#and then i walked to campus to get some cash & scan/print my id & stuff for the internship
freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
#took myself out for like 3 hrs today 😔#was going to go to this hort club work party to hang at the greenhouses & get scholarship hours but idk i didnt really feel like it after i#got a cramp just as i was about to leave#so i went to a nearby thrift shop & got a shirt hat & pair of socks#then to another thrift shop near campus & like the greek housing & got some earings socks again & a flannel#and most of that will be used for my internship#all of that cost a little over $10 total hehehe#and then i walked to campus to get some cash & scan/print my id & stuff for the internship#only to realize that i can't use my printing funds bc my fafsa isnt in yet & ive been charged a late fee & they blocked some stuff.......#which made me soooo happy :)))#but anyways im home now & im gonna have a snack & make dinner & clean & do whatever else that needs to be done later#dl#also...i texted my mom about the fafsa last night to get it out of the way bc my sis wasnt able to find the taxes in my moms apt....bc my#mom isnt organized at all so i did & then did a bunch of things to not think about it#and she called both my sis & i this morning & both of us didnt answer#but i thought she was calling me to like yell at me about the text or something#only for her to message us both in a gc to say that she just needed to know if we were ok but apparently she got a call#saying that one of us had been kidnapped & that they wanted money lol & we were like were ok 😬#but it left us super confused & she just didnt answer after we reassured her like....ok then moving along#now im just waiting to see if she'll send me what i need......#my sis said i shouldve given her monday as the deadline but i didnt want my text to seem so demanding....#all of this is so complicated#i feel lonely lol....like my best friend is here but shes so busy w grad school#and ive spoken w my girls a bit but its not the same.....#felt so shitty about the internship yesterday & i really dont have the will to live#everything makes me feel like giving up
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veronicaosoria · 7 years
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Taehyung/Reader
Summary: What happens when the school’s player ends up taking an interest in you?
Length: 8.7k words
“I don’t know Ji-yeon I don't think I’d make a great partner for that.” I said shutting my locker and throwing my books in my bag. “Can’t you find someone else?”
“Come on Y/N the grand prize is almost $3,000, imagine if we win,” Ji-yeon groaned shaking my arm in frustration. “Please I’ll even pay for your fee to enter.” I rolled my eyes about to give her another no in response until I heard the first period bell ring and I shot her a smirk,
“Got to get to class don’t want to be late!” I teased pushing my way through the hundreds of students filling the halls. I heard her shouting over the crowd and I proudly smiled to myself for getting out of another one of her schemes she wanted me to partake in. Although Ji-yeon was my best friend, she certainly always got both of us into trouble. Back in freshman year she somehow managed to convince me to sneak into a bar with a fake ID she bought off some guy she met outside the mall, needless to say it obviously didn’t work and we were both grounded for the rest of the school year. Ever since then her shenanigans have gotten crazier and this idea just sounded like trouble to me. I made it to the English building and found my classroom, I made a beeline to my desk and got all my materials I needed for the period as the final bell rang signaling the start of class.
“Good morning class please turn to page 147 on your book, you will be working on this worksheet today,” Mrs. Kim announced, “Also I have the flyers for this years Senior Assassin competition, the prize is pretty big this year so take advantage.” My head shot up from my book and I waited patiently for a flyer to get around to my desk.
This is what Ji-yeon was talking about…
Grabbing it I scanned it reading the rules and details.
Senior Assassin Competition
Rules: You and your partner will be assigned two targets and you must eliminate them by shooting them with a nerf gun, you must do this outside of safe zones. Last team standing wins the cash prize.
Safe zones: School property, jobs, homes.
Please turn in the fee to participate by Friday. Targets for each team will be released on Monday. Good luck everyone!
“You gonna do it?” My classmate Yerin spoke up next to me getting my attention. I shrugged my shoulders, “I'm not so sure, Ji-yeon wants me to be her partner but I think I'll pass.”
“You should Y/N, it's senior year.” She said while flipping through her book to get to the correct page, “Everyone's doing it this year and even if you don't win you'll still have the experience.”
“I guess you're right, if anything Ji-yeon will force me into this.” I replied causing both of us to giggle.
We both turned back to our assignment and I put the flyer in my binder mentally reminding myself to let Ji-yeon know I'll do it. I went on about my day getting through the long hours of school and sitting through lessons I knew I was going to study for and completing my work efficiently.
The day quickly came to an end and I practically ran to the bus happy that school was finally done. I found an empty seat near the front of the bus and plugged headphones in as I waited for the students to fill in. Eventually the doors closed and the bus started moving. Halfway through the ride however my music was interrupted by a rather annoying conversation going on behind me.
“How about you come to my house and we can… study.” I heard a deep voice flirtatiously say and even though I wasn't looking at them, I knew this kid had a smirk plastered on his face. A high pitched giggle rang through my ears and I rolled my eyes turning the volume up on my phone. I closed my eyes leaning my head on the window already feeling a headache coming on. All I wanted right now was to get home as soon as I could to raid my refrigerator and take a good two hour nap. The bus came to its first stop and the doors opened as students stood up from their seats to get off. From the corner of my eye I noticed the students behind me get off together and I scoffed at seeing who the guy was.
