#and then blame Meep for it
frogathy · 1 year
it’s frustrating knowing that i knew for two years that my adderal didnt make me feel any different and when i was asked by my mom or my doctor/psych i would always say “i have no idea”, shrug my shoulders, and usually i’d say “i cant tell” or “i have no idea how im supposed to know.” until now i didnt realize just how little it was doing for me. i havent done a single calculus assignment because he only puts the homework on google classroom, and thats just another step for my brain to process and become overwhelmed with. tonight i had so many things to do, but i just didnt do them. i cant function. and the thing is it’s not just things i don’t want to do, like write an annotated bibliography for my thesis or the other assignment that idek what it is—i love calculus, i love the teacher, i want to do the work. i want to do it because i know it will challenge me and prepare my brain to process things faster, and i simply enjoy the subject. i also just need to do it for my own understanding of whats going on. but i cant even check for the homework on google classroom because i get overwhelmed thinking about how i have to get my laptop out and then open GC and then write the assignment down and then open my book and get a paper from my binder and etc. every fiber of my being wants to do the assignment but i cant get off the floor and i am just constantly beating myself up about it because why havent i learned?? surely after nearly three years of knowing about my adhd i would have learned how to overcome that feeling somehow but no i havent
so anyways this post is about how i have a history term sheet due tomorrow that i havent done even though its jsut copying notes i Already took. as well as a quiz on the book we are reading in history except i havent read what was assigned! neither did i do so last week! im doing great and im definitely not fantasizing about dropping out again👍
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ethernetmeep · 1 year
crossing my arms and pouting like a five year old as my peers once again get free reign of seeing my most personal of paintings
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paopuvanitas · 4 months
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nalver · 2 years
wish i could be normal about music
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meepsthemiqo · 2 months
Ship: Meeps x G'raha Tia
Status: Failed. This ship failed to set sail.
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Like many people, I chose to ship Meeps with G’raha Tia. I took a different approach, however. Meeps is not his “inspiration”. She is not his hero. This is more of an enemies to lovers trope. Meeps started off HATING G’raha Tia. HATING. For good reason, too. Firstly for dragging her to the First and separating her from her children for a long period of time. Then there was his involvement in Elidibus’ death. Not only did Meeps have confusing romantic feelings surrounding the Ascian, but he was the father of Fae’a, her son.
Their “romance” starts post-Endwalker. Meeps is in a very dark place, mentally. The death of Elidibus hit her HARD. His death triggered memories of her past life as Selene to resurface, confusing Meeps by making it hard to distinguish her own emotions from Selene’s. Not only that, her relationship with her son had become strained. As Fae’a grieved his father’s passing, he blamed his mother for not being able to save his father.
During the events of Endwalker, when G’raha mentions that Elidibus is “Not alive as such…but not quite dead…” something in Meeps snaps and she attacks G’raha, fueled by the grief and rage of her ancient counterpart. G’raha does not fight back. Meeps isn’t trained in combat and so G’raha isn’t in any real danger. He lets her vent her anger until she breaks down and holds her whilst she cries. 
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It was in that moment that he realized that his actions, however justified, had consequences. Elidibus was a threat that needed to be stopped. He could no longer be reasoned with. G’raha did what he thought was right at the time. Yet in doing so, he caused harm to Meeps and her son. G’raha vowed to make things right in whatever way he could.
G’raha begins helping her around the house and with her children as a way to repay her for the hurt he caused her. Over time he begins to develop feelings for Meeps as he gets to know her and her family. Despite how obvious it is to everyone around him, G’raha does not voice his feelings out of fear of how Meeps would react.
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Over time, Meeps does learn to forgive G’raha. His presence  helps her tremendously in her journey of healing. She learns to accept his help and that she doesn’t need to do everything herself. Needing help whilst she battles her depression does not make her a bad mother. 
I like to think that Meeps does eventually develop romantic feelings for G’raha. She comes to see and appreciates how hard he is trying. He is around so often he is almost part of the family. That being said, I do not think a romantic relationship between them would be healthy.
G’raha Tia killed Elidibus. That fact will ALWAYS be looming over his head. It is a fact that he cannot outrun. Even if Meeps is able to forgive him and even love him, Fae’a might not. Fae’a is still young and entering his teenage years. Being a teenager is hard enough without the knowledge that his mother is in love with his father’s killer. It would feel like a betrayal and destroy their relationship completely. Meeps would never do that to her son, nor would G'raha. It would likely be a mutual agreement between the two that a relationship cannot be.
