#Jily if you squint
startanewdream · 1 year
As the anon who asked you about Mcgonagall earlier, I’m gonna need you to write that version of SWM, please and thank you xxx
In spite of her very vocal defense of him minutes earlier, Professor McGonagall did not seem glad when she answered the door and found Harry there.
"Potter," she greeted curtly, looking down the hall, though it was empty.
"Professor." He bit his lips, suddenly unsure. There had been no hesitation when Harry turned back on his way to the North Tower, but now, looking upon Professor McGonagall's severe face, he wondered if he had made a mistake—he would talk to Sirius after classes—"Is Professor Umbridge still there?"
Her lips twitched for a moment. "No, Dolores has left. We agreed to postpone the remaining meetings for tomorrow."
"Hum. That's nice." He doubted anyone else's Career Advice would be so upsetting, though.
"Shouldn't you be in class now?"
Harry did, but he didn't answer her. Professor McGonagall had been most passionate in his defense, something that felt so warming and comforting this year—so far from Dumbledore's distance—and there was a memory replaying on his mind...
A smile on Professor McGonagall's thin lips. Your father would have been proud.
"I was wondering if I could ask for your advice, Professor."
"Our meeting is concluded, Potter, and in the current climate, it would not be wise—"
"Not career advice, Professor, actually about—about my father."
Professor McGonagall blinked. She glanced up and down the empty hallway once again, and Harry could see her weighting the risk—if Umbridge had lost her marbles when Professor McGonagall had defended Harry's career choices, how would she react upon finding out that Harry had asked about his family—he had a sudden vision of Professor McGonagall being dragged in front of the Minister while Umbridge laughed—
"Sorry, Professor," he said hastily, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have—"
"No," she said, seemingly agreeing with him; and then Professor McGonagall took a step to the side. "Come inside, I will make some tea."
Harry smile grateful, but Professor McGonagall was already walking back to her table. She lit the fireplace, and the moment that the door closed behind Harry, she twisted her wand; a bright cat sprouted to life, passing through the door.
"Just in case," she whispered to herself. When the kettle was inside the fireplace, she sat in front of Harry, hands clasped; this was not very encouraging. "Why do you need advice about your father, Potter?"
"Ah—I saw—I shouldn't—I was wondering how he was."
A tiny frown appeared between her eyes. "Perhaps this is something you should discuss with—" She glanced at the door, though it was still closed, her patronus out of sight, "—others who might have been closer to him."
"I—" He didn't think it was a good idea to discuss his plans for later. "You once told me that my father would have been proud of me because he was an excellent Quidditch player."
Her face relaxed a little. "Yes, he would."
Showing off with that stupid Snitch...
"Would he be proud because of other stuff as well?" He fidgeted with his hands, scratching the back of his hand where he had written so many times, I must not tell lies.
"Ha—Potter." Professor McGonagall seemed at a loss for words for a moment. "If everything you have faced, I am sure that any parent—"
"No, I mean—of course, if they had lived everything would have been different, but..." His lips trembled. "I saw—I saw my parents, and Sirius, Remus, even Wormtail, when they were my age, and—my mother hated him, and my father deserved it, and I don't know—I don't know what to make of this."
Apparently, neither Professor McGonagall. She stared at him, mute and evidently surprise, and when a whistle came from the tea kettle, she jumped instead of bringing it with magic. Professor McGonagall took a long moment to fill their cups, then to bring a pot of biscuits to the table. She grabbed a biscuit for herself before talking again.
"How did you see them?"
"Ah—a memory. I accidentally tumbled during my Occlumency lessons—"
"Severus." She fought a grimace unsuccessfully. "I doubt he would have any good memory to share of James and Lily."
"Were there?" Harry asked in a small voice, unable to stop himself.
Her face was stern now. "I don't know if I am the right person to discuss this with you, but I was their professor and Head of their houses for seven years, we were all members of the Order, so I watched them over the years. On the day I woke up to find You-Know-Who was gone, I cried instead of celebrating because I knew whose lives it had cost." She sipped her tea. "James and Lily were very dear to me. They knowingly gave their lives for you; do not doubt their love."
Harry drank his tea; it burned his throat.
"I don't need to know about the heroes who died, Professor," he whispered.
She looked at the fireplace. "You know James spent most of his time with his friends—even here. He served too many detentions, seldom alone. There was not a rule that he wanted to abide by." There was a tiny smile of appreciation on her lips; Harry couldn't understand. "Lily was not the same, but she served a few detentions as well. She couldn't refrain herself from a fight when she believed she was right." A long sigh. "I made them Head Boy and Head Girl."
"But if—"
"I do not know what memory Professor Snape shared with you, but I know it was not pleasant, not if Severus was involved—I was his professor also, and I saw how deep their mutual dislike was. But Severus was usually alone—your father never was."
"So he was—my father was—"
"Your father was flawed. And it's because of this that I grieved him so much. I saw him growing up. From a happy little boy who knew he belonged in Gryffindor to a teenage boy who thought himself at the top of the world to a young man who denied his privilege to fight for what was right." She twirled her tea. "And I suppose it was around them that he won your mother's heart."
Harry looked down.
"If James and Lily had few good moments, it was only because their time was short. But I can assure you, while they were together—I've never seen them happier. At peace."
The picture of his parents’ wedding day. His father was waving, beaming; his mother was alight with happiness, arm in arm with her husband—
"No more detentions?" Harry asked weakly.
And then, to his surprise, Professor McGonagall chuckled lightly. Harry glanced back at her; she was staring at the fire, with that glint of nostalgia back on her face. "Oh, there were detentions."
Light flooded the room when her patronus returned.
"You must go," Professor McGonagall said, standing up. "I would recommend you to talk more with... your godfather."
Harry paused on his way to the door. "You would?"
"He was James' best friend and usual partner in crime... and he grew up just as fine." She watched him for a moment. "Of course, you should only talk to him when it is safe."
Harry thought about Fred and George's plan for that afternoon—breaking into Umbridge's office... "Of course," he agreed hollowly.
"Good. Go on, Potter."
