
“you look awful.” you tell her, and jihyo just grumbles with a lose hand hitting your leg over the covers. “i take it that you finally got your priorities straight.” 
“only because you had to make me think about you over racing, but i’m sorry.” 
“don’t be, it looked like you enjoyed that race yesterday.” 
silence fills up the room again before jihyo rubs her eyes and stretches before she sighs, and you can feel a question coming up in her brain. “y/n.” 
you hum, turning over to see the cover drop down to her waist, showing the marked chest and line of hickeys all over her neck. smiling, you let your head fall forward to hide the blush coming through your cheeks with the amount of work you did all over jihyo. “what’s up, ji?”
jihyo reaches over the pile of her tossed pants to pick up her phone, scrolling to see the numbers of notifications that she had ignored from the day before, reading all of the previewed messages from everyone that she could see in a blink or two. 
“was it really necessary to get me fucked while i was on the phone with jeong yesterday?” 
you don’t even answer that question. 
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mr2swap · 1 year
The babysitter
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I hate my job normally people who work as babysitters say that, but Charlie is a very special boy maybe too special for his own or my good, How every weekend Charly's parents went out to their "business" meeting Or at least that was his excuse to get rid of his little monster for the whole weekend.
I would have quit my job long ago if I didn't need the money for my university, I have to admit that this job has its advantages: I can work only on Saturday and Sunday and get paid like any other employee.
But here I am again in the body of this annoying and pampered little dwarf, Charly has a strange ability that allows him to exchange the bodies of him and another person, in this case, me throughout the weekend was the only way his parents could control that he did not get into trouble during his “business” trip
The first time Charly exchanged our bodies, I panicked when I found myself in Charly's small and delicate body of a 12-year-old boy, especially because of how huge and imposing my body looked from the height of a small child. -I think the one who has to take a bath is now you, isn't it? "Charly"-He held me with his now bigger and stronger arms and dragged me against my will towards the shower, seemed to have fun playing "big brother"
I tried to resist how I could but in Charly's small body he forces me now it wasn't enough to contain the university man who had me under his power. It was really humiliating to have to put up with him treating me like a little boy or his toy. -Oh, come on! Stop crying “Charly” If you are a good boy I will return your body to you before my parents arrive-
 He quickly undressed me and got me into the hot shower and started playing with me like I was some kind of doll. I was still too shocked to have my body in front of me to even try to escape from this weird situation after the shower. She dried me off and put her little superhero pajamas on me and led me to the dining room - "your" parents stopped eating this, and you won't get up from the table until the whole plate is clean-In front of me was a plate full of rice and vegetables that I had to eat until I was full surprisingly I ate a lot less than I was used to.
 After dinner, he carried me up the stairs and into his room, decorated with various Marvel movie posters. He put me in bed and tuck me in,-rest little baby on your parents will be here soon and don't worry he has been a good boy, so you will get your body back this time-
He locked the door and left me in the dark for some reason I was very tired, and it was still 10 p.m., I assumed it was because of the body I was in now while trying to sleep I heard the sound of the television on the floor of downstairs who knows what the hell he was doing with my body, I didn't even know at the exact moment I fell asleep the camera was so comfortable I was so tired I couldn't resist.
Hours later I opened my eyes I was no longer in the boy's body or his room now I was in the living room with him with his parents looking at me with a small innocent smile, They sat with me and explained the whole situation with Charly and his little "gift" Before I could react to all the explanation and say anything I was offered a big wad of cash, and offered to watch it for the entire next weekend Damn if you don't need the money I'd really like to quit.
This routine continued for several months. I came home, Charly stole my body and I fought to get it back and in the end, I got tired Little by little Charly got used to being an adult he started going out in my body with my friends and pretending to be the only advantage I have in Charly's body It's, so I can concentrate on my studies and doing my homework at the university Although it's a bit difficult to get used to using the computer with such short fingers.
This weekend as soon as his parents left Charlie we swapped our bodies he took my car keys and gave me a little kiss on the cheek - I'm sorry shorty I have plans all weekend, so you know what that means mommy I leave food in the fridge and I don't want to see you awake when I get back - hours passed And I had no choice but to bathe, dress and feed Little Charlie's body as if it were my own.
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- Oh damn! Charly managed to get into my Instagram again where is he?, I hope he's not drinking again In my body last time I woke up with a huge hangover in some roadside hotel with a naked man next to me, I guess I'll have to charge extra, therefore-
You can read my more than 200 stories on my patreon and at the same time support me to keep writing more stories.
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part 1 hehe
It was a mistake trying to give Neiman your phone to control the music in your car. You thought it might make him feel a bit better, but he just waved your hand away, eyes glazing over. Your assumption that he had cried himself dry on the curb outside the music hall was clearly false, sitting shotgun in your car he contained a bottomless pit of anguish. With anyone else you would have said they were being dramatic. If this was Neiman a few months ago you definitely would have said it. A tiny part of your mind, the one that wasn’t being used at this moment, was still saying he was being over dramatic.
Drums, for Christ’s sake. That’s what this was about. You filed that away for another time. Maybe you could get a small laugh out of Andrew with it, at the very least you would get a solid chuckle from yourself.
“Should I call someone?” He flinched at that idea. “Shit, should I take you to the hospital?”
“I really don’t want to go to the hospital.”
“Not what I asked.” You went to grab your phone to plug “hospital” into google maps, but you made the mistake of glancing at Andrew’s patented kicked-puppy eyes. “Fine. But if I notice signs of a concussion, I don’t want to hear any arguments.” You kept your eyes forward, but you heard a sniff and a small “mhmm” from the seat next to you. “Let’s go get pancakes or something. I’m starving.”
The car was, surprisingly enough, not silent as you drove to the nearest IHOP, albeit it contained mostly you talking about random bullshit to fill the air. The last movie you saw in theaters, your friend who recently dyed their hair bright red, how much you hated shoe shopping in middle school, anything that ran through your head was enough. Andrew was notably not crying, which you considered a win, and was gingerly wiping his forehead with some baby wipes you kept in your glove compartment, using his phone camera as a mirror. When you pulled into the parking lot he turned towards you, turning on your half broken overhead light.
“Am I okay?”
“That’s really not for me to say, Neiman.”
“No, like, do I look okay? Did I get all of it?”
You let your eyes sweep over his hairline, noticing the small cut next to his left eyebrow, and the other one next to his ear. You tentatively reached over and pushed his hair from his forehead (so you could get a better look, of course), looking at the growing bruise forming right above his temple. He really didn’t look okay.
“You look fine. Let’s go.”
Depositing him in the booth seat was easy enough. You halfheartedly skimmed through the menu, pretending that you weren’t just going to order the strawberry banana pancakes for the nth time. Andrew was staring down at his menu, unopened, so you reached over and flipped it to the next page. He shot you a glare that didn’t quite reach the rest of his face, but it did enough to remind you that you were supposed to be rivals, and rivals definitely did not get pancakes together after jazz competitions. You were in too deep now. You took a napkin and wiped up some blood that was leaking from his eyebrow.
“I really think I should’ve taken you to a hospital.”
Andrew looked up from his menu, locking eyes with you. He reached up slowly, brushing your hand with his bandaged hand, before quickly dropping it back onto the table, flushing slightly under the fluorescent lights. You pulled your hand back.
“It’s okay.”
“This is so weird, I don’t know why I’m acting like this.”
“I just blew snot bubbles in your car, I’m not much better.”
You let out a genuine laugh, and he actually smiled, which only made you smile more.
“Maybe we’re both concussed.”
“I feel like that would explain a lot.”
You reached up and put a hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t let out a snort in front of the late night IHOP regulars. To be honest it wasn’t even all that funny, but the feeling of whatever wall you and Andrew had built between yourselves slowly coming down was making you feel slightly giddy.
“I think I’m just gonna get a milkshake.”
“What?!” You half jokingly slammed your fist down on the table. “We are in the international house of pancakes and your just gonna get a milkshake?”
Looking like a somewhat jovial deer in headlights, Andrew shrugged. “It’s food but I don’t have to eat it.”
“Now you’ve truly lost your mind.”
“I think I’ll vomit if I eat a full pancake.”
“Nausea is a sign of a concussion.” You heaved out a laugh. “I really should have taken you to the hospital.” Now he started laughing with you. “God, I’m so awful.”
“I’m worse.” You noticed how his eyes crinkled when he smiled. “I’m ten times worse. You saw what happened tonight?”
“I did.”
“My family fucking hates me. I broke up with my girlfriend because of drumming.”
“I don’t care.” You’ve never felt this dizzy in your life.
“You don’t?”
Andrew’s face looked as if it was gonna split in two with how wide he was smiling. Your cheeks hurt. You took out your wallet and left a couple crumpled up $5 bills on the counter despite having never ordered anything, and stood up to grip Andrew by the arm and lift him from his seat.
“Let’s get you to a hospital.”
psst a lil something for the girlies and the other jazz sluts
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marcothephoenixhusband · 10 months
DJ Cam Girl
Marco X F!Reader
AU Modern Day
🔞18+ NSFW Like One Scene
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Inspired by Suckerpunch the movie but with a twist~♡
I never said I was good at writing...
This is the short story from my poll.
Characters: Marco, Ace, Law, Baby Five, Doflamingo
Neighbors and Best Friend, to Girlfriend, to Proposal
You started being a online DJ Cam four years ago going on five years when you moved into your apartment. Little did you know who was watching you. You try to hide the fact that your a DJ Cam girl but eventually Marco figures it out and someone else too. You also work at a high class club as a cage dancer with Baby Five run by Doflamingo named Blue.
Setting up your turntables you get ready for a mix set after dancing in a cage at your work in a highclass club/bar called Blue. To be clear your just a dancer. There is a dress code but you pick what you wear everyday. Your in your big room and turn on your camera then set up Tweet a streaming service.
"Hello everyone its so nice to see you all again! Hi my OGs Kiwi, Robot, Slick, Blue Phoenix! And hello to my new subscribers!~ Im gonna start with S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) by iiblxssom_angelx" as you mix songs skillfully together you mix into Slayyyter - Stupid Boy (ft. Ashnikko, Ayesha Erotica, Big Freedia) [mashup] by dogbby07 while dancing erotically for the camera. After the session you say
"I hope you all liked this mix session thanks for watching I hope you all have a good night or day wherever you may be thank you for the donations and subs~♡" you end the stream then big sigh and go change into a t shirt and shorts then put away your turntables taking off your wig and putting it away. Then you hear a knock at your door so you go to your hallway, unlock and open your door to see your neighbor, apartment two and your apartment three, Marco Phoenix who is hot and a doctor. You crack the door and say
"Hey Marco whatsup?" He looks at your attire your dressed in shorts and a tshirt no shoes.
"Have you seen the news (n)? Yoi" he asks politely and you shake your head no
"No I havent I dont even have a tv remember? Why? Whatsup man?" You ask as you walk into the hall to talk.
"Well apparently theres a serial killer on the loose. I figured id let you know since you know your a woman living alone Yoi."
He replys.
"Oh shittt ugh who this serial killer after?" Asking you cock your head to the side as you cross your arms.
"Well their calling him the Cam Girl Killer right now. Just thought I should let you know since I know you live alone Yoi"
"Well dam thanks Marco ill have to buy a taser or something. Why is it that serial killers only go after women? Fuckin weird right?" You say as he shrugs
"Well most likely because women are easier targets but if anything does happen just yell my name and ill come out. Yoi" he says and you retort.
"I hope it doesnt come to that Marco.. thanks for letting me know since I work nine pm - five am everyday. They say having a regular schedule is bad. That serial killers like that to stalk their prey. But I dont have any control over that my boss Doflamingo is super strict." He raises an eyebrow as he says
"Well just be extra wary okay. Id hate for anything to happen to you. Do you want to hang out tonight or no? Yoi" he asks as you say
"Hmm sure just give me a minute to wipe my makeup off and ill be over in a few." You see him smile and nod
"Okay see you in a few (n)" as you both enter your apartments and you go clean your face. Thats Marco for you always caring and sweet. Your best friend but you never invite him over because Cam girls have a stigma against them. Of course you have a big fat crush on him too. Youve known him ever since you moved into your apartment. Going on five years now. After you wipe your makeup off and you grab your lanyard with your keys on it exit your apartment and lock up. Then knock on Marcos door as he opens it revealing a happy smiling Marco. He looks at you as he lets you walk in placing your shoes on his shoe rack.
"So what you thinking for tonight?" You ask him as he goes to his wine rack grabbing two glasses pouring some wine into each glass then going over to you handing you a glass. You sitting on his couch.
"How about some uno? Yoi" he says as you take it and take a sip.
"Thanks Marco and are you sure about that? You know im competitive haha" you laugh as he smiles and says
"Its no worries haha you know I dont mind Yoi" he retorts as you say
"Okay well we need some music then not tv this time"
"Okay okay there is this one woman I follow on Tweet she does cam DJing here ill put her on.
"Ouu you have taste in music? I never knew I cant wait" you say teasing and giggling then he turns on the DJ and you hear your set, eyes widening slightly as you realize he listens to you. You had tried to hide it.
'Does he know its me? No way I wear wigs and wear different clothes for my sets and work. Does he know where I work? Probably not hes not the type to go to clubs right?'
"Okay are you ready to get mad (n)? (N)? Hellooo? Yoi"
"Oh yea sorry spaced out haha" you laugh and say
"Im totally taking you down and shes hella tight I love this music!"
"Ya I love this music now. I discovered her a couple years ago her name is SlayStar on Tweet stream. I used to not like this kinda music but it grew on me. Yoi" he says as you take a big gulp of wine.
'Okay so it seems he doesnt know in fact no one should know besides my gurl friend Rizza who lives in another state. Thank fuck the walls are super insulated in these apartments. I mean we all pay a high price to live here' you think as he starts shuffling the deck and you move with the beat.
"I fuckin love this song!" Marco chuckles and says
"My favorite parts coming up. Okay lets start cutie Yoi"
'Hmm cutie? Does he like me too? Maybe hes just a flirt?' You think as you both play uno until he wins which was two hours later.
"Fuckk mann you win okay I guess I admit defeat tonight" you giggle as you feel a bit tipsy.
"I should go its getting late and I have work tonight" he nods and says
"Yea you should drink some water dont want a hangover tonight at work do you? And you shouldnt drink so much before work. Yoi" you point at him laughing.
"Your funny Marco you gave it to me. Silly im only a little tipsy" you say and stand swaying a bit as you head to the door as he crosses his arms and gives you a look.
"Uh huh you sure about that? Yoi" he says as you say
"Okay Mr. Phoenix I promise to drownd myself in water when I get in my apartment. Better?" You get on your shoes as he opens and holds the door open for you, him watching you go to your apartment unlock it then say loudly
"Ill get you next time Marco!"
"Ya ya suree now drink some water (n). Yoi" he says as you give him a thumbs up and go into your apartment locking the door. You get dressed and do your makeup then put on your trench coat so noone thinks your a hooker. After your completely ready you call an Uber and wait inside the locked lobby door for your ride. Once you get to work you clock in as Doflamingo or Dofo for short comes into the dressing room.
"Allright everyone do touch ups then go shake your asses out there!" He says loudly then heads out to the front of house greeting big spenders. It was a busy night and the night DJ was pumping up the jams. You look at Baby Five who looks peppy tonight.
"Hey Baby Five why are you so peppy?"
"Well I got together with this new guy and he totally needs me!" She sqeals in happiness.
"Well as long as your happy" you say finally ready and go out to be let into your cage. Your wearing pvc bralette with straps snaking around your curves, booty shorts and thigh high boots.
~Weeks Later One Night At Work~
"Erotica just quit so I need you to change your shift (N). Nine am to five pm since your my most experienced dancer. I need you for the day time audience start working on singing. Ironically weve been lacking lately anyways due to her anyways so I need you to bring the crowd back" Mr. Doflamingo says and you nod.
"So when do I start?" You question.
"Tomorrow we need a pick up in traffic pronto." He says as you nod. You call an uber home as your shift ended. Once home you pass out.
~Once Your Alarm Rings~
You hear it but dont want to get up. A couple minutes pass and you decide youd like to keep your job and apartment. Getting ready you drink and eat breakfast then shower dry off and get dressed. Doing your makeup you put on your trench coat and grab your phone and keys and purse. Walking out of your apartment you hear and see Marco locking up his apartment.
"Morning Marco!" You say as he turns around seemingly surprised.
"Hey (n) why are you up so early? Yoi"
"Doflamingo my boss switched my schedule for a day shift since a girl quit *yawns* im so tired. Now my schedule is nine am to five pm now" You reply and he nods
"Well look at that, now I dont have to worry as much. Guess ill see you at five pm Yoi" he chuckles and smiles in his casual attire his muscles defined almost popping out through his shirt.
"Okay sounds good~"
'Hes not going to work today I wonder where hes going? Ahh he fills out that shirt perfectly' You think looking at his backside. You both walk to the lobby as you had called an Uber in your apartment. Walking out you part ways with Marco and you go to work. In the changing room in the back of house you do touch ups then go to the cage.
~Nearing The End Of Your Shift~
You hear more customers come in as your party at your table left and the table had just been cleaned. It didnt mean you could just stand there though your job was to dance. You see three men slide into your booth as your in the cage then recognize one of them, but the dancers arnt allowed to talk to customers unless they order the sing a long package. There was huge led screen tvs for the dancers to see the song lyrics to sing a long and dance too. He looks at you shocked
"(N)? Yoi" Marco and you make eye contact as you continue to dance you both blush red as he becomes fidgety.
"I can explain, later though! Yoi" He waves his hands in front of himself as he sinks into the booth which didnt do much since he is six foot eight. The other two men raise their eyebrows
"So this is the famous (n) we hear about all the time? Shes pretty I can see why you like her Marco" The man in the middle asks Marco as Marco blushes
'He talks about me to others?? Intresting. Like me? Like how though? As friends or like like?' You think as you dance.
"I never knew she worked here before now. Yoi" you hear Marco say which stings your chest.
"Well im ordering the sing along since it is MY birthday"
'Great ill have to suck up my pride and grit this. I still have two more hours on the clock. Im so embarrassed that Marco is seeing me like this' your dressed in velvet booty shorts, a velvet bralette with extra straps thigh high pvc boots and jewelry with your (C) (L) hair up.
"Whyd you have to drag us to a place like this Ace? Ya" the guy on Aces left from your view said. Another painful sting to your chest.
