#and then i'm basically done for the summer which is exciting but also im probably going to be busy this summer
soulmvtes · 2 months
this month is so busy i feel so overwhelmed but i know i am going to feel so much relief when it's over
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t4tbedehopmar · 10 months
heck yeah am i ready for another essay 🎉🎉 i probably wont be able to read it until im done w school but i will be excited hehehehe
OK THEN i'll so it now so u can see it as soon as school ends! also why the hell are u going to school isn't it still summer. fuck the people who are making u go to school like what the hell is wrong w them ANYWAYS prepare urself for a um. pretty long essay ^^;
OK THEN let's start w the basics as always! :D hop like marnie is one of the three rivals protagonist has in swsh but unlike marnie he's the main rival! u probably know abt main rivals in pokemon games yes u do 👍👍 and if u don't. it's just the rival that is more important. ofc there's only been main rivals since like. xy i think? bc earlier there was only like one rival or maybe two. i think it was in uno a actually ANYWAYS i'm just boring u rn so i'll move on fkhdjdk SO as i said hop is protagonist's main rival and BOOM his brother is the champion of the region. yup just like that. he's called leon btw but this ain't abt him 😒😒 AHEM SO hop and protagonist too live in the first town in the game called postwick! they're literally the only people who live there. which is pretty funny considering there's literally another village like. 20 meters away but wtv pokemon can do wtv they want dkhfjd i just realized that if i tell u EVERYTHING abt hop this won't be an essay but a research work so i'll try and stay brief in the least important parts! OK SO protagonist's seeing a match between leon and his rival aka dragon type gym leader raihan and he comes over saying leon's gonna arrive soon so u both go out BUT just outside protagonist's house there's this fence that leads to a very creepy forest called slumbering weald and oh no! a wooloo (aka sheep pokemon) is using tackle against it! obviously it's bound to open at some point BUT that comes later 👍👍 SO leon arrives gives protagonist and hop a starter and that's when hop brings up the gym challenge! u see unlike other regions in galar u need someone important from the league to recommend u so u can participate in the gym challenge and Yes obviously leon's gonna recommend u BUT NOT YET!!!!!!! after that it's made clear that hop rlly wants to defeat leon and become the new champion but um. if u have basic pokemon knowledge u know that protagonist ALWAYS becomes the champion. and in this game specifically all the rivals want to be champions so the protagonist rlly does shatter their dreams ^^; but we don't talk abt that HAHA OK u have ur first battle w hop and just after that the wooloo opens the fence and enters the slumbering weald! and protagonist and hop don't think abt the risk of going in there bc they're heroic and stupid sighs. so they enter and there's a lot of fog and OH MY GOD IS THAT THE LEGENDARY DOG FROM THE COVER OF THE GAME yes it is! depending on the game u've chosen either zacian or zamazenta appear BUT in their normal forms w/o the sword and shield respectively! the fog gets horrible and protagonist and hop faint and oh no it's the end! but no bc leon exists and he saves them AND the wooloo 🙄🙄 ok i might have a bit of hatred towards leon BUT THIS AIN'T ABT HIM ANYWAYS protagonist gets a pokedex, fights hop and they get the recommendation from leon and so u leave the village to go to the opening ceremony in motostoke! u arrive there and reach the fire type gym to get ur league number and participate in the gym challenge and um. w-well. remember how i said this was the time when protagonist met marnie? but u didn't have to talk to her right then if u didn't want to? well u see i also said that's when protagonist meets me/bede and this time it is mandatory to interact. kind of. i don't think that was interacting ANYWAYS let's just say me and hop don't rlly get along very well during the gym challenge ^^; i'll have to talk abt The Thing later....... BUT THAT'S LATER OK? OK THAT'S SETTLED THEN ANYWAYS protagonist goes to the opening ceremony and then battles hop and he gives the protagonist.......