She gave him a brief smile as Harry closed the door. As he walked away, set to talk to Sirius later—following McGonagall's suggestiona after all—he wondered maybe if he wasn't as bound to get detentions as his parents had been once.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Penpals
Words: 792
21st August
Please tell me you’re still coming this weekend. Evans actually replied to one of James’ (many) letters, and not just to tell him to fuck off, and he is being unbearable. If I have to hear one more sentence that starts “She said” I might just unforgivable myself. Please put me out of my misery, I’ve been helping Effie cook just to get away from the lovesick prick. Note that I can cook now. I’ll show you this weekend, I asked her to teach me how to make Samosas and they’re surprisingly easy. So I can make you samosas now! Hope the moon wasn’t too bad, wish we could have been there.
21st August
I’ll be there Friday night, I promise.
To be fair to James, it’s a pretty big deal for him. But rest assured I’ll tell him to shut up if you need me to. Lily didn’t tell me that she replied to him, so now I need to fire off a letter to her and ask her if she sustained a head injury. Please don’t off yourself, I don’t want to spend the week with lovesick Prongs on my own.
Samosas! For me? I’m glad James’ arseholery has resulted in something good at least. I will never tire of Effie’s Samosas, so the bar is high! I hope you’re practicing ready for the weekend, I expect to be wowed.
The moon wasn’t great. I have two ugly new scars on my jaw/cheek, just to prepare you for the weekend.
The wolf misses his friends, and I miss mine.
21st August
Dear Lily,
I have received news that you sent a letter to James, and I was so concerned that I had to write to you immediately. Are you alright? Were you injured? How bad was the head injury? Do they think you’ll ever gain back full brain function?
But seriously, what the fuck? He won’t shut up about it and he’s driving Sirius mad. I’m spending the week with them and if he’s as insufferable as Sirius claims, I will be blaming you.
Hope you’re enjoying France.
Also, I told you so.
22nd August
Sorry the moon was shit. We’ll be back at school by the next one and it’ll be better. Also, I won’t tell you again, your scars aren’t ugly. They’re cool and rugged, and make you look distinguished and mysterious. I will hear no arguments on this subject, thank you. I also meant to ask how many books you’ve read this summer. I think you’ll be incredibly proud that I have read seven whole books in the last month. One of them was mostly pictures, but I think it still counts. I’m agonised that your only issue with my death is that you’ll have to cope with Prongs’ pining alone. Do I truly mean so little to you, Remus? I fear I shall never recover from this slight.
PS: I made another batch of samosas and honestly, you’re going to swoon when you taste them. They’re so good. Effie seems to love bonding with me over a hot stove, and it’s very sweet. I love living here so much. I try not to think about what I’d be doing if I wasn’t here, but sometimes the comparison is helpful. Well, that got sappy. My next letter will only be discussing Quidditch and boobs to make up for it. Counting down the hours til Friday.
23rd August
Not long to go now. Can’t wait to see you later, and for samosas.
Seven books? Wow. That’s impressive! I’m a few ahead of that, but I’ve literally had nothing to do but read since July. Moony and Padfoot book club, when?
Can you believe it’s been over a month since I saw you? Maybe you’ve finally had that growth spurt you’ve been hoping for. My mum seems to think I’ve grown, but she always says that.
It wasn’t enough for me to tell you not to top yourself in general? Do you need me to tell you how much I’d miss you creeping into my bed at 3 am and hogging the blankets? Or how sad it would make me to not have to share every cup of tea I make? Weirdly, I would actually miss that, to be fair, so please be alive when I get there.
If I wanted to hear about Quidditch and boobs, I’d write to Prongs. Please spare me. I’ll probably be with you before it arrives, so there’s little point. I might send this right before I floo so you don’t get chance to reply. If so, hi, I’m already here!
Looking forward to swooning over you! your samosas!
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chierafied · 6 days
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks
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For @jilychallenge August 2024 | Theme: Celebrities Prompt: “We are in the same franchise but have never had screen time together until now, in season eight, and I think I’m in love with you?! Just like everyone said that I’d be?!” Partnered with @tedwardremus 💙 Additional inspiration gleaned from this Tumblr post. ;)
Read on AO3
The morning was grey and Lily could feel the first tentative forays of autumn. It was in the small chill in the breeze as she stood by the open window of her small cabin. But despite that cool morning air and the clouds hanging over them, the lone, lanky figure jogged near the cliff edge, as it had for the past two weeks they’d been filming on this location.
Lily let her head drop to rest against the wall as her rueful eyes tracked the runner. Even at a distance, he managed to make the exercise look graceful.
For years, Lily had stubbornly clung to her dislike of James Potter. No matter how many of her friends sang his praises or how often everyone seemed to gush what a lovely bloke he was. She’d done a few convention panels and interviews and whatnot with him early on, after the very first series of their show. And something about his easy confidence, his careless banter and arrogant manner had rubbed her the wrong way.
So the more everyone seemed to adore him, the deeper Lily dug in to her contrary conviction that James Potter was a right berk.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 13 days
(“And then he told me “Well, why do you have to go?” and I say back “Because I don’t go to school here?” and he goes “Can’t you move? I’ll miss you!”. He doesn’t understand; he suggested long distance, but having to return here was just my easy way of letting him down.”)
A few girls giggled on the other side of the portrait. Sirius and James were sitting in the Common Room, perched up on an armchair too big for them. James was tucked under himself, while Sirius’ long legs were thrown over his friends’ lap.
(“Were you even dating, though?”
“Honestly… not really. Mostly just a quick shag, to be honest. I’m not gonna be doing anything serious, knowing that I’m not gonna be around home much.”
Laughter again. There was some shuffling, and something that sounded like an affectionate shove, for the girl on the receiving end stumbled.
“Oh, Lily’s gotten a taste of the men’s life!” There was some ooh’ing and aah’ing, before one of the girls yawned loudly.
“Alright, I’ll be off to bed. You can tell us everything tomorrow at breakfast, before having to attend class.”
“Night, Florence. Night, Greta.”)
The Fat Lady’s portrait swung to the side, letting Lily Evans and Mary MacDonald slip into the Common Room.
James had seen Mary over the summer, considering that they were neighbours, but he hadn’t seen Evans.
Lily Evans had undoubtedly changed over the summer. She was about five centimetres taller, her hair had grown longer, straight still, but her bangs had been feathered to the sides of her face. Her lips had grown ever so slightly fuller, and her lashes seemed longer (did she use “mascara”?). She was, if possible, even more beautiful than James remembered her.