I think the only way they could theoretically be together is much later on in life when Fae’a is an adult. Right now he isn’t mature enough to fully understand the reasoning behind his father’s death. Once he has grown up however, I think he would be more open to Meeps and G’raha being in a romantic relationship.
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tatesdiary · 2 years
summary Elsa's group welcomes you after you manage to escape the clown's grasp, but nightmares still follow you every night. Jimmy helps with that.
tags short, set in s4 of AHS, female reader (but barely specified)
word count 658
a/n Since Netflix took AHS down I haven't been able to watch it, so I was stuck ok season 3 for like a year... Since I'm quite deprived of Evan content I watched the Jeffrey Dahmer show, but that's obviously not the same as Tate, Kit or Kyle :'D found a website on which I can watch and I HAD to write something for Jimmy. He's so cute. Also; I haven't finished season 4 yet
my other account for stranger things/BTS
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Your nightmares of being back in the rusty his or whatever it was were more frequent, now that it was clear he was going around wildly murdering.
A police officer had come a few days ago, interrogating some of the others and heavily implying that it wouldn't be heard to shift the blame on them if necessary.
It had angered you, but before you could step in Jimmy had, and assured the officer in his usual dismissive way that they had nothing to do with the murders.
The officers had left in a grumpy mood, not bothering to even pretend to be nice.
After yesterday though, your nightmares had gotten worse again. You were a hundred percent sure you'd seen him again, just standing there with the awfully dirty bag in his hand, piercing eyes fixed on the twins.
You had been frozen in shock, trying to melt into the rough material of the tent. When you were about to tell Elsa about it he disappeared, every hint of him ever being there gone.
Waking up in a cold sweat was normal by now - if you were able to rest at all. Sighing, you drag your hands across your face before getting up.
It was close to 2 AM and the full moon shone brightly on the caravans before you.
You went around yours - you'd been lucky they had one left, otherwise you would've been forced to share one with the twins - and sat on the dry ground, staring into the night sky.
"Can't sleep?" You flinch in surprise, turning around in a hurry only to see Jimmy. He'd switched his usual tank top for a white shirt that sat tighter than the tops, a pair of seemingly old sweatpants low on his hips. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, an unconscious habit of hiding them you'd realized recently, and he looked more than attractive.
You clear your throat and try smiling, "Oh, you know. The usual," he knew about your nightmares since he asked you why you always looked tired after your third day here.
He shrugs and sits down next to you carefully, keeping a respectable amount of space between you (though you wouldn't have minded him any closer).
"Have you slept at all so far?" You pick at the grass in silent agreement. He huffs a little amusedly, "Yeah, me neither."
You furrow your eyebrows and look at him, "Why?" He tenses a little and after half a minute of awkward silence you're about to take your question back, when he answers. "The thing with Meep and everything," you may have only known him for a few weeks but you could read him enough to see he was blaming himself.
Without thinking you reach out your hand and lay it on his, hoping to be assuring, "Don't blame yourself, after all you didn't want this to happen. You thought you were protecting them, you meant well."
He turns his hand so he can hold yours, slowly and carefully as if leaving you space to back away again. It was truly devastating to see how insecure and unsure he was about himself behind all the charms and flirting.
"Don't be ashamed of yourself. Just because you're different doesn't mean you're bad," you tug his hand in your lap and lean against his side. His breath hitches and he looks at you. Silence stretches over you two, though this time it's comforting.
When he breaks it, it's with a question. "Uhm, you wanna sleep.with me tonight? Maybe you can sleep if you're not alone… you don't have to, of course, but you know."
He does the sweet smile he always does again and you almost coo out loud, before his suggestion sinks in and you grin as well. "Sounds great."
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ramblingsofamuskrat · 10 months
I love some of the parallels between the Doctor Who anniversary and Partners in Crime, even if the there are still strong, contrasting differences between the stories.
Like, the anniversary introduces this other seemingly adorable creature that ends up just wreaking havoc in London. The adipose in Partners in Crime were just babies and deserve no actual blame in what they did, as the Doctor kinda outlines in that episode, but I love how both episodes focus on these cute creatures to reintroduce Donna. Also, not really related to the point, but the transition of the Meep from adorable to pure evil is something that I have been thinking about way too much over the past couple of days...
