#and then i'll have a solid idea of where im going with it. bc the start depends heavily on the end of trimax
orcelito · 1 year
OK I do have that idea for a trigun longfic. And it is almost exclusively trimax inspired lol
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camzverse · 1 month
Howdy!! I really like ur spider duo AU, I have some questions!!
1. What are Spider-Van and Spidey's power sets, and do they have any extra special abilities other than their spider powers?
2. How did Vanessa and Gregory first meet? Must have been a chaotic story.
3.  I'll be blunt with this one but, does Gregory have alive parents or is he an orphan/foster kid? 💀💀 also, does he live with Vanessa?
4. Does Cassie know/met Roxanne in person?
5. Bc Roxy doesn't know she's a werewolf bc of memory loss, how does she cope with the massive gaps in her memory when she goes back to normal?
6. What does the media think of Spider-Van and Spidey? Which comes to my personal favorite question, have either of them been cancelled for something stupid?
7. Does Fazcorp want to capture Ness and Greg or do they not care abt them being spider-people?
ok so their powers are mostly the same but there are some discrepanciesss. spider-van doesnt have wall-crawling (since the spider that bit her was an early prototype it lacked that ability) and spidey only got somewhat increased strength rather than super strength. they both have organic webbing, spider sense, increased agility and balance, ykyk. i think thats everything ? also i was thinking of giving spidey the venom strike power (aka miles morales' electricity thing) but idk idk. and as for any other special abilities, cant really think of any.. ^_^;
storytimeee :3 so it happened the day after gregory got bit. so like his powers just kicked in today and he has no idea wtf is happening. and it was on a school day so hell broke loose a bit. anyway he runs out of school bc hes in a. kerfuffle. to say the least. his powers are going haywire hes got various objects stuck to his hands etc yk how it is. so hes walking down the street and unbeknownst to him vanessa (as spider-van rn) is engaged in a fight with some villain. hes waaay too focused and concerned with his own situation to even NOTICE the fight. and like its a pretty big messy fight and at one point van hits the villain and they go crashing down RIGHT at where gregory is. van quickly moves him out of the way (he falls onto the ground though and also the stuff that was stuck to his hands falls off) and is like "woah hey you alright??" and literally as shes finishing her sentence he webs her in the face. Not intentionally. but yeah his powers are still going totally haywire and he accidentally shoots a web RIGHT in her face. he tries to run away bc hes incredibly panicked but she doesnt let him go bc she realizes the material of the web he just flung at her head is identical to that of her webs (prob not a common material so shed recognize it) so shes asking like "how did you do that?" and she kinda grabs his arm bc she assumed he had built some device that can shoot webs like that but thats when they have like a Spidey Sense Thing like in into the spiderverse and she Realizes. more happens after that but yeah thats how they initially met 😋😋
in typical spider-man fashion gregs parents are dead. dead as hell. what shoes they got on in their grave. (/ref) but uhh idk i was thinking he lives with an aunt or smth and id have her die early in the story like how uncle ben dies ykyk. but im not rly solid on that. i just havent thought of a living situation for him in this au that satisfies my brain perfectly.. so take everything i just said with a grain of salt bc its subject to change (except his parents will still be dead that part im solid on)
cassie has met roxanne one time :) she goes to her races a lot but there was one time when she was younger that her dad got like vip tickets or smth that let her actually meet roxy in person
well at first she didnt even notice the gaps in her memory because she had been transforming at nighttime and wouldve been asleep, but soon the transformations started happening earlier and multiple times a day and she was. extremely concerned. about the memory loss. but she was really trying to act as if nothing was wrong bc for all she knew, maybe nothing was wrong . maybe she had just gotten confused. and if something was wrong it could be smth bad for her career or whatever and she did NOT want to risk that so she covered it up/ignored it/hid it yk. she doesnt even know what had happened until she gets apprehended as the "she-wolf" (as shes nicknamed by the press) by spider duo and wakes up in a containment room of a lab that would then try to fix her whole werewolf problem
oh the media LOVES them. or at least the public does. theres still like one newspaper company thats on their asses 24/7 but generally yeah the people are big fans (people actually even sell merch of them in universe its funny. theyve bought some of their own merch too) . and YEAH lmfao they have both been cancelled at least once. spidey moreso than van. like she gets cancelled maybe just one time but hes been cancelled likee 3+ times. its always some crazy ass misunderstanding too like he'll make a harmless goofy comment and people will b like "Oh so he thinks babies should die." like its crazy. or he saves someone and theyre like "what can i do to thank you" and he makes a joke like "can you do my science homework? Lol" and suddenky some rnadom group of parents is trying to cancel him for promoting academic fraud or some shit idk man. but yeah no lmao rvery once in a while some rando starts trying to cancel them. also think it woukd be funny for them to get kinda cancelled like how miles morales did in atsv with like the baby powder or whatever LMAO. its funby. But on a more serious note they technically got cancelled during the glitchtrap/venom arc since they pretty much turned evil and everyone turned on them. took a whiiile to come back from that after ut was over. thats not some stupid silly thing tho so whatevs
at first fazcorp didnt care about capturing or stopping them like at all. they actually cooperated a couple of times before. they were on decent terms. however when freddy shows up things change in the fazcorp-spider duo dynamic.. after freddy goes rogue from fazcorp and is about to be taken down by spider duo, someone from fazcorp shows up to apprehend and take back freddy but van and spidey dont want them to take him back since at this point they know what they built him for and do Not want rhat to continue. so they fight and win but fazcorp is furious theyve interfered with their operations. before they had a 'you dont bother me, i dont bother you, and maybe ill help u too' type of deal but. well that wont work anymore. afterwards fazcorp begins doing things to create more villains and try to take them down. etc etc. so by a later point yeah they do definitely care about capturing them. plus they can study them. but them being spider-people alone wasnt enough for them to try to capture them yk
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!!1!1!1 im so joyous 🤗🤗 i love talking about this au
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radarchives · 1 year
IM SAYING LIKE they served so much cunt with the 2021 halloween fits and we went mostly downhill from there, could we perhaps get your thoughts on the rest of the set too, maybe which were your fav and least fav ones? 🥺👉👈 i could write a whole essay on them tbh i swear im normal about them
the halloween fits truly were everything. with the bunny fits one of the only events where looking at the bottom parts only made me break out in sweats half the time.