“I’m off to bed,” Mary yawned, hugging Lily goodbye. “I’ll see you in our dorm?”
As she left, James’ hand instantly shot up, ruffling his hair. “Alright, Evans?”
“Evening, Evans,” Sirius said, his tone bored, yet he continued. “Had a nice holiday?”
Evans casted them a glance, probably considering whether to answer the questions or to ignore them. “Fine. Alright, Potter.”
“How were your OWL results?” James asked, just for the sake of putting her leaving off, just so he could talk to her a little bit longer. “ Have you passed everything you wanted to?”
She nodded. “You’ll know all about it tomorrow, at McGonagall’s distribution of the NEWT-level classes,” She answered, then made her way to the stairs to the girls’ dormitories. “Good night.”
“Night,” James trailed off, watching her go, before Sirius promptly smacked him over the head. “Bloody hell! What was that for?”
“I thought you said no Evans pining this year,” He said, settling back in his chair comfortably. “We’ve just gotten back and you’re already breaking your promises.”
“That was before I saw how bloody fit she turned over the summer? Can she get prettier than that?”
“Merlin’s beard, you’re gonna be insufferable this year,” Sirius grinned, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t wait.”
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jilyism · 2 years
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a summer one-shot for jily "week"— day 7: the inevitability of change
Thinking about him always comes to her in absolutes, he’s very rarely any of the maybes in her head, or the almosts.
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rainydayathogwarts · 22 days
The map - Remus x Potter!Reader
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Summary: In which james gets suspicious about remus and his sister. marlene, sirius and lily cover up for them. ft. jily no warnings! 0.4k+ wc :)
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Remus had tried making it a point of having the marauders map with him every time he snuck away from the other marauders to meet you, afraid of James discovering how often you two met up alone. His excuse? Well, it was his map after all. Just like James had the invisibility cloak, Remus was the primary owner of the map. And if anything happened, there was always Sirius, Marlene and Lily who all knew of your relationship and could try steering James away from the truth.
Today, however, James and Sirius were planning a harmless prank on a group of Hufflepuffs who they had made a silly bet with, and were using the map to plan their route to the common room. Sirius had been vigorously scribbling down some illegible notes and James's gaze had wandered, aimlessly scanning the map to watch the little name tags move around. It was only when he spotted your and Remus's names floating around near the library that he let out a little "Huh." Sirius's head lifted up from his paper to glance at his best mate, asking "You alright?" James nodded, pointing to where your names were. "They've been in the library for ages now." Lily and Marlene, who'd been facing the two boys, glanced up curiously.
It didn't take Sirius a second to cover up for you, stating "Well they're both really nervous about acing their ancient runes exam." James hummed in agreement, leaning back against the couch behind him, eyebrows furrowing in deliberation. "Have you noticed how much time they've been spending together recently?" James's tone was completely reflective, without a hint of accusation. Sirius shrugged, panicking slightly. "Kind of, I guess."
Lily hummed, trying to conceal any revelations "Yeah, they are pretty good friends." James sighed, looking up at the ceiling, missing the alarmed looks shared between his friends. "I wonder if they like each other." Marlene's nervous laugh had James glimpsing down at Marlene dumbfoundedly. "Them? No way!" She giggled, trying to cover her slip up before hurriedly going back to her homework. James straightened up, observing his friends' behaviour. "Am I missing something?" He questioned, squinting his eyes at the three Gryffindors. Lily looked up at him with a reassuring smile, standing up to round the table before plopping back down next to James. The boy instantly wrapped his arms around her waist, looking deeply into her eyes as she began playing with the hair on the base of his neck.
"No, sweetheart. 'S far as we know, they're just friends. But even if they weren't, at least it'd be someone like Remus looking after your sister, not some idiot." James nodded at Lily's soothing words, letting her take his mind off the topic.
"Yeah, yeah you're right. Maybe I should try setting them up."
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 month
Partners 🌧️⚗️🗒️
James is the last person Lily expects to visit when she's ill in the Hospital Wing, but the new Head Boy has more than one surprise for her. For Jily Week 2024, Day 2: Partners in Crime. Or - in this case - in being head students :') @sunshinemarauder @kay-elle-cee
read it on ao3 or under the cut!
Rain splattered the windows of the Hospital Wing, droplets glistening in the autumnal light of late afternoon, and Lily groaned as she hefted herself onto her elbows, the aniseed aftertaste of Madam Pomfrey’s last potion lingering on her tongue. Her head was foggy, her bones hurt right to their marrow, and Pomfrey herself had put her on strict bedrest, but some things couldn’t wait. It was just her luck to fall ill in only the third week of seventh year; right as the assignments were doled out and the prefects grew needy. She adjusted the pillow behind her back and reached for the wheeled table, pulling it up the bed towards her. Mary had promised to bring her notes from a few of their subjects, but there were several the two didn’t share; and there were three notes that had been left by prefects while she’d been asleep. She yawned, wishing she could have some kind of caffeine, but Madam Pomfrey insisted it interacted poorly with the antidotes she was taking. Of course. She stretched, arching her back, and decided to take a look at the prefects’ notes first. The first was from the mousey new Hufflepuff girl. She smoothed it out, ready to read.
“Sorry?” Lily’s head bolted upright, forming a retort to whoever had arrived to boss her around – she was Head Girl, thanks, and her bout of illness had rather shortened her temper. She stopped the moment she saw who it was. “James.”
He leaned over her, black hair rumpled, still in his school robes – lessons would have not long finished, Lily supposed. His hazel eyes crinkled along with his clear smile, and his glasses slipped down his face as his gaze met hers.
“I said no,” he repeated easily, nodding towards the note. “Fairview, right? I headed her off already. She should’ve come to me in the first place, mind – I told them to, but no. Can’t have prefects with common sense – might break the system, I’m afraid.” And before she could protest, he flicked his wand with a muttered spell. The note caught flame. Lily gaped at him, shock and amusement battling within her.
“You shouldn’t do that,” she said, with no real weight. James shrugged and sat down gently on the bed, by her knees.
“She shouldn’t rabbit on so much.”
“Some prefects do have common sense,” Lily added, rubbing her throat and raising her eyebrows. James squinted one eye, tilting his head.
“Hmm,” he said slowly. “…Nah, I don’t think so. Nobody with common sense is doing work when they’re in the bloody Infirmary, are they?”
