#and then covering herself up because
startanewdream · 2 years
Hey, a guy who suggested that Snape's reactions to Sirius/Lily bond here😅. First of all, THANK YOU so much😭, I'm sure this is going to be an excellent and very satisfying content to read, simply can't wait!
But since you mentioned you don't have all yet, I'd like to suggest one if you don't mind - please include a one where Order members come back from some mission (somewhen around OotP) and Sirius and Lily clean each other's wounds. But since they're too tired for magic they do it old fashioned way which means Lily is touching Sirius' bare chest and Sirius is touching Lily's upper body which has only bra on it.
Of course it's completely platonic for Sirius and Lily because they're completely comfortable with each other (and too worried about each other to think about stuff like this) but OH MY GOD, Snape's reaction at the sight and his inner thoughts would be PURE GOLD.
I know I promise more scenes but I just wanted to post this one sooner because this prompt was far too brilliant (and the other scenes are far less troubled — I think I'm done writing from Snape's pov truly). Fair warning that Snape's POV here is very biased and he doesn't handle it well 😏
Rated M for some cursing. 2k words of something.
Lily Potter was hurt.
He shouldn’t have gone to Grimmauld Place. Severus had done his part already; he’d translated Potter’s yells to the Order, had let them know that the brat somehow got in his mind the idea that Sirius Black (Padfoot, his friends had called him, thinking they were so clever with childish nicknames) had been captured by the Dark Lord, and had warned them when the kid had ran off dragging his stupid friends. That was all that was required of him.
He couldn’t know there would be a battle, couldn’t know that Lily Evans would be there fighting a Dark Lord that mostly wanted her dead, and yet—yet Dumbledore had told him, almost challenging to see how he still felt about her, that in the following battle Lily Potter had been hurt.
Dumbledore always called her Lily Potter, an unnecessary reminder that still stung. She wasn’t truly a Potter — she had lived more of her life as Lily Evans than she had ever been married to James Potter.
And if she were hurt—he had never told her how he felt, the lengths he had undergone to prove her his worth, how everything was about her. Lily should know, she deserved to know.
Grimmauld Place was quiet when he entered it. Snape hated that house, that gloomy place that Black owned as the spoiled pureblood he pretended he wasn’t; how hard it must have been, Severus always thought, to grow up with a house-elf tending to your needs, between richness and luxury, knowing his place on society, the eldest son of a noble family—
And probably because he had let his thoughts stray too near Sirius Fucking Black, he heard his loud laugh.
It was enough for the portrait of Walburga Black start screaming. Snape retreated hastily to the first room he found, just as he heard the sound of someone running the stairs.
“SHUT UP!” Yelled Black; there was a flash of light and the sound of the portrait’s screams died.
Snape peaked through the door; Black was still in the stairs, facing the other direction. He was panting, and if for anger or for running down the stairs, Snape could only guess. He wasn’t wearing any shirt, revealing muscled shoulders and back of someone who clearly had too much time to exercise and too little to do; then Black turned around—and of course he was fit, perfect biceps and torso, everything firmly shaped and did he shave his chest or—
And then a grim satisfaction broke through the acid that was bubbling inside him, because Black’s shapely chest was marked with purple bruises, giant spots that had probably hurt him when he had been hit, and how good was that—
Black turned again, following the same direction that Snape was now looking at, but from his angle he couldn’t see Lily. She sounded so disturbed…
“Come on! You won’t get away with this.”
Black sighed, shaking his head, but he climbed the stairs again. Severus hesitated for a moment before casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself; it wasn’t his best work, and if anyone would look directly in his direction, they might notice it, but he had to risk it, had to make sure that Lily Evans was fine…
Any worry they might notice him vanished from his mind when he reached the second floor. Black had entered one of the rooms of the house, and Lily was there, pulling him down to sit in the only bed of the room. She didn’t look hurt, though there was dried blood splattered in her jacket.
Snape looked at her, searching in her face for some sign of injury, or maybe that she was under pain, but there was only concern and it was directed straightly at the man that she was making sure was resting comfortable against the pillows of the bed.
“I am fine,” Black insisted, when Lily pulled a cauldron to the bedrest. 
