#and then suddenly you're organic and have lost like half of your powers
siriannatan · 2 months
All the games I play keep updating, and I have had a bit less free time recently so my writing has slowed down a bit :{
And I might have some more ZZZ brain rot I need to let out...
Scott was refusing to look up. Why? He didn't need to see fWhip's stupid triumphant smirks. Didn't need to see the bastard sitting on his brother's throne in the Rivendell palace. Scott was fully aware he'd lost the war. But he had no clue where Xornoth might be. Did he manage to escape? But why? He said he would never run away. Did he really leave Scott alone with their old allies? Allies they betrayed. Well, Scott didn't participate in any discussions or planning. He just followed his brother's orders like a good general should. They didn't seem to harm Rivendell.
"So, your brother ran away," fWhip hummed after a long silence of Scott refusing to look at him. All leaders of Wither Rose Alliance were sat in the room but others were so far mostly silent. Scott could hear others shift and huff occasionally even as he stared at the ground.
His knees were starting to hurt from kneeling on the hard stone tiles. Wounds itching from lack of attention. His wings were long stiff in their bindings. Not like it was needed. He couldn't fly away if he wanted to. His true self forced out.
"According to what I know about elven law," Gem, fWhip's twin sister, Headmistress of Crystal Cliffs Academy, spoke up. A shiver of dread ran down Scott's spine. Did she know… "Xornoth can be considered an exile, meaning Scott is now the king," she did know. Of course, she knew. She figured out Scott was a half-dragon even with all the magic he used to hide it.
fWhip hummed. "Is that so," he chuckled and Scott heard him stand up. Followed by his boots on the tile. Then he could see fWhip's damned combat boots. "Then I might have an idea what we can do with Scott," suddenly a warm even through thick gloves hand grabbed one of Scott's horns and made him look at fWhip. "And maybe even annoy the cod lovers in the process," fWhip's grin was far too wide. He was enjoying his plan far too much for Scott. "You were supposed to marry Jimmy for the sake of alliance with Lizzie, no?" he smirked and suddenly seats were scraping against the floor.
"fWhip you better not say what I think you're about to say," Gem suddenly protested. Likely guessing the same thing Scott was guessing fWhip was about to say.
"Why? Isn't it about time I get married? Might as well use it to piss some people off," fWhip laughed, barely glancing at his sister. Scott glanced in her direction as well. She looked pissed. Fists clenched. Pearl hovering nearby. Sausage was just sitting causally. Likely didn't really care who fWhip married as long as their leader didn't turn on the rest of them. fWhip held the most military power in the whole alliance after all. "Come on Gem, it'll be just for politics. Right, fWhip?" Pearl tried her best to stop the siblings from fighting. "Right?"
fWhip stared at Scott in complete silence for a while. "Yeeah, sure, just politics," he hummed but Scott wasn't convinced the other dragon-hybrid was honest. He definitely had other things on his mind. Very physical things. "Make Rivendell a sovereign state to Grimlands, seal it with a nice little wedding so no one can challenge my claim," he added with a nod and a toothy grin.
He was absolutely planning to consummate the marriage. Would likely have some tradition or law ready as an excuse. To justify it to his sister.
Somehow Gem accepted the excuse and a couple of guards soon dragged Scott away. To a room where he was locked after being told fWhip will come and collect him later. Of course, he wouldn't be left alone in Rivendell. Of course, fWhip would be dragging him along to Grimlands. 
At least he wasn't chained anymore. Even if there was no window. Somehow fWhip found one room with none in the whole castle. Sadly it had to be a certain specific room.
Being half dragon Scott was seen as unstable and dangerous when young. He did have an explosive temper back then, yes. But was it the dragon part or the part told off for any, even the smallest, deviation from what was expected of him? The part who got locked in a room with no windows whenever he wasn't hiding his draconic traits. Whenever he tried flying. 
With a deep, shaking breath Scott curled up on the cot. Hiding in his wings like he did as a child when he failed his lessons on hiding what he was. He could not hate Xornoth for escaping. He didn't hate Scott for what he was. Even if did still had to hide it from the public. Even if he was in fWhip's claws. 
So he sat there, curled up. He wasn't crying. Just fighting the urge to hide his wings and horns and tail and scales. To hide it and pretend it wasn't what he was. To push away any memories of being jealous of fWhip and his freedom to be himself. To not hide anything. And he did feel it many times when younger. When his parents brought him to ruler's parties instead of leaving him at home.
He would see fWhip and Gem being normal siblings allowed to walk around together, without their parents constantly around them. He would see fWhip's horns wings tail and scales out in public. And back at home would ask why fWhip could just walk around like that. His parents would just say it was because he behaved well. So Scott tried his best to behave.
But he never behaved well enough. fWhip became this beacon of what he wanted to be. Or at least who he thought fWhip was.
And then he met fWhip. When Xornoth was discussing alliance matters with him. And the reality was different. Real fWhip was a menace and explosion gremlin far too eager to help blast tunnels through the mountains. Looking down at anyone and everyone but his sister. Speaking casually and dismissively even when he wasn't the one sitting on a throne.
Real fWhip was the exact opposite of what Scott thought he was.
Hearing the door open Scott curled up tighter. He did not want to see fWhip. He knew he had no choice. But he could try to delay it.
"Scott? You having a nap?" fWhip asked, painfully gently petting Scott's wing. His hands were bare. Rough from tinkering. "Come on, I didn't have a good chance to really look at you like this. I was honestly quite shocked Gem was right about you. I never saw someone like me before."
Shaking slightly, just the room and memories of it, nothing to do with fWhip he told himself. And glared at the other half-dragon. That had fWhip grinning widely hands instantly on Scott's face. Petting stray, stress-induced scales. Gently petting the base of his horns.
Scott stayed silent. Biting his lips, clenching his fists to not push fWhip away. He didn't need to provoke him. Or to respond in any way. Maybe once his curiosity was satisfied fWhip would leave. He just had to sit and bear with it. No reacting, no pushing away. No snide remarks. 
"What was this room even for?" fWhip hummed as he inspected Scott's left wing.
"Me," Scott said shortly. No annoying fWhip, he told himself.
"Why?" fWhip's hands froze as his attention focused on Scott's face.
"I was put here if I misbehaved," Scott said plainly, wishing fWhip would just drop it. "Wasn't here in a long while," he shrugged, not really caring anymore. 
"Misbehave how?" fWhip continued asking, annoying Scott further. 
He wants to know. Fine. Scott will tell him. "Talking back. Talking when not asked to. Leaving my room with any dragon parts visible," Scott listed off, keeping his voice as steady and monotone as he possibly could. He was quite proud of how calm he managed to sound. And of the expression on fWhip's face
fWhip looked angry as he suddenly stood up. When did he even get into Scott's lap? Suddenly Scott was being pulled up to his feet and out of the room. fWhip growled out orders in Grimlands language and then pulled away. To a carriage. fWhip was muttering to himself all the way. "In, I can't stand this place, I was planning to stay the night but no more," fWhip rambled as his allies ran out to see what was going on. "I'm leaving, it's damn cold here," he told them as he pushed Scott into the carriage. Slamming the door as soon as he had him in.
Scott sat down. Still shocked by fWhip's reaction. Was he angry for Scott's sake or about the situation in general? Not that Scott cared in particular. With a sigh, he glanced out. It looked like fWhip was arguing with Gem. Pearl was likely trying to calm them down. Sausage was just standing next to his sister, looking tired of it all. With a huff Scott sat back and closed his eyes. Maybe he could try to sleep.
The carriage started moving as soon as fWhip got in. Scott didn't open his eyes. Pretending to sleep sounded like a good way to avoid any more questions. fWhip didn't say anything but Scott felt that he sat next to him. Mostly by his warmth. fWhip was half-fire dragon after all. And Scott always had an affinity for ice.   He almost broke the act when suddenly one of fWhip's hand rested on his. It was really warm. But not unpleasantly. And still bare of gloves. Scott did manage to keep pretending to sleep even when fWhip gently tangled their fingers. It almost felt like a loving gesture. Not that Scott knew much about those. Having spent his whole life closely monitored and controlled.
Just sitting in silence with fWhip holding his hand quickly became too awkward for Scott so he pretended to wake up the moment the carriage shook a bit more.
"*yawn* wha..." Scott mumbled blinking and yawning. fWhip quickly retreated his hand. Interesting. Scott thought. 
"Your damn castle's too cold, we're going home," fWhip announced as if they didn't have that conversation. Quickly wrapping himself in his coat and wings. Scott nodded and yawned again, stretching a bit for good measure. "No hiding them," he warned and Scott nodded.
"Does it bother you that much? What I said in that room?" Scott asked, leaning more into the corner.
fWhip was silently staring ahead for a moment. "I don't like not understanding things, and I don't get how can anyone lock a member of their family in a room like that," he huffed, slumping slightly and looked at Scott. Eyebrows drawn together. Face twisted in something Scott couldn't name. "It just makes no sense to me. Why? Why make you hide and lock you in a room?"
Scott shrugged. He was shocked fWhip was so shocked about his childhood. "No idea, I was just put there after being told I misbehaved, and that I should be more like f...." Scott sighed, to him the whole conversation should have been done when he said exactly what the room was for. And barely caught himself before admitting who he was supposed to be more like. Hoping fWhip missed it in his bewilderment.
He did not. "More like who?" fWhip asked, leaning forward a bit.
"Whoever fit them at the moment," Scott dodged the actual answer. That it was fWhip he had to be more like. That would fry his brain with the contradiction.
fWhip hummed, eyes narrowing. "Weren't you about to say a name?" he poked.
"No," Scott shook his head. "My parents just didn't like that I'm a half-dragon so they did whatever they could to squash that," he sighed. He was really tired of fWhip's obsession with the topic. 
fWhip sighed and sat back. "I can see you don't want to talk about this now, I apologize for pushing that hard," Scott was a bit shocked by the apology. Who what this guy? Where was real fWhip? "I... When my traits manifested my parents got people researching it to make me as comfortable with it as possible. Gem's still constantly looking through Cliff's libraries for more info," he carried on. "What I mean is... I know a lot about who we are and if you want to know anything just ask..."
Scott nodded. Of course, fWhip would be shocked if that's how his family reacted. "What do you think I should know the most?" Scott asked, just to satisfy whatever urged fWhip to offer answers.
"We technically have two genders," fWhip said after a short while, cheeks dusted with pink. Scott blinked. Two? "I'm guessing you have no clue what yours is or had first cycle. With how much they repressed that side of yours," fWhip sighed and slumped against his seat. 
"What cycle?" Scott asked, a bit scared of what he might hear.
"Heat in my case since... since I'm an omega," fWhip said the last part pretty fast and quiet. Scott barely caught it. "If you turn out to be an alpha you'll go into rut."