Kim Taehyung..
I feel like every high school has one of those guys, the kind who always had girls around him, the one your parents warned you to stay away from, the one who fucked everything that walked. Surprisingly though, he was actually really smart. He had an impressive GPA and was on the road to get into a really good university out of the country. To say he was the guy of every girl’s dreams was an understatement, he was known to get bored of a girl after a while and then just stop talking to them. Strangely his best friend Jungkook was the total opposite. Jungkook was really quiet at school and he didn't seem to have many friends other than Taehyung. Apparently they've known each other since they were babies. Their families were close; therefore, making both boys really good friends. From what I can tell Jungkook seemed to be the reason Taehyung stayed on top of his school work. I watched Taehyung and the girl walk off towards his house and I noticed how the girl was smiling from ear to ear.
I hope you know what you're getting yourself into..
It was Sunday night and I was locked away in my room studying for my Chemistry test coming up when my phone buzzed next to me. Unlocking it I saw it was a text from Ji-yeon, telling me she gathered the supplies we needed for the competition. I chuckled to myself texting her back on how she was being ridiculous over this stupid game. Once I told her earlier that week that I’d be her partner she immediately paid our fees to enter and came up with strategy before we were assigned our targets. I mean sure winning would be nice and the money could definitely help with college but seeing how serious everyone was taking it, I knew we didn’t really have a chance to win. That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to try though, whoever our targets were I would do my best to take them out. I tossed my phone on my bed and went back to studying a little more before I decided to call it a night.
I woke up the next morning a little later than usual and annoyingly shoved the covers off my body to get ready for school. Once I looked decent I ran downstairs checking the time and realizing that I only had less than ten minutes to make it to the bus on time. I threw my backpack on ignoring my mom’s requests to eat some breakfast and mumbled something along the lines of being late before shutting the front door and running to the bus stop. I thankfully got there just as the bus was arriving and I slowed down catching my breath waiting as students got on. I found my usual empty seat and sat down shoving my headphones in my ears and turning some music on. The view of the school eventually came into view and we all got off and entered campus. On my way to my locker I heard my name being called and I turned around already knowing it was Ji-yeon. She was running down the hallway shoving people out of the way with a paper in her hand. “We got our targets!” She screamed grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me back and forth causing my books to fall to the ground.
“It's too early in the morning to be this energetic,” I whined picking my books up, “Why did they give them out so early? They should've at least waited until after school.”
“Well miss grumpy, I'm pretty sure it's because the prize is two times bigger this year.” She said locking arms with mine as we started walking.
“Plus that gives us the whole day to gather information on our targets.”
“Who did we get anyways?” I questioned trying to grab the paper she held tightly on her her hand. She swatted my hands away and I pouted, “Let me see!”
“Oh now you're interested!” She teased raising her hand in the air to prevent me from getting it.
“You're so childish!” I said crossing my arms and giving her stern look.
“Fine here” She said rolling her eyes and handing me the paper. Satisfied I took the paper and unfolded it scanning it until I found two names printed boldly on the bottom.
-Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin-
“Jin and Namjoon?” I scratched my head already thinking of what to do. “God Y/N ssssh!! Say it any louder why don't you!” Ji-yeon hissed covering my mouth with her hand making sure no one heard me. Struggling to free myself from her grip I licked her hand only making her yelp in disgust and I shot her a smirk. “You're gross!”
“Anyway, shouldn't this be easy? I do work with Jin at the ice cream shop and I know what his work schedule will be, I can just take him out after he gets off work.”
“You're right, and I have last period with Namjoon I can just follow him home” she casually said. “But..”
I raised my brow at her confused, “but what?”
“But that doesn't mean we'll know who is out to take us out..”
Shoot. I certainly wasn't thinking about that.
“We will just have to be careful then, until the competition is over stay in the safe zones.”
She nodded at me and her eyes lit up, “That reminds me, I have the nerf guns in my locker. Once we take someone out we let the school know right away.”
“Got it. I'll meet up with you during lunch.”
The next few days had the entire senior class on edge. Everyone was paranoid that the person next to them was out for them and although a good amount of teams had already been eliminated, everyone was getting more competitive. The only annoying thing about people who were eliminated was that they would help out their friends who were still in the game. Which was unfair for some but a big advantage for others. Ji-yeon took Namjoon out the day we found out who we got. She did as she said she would.. followed him home. Apart from being really mischievous, she did know how to get stuff done fast. Ever since then she's been pushing me to eliminate Jin as soon as possible and even wanted to camp out at his house, obviously we didn't and I told her to wait until we both worked. It was Thursday morning and I was more than happy since I would be working a night shift with Jin that night and as far as I knew he didn't know I was out to get him. I had the plan perfectly in my head, as soon as work was over I'd ask him for a ride home. Knowing Jin he would agree and as soon as he pulled up in my driveway… BAM I'd pull my nerf gun out and he was out of the game. Cruel I know, but I had to do it. That plan quickly went down the drain when I arrived at work that night only to find that Jin had called in “sick” and couldn't come into work. That's when it clicked that Namjoon must've told him we were their assassins and decided not to risk their team being fully eliminated. Smart.