And the fact that at the end of both episodes, the Doctor and Donna go to see Wilf. Currently not a successful endeavor given the coffee incident in the anniversary, but that was going to be Donna's "one last trip", and before her and the Doctor go on adventures in season 4, they wave to Wilf from the skies and I just love that contrast. Wilf loves seeing Donna happy, and knows how much she loved traveling with the Doctor, and just having that brought back up again in the anniversary was amazing. This obviously makes sense from a storytelling perspective, given Wilf's character throughout the series, but I still like that they wanted to go see him for that adventure again.
On a completely unrelated note, love how soft and sentimental David Tennant was, especially in contrast to Donna's more motherly, yet still very snarky attitude after remembering the Doctor. To some extent, these characters have changed because of what they're going through, but they still work so well together and it really just hits hard. I grew up on Doctor Who, and although it's been a while, to the point where I cannot recall some even major plot points throughout the show, watching it always makes me happy. Seeing David Tennant back as well, and experiencing the amazing dynamic him and Catherine Tate have together was awesome as well and I will definitely continue to fangirl about these episodes a little too much. Also, I freaked out when I first heard Yasmin Finney was going to be in Doctor Who, and I am continuing to do so. It was amazing seeing her my favorite show as a child. I love Heartstopper and seeing the cast appear media I grew up on is very exciting to me. I have so much more to say but genuinely, despite so many questions I have and "what the fuck" moments I had while watching the episode, the first part of the reunion really hit home for me.
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captainsupernoodle · 10 months
it's been a number of years since i was last watching dr who but i have been
* momentarily cut to me lying on the floor, wailing *
enjoying the 60th anniversary special!
the star beast - ten and donna had a great dynamic and i have season three on order at the library to recall just how good it is but hhhhhhhhhhooooooh boy. oh wow. the way they handled fourteen missing her. his expressions when they're in the bisected dagger drive. you can have as many rubber suit grasshopper men as you want if you have david tennet screaming about losing a friend all over again. aaaaaaaaaaah. a;lsjdlfs. hELP. the way tate delivers some of her lines just hits me perfectly. poking the meep in the eye and the absolute full-chested "WHAT the HELL." mad paddington. "i wanted to be kind, i wanted to be nice," THE WAY SHE USES HER VOICE. unparalleled. also the bit where the key thing she remembers about him - that she subconsciously tried to imitate - is his empathy and sincere desire to help. out of all the manifold elements and depths of him it's just. his sincere desire to help someone who's hurting. that sticks with her. WAH.
wild blue yonder - it's a war song but "it's jolly" and this has no parallels to a funny man in a suit swallowing thousands of years of trauma so he can laugh with people he only gets to keep for a year or two.
okay i need to stop thinking about that for a sec
the doctor/donna chemistry was FLAWLESS their one thirty-second exchange with isaac newton packed YEARS worth of comfort and joy into them bantering like that lskdjflskdj and then when they get out and he refuses to blame her for EXPLODING his NEW TARDIS and the way they have a spat that touches on real underlying pain and fear but then stop themselves and apologize.......both of them refolding their sweater/vest and crossing their arms as a comfort movement...i need to lie down. i know that's literally just the beginning of the episode but laksjdlfnslfljldsnvlksjdlfjiw
all of this is trying to distract me from the bit where HE WENT IN! FOR A HUG!!!!!! BECAUSE HE WAS JUST! HURTING! AND WANTED COMFORT FROM HIS FRIEND! AND SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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systemtermz · 7 months
Take my list of strange alters:
Dolie - literally an Annabelle doll who sits in front room when we’re having flashbacks to LITERALLY SCARE US INTO CALMING DOWN
Icem - a yeti. Literally just a yeti.
Behemoth - a little sprite. A teeny tiny little sprite
Heart - We think she’s an introject of Mad Hatter Melanie Martinez, we actually have no idea what she does but she IS very good at having panic attacks
Meep - tic holder, but uhhh he’s kinda a clock?
The Council - it’s one alter, I mean it a SINGLE ALTER who has a plural name. I don’t even know what it does
Map - don’t even ask, blame 6 year old Mykee who in the midst of his trauma had an OBSESSION with Dora the Explorer
Trickie - apparently their entire role is just to distance us from abusers?
Steps - A songtive of a song we swear we’ve never heard and for that reason I (Bibble) can’t even name it
Me! Bibble - I’m one of four hosts and I am a heavily humanised version of Bibble from the Barbie Movies
-Bibble (The Cannibal Corpses System)
Every single one of these is a set up for a punchline.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Doctor Who celebrated its 60th anniversary with three special episodes airing across as many weeks, and each provided viewers with some great quotes from its characters. These specials mark the return of David Tennant, now playing the Fourteenth Doctor, and Catherine Tate, who reprises her role as Donna Noble. The two were last seen in the season 4 finale, "Journeys End," in 2008. The specials also see the surprising debut of the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, who wasn't expected to appear in the show until the 2023 Christmas Day special, "The Church on Ruby Road."
