#and then im like.... somehow listed as a blog to follow on some
moeblob · 10 months
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
Is anyone experiencing a tumblr glitch that's causing them to randomly follow people they've blocked, or did this just happen to me bc my phone is breaking??? 😭
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
To new followers--
Hey so like, over the past month or so, I've been hit by about 500 new followers, which is a very sudden, massive spike, and while I'm sure most of them are bots, I really can't be sure which are and which aren't.
To this end, if you see this and you have a mostly empty blog, PLEASE, I'm begging you, please make your blog not empty somehow so I can tell if you're a real person, otherwise you do run the very real risk of me blocking and reporting you for being a bot, because I really really don't want bots taking advantage of this blog.
Anywhere here's a short list of things you can do to make yourself not look like a bot:
Change your icon. It can literally be anything. Modify the default icon somehow, use a screenshot from whatever show you like, take a picture of your carpet and use that, use some art. Anything. (Although I'd advise against anything that might make you look like the other kind of bot blog.)
PLEASE change your title. I have now learned what "Untitled" looks like in many other languages. A change in title and maybe even description will go a very long way !!!!!
Change the color of your in dashboard blog from the basic white background. (In edit appearance.) Set a blog header image. (If you really don't have any images in mind, this blog is full of images. Pick anything.)
Turn on custom theme in the blog settings!! This didn't even used to be an option and was enabled by default and now it isn't.
Hide your likes and follows. Most bot blogs don't hide these. Unfortunately most newcomers don't hide them either.
Reblog or post a few things. It can literally be "im a lurker sorry please dont block me". A good thing to keep in mind is to try to reblog things that aren't related or are specifically fandom related. Bots don't do that, but I have seen bots that will reblog three (3) related posts or like three (3) related posts (from people they don't even follow) and that's that. If you do ONLY this, that's enough.
You don't have to do all of these. Literally even a few is enough. Just show some sign of life. PLEASE.
Since I've seen other people have success with this in the past, here's some free icons and headers you can use:
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These are all my images and my editing so you needn't worry about credit or whatever.
There are a virtually infinite number of icon makers at Picrew and a ton at Meiker.io
Old Windows icon images.
People make free icons on here all the time.
And if you want to be a little silly with it, I spent an entire month of my life making this default icon dress up game. (Yes, really, an entire month.)
I'll give you all like a week or so, and I WILL be re-reblogging this intermittently as a reminder, because after that I WILL start to block and report anyone who hasn't sufficiently proven themselves not to be a bot. This may not be a personal blog, but it IS my baby and these bots exist specifically to exploit the blogs that they follow, so don't help them out be letting them hide amongst you.
Because I don't want this post to be an annoyance, I will post a new palette each time I do reblog it, and I will delete old instances after sufficient time has passed. Please bear with me.
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antiradqueerguy · 2 months
coming to your inbox because i like your vibe and have literally no other safe place to rant abt this. sorry if this bugs you delete this if you want but im debating leaving the radqueer community because of ciel/hbki. ive already been wanting to leave for a while, but the thought of leaving has been triggering my ocd and ive not been sure what to do. but after i saw that guy running around and seeing how obviously horrible he is, and how people still somehow like him, i think im going to go through and just delete my blog or ditch it ive seen him talk about abusing his girlfriend on so many different blogs of his and then i go to look at hers and she is so obviously trauma bonded to him, and its so triggering. it makes me sick how shes admitted to not enjoying how he treats her, but says his treatment is okay because its "consensual" but i really dont believe its consensual. and i know its not my business but i literally cant avoid them in this community. ive blocked them so many times but every time they both get termed, i see them again, and get triggered. ive thought about reaching out to opphie, but every time someone does, ciel is alerted and he starts harassing the person reaching out. maybe i just have a savior complex but seeing the way they are together makes me feel sick. i see myself in her and i feel guilty for not being able to help. one of my friends even watched her change her name on a dime in her discord server just because ciel suggested it. its scary that the community just lets ciel get away with everything. i mean didnt he even admit to *graping* her? and people are okay with it because the victim swears up and down that its consensual? it doesnt make it any better that antis treat him like hes just some edgy kid. yeah its true that he is one, but there are also very very VERY clear signs that he is actually a harmful person and that he is actually hurting someone. opphie even posted a list of a bunch of horrible things hes done, and it looked like a cry for help to me, but radqueers were reblogging saying things like "couple goals" and "this is so romantic" i dont know anymore what to do. i know i have to leave that community but i wish there was a way to make other radqueers realize that ciel is not a good person to have in the community. if they want to beat the pro-abuse allegations, they NEED to point out actual abusers like ciel.
TW: using images from ciels past and current accounts and mentions of r4pe
with ciel he avoids everything to do with him and taking accountability for his action, (EH HEM, his past use of ableist slurs towards people)
me personally i believe that ciel is a abuser. he has had a history of abuse and I've documented AS MUCH as i possibly can. i will not let him escape this and his HISTORY of abuse.
to the people who don't know what nonnie is talking about with ciel admitting to r4ping opphie heres a pic
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Now ciel has a cult following, his boot licker fans love him, like hmm idk this
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he is invincible, unless his connection to tumblr and discord is cut off his fans will continue to protect him and glorify his abusive behavior
#ciel is a abuser get his ass canned
edit: also HIII CIELLL i know you will eventually read this since you have commented on posts made by antis talking about you before, so howdy doo!!!
