#saying that one of us had been kidnapped & that they wanted money lol & we were like were ok 😬
bvidzsoo · 2 months
I'll go animal to keep you next to me
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⭔ Stalker!Wooyoung ⭔ 
∞ Author: bvidzsoo
∞ Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x female reader
∞ Warning: stalking, mentions of murder and kidnaping ∞ Word count: 4.9k ∞ Genre: non-idol!au, mafia!au, stalker!au, university!au, strangers to enemies!au ∞ Rating: nc-17 ∞ Summary: Not having enough money to pay your monthly rent and also your college bills, you start working at a nice coffee shop. One day, a mysterious man with a little girl in his arms comes inside and orders an Iced Americano. Why is that after that day you find white roses in front of your front door each day? Who is giving them to you? And what does this mystery person want from you?
∞ A/N: Hii, lovelies! Last update for the week as I'm going on a mini-trip tomorrow ^^ Wooyoung's part looked a lot different in my mind initially, but the drabble turned out like this, I hope it's good! I might just turn my initial idea into a oneshot or smth lol. Most probably Hongjoong's part will be next when I sit down to continue this mini-series, so keep an eye out for that. I'm not starting a taglist for this one, sorry<3 (you'll have to lurk around) Feedback is much appreciated and I hope you enjoy!
⭔  Listen to this before or while reading! ^^
∄ Hongjoong ∄ Seonghwa ∄  Yunho ∄ Yeosang ∄ San ∄ Mingi ∄ Wooyoung ∄ Jongho ∄ 
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            How we perceive others is a peculiar and particular thing. How others perceive us is another thing we do not have power over. Sometimes, people can tell when somebody isn’t a good person, and sometimes, somebody manages to hide their dark side so well you wouldn’t even know until their mask slips and their true nature starts showing through the cracks. A good-hearted person will always try to see the good in everyone, in everything around them despite their friends' warnings about said somebody. A kind person will try and ignore all the red flags they seem to be getting from said somebody in favor of writing it off as paranoia. Because a handsome man with a sharp jawline and a Roman nose, high-pitched laughter that sounds like a witch's laughter, and is good with children cannot be a crazed man, right? He cannot hide his ugly nature underneath this perfect mask that seldom cracks, seldom.
I had met him in a coffee shop while I was on my shift, desperate for this part-time job to keep the bills paid as my parents paid for my university. It was a fair arrangement, I had been on board with the idea, but after they had to lay me down at my previous well-paying job, I was rather desperate and accepted almost any job to be able to pay this month’s rent. The coffee shop was in a relatively safe part of the city and was usually frequented by college students, so I had never truly felt unsafe. The bus station was right in front of it, so I didn’t even have to walk through dodgy alleyways to get home, or anything. Yet, somehow, when a man who looked like he was sculpted by a Greek God walked inside the coffee shop, my heart dropped and my arms got covered in goosebumps. It wasn’t even from his unnatural beauty; it was due to this very quiet voice in the back of my mind warning me that he was dangerous. But that voice must’ve been wrong because there was no way in hell a little girl would be clinging to his side and calling him uncle if that were the case. So, against my better judgment, I had ignored the warning voice, and instead, smiled widely as they arrived at the counter, our coffee shop’s welcoming speech rolling off my tongue like second nature.
Despite silencing the already quiet voice, I couldn’t shut down my body’s natural reactions to the man and I found myself having to force the smile to stay on my face, averting my eyes onto the young girl to try and remain genuine.
“I’d like an Iced Americano, Y/N.” Hearing him say my name made me blanch for a second, eyebrows furrowing as I wondered from where he had known my name until I remembered my nametag.
“Will that be all, sir?” I had asked with a polite smile as the little girl whined and pointed at the chocolate chip cookies we had in the fridge and the man, who looked barely a few years older than me, hummed and looked at me with his sharp eyes. They softened whenever he looked at the little girl and then grew harsh anytime he looked at me. His gaze was calculating and scrutinizing almost, full of wonder for a second before he was smiling dashingly, taking me off guard. I had seen many handsome men in my life before, but there was something almost ethereal to him. His dark hair fell around his face in untended curls making it look natural yet attractive. Something about his eyes made his gaze look almost lazy yet filled with sharpness, the mole right underneath his eye giving his already unusual face a charming glow.
“Two chocolate chip cookies, Y/N.” And there he was, saying my name again with a certain edge to it, and I gulped as I nervously typed in the rest of his order, telling him the total after I checked whether he needed anything else. The little girl had started singing as I got to brew his Iced Americano, and I could feel the man’s watchful eyes follow my every move as he muttered something to the little girl occasionally as he took her into his arms. I tried to calm my nervously beating heart, not quite understanding why I was having such a visceral reaction to the man. The warning voice I managed to silence in my mind was certainly gone, yet I couldn’t find it in myself not to flinch slightly away when I handed his drink over and our fingers touched accidentally. The man’s eyebrows had raised as a dangerous smirk painted his lips as he took the red straw between his teeth, waiting for me to bag the two chocolate chip cookies. Handing them over too, the little girl took one of the bags happily and pressed a sweet kiss against the man’s cheek, making him chuckle as he threw a glance at the cute girl. But then, the other bag was placed back onto the counter and slid towards me.
“For you, pretty girl.” My heart had halted as his pressing gaze bore into mine, making my cheeks flush as I stumbled through my words to thank him for his unnecessary kindness, “My name’s Wooyoung.”
And then he was gone with the little girl, the straw of his drink still between his teeth and pretty lips as he put on his shades, tickling the little girl’s side, making her giggle as she had dirtied her mouth with the chocolate from her cookie. After that first encounter, I had forgotten about Wooyoung rather quickly, with too many worries on my shoulders and too many new faces entering the coffee shop daily, making it hard to remember just one person, but perhaps it would’ve been smarter if I had remembered him. Wooyoung. White roses started showing up in front of my flat’s door every day after that warm day at the coffee shop, and I had no idea who they were from.
            The second time, based on my recollection, when I saw Wooyoung again—not that I could be sure of it—was on a random Friday night, months after having met him at the coffee shop, in an overcrowded club as I was celebrating my friend’s birthday with a large group of friends. Most of us have met at our university courses, some of us have known each other since highschool. I was relatively new to the group but they were nice and rather protective of me, I felt safe and appreciated with them. Not being a huge fan of clubbing and the sweaty crowd, I needed a few drinks in my system to make me loosen up, so, it was no surprise that I was tipsy not long after we arrived at the place. I couldn’t pre-game with them as I was on the afternoon shift at the coffee shop and had to lock up, but due to my low alcohol tolerance, it came as no problem catching up with their intoxicated states.
The music was loud and the flashing lights blinded me every few minutes, but I was enjoying myself. Arms high up in the air and hips swaying to the beat, I was surrounded by my friends who were screaming the lyrics to the songs that were played, and I finally felt free after ages. It was refreshing, relaxing, and most of all
I finally felt stress-free. I was enjoying myself, laughing and playing around as my friends and I played random dance challenges on the dance floor, roping in a few others as well as they seemed to be amused by our shenanigans. I felt eyes on me all night, a heavy and intense gaze, but I couldn’t pinpoint just one person. Perhaps it didn’t help that my vision was hazy from all of the alcohol I had consumed, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. We were in a club, after all, everyone was looking at everyone, surveying the crowd and the people, probably looking for someone to hook up with for the night.
When my throat had started feeling parched and my stomach a little unsure, I pulled aside one of my friends and told her I needed a drink. She was eager to accompany me to the bar and I was even more eager to down a whole bottle of water in under a few seconds. My friend chuckled and asked for another one, knowing that I would need it, and she was right, the second bottle of water was gone in no time too, but this time I did share it with her as well. I wasn’t as thirsty as seconds before. But we weren’t satiated just yet, so, my friend asked for two rounds of some sour shots that I didn’t care to memorize the name of and once we had downed them, I was positive I would be throwing up in the morning with a head-splitting headache on the horizon. But that was tomorrow me’s problem, tonight was about having fun.
Just as my friend and I had decided to head back to the dance floor, the tall bartender came over with a pink and orange-looking cocktail, motioning for me to lean closer as his voice wasn’t audible over the loud music and even louder crowd. Apparently, the drink was from someone sitting down at the bar, and the bartender had said the man wanted me to know that a pretty girl like me deserves a sweet drink. Finding no harm in that, I thanked the bartender and tried to find the man, but upon being unsuccessful, I allowed my friend to lead the way back to our friend group as we shared my drink, which was definitely too sweet. Despite being curious of who the mystery man was that bought the drink for me was, I never came across him. Feeling those piercing eyes on me continued throughout the night, but I never quite seemed to make eye contact with anyone who could’ve been the culprit. I suppose it was meant to stay as a mystery. It also didn’t help that in a confusing flash of moment when someone crashed into me from behind and I turned to look at them, I had thought it was Wooyoung, from the coffee shop. But before I could actually make out his face, he was gone.
Underneath the blinding lights, as I was guided by my intoxicated mind, sometime along the night, I had felt arms sneak around my waist and then a broad chest pressing up against my back. I didn’t find it in me to complain and shake the man off, instead, I turned in his embrace and danced the night away by his side, vision too hazy to see his face clearly. But he was tall and he had muscles that could certainly crush my skull if put in a headlock, not that I thought he was dangerous or had evil motives, it was simply an observation that entered my fuzzy mind. But despite us enjoying each other’s company and even finding common ground in surprising subjects, after the man had excused himself to the restroom, he never returned. I was confused for a while until I realized he had probably found himself another company, and I couldn’t blame him or feel bad about it. We were here to have fun and if he found someone more suitable, that was alright. It’s not like I had found my soulmate in him.
What I didn’t expect, however, was to find another white rose in front of my door two days after clubbing with an added gift box to it. It was peculiar, it made me feel uneasy, but I’ve been receiving these roses for four months now, however, the gift was unusual. I still couldn’t figure out from who the roses were from, and despite my friends advice of reporting it to the police, I kept it to myself for now. What were they going to do? Probably send me back home after they tell me they can’t do anything about it, unless I was actually harmed, or this mystery person shows their face. Another shocking development to my day was switching on the TV as I wiped my kitchen clean, gasping and feeling faint for a second as despite my hazy memories I could recognize the face of the missing person they had shown in the news. Apparently, his name was Kim Mingyu, and he had been missing for exactly two days. It’s been exactly two days since we’ve been clubbing, and suddenly, I wasn’t so sure he didn’t return to me because he found somebody else to mingle with. As I went to phone my friend in a confused and worried frenzy, I realized the consistent eyes I had felt on me at the club had disappeared just as Mingyu had gone to the restroom.
I was scared to open the gift box, and when I did, my eyes widened and I panicked, scared to even touch the necklace that was so obviously Kim Mingyu’s. A letter with few words on it had been slipped inside it, underneath the necklace, and it read, ‘Pretty thing he was, unfortunate that he had to go so early on’. Instead of phoning my friend, I phoned the police.
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            A month had passed and Kim Mingyu was nowhere to be found. I hadn’t known him for long, but it pained me that police could find no leads on him. I was ruled out as a suspect after I called and informed them of the box put in front of my door and they came to speak to me. The investigation was still ongoing, and I was asked to be very cautious as apparently whoever hurt him was the one probably sending me the roses. Rightfully so, I have grown paranoid and scared for my safety, often times I would only leave my apartment if one of my friends could accompany me. I still couldn’t give up my job, so most of the time I just sucked it up and put aside my fear, knowing that I was the safest I could be at the coffee shop with all the cameras in and outside, as well, watching and surveying everything. The roses never stopped showing up, and if at first I found them beautiful and kept them, now they lay in a pile in the trashcan, thrown out every day before I left for my classes. The grounds of the university were safe too. The only time I actually felt scared for my safety was when the crowd wasn’t big, or when I heard footsteps outside my flat. It could’ve only been my neighbors, but I still couldn’t know for sure.
Tonight, however, I finally gave in to my friends' naggings and went out to a barbeque with them. They were worried about me and I could understand them. They rarely saw me now, unless they would come over for the night or walk with me to my destinations. It was hard, I was trying to return to normal and ignore this weird paranoid feeling that I was constantly being watched, even inside my apartment. My gut had twisted before I left my flat, the quiet voice in the back of my mind warning me to stay out of my flat tonight, to just sleep over at my friend’s house, but I couldn’t do that. Her boyfriend was coming over and I didn’t want to be a burden. I already felt bad for always needing someone to be by my side, I didn’t want to inconvenience her even more. I was a big girl and I could take care of myself, it was just that stupid voice trying to scare me and nothing else. I was safe, besides, if whoever was sending me roses hadn’t approached me after five months of possible stalking, then I was alright, they certainly wouldn’t approach me now.
It was past eleven in the evening when I finally made my way home, belly full and tummy hurting from continuous laughter, body and mind at ease from having been with my friends who knew how to up-lift my spirits. I felt fine, serene even, and perhaps the fact that there wasn’t a rose in front of my door today only added onto feeling less worry. Perhaps this somebody had gotten bored of me, finally realized there was nothing special about me, or even fun. I unlocked my door and walked inside my small hallway, dropping my bag onto the floor as I stepped out of my shoes and wore my slippers, hanging my coat onto the hanger. I grabbed a hair tie from the small bowl on the shelf and tied my hair in a low bun, excited to shower and change into my pajamas and perhaps read a bit before going to bed. I had the morning shift tomorrow and I didn’t want to go to bed too late tonight. But as I started shuffling towards my bathroom, I froze in my steps as I realized there was light humming coming from the kitchen and the aroma of multiple foods combined in the air.
My muscles grew tense as I felt around my jeans for my phone, feeling dread when I realized I had left it in my bag, which was on the floor in the small hallway. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I started tiptoeing back to the hallway, but jumped and almost screamed when a body in the darkness rounded the corner, leaning against the wall. The person was now blocking my way towards the hallway and I gulped as my heart started racing, eyes narrowing as I tried to see through the darkness and recognize the person. Perhaps it was one of my friends’, it must be them. I has to be them.
“You’re home later than I expected.” I shuddered as I exhaled, the voice unfamiliar as my heart now beat even faster. So it wasn’t any of my friends. This wasn’t good.
“I—I was out with my—friends.” My voice sounded unsure, and I tried not to tremble too much as the person hummed nodding. I still couldn’t see their face; the blinds were drawn in the living room and I realized it wasn’t me who left them like that.
“You threw my roses away.” The voice sounded disappointed, accusing. I gulped, feeling a chill run down my spine as I eyed the exit. I needed to do something, I couldn’t just stand here and wait for something horrible to happen to me.
“There, uh, there were too many of them.” I whispered, fumbling with my hands as the person just hummed again then sighed loudly.
“Did you have fun at the barbeque, pretty girl?” I gasped quietly as he asked that question, making me shake as I realized he hadn’t only been sending me flowers, he was probably watching my every step. Had this person been inside my flat before? Were there cameras inside? I felt like crying, but I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to keep my composure.
“It was alright.”
“I cooked us dinner.” I bit my lower lip and flinched as the man pushed off the wall, approaching me very slowly as if he waiting to see if I would run away or not. I did think of running away, but I had no idea whether he was armed or not, whether he’d try to kill me or not if I flee. Not that I was safer staying put, my last dying hope was in talking my way out of this.
“I’m starving.” I lied through my teeth as the man chuckled, a low rumble, and then finally stopped just a few steps in front of me. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up in his eyes, searching his face to familiarize myself with his features in case I do make it to the police to report him, but I was taken aback when I realized he seemed somewhat familiar. A sharp jawline and a Roman nose, asymmetrical eyes and a sharp gaze, I had seen him before. Months ago, perhaps at the coffee shop. Perhaps he was the man with the little girl. I needed a second to remember his name as my eyes stopped on the mole underneath his eye.
“Wooyoung?” I whispered uncertainly, flinching away when he reached a hand out towards.
“I knew you’d remember me, pretty girl.” He whispered smirking, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he touched my hair despite me trying to cower away, “Look at you, you’re prettier than I remembered you were.”
I gulped and tried to take a deep breath as Wooyoung stepped closer, making me back away, but then he was gripping my arm painfully and I froze, heart beating out of my chest in fright.
“Don’t lie to me.” Suddenly his voice dropped octaves and I shuddered as his grip tightened, making me wince, “How can you be hungry when you’ve been to a barbeque?”