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ta-da! his beautiful league card <3 i mean srsly isn't he the most beautiful guy ever And i think i'll shut up now bc i'm not gay COUGHS so protagonist does the gym challenge like normal, hop goes his own way and just like that ur already back in motostoke bc NO the fire type gym isn't the first gym but the third for. reasons. both of them win and now they're both on their way to hammerlocke to continue w the challenge BUT. but. what a powerful word am i right? just by saying it yk smth's gonna happen. and smth DOES happen. um. well i uhhhhhh how do i put this. maybe if i just don't say it hahahaha 😁😁 OH BUT I HAVE TO THIS IS A PART OF HOP'S LORE AFTER ALL....... OK FINE ibedeappearoutofnowherestartinsultinghopwehaveabattlehelosesisayhesdraggingleonsnamethruthemudandthenleave PHEW OK that was easier than i thought <- almost started crying while typing it SO UM yeah the thing changes hop completely and it's all my fault :') dies WE IGNORE THAT EPISODE OF MY LIFE AND THE GYM CHALLENGE BC IT WAS HORRIBLE OK THANK U anyways after The Incident hop becomes more doubtful abt how good he is in pokemon battles and in general he's less cheery and all :c i actually haven't explained abt his personality yet so this is the perfect time! so like every other main rival he's a happy and mostly hyperactive individual who's also impatient! he also loves leon bc he's his hero and all that :] wldn't u say he's the most adorable ever Dies anyways and after all this i've told u well yeah he's sadder it's all super sad and i swear that part of the game is super depressing and everytime i replay the game i start crying BUT we're here to learn abt hop and not abt bee crying over hop during the gym challenge DO BACK TO THE THING from there his pokemon team changes constantly and he even stops having wooloo (aka the pokemon he's had since he was like five) in his team to see if he gets better in pokemon battles :') he's not even bad in battles but his rival is the future champion of the region and he just fought against a future fairy type gym leader so uh. yeah kfhdjdj ANYWAYS he's down for a bit BUT THEN after protagonist defeat the rock or ice type gym leader (depending on the game) he's happy again and everyone's happy too and i cry bc he's just so dkfjksjdkskd :') i lvoe him I MEAN nothing hahahaha ahem so after all that protagonist defeats some more gym leaders and eventually reaches the last city in the game in which the semifinals are taking place! BUT BEFORE THEY START there's this dialogue w hop.......
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screenshots from my very own switch bc i'm insane. u see i haven't said it but a bit after The Incident i go batshit and decide to destroy this mural in a village. there's an explanation i swear i'm not insane fkhfjdj back then i worked for the chairman and he wanted to collect wishing stars and what is that u may wonder! well to stay short they make dynamaxing possible! but the chairman is using them for..... smth else. that i'll explain later SO since wishing stars are in caves i decide that it's a great idea to fucking destroy a mural! it actually pays off bc there's some important statues beneath it BUT the chairman doesn't like it and BOOM ur no longer in the gym challenge koha basically ur dad just expelled u 👍👍 but that's for another time fuck rose ANYWAYS as u can see he doesn't even hate me. WHAT IS WRONG W HIM i hate him (i'm in love w him) ANYWAYS protagonists defeats him and just like that breaks hop's dreams :') so basically the only character his age that doesn't hurt him at some point is marnie! way to go my girl ur the best 🫶🫶 but yeah some stuff after that happen and when protagonist goes to fight leon the chairman goes BAM and he wakes up this alien pokemon w all the wishing starts he's collected and everything goes a bit insane BUT during the story (i haven't mentioned it bc this wld end up being too long altho this is already horribly long but too late now fkdhjdjs) protagonist and hop learn abt the story abt galar and oh! there's this two heroes w zacian and zamazenta! and so they both go back to the slumbering weald get the rusted sword and shield to see if they can summon them and so they go to hammerlocke where the chairman is defeat him and then go fight the alien pokemon aka eternatus bc leon fainted while trying to catch it w a pokeball. who tf tries to catch such a powerful pokemon w a POKEBALL. but anyways zacian and zamazenta appear but they look cooler thanks to the rusted sword and shield and they defeat eternatus and three days pass protagonist defeats leon and becomes the champion OK so after that everything goes back to normal but now hop feels like he's a burden to everyone bc everyone's become super cool things and all that but at the end of the post game he catches zacian or zamazenta depending on the game and becomes the assistant professor!! so after all this u get that he's very cheery yet insecure. which is strangely like me. but that's NEVER happening ok? ok NOW random facts. i think i've given u all the possible random facts EXCEPT for the league number one! his league number can be read as hiyaku in japanese which means jump and well. that makes a lot of sense fkdhjfjs OH ALSO