“Of course you are,” she answered, flashing him a smile that made Snape’s inside churm. Black wasn’t fine, he couldn’t be with those injuries, and yet he was clearly pretending to look brave for Lily as if she was going to fall for this act—she had to see through him… “If you were good to go argue with that portrait.”
“I hate her more than I hate Death Eaters—and that’s a lot.”
She chuckled; it was a teasing laugh, one that made Black’s lips twitch as if he wanted to laugh as well.
“I mean it,” he insisted, sounding like a petulant child. Snape waited for Lily’s spurn; it never came. “She wasn’t one, but she supported them well enough, raised all properly Black Death Eaters—”
“Not you.” Lily’s voice was shimmering with warmth. “She could never break you.”
Black smiled. “I had a good influence,” he whispered, and then Lily turned her head to look at him. Snape couldn’t see the expression on her face, but he could see how Black’s eyes were shining, standing her gaze; Black looked greedy, demanding. There were only a few inches between their faces. 
Snape grabbed his wand, knowing he wouldn’t be able to help himself if Black threw himself over her, but after a moment Lily turned , moving away to bring the cauldron closer; Snape was glad that there was trouble in Lily’s green eyes now. She hadn’t felt comfortable with Black’s presence, she was repulsed by him…
“Lay back,” she told Black, and he did what was asked, laying still as Lily sat by his side, swirling the content of the cauldron. She grabbed a spoonful of the potion, a transparent almost-pasty liquid, and placed a few drops over the purple spots on Black’s chest.
He knew that Lily had always been an excellent potion maker, but still he wished that she had mistaken something, that the potion would burn through Black’s skin, melting his abs, unshaping his body, thinning him into nothing—
And for a brief moment, it seemed Snape’s wishes were granted.
“Ouch!” Black twisted in the bed, looking uncomfortable. “This burns.”
“Stop being a child,” answered Lily at once. Her words were scolding, but she sounded more fond than anything. “It will be better in a minute,” she assured, and then, without hesitation, as if that was the most normal thing in the world, she leaned closer, supporting her weight in the bed with one hand and caressing Black’s chest with the other hand.
No, it wasn’t a caress, she was just spreading the potion over his chest, and yet—her fingers were moving softly, smoothly, dancing over his skin. There was a smile on her lips that didn’t belong there; Black sighed contentedly, sinking his head into the pillows and closing his eyes.
“Fuck, this feels good,” he moaned.
“Oh, no more pretending this wasn’t hurting as hell?” She teased, amused.
“Not hell.” Her hand stopped moving for a moment, watching him. Black opened an eye, full of mischief. “Fine, but not a ninth-circle of Hell pain. Maybe a second-circle pain.”
Lily resumed her movement. “You could be in Heaven bliss if you haven’t acted all noble.”
Black opened both of his eyes now, but Lily didn’t meet his gaze; there was a severe frown on her forehead now. Black’s expression softened.
“I had to protect you,” he whispered.
That didn’t appease her. “It’s not your job, Sirius. I can take care of myself.”
“Of course you can, but—” He took her hand, intertwining their fingers, waiting until Lily looked him in the eyes. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”
There was a long moment of silence. Lily bit her lip and lowered her head, her hair creating a curtain over her face; Snape couldn’t see her expression, but he could see Black’s, and once again, over a thin layer of fondness, Black’s eyes were greedy, lustful, as they moved over Lily’s face, admiring her, desiring her. 
That was wrong, repulsive, and Snape wasn’t surprised when Lily hesitated: “Sirius—”
But Black ignored her. “Your turn,” he said, sitting on the bed, and pulling the cauldron to himself.
“Let me guess, you are fine?” He winked at her. “I saw you wincing there. Left shoulder?”
Lily pulled away from him, crossing her arms; she looked annoyed, lips set in a thin line as if she was just considering not answering at all, but after a moment she sighed.
“Right,” she said, defeated, turning his back to him.
For a moment Snape thought she was staring directly at him, and he didn’t dare moving, but Lily’s eyes moved past him without noticing anything. She raised her hands to remove her jacket, but Black stopped her.