After hours of cleaning ice cream machines and scooping endless amounts of ice cream, I was finally off for the night. I went to the back to collect my stuff and fished for my phone in my bag to listen to music on the way home. Just as I was about to exit the shop my phone rang startling me. I saw Ji-yeon’s name flash across my screen and I picked it up right away, “He-”
“Y/N!!! Where are you! Stay in the shop!” The tone of her voice made me instantly stop “Why? What's wrong?” I asked putting my bags down at a nearby table. “I'm out! They took me out!” She screamed into the phone. I could hear the sounds of streets and cars on her end of the call and I knew she was driving. “Who was it?”
“Jungkook! That asshole got me when I was at the mall.”
“Didn't we establish on being careful?” I scolded her trying to figure out why she got so careless.
“This is no time for your yelling Y/N! If Jungkook got me that can only me-” My eyes widened once I saw on the other side of the door of the shop was the last person I wanted to see. He was holding up his nerf gun smirking at me, “Shit.. Taehyung is right outside the damn door!”
“Those assholes move fast, are you alone right now? Stay there until I get there.”
I grabbed my bag off the table and jolted to the back debating on taking the back exit and running but decided against it knowing I was much safer waiting for Ji-yeon. I shut off all the lights to make it harder to see inside and kept quiet.
“Jin called in sick so I worked alone tonight. Hurry up Ji-yeon!” I heard car beeps on her end “ And be careful!”
“Okay Y/N listen to me carefully. I'm finally parked next to the garbage dumpsters, I see Taehyung at the front entrance so come out through the back.”
I hung up the phone and stuffed it in my back pocket trying to picture the back parking lot in my head to make it easier. I slowly opened the door looking around before carefully shutting it. The dumpsters were at the other end and I spotted Ji-yeon’s car right away. I had two options in my head.. either run for it or quietly make my way over. I clutched onto my bag tightly knowing that running will make things faster, but unfortunately before I took off I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my body. The air was taken from my body and I panicked struggling to escape their death grip.
“Tae I've got her hurry up!” My mind clicked and I realized it was Jungkook’s voice. Without thinking I harshly jabbed my elbow into his stomach and his grip loosened allowing me to run. Behind me I heard Jungkook grunt and quicken his pace to catch up with me. To make things ten times worse, I saw Taehyung running towards Ji-yeon’s car looking at me and I cursed at myself turning back towards the front of the building only causing me to crash into Jungkook’s chest.
Well fuck..
At this point I was out of breath coughing hysterically and gave up already defeated. I felt Jungkook’s arms once again wrap around me preventing me from running and I let him drag me towards Taehyung.
“You were a lot harder than Ji-yeon,” he said speaking up “She didn't fight back nearly as hard as you did.”
“Of course she didn't.” I mumbled annoyed. She clearly didn't put up a fight against Jungkook, she could act all she wants but I know how she feels about him. See Ji-yeon was very picky with guys, throughout high school she got asked out a ton by different guys but she always turned them down. I've always wondered why but one day it dawned on me when we were entering the library and I caught her staring at Jungkook while he studied. After that I always encouraged her to talk to him but she was always too scared to do so. That is until junior year came and they were assigned as partners in Biology for a month long project. From what I know, they got closer and became good friends until one day he just started distancing himself from her. Ji-yeon acted like it didn't bother her but I knew deep down inside it did and I knew her feelings for him were still there.
“Can we hurry this up? I would like to get home.” I grumbled rolling my eyes as I saw Ji-yeon finally getting out of the car seeing what was going on. It's about time.
“You don't have to act so cold darling.” Taehyung said grinning at me while raising his gun. “You can look away so it won't hurt.”
I scoffed and impatiently tapped my foot with my arms crossed. I will admit I was acting like a sore loser. But I invested so much more of my energy into this game than I thought I would so I was pretty sour about it. Ji-yeon walked up besides me and I gave her a look letting her know I was annoyed and she shot me a sympathetic smile. I then felt something softly hit my shoulder and fall to the ground, I glanced at it seeing it was the nerf bullet and sighed ignoring them walking to the passenger of the car.
“Wait wait wait Y/N at least keep this.” Taehyung said pulling my arm back and shoving the bullet into my bag.
“This isn't funny Taehyung.”
“I never said it was, now stop being so upset it's only a game.” He replied opening the car door waiting until I got inside before shutting it, “And please call me Tae.”