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
ok it's not actually as epic✨ as i thought it would be but here is my episode-title prediction but it's very rough and in note form and no doubt is all over the place and pls feel free to discuss in the replies and ill amend accordingly,,, PLUS i need to go through it again in more detail cross referencing my sideburn theory bc some things might actually belong in other episodes and yeah im exhausted from the sheer speed at which i pulled this together fucking enJOY
(note: now contains mention of the leak, proceed w caution)
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main storyline summary:
OKAY SO LETS START with this article on mr g's blog - scroll to the last two paragraphs - potentially see pre-fall heaven or the immediate moments before/after the fall which when you consider the opening credits begin with crowley climbing out of the pit/aziraphale descending from heaven, AND the BEAUTIFUL (this isn't being discussed enough imo) fall sequence in the hillywood parody, im tentatively suggesting that we might have a cold open of the fall
sosososo in the trailer obvs crowley and muriel are jn heaven and muriel says "you're a demon!!! // im going to get into so much trouble!!!" so WHAT IF DURING THE FALL THEY SMUGGLED CROWLEY OUT OF HEAVEN TO AVOID THE CONFLICT???? and crowley took like the back staircase down so he didn't fall so violently and got to keep his wings and *GUNSHOT* ok so im only like maybe 5% certain it's a flashback after ive rewatched that bit of the trailer oooh maybe 26 times but sTILL imaGINE yeah don't think this anymore, send me an ask if you want to know why bc i cba to write a post explaining
and then presumably a segue? into the first few events ive listed in this post about the start of the second coming idk it might actually be a flashback in another episode hmm yeah actually that seems more likely but anyway
then - present day, gabriel arrives on earth, lost memory/human, "something terrible" in the box that he was meant to deliver to aziraphale (?) that going by that second coming (SC) post i think literally contains jesus
ok update after the gumshoe az pics: so if gabriel is connected to the pub, and by the extension the jukebox, it must be the record that arrives in the box with the address attached, and aziraphale starts looking into it from there????? idk see ep 2
crowley gets evicted, then crowley and shax interaction in the park
presumably an introduction to maggie and nina, plus the "naked man friend" clip
discovery of gabriel at the bookshop, and ensuing argument leading to crowley summoning lightning, and the boys going no contact sob
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main storyline summary:
*edit because my draft didn't save properly and ive only just noticed - believe that this ep has the job minisode
SO following the newest pic release of crowley and aziraphale and the record, which ive gone off about here, i think that the skip doesn't quite happen yet BUT aziraphale obvs has the record which i think god has sent him as a clue and then goes to find crowley to talk about it ✨A cLuE✨ but crowley tells him to fuck off
also crowley is a bartender
THEN we have a present-day time skip, gabriel being a very good assistant in the shop
again after the SC theory i think that gabriel lost the box and instead god somehow sends aziraphale the record and address as a clue
aziraphale (unsure of the genesis here) starts researching the jukebox and the everyday song, presumably buys the record from maggie
aziraphale in the bookshop, looking at the jukebox articles, crowley storms in, "im back" see below!!!
THEN second time aziraphale approaches crowley, pub drink ft crowley in jeans and a nice top™ which i think is actually his work top™, then the clip ✨a cLuE✨
crowley and shax in the bentley having a heart to heart, and i worry that she essentially tempts him into luring goob out of the shop so hell can get to him and crowley can get back his precious 😭 peaceful 😭 existence with aziraphale EDIT FOLLOWING THIS!!! I think she definitely tells him to get chummy with aziraphale again
AND NOW we have the "im back" scene
possibly the beelzebub clip from them in hell? possibly an interaction between them and shax? beelzebub manifests as a fly and plays a game of tag in the bookshop with goob, trying to make up for their failure in losing track of jesus
at some point the other angels come to the bookshop to interrogate aziraphale for if he has seen gabriel, believes he's lying, and resolve to send in their ✨top agent✨
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main storyline summary:
whole "cup of tea" scene, plus crowley removing plants from the bentley "why don't you go by train? you love trains"
possibly muriel feeding back to heaven with her report about aziraphale, his grumpy friend, and his assistant 💓
aziraphale off up to edinburgh in the bentley, possibly crowley has stayed behind to babysit gabriel? (i feel like the 'are you a bookseller too? / not even at gunpoint' interaction was a bit foreshadow-y)
still confused but see above SC theory
was the resurrectionist address already taped to the record when it arrived in the box? NOBODY KNOWSSS
UPDATE 2 re: the meme template prime just gave us: so what IF AZIRAPHALE goes to the pub, asks if theyve seen goob, the pub owner (who is in the meme) says "shhhhh I have some intel meet me at the graveyard at 6", aziraphale goes and they show him a pic of gabriel in the pub like removing the everyday record from the jukebox? bc gabriel removed it and that's why the jukebox is now stuck on that song??? AGHHH now I'm wondering if the pub people got a video of the graveyard fight or a pic of the box or something and that gives aziraphale the indication that the whole thing is centred around the second coming
shax possibly knows that crowley is there, and calls the bookshop? or crowley calls heaven to narc on gabriel? OR aziraphale calls him from the phone crowley possibly lent him and idk but a conversation along the lines "hey crowley so i think a fight with demons caused goob to lose his memory and lmao but i think he also lost jesus!!!
either way crowley uses aziraphale's phone specifically and is obviously looking intently at something
and lastly again i think this has the resurrectionist minisode - fitting given that they decked out a pub in edinburgh with resurrectionist signs etc so that probably triggers a flashback for az when he goes there for the jukebox mystery
no official press photos for this one as far as i know , but possibly????