“I didn’t eat much; I didn’t have an appetite.” I was quick with my lie as I tried to smile at him, arms covered in goosebumps as he traced his fingers down my skin, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. The quiet voice in my mind was loud now and my gut was twisting painfully, making me wish I had listened to the warnings before it was too late. Could I escape this man? What should I do now?
“Is that so?” Wooyoung hummed, grabbing my hand in his as I nodded wordlessly, my body refusing to move when he pulled me after himself. His hand was cold, his fingers decorated by chunky rings, “Won’t you have dinner with me?”
“Ye-yes.” I stuttered and forced my legs to move after him, to follow him towards the kitchen just around the corner as I desperately glanced towards my small hallway, wishing that I had some telekinesis powers to make my phone come to me.
“And how was your day, pretty girl?” Wooyoung’s voice was warm and pleasant as he led me inside the kitchen, making my mouth fall open in shock at the sight. The table was set beautifully with candles in the middle and a huge bouquet of white roses in a vase that wasn’t mine. Wooyoung walked me to the chair that was furthest from the door and pulled it out for me, smiling cheekily as I gulped and remained standing. He said nothing as our eyes met again under the candlelight and I was losing the battle of trying to stay calm as my muscles started contracting, my heart beating too fast. I felt trapped in my own flat, threatened and unsafe with a man that broke in and had been stalking me for almost half a year now.
“It was—what do you want?!” I snapped, finally losing my cool as Wooyoung just chuckled, leaning his hip against the chair as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“You don’t have to be scared of me, if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done so a long time ago, pretty girl—”
“Stop calling me pretty girl!” My voice was shaky as I snapped, eyeing the table as I lunched for a knife before he could stop me. I held it in front of myself as I felt panic finally overtake my body and mind, making my hands shake uncontrollably and chest rise and fall rapidly.
“But you are a very pretty girl, Y/N.” Wooyoung pouted, looking down at the butter knife in my hand with an amused expression, “Since you seem scared, I’ll be honest with you. I want
I gulped as my eyebrows furrowed, growing more confused and scared by the minute. Wooyoung didn’t say anything else just stood up straight and stalked towards me with a confident stride, lips pulling into a menacing smirk again. I raised the knife as my hand shook, and lurched forward with zero intent of actually stabbing him, perhaps I hoped it would intimidate him. But before I could blink, he gripped my wrist harshly and twisted it until I dropped the knife with a pained cry, face scrunching up in pain as I was whirled around and immobilized by Wooyoung’s arms as he pulled me against his body, his warm lips pressing against my ear as his hot puffs of breath made me shiver. I was breathing loudly as Wooyoung hummed quietly, the hand that was still holding my wrist loosened slightly as his fingers started caressing my skin. It made my stomach churn as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but it wasn’t working too well.
“Let go of me.” I tried to demand, but it came out as a helpless whisper and I felt Wooyoung’s lips press against my temple, making me flinch as I tried to trash around, but despite his lanky form he was strong. Way too strong, and I realized I had no chance of escaping unless he allowed me to.
“But if I let go of you, you will run, Y/N, and I can’t have that happening.” Wooyoung muttered and then sighed as if this was inconvenient to him, “I don’t want to watch you from the shadows anymore, I’ve done that enough. It’s time we get to know each other like normal people—”
“There’s nothing normal about this situation right now, Wooyoung.” I cut him off with a snare, trying to yank myself free again, “You’ve been stalking me for months.”
“Indeed,” Wooyoung confirmed and I felt like throwing up, “but that was because I had some pretty bad business to take care of first. If people would’ve seen us together they would have targeted you, and I can’t have that happening.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked in a whisper and stumbled forward as Wooyoung suddenly released me as I tugged against his arms again. I ran into a chair and caught myself just seconds before falling over. I eyed the exit as Wooyoung cleared his throat behind me.
“I have many enemies, Y/N.” Wooyoung spoke up with a casualty to his voice, and I glanced back and watched as he popped a grape in his mouth, giving me a questioning look, “Can’t have you kidnapped and tortured.”
That was all I needed to hear as I bolted towards the front door and tried to grab my bag too in the process, but realized I didn’t have time if I wanted to free myself. But as I threw the door open, I was met with two huge men blocking the doorway. They were dressed in black suits and had sunglasses on despite being inside. I gasped as they didn’t even look at me and whirled around as Wooyoung came walking to the hallway with a tsk rolling off his tongue.
“You’re making this more dramatic than it’s supposed to be, pretty girl.” I tried to scurry away from him but he marched up in my face in no time and grabbed the back of my head as I tried to fight him off, but as his eyes hardened, I knew it would be best to just obey him and stop fighting, “I like you and if you don’t stop trying to run away I will take you away with me by force, Y/N. I’m giving you two choices. One, you shut up about this and don’t go to the police, you let me take you out and we’ll see how our relationship develops from there on. Two, I knock you out right now and take you back to my highly guarded and isolated mansion and you’ll never see your loved ones or anyone you knew before. Which one will you choose?”
I was shaking as I tried to gulp, but my throat was dry and my eyes shook as they filled with tears as I clawed at his arm holding my head, “First option, I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Good girl.” Wooyoung grinned as he bit his lower lip, eyes taking in my face as he leaned close until our foreheads pressed together, “I’ve been waiting for this since the moment I saw you cross the road and walk up to the coffee shop, ready to start your shift, Y/N.”
My heart stopped as a tear rolled down my cheek, “You’re insane.”
“I’m just a man bewitched by you.” Wooyoung retorted with a cackle and I yanked myself away as he released me and gave me a scrutinizing stare, “You don’t have to eat dinner, I know you’re full, but I’ll be back in the morning to take you out for breakfast. Now get some rest.”
I scowled when his lips touched my cheek and Wooyoung just chuckled and walked around me towards the bodyguards who stepped aside and made way for their boss. I turned to watch him with a frown, mind torn between what I should do next. But the wink he sent me before he closed the door and I heard his footsteps fade into the background, I knew Wooyoung wasn’t to be messed with. He really would kidnap me if I didn’t do as he wished. Just who is he and will I ever get away from him? What had I done to earn his attention? I fell to the ground as the tears finally fell free, wrecking my body painfully as I sobbed.
If I ran away, would he find me?
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
@aaa-sia @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@anastasiamin860 @yunhogrippers @vcutparis @tunaasan @blvckarabixnvoid
@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
@vnessalau @oddracha @chatsgotmytongue @potatos-on-clouds @yunhowooyo
@watermelon2319 @yoongzsmile28 @klllerwaifu @apriecotte @hwasbbyg
@kyeos4ng @samiiy20 @woosanhobros @aswho1estuff @khjoongie98
@ateez-main-yapper @kang-ulzzang @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @ginger-mingi @redzie02
@unholywriters @autieofthevalley @roomsofangel @peachyy-joonie @baeksofty
@tunafishyfishylike @syubseokie
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yanderecrazysie · 8 months
yandere bakugo! purge au? it’s time for the purge and its the perfect time to get his darling
I’ve been watching the Purge show with my little sister and we occasionally just text each other “The Giving is near, the Invisible awaits”. I love the purge movies so much, except the Forever Purge, I just didn’t like that one.
Title: 12 Hours
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Bakugou’s scary lol
Summary: 12 hours when every crime is legal but with a twist- if you kidnap someone, they’re yours forever.
“You’re sure everything is locked down?” You asked, biting your lip nervously.
Your boyfriend smiled at you, “State of the art system. There’s nothing to worry about.”
You gave him a smile, but you followed it up with a sigh. You had a lot to worry about. You had gotten a note in the mail, two days before the purge, that read:
Dear (Y/n),
This is a notice that a Level 5 person(s) has been given permission to hold you indefinitely if you are captured during purge hours. We recommend staying inside and taking precautions to protect yourself.
Blessed be our New Founding Fathers,
NFFA Personnel.
Someone had requested permission to kidnap you forever, as long as they captured you on purge night. Who it was, you couldn’t even imagine.
Your house’s defense system was practically a joke. You didn’t have the money to get fancy equipment like everyone else had. That’s why your boyfriend, John, had offered to let you stay with him during purge night.
The thought had crossed your mind that John could be the crazy kidnapper, but you knew that he could have you any time he wanted to, so there wasn’t any point in kidnapping you.
John had an amazing security system. Not as good as, say, the NFFA members had, but still very good. You felt mostly safe to stay with him, but there was still an ounce of fear that wouldn’t go away.
You had looked up what “Level 5” meant and had discovered there were five levels of dangerous people classified for the purge. Level 1 was the lowest and, well, Level 5 was the most dangerous.
You had an extremely dangerous person after you. Who knew what they would do to you after kidnapping you? Maybe they would torture you all year long.
Your boyfriend turned on the TV and, a few moments later, the announcement played.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. 
“Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. when the purge concludes. 
“Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all.”
Even through the metal shutters, you could hear the sirens start. Your breath hitched in your throat.
“We’re in for a quiet evening, don’t worry,” John said, putting a comforting arm around your shoulder, “Should we get the wine out?”
“Yes, please,” you said shakily.
Your boyfriend walked over to the cabinets and pulled out a bottle of wine and a couple cups. He poured a generous amount of liquid into both cups and handed you one. You drank all of it in one go.
John laughed and refilled your cup, “It’s only 12 hours. That’s it.”
“12 hours is a long time,” you muttered, “A lot can happen in half a day.”
Ten hours passed uneventfully, the two of you watching the only channel that wasn’t showing highlights of the purge from cameras set up around the country or talking about the history of purging.
On the eleventh hour, someone knocked on the door. You froze in your seat, breath hitching in your throat from horror. Your boyfriend stood up, “It’s okay, no one can get in. I’ll check the front door camera.”
He checked the camera and smiled, “See, they moved o-”
The power went out. 
A beeping sound filled the house and then the scraping of metal as the shutters began to rise. The security system had been disabled and was reversing itself.
Even in the dim light, you could see that your boyfriend had gone pale, messing with the system frantically to try to reset it. 
Finally, he turned to you and said, “Get in the closet. I’ve got a gun and I’ll deal with anyone that comes inside.”
You were crying at that point, but you managed to nod. You ran to the closet and hurriedly closed it behind you. You pulled some clothes down from the rack and tried to use them to cover yourself. There was no lock, so you were absolutely toast if anyone looked inside.
You could hear the door open loudly, as though someone had kicked it open. Your ears strained, listening for any hint that your boyfriend would be okay.
A gunshot rang through the house and you hoped it was from your boyfriend’s gun and not the intruder’s. A loud, husky laugh followed the sound, “Nice try, extra.”
You covered your mouth as the sound of an automatic gun’s famous ratatata followed. You knew John only had a pistol. No doubt your boyfriend had just died. 
“Y/n”, I know you’re in here,” the voice said loudly, almost playfully, “Might as well come out now, so I don’t waste time trying to find you.”
You had less than an hour left. If you could just stall him until the 12 hours were up, maybe you’d make it out alive. 
Your breath hitched again as he came into the bedroom and you closed your eyes.
“Not under the bed. What about the closet?” You could hear the smirk in the intruder’s voice.
The closet door flew open and the clothes were pulled off of you. You looked up helplessly at the wild-haired blonde with blood red eyes as he crouched in front of you. He took your wrist in a crushing grip, grinning at you with victory, and hauled you up off the floor.
“C’mon, we only have one hour to get you home. Had to deal with a lot of shit tonight. But I’m sure your boy toy’s car will help us out, won’t it, baby?” 
You hadn’t made it the whole 12 hours. 
Your life was in his hands.
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kodachromantic · 3 months
wrote some braindump abt the hawthorne timeline last night cause when you think about it there are a lot of questions and ideas to put in. idek what happened but all of a sudden dahlia became a very interesting character to me (iris too but dahlia is just kinda surprising)
huge mega spoilers for aa3, also large and likely boring so uhh read more
thinking abt dahlia and how weird things are in the beginning of her timeline before things actually start happening and im trying to think of how to fill the gaps. what age were they taken away by their father? isn't it crazy how the family relation is kinda sorta glossed over for all of this?? mia and dahlia are COUSINS, BRO, FUCKING COUSINS AND PEARL IS HER SISTER LIKE!!!!! BITCH!!!!! there's a 4yr age gap between d/i and mia. were misty and morgan somewhat estranged maybe?? we know morgan lived in fey manor, but was that just bc she was maya's caretaker or would she have lived there regardless? did she leave once the master title was given to misty and then moved back in later? mia could be young enough with some leeway for them to have been taken when they were toddlers and have no memories (if they lived in different houses or something).
dahlia thought morgan abandoned them bc they had little/no power but that brings up a question of when can you tell of one's spiritual power? i feel like it makes sense to just say, you can't tell that young, thats just the reasoning dahlia came up with or maybe what her father told her. age here depends on how many memories you want them to have of kurain & morgan, if any--maybe 2-4 y/o so mia would be 8 at most.
how long did iris live with dahlia and their dad? how old were they when their father remarried? i'd kinda put this at around 8-10 years old just as a feeling. how long was iris around until she was taken away? did bikini know her origin? did she speak to morgan? oh god imagine bikini alerting morgan and morgan is either pregnant with pearl or just had her and rejects iris coming back in a cruel twist of fate (i think im using that right? lol) bc although morgan didn't abandon them bc of their lack of spiritual power, she now doesn't want iris back because of it
okay 14 years old now, post fake kidnapping. wiki says valerie found dahlia and took care of her. so dahlia was considered legally dead bc terry was arrested for her murder. i think i forgot valerie forged all the melissa foster documents and just assumed dahlia did those herself or even just didn't have documents?? i mean it says "unable to get her original papers" so i didnt think of valerie making any new ones. and then post/during fawles trial, she's just given her info back? i mean edgeworth knew who she was. nothing really happened?? it was just, yep that stuff was weird but here's ur id back. do u think her dad thought she was dead, did he believe in the story or knew it was fake? do u think he gave a shit??? does dahlia live with valerie afterwards? she was 18 at the time of the fake kidnapping, so 18-22 years old taking care of her (valerie died at 23, dahlia would be 18 when valerie turns 22)? or did she go back home to her dad like "whoopsies" and her dad just does not care i dont even know what happened to the diamond after. i guess the two were able to pawn it and get the money that way rather than from the dad and that's how valerie looked after dahlia?? either they lived together or valerie set up dahlia with a living space and sent her money or she just lived independently with valerie checking in. it feels vaguely like ema like "who took care of this child and where did they live"
the idea of valerie taking care of dahlia and somewhat being that parental figure for her but it's too late for dahlia for that sort of kindness to change her path. she was also probably too close in age so dahlia would be like "whatever bitch" as you can tell dahlia & iris have become very interesting characters to me over the past few days lmfao
wait thinking on it maybe dahlia did know they were cousins. she knew morgan was her mom, she saw the last name fey and mia's magatama, thats not hard to put together
thats the end of what i wrote lol, i've been trying to write a comic idea out for the past couple days in the evenings abt dahlia and iris and i kept getting into roadblocks, first just the idea of writing and how daunting/hard it is, but then later the timeline and how it'd work and if my ideas for it even fit. so i had an idea for them to talk about their father briefly but then remembered dahlia jumped off the damn bridge & melissa foster and it got me down a rabbit hole. so now i'm either going to rethink that section or just plow through like fuck it and maybe change my idea for the timeline at a later date. who knows if it'll even be made w the pace im going lmfao!!!
i do like that bikini/morgan interaction tho i think i'll try and make that. if anyone reads this at all first of all hi teehee second of all if you want to do that idea literally feel free i wouldnt be upset in the slightest. lil egotistical of me to assume someone would want to tho LOL
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jokers-ghoul · 10 months
No, 'cause they had me in the first half!
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I honestly forgot how 'kidnapping' is a common sexual fantasy until it came up in this series. To be fair, they didn't let us in on the fact that it was just 'role play' until the end. I literally thought First was dead until he woke up. 😼‍💹I will take back what I said about Soong just using First for money. The way he left after he realized that First left like he told him to after calling teerak and no one answering was hard. He didn't want to be in the empty apartment.
The part that upsets me about First is he really tried to hurt Soong. They're obviously close enough that Soong and he have talked about things that bother them. Having worked in the sex industry, Soong is probably very sensitive about the word 'whore' as that's a very common view of people that do sex work. That aside, for First to tell Soong you're not a whore, but a leech - hit a sore spot. Even though Soong obviously is doing the work he's doing because he has to be able to afford to live, he's never asked First for money. He mentioned he liked First's watch, so First bought it for him. First is usually the one to talk to Soong about his monetary worth and how he's loaded.