The competition ended about two weeks later and school was finally back to normal. The only good thing that happened was that Tae and Jungkook ended up coming in second place. As mean as it sounded I was hoping they didn't win only because I was still bitter about what happened, so them being runner ups made me happy. The weird thing was that every day when I opened my locker, there always seemed to be a nerf bullet every time. The first couple times I was weirded out and I even accused Ji-yeon of messing with me but she denied and was just as confused as I was. I figured with the competition it must of been some student trying to get rid of their unused bullets and that was that. But two months passed and it was November and they still kept coming. Of course it had crossed my mind that maybe just maybe it was Taehyung, especially after him shoving the bullet used to get me out of the game in my bag. But that thought quickly went away seeing as he paid absolutely no attention to me at school, and was constantly talking to different girls every week. It became something I grew used to, and as weird as it sounded I was content with it being a mystery.
It was Friday night and Ji-yeon and I were laying on my bed stuffing our face with pizza and watching reruns on Netflix. The long dreaded week of midterms had finally ended and we were able to breath and there was nothing more I wanted to do than eat junk food and do anything but touch a book. I muttered a quick ‘be right back’ to Ji-yeon and went to the kitchen grabbing a pint of ice cream and two spoons and walking back to my room. I threw her a spoon and sat down, “Dig in we deserve this.” Her eyes lit up and she shoved a spoonful in her mouth, “Thank you I needed this.” I giggled and went back to scrolling through Netflix to find a good movie to put on. I settled for Mean Girls and took another spoonful of ice cream when I noticed that Ji-yeon was smiling while looking at her phone. I raised my eyebrow and remained staring at her waiting for her to notice me. To my surprise she kept her gaze on her phone leading me to get very curious and without thinking I snatched the phone from her hand trying to see what had her attention. She reacted quicker than I thought and before I knew it she was clawing at me trying to grab my hand and I was shoving her back. “YA! You're going to leave a mark on me, l will give it back once you control yourself!” I huffed. Ji-yeon pouted easing her grip on me and sitting up on my bed, “Why are you so nosy!”
“You weren't even paying attention to the movie! We're supposed to be hanging out not having our phones glued to our faces!” I snapped throwing her phone on her lap. She knew I hated people being on their phones constantly, I mean obviously it's not a bad thing but when we're together having a girls night I definitely hated it. She gave me an apologetic smile, “I'm sorry Y/N I’ll stop.”
“Who are you texting anyways?” I asked relaxing my tone and facing her watching as her face turned red and she started playing with her hair, “uhh Jungkook…”
I widened my eyes and smiled, “Woah really? When did that start up again?”
“He started texting me again a little after the night they took us out, I didn't say anything only because I didn't want to get my hopes up.”
“You still should've told me something.” I mumbled throwing her a nearby pillow and laying back down, “Did he ever tell you why he stopped talking to you?”
“He did-” She said before stopping and turning her attention back on her phone as it lit up, “He said it was because he was scared.. he starting liking me and thought I didn't feel the same.”
“Ahhh.. that makes sense.” I said tapping my finger on my chin, “So I assume you told him you did feel the same?”
This time Ji-yeon didn't answer me and was staring at her phone with a blank face. I continued looking at her until she seemed to have an idea pop in her head and looked up to me with a puppy dog face on. “What?”
“You know you're my best friend right? You know I'll do anything for you.”
“What do you want Ji-yeon..” I hesitantly asked already knowing it wouldn't be good just by the sound of her voice.
“Jungkook just asked me out on a date for tomorrow.. at an amusement park,” she said with a nervous laugh.
“Ji-yeon that's amazing and I know how much you've been wanting this.. but how does this involve me?”
“Well he said to make things less awkward for our first date, to make it a double date.” She replied glancing up at me playing with her hands.
Oh no..
“A-A double date?” I repeated sitting up from the bed already knowing where this conversation was heading, “With?”
“He suggested you obviously.. and Taehyung.”
I snorted practically choking on my own saliva, “No way.”
“Oh come on please Y/N!” She begged grabbing my arm, “I would do it it was the other way around!”
“If it was someone like Taehyung you wouldn't!” I shot back letting out a deep sigh and closing my eyes knowing she wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted.
“Well I already texted back that you agreed so you can't let me down!”
“Ji-yeon!” I said raising my voice and stuffing my face in my pillow screaming hysterically. I couldn't stand the simple thought of Taehyung, and I didn't even dare imagine a date with him. I heard the door of my room creak open and my mom entered the room with a confused look on her face.
“What's all this yelling for?” She asked looking at both Ji-yeon and I, “It's nearly midnight!”
“Mommmm!” I groaned glaring at Ji-yeon, “She’s dragging me on another one of her evil plans!”
“Sweetie don't be ridiculous I'm sure you're overreacting.” My mom said walking over and picking up the pillow I threw on the floor. I rolled at my eyes and frowned, “No I'm not!”
“My evil plan is forcing her to go to the amusement park tomorrow.” Ji-yeon said giggling at my outburst and grabbing the ice cream that was still on my bed and shoving some in her mouth.
“Yeah but she’s dragging me on a double date” I huffed snatching the spoon from her hand and scooping some for myself, “And it’s with someone I don’t exactly picture spending my Saturday with.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” My mom said taking the ice cream pint and spoon from the hands and putting the lid back on, “You’ve been living in your room the past month studying for midterms and now that it’s over, you should go out and have fun.” I looked up at her in disbelief shocked that she was actually encouraging the idea of going and I groaned climbing out of my bed pushing her towards the door.