"Ah come on Law dont be a buzzkill lets drink! And I like Blue its not a strip club but more high class especially for you refined gentlemen haha" Ace says to the man on his left a presses the sing a long button on the table. Suddenly you hear your boss Dofo come up to you and give you a headset while talking to the three men.
"Hello Ace nice to see you again. Nice to see you brought friends too. Now this one here came from the night shift she doesnt sing much but let me know if there are any problems." Dofo says as Ace responds.
"Hey Dofo wheres Erotica? She is so good. I came cause todays my birthday I wanted to see her but (n) is okay too"
'Im just okay too?! Ill show this cocky brat I bet hes younger than me anyways' you think angrily as you have a smile on your face because youd loose your job otherwise.
"Unfortunately Erotica left the club but (n) is one of our most experienced dancers so your in good hands. Ill get your regular bottle tab going" Dofo says while taking Aces, Laws, and Marcos credit cards.
"Hello all you sexy men please push which song youd like to hear and ill sing it for you" you say. What no one knew was that you DID sing just not at work until now. Ace tried at every attempt to flirt with you and you noticed Marco looked slightly upset.
Ace chose a song which was
Britney Spears - Gimme More (bass boosted) As you skillfully sing and dance erotically they all take shots and drink what you assumed was votka. Marco ordered the most drinks then it was Law then Ace. After awhile of only Ace picking songs he says
"Come on you two pick some songs im paying for the sing a long anyways!" Ace says obviously tipsy as the other two seem to hold their liquor. Law picks timbaland - give it to me ft. Nelly furtado, justin timberlake (sped up) then the other two men are peer pressuring Marco into picking a song. He picks S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) to which you kinda couldnt help but meet his eyes during the song. Which was also part of your job but you also couldnt help your blush throughout the entire song.
"Awe look shes blushing! I think she likes you Marco!" Ace notices as he talks with the two men.
"Ace quit embarrassing me. You should respect places you go to. Yoi" Marco says
"Even I know you dont shit where you eat. She is very skillful ill admit. Ya" Law says as hes eyeing you. Now all attention was on you as they passed the control pad around picking songs. Eventually your off the clock but you knew you couldnt stop dancing and singing as long as there was a party at your table and until Dofo came to unlock your cage. Marco looked at his rolex watch then says to the two men.
"I think its time to go its five pm weve been here for two hours. Yoi"
'Thank god I told Marco my schedule this morning but now things are probably gonna be weird between us or actually maybe not???' you think as the men reluctantly agreed with Marco. Dofo finally came around opening your cage when Ace asked for the tab. You overhear Ace say
"Hey Dofo you need to keep (N) on this shift ill definitely come back!" You enter the dressing room and wrap yourself up in your (c) trench coat, grab your purse, put on your sunglasses then walk outside. You were about to call an Uber when you hear
"(N)! Heyy you were great! Dont worry I told Dofo you were great too! Its nice to finally meet you!" Ace yells as he holds his hand out to shake yours. As you shake his hand you say
"Its nice to meet you too Ace and Law what do you mean finally?" you say shaking Laws hand now.
"Well Marco here talks about you all the time!" Ace says gently punching him in the arm while smiling as Marco blushes slightly.
"Ahh okay so how do you both know Marco?" You question as Marco says
"Ace is a nurse practitioner and Law is a surgeon at my hospital. Today is Aces twenty third birthday so he drug us out here. I didnt know he was a regular at Blue. Yoi" you nod
"You dont own the hospital Marco even if you are the number one doctor there" Ace says
"Ahh I see... well I should really get home and change"
"I should be getting home too. Ill call us an Uber Yoi" Marco says as you were about to stop him but let him call.
'He talks about me all the time??' You think.
"I better go home too Ya" Law says as he walks off in the opposite direction of your apartment down the sidewalk.
"Okay itll be a couple minutes theres a Uber coming for us. Happy Birthday Ace but were going home, take an Uber home okay? Yoi" Marco says as Ace nods and says
"Ya ya I know im tipsy dont worry I wont drive home! Dont be too naughty you kids" Ace says, and winks as he pulls out his phone calling an uber as your uber arrives you both say goodbye to Ace and get in. The ride home was uneventful you both blushed to embarrassed to say anything. Once in the lobby you both say at the same time
"I didnt know-"
"Sorry about them- Yoi"
"You go first" you both say the same thing.
"Please go first Yoi" Marco says as you say
"I didnt know Ace was a regular either. Ive always been on the night shift when the club is packed so theres no need for the dancers to sing since we have a night DJ." Marco nods and replys
"Sorry about them today I didnt know you worked there. Not that theres anything wrong with working there. What I mean is I hope this doesnt get inbetween us. Yoi" Marco says nervously as you say
"Dont worry Marco its just a job someone has to do it plus it pays really well your fine handsome" he nods and blushes at your comment and then let a silence grow inbetween you two before saying
"Haha I dont suppose you want to hang out after this? Yoi" Marco chuckles nervously as you raise an eyebrow.
"Sure sounds good just dont tell anyone where I work" you say sternly and Marco says
"I wont but Ace is another story. Yoi" you facepalm.
"Okay well let me go change and wipe off this makeup then ill be over Marco" you say and he nods
"Okay see you soon. Yoi" you both unlock and walk into your apartments, and you get ready. Once ready you grab your keys, lock your apartment and knock on Marcos door. You wearing a tshirt and shorts like usual. The door opens and you walk in under his arm since he is six foot eight leaving a whole head off of you. Going to his couch and ploping down you ask
"Sooo whatcha wanna do?" He pours two glasses of wine as usual and hands you a glass. Taking a gulp you ask
"Shouldnt you I dont know drink some water? Arnt you tipsy at all?" He glances at you and answers
"I drink socially besides it wasnt alot for me at the club. Ill be fine no need to worry. I dont really get tipsy im a heavy weight. Yoi" he smiles at you as you take another gulp of wine and you nod.
"I figured we could finish that uno game from last night. Yoi" he says and turns on the TV. Its showing the news as something cetches your eyes on screen.
"Wait turn it up Marco." Which he obeys and turns the volume up
"The Cam Girl Killer strikes again on Rose St. in.....last night...." the TV reporter says.
"Rose St. Is right down the road Marco" you state as he sips his wine and turns the channel to MTV Music.
"Im sure youll be fine as long as you keep your daytime schedule. Yoi" he tries to calm you. You take another big gulp of wine. He shuffles the deck and places the cards out on his glass table in front of his couch.
"Marco im a-" you stop yourself as you realize
'No I cant tell him not after today! Bad (N)' you think and he raises an eyebrow.
"No nevermind lets play your going down this time!" After you lost again your on your third glass of wine and Marco cuts you off.
"Alright thats enough wine for you cutie. Yoi" he winks at you and puts the bottle away then sits back on the couch a bit closer to you this time. Hes close enough for you to lean on so you do in your inebriated state, as you both blush he picks up his arm and wraps it around your shoulder, you leaning on his chest now.
"This feels nice~" you whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
"I agree. Yoi" he chuckles slightly as you listen to his heart rate raise. As you finish your third glass of wine your tipsy now and look up to Marco who looks down at you, making you both blush. Completely forgetting the TV was on.
"(N) I...I..... well.. let me just show you.. Yoi" he says as he suddenly tilts your chin upward with his fingers gently and leans down meeting your lips. Reciprocating you kiss back then use your tounge as he uses his flicking yours. He seems shocked you have a tounge bar. Eventually breaking for air he says
"(N) How was it cutie? Yoi" feeling bold with liquid courage you ask
"It felt awesome Marco can I have more? Hehe" Your a blushing mess and he knows this because its so obvious.
"Sure. Yoi" he slides you onto his lap so its easier to kiss him, you feeling his bulge making you blush hard but hes also blushing. You raise your hands to his cheeks, stuble, lean up as he leans down lips meeting in the middle. First it was a kiss then it turned into making out which became more rough. Soon you both were moaning in eachothers mouths as your hands went through his hair. Finally breaking for air you were both panting slightly as you felt his cock twitch in his pants under you.
"Listen (N) I have to admit I really like you. But I dont want to mess things up between us. Yoi" he says while you brush through his hair making him shiver slightly. Your blush deepens and he noticed as you reply
"I really like you too Marco, actually I like you alot okay" you admit as he seems shocked.
"Are you ... alright to make these decisions? You are definitely tipsy. Yoi" he says sounding concerned.
"I may be tipsy but ive liked you for years now Mr. Phoenix. Im glad you made a move." You say poking his nose as he chuckles.
"Really now well ive liked you for years now too. Yoi" he says then pecks your lips again noses close together. He seems hesitant about something but says
"(N) weve known eachother for years, since I like you, and you like me .... would you please be my girlfriend? Yoi" he looks you in the eyes.
"Hehe your so cute when your nervous. Of course id love to be your girlfriend Marco" saying then kissing him making out as he nips at your tounge making his cock harder. You could feel how wet your pussy was becoming with every slight movement. You both moaning as you unbutton a couple buttons on his shirt. He starts to get the drift as he breaks for air and asks
"Are you sure about this? You dont know who your messing with. Your tipsy as well. Yoi" he teases and chuckles.
"Oh im sure Marco and Im okay dont worry." you lick his neck and nip at it making him moan off gaurd. As you unbutton the rest of his shirt to reveal his abs and manly chest making you blush hard making him notice.
"See something you like? Yoi" he chuckles as he has a small blush on his face as he gently rims the bottom of your shirt seemingly unsure. MTV starts playing Ayesha erotica - Luxurious (Remix) by clouds.s0ftt You grab his hands and lead him to pull your shirt off revealing your bra.
"Marco do you know how hot you are or are you clueless?" Taken aback he says
"I work out if thats what you mean. Yoi"
"Being modest is so hot too you know" you kiss him making out, moaning as he grabs you bridal style stands and goes to his room laying you on the bed him unbuttoning his pants dropping them as you take off your shorts flinging them on the floor. Then him going to you he takes off your bra with one hand as the other slides off your panties you moaning.
"Oh wow nipple piercings too your always full of surprises (n) Yoi"
"Ouu Marco~ and yes nipple piercings" you slide off his boxers and jump off the bed kneeling down, he watchs you
"What are you- Yoi!" You take in his ten inch cock in your mouth and he moans out
"Ahh (n)! Yoi" swirling around his mushroom head you lick under his crevasse making him grip the bed.
"Fuckkk!!! Your so good at that!! Yoi" he moans out as you rib the bottom of his cock with your tounge bar making him moan your name
"(N)!! Yess!! Yoi" him gripping the sheets as you go deeper and deeper going in and out sucking while moaning on his cock making vibrations which made his cock twitch. After some time of deep throating him, him moaning your name he says
"God (N) your- your gonna make me cum!!" He yells as you mumble something but dont stop as your in the zone going in and out as fast as you can while sucking and slurping his cock. His cock stiffens and you could tell he was going to cum but he was trying to hold back.
"(N) you dont have to- Yoi" a couple more thrusts and
"Fuck your making me cum!!! Yoi" finally he releases his hot load down your throat as you swallow and slurp up your saliva thrusting through his high then gradually slowing to a stop. Suddenly your being picked up and thrown on the bed detaching your mouth from his dick with a *pop* sound.
"Your in for it now cutie. Yoi" he spreads your legs with his elbows and goes down on you
"Marco what are yo-!!! Ohh!!!" He licks your folds as he slurps up you wetness making you moan out
"Ahh yess Marco!!! That feels so good!!" He rubs your button with one hand as he sticks his tounge into your entrance making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk!! Handsome!!" He slurps and presses your ridges with his tounge getting you very close.
"Fuckk Marco your gonna- gonna make me cum!!" Him rubbing, sucking and moaning into your throbbing cunt sends you over the edge.
"Ahh!! Ma-arco im- im cumming!!" You feel your juices leaking out as he sucks them up through your high. Once finished he comes up wiping his face and crawls ontop of you both of you panting hard as no words are needed to know what eachother wants from the other. He adjusts his precuming cock at your entrance and slides in his tip making you gasp. Kissing you, making out he starts to thrust, inch by inch slowly going deeper with every thrust stretching you out as you both moan into eachothers mouths. Once he hits your back wall you moan loudly as you both break for air huffing. He starts thrusting deeper and harder trying to find your g spot. He finds it quickly, surprising you making you moan loud
"Fuckk!! Yes Marco!! Right there!!" He smiles at your lewd face and continues pumping
"Youve been such a good girl so ill reward you!! Yoi" you snake your arms around his neck running your hand through his hair as you continuously moan out his name.
"Yess!! Marco!!! After about ten minutes
"Aghh!! Marco im gonna cum!!"
"Cum baby girl cum on my cock!! Yoi" he moans out panting as he picks up speed and going harder. A couple more thrusts and
"Fuckk im cumming Marco!!!" Tears form in your eyes as your nails dig into his shoulders as he continues thrusting through your sex high.
"Marco feels so good!!"
"Its all for you (N)!! Im getting close cutie where should I cum? Yoi" a couple more thrusts and your seeing spots
"Um cum in me Marco!!"
"I dont want to get your pregnant! Yoi"
"Im on birth control!"
"Oh! Allright sexy!! Yoi" he moans as he speeds up from him being slowed down to talk which edged him on. Thrusting harder and faster again into your g spot another hour passes you cuming once more in that time before you feel his cock stiffen
"(N)! Im gonna cum are you- Yoi" you cut him off panting loudly, lewd face
"Im close handsome!!" As he continued thrusting you felt your core build and build until
"Fuckk I couldnt hold it! Im cumming Marco!!" You feel your walls constrict around Marcos cock tightly as he moans out
"Aghh!! Take my hot cum in you (n)!!" Sweat dripping from him onto you as you feel his cum squirting into you as you both moan eachothers names.
"(N)!! Yess! Yoi" he moans him pounding through your sex highs as he slowly slows down then eventually stops. Resting his head inbetween your breasts panting you both take time to breath again. Once both of your breathing normalizes he asks
"How was that my precious girlfriend?" Looking you in your eyes as you brush a hand through his hair. The other caresses his cheek as you reply
"Best ive ever had to be honest Marco" he smiles as he clutches you tight making his cock go deep inside you causing you to moan as your legs are twitching wrapped around his torso. You hang onto him as he holds you getting off the bed and headed to his bathroom he turns on the water waiting for it to warm up he rubs your back as you kiss his neck.
"Thank you my handsome boyfriend"
"Of course. Yoi" he says as he kisses your forehead and steps into the shower supporting you.
"Okay I have to pull out now (n)" whining you just nod releasing your grip. He holds your thighs as you slide out and down until hes all the way out and you reach the floor shaking. He holds you close to him as the water cascades down you both, you closing your eyes hugging him.
"Im glad you made a move hehe" you giggle and he smiles.
"Me too. Yoi" he says in a huff. Soon you regain some control of your legs as he soaped you both up then you both rinse off. He turns off the shower and grabs two towels one for you and one for him. As you dry off your (L) hair he seems to already be dried off. You watch him grab both your clothes and hands you yours as you hand him your towel you get dressed in your panties, bra, shorts, and t shirt.
"Whew how long was that?" You ask as your legs shake still, while you wobble to the living room and plop down on the couch.
"About three and a half hours. Yoi" he yells from the bathroom. He comes out dressed in different casual pants but no shirt. You blush
"How are you cutie? Yoi" he asks you. You giggle and say
"Im great its hard to walk but how about you?"
"Im doing great too sexy. Yoi" he comes round the table to sit close to you as you cuddle his side he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
~Three Months Later~
Dofo made your schedule permanent since you were bringing in more customers for the day time shift. Ace was one of those customers who loved coming in on his days off specifically requesting you when he comes in. Youve gained more of a following on Tweet too. You had a green screen up in your studio living room to prevent anyone from knowing where you live. You adjusted your set times to at night after "hanging out" with Marco. The Cam Girl Killer struck two more times over the months. You and Marco have been actually hanging out more frequently now that youve adjusted to your new schedule which happens to be Marcos schedule too. You have a healthy sex life. One day Doflamingo said youd have to take over Baby Fives shift at night the next night. You text Marco that you have to fill in for Baby Five.
(N) <Hey babe I have to cover for Baby Five tonight we wont be able to hang out>
Marco <All right just be careful. Ill stay up tonight>
(N) <No please sleep. Ill get in around five am thats so early>
Marco <Then ill wake up around that time. Im gonna do what im gonna do dont worry about me. I just need you to be safe>
(N) <Allright dear goodnight>
Marco <goodnight cutie be safe>
(N) <I will be handsome>
~After Work Covering For Baby Five~
You call an Uber to go home. As you walk into the lobby the door closes. You walk and open your apartment. You feel someone behind you. Instinctively you turn around and dodge a knife that a masked man dressed in a delivery uniform for UPS thrusted at you.
"Marco!!! Help!!!" Yelling at the top of your lungs you grab your taser and aim at his neck as he thrusts again you not seeing where it landed. You connect with his neck as Marco runs out of his apartment with only pants on and a baseball bat. He sees you against the wall and the perpetrator convulsing standing as you keep the taser on his neck.
"(N)! You can let go now hes done! Yoi" you let go of the button and drop the taser in your bag while Marco calls the police. The man falls to the floor. Then you feel faint as you feel Marco cetch you. You passing out.
~A Day Later In The Afternoon~
Flickering your eyes open you hear a HBM rise in BPMs and a familiar voice saying.
"Marco shes awake!" You try sitting up seeing your in the hospital but you hear.
"Hey lay down. Dont sit up yet let me get the bed for you. Yoi" you see Marco come into your room and you obey him laying back down as he adjusts the electric bed to sit you up while your laying on it.
"What am I doing here Marco?" You question as he calls on his phone
"Hello yes this is Marco Phoenix (N) (L)s awake now yes come now okay bye Yoi *click*"
Cocking your head to the side you feel a dull pain in your side as you realize youve been changed into a hospital gown.
"Marco" you say as he directs his attention to you now.
"(N) do you remember what all happened? You were stabbed by the Cam Girl Killer. Law said it was a miracle the knife didnt cut through your organs. Hes the one who did your surgery. Yoi" he says as it all comes rushing back.
"I was coming home from having to cover for Baby Five and the delivery guy thrusted a knife at me so I tased him then you came out and it all goes black from there on." You explain to Marco as he nods.
"I just called the police they wanted to talk with you since they caught the Cam Girl Killer because of you. And I called for an ambulance yesterday for you by the way. Yoi" Marco says.
~Once The Police Arrive~
"Hello miss (N) (L) could you tell us what happened?" The police and a detective asks as you explain your SlayStar on Tweet a Cam DJ, Marco doesnt seem fazed. Then explain the events as they unfolded. Marco is released to go see other patients as you finish with the police. Eventually Marco makes his way back to you.