The second time we see First and Soong together, he's throwing money around while Soong catches it in the pool. First knows Soong needs money, so he's exploiting that weakness as he has money. It's as if First believes the only thing he has to offer Soong is money so now that First's dad is cutting off all of his money, First has begun to act out due to his lack of money. Soong also talks First out of sending their 'sex tape' from the kidnapping fantasy that demands a million baht to First's father. First is equating his worth and love from Soong as how much money has - the less money he has, the more First seems to act out. He blames Soong for only wanting to have sex with him when First has money, but he forgets that Soong is out there working hard to support them both with his job without complaining that First is the one leeching off of him to be away from his dad.
Soong had every right to lash out at First for what he said. Soong had a right to complain that he was tired from working all day. Soong had a right to say he wasn't in the mood for sex with First.
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The face of a man who realizes his plan failed. This is why I say you should never use someone's weakness (in this case, a closeted gay) against them. Captain knew that the rugby team was built on the foundation that none were into men and chose to target Keen (rugby captain) to get on the team. How he didn't see that backfiring is beyond me, lol. Now, to prove he's not gay, he is enlisting the help of his best friends to fake him having sex with a 'girl' to be able to stay on the team.
I wonder if Captain's going to use Zouey as the girl since his only request of Nont was a wig and makeup. The real thing that makes me curious is if Zouey will really let himself be in such a compromising position since Zouey has trouble with situations like that.
I'm also curious about the scholarship student as he is watching this all unfold and saying nothing.
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What First told Zouey about how people in BDSM sometimes don't know if they're enjoying the pain or not made me rethink this moment. I wondered if it was possible that Teena didn't back off right away because he believed Zouey was just scared to have sex after admitting he wanted Teena. He tried to tell Zouey it was fine as it was normal to be scared your first time, but in the end, it had been a hard No from Zouey instead of an 'I'm scared' no.
Teena has been going at Zouey's pace since he realized that Zouey wasn't comfortable with sex. Teena even admitted to himself that with Zouey it's not about stealing his virginity anymore; he genuinely wants Zouey. I also believe that Teena misstepped by mentioning that they would have to have sex eventually when they're together. Once Zouey heard that, it was a definite no, because he no longer felt Teena was listening to him. Teena was exhibiting common signs most men make as mistakes - like mentioning he's at his limit to make his partner feel like they had to have sex after 'working' Teena up so much.
Teena is trying to be a good boyfriend-to-be, but that doesn't negate the fact that Zouey felt pressured and that Teena tried to keep going after Zouey said no. A no should always mean no (stop), whether the other person misreads the situation or not.
The issue about the 'red light' keyword is there. Teena did let Zouey know that if he was uncomfortable to use the keyword, but that does not mean Teena was in the right. You cannot blame Zouey for not using the keyword when he's uncomfortable - he just thought it needed to stop, so he voiced it. I will say that Teena should have been more proactive in checking in with Zouey by questioning if he was still green (go), yellow (wait/slow down), or red (stop) if he was going to use the light system. He also didn't really explain it very well, so being that Zouey is very new to sex, it should have been a slower approach even if Zouey said he was ready.
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Nont seems to severely underestimate his 'master' most times. He went to find Prom to get more information on his brother and found that he liked it when Nant's "master" punished him for his disappearance. Nont seems to fall for this trap very quickly, even as he gets more and more information about his brother that he doesn't quite understand. In the video on his brother's laptop of Nant being in a sexual situation with a knife, Prom mentions how much Nant hated going to this location with 'master' as he didn't like the masks and toys. Nont correcting Prom when he hands him wine and says he wants beer (when earlier Zouey had told Nont that he always drinks draft beer and not wine).
I don't believe Prom is confused about Nont. Nont has been fumbling through this investigation into Nant's life as if having the same face will be the best coverage when the two twins are vastly different. Does Prom believe that Nont is Nant? I doubt it. He's been giving hints to Nont that he's not acting like Nant this whole time. Willingly coming to that room that Nant hates? Brazenly requesting master to have sex and punish him? Mentioning how he believed Nant had come to like the taste of wine? If Prom cannot tell the difference, I would be surprised.
I cannot say that the video on Nant's laptop is definite proof of Nont and Nant's differences when it comes to sex. We don't know when that video was recorded. For all we know, it could have been the first time Nant had sex with Prom. But still, Prom himself mentioned how it took convincing to bring Nant around.
I really am curious about what happened to Nant. Why did he need money? Why has he disappeared? Is he alive like Nont believes? Did he leave to escape how deep he had gotten into this lifestyle? Why hasn't he reached out to Nont at all?
Nothing happened between Porsche and Jump in this episode.
Also, I still believe Captain and Porsche are jerks - I'll wait to see if that opinion changes, lol.
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adelle-ein · 7 months
god knows there's a lot of antisemitic microaggressions from "friends" that i'm willing to let slide. genuinely my standards aren't that high. which is obvious based on the people i was friends with pre-oct 7th lol. but like i do have limits and those limits have been crossed by
expressing a desire to join hamas/the houthis
expressing open support for hamas and oct 7th
referring to oct 7th as "legitimate resistance/oppressed rising up/revolution/freedom fighting"
denying oct 7th happened at all
insisting shani louk is alive (she is not, while her family had hope at first they have since found pieces of her she could not have survived losing)
joking about october 7th
joking about the holocaust
saying jews didn't "learn their lesson" from the holocaust
denying the holocaust
denying other jewish genocides
mocking the hostages and their families
wishing death on the hostages
using "zio"
saying israelis need to go back to brooklyn/florida/poland/etc
saying jews were and have always been well-treated in MENA regions
openly fetishizing and lying about mizrahi/sephardic jews
saying antisemitism doesn't exist/is over
saying ashkenazism don't face antisemitism
saying judaism is a dominant world religion
saying zionists/AIPAC/israel are controlling companies/the government/biden/trump/US military/US police/hollywood
mocking hebrew and jewish culture
mocking jewish holidays
treating jewish holidays as inherently evil
saying that israeli government crimes are being done in "our [jews'] names" and we bear the guilt for it
saying "happy [jewish holiday/memorial day] now stop doing genocide!!!"
saying diaspora jews are okay but not israeli ones
saying all israelis need to die/deserve to die/are settlers who therefore deserve to die
saying jews have no culture/stole all culture from muslims/arabs/christians
open insane blood libel conspiracies about (for example) israelis kidnapping blonde palestinian children or digging up graves for organ/skin theft
referring to israeli "blood money"
spreading and endorsing neo-nazis
spreading and endorsing holocaust deniers and other bigots ie norman finkelstein
spreading and endorsing avowed tankies, NK/russia supporters, and deniers of the ukrainian/uyghur/armenian/syrian/etc genocides
spreading rhetoric from other hate groups ie neturei karta
sharing cartoons of octopi, big-nosed evil men, netanyahu and co eating babies, etc
spreading conspiracy theories about spotify or tumblr or what the fuck ever being controlled by """zionist""" CEOs (and even explicitly stating they're jewish when they often aren't)
belittling ANY anti-antisemitism movement as anti-palestinian
using terms like "zionist rats/pigs/filth"
"all zionists should die/kill themselves/aren't human/should be gassed"
"the zionist entity/zionist state"
"hitler loved israel/was a zionist"
"[x] is worse than the holocaust"/"the holocaust is the only genocide that's taken seriously bc it's a genocide of white people"/"get over the holocaust"
being creepy and ogling about the token good jews that meet your insane standards
weighing in on deeply personal intracommunity jewish discussions in horrible ways
telling Good Jews that you’re so sorry about how isolated they’re being by the majority of jews, which are Bad Jews
saying not to donate to palestinian aid groups bc it could make israel money bc israel controls all the aid groups apparently bc they're just so greedy and want so much money
did i mention je-isra-zionists really love money
movements against "zionism in medicine" and other witch hunts against "zionist" (jewish) people in professions
participating in mass harassment movements and callouts against random jews online asking people to stop being antisemitic
openly calling for violence against jews and/or israelis
claims of dual loyalty against diaspora jews
support the american south bc they're victims of their government too (true) but kill all the israelis bc they definitely support every action taken by their government (hm)
jokes and memes. the fucking memes. you're monsters
"but lace, this is hyperbole, surely nobody is actually saying these things " -- these are all literally, exactly, personally things my "friends" and mutuals have said and reblogged/retweeted since october 7th. if you're reading this now there is a 99% chance you are one of them.
and yes i fucking hate the israeli government. what is happening in palestine is evil. i'm a nonzionist jew.
but i know that's not enough. unless you're a token in "jewish" voice for """peace""" willing to say "kill every single israeli and the holocaust wasn't a big deal and 10/7 didn't happen and antisemitism isn't real and i have never been afraid as a jew in my life" you're one of Them. Being pro palestine or even antizionist isn't enough, you have to want your whole family dead and you can't say a fucking word about the way you're treated by your lovely leftist "allies". oh and you better post about it! constantly! 24/7!!!! or you're secretly a zionist who loves dead palestinian babies! probably personally killing them yourself! you filthy ki- er, zionist rat!
so, yeah, if you think i'm one of Them, that's fine. feel free to block me, i'd much prefer if you did. and let me be clear that jews are not exempt from this either. it's reprehensible regardless
i am not your fucking good jew. If you have ever thought of me as one, fuck you. You are not my good goy, either. Fuck your bugs bunny "i wish all my jewish mutuals a happy rosh hashanah." Fuck your "pictures of African Jews worshipping" tokenism and "jews fighting god" memes. Fuck your nazi punches and your Anne Frank headcanons. Fuck all your disgusting pats on the back and keep my fucking name out of your mouth. If you can't stop reblogging blood libel then I don't want to see another goddamn WORD of it.
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realmeganamram · 1 month
Oh my god, hi!! I am SO sorry to do this, but we have your wife Jenna, and if you don’t pay us $20 million in unmarked bills by tomorrow night, we are gonna have to kill her. So sorry about this!!
We are a group of private individuals who disagree with your amoral business practices and have kidnapped your wife, because four of us are Scorpios, and you know how we are when we get together—you better be glad we didn’t make a worse mess of this, LOL. We follow your public stock holdings and know you have the money. Please follow our instructions to the letter if you want to see your wife again, and I know you do because she is super pretty!!
Just to say it again: SO sorry about this, I know this is annoying, ugh.
To prove that we have her, we’ve enclosed some hair—that’s right, we gave her bangs. She is going through a tough time right now because she is kidnapped, and everyone agreed that letting her get bangs would make her feel free and in control of her own future. She looks SO cute!!!! You should absolutely pay us so you can see the bangs.
Your wife is safe and unharmed and is one of the most beautiful, strong women I have ever seen. You have no idea how lucky you are to have her. You better treat her right by paying us the ransom. If you let us kill her, I will never forgive you. God, men are such pigs sometimes!!
Listen carefully! Actually, I’m so sorry if I’m yelling! Listen however feels best to you! If you don’t respond to this letter immediately (sorry!), we will cut off your wife’s pinky finger and send it back to you in a box. I can’t believe you are going to let that happen—your wife has the most beautiful fingers, and she could be a model if she wanted to be and if we don’t kill her. We keep telling her she deserves better and that we could return her to any man on earth—she’s that special. She keeps crying, which makes us cry!!
You need to understand: Seabiscuit’s life is in your hands (there’s another Jenna in the group, and we started calling your wife “Seabiscuit” because she ran across the room so fast this one time, even though we told her the windows were bolted shut, and we all laughed SO hard, OMG! Maybe you had to be there, but it was SO funny!!). Her future is up to you. I take that back; her future is up to her. The future is FEMALE. We don’t need a man’s money. I take that back—in this instance, we do!!!
I’m sorry the letters are getting smeary. I can’t stop crying at how grateful I am to have Seabiscuit in my life! This is truly so unprofessional of me!! But honestly, crying does not equal weakness, and I think more male kidnappers should cry at work rather than fewer female kidnappers. Happy to discuss if you disagree. Are you mad at me?!
I’m really, really looking forward to getting the money tomorrow. Please leave it by the big oak tree near College St., and one of us will pick it up. And just to be very clear: this is not a date!!
Men always think meeting a woman by a tree in a ransom situation equals a date, but sometimes, it’s just meeting a woman by a tree in a ransom situation!! We will be wearing all black! I promised our Fearless Leader I wouldn’t give any information that could identify us, which is just the same old Kelsey Murphy Virgo shit she’s been saying since LSU. God, I love my friends!!!!
I know you’re really busy, but can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Sorry in advance for bugging you!
Love, Megan A. (there’s another Megan here too!)
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
Lol that scene from DvK 1 u we’re talking about is because he lost for once in his life. That’s it. He wasn’t upset because he hurt Izuku, but because he lost. Why do you think he hasn’t been showed actually loosing since? Cos he’d be a bit cry baby bitch about it.
Alright. I’ve already explained this in the past which you can find here. This is my dissection on DvK1 and there’s links to the three other parts in order on each post.
Believe it or not, even though I love Bakugou, I’m pretty harsh on him in my dissection but I also try to put myself in his and Midoriyas shoes. I will say tho my analyzation skills have improved since writing that dissection but, I really don’t think I’d say anything differently.
However, I will say something that I didn’t say in my dissection.
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There’s a visible break there. That glass didn’t shatter until he looked at Deku again and watched him collapse. This is the first time Katsuki has seen Izuku that badly injured. And him being that hurt was kinda sorta indirectly by Katsukis hand because he expected Deku to dodge but instead, he shattered one arm with his quirk and took an explosion to the other arm. This is actually really convenient timing too because you know what scene parallels this one?
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 Izuku didn’t break until he took a look at Katsuki again. Because just like in DvK 1, Izuku has never seen Katsuki that hurt. And, in Izuku’s eyes, Katsuki’s injuries are his fault. Because he wasn’t there to prevent them.
Katsukis panic in DvK 1 is the result of a lot a firsts.
-first time he formally lost something to Deku
- first full blown fight he’s had with Deku
-first training exercise in front of All Might
-first time he truly injured Deku in a confrontation
- first time seeing Deku collapse in pain
And here’s an honorable mention:
-first time he saw that there were people in his class that were better than him (Todoroki and Momo), and first time accepting that fact.
So yes I think it goes a lot deeper than just the fact that he lost cuz if that were the case, he would’ve acted in a similar manner in the sludge villain attack (which would’ve been reasonable).
 you think Katsuki hasn’t lost anything since DvK1? Really?
The entire first half the manga for Katsuki’s character is just loss after loss until DvK2 and even then, I think he considered that a loss as well.
You think he didn’t see how he won the sports festival as a loss? Specifically a loss to Deku because Todoroki didn’t give him the same effort he gave Deku?
What about when Izuku was finally able to use his power without breaking anything and was using Katsuki’s moves? You think he didn’t consider the fact that Izuku was surpassing him as a loss?
Izuku saving him again in the final exam when he didn’t have to? You think he didn’t consider that a loss?
What about when he got fucking kidnapped and saw Deku hurt extremely badly again? And saw that Deku was about to put himself in more danger, for his sake? You don’t consider that a loss?
How about the fact that the villains misinterpreted him and thought he was a villain too? When the main thing about him is how he wants to be top hero, you don’t think he considered that a loss? (Plus the fact that civilians thought the same thing that the villains were)
Kirishima spending a shit ton of money on a camera in order to try to save his ass? Being one of only two people in his class that didn’t get his provisional license? All Might having to retire after saving him?
He didn’t start to actually win anything on his own terms until after DvK2. And even then, there’s still a few.
Y’know, Deku almost getting OFA stolen and then leaving UA on his own after Katsuki told him not to win on his own?
Are we reading the same manga? Real question.
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
🎇📖The Sky Is Falling On Me, Chapter 1 - Where The Veil Came Crumbling Down
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 6577 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Magic/Fantasy AU, Mages, Anxiety, Isolation, Codependency, Elemental Magic, Mentions of onesided Sektor/Kuai Liang, Panic Attacks, Threats of Violence, Referenced Kidnapping 10 Prompts Tropes: Magic AU
The Sky Is Falling On Me Masterlist - 10 Prompts Masterlist
Notes: It’s been a hot minute since I last posted, and I don’t even have one of those wild AF stories to put in these author’s notes. Sad times. I have some requests from a giveaway to work on, but I had this first chapter almost complete and I figured I’d bang it out before starting the requests and actually make a start on at least one of the many many fanfic challenges I’ve signed myself up for lol. Fic title is from “A Rose For Epona” by Eluveitie, and the chapter title is from “Inis Mona” also by Eluveitie (one of my favourite bands so y’know lmao, amazed I haven’t used their lyrics before tbh.)