"And the difference is?" Scott could feel his face heating up. He vaguely understood what that would entail. Being incredibly horny. 
fWhip's face was practically matching his hair as he spoke. "I want to be pushed down and taken and stuff. I suppose alpha would be the opposite... And I think you might be one... Dragon side of my brain likes your scent," he rambled pretty quickly.
"Oh..." Scott managed. His own senses felt so dull at the moment. Was it due to constantly hiding? Possibly. "If my senses are supposed to be sharper than a normal person's then I think concealing messed them up," he said, just to swap the topic. Would fWhip, or some part of him, expect his assistance during his heat? More than likely.
fWhip hummed. "That really sucks," he sighed and... sneezed. "Why is it so cold here," he huffed.
"Might be me, I always ran a bit cold. It got even worse with the whole dragon thing," Scott theorised. But as he looked at fWhip, his brain oh so helpfully supplied the thought that fWhip looked quite cute all bundled up. He did try to make some more distance, pushing himself against the wall of the carriage.
fWhip had none of it and cuddled up to Scott. "Take some damn responsibility then," he huffed before closing his eyes. Scott blinked. Was this guy for real?
With a sigh, he relaxed and soon, with the help of fWhip's soft snoring and warmth, also fell asleep.
When he woke up the carriage was not moving. Did they take a break? Nice, his bones felt stiff. And there was no fWhip inside. So he slowly stepped out.
They have stopped in a small space by the mountain roads. He easily spotted fWhip. Bundled in yet another coat. Chastising some of his staff. Yawning, Scott stretched. His wings were rather awkward after this long without hiding. fWhip quickly was done with his chastising and turned. Quickly approaching Scott. He looked angry. 
"You should have waited inside," he huffed out with a puff of smoke. 
"Don't worry, I can't fly," Scott chuckled, stretching again. For some reason, he still felt damn stiff. 
fWhip sighed. "Stretch your wings too," he said, stretching his own. Scott sighed, if only fWhip let him use his concealment he'd be all fine. But mimicked fWhip's movements. And annoyingly it did feel better.
"Is it really that cold?" Scott asked. He himself was fine with just one coat and his uniform. And just then he remembered he was still in his military uniform and with his wounds not checked. "I think we should check my wounds," he said, a bit awkwardly."
fWhip's eyes went wide and he instantly jumped into getting a healer that accompanied them to look at Scott.
With his wounds fixed, and a bit comfier sitting position the rest of the journey was a bit more bearable. fWhip stayed mostly quiet, either sleeping or looking over papers crows delivered to him. Scott asked a few small questions here and there. Like if scales bothered fWhip. They didn't even if Scott was immensely bothered by his.
Once they crossed the border fWhip slept less, bundled up less, and grew touchy. And Scott grew indifferent to fWhip's bare hands on his arms, caressing random scales. And on what fWhip said was the last full day on the road the topic of their cycles came up again. 
"I've been thinking about something," fWhip hummed. Scott learned that the scary fWhip was a mask he put on to be a more respectable ruler. 'being an omega comes with some insecurities' fWhip said when Scott pointed out how much softer he was when they were alone. "About our cycles..."
Scott stiffened slightly. He didn't expect they'd be talking about this ever again. "What about our cycles?" he asked glancing at fWhip. Despite a slowly blossoming blush, he seemed serious.
"Well, I won't force you or anything like that but I think it would be best if we spend it together... Especially you first. I spent mine alone and it was terrible," fWhip said quickly, snappy, to the point.
"Together as in... like have sex?" Scott asked, part of him was freaking excited.
"Yes," fWhip practically squeaked out. His face was redder than his hair. Scott once more thought it was cute. Wasn't he technically a prisoner? Shouldn't he hate fWhip? But how can he with how cute fWhip was? Especially when rambling about something that interested him. Like when he explained his time-telling device. How it told time went totally above Scott's head but fWhip's face as he explained it was adorable.
Finding fWhip cute was one thing. But sleeping with him? Having sex with him? That was another thing. "I'll think about it?" was the best he could offer.
fWhip nodded. "That's fine, I can have a potion that mellows out the effects of it ready but I'm not sure it's a good idea for a first rut... especially considering your unique circumstances," he said, a bit less stiffly. 
Scott hummed and yawned. It was evening, sometime next morning they'd be arriving at fWhip's manor. So he leaned into his corner, relaxed and decided to try and sleep through as much of the rest of the ride as possible. Something seemed to push fWhip to do something he hadn't done before. The terrifying, explosion-loving, half-dragon Count of Grimlands curled up on the carriage bench and lay his head in Scott's lap. At first, Scott was shocked, but then he relaxed again and even started absently petting fWhip's hair. He was mindful of his horns. Based on his own limited experience the base of horns was a rather sensitive area.
The next morning Scott woke up to fWhip gently shaking him. "We there?" Scott asked, yawning, tempted to hug fWhip.
"Almost, just a couple more hours," fWhip hummed, sitting back. He had his usual heavy coat on. He did look really good in it, Scott thought as he yawned and blinked the last of his sleep away. Breakfast not on the road sounded really nice.
"Breakfast at home?" he asked, rolling his shoulders. Hopefully, Grimlands liked sweet things. 
"Sure," fWhip chuckled. "Anything specific? I'll be sending a message for everything to be readied," he asked with an amused smirk.
"Something sweet," Scott sighed. Might as well say it, he really wanted something sweet after rather bland on-the-road food.
fWhip laughed. Confusing Scott. What was so funny about him wanting sweets? "The scary General Scott of Rivendell wants sweets?" fWhip chuckled as Scott glared. 
"All elves like sweets," Scott huffed out in a poor attempt to defend himself. fWhip didn't comment more, instead turning Scott's attention to the views outside.
They were approaching a settlement. Rolling hills were slowly being replaced by fields and small villages and hamlets. It was all pretty nice and expected. Out of the Wither Rose Alliance, fWhip and Pearl's empires were known for farming. But Grimlands was also known for technology, explosives and mining. He could see something that looked like smoke in the distance as well. Could it be Grimlands capital, Eastvale? Possibly, they were going in vaguely that direction.
Another nice thing about Grimlands was... roads. The ride down the mountain peaks on which Scott's people lived was a shaky and relatively dangerous experience. fWhip was already planning on how to improve it. Pretty impressive actually. In Grimlands the ride was smooth over a paved main road through the whole empire. Yes, whole. Now that was really impressive. It had to take so many resources, manpower and gold to achieve. And yet fWhip was casually planning to make something like that up a mountain.
"It's quite picturesque, isn't it? Not what most people imagine an empire ran by me would look like," fWhip chuckled as Scott looked out wide-eyed. And he was right. Scott expected more mines and explosions and less... potato fields? "Grimlands isn't really known for our potatoes anymore. Just wait until you see the train. Sadly Gem and Pearl are a bit apprehensive about me connecting train tracks to them, they say it's a disaster waiting to happen and..."
Scott half listened to fWhip ramble about the absolute safety of his trains. Should he really be enjoying fWhip's voice and rambling this much? Should it bother him that he does? fWhip seemed to really care about his well-being. Not just his strategies, and skill with a sword. That was a nice change from his life so far. So with the slightest smile he kept looking at the rolling fields and listening to fWhip ramble about trains.
Scott listened to fWhip talk about Grimlands and all that changed since he became the Count. It all made little sense to Scott. All he knew about was warfare after all. Their arrival in Eastvale was also something new for Scott. In Rivendell, no one ever greeted him when he returned from campaigns. Victorious or not. Well, he was in a carriage with fWhip so it was him the citizens were greeting. But it still felt nice to see children run out of the nice houses lining the street. Dressed cleanly, some with messy hair. Followed by their mothers. Waving at the carriage. Throwing flowers.
"I wish they'd just ignore my carriage when I pass through," fWhip sighed, pushing as far back into his seat as he could. Scott chuckled. He could at least to himself admit he found fWhip cute. Saying it out loud was different. 
"Become elven Chief General then," Scott joked, still glancing out the window. Some children caught sight of him and stared with wide eyes.
"Scott... Really? You won their wars and no one even thanked you?" fWhip whined, clearly annoyed.
"I was told I did good, just wasn't greeted by crowds as soon as I returned. There were feasts to celebrate too," Scott shrugged and fell silent. He saw the biggest house in town. He knew fWhip didn't live or even have a castle. But his house was still pretty big. And pretty. Dark roof, light walls with dark shutters on the windows. Surrounded by a wall and flowers. And beyond the gate flowering hedges of black and red roses.
"Home sweet home," fWhip sighed as the gate closed behind them.
He wasted no time leaving the carriage as soon as it stopped. Scott following closely. He could fully understand fWhip's excitement to be done travelling for the time being. The staff were outside ready to greet their Count. His council as well. fWhip quickly jumped into being a responsible ruler and started catching up.
"Marriage? With..." one advisor gasped and Scott gave him a toothy grin. Everyone seemed a bit stiff at his presence. So fWhip didn't send a warning that he'd be bringing a future political husband along.
Scott looked about as fWhip argued with the advisors, clearly threatening them. Adorable. When something that could not be a usual occurrence caught his attention in the corner of his eye. He moved before he even fully processed what it was. Blocking a blade aimed at fWhip's throat with a summoned rune blade. The sound of steel clashing with magical ice had fWhip turn around. Eyes wide. 
"Scott!!!" fWhip's shout grounded Scott's brain. He just casually stopped an assassination attempt. And the only thing stopping him from killing the restrained by the guards would-be assassin was fWhip's arms wrapped around him. With a slow breath, Scott lowered his blade. His eyes remained on the assassin as they were being dragged away. fWhip's fast and snappy orders helped him calm down further. Just what has possessed him? "Where did you even get a sword from?"
"Rune knights can summon their blades at will," Scott shrugged, his heart was still beating so fast. To prove it he dismissed his blade and to gently, without really realising it check fWhip for any wounds.
"Stop it, I'm fine," fWhip huffed slapping Scott's hands away. "How can you just... Magic," fWhip grumbled. "Let's have breakfast, I'm hungry," he decided dragging Scott along.
Scott gladly let himself be dragged. Looking smugly at the advisors. Why? He had no clue, just felt like it. The bigger question was... Was his tail really wagging? He'd think about it later. When he wasn't busy staring at fWhip's hand, sadly back in his gloves, holding his wrist.
So busy he barely registered the interior of the mansion until he was pushed into a comfy chair upholstered with red and gold brocade. NIce contrast to dark woods and deep forest greens of the floors and wallpapers. A golden chandelier hung low over a table set with food. The last few maids set tea on it before retreating and leaving them alone. Scott was more than a bit miffed fWhip sat on the other side of the table. And tempted to move closer.
"What was that out in the courtyard?" fWhip asked with a heavy glare.
"No clue. One moment I was just standing there and the next blocking a blade, aimed at you mind you," Scott hummed looking over the food. It was quite a selection. Pastries, breads, cheeses, fruits, meats. And pancakes. And fruit. "As a rune knight I can't really be separated from my weapons," he added as fWhip continued glaring.