“Let me,” he offered. Lily nodded, just extending her arms to help him. Underneath her jacket, her shirt was soaked with blood.  Black hissed. “Fuck, Lils,” and he ripped her shirt, exposing her skin and the black bra she wore beneath it. 
She shivered, but made no movement to cover herself, standing half-naked with her bare back to Black. On her right side, from her neck to her shoulder, there was a long scarlet cut, dried blood around it. Sectumsempra, Snape realized with a sudden rush of fury; it had been misfired, luckily, or she would have bleed out by now, but still he promised he would find whoever had done it, not Lily—
And then his gaze fell, following the light of the necklace she wore, to the golden ring that was swinging over her chest. The ring shone, but he forgot it quickly; her skin was cream-coloured, with freckles splattered over her bosom, soft to look; her bra marked her curves, lifted her tits, and how he had dreamed of seeing her like this, of sliding down the strap of her bra to reveal all her beauty to him.
Once again it seemed his wishes were granted, for there was a hand carefully moving the strap of her bra down to the middle of her arm, revealing more of her skin, and something stirred inside him, blood rushing—then the rage renewed, for Black was touching her skin now, applying the potion over her cut, his fingers treading over her skin with far too much intimacy.
“Oh, god,” she mumbled, closing her eyes and arching her neck to give him better access. “I am an amazing potion maker.”
Black snorted; that brought a smile to her lips as if she had expected that reaction. Snape closed his fits, hatred filling him, even though he couldn’t take his eyes off the scene, of how Black’s hand was massaging her shoulder, his finger brushing over her chest, almost touching the exposed top of her tit.
“I would rather you were an amazing dueler,” said Black, voice barely repreensive. 
“I am.”
“And how did you get hurt?”
Lily hesitated for a moment. “Bellatrix,” she admitted at last. “Your cousin is a nasty piece.”
“I was dueling her.”
“Yeah, well.”
She shivered. “She was aiming at your back, you were too close to the Death Veil and—I didn’t think, I had to do something, I—” And then she broke, turning around to face him, her lips trembling. “You nearly died, Sirius.”
“Who acted all noble now?” He asked softly, caressing her arms. “Such a Gryffindor of you.”
“Stupid and reckless?”
“And brave,” he assured, and Lily smiled nervously in answer. “Just don’t die on my account, I could never explain this.”
“No one would blame you,” she assured him, turning around again to allow him to finish applying the potion. "He wouldn't," she added, her voice so low that Snape almost thought he had imagined it.
Sirius sighed. “I know,” he admitted in a low voice. Then he shook his head, a devilish grin taking control of his features as he moved the cauldron back. “Do you remember what you used to do when Harry scraped his knees?”
Lily frowned, thoughtful. “I kissed—” And then Black placed a kiss on her bare shoulder, over her cut. “Sirius!”
Snape waited for a reprimand, an unquestionable reproval of Black’s lack of limits, but Lily was giggling. “This is disgusting,” she said, nothing in her voice betraying any hint of disgust as she brushed the potion out of his lips with the back of her hand.
“You love me,” Black said easily, surely, confidently, and Snape decided he couldn’t hear her confirmation, couldn’t deal with even the possibility that Lily Evans had fallen for Black—somehow that was worse than seeing her with Potter, not him, not Black—
He brushed something on his way out, the sound waking up Walburga Black’s portrait again, and he welcomed the yells, hoping it was enough to dwindle any other sound he might hear in that house again.
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zarnzarn · 9 days
(check the tags for more and also the tag for other fics in the story!)
athena, scowling as she gets bullied into marrying the people she pined over for the last 1000 years, suddenly realising something: wait a minute
odysseus: what?
athena, frozen: wait a damn minute you know what this gives me rights to do
penelope, also realising: oh fuck yes
odysseus: I don't like the sound of whatever's happening here what are you two fucking talking about?
athena, grabbing the marriage wine and tossing it back, then kissing her new wife and husband and handing penelope a spear as she picks up a mace: we'll be back shortly, you can start celebrations without us.
penelope: do u have anything that can start a fire
athena, pulling out an old contract and scanning it before throwing it over her shoulder: yes. are you scared of heights or can we fly.