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Kuai did not like coming into town.
He didn’t particularly get along with many of the townsfolk, they found how quiet and awkward he was off-putting, apparently. He preferred to stay on the farm, tending to the animals and staying far away from other humans. Usually he let Bi-Han deal with people, the only ones Kuai had regular interactions with outside of his brother were Tomas, Cyrax and Sektor. Even they didn’t know the truth about him, believing Kuai was just extremely anxious as the result of his sheltered upbringing.
It’d been drilled into him at a young age that no one could ever know about his magic.
Kuai had trouble regulating himself, it was part of why he was still so isolated as an adult. One wrong move and it was all over for him. So when Bi-Han requested Kuai take some apples to Cyrax, he had immediately declined. But Bi-Han had been insistent, and now Kuai was walking into the centre of town with a backpack full of ripe apples.
He kept his head low, trying to avoid people as much as possible. Although thankfully, everyone seemed to be distracted by something other than the rare appearance of the towns recluse. He was curious, gaze following where others landed.
Sektor was walking down the street with a man Kuai didn’t recognise. Whoever he was, he was wearing a very fancy looking robe, so it was likely he was one of Sektor’s high class contacts. That didn’t explain why people were stopping to crowd around them. It wasn’t uncommon to have a visiting Lord or Lady, however it never usually caused a commotion, especially not one like this.
Still, whatever the reason, Kuai wanted to keep out of Sektor’s way. He unfortunately had no choice in most of his interactions with him, given Sektor’s family did technically own the land the town was on. Still there was something about the way Sektor looked at Kuai that made his skin crawl, like a wolf staring down a rabbit.
He turned away to make his way over to Cyrax’s little store, hoping to drop the apples off and get out of town as quickly as possible. When Cyrax spotted him, he immediately broke into a large grin, and Kuai couldn’t help but return it.
“Well, well, well, it’s rare to see you out and about,” Cyrax teased, only laughing when Kuai groaned. “I take it Bi-Han didn’t wish to grace me with his presence hm?”
“No, he was weirdly insistent on me giving you the apples,” Kuai replied, slipping the backpack off his shoulders and handing it to Cyrax.
“Probably because he owes me money.” Cyrax took the backpack off Kuai and placed it on his table, opening it up and taking a look at the goods.
“Again?” It wasn’t unusual for Bi-Han to owe various people money, but it seemed to be happening more often as of late. “Are we having money troubles? He doesn’t tell me anything about these sorts of things.”
Cyrax smiled at him, but it had such an air of sadness to it. He didn’t say anything, or explain his expression. He didn’t even answer Kuai’s question.
No one ever seemed to answer Kuai’s questions.
“Anyway, what’s going on today? Why is everyone so enchanted by that man with Sektor?” Maybe his queries on his brother’s finances wouldn’t be answered, but he might get one regarding the mysterious stranger visiting the town.
“From what I hear he’s an Archmage,” Cyrax explained and Kuai felt his heart stop at that. An Archmage? Here? What could an Archmage possibly want from this town? “Apparently Sektor’s family is trying to do a deal with him.”
Kuai felt himself relax a little at that. If he was here for a deal with Sektor it was unlikely he was here because of Kuai’s secret. His cover hadn’t been blown, and he was safe. Presumably. Kuai couldn’t let his guard down, he had to make sure to keep everything contained, now it was more important than ever.
“Speaking of,” Cyrax quietly muttered and Kuai looked over his shoulder just in time to see Sektor and the Archmage. Kuai felt himself shrink slightly. He’d wanted to avoid Sektor in the first place, but he would definitely preferred to to avoid the Archmage too.
“Cyrax, Kuai Liang,” Sektor greeted to each of them. Kuai instinctively put his hands behind his back, he often did that to hide when he lost control. “This is Archmage Hasashi, he will be in town for a couple of weeks, and I expect everyone to show him the heights of our hospitality.”
“Of course,” Cyrax replied cooly, before bowing to Archmage Hasashi. “It is a honour.”
Kuai kept his hands behind his back as he also bowed, quietly adding “welcome, Archmage Hasashi.”
When he straightened out, he realised Hasashi was staring at him. He had a single eyebrow raised, but the look in his eye was scarily intense. It felt like he was trying to look straight into Kuai’s soul. Kuai could feel his hands grow colder and he swallowed thickly. Need to keep control. Need to keep control.
“I-Is there something wrong, Archmage Hasashi?” Kuai asked, clenching his fists and trying to stop anything from accidentally erupting from them.
“Kuai Liang, was it?” Hasashi asked, his eyes sweeping Kuai up and down. Kuai swallowed, completely unable to decipher what Hasashi was thinking while looking at him. It was really putting him on edge.
“Yes, Sir,” Kuai replied, resisting the urge to look away from Hasashi’s gaze. Kuai bit his lip, it was like Hasashi was searching for an answer to a question that hadn’t been asked. Does he know? Kuai had never met an Archmage before, or even just another Mage, he wasn’t sure if they had ways of knowing those with magic in their veins.
“And you live in the town?” Hasashi’s brow knitted together as his eyes narrowed and his head tilted. Kuai could feel his hands growing colder. Need to keep control. Need to keep control.
“Yes. Uh, well the outskirts,” Kuai explained, flexing his fingers, desperate to warm his hands up. “My brother and I run the farm.”
“I see.” Hasashi seemed to stand a little straighter, and Kuai hadn’t realised he was leaning forward. “Interesting,” he muttered, so quiet Kuai was sure he hadn’t intended anyone to hear it. What does that mean? Interesting? Why does he think our farm is interesting?
“I- uh-“ One of his fingers began to ice over and he began flexing his fingers again to break it. No. No. I need to keep control. No one can know. That’s what Father always said. No one. “I’m- You-“
“Archmage Hasashi, Kuai Liang is an anxious person,” Cyrax suddenly cut in, walking around the table to where Kuai was. As he got close, he placed a hand on Kuai’s shoulder. Kuai kept moving his fingers, desperate to keep anymore ice from forming. “Your line of questioning is causing him distress.”
That comment seemed to take Hasashi aback, as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Beside him, Sektor looked like he was barely holding back his anger at Cyrax stepping in like that. Kuai actually could understand why. It was a statement, not an accusation, and one towards someone Sektor was hoping to do business with.
“My apologies.” Hasashi bowed to Kuai, an action that actually made Kuai pause a little. “It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable.”
No one had ever really apologised for making him uncomfortable before. Smoke and Cyrax both had an unspoken understanding for when Kuai was overwhelmed, resulting in them leaving him to his own devices until he’d calmed down. They never needed to apologise, because Kuai knew already they didn’t mean it. Hasashi however? Who hadn’t known and who Kuai didn’t know if that was his intention? That was new.
“I-I- Well- Um.” Kuai didn’t know what to say, glancing at Cyrax and hoping maybe he’d be able to translate his desperate stuttering.
“It’s okay, you weren’t to know,” Cyrax filled in, patting Kuai on the back a couple of times. Kuai felt the tension in his shoulders begin to relax. “Just, try to be a bit more gentle with him.”
“Right,” Hasashi agreed, slowly nodding his head, though still looking a little shocked. “Of course, again, my apologies.” He quickly turned to Sektor and added, “maybe it would be best we move on.”
“Maybe,” Sektor replied, as he gave both Kuai and Cyrax a scathing look. Kuai flinched despite himself. “Let us go to the next stall.”
Hasashi turned to follow Sektor, though not before giving Kuai one last lingering look. When his eyes were finally torn away, Kuai felt a shudder down his spine. There was something about him that had caught Hasashi’s attention, and Kuai really didn’t want to know what it was.
“That was weird,” Cyrax said under his breath and Kuai chuckled, relieved that the odd behaviour was apparent to someone else as well.
“It was weird, wasn’t it?” Kuai finally moved his hands from behind his back. Without Hasashi in his vicinity he felt a lot more at ease, and less likely to loose control of himself. “What do you think it was about?”
“No idea.” Cyrax shook his head, finally moving from Kuai to go back around to his stall. “Maybe it’s best you stay on the farm for a few days regardless. His behaviour was
“Wish I could.” Kuai gave a half hearted smile. “If Bi-Han owes you money, it’s likely he owes others too. Meaning he’s going to send me as the buffer for the next few days.”
Cyrax grimaced and added, “good point.” His gaze went over to one of the other stalls, and when Kuai followed it he saw it was where Hasashi and Sektor now were. “Still, I’d try and stay away from him if I were you.” Kuai turned back to Cyrax, his face was tight as he continued to look on. “If I’m reading the way he was looking at you right, I think him and Sektor are going to find making a deal extremely hard.”
Kuai paused at that. He understood the implication, just wasn’t sure he agreed with it. Hasashi was definitely looking at him strangely, but it was nowhere near the same way Sektor looked at him. Sektor looked at him with hunger in his eyes, a possessive wanting, knowing that as long as Bi-Han lived, he’d never get to get what he longed for. Hasashi was looking at him more with curiosity and knowing, like he’d looked straight through Kuai and saw all his deepest and darkest secret’s he’d tried so hard to hide.
By the God’s, Kuai hoped he hadn’t.
“Anyway,” Cyrax continued, reaching to grab a small bag, “here’s the coin for the apples, tell Bi-Han he can deduct it from his debt.”
“Thank you.” Kuai smiled and accepted the bag, although internally he was struggling. This many apples would be about 200 coins, how much does Bi-Han owe if this is just a deduction? “I’ll make sure Bi-Han repays what he owes you.”
“You have my thanks for even trying.” Cyrax bowed to him. “Have a good day, Kuai Liang.”
“You too.”
And with that Kuai turned to leave, money in hand. He didn’t care to stick around longer, lest he run into Hasashi again. He weaved through the whispering crowds, although for once those hushed tones were not about him. As he approached the street he would need to go down to get back to the farm, he looked over his shoulder and surveyed the town square.
From the opposite end, he could see Hasashi staring straight at him.
He almost choked as he began to sprint away, feeling his fingertips begin to ice over. Whatever Hasashi thought he saw, there was no way in hell Kuai could let him get to the truth.
I need to keep control, no one can know, that’s what Father said.
That’s what Father said.
No one can ever know.
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Sektor had been extremely adamant that this town had no Mages.
Hanzo was always interested in meeting with fellow Mages when he visited neighbouring towns. His status as an Archmage meant that many Lesser Mages saw him as guide, someone who’s wisdom would be of uttermost importance, and although it felt egotistical, Hanzo enjoyed being viewed that way. He liked the questions, the need for advice, being seen as a figure to be revered.
Thus he had been extremely disappointed when he had been informed that the small town of Lin Kuei had none.
Not as disappointed as he was when he realised he’d been lied to.
Lesser Mages were generally not as at one with the magic inside themselves and others. Two Mages could walk down the street without knowing the other was one of them. Archmages however, were specifically taught to be able to sense magic. It helped to identify Mages, and if the magic was particularly strong, find candidates to join the Archmages.
So the second he sensed magic, he knew that Sektor had lied to him.
It had been faint at first, making him believe it was a child. But as the feeling got stronger, he realised how wrong he was. The magic was fully formed, and not just that, it was strong. As it grew, he knew he had to find the source.
He did not realise just how strong the magic was until he was face to face with Kuai Liang.
The magic within Kuai Liang was easily equal to the majority of Archmages that Hanzo had spent his life around. In fact, if he were to be honest and not care for a bruised ego, he’d say Kuai was stronger than even him. But it was also wild, and completely untrained. That made Kuai extremely dangerous. Hanzo had barely even confronted Kuai, and he could feel that magic loosing control. It was ready to seep through the seams, and if Kuai didn’t have enough control, people could be hurt.
Which brought him to his most pressing question; why had he been lied to?
Given the deal the Zhou family was trying to strike with the Archmage of the Shirai Ryu, it would make sense to be completely truthful about any Mages living within the town. Unless, of course, they were not aware themselves. How Kuai would have been able to keep this secret for so long, Hanzo didn’t know. The mention of living on the outskirts might explain it if he didn’t come into the centre that often. And him having a brother? Was the brother also a Mage in hiding or was he just trying to hide Kuai?
He needed to do more investigation.
The day after their fateful meeting, Hanzo found the chance to start doing just that. The Zhou family had other things to attend to, so Hanzo could roam the town as he pleased. He tried to not ask anyone directly about Kuai, he knew that would seem suspect. Instead he asked about the town, and rumours or outliers that might potentially effect his deal with the Zhou’s.
It took some time, and a lot of listening to gossip he didn’t really care for, that someone finally gave him info he wanted.
“Well, there is Bi-Han and Kuai Liang,” a woman said, her brow furrowing as she looked around like she didn’t wish for anyone to overhear her.
“I believe I met Kuai Liang yesterday,” Hanzo replied, trying to not sound as eager for information on him as he was. “I do not know who Bi-Han is.”
“He’s Kuai Liang’s elder brother.” Ah, so Bi-Han was the brother’s name. Interesting. “They live on and run the farm on the outskirts of town and they’re
” The woman paused, mouth open as she took a deep breath. “They’re very strange.”
“I noticed Kuai Liang seemed extremely anxious.” And that was an understatement. He had looked terrified of Hanzo.
“To be honest, most of us didn’t even know Kuai Liang existed until he was an adult.” What? “It was only after the brother’s father died that we became aware of him. For some reason, his father almost completely isolated him. Bi-Han is a lot less strict, but he is still um
 I guess controlling is the best way to put it. He rarely let’s Kuai leave the farm, and even when he does, it’s like there is some sort of invisible leash meaning he can’t stray for too long.”
That all seemed incredibly concerning. The only thing that sprung to Hanzo’s mind was that Kuai’s father did not know how to handle a Mage, so kept Kuai isolated to hide him away. His brother was just following suite. That felt off though, usually Mages with magic as strong as Kuai’s were born of Mage parents. If that were the case, his father would know to teach Kuai at least the basics of control. He couldn’t imagine any Mage to be so careless as to not do that, but he couldn’t rule it out just yet.
“Then there is Sektor’s, uh, affections for Kuai Liang,” the lady continued, her voice dropping like she was scared the man in question would come up behind her. “He thinks he has hidden his desires, but it’s clear to everyone that he
 Wants Kuai Liang.”
“As a spouse?” Hanzo wanted to make sure he was getting the information right, and the woman nodded. “If his family are so powerful, what is stopping him from taking what he desires?”
“Bi-Han.” This was stated with such certainty that it almost took Hanzo off guard. “That man would never allow anyone to take his brother like that, even if they technically own this town.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “To be honest, I think Sektor is just biding his time, hoping and waiting for Bi-Han to die so there’s no one left between Kuai and him.”
“And what exactly does Kuai Liang want in all this?” Most people wouldn’t say no to marrying someone of such money and standing, but most people didn’t make all. And in all this conversation, it seemed to focus on Sektor and Bi-Han’s wants, and nothing on what Kuai would like.
“I don’t know to be honest, his skittish nature makes him very hard to read.” Well, that was definitely true. “I think he just goes along with what Bi-Han wants. If Bi-Han died, I could see him latching onto Sektor just so he has someone to tell him how to think and feel.”
“Could you give me directions to the farm? I think I’d like to visit, if I can.” His initial confusion at Kuai hiding his powers was now replaced with concern. With someone so isolated, nothing good could be happening on that farm.
“If you follow that street, you’ll find a path through the woods.” The woman pointed towards the street in question. “Just keep going down that path and you will eventually come to the farm.” She snorted and paused, “although good luck, Bi-Han is not exactly fond of visitors.”
“That is fine, I’m sure I can find some common ground.” The woman did not look convinced, but bowed respectfully and turned to be on her way.
Hanzo, on the other hand, had a farm to find.
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Kuai hummed as he picked a mushroom and put it in the basket. Mushroom picking was about the closest he got to leaving the farm as a child. The people of the town rarely came into the woods, so he wasn’t at risk of awkwardly running into people.
So when he heard a twig snap, he figured it was probably just an animal. He ignored it, deciding he’d throughly gathered all the mushrooms he could find. As he stood up to return back to the path, he jumped when he realised he saw a humanoid figure in his way.
He felt panic well in his throat when he realised it was Archmage Hasashi.
“Hello again,” Hasashi greeted, a strange lopsided smile on his face. “Sorry, I did not mean to scare you, I appear to be making a habit of that.”
“I- It’s okay?” Kuai didn’t mean that to sound like a question. His hands gripped the basket tightly. What is he doing here? Why is he so far out of the town?