Lily huffed instead of replying properly, feeling strangely… touched, by James’s handling of it. By all rights, he was as in charge as she was, so he ought to be sharing the load – but when she’d discovered he’d be at her side this year, she’d not expected him to take it seriously. It was supposed to be just another feather in his cap – Quidditch Captain, Head Boy, Special Services to the School… A year ago, she wouldn’t have thought he’d ever bother to learn the name of a girl like Maisie Fairview.
“McGonagall wants an essay on mid-weight Conjuration by next Thursday, but I talked to her and she knows you’re in here, so she said you’ve got ‘til the Monday after,” James started absently, grabbing the pitcher of water. Without asking, he filled two glasses and offered her one.
“Thanks,” said Lily, surprised. With the first sip she relaxed; it was cool on her raw throat.
“I’ve got notes from Defence too – you can have them when you get out,” James said, wagging a finger at her, “not in here. Metaphysical properties of defensive spells. Proctor’s real into theory. S’pose they didn’t want another Auror sort, after last year. If I ever get my hands on Mulciber…”
“He’s not causing trouble?” Lily sat up straighter, frowning. James snorted.
“I wish, I’m itching to take points.” Lily’s twitching smile belied her attempted look of disapproval. “Nah, he’s just glowering up the back of the classroom. Better that way, though.” James ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been devastated to discover that some things are more important than getting an excuse to hex someone to Wallonia and back.”
“That sucks,” Lily said, grinning.
“Cost-benefit,” he said flippantly. “Anyways, I know Mary’s got you covered for Charms and Potions – thank Merlin for that, I hate Potions – ah. I’ve got Moony’s notes for Ancient Runes for you too. When you’re out of the Hospital Wing,” he added sternly. Lily folded her arms across her chest.
“You make me sound like a child wanting sweets before supper.”
“Because you’re acting like me,” James replied, and before Lily could protest, he went on, “being a complete idiot. Any work you do while you’re feeling crap will turn out crap, and the more you push yourself, the worse you’ll feel. What you need to do is rest.”
Lily took another mouthful of water, washing away the last of the potion. “I know,” she said, and she did, logically. “But –”
“You’re not on your own, you know,” James said. Lily faltered. He set his glass down on the tray table and inched a little closer, jaw squared. “You’re not missing any lessons, really – we’ve got everything you need for when you’re better. And I know I wasn’t a prefect or anything, but… Well… I can do it.” The most bizarre expression crossed his face, and it took Lily a moment to identify it – awkward? She hadn’t known James was capable of looking awkward, but there it was, albeit a very handsome, smooth rendition that most regular people would’ve killed for. “We’re partners,” he said softly. “If one of us is down for the count, then… well… I can handle it all, Evans.” He swept up the remaining messages from the prefects. “I just want you to feel better, all right?”
The air thickened. Lily was painfully aware of the pillow digging into her back, that she’d not showered since she’d been admitted yesterday morning, that she was in an unflattering, stripy pair of pink pyjamas, that there were two second-year boys making farting sounds with their armpits a few beds over, and that James’s side brushed her knee, the contact brief and burning and tingling from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair.
She was lost for words. And she had no right to be: James was, essentially, just behaving the way any decent Head Boy ought to. Lily shifted, guilt slipping over her shoulders like a ragged old cloak, clasped too tight at the neck. James watched her, the rain outside reflected in his rectangular lenses. Genuine. Patient.
She had underestimated him. Her stomach prickled.
“Partners,” she echoed, and set her glass down too, using her free hand to extend her pinkie. “Thank you, James. I suppose I got pretty lucky.”
“You got lucky?” James grinned and shook his head. His smallest finger wrapped around hers, and the friendly touch made her shiver. His finger had a callous – from catching Quaffles, she reckoned. He never wore gloves. Ruined his technique, apparently. She didn’t know why she remembered him saying that. “So is this a promise, Evans? You’ll take it easy?”
“‘Evans’?” Lily said, sounding bolder than she felt, thinking that she could blame this in the future on her illness or the potion (but it wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t). “If we’re partners, James, we might need to be a bit more cordial than that.”
His face lit. It was magical. “Right you are. So, you’ll rest for me, Lily?” His voice was gentler on her name, tongue caressing the ‘l’s, each vowel a reverent breath.
“If you insist.”
“I do.”
Their knuckles brushed. Partners.
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sailorwritesstuff · 1 year
Wake up call (blurb)
Implied poly marauders if you squint but Jily centric
"Good morning my love." a dainty hand caresses your sleepy face as you wake.
"Mornin'." you mutter pressing yourself further into her touch. Lily always was the least hectic to wake up next to.
"How'd you sleep?" She presses softly if she asked you questions it made you think and therefore you couldn't go back to sleep.
"S'ok..." you try to keep things short as you close your eyes again
"Just ok?" Lily asks
"Mm." You grumble and she presses a chast kiss to your lips. Even half sleep you can taste the morning coffee on her breath. She'd let you sleep in which means someone else would be in to bother you shortly. You arm folded clumsily around her waist and you press another tired kiss to her coffee flavored lips.
"are you going to get up love?" She asks as you pull away.
"I don't feel like it."
"ok." She says and she seems to be leaving it at that. She never leaves it like that.
"are you o-" a cold hand grabs hold of your ankle and you are dragged from your warm bed into the hands of James Potter. He looks satisfied that his scheme worked and he's holding you vaguely reminiscent of how one would hold a 12 pound fish.
"Nonononooooo put me down!" you whine, as Lily laughs. You were suffering and she was giggling. How rude.
"Good morning!" James beamed. "Breakfast is ready."
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cressthebest · 1 month
my favorite jegulily fics under 10K. feel free to add your own!
show me all the scars you hide
2.5K - no rating - completed
do i hate snape? yes. do i like him in this fic? a little. he’s on thin ice. *squints* also it’s about baby harry pointing out how his scar matches everyone else’s scar. it’s super cute. background jegulily tho :/
secret love song
3.7K - rated g - completed
it’s just really cute hogwarts years fluff about how their freinds find out they’re dating. (but only seeing two together at a time, so they’re really confused at first) also it’s a five part series that i really need to read
There’s no better love that beckons above me.
7K - rated t - completed
uh this fic actually shaped my jegulily world view. so um. there’s that. it’s literally about them getting high together in the astronomy tower all year and then falling in love. it’s that type of tragic where everything happens so realistically that it hurts, even if nothing bad or tragic actually happened. ya know?