"Hey Marco when can I go home?" He looks at you then says
"Ill get you discharged soon okay. Dont go anywhere cutie Yoi" he says then dissapears out the door.
'Haha dont go anywhere? Like I can barely move anyways haha'
You blush red as Ace comes in with a bag of your things and paperwork for you to sign.
"Woah why are you blushing? Or are you just happy to see me? Haha So tell me (N).... is it true your SlayStar?!" He blurts out as your face says it all.
"Oh shut it Ace!"
"Haha you are thats awesome! I know a famous person now!" Ace blurts out as Marco comes back in and says
"Ace stop harassing her and keep it quiet she probably doesnt want anyone else to know Yoi" Marco says as he undoes all your cords.
He addresses you
"(N) you all set you can get changed now. I hope you dont mind but I brought you some clothes from your apartment so you dont have to wear your work clothes. I put your key back on your lanyard. Yoi" Ace snickers as Marco explains.
"Thank you handsome" you say greatfuly.
"Ouu wait are you two like a thing now?" Ace asks as you and Marco blush looking at Ace.
"Oh man you are thats awesome! Congrats guys!" Ace exclaims.
"Anyways (N) I told Doflamingo about your situation so dont worry about it he says your job is secure just to get better quick dammit that hes taking this out of your sick pay." Ace explains.
"Thanks Ace it means a lot."
"Come on Ace let her change. (N) be careful of your wound. Ill help you change the bandages when they need changing. Ill see you tonight we have things to talk about" Marco says as you nod and gulp.
'Did I just ruin our relationship by omitting the truth that im SlayStar?' You think as Marco and Ace leave closing the door. You slide your legs out, sit up carefully and stand with some effort. Getting the hospital gown off you see gauze and tape on your abdomen with some blood spots in the gauze.
"Shit" you say and get dressed in black denim shorts and a t shirt.
'Wait Marco must have found out im SlayStar first when he went into my apartment fuck Im gonna have to apologize to him' you think as you put on your black sneakers which you wore to your work when you covered for Baby Five.
'Thank god I didnt wear my thigh high boots that night' thinking as you get your phone and lanyard out wrapping it around your neck.
'At least I have battery left in my phone to call an Uber. What?! Its three pm in the afternoon well at least Marco will get off soon. Who checked me in here? Probably Marco I mean he is my boyfriend.' You grab your bag which had your purse and work clothes in it and head out of the room. Walking outside you call an Uber home. Once home you eat and drink some water then lay in bed for a couple hours until you hear a knock at your door. Slowly getting up you unlock the door and open the door wide revealing
"Hello beautiful. Yoi" Marco says poking your nose as you giggle and open your door wide swinging your arm out gesturing for him to come in.
"Whats this? Am I finally being invited into your apartment? Yoi" he chuckles and pets your head as he walks in taking off his shoes putting them next to yours. You close and lock your door as you go to your bedroom feeling Marco following you. You lay down as Marco lays next to you. Looking into each others eyes he says
"So when were you gonna tell me? Yoi" you blush and think before speaking
"I didnt want to lie to you... you know the stigma against cam girls... I was gonna tell you eventually..... im so sorry Marco. I understand if you want to breaku-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. After a soild couple minutes of kissing you both break off.
"Dont even think that (n) I dont want to breakup thats not what I meant when I said we need to talk. Yoi" he says and cups your cheek.
"Then what did you want to talk about handsome?" You ask as you gently turn over on your side more facing him.
"Well for one youve been hiding half your life from me for over four years... let me inside (n) I want to be apart of your life like your apart of mine. Yoi" he says then removes his hand from your face.
"Okay handsome come with me" you say getting up and headed to the living room, him following you, which you converted into a studio but it still had a couch at least. You go to the kitchen and the fridge getting two Dr. peppers then set them on your desk as you set up your turntables chose and put on a wig. Doing your makeup quickly. And change clothes into a comfy DJ outfit. Marco grabs a Dr. Pepper opens it and sits on the couch watching you. You turn on your computer and start up Tweet.
"Hello everyone im back at it!"
<your in the news>
<ya check channel nine>
<I love your sets>
<I love you>
Blue Phoenix
<Is it true you you were stabbed its all over the news>
Surgeon of Death
Fire Fist
"Here lemme check real quick" you check the Yourtube really quick and see the subtitles saying
[Popular Tweet Star SlayStar was stabbed but survived the Cam Girl Serial Killer.... the killer has been captured...]
"Ya wow I am in the news, and thank you my OG Robot and Blue Phoenix I love you too awe! And yes I was stabbed but it missed my organs. Hi Surgeon of Death and whatsup Fire Fist"
'Surgeon of Death must be Law and Fire Fist must be Ace' you think. You look at Marco who was smiling on his phone then clicked it and set it down.
'So hes Blue Phoenix well makes sense'
"Anyways im gonna start with Lizzo - About Damn Time" you start skillfully mixing that song with Ed Sheeran - Shivers then continue and eventually end with Ed Sheeran - Shape of You.
"Whew how was this set guys? I hope good. Ive been feeling inspired lately" you glance at Marco whose staring at you work sipping his Dr. Pepper.
<Hope you feel better>
<ya hope your allright be careful>
<Use an ice pack on the wound itll bring down the swelling>
Surgeon of Death
<Awesome set!>
Fire Fist
You look at the chat.
"Night Kiwi, thanks Robot, ya right Slick, thanks Surgeon of Death ill do that, thanks Fire Fist okay ima call it a night thanks to all my subs and viewers~♡ I hope you have a good day or night where ever you may be goodnight" *click* you end the stream and open your Dr. Pepper sipping it as you take off your wig and change your clothes. Then you use a makeup wipe to take your makeup off throw it away and break down your turntables.
"You did wonderful (N)~ Yoi" You hear Marco say. You make him some udon which he happily accepted. After he finished you put the bowl and fork in the sink and say
"Come on I wanna cuddle my boyfriend. Do you work tomorrow?" You question as he follows you to bed.
"No I dont im free and I know you dont work tomorrow so we can cuddle all night babe. Yoi"
"Oh but first let me go grab some stuff youll need. Law may have done a great job stitching you up but youll still need to heal. Yoi" he says then heads out of your apartment. After a couple minutes you hear the door and it lock as Marco rounds the corner of the hallway headed to your bed and lays some medical bandages, gauze, and tape out on the bed.
"Here come lay down flat. Yoi" you hear Marco say and you obey as your flat on the bed in front of him now. He changes your bandage as you pick your head up watching him. Then he tapes the gauze in place and goes and throws away the used bandage then comes back.
"Thanks handsome" you chirp as he puts the rest of the bandages on your nightstand along with his glasses and slides into bed cuddling you gently.
~One Year Later~
At the restaurant Shellfish. You and Marco sat at an outdoor table with a firepit next to you. He had told you to dress up, so your wearing a tight short black dress that shows your curves with matching your black furry pump shoes with a pleather black purse with metal strap.
"You look stunning this afternoon (n). Yoi" Marco says dressed in a grey suit and grey pants and white collared shirt as you blush.
"Awe thank you. Your looking very handsome as well" Smiling at eachother he reaches over on top of the table to hold your hand. You see the waitress come up to you both.
"Welcome to Shellfish what can I get started for you?" Looking at her name tag you could see her name was Sara.
"Ill have an Irish Ale. Yoi" Hearing Marco say as it was your turn next.
"Ill have a Malibu Sunrise thanks" you say as Sara nods then heads inside to get the drink order in.
"Starting strong I see Yoi" You look up to meet Marcos eyes from your menu.
"Huh oh yea well It was a tough day at work." He raises an eyebrow at you as you explain.
"Well I got this four person group of rude guys who kept commenting on my look saying what they would do to me outside of work but they got drunk and left so its whatever" You say as he squeezes your hand.
"You know I support you in your job but I have to say I dislike your clientele. Yoi" He says as Sara comes back with your drinks.
"Thank you. Yoi"
"Your welcome you two. Are we ready to order?" Sara asks. Marco orders his food first as he sees you looking at the menu still hands still intertwined.
"Ill have the steak drizzled in pineapple sauce and diced tomatoes and mushrooms."
"Allright sir and for you miss?" Sara asks.
"Ill have the Ahi tuna roll with a side of rice and lemons please and thank you." she nods writing down your orders then goes to put your orders in.
Making small talk as your waiting for your food he seems antsy.
"Are you alright my love?" He looks like hes been caught thinking about something.
"Ya- ya im fine dear just hungry Yoi" he says rubbing his stomach chuckling. You both continue talking about work when you see Sara come back with food and sets it down backwards. You and Marco just smile and wait for her to leave before swapping plates you giggling. After finishing dinner you sip your Malibu Sunrise finishing it off.
"Thanks for dinner you didnt have to honey~" You coo as he replies
"Anything for my love~ Yoi" He says then stands up and stands in front of you.
"Marco what are yo-" he shushes you then gets down on one knee getting out a small black box, opening it to reveal a sapphire heart ring.
"(N) (L) Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Yoi" Making eye contact with you. Mouth agape your shocked but respond
"Awee Marco id love that yes of course sweety!" You both smile as he slides the ring onto your finger.
"Ah perfect fit" You say as he sits back down and others clap for you both. After Sara comes back with the bill Marco puts his card down after writing up the tip. After leaving the restaurant he calls an Uber while holding your hand.
~At Marcos Apartment Celebrating The Engagement~
"Congratulations guys Im happy for you both Ya" Law says as Marco fills the four glasses with wine.
"Thank you Yoi"
"Thanks Law it means a lot" You say smiling wide just like Marco. Marco hands everyone a glass as Ace says
"Ya congrats you both. So whens the wedding?"
"We just got engaged Ace we dont have a date set yet." You giggle as Ace shrugs.
"I dont know you guys coulda been planning this" he says as Marco explains
"Ace she didnt know I was going to propose she was shocked. Yoi"
"Ahh okay well anyways congrats guys" Ace says and sit on the couch with you and Law leaving space for Marco.
"Hey Marco what do you have planned? Ya" You hear Law ask.
"Were going to play some rounds of Uno."
"Yess!! Your all going down!!" You yell as they all chuckle. Law won the first round then Marco won the second your all on the third round. Its been hours and sipping your drinks.
"No fair I have half the deck!" Ace whines and complains as you, Marco and Law snicker and laugh at Ace. You all have a glass of wine, each on your second glass. Your getting too tipsy by the third glass since you had that drink at the restaurant too and Marco notices.
"Uno!!" you yell laughing evilily as you sway and show one card to them all.
"Heyyy!! Shes cheating guys!" Ace yells as you chuckle evilily.
"No your just bad at this game Ace. Ya" Law says which makes you giggle.
"Hey I am not cheating. S'not my fault you suck at Uno" You snicker while sipping your third glass. Ace just glares at you with a blush on his face mouth open.
"Okay okay thats enough you two. Ace its your turn go. Yoi" Marco chimes in.
"Oh yea well take this (N)!" he yells and slaps down a yellow skip card which makes your mouth hang open, making Ace laughs maniacally. As the time ticks by you had to draw more cards but won the game. Now your all watching TV surfing through channels. After awhile of channel surfing
"Aight I think I better get going guys congrats again" you all hear Ace say as he stands grabbing his phone from the table and head to the door. Then Law gets up grabbing his phone too, following Ace.
"I better get going too my girlfriend is waiting on me. Congratulations you both. Ya" Law says as he opens the door and they both say goodnight and leave. You help Marco clean up the glasses as you down the rest of your glass.
"No more drinking for you. Dont want a hang over tomorrow do you? Yoi" He says while washing the glasses as you dry them.
"But its a special occasion Marcooo" whining you put away the glasses in the cupboard. He chuckles then says
"Ya your right I guess ill have to just take care of you tonight. Yoi" Giggling You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind you kiss his shoulder leaning your head on him as he finishes wiping his hands off.
"Hey let me hug you. Yoi" You release him as he turns around hugging you.
"Can I have cuddles tonight?"
"Of course you can beautiful. Yoi" Letting you go he cleans up the cards then heads to the bedroom too which you follow. Unbuttoning your shorts and sliding them off you slide into his bed as he takes off his shirt goes to the kitchen you hear water running then he comes back and hands you a cup of water. Gulping the water down you set the cup on the nightstand with your phone alarm allready set. Marco slides into bed motioning you to cuddle with him. Sliding over to him you wrap your arm around his waist as he slides his arms under your head and around your waist pulling you closer. Inhaling his scent makes you wet but your too tipsy to initiate anything.
"I love you Marco~ Im glad you chose me."
"Of course my dear. I love you too now get some sleep. Hopefully you wont have a hangover tomorrow. Yoi"
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jaestrz · 2 years
secret between us -Jeonghan
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idol!Jeonghan x idol!reader
“Jeonghan-ssi. I saw you keep glancing over y/n’s side; and you look like you’re having a hard time. Are you okay?” Jae jae remarked, with the usual excitement tone she has in her voice. Her action of words moved everyone’s attention to Jeonghan. Mainly you who had a curious thought with the name coming up from someone’s mouth.
Although it wasn’t in the original mc script but Jae Jae really has the habit to be out of it.
His hands that originally placed on his knees was closer to his inner thighs, with his leg carefully changing positions. To others it wasn’t noticeable but your side view gave a clear impression of him acting weird. Jeonghan shift in his seat every few second when Jae jae wasn’t looking.
Maybe Jeonghan was good at anything. The only thing he needed to work on was his professionalism on public.
His heart pumping increases, his mind was trying to focus on the Jae Jae’s talk— this shoot was honestly dreadful for him. MMTG wasn’t boring, he loves being able to be there for the show.
If it weren’t for his self control.
The last shoot felt like hours for him. Trying to caught up with everything Jae Jae was talking, playing Rock Paper Scissors between Jae Jae and Seungcheol. The last thing Jeonghan was able to focus was something about smoking cigarettes.
You’ve never seen a man spacing out this much. When the camera men yelled cut, everyone was getting up from their seats, ready to head home after a long exhausting day. A long exhale escaped your lips, reach out your hand and touched his cheekbone to regain his self conscious back which turned into a flinch.
“Something’s wrong?” The concerned look on your face was trying to read Jeonghan’s. He look around before gently pulling your wrist to somewhere a bit more— private. A unused room and locked the doors behind him. He left your questions unanswered when you keep repeating what’s wrong. He had a shaky breath.
His free hand combs through his brown hair while admiring you. “Y/n…”
You let out a hum as a response to him calling your name. You were driving him insane. He can’t keep this to himself anymore. The warmth in his heart grew each time you were getting more closer to him and wasting time together.
Jeonghan swallowed the lump in his throat. “If I do this, please don’t hate me.” You didn’t get a chance to tell him anything, his hand tilted your head up and the warm feeling on his lips was on yours. It would be lying if he said he wasn’t freaking out, he was panicking inside. He didn’t know what you’re going to do.
Push him away? Telling him you hate him? Ignore him after this?
You almost gave him a scare when you didn’t react at his kiss and wasn’t returning the kiss back. But with a few thoughts inside your head, you slowly gave in. Was it the right thing?
Jeonghan pulled away, both of you were catching back your breaths. He was hoping you would at least try to say something.
“I don’t hate you but—” you stopped. “You do realize we’re both idols. Right?” You breathed, watching as he tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. The cold wall hitting your back.
“I do. I do realize that.” He repeated. His scent lingers in your smell. “Please? 1 week. Give me 1 week to make it up for you. Y/n.” He pleaded. The room was spacious. He pulled you closer to him, closing the empty gap between you two. “You’re stunning today. You’re so freaking stunning to the point where you made me feel like this.” You felt the bulge between your thighs and it instantly made you feel week to think about anything.
Jeonghan connected his lips to yours again before carrying you by your thighs and bringing you to the corner edge of the table. His hands found its way under your oversized cardigan and roamed around, exploring your body. The cold metal ring he wore hit your skin, tensing you up.
Who knows what his hands were doing under your clothes, his touch on your body gave you pleasure to think of anything else. Everything else was stayed on except for your bra that he unhooked, playing with your breast and tracing lines on it. His teasing was now making you lose control. “We don’t have to do it if you’re not ready. Your angel can stop anytime.” He reminded and you let out a soft whine when his warm hands rested on your torso, waiting for your answer coming out from your mouth.
He made you insane.
“Continue, it’s okay.” That short sentence was a chore for you to say during this state.
Jeonghan let out a low chuckle before kissing your forehead. He tugged your pants a little low, hands touching your inner thighs. It went well until he accidentally brushed his finger against your soaked that made you squirm under his touch.
He was— impatient. His cock was getting hard. But Jeonghan holds himself from ruining you right here and went slow. He pulled your underwear to the side before sliding a finger in you, your tight walls were compressed around his finger. There was a thing with Jeonghan. Among’s all the members, he had big fingers. So taking his finger was definitely a challenge for you.
You sucked in a breath focusing on the rhythm he was pacing. The sharp pain turned into pleasure and his pace quickens. “Jeonghan.” He responded to you calling him. “I need you, I’m getting close. Love” You panted. The nickname you called him really turned him on. He stopped fingering you and unzip his pants, spitting on your part before lining himself against your entrance. You were small for him and it would be a lie if you said it didn’t hurt.
He slowly went inside you, kissing you so your sound weren’t too loud. “You need to relax or else I won’t last long baby.” He whispered, cupping your face to calm yourself a little. You accidentally clenched around him and it was driving Jeonghan to the edge.
“You’re so big—”
“I know baby. You can take it.”
It started of as slow then it got to the point where he saw the pleasure look on your face. He was riding you fast until he felt his orgasm getting closer.
You felt his cock twitched in you as you gave him a nod, allowing him to come with you. The warm liquid filling up in you. “Should we continue this in our bedroom? Hold in my cum until we get to our room love.” He told you before pulling himself out and cleaned the side of your thighs that was dripping out.
He helped you up before exiting the room.
It was hell trying to keep it in. You almost gave up.
But as soon as you arrived in your room that shared with Jeonghan’s, he went back to finish what he left just now.
Clothes were scattered on the floor, he was riding you at a rough pace until you felt your second orgasm building up. Your thighs were shaking while you were trying your best to stay quiet. He lift up your waist and start thrusting in you hitting the spot that made you feel more pleasure. Swallowing back a moan. His liquid and yours were mixed, filling in you. The stamina he had didn’t last for a while, Jeonghan and you both were getting tired.
He thrust into you for the last time before falling beside you on the bed.