“I’m glad I ran into you actually,” Hasashi continued, either oblivious to Kuai’s discomfort or disregarding it entirely. “I’ve had a day to myself, so I thought I’d familiarise myself with the surrounding area, including your family’s farm.”
Why? This was suspicious, no one except Sektor, Tomas and Cyrax ever came out to the farm. Bi-Han chased most people off. Kuai had no doubt there would be no exception for Hasashi, regardless of who he was. Still Kuai couldn’t find it in him to argue, that got stuck in his throat unable to escape.
“Oh,” was all he managed to get out. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt to guide Hasashi to the farm. Then once they got their Bi-Han would chase him off. “Um. I was just heading back.”
“May I accompany you?” The question was strange to Kuai, because it was clear Hasashi was going to do that regardless of his answer.
“Of course, Archmage Hasashi,” Kuai replied. Gingerly he approached the other man, feeling strange when he realised Hasashi’s gaze never left him. As he headed back towards the path, Hasashi turned to follow beside him. Kuai felt awkward, not sure what exactly he should do or say. Small talk was not something he did a lot, but he supposed he could try. “So
 How are you finding the town?”
“Delightful,” Hasashi answered brightly, almost like he was glad that Kuai would ask such a question. “The locals have been so helpful.”
The emphasis on helpful was strange, but again, Kuai found he couldn’t call Hasashi out on it.
“Kuai Liang, how much do you know about the Archmages?” Was this small talk still? This felt very specific.
 Do not know much I’m afraid, Archmage Hasashi,” Kuai admitted. He really didn’t know a lot about them, except that if they knew about him, they would take him away. His Father had made sure that Kuai would never have any involvement with them. It was unfortunate he was no longer here to keep Hasashi away.
“I see,” Hasashi muttered, taking a deep breath, like what he was going to say next was the hardest thing he was ever going to say. “Then you are not aware that we are trained to be able to sense the magic of others?”
Kuai stopped walking. He stopped breathing. Everything just stopped. All he could do was stare at Hasashi. The other man was extremely calm, just looking at Kuai expectantly. But Kuai could do nothing. He almost thought he’d lost control and frozen himself, but a glance down told him he was ice free.
No one can know, that’s what Father said.
“With that in mind,” Hasashi continued, tilting his head as he folded his arms in front of his chest, “is there anything you wish to tell me?”
No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening.
“No one can know, that’s what Father said,” Kuai automatically blurted out, watching how Hasashi blinked and did a double take at that.
“Kuai Liang.” Hasashi took a step forward, reaching his hand out.
“No one can know, that’s what Father said,” Kuai repeated, beginning to back away, hiccuping as he felt his face growing hot. “No one can know.”
“Please, calm down, I don’t-“
“No one can know!” Kuai screeched, stomping his foot down and watching as several shards of ice erupted out of the ground below it. The loud gasp from Hasashi was drowned out by the blood pulsing in Kuai’s ears. “No, no, no.” He tried to take another step back, but stumbled down onto the floor. “No one can know.”
“Ice,” Hasashi whispered, staring at the shard pointed towards his face. He reached to touch it, looking at it in both wonder and shock. “Cryomancy.” He shook his head like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “You’re a Cryomancer.”
“P-Please,” Kuai sobbed. He’d messed up badly. Not only had he revealed himself, he’d revealed himself to an Archmage. Hasashi was going to whisk him away and he’d never see Bi-Han, Tomas or Cyrax again. “Please, n-no one can know
That’s what Father said.
“Kuai Liang, it’s okay, calm down.” Hasashi crouched down in front of Kuai, placing a hand on Kuai’s shoulder while the other cupped Kuai’s chin. Kuai resisted the urge to tear his head away. “I’m not going to tell anyone about this.” Kuai wasn’t sure he believed that, but Hasashi said it with such conviction it was hard to not just trust his word. “But I do need to talk to you about this.”
“I- I- No one
” Kuai trailed off, because no one was supposed to know, but now someone did.
“I know. No one was supposed to know.” The hand that hand been on Kuai’s shoulder was next on Kuai’s head, fingers carding through his hair as Hasashi stroked him. “But I do know now, and that’s not your fault. You tried, your family can not be angry at you for this.” Hasashi didn’t know Bi-Han. Big Brother was going to be fuming over this. “We need to talk. Let’s get back to your farm, okay?”
Kuai blinked, tears rolling down his cheeks. He had no choice now did he? At least if Hasashi did take him, it seemed he might let Kuai have the chance to say goodbye to Bi-Han. Hasashi reached for Kuai’s hands, and Kuai realised his fingers were icing over. Fire came from Hasashi’s hands and Kuai flinched. The flames did not hurt him however, just melted the ice forming on his hands.
“Come, please.” Hasashi pulled Kuai up to his feet. He reached down to pick up Kuai’s basket, before gently leading Kuai down the path.
All Kuai could do was let himself be pulled over to the farm, while internally he agonised on how the hell he was going to explain himself.
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It seemed Kuai’s brother was off tending to something when they got to the farm.
In a way, Hanzo was glad about that. It meant he had a bit of time to talk to Kuai alone. He realised how he’d brought things up was not the best way. He hadn’t anticipated Kuai’s reaction to be so strong, or for him to be quite that afraid of someone finding out. What the hell has his family told him to make him so terrified like that?
Despite this not being his house, Hanzo found himself in the kitchen, fixing up a cup of tea for himself and Kuai. His host was still shaken however, occasionally muttering about how no one could know and about his father. With the tea in his hand, Hanzo placed one cup in front of Kuai, while he took a seat opposite. Kuai stared down at the cup, rather than making eye contact with Hanzo.
“I need to ask you some questions now. Please answer them truthfully,” Hanzo began, watching Kuai clench his fist. The magic inside him was raging, and Hanzo could see flakes begin to form around Kuai’s knuckles. How little control he had was growing more concerning, but that could wait. “You are a Mage, are you not?”
Kuai was silent, looking like he was debating how to actually reply, before he miserably just said “yes.”
“Were either your mother or father Mages?” He asked. Magic generally was passed down through families, although it was entirely possible for non-Mages to give birth to mage’s and vice visa. Generally Mages who were born of two Mage parents were the ones powerful enough to be Archmages. Hence he needed to know if that was the case with Kuai Liang.
“No,” Kuai replied, finally moving his hand to grip the cup. Not to drink, Hanzo had a feeling he was trying to use it to heat up his hands and deal with the ice.
“I asked you to be honest with me,” Hanzo warned lowly, watching the way Kuai flinched at the tone being used with him.
“I am,” he croaked. “Neither of my parents had magic.”
Then, maybe Hanzo’s initial suspicion of Kuai’s Father not knowing how to handle him was right. It would have been even worse with a mage of Kuai’s magnitude.
“What about your brother? Is he a Mage?” This situation was unusual already, Hanzo figured he might as well cover all his bases.
“No. It’s just me.” Kuai sounded so dejected, and Hanzo’s heart broke for him. He should have been amongst other Mages, learning to harness his powers for the good of everyone. He shouldn’t have been alone and left to deal with this thing he didn’t understand.
“Why did your Father tell you no one could ever know about your magic?” He needed to know what excuse the man gave.
“He said the Archmages would take me away.” Kuai’s eyes lifted slightly, looking at Hanzo with very thinly veiled contempt. He was clearly still expecting this to happen. “He said they’d take me, and I’d never see my family again.”
Hanzo wanted to refute that point. The Archmages hadn’t forcefully taken children in a long time. Granted, it was something that used to happen, back in the days of old, but they had stopped many years ago.
 Kuai Liang is a Cryomancer.
That single fact gave Hanzo a sinking feeling that the Archmages would indeed have taken Kuai away from his family.
“Cryomancy has long believed to be extinct,” Hanzo began to explain. He wasn’t sure if confirming Kuai’s fears was the best idea, but he couldn’t lie to the poor man either. “While the Archmages have long since stopped the abduction of Mage children, in your case, I will concede your Father’s fears were valid.” Kuai’s head snapped up, his teeth bared and eyes wide. “No new Cryomancer has been born in several generations. You are the first in a long long time. The Archmages would have wanted to ensure your survival and skill.”
And, most likely, would have hoped Kuai would eventually reintroduce Cryomancy into Mage bloodlines. That concept made Hanzo’s skin crawl. The Archmages had come a long way since the old days, but there were still ways they needed to improve.
“I- I don’t understand,” Kuai whispered, ice now snaking from his hands and onto the cup he was holding. The heat seemed to be doing nothing for it. “Are you saying I’m
Kuai stopped talking as his face screwed up.
“I’m saying you are the only one of your kind, yes,” Hanzo finished for him. He watched Kuai’s reaction closely. His breathing was growing heavier, and his lip was quivering slightly. “On top of that, the strength of your magic. It is enough that you could be an Archmage yourself.”
“No.” Kuai shook his head firmly, his mouth tight. “No, that’s not possible. I don’t have any control, I’m not that powerful.”
“Having control and how powerful your magic is are not the same thing,” Hanzo explained. Kuai shook his head again. “Kuai Liang, the reason you always feel so overwhelmed by your powers is because they are so immense.” It had taken Hanzo years of intense training to get his powers under control. The fact Kuai had any control at all was nothing short of a miracle. “If you had been raised amongst other Mages rather than being kept in isolation, you would not have as much trouble as you do.”
“So you think they should have taken me?” Kuai spat, and the amount of vitriol made Hanzo do a double take. “My Father was right. The Archmages are just pompous know-it-all’s who think they know what’s best when they know nothing at all.”
Hanzo watched as the ice spread across the table, and he quickly realised if he did not want this to escalate into a physical fight he was going to have to try and calm him down.
“That isn’t what I meant,” Hanzo tried to say as softly as he could. He could feel Kuai’s magic threatening to break through, engulfing everything unfortunate to be too close. “I just meant if you had been allowed to be more open about your powers, you would have had access to help and companionship.” The ice slowly cracked as it spread further. “You wouldn’t have had to be alone.”
“I wasn’t alone,” Kuai hissed, a loud snap as he clenched his fist and broke the ice surrounding it. “I had my father and brother. I had Tomas and Cyrax. I was not on my own.”
“But none of them are Mages.” He wasn’t sure how to explain that the companionship between Mages would always be different than between a Mage and Non-Mage. “None of them understand what you are going through.” He attempted to reach a hand over to place one on Kuai’s, but the other man yanked his arm back so hard Hanzo actually flinched back in his seat. “I do though, Kuai Liang. And I want to help you.”
“You don’t understand anything!” Kuai slammed his fist down on the table, and as he did a large burst of energy emerged from him.
Hanzo engulfed himself in flame, hoping maybe it would prevent him getting encased in ice. He stilled for a moment, other than the rush of the fire surrounding him, all he could hear where the ragged sobs of Kuai. He extinguished the fire, looking around, the entire room was encased in a thick layer of ice. Disturbingly, the ice facing Hanzo was jagged, and while the ones closest to him had the tips melted off, it was clear they had been sharp and would have easily pierced through his flesh. His fire shield had been his saviour from having an icicle through his skull.
Hanzo needed to get Kuai to trust him, because like this?
Kuai was a risk to both himself and everyone around him.
“Kuai Liang, I-“
He was cut off when he heard a door slam open and a pair of footsteps rush towards the room.
“What the fuck just hap-“ a man stopped in the doorway to the kitchen, his face dropping as he surveyed the room before him. It was obvious this was Bi-Han, given how eerily similar to Kuai Liang he looked. At least he now had no doubt Kuai wasn’t lying about his brother not having magic, he could feel absolutely nothing from the other man.
Bi-Han’s eyes landed on Kuai Liang, who was still crying into his hands.
And like that he snapped into action.
He was across the room and pulling Kuai close to him within the time it took Hanzo to blink. Kuai was still too upset to coherently explain what was going on. His buried his head into Bi-Han’s side, as if to hide his face. Then Bi-Han’s attention was on Hanzo.
By the Gods, Hanzo had never seen someone look at him with such pure hatred before.
“Who the fuck are you and what did you do to him?” Bi-Han demanded, his grip on Kuai tightening.
“My name is Archmage Hanzo Hasashi and-“
He had no way to finish that sentence before Bi-Han was pulling out a knife strapped to his thigh and pointing it in Hanzo’s direction.
“You will not take him,” Bi-Han snarled, clutching the knife so hard his knuckles were going white. “I will not let you.”
“I do not wish to take him,” Hanzo tried, pushing himself to stand up. Bi-Han kept the knife trained on him the entire time.
“Like hell you don’t.” It was no wonder Kuai had so much fear of being taken away, if this was how his family had always reacted.
“I only wish to help him.”
The reply he received was Bi-Han spitting in his general direction. He wasn’t going to get anywhere like this. Maybe if he called it a day, allowed the brothers to calm down, he’d have a better chance at getting through to them how much Kuai needed help.
“I can see that this has caused a great deal of distress to you both,” Hanzo claimed, holding his hands up in front of him. He had hoped it would show he was surrendering, but given that Bi-Han manoeuvred so he was now shielding Kuai with his entire body, it clearly hadn’t come across that way. “While I do still need to talk more, I can see that for now, conversation is not an option.”
“What is there to talk about?” Bi-Han growled. “You are not taking him from me, end of discussion. There is nothing more to be said.” He slashed the knife at the air, before pointing it back at Hanzo. “And know, Archmage, if you dare try, I will fight until my last breath, and slit the throats of every one of your infernal order whose foolish enough to attempt it.”
The reality was, Bi-Han would be long dead before he could get close to any Archmage to slit their throat. Somehow, pointing this fact out seemed counterproductive.
“I will allow you both to calm down, and then maybe we can have a more civil discussion.” He moved around the table to head towards the doorway. He glanced back at the brothers. Kuai was peering around his elder brother, eyes full of a hazy mix of emotions, between contempt, terror and relief. Hanzo sighed and added, “I am sorry, Kuai Liang, I know this is upsetting for you, but this is not something I can just walk away from.”
Kuai did not reply, just bowed his head and pushed into Bi-Han’s side again. Speaking of, the look in the elder’s eyes, told Hanzo if he didn’t get out now, he was going to end up with that knife in his head.
He turned, walking away and letting himself out of the farmhouse’s front door. He didn’t stop to contemplate anything, just continued to walk down to path and back to the town.
This was going to be far harder than he could of ever anticipated, and he needed to consider his next actions carefully if he hoped to get any positive results. Most importantly, he could not alert the other Archmages to the situation just yet. Knowing them, they’d go in with little thought and make Kuai leave by force. Given how intermeshed the two brother’s appeared, suddenly separating Kuai from Bi-Han would cause him to shut down completely. At the same time, Bi-Han’s possessive attitude was going to be a major obstacle in all of this. “You are not taking him from me”, that’s what Bi-Han said, wasn’t it? Like a child being threatened with having his favourite toy confiscated from him. He was sure if it were not for Bi-Han’s influence over his brother, gentle persuasion would eventually work on Kuai, but it was getting him away long enough to cut the threads that kept them tied together.
And if he cut the wrong thread, he ran the risk of completely destroying any chance Kuai Liang had at living a more normal life.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
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≛❀≛ Next Chapter ⋟
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yatorihell · 9 months
Noragami Reread Volume 4-6
In which I wish Discord emojis were available to describe my feelings reading this arc
Chapter 12
Daikoku calling himself uncle to Yukine
Currently crying with Yato and Hiyori over Yukine
'Sooner or later she won't be able to live in her own world anymore' HA
Yato has known Hiyori less than 2 months and already doesn't want to lose her
'Cut ties isn't that your speciality' next chapter foreshadowing?
Chapter 13
It's so funny to think babies cry because ayakashi are bullying them
Kazuma's dedication to running Bishamons life shows why his father wanted him to run the salt business
Bishamon issues with past shinki totally aren't going to cause issues
Hiyori mentoring yukine
Kuraha is my fav of Bishamons shinki
Daikoku having 50 heart attacks during Bishamons visit
Kofuku can be scary sometimes
Daikoku is the biggest simp and I agree
Bishamon is an even bigger soft touch than Yato when it comes to humans
Chapter 14
'Once untied a bond cant be mended' HA
Bishamon queen of bottling it up
Foreshadowing of her not noticing a shinki in trouble
Yato telling Hiyori to leave him alone then replying to her tweets and following her around
'Will I forget them someday too' HA
Yukine finds a friend. ..