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main storyline summary:
i think however that this is where muriel is back on earth, potentially rooting around greek street trying to be as nosy as possible
and crowley now loaded in with info hot off the press (lmao aziraphale) knows that the second coming is involved and realises he needs to get into heaven to find out more info which is so james bond of him what a legend
and then WELL WHADDAYA KNOW muriel turns up and therefore im wondering if the above is from crowley's pov - muriel spots him in the shop and gets a tad excited
then - bless their soul - muriel gets coerced into helping crowley infiltrate heaven, or he follows them back to the heaven entrance they're using, and jumps in the lift with them last minute (ie the hitchhiker)
god knows why he's going to heaven in disguise but he's living his best life bless*
ALTERNATIVELY see ep1 about the muriel/crowley scene
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okay i admittedly have no idea on this wtf happens in this one
do they DANCE
rap battle
a lil SMOOCHY SMOOCH??? (NOT the leak one, a different one)
✨everything goes to shit lmao✨
i can't even be bothered write out everything that happens in this episode because i think we can guess the bare essentials - crowley is on the throne in hell, demons attack the bookshop, metatron appears and declares war, aziraphale sharts himself, DEMONS destroy said bookshop and aziraphale's FUCKING HOME
i do feel like EVERY is in here because i reckon aziraphale finds out crowley was betraying him to hell, even if for a good reason, and crowley desperately tries to make aziraphale see that it was "for us, for you aziraphale!!!!", SNOG, and aziraphale tells him to get fucked bc now he can never trust him, crowley said hed never lie to him "obviously, you're a demon" from s1, and the cliffhanger is them being on their OWN own sides @azirafuck back me up here
Update 19/07: and what if aziraphale can't forgive crowley and literally tells him he can't forgive him... and fallssssss?
like I'm SORRY but i need heartbreak like THIS
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beeben · 3 months
hi, i was a previous victim of ultimatehater/realultimatehater, i can go message you off anon if you wish
i have a gif aesthetic side blog and in my main blog i post media edits. i posted a gifset from each hh on my main, and reblogged some of them to my aes blog bc i have more followers there.
anyways RUH sent my over 50 death threats that i decided not to acknowledge at all. i did delete them so i have no evidence. many of them felt ai generated, just generic 'your edits are ugly, no one likes you, kill yourself' messages. nothing really outside that, i didnt receive any doxxing/rape threats
anyways i DID answer one ask, and then she proceeded to claim i somehow edited the ask???? that is literally not possible, and more concerning people believed it???
BUT ALSO before ultimatehater was deleted, if you went back enough to her blog, you can see her original url was a bunch of numbers. before getting to hazbin discourse she baited scott vs the world fans, calling them pedophiles. it seems she just wants drama and rn she's making some bold statements in her new blog, that i'll be completely honest and also is just my opinion, i think she is lying.
I feel the same thing ngl.. i don't like to discredit someone's trauma but shes been copy pasting the things she's said to me and then sending them to other people unedited. I genuinely think shes a troll, and attacking random people with fandom blogs hoping to lure in and harm a child. It seems that way from the types of media she obsesses over (hazbin hotel/helluva boss, she ra) ive never heard of scot vs the world but id guess it's probably in that same category tbh. Im really not worried about her claiming to doxx people, claiming to add people to a hit list, i dont believe it. What i do worry about is children interacting with her and thinking she is legitimate. Thats what i mean by luring children. Shes goading people into responding to her and hoping they take her seriously. Children online who watch shows like hazbin hotel (most likely with unrestricted access to the Internet) are EXACTLY the type of "im more emotionally mature than my peers" type of kid that gets pushed into these harmful and frankly predatory groomer esque situations. Even if she's a troll and this is all fake, traumatizing children isnt. She's trying to perform a power play on these kids who are just beginning to understand themes like rape or abuse or racism or brutality and care about them so emotionally as children do, and trying to use it against them. Trying to hurt them
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sketching-shark · 5 months
This may or may not have asked more than once but I wanted to ask— what is your favorite alternate universe or stories of jttw in Tumblr? I've seen the glorious works of Kaijufluffs and kiri with her monkey business (may be some lmk here and there), but so far that's the only things in my list. There was also that one jttw artist and their au but like, it was from the 2015 movie (I think) and somehow integrated w the west pantheon too (their name might've been sun or something)
If you do and can, can you list down ur fav AUS and what you think of them? I've been following ur blog for a while and wanted to ask (but I've just been too shy)
Thanks for the question anon! And yes! There are definitely some fun JTTW aus out there; people on this site are incredibly creative.
So to begin, are you talking about the aus made by @sunny-days-and-warm-mournings? Because I know that they've come up with a number of AUs, and that from what I've seen they're all bangers with all sorts of interesting takes and flavors, from making everyone's favorite monkey more a god of food to a terrifying death deity! As you can imagine this has led to many a stellar design from the whimsical to the horrific for all of these monkey kings, each of which is fully worth checking out. tbh I feel like you should just scroll through their gallery to find them all & will promise that you won't be disappointed.
If you're looking for something a little more lego show flavored, then you should check out @digitaldoeslmk's "by the book au!" Its Monkey King is extremely fun sized, and it's really neat for the way it explores heartfelt sides to MK and friend's stories in a Monkie Kid scenario where JTTW happened according to Wu Cheng'en's story and where reality isn't constantly in danger so we see fun stuff like lion dancing and putting on plays and the warm interactions that come with it (& also where everyone isn't routinely yelling about how awful & incompetent SWK is fsgreafw).