3.7K - rated g - completed
it’s a modern au with regulus’ employees seeing reg kiss or flirt with two different people (knowing he’s already with someone!!!!) basically it’s concerned employees worried that their boss is cheating, while he’s actually in a loving polyam relationship. it’s kinda silly
date night
2.4K - rated g - completed
this forms half of my domestic jegulily vibes and opinions. it’s so them <333 also it’s jily having asked out regulus months ago, and him not realizing they’re all three dating, feeling like he’s always intruding on james and lily’s life and date night. it’s really fluffy and sweet
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eastwindmlk · 3 months
I wish you would write a fic where Jily joins the Jily Microfic Discord!
James sat hunched over the piece of muggle technology that Harry had gifted them for the holidays. He was squinting at the electronic letter from an unknown address. “Lils, darling? Do you know what a ‘discord’ is?” he shouted over his shoulder to his wife just outside the open doors, tending to her herb garden. 
Her face appeared, dark streaks littering her features and another one being smeared across her forehead as she swiped her hair away from it. “Discord?” she repeated, confusion evident in her voice. 
“Someone invited us to join one. It has a picture of a friendly…” His sentence trailed off as he made a motion, thumbs gyrating and fingers wriggling. “From one of those home arcade machines.”
Emerald eyes narrowed for a moment, another smudge of dirt adoring her jaw as Lily deciphered what he meant. “Joystick?” she questioned, uncertain of her own words. A smile crept onto his face, but before he could say anything even remotely lewd his wife cut him off. “Don’t you dare, Potter! We are solving this discord mystery before you get any funny ideas!” 
James huffed, blowing an errant lock of hair from his forehead and adjusting his glasses. “Should we call one of the kids? Or would take make us terribly cliché grandparents?” he prompted, nodding to himself as he leaned back over the box and traced his finger along the square to move his pointer. 
“What are you doing?” Lily got up, stretching her back as she leaned on the windowsill, watching him full of curiosity. 
His eyes flicked to her, a grin stretching over his features. “I am accepting the invite, of course. It would be terribly rude. I can always click it away if it is one of those fish letters Henry talked about.” Aware that their oldest grandson would be very disappointed in them if they’d fallen for something he had warned them about time and time again. 
“Oh, there are rules!” James muttered to himself, skimming over them as he already motioned to accept them, only to be stopped by his wife. 
“Did you read them?” 
He paused and let his shoulders sag as he admitted. “More skimmed them, but I am sure they are fine!” Ignoring the look of disapproval that blew in from the window, he pressed the green square and watched a whole new list of names appear on the side of his little box. 
“They are asking for our house! There are so many Gryffindors here!” He exclaimed, delighted. “Maybe this is for alum, and we can finally see what people are up to without having to rely on the papers,” he said with a grin and went through, clicking the pictures he thought applied to them. 
Pausing for a moment, pushing his glasses back up his nose as he curiously read the next item on the reading list that had appeared. Falling silent, eyebrows furrowing as he slowly started to click through the list. 
“I don’t think I am supposed to be here,” he mused, looking up at Lily for a moment before letting his eyes fall back on the words on the box. 
“What makes you say that, dear?” Lily asked, leaving her gloves on the sill as she made her way inside, casting a quick scourgify before sitting down next to him, her reading spectacles being slid out of her hair in an effort to read with him. 
“These are all…” 
“-Stories, yes.” 
“About us?” 
James nodded slowly, not sure if he should feel worried about this. “Us, the lads, Harry, your friends. Just endless stories,” he replied, his voice growing faint with confusion. 
“I think you might be right, this is not for us,” Lily agreed, though her eyes were still moving over the words. Her finger reached out to one of the items on the list. “Can you click that?” 
At her request, James clicked the label that said art when Lily pointed it out and clicked one of the grey squares. Something he should not have done. Jolting, he reached out and smacked the lid back on the box, almost trapping his wife’s fingers between. 
“I think that was enough of that!” He practically squeaked, taking off his glasses and frantically polishing them on his pocket-handkerchief. “Maybe not ask the grandkids to look at it, after all.” 
Rubbing her knuckle where the lid had caught her, Lily gave him a disappointed look and levelled him with a look. “I didn’t see, so I can’t tell,” she admonished, reaching out to reopen the box stubbornly ignoring his warning hand on the lid. 
“James, let me see!” She demanded, and all he could do was shake his head at her. “Fine, then you describe it to me.” Her arms crossed over her chest while she raised an expectant eyebrow at him. 
James licked his lips, wondering how on earth he was going to describe the image that was burned into his eyelids now. Taking a moment, then another, before a sly smile slipped across his features. “How about I show you instead?” 
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crimsonlovebartylus · 7 months
Favorite crime is very wolfstar and bartylus coded. But it could also be blackbones and rosebones coded (rare-pair, tags). BUT it could also be Jily if you really squint your eyes.
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startanewdream · 2 years
Hey, a guy who suggested that Snape's reactions to Sirius/Lily bond here😅. First of all, THANK YOU so much😭, I'm sure this is going to be an excellent and very satisfying content to read, simply can't wait!
But since you mentioned you don't have all yet, I'd like to suggest one if you don't mind - please include a one where Order members come back from some mission (somewhen around OotP) and Sirius and Lily clean each other's wounds. But since they're too tired for magic they do it old fashioned way which means Lily is touching Sirius' bare chest and Sirius is touching Lily's upper body which has only bra on it.
Of course it's completely platonic for Sirius and Lily because they're completely comfortable with each other (and too worried about each other to think about stuff like this) but OH MY GOD, Snape's reaction at the sight and his inner thoughts would be PURE GOLD.
I know I promise more scenes but I just wanted to post this one sooner because this prompt was far too brilliant (and the other scenes are far less troubled — I think I'm done writing from Snape's pov truly). Fair warning that Snape's POV here is very biased and he doesn't handle it well 😏
Rated M for some cursing. 2k words of something.
Lily Potter was hurt.
He shouldn’t have gone to Grimmauld Place. Severus had done his part already; he’d translated Potter’s yells to the Order, had let them know that the brat somehow got in his mind the idea that Sirius Black (Padfoot, his friends had called him, thinking they were so clever with childish nicknames) had been captured by the Dark Lord, and had warned them when the kid had ran off dragging his stupid friends. That was all that was required of him.