Not Yato taking Yukine's money and framing it as a lesson
The look on Suzuha's face that Tomoko never remembers him jsbdnd
'Smile you don't want to hurt your master' baby it don't work like that
'When did Yukine become our son' Daikoku you've always been a daddy what
Seeing the little home they've made at Kofuku’s place
'Hiyori will grow up and be what she wants to be' not u tho lol
'I never thought I'd never even be one of her memories' KILLING MYSELF!!
Sakura overtones: 1
Kuguha needs to choke on a dick
Lol remember how violent Suzuha's death was in the anime and we don't even see it in the manga
ALSO that whole scene shadowed by Yukine saying how he made a new friend and is invited to picnic javdvbd
Chapter 15
Kuguha's plan to reincarnate Bishamon here we go
How long since Suzuha died that the flowers wilted and Bishamon noticed
'Yato said have fun and be careful treating me like a kid' papagami
'I won't forget' Hiyori you will
Yato tweeting from the bushes still following her
'Idk if you like each other or hate each other' it's very clear Yato likes her early on and Hiyori gets feelings later I want to die
Bishamon's Aiha armour is such a serve
Blight begins showing on Bishamon aha
'Who in their right mind would ever follow her around' you would Yato, multiple times
Father's first mention
The fact so many shinki look guilty of blight shows the state of the house
Kinuha checking Kuguha's dong during inspection
'Can the likes of a god really save us' WELL HE DID SO
Yato beating Kuguha with a stick is the mood
Chapter 16
'I'm not going to disappear not as long as there's one person who never forgets me' there is hope! (There isn't <3)
Hiyoru picking up meat buns for them
Yato in the trashcan following Hiyori again ft umbrella scene I'm so sad
Hiyori promising to visit every day
'I promise I won't forget' I wish I had certain emojis to convey the mood I feel
Yato back in the trashcan
'That lie of yours better be true' Rip Yato death by garbage truck
Broken window from Daikoku hitting Yato and chasing him to the roof
'Everything will be alright as long as I remember them' WILL YOU
Oh the DRAMA of the whole Yukine vs Bishamon monologue
Oh Suzuha really didn't defend himself I hate this
Chapter 17
We're 16 chapters in and Hiyori is already his weakness
Kofuku asking if Kazuma will go stray right over a panel of yato aha foreshadowing
Yato not leaving Kofuku's to hide because of Hiyori
Yatori height difference I need to keep an eye on how it changes
Hiyori was so active in fight scenes compared to now I miss her
Chapter 18
I'm such a slut for a kidnapping plot
Moans at Yato's angry face
'If you stay in in that form for too long you will die' AHA
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 4
Devastating the hot guy you know is a mass murderer
The image of Kazubisha taking on young shinki making a new family
Yukine instantly assuming it's his fault Hiyori got taken I hate this
'Why won't you grant her wish' blushing Yato he's so down
Tenjins deal for Yato to cut Hiyori's ties
I wonder when Yato first went to heaven, would this have been it
The fucking sexual tension of Yato and Bishamon wanting to gut each other
Chapter 19
The fight scenes always go so hard
'Protect me' *5 mins later* not like that!
'Where's Hiyori?!' I'm passing away
Kazuma's willingness to be cut down if it saves Bishamon
Chapter 20
How absolutely devasting it would've been to be reading Noragami when Yukine got shattered and you had to wait a month to see what happened I say as if I've not sat through multiple cliffhangers and 2 hiatuses
Yukine becoming a blessed vessel makes me so sad
Bishamon still standing after the blight and fighting she really is girl gone wild
Shinki can ignore their call so the fact Kinuha went was probably more of a confirmed response, not that she would deny Bishamon anyway
Blighted Bishamon is so op I wanna see it again
Chapter 21
Hiyori coming to stop the fight because she knows she's the reason Yato came
Yato zoning out to kill Bishamon when Hiyori stops him
The shinki deaths are so graphic and Bishmaon has just lost it at this point
Chapter 22
Kazuma telling Bishamon the truth of the Ma Clan and solving hundreds of years worth of drama
Tbf Bishamon needed the reality check about her shinki, she's kind to a fault and that was what killed both clans
Bsihamon recalling how Kuguha used to teach the children he manipulated, once again he can choke on a dick
Yato taking responsibility wanting to kill the masked ayakashi because it has to do with Nora and by extension Father
The imagery of Kuguha falling from heaven
Hiyori gently holding Yato back I'm so fucking emo
The family reunion when they get back to Tenjin's I'm eating glass inconsolably
'You found your one irreplaceable someone' I hate this they don't know about Yukine arc!!!!!!
Completely forgot about Tenjin's deal lol
Eating glass at the infinity loop around Yato and Hiyori if I see it in the final chapter I'm ending it
'I will do what must be done' bitch if he does it in the final chapter I'm!!!!!
Chapter 23
'Why does my chest hurt like this?' For the forshadowing? That I die??
Kazuma and Touma having a sibling relationship and how she was killed whilst he watched ahhhh
Flashback time
Touma is such a nerd
Kuraha in a cone even though he's in human form lol
The exchange diary is a cute idea and apparently works
Humans are allowed to make mistakes <3
Adachitoka is such a tease we know Hiyori still has ties
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savepc2023 · 1 year
You asked for crumbs of my boyo, time for me to ask back. CAN WE GET SOME BACKSTORY OR FUN FACTS ON BRYNN? This odd pretty boy. I need to know him.
Also, for funsies. Which one of your PCs do you think would most likely end up in prison? Which one would most likely get kidnapped? Which one would most likely become a parent (becoming a parental figure works too)?
Most likely to end up in prison:
.. Angel😼‍💹 She mostly stays away from stealing people's stuff(unless they were trying to rape him, then they don't feel bad anymore and just steal everything they can), but he'd most likely go to prison because of.............drum roll pls............✹violence✹. Angel is a rather emotional character, unlike my other PCs. She sees something wrong being done and he will step in, and to a much higher degree.....beat the shit out of you.
They're lucky she hasn't gone to prison yet.
Most likely to get kidnapped:
Brynn. Now Angel's the one to get canonically kidnapped, but if we push that aside then Brynn. He's famous. Really famous. And really pretty, too. So here's the thing, his fame as a model outweighs his sex fame, but even the model photoshoots are mostly lewd so like.yeah. so for other folk in the town, it's like bumping into your favourite porn star in the streets or smth while rumours that they'll suck you off if you give them a 100 are drifting in the air.💀💀💀 Some sick mf might be a 'fan' or smth and want to keep him to themself. And unlike Caelan(huge body type + can smack you reall hard) and Angel(will beat your ass and steal your belt), Brynn is very physically weak. So it would be an easy kidnapping, too.
Most likely to become a parental figure:
First I was thinking Caelan but then I was like nah that's too obvious, then I thought Angel. But Angel has more of a big sibling aura so we're going with Caelan. They're really calm, collected and mature. And most importantly: they scare off potential creeps with just a glare. It'd be comforting for the other orphans to have someone like that with them, it's almost like they have a nice Bailey that won't sell them at the drop of a hat. They also give good advice and hugs, so. Catch them wrapping up presents for every orphan three months before Christmas.
Now for more stuff about Brynn:
Sometimes he does stuff only for the aesthetic. Like he pretends he looooooooooooves strawberries but he actually hates how tart they are. He feels the need to keep up the 'UwU femboy' image
He wants to dye his hair at some point. He's asked Niki about it before during a shoot but Niki just went 'do whatever you want'
On the topic of Niki, Brynn probably talks to him the most. Well he's the person he says the most words to in a row. Normally Brynn likes to keep himself busy in stuff, and even if he isn't he's fidgeting with his sleeves. Can't do any of that for three whole hours while on the job so. He just asks Niki random shit and Niki responds either with a hum or a short sentence.
He's thought about using kaomojis during text, they're cute and stuff. But he has no patience for that so no kaomojis😔 he's dry af btw.
But you know what's not dry?........THAT PENI-
Brynn's been fucking in the streets in exchange for money for a long time. Way before the in game stuff happens. Yk how when you first walk out of the orphanage you're immediately attacked then a rando gives you a pepper spray? Yeah that was the day he decided he wanted to dress up a bit. He's always been more attracted to feminine stuff but too shy to go through with it. So yeah, he got out in a skirt and he... Made more money with it. Like judt in general the money he was being paid increased. So he went lol profit and kept doing it. But....he really didn't like it when they called him a girl and then were surprised when he had a pp and maybe even degraded him for it. So now he avoids doing anything to his face or hair, so he's like. Evidently a boy in a dress/skirt.
Another orphan works at the brothel, and told Brynn that he could earn more by working there too. Brynn didn't think for even a moment, he refused instant lmao. The work environment there and the lack of security is gonna scare him off.
He likes bananas
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izzythehutt · 2 years
hey, i was wondering how you were hoping kreese’s arc goes in s6 in regards to his relationships with johnny and tory. i love reading your cobra kai metas and would love to hear your thoughts on this!
There's like........what I want, what Martin Kove, insane John Kreese actor/apologist wants, and what we can reasonably expect the Big Three to actually give us, given what they've alluded to in interviews about where we left the characters at the end of S5. These are all kind of different things, though.
I think we've officially left that character in the darkest place he's ever been, because he's un-tethered from any pretense of following rules (he's a fugitive) and he "hates everyone" (per Josh Heald.) Up until now Kreese has always operated within a system, part of his whole game is hiding his ruthless, Darwinian nature under a veneer of respectability—playing up the retired Vietnam vet who just wants to help kids shtick. No more! He's faked his own death and assaulted people to escape from jail. This is full-on, willing to kill Captain Turner to survive Kreese. I fully expect their to be some guerilla warfare motif in S6 with how he operates from the shadows.
Season 5 kind of played with him realizing his mistakes and the ways he's hurt people but also dismissed the notion of him changing his ways and reaffirmed him as the Big Bad of this universe (even worse than Terry, because he can do what he does without the benefit of money or power.)
So, I see him starting S6 as the most menacing version of himself. I fully expect him to go full-on Hannibal Lecter, weird creepy phone calls to Johnny, showing up at Terry's place like a slasher film villain, etc. I really hope that Thomas Ian Griffith decides to come back for S6 because I feel like the Kreese and Terry relationship is one of the major unresolved plot threads of the show (and the fact that they had no scenes together in S5 felt like they were saving that confrontation for S6.) I would like Kreese to get a giant "I told you so" speech to Silver. He earned that. And then idk, they fight to the death over a snake pit.
As far as Johnny goes...well, I think in Martin Kove's perfect world Kreese would straight up kidnap him until he agreed to come back to Cobra Kai, lol. TB3 basically said that Kreese feels rejected by Johnny, someone he's always held out hope of reconciling with, so I expect some lashing out....though I do wonder if it will be directly or if he'll redirect his anger at someone like, say, Daniel—because it would be easy to blame Larusso since Kreese hates him anyway and blames him for their relationship going south in the first place.
I honestly believe that Kreese's ideal endgame would be dying at Johnny's hand, tbh. I think doesn't want to hurt Johnny, but he wants Johnny to be "tough" and to affirm the rightness of the CK ideology and carry it on. So while I've never really thought that him "attacking" Johnny directly would be an in-character thing for him to do, I could see some provocation (particularly if S6 is the last.)
We're definitely not going to see a "reconciliation" between them, but I do think Johnny has been in denial about the effect of the relationship on his life and the degree to which he's still deeply wounded by it. I think Kreese is kind of his last "monster" he has to slay—that is, coming to terms with that relationship and eventually forgiving him. And idk, maybe Kreese gets a Vader death. I would be down for him going out like a champ, like body slamming Terry into a snake pit because he's about to kill Johnny or something cray cray like that.
(Sidenote—I can't wait for Kreese to find out about the Lawrence Baby and be super weird about it.)
As for Tory...that's a big question I'm on the fence about. A lot of people think she's "done" with CK/Kreese after her awful experiences in S5, which would make sense, but also seems unlikely because at this point her character is his character's only major link to the younger cast. I could see her attempting to be the voice of reason with him if he gives her some of his weird fugitive Hannibal calls (maybe suggesting he turn himself in?) Obviously Robby won't want her to have anything to do with him, but Tory, for all she felt disillusioned with him "giving up" on their plan in S5, is a very loyal kid, and I would like to see her having some mixed feelings about him or a conflict around that relationship. Kreese kind of let her go at the end of S5, so maybe he'll try to stay away. If he gets CK back he's going to want her back as a student, though.
I think the set-up for Kreese and Sensei Kim reconnecting and forming the latest iteration of CK was a pretty obvious foreshadow, so I assume they'll do something with that. It could be interesting to see him work with a woman. If the Sekai Takai is at the end of S6 then I expect it to be in some country without extradition laws to the US so Kreese can emerge from the shadows again to menace our heroes.
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freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
#took myself out for like 3 hrs today 😔#was going to go to this hort club work party to hang at the greenhouses & get scholarship hours but idk i didnt really feel like it after i#got a cramp just as i was about to leave#so i went to a nearby thrift shop & got a shirt hat & pair of socks#then to another thrift shop near campus & like the greek housing & got some earings socks again & a flannel#and most of that will be used for my internship#all of that cost a little over $10 total hehehe#and then i walked to campus to get some cash & scan/print my id & stuff for the internship#only to realize that i can't use my printing funds bc my fafsa isnt in yet & ive been charged a late fee & they blocked some stuff.......#which made me soooo happy :)))#but anyways im home now & im gonna have a snack & make dinner & clean & do whatever else that needs to be done later#dl#also...i texted my mom about the fafsa last night to get it out of the way bc my sis wasnt able to find the taxes in my moms apt....bc my#mom isnt organized at all so i did & then did a bunch of things to not think about it#and she called both my sis & i this morning & both of us didnt answer#but i thought she was calling me to like yell at me about the text or something#only for her to message us both in a gc to say that she just needed to know if we were ok but apparently she got a call#saying that one of us had been kidnapped & that they wanted money lol & we were like were ok 😬#but it left us super confused & she just didnt answer after we reassured her like....ok then moving along#now im just waiting to see if she'll send me what i need......#my sis said i shouldve given her monday as the deadline but i didnt want my text to seem so demanding....#all of this is so complicated#i feel lonely lol....like my best friend is here but shes so busy w grad school#and ive spoken w my girls a bit but its not the same.....#felt so shitty about the internship yesterday & i really dont have the will to live#everything makes me feel like giving up
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azucanela · 4 years
pls some headcanons for Bakugou, Shinsou and Shoto when the reader kisses them infront of everyone. Thank you :)
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SUMMARY: in which you and the boys kiss in public, and now everyone is screaming. oh no.
WARNING: season three spoliers, insecurities, arguments,
A/N: i wanted to do scenarios bc this was too good ugh thank YOU for requesting this 
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you two are already dating but you keep it on the down low because its Katsuki and he’s like ew people knowing i have feelings other than anger? ew ew ew
you’re fine with it, but if he thinks its bothering you he’ll talk to you about it and smother you with affection, but he’ll act like its nothing
wants to rub it in his faces that you are his girlfriend, yes, but also he doesn’t want the teasing that comes with it. he knows for a fact that all his friends would bully him because he is SOFT FOR YOUUU and he’s also just a generally private person
you respect this and like it’s fine woo yeah okay it’s nice being the only one that sees the side of him that’s all soft and cute and affectionate
i can’t really see the two of you slipping up unless it’s influenced by a lot of emotions
where do these emotions come from? you might ask
his kidnapping.
you were a mess, but it was lowkey, real lowkey. and unlike the others you do not support trying to save katsuki on their own, trusting the heroes to do their job is the way to go.
so you don’t go with them. the next time you see your lovely boyfriend is when he’s giving kirishima money
so naturally, consumed by all the fear and panic you felt while he was gone, you kiss him!
and he kisses you back and its really soft and oh-
what a shame the whOLE CLASS IS THERE 
everyone is really confused, but they’re happy because they think that the two of you finally addressed the clear tension between the two of you, all it took was a lil kidnapping
except then you pull apart, completely disregarding them, your hands on his face, “baby are you okay?”
you don’t call someone you haven’t kissed before baby
then it clicks for the rest of the class
so much yelling
oh god have fun with that one
the bakusquad is yelling at him for not telling him, the dekusquad is scolding you for not telling them, there’s just a lot of questionable things
katsuki will get SO FLUSTERED because this is not what we wanted
at least the attention was off of his kidnapping now
maybe that was your goal idk 👀
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Katsuki really wished everyone would shut up about his kidnapping, it wasn’t something he wanted to think about right now, or ever if he was honest. So much had happened in the past few days and he was still struggling to process all of it, and the disgustingly warm welcome he’d received to the dorms wasn’t helping. It was gross. 
