#and then crush it into a fine powder
khiptid · 18 days
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absolutely FOUL and DISGUSTING creature. let's kill him
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thesoftestmess · 9 months
this might not be canon, but personally i need furina to struggle a whole lot longer and harder with post-prophecy depression and mental illness. She's played the same tiring and painful act for five centuries, was constantly in a life or death scenario and had to hide her true self from the world the entire time and she won't just recover in a few years from that.
There's parts of her that will never ever be compatible with a simple human lifestyle, and parts of her that are irreparably broken. She isn't sure of her personality after everything that happened and the lie she had to live. She slips between personas and her archon temperament comes through like a defensive mechanism at any sign of conflict or trouble.
She's plagued by nightmares. Of the flood, of the trial, of the people closest to her conspiring against her behind her back, and of being found out in a million terrible ways. Of saying the wrong thing, making a wrong decision. Of being found out, of being found out, of being found out.
Lying or keeping a secret feels existential still. Being honest still feels life threatening sometimes. Putting herself first feels like putting both hands on a hot stove.
She doesn't live in the palais anymore, doesn't have to sit through trials anymore, but her heart and soul are still there. In her dreams she's still at the place she spent her entire life's memories at.
Yes, she can make new memories, but it'll take time. More time than she has, maybe, now that she's the closest to being human she'll ever be.
She'll never be human in the way the people around her are.
What sort of human has 500 years worth of memories after all? What human tells personal anecdotes and mixes up their centuries?
What sort of human can feel the absence of their divinity like it's a physical thing? A voice that will never speak to her again, or keep her alive? What human has no family, no childhood?
What human remembers so little, but still remembers death somewhere deep within?
She jerks out of sleep from it sometimes, gasping for air, and spends the rest of the night awake, almost frozen by fear. The flood is over, but it's hard to convince her racing heart that the danger is too.
Humans have entire family trees that go generations back, but Furina was put into this world a solitary creature, her blood heavy with sin ever since she turned human.
She owns a hydro vision now and doesn't know how to yield it, but the ocean still calls out to her some days. Sea creatures flock to her like they can smell she's not human enough.
She learns how to make little hydro companions for herself, so the darkness and emptiness of her apartment feels less ominous when she lies awake at night.
She can't turn her vision into a weapon quite yet, but when it rains the droplets seem to cling to her. She's watched them roll upwards along her arm, watched them gather in her palm like kin. She wonders if sea creatures flock to neuvillette in a similar way, or if his immense power makes them recoil. She wonders if elemental dragons can feel regret. Wonders if he, too, ever feels entirely foreign in that human body he was given. If he, too, lies awake trying to grasp faint memories of a past life.
She's extremely human in the way she's plagued by body pains from not being able to relax just one day in five centuries. The years catch up with her once she gets out of survival mode, and fatigue is a constant companion now. Sleep comes difficultly and getting out of bed was easier when the fate of a whole nation depended on it. On her. She's never lived for just herself before and some days she's not sure she wants to.
She did her duty and earned her retirement and the story turned out well, all things considered. She still has people by her side, some of them.
Still, she feels raw and tired and overwhelmed by the life lying ahead of her. As a human and as someone who will always be Something Else.
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kamakrazeeee · 3 months
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since i pulled the art book out again i just gotta appreciate these shots of slit they put in it 🥴
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fintan-pyren · 27 days
POV King Dimitar is your massage therapist
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say goodbye to having intact bones in your body
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figofswords · 5 months
hi just thought everyone would want to know. I think I just made the all time best potatoes anyone has ever made ever. just wanted to share
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bleepzip · 2 years
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the deltarunification of dumb stuff i find on the internet. victim is rouxls kaard
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foodshowxyz · 5 months
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Coconut Lavender Tartlets Recipe
For the Tart Shells:
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold and cubed
1-2 tablespoons ice water
For the Coconut Custard:
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon lavender extract (or a few fresh lavender buds, finely crushed)
For the Whipped Coconut Cream:
1 can (14 ounces) coconut cream, chilled overnight
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
For Garnish:
Toasted coconut flakes
Lavender buds
Powdered sugar for dusting
Make the Tart Shells:
In a food processor, combine flour, powdered sugar, and salt. Pulse to mix.
Add the cold butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Add ice water 1 tablespoon at a time, pulsing until the dough starts to come together.
Press the dough into tartlet molds and prick the bottom with a fork.
Chill for 30 minutes, then bake at 350°F (175°C) for 20 minutes or until golden. Let cool completely.
Prepare the Coconut Custard:
Whisk together sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan.
Gradually whisk in coconut milk, ensuring no lumps form.
Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil.
Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and lavender extracts. Allow to cool slightly before pouring into the cooled tart shells. Chill until set.