penelope: fucking bring it I've waited years for this moment
zeus: where are they going
hermes, picking up the contract: they're going to... Ogygia? Oh fucking shit they're going to fucking kill Calypso- hey, hello, WAIT-
#odysseus disappears midway because athena plants one on him so hard his soul evaporates#(strategic to make him stop from coming after them and also from passion she forgot to hold back for once)#(and also shes maybe possibly in love and cant wait to get vengeance on Calypsos bitch ass who hurt him so much for so long)#penelope has had to deal with calypos afteraffects for literally the rest of their lives. from flashbacks to odysseus inconsolably crying#at her feet for forgiveness some days even though shes always said frim the first moment that it wasnt his fault#the rest of the gods have to chase them down to prevent them from eternally torturing calypso (goddesses cant die <3)#athenas blazing mad and sick with guilt and horror. she couldn't attack before because it would be seen as an attack from olympus#but as a wife! as two wifes! no political implications there no holds barred calypso gets her ass BEAT#but also pls imagine them chasing her and gods chasing them round and round the island while screaming#odysseus wavered like 17 times on whether to ask hermes for a lift there or not but goes in the end#their honeymoon in truth ends up being on ogygia#athena lovingly and seductively teaching penelope how to fillet a person both of them covered in ichor#odysseus with a hand over his mouth blushing grinning tears in eyes torn between turned on and terrified to be back and crying coz they lov#him that much.#((he goes to her just before they leave in the cave she used to drag him to. she can barely hold herself up and hes shaking to approach))#((but he's stronger now. settled and satisfied and content. he kneels by her and sets down bandages next to her.))#((i told you i was married he says. and because his truest weapon is his tongue- if youd just listened i wouldve found us both a way out))#she sobs and he leaves. the scars will never fade fully but he feels lighter as he steps out into the sun where athene and pen are waiting.#bloodsoaked and being shouted at by hera but smiling at him widely and gleefully as he approaches. takes a hand each and presses him btwn.#he squeezes back with a smile and leans into them. his beautiful horrifying wives#odypenath#odypenetha#odysseus#penelope#athena#odypen#odyath#penath#epic the musical#love in paradise
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littlelightfish · 4 months
As I said I would, I drew my oc with yours my beloved @clawdouobit
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My pretty girl likes to infodump your pretty girl about the smallest things. She's like a reel, talks a lot but most of it is meaningless.
Close ups and more info because I can't shut up ehtier under the cut <3
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20 years old and engaged to a half-foot. They're waiting to gain some more money to get married and leave the dungeon. Note: they're best friends but idk if what they have going on is truly romantic love or just a very good friendship.
Quite skilled at upper levels, but wouldn't go to lesser levels. She isn't skilled enough to make her party survive there.
Her race is a mix between gnome and half-foot. Idk if that's possible but I don't think it's not.
If I had to guess, she's 13/14 on half-foot standars. It's unclear whether she's an adult or not, but she's preety mature most of the time. Most.
Flushed cheeks always. Also very pale.
She's 109 cms tall, a lot more than avarage on haflings, but lot less than avarage on gnomes. Since she hangs out mostly with haflings, she's a giant woman. This gives her some problems with traps so her BMI is 18 due to diet.