"Grand. Anything else I should know?" he asked, angrily buttering up a slice of bread.
Scott hummed. "I can use ice magic, all elves have some magic though," Scott hummed going instantly for the pancakes, whipped cream and berries. "And we all like sweets, Xor's the weirdo who's different," he added at the amused smirk fWhip's frown turned to.
"If you say so," he mused slowly peeling an egg. "Try the powdered sugar," he pointed to a container with a dainty sieve on top.
fWhip was right. He should have tried powdered sugar ages ago. It was amazing on his pancakes. The rest of the food was good as well. Especially everything sweet. Scott didn't expect Grimlands to have good desserts but fWhip's staff shocked him. Well, he didn't expect farmland as well.
"Is us just sharing a room too..." fWhip hummed and stopped, not sure what to name it.
"It's fine by me," Scott shrugged. He really didn't mind fWhip's company anymore. What wonders being locked in a carriage together for a few days can do? "We're getting married anyway," he half-joked. 
"Fine then, I have some stuff to do but I'll take you there, just rest for now," fWhip hummed, stretching as maids cleaned up the table.
"A bath maybe... Though I don't really have anything, you did decide to leave rather suddenly," Scott hummed. Nap in a proper bed sounded really nice.
"Just borrow my stuff for now," fWhip sighed as he stood up. Would it even fit? Scott wondered but didn't mention how different their statures were. "I'll take you to my tailor once I'm caught up on politics," he added leading Scott out the breakfast room - fWhip himself called it that.
fWhip's room was all nice and comfy, a bath as well. But after three days of not leaving it much Scott was beginning to feel a bit antsy. He was allowed to roam around the manor but not to leave it. And to not go to the basement workshop. Just to be safe and calm the council, fWhip said. Scott really didn't feel like a prisoner. Maids and kitchen staff were more than happy to provide him with cookies and drinks whenever he asked. He read a lot in fWhip's library. 
On the seventh day, Scott woke up feeling a weird warmth in the pit of his stomach. He instantly sat up to look for fWhip. Just to ask if it might be a dragon thing... like his rut.
fWhip was already up, struggling with a robe. Smelling really nice, his brain supplied. "fWhip... come back to the bed," Scott asked, instantly forgetting any and all questions he had. He had the biggest urge to just stay in bed with fWhip. Cuddling.
"Are you sure? I think my heat started, I don't want to force you if you..." fWhip mumbled, he sounded like he was in pain.
"Just come here... I think my rut's started too, I feel weirdly warm and want to cuddle you specifically," Scott confessed. Anything to get fWhip back in the bed. "Like really warm," Scott added, removing his sleep shirt. He was warm and it felt uncomfortable on his damned scales. And there were more of those than normal.
He missed fWhip giving up on the rope and just getting back into the bed. He didn't miss fWhip' hands on him. Gingerly tracing scales as he slowly cradled Scott's face. "Is it okay if I want you to kiss me?" the count asked but was already guiding Scott closer to his face. 
Scott was not in the right place to overthink so he just kissed fWhip. It was messy, rushed and inexperienced. And maybe Scott's first kiss ever. But it was the best first kiss he could ask for. Especially with fWhip instantly clinging to him, hands in his hair. Scott's hands around fWhip's waist.
Their kissing was interrupted by a knock on the door. fWhip whined hearing it, Scott growled. "One moment," fWhip grumbled, giving Scott a small kiss on the cheek and after wrapping himself in a blanket went to request their food is brought to them and that they be otherwise undisturbed for a few days.
 Scott could not tear his eyes off of fWhip. Growing strangely irritated with every second there was no distance between them. With whoever fWhip was talking to taking a whole lot of time to leave Scott left the bed, wrapped himself in a blanket and sneaked up on fWhip. "fWhip..." he whined just slightly as he wrapped himself around the count as well as he could. Glaring at the guard and advisor who dared take up fWhip's time.
His glare was enough to have them apologising and bowing and leaving while assuring everything would be handled while fWhip was indisposed. And Scott finally had fWhip all to himself and a good excuse to touch him a whole lot.
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worsesart · 2 years
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he’s like a blorbo to me
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
pairing: percy jackson x child of zeus!reader and jason x older sibling!reader
requested: yes!
warning: two curse words, mentions of stealing, death of a parent, and i believe that is it!
category: headcanons, fluff
a/n: i may have gotten too carried away but... i had a lot of fun writing this haha. i hope you guys like it!
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you and percy invented the phrase power couple but coming together took a while
your relationship dynamic would be very similar to thalia and percy's at first
you're both natural-born leaders, so you guys butt heads very often
you're more calculated and organized when it comes to things and percy being impulsive really annoyed you
he's lucky that even though he is impulsive, things somehow always work out in the end
if it wasn't for annabeth urging you guys to get along, you probably would still be at each other's neck
how did she get you guys to get along, you may ask?
she locked you guys in a storage closet :)
and said figure it out ♡
this happened after a friendly sparring practice turned into a full-on fight with your powers
annabeth insisted she wouldn't let you guys out until you declared to be friends
at the time, you were like, percy will never be my friend, ew
percy was just as annoyed
after a good hour of bickering and resisting your urge to choke him out
you guys found that you had a lot in common, actually?
huh, who would have known?
apparently annabeth
you guys talked about your life outside of camp and bonded over the worst teachers you've ever had
turns out, percy wasn't that bad
you'd never admit that out loud though
after a while, you started to feel things
were percy's eyes always that pretty?
yes, they've always been
oh look, those freckles over his nose? adorable
did you just call Percy adorable? yeah, you did… gross
you tried to deny your attraction to him
you were pretty sure this was a cruel joke from aphrodite (it was… more for your dad's than for you guys, though)
then you started noticing changes in his behavior too
now you guys were sharing blankets at the campfire when it got chilly
he even shared the blue cookies his mother sent him too
that's when you should have known he was down bad
both of you have awful sleep schedules
you hated sleeping in cabin 1
it was clearly built not to be slept in, and every few days, you found yourself having late-night conversations with percy at the docks
once the harpies snuck up on you and percy told you to get in the water with him
you didn't know how to swim, and you were kinda horrified of open water
you wanted to refuse, but you were cornered on the docks
you either jumped or got eaten
the last thing you said was that you couldn't swim before percy didn't give you a choice
he grabbed your hand and jumped in
his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you in the air bubble he had made around you guys
at first, you didn't focus on it
too busy trying to defend yourself from his teasing
he continued to mimic the way you screamed when he dragged you into the water
"wow, you can fly, but you can't swim?"
you rolled your eyes, trying to defend yourself
you called him annoying, and he playfully threatened to let you drown
you guys joked and laughed, staying a little too long underwater
after your laughter ceased, you found yourself looking into his eyes
the both of you became quiet
suddenly his arm around your waist, the way your chests were pressed against each other made you horribly flustered
and you're not sure what you were thinking
actually, you weren't thinking at all, but you leaned in and kissed him
like really kissed him, it was a proper kiss
probably would have kissed him longer if the water nymphs didn't giggle, exposing their little audience
once you pulled away, they scattered, ready to gossip about what they saw
the news made it to atlantis pretty fast
after the kiss, things were so awkward
you avoided him for days, and he avoided you
annabeth felt the tension, and she was upset because just when you guys were getting along, suddenly, you guys were avoiding each other
the battle of manhattan was approaching soon and the last thing anyone wanted was for you guys not to get along
you both avoided annabeth’s questions, not ready to confess what you guys had shared
eventually, annabeth kept pressing you about what happened
you blew up and admitted that you made out with percy in the water
annabeth was speechless before she burst into laughter
you didn't understand why it was so funny at first
but then you did
the both of you laughed until annabeth said that she wasn't surprised at all
the battle of manhattan comes around, and in the urgency of the moment, you guys were able to rise to the occasion
your movements, thoughts, commands were completely coordinated
you guys were an extension of each other, kicking ass
at the end, you were both offered immortality
the offer took you back to a conversation you guys had where you spoke about how you'd never want to be immortal
the both of you exchanged looks before you simultaneously denied the gift
zeus was offended x2
after that, you guys returned to camp half-blood
the both of you were upset at the campers you've lost and trying to recover from the adrenaline of battle
you and annabeth sang percy happy birthday and the three of you sat together and ate blue cake in a comfortable silence
weeks passed, and one day, you're met with annabeth barging into your cabin asking when you and percy are going to talk about your kiss
it was the last day of camp, and she was insistent on you talking to him
you reluctantly agreed, mainly because annabeth threatened to lock you in a storage closet again
you guys sat on the dunes in silence for a while
the both of you wanted to confess, but neither knew how to do it
after some silence, the both of you spoke at the same time
you stuttered over each other and then began bickering back and forth on who should go first until you blurted out that you like him
you cringed and looked away as percy froze in his spot
it was silent for a moment before percy whispered, "I like you too."
cue your second kiss
your teeth slightly bumping with his since the both of you were smiling so much
and you swore you heard thunder in the distance even though there were clear skies
you lived in a foster home on the other side of manhattan, so you guys saw each other every weekend
you guys went on movie dates, long drives, and you would sleep over pretty often
for the spooky season, you went to haunted houses and carved pumpkins
you watched horror movies together, teasing each other when one of you jumped and tried to cover your face during the scary parts
you went to his place for Thanksgiving and you arrived early so that the both of you could help sally cook all day
you and percy put blue food coloring on the mashed potatoes
for the first time ever, you felt like you were apart of a family since sally had welcomed you with open arms
everything was going great but then december came around
the last time you saw percy, you guys were christmas shopping for his mom
your last day of school ended a few days after his, so you planned to meet at CHB
but when you got there, you found out he never arrived
you called his home from the payphone in the big house
sally was relieved to hear from you, a part of her hoping he was with you
but you both found out that neither of you had heard from him in a few days
meeting jason
you and annabeth tried everything to find him
then you got a dream from hera that the answer to where percy is was with the guy with one shoe
you arrive and you find this blonde kid and not your boyfriend; you were kinda actually very annoyed
but this blonde kid felt familiar
you weren't sure what it was, and then you heard his name — Jason Grace
surely, it was a coincidence that he shared the name of your missing brother
you were too young to remember his disappearance
the only remembrance you had of him was a picture of the both of you as toddlers sitting happily beside thalia
you always wondered who was the little boy in the photo and it wasn't until a few years ago did thalia tell you about him disappearing
you were a bit wary of him at first, especially since he had no memory of where he came from
it wasn't until he conjured lightning with his sword, did you have no doubt in your mind that he was your brother
the first night you guys spent in the cabin together was awkward
you couldn't really catch up since he didn't remember anything, so you told him what thalia told you about him and your mother
you didn't reveal him everything, not wanting to overwhelm him and you had decided to call it a night before you went into detail
you explained the rest of the story after he came back from his quest
you tried to ask him questions hoping he’d remember more, but his memory wasn't coming back fast enough
both you and jason were growing frustrated, so one day you iris messaged thalia
the both of you came up with an idea to jog jason's memory by showing him things that he enjoyed as a toddler
jason was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but he went along with it
thalia recalled that the two of you really liked watching the flintstones as babies
so you and jason sat down and watched every season available on dvd
and well, it didn't work...