Make the Whipped Coconut Cream:
Scoop out the solidified coconut cream from the chilled can, leaving any liquid behind.
Whip the coconut cream with powdered sugar and vanilla extract until soft peaks form.
Assemble the Tartlets:
Once the custard is set, spoon or pipe the whipped coconut cream onto each tartlet.
Garnish with toasted coconut flakes, lavender buds, and a dusting of powdered sugar.
Allow the tartlets to sit at room temperature for a few minutes before serving for the best flavor and texture.
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duvgaleni · 20 days
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how are you so SMALLLLLLL
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monarchamos · 1 year
need more fics of dazai crying. i want this man to sob, and not just in the privacy of his own solitude. i need him to break down. i want everything around him to all come crashing down, piercing his heart with the sharp fragments ricocheting. i need him fucking devasted. i want dazai to be an absolute mess, crying a canal and hyperventilating halfway to hell. i don't care if it would be out of character in most situations, make a situation that would call for this reaction from him in character.
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evorathesylvurr · 14 days
my non-science friends will never understand how pleasing it is to mortar and pestle.
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malikselfindulgence · 10 months
Going thru ourgallery and seeing videos Blaze recorded of his fav snotlout moments except u can literally hear him bite at his arm and watch the camera shake when bun punches something behind the screen
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
fuck it, I am talking about the woman i made up anyway!!!!!!!!
I like to think that Iona was originally a bit surprised to find that she actually kind of loves the times Astarion gets snappy/selfish/possessive/stubborn/standoffish/etc. Because, well, in a relationship, she's used to a blank disengagement and empty pleasantries for one, but also because him feeling so loudly and the posturing gradually falling away is just so bloody refreshing to her.
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like yes, objectively it can be a bit annoying, and it's not the same kind of enjoyment as the kind she gets from the all the happy/cuddly/sappy affection, but she still can't help but feel a kind of satisfaction deep in her stomach when he gets acerbic or bristly or jealous or bitter, because she sees it as it is: evidence of the fact that he's let his masks fall, and actually lets himself feel his feelings with her.
like, full disclosure, I'm not sure if one can actually love this particular man without being able to take him not at face value, but to see through the times he shows an ugly face (in-game as well as just in-fiction), and kind of intrinsically understanding what he means by it.
like I see the ugly sides of him get overlooked or erased quite a lot, but I think those are the most fascinating thing about him: that he's not going to turn into a happy, smushy, doting gentleman of a perfect lover the moment he enters a healthy(-adjacent) relationship. Healing is a very lengthy, messy, sometimes very difficult process, and with all else that's there, he also definitely has a bit of a problem with pushing people away, testing-stretching the limits, and pushing and prodding and poking at any soft underbelly he is shown. That's, imo, a pretty straightforward interpretation of many lines, even early on, and it interacts with his insecurity and vulnerability in a very particular way that kind of... sets him up for self-sabotage beautifully.
I like the thought of Iona -with her preternaturally keen insight- seeing even searing, deliberately hurtful barbs as the nips of a puppy testing his milk teeth, and I definitely really like the thought of her being genuinely surprised that he can, in fact, hurt her feelings- but only when he attempts to leverage her actual, genuine affections, and they actually, genuinely work to a degree (like the tiefling party "I love you" in act one, and the early act 3 manipulations).
This is why I love the idea of them first joining minds via the tadpole after his personal quest had been resolved, because then it's that mutual understanding that sort of turns on the metaphorical light, and they can stop stumbling around in the metaphorical darkness!! and then he's showing her his naked reactions as they bubble to the surface, and she LOVES it because it shows that he's no longer scared that she'll slip through his fingers!!! but that he trusts that she'll know, and understand, and stay!!!!!
they're not even just both fucked up enough to warrant being quarantined together in a relationship, it's also the "it's rotten work-not to me" quote from Orestes, only it's her enabling neediness and brattiness and selfishness completely shamelessly while bloody reveling in being loved and trusted and wanted so nakedly, and I'm scratching at the walls over them
this fucking guy can officially join Dorian of House Pavus in the lineup of fellows I'll randomly think about ten years from now, and take 2d6 psychic damage from the sheer intensity with which the affection returns.
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jeffament · 8 months
tagged by @chicanarry !! thank u☮️
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i tag @brettyimages @sibelin @clanofxymox @visible-disappointment @imdistressed :)
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drhubrisworm · 2 months
As I lay on my bed I think "I would love to be crushed into a fine powder but a strong hug would also work"
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neroposting · 1 year
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i love this guy
the clod
(originally by @flickercreatures)
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violant-apologia · 3 months
thinking about briar in the great game... his title as an anonymous player would be the strained keystone (and later the shattered keystone) given the integrality of his position and the pressure it puts him under.
it was duty that led him to kill mr veils, and it is duty that lets its assets and responsibilities crush him
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