Both of you were breathing quicker, sucking air. Jeonghan wiped the beads of sweat from your forehead before planting a kiss on your lips. “Are you okay love?” His soft voice made you nod.
“I’ll go prepare a bath for you—” he was about to stand up before your hand was tugging his wrist, encouraging him to stay.
“Can that be later? Please don’t leave first.” You told him, his eyes softened at your response.
“Alright. Anything for you y/n.”
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freypixxa · 4 months
Hello guys
Just had a realization about the identity of ch3 secret boss of Deltarune so now...i must share it
Okay so people have seen the Dreemur house and have made conclusions about the secret boss.
But there Is One room that Is completely ignored.
But it's locked so It means that we won't be able to access It.
When Kris created the fountain in the living room the Windows were opened making the darkness leave the room, now i doubt It could travel much normally, but being during the night there isn't much light so It could cover the whole house, entering throught the Windows in the upper floor.
We can see from ch1 that Doors transform in the great doors
This Doors can be opened so we could Explore the room.
Now, i want you to think, what item could be in the parents room?
Something expensive, but isn't used
Listen you can Guess It from the name of the THEORY.
Of course i'm talking about the videocamera
What videocamera?
The same One they have in undertale
Since they bought It in undertale they would have no reason to not buy it again.
But why the camera?
Well, the secret bosses could be more connected to Kris (like spamton) and a camera full of Memories of the past surely Is connected.
But why would It be discarded?
Well, tell me.
Does asgore or Toriel use the videocamera in undertale?
No, they don't.
Now, in Deltarune there hasn't been a death but still, using and object connected to the past like that isn't Ideal.
Since Toriel hates Asgore She would not want to see the Memories, She threw It away in her room.
Locked It
Abandoned It.
How Is a camera connected to Freedom?
Well, the camera is fully controlled.
The lightner can control what It sees, what It remembers.
(yes , i mean recording and deleting files)
The camera like i already mentioned has connection with Toriel as well, so It could be the one to give her items for the weird route.
A videocamera fits perfectly in a TV world, so It would be fully compatible.
But if it's so compatible, shouldn't It be part of the crew spamton mentions?
Good question
There Is a solution, the lens of the camera Is broken.
It could have happened on accident.
This would have made It even more discarded.
The only reason It isn't thrown away it's because there are videos and Toriel doesn't know how to transfer them.
(yes, i think Toriel doesn't know how to use technology)
This Is my THEORY for the ch3 secret boss, if you have any feedback, comment and I'll reply as soon as possible.
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evas-apartment · 1 year
hi it's doomfax, was wondering about your thoughts on Super Mario 64! did you enjoy it overall? would love to hear what you liked or disliked, what worked for you or didn't
I love that game, I've played it so much that I can't even really enjoy it any more tbh, but also if you hated it I'd still love to hear your thoughts on it if you feel like talking about it
Oh, man I've got a lot to say. I hope this is like... readable. EDIT: I just finished writing this, and figured I'd just put all of it behind a readmore, so I don't at all feel bad about how much I write. Also it's my blog. so.. whatever i suppose.
In short, I really liked it! I played the 3D All-Stars Switch version specifically, and I think it holds up pretty well! I liked how..punchy? It is? Most levels are really short, it doesn't take that long to beat, I 100%'ed it, but each star only takes like five minutes each, and I like that. The music is great, all the characters are stylized enough that even through the blocky-ass visuals, things look cute. Some of the locations are nice to look at, but a lot of them look kinda ugly tbh, like it just looks like blocks. I think a location needs a lot of set pieces to be visually interesting, otherwise it just looks bland. Most of DDD, most of WDW, all of RR, most of HMC look really boring, but there's some cool ideas in there. Whereas basically everyone of the first couple levels are more visually striking and interesting, with SOMETHING to remember about them.
The game controls are frankly awesome. It feels like they cemented that first, and built the entire game around it. If Mario controlled just a bit worse, this game wouldn't be nearly as well-remembered cause this is SUCH a true platforming game. Not very many stars rely on anything else other than how well you can control Mario. The only thing that bugs me are more quirks of the physics engine than anything else, and playing Sunshine right after kinda cements my opinions more, in that... the game is just a bit too unforgiving, coming back to it, having never really played it thoroughly before. It's hard to wall-jump, and you HAVE to get good at it. If you don't land on a platform, or the edge of one, you just bonk your head on the side and fall, and probably die. You slide off slopes really easily, it's hard to climb hills, and basically all of these things were fixed in Sunshine, but I can also understand people growing up with 64 and thinking that the movement might be too... easy? robust? something, in Sunshine. Which I don't feel rings as true because I find the "secret" levels in Sunshine to be challenging, but it's also in part to how sparse the level design is in those segments. You're confined just to floating blocks and that's it, but I'm talking about Sunshine here, so I'll digress.
I like the consistency of the level design. Each level has Exactly 7 stars, and one 100 coin star. Each world has 8 red-coins, and you'll get them eventually. If there's something to climb, there's probably a star at the top. If there's a weird new creature in this level, you'll have to interact with it in a weird new way to get a star (penguins, ukikis, eels, you get it). It makes each level feel like extensions of the same world, with the same rules across, which makes the whole game just make more sense, I appreciate that.
The camera is weird. I love the idea of you having a Lakitu cameraperson, but in execution it's hit or miss. I like that there's three different camera options, a platforming game in 1996 didn't have to have that kinda foresight, but it did. But it's like... the Lakitu camera can't rotate, only lock a certain way, the over the shoulder camera follows too closely and it's very easy to get disoriented (for me at least), and locking the camera in place can be great but it's completely locked, and doesn't move at all. I'll say I died a bunch cause the camera didn't do what I wanted it to do, but whatever, it's not unusable, I at least understand the system in place (although in no video game should the camera ever be stuck behind any solid object in the level), and it isn't like SM64 is hard, and lives are pretty generous, and I never even game over'd once in the while 100% playthrough. (a lot more casually generous than SMS)
Overall, I'm glad I played it. I do think it's a very good game, and a hallmark of what gaming could be at a pivotal time in its existence. I can't say if I myself would go back and play it all that much, having completed it, but that isn't to say it has no replay value, I've just had my fill. It was fun. Had some quirks from being a game from back then, but an overall pleasant experience. Some frustrations in the camera, missing some jumps cause of silly reasons, dying on a 100 coin star 80 coins in, falling down a vertical platforming segment and having to come back up, the only consequence being my fucking time being wasted, but that's all part of the game, and nothing ruining, y'know? I could go into even more detail, on any specific points, if you'd like, I love chatting with friends like this. And I appreciate every ask I get (within reason lol)
Thank you for sending this! I love giving my opinions on things like this lol, feel free to ask more stuff!
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The Crowder shit is even crazier honestly, cause I saw a clip of him complaining about like...
"The law in the state of Texas says that only one person has to want a divorce, and it doesn't matter what my beliefs are, in the end that's what the law says"
Like... what a fucking creepy thing to say. I sure hope only one person needs to want the divorce, anything else is pretty horrible
I didn't realize it seems to be him actually initiating this stuff, but even when he's trying to play victim he comes off as just... dangerously creepy and possessive. Like... "I wish I could lock my wife in the basement" levels of weird and fucked up
That's how lamenting how only one person needs to want the divorce sounds to me anyway
That is all men who are conservatives, they hate independent women and they love submissive women, and it's weird how he tries to tell his wife that she's abusing him, when he is the one telling her she can't use the car, because she doesn't have her own car even though he has millions (its a power trip thing of course), making her feed the dog food that is toxic to pregnant women, humiliating her and not even showing up to the birth of his own kids, he absolutely doesn't want his wife to have the choice to leave his controlling abusive ass.
I really just want him to get his comeuppance and for his wife to be safe from harms way cause who knows what he does to her when the camera isn't rolling
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skewbforty · 11 months
Ranking gaming generations
Yes I stole this idea from This Is.
TW: Your favorite generation may be F tier. This may make you rage. If you think you can't handle is here's your out. I do not want to see pissed off replies here. I have RSD dammit.
First generation: C tier I know almost nothing about this generation. All I know is that it was the founding generation of gaming. And I know that BECAUSE IT’S THE FIRST GENERATION. So, I’m gonna place it in C purely cause I can’t figure out how much the pros of being a revolution outweighs the limitations games has at the time
Second generation: F tier This is unfair as I also know very little about this one too. And all I have to go by is the god damn controller of the Atari which for some reason locks up and becomes unmovable whenever someone with a name that begins with R touches it. Or something. Can’t rate games if I can’t play them. Something something cartridges yeah whatever stupid controller.
Third generation: B tier This is the one with the NES if you didn’t know. And also, if you didn't know… That was kinda a big deal. I’m not terribly fond of this generation but I will admit if it weren’t for this generation… I may not even be aware of what’s a huge part of my life today.
Fourth generation: C tier I initially had this in D tier, but I brought it up one ranking once I remembered that this was the Game Boy’s debut. I’ve always loved handheld gaming more than TV gaming. I could probably actually get by with a Switch lite. But I can’t bring it too much higher cause what else is there to talk about during this generation outside of the Genesis / Mega Drive?
Fifth generation: A tier Ah, here’s where I come in. The Nintendo 64, PS1 and Sega Saturn. Tho I know next to nothing about the Sega Saturn, there’s no denying that the other two were out there making history. I may have born into this generation but honestly. I wouldn’t have minded being just a bit older to allow me to immerse myself in this generation more. Sixth generation: S tier As you’ve noticed I’m really letting nostalgia doing the talking here. Like I’m not basing these off of any concrete evidence, I just rank the ones I know well higher. Typical. Anyway, this is the first of the 2 oddballs of gaming generations. And you all know how much I love weird. I had loads of fun with not only the Gamecube and GBA, but also the PS2 and its array of movement games. I forget what the camera accessory that came with it was called but that was awesome. And it definitely paved the way for…
Seventh generation: S tier The Wii, the Kinect, and that silly Wii remote knockoff by Sony. Regardless, this was truly the movement generation. Definitely the second of the 2 generational oddballs. But gosh darn did I have fun with it. I can name so many games that I played religiously on the Wii. But let’s not forget the DS, which was also a huuuuuge part of my life. So much so that I’ve got my eye on some second hand DS games even today. That’s how you know you’ve done a generation right.
Eighth generation: D tier This is the one with the Wii U, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. Microsoft in typical Microsoft fashion was making some dumb decisions which led to the ridicule of the Xbox One. But what Sony and Nintendo wasn’t any better. The PS4, although undeniably the most popular of the 3… Was kinda underwhelming, Nintendo was in trouble after the release of the Wii U so hurried to make the Wii U U (Aka Switch) and just generally things were slowing down. Technology was no longer improving at the same rate as before so there was not much going on here. Kinda a dark era of gaming now I think about it. This is also around the time Nintendo started to get… Unpleasant. Ninth generation: A tier. I hate this generation so much. It’s the same AAA games over and over again. Companies buying other companies instead of making games, Nintendo had gone full Nintendo. Gender politics wars everywhere you looked. Games broken upon release. Price increase to 70. FPS being the pinnacle of innovation. People stopped caring and started raging. It’s no longer about having fun. It’s a mess. But Steam Deck so that makes it A tier.
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undeadspeeds · 2 years
Meeting the family
Damian Wayne x Male! Reader.
don't normally write romantically abt Damian cus He's 14 and Its weird but I owed this to anon. Just keep that in mind!
there's a small misgendering part but it's more of a "I wrongly assumed my brother was straight" way than transphobic.
“I believe Master Damian has something to say,” Alfred interrupted the conversation, after seeing the doubtful eyes of the young man. The entire table stopped and looked directly at Damian, who was trying to remain calm.
“Yes. Thank you, Alfred,” said the boy, his voice cracking slightly and hands shaking. He truly hated not being in control of his emotions and was thankful no one had teased him about his demeanor yet. If they did, he would have lied and pretended they were crazy for implying Someone Like Him could ever feel nervous at a gathering. “I would like to introduce you all to the person I’m involved with next week,” he confessed finally.
Everyone was too surprised to speak, and for a few seconds, Damian regretted even thinking about the possibility of his partner meeting his family.
The first one to react was Dick, who, with a smile and thumbs-up, agreed to be there and let Barbara know, too. In front of him, Cass shot him a warm smile, one they both knew was comfort. Tim kept eating his meal, surprise in his eyes, while Stephanie was giggling. Duke’s hand touched his shoulder in support for a second.
Jason exploded in laughs, “Little man got himself a girlfriend? I gotta see this.”
Damian wanted to correct his brother but words weren’t able to come out: there was one last person who needed to react to the petition and he was the one the boy was more nervous about.
Bruce Wayne, who sat at the head of the table, had said nothing since Alfred’s comment. His gaze was lost somewhere, deep in thought and frowning.
Sweating off a need for approval and with yet another crack of his voice, he spoke. “What do you think, father?”
After being spoken to by his youngest son, Bruce turned to him and grinned. “Of course, son. I would love to meet her.”
“So you didn’t tell him,” he said with a hint of a smile. He wasn’t angry. He knew how hard it was for Damian to do this, and how much he was worried about his family’s approval.
“I’m sorry, beloved. Words just wouldn’t come out..”
“I get it, corazón,” he reassured. “They’ll love you forever, you know that, yes?”
“My father is pretty strict,” Damian spoke, hands shaking and breath quickening.
“Well, if he accepted Timothy and Cassandra, why wouldn’t he accept you?”
“They’re not like me. I’m supposed to be-“
“Legacy, yes,” the boy interrupted his wrecking boyfriend. “You’re more than that, though. I believe they will be okay if you’re not everything they expect you to be.”
“What if they’re not? What if I’m not?”
“Then I’ll be here,” Y/N whispered before leaving a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek and locking their hands together. “Let’s do this?”
Damian nodded and, without letting his partner’s hand go, he knocked on the door. Alfred opened immediately. Of course, he had seen them get there on the front camera. He had been waiting close to the door to get it once you two were ready. The butler greeted the guest with a smile that was reciprocated.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Pennyworth. Now I know who to thank for the best reheated meals I’ve ever stolen,” the boy spoke first, making the man laugh.
“My pleasure, Mr…,” he left room for the young man to answer.
“His name is Y/N,” Damian answered.
“Mr. Y/N, you may call me Alfred. You are part of the family now,” the man turned around and started walking, signaling the kids to follow him. “Come now, everyone is expecting you.”
Alfred pretended not to hear when Y/N whispered, “See? that wasn’t so bad.”
The dining room was as loud as ever, giggles coming from the younger side of the table while the older ones talked between them about unimportant stuff, all waiting for the youngest among them to show up. And just like last time, Alfred cleared his throat, making everyone look at him in silence. Right behind, following, they saw Damian Wayne and an unknown boy holding hands. The unfamiliar nervousness coming from the boy all of them had always known as the most confident was perplexing and, for some of them, even funny.
The new boy held up his free hand, waving. Dick quickly got up from his seat and walked to them, holding both boys in a firm embrace once close. With a big smile, he introduced himself and stole Damian’s boyfriend from his hands, holding him by the shoulders and leading him to the assigned seat between Dick and Barbara and in front of Damian.
Everyone introduced themselves politely, even Jason, who looked a bit confused and embarrassed. However, he was still a victim to the judgmental eyes of Cassandra Cain, who was trying to decipher the boy’s intentions. He knew this was going to happen, Damian had warned him. He shot her a smile.
Dinner was far from normal, Y/N quickly learned the family was too chaotic for its own good. Stephanie and Duke tried to start a food fight more than once, despite being shot a disapproving look from Bruce every time.. Dick and Barbara couldn’t stop talking about their new dog, Dick had taken out his wallet which had only two bills and several pictures of Hailey. He had placed them all on the table while Barbara told the boy what was happening when each of them was taken.
At some point in the night, Tim and Jason had started fighting and kicking each other under the table. Cassandra got up and walked to each of them to punch them in their arms, signaling to stop. The only silent people at the table were Alfred, Kate, Bruce, and Damian, who had taken his time to eat.
After desert and all the fighting, everyone moved to the living where some more serious talk took place. Everyone wanted to know more about Y/N, asking him about his family and relationship with Damian.
“Damian,” Bruce said softly, standing beside him in a corner of the room. He was looking at you from there, leaving you to meet the family on your own. “Can we talk in my office?”
The boy agreed, walking before his father to the room in question. Inside, he sat on the sofa in front of the desk while his father sat on the desk, looking down at him.
“Is everything alright, Father?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, father,” Damian whispered. “I just wanted to be sure you wouldn’t..”
Bruce quickly understood. “I’m not like that, Son. You know that.”
He nodded, avoiding his father’s eyes. Bruce stood up, his hand traveled to Damian’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you, whoever you want to be.”
The youngest Wayne’s eyes quickly got up from the floor to look at the oldest, a new shine on them. He stood up just like his father had done seconds ago and, with a hopeful tone, he asked, “So it is fine?” Bruce smiled for the first time in the night. “I trust your judgment, son. If this boy is who you want to be with, then yes, it is fine with me.”
Damian returned the smile. Surprising Bruce, he threw himself onto the man’s body, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
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Bo Sinclair x Female Reader
THIS is a NONCON fic. Please don't read and then get shocked at what you read. You are reading this at your own risk! You cannot get shocked at the content here if you are sensitive to NONCON and read anyways. I am not responsible if you choose to still read this and it's upsetting. Also, there is Forced Breeding included! Read at your own risk.
When I get an AO3, I will be posting this there.
Underthecut - NSFW, NON-CON, Cheating -forced- Oral -Female receiving- Forced Breeding/Forced pregnancy, Degradation. Tagged as Dark Fic
Sinclair Brothers College AU Part 2 Part 1 is here!
Bo will never forget that morning. Never forgot your angelic face buried into his brother's chest, Vincent's face buried into the top of your head, nose nuzzled into your hair.
His voice had hurt for the three days after all the screaming he had done, his knuckles bruised for weeks after he and Vincent drew blows.
He could still hear your screaming, this shrill piercing scream for him to stop. To stop hurting him, to stop hurting Vincent.
Not one scream for him, his well-being.
Bo left the room with a bruised lip and ego.
The image of you comforting Vincent, rubbing his knuckles, kissing his cheek burned in his head. He replayed it over and over.
Bo couldn't get over how everyone seemed to approve of the whole ordeal.
That friend of yours had come running up to you, congratulating you on finally getting with Vincent. Even her tall British boyfriend paid a compliment.
His own friends even poked fun, how stupid he was not to see Vincent slowly making his moves. Vincent and you at the Dairy Queen, you at his art show, how both of you spent hours at the library.
How'd he miss all that?