thalia also mentioned you both really liked sweets, so you tried to jog his memory with candy bars
you had to convince jason to sneak out of camp with you
he thought it was such a bad idea, but you reassured him he'd be fine
after reluctantly agreeing, jason and you escaped at night to buy actually steal candy bars from the closest gas station
jason panicked as he watches you shove candy bars in your sweatshirt
"we're gonna get caught"
"if you keep looking that scared, we just might," you replied a little too calmly
he tried to relax, but he just looked like he saw a ghost the entire time
on your way back, you may have electrocuted a harpy and fought a couple cyclops and all the fighting and running made you lose one of your snicker bars
you were upset, to say the least
unfortunately, after stuffing him with chocolate, that didn't work either
then you tried to show him the few pictures you were able to salvage before you were taken to the foster home after the death of your mother
jason sat in front of you on the floor as you pulled the box from under your bed
you smiled, finding an old picture of your mother, and you put it up to his face, taking in the similarities between the two
"yep, you look just like her," you confirmed as you smiled sadly
even though jason didn't know her, he felt a sense of pride when you had told him so
every time a memory would come back, you were the first person he told
when his memories with lupa came back, you were shook
and then you teased him, saying that he's basically a dog
once you threw a twig and told him to go fetch
he didn't find it as funny as you and leo did, but oh well
you also asked if he howled at full moons, and you were met with the straightest face you've ever seen on jason
it was the funniest thing ever to you
every week you guys kicked ass in capture the flag
you guys were more alike than you thought
it was guaranteed that whichever team you were on would win
in the months when the argo II was being built, you had a lot of times to bond with jason
your dynamic was really fun as you were a bit more rebellious and silly while he was a lot more responsible and mature
after the argo II departed
you reuniting with percy was something you thought about for months
you were so excited when the argo II was officially ready to fly over to camp jupiter
your pulse was thumping in your ears when you saw percy in the crowd
after months of worrying about where he was and if he was still alive, it was almost surreal to see him right in front of you
you lunged into him so hard, he stumbled back as you kissed him
just like your second kiss, the both of you were smiling so hard your teeth kept bumping against his
"i love your new look," you commented on his toga, and he snorted,
"oh yeah, it's kinda hot."
the both of you laughed, content to be in each other's arms again
after getting on the argo II, you were the reason jason and percy formed some sort of a friendship
you were the mutual ground for the both of them since they had a soft spot for you
the tension between the two was something you couldn't disregard and you hated how weird it was at the beginning
if they butted heads, you tried to mend the problem
you understood both of them well enough to understand where they came from
at some point, you and annabeth thought it would be funny to lock them in a storage closet
so you did
they kept complaining to be let out but eventually, they gave in
little did they know that you were standing near the door and listening to their conversation
jason told him how you helped him a lot and all the ridiculous things you made him do
and percy shared stories of you from quests and at camp
the both of them laughed and bonded over having someone as amazing as you in their lives
"y/n is pretty great," percy smiles
"yeah, they are," jason agreed
needless to say, your heart warmed at the praise from your two favorite boys
masterlists taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @-thatgirloverthere- @passionswift @nanskidoodle @idk-bye-no @ilikefluffygingercats @all-hailreyna @autmngirlworld @Sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Part 2; things are brewing. VIBE
“Do you know the spiritual meaning of 11? What about in numerology? You’ll find it quite intriguing, funny even… until it starts making sense.” You’ve witnessed and harnessed the way and days he had grown to be; this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers.
Pairing -> Childe x Harbinger!Fem!Reader
Word Count -> 5217
Themes -> Friends to admirers, mentor, fluffy, suddenly ANGST
Series -> #Sojourner Specials (600 Followers Event) Part 1
Warning -> Blood and injury
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Maybe it was stubbornness, his unhinged desire for the thrill of a fight, or you mistaken misguidance. Many possibilities, really, but Childe knows it had nothing to do with all of those. You're not to blame for his mistakes, but he sure as hell would have to pay for the mess he just created.
vi. fontaine
The show felt like a dance made to lure and trance such audience, and despite his resolve and difference in agendas, the strong Harbinger had been victim to the beauty of the show. Of swaying thin clothes and alluring flicks of the hips.
“We’re not co-workers, we don’t know each other, remember that.”
Tambourines and lyres synced through the performance as men and women alike cheered and stumbled to the songs. The Snezhnayan dancers set the bar high in terms of beauty as the Fatui disguised as performers indulged the crowd in symphony and dance, as if the whole nation was under a mania, no one saw and no one heard. They just followed lead as the agents lulled their own targets into a sense of security and joy.
In the middle of the crowd you lead the choreography as the main dancer, distinguished by the colors of your garb and its grandiosity, yet still respectably covered compared to the other performers. Your main objective was to catch the havoc of a man that left the headquarters of your organization in flames at his wake; and yet, it was instead Childe that was allured to your spell.
An intoxicated man had been eyeing your behind with drooling eyes for a while now, and with the assistance of liquid courage, he reached his hand out to get a feel- when it landed on gray pants of firmness. “Oh my, I didn’t know you swing that way, citizen,” you whipped around to see Childe directly behind you, who was also has his head angled to look behind him where a Fontaine man stumbled back in disgust. His hand clutched to his chest as if it were burned. “Sad news tho, I’m off the table, try someone else maybe.”
Before you can register the edge in his voice, he was already guiding you by the hand back to your dancing stride. You were momentarily stunned but devolved into a glare at his current recklessness, “Come now, Lady Viscaria.” He addressed you by your dancer name. “The whole world is high in the clouds around us, this would be a moment no one will remember.” You didn’t even need to look to know he was right, and you succumbed with a sigh.
Childe didn’t realize just how small your hands are compare to his, the softness of it in contrast to the rough texture of his gloves. If he knew, if only he knew, he would have removed them before you had entertained the idea. Your steps were lithe and your turns were grace manifested, eyes closed yet a gentle smile equipped on your face, the ones you had been wearing ever since you started the performance. “So this is how you fight.” He mumbled with his own grin when he had spun you back against his form, your feet glides against the pavement yet barely touching it as you seemingly floated to place. If he hadn’t known better he would have thought you were an Anemo Vision wielder.
Soon enough the square dissipated to give way to the ferocious dance you two had eased into. Steps became more pointed, arms tensed and strong, and the turns was almost reminiscent of martial arts as you seemingly evade each other’s swings. Suddenly a kick aimed to hit his chest forced him to jump back, and at the other side you dropped your foot, a taunting smirk and a condescending gaze set upon him. His blue eyes widened.
And the elegance of the tango from earlier turned into a vicious round of capoeira, powerful kicks and jumps yet not made to touch each other. Your figure leaped into a crescent kick when he had made a sweep to hit your ankles, him immediately rolling to the side to evade the blow. Dropping to the ground with your ankles and knees bent, a leg outstretched you gasped, and went into a running start towards him, “Lift!” A single command yet he knew what he needed to do.
Gripping your hips upon your leap his strong arms easily eased you high up, your legs were kicked high up and one bent farther back and you steadied yourself by gripping on to his shoulders. The atmosphere turned tense and the only sound you can hear were the ragged breaths you heave up close. And the crowd around then explodes into a round of applause.
Childe seemed to have snapped out of a trance from the foreign noise, breaking the eye contact you both held as he slowly placed you down. There was a sudden bashfulness to him then. But was once again pulled away from his reverie when you quite literally pulled him out of the square into a dark alley, eyes glinting dangerously as a toothy smirk donned your lips, “I saw him, the redhead.”
The chains felt sentient. As it flies forward to try and capture him, Childe conjured a wave to sweep it away only for it to change angles to strike at him again. It pierced through the pavement he was once on before it moved to retract back to the owner. At the other side, Childe had a glimpse of your more successful fight with the fugitive as your polearm easily deflected the advances of the chains, even if it gets caught sometimes. Your Cryo Vision would always make quick work of freezing and breaking the chains.
None of you expected a non-elemental fight, and this seemed more complicated of a battle than you would have thought. The man carried with him the aura you feel when you use your delusion, you grimly thought as you ducked out of another barrage, sensing the frustration and desperation of the enemy. You were barely breaking a sweat, you’d see his red eyes take notice, and you weren’t even using both of your hands to fight. With another smirk, your Vision then glowed by your side as you raised your arm. The hooded man braced for impact, but instead he felt a force hit his lower half- water current from Childe, and suddenly it solidified to ice upon your avalanche. His hand where the strange device were also covered to render him useless.
An arrow and a spear’s tip was now aimed to his heart. “Well, well, that was a nice fight, Ragnvindr,” you leaned down close enough to see the finer details of his hawk mask, you saw his eyes squint into a glare. He knows he lost. By your side Childe relaxed his arms and dematerialized his bow, the next part should be yours to work on. “Thank you for your dedication, but this atrocity ends now.” You straightened your back and took a step back, angling your spear to his throat. As his eyes close to succumb to death, your head would angle itself slightly to see Childe’s reaction
when a golden flicker appeared past his shoulder.
“CHILDE!” The devil himself felt the air leave his lungs at the force that punched at his chest, enough to immobilize him as he was punted to the ground. Before he could even recover, the pavement around shifted and crumbled to create a wall between him and the frozen Diluc. He heard the ice breaking and two pairs of feet scrambling away. “Fuck, he had an accomplice,” he breathed as he took his stand, about to give chase to the escapees. That is until he registered his mentor-
barely standing with a stalagmite pierced through her stomach.
“Chi...lde.” You gripped the pointed tip of the structure to keep yourself up as your legs started to lose feeling. He was there hovering over you, unsure where to touch or how to assist. Fuck. Fuck. This was his fault. “Go... chase, I’ll be- I’ll be fine...”
And then you blacked out.
vii. seven correspondence
There were multiple parchment of the same color littering his office desk filled with different lengths of paragraphs. Childe's quarters in the palace was cozy and wide, and nothing could be heard but the sound of his fountain pen scratching the surface of the paper with ease.
"Letters are important in Snezhnaya," you perked up from your unfocused gaze from his window, where you silently watched the brewing blizzard manifesting outside. Your eyes made contact with his genuinely gentle ones that still lingered at the task at hand, "why not write one?"
"Letters are commonplace in Snezhnaya," you corrected as you made your way to his side to snoop in his letters. He did not seem to mind. After all you'd pretty much already the whole of his family that one awkward encounter. He was working on the seventh letter and your eyes lingered around the six finished ones: there was one for each younger siblings, one meant for the two older brothers, another for the older sister, and one for his parents. "It's not necessary for me to write, I don't have an address in mind to begin with."