i'm not necessarily gonna rate them, but i'll give my thoughts.
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so let's start
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solid outfit. the hat i'm okay with since it doesn't look like it's got a life of its own (hat that shall not be named). the zipper shoes however need to go, the white is not giving and certainly a choice for an almost all black outfit. even in white they'd look way better as dress boots with laces.
also love how they somehow managed to give lucifer even more pieces of clothing than usual, unquestionably a skill.
anyway i can't really complain about the outfit bc the card was drawn by the dilf hair lucifer artist. i forgive all mistakes for that.
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it's giving shady vendor it's giving Dr.Facilier with the colour scheme. maybe a bit questionable that he isn't wearing any socks but. it's the horror outfit so maybe that checks out. i personally would've replaced the tie with a bunch of necklaces and have given the man some damn socks. i'd always give mammon at least 60% more jewelry in general that man should be dripping in it.
for me this one is the least exciting one out of the bunch, but i still like it.
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the jason mask??? the boots?? hands down this is one of the only times i am in love with obey me brand shoes bc these look GOOD (maybe it's just the obey me church stompers trauma talking). love love love the coat and i am also weirdly okay with the brown pants since they match the dried blood on the coat. the gloves are a bit unnecessary though.
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i both love and have my beef with this outfit. when i saw the dress i almost flipped my phone because finally!! the devs let a charcter aside from asmo be a bit more feminine looking! then i saw the bottom and went. hmmmm. i think i just don't like that he's wearing both a dress and dress pants (that have buttons on the side. ew) combined? i genuinely think the outfit would've been more cohesive if they either leaned more into the feminine side (dress closed a bit further down, tights, boots with a higher heel) or the more androgynous side (corset with lacing in the center, dress as more of a blouse, high waisted pants, bottom of the dress if kept more like an overskirt?)
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he's perfect, he's beautiful, he looks like linda evangelista, he's a model
no questions asked. perfection. the spider theme/black widow theme is so fucking perfect for him. also the placement of the blood on his hands and sleeves? casually going insane over him they did him so well. definitely my favourite out of them all.
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alright. i am conflicted about this one. because it's camp. no idea what made the devs give belphie a sexy nurse theme but i'm here for it. maybe not necessarily the executiion but still. the skeleton print is my arch nemesis. what in the hot topic fingerless emo gloves is going on here. love the little belt on his thigh but also. safety. hazard babes. he'd be getting poked by needles every step he takes. i don't even wanna look at the little bo peep ass looking shoes.
i would've loved the outfit even more if they'd given him a skirt instead of his little short shorts. maybe not a visually appealing one but definitely an amusing one.? like yeah it's ugly but yeah i also like it because it's silly.
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for a beel outfit? god tier. man always has to suffer from boring outfit syndrome, but this one is good as long as you keep your eyes trained on the upper part. the devs shortly released him from the yas girl give us nothing basement. we do not talk about the ginormous clown stompers on his feet though. it looks less camp than belphie's nurse outfit and i'm here for it.
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agi-ppangx · 6 months
Hihihi 💕
tw!! mentions of death
I see you’re playing this game and I think I have a solid idea of something you could do (if you ever want to, really). So, walk with me on this — have you read They Both Die In The End? If you haven’t, it’s a mlm story in which everyone gets a call 24 hours before they die so that they can make amends, have any final adventures and such. There’s also an app/website called Last Friend (or something like that). Both of the main characters make accounts on this app and find each other and spend the last day of their lives together just growing and gaining new perspectives of the world.
Anyways, if you haven’t read the book, you should because it’s SO good. And if you have, doesn’t this plot just remind you of Chan a little bit? Like we know this man is a workaholic, and I feel like if we lived in a world like the book where we know a day in advance that we’ll die, it might prompt him to actually go out and do something for himself instead of someone else like the sweetie pie he is. Like I just picture so much angst, and yet he’ll have the best day of his life with his Last Friend and do things he’s either never done or hasn’t done in forever.
I’m not sure if this is the type of plot you pictured when you started this game 💀 but I thought of this and thought of you and had to share!
hii green !! ^-^
i actually read that book a while ago and i have such a complicated relationship with it, but i wont delve into my quite controversial i think?? opinion about it😭
BUT the idea itself is so so good and youre so right !! i can totally picture a scenario with chan and i actually might think about it and try to write it one day hehe~
also dont worry, i love these kinds of ideas !! tbh im kind of scared to write about more serious stuff bc i dont want to trigger anyone, but maybe one day i'll write this one bc its sooo good like omg, your creativity never ceases to amaze me............
I wish you would write a fic where...