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THE CUTIE 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 TYE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER 💕💘💝💞♥️💘❣️💘♥️💘💝💕💘💖💖💘💝💘♥️💞💗💘💗💗💞❣️💘♥️💘💝💘💕💖💘💖💕💘💝💘💕💖💘💝💞💝💘💕💕💘💝💝💞💕💘💝💕💘💝
SO and let's finish this like an essay ahem in light of the above it's blatantly obvious that i'm not very sane abt hop hope this helps 👍👍 some things rlly didn't make sense so if u want an essay abt me/bede or abt the galar story pls tell me and i'll go insane just for u again <3 now if u'll excuse me i need a break flops over and dies
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
first in person semester has been completeddddd klgjhkldsjf
#it was a semester#in person#wow#lol now i have four hours before i'm meeting my friend for dinner and then we're gonna get boba and hang out and spin glowsticks slkhgsdf#i haven't gotten boba in so long bc i'm lazy and also there's so many boba places i feel like i can easily like just#get boba every day lmao which some people do apparently XD#anyway that's unrelated but im excited bc i like boba i just use laziness as my self control to not get it very much lmao#debating if i shoulddd go like buy some stuff for my family from the like store with a bunch of like merch for our schoo#l basically XD it's probably expensive but#honestly why should i bother bc my family hans't really done xmas for a couple years i think the past two years was#mainly me buying gifts sklhglsf and my mom was like omg great we'll just let you two (me and my brother) get gifts from now on#and i'm like uhhhhhhh that's not reallyyyyyy#we don't really celebrate anyway so whatever :P#anyway lol just talking about random shit apparently XD i could go do that and then come back and start packing to leave tomorrow ksldglfdj#ok but also i was thinking about the beginning of the semester and over the summer how i was like really scared and convinced that#i wasn't gonna make any friends and i was just gonna be alone in my room the whole time#but here we fucking are#there have been friends that have been made#wild#not me reflecting or something lmao#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my friend has a four hour exam which is why i'm meeting her in four hours#why is it FOUR HOURS that's horrible lol#jeanne talks
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jaeyooniverse · 3 years
Heyo, fantasy friend here! Oh roller skating at the park sounds like a lot of fun, how did it go?
Yeah... a pretty big chunk of the groups I'm into are getting to an age where the members have to start enlisting 😔 I've temporarily lost three biases to the military already and the time is coming when another (Youngbin) is going to have to go as well :( this is what I get for biasing mostly older members... At least enlisting earlier means they'll be back earlier though 😭 small comforts
It is super neat to figure out how things tie together! I love seeing the connections between things that seemed entirely different before and how they affect each other, it's really exciting 😄 ooh what kind of project is it? I imagine you use programming quite a lot especially with the AI stuff so good luck on that 💕 I'm cheering you on!
Ah I see you have a mindset kind of like mine 😂 I love learning so much and I would study everything if I could, it's too bad there's not enough time to learn about everything (not to mention the amount that would cost in tuition!) I think that's the one thing that would tempt me to seek immortality... imagine having unlimited time to discover more about the world and how it works, and people and how they work, and to explore places and ideas and skills... man it would be so cool!!
Omg that picture is so pretty!! It sounds like it was really awesome 😄 now I'm remembering the time I went camping in a redwood forest with my family and we hiked up to a waterfall, I had a lot of fun on that trip and the forest was beautiful 😌
There are a few tricks I use to stay cool but I think the easiest one is to take a cold shower and then not dry your hair afterwards (obviously dry it enough that it doesn't drip everywhere, but like... as little as possible), the water will cool you off and then since your hair is wet it won't act as insulation to keep your head warm, and as it evaporates that will also keep you cool! Another one is to use ice packs, those can help a lot.
Tbh I think the fires are a lot more dangerous than the earthquakes at least in my experience, I've never been in an earthquake big enough to cause any damage but there have been some really serious fires in my area that affected a lot of people including ones I knew so that feels like a more immediate danger to me - idk though, every place has its risks and benefits and I'm willing to put up with it haha
Hm I think I'm most excited for the music but also the MV, it seems like it's going to be really cool! I'm obsessed with aesthetics so I can't wait to see the whole thing 👀 and I bet the gifs and edits everyone's going to make will be amazing as well!! If there are any particularly awesome shots in the music video I might even draw something based on it, I haven't really drawn in ages but maybe this will be the thing that gets me out of my rut 😌 I'll almost definitely be making edits and/or moodboards though so I'm excited to do that as well!