I also have to give a shout-out to @violetvirus for their JTTW cyberpunk au! It's got a very fun and bouncy cartoon vibe to it, and I love how SWK, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing look as robots <3. There's hints of some interesting ways the JTTW scenario works with a cyberpunk setting, as well as some moments of silliness like this banger:
Last but certainly not least, and while its been awhile since he posted, I would definitely recommend checking out @antidotefortheawkward and @antidotefortheawkward-art's blogs for his JTTW AUs! Seriously, his blogs are cornucopias of wonderful JTTW aus, from an actors AU to a triad AU to a Lotus Lantern AU to a post-JTTW JTTW au! Each of these really shows a lot of attention and care for the characters and the details of the world they inhabit from clothing to religion to history, which as you can imagine opens up multiple opportunities for some really lovely, heartfelt, and overall great interactions. A few personal favorites include this comic of an conversation between Sun Wukong and Liu Chenxiang of Lotus Lantern fame:
A comic about Sun Wukong's reactions after first learning that Xiyouji included details about his time as Puti Zushi's tudi:
And to end on something a little darker, a comic for his JTTW-ish/Macbeth au.
So those are the JTTW aus I can think of at the top of my head, but I sincerely hope you find them as fun and interesting as I do anon! And needless to say if anyone has a JTTW au that they think worth sharing, please do so.
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myrinthinks · 28 days
are you a zionist? the tags on that one post made me wonder and i dont want to follow a zionist. sorry if not and im bugging you for no reason lol
You know, I've been kinda going back and forth on whether to answer this or not, not because I'm offended or anything but on principle (and also because I couldn't tell what it was referring to at first and "are you a zionist?" is one hell of a thing to read out of nowhere; for everyone similarly confused: it's in reference to this post).
Because the thing is:
The whole topic of zionism/Israel's war on Palestine/Israeli colonialism could not have been what I was talking about in those tags because the post in question is literally about shutting up and never, ever talking about something. Contrary to that, I have reblogged numerous posts on the Palestine-Israel issue over the past months which I would have thought made my stance on the whole thing clear. (I have also donated to Palestinian relief funds but of course you couldn't have known about that because, somewhat ironically given the topic, I never mentioned that on my blog.) I'm astounded that out of all possible topics I never, ever talk about, you landed on one that, well, I actually have talked about.
I'm also astounded that you read my saying "so I simply never talk about them ever" and thought "better make her talk about it". When I say I don't talk about a topic, I mean it.
Ironically, I was - again - going back and forth on whether to include those tags in the first place when I reblogged the post in question, exactly because of anticipating asks like this one. I feel like it's a simple reality of life that basically every person we interact with has thoughts and feelings we don't know, have never even thought of, and might even vehemently disagree on, especially when that interaction is happening through an online lens. But somehow, a lot of people don't seem to (want to?) realise that, and actually acknowledging that simple fact somehow makes you suddenly suspicious when it's just stating the truth.
There are a lot of topics I don't talk about, either online or IRL, but not all of those are ones I know people won't share my thoughts and feelings on; in fact, the vast majority aren't. You are vanishingly unlikely to guess what I was referring to in those tags, even if you list all the things you can think about which I've never mentioned on here, mostly because what I was referring to are all utterly mundane topics, they're just things I happen to know some (not even all! Not by a long shot!) of my online friends have the diametrically opposed opinion on, passionately. (If you absolutely need an example, albeit a fandom one: one such topic - which has since changed because I found my people - used to be my love for omegaverse. I gobble that shit up, it's my absolute favourite trope in any fandom I've ever been in. But I had one online friend - "had" not for any particular reason, we just drifted apart naturally and haven't interacted in years; she actually fully deleted her tumblr some time ago - who was very vocal about her hatred of it. By pure happenstance she mentioned her strong dislike of the trope before I mentioned my strong like and as such, I simply never brought the topic up at all, ever.)
You are allowed to not follow me for any reason at all! If I, for some reason, have given you the idea that I might be [whatever you can come up with] and you're uncomfortable with that, you don't even have to hesitate, you can just unfollow/not follow me in the first place. I don't even know my follower count and accidentally look at it maybe once every two weeks. But even if that weren't the case, what am I gonna about it? I don't know you! You can just happily live your life without my having any way to contact you about your unfollowing me, and if you hadn't even followed me to being with, even better - I don't even know you exist! Spoken more bluntly: this.
I could be lying about all of these things. I would think that looking through my blog would be a much better indicator of my personality, stances, and attitude than point-blank asking me about it. I could easily try to trick you with my answer to your question but I've had this blog for almost ten years and I would be playing a very long ruse if I had spent that much time exhibiting views I don't actually hold.
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sorrowfulwill · 8 months
hey so if you’ve noticed my posting has been less “frequent” I guess I mean I posted a lot today but that’s because I was having a mettaton craze and most of that is because of personal stuff
but I’m also working on some projects and I wanted to list a couple so you guys can see some of the stuff I’m working on
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of course I’ll probably be doing some undertale stuff, gravity falls stuff, Minecraft, etc that I couldn’t list here but these are the main things on my mind right now
I wanted to be a little more transparent about stuff since I feel like my posts have been a bit “dry” especially for the people who followed me for gravity falls and reverse falls content since I’ve kinda just been doing shitposts and mettaton stuff recently
but I assure you bigger stuff is coming but I’m also only one person so it might take a bit
If you want more in depth information about the things listed I’ll put it under here for whoever wants to read
The reverse falls ask blog:
Everything is set up so far but the only thing really challenging me is will.