“You’re no help either mom!” I shouted shutting my bedroom door and looking back at Ji-yeon who was now smirking at me clearly amused that she got what she wanted yet again. I let out a deep breath walking back to my bed and throwing the covers over my body. Tomorrow was going to be a long day..
As much as I was dreading spending my day somewhere I didn’t want to be, I knew doing this would make Ji-yeon happy. She woke me up at 7am complaining on why I didn’t have any cute clothes in my closet and was yelling at me to get in the shower. I came out with a pair of black jeans and hoodie on only having her complain and picking something else for me to wear. After hours of waiting for her to get ready, Jungkook texted her letting her know they were outside.  We gave our goodbyes to my mom who in return told us to be safe and we were out the door. As we got closer to the car I noticed Jungkook was in the driver seat and Taehyung was in the back which only meant I would be stuck next to him the whole car ride there. I got inside the back while Ji-yeon made her way to the front and we both put our seat belts on. I mumbled a hello to Jungkook and gave a small wave to Taehyung who smiled back. The ride there was rather relaxing since the windows were down and the weather was nicer than usual. I glanced over at Ji-yeon who was cheerfully talking to Jungkook and I caught Taehyung looking in my direction causing him to quickly turned his body the other away. I thought I saw the color drain from his face but I crossed that thought from my head knowing that wouldn't be possible. Or thinking that wouldn't be possible..
We arrived at the amusement park around thirty minutes later and made our way to purchase tickets to get inside. I awkwardly trailed behind Ji-yeon in line like a lost puppy refusing to look anywhere else but the floor. The line got shorter and shorter and as I was walking up to pay for my ticket I felt Taehyung grab my arm holding up two tickets smiling.
“Oh you didn't have to Taehyung.” I gasped taking my wallet out trying to hand him cash in return. He shook his head pushing my hand back, “Don't worry about it Y/N and I said to call me Tae remember?”
“Right,” I nervously mumbled throwing the bills back in my wallet and shoving it back in my bag, “Thank you Tae.”
“You don't have to thank me, now let's go those lovebirds are probably already inside.”
I nodded following close behind him making sure not to lose him in the crowd. We got to the entrance and once our tickets were scanned we walked along gift shops and food stands with no luck on finding Jungkook and Ji-yeon. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and grabbed it seeing it was a text from Ji-yeon.
Ji-yeon: We are getting on rides right now, we couldn't find you guys so let's meet back at the entrance at 6ish?
I groaned glancing at the time seeing it was only 2:35pm. She was actually leaving me alone with him? What the hell was she thinking! If they were going to end up leaving us alone why did Jungkook even make it a double date in the first place?
Me: I hate you.
“Looks like they want to meet back at the front entrance at 6.” I said harshly putting my phone back in my pocket which only made him raise his brow at me.
“Why do you sound disappointed?” He said with a small frown on his face. “You are going to be spending the day with the hottest guy at school.” He added replacing his frown with a smirk.
This cocky asshole..
“Exactly why I'm disappointed,” I sneered walking off, “I’d rather spend my day anywhere else than with someone like you.”
“Still sassy I see.. is this because of the competition? I told you sweetheart it was just a game-”
“No it's not because of the stupid competition! I just tend to stay away from guys like you,” I snapped turning my back around to face him, “I'm only doing this for Ji-yeon so don't get any ideas.”
“Why are you so quick to judge me? What makes you think I have bad intentions?”
“Oh I don't know maybe because you're not the type of person who would even go on a double date unless-”
“Unless I'm doing it for my best friend.” He said through gritted teeth cutting me off putting his hands in his jacket. I grew silent and felt a thousand emotions running through my body. What the hell was I thinking? He was probably also in the same position I was being forced to come and my attitude was certainly making things worse.
“Now can we at least try and enjoy the day?”
The next couple hours went better than I expected, but I did keep my distance from Taehyung in the beginning. He tried to convince me to get on rides only to have me harshly refuse until I got tired of his begging. I had a fear of roller coasters and just heights in general so when the worker buckled us in I was practically shaking. Taehyung took a notice of this almost immediately apologizing repeatedly and the moment he grabbed onto my hand to calm me down I froze feeling butterflies grow in my stomach. My mind went blank and the fear I had for rollercoasters temporarily went away still feeling Taehyung’s hand burn through mine. After we got off he walked me to a nearby bench telling me he needed to take a bathroom break but ended up coming back two minutes later with two packets of cotton candy making my eyes happily light up. I thanked him as he handed it to me and immediately started stuffing some in my mouth. We spent the rest of the day getting on not so blood chilling rides and spending all our cash on arcade games. Before I knew it my phone was ringing notifying me that I had five missed calls from Ji-yeon. I almost screamed once I saw the sun was starting to set and it was close to 7pm.