The three Doctor Who 60th-anniversary specials, entitled "The Star Beast," "Wild Blue Yonder," and "The Giggle," all feature memorable dialogue, including several quotable lines. Not only do the Doctor and Donna's exchanges bring some expected brilliant moments to the show, but there are also some entertaining comments from other returning characters, such as Donna's mother, Sylvia Noble (Jacqueline King), and the Doctor Who villain known as the Toymaker (now played by Neil Patrick Harris). With Doctor Who season 14 due to air in Spring 2024, there are sure to be more amazing quotes to come, but the 60th-anniversary episodes deliver enough great lines to tide fans over until then.
15. "Tuna Madras." - Sylvia Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Star Beast"
While Donna's mother doesn't feature too heavily during the 60th-anniversary specials, one of the best quotes from these episodes is spoken by her. The deadpan delivery of this line, as Shaun (Karl Collins) returns home from work to find his family panicking over an alien in their kitchen, is nothing short of hilarious. The entire scene gives off a deer-in-headlights atmosphere, and Sylvia's line is a perfect breaking point after Shaun's arrival before all hell breaks loose.
14. "No Such Thing As Spaceships? We've Got A Bloody Martian In The Shed!" - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Star Beast"
Donna Noble's return to Doctor Who shows that the character hasn't changed too much and, as has been established during her original run, always manages to miss the arrival of aliens on Earth. However, this doesn't last long, and she finds the Meep (Miriam Margoyles) in her daughter's shed. This scene is absolute chaos, but it sees Donna at her funniest, screaming as she attempts to pull the Meep off her leg.
13. "I Don't Just Fire Darts, Mate." - Shirley Anne Bingham
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Star Beast"
"The Star Beast" introduces Shirley Anne Bingham (Ruth Madeley), as well as the return of UNIT to Doctor Who, as she is the latest to hold the position of the Doctor's scientific advisor. Shirley is an ambulatory wheelchair user and this is to her benefit when she helps the Doctor against the Meep. Her ability to use her wheelchair to not only knock out the manipulated soldiers but also to blow a huge hole in a brick wall while uttering this line is nothing short of incredible.
12. "I Had A Subconscious Infracutaneous Retrofold Memory Loop, Making Me Act As Soft As You And Give Away £166 Million!" - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Star Beast"
When the Tenth Doctor (also Tennant) said his goodbyes before regenerating, one of his last acts was to leave Donna and Shaun a winning lottery ticket on their wedding day. "The Star Beast" reveals that they had won £166 million, but Donna gave her money away to charity. This quote shows off Donna's character and her hilarious reaction upon getting her memory back, only to shout at the Doctor, blaming him for her actions as she'd done so to be like him.
11. "Then... We Go... And Kick Its Arse!" - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "Wild Blue Yonder"
The Doctor Who special "Wild Blue Yonder" sees the Doctor and Donna dropped into the middle of hostile action and the TARDIS abandoning them. In a typical Donna fashion, her realization of the danger only motivates her, knowing she has to get back home to Rose (Yasmin Finney) on Earth. With her having been away from Doctor Who for such a long time, it's great to see Donna still as the head-strong and boisterous character that made her so brilliant 15 years ago.
10. "We've Got A Chair. That's A Good Sign. It's A Lifeform With A Bum." - The Fourteenth Doctor
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "Wild Blue Yonder"
It wouldn't be Doctor Who without the Doctor making an obvious comment. While "Wild Blue Yonder" is a Doctor-and-companion-only story, minus the brief appearance of Isaac Newton (Nathaniel Curtis) in the cold open, it sees great dramatic performances from both David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Plus, the Doctor identifying that the threat must be able to sit down is made even creepier when they struggle to find any further signs of life.
9. "So I Arrived In Southampton, Which Allowed My Mother To Say I Was A Problem From The Day I Was Born. And I've Not Come To The Edge Of The Universe To Discover I'm Still Dealing With That." - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "Wild Blue Yonder"
The Doctor Who 60th-anniversary specials dig deeper into Donna's backstory, and considering she has been such a prominent character in the show since its 2005 reboot, this was unexpected. Season 4 saw plenty of moments that indicated that Sylvia wasn't the most appreciative of her daughter, and even though it's clear that their relationship has improved since 2008, Donna clearly has some lingering issues on the subject. Still, it's great to see yet another classic Donna line that seems like a ramble about her life but ends up being something that helps her and the Doctor save themselves from danger once again.