Will’s design, personality, etc I feel like it all has to be perfect. I want him to be unique. I’ve been switching back and forth with making the story serious to silly to serious to silly blah blah blah yknow.
I have an artstyle in mind but it doesn’t fit very well for Will’s design. So that’s something I need to work on.
The OC comic:
Im less focused on this since my oc isn’t really a big thing.
So far I haven’t really had people asking about their story and that’s ok so right now it’s kind of just a half baked idea but I still want to give a bit of a backstory on how my character turned out so koo-koo Mary sue.
I would spoil it but I’m saving it for if someone asks or if I actually make the damn thing
The Bureau of 7 story and character designs:
If you saw my character design based on the deadly sin of lust he’s one of the big boy villains in the story.
Right now I’m more focused on the oc character designs than the big story since thinking on its own is harder than drawing out my thinking.
It’d probably be on wattpad but I’ll show you the story once I’ve yknow..actually made the damn chapter.
Robux Commissions
Commissions in robux because I don’t have any PayPal or anything..it’s kinda self explanatory.
It’s not for any urgent reason I just wanna actually be making shit for any type of profit and I also want an excuse to play Roblox again. It’ll probably be a temporary thing until I get a money transferring stuff thing
Date Night Parasite
A mini comic in order for me to both test my comic making skills and show off a cool idea I had
The premise of the comic being about someone going on a date with someone they met on a dating app until the person finds out who they’re dating is a literal parasite that has the urge to gain sustenance off their mortal flesh and energy but still wants a relationship…somehow and trying to find a way to compromise to make the relationship work
Oc stories and redraws of old art
Another character story I’ve been trying to develop but haven’t posted jack about it.
It’s a bit more well thought out than the bureau of seven since it’s been in my brain for awhile now
I would also explain this one’s plot but it is very..very..verrrryyy complicated and hard for me to explain.
And the art redraws are also decently self explanatory
So yeah. I pray I can get these things done and over with tbh especially the ask blog that’s been eating away at my souls for months I tell you
good chat byeee
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(i don’t know about you guys but i think she should be a professional graphic designer, clearly it’s her passion) ok so i’ve somehow tricked 3000 of you into following me, you’re all stupid silly gooses (affectionate), anyway about a month ago (make that two now since this took me so long to make, hope you can tell that from the graphic!) an anon asked me for blog recommendations and since i am the worst person ever i never actually got round to responding so i’m combining this with that and giving you all some blog recs because if you can suffer having me on your dash you should at least also have the joy of having them on your dash, also just putting it out there tumblr is rude and wouldn’t let me tag everyone i love and only allowed me to tag 50 people but even if you’re not on this post i still love you very very much
amazing creators (you know how jesus created wine and everyone freaked out that’s how i react when i see this lots posts on my dash)
@acrosstobear | @antogioamoremio | @ferrarifwiends | @formulaonedirection | @f1errari | @gnmick | @jeor | @josefnewgayden | @lewisrises | @madsart | @soadoya | @44lh
lovely people (don’t be offended if you were in amazing creators instead you’re still lovely xo)
@antonios-hair | @backwardscaplando | @ctolisso | @des-iderate | @dishaaster | @effervescentdragon | @fabioquartararhoe | @fikayotomori | @findthelightinyourlife | @gaslysleclerc | @gaylando | @gncharles | @grusscll | @grussell63 | @hakkinens | @landofnorris | @landows | @heretoseethequeen | @holdmyhopeinyourhands | @lewisdidthat | @lewishamilfton | @lewislarbalestier | @lewisinlace | @kevin-durant | @lesellieknope | @mercgaydes | @mercedesgrussell | @mikeyybrown | @mnza | @neonastronaut | @oversteerey | @pierregasiy | @pierrelli | @saywhatnow07 | @screamsinsilver | @weraceaswhores | @7xwc
i feel like i need a third category but it also sounds rude to be like uhm your none of the above lol so we’ll leave it at that. although i do feel like @race-week needs a special shout out cause even though they are extremely lovely and would also fall into that category, if you are new into f1 or only want to follow one f1 related account i would highly recommend this to be the one, they are extremely unbiased when it comes to sharing lots of helpful information to do with f1, they’re legit like a tourist information and we’re all the annoying tourists who bombard them with question which they are always happy to help with
make sure you follow every single person on this list, i will know if you don’t and i won’t be happy! 😡 no im kidding but you should actually follow them they are all extremely amazing
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bellarke-events · 1 year
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Is this event for fanfic/gifs/etc. only?
Absolutely not! Our lists of fanworks include: fanfic, fanart, fanvids, gifs, graphics, moodboards. Basically, as long as its an original creation (meaning you made it!), it’s pretty much accepted!
When are we expected to post?
Valentine’s Day, February 14th!
What if we’re in different timezones? When should we post if we’re ahead of US time?
Whenever works best for you! If you’re in Australia and you’re gifting someone in the US (or whatever other combination of places) you can post on your time, or you can wait a little for a better time you think would be good for you both. Remember queueing/scheduling posts is a thing, that’s always an option!
I’m running behind, can I get an extension to post my gift?
You can get an extension, on a few conditions.
Firstly, you of course have to let us know you need an extension. We understand that things happen, but we want to make sure everyone gets their gift!
Secondly, extensions will last until the weekend following the 14th (18th-19th) to make sure we can come up with a backup gift in case something happens. We’d love to give everyone free rein, but we don’t want anyone to feel like they were forgotten, you know?