He couldn’t know there would be a battle, couldn’t know that Lily Evans would be there fighting a Dark Lord that mostly wanted her dead, and yet—yet Dumbledore had told him, almost challenging to see how he still felt about her, that in the following battle Lily Potter had been hurt.
Dumbledore always called her Lily Potter, an unnecessary reminder that still stung. She wasn’t truly a Potter — she had lived more of her life as Lily Evans than she had ever been married to James Potter.
And if she were hurt—he had never told her how he felt, the lengths he had undergone to prove her his worth, how everything was about her. Lily should know, she deserved to know.
Grimmauld Place was quiet when he entered it. Snape hated that house, that gloomy place that Black owned as the spoiled pureblood he pretended he wasn’t; how hard it must have been, Severus always thought, to grow up with a house-elf tending to your needs, between richness and luxury, knowing his place on society, the eldest son of a noble family—
And probably because he had let his thoughts stray too near Sirius Fucking Black, he heard his loud laugh.
It was enough for the portrait of Walburga Black start screaming. Snape retreated hastily to the first room he found, just as he heard the sound of someone running the stairs.
“SHUT UP!” Yelled Black; there was a flash of light and the sound of the portrait’s screams died.
Snape peaked through the door; Black was still in the stairs, facing the other direction. He was panting, and if for anger or for running down the stairs, Snape could only guess. He wasn’t wearing any shirt, revealing muscled shoulders and back of someone who clearly had too much time to exercise and too little to do; then Black turned around—and of course he was fit, perfect biceps and torso, everything firmly shaped and did he shave his chest or—
And then a grim satisfaction broke through the acid that was bubbling inside him, because Black’s shapely chest was marked with purple bruises, giant spots that had probably hurt him when he had been hit, and how good was that—
Black turned again, following the same direction that Snape was now looking at, but from his angle he couldn’t see Lily. She sounded so disturbed…
“Come on! You won’t get away with this.”
Black sighed, shaking his head, but he climbed the stairs again. Severus hesitated for a moment before casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself; it wasn’t his best work, and if anyone would look directly in his direction, they might notice it, but he had to risk it, had to make sure that Lily Evans was fine…
Any worry they might notice him vanished from his mind when he reached the second floor. Black had entered one of the rooms of the house, and Lily was there, pulling him down to sit in the only bed of the room. She didn’t look hurt, though there was dried blood splattered in her jacket.
Snape looked at her, searching in her face for some sign of injury, or maybe that she was under pain, but there was only concern and it was directed straightly at the man that she was making sure was resting comfortable against the pillows of the bed.
“I am fine,” Black insisted, when Lily pulled a cauldron to the bedrest. 
“Of course you are,” she answered, flashing him a smile that made Snape’s inside churm. Black wasn’t fine, he couldn’t be with those injuries, and yet he was clearly pretending to look brave for Lily as if she was going to fall for this act—she had to see through him… “If you were good to go argue with that portrait.”
“I hate her more than I hate Death Eaters—and that’s a lot.”
She chuckled; it was a teasing laugh, one that made Black’s lips twitch as if he wanted to laugh as well.
“I mean it,” he insisted, sounding like a petulant child. Snape waited for Lily’s spurn; it never came. “She wasn’t one, but she supported them well enough, raised all properly Black Death Eaters—”
“Not you.” Lily’s voice was shimmering with warmth. “She could never break you.”
Black smiled. “I had a good influence,” he whispered, and then Lily turned her head to look at him. Snape couldn’t see the expression on her face, but he could see how Black’s eyes were shining, standing her gaze; Black looked greedy, demanding. There were only a few inches between their faces. 
Snape grabbed his wand, knowing he wouldn’t be able to help himself if Black threw himself over her, but after a moment Lily turned , moving away to bring the cauldron closer; Snape was glad that there was trouble in Lily’s green eyes now. She hadn’t felt comfortable with Black’s presence, she was repulsed by him…
“Lay back,” she told Black, and he did what was asked, laying still as Lily sat by his side, swirling the content of the cauldron. She grabbed a spoonful of the potion, a transparent almost-pasty liquid, and placed a few drops over the purple spots on Black’s chest.
He knew that Lily had always been an excellent potion maker, but still he wished that she had mistaken something, that the potion would burn through Black’s skin, melting his abs, unshaping his body, thinning him into nothing—
And for a brief moment, it seemed Snape’s wishes were granted.
“Ouch!” Black twisted in the bed, looking uncomfortable. “This burns.”
“Stop being a child,” answered Lily at once. Her words were scolding, but she sounded more fond than anything. “It will be better in a minute,” she assured, and then, without hesitation, as if that was the most normal thing in the world, she leaned closer, supporting her weight in the bed with one hand and caressing Black’s chest with the other hand.
No, it wasn’t a caress, she was just spreading the potion over his chest, and yet—her fingers were moving softly, smoothly, dancing over his skin. There was a smile on her lips that didn’t belong there; Black sighed contentedly, sinking his head into the pillows and closing his eyes.
“Fuck, this feels good,” he moaned.
“Oh, no more pretending this wasn’t hurting as hell?” She teased, amused.
“Not hell.” Her hand stopped moving for a moment, watching him. Black opened an eye, full of mischief. “Fine, but not a ninth-circle of Hell pain. Maybe a second-circle pain.”
Lily resumed her movement. “You could be in Heaven bliss if you haven’t acted all noble.”
Black opened both of his eyes now, but Lily didn’t meet his gaze; there was a severe frown on her forehead now. Black’s expression softened.
“I had to protect you,” he whispered.
That didn’t appease her. “It’s not your job, Sirius. I can take care of myself.”
“Of course you can, but—” He took her hand, intertwining their fingers, waiting until Lily looked him in the eyes. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”
There was a long moment of silence. Lily bit her lip and lowered her head, her hair creating a curtain over her face; Snape couldn’t see her expression, but he could see Black’s, and once again, over a thin layer of fondness, Black’s eyes were greedy, lustful, as they moved over Lily’s face, admiring her, desiring her. 
That was wrong, repulsive, and Snape wasn’t surprised when Lily hesitated: “Sirius—”
But Black ignored her. “Your turn,” he said, sitting on the bed, and pulling the cauldron to himself.