8. "Although, Don't Say Companion. That Sounds Like We Park Him On The Seafront At Weston-Super-Mare." - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
Donna's casual remarks are one of the reasons why she's such a brilliant character, and her response to being referred to as a companion only proves this. On top of this, she's quick to check with Shirley if her comment is offensive or not, not wanting to insult anyone other than the Doctor in the process. Donna's ability to paint a picture with just a few choice words is hilarious, and it's not the only time she does this in "The Giggle."
7. "I'm All Sonic And Tardis And Time Lord. Take That Away. Take Away The Toys. What Am I? What Am I Now?" - The Fourteenth Doctor
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
While there are many funny moments in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials, one of the most dramatic comes from the Doctor in "The Giggle." David Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor's more solemn moments is just as strong as The Fourteenth Doctor as they were as The Tenth, and breaking his walls down to Donna once again shows that their friendship is just as strong as it was before. This particular quote also sets up the Doctor's fate at the end of the specials, and it's a refreshing moment to see the Doctor acknowledge his reputation across the universe.
6. "Well, That's All Right Then." - The Toymaker
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
One of the most intense scenes in "The Giggle" sees the Toymaker spill details about the Doctor's lives and companions since he'd last seen Donna, in the form of a creepy but accurate puppet show. The Toymaker's sharp tongue is quick to call the Time Lord out about what happened to his friends over the years, and even when the Doctor retaliates, he spits back at him. It's an interesting moment for the show, especially as nobody had ever really made the Doctor face his actions in such a way before, but without this scene, the Doctor might never have accepted that he needed to grieve properly.
5. "You're Gonna Be Someone Else. It Doesn't Matter Who. Cause Every Single One Of You Is Fantastic." - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
Donna's reaction to the Doctor regenerating in "The Giggle" is significantly different from the first time she'd seen it, way back in the season 4 episode "The Stolen Earth." This time, now aware of what would happen and having seen more of his incarnations as part of the DoctorDonna, she's quick to hold his hand and gently guide him through the process. This scene shows one of the most wholesome moments between the pair, proving that they are one of the best Doctor Who duos.
4. "Can You Pull?" - The Fourteenth Doctor
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
The Doctor's bi-generation is a huge shake-up for the format of Doctor Who and is particularly unexpected by the Doctor himself. Whatever is running through his head for him to ask this question must be interesting, but it leads to the arrival of Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor. It must also be quite an odd moment for Mel (Bonnie Langford) and Donna too, as being asked to pull could mean anything.
3. "Do You Come In A Range Of Colors?" - Donna Noble
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
In another one of Donna's classic remarks, she quickly points out a first in Doctor Who: Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal of the Fifteenth Doctor makes him the first actor of color to play the Doctor on Doctor Who, and the second to play a Time Lord, with the first being Sacha Dhawan's Master. Of course, Donna's playful way of acknowledging this is a great way of explaining this to audiences.
2. "You Can't Save Everyone." - The Fifteenth Doctor
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
Even though the Fifteenth Doctor only appears toward the end of "The Giggle," he still has some great lines of dialogue. What's unique about this version of the Doctor is his ability to look back on his past without any shame and face his problems head-on. It's refreshing to see the Doctor speak to himself, and to tell his past incarnation exactly what his companions had spent years telling him: "You can't save everyone."
1. "One Thing You Need In This Place Is A Chair." - The Fifteenth Doctor
Quoted from the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle"
With there now being two TARDISes, the Fifteenth Doctor points out exactly what is missing from both: a chair. The jump seat was a staple of previous versions of the Doctor's ship, and it did seem unusual that the new TARDIS didn't have one, especially as the Tenth Doctor had one in the design he'd had in his original era. Seeing as the new version is so much bigger compared to previous ones, surely Doctor Who's design team could find the room to squeeze one in.'
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whosamawhatsit · 8 months
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I would say blame meep but I'm the one who spent an awkwardly long time on this so. yeah.
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(this part is 100% meep's fault)
this is a ref to a fic btw
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icannot3 · 1 year
"You're beautiful, Jimmy"
1.3k words
Jimmy Darling
*Feminine pronouns*
(Very slight mention towards a past sexual encounter)
Jimmy struggles with accepting his mother's death, where she provides him with the joy he's been deprived of.