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starlightkun · 2 months
are you more of a plotter or pantser when you write?
ngl i did have to look this up, and i suppose im a bit of both? like, when i say i have a scene planned out, or that i have x words of planning, or that i have an outline, idk what other writers' planning/outlines look like (aside from the outlines they made us use in elememtary school you know). my word docs for a story always reserve the top part for "planning/outlining" then i have a divider, and under that is where the prose of the story actually starts. when i count word counts of drafts, i only count what's actually written in that second part, from beginning then through the scenes chronologically.
i usually don't start writing a fic until i have not only a solid idea, but also a general concept of the plot (though as my recent posts allude, i tend to have difficulties wrapping it up after the climax). sometimes a scene comes to me first and i have to then build the rest of the au and plot around that scene, but i usually don't start writing what i consider to be in that "prose" section until i have some grasp on the overall fic.
and my "planning/outlining" section usually looks like this:
- x au, a!neo, b!reader, (ft. any important side character)
- if it's majorly involved au like frankenstein complex or strawberry sunday, i'll make a short character list. like in strawbsunday it looked like:
Human!Johnny [roommates w MK]
Fairy!Jungwoo [roommates w TI, DY] ; Vampire!Jaehyun [roommates w TY]
Witch!Doyoung [roommates w TI, JW]
and so on. that one also went in descending height order (members who are officially the same height were next to each other in the list, like jaewoo), bc for a time at the beginning, i was playing with having their height be affected by their species, but that ended up not mattering in the end. i also had so many characters who were roommates bc it was a college au that i needed to be able to remember who lived with who after a while, so that went in the list too.
- then a brief paragraph describing the major story beats
- The Scene that made me get inspired to write it, if there is one, usually all dialogue written in a big block of text like this: "Abcd ef ghijk lmn opqr st uv." YN "Wxy zabcde fg hij klm nopqr st uvw." NEO "Xyz?" YN "Xyz. Abcd, efg hijk lmnopqr. Stuv!" NEO
- more scenes, only dialogue like above
- more scenes, only dialogue like above
so that's how my "planning/outlining" can be 8k+, it's my "sketches" of upcoming scenes that i haven't gotten to yet in the "prose" portion. and while im writing, i'll usually get ideas for upcoming scenes, and add their "sketches" to my planning area at the top. sometimes i don't always know exactly how all the little pieces will fit in, and kind of have to assemble them into a little frankendraft by the end. and sometimes i find that little snippets of dialogue that i thought would be perfect ended up not fitting anywhere, or had to be minorly/majorly modified.
i often go into unexpected places, and find out a lot about my characters while i write! i have my loose outline and im flexible with it if i find that the story is headed in a different direction as i go (like, for example, in changer, i was originally imagining sungchan asking reader out at the end of the valentine's day event at the boba shop and have it be more of a second chances things, but as i wrote it i realized that my werewolf sungchan was too much of a loserboy to do that and it wouldve felt a bit forced imo)
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i have a kind of plot??? idea?? thought up about a ride the cyclone hunger games au, because i wanted angst and have been thinking abt the hunger games recently.
in the idea its the 25th hunger games, also known as the first quarter quell and the one where they vote the contestants in, because i think it would be a cool addition as it makes it a lot sadder. there could be a lot of bitterness about that
the main six get voted in from their districts, and end up in the hunger games. i don't have any solid districts in mind, but currently ocean is from one of the districts, maybe one ortwo, bcs her song is abt her being better and so she. should live which in my mind links to the careers and how the upper districts have a better relationship w the capitol other than three n look down on the other districts. mischa is from district eleven or nine bcs im p sure ukraine exports a lot of grain. noel is district twelve bcs i think he'd hate it, and it fits the whole let me. out this place is so stale and numbing, all dull and smokey and suffocating. ricky is from district three so i have a way to make it make sense that they have an aac. penny is from district ten because its the livestock district (livestock? lamb? get it? i'll stop now). and constance is from district eight bcs idk why not, or nine bcs grain makes bread and her family runs a bakery.
i will not lie i can only see karnak as the interviewer. sure hed work as a mentor but i keep seeing him as caesar (i think thats the interbiewers name). he has a flashy purple suit and a purple interview get up.
i have a few costume ideas but they r very basic and not that good tbh. pls keep in mind i have no sense of fashion
penny has a fluffy coat and white dress for the lamb imagery, it could fade into red to symbolise slaughter or smthn. red accents
noel's designer focuses heavily on smoke and he comes out in this dress type thing that looks like it leaves a trail of smoke when it flows. he def has a pipe as well.
rickys designer goes absolutely ham and creates an outfit worthy of the space age bachelor man. wires and funky colours and everything. very out there
ocean is dressed all smart and presentable, very put together. since i havent got a solid district i dont have many ideas
dont have many ideas for constance or mischa tbh
mischa's whole angle with the public is that he's strong and has motive to win in talia, so he has a fighting chance and more motive than the rest. ocean is portrayed as cocky and intelligent, and she will win because shes determined and won't let herself lose. penny is mysterious and odd, she stands out and makes an impression. constance is nice and charismatic and they use that to make the audience attached so they want her to win, and public approval is everything in the games. ricky is smart and crafty and his mentor tells him to lean heavily into that bcs ppl will write him off bcs hes disabled (in the au they let him keep his crutches which plays with canon a bit but i justify that with the capitol want things to be interesting and so at least try to keep the contestants alive. let them keep their crutches capitol pls). noel is interesting and they focus more on his ability to draw the audience rather than his ability in the arena, and his whole want to die tragically and want for things to be interesting is used to try and resonate with the capitol as a kind of "keep him alive he wont be boring promise pls dont kill him". idrc about the other tributes so they could be ocs or contestants from the book idk. theyre just sorta there.