Thirdly, if you do need an extension for your finished piece, remember you can post a sneak peek beforehand! Writing a fic? Post a paragraph or two. Got a fanvid? You could post a small snippet. Got fanart? Post a close-up or maybe some of your process. We do recommend a sneak peek post if you need to request an extension if that’s possible, I’m sure everyone would love it!
Can I participate outside of Tumblr?
Technically yes. While all of the official event info will remain here, you can participate without a Tumblr username (though you will need to sign up with some username, whether it’s Twitter, AO3, etc.). If you do sign up without a Tumblr user, please contact both your assigned user and us (Anon asks are open!) with your gift!
Will you post the gifts on the blog?
We will! We will reblog all posts in the #bellarkevalentines and #bellarkevalentines23 tags and will create a post with a direct link to any creations posted outside Tumblr. If you don’t see your gift on our blog and it’s been a day or two since it was posted, shoot us an im or an ask and we’ll get to it ASAP!
What happens if someone pulls out? Will I still get a gift?
Yes!!! We will do everything we can to make sure everyone gets a gift. Your friendly neighborhood admin will be handling backup gifts in case anything comes up with your assigned gifter. We will also try to keep you as up to date about gift extensions and gift backups as possible. If you have any problems with your gift please let us know!
Posting day is over and I haven’t seen my gift or gotten an extension notification, what now?
Please contact us directly as soon as you can! We’ll make sure if your gift has been posted, we’ll send you a link to it if you missed it somehow. If it hasn’t been posted, we will contact your gifter and begin working on a backup gift if we haven’t heard back from them in a day.
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ryndicate · 1 year
describe your moots in one word?
Oh shit here we go.
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I scrolled down my following list so if we're moots and you're not here it's literally bc I probably don't believe you follow me bc I have set you on a pedestal of some kind. And if you're on here and we're not actually moots it's probably just because I really really like you and your blog 😅
@dark-mnjiro ~ psychic. Lee somehow knows what I like without me having to say anything, sends me manga panels that have me climbing walls when i’m on the cusp of zoning from boredom, and introduces me to characters that turn me into some kind of feral territorial creature howling to the gods about my love for a character ive literally seen two pics of. We went from non interactive moots not knowing each other to talking all the time on discord within a few conversations and now im like what would I do without this friendship? 
@knchins ~ supportive! We haven't been moots very long at all but you've been kind to me and my writing manic keysmashes despite the short time, but thats the vibe I've gotten! And you are responsible to turning my mind toward spoiled Reo brainrot, i dont think i will ever thank you enough for Renunion hehehe
@boosyboo9206 ~ safe. It's really easy to talk back and forth with you and i love the way my heart flutters when send me puppy pics and art of my favorite pairings because that alone tells me that you’re thoughful enough to be thinking of me, and I’m so grateful that you don't judge me for being so awful with communication lol.
@kingkatsuki / @kingkunigami ~ assertive. its like jo really has her own brand and always just seems so unshakable, has the patience to respond to the constant stream of blank blogs asking why they’ve been blocked like its not obvious already. i love knowing when i go to her blog that im going to see her being herself. on top of her fabulous writing of course, im on her blog more than its healthy to admit.
@killsaki ~ real. Every time i’m scrolling their blog i find something to either cackle or bite my fist about. Dal is my favorite blog for unfiltered thoughts about their faves and just their life in general. if we met in real life im dead certain they’d be a friend i could count on to call me on my bullshit
@cyancherub ~ vibrant. Everything cass does is done brightly with all of her love. Her interactions with her followers are so lovely and its easy to see how much she enjoys hearing from everyone. And I can trust her to put her whole pussy into any of her fixations, and her fixations are ~top~ tier. While you were sleeping is still easily my favorite thing she’s ever written, ive read it through like 4x and it still leaves me breathless with its characterizations, the descriptions that im not sure she was even breathing as she wrote them, the energy is so wild and intense, and yet how well thought out everything is on top of it! 
@iwaasfairy ~ talentedddd. Fairy is either making me wet with her writing or leaving me soaked with her art, living the life of being amazing at more than one creative outlet. I thank the universe that we’re friends and that she trusts me enough to send me the snippets that she’s working on and letting me howl at her in discord about how awesome her shit is. I get some of the first looks and I’m damn proud of that hehehe.
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romanarose · 2 years
From your prompt list!
“Don’t fall in love, there’s just too much to lose” featuring Obiwan (maybe he knows the reader has feelings for him but he pushes her away after knowing what happened to Satine??)
I'VE NEVER WRTTEN FOR OBI AAAAHHHHHHHHH Only Star Wars men I've written for have been Han, (and Lando and Poe who have been featured in this long ass Han story I'm working on but not much) IM SO EXCITED
My blog is almost exclusively oscar Isaac characters but Star Wars is my life bro I'm excited to open it up!!!!
The timing was bad, on top of everything else.
Like "the Galaxy is under fascist rule", bad.
Like "I'm a fugitive being hunted by the most powerful Jedi at present who may or may not have lost his mind" bad
Like "At the moment, most of my free time is being spent training with the force ghost of my old master and making sure these two 10 year olds don't die, when, just like their father, chaos seems to follow them everywhere they go" bad
Then there was the fact he was a jedi, one of the last of them at this point. He still had a vow of celibacy, no attachments. He couldn't exactly turn his back on the order now. Of course, the flaws of the order are part of what got the galaxy to this point...
Of course, he had broken the no attachment rule. A lot. Anakin, Padme,Qui-Gon, Ahsoka, Satine... Satine...