Is that so, he mumbled under his breath before the conversation died down once again to little scratches. A lot of his words had tales to tell about his stay in Fontaine, you realized the most details were poured into the contents for his parents. At the mention of this nation, your hand ghosts over your stomach.
The bandages from long ago had already been dispatched. And yet the stiffness of it has still affected your composure as well as the weird pull of the skin from the stitches. Only a nasty scar was left in its wake to remind you of the failed encounter and it forced you to make drastic wardrobe changes to your performing attire.
You saw Childe's shoulders slightly tense at your action.
"Childe," his grip on the pen tightened yet he kept his head down. You didn't mind. His mind was going overdrive again, probably. "Who are you writing that last letter for?"
He felt like he'd dodged an arrow over the way he had relaxed, slumped down even when he met eyes with better resolution within it. "It's for a special someone," his signature smile was back, "I've met her long ago and I've always made sure to send her a letter yearly as thanks."
Thanks? "Thanks?" The letter (it was short, you realized) was already folded before you could peek at the words within. You knew Childe was good-looking, but for him to have a girlfriend waiting for years as he drowns in his work, quite irrational and yet painful. Painful... to you?
"I've met a girl back when I was 14," he was suddenly up and bustling as he bundled up his letters. Urgent you followed to listen to his tale as best as you can with his long legs. "I never knew her name or her face, but she saved me from the wolves back in Morepesok. I never properly gave her my thanks, so yearly I would leave letters at the woods where she'd gone, and hope that she'll be able to read them and know that I lived because of her." You already halted your advances to chase after him as you stood before the doors of the Palace. He didn't seem to mind, he kept going until he was gone.
...Morepesok was a seaside fishing village with a vast white forest by the edges in which ferocious wolves and bears usually haunt. After your promotion to the Palace, you had never once set foot in the village, much less the woodland. Where you are right now.
You held a steady hand against your stomach as you retraced the familiar route you'd gone, something so far away you would have expected to forget it by now. That was six years ago, you counted as you reached the clearing in horror of its emptiness, there should be six letters here by now.
A snapping twig had you whirling to look behind you. "So, it really was you." His gentle blue orbs had met your widened ones, breathless you both were, but for different reasons.
"So you lied about the letters," the mocking pout on your lips had made him laugh. A sprinkle of red dusts his cheeks, and he was quick to hide it with the familiar letter on his hand.
"I didn't lie about this one," your upturned palms received the crispy envelope, carefully opening the seal and unfolding its contents, "I wanted to make sure I was right."
'Your sacrifice had given me a new chance, a new life, a new beginning. I wish I was there to thank you for protecting me, but this time, I will get stronger and make sure-'
"I'll be the one protecting you from now on." He finished, and the red dust over your own cheeks felt like torches made to melt the mightiest icicles.
viii. fleeting glances
Signora had always been the type of person to only make appearances when necessary, but most of her dirty work were done by her subordinates, her own little army. She's the coordinator and observer at the back as things were weaved into place for her. Like a flower on the wall, the Fair Lady knows and notices details.
The first one was by the entrance, the second was by the veranda. The third, fourth and fifth were by the hallways. The sixth was by the throne room. The seventh was outside. And the eight was that in front of her—
Childe disliked being in the same area or even breathing space as her, this much Signora knew. He was a kid still under training over the ways of the Fatui, but there was nothing more he hated than the way the Fair Lady handles her work, her soldiers. But it came with the aesthetic, and he had no other means to pry until he had finally grasped the way the cogs turn in this organization known as the Fatui.
The youngest Harbinger never looked her directly in the eye or even dare spare her the glance when it was not needed. And in all honesty, it was quite bothersome the first few times. After all, Tartaglia carried with him a certain charm.
His eyes would either narrow or be guarded for any other Harbinger that comes his way, respectful or dismissive, the options fleet through those whenever. But there was one humane and warm look he gives at special occasions, for a special someone, and Signora finally witnessed it in full view and detail—
The crease between his eyebrows would immediately ease as his eyes break free from its squinted, slanted form. The dark depths at the middle would dilate as his expression quirks up, teeth usually visible through parted lips as he dons an easy smile. And Signora would be taken aback by the immediate change as she follows the trail of his stare.
The gold was the first to strike with the way the trinkets hang by the waist, and the warm and mellow colors so contrary to the Fatui colors draws away the unease of onlookers. It was to make sure that no association with the Fatui would be made, that was your calculated explanation was upon your choice of 'uniform.' You've just came from a short trip to Natlan to gather all data to be reported to the Tsaritsa, and during that time the 11th had been under no one's particular care.
You passed by their forms (pass is a strong word, they were off to the far side, honestly) with your report in hand, humming to yourself as you continued your way to the throne room. That demeanor only means that you had good news to tell, good news for everyone.
The glance was gone fast as the moment ended, and his hard look came albeit much lighter this time. But the way Signora smirked signified she'd noticed, and his look only grew stiffer.
"Come now, pretty boy, show that look often."
The Fair Lady's laugh echoed inside the Palace walls as Tartaglia stomps off to where you had gone, to wait after the dusk convention respectfully.
ix. years of employment
Of the many milestones that could have been celebrated, it was done in an odd number at the most peculiar time. Yes, it is no surprise for everyone to know that you had been working for the Fatui for nine whole years now. And honestly, you shouldn't have been surprised that your younger colleague with the weird ways of his Abyss-induced brains, decided that it was time your anniversary be celebrated instead of waiting another year for the double digits mark.
"Please tell me we're not going to your house again," you softly pleaded as Childe continued to guide you through the paths in the main city of Snezhnaya. "As much as I appreciate their caring atmosphere, I'm not too keen on the idea of pretending to be the head honcho of the toy-selling company of Snezhnaya."
To this, Childe guffawed to a boisterous laugh, pulling his hand away from your back to clutch at his convulsing stomach. You pursed your lips in distaste of his reaction, but then it would loosen up to a smile as you watched him still try to catch his breathe.
After that, the trip had continued with only small chatter in between as you descended further to the edges of the city. You haven't been to this area, simply because of the fact that there were no patrols needed around the cityless wasteland where you are headed, and the glint of surprise had fixed a knot at Childe's back. Relief painted his face.
And you found yourself in front of a frozen lake, with hanging lights decorating the leafless trees by it, and a small table filled to the brim with food. "Lady toyseller!" You shot a glare at your student who averted his gaze away easily to focus on his other siblings. This heretic lied—
"Big brother said it's a special occasion! To commemorate your anniversaries for being in the toyselling business!" Your glare died down to a look of confusion, and the family gathered back into a homely atmosphere. So it seems that Childe coincidentally joined the Fatui the same day as you, two years apart. And he said nothing about it.
"We've been celebrating since the last three years, if we had known, you could have been with us!" And with that you were pulled in by Tonia to the table where her mother was, congratulating you for your hardwork and patience as she offers you to taste some of the food they had brought for the picnic.
"I know you've been helping my son ever since he became a Harbinger," you looked up to Childe's mother in wonder as your mouth was currently stuffed with her delicious homemade Pelmeni. She gave a light laugh at the sight of your wide, curious eyes paired with stuffed cheeks. "Childe mentioned how you saved him when he ran away from him..." and the mother continued to spill the details you were never given the chance to hear from the man himself.
You suppose this was the cause of your perfectly crafted aura of trust, to lure in your targets and make them spill to their heart's contents as you indulge them. In the end, Childe's mother's true intention was to thank you for all that you had done for her son, and to help him cultivate into the best person he could be among the ranks of the Harbinger. You gulped the last bits of the dumpling, a shy smile placated on your cheek, "It is my honor to take him under my wing."
"Hey, master, I sure hope mum didn't say anything embarrassing about me while I was gone!" A hand holding a tissue softly wiped the cream at the edge of your lips as Childe- Ajax finally made his way over to your table.
"It's okay, really, it's normal for children to pee their bed." You mused as Childe's mother laughed at the way her son choked over his own spit. Ah, you were right.
The rest of the day was filled with ice-skating, something you have forgotten, clumsily held up by the three younger siblings as they expertly excelled in the field. And right after was a session of ice fishing with their father, who was greatly impressed by your strength upon reeling the 50-centimeter long tuna. Flopping on to the ice platform as if to chase the children on land.
"Don't want to stay? There's a spare room here, you can borrow my big sister's clothes for the night. It's a long way back to the Palace," he stood next to you outside the entrance of his home while you face the other direction.
You sighed. "Tartaglia, I'm your mentor. And as the 10th Harbinger, your ascension should be my priority." You didn't see the way his jaw clenched at the intonations of your words. "If it were a different circumstance-"
"Next week," the snow caught on to your lashes as you closed your eyes, basking at the cold that bites at your cheeks. "Will be my last try. And after that, please see me as your equal."
"Alright." Your hands trembled.
x. final spar
Fatuus lined the veranda surrounding the quadrangle in quiet anticipation, skirmishers and agents alike that had yet to be assigned under Harbinger supervision and even those who just had nothing better to do.
Childe had anticipated the spotlight, but it was a greater scale he was not comfortable on. He was lucky a Harbinger had yet to watch the spar, the last spar as he had promised, and it seemed the gossip had spread enough to alert the whole organization. The Delusion mask sat by the side of his hair as he watched you at the other end of the field.
Your eyes held no emotion as they stared through his soul. A different kind of emotion he'd have wanted to see. He thinks to himself at the thought of you once being in the same predicament as him, did you feel the same fear and worry as he did? Did it take you ten tries? Maybe more, maybe less?
Tartaglia said this will be the last spar, and the final chance for both sides to make it a fair fight (to give it their all). But when you suddenly disappeared and materialized above him with your spear ready to strike, he thought, maybe not this time either.
The spear collided with the dirt floor as blades of winds seem to have exploded from it, a series of gasps resounding through the crowd as they stepped away from the edge. Tartaglia softly landed back on his feet after the successful somersault, materializing his water polearm to strike his elemental slash from the distance. But you stood still, unscathed as the wave that was meant to slice you turned into ice before it could come any closer. Fuck, Tartaglia knew his Vision was weak to yours.
You charged at him once again with the boost of your Anemo delusion, your polearms clashing painfully as you both tried to get hits on each other. There was a nick at this cheek to draw the first blood, your dominant hand twirling the spear easily Tartaglia retreats back to avoid the wildly spinning blade.
Soon enough he dons his own mask and the real fight begins. Electric currents ran through the field as an icy fog starts to envelop the floor, superconduct reaction running the parameter of the field as the Fatuus back away further. The next time your blades meet, a crackle of lightning resounded through the whole palace. Smacking his blades upward, your spear quickly sweeps down to swipe at this ankles, forcing him to leap as the fog obscures the reach of your polearm. Mid-air, he was kicked on the chest as your acrobatic arms held you up and over.