Fwens with Shahad. Who knows why tho. We gotta figure that out ;}
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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#persona 4#p4#persona 4 golden#p4g#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#this scene gets to me because it reveals how a lot of yosuke's talk about getting a gf or meeting a girl and all of that is just... talk#on the one hand it's atlus needing the best friend character to fill that role of “lets check out girls!”#on the other hand it also reads to me as another facade of yosuke's struggle to meet his idealised conception of an average teenage boy#see it's funny because even in the first instance the role is always a bit deeper than it is#slight spoilers for p3 and p5!!!#but in junpei's case regardless of his flirtations he doesnt actually reciprocate or is even a potential LI for femmc#in ryuji's case when ann turns on the charm and offers to go on a date with him he tells her off and says that she should be like herself#i think that theres always a surprising level of nuance to be found with that skirt-chasing stereotype atlus likes to give us#i think yosuke's narrative here quite closely parallels junpei's in that theyre actually super devoted people#and yosuke has found an attachment to saki in the way junpei had with chidori so of course hes not willing to compromise on it#its such a mixed thing because even though he knew saki's kindness to him was probably faked yosuke's loyalty to her was already set#yosuke strikes me as the type of person that if youre nice to him once he'll follow you for life#i love that nanako was the one that responded to yosuke with like “oh like homework?” and yosuke gently plays along#its evocative of his tendency to shoot his mouth off only to quickly cover it up with a joke#but yu is there in the room as well listening and empathising and i think it was a moment that really#revealed to us (and yu) yosuke's underlying motivations and beliefs#even if it was sandwiched between the moment of yosuke trying to look at yu's prn#or perhaps especially because it was sandwiched between that moment the juxtaposition becomes more salient#that such talk from yosuke functions as a distraction from the anguish and ennui he feels about losing saki#he's good with his queue
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sleepy-crypt1d · 8 months
going a little insane thinking about that one echo in moxxi's heist that's jack calling his mom on mother's day- a call she very much does not answer- and how much the sadness in his voice when saying goodbye says about him
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eggtqrt · 7 months
the thing about the charming siblings is i want to make them tragic. you're perfect, I wish I was perfect. you're allowed to not be perfect. I resent you for being perfect. I hate you for being imperfect. I want to be a boy. I want to be a knight. I want to be you. I could be better than you. I wish your destiny was mine. I wish people loved me the way they love you. I wish she loved me the way she loves you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I love you. I miss when we were friends. we never talk anymore. do you even care? you know nothing about me. you took my destiny. who am I? I'm supposed to be the responsible one. don't leave me. get away from me. when did you grow out of being a little kid? i miss home. the only place that feels like home is you. do you love her? do you love me? brother. sister. i was supposed to protect you. I'm sorry. I forgive you. nothing will ever be the same again.
it's about perfection and performance. it's about playing roles. everyone has their role to play. what if i want to be something else, something more. it's about femininity and masculinity. it's about not fitting in to either. is it about who you're supposed to be or who you want to be? I did it for you. I didn't ask for that. I'd burn the world for you. you never cared about me. I think of you always. there isn't room enough for all of us. i wish you'd never been born at all. I couldn't live without you.
#the thing about dexter and darling is they have a lot of parallels#they both thought their love interests (raven and apple) liked daring#they both wish they were like daring (though in different ways)#neither of them have a confirmed destiny#but at the same time dexter gets to be a prince and do the things she wants to do#and i think Dexter is sort of jealous of her because as another prince he gets compared to daring more#Dexter resents his siblings for being seemingly perfect and he also resents darling for how she doesnt even have to be perfect#bc she doesnt get compared to daring in his eyes#darling does feel the need to be perfect though and resents that she can't live the life she wants but her brothers get that life#daring TO ME has a superiority complex to cover up his flaws bc hes severely scared of being imperfect#but at the same time he wishes he was allowed to be imperfect bc the pressure is killing him#hes relied on false bravado for so long that he doesn't know who is without that especially when he loses his destiny#so he resents darling for her effortless confidence in who she is#i think they all used to be super close and daring felt like the one who needed to protect his siblings#but they grew apart as they got older and started to resent each other and he lost that protective instinct#but they all miss when they were closer#i think daring realizes he was “supposed” be the one protecting his siblings once darling starts protecting/saving him#to darling its too late for him to protect her bc she can protect herself and doesnt want to be protected#to dexter though i think a part of him wishes daring stood up for and protected him more#they all desperately need to be flawless but its killing them#and they all desperately want to be each other#and they all just want their siblings back#but they can't go back to when they were children#and they can't understand each other as they are now#but they love each other anyways#even as they resent each other#eah#ever after high#ignore that i wrote 50 million more things in the tags#i realize this may be out of character or whatever but idc
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wiltinn · 8 months
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updated mlp au faith design!!! got a ton of help from @prinzessinkaugummi on designing her cutie mark :)
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qkmlh · 2 years
Outta curiosity (and because I do have one)
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trickostars · 2 years
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I just drew this awhile ago but uh. Hypoparents! A thing now
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
official spicy time for the runaway bride AU pleaseee <3
Gil closed the door behind him as he came back into the cabin. He was done washing up after what was a harrowing day for them, and that was keeping in mind that they had already experienced plenty before now.