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There was a dark cask of shadow that lingered through the air. Rain that poured like what she imagined were the tears of angels from the heavens above. This feeling of looming darkness didn't just reside within her. Everyone in the circus felt it too. Even though it had been weeks, the loss of Ethel stung no less than the day of her announced suicide. It was as if a piece of everyone's hearts had shattered. She was the voice of reason, almost like a mother, whether maternal or not for everyone. She couldn't fathom it, how such a bright soul could leave this world. Sometimes, the she would imagine that perhaps Ethel had reincarnated to a life much more loving and accepting than her last, just like she'd always deserved.
Through everyone's sorrow, many were able to cope by relishing in her memory and the legacy she left behind. But it was Jimmy who seemed to have the deepest wounds surrounding his mother. This was expected. He'd been carrying a lot on his conscience since the death of Meep. He's always had this trait where he felt as if everything was his fault. Jimmy is a man of justice and integrity who only desires the best for those around him. Especially the freaks at the circus. Everyone is family, united under the same twisted morals society holds towards those who are different.
But Jimmy changed a lot more than expected. It was his drinking that spiraled out of control. His heart had suffered too much damage, and he was cracking under the pressure. He couldn't cope properly, accept what happened, and move on. Time passed. People got better while relishing in her beautiful memory and appreciating whatever time they had with her. But Jimmy became hateful, desperate for awnsers. Once again, he blamed himself. The weight was on his shoulders.
She'd been desperate to help him, feeling so much empathy for his situation despite only knowing him for a few short months. From the moment she'd arrived at the circus under the care of Elsa, he was always so welcoming. Undoubtedly, that's what sparked the small crush she'd grown to have, later turning into full romantic affliction. That's why it hurt her so much to see him in such a state.
"Jimmy, you should come with me to the diner." She inquired hesitantly, entering his trailer. "I really think it would be good for you, and it's been a while since we talked last, so I'd love to chat with you." She smiled pitifully at the sight before her. Bottles of liquor scattered across the floor, many empty or shattered. The atmosphere wreaks of booze and regret. He approached her, coming from the previously closed door. His walking was a good sign. Typically, in his current conditions, he'd be too wasted to move properly at this hour. "I don't know about that." Jimmy grabs another beer off of the counter, immediately popping it open and taking a swig before sitting down.
She takes a seat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. An act she hadn't done for a while, bringing the giddy feeling of butterflies to her stomach. His gaze softened, looking at her in a way that reminded her of how he was before all of the heartbreak. "Come on, you're one of their regulars! I know you miss it. Hell, I'd even pay!" She speaks enthusiastically. His face contorts into a cheerful smile. "Well, I guess I have to now. But just so you know, I'd never make a lady pay for dinner." His response was an unexpected but delightful suprise.
She'd made sure to wear one of her prettiest dresses to the date. Well, it wasn't defined as a date, but her excitement surely didn't stop her from treating it like one. She'd meticulously planned every detail of her outfit. Even if it wasn't a date, she was going to do everything in her power to make this the happiness Jimmy so desperately deserved. Her heart fluttered when she heard a knock on her door.
Upon opening it, there Jimmy stood. He looked unbelievably handsome, wearing the classic leather jacket, jeans, and white t-shirt combination. It didn't seem like much to the naked eye, but she knew that for Jimmy, this was definitely out of his typical comfort zone. Everything but his gloves, which he'd always sport when leaving. "Hello, Gorgeous." He winked at her, watching her step out of the camper. She smiled, bringing him in for a hug. "I should say the same to you. Well, I wouldn't call you gorgeous. But you do look very handsome!" She giggles, shaking her head at the awkwardness of her statement. He'd always found her mannerisms entertaining along with her refreshing positivity.
The diner was almost empty, and the large and very filling plates of food had been devoured after hours of talking and laughter between the two. She couldn't stop looking at his smile, the beauty of it. Everyone at the circus longed weeks just to see it shine so brightly again. She was the first to witness it finally. Jimmy finished the rest of his drink, setting it down quietly despite the large oven-mit restricting the movement of his hand. Her gaze lingered upon it for a little too long, and he grew a bit nervous with her sudden acknowledgment of it. "You should take it off." She gently took his hand in her own, rubbing the fabric. "There's nothing you should ever be ashamed of, Jimmy. You're perfect, even if some insignificant people in the world can't see that."