Hope you have a good day! 💖
it went okay! i was scared i was gonna get caught in the rain bc the sky was kinda gray on my walk over there but it didn't, and the weather was pretty nice overall! i'm still learning so i was pretty much just going around in circles the whole time 😂 but it was fun ^^
aah pls i don't want to think abt it,, the thought of youngbin leaving,,,,, no😭😭😭 and yeah at least the sooner the go, the sooner they come back but..i'll miss them nonetheless :')
exactly!! i think thats what i like about math like so many things are connected, and it branches out into other disciplines like art and science it can be really cool to see the endless possibilities & connections 🤩
the project is about truecasing, which is basically (to my understanding) getting the program to return the proper casing (uppercase, lowercase, etc.) of a given word based on context and probabilities. it's helpful to use on text that might have misspellings or things that are typed all uppercase or lowercase (like texts/messaging). it seems pretty interesting! tho i did almost fall asleep when I was doing the reading last night, but i'll blame that on the fact that i was tired out from skating 😂😅 and yeah there's a lot of programming and i told myself I should do a lot of practice over the summer at the end if the semester and yet..ive barely done anything. which is why I was excited when my professor mentioned this project bc I really need to get back into things. thank you for cheering me on!! im rooting for you as well 😚❤❤
there's soooo much out there i really wish there was more time to study all the things we want freely (and without the pressure of doing it for a grade) and ugh yeah tuition costs...imagine how many more people would have degrees and just more knowledgeable about anything if higher education didn't cost so much. i feel like it really comes down to money 😭😭 like people don't get the highest education they want bc it costs so much, even if you want to study on the side you might not have time bc you have to work and earn money like.. we are not living in a society that properly promotes self-enrichment im so sad</33
ooh the hair trick sounds nice! i guess I've kinda done that before? and it was extra refreshing bc I washed my hair with mint shampoo so it felt really cool 😆 we don't have any ice packs but I bet those would be helpful maybe we should get some lol
yeah ive heard that most earthquakes aren't that dangerous but little kid me didn't understand that there could be non-threatening earthquakes 😂 oh the fires can get so bad it's scary 😥 i hope you stay safe out there <3
the mv does look really cool omg the shots are so beautiful! thatd be so nice if it'd give you some inspiration to get out of your artist block! honestly same here I havent drawn in so long I really want to get back into it. I can't wait to see what you create! 🥰
have a lovely day my lovely fantasy friend ! ♡
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honeykngdom · 6 years
Ok so I'm 17 and like have the worst luck with boys ever!! And basically I'm kinda super worried about when the time comes and I go to uni and I'm still 100% going to be a virgin (like I know there's nothing wrong with that at all!) I just feel idk kinda inferior about it all, any tips on how to own it completely or how to be that bad bitch so I can find myself a guy idk any help from anyone is appreciated haha lots of love! X
im gonna be honest with you, it doesn’t get easier as you get older. it actually gets harder. basically, my recommendation is to just go with the flow honestly.
be confident in yourself. Regardless of how many romantic/intimate partners you’ve had or lack-thereof, you still need to love yourself to really glow. People are naturally attracted to people that are confident and independent and that know what’s good for them. I can promise you, growing into your skin and loving yourself can and will be the sexiest thing about you. 
Do what makes you comfortable; don’t let peer pressure push you into anything you’re not ready for. My cousin (who’s probably one of my closest best friends) is in her first relationship ever and she’s still a virgin (roughly your age, she’s 18) and she’s so proud she’s saving herself. That doesn’t stop her from dressing whichever way she wants to, or doing what she wants to. She’s excited to wear body suits and tight jeans and dresses and skirts and to go clubbing and dance and feel hot but she knows that she’d never go home with a guy, even if she was single. She knows she’s going with people she can trust. 
Don’t forget to feed into the part of you that craves a challenge. Be okay with stepping out of your comfort zone every once in a while. This isn’t to say that if a guy you think is cute is like ‘hey, let’s go get high’ you’re supposed to be like “okay!” but I mean, if you’re not typically about the party life, but someone you trust is going and wants you to go, take the invitation. Dress yourself up, do your hair, wing that liner and go mingle. I honestly was a completely different person just over a year ago. Last summer, I sat at home and worked and didn’t interact with people bc I thought I sucked at making friends and thought I gave bad first impressions. I honestly broke out of my shell and grew into a really bubbly extrovert and I didn’t realize I was one. 