Obi-Wan had assumed for a long time he was just weak, that he just needed to be more disciplined. Attachment is what drove Anakin to where he is now, isn't it? But after years of thought, (and some choice words from his old master) he had begun to think the issue had been with the jedi order.
All these thoughts swirled around in his head as he pulled away from the kiss. Did he kiss you? Did you kiss him? He wasn't entirely sure.
"We can't do this" Where the worlds that slipped out of his mouth, a biproduct of the thoughts pounding against his head.
He watched your face, previously holding a nervous smile, fall. "Oh."
He wanted to bring your smile back, he wanted to make your smile for the rest of his life, but that wasn't possible.
"He'll hurt you." Was the excuse he gave.
"That's bullshit" You replied, face set in a line determined not to break. You knew Vader was after him. You didn't know why, other than he was a Jedi. Why Vader had a particular vendetta against Ben, you had no clue. He said it was safer that way.
"If he finds me, if he knows that I-" love you, he almost said. But he couldn't. He wouldn't. Not again. He wouldn't watch another person he loved burn alive or die in his arms. Don't fall in love, he told himself. There's just too much to lose.
"Bullshit" you reassert, crossing your arms. "You're a coward. I don't know what happened to you before, and I don't ask. That's your prerogative. But don't pretend this is about me, this about you. You're afraid."
Somehow, you knew. You always knew what was going on in his head. "You have no idea," He said with an edge of irritation. "No idea what war took from me, it took everything I ever loved! I won't let it take you."
"You lose me either way, Ben!" You shout, throwing your hands up in frustration.
You wait for him to respond.
He doesn't
"Okay, Ben. I'll walk away. You can pretend this is for my safety if you want. I'm done."
He watched you walk. You don't turn around. For a brief moment, you stop. Were you wanting to take another look? Were you hoping he'd stop you?
Obi-Wan had spent a lot of time over his years thinking e simply should have been better, more disciplin. He could've saved Qui-Gon, Satine, Anakin, Padme, Cody, Ahsoka, if only he tried harder, trained better.
It took all the discipline left in him to let you leave.
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menalez · 2 years
That homicidality girl really seems to think that someone's blog (yours, terfectly now radicallyaligned) is a peice of media where she can find clues and foreshadowing about how you're all evil people and not a personal blog displaying entirely what you wanted your followers to see and run by young women (and kids in your case) who have ideas that evolve and change.
radicallyaligned ???? what has she ever done? 😐
also lol i didn’t rly read most of her dozens - hundreds of posts about me bc it’s hard enough being bombarded w ur trauma and called a liar over it so i didn’t wanna make it worse for myself but. she clearly has issues. the girl supposedly sat there arguing that me being a TRA and saying “i am penis repulsed and do not want to be sexually involved w males” in TRA speak like 7 years ago was somehow lesbophobic and proof that im bi 💀💀💀 so ur right she sees ppl as static. she’s out there arguing that me quoting a jeffree star song in 2013 makes me OSA after she & some other lesbian on there were talking about loving nicki minaj who also makes very explicit and graphic songs about dick😭 like. it’s completely ridiculous. it’s obvious she’s a terminally online barely-adult girl whos taking out her own insecurities on other women. im surprised she moved on from harassing lesbians of colour who faced abuse & trauma to white bi women but im sure the list of women shes harassing & cyberstalking will continue to grow & she’ll continue to be more deranged bc she’s in a circle of terminally online women that r encouraging it & she’s so desperate for their approval that her morals don’t matter anymore. she’s overcompensating for sth and will probably seriously regret the shit she’s saying n doing one day 💀 i can see myself in parts of her but luckily i only rly took my issues out on myself, not random lesbian rape victims online.
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lgchanbin · 1 year
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hi everyone! i go by SAWYER (any pronouns he/she/they) and after eyeing lgc for quite some months .. i've decided to take the leap and finally join ! i'm super excited to be here with this muse i've had in my head for a while now ! i see all your messages in my ims and i'll get back to you all as soon as i can. ♡ the quickest way to get to know this must is probably though his STATS PAGE, but i'll try to put a few quick facts under the read more and some connection ideas to help get things started. just a quick note; i'm still getting my bearings and am not yet sure what events are going on and what he can participate in, so a little guidance would be super appreciated ! i also just want to give everyone a heads up that this blog is stuck on the new post editor since it's a new blog, so cutting posts might be difficult with me for a while. i'm still figuring it out. so i appreciate your patience with me in the meantime !
the son of a b-list actor and a first generation idol who had a very short-lived career, hanbin has been called every alternative name for a nepotism baby that there is. despite neither of his parents being especially successful in their respective careers, he's been the target of bullying and scrutiny of his peers for most of his life.
a bit of a tumultuous past, hanbin was born in korea, but spent most of his schooling years in los angeles, california where he went by the name benjamin "ben" go. he moved back to seoul near the beginning of high school and typically prefers to be called hanbin rather than his chosen english name.
he's a rather soft spoken sort of kid, a bit insecure due to the cruel nature of previous classmates and peers. he would very much like to be responsible for his own name and reputation, but somehow he still lingers in the shadow of his parents' names. a very hard worker in lessons and wants desperately to be liked by his peers.
signed to lgc ent. in january 2020, so just going on his third year with the company. he's probably a bit antsy to see what becomes of his career, if he'll find more success or follow down the same mediocre path as his family members. he's trying very hard to be patient, but i think he is struggling with doubts if he'll ever see the stage.
while i don't imagine that his parents are especially popular —certainly not his mother— i do think it might be fun to have a muse who's familiar with their work, possibly inspired by them ?? a fan who thinks that they deserved better than where their careers have gone?