“Let me guess, you are fine?” He winked at her. “I saw you wincing there. Left shoulder?”
Lily pulled away from him, crossing her arms; she looked annoyed, lips set in a thin line as if she was just considering not answering at all, but after a moment she sighed.
“Right,” she said, defeated, turning his back to him.
For a moment Snape thought she was staring directly at him, and he didn’t dare moving, but Lily’s eyes moved past him without noticing anything. She raised her hands to remove her jacket, but Black stopped her.
“Let me,” he offered. Lily nodded, just extending her arms to help him. Underneath her jacket, her shirt was soaked with blood.  Black hissed. “Fuck, Lils,” and he ripped her shirt, exposing her skin and the black bra she wore beneath it. 
She shivered, but made no movement to cover herself, standing half-naked with her bare back to Black. On her right side, from her neck to her shoulder, there was a long scarlet cut, dried blood around it. Sectumsempra, Snape realized with a sudden rush of fury; it had been misfired, luckily, or she would have bleed out by now, but still he promised he would find whoever had done it, not Lily—
And then his gaze fell, following the light of the necklace she wore, to the golden ring that was swinging over her chest. The ring shone, but he forgot it quickly; her skin was cream-coloured, with freckles splattered over her bosom, soft to look; her bra marked her curves, lifted her tits, and how he had dreamed of seeing her like this, of sliding down the strap of her bra to reveal all her beauty to him.
Once again it seemed his wishes were granted, for there was a hand carefully moving the strap of her bra down to the middle of her arm, revealing more of her skin, and something stirred inside him, blood rushing—then the rage renewed, for Black was touching her skin now, applying the potion over her cut, his fingers treading over her skin with far too much intimacy.
“Oh, god,” she mumbled, closing her eyes and arching her neck to give him better access. “I am an amazing potion maker.”
Black snorted; that brought a smile to her lips as if she had expected that reaction. Snape closed his fits, hatred filling him, even though he couldn’t take his eyes off the scene, of how Black’s hand was massaging her shoulder, his finger brushing over her chest, almost touching the exposed top of her tit.
“I would rather you were an amazing dueler,” said Black, voice barely repreensive. 
“I am.”
“And how did you get hurt?”
Lily hesitated for a moment. “Bellatrix,” she admitted at last. “Your cousin is a nasty piece.”
“I was dueling her.”
“Yeah, well.”
She shivered. “She was aiming at your back, you were too close to the Death Veil and—I didn’t think, I had to do something, I—” And then she broke, turning around to face him, her lips trembling. “You nearly died, Sirius.”
“Who acted all noble now?” He asked softly, caressing her arms. “Such a Gryffindor of you.”
“Stupid and reckless?”
“And brave,” he assured, and Lily smiled nervously in answer. “Just don’t die on my account, I could never explain this.”
“No one would blame you,” she assured him, turning around again to allow him to finish applying the potion. "He wouldn't," she added, her voice so low that Snape almost thought he had imagined it.
Sirius sighed. “I know,” he admitted in a low voice. Then he shook his head, a devilish grin taking control of his features as he moved the cauldron back. “Do you remember what you used to do when Harry scraped his knees?”
Lily frowned, thoughtful. “I kissed—” And then Black placed a kiss on her bare shoulder, over her cut. “Sirius!”
Snape waited for a reprimand, an unquestionable reproval of Black’s lack of limits, but Lily was giggling. “This is disgusting,” she said, nothing in her voice betraying any hint of disgust as she brushed the potion out of his lips with the back of her hand.
“You love me,” Black said easily, surely, confidently, and Snape decided he couldn’t hear her confirmation, couldn’t deal with even the possibility that Lily Evans had fallen for Black—somehow that was worse than seeing her with Potter, not him, not Black—
He brushed something on his way out, the sound waking up Walburga Black’s portrait again, and he welcomed the yells, hoping it was enough to dwindle any other sound he might hear in that house again.
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It's @mppmaraudergirl's birthday! In celebration, have this random load of nonsense: sixth year Jily flirting by the lake.
“Ah, June.”
She doesn’t lift her gaze from the book in her lap, although she can’t seem to stop the smile already tugging at her lips. 
He is not discouraged by her lack of response. “To be young and in love in June,” he sighs, and flops down next to her. He smells like mint and pine and sweat. Not that she notices that sort of thing. “How can you bear it, Evans?”
“What, June?” she asks, still not looking up. Over the course of their sixth year at Hogwarts, she’s become used to his meandering threads of conversation: his mind works in mysterious and, yes, amazing ways. Now that they’re friends, she’s more attuned to it than ever. “One day at a time, Potter. Just me and my will to survive.”
He snorts and her smile strengthens; finally, she allows herself to look up, squinting in the sunshine as she takes him in. His tie has long since been abandoned, his hair its usual dishevelled mess. His legs are stretched out in front of him, and he rests back on his elbows, a louche sort of insouciance that, again, she wishes she didn’t find as charming as she does. 
“Not June,” he corrects her, and nods towards the lake. From their vantagepoint, under the shade of an ancient willow tree, they have the perfect view of two fourth years, flirting for Britain in the shallows. “Love’s young dream over there. It’s a bit much, isn’t it?”
“Is it?” she wonders. She recognises the boy—he’s a Hufflepuff prefect. Seems nice enough. “All they’re doing is standing there.”
“Standing there,” he repeats dryly. She can tell that he’s enjoying himself, that he’s committing to this train of thought even if he doesn’t really care. Sometimes he says things and he means them; sometimes he says things and he’s looking to have some fun. She likes both versions equally. “Flaunting their happiness in front of us!”
She turns to look at James, biting her lip as her smile threatens to overwhelm. “Oh, I’m sorry, Potter,” she says, and he meets her gaze, his own grin blooming. “I didn’t realise you were suffering so.”
“Being single,” he shrugs, waving an airy hand in the direction of the lake. “The secret sadness, even on a sunny day.” He glances down at her book. “Even in your fine company. Even though you’d rather be reading—what is that?”
“Pride and Prejudice,” she replies, showing him the cover. “It’s a classic.”
“That’s what girls want, is it?” he smirks. “Regency romance, contained desire and declarations of love at a polite distance?”
“Well,” she considers. “That, and paddling about in a lake.”