He’d shoved cash into Kirishima’s hand, rolling his eyes when he began to panic at the possibility that he’d taken it from Denki, shutting down the idea almost immediately.
And then he saw her.
Y/N was shoving past everyone and heading to him, and he couldn’t help the relief he felt when he saw her. Katsuki was grateful she hadn’t been involved in the little escape plan Deku had hatched out, but seeing her made him feel calmer than even as she practically tackled him, hands coming to his cheeks as she brought him into a kiss.
Their lips molded together perfectly, his hands coming to her sides and holding her like he’d never let go as her hands gripped his face rather harshly. It would have been the perfect moment, had the rest of his class not been there. 
Y/N seemed to disregard this as she pulled apart, eyes darting across his figure as his brows furrowed at her clear distress. “Calm down, idiot.” His cheeks are turning red as he realizes that everyone is staring, but he can’t help but focus his attention on her as he feels a wave of relaxation wash over him as she begins to run her hands all over him in search of injuries.
“Oh, I’m sorry, for caring about your wellbeing.” She grumbled, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso when her hands left his face. “Baby, you scared me.” His arms wrapped around her shoulders securely, as he rolled his eyes, though Katsuki wouldn’t deny he was appreciating all the attention she was giving him, he was beginning to feel embarrassed as he allowed her to hold onto him.
As if the kiss hadn’t been enough to astonish the rest of their class, the pet name simply amplified their shocked as they all cried out, “baby?” Kirishima had exchanged looks with Mina, who looked equally confused before returning their gaze to Katsuki, a look of betrayal evident on both their faces.
Stupid barbarians. “SHUT UP EXTRAS!” Katsuki exclaimed, holding Y/N tighter to his chest as his cheeks flushed red, he could hear her laugh against his chest. “Can’t a guy hug his girlfriend in peace.” 
He was grateful for the subject change, though he didn’t appreciate the fact that his relationship had been exposed, until he looked back to Y/N, who beamed at him. 
If she was happy then it was fine he supposed. 
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this one will probably have the funniest reaction
you did not just kiss him, in front of all these people, was that a joke?
i think he’s the only one you wouldn’t already be in a relationship with, purely because this is just 10x funnier
so ever since the two of you first started hanging, there have been people criticizing you for befriending him at all, because of his quirk, they just cannot believe that the Y/N L/N is hanging out with Shinsou Hitoshi
but also, ever since the two of you started hanging out, the bullying has lessened immensely, most because you threatened everyone it was really subtle, but they got the message
nobody screws with Y/N L/N
anyways, you two are probably hanging out again, and it’s been a while since you got one of those comments, which is the main reason this one sets you off.
“quit hanging out with that freak L/N, he’s gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.” 
shinsou was used to this, and your violent reactions, so he immediately brought a hand to your arm to ensure you didn’t commit a murder, shaking his head at you
you turn back to him, and you’re lowkey glaring at him before turning your piercing eyes back to the other guys
and without breaking eye contact with them, you grab Shinsou’s face, earning stares from everywhere in the cafeteria, and then kiss him
shinsou is shocked
you killed him.
he did not anticipate this um, you kinda caught him by surprise with this one, he genuinely did not think it was possible for you to feel this way for him
when you pull away, the kiss is almost like magic
you don’t mess with Y/N’s friends, much less their boyfriend
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When Y/N beams up at Shinsou, he can’t help the way his heart skips a beat. It’s ridiculous, he knows this, and he hates that he can’t prevent it. Shinsou is no fool, he knows Y/N L/N, a UA student that could potentially be a member of the Top Ten heroes in the future, would never like him. He wouldn’t be shocked if she befriended him entirely out of pity, given how students used to treat him prior to their unlikely friendship. Sheïżœïżœïżœd weaseled her way into his life, despite his attempts to avoid her, ignore her, and even tell her off, she’d stuck around. 
And yes, Shinsou had made the mistake of liking her. On days like this, he’d entertain the possibility that Y/N liked him back, because sometimes she hugged him for longer than average friends did, or maybe she’d press a kiss to his cheek, or even hold his hands.
That was probably just something best friends did.
“Hitoshi! Don’t you know what this means?” She exclaimed, hands finding their way onto his shoulders in the middle of the cafeteria.
Yes, she used his first name.
Shinsou rolled his eyes, trying to keep himself from getting flustered purely because her hands were on him, “Y/N it’s not a big deal, and besides-”
“We’re going to be in the same class!” Her hands move from his shoulders to around them as she pulls him into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”
He’s shocked that she’s saying these things, and its clear she has more confidence in him than he does. Aizawa had offered him daily training to get him onto the same level as the other Class 1-A students, and he’d be joining them the next semester, assuming everything went well. “It’s no guarantee.” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around her torso.
Shinsou felt Y/N swat his back as she pulled away slightly, much to his dismay, “you’re so talented! Of course, he’s gonna let you in.” 
She sounded so sure, and Shinsou felt his heart swell with pride. 
He moves to speak, only to be interrupted by a passerby, “L/N. Come on, quit hanging out with that freak.” Y/N recognized him, James, he’d bothered Shinsou before, and he’d tried to get Y/N to stop hanging out with Shinsou and been unsuccessful. “He’s just gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.”
Y/N pulls away slightly from Shinsou, her brows are furrowed as she moves to confront him, only for Shinsou to grab her arm, shaking his head. “Don’t.”
Turning to glare at the guy, Y/N scoffed, “is this because I rejected you?” 
“He asked you out?” Shinsou asked, but Y/N gave him a look that said they’d discuss it later. She could remember the day vividly, he’d asked shortly after she returned from hanging out with Shinsou, telling her she could do so much better, and so much better meant him. 
She disagreed. And now Y/N couldn’t help but feel bothered as their argument begins to draw attention from others within the cafeteria, she can see in the corner of her eye that Izuku has come to a stand. Though Iida is grasping his shoulder to try and prevent him from doing anything irrational, they all knew Y/N could stand on her own. 
James scoffed at her words, “you probably rejected me because he made you.” The implications were dark, the idea that Shinsou had forced Y/N to befriend him and reject James, though he’d never used his quirk on her and swore he never would. 
Shinsou found himself releasing Y/N’s arm, taking a step backwards as he sighed, only for her to grab his hand and yank him closer before taking his face in her hands and kissing him.
She was kissing him.
Shinsou’s mind empties as Y/N pulls away, turning back to James as she says, “my boyfriend doesn’t need to make me do anything.” And the boy practically stomps off in frustration, grumbling about Shinsou’s stupid quirk or something of that sort. Not that either of them are paying attention as Y/n brings a hand to the back of her neck awkwardly, searching her mind for an explanation.
“Boyfriend?” His voice is soft, small, and he knows there are other people in the cafeteria but he can’t bring himself to care about their stares. 
Y/N turns to him, and she feels her cheeks warm as she tries to avoid his eyes, “well. Only if you want to-”
“I want to.” Shinsou replies too quickly, his cheeks flushing.
Y/N nods, “cool.” 
Izuku can’t help but beam as he watches the interaction, hitting Iida’s arm repetitvely as as he exclaims, “does this mean I’ll be able to study his quirk more?”
Tsu just sighs, “this means we don’t have to listen to her pining anymore.” 
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probably the most relaxed about it, not flustered at all, you tried thoughh
your relationship isn’t really a secret, it’s just that neither of you are that into PDA. 
there will be occasional cuddling on the common room couch of the dorms during movie night, but that’s seen as normal to the rest of Class 1-A. during dates, there will be hand holding, a kiss on the cheek, an arm around the shoulder, otherwise most of the intimacy is reserved for your rooms
this lack of PDA is why class 1-A was completely unaware that the two of you were dating, 
though you hadn’t tried to hide it, you also hadn’t made it entirely public, you also lowkey thought everyone knew.
mostly because it was so blatantly obvious that shoto was in love with you, but the entire class thought he was unaware of his own feelings and you were just oblivious 
oh how wrong they were
you come into class one day and you see shoto and you’re just like lol hi babe and you kiss him, he kisses back, LIKE IT IS THE MOST NORMAL THING
he’s temporarily caught off guard because like i said you two don’t really do PDA, but he digs it, 10/10 would kiss you again in front of everyone, mostly because after all of the CHAOS that this kiss causes, the other boys in the class stop blatantly flirting with you
speaking of chaos
the class erupts into PURE CHAOS
so much yelling and screaming, they are so confused, have fun explaining that one
shoto is equally confused as to why they are confused and you’re just laughing because you knew this would mess with their heads. he ends up getting a little flustered by all the sudden attention the two of you are getting, but maintains his apathetic attitude.
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Shoto places his bag beside his desk before pulling his things out one by one to place them onto the desk along with the small cup of coffee. Shoto wasn’t really the coffee type himself, he preferred tea, Y/N on the other hand had an obsession if he was honest. Of course, he enabled this obsession, he liked being the one to bring a smile onto her face. 
Yeah, he was whipped.
He could tell when Y/N entered the room because the atmosphere seemed to change entirely, she seemed to brighten everyone’s mood despite how early it was. Greeting their other classmates, she began to move towards him, seeing that he was holding a cup of coffee, Y/N raised a brow. “You drink coffee now?” She asked as she placed her things down. 
Shaking his head, Shoto extended the hand with the cup of coffee towards him, “it’s for you.” He explained, small smile on his face.
The rest of their classmates watched the interaction, Kirishima punching Kaminari’s arm as he exclaimed, “so manly!”
Bakugou scoffed from beside the both of them, “if he was really manly then maybe he’d actually ask her out.” Crossing his arms, he averts his eyes from the two, finding the class’s obsession with their relationship a tad ridiculous. Though everyone seemed to be at least slightly invested in the potential outcome at this point. 
“Whatever, Bakugo.” Mina says, “L/N has the prettiest boy in class wrapped around her finger- ugh! I want someone to love me like that.” She places her head in her hand, brows furrowing as she stares at the two. Y/N is smiling widely at Shoto, who returns her smile with one of his own. 
And then Y/N kisses him. As though this is an everyday thing. 
Mina practically jumps out her seat, and though Bakugo would never admit it, his mouth gaped open in shock as she cried out, “did you two just kiss?!”
Shoto’s cheeks are red as they pull away, though his face remains apathetic as he looks to the ground and Y/N replies, “can I not kiss my boyfriend?” She tilts her head in confusion, laughing slightly at the outburst and the clear shock in everyone’s faces. 
“Boyfriend?” Hagaruke cried out. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
Y/N’s brows furrows as she looks to the rest of the astonished class, “did you guys seriously not know? I thought we were obvious, I literally call him by his first name-”
“We thought that was because you two were madly in love with each other but neither could confess!” Momo exclaimed suddenly, her cheeks flaming red at her outburst as she slaps a hand over her mouth.
Mina simply nods in agreement, “exactly! But now he’s buying you coffee and-”
Shoto shakes his head in confusion, “I often buy her coffee, normally she finishes it before we get to class.” He looks to Y/N, a small frown on her face, “today she woke up too late for me to walk her to school so I couldn’t give it to her then-”
“You’re so manly, Todoroki!” Kirishima exclaims, though Shoto simply looks at him in confusion as he removes his hand from Y/N’s waist. 
Shrugging, he takes a seat at his desk and Y/N speaks once more, “I just don’t understand how you guys didn’t know.” Standing beside him as he organizes his things while seated, Y/N runs a hand through his hair, and Shoto’s cheeks seemed to redden once more.
“You guys aren’t normally so touchy!” Uraraka has joined the conversation, shock clear in her features. 
Shoto nods in agreement,  “your behavior today is abnormal, Y/N.”
Now Y/N can feel her cheeks warm as she removes her hand and takes a seat t her desk, “you guys are weird.”
Izuku simply sighs, deflating almost as he watches the interaction and leans over towards Iida, “now I owe Kacchan money.” 
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twsttheory · 3 years
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
⚠Spoilers under the cut ⚠
This post includes everything that happened in the first part of the Ignihyde Chapter. Boy did things escalate, and they escalated FAST.
Yuu is shown to have a dream about a scene from Disney’s animated “Hercules”. In the dream, Hades said something along the lines of his job being boring, but Zeus laughed instead.
We then wake up to Ace’s voice, and saw our two buddies by our bedside looking worried (Apparently we called them before passing out).
The two decided to call Crowley over, and we explained everything we had to know including Mickey and Grim consuming suspicious substances.
Crowley said that he will assemble the teachers and dorm leaders to catch Grim and have him expelled, however, Ace and Deuce did not like that idea.
Ace asked us if that is truly what we want. We reply that we would like to settle things with Grim on our own. Thus, the three went to search for Grim.
Grim, however, has already been found and pacified by Ortho, much to Idia’s relief. (Idia stated that it would be a shame if they lost the fluffball hahaha).
The next morning, Vil gathered the VDC members and apologized. He stated that it was because of his overblot that he wasn’t able to give it his all during the performance. 
Deuce and Epel were about to say that they worked hard and deserved the win, but Vil objected, stating that they had no idea about the effort that Neige himself has put. Neige has grown up by himself with the dwarves and did the house chores, a smile on his face despite being exhausted.
Despite their loss, however, Vil still gave them the 5 million madols for their hard work. Kalim wanted to use the money to help renovate ramshackle, and everyone else agreed, except Deuce, who wanted to use the money to help his mom, and Ace who said that he wanted to use the prize money for himself. (Apparently the 4sshole didn’t have obligations to help us 😅).
Just then, a group of robots storm troopered the place, broke ramshackle (again), and fought the kids. Jamil instinctively protected Kalim, and so did Rook with Vil, but despite their efforts, the robots still manage to take Vil and Jamil into their custody.
The first years tried to fight them, but they were all beaten quite badly by the robots and passed out (how dare they hurt the children😡).
Before passing out, though, Ace made an attempt to call Riddle, saw that his dorm leader did not pick up, Kalim and Rook decided that this was a bad situation and that they had to call Malleus.
Riddle, of course, has also been taken. He got jumped in the middle of club activities and threw a fit, leaving the robots no choice but to tase him. Sebek and Silver looked at the swarm of bots in the sky and concluded that the robots were mainly targeting dorm leaders. They then rushed back to protect Malleus.
Leona was captured in the botanical garden. He protected Ruggie and surrendered himself to them, aware that they were part of a serious organization. He told Ruggie to take care of Savanaclaw in his place before leaving. 
Azul was in the board game club with Idia when the robots came in. Idia told Azul to follow them without resisting, or he would get hurt in the process. After taking Azul, one of the robots told Idia that he was to return to the headquarters. Crowley was taken as well, leaving the school in Trein sensei’s care. 
Back in Diasomnia, Sebek and Silver were relieved to see that their young lord was safe. Lilia received a phone call from a worried Kalim, and both he and Malleus teleported to the headmaster’s office, where a bunch of other worried students were. Trey said that Ace and Deuce are in the infirmary (they’ll be fine don’t worry).
Trein sensei explained that the robots were called Charons, part of the STYX organization that studied magical technology and overblots. They are a branch of a company named “Jupiter” and are not affiliated with any government.
The Charons pick up mages who overblotted and brought them to the Isle of Lamentation for research. Malleus added that the guard of the isle of lamentation was someone that everyone in the room knew. 
Meanwhile, the kidnapped people woke up in a dark room. Leona let Riddle use his thighs as a cushion for 3 hours lol. They realized that Idia’s family is LOADED. As in either as rich or richer than Kalim. Thus, they were able to have their own island for research. Riddle was surprised. He thought that Idia just had a similar surname to the Shroud family but didn’t expect him to be THAT Shroud. 
One the door opened, they were lead into a research facility where they saw Idia, not as a student of NRC, but as a acting chief commander of the place.
The end for now.
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lixnininotnay · 3 years
Hey do u think you could just do some yan hank x reader :) thank u :)
Hello, and thank you for being the first one to send me a request! And sorry for making you wait for so long, first I thought doing a few headcanons, but soon my ideia became an one-shot, and then it turned out in a full story (sort of, lol). Let's start this tragedy! I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: this story contains a lot murder, description of death, blood, emotional, psychological and physical abuse, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships and behavior, yandere, obsession and others topics. It's not recommended to read it if you are uncomfortable with any of those.
P.s.: if I forgot to put some warning or if you spot any grammatical error, please tell me! I would be thankful.