Bo walked into his dorm, slamming the door behind him as he whipped off his hat, he frowned as he flopped onto the bed. back against the wall as he took in the room.
The large varnished bricks painted a light blue, years of new coats of paint chipping off in the corners. The yellow fluorescent light struggling to light up the room, no doubt the same light from when the dorm was built.
Bo took in his brother's side. Neat, save for a few books littered around, a few on his desk, three on the floor, two on the bed, and Y/n's cellphone.
Bo shot up, eagerly rushing over to Vincent's bed, hands immediately on your phone. He held it in his hands, smirking at the pink phone case with a bear's face on the back. He swiped his thumb over the screen, he grits his teeth at the image of you and Vincent on your home screen. Vincent held his arm around you as he kissed your cheek.
"Putz," he mumbled to himself, Bo's thumb lingered over your lock screen. He pressed in the four numbers, "Shit. She must have changed it." Bo looked up, going over what your new passcode could be. The old one was the date you and him started dating. Bo made sure it was that, and that way he had access to your phone whenever you were careless enough to leave it about.
Bo smiled as he knew what the passcode was. If his brother was anything like him, he'd be just as possessive, "Ding!" Bo tapped his foot in excitement as your phone opened up, he went right to your gallery, brows turned down in disgust.
Picture after picture of you and Vincent. Some tame, others, Bo whistled at the picture of you sucking off Vincent. He hated it, seeing your pretty little face lavish his brother's cock, but for Bo, it was easy just to picture his own in its place.
Another photo, you with your legs spread, hand over your mouth, embarrassed as your pussy was covered in Vincent's seed.
Bo groaned, "Little fuckin' whore." He pressed his feet into the ground, steadying himself. He was taken back to when he'd do the same to you, make you beg for his cum to coat your needy pussy. He licked his lips as he could hear your little whines and begs.
"Cum on my pussy, Bo." Fuck and you sounded so perfect.
"Cum on my pussy, Vinny." He cursed as your voice played over in his head. Hating how easily he could hear your sweet voice be so dirty for his brother.
Bo kept scrolling, his stomach churned, cock-stiffening as he scanned more and more pictures.
Videos, ranging from thirty seconds to two minutes in length. He pressed one, the image of you riding his brother played immediately.
"Oh, Vinny, your cocks making me feel so full." Bo groaned, he turned up the volume to hear the vulgar slaps of your ass against his brother's pelvis. "Oh, Fuck Vinny." Bo watched as you fell onto Vincent's chest as he lifted you, fucking up into you at a fast pace.
Bo watched till the end, his ears burning as your moans and whimpers wafted through the shitty phone speaker. He palmed his erection as he watched Vincent cum deep in you, his brother's disgusting grunts and growls had him snarling.
Bo's eyes remained on the screen. They widened as Vincent pulled out, carelessly spreading your legs open to the camera, both your face and Vincent are not visible, but your pussy was bared. He watches as his brother's seed leaked out of you, hearing Vincent mumbling at what a good little princess you are, how you were made to used, made to be a good little cum dump.
Bo shook, knuckles going white as he held the phone. Your whimpering approval of Vincent's words, how Vincent scooped his cum back up into you...
Bo snapped out of his anger as a text popped up,
-Hey, meet you at the library, I'll only be able to study briefly, I have a surprise shift at the hospital.-
Bo tapped it, immediately taken to your messages with Dan.
Everything between you and Dan was mundane. Study dates that often included Herbert and just random memes.
He exited out, looking over all the people you've been texting. Your texts with him deleted, he huffed as he continued. That girl dating the tall British guy. That weird Billy kid, Freddy, your mom, your boss, and Vincent.
He sat down on his bed as he went through the texts. Some of the texts were mundane, how are you, I'm good. I love you and can't wait to see you.
Bo froze, laughing to himself, leaning back onto the bed as he read the recent texts,
-Remember those awful cramps I've been having? My doctor said it was birth control. I'll be going off it for a few weeks and will be getting that Implanon thing.-
Bo checked the date, "Two weeks ago." he said to himself as he kept reading.
-So bad news, I won't get that Implanon thing for another month.-
-That's okay. We can keep it safe for now. One day though you'll be off that stuff ;)-
Bo shook his head, of course, his brother would be on that train of thought. Getting you pregnant. Watching your belly grow with babe.
Bo seethed, hand running down his front, cock pulsing at the image of you, begging for his cum, asking him to impregnate you. Your belly swelling with the Sinclair seed, his large hand rubbing over you, kissing your cheek, amazed at the changes in your body.
Your tits swelling, begging for Bo to ease the ache in them. Cock stiffening as he suckles on your tender tits.
Bo's attention was snapped back to reality as the door's handle justled. He quickly exited out of the texts, turned off the screen, and threw the phone on the bed, burying his face into his pillow, grunting as his cock angled into the bed painfully.
Vincent stepped in, sneering at his brother. "She forgot something, I won't be long." He mumbled, hand going for your phone.
"Y'her lap dog or some? She can't come get it herself?"
"I don't trust you alone with her." Vincent gave your phone a once over before grabbing a few books, "I'll be gone tonight, I work late, so you can invite that 'cute' girl from the bar." Vincent coughed as he finished his sentence.
"Yeah, yeah..." Bo eyed his brother, pulling his pillow closer into his face.
"You didn't touch this, did you?" Vincent waved the phone around, giving it a once over.
"Why would I touch her shit?"
Vincent shrugged his shoulders, "Bye," He opened the door, "Oh, and Lester is inviting us to a barbeque, he expects you to be there."
Bo flinched as his brother slammed the door. He sat up, freeing his cock, the images of you and Vincent still in his mind, the image of himself pushing Vincent away to replace Vincent's seed with his own...
"The library..." he said to himself, the image of you at the library, pushed over onto one of the corner desks, hidden away from everyone, his cock buried deep inside, pleading with him to cum inside.
Bo gripped the base of his cock, squeezing to let more of his precum drip out, watching as it fell along the side.
"That'd look a lot better in the place it belongs."
You and Vincent stood in front of the campus library, he ran his hands up and down your sides, pinching your ass when he dipped low.
"Vinny!" He playfully pinched his arm, kissing his cheek as you giggled.
"Can't help it, you're so cute." He kissed you again, tongue wrapping around yours, he pushed you closer into himself, your moan being suppressed by the kiss.
You reluctantly pulled away, "I gotta meet Dan. I need his help with my paper. Thanks for getting my phone."
Vincent nodded at you, kissing your cheek again, "I know, I don't want you near him, either."
You nod into his chest, inhaling his scent, linseed oil, and his farmer's market shampoo. You hum as he begins to sway you back and forth.
"I gotta go, see you tomorrow," He pulls away, hand rubbing over your cheek, his eye taking in your sad ones. "Be safe getting home."
"I will!" You shared a kiss goodbye as you excitedly entered the library.
You waved to norman at the front desk, he briefly looked up to give a small smile before returning to his large ornithology book on his desk.
You grinned and waved as you caught sight of Dan. He was in his scrubs with his Starbucks in his hand, smiling at you.
"I can help you for the next hour before I gotta go," He began as you sat in front of him, "Then I got my shift an-"
"Yes at the hospital, I know I know." You sat and opened your books, Dan grabbing one to flip through it, scanning for the important passage,
"Here, you'll want to start here, copy it, and then grab two more sources from the encyclopedias. Has to be from the books, not online."
You rubbed your temples, "Yeah, that's, a lot to take in."
Dan chuckled, "That's the advanced course for you."
You tapped your pencil on the paper of your books, "So, you hear about Brahms and his girl? The fight they had!"
Dan perked up, brown eyes filled with wonder.
The two of you immediately filled your time with gossip, the mention of Brahms's girlfriend and Billy was the only thing being studied.
Bo strolled up to the library, "Twenty minutes to closing..." He shrugged his shoulders as he entered.
He looks around, the lights dimmed, the desk lamps off, save for the few remaining students.
"Can I help you?" Bo snapped his head to the thin, pale man at the front desk.
"Ah, yeah, where are the books on, like art and stuff," Bo looked at the nameplate, "Norman." Bo fumbled with his hands in his pockets.
"In the back," Norman gestured his head behind him, "In section eight hundred to eight hundred and fifty. Don't be long, we are closing soon." Norman sneered as he shuffled the papers on his desk.
"Yeah, thanks." Bo shook his head, as he caught Norman giving him a once over.
Bo clenched his fists as he heard Norman mumble "I don't even think he can read."
He made his way around the library, ducking behind the rows when he thought he saw you, any girl that resembled you had his heart clench in shock.
"No, Vinny, I can't talk right now, text it to me instead." Bo froze, his feet heavy, your voice was curt, he heard you grunt, knowing you just hung up on his brother.
Bo followed the voice, finding you tucked away in the private study area, the tables up against the walls, the lights were severely dimmed, Bo wondered how in the hell you could see the paper in front of you.
He carefully watched his steps, inching slowly behind you, grateful you were distracted in the book, grateful you secluded yourself so far away from everyone else.
A wolfish grin spread over his face, standing over you, he leaned in, hands snaking over you, rushing to silence your mouth,
"Hey, Sweets, miss me?"
Your blood went cold, eyes bulged, you attempted to turn but Bo held firm.
"Miss me? Huh? Ah, maybe you need to look at me first." He whispered into your ear, placing a feather-light kiss.
You retched away, guttural noises being silenced as Bo put a hand around your neck.
"Ah, no no, c'mon now, that any way to react to me? C'mon sweets, you used to beg me, beg me not to leave you, cry whenever I missed a date, moan for my cock to make you come." He chuckled as you squirmed in his arms, the chuckle turning into a soft laugh as you reached for your phone.
"Grabbing your phone for me? How nice of you, Sweets!" Bo whipped you around, slamming you onto the table as he chucked away the books, thankful they didn't fall onto the floor.
You began kicking at Bo, the panic making your blood run hot, giving you a surge of strength.
You knew Bo, knew how much stronger he was, knew you couldn't fight him off. The look in his eyes as his body leaned forward onto yours, chuckling off your kicks.
"Ah, hey, calm down," Bo squeezed on your neck, kissing your cheek as you sputtered out a whine, choking as you gasped for air.
Bo grabbed your phone, your eyes burning as he easily tapped the four-digit code to open it, he went right to the gallery, opening up the video of you and Vincent, "Look at you," The video played, Bo held the phone to your face, forcing you to look, "Taking my brother's cum in your slutty little pussy. Fuck what a good whore you are."
He exited out of the video, going to your texts, "So bad news, I won't get that Implanon thing for another month." He read aloud as he shook his head, "tsk tsk, and I bet you are still fucking, even when it's not safe. I mean, if my brother's anything like me, he won't wanna wrap that shit up."
Tears pooled in your eyes, slowly falling along the sides into your hair. Your eyes pleading with him, 'don't do this, please.'
Bo huffed as he pulled down your skirt, panties coming along with it. He took in your pussy, licking his bottom lip as he caught a glance at your shaved pussy, thankful that his brother has the same taste as him. "You look so good, that pussy nice and clean for me, gonna look good with my seed spilling out."
"I'll let you breathe properly if you promise to be quiet, can you do that for me?" His baby blues stared into your eyes, you wanted to hurl as you saw a sick softness to them.
"I'll, b-be- go-good." You choked. You gasped in sweet relief as bo removed his large hand from your neck. Your phone in his hand was held to your face as you realized he was filming.
"You better open up these legs for me, little whore like you should be used to spreading her legs, hm? Taking my brother's cock while dating me. Well, you can have my cock again, and I'm gonna make sure you'll never fucking forget this. Like I'll never fuckin' forget waking up to you." Bo placed the phone down, propping it up against your books, "With cum dripping out your pussy in Vincent's arms."
You looked away as you heard Bo's belt clink his zipper coming undone, "I can easily scream,"
"Scream? ha, the place is practically empty at this point, who's gonna come as you scream? 'Norman' I can tell he's already too self-absorbed to care for another." Bo leaned down, his breath hot over your cunt.
"Please don't, Bo please, I'll do anything!"
His signature cocky grin spread over his lips, "Oh, you will, first, I get a taste of this," He plunged his tongue in, a soft moan as your taste hit his tongue, his eyes looking up at you, then to the phone.
You squirmed as your walls involuntarily pulsed around his tongue. You squeezed your eyes shut, hips shaking as he flicked his tongue over your clit.
"You taste so good, fuck better than I remember," He sucked hard, laughing as you whimpered. "See, little slutty body like your can't help but react."
Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through you, Bo's large hand roaming your body, dipping under your shirt, sliding under your bra to squeeze your breast.
"Fuck it feels good too, remember how you used to beg me to suck on them?" He pinched your hardening nipple, "Look at the camera." He cooed.
He dipped two fingers into your heat, making you groan as he pressed down and sucked hard on your clit.
You breathed heavily through your nose, fighting the urge to let out a wanton moan. Tears flowed as your hips voluntarily bucked into Bo's face, his tongue sending wave after wave of euphoria through you that not even Vincent could manage.
Bo shook his head, a raspy moan muffled by the lewd noises your pussy made as he fingered you. He looked up, smirking into you, your pussy clenching around his fingers, how you covered your mouth to fight back the deep moan.
You ran your hand through Bo's brown hair, he moaned, taking the action as approval for his ministrations. You pushed on him, your airy moans muffled by your palm as you came. Bo stayed latched onto your clit, suckling and flicking it, tongue deep to your cunt to lap at you, groaning as it pulsed around his muscle.
Bo shot up, licking his lips of your cream, "Ah, see that, wanna taste?" You shook your head, mouth a no. He leaned in, one hand angling his cock while the other grabbed your neck.
His tongue wrapped around yours, muffling the whine as he slammed into you, his cock stretching you out, a slight burn mixed with pleasure.
Bo wasted no time, slamming hard into you, his cheeks pink as he groaned into the kiss, he lifted his head, "Ah, fuck, needy little pussy fuckin' missed me. Ah shit, I fuck." He grunted above you, his body pressing you into the table, "Fuck, it missed me, fuck it missed me."
You sobbed under him, your mind going to Vincent, trying to picture it was Vincent on top of you, it was you and Vincent making love in the library, not Bo. Not Bo sending waves of familiar pleasure through you, his cock stretching you out.
"Please, don't cum in me, Bo, please don't."
"Wah? cum in you? Sure, I can do that, after all, your little pussy was made for it." He sneered at you, a dark look flashed over him.
You punched at him, "I'll scream."
"You scream and that video gets sent to Vincent. Doesn't matter I'm hav-having m-my way with y-you." He stuttered between thrusts, "Just a video of you getting impregnated by his older brother. He won't want you."
You sobbed as tears spilled as you turned away from him, Vincent flashed in your mind. His smile, his light blue eyes, his hands holding yours.
Your body tensed as Bo's cock felt intoxicating, the familiar rhythm, his harsh kisses, mind being taken back to you on his bed, how he'd hiked your legs over his shoulders as he pushed them onto your chest, a cocky grin as he fucked you deep.
"Bo," You whimpered, "Please," you continued "Just not inside."
He slammed harder, groaning as you clenched around him, "Feels like it wants it inside. Don't lie to yourself, Sweets."
You couldn't, the tears fell, you whimpered Vincent's name, "Hurry, Bo."
Bo couldn't hold back, your sexy little body squirming under him, your pussy clenching around him, your spent leaking onto the table, your stifled moans. "Look at the camera as you cum, look as I cum in you," He turned your head towards the phone, tears freely falling Bo licked your cheek.
His breathing, his thrusts, his cock filling you so well, his raspy praise. You stared, "I'm sorry, Vincent." You scrunched your face as Bo positioned in and out, a low groan reverberated from his chest.
Bo laughed as he came, his seed painting your insides, coating your pink walls, picturing it shooting deep into your womb, his little swimmers getting to work.
You fought back the urge to barf, his cum filling you send a ripple of pleasure through you.
Bo hissed as his breathing slowed, the realization of your nails digging into his shoulders, came to his senses. He slowly pulled out, grabbing the phone, to capture his seed dripping out of your pussy.
He wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing, a threat. He continued to film, "Ah, look at that, good little slut getting bred. Just like she was made too."
Bo brought the camera to your face, "Say, 'Hi, Vincent!' ha" he laughed as you kept your vision off him and the camera.
"it's okay, I know you're thinking of getting that plan B. But you'll be coming with me tonight, I'm gonna make sure my seed takes." Bo released your neck, thumb running over your lips as you coughed.
"Get dressed, we're gonna get a hotel, this is from over." He leaned in to kiss your cheek, "My good girl, mine again." He hugged you as he sent the video to his phone. He laughed as he felt you shake in his arms,
"I wonder what Vincent will do when he sees this, gosh I can only imagine." He hummed and swayed you back and forth, "You'll look great with my child in you, can't wait, ah you'll be so beautiful."
277 notes · View notes
aestheticsuwu · 2 years
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In which Robby starts receiving anonymous love notes and with each passing day he starts to dread opening his locker and being at home. Who knew that person he looked over his shoulder wasn’t that far.
@shortkingkeene Sorry for the tardiness Hope you like how it turned out. And thank you for asking me to write this.
Opening his locker with a tired sigh , feeling tired and his mind felt a bit sluggish. He couldn’t get any sleep yesterday .
Freezing at the sight of the paper ,already dreading to read it. His breath became irractic . Robby took a deep breath in and out to control himself. The Kata that Daniel taught him to be precise.
Fingers tremble as they reached out.
{Every time you kiss him I want to hurt you to feel that same hurt I feel.Stop being a slut and break up with him .Your mine not his.}
It didn’t start like this . It was almost a month ago when the notes started to appear, Robby at first thought it was his boyfriend leaving them but the writing didn’t match.
{ You look handsome . I wish I could hold you in my arms.}
He told Doug, who got jealous but he reminded him that he wasn’t interested in any one else but him . Robby asked his friends but they weren’t the ones . Diego, one of Doug’s friends suggested it was probably an innocent admirer.
So he didn’t gave anymore thought to it, Until he kept receiving them every single day , in the beginning it was just simple compliments about his hair and eyes which did stroke his ego a bit since he did hear that often from his boyfriend and friends. Tory joked about the whole secret admirer making him roll his eyes at the ridiculousness. Demetri proceeded to give a whole discussion about the romantic side and the creepiness .
But he could care less. It’s like meaningless compliments from a stranger and Robby prefers being with someone who made him safe and warm and let you be yourself even loving your flaws.
Hence why he’s in a relationship with Doug.