i dont have many solid progression ideas, but basically one branch is nischa team up because i do in fact ship them. they talk briefly before the contest and sorta confront eachother in the arena but dont kill eachother, maybe one tells the others about poison berries or some other type of knowledge or they just see eachother and agree on a team up, and they go about in the arena trying to survive and defend themselves against the rest of the tributes. many injuries and bonding moments later and they make it fairly far. but since this was an au made with angst in mind at least one of the two dies, and the other gets all guilty about it. it can be. this big dramatic thing and if we're going the romantic route it could be they confess their love right on the brink of death and the other just has to deal with that finishing the games. sat grieving a love they can never explore or see through because the other died in their arms.
ngl this whole idea came about because i imagined nischa in the arena and noel dying and having this whole angsty moment in his death where he makes mischa promise to win and get back to talia. or he was like dying from an injurt and mischa refused to just leave and tried to drag him and there was angst about how noel truly didnt think he was ever gonna win anyway and how hes glad he met mischa and got to have at least some good before he died.
also ive thought of multiple conversations where they talk about why they want to go back and mischa obviously wants to go back for talia and his mother (in this au shes not dead yet but she is dying) but noel doesnt rlly see anything for himself and just sorta wants to die interesting. also their mentors were definitely screaming at eachother to just stab the other when they sleep or smthn.
doesnt rlly link to the past paragraph but i like to think noel got his hands on some old books about france and paris somehow and thats how monique came about. hes very careful abt mentioning this in the arena bcs they can and will murder his mother for that im p sure books from before are forbidden in panem oops.
theres so many angst oppourtunities as well. you could go down so many routes. fear from almost dying. guilt from killing someone. physical pain. anguish. the shock catching up to the contestants. the realisation theyre about to die. because theres no way in hell any of the choir was genuinely ready to kill someone or watch someone die. so much angst.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 9 months
okay! i've finally finished the southern reach trilogy & want to thought dump bc thats what i do when i enjoy things 👍 im going to assume most people have not read this & explain as such
i'll be real i only picked this up bc i saw the movie based off the first book & was like "well huh" & then couldnt get the idea of an environment that just... refracts everything back and in on itself is just. so cool. it's such a cool idea. so when i saw in the credits it was based off a book i HAD to go read it the concept was too interesting i had to know what was in the book they couldnt translate to the movie
i got such a treat oh my god.
something that stood out to me pretty quickly, given im into a completely separate other series where none of the characters have public names, is that, iirc the movie DID give names but the whole first book theres no names. they each have a profession & are called as such. even as we get names in later books, only one of the og characters is ever named and the biologist thats one of the most important characters is simply that. the biologist. & it means absolutely nothing in terms of how impersonal or deep the character feels. because shes utterly complete and herself. respectable. i like that.
but most importantly the world, oh my god the world. the movie has its own not entirely off base take on it. different and yet similar enough. if u like fucked up worlds im recommending this 200% its just SO fascinating. its a little area cut off from the rest of the real world they call area x & it is protected by a sort of boundary but its. self refraction of things doesnt even begin to cover what its got going on. i dont even know how to describe it right. theres THINGS just so many unexplainable things, you think the area is out to get them but it ends up more like... the area's attempt at self preservation at the cost of the other, the intruders. like the whole thing is self aware.
the plants & terrain arent ever changing, not anymore than they would be with time, & not all of the animals are some fucked up threat out to get them. the area itself is the threat, impossible things in the sky, ocean, shadows weaving into the world & messing up whoever happens to come into contact with it. weird inexplicable things happening to those they send in to explore.
and at first it seems like a survivors came back wrong story. like whatever's in there, whatever fucked them up did so to such an extent none of the survivors even live long. which is fascinating in its own right like what is it that harms them to such an extent. & ur introduced to all the weird monsters & occurrences in a way thats like. well this things out to get them. & u need to know more.
& man the more the next 2 books give u is just so INTERESTING.
but first i have to say i hated the corporate mind games that took up 2/3 of the second book. hard to get through. johns such a man baby sometimes & its so frustrating seeing him just decide pieces of the puzzle are no use to him & getting rid of them. sick of his shit. i dont like him much in the 3rd book either but fine whatever.
the last 1/3 of the second book & like all of the third had the same "no what!?!? ur kidding!?!?" reaction as the first book had & was again interesting & easy to get through. LOTS of juicy secrets & info that ties things together & makes it make as much sense as it can & ends off in such a solid way, not without questions, but with a sense that even if those questions were answered, it wouldn't make any difference, would be maybe a trivia fact more than some grounding breakthrough.
also to whom it matters the cast is pretty diverse & natural about it, having them just be people in a situation & not relying on that to be a selling a point like i see in posts all the time here.
im going to get into spoilers here
the nature of area x is so interesting to me. the time paradox, the fact that time moves in a linear fashion and yet the area contains so much passage of time that just. doesnt match the outside world. the shock of grace saying she'd been there 3 years when it'd only been weeks and yet all the signs proved she wasnt lying. the way how suddenly all the decay & change in the area held just that much more weight to it. that things were even less what they seemed. that lended to knowing the biologist's 30 years in there vastly outweighed the real world's time. that part saying that people couldve lived there, lived out whole full lives between the time the border/area was created & when it was first explored because if the time difference just really hit me for some reason. its such a weird space.