"Well, unfortunately darling, I'd scare too many people if I took it off. It's just better this way." He joked along with her statement, trying to play it off. His hands were always a vulnerable part of himself, a part he never felt comfortable expressing often. She slowly slid the fabric off of his fingers. "I know your hands get hot. It has to be so uncomfortable." Off the first glove went, and immediately she was pulling off the other with so much care. He almost wanted to pull away as he frantically looked around the diner to see if anyone was in sight. There was a waitress in the corner, minding her business on the phone. "You're beautiful, Jimmy. In a manly way of course." Her hands clapse around his conjoined fingers.
His heart was pounding and his chest felt tight. He'd never been told such thoughtful things before. Jimmy couldn't resist bringing his arms around her. She didn't waste time to respond immediately following suit and kissing him. Her lips were soft and he was melting into her warmth. They'd had a few shared romantic moments before, but there was never a bold action taken. Once before they'd kissed at a New Years party, perhaps for a little bit longer than they should have. It would have been pawned off as nothing if it hadn't ended in the tent by the next morning. But this was more; It felt like genuine love. Her hands reached behind his neck, caressing the sensitive skin there. His kisses were gentle as his obsession with her grew with every drawn-out peck. Finally a much needed breath was taken. He inhales sharply, resting his forehead against hers. "I really appreciate what you did for me today."
"Jimmy, I care about you a lot and I only want what's best for you. I'd do this a thousand times over just because it's for you. You've been through so much and I just want to help things get better." He was tearing up, resting his head now against her shoulder. His words were muffled as his mouth was covered by the fabric of her dress. She gently guides him to face her, wiping the wetness off of his cheeks. "What was that?"
"I love you."
After that, they were inseparable.
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zylian · 1 year
Omg body swap aus!!!! I totally forgot about them but there so fun!
Based on meeps tweet saying devotion duo body swap au in eclipse fed arc-
Hear me out, Imagine Mapicc and Subz swap during eclipse fed instead
Mapicc & Subz fkn suffering would be so funny
Like the chaos would be crazy and Mapicc has to act like Subz and hear Zam rant and cling to him in a huge red base and Subz is in a tiny base with 4 ppl and has to handle Ro’s humour.
Mapicc wanting to die everytime Vitalasy casually flirts with him that he starts to stay near Zam
Subz being stuck alone walking around at spawn being followed by Spoke and is thinking “this MF-“
Mapicc calls Subz and Subz immediately blames everything on Spoke and so he gets dragged into the call and they both scream at him. Spoke adds Ashswag to the call and Ashswag just fkn laughs at everything
They find a solution but it takes WEEKS and they all have to agree to hide it while Mapiccs hatred for Vitalasy sky rockets cause he has to bare Vitalasy flirting with him (he and Subz call to complain often)
Bonus: Zam figures it out after a week when “Subz” builds something off, he doesn’t mention it until 2 days after that Mapicc folds and tells Zam to just keep Vitalasy away from him (Zam is dumbfounded instead of panicking now)
Bonus 2: Just like Zam, Ro finds out when “Mapicc” doesn’t laugh at a joke and gasps, Vortex finds out to help hide it from Parrot & he ends up asking Subz to renovate their base
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gamelpar · 2 years
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I posted 26,425 times in 2022
That's 10,118 more posts than 2021!
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#tf fanart - 6,097 posts
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Longest Tag: 124 characters
#with the help of the ai cortana and later the revolutionary arbiter humanity unlocks the key to end the war once and for all
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay but these at the same time tho
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an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
265 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
after all the shit with unicron the kids definitely took to blame unicorn for every minor inconvenience and more
jack: unicron is a part of the earth? well that makes sense why else am i forced to deal with rude customers at ko burger
miko: can't believe unicron is the reason i have to wake up 5am to go to school and learn complex maths i'm never going to use fuck that guy!!
raf: [trips over a rock]
raf: fricking unicron
fowler also picks up on it
fowler: [spills coffee]
fowler: i am as sure as there are fifty stars on my star spangled shorts this can only be unicron's doing
optimus peeking through the window: agent fowler have you and the children acquired evidence of unicron's return
268 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
decepticons & co. as cursed images
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322 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
team prime as cursed images
optimus prime
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orion pax
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452 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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dinobot dad
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wrecker dad
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1,254 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Atlantis au (4)
Akito was in quite the pickle.
He was brusied, bloody, and being princess carried off to somewhere unknown by a masked man who barely had any clothes on!
Akito squeaks when the man held him tighter to his body, pushing the young man even harder into the rather nice chest.
What is even happening?!
Let's start from the begining, shall we.
First thing that went wrong was when a seacreature, that was bigger than the submarine, attacked and destroyed the submarine!