All the mistakes you made (A Yandere!Hank x reader story)
Chapter I. - Your first mistake.
You kicked and squirmed against the man who held you in a grip that felt like steel, but even though you were giving it your all, your resistance was showing no result. In fact, it looked to him like you were just a rag doll that he was carrying on his shoulder, but it was also because you were weak and heavily injured.
"Let me go, your fucking bastard!" You hissed. No answer. He just continued walking stilly, like if it was the most ordinary thing that ever happened.
But to be truthful, that wasn't the most eccentric thing he'd ever done. Hank was famous for causing large-scale massacres, but you didn't believe in it before, after all, how could a single person destroy entire units by himself and without leaving any witnesses?
You thought it was all a farce, that in reality it was a group that was after all this killing, and they pretended to be only one person to strike fear so nobody would try to counter them. So you ended up accepting the mission to go after that guy called "Hank" in order to investigate further and see if your theory was correct, you were curious to see the truth. That was your first mistake. You were in an arsenal of the A.A.H.W. with other mercenaries and agency members, they apparently managed to locate approximately where his base is and planned to attack in a large number, and they also talked about the possiblity of having a pizza party that might happen after, but you didn't mind too much.
While everyone was getting ready and arming themselves to the teeth, you could hear an explosion noise, followed by gunfire and screams filled of agony. Everything happened so fast that you couldn't ratiocinate correctly.
You quickly obeyed your senses and threw yourself behind a pillar, thus protecting yourself from the barrage of gunfire that followed right after, that covered the entire room in red and yellow. After everyone realized that the enemy had finally run out of ammo, the ones who survived came out of their hiding places and started trying to fight back, but were quickly killed one by one. Picking up an AK-74, you tried to get as far away as possible, knowing that facing danger head-on would be futile.
Going up a staircase and reaching a higher landing, you got behind a container and peeked out to see who the enemies were. As a consequence, taking a fright when realizing that it was just one person, not a group, easily killing several with just a katana in hand. You tried to ignore this fact and focus on the battle, firing and managing to land two shots on him.
Hank rapidly became annoyed, and started to ignore the agents that were going at him and changed his direction to you and the other two snipers who were on your side. For a split second, as he lifted his head to see where the shots were coming from, you could see bloodlust in his eyes, similar to a malicious and hungry animal, it was terrifying.
And then he began to move in a fierce way, brutally slicing anyone on his path to you. You were trying to reload your gun and to back away even more, but he had already gone up the stairs, kicked the closest sniper in the face causing them to hit their head against the wall, instantly killing them. He tried to cut you in half with his katana right away, but you managed to hold the blow using the AK-74 and kicked him in the stomach, pushing him away.
The second sniper tried to shoot him, but Hank managed to ricochet two bullets, hitting them back and in the meantime you bolted behind a wall, he took the gun from the first one he killed, and you started exchanging shots. You got hit twice, once in the shoulder and once in the abdomen, and you ran out of bullets, when he realized that, he went straight towards you and tucked the gun behind his back. You tried to run away, but he had already reached and started to strangle you, he wanted to have the satisfaction of killing you with his bare hands.
You struggled for air, but his grip was stronger, you could see the sadistic urge to kill in him, without showing an ounce of pity.
Just when you thought it was your end, the second soldier shot Hank, before they took their last breath and died in their own blood trail made after they crawled close enough to aim. In the second he momentarily loosened his grip, even though you were still dizzy from the lack of air, you managed to grab the gun from Hank's back after the shot, struck him with it, taking him off you and getting up quickly with the help of the the wall, trying to hold the gun and aim it, shivering from the adrenaline, bruises and out of breath.
"It's over. Just give up already." You demanded.
"You're a really annoying bitch." Hank hissed, still on the floor and with one hand on the left side of his face, where you hit him and cracked the glass of his goggles.
And all of a sudden, just when you thought Hank was finished, he got up, you tried to react but your movements were still slow. He grabbed the gun from your hands, caught you around the neck with his other hand, making you bang your head against the wall and then knocking you to the ground. The impact was so bad that you felt blood seeping from your lips and a tremendous headache, making you whimper in pain. Hank just chuckled at your state.
"Goin' down that easily? You're pathetic." Hank mocked you as he approximated. You tried to creep away but he stepped on your back, stopping you once more. He bent down to look at you closely, your eyes still had the slendor of the desire to fight and survive, an expression on the face from someone that wouldn't give up yet, he loved it. He stopped for a second to think, then continued. "Y'know what? I liked you, just love your type." You tried to process what he told you, but nothing made sense. "I'm keepin' you with me. Stay here." He said as he got off from you, but before shooting one of your legs. What made you scream out loud in pain, the adrenaline of the moment passed causing all the pain to hit you at once, while Hank came down from the platform to kill the rest of the agents, and the A.T.P. soldiers and mags that just arrived.
Everything in you hurts, even breathing, it was hard to relax. You spent a few minutes lying on the floor listening to the gunshots and screams in the background that haunted your ears, sounds that were becoming more muffled as the time passed, and trying to somehow control the pain, however your efforts did not yield results, the burning sensation of your wounds remained and you were struggling to not faint. When your vision started to get blurry, you heard something:
"Hello? Anyone's listening? Hello?" You turned your head to the voice, it was coming from the room that had the radio. "I repeat, anyone's listening?"
Clinging to what you thought was a glimmer of hope, you rise up with difficulty from the ground and began to stumble to the station, almost slipping in your own puddle of blood. After arriving with difficulty in the chamber, you answered. "Yes, (Y/N) talking, it's an emergency." You battled to say, your throat felt like it was on fire.
"What happened?"
"Hank invaded the base, we need units, NOW!" You tried to demand, your voice was still weak.
"It will take some time, we don't have any available next to your location." That irritated you.
"For the fuck sakes, we don't have time--" They hung up, wich made you rage and question if all your efforts were in vain.
You tried to keep your composure, after stopping for a few seconds to calm down, you rummaged around and found some bandages and an adrenaline shot in one of the lockers, which you used to cover the wounds and applied to yourself, now managing to stand up and even walk. And digging a little further you found a knife bag with a knife inside, which you decided to hide in one of your boots, and a pistol that you kept in your hands.
When you left the room, you decided that you were going to run away without anyone noticing, to hell the reward money. Watching your surroundings and hiding behind the containers, you saw that Hank was no longer in sight which made you panic, but you also saw the body of the guy who saved you, you tried to check their pulse, but they were gone.
"Thank you. Rest in peace, my man." You said in respect, while closing their eyes, knowing that if they didn't help, you would be dead. Before getting up and leaving you saw that in their pocket there was a grenade, which you decided to take.
You rushed down the stairs and walked down one of the long corridors for what felt like hours, the place looked like a maze full of corpses, making it obvious that Hank has been through here. Entering and turning in several corridors, trying to remember where is the exit, made you regret to not paying attention and memorize the place, this base was gigantic.
Hearing heavy footsteps approaching you, you entered a room that looked like a dormitory and hid under a bunk bed, carrying the pistol. You heard the door open again.
"You really don't obey when someone says to, do you?" You can feel the irritation in his speech, sounded like Hank was searching for you for some time already.
He began looking around the room for you, kicking and knocking over some furniture in the process, you started crawling under the beds trying to make as much silence as possible and get next to the door. For a moment he stopped and was silent, a sudden movement that made you uneasy. He was trying to hear you. After what seemed an eternity of silence, he turned his head towards the bed you were hiding underneath.
Fuck it.
You abruptly ran to the door for your life, and before he could do anything, you took aim and started shooting towards him to keep your distance and threw the grenade at him, closing the entrance as you left. Even though, he protected himself with using the beds, leaving no major injuries on him, it really took him by surprise. Hank didn't expect that you could do all of this for your bruises, you sure were an interesting person. Now he really wants you.
You sprinted as fast as you could, your movements becoming more clumsy as the pain returned, but it didn't stop you. Finally finding the exit, you spotted a vehicle that could easily get in and hot-wire it, but wasn't able to, despair making it even harder. In this short meantime, you felt a pair of hands pulling you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you out of the vehicle.
"You really know how to get under my skin." he admitted, both out of admiration and irritation in a threatening way, looking directly in your eyes. And he threw you over his shoulder, hurting you and making you drop your pistol in the process. He couldn't be gentle even if his life depended on it. "I'd have drive us both to the base, but you are such a fucking annoyance that makes it impossible." And then he started walking with you on his shoulder.
What he said made you shiver, what was he planning to do with you? You started to struggle, waiting for him to let go of you, but he just held you tighter. You soon ran out of strength and gave up, getting more tired and weaker by every minute, all this agitation was too much for you, so eventually, you end up passing out from exhaustion.
Hank still couldn't figure out what he found so fascinating about you, maybe because you, a nobody, managed to survive him for so long, few did, or because of your determination and how you surprised him, or even the way you looked at him, he loved to see that mixture of fear, hate and will to live in your face, it was so intriguing.
Whatever it was, he wouldn't be worrying and questioning himself nonstop right now, he didn't need to. Because he would have all the time he wanted to discover now.
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Hey! It’s Fox again! How are you doing? I just started school back up today, so I’ve been busy Xp.
Think you would be cool with writing some Pico with an s/o who is a writer, and tends to ask him about things like “hey, how long does it take someone to bleed out” or other things like that?
I understand if you don’t feel like it, and I hope you’re having fun 😊
Hello again Fox, I'm doing quite well rn. I'm cool with your prompt, especially since I need more writing material anyways.
Took me a while, because I didn't want to do a hc, but rather come up with a oneshot with a little twist to the style. Well, hope it works well.
Good luck with school, mate!
TW: Mentions of violence, swearing, slight sexual reference, and crime.
Pico with a writer S/O who asks him strange questions
On a chilly autumn morning, you were sitting out on your patio with a laptop and a mug of your favourite beverage next to you. Whenever you looked up, you could see the warm coloured leaves fall as the breeze accompanied you. The whole scene was an aesthetic.
When your boyfriend, Pico, came outside to see this, he knew that the nice environment you surrounded yourself with meant one thing. "You're back in your writing space already. Heh, with that bestseller you published, I thought you were comfy taking a break." You simply smiled and said, "can't waste the inspiration rush I got right now."
Pico had a good point though, with your rising popularity as an author, you were near set to retire before turning fourty. But you wish you weren't given all of the credit, since your boyfriend's stories of his dodgy job has occasionally sparked some ideas for your stories. However the books you wrote in the past were usually meant for the young adult and had few mature themes. This time, you thought maybe it's time to garner extra inspiration from those stories.
You were met with some disappointment when you realised that your mug was empty, only a drop entering your mouth. "Here, babe, I'll ya some more," Pico said, taking your mug and walking inside. "Quick question," you stopped him. "Yeah?"
"What would be the best place for a murder cemetery?"
"... What?"
Chapter 1:
"So you're doing some story about the police hunting down a mass murderer?"
"Pretty much."
"And to think you were gonna write Pixar's next script. Aight' I respect that." Pico takes a seat next to you with a refill of your drink placed next to your favourite writing laptop. "Thanks, Pico. But yeah, I want to branch out to something edgier, and I think you can help too."
"Let me show you what I've got so far." You showed him some of your notes in a little notepad document, detailing the story thus far and your current plans for this chapter. "Oh, that's it? Just looks like boring police preparation mainly," Pico commented. "Yeah, it's not much right now. But it'll get juicy later." "And bloody?" "And bloody."
"Welp, I'm gonna head back in," Pico got up, "let me know if you need anything." He head back inside, closing the door, but then opened it almost immediately afterwards. Pico stuck his head out, "by the way, the guy should use some strong alcohol or something to throw off those sniffer dogs."
Chapter 2:
"And then, because they used a silencer, the police don't immediately notice the--"
"Nope! I'm calling bullshit (Y/N)!" Pico had suddenly interrupted your explanation of the scene you were currently working on. "Silencers can help prevent some hearing loss, sure, but they're not magic."
"Alright," you reply, "no silencer, but the killer still has to kill in a way to not get blood on them, so I thought shooting and killing them from a distance would work." "Well, they're alone. Instead, have the guy get shanked in the neck or something, and have the killer use a plastic bag as a glove. It saved my ass one time."
"Woah!" you exclaimed with a giggle, "you used a knife once? What happened to my trigger happy boyfriend, huh? That's pretty sus."
"I forgot to reload the Uzis, alright?"
"What an impostor would say."
Chapter 3:
"What would be the best way to muffle the scream of someone you kidnapped?"
You two were sitting on the couch together watching a show. You didn't have your laptop on you, so Pico didn't expect you to still be thinking about that book. "I can't say from experience, really," he said as he paused the show. "However, shove a rag in their mouth and duct tape it in, and you should be good."
"Thanks Pico, also one more thing." "Yeah?" "What if our killer also wanted to..." God, this one was gonna be awkward, but you had to say it or else no help. "You know, cut off this victim's willy. How would you do that?"
"Wai-wha-uh-ga," Pico started fumbling his words like never before. He stopped, then took a deep breath. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK?!" "It'll make sense in the story later, I promise!" You watch Pico begin to lose it, breaking into laughter. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others," Pico dramatically stood up, pulling a little Showcaster impression and directing his arms towards you, "my famous 'young' adult novelist partner!"
Chapter 4:
It was in the dead of night, but you awoke to Pico on his phone. His vpn was on and Tor was up. As per usual, he was checking up on his little hitman service, where others could request for a certain someone's guts to fly if they paid him a hefty sum first. Though tired, you ound this to be the best time to ask him some more questions.
"Pico, how do those sites work?"
"Oh, you're awake," Pico blankly stated, sleepy too. But he still answered you. "Basically, some anonymous rich guys in the area give me money and a target, then I just do the thing and send a mission accomplished email." "Do they pay you in person?" "Nah, we use always use Bitcoin. It's a lot harder to trace than real money."
"Thanks Pico. Goodnight," you wish him, yawning and going back to sleep. "You too... So this guy is a hit man too?" "Hush. Tomorrow." "Okay." Pico puts his phone away, leaving it on a nightstand. You then spoon the night away, peacefully thinking of murder as you drifted off.
Chapter 5:
On a morning similar to before, you two sat on the patio with your drinks and laptop at the ready. Pico watched rather awkwardly as you typed away, wondering why you haven't entertained him with another question yet.
"You gonna ask anything else?" "What? Oh, nah," you plainly state. Inevitable, sure, but he was kind of saddened. He liked being able to share his messed up wisdom. "So, you're done?" "Almost." You turn to look at him, "want the spoilers?" Pico smiled, "sure thing."
In the novella you and Pico crafted together, the main character is a cop who hunts down a killer. They eventually notice that there would be two murders at a time for unknown reasons. Well, it was unknown until one victim had left up a dark web hit man for hire site. They that the hit man not only kills the target, but the client as a hidden price for the service.
And any request will be fulfilled, according to the hit man's site.
"Do they catch 'em?" Pico asked. "Well, ANY request is granted. So, if our hero were to... hire him to kill himself..."
"No way!"
"He did. They find both of their bodies in his bedroom."
Pico was a bit impressed with the ending you came up with, but then he remembered something. "Why did that guy get his thing cut off?" "Lol, I forgot," you giggled. "He sent a message to the hit man, saying he wishes the target would choke on his dick."
"That's my favourite part."
After everything was finished up, you sent the book off to your editor. After the initial joy of knowing how the story ended, you saw that Pico was still in thought. "What's up with you?" "Oh nothing, well it's just... I'm probably just biased, being that I'm a bit of a hitman myself, but it's kind of sad to see the guy go."
"Then I should spoil the epilogue I came up with." Rather than being excited, Pico nervously asked, "what's an epilogue?" He didn't get an answer, only you staring at him. "Sorry, school held too many bad memories for me to pay attention."
"Anyways," you continue, "the rest of the police gang did some background checks, and find that our killer was a normal guy with no criminal history."
"No. But I did decide to take a more supernatural approach here. Somewhere across the country, another string of double homicides occur and that site is active once more. And the story kind of repeats itself."
"You joker," you give him a playful little kiss on the cheek, one that definitely caught him off guard. "So is it canon?" Pico smirked. "Nah, just thanking you for being my cute little co-author." "Oh," Pico started, "so we're flirtin' now, huh. Come here babe!" He tackled you onto the ground, giving you several kisses in exchange.
"Actually, I think we call that 'making out'," you chuckle out, flustered. "But that doesn't mean I said stop'!" You pull him in for more, accidentally bonking your heads together rather painfully. "Nice double kill there, (Y/N)."
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