Soon enough his hunger for victory begins to manifest, and his biggest advantage comes into play: overwhelming strength.
Tartaglia felt huge triumph when you finally used both of your hands to parry his blows, your feet sometimes sinking into the dirt floor under the pressure of his attack. For the first time in the fight, your facade cracked with a grimace as you held your polearm up against his dual blades. Quickly leaning away, you brought your foot up and pushed at the spear's shaft, enough to force him back as you leaped out of his range. There was sweat trickling at the back of your neck now, feeling the sizzle of the current on the slight moisture. You swiped your spear in a crescent motion as a snow avalanche bombarded Tartaglia's side when he tried to approach, giving you just enough time to breathe as he tries to free himself under the snow.
By the time he's set himself free, you were already running forwards with your hands gripping your spear at your right for a swiping motion. He fashions his dual blades as he too sprinted in the middle to clash, weapons encased with frost and electricity. In a split second, his arms raised to your left, knowing this was your non-dominant side would make it easy to send you flying at the angle of approach. A powerful blow against another was about to shake the whole Palace—
"Columbina!" The vagrant's voice pierced through the crackle of elements, and Tartaglia's eyes widened when he had noticed your foot slip at the distraction. The inertia of his arms unable to stop the course of action; superconduct and electro-charged reactions creating a powerful explosion as the iced fog seem to have imploded from the force.
Childe's moist hands trembled as his vision tries to refocus. There's a ringing in his ears as he tries to grip at his hands, the electricity coursing through his nerves to make it numb. He desperately closed and opened his fists, and when he finally settled his sights straight, the dripping red liquid had splattered all the way to his mask and arms. With hesitation his sights followed the trail of blood and frost splayed across the field barely visible as the mist still covered the floor with a thin veil, his steps halted at the sound of glass crunching underneath his shoes, and he didn't need to look to know what it was.
"GET THE MEDIC NOW, PREPARE THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT!" Pedrelino's voice reverbed through the field as the few agents that finally recovered from the shock went into emergency actions, some running off and some running to the direction of where the blood trail ends.
There was an obvious pool of blood forming under you, as your whole torso was littered with the same redness. Your left ribcage was angled inwards in an anomalous way as the dual blades had logged itself in between the ribs. You were already unconscious as blood dripped from the side of your lips;
how unfortunate, Childe collapsed to his knees in front of you. You didn't get to congratulate him.
xi. eleventh of the fatui harbinger
His mission had been explained to him concisely and accurately alongside Signora's assignment right after he had been acknowledged as officially part of the Fatui. The throne room had itself full of the Harbingers (with a glaring absence of one) as the Tsaritsa empowered him with her will and concise plan, the gravity of the law and order of the universe and its incoming divine war finally weighing on his shoulders. It was, after all, his wish to end the ministrations of being under someone's supervision and finally walk his path of conquering.
A month after the fight had him standing by the piers of the Snezhnayan ocean. Here he will finally depart to Liyue where his true mission lays, as well as the franchise of the Northland Bank he'd have to oversee. The influx of information for both his and the other's works had his head reeling, pleading silently at the hope that you'd be there to reassure and clarify what exactly he needs to do.
But you're not. In fact, Childe hasn't seen you in the whole month after that fight. He was prohibited from approaching your ward as you were still unstable and fragile to risk; no, everyone was not allowed to enter, he assured himself. He had not seen nor heard you throughout the grieving process of a moment he should have been proud to boast.
During that time, Childe had also adamantly avoided Scaramouche.
He heaved a tired sigh as the consequences weighed his resolve once again, were you still unconscious? Are you still in critical condition or are you recovering? If things ended ever so differently, would you be there next to him to wave him off to his first major assignment? "Liyue, huh, that's a pretty nice nation."
Childe produced a strangled noise when he turned to his right, where you stood, watching the ocean horizon. Your hair was slightly disheveled yet framed your face naturally. There were bandages wrapped all over your torso, peeking out from the sleeves of your unusually covered attire, and your left arm settled on a sling meant to lessen the constraints of your side instead of sporting an actual broken limb. When Childe's calculating gaze settled on your face, you had a calm expression.
"Congratulations, you're finally on your way to your first mission."
"Thank you, although I heard it's quite different from what I'm used to. Besides seafood, too many new customs."
You produced a soft gasp as your eyes widened slightly. Childe stood guard, waiting for you to tell him what was wrong. "I'm a failure of a mentor," what. His eyes watched as you turned to face him (as he did) with an amused glint in your eyes paired by a light smirk. "I didn't get to teach you how to use chopsticks."
His face dropped into a deadpan, before you two harmonized into bouts of varying laughter. Your other hand placed itself on your chest to minimize the vibrations of your giggles, not wanting to put pain into yourself. A flash of hurt recognition passed through his eyes.
"Master, I'm so-"
"(Y/N)." You immediately interjected as you gazed at him past your eyelashes. His breath hitches.
"Ah, (Y/N)," you nodded at his experimental taste of your name and urged him to continue. He opens his mouth before closing it again, a silent debate within the depths of his brain, before his lips parted with a different thought. "Teach me when I come back, please?"
Your eyes widen in surprise and amusement, "I'm sure you'd pick it up easily."
You're not wrong, but he's adamant. "Nah, I'm sure I wouldn't, I heard they're really a handful. I'd rather wait for you."
Giggling again, you raised your mobile hand as he did own, exchanging the most genuine smile. "Okay, pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
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I wrote this for two hours straight to the point that my left arm doesn't work anymore....
@moaa @kookieyachi @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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sugoi-writes · 4 years
Hope you're having a lovely day!! If its not too much, how do you think Fatgum, and Hawks would react to their s/o that has wings ( angel wings 😳) that got torn off in battle? Mm angst 🤩
OHM-- AGH?? OUCH??? Absolutely (also yeah the day has been good! Thank you so much! Safe from Hurricane Sally at least!)
Tw: Violence, body horror, gore... y e ah (slight yandere*?)
Premise: You were pinned to the ground, breathing ragged from your attempts to get free. There was a foot to the base of your spine, just beneath your ethereal wings.
You were going feral, your arms pulled behind your back to further hinder you as you thrashed violently. You were terrified, and praying for any help. And with one swift tug and a press of the heel… CRACK. 
Your wings were dislocated violently, leaving you unable to fly, even if you could. You screamed in agony as your vision turned hazy from the pain. You struggled in vain, afraid of what would happen next. And as soon as it had started, your pain quadrupled. 
A clean edged katana cut through your wings, right at the compromised base. You were now a flightless hero.... and this terrified you. Your screaming fell on deaf ears as you let out a slew of curses and pleas. This wasn’t real, right? You were dreaming, RIGHT? 
The moment he heard you scream, he was on the verge of losing self control. He tripled his pace, but his speed is still TERRIBLE. He hustled anyway, praying that you could walk this off, whatever injury you had. 
He heard your second scream, and immediately knew something was terribly wrong. He called for you by your hero’s name, and rounded the corner. And there you were... a broken, wingless hero. 
If your wings weren’t severed, the look of you, folded on the ground weakly would have been almost beautiful. But this... this was something that brought along a feeling of fury and absolute horror. 
How could this happen? How could he let this happen?
It didn’t take you long to black out from the pain, the sounds of Fatgum’s frenzied shouting filling your senses. You came in and out of consciousness, and feeling your body shift around before being lifted. No doubt, your wings were tenderly taken off of you, before you were gently draped over Fatgum’s shoulder (as to avoid touching your wounds). 
By the time you wake up, you’re in a hospital, and you have the urge to stretch.
As you stretch your legs, straining as your toes popped from curling, but suddenly you wince in pain. You can’t stretch your back, let alone your... your...
Your eyes widen in realization, as you’re unable to feel your wings. You start to shake, your breath picking up. However, before you let your tears fall, you feel a hand rest on your shoulder,” Please... don’t move around too much. You need to rest.” 
You look to see Taishiro next to you, in between his slim and fat form. By the number of takeout boxes, beer bottles, and snack wrappers... you could tell he was stress eating. You asked how long you’d been out, and you pale when he bites his lip. 
“About... 3 days. They really did a number on you... and me, but... I’m not nearly as bad off.” You notice one of Taishiro’s arms are in a sling, and you want to throw yourself onto him, hugging him close. You know that with him being in this weaker form, with a broken arm... this was something that probably drove your partner crazy. 
“Tai... I’m so sorry...” 
Fatgum smiles sadly, cupping your cheek,” I should be the one to apologize to you... maybe... maybe if I had made it to you in time, I could have stopped this. Maybe... you could’ve... had your wings, still...” 
You glance away, shaking your head,” This isn’t your fault... I rushed in without you, and... well, I faced the consequences.” You see Taishiro tense up at your words, and he immediately pulls you in for a hug, shuddering.
” D-Don’t... angel, don’t you ever blame yourself for this... Heroes like you and me know the dangers associated with our work, but... this... this wasn’t a rookie mistake. You were doing your job, and you actually managed to wear this asshole out. This... that villain was powerful. He could take out anyone if he tried... we were lucky to have subdued him... The fact that you lasted as long as you did, before I got there... it’s a miracle. I really... could have lost you...’you know that?”
Fatgum would continue to hold you, nearly crumbling as he recounts how scared he was when he found you, and how hard everyone fought to save you. It turns out you got a pretty horrible infection from your wound, and that was why you were out for as long as you were. You could have died in the fight, AND outside of it. 
You had no idea... and, you were equally upset, knowing that Taishiro risked his ass to save you. But, you could hardly scold him, as he did save your life. 
You both unload and unpack a lot from what happened that day, and end up in a pile of discarded chip bags and blankets. Fatgum would lay his head in your lap as you stroked his hair, since he couldn’t immediately cuddle you (even in his skinnier form). 
There were tears and reflection. Confessions and promises. Fatgum still feels guilty, but you were able to help him understand that this wasn’t on him. He is grateful that you are alive, and promises to do whatever he can to help you physically and mentally recover. 
And of course, you take FG’s word for it, as you’ll need all the support you could get to feel even a little bit normal again. 
On the scene, the both of you are doing a major number on the BBEG, until he gets a hold of you. He had managed to incapacitate Hawks, knocking him out momentarily as he did the unthinkable to you. As he came back to, he awoke to the sounds of your wails and curses. He can’t believe what he’s hearing.
And he goes. Absolutely. Ballistic. 
He immediately turns ever single feather on his body into a sharp, pristine blade, and shows zero mercy. He had full intentions of taking this villain in, and having him reflect in jail for his crimes... but it was past the point of no return. 
As you lay on the ground, your pleas for Keigo to stop fall on deaf ears. He was absolutely feral, and would not let this man walk away. 
Once others arrived on the scene, you had immediately been picked up and rushed to the hospital. Hawks was still on the scene, blood splattering his hero’s uniform as his legs bounced, and his wings bowed up uncontrollably. He was shaking. He was absolutely blindsided by rage... but he knew that he needed to give a statement, and face his punishment for what he did to the villain. Murder is still murder. 