He had given Thena a foot bath as soon as they got back, and she had all but dozed off then already. It would probably be for the best if she was dead asleep by now.
He couldn't imagine what it must have felt like for her. She had been faced with her past in her own home twice now. Had they dragged her off the porch? Did they break in the door and bruise her ivory skin like monsters? The thought made his stomach turn.
Gil sighed, seeing Thena lying on her side in their bed.
There had been a time when he hadn't wanted to lie with her. He wanted her to remain a proper lady, with him on a straw bed so he could respect her independence (newfound and fragile in the beginning). Now, they cuddled every night. Well, now they did more.
It was still a lie that they were married. No one had officiated anything and her father hadn't approved any bans. But they lived together, for more than a year now, they laid together, their hands were on each other most nights, now.
He certainly felt that if he had a wife, surely it was Thena.
He walked over to the bed, no shirt, just his cotton trousers rolled up to his knees. He tossed the cotton he used for a towel over one of the bed posts. He thought of the proper bath room he had wanted to build. Now, it was possible that the best thing to do was leave their home all together.
Thena rolled over. She was awake.
"Hey," he whispered, leaning over to kiss her forehead. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
She said nothing, reaching up with her hands to bring his lips to hers. He granted her request, always happy to offer a sweet kiss. She asked for more, though.
Gil braced himself on the bed, hands on either side of her as she kissed him deeper, her tongue venturing further. As tired as he was, he felt himself ache for her. He groaned.
Thena rose in the bed to sit up. Her shoulders were bare. She kept the blanket pinned under her arms around her. "Gil, lie down."
His hair stood on end. He couldn't be sure, but he could feel something in the air. Thena made room for him in the bed, still holding the sheets around her. The fire in the hearth was waning but the light and deep shadows bent and stretched over her bare skin.
Once he was in the bed, Thena moved on top of him. It wasn't unheard of for her to position herself this way. It was easy for them to please each other in this position. But Gil blinked as she sat up, letting the sheets fall around her. His eyes travelled around the globes of her breasts, down between them and over her pale stomach.
She did nothing to stop his eyes from roaming her body. She did eventually tip his mouth closed and his chin back up to look in her eyes. When she had his attention again, she leaned in for another kiss.
His hands slid over her. His palms glided over her soft, warm back. He had never touched her like this--or this much of her. He would become addicted. He was already a little too excited about it.
But Thena moved deftly, grasping a handful of him and pulling him into the open air, even holding him upright in her palm. "Gil, I do not know what the future holds."
He held his breath as she looked at him. She moved smoothly, adjusting her hips so she could take him into her. They both moaned as first contact was made.
"But I don't want to wake up tomorrow and know I have never truly made love with you."
Gil grunted as she slid herself the rest of the way down onto him. Her soft bum met his pelvic bone and he grasped her hips to keep her still for a moment. He looked up at her, trying to grasp the expression on her face. "Thena, a-are you okay?"
She wiggled some on top of him. She had no idea the enticing effect her bouncing breasts had on him. But she took in a breath, dignifying herself the way a princess would. "It is far more pleasurable than horse riding."
Something about that, and the way she was so perfectly poised atop him, made something connect in his mind for the first time. He lifted his hips, enjoying and admiring the way her jaw dropped and her lips uttered a soft moan. He puffed through his nose.
Thena moaned again as he lifted his hips higher. She leaned forward, bracing herself against the headboard of the bed. Her unbound breasts swung into his view.
Gil happily took one into his mouth. Thena squeaked, her spine snapping, but he dragged his teeth along until the nipple left his possession by force. He looked up at her. She blushed.
Gil moved more rhythmically. He thrust up into her, in a way he had only done in his dreams. Even Thena's palm on a lazy morning didn't compare to this. He kept her leaning forward, looming over him in all her glory.
Thena made a sound for every thrust. Her hips began moving to match him, instinctively, her needs matching his. Her knees dug harder into the bed, spreading her legs more to let him go deeper. He hit the frontmost walls of her, and she mewled as if enjoying a good stretch in the morning.