Lastly, as weird as it sounds, dance and sing. Naked (if you can) or in your underwear. Be comfortable being in your most vulnerable state by yourself. The sooner you feel in touch with that part of you, the less vulnerable you’ll become over time. People think this is the worst advice I’ve ever given anyone, but honestly, someone gave it to me and I learned from it. There is NOTHING I hated more about myself than my naked body. I showered with the lights off. I preferred to have sex in the dark, or if it was light I preferred to be turned around or on top so they couldn’t see anything. Spending like fifteen minutes before or after my shower to just dance and feel my body and dance the way I do when I’m fully clothed in the club really opened up a part of me that learned to appreciate the body I have.
 It’ll be easier to be confident when the time comes - which is also a turn on for plenty of people. There’s nothing I loved more than my ex man and his belly. He was this six foot four giant with long ass dreads, a broad chest, and massive arms and a big chest but he also had a belly and love handles. None of the parts of him that people found typically ‘unattractive’ mattered to anyone (he was a bouncer, so believe me when I say I know how many women and men were ALL over him all the time). It was how confident he was. When I get naked now, I don’t care if things jiggle. It’s who I am. 20 pounds more or less, it’ll still move. I’ll still have rolls. With or without makeup, I’ll still have bags and acne. Done up or not, you’re still going to be an amazingly wonderful human being. 
Be humble, be confident, be secure.
Sidenote: If you decide that holding out for the one is not your thing, and you want to take the route I started (being a lil hoodlum, going out, partying, meeting boys, kissing strangers, etc) then that’s FUCKING OKAY SISTER. Slap on a sexy pair of jeans, wear that low-cut top. Will some girls give you a dirty look? Fuck yeah. You know who’s gonna be looking tho?? People that think you’re fucking sexy as fuck and people that wanna dance with you, that wanna talk to you, that wanna get to know you. 
I also recommend perfecting the SMIZE. If you can smile with your eyes, you’ll have almost anyone hooked, I promise. 
literally the one piece of advice that I can give is this: people are gonna fucking talk shit about you until the day you die. So just live your fucking life the way you want to. Be happy. Because nothing anyone says matters, and the only thing that should matter is how you react to their words. Be the bigger person. Live your best life, and be your best self. 
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zevonandwaits · 7 years
3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 22, 28, 30, 32, 33, 44, 47, 49, 50, 55, 56, 65, 68, 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 100, 101, 107, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 127, 128, 133, 138, 139, 142, 146, 148, 149, 150 YIKES I'm a nosy bitch good luck! :*
okay i FINALLY have the time to answer these (i think, i’m just bored in poli sci rn but still)
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
hmm……maybe i think it’s my parents, they’re coming to visit me on easter and that’s a while away but i can’t wait. also i can’t wait to see my friends from home over summer break (less than 2 months!!)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
honestly i think i’m too easy to get along with. i’ve been kind of a doormat my whole life because i’m afraid of confrontation and hurting people. that’s gonna change though. slowly, but surely it will change. 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
i don’t like like anybody right now….but i love my friends (like you) and i know for sure that they would
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
i guess people who don’t know how to treat me right. 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
HAHA yes i’m such a prude i always have to work myself up when i want to bring up the topic of sex with someone. i feel so awkward about what’s tmi, or about potentially grossing someone out, idk. sex is weird. let’s ban it (jk let’s not)
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
I think it was you 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Because they didnt put it up before” i’m currently freaking out to my parents because my college just decided NOW to notify me of a past due balance for this strep test that they made me take even though i looked on the site a few days ago and it wasn’t up there so i couldn’t pay it i hate them sometimes they’re so dumb (them being the school and their bad notification skills)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
YEA and it’s exciting i just hope they don’t kill us
19. Do you like bubble baths?
nah son idk don’t kill me but i just don’t like baths in general i’d rather shower 
22. Where would you like to travel?
lol i’m so basic but lately i’ve really been wanting to go to disney world, i haven’t been there in ages and i really miss it
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
honestly? myself
people give me anxiety i’m always scared of being judged 
30. Do you ever want to get married?
yeah someday if there’s somebody that i want to marry enough. i don’t think it’s essential though it’s foolish to get married for the sake of getting married so
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
aaaaAAAA this is such an awkward question idk!??!?!?!? uhhhh???? 