and how the area handles people, not the book but the area, how it gets inside them, turns them into something else. learning that what came back from expeditions wasnt the originals. that the area got inside the people who went in & changed them into something completely unrecognizable. turned into a pig slug hybrid with only their face intact, into an owl, into some Thing writing in life itself on tunnel(tower) walls, into a giant fucking whale that can exist wherever it wants to. the fact that, initially, these are viewed as some fucked up creation recreated from who died there, only to be revealed that these forms ARE the original people and they ARE still alive, just in this new form, and while its implied they may not have the same frame of consciousness as people, its also not stated thats 100% the case- that no outsider can know for sure because people can only know people(or at least hope to know people). the whole concept that the originals have become part of the area living there or dying there in this new way, while the world creates copies of them, sends them back to the real world, fools everyone into thinking these copies are the originals, that something just happened to them and somethings not right anymore. that even when ones like the biologist's copy admits they arent the same person, no one believes them. thats so wild. & its framed that 3 people made it back for real, no copies involved, but the only one with any proof is the director. sure whitby & lowry have life spans unlike other "survivors" but at the same time, its also said theres no real way of knowing if the real or copy whitby lived, & iirc the footage seemed to imply lowry was different on the way back too although i guess that could be attributed to stress but its not like the things he says are very trustworthy either. anyway thats just to wild & intriguing to me, that while they're off living or fighting for life or dying, theres a copy of them they arent even aware of, creating a different truth of them to the outside world. neat concept.
the lighthouse keepers story, the way it all started, that kind of got to me. the way he was just doing his best at his job & the more and more u read u know its about to catch up, he about to be consumed by this & start its spread, and theres nothing anyone can do about it. and god the letter to him at the end. i came here to be fascinated and yet that final moment of human respect across people who were no longer people got to me & i ended up crying. which may be stupid of me. but i LOVE when a world can draw u in so thoroughly & then have characters to get caught up in & care about too.
& i love that the nature of this area is so bizarre that, even when things are stated as directly as possible , u think for a moment the narrator is hallucinating or or being vivid & only to moments later have it shoved it ur face that no, thats the reality, thats word for word whats happening. i had a LOT of "what in the actual fuck" moments & they were jarring of course, as they were meant to be for such a peculiar world, but jarring in the way that drew u in more, made u need to know more.
basically i had a good time & this is going to be constantly in my mind or at least in the back of it. a lot more going on then im saying here & if ur into fucked up world building then definitely give it a chance at least
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the-100th-witch · 1 year
Update on how ive been doing~
So far, it's been going okay. My moods have been up and down but I think that was bc of my period lmao but the limit i put on social media has helped me stop ignoring shit (due to my anxiety).
Overall, I've been working on my life plan and trying to get shit together. It's slowly forming into a decent plan (I'm planning only up to 3 years bc 5 years is scary) but it's becoming more reachable than before which is nice. It's literally just me inching my way into a solid plan (that I won't changed every fucking day lol) little changes are expected but whole revamping has got to stop if I'm gonna get any where lol
But yea been okay.
(more life stuff about careers and all that woop woop)
As i get back into my hobbies i've been noticing i have a lot more ideas and things I wanna create. I haven't had that in years (yea sure i'll get a creative boost when im in fandoms but i would always lose interest after a while) i'm pretty sure ive been depressed but i don't want to fully lean into that until i talk to a therapist (havent been to one since my masters lol that was back in 2019).
I've been getting back into writing and art and now I've been entertaining the idea of making that a side thing...not a full career of course bc I tend to run out of steam after a short while lol but something I keep up with along side my career goals.
I think the reason I failed at these things (commissions and regular art uploads or me stopping writing altogether (for fun - ive been academically writing for years when I was in school) is that I had no schedule/no plan and so it fell through half way as my attention started to wander to other things. Plus, my perfectionism didn't help lol i tend to think "why bother" if it's not meeting my expectations which isn't healthy at all.
Idk, I want to keep creating and maybe make some money off it (not a full career since again, my art/writing is so closely tied to my emotions and the hint of my moods going down hill really impact my art/writing in the worst way.) but I want to do it also as a motivation. I know the argument is never make a passion as a career but i also don't really create for just myself either??? I love sharing my stuff and I only do that online.
anyways, this is what ive been thinking about in replacement of distracting myself with social media.
ok byee~
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wander-wren · 2 years
wren's clangen adventures, pt 1
i played clangen for like?? two weeks back when it was first a thing in august, then stopped bc College, but....i love cats. so lets get back into it. new version of the game, new clan, all that. if i get into it enough maybe we will do a fanfic or a sideblog or something
pt 2 will probably be like, me making proper lore and things. if it ever happens. woo
this post is just gonna be me making my brand new clan and probably yelling about the changes of almost three months. be warned its 1 in the morning
first of all, SO many cool new settings, lets go, its prettier?? wow?? okay clan time. i spent like 15 minutes trying to think of a clan name lol and decided to go with hazeclan. foggy bros?? i guess
and LOOK at this lovely lady right off the BAT. i like the idea of a faithful leader. also i think shes pretty. lets go
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oh no i didnt look at anyone else closely and now i got a buncha elders and a buncha babies. no thats a lie i have some okay people. like this pretty lady who will be brightstar's deputy :)) buckfoot is just. i thought it was weird name but its grown on me
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alright, he's kinda plain looking, but his name intrigues me AND he's got a strange trait, mans has to be medcat. hellooo hawkhare
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hm collected everyone except the elders....let it be known that they are called bigwatcher, daygoose, and antwish. i recruited daygoose bc cmon, goose suffix??