“Oh crap I think Ji-yeon and Jungkook are waiting for us at the entrance.” I blurted out grabbing Taehyung’s wrist and running to the front of the park.
“Woah woah slow down there.” He replied laughing at my sudden urge to leave. It's not like I wanted to leave.. I just knew something as little as not answering my phone would only make Ji-yeon wonder where we were and why we weren't there on time. After five minutes of walking across the park we finally saw Ji-yeon and Jungkook and I started slowing down.
“Sorry we're late guys.. we got caught up at the arcade.” I mumbled laughing nervously while Taehyung nodded in agreement. Ji-yeon was eyeing me suspiciously and I smiled back at her.
“It's all good guys, I hope you guys had fun!” Jungkook replied softly smiling me and then turning his gaze to Taehyung who simply had his hands in pockets.
“Let's get you girls home.”
Luckily Jungkook dropped me off first and I shyly waved goodbye thanking Jungkook for the ride and quickly got out of his car. I was taken aback when Taehyung also got out telling Jungkook something I didn't quite catch. He came up next to me avoiding my confused face, “I'm walking you to your door.”
“O-okay.. um by the way thank you for today Tae. And I'm sorry for my little outburst in the beginning, I know you didn't come for me not that you would have any interest in me-”
“I never said I didn't.”
I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked up at him with my mouth slightly opened not knowing what to say. I struggled to make words come out and instead gave him a small smile.
“I truly hope you had a good day today.” He added grabbing my face making me face him.
“I did.” I whispered feeling my heart pounding loud enough for him to hear.
“Good. I'll see you around Y/N.”
I nodded at him not replying and watching as he made his way back to Jungkook’s car. I grabbed my keys from my bag fumbling to find the right one to my house and shakingly opened it getting inside and loudly slamming the door. I ran upstairs to my room throwing my bag on the floor and crashed into my bed screaming.
What the hell just happened?
Monday morning came and I was standing in front of the mirror staring at myself dreading going to class. I woke up earlier than usual giving me more time to get ready for school, and for some reason I was nervous. Nervous for new school work now that midterms were over? No. Nervous because I was worried I bombed midterms? No. Or nervous because you couldn't keep a certain someone named Taehyung off your mind? Yes.
I will admit I did feel something every time he came in my mind and I did enjoy the day with him but I knew I was being ridiculous. The banging on my door snapped me out of my thoughts making me jump, “You're going to be late for school honey!”
I arrived at school on time making my way over to my locker to grab my books for the day, and just as I entered the building I saw Ji-yeon leaning against my locker occupying her attention on her phone. I cleared my throat loud enough for her to hear, “Good morning Ji-yeon,” I hummed softly pushing her out of the way to put in my locker combination, “How did it go with Jungkook after you guys dropped me off?”
“It was everything I've ever dreamed of Y/N.. he's so different. The whole day at the amusement park was amazing and then after we dropped you and Tae off, he took me to a late drive in movie,” She gushed running her hands through her hair, “He uh.. he asked me out.”
“Oh my he did? You said yes right?” I beamed closing my locker turning to face her. It was in that moment when I noticed she was glowing, she looked genuinely happy and that itself made me smile.
“Of course I said yes,” She cheered locking her arm with mine making our way down the hall. “But enough of me Y/N how did it go with Taehyung? You didn't tell me much and as far as I know you were dreading going, but I sense something happened between you two. You came back awfully nervous and-”
“Nothing really happened.. I mean he's not as bad as I thought.”
“Sooo nothing really really happened?”
I shook my head furrowing my brows at her, “Why do you ask?”
“It's not like I had the car window down listening to your conversation with him when he walked you to your door or anything.” She confessed grinning at me while I harshly poked her side for being nosy. “I thought I heard someone might be interested in you.”
Just as I was about to answer, a loud pitched giggle from behind caught both of our attention. I turned around only to be met with the sight of Taehyung and the same girl from the bus, he was leaning over her body whispering who knows what in her ear smirking. My heart dropped feeling my throat close, “Doesn't seem like it.” I mumbled turning my attention back to to Ji-yeon who had a frown on her face visibly upset.
“That's weird..” She began, “I could've sworn Jungkook told me that Taehyung actually begged him to make it a double date.”
When I say that I've never seen Ji-yeon this happy before, I meant it. She had been dating Jungkook for almost a month and although I was really happy for her, it did mean I barely got to see her. She spent most of her free time with him which I completely understood but I did miss her. So instead I spent most of my weekends in my room binge watching dramas when I wasn't studying. School made me more lonely now that Ji-yeon spent her lunches with Jungkook, I shifted from eating at the lunch tables to hiding away in the library every day. It wasn't like she completely forgot about me though, we still were best friends. We were planning on attending the same university and already agreed on sharing dorms. I did have to constantly remind her not to slack off on school work since we were preparing for college entrance exams.  