Then things started to become ugly.One day the note read,
{ Rickenberger doesn’t deserve you. I can make you more happy and satisfied. }
Doug had open it first. He watched the boys eyes get angry and a look in his eyes that Robby has learn that the tall boy made whenever he felt insecure.
Robby felt peeved at the note once he read it . He took hold of the boys hand and laced their fingers tightly and got on his tippy toes to kiss his boyfriend .
“This person has no say in our life’s . Like you said this guy is full of shit.” Robby comforted Doug, Reminding him of his own words when of the notes had said that pink was his color. Doug believed every single color was made for Robby.
Robby crumpled up the paper and threw it to the trash nearby and left hand in hand with Doug. Not even knowing a person watched them and felt angry by his actions.
Since then he’s been receiving worse written notes threatening him about being with Doug, Not letting his friends touch him and to the point where he started getting texts.
Robby tried to ignore them but they kept appearing . With time passing, the notes became texts and more aggressive or sexual which weirded him out and made his skin crawl.
Robby wanted to tell someone but he was warned not to. Anonymous has said he would hurt anyone if they tried to come between them.
There wasn’t no us. but nothing less Robby shut his mouth. He was scared but he was more terrified about being the cause of the people he loved getting hurt. It was like Anonymous took his power in being in control and turned him into something he couldn’t recognize.
Paranoia started to kick. In school his eyes flicker constantly to observe every single student, and at every teenager that was around when he went out with Doug or Tory thinking there was a possibility that the person could be them.
At home he would lock every door and shut the windows tightly . Closed the curtain in his room and checked for any hidden cameras . Robby began to hate being alone , the fear started to suffocate him and get the best of him.
He even started to hyperventilate when others stared at him a bit longer, like when Diego was standing to close and tried to make conversation, Robby felt claustrophobic and the walls were beginning to crush him. Miguel and Sam pulled him away when they telepathically knew their friend wasn’t doing well.
He felt bad doing that to the guy ,Robby knew the guy was trying to be nice. So the next day he apologized, Which the guy looked way to happy for. Robby still flinched when Diego touched him.
Doug came over .Trying his best to hide the fact he was scared shitless. His paranoia started to slowly drift away ,it was something about his boyfriend warmth that made him feel protected .Robby curled up next to him and spent the day with him at home.
Doug became worried when he he had to go home.The shorter boy tried to convince him that nothing was going on whenever he asked, but his green eyes were glossy to the point of almost crying when he had to go home.
“Baby, You’re breaking my heart over here.” Doug said with a sad chuckle.Even if he was joking the sad puppy look that Robby did tugged at his heart strings.
“Can’t you stay a bit longer.” Robby really didn’t want to stay alone , his Dad was not here but with Daniel on a date and he knew how late his Dad gets back. Back then he didn’t care as they finally got their shit together but now being alone meant someone could be watching him in the dark.
“I’m already an hour late .” Doug’s phone screen showed it was 11:00 P.M .His parents gave him a curfew this year not wanting a repeat of last year.
“I’m sorry . I’m s-s-sorry I just-,” Robby stuttered making Doug concern .Robby really wanted to tell him he was scared so he did .
“I want to take a shower but I watched a scary movie earlier and I’m scared.” It was half of the truth.He hadn’t showered in two days which was bad but you try showering when there might be someone lurking.
“It’s okay, Don’t apologize. You scared me I thought it was something bad. I’ll stay a bit longer .” Doug said, not knowing how much of a relief it was to Robby.
Grabbing his towel and essentials he checked the restroom quick for anything out of place. Nothing.
Doug was sitting in his bed making Robby shift his weight one foot to the other.
Doug glanced up realizing his boyfriend was just standing instead of showering. Robby scratched his head not knowing how to ask but thank God Doug knew what he needed.
“You know, this bed isn’t as comfy you mind if I join you .I promise to behave , Pinky promise.” Doug stood up with a smile and lift up his pinky .
“Only if you promise.” Locking their pinkies together they enter the shower.He signaled for Doug to turn around to undress “Dude , This is not first time I see you naked.” He said but still turns around .
Entering in the shower his fix the the curtain shower and switches the nob on . Flinching a bit at the cold water. “ Don’t call me ‘Dude’ .” Mocking his voice the boy laughs .
Doug made conversation letting him know that he was still there. It really helped since he had to close his eyes to wash out the shampoo .
Shutting the water off , wrapping the towel around him . He stopped wearing it around his waist since anonymous complimented his abs .
Stepping out ,they both walk out and enter once again to his room. Grabbing his other towel to dry off his hair , Doug tells him “come here” gently and he hands over the towel.
He sits on his lap , smiling when Doug starts to help dry his hair gently. “You look hot and cute at the same time. How do you pull it off , my cute wet puppy .”
“Shut up.” Robby laughs and scrunches his nose making the boys heart swell at the adorable action.
. He leans in to kiss Doug making the boy pause his movements. He missed kissing him and not having to worry about someone getting angry about it .
Anonymous had taken a lot of his control.
Doug drop the towel and raises his hand to cup his jaw and Robby grasp Doug’s hair . He pushes the boy down until he is lying down and settles down in his lap.
Robby wasn’t doing this to make his boyfriend stay a bit longer, he was just feeling a bit in the mood but Doug thought otherwise.
Robby reach to unbuckle Doug’s bet but the boy pulls away from the kiss . “Wait, Wait, wait . Uhhh, Maybe we shouldn’t . You don’t have to do this so I could stay with you .” He says breathless , it took a lot from him to not keep going seeing where it was going but he knew he would be a bad boyfriend knowing Robby wasn’t feeling well.
“ I wasn’t. But you can leave now .” Robby instantly regret saying that because he 100% does not want to stay alone.
“I’m sorry , but it’s better we stop now than your dad walking in on us , Don’t you think .”
Robby knows he is right so he nods.” You want some hot chocolate.” Robby ask in a pout making Doug smile fondly at the cuteness .
After two cups of hot chocolates later and watching crack Marvel compilation making their stomach hurt from laughing so hard. His Dad arrives with a pleased grin .
“Isn’t it bit late Rickenberger ?” Johnny questions , his watch tells him is already 12:00 PM . He squints at the two kids .
“Yeah, Sorry about that. I lost track of time but I’ll be heading out now.” Johnny pats the boy shoulder and heads to the shower.
Robby watches Doug pocket his phone and keys making anxiety present itself . He chews on his lip not knowing what to do . He walks him to the door and hugs him. Robby pulls him into a last kiss making it last long as possible .
“Bye. Drive carefully . I love you.” Don’t leave.
“‘Love you too.” Doug waves goodbye and drives away.
Looking around the empty living room , he starts to bite his nails . Freezing when he hears a ping sound. A text.
He was seconds away from crying. Opening the app, he sighs in relief it was Doug.
“Don’t be afraid. You have many people that love you that will protect you from all the bad monsters. I will fight them all for you.❤️”
Letting out a a snicker at cheesy text. Robby felt less scared.
Deep in his sleep he heard his phone ring . He ignored it. Again it rang. Sleep was more important. It pinged 3 times.
Still sleepy he reaches for his phone to see who was texting him this late.
Unknown: I’m so disappointed in you.
Unknown: I expected better from you.
Unknown: If it was me I wouldn’t have rejected you and make you put that mouth in good use. But don’t worry I taught him a lesson so he can stay away from you . Who knew tires are so easy to destroy.
Dropping his phone .He scrambles to get away from it ,turning on the lights he looks around . Picking his phone up he calls Doug.
Each call makes him panic more . No answer. He checks for a text from Doug that he got home but nothing. He started to cry hysterical, he felt like the wind was knocked out of him .
He tries calling Doug again but once again, no answer. He doesn’t how long he sat there crying but he felt drained.Not wanting to stay in his room he goes to find his dad.
Knocking at his Dad door a few times to wake him up . The guy slept like a bear. “Robby? “ His dad asked drowsy in the doorway.
“ I can’t sleep in my room.”
“Is there mold in there ?”
“No. I’m scared.” Robby voice breaks wanting to cry again. Johnny become fully alert and hugs his son ,his own heart breaking .
“Hey it’s okay , pup. I’m here, I’m here.” He holds him as tight as he could but not to tight that he cut the kid air supply. He stays awake until Robby fallen asleep and only then he lets sleep take over.
Once the sun is out Robby is awake getting dress as quick as he can . He avoids his Dad questions and ask for a ride to school.
He sees Tory first . He catches up to her and ask her if she seen Doug .
“No I just got here . What’s wrong is someone dead?”Tory jokes but she sees Robby turn pale making her concern .
“Just help me find him” Robby pleaded. Tory grabbed his hand and started to search for him . The blonde notice the change in Robby and she wish the boy would tell her . But it was like something kept the brunette from spilling everything.
They soon find him standing in perfect conditions with Diego,Hawk and Miguel . Laughing so calmly,like if Robby was scared to death thinking something might’ve happened to him.
Robby pushes him to wall and start throwing punches that Doug dodge and grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“Yo! What the hell !” He screams at the short boy outburst.
“Why didn’t you answer my texts” Robby spat angrily. The three boys eyes widen and a glint sparkled in one of them.
“My phone died after I texted you. “ Doug said confused at Robby’s outburst.He continues ” And went to bed and forgot to charge my phone.”
“Nothing happened to you ?” Robby felt stupid believing that person.
“No.” Doug looks at the others, they all had the same worried expressions at the brunettes behavior’”Robby what’s going on? And Don’t tell me it’s nothing .”
Robby just hugs the boy impossibly tight feeling the same way whenever he’s at home alone and feeling the creep watching him.
“ Man, is Robby ok ?. “
“Yeah . Just didn’t get enough sleep that’s all.” Doug said not wanting to spread Robby business to the guy .
“Did he say anything unusual?” Diego asked him, his voice had a unusual tone to it.
“No, I just told you what’s going on.” He kept the chat short to try to go find the group to talk about Robby but Diego kept acting weird.
“ Right. It’s better to leave it alone because if we dig into it would be tragic.”Diego innocent smile felt more like a devilish grin . Doug doesn’t know why but it rubbed wrong with him.
“ Diego you want to say something more clearly.,” Diego just shook his head with that dumb grin that always bothered Doug,” Ok then , get out of my way. I have somewhere important to be.” He says monotone, passing by he and the boy knock their shoulders with each other.
That was fucking weird.
Diego stood with a blank stare . He really hoped Robby kept his stupid mouth shut because this time it won’t be just talk.
They all ditch school without a second of hesitation. Everyone had notice Robby’s new behavior. It got them concerned and worried.
Tory noticed how Robby became nervous whenever they were out in public and always watching over his shoulder.
She and Rickenberger had talk about it recently but they never suspected this bad.
Robby told everything when everyone confronted him. Left no details out like when he started getting the notes, when the creep started threatening him or to hurt them if he ever told anybody.
And when he started receiving texts and how he was scared of being in his own house in fear that someone put cameras in his room. But it was after he cried .
It wasn’t an exaggeration when he says his friends and boyfriend were ready to murder this person . None of them couldn’t comprehend who in their sick mind would ever tried to hurt and think they could get away with it.
Doug’s blood was boiling at just having the idiotic person in front of him and just show him the punishment he deserves for just thinking of Robby
Hawk and Demetri took Robby’s phone to track the IP address on the creep. This couldn’t go any longer. Miguel and Sam were going to tell Johnny and Daniel. No way the perv is getting away with this.
Tory and Doug were staying with Robby in all times , 24/7, which he really appreciated. Tory and Doug searched every corner in the brunettes room and found several hidden cameras well hidden.
It made the two teenagers infuriated at how the creep took advantage of Robby.
Diego believed in love at first sight. Not many people did nowadays, it frustrated him to the point of wanting to break someon-Something .
Now everyone only fall in love with appearances e, white lies , fantasy, or that a person gets with someone they hated.
Nobody ever got his attention like Robby Swayze Keene. He does have to admit he had eyes on the broody Rickenberger at first - That’s why he befriended him as quick so he could get his hands on him.
Diego thought they would make the best couple, the guy had no flaws in his eye -well only one - the guy talked nonstop about a boy , something along the lines ‘that short stack is a thorn that gets on my nerves’ . Diego was willing to make that boy life miserable just for him.
Then summer break came and then it was over . And like cold bucket of water Rickenberger announced he was in love with the one and only Keene and they were together .
He was ready to hurt someone. How could he do this to me . There’s nothing left but to clear the road.
Then the most beautiful thing happened . He met Robby. Those green eyes belong to him. It was like fate . Diego was wrong. Robby is his soulmate . The boy was perfect and it was time to make him his.
But the most he tried to get the short male to look at him the way his emerald eyes to look at him the way he looked at Doug he never succeeded. He never even got a fond look like how Nichols, LaRusso or Alexopolous got .
It made him upset because Diego would set the world on fire for him. But he realized Robby could love him , he just had to adjust some things out of the way.
He starts with love notes that came from his lovely bleeding heart, When the message wasn’t enough he start sending them from his aching soul. Diego wanted more time. So he snuck into Robby’s home and set up two cameras.
Not an ounce of regret , he lost count of times he had a good time with his friend downstairs. He knew Robby was falling in love, he was starting to listen. It was enough for him to reach out .
Once Eli and Demetri finally was able to get a code they went to Johnny and Daniel . They were all headed to Johnny’s apartment.
“ I think now it’s the time to go to the station and have this done.” Daniel spoke up , before Johnny got any ideas to commit a murder which wasn’t that far away at what the blonde wanted to do.
“Where’s Robby ?” Johnny ask Tory when they arrive .
“In his room , he wanted to be alone for a minute.” Tory informs him . He sends her to get him.
“Robby?, Your dad wants you to come out. Eli and Demetri came with the information.”
Robby whimpers is muffled by Diego’s hand. The bastard was in his room when he entered. He was confused until he spoke up with a psychotic smile “This is room isn’t that small as how the camera shows.”
All the pieces connected .
Robby made run for it but they guy was quicker. He grabbed his neck forcefully and pushed him making his head hit the wall.
Diego raise a finger to his lips to keep quiet. Robby just stared at the blank empty eyes , those cold eyes always gave him goosebumps.
“What information is she talking about? Huh?” Helplessly Robby just shrugged not being able to utter a word with the grip of the boys hand.
“ Get her to leave.” He ordered,”Be careful what you say” The warning in his voice didn’t fly past Robby.
Diego gave him a kiss on his temple. Robby desperately wanted to wipe off any trace of the guy.
“ Robby doesn’t want to get out of his room.”
Daniel and Johnny share a look , Not even a day ago , the boy didn’t want to be in that same room. Daniel goes to Robby room to see what is going on .
Johnny can’t help but have a bad feeling. The three teenagers stare at him making him a bit uncomfortable. The door opens , The tallest teenager walks in , maybe he could convince Robby to get out.
“Kid come here”
“What’s going on?”
“Robby doesn’t want to get out of the room. Maybe you should try and give it a shot. We got the address already , Daniel made a call to the police.Tory and Daniel are over there- Are you listening?!
The boy was focused on the post-it note the Eli scribbled .
“ i know this address “ The kid say like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.
“What…” It made Johnny freeze. This situation was started to feel wrong. Like something might happen.
“ I think I know who’s doing this.” The kid looks at him , in his eye he could tell the boy was scared just like the rest of them .
“I’m getting angry and you don’t want me angry do you darling “ Diego shackled rise with the constant buggering from the blonde and the man outside . What does he have to do to get some alone time with his love.
It was the 5th time he was interrupted right when he is about to give Robby’s perfect kiss . But Robby might be bleeding when does if doesn’t make them go away.
“Guys please I just want to be alone. I need some space please. Just go away” Robby kept his voice from trembling, Surprising him . It was to quiet and then Daniel just simply said ok and left.
Robby wanted to scream for him to come back. His heart scream for his dad or anyone to come save him.
Johnny ordered them to not make a sound After Eli and Demetri hacked into the guys phone to track him.The location signaled here.Robby’s room. He had a gut feeling that Robby wasn’t alone in that room. Johnny had to not only hold himself back from breaking down the door but had an iron grip on Nichols and Rickenberger .
Danie and Johnny both go around the apartment not being able to just do nothing until the police came. The window is busted in ,Johnny forget it even had a window, Taking a quick peek in he can see two silhouette.
He prays for that same grace Daniel carried around everyday because his son life depended on him . He and Daniel share a look, a look of determination and thats all Johnny needed to climb in .
Nosy ass neighbors try to get intell from anyone since they seen the lights of the police and the siren of the ambulance. Even people who didn’t even live here.
Johnny didn’t pay attention to them . He waited on them to finish bandaging the gash on his arm that the dumb lunatic of a kid gave him.
He wasn’t able to give the kid what he deserve , since the kids decided to do that when they busted into the room . It was like a rampage. Looking at the direction of the cop car, the boy is handcuffed and beaten up to pulp. He messed with the wrong family.
The nurse finish bandaging him up , the police reminded them about their testimony for tomorrow.
“Robby are you okay” Johnny ask his son. The kid looks at the direction of car and lets out a long exhale his shoulders dropped like a weight is finally was lifted.
“ Like i could finally breathe” Said Robby, a smile appears and Johnny ruffles the kid hair.
The kids are all cuddled up to Robby . And he knows he going to ask Daniel to let the others to sleepover at his . Johnny knows for a fact that he isn’t going to stay in the apartment.
A month later Robby stops looking over his shoulder, stops feeling scared and feeling paranoid. With the help of Tory, Doug, Sam, Miguel, Ei and Demetri - and going to therapy.
He isn’t 100 percent there but almost. Diego was sent to a psych ward where he desperately needed to be. Tory and Doug became more protective around him and it made him laugh how sometimes they would act like bodyguards.
They left their old apartment and moved into a different place in reseda. Daniel offered them to move in with them but Johnny refused, Something along the lines of wanting Robby heal before he has to adjust to another change.
Those two adult stood together and loved each other more which made Robby really happy for his dad.
Robby stood in front of his locker and since a long time he no longer is scared to open it.
Putting in his code , and breathing perfectly fine he grabs his notebooks and books . Walking away with Tory’s arm around his shoulders and him and Doug holding hands , heading to meet with the rest of their friends.
And the walls were no longer crushing him in but with a safe distance Robby can live in peace, We’ll as much as he can he still has to live the torture of school.
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Canary, Part 6
Tim had been watching her out of the corner of his eyes for a long time. It wasn’t that he was trying to be creepy or anything, he just… didn’t know why she was there. It didn’t make sense. She was relatively low on funds according to what he and Oracle had dredged up, and even Tim in all his billionaire-ness recognized that this place was more expensive than average…
So, why had she come? It wasn’t even close to the motel she was staying at.