When you do come to (suffering from the aforementioned infection), you didn’t see Hawks at first. This puzzled you, as you knew he was the one who saved you. Then, the weight of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks. When a doctor walks in to check on you, you gently ask about Hawks as you still reel from your new reality. 
Luckily, the hero only get a firm slap on the wrist, and is currently on house arrest. He would have to take some training/classes to better process what he had done, and to manage the stress from the encounter... but he had no idea that you still did not have your wings. He had prayed that there was a chance they could be reattached. 
When you facetimed him later, his heart shattered at the sight of you, without your beautiful wings. He would almost cover his face, shaking his head,” Babybird... I’m... I’m so sorry... this is... I shouldn’t have taken you with me...” 
You try to talk Hawks down, but he can hardly listen to you, and you can hardly get through to him. Hawks will always harbor the blame on himself, and will go absolutely ballistic on any person who tries to hurt you or touch you. Despite him working on it, the event itself has made him hyper protective of you, to a fault. 
When you get out of the hospital, you move in with him. You mutually take care of each other, and help each other heal. But the wounds that are left on Keigo’s heart are deep, and will take many years to heal. 
Most nights, he will lovingly caress your back, and tell you how stunning and angelic you are. You can never see the glassy look in his eyes when he says this, his hands slowly tracing your scars.
When he finally gets off of house arrest, he makes it his personal, top priority mission to infiltrate, and track down the rest of this villain’s organization. This is the most vigilante/anti-hero he will go, but damn if he doesn’t do his best to make you happy when he’s “off work”.
He is a mess and a half, but will absolutely get revenge for what they did to his Babybird.  
Thank you for this request, I hope it’s up to snazz! I am a little burnt out, hoduhdoudho
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thebestbooksaround · 4 years
Second ask because I didn't want to post both in the same one. Hope that's okay! Do you know any rare pair fics? I read a Stiles/Danny fic and loved it and would love to read more! Possibly Stiles and Parish or Derek and Parish???
Hello! I mostly read Steter and Sterek, but I have read a couple that doesn’t feature them as the main pair. 
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Elemental by Copperspecks 
Stargent | 20k | Teen
Chris is a man driven by guilt and desperation. Stiles is a lost, stolen child who thrums with undeniable power. Chris knows he’ll do whatever it takes to save the only family he has left, no matter what he has to do to succeed. One more sin can’t destroy an irredeemable soul.
Stained Glass Windows by KouriArashi
Petopher | 85k | Mature
Peter survives the fire and suddenly finds himself trying to raise children with only a vague notion of what he's doing, while trying to cope with his own grief and find his family's murderer. He ends up turning to Chris Argent for help, and nothing goes as expected.
'll Dissolve When The Rain Pours In, When The Nightmares Take Me by clotpolesonly
Stackson | 38k | Teen
When Stiles finally managed to contort himself the right way without causing injury, he stared at the words on his inner thigh. And then he stared some more, long enough for the water to grow cold around him, wondering if this was part of the dream. Finally he decided that it had to be real only because his subconscious was not creative enough to come up with this.
There, in freckle-brown letters stark against pale skin, was the name Jackson Whittemore.
Possible Still by rosepetals42
Skittles | 10k | Mature
Stiles gets very good at putting himself back together. He learns which cuts just need butterfly bandages and which need actual stitches and he knows to keep a needle threaded because trying to get everything ready when you're shaking from blood loss is fucking hard. (Not impossible though, he learns that too. There's not much that is impossible when you don't have any other options.)
Post 5A - Stiles may not be in the pack anymore, but that doesn't mean he's going to stop fighting.
Dude, bro by rosepetals42
Skittles Friendship | 7k | Teen
“It’s Mister Stilinski,” Stiles repeats. “That- uh. There’s a mistake. On the paperwork. It’s Mister.” That was all it was. Just a mistake on the paperwork. On the school records and his birth certificate and his social security card. On all the paperwork. But still, just a mistake. That’s what his therapists said. His cells had made a little mistake but it isn’t disgusting or wrong or sick. He isn’t a mistake. Just the papers. His body.
And I realize now that my list isn’t half as long as I thought... So if anyone has some good recs, send them our way!
Also, I am a HUGE Stetopher fan, so I don’t know if they count as rare, but they aren’t common?
Chaos is my Companion by Bunnywest
Stetopher | 16k | Mature
Stiles is plenty organized when it comes to important stuff like his work okay? It's just little things like finding his wallet, charging his phone, and keeping track of who the hell he has a date with that he has trouble with. _____________________________________________________________ Both men spot him at the same time. “Stiles?” they say in unison, and then stare at each other, looking slightly put out. “This is your date?” Peter says, a crease appearing between his brows. “Well, yeah.” (Chris, the mechanic’s name is Chris, Stiles’ mind finally supplies.) Two sets of eyes turn to him, and Stiles has a sudden sinking feeling in his gut. He remembers arranging to meet Peter, sure, but what’s Chris doing here?
Bigfoot Told Me You Were Coming by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Stetopher | 25k | Teen
Peter and Chris are on the run when they stumble across Stiles' home in the woods.
The Rule of Three by DiscontentedWinter
Stetopher | 70k | Mature
In order to make their relationship legitimate in the eye of wider society, alphas Chris Argent and Peter Hale have to claim an omega. Stiles Stilinski, who should be the solution to their problems, instead turns out to be the first piece in a puzzle that some elements in society would prefer remain unsolved.
All My Stars Aligned by Green
Stetopher | 21k | Explicit
Stiles needs to find an alpha ASAP. Actually, the doctors say he really needs two. Damn biology.
Chris and Peter are two alphas in hopeless, doomed love with each other.
Also, this one is Sterek, But Derek doesn’t show up until like halfway, and we get to read the amazingness that is Cora Hale and Stiles Stilinski’s friendship.
Dirty Little Secret by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Sterek | 91k | Explicit
“Holy shit, this is a date!” he blurted out, turning back to Derek wide-eyed. “This is a date! You intended for this to be a date, this was supposed to be a date!” He figured if he said it enough times, maybe he would believe it, but so far, no dice.
Derek was scowling again—seriously, did he want wrinkles?—but he just reached into one of the bags and pulled out a burger, checking what was written on the foil in sharpie before handing it over to Stiles.
“Of course it’s a date, what did you think this was?”
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
Greenland sounds just lovely! Can we use "Wind beneath my wings" for the first dance ? ;D
Buffy is ICONIC. Finding out you knew the show after that beautiful graveside story was such a nice surprise. Especially after all the crying. (Side note, but I seriously adore the way you write Emily. You capture her and Luke's relationship so beautifully. All your pieces about her are just insanely good)
Hmmm Ghost Goose and Vampuppy are both pretty chaotic. Now only Julie and Alex need a supernatural pet, and the unholy animal quartet shall be complete.
God I could seriously read about the vampire verse forever. The angst possibilities with Reggie's new powers! I just love seeing what you do with that universe.
And that conversation with Alex and Chris...god that was just a gut punch. I'm even more attached to Chris now: I loved her from her first appearance, but seeing her as a scared, messy kid hit even harder. You write sibling relationships so incredibly well. Just knowing the tragedy that's coming, knowing that they barely have any time left together... it's just brutal. It makes Alex's attempt to reach out to her in 2020 even more painful. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I really hope she's doing over after that band performance.
CHRIS FANCAST!!!!!! You have no IDEA how happy that made me!!!! She's such a little badass, and I just want to give her a giant hug. I seriously love all of your ocs so so much. Do you have anyone picked for Hillary or Nicky by any chance? (Nicky has my heart btw. The way you write about him and Reggie is so powerful. And Hillary is such a wonderfully contradictory character. The hug scene with her and Alex is still one of my favorite scenes ever).
This is getting long but! I sent that Willex prompt too! And Ahhhh!!!! That was just amazing. You characterization is seriously always on point. That made me melt and "I don't know how to be this happy" broke my heart and just...wow.
Thank you for the invite, but I think I'd prefer to stay on anon for the time being. But if I start feeling bolder, I'll let you know!
(and no, seriously, you're the one who's too sweet. Please don't feed your vital organs to fantasy creatures for me. It would make me very sad :( )
Your Fiancee, I guess (lol),
-Vampire Anon
oh gosh, okay, believe it or not, i actually do have someone picked out for nicky!! fancasting is so much fun, and half the fun of making ocs, so... if you really want to know, here's what i got!!
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behold... young nicky (the peters genes are strong in this one) and older nicky!!
i've also got erica, ethan, izzie, and bella, if you want to complete the whole family!
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as for hilary, i actually had to search around for this one... but i kind of like what i've come up with? her younger and older self.
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i don't know why, but this verse in particular... like, i'm obsessed with family relationships, especially siblings, it's one of my favorite things to write about. the inherent tragedy of having someone be so crucial to your life... and suddenly they're just gone, and you have to grow into your own person without them... i lost my little sister a few months back, and the pain is still super fresh, so it's almost cathartic to write about these characters moving on ( and maybe reconnecting with the people they've lost?? wait 'til you see what i have planned for the pattersons in this verse... it's going to be gut-wrenching. )
how many prompts did you send, dude? ( you sent the reggie and nicky one too, didn't you?? i know it ) no need to answer, i love them all and can't wait to write them!!
again, thank you thank you sm for your interest in my fics, it honestly means the world. makes me feel kinda special lol. you sure know how to treat a gal!!
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fal-carrington · 6 years
If I’m not the one, who is going to make you happy? Pt.2
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc x Priya
Disclaimer: The characters belongs to PB
Prompt: “I could not understand the reason for the sudden interest in me. Priya was from afar the most hedonistic person I had ever met. She awaken a wild side in me, a side that yearned for parties, uncomplicated sex nights, drinks, just fun. Something crazy drew me towards her, just the fact that she could kill me at any second just makes me wonder if I lost my mind.
Kamilah was different. Gorgeous, older. Always serious, cold. Almost untouchable. Just focused on work most of the time, I did not know if she hated me or if she just tolerates my presence because of Adrian. With Kamilah, I never knew if what I was doing was enough, she saw me as irresponsible and troublemaker kid, but I confess that it was that perfect smile of hers who made my heart beat faster. Part of me longed for her approval. And in the middle of all this, I was trapped between these two gorgeous and powerful women.”
A/N: Hey, guys I’m back from hell after a few days apart from tumblr, so sorry for that. I’m bringing this new fanfic who explores the most hot love triangle of Bloodbound. I hope you guys like it and at the end it’s up for you guys, who Hayley will end up to? The Queen of the Fashion Designer?