happiness and love is my final answer 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
omfg i’m in class rn
i’ll come back to this
vic tkerua mjrsano
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space ftw
some fish are really scary tbh
47. Have you ever been high?
nah son
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
well if i hope nobody finds out about it, what good is it to answer this question? ;)
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
coincidence! i’m wearing a hoodie right now! it’s light blue, my class color, and of course it’s a bryn mawr hoodie
55. Favourite blog?
honestly it’s kinda like a celebrity blog but all her posts are perfect and i really look up to her and support her because she is very lovely and perfect so uh here’s the link if you wanna check her out
56. Favourite colour?
sky blue
65. Are you hungry right now?
trick question i’m always hungry
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
i mean i like tumblr (unfortunately) but sometimes i go on twitter because there’s a user on there whose tweets are all gold here’s the link if you wanna see
69. Are you watching tv right now?
nah i’m just not paying attention in class
72. What colour are your towels?
the ones i have at college are dark blue but the ones i have at home are light blue
75. Favourite animal?
heckin cattos frn
76. What colour is your underwear?
pink lmao
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
omfg chocolate all the way, i hate vanilla stuff. vanilla ice cream is nasty tbh
i like vanilla in baking but still chocolate is better
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
it’s my aforementioned light blue bryn mawr hoodie
81. Favourite tv show?
i think you know the answer to this one ;)
82. Favourite movie?
benny and joon it’s so underrated but i’ve seen it like 30 times since i was like 14
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
maybe my roommate? i honestly don’t remember i havent talked to many people today i had a bad dream and i’ve been groggy and grumpy ever since
88. Last person you talked to today?
my friend sitting next to me
89. Name a person you hate?
donald trump
90. Name a person you love?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
honestly? this is such a disappointing answer but none! i want them though i just…..don’t have any
95. Last movie you watched?
begin again and i love you for suggesting it to me
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
kinda, but i type very inaccurately so that kinda reduces my speed because i always have to backspace and retype stuff
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yeah! i rode a horse in peru last year but i can’t ride horses and my horses name was diablo and he was a literal diablo and he kept running whenever he felt like it and it was very scary
108. What should you be doing?
probably paying attention but this class is optional today and shes not really saying anything important so w/e
115. Do you play the Wii?
i used to! it’s so old now though it’s become crotchety and i only use it for netflix now lmao 
how things change, i used to be obsessed with it
116. Are you listening to music right now?
just the lovely monotony of my professor’s voice 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
yeah! i had some last night as i was watching begin again
118. Do you like Chinese food?
YEA honestly one of my fave things in life
119. Favourite book?
Flowers for Algernon come on addie you already asked me this ;)
121. Are you mean?
no but i should start to be in certain situations
122. Is cheating ever okay?
NO. that is a 100000% dealbreaker imo. if your s/o cheats it means that you’re not important enough to them and they don’t care about your feelings like at all so leave. 
127. What makes you happy?
(and cats)
(and friends/family)
(and curling up and watching a movie/reading a book)
128. Would you change your name?
ehhh i mean i’m not a fan of my name but i feel like changing it would be such a hassle between the legal stuff and then people calling me by the wrong name or whatever, i don’t think it’s worth it
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
I should have known you’d bid me farewellThere’s a lesson to be learned from this and I learned it very wellNow I know you’re not the only starfish in the seaIf I never hear your name again, it’s all the same to me
And I think it’s gonna be all rightYeah, the worst is over nowThe mornin’ sun is shinin’ like a red rubber ball
thank u 2 pol simon
also i think u know why
138. Curly or Straight hair?
well my hair is curly but i really wish it were straight when im struggling with it lmao
i like curly hair though, when it’s nOT UNMANAGEABLE
139. Brunette or Blonde?
i always seem to prefer brunette guys tbh. 
but my favorite person is blonde so idk ;)
142. Favourite month?
july. i love the heat and not having responsibilities 
also i just realized my favorite person was born in july ;*
146. Was today a good day?
i mean it wasn’t bad
but it wasn’t like amazing
it was alright i guess
148. What’s your favourite quote?
this was said by someone i admire very much: 
“YIKES I’m a nosy bitch good luck!”
i don’t agree but i admire her
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
nah. i hope i didn’t anger the ghost that supposedly lives in my dorm but nah. 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
that would be the book i’m reading for anthro and it is: 
“But where I come from, women don’t call out to men”
Pakistani gender roles ig 
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