The vaguely paranoid -- cautious, he was cautious -- part of him worried that she had somehow known he was there, but there was no way she should have been able to know that. Hell, he hadn’t known he was going to this particular cafe until he’d gotten to work and realized that there were now cameras in the breakroom and his office to make sure he didn’t drink too much.
But, really, it seemed like she was just using the free wifi that the cafe provided to write up a resume.
He relaxed and sunk back in his chair with his laptop while he did his work.
… he didn’t get to work for long.
He picked up on the slight gravel of someone putting on a voice with ease. It was high and sweet, a voice he commonly heard from customer service workers. He chanced a look back at the barista and frowned when he saw her on her phone. Not her, then.
He looked around the tiny coffee shop and cringed a little when he realized what was going on. Shady guy approaches a woman who’s drinking coffee alone? Yeah, that’s never a good thing.
He pushed his laptop into his bag quickly, slung it over his shoulders, put the cap back on his coffee cup so the guy wouldn’t be able to tell that Tim had been there for a while, and rushed over.
He rested his hand on the man’s shoulder.
“Hey, bud, she said no.”
Tim watched both of them tense and their gazes were pulled to him in an instant.
Marinette glanced him up and down once. He watched her eyes lock onto his coffee cup for a second and he carefully turned his hand a little so she could see the name.
She smiled. “You’re late, Timmy. Don’t tell me you got caught up in another meeting?”
He shrugged innocently. “You know how it is.” Then, he split into a grin. “Maybe I should be the one that’s upset, though. Can’t believe you didn’t save me a spot.”
“I tried!” She whined. “He insisted!”
The man chuckled awkwardly. “I see. I’m sorry, I thought you were alone.”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you I wasn’t. Can you move, though?”
“Actually,” Tim said, because he didn’t want to sit in the window where Duke might happen to see him while on patrols. “There’s a free table back this way.”
Marinette tipped her head to the side a little before nodding. “Sure.”
She closed her laptop with a snap, gathered her things into her bag, and followed him back to his table.
That should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, the guy was still watching them. It looked like they weren’t going to be able to do work for a while if they wanted to keep up the pretense that they were friends.
She seemed to know it, too, because she sighed and rested her head on her hand with a small frown. “Guess we have to talk.”
He huffed. “Don’t have to sound so upset about it.”
“Alright. Fine.”
“Not sounding much more excited.”
She rolled her eyes and then brought a bright smile to her face. “Sure, Timmy, sounds great! Can’t wait to have a super fun conversation with you!”
“... nevermind. That’s weird. Why did that almost convince me? I knew it was fake.”
She let herself lean back in her chair, her face falling back to a slightly smug grin. “I’m Parisian,” she said simply.
Yeah. That made sense. Every Parisian Tim had had the (dis?)pleasure of meeting had had an almost unnerving amount of control over the way they presented their emotions.
He snickered. “Why the hell would you move here, then?”
She rolled her eyes. “Our psychopath was so boring. Like, dude, we get it, your wife died or whatever, that sounds like a you problem. Now, a guy deciding to become a jewel thief purely for the gimmick? Way more interesting.”
“Moral grayness is so twenty years ago,” Tim joked.
“Exactly! Give me dumbasses who are evil purely to be evil and good to be good!”
He grinned. “I can see why you like Harry Potter.”
She blinked.
He motioned to her cup. Scrawled across it in the barista’s messy handwriting was ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’.
She relaxed a little, grinning. “I just finished the books so I’m a bit obsessed. Also, every time I tell them that my name is Marinette they misspell it.”
“Don’t feel too bad, baristas are just like that. Heck, they’ve misspelled my name before.”
“... your name is Tim.”
“They spelled it with a y.”
“... why?”
“Yes. Exactly. A y.”
She giggled a little. “No, I mean why would they do that?”
“Oh. No clue. I hope they were just messing with me.”
The barista was wiping down the tables. It was nearing closing time and Marinette was feeling more and more sorry for the poor workers the longer they stayed. She knew that, when she had used to work at the bakery, she had always especially hated customers that were there around closing time.
Only two tables remained occupied.
She sighed when she glanced over and saw the guy was still there.
Oh well.
She looked over at Tim. “Care to walk me a few blocks in a random direction to see if we can get rid of him?”
“Certainly,” he said.
“‘Certainly’? I may not be super great with American customs yet but even I know that’s weird,” she teased.
He huffed a little. “Listen.”
“I’m listening.”
His nose scrunched. “No, wait, you weren’t supposed to call me out on the fact that I didn’t have an excuse.”
“Oh. Okay, we can try again.”
“Alright.” He cleared his throat. “Listen,” he said again, this time in a tone that mocked the one he’d said it in the first time.
Convenient. She was intent on mocking him, too: “I’m listening.”
“You’re the worst,” he complained.
She laughed. “I am so not. Joker exists.”
“You’re worse than him,” he said in his most serious voice.
She laughed harder. “No one is worse than him.”
He grinned. “I thought you liked people that were evil purely for being evil.”
“But he’s not,” she argued. “The man just decided one day that he liked the weird guy who dressed like a bat and figured that the best way to get that guy’s attention was to murder people.”
“Gotta admit, it works,” said Tim.
She shrugged, grinning. “Yeah, it does. Makes me wonder what would happen if the Big Bad Bat didn’t come, though.”
He tipped his head to the side slightly and then shrugged. “I don’t know, actually. He usually stops it in time.”
“I think he’d freak out.”
She grinned and stretched lazily, head tipping back.
“He’s still following us, isn’t he?” Asked Tim.
“Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’.
He groaned a little. “Great. Looks like we’re heading to the library.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You go to libraries? You could probably buy every ebook in existence and have a few billion left over.”
“One of my sisters works there, I can ask her to get rid of the guy,” he explained. “But I like libraries. There’s something quaint about them.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, it’s nice to see how the common folk live sometimes.”
He returned her eye roll. “Not like that. I spend a lot of time staring at screens, I have a special appreciation for regular old books.”
“That’s nice. I wish I had time to sit down with a physical copy like that.”
“You see, I have this genius strategy for making time: not taking care of myself.”
“Go on, this is intriguing.”
“Well, eating and sleeping, right? Everyone thinks they’re totally necessary things otherwise you’d die or whatever. But, listen, that’s just a hoax made up by the government to perpetuate capitalism.”
She nodded eagerly. “Totally totally totally. What’s your solution?”
“Coffee communism.”
“Yes, you should use your rich boy money to lobby Congress.”
He grinned. “I totally should. But I can’t run it by my family.”
“No way! You never know who's capitalist anymore, they could be plants placed by the sleep industry to ensure that you don’t go through with it.”
He gasped. “No! You think? My own family?!”
She nodded grimly. “It’s always the ones closest to you that betray you.”
And then he broke character, snickering behind his hand. She beamed.
They reached the library and he smiled as he held the door open for her. He asked her to wait while he talked to his sister and she waved him off casually, telling him to take his time.
She pulled out her phone and pressed her lips together thinly as she made a note to head over later that night to give the man -- Henry -- his money. She’d give him a little tip because, for a moment there, she’d almost forgotten that they were just acting. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to purposely trigger herself for the sake of believability but, hey, if she was going to try and dupe one of the smartest businessmen alive into talking to her, she needed to go all out.
Speaking of Tim, she updated the file of Tim’s favorite cafes plus the probabilities of him visiting each one. It was for his oldest brother, Richie Wayne. She didn’t know why Richie was the one to ask for it seeing as he spent most of his time in Bludhaven and therefore likely wouldn’t find much use in it, but no one ever really knew why Richie Wayne did anything. The man famously had almost as much cotton between his ears as his father.
But, Richie Wayne was also just as rich as his father, so… she’d give him his file later that night after checking her math with her favorite graphing calculator.
A redhead in a wheelchair rolled past Marinette and she absently held the door open for her, only to be surprised when she cursed out Henry.
She watched as Henry held his hands up and started backing away from the woman in the wheelchair, and then he ran down the nearest alley.
(… she’d give Henry a bigger tip. The man had just wanted a tiny side job to help pay for his wife and kids that wasn’t being a henchman, he didn’t deserve this.)
She opened the door for the woman on her way back inside and mumbled her thanks. The woman nodded once and continued on her way.
Marinette leaned back against the wall again and scrolled through Twitter as she waited for Tim to reappear. Apparently, Poison Ivy was already back in Arkham. Something about an intern at the botanical gardens watering plants wrong. Wild.
Marinette felt someone sidle up beside her and, after a quick glance confirmed that it was Tim, pocketed her phone.
He smiled at her, a tote bag over his shoulder.
“Did you go grocery shopping while I wasn’t looking, somehow?”
He hesitated before holding it out to her. “It’s the French dubs of the Harry Potter movies.”
She blinked as the bag was thrust into her hands and looked down at it. Yep, that was Harry Potter in French. She also, vaguely, noted the tiny slip of paper his phone number scrawled across it.
She slung the bag over her shoulder.
“I’m never going to return these. You’re going to rack up so much debt.”
NightwingsAss9384: does anyone know why nightwing and canary hate each other?
ScareCrane: She stabbed Batman once on accident and somehow got away with blaming it on him
Daylightwing: She refuses to let B adopt her.
RiddleMeThis: They think it’s funny when their stans fight.
SignalOfficial: They said ‘I’m the only flippy bitch allowed in New Jersey’ and have been fighting ever since
Yummmmmm: He has to or else Robin will get jealous because he’s the only stabby sibling allowed
Oracle: They’re fighting over who gets to change their name to ‘The Dodo’ first.
DeadHood: Nightwing is jealous that Canary was the first one of us to think to have a full-on bird mask.
TheBetterCanary: every time i go into the batfam tag to try and avoid them all i see is his fancams
SpoilerAlert: they’re both convinced that they’re the hottest bachelor/bachelorette in gotham
NightwingsAss9384: im beginning to think no ones going to tell me.
BlackBat: :)
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Canary taglist: @jayjayspixiepop @unoriginalmess @miraculousfanfic127 @probably-a-hologram @iloontjeboontje
74 notes · View notes
farfromharry · 3 years
Hehe hello! Since that esquire interview came out with Tom I have a prompt. Since he mentioned he’s not ready to have kids, how about the reader was there watching him interview and heard everything while she was secretly pregnant and didn’t tell him yet? Starts off angsty since she heard him but ends out fluff;) I LOVE YOU!!!!❤️
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summary: tom says something during an interview that worried you, but it all gets resolved in the end
tom holland x reader
w/c 0.6k
a/n - i just had to write this as soon as i saw this, i thought it was such a cute idea 🥺
you laughed along with the rest of the crew as tom told the nicki minaj story. the way he stupidly believed it himself even though there was no way it was real.
“so, that was a big relief for me,” he said, the ghost of a smile on his lips when he locked eyes with you, your laughter making him feel all warm inside. that all came crashing down though with his next sentence.
tom had looked back to the camera, shifting in his seat. “cause i’m not ready to have kids.”
your smile dropped, your heart sinking in your stomach as the plan to tell tom fell apart.
no one knew of course, no one but you and his mum, the person you’d asked to buy you a test when you started getting suspicious.
nikki was excited for you, she’d told you so as soon as the two lines appeared on the stick that would change your life forever.
she had convinced you through your doubts that tom would be so happy, and that he’d been an amazing father; not that you had any doubts about that part.
you were almost three months along when you’d finally built up the courage to tell him, to tell him today that was.
your hand subconsciously drifted to your stomach, rubbing small circles over the top of your clothes. you felt the lump in your throat and knew if you took one more look at tom you’d completely lose your composure.
jumping up from your seat you very politely asked someone where the bathroom was, just to give you an excuse to get out of there.
unfortunately for you, tom’s interview couldn’t last forever, so he did eventually come looking for you.
he found you sitting on the floor in one of the halls of the building, tears slowly sliding down your cheeks.
“y/n?” he asked. your eyes fluttered open, looking over to him with a sad smile. “what’s wrong?”
he crouched down in front of you, his eyes scanning your face and your body nervously, checking for any injuries before concluding you were physically fine.
“you’re going to hate me,” you cried, hands covering your tear stained face. tom was worried more than anything, he hated that you were so suddenly feeling like this.
“what happened?” he asked, in arguably the softest voice you’d ever heard him speak in.
“please don’t be mad.” he shook his head, running his thumb over your knuckles.
he placed a soft kiss on your hand. “could never be mad at you.”
you sniffled, taking deep breaths to try and control your rapid breathing. you looked up at your boyfriend, seeing the obvious worry written on his face.
“tom, i’m pregnant.” he was a little taken back by your bluntness, but once he’d had time to process the words you’d just said to him, he wasn’t much better.
after, who knows how long, of uncomfortable silence you spoke up, asking the question you really didn’t want to ask.
“about what you said in there, is it true?” he didn’t respond. in all honesty he was still in shock, he wasn’t expecting to receive this kind of news, but as he thought about it, the more things started to make sense. the being sick in the mornings, the weird cravings, the increase in mood swings, it all pieced together.
“it was then, b-but that was before,” he said.
you weren’t sure things had ever been this uncomfortable with tom, and you hated it so much. you didn’t know how long you’d been in that hallway, but your hope was slowly deteriorating.
“i thought you’d be happy,” you whispered. tom felt his heart break thinking he’d disappointed you. part of his was happy, but the other, larger, part of his was terrified.
“i am happy,” he promised, slipping his hand down to hold your stomach. he saw a faint twinkle in your eye, the one that you always got when you were truly excited.
“forget what i said in there.” he sent you a reassuring smile. “i’m ready to do this.”
tom holland taglist - @seutarose @lmaotshollandd @photoshopart15 @hopelessly-harry @bvttercupbby @call-me-baby-gir1 @fallinfortom @geminiparkers @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys @itstaskeen @icyhollands @tpwk-grande @zspideyy @chrisosterfield @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lowkey-holland @hollandcrush @wizkiddx @sannie-san-shine @sonnydoesrandomshit @hopeless-romantic-baby @dummiesshort @itsbieberxholland @lillucyandthejets @piscesparker @mymilliefrommarketing @spideyspeaches @kujokura @l0velyevans @jess-holland23
292 notes · View notes
mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- Watched - Pt.2
(Mammon x GN!MC)
**TW: Stalking, cussing, kidnapping
Lucifer briefly looked up from his desk, the giant stack of paper work towering high next to him.
“Ah, Mammon. To what do I owe the pleasure of your abrupt company?”
Mammon walked straight to the front of Lucifer’s desk, wasting no time, he got right to the point.
“I need to go to the human world.”
“Absolutely not.” Lucifer replied, without looking up from his work.
“Why not?”
“You know as well as I do that you cannot be trusted to go there by yourself.”
“Then come with me.” Mammon offered.
Lucifer glanced at his brother.
“I cannot. As you can see,” he gestured to the large stack of papers, “I am very busy. Besides, what business do you have in the human world?” He inquired.
Mammon put his hands in his pockets, and looked away from Lucifer nervously. He knew he wasn’t going to like his answer.
“I need to check on MC.” He confessed sheepishly.
Lucifer sighed, and put his pen down. Leaning back in his chair, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Mammon, you know the rules. MC is a human. Human lives are much shorter than ours. Taking up too much of MC’s time can be damaging.” He explained.
“I know, Lucifer. But, just listen- ” 
“No, Mammon. You listen.” Lucifer began. His hands were flat on his desk as he stood from his chair, giving his brother a stern look.
“I would like to see MC as well. We all would. However, unless Lord Diavolo says otherwise, we are not to interfere with MC’s life, aside from calling and texting. It may not seem fair, but it is what’s best for MC.”
A lump was building in Mammon’s throat. Why wouldn’t he just listen to him? MC could be in danger. He didn’t really have proof though, just a hunch...but still. He didn’t care about some dumb rule. He just needed to see for himself that you were okay, then he’d come home.
But, if you really were in danger..
He didn’t want to even consider something happening to you. Just the thought of it alone could all but crush him.
Mammon huffed and shook his head. “Ya know, there isn’t anythin’ MC wouldn’t do for any of us. Why are ya worried about interfering now? How many times did ya try to kill MC, huh? And what about Belphie?”
Lucifer was in shock. Mammon never talks to him in such a way. But before he could question his brother’s sudden bravery, Mammon stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.
Mammon wasn't without options. Lucifer's help was preferred, but not needed. He was going to the human world, to you, no matter the cost.
After leaving Lucifer's office, Mammon went straight to his room, looking for anything he could use as a trade or payment but couldn't find anything she would want. He would just have to make another deal.. He would worry about the repercussions of that decision later.
He pulled out his wallet and dug out the picture he secretly kept stashed away. He took it when you all went on a retreat to the Demon Lord's castle and got to tour the royal gardens. You were the most mesmerizing thing in that garden. The way your face lit up and your eyes sparkled. You talked non stop about how beautiful all the flowers were, but they all paled in comparison to you.
A small smile spread across his lips before tucking the photo safely back in it's place.
His smile was quickly replaced with a groan when he realized the next step of this little adventure was going to be less than fun.
If there was one thing Mammon hated (and was terrified of), it was witches. Especially the scary ones. And this one was indeed scary, but she was also the only witch left that would still make deals with the Avatar of Greed.
"I guess this is the right place?" He asked himself quietly, standing on the sidewalk in front of a quaint little house.
The witch had indeed agreed to make the deal and send him to the human world on the condition that he would retrieve a rare item for her, as she was currently stuck at her creepy cottage that was nestled deeply in the Dark Forest and could not leave.
'Bring me the heart of a mammal, not of our world, that thrives on malice and sadism. If you cannot fulfill your end of the deal, I will place a curse on you until the ends of eternity that will make everything of value you come in contact with turn to ash.'
He shuddered at what she had said. He wasn't sure how he'd find something like that, but decided to worry about it later.
‘When you are ready to return, go to the spot I told you about and say the incantation. The portal will open and bring you back here. I expect to receive the heart upon your return.’ 
He climbed the steps leading onto the porch and approached the front door. He knocked a few times before taking a step back, rocking back and forth on his heels while he waited.
No answer.
Maybe MC ain't home.. He thought.
Just as he was about to knock again, he noticed the curtain in the window pull to the side, followed immediately by what sounded like several locks being unlocked. The door flung open, revealing the occupant of the house. But, there’s no way it could be you. ..Right?
But it was you.
Deep purple bags sat underneath eyes that no longer sparkled. Your cheeks were sunken in a little and your face had no color. It looked as if you hadn't slept in days. You looked from side to side several times, like you were paranoid about being in the open.
Mammon was frozen in place, a lump forming in his throat.