It was another school night and I was at my desk finishing up my homework assignments deciding I deserved staying up an extra hour watching TV. I closed my notebook putting it back in my backpack and I zipped it up resting it back on the floor. I reached my hand out to turn off my desk lamp and a bruise on my arm caught my eye. I traced the bruise with my fingers confused on where I got it from only to quickly remember it happened when Ji-yeon slept over and she got a little too rough on me during a game of Twister. I laughed to myself  at the memory wishing we had more of those nights where we would laugh until we couldn't anymore and stuff our faces with junk food. I reminded myself to plan another sleep over since the last time we had one was nearly a month or so ago. I looked back at the bruise this time scanning it realizing it looked new. The deep purple color never faded and instead it appeared fresh, as if I just got it.
Almost as if it never healed…
“Alright guys please make sure to turn in your homework first thing tomorrow!” Mrs. Kim announced over the bell as students packed up their backpacks. I plugged headphones into my ear leaving my classroom and making my way over to the library to spend my lunch studying. Just as I was about to enter I heard my name being called. I stopped walking and turned my head seeing Ji-yeon walking hand in hand with Jungkook both smiling at me.
“Hi guys.” I said waving at them taking notice that Taehyung was walking at the other end of the building talking to some guys.
“Want to come have lunch with us?” Jungkook asked pointing towards the direction of the cafeteria.
“Yeah Y/N please come” Ji-yeon begged grabbing a hold of my arm like a child. Laughing I shook my head, “No thanks guys, I’m going to go study. I’ve been doing this weird thing of actually staying on top of my grades and I would like to keep it that way.”
Ji-yeon gave me a pout not amused with my answer and huffed, “Fine but just for that I’m coming over after school to bother you all night!”
“Can’t wait,” I giggled, “See you guys later!”
They waved goodbye walking away and I entered the library finding my usual table in the corner. There wasn’t many students at the library and the ones who were there were either hiding behind their textbooks scribbling away on paper or reading whatever book interested them. The librarian was busy typing away at her computer and I sat down setting my books down. I pulled out a granola bar from my backpack and started eating while flipping through the pages of my Chemistry book.
“Ya know I am curious on why you spend your lunch everyday in here,” I heard a voice whisper, “There's more to life than just studying 24/7.”
I shot my head up seeing Taehyung slide into the chair next to me closing my book. I pouted trying to get my book back only to have him place the book on his lap.
“I don't spend my lunch here everyday,” I grunted crossing my arms glaring at him, “Why do you care anyways.”
“I see you come in here everyday. Is it because Ji-yeon is too busy with Jungkook now?”
“No,” I denied shrugging my shoulders, “I just like being alone most of the time.”
“I see.” He said raising his eyebrow at me, “I was wondering why you haven't talked to me since we went to the amusement park? I thought you had a good day with me.”
“I did.” I confirmed playing with the wrapper of my granola bar, “I didn’t know I had to talk to you first.”
“It would've been nice.”
“It would've also been nice if you stuck to one girl.” I harshly whispered to myself gasping once I realized I said it loud enough for him to hear, his eyes darkened and I felt his body stiffen.
“I’m sor-.”
“Is that how you really think of me?” He flatly said loudly throwing the book back on the table causing people to look over at the sudden noise. I jumped back startled at his sudden outburst, “That’s not what I meant Tae.”
“Forget it.” He scoffed, “Why would I care about what you think right? You don’t really matter to me.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry for assuming I somehow did matter.” I whispered grabbing my stuff, “I’m really fucking sorry.”
I stormed out of the library ignoring everyone’s stares blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall. From behind me I could hear Taehyung calling my name repeatedly only making my blood boil. I felt my arm being yanked back, “Y/N wait.”
“Don’t.” I snapped shoving him back, “Don’t try to explain anything to someone who doesn’t matter.”
“But that’s the thing..” He mumbled gripping tightly on my wrist, “Somehow you do.”
“You say that to ever-”
“I thought it was me at first, I thought that maybe I would start to feel like this with any girl but..” He stuttered desperately running his hand through his hair, “It’s you.. you’re different. And ever since the competition I just.. I couldn’t get you off my mind. Then the double date came along..” “You said you were doing it for Jungkook.”
“I lied. I-I wasn’t doing it for Jungkook, I wanted to ask you on a date myself but I knew you wouldn’t take me seriously. But even after that I tried to shut my feelings out for you but I just can’t stop thinking about you Y/N.”
I stood there in front of Kim Taehyung speechless..absolutely speechless. It was like time was frozen and the only two people moving were Taehyung and I, I felt like my heart was going to burst from my chest. Kim Taehyung was perfect at just about everything..
Everything except for something called love.
As much as I wanted to reciprocate these feelings, I knew it wasn’t worth it. He was very capable of manipulating every girl he came across so what exactly made me so different? I’ve seen how he was throughout highschool, I knew how he treated girls. Wouldn’t bottling up my newfound feelings for him make sense? I always pitied the girls who would fall head over heels with him, only to have their hearts broken by the very man who was now standing in front of me.  “I'm sorry Tae-” I finally managed to say looking up to meet his soft deep brown eyes.