ooh wait i can CHOOSE THEIR TERRITORY?? okay where would you live if you were named hazeclan....mountain cliff? it was either that or beach tidepools but im not feeling a beachy vibe
look at themmm
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hell yeah good for them
alright let's play through a year real quick and see what happens
wait I CAN TRANS THE CAT'S GENDER?? who will be my test dummy,,,,, hell yeah lichenblossom
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also daygoose got given a holly berry i shouldnt get attached to the old people but they are so CUTE
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AWW jaypaw and daygoose each had a positive interaction with each other. cuteee. ALSO WE GOT A NEW KIT!! brookkit. clangen refused to take this into account but let it be known that lichenblossom found her. we also found a loner!! her name is mouseheart she is LOVELY
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so basically shes my new favorite. prebby baby. survivor of a tragedy backstory?? we love angst. also patient and good teacher. cute traits
mayday yall daygoose FELL IN A RIVER and got hurt
also. lmao
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daygoose is a badass. they got a scar defending the territory
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the flavor text, funnily enough, is "thinking about how too many cats die young." daygoose will outlive all of us and if they dont uhh i'll hack the game. daygoose forever
next moon: daygoose fucking dies
i swear yall i spent a solid hour attempting to resurrect daygoose bc the new game files confused me and uhhh i accidentally broke something somewhere and now it will Not open :]] its okay i uhh immediately went to bed and forgot i was drafting this post so good evening. daygoose is at the moment schrodinger's cat.
i have too much Shit to do in my real not-cat-related life unfortunately but when i get some time again i will look into The That. tune in later for hazeclan adventures
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samsspambox · 2 years
Hi Sam!
Do you mind sharing how you write your fics? Do you have a process? A starting point?
Also, I know a lot of ppl talk "show not tell" in writing, but how do you know if you're telling instead of showing (& vice versa)? That's the part of writing I struggle with most, cause I never know if I'm showing or telling.
heyo roshie! i've answered a similar ask before but i don't mind sharing how i write/my process! in all honesty it isn't much of a process but more of a 'what concept can i daydream about while doing stuff that'll evolve into a solid idea' type of thing lolol.
i guess my first step is getting inspired? this can look like many different things, but to me it looks like talking to friends, consuming media outside of the fandom you're writing for, deriving from your own experiences, stuff like that. a really good example of this is the ficlet i have on here, time, which is based off of personal feelings but twisted enough so it fits the von hagen dynamic.
if i like the concept enough, i'll start developing it in my head or ping pong it with friends to build it. i guess this is my 'outlining' stage even though i don't actually get down and write an outline myself. you know how every story has a beginning, middle, and end? well, if i can get 2/3, i'll start writing. like for the current fic im writing! i have the beginning and middle, but i haven't planned for the end yet. (i have an extremely vague idea where i wanna go with it tho, so i'll count it as a win) ((actually, most of the times i rarely have fic endings planned and if i can be my own worst critic, you can clearly tell. my openings are usually pretty good but some of my endings, to me, fall flat)
from there? i just write. i do a lot of editing while i write and the one thing i swear by is using a tts (text to speech) reader parse though my fic and read it for me. (i need to go back and edit the first chapter of return to sender bc i posted it without bc i was anxious but also wanted to go to bed lol). it's why my writing has a lot of commas. i like the pauses in tts lolol. after that i just chuck it onto gramarlly and post when i feel like i'll start to nitpick at myself. it's a habit i have with a lot of my academic papers but this reminds me that what i write doesn't have to be perfect. my target audience is me (and my friends), this type of writing should be met with liberty and warmth. i don't have to follow a rubric or a guide. it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be.
as for your second question, i can tell you what i think seeing and telling is based off of what ive picked up reading other peoples stuff. i think 'showing' has a lot more metaphors, actions, and implications/inferences. let's say you wanted to convey that it was cold. you might not put that it was cold, but you could put that a character shivered and burrowed into their blanket. you're implying that it's cold with an action. showing, to me, looks more like cause and effect and blunt statements. here you state that it's cold, causing your character to shiver. or it's so cold that your character's breath is showing.
im in a weird third camp that is 'talking'. a lot of my fics are dialogue heavy but they do get a lot of points across, so there's that option LOLOL
but yeah! i hope this answers your questions! thanks for dropping by!!
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thechaoticplayer · 2 months
Questions for you, because you're smart;
What is your opinion on the role of Communism in modern society?
How do you balance personal ambition with the needs and expectations of ypur family and community?
How do you reconcile the pursuit of beauty with the current societal and cultural that often perpetuate harmful physical standards?