"MC...?" He asked quietly.
Tears quickly filled your eyes, falling in fat drops. You launched yourself at him, throwing your arms around his middle and burying your face into his chest where you began to sob loudly.
Without missing a beat, he scooped you up bridal style and took you back inside the house. He kicked the door shut, taking note of the five locks on the door, and made his way over to the couch.
Why so many locks? This don't look like a bad neighborhood..
He laid down, gently pulling you on top of him as sobs continued to wrack through you. He rubbed soothing circles on your back, trying to help calm you down. He took in the state of his surroundings.
From his spot on the couch he could see the back door, which also had several locks on it. The windows behind the couch had pieces of wood shoved in them to prevent them from being opened. A blinking light on the bookshelf caught his eye. It was one of those live feed security cameras.
What the fuck is goin' on?
By now you had calmed down enough to try and sit up. Mammon moved you off of him and sat you down on the couch, giving you a concerned look.
"I'm sorry," you began, wiping your tears away with your sleeve, trying to stifle a hiccup, "I didn't expect to see you and I kinda got overwhelmed."
He paused for a moment, looking at everything he had noticed that was off about the room.
"MC...is everythin' ok?" He asked.
He saw something flash across your face, before you hid it away, replacing it with a fake half smile.
"Huh? Yeah, of course. I missed you. You know I'm a cry baby."
He scooted a little closer, leaning down slightly to look you in the eye. His face was more serious that you'd ever seen it.
"No, MC. Somethin' weird is going on that you're not tellin' me." He said, gesturing with his hands at the room around him.
The fake “I’m okay” face you plastered on had fallen. You sighed heavily and got up from the couch, gesturing for Mammon to stay where he was.
You went down the hallway and disappeared into one of the rooms. You returned a couple minutes later with a box about twice the size of a shoe box.
You sat the box on the coffee table in front of the couch and handed him a piece of paper and what looked to be a newspaper clipping. You returned to where you had been sitting and gestured at the box, tears filling your eyes once again.
“This is why I’ve been so distant from everyone. And why all of this-” you gestured at the room and yourself, “looks the way that it does.” You wiped away a tear that had fallen. “Start with the letter I handed you, then the box.” You instructed.
His heart rate accelerated, and he gave you a confused look. As per your instructions, he started reading the letter.
Then read it again.
He opened the box in a frenzy and froze in his place when he saw the contents. Dozens of letters, and countless pictures of.. you? His heart dropped into his stomach.
With a handful of pictures, he turned toward where you sat, you were already watching him. Tears pricked his eyes.
You were being... stalked?
Someone was threatening you.. harassing you..
“MC, wha-” He started to speak, but didn’t know what to say. He began pacing.
“It started a little over a month ago,” you began to explain, “that was the first one I got from them.”
That’s around the same time Asmo said MC seemed flustered by some hate mail they got..
“They started showing up more and more frequently. I was getting them at work and school too.” 
Mammon’s head was spinning.
“Why? Why didn’t ya tell me?” He asked quietly, stopping to look at you, tear streaks staining his face.
“They threatened my family.. I couldn’t let anything bad happen to them.”
“We coulda talked to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. They would’ve protected them.”
You shook your head, “I couldn’t take that chance, Mammon.” You stood up and walked over to him, once again wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your cheek on his chest. He held you close, his wings wrapping around you protectively.
He wasn’t quite sure when he’d shifted into demon form and It was very unlike him. Out of all his brothers, he was the most level headed one, believe it or not. He was the least likely to lose his temper, or to unknowingly shift into his demon form. Sure, he got into his fair share of trouble being the Avatar of Greed, but none of those resulted in him losing his grip on his temper. Perhaps that’s why Lucifer chose him to look after you upon your arrival in the Devildom. He knew that out of all of them, Mammon was patient and almost never lost control. He knew he’d be the one who could keep you safe.
None of that mattered now, because he in the end, he didn’t keep you safe..
He couldn’t believe it. His human had been in danger all this time and he never knew.. 
He thought you were seeing someone else, all the while some sicko was watching you. Threatening you.
He was livid.
He broke the embrace and looked down at you.
“I’m gonna go call Lucifer and fill him in on what’s been goin’ on.” He said quietly.
“What about my family? Who knows if or when the stalker will find out you’re here. They’re in danger, Mammon.” 
“I’ll make sure they’re safe, okay?” You paused for a moment, and nodded. You absolutely trusted Mammon. You had no doubt that he’d protect them and you. Now that he was here, you felt safe for the first time in weeks.
Mammon never left your side. He sat with you, after he insisted you eat something, and also stayed with you while you showered. You already seemed to feel better. Color was coming back to your cheeks, and the light in your eyes wasn’t so dull.
When you got sleepy, he laid with you, holding you as close as he could, never wanting to let go. The last time he let you go, this is how things ended up..
He stayed there still as a statue, silently kicking himself for letting you down, when he felt your breathing slow. Your hand still on his chest where you had been drawing random shapes. You always looked so beautiful while you slept.
He carefully untangled himself from you and got out of the bed, pulling the covers over you. You squirmed for a minute and snuggled into the spot he had been laying in, letting out a content sigh. By the looks of it, this was the first time you’d slept so peacefully in quite some time. The thought made his stomach churn.
He quietly left the room, pulling the door behind him, leaving it slightly cracked. He checked all the doors and locks one more time, then went into the living room. He pulled his phone out, bringing up the all too familiar number. He began pacing around the room when it started to ring. It was late now, but he would definitely still be awake.
“Well, if it isn’t the runaway.”
Mammon rolled his eyes, “You’re s’posed to say ‘Hello?’ when you answer the phone.”
A dark, stifled laugh came through the other end. Even from this far away, he could be intimidating.
“Do you have any idea, what you’ve done? What am I to tell Lord Diavolo, hmm?”
“Lucifer, listen..” Mammon began, but was cut off.
“I am going to string you upside down from the rafters for the next two centuries, at least. That is, after you’ve received official punishment from Diavolo of course.”
“You have no business.. no. You have no right to interfere in MC’s life. To run off to the human world, with the help of witches nonetheless, without thinking about the consequen-”
“MC is being stalked!” Mammon shouted, slapping a hand over his mouth afterward and looking down the hallway, hoping he hadn’t woke you up. He let his hand drop when he heard your quiet breathing coming from the bedroom.
The line was quiet for a moment.
“...What?” Lucifer asked, his tone now quiet, laced with concern rather than malice.
“MC is being stalked.” He repeated, pacing the floor.
Silence again.
“You’re sure?”
Mammon stopped momentarily and glanced at the box on the coffee table, “Yeah, I’m sure. The sicko has been sending ‘em hate mail everyday for weeks now. They also send pictures, Lucifer.. of MC. At the store, when they’re at work, and even some of MC outside their house.” He gritted his teeth. His throat burned, feeling as if it had been burned with fire. The things he wanted to do to this freak..
“Why didn’t MC contact the police, or us?” Lucifer asked quietly. Mammon could detect the faint hint of sadness in his older brother’s voice.
“They’ve been danglin’ MC’s family over their head. Said if MC told anyone, they’d kill ‘em.” He explained.
He heard a sigh on the other end. Lucifer knew you all to well, just like the rest of them did. He knew you were willing to put yourself in harm’s way for the people you cared about. You had done the very same for him and his brothers numerous times. You weren’t concerned by your own self-preservation if it meant protecting someone you love.
“What is their end goal then?” Lucifer asked.
“Not too sure, but a lot of the letters said that they were gonna ‘cleanse’ MC. Maybe trying to ‘save’ them? The stalker seems kinda churchy and they’re targeting MC because of us and Lord Diavolo’s plan to unite the realms.”
The other end of the phone was silent again for a moment, then he heard the shuffling of papers and what sounded like footsteps.
“Mammon, listen carefully. For now, stay with MC and don’t leave the house. This stalker may not know you’re there yet. We need to keep it that way if we intend to protect MC’s family. I need to consult with Lord Diavolo. I will call you when I know more.” With that, the call was abruptly ended. He shoved the phone in his pocket.
He quietly crept back to the bedroom where you were still sound asleep and watched over your sleeping form for a moment. His heart started to ache. The thought of someone putting you through all of this, tormenting you for weeks on end..
You were definitely the strongest human he knew, you proved that more times than he could count. To see you like this, so broken, a ghost of your former self, filled him with pure rage.
He crawled into the bed, the slight movement waking you up.  
“Shh, s’okay. Go back to sleep.” He whispered, pulling to snugly against him. You  laid your head on his chest, your arms wrapped around him and gave a small squeeze before he felt your body relax again, having fallen back asleep.
He missed these moments. The cute, sleepy cuddles in the middle of the night. Feeling the warmth of your body next to his and your quiet breathing. He missed walking to RAD together, hatching schemes, and running from Lucifer. Convincing his brothers to trade him so he always had kitchen duty with you, the way your hair smells, or how perfect you look under the moon of the Devildom. He missed you.
He used to have such a hard time expressing things, thinking it made him look weak. He’s one of the seven rulers of the underworld, after all. As if he’d ever care about a human. He can’t let lesser demons think he’s gone soft, so he masked his feelings, or tried to anyway. It didn’t last long.
You were so different, exciting, even for a human. You were always nice and never called him names like everyone else. You even stood up for him against his brothers and actually wanted to be around him. You weren’t like anyone he’d ever known. He couldn’t help but be drawn to you, which terrified him.
He is a demon after all, and with that comes some responsibilities, so to speak. Being the Avatar of Greed, he would never be able to escape his sin. It’s part of who he is. 
But he found himself trying to get better control of it. He still got himself in sticky situations, but for the most part he was going straight, taking on more modeling gigs and other legitimate ways to make Grimm instead of stealing stuff and hatching ‘get rich quick’ schemes. He was even trying harder at RAD. He desperately wanted to prove to you that he wasn’t all the things everyone said he was, prove that he was someone worthy of your kindness and warmth.
But when he held your lifeless body in his arms, too fragile to withstand Belphie’s attack, screaming your name between sobs and begging you to open you eyes even just a little, he was made painfully aware of the truth he hid away in his heart. 
All he could think of was how he never got to tell you that you weren’t just some annoying human that made his life harder and drove him crazy. You were his best friend, the only person that’s ever understood him, like a little ray of sunlight cast into his darkness, warm and bright. You’re the only person he’s ever loved..
Thanks to Barbatos, everything worked out and he promised himself he’d be different, he wouldn’t hide his feelings anymore. He didn’t care if how he felt for you made him weak, because honestly, he was. When it came to you, he was the softest demon the Devildom had. He wouldn’t deny it any longer.
He had waited centuries for someone to come along and willingly give him the love he so craved. Someone who could see that he was more than just a Grimm hungry scumbag like everyone said. And you did just that.
Blame his greed if you will, but you were his human. He thought he had lost you once, and he wasn’t going to sit by quietly and let someone come in and take you away, or cause you harm.
For you, his precious human, he was more than willing to go to the ends of the three realms, if to only be able to show you a fraction of the gratitude and love he had in his heart for you. For choosing him. For changing him and his brothers for the better
His arms tightened around you protectively.
“I’ll never leave ya again.” He silently swore, placing a kiss on top of your head. “Never.”
Mammon was awakened by his phone ringing. Still in his pocket, he tried his best to fish it out without disturbing you, as you slept soundly on his chest.
“Hello?” He answered groggily, voice rough from sleep.
“Shouldn’t you already be awake? It’s nearly noon there.” Even in a different realm, Lucifer still found time to scold him. Mammon ignored it for now as there were more important things to worry about.
“Did ya talk to Lord Diavolo?”
“Yes, I did. He decided that it’d be best to bring MC back to the Devildom for the time being, until the stalker is dealt with.”
“And their family? What about them?”
“Lord Diavolo is sending in a team of highly trained guards. MC’s family will be under constant protection until this is solved.”
“Okay. Oh, uh, Lucifer? Could ya maybe tell their family some other reason they’re gettin’ the bodyguards, without mentioning the stalker? I don’t think MC wants to worry them..”
“Yes. I’ll make sure the guards know as well.”
Mammon sighed with relief. It looked like everything was going to be okay. 
Even if he and his brothers didn’t get along the best, he knew he could always count on them.
“Man, ya got nothin’ in here, MC.” Mammon complained. You watched from where you sat on the couch, as most of his upper body disappeared inside the refrigerator.
“Yeah, I’ve been too paranoid to go food shopping lately. I usually just eat at work.”
That hurt his heart. No wonder you felt lighter. You worked at a small coffee shop, it’s not like they had much other than muffins and scones.
Mammon shut the fridge door and padded into the living room, leaning on the doorway.
“Well, I’m starving. I’m sure you are too. So, c’mon, let’s go.” He said, motioning for you to follow him as he walked toward the front door, looking for his shoes.
“Lucifer said not to leave the house.” You reminded him.
“Oh, right. Hmm.” He put a finger to his chin, snapping his fingers when he thought of a solution, “We could get delivery.”
You nodded, “Yeah, ok. There was no rule against that.”
You placed an order at your favorite take out place, the one you used to get delivery from a couple times a week before all of this started. You were such a regular that you and the delivery guy on your route were pretty well acquainted now.
“Alex should be here soon.” You said to Mammon, setting your phone on the coffee table. 
He had been watching a video on his phone, slumped into the couch next to you, but something you said caught his attention.
“Huh? Who’s Alex?” He asked, abandoning his video to look at you.
“Oh, he’s the delivery guy on this route. Every time I order from this place he’s always the one that comes so we kinda know each other now I guess.” You explained.
“Ah.” He said nodding his head, turning back to his video.
“When he gets here, you’ll have to hide in the other room, though.”
Mammon nearly dropped his phone he was so flustered. He quickly sat up, his face turning red.
“Huh?! Just how close are ya with this “Alex”, MC?” He screeched, making air quotes around the guy’s name. His reaction confused you. Then it clicked. You could see how he interpreted it that way.
“What? Mammon, no.” You tried to hide a giggle. “It’s not like that. The stalker could be nearby watching the house. If you open the door or something they’ll see you and know that I most likely told you everything. Diavolo’s guards aren’t here yet, so it’s best if you remain hidden.” You explained.
He immediately deflated. “Oh r-right. Yeah, I knew that.” 
You walked over to him and got on your tip toes, placing a quick peck on his cheek. “You’ll always be my first man, Mammon.” A smile spread across his face.
He quickly wrapped you up in a hug and pulled you close, letting out a sigh.
“The Devildom ain’t been the same without ya. It doesn’t feel like home no more.”
You squirmed in his arms until you could look up at him.
“I missed you too.” You replied, knowing that that’s essentially what he was trying to say. He’d definitely improved on telling you hw he felt, but could still be emotionally constipated sometimes.
He was quiet for a moment, then you felt him tense.
“MC, I’m sorry I didn’t keep you saf-”
“Stop right there.” You said, pulling out of his embrace enough that he could see your face. 
“This is not your fault, or anyone else’s. This person is sick and lashing out because their personal prejudices aren’t enough to stop change. No matter what you’re trying to change, there will always be someone against it.”
His expression softened a little bit, relieved that you didn’t blame him.
“No matter how much people may hate me or try to hurt me, I will never regret my time in the Devildom. I may be human, but the Devildom is my home now too.” You returned to his embrace, squeezing him tightly.
You felt him relax, resting his cheek on top of your head.
“I love ya, MC.” He said quietly. With your head on his chest, you could hear his heart start beating faster. You smiled into his shirt.
“I love you, too.”
You stayed like that, wrapped up safe in each others arms, for what seemed like forever and not nearly long enough at the same time. The doorbell being the only reason you separated.
“Mammon, the food.” You said, trying to squirm out of his arms.
He grunted.
“Mammonnn, I’m starving!” You whined, still fighting to free yourself.
He dropped his arms, grumbling out a “Fine.”
“Go in the bedroom.” You said, pushing him forward. You put a finger to your lips when he turned to face you as if to “Shh” him. He made a face at you, but still complied.
You made your way back to the living room, and after checking the peephole, opened the door.
“Hey, Alex.” You greeted.
“MC, long time no see. How have you been?” He inquired, handing you the bag of food.
“Busy, as usual.” You replied, stepping back inside to set the food on the small table next to the door, grabbing the money.
When you turned back, you noticed his gaze on something just inside the door, next to your feet. You glanced down to see Mammon’s shoes where he had kicked them off after first arriving yesterday.
His expression had changed suddenly. He almost looked...angry?
You brushed it off, assuming he was having a rough day or something. Sticking out your arm, you handed him cash for the food and his tip, but he made no move to reach for it. His eyes still fixated on the shoes.
“Are you alone?” He asked quietly.
“I’m sorry?” You asked. You were sure you’d heard him right, you just didn’t know why he’d ask you something like that. You’d only ever exchanged small talk about work and the weather, so it’s not like you were close enough for him to inquire about something so personal.
His turned his gaze back to you, eyes now visibly cold.
“Is there someone in there with you? Someone not from around here maybe?”
The hair on the back of your neck was standing up. The way he asked the last question.. Something wasn’t right.
He leaned in slightly, “I thought I told you not to tell anyone?”
You felt the color drain from your face, your heart dropped into your stomach.
It’s him..
A sickening smile spread across his face at the realization of you figuring everything out.
“Not so tough now are ya, demon whore?”
Mammon can’t see the front door from the bedroom.. Think, MC. Think!
You quickly took a deep breath, filling your chest.
Mammon is right there in the other room, all you have to do is scream.
Sensing what you were planning to do, Alex grabbed you, holding you with your back against his chest, his hand clamped down hard over your mouth. You started to squirm and fight, trying to break free.
“Shhh. We wouldn’t want to make a scene now, do we?” He whispered into your ear. You felt something sharp poke your side and assumed it was a knife.
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes.
He’s going to kill me..
“You’re coming with me.” Keeping the knife in your ribs so you’d do as he said, he quickly led you to his car where he opened the trunk and shoved you inside.
“I hadn’t planned on doing your cleansing this early, but oh well. The sooner the better.” He said, laughing, shutting the trunk lid. As soon as it latched you checked for the trunk release that should be on the inside, but this car was much older and didn’t have one. You were stuck.
You wondered why no one had seen what was happening, but it all happened so quickly that unless you were purposefully watching, you wouldn’t have noticed anything.
This was it. Whatever this sicko had planned was how it ended for you. 
You just wanted one more hug. One more kiss. One more chance to love him before it all got taken away.
You curled up into the fetal position, keeping his face at the front of your mind. Your tears now falling freely.
Mammon, I love you... I’m sorry..
| part three |
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