“I don't care how long it takes,” He choked out grabbing both my hands, “I will prove to you that my feelings are real.”
December quickly ended and it was now January, the weather had gotten colder and I was counting down the days until graduation. Winter break was definitely something I needed and I was pretty bummed that it was coming to an end. Not going to lie, I spent most of my vacation locked away in my room either glued to my laptop or sleeping as much as I could. My energy was somehow always drained and I barely went outside except for when I dragged myself out of bed to go to work and all the times Ji-yeon made me get out of bed to have a ‘bestfriend day.’ I was working another night shift counting down the minutes until I was finally off and picturing the comfort of my bed already. Since it was break I took it upon myself to pick up more hours at work for extra cash so I was pretty much living at work. I didn’t mind it though, scooping ice cream and cleaning tables wasn’t bad at all and when I wasn’t tired I really enjoyed being at work. Jin smiled at the last customer of the night handing her some change and her receipt while I grabbed a towel beginning to wipe down tables.
“I am so glad the day is finally over,” Jin groaned walking over to change the sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’
“Me too.” I said letting out a deep breath, “I can't wait to get home.”
“Well the faster we clean the faster we both get home.” He pointed out preparing to wash the never ending stacks of dirty ice cream scoops piling over the sink. I nodded at him giggling as I finished wiping down my last table and began to put the chairs up, “We have to mop tonight right?”
“Ahh don't worry about it, boss said he can do it in the morning. Come help me with the dishes then we can leave.”
“Got it.” I hummed making my way towards Jin who was scrubbing away. I reached for a rag and began drying the scoops he had already finished and put them back where they went.
“I can't believe break is already over,” He grumbled, “I don't want to go back just to sit through hours of classes.”
“At least we're closer to graduating!” I cheered making my tone sound as happy as possible.
“Oooh you're right, I've never thought about it that way.” He said shutting off the water and grabbing a rag to help me. I chuckled rolling my eyes at him, “You have to look on the bright side of things you know?”
“You're one to talk, don't forget about the fit you threw when Tae eliminated you from the Assassin competition!”
“YA don't talk about that! At least I didn't call in sick hiding away at home unlike someone!” I scoffed hitting him with my rag.
“I'll have you know I was in fact sick that day,” He mumbled rubbing his shoulder, “I had a pimple and I obviously couldn't have people seeing me like that.”
“You're unbelievable.” I cackled putting the last couple scoops away and walking to the back to grab my stuff. “Ready to go?”
“I've been ready,” he said nodding, “Oh by the way Y/N Tae stopped by while you were on your break, he left the usual I left them next to your bag.”
“Oh thanks Jin, I see them.” I answered eyeing the usual bouquet of flowers I've been receiving the past week.
“You know.. you should give him a chance. He isn't usually like this with girls, and lately he hasn't even been looking anywhere else except at you.” I heard Jin say from behind me.
It was true. Ever since his confession he had been acting different and as much I tried not to pay attention, I did notice. He went from being his usual self at school boasting about his nights with girls with his friends to pretending to study in the library tables away from mine. I no longer saw him talking to any of the girls at school and he was always where I was lately. Even Jungkook was surprised at his sudden change in behavior, and he kept assuring me that Taehyung had good intentions no matter how it seemed. To be completely honest, I wanted to accept my feelings for him and let him know I felt but I always had a feeling it would only leave me ridiculed in the end. But the more he did to try and impress me, the more I started falling for him.
“You know he's never given flowers to anyone except for you?”
The only thing worse than coming back to school from a break is coming back to school with more responsibility to take on. With the start of January it only meant seniors were less than six months away from graduating. I was applying for as many scholarships as I could and doing everything to perfect my resume. Although Ji-yeon and I already applied for the university we wanted to attend, we were both coming up with alternatives in case it didn’t work out. One thing I really loved about our friendship and Ji-yeon was that she had no intention of changing her mind about what we’ve both been wanting. The day wasn’t over yet and the amount of homework I had so far was more than I expected. I sighed reminding myself to dedicate the whole lunch hour to finishing half of it so I wouldn’t have to worry about it much later on at home. I slowly walked behind dozens of students walking down the hallway attempting to get to my locker to put my textbooks away. I turned the music on my phone louder blocking out the conversations happening around me as I got to my destination. I quickly unlocked my locker opening it only to be startled by thousands of nerf bullets falling out landing all over my feet.
What the hell?
From the corner of my eye I felt people turning to look at my direction gasping. Flustered I started picking them up shoving them in my backpack and emptying out the ones still left in my locker. I noticed a piece of paper sticking out at the very bottom and I snatched it unfolding it as fast as I could. Written in black bold handwriting was the one sentence that made my body freeze.
“As long as it takes.”
Then that's when everything clicked. The mysterious bullets I've been getting for months, they were from him. They were from Taehyung and maybe, just maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe his feelings for me were in fact real, and maybe the feelings I had for him were in fact worth it.
I looked up almost immediately locking eyes with him as he walked down the hallway towards me.
Maybe Kim Taehyung was worth it..
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