Well, as I grew up in the US, I've been basically taught that Communism was bad due to yk, the USSR. Even though the USSR was on the allies side, we clearly didnt share almost all the same views (an enemy of my enemy is my friend type shit) and then blam the USSR collapsed. I dont think it's a major problem in society now, as democracy kinda took over nationwide. I dont see much Communists (I'm in america duh- however the us doesnt mind what you think as long as you arent problematic with it) so I dont really have a strong opinion about it
ARGHHH THIS ONE. To be totally fair, my ambitions aren't really solid, I guess you can say? I just do what my parents want 😭😭 I want to live life without stressing over things that wont even matter in the future, like tf I'm never going to find the angle of a triangle when I'm 70 something years old king 😭🙏 and of course, my parents push me bc they want the best life for me as possible, but I kinda disagree with them at times because I'm comfortable where I'm at at this point. So I guess I focus on one thing at a time- let's for example i have a history test tmrw and a math test tuesday. My parents are expectant of me to get at least a passing grade on my math test bc I'm not really good at math (eugh trig...), however if I remain focusing on the math test there isnt a guarantee I'll get a good grade for history tmrw. So I'm taking one step at a time, prioritize which task is of the utmost importance and all that. As for my community, I dont really interact with them much, I prefer to stay locked up in my house instead- so I suppose just put what needs to come first first and not stress about everything so much, it'll all come together soon
BROTHER THIS ACTUALLY IS SO TRUE. Well first up I try not to care about how society tries to portray as "ideal beauty" because the idea of beauty is fluid, no? A person can think this is beautiful, and another could think that is beautiful. It really depends on the person, but theres always a dominating trait that is "desired", for example, a lot of guys I know want a girl with a big dump truck. I obviously do not have this and I could care less about having it. I'm also very fucking scrawny, and most people I know always are like, "why are you so skinny, do you not eat?" Like dude I have fast metabolism what can I say- personally, I kinda dont care and do care what society thinks as "ideal". I think having that half and half feeling for that is good because you dont want to destroy yourself just because sOcIeTy said so. As long as you're happy and confident with who you are, how you look, etc, people will find that alone beautiful and admirable. Just own your shit royalty 👑 also I lie to myself 🙏 JS PLAYING LMAO
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diah-the-demon · 8 months
yeah this really feels like we're somewhere on stage talking into a microphone as people pass by and can listen, but yeah agreed, it feels weird when it's not tumblr skljdlsk
ooh I hope you can go there then!! I've had one in my area for a few years that was star wars, star trek and doctor who focused and it was so much fun,, unfortunately with covid coming around it has ended </3 missing it greatly
and oh no D: yeah unfortunately the kids toys break so easily which surprises me ngl,,, you'd expect kids toys to be a bit more sturdy given that kids will play around with it wildly and ksljdslk omg that sounds adorable ngl!! I think I know which masks you mean, I still see kids wearing them every now and then around halloween or carnival
yeah,,, I've gottten a tiny bit better by now (and by that I mean: I will get it but feel bad about it instead of not getting it and feeling sad about that klsjdlsk) I hope you'll eventually get better with it as well! it's so sad how much stuff like this can linger on your brain TT-TT
yeah I think it said 7 more days, so I hope I'll have enough time bcs her shedule changed and now she's at work so I can't ask her TT-TT hopefully it'll last til the weekend when we could order it (if she says yes skldjslk I doubt she wouldn't but still skjdlsk)
okay, yeah, your bookshelf is definitely already cool! But yeah the helmets are going to make it even better, no matter where exactly they will be placed klsdjl
yeah you coudl probably figure it out on your own once you get the basics, even if it is for another set of armor at first! With the basic understanding that should definitely be doable!!
and hmm, I've not build armor yet myself (will have to do so eventually tho,,, I wanna cosplay one of HI3 Himekos battlesuits after all ksjdsl) but it does already sound like a solid idea!! but yeah until you know if it works or not you have an idea at least so that's a good start!
yeah im still not used to it but i think its quite nice to have smth like a constant conversation like this thats lasted almost a full day now jdsljkds, i think its a nice change of pace jdsklkjds
hopefully i can get there when its being held! im not sure when it happens each year but il look that up later and see if i can find dates (hopefully im not gonna be busy when it happens dsjlkkdsj) and awww that sucks, i hope they come back eventually it would suck if it died off forever </3
yeah idk why they were so fragile, they weren't big so i think they were probably childrens sized ones that we had, it doesnt make much sense to expect kids to not hit 2 lightsabers together in a duel like come on
IT WAS! i dont think i have any pictures of it sadly </3 i wouldnt have even had a phone yet probably i think so pictures would probably be on my mums phone
the mask was so cool, it even had a voice changer in it! it was fucking awesome, when you breathed it would replace it with the darth vader breathing sound AND it would even make you sound like vader when you spoke!! idk how something from when i was a kid was able to do something like that but it was awesome. sadly the voice changer in it died a while ago, it still slightly worked but not consistently last time i put it on D:
yeah hopefully we both fully get over it eventually, i probably start to until either her or i move out, but yeah its so weird how it stick in your head so long, i need to refresh my brain so i can get it out lkdsjdjsl
dont want to make you feel like you need to do it sooner but it said 7 days yesterday and also today.. i didnt check how long it was when i bought my stuff (i bought the stuff on the 5th) but it might've been 7 days still.. altho i guess by the weekend it would still be 7 days after that.. hopefully it is still on by the time you talk to her!! (just checked and it might be going on until they completely sell out?? its a clearance sale so maybe? idk id probably do it sooner rather than later just incase tho)
Oh btw when you do place your order they will email you to verify the card (send a picture of the last 4 digits to confirm. It is a little bit sus but ive seen no one say this one is a scam so i dont think it is, plus they cant rlly do much with only the last 4 digits)
thank you!! it will def look so much cooler when i get the helmets in! still need to figure out where i can put the 2 extras apart from ontop of the bookshelf cause too many on there doesnt seem too good idk
yeah that sounds like the plan il do for this, try the basics, might try doing clone trooper armour to begin with if its not harder than mandalorian cause il have captain rex's helmet! imagine a female clone trooper tho that'd be so cool (totally not so i can check out her tits shush jdskls, i mean there was a female clone of jango but she isnt a trooper, and is a child since i dont think she had the accelerated growth the others did? idk not that caught up in that bit of lore)
i think its probably what they are going to say to do, i doubt they would stitch/pin it right to the bodysuit cause that would be a pain to take off (imagine having to go to the toilet after putting it on that would be so annoying to take off skdjdslkj) if it all goes well il share the progress so you can take some tips on building the armour for himeko jlsdkdjs!!