James’ laugh warms her, and she follows his gaze back out to the flirting pair nearby. “Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong.”
“Or maybe,” she says, and she’s not sure why, because it makes her stomach feel like it’s turning inside out, “you’re not going as wrong as you think you are.”
He looks round again, an intrigued eyebrow raised. For a moment, no comment, and she thinks she’s messed this up. They were having a rambling joking conversation, and she made it into something real.
But then he smiles again, and says, “We’re often our own harshest critic, aren’t we?” A pause, then, “Most of us, anyway. Sirius thinks he’s the bee’s knees.”
“But that’s only because he is,” Lily replies. Her heartbeat is returning to a normal rate. “Ignore the lake lovebirds. Lie back and I’ll read you some of my book.”
He chuckles, but does as he is asked, settling comfortably back against the grass. “Can I try to guess the ending?” he asks. “Who dies first, pride or prejudice? My money’s on prejudice.”
“James,” she says patiently, opening her book up again. “Shut up and listen.”
“Harsh,” he murmurs, and grins up at her. “But fair.”
And that was where they stayed, until the sun started to set over the lake.
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chierafied · 7 months
Jily Microfic March 4: Despondent
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@jilymicrofics, 200 words. On AO3. 🦡💛
Lily snuck down the stairs in the hush of the night. The fire was out in the Common Room. The world was so still she didn’t realise she wasn’t alone until something moved in the dark. 
“Lumos!” Her pointed wand illuminated a lanky body slumped on the couch. A pair of hazel eyes squinted at the offending light. 
“Potter? What’re you doing down here so late?” 
"Go away, Evans,” he sighed. 
Frowning, Lily walked over to him. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really.” 
Lily settled in on the sofa. She couldn’t sleep, and this was a side of James Potter she’d never seen before. He was lying so still, being so quiet, his mood so morose it was like after 2 am the world had shifted off its axis. The two of them trapped in a small pocket of an alternate universe; a land of mirrors where everything was the wrong way around. That’s how little resemblance there was between the Potter she knew and this despondent man sprawling out before her. 
She couldn’t leave him alone, not like this. 
“Okay,” she told him, voice soft, letting her legs tangle with his. “But I’m not going anywhere.” 
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loserboyfriendrjl · 11 days
“Sorry!” A voice exclaimed somewhere on James’ left.
He looked at what the source of the noise was, and it just so happened to be Lily Evans, but not the Lily Evans he knew.
Not the Lily Evans dressed in wizarding robes. Her auburn hair was cascading down her shoulders, this time in curls, and she was wearing a flowy, white top with flowers embroidered on it, flared, dark orange, almost red pants, and what appeared to be boots under them. A small, brown bag was slung over her shoulder, and her emerald eyes were rimmed with brown.
“Alright, Evans?” He asked, his hand instantly going to ruffle his hair. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“It’s Diagon Alley, Potter,” She rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips, “I’ve just come to shop for supplies. Like you did.”
“Seventh year, aye?” He asked, catching up with her from just a few larger steps. “Off to where?”
“Flourish and Blotts,” Lily answered, her heels clicking against the cobblestones as she made her way down the long street. “I take it it’s the same for you, then, or are you going now again just so you can spend a bit of your time with me?”
“You wish,” James laughed, although she was saying the truth. Sirius had stopped at the Eeylops Owl Emporium, while his parents were, for the timebeing, waiting in Madam Malkin’s for their son’s new robes.
“Right,” She chuckled, and then promptly stopped in front of him, her right hand resting on her bag. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“Not really.” He shrugged.
“Well, I do,” She smiled, possibly slightly acidic. “I’ll see you at Hogwarts, then,” She said, then promptly turned on her heel and left him behind.
“I got elected Head Boy!” He shouted after her, yet she didn’t turn back.
“Brilliant! Be there half an hour early!” Lily Evans answered, then made herself unnoticed in the bustling crowd on Diagon Alley.
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jilyarchive · 1 year
Can you point me to professional quidditch player James fics
Title: If We Ever Meet Again &A Little Death(Alternate Moments excerpt) Author: twilightstargazer Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 2 Word Count: ~ Summary: Prompt: meeting up at a high school reunion.
Title: Quidditch Club Author:sunaprincess7 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 1 Word Count: 14,661 Summary: The first rule of Quidditch Club is no falling for a student’s mum. Jily AU. Single Mum AU. Smut if you squint. 
Title:After the Quidditch Game Author: Lioness Amythest Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 19 Word Count: 61,318 Summary: Lily goes to a professional Quidditch game, England against Ireland unknown to her that there she will meet the inevitable James Potter. 
Title: Eight Days Author: BeeDaily Rating: Mature Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 8 [WIP] Word Count: 38,393 Summary: During a week-long exhibition, professional Quidditch player James Potter encounters Lily Evans, Junior Quidditch Correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
Title:Untitled Author: scared-of-clouds Rating: Not rated Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~ Summary: Where James is a professional Quidditch player and he’s playing at the World Cup.
Title: Untitled Author: ofstagsanddoes Rating: Not rated Genre(s): Romance, Humour, Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~ Summary: “celebrity au in which they have a very very public rivalry which involves twitter rants, fandom wars, tabloid articles stirring etc. until they’re photographed holding hands and the internet has a meltdown”
Title: The Auror and the Chaser (excerpt It Could Happen) Author: scared of clouds   Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 (out of 29) Word Count: ~ Summary: Puddlemere United Chaser James Potter and Auror Lily Evans meet again at some formal gathering or something 3 years after their *ended relationship* at Hogwarts.
Title: We All Fall In Love Sometimes Author: K. East Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 43 Word Count: 57,744 Summary: Two rival Chasers on professional British Quidditch teams are in for the ride of their lives as an off-sides affair compromises their reputations as well as their hearts.  
Title: The Snitch (Changing Times excerpt)  Author: SpaghettiSticks Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 1 (out of 39) Word Count: ~ Summary: Lily Evans is a photographer hired to take pictures of Quidditch player James Potter.
Title: apogee Author: gryffindormischief (ao3 log in required) Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor, AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,716 Summary: Sometimes purely charitable intent ends up with some positive personal results.
Title: slump Author: gryffindormischief (ao3 log in required) Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Smut, AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,106 Summary: James Potter is quite expert at quidditch, and when he's not, he's expert at working himself into a strop. (SULTRY FIC!)
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