i'm a very big fan of negative relationships; if anyone has a muse who would resent him for being "born into" the entertainment industry, who would call him a nepotism baby to his face or otherwise act like he shouldn't be here without the connections his family has. perhaps it could turn into enemies to lovers ??
other trainees signed in january 2020 ?? better if your muse has already debuted; hanbin will undoubtedly compare his own career to your muse's and agonize over why he's not good enough yet. friendly rivalries can be fun as well — friends who push one another to improve in various ways. i believe hanbin has a competitive nature that could be awoken with the right motivation !
i love love and writing romantic interactions ! give me all sorts of different lovey plots ! unrequited crushes ( either on hanbin's side or your muse's side ), puppy love, exes, almosts, yearning and pining, whatever ! i'm not 100% certain of my muse's sexuality yet —and hanbin himself might not be 100% certain himself !— so i'm open to discussion and a little self discovery with my muse.
hanbin's sister is currently an npc with minimal development. if anyone is looking for a second or third muse, i would love to see her in the directory too someday ! that said, i think trusting people with a family connection is scarier than trusting people with a ship, so i'm looking for great co-writing chemistry ooc with anyone who's interested in picking up this connection someday !
other, less closely related family members i'm less picky about ! if anyone's muse's story fits a plot for cousins or other distant relatives, let's talk !
i'll add more ideas to this post as they come to me, but this is all i have for now. i'm looking forward to meeting everyone and getting this boy involved !
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hey love!! I just saw your follower celebration post and first of all wanted to congratulate you!! 💗 second of all, wanted to thank you for making such a post and inadvertently bringing me to your blog, which I’d somehow missed in the countless binge-reads across fandoms on this hellsite! cant wait to read through more of your stuff, I’ve set a reminder on my phone to start this weekend! ♡
if it’s ok, I’d like to go for option one with either Jon Snow or Brienne of Tarth (I know Brienne isnt on your masterlist so if you’re more comfortable writing for Jon that’s perfectly ok with me!!), my name’s Heather, Im 5’0” and I’ve got shoulder length wavy light blue hair; personality wise I’ve got some dark lore (trauma but in a cool way 😎) which has caused some severe memory issues, but generally speaking Im very bubbly, excitable, and overall the furthest thing from the broody character you’d expect from a backstory like mine lol. my reasons for loving Brienne and Jon are much the same: their strength in the face of prejudice, the morally golden characters they’ve become despite their emotional hardships, and their equally protective natures which Im a total sucker for! naturally, I am in love with them both so a romantic blurb over a platonic one would make me feral 😌
in terms of prompts/scenarios, I really dont have anything specific in mind, Im just so excited to see what you write for either of these characters!! please dont feel at all rushed to do this, and if for any reason you arent comfortable writing it, I completely understand and respect your decision and I’ll look forward to your next works!! hope you have the most wonderful day! 🥰♡
hi :)
first off, thank you so much for the kind words. i hope you enjoy my work, let me know what you think! (and im apologizing for some of my older stuff, it’s a little rusty.)
second, if you scroll down my page a little bit, i’ll tag you in it, i have a post about all the characters im currently accepting requests for. so if you have any requests, i’ll gladly take them.
so i’m actually not doing this followers celebration anymore, i’ll do another one like this for 700 which should be semi soon, i’ll do a full one of these for you went it comes.
but i feel bad that you typed all this out, so i’m gonna do a quick version of what i was doing for the celebration. and again, if you think of a scenario and like any of the characters i write for, i’ll gladly write an x reader for you.
i’m gonna go with jon, since i’ve done one of these before for him, and he’s on my list of characters i’ll currently write for. but i do think brienne would like you a lot, too, for similar reasons.
jon very much understands what it’s like to have trauma but in a cool way. except he broods, you don’t. you’d definitely balance each other out, which he’d appreciate. i think he’d find it inspiring to see someone who’s been through some shit, but still chooses the optimist outlook. he’d strive to be more like you. he’s such a strong person, he’s overcome so much, and i think he’d really value having a person who’s had similar experiences. he’d connect to you purely based off the fact that he can relate on a deeper level. you’d bring him his little joys in life. he couldn’t help but fall for you when he’d see you standing tall and stoic, smiling in the face of adversity. he’d think you were the bravest person he’s ever known. his personal hero.
he’d understand that your memory issues stem from trauma. he probably has them himself, trying to recollect his childhood. but i think he’d find it endearing that you’d forget little things, especially if you grew up in the north together.
when you both finally made your way back to winterfell, you and sansa would share stories and memories. jon would sit with you, softly smiling.
“that was the year bran was born, love,” he’d gently correct.
you’d furrow your brows, shaking your head. “no. i’m quite sure, it was rickon.”
“it was neither,” sansa interrupted, grinning. “neither were born that year. father had his hands full, and my mother promised him peace and quiet for a summer. but bran was already born, so rickon would’ve been next.”
you’d smile, turning to jon. “i was closer.”
he’d sulk and you’d laugh, squeezing his hand. “we were both wrong. why are you pouting?”
he’d squeeze back, his eyes softening. he couldn’t help but give you a small smile at the sound of your laugh.
“i hate when you’re right. it’s far too often.”
you’d smile back. “get used to it, love.”
i hope you enjoyed this. thank you again for participating, im sorry i couldn’t write more. i hope i’ll see you for the next celebration, and thank you for supporting my work. i hope you enjoy it. i’ll tag you in that post for characters im currently accepting requests for, in case you want to send me one :)
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