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rootsmachine · 1 year
3, 4, 17!
i reblog an ask meme and IMMEDIATELY without fail go do errands for half the day. anyways!
3. what's your favorite fic youve written?
v hard simply bc i deeply love all my fic. however: i'll believe you if if make me feel something co-written w @sheepsquatches has a very special place in my heart .. it's a true labor of love and collaboration! for my more recent stuff -- it cannot hold, my post-rescue tai character study is beloved &&& so far to fall and it didn't hurt at all, my other tai fic is also one of my fave things ive ever written.
4. how many WIPs do you have right now?
i actually don't Really write fic like this, usually i've have an idea and write it to completion before starting another fic. HOWEVER at the moment i do have two fics that im Actively working on (one abt van & new york city, the other my beloved Van Was Dead The Whole Time hangsaman fic), and then a few ideas that are more solid & ive been thinking abt for a bit that arent Quite WIPs as i havent started writing them, but theyre close.
17. what’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
oh soooo much oh my god. i do insane research for the most throw-away lines. some highlights include an in-depth history of both the curse of the billy goat & ancient greek sports related curses (foul and forbidden tricks), train schedules from the 1950s & 1950s glasgow socioeconomic history (take my whole life too), dog bite injuries (all the frequencies hold), and emporia state's library science program, to the point where i almost applied (the emporiaverse fics as a whole)
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orcelito · 1 year
another ITNL excerpt bc im enjoying how ive been writing vash
Before Vash could reply, Meryl butted in, "Excuse me, but who are you? What business do you have with him?"  Laughing yet again, the man replied, "The name's Seth, little lady, and this," he jostled Vash's shoulder, "is my primary on-site guard for this trip."  Meryl stared up at Vash with the most unimpressed look he'd ever seen from her.  Vash huffed a laugh. "Oh, don't look at me like that. This got us on for free, you know."  Milly clapped in excitement. "Oh, that makes so much sense! Ma'am, do you think we could be guards, too?"  Meryl sighed heavily. "We're insurance agents, Milly, not guards." She pointed up at Vash. "And you're not a guard either, for that matter. What makes you think you're worthy of that station?"  Vash rolled his eyes. "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm the best shot on this planet? That makes for pretty good guard material!" Milly gasped in delight. "Are you really?"  Meryl countered, "There's no way he could prove that claim." "That's what you think." Vash turned back to Seth with a smile. "Anyways, where do you want me? I've got some ideas, but I figured you would know best." 
Smiling knowingly, Seth replied, "To be honest, I think you'd be best sticking with the passengers. We've already got a rock solid artillery team for shootin' away bandits. What we don't got is an on the scene powerhouse like you. So," he patted Vash's shoulder again, "I'm counting on you, Vash!" Oh, that worked perfectly for what he needed, actually. Vash had been a little worried that he'd be stuck in another part of the ship. Like this, he knew he was much more likely to encounter Kaite like last time.  Vash nodded sharply and gave a joking salute. "Sir, yes, sir!"  Seth laughed again. With one final pat, he shared, "I'll leave you to it, then. Talk to any of the other staff if you need me."  And then he was heading off, whistling a cheery tune as he went.  After a moment, Milly asked, "So, where to now? I've never been on one of these before, so I'm very excited!"  Vash grinned back at her. "Well… We'll go where all the other passengers go." Pointing forcefully down the hall, he loudly announced, "To the cabins!"  Milly clapped as she let out an amazed oooh!  To the side, Meryl just sighed and muttered, "I'm surrounded by idiots." 
you can very much see the 98 influence in the scenes of this chapter lskjdflsdfj we just really needed some silly vash up in here
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lifcaltcring · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: ''when you're lost in the darkness look for the light''
last song you listened to: Cruel World by Lana Del Rey
currently reading: The girl with all the gifts by M.R Carey!
what are you wearing right now: Pyjamas bc i haven't left my house in 3 days
how tall are you?: a solid 5'5 on a good day
piercings/tattoos?: sooo many ideas for a bunch of tiny fine line tattoos but waiting until autumn to get them so they can be healed by next summer. Got my ears pierced tho and that's as far as I'll go
glasses? Contacts?: i have reading glasses (society says im a young woman i say im a senior citizen) that i should use but don't use.
last thing you ate?: blueberry muffin
favourite colour(s): idk if it's a colour but anything opal. obsessed!! with!! opals!!
current obsession: this dumb game about a single dad and his lesbian daughter idk if you ever heard of it. oh and fish. pretty obsessed with fish as of late.
any pets: want to get a fish.
do you have a crush right now?: i have a crushed soul is what i have
favourite fictional character: if i answer that everyone is gonna think i have issues and i do. it's catherine tramell from basic instinct. like yes she's a killer but god forbid a woman does anything
last place you traveled: somewhere down the south of where i live but it was a work trip
Tagged by: Technically by @miilr
Tagging: YOU
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pripecias · 6 years
Girl you need to open a marauders era roleplay
opening a canon marauders era rp ? in this economy?
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