"That's it."
Thena bit her lip as he started moving at his newer angle. She picked her head up, her blonde hair swinging around her with their movements. Her chest flushed pink and a sheen of sweat glistened on her skin.
Gil let his eyes wander again, travelling over Thena's body--the body of an absolute siren, apparently. Watching their connection, their hips meeting, her legs spread to either side of his drove him in a way he had never experienced before.
Thena cleared her throat. "This is not some brothel display."
He chuckled, directing his eyes back up to his love's. His moved his hands from just above her buttocks to running over her back, tapping his fingers where he felt her ribs. "Sorry, sweetheart."
Thena had to crane her neck to do it, but they kissed again, tongues nearly meeting before their lips did. He moved more feverishly than ever, and her voice rose in pitch. "Gil!"
He was nearing his end. His nethers tightened and he didn't think he was being hopeful and imagining hers doing the same. He took one of her hands from supporting her weight, moving it down. Her brow furrowed, her eyes shut and focused on finding the conclusion they had only begun achieving for her recently.
"Here," he whispered, guiding her hand to where they were joined. "Feel it?"
She bit her lip again. But he trusted her to feel around her own body better than he could. It did hinder his view somewhat, but there was a completely different pleasure to watching her do this for herself.
"It's okay, that's it," he encouraged. Her fingers began making a circular motion, assuring him that she had found what worked for her. He picked up his pace again. "I'm close."
"Close," she either asked or repeated, it was indecipherable. Her hand moved faster, the flush in her skin spreading quickly. "Gil, I-I-I-!"
Thena came quickly. She could teeter on the edge for some time but when she came, it was with her whole body. He let her bear down on him, all her weight moving to her hips grinding against his.
He groaned as he released not seconds later. It was an easy thing to do, with Thena's warmth encompassing and encouraging him. She made a purring sound as she felt him shooting into her, pump by pump. Exhaustion had no meaning to the organ dominating his actions currently.
They took time to catch their breath, the day and what had just taken place catching up with them. Thena's occupied hand had moved to using him as a support, right in the middle of his chest, the heel of her palm pressing into his sternum.
She whimpered as he moved her off of him and onto her side. He grasped blindly for the towel he had abandoned, moving it between her legs. She grumbled in quiet protest of it but he still thought she didn't quite know that such things did not simply dissolve after they were done.
He rolled over her somewhat, kissing her cheeks and lips more gently than they had been doing. "You okay?"
"Hm," she mused, although she sounded awfully contented. Her hands pawed at his chest, as they liked to do when she was satisfied. "Quite. You?"
He liked it when her lovely and eloquent speech left her for more singular statements. He kissed her again. Her tongue chased him but even if she could endure more tonight, he could not (deeply unfortunate). "I love you, Thena."
Her eyes opened, and the lovely flush in her cheeks deepened to a proper blush. She bent her head, nuzzling it against his neck. "I love you, too."
He smiled to himself, letting her curl into him as she liked. He was happy to hold his wife - in not so many words - as she desired. There was still the matter of what they would do. He could ask her how she felt about finding a spot for themselves in the village. But that could wait.
He had to find some way to get a ring, first.
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me whenever someone gives me unsolicited opinions about myself:
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#thinking about the time a friend of mine did this#and she does this a lot bc she's older and ofc sees herself as 'more knowledgeable' or w/e#which hey sometimes she is#mostly i take her opinions with a grain of salt but she said something to me recently that just#idk it rubbed me the wrong way. and i keep thinking about it.#ider what we were talking about but somehow we got on the subject of romantic relationships#and i basically said i'm not opposed to one but i'm NOT looking. like at ALL. not even a little bit.#but if something happens someday great!#she proceeds to tell me literally right after i say this#that i should work on my appearance then because i'm 'a little plain'. not ugly or anything just...plain.#which hey i know already btw and it doesn't really bother me#i wear make up and am not against it at all. i think it's amazing to see what people can do with it tbh.#and if people wanna wear it i'm all for it#i personally don't like the way it feels on my skin so i use as little as possible#just enough to cover things like my acne scars or other imperfections that i feel self conscious about#i'd love to get to a point where i feel comfortable NOT wearing make up actually#and that's not even to say that i'd NEVER get dolled up or whatever#it's just not something i enjoy doing on a regular basis ya know?#and honestly? any future partner i have should be aware of that bc you're gonna get plain ol' non-makeup-wearing me 99% of the time#and if that's a problem with them then i don't even wanna waste my time on them#so yeah when she said this to me i was annoyed#bc fr wtf does that have to do with me not looking for a partner??? lol#*sigh* ik she was probably just trying to help in her own way but like#just don't k? k.#/rant#sorry i had to get that out somewhere lmao#it's been driving me crazy#ignore me
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astral-athame · 12 days
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astralarias · 11 months
so, lady midday soto lore!! first of all; she is a demonic entity, but not a kryptis! she’s a different ‘species’, formed from a malevolent shard of the mists itself.