Akito, along with Mari and most of the crew, narrowly got out the submarine in time! The creature destroyed the whole thing within seconds!
Next was the fact some of the crew was starting to blame Akito for what happen!
Why didn't he try to warn them about that thing?!
Thing was, he did. He even showed Hannya and the crew his parent's notes, stating that their was supposed to be a guardian protecting the way to Atlantis.
After that catastrope, the crew find themselve in a cave system, which meant the next issue was figuring out what paths to take and hope they didn't die in the process as they slowly made their way to Atlantis.
Spoilers. Many people end up dying. Mostly because they didn't take Akito's warnings or directions seriously.
This leads to more hate being directed at Akito.
Neither Hannya or his wife tries to stop the hate.
There were even moments where Akito swears the creepy couple encourages the hate for their own amusment!
Mari, along with Erika, Rinko, Ed, and Dale were the only one's truly on Akito's side.
Mari was his main defender, as she had no trouble kicking or punching someone where it hurts most if they even looked at Akito wrong.
Erika shyly follows her example, just not as violently.
Rinko just calls the rest of the crew a bunch of dumbasses that can't follow simple directions, glaring harshly when anyone disagreed with her.
Ed says something similar but more quietly and with a sharp glare of his own, an explosive was innocently sitting in his hands.
Dale, while a doctor, shows what would happen if someone was dumb enough to attack Akito while he was around...
And just when things couldn't get even worse, it gets worse.
While they were taking a quick rest, a fire breaks out in the camp, quickly swallowing up everything in it's buring path.
In the chaos, Akito ends up getting seperated from his group, and tumbles down a rocky slope, falling into complete darkness.
Akito wakes up to glowing blue lights and quiet whispers.
With a groan, Akito pushes himself up and fixes his shockingly still in tact glasses.
He lets out a scream when he sees what was around him.
Cloaked figures, who all wore glowing masks, had the young man surrounded, all pointing various weapons at him.
Akito scrambles away, only getting so far before a sudden pain kicked in.
Seems like in his fall he hurt one of his legs. Thankfully, it wasn't broken but it hurt enough that Akito knew it would be hard to walk with...
One of the cloaked figures lowers their spear and motions for the other's to do the same.
This figure then makes his way over to Akito and crouches down in front of him, seemingly staring at the young man though his mask, studying him.
After a few moments of silence, the figure lets out a sigh.
It stands up and rips off it's cloak, revealing that there was in fact a man underneath.
A man with very little clothing on. A man with glowing tattoos.
Akito meeps when the man bundles him up in the cloak, picks him up off the ground, and proceeds to carry him like a princess.
Akito was confused, scared, hurt, but most of all? Tired. He was just so so very tired.
Akito's hasn't had a good night's rest since the start of this trip, and he could feel the exhaustion finally kicking in now...
Akito blinks sleepily, trying to fight the growing urge to close his eyes and fall asleep in his kidnapper's arms.
Akito still would like to know where this guy came from, as he definitely wasn't with Hannya's crew...
Actually, where are they even going?!
A yawn slips out Akito's mouth, causing his kidnapper to stop and look at him through his mask.
Akito, blushing beat red, tugs the cloak wrapped around him up and over his buring face.
He feels/hears the man's rumbling laugh. Fainty Akito could hear the man's party laughing too...
Great. He's being laughed at by his kidnappers.
The man suddenly leans his face down, his glowing mask brushing against Akito's ear.
A quiet whisper was heard. A quiet order for Akito to sleep now.
Feeling mentally and physically exhausted, Akito couldn't help but listen, not really comprehending the fact the man spoke japanese...
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lilypadlys · 2 months
💛 🌻 🧸 for the ask game pls 💗
Hey Lo! Thanks for the ask 💜
💛 Do you have and piercings?
Yes! Rn I only have my lobes but that's exciting to me since I got them done just over a year ago. I never got my ears pierced as a kid so I ended up waiting till I was 20.
I'm looking at getting a helix done on my left ear soonish. I also maybe want to get nipple piercings eventually but I've heard it hurts pretty bad so we'll see. I totally blame Ghost for that last one. All the pretty fanart 🫣
🌼 Last thing you said out loud?
I believe it wasn't actually a word. In my family we sorta squeak at each other sometimes to get each other's attention rather than just saying hi. I walked into my sister's room, meeped at her, she meeped back, I pet the cat and then left with no actual words exchanged
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
My bed but upside down. Like feet at the head board where my pillows are. I use a pile of blankets as a pillow.
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