i think after the dragon cycle ended, she skulked back to the mists for a bit to wait until the energy of tyria had settled down somewhat. from there she stumbled her way into nayos, and was like, wait a second. if all the kryptis are invading tyria, that’s competition. they’re gonna possess all the bodies and leave no crumbs for me! which simply wouldn’t do because it’s much harder to commit murder and tyranny and everything in between when a) you have no corporeal body and b) are under the scrutiny of an army of other demons. because the kryptis as a whole would probably not be chill with letting lady midday ascend her threat level above “nuisance”, something she’s been aspiring to do for years now, unless she worked for them - and, ew, no. she values her own freedom far too much.
so when atlaki winds up in tyria through his own “i was left alone for 5 minutes” shenanigans, lady midday is like, hm…how low am i willing to stoop? it’s not a question she takes long to answer, and that answer is “very”. so she approaches atlaki in skywatch archipelago, sidling up to him with a big smile unbefitting for someone who’s been a pain in his ass for the better part of a decade. atlaki is, understandably, pissed at her presence - she’s been his “garbage eating raccoon” for years, in that she’s mostly remained a passing annoyance but he has a keen awareness she could develop rabies - that is to say, become an actual threat - at any moment.
but she explains: possess you? kill you? never! i just want to save tyria, you see, i’ve grown so fond of it over the years. it’s my home, too! she pushes hard on the “we’ve got a common goal” aspect and reluctantly, atlaki relents - on the condition she behaves like a normal sylvari and doesn’t kill any of his allies. she’s surprisingly okay with these terms; it’ll be a good test of her acting skills, and the whole thing sounds somewhat fun. also, she’ll get to study atlaki up close, for her own future reference.
so the two of them stumble through the soto plot together. lady is extremely disgruntled at peitha’s presence, but she can’t do anything because she can’t blow her cover and so seethes in silence, with a few snide comments here and there. peitha absolutely knows what lady is - that this “sylvari” is actually being puppeted by something not too dissimilar to herself - and does bring it up to atlaki. atlaki simply asks her to play along; watching lady midday grumble and sulk in her petty fashion is one of the few humorous things about their situation.
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devoted-assassin · 11 months
Omori & Leo/Need crossover.
Shiho is Sunny.
Shizuku is Mari.
Ichika is Basil.
Saki is Kel.
Tsukasa is Hero.
Honami is Aubrey.
Explanation for some of these are kinda in the tags if you’re curious.
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dragonskxn · 4 months
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She's panicking because that means someone's actually seen her hair color — did she let some of it slip out underneath her hair coverings and bonnets?!
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 months
Writing Mia is like: She is kind and smart and holds everything close to the chest and refuses to show her pain and is so So angry inside but she Can't be angry because then she's just as bad as Morgan and she Refuses to be. She can't be. She Has to be better.
(It is so hard to be better) (Sometimes she can hear the loneliness in Maya's voice and she's just so tired she doesn't resist the lie) (Diego crushes that coffee cup and it's such a rush of release - of connection. That she isn't the only one so helplessly angry.)
Which is all to say I think if she'd lived and caught Redd White and cleared her family name she'd have burned out so bad by 30 that Wright and Maya would have ended up having to run the firm for a few months while she recovered. (Forced leave inacted by both Wright and Maya)
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