Raines Corp, 23h30pm
My fate was on Adrian's floor. I glanced briefly at my golden watch, I was still on time. I always was, that was one of my personal skills that I’m proud of. As the elevator doors opened, I had a perfect view of the meeting room, Adrian's office... And Hayley’s table. She was with her back to me, arranging a huge amount of papers. Today she was looking different, she wore a white sweater and a red skirt that went up just above her knees and boots. Her blonde fringe was trapped and the rest of her hair was loose. I’ve already seen that skirt, but never with these sweater. It was cute.
I asked myself who was the person that she was trying to impress. Today she was the definition of sweetness, everybody with eyes would notice her.
I reached her with my hands in the pockets of my pants. She fumbled with those papers, cursing softly. She was a lot of things, but never organized.
"I'm pretty sure the paper will not bite you if you're more delicate with it." She turned and jumped when she saw me.
"Oh God! Hey... Kamilah” She put a hand on her chest. I noticed how red her cheeks suddenly are and how her heartbeats fastened.
“You're very distracted.” I observed.
"A little." She said shy, looking away from me and trying to keep herself busy. "Adrian is waiting for you."
"I know," I said watching her closely. "So let me ask you. I'm curious, where are you going after here?"
"W-What makes you think I'm going somewhere else?" She stammered red-faced. It was fun to watch her cheeks flush with that intensity.
"Because I have eyes. I'm not stupid, you're not fooling me." I tilted my head to one side and furrowed my eyes. She gulped and stepped away from me. “You are going to meet someone, uh?”
"I don’t know what you're talking." She adjusted the glasses that hung on her nose, her green eyes wandering the room without looking at mine. She avoided the subject again. Priya. I’m so sure of this. She has a finger on this. She was going to meet Priya, oh for god sake. I’m the only one who was against this? Adrian probably had already alerted her. I crossed my arms.
"Alright. You can continue with this little game of yours, but I will not play it. I know how to recognize a lost cause when I see one,” I said, and it seemed to have shocked her. Hayley opened her mouth to discuss with me, her face now red with anger.
"Am I a lost cause?" She said with a frown.
"What else would it be?" I asked.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop behaving like my mother, Kamilah," she said.
"And I would appreciate it if you would stop acting like a teenager. Looking for confusion."
"I'm not looking for confusion." She tried to keep her voice down. "Usually it's the confusion that hits me first." She shook her head.
I sighed, touching my temples. I was not going to spend my time with a twenty-two-year-old girl arguing over the reasons she was trying to kill herself with Priya.
“Suit yourself.” I passed her without another word and went into the conference room. Mortals.
"I appreciate everyone's presence." Adrian started the meeting with a friendly smile on his face. It was always like this, his routine meetings with the council. Baron as always seemed completely uninterested, as did Lester. The only ones paying attention were me and Jax.
Priya did not take her eyes off the phone for a single minute, and when she was not on her cell phone, she was staring at Hayley with a wicked smile on her face. Images filled my mind. Images that I did not even want to imagine what happened behind those doors, I felt a strange heat radiate my chest since I became aware of their secret meetings and the memory of two days ago came to my mind.
"She's gone crazy!" I said as I paced back and forth in Adrian's office, he watching me leaning against his desk. "Do something Adrian! Before Priya kills her!” I called his attention.
"What do you expect me to do? I'm not her father, Kamilah. I can not forbid her to see who she wants to see! Of course... I tried to talk to her about Priya, but she knows who she's dealing with"
"Oh, does she know? It seems not!” I said exalted, running my hand through my hair. "I already knew she was irresponsible, but suicidal... I did not know she had come to this point"
"Are you sure that's all? Are you just worried about her safety?" He frowned and folded his arms.
"What else would it be?!"
"Jealousy" He finished with a half smile. I laughed at his expression.
"Are you serious, Adrian ?! She's your assistant... Human Pet. I'm just doing your job trying to protect her."
"Really? Even when you said that, you did not think of it when you slept with her in my cabin, did you?" He said and I stopped. "Oh, please. I heard everything."
"It was only one night stand. Only that." He frowned. "OK. Two nights. Will not happen again"
"Who's lying to himself now, Kamilah?" He looked at me and God, how I hated that look.
“... Uh, Kamilah?” His voice called me. I looked at him and realized that all my council colleagues were staring at me looking for answers. “...Do you agree?” Adrian asked again.
“Absolutely.” I said sighing impatiently. “I think your terms are appropriate.”
“Alright then. I guess we all agree on this. If anyone have nothing more to say, we can close this meeting.” Adrian smiled satisfied.
I rubbed my face, still with Adrian’s words in my head. I wasn’t in love with a human, no. Especially this human in particular, she’s nothing besides trouble. I had more important things to do, a company to manage, contracts to close and my clan to take care, I don’t need to babysit a teenager.
That’s what I thought. I couldn’t be more wrong.
Friday. Ahmanet Financial, 23h15pm
I was at my office, working and revisiting reports, thinking about my next meeting that was happening soon, what I did not expect was a call from Adrian would change my routine at this night. When the phone rang in my pocket, I sighed in irritation. I hated being interrupted and losing my focus when I was working. Even when it was Adrian calling me, but still, maybe he need something.
"Adrian" I answered the call.
"Hey," he said excitedly on the other end of the line.
"What can I do for you?" I asked.
"Do you have plans for tonight?"
"Well, I'm working. Those are my plans,” I said. "Why? Is there something in your mind?"
"I was thinking of doing something different."
"I would not mind having a drink"
"Uh, so you do not know?" He asked in surprise.
"What happened?"
"Nothing much, but I was thinking of leaving early to go to a party."
"You? At a party?” I smiled incredulously, leaning my back against the chair.
"Why not? And it would be us, not just me.” I could swear he was smiling on the other end of the line.
"We? Dear god, Adrian, what are you thinking? I'm too old for such trifles."
"You will not find it so futile when you find out who the party it is"
"Stop that mystery already. Who is it?"
“Hayley’s 23th birthday” He said and I froze at that. “I thought you may be interested”
Crimson Veil, 1h00am
"I can hardly believe you're forcing me to do this." I scowled at the countless people who danced, rubbing at each other, drank and shouted. The loud music and the colored light irritated me, if I had not listened to Adrian...
“As far as I remember you did not object." He laughed to himself, clearly amused by my expression of disgust.
"She could have chosen a better place." I took a deep breath, avoiding bumping into one of Priya's clients. "At least one less... Hedonistic place."
"Priya made sure the party was here. I think Hayley did not object to the invitation,” Adrian said, and I frowned at that. "Oh, there she is" He said with a smile, my eyes went to the direction he looked and I saw that scene in front of me, Hayley was dancing with a glass of champagne in her hand and with her was... Priya. Both were dancing closely, in way so intimate, if I could choose the perfect word for this moment.
Hayley definitely was not sober, it was remarkable by the way her body rocked to the sound of music, her wet hair with droplets of sweat, as well as her skin. And Priya was definitely enjoying this moment, this situation and hers. I could see perfectly.
I was so accustomed to feeling distant from everything and everyone, accustomed to feeling nothing. It was easier that way, but seeing that scene in front of me... Made me wonder if Adrian could be right. I shook my head at the feeling I was repudiating inside me, jealous. Jealous of a mortal? How could that be? Their time was short, they were fragile, they could be killed by such futile things.
I knew enough that romances with mortals were not meant to last. It would never work, we would never work, but she was different. Young, beautiful, had a Incredible smile. It made me feel something, it made me want to try again, to risk, even if there were innumerable obstacles between us, like morality, mortality, the right and wrong. She made me want to abandon my ethics, my rules.
I felt a strange tingling in my chest as I watched both Priya's hands grasp her body and glue Hayley's body to hers. Hayley did not back away, did not pull her away from her. She just kept swinging her body to the rhythm of the music. Adrian was too busy with his whiskey, reading the menu leaning against the counter beside me to see where I was looking.
I took a deep breath and took a sip of my whiskey, feeling the bitter liquid burn my throat as I pondered the countless feelings that ran through my mind.
What had happened to me? Since when did I fall in love with mortals? Since when had I fallen that way? And I, who so proudly blamed Adrian for being a hopeless romantic... I was beginning to believe that his words were true and that he was right.
I would not admit it, not out loud. Not for him to smile at me with that mocking smile, making me admit that he was right all the time and that I should listen to him. I bit my lips, feeling my vision turn red as I watched Priya have fun with Hayley in front of me. A part of me hated myself, I always consider myself to be the most rational person, most focused and right on everything around me. And another hated Hayley, hating that irresponsible girl come out of nowhere, put our lives at risk, make Adrian fell at her feets, she was nothing, but trouble.
And still I have no rational response for why I can’t keep my eyes off her. Why I feel my heart tighten every time Priya squeezes her waist as she shakes to the music. Why I feel my heart beat faster every time Hayley rests her whole body on Priya's, as if her life depended on it. I did not expect to feel it again, I did not expect it to happen again after so many years, I swore never to fall in love with any mortal.
No, it can’t be. No.
And in my painful moment of struggle, when Hayley turned and saw me for the first time that night, her green eyes gleamed in recognition and a bright dimpled smile lit her face... I found myself stuck in that smile, feeling my heart beat fast and strong after centuries, numb with that look, cursing myself for this... For her. Because nothing else seems to matter now. For falling in love with her.
The only rational thought that occurred to me at that moment, the only part of my mind that had not been taken by her, thought; Oh, Kamilah, where did you got yourself in?
There is no way out of this now. I know. I'm doomed and conformed to this, I took a sip of my whiskey, watching my own blond demon smile at me with a drunken, crooked smile, which was to make anyone mad.
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lightsorigins · 4 years
An inefficient world
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03 Marckabeth 2010
3:42 pm, Mysticiën,
Lausya, Estery High School
 Squeezed into an uncomfortable wooden chair, Sarasvatî had her arms folded. She had been staring at Madame Bigot, her biology teacher, for a few minutes. After having finished her tirade on a part of the course, this last one also observed Sara during a few seconds. The setting sun was illuminating her short jet hair and her strong gaze. She was imperturbable, yet everything about her indicated a latent irritation.
- Sarasvatî, do you have something to add?
 She sighed at length before answering.
- You send me sorry, but you can't understand anything in a class where you get lost in so many details.
- These details are in Sara's program. If you work harder, you'll understand more.
 At the agreement of his words, his gaze caught fire.
- That I work more? Me? In this room, I'm sure that no one understood a word of what you've just explained. You start to talk to us about how Anima and Menha work, and then you digress about your theories about the most powerful elements to bring down the Anima of our opponents, even though we are not even atmologists. It had nothing to do with the beginning of the session, and we haven't even been given a lecture on the primary elements yet!
- Sara...
- Don't expect me to believe that your assumptions about how things work are part of the program. Everyone here knows that you were not a high school teacher last year.
 Madame Bigot was a red-headed meïlith with very light blue skin. Her big green eyes opened more and more to Sara's insolence. Discreet and kind, she had indeed shown for some sessions difficulties in giving her course in a sufficiently clear manner. Suddenly, she gave a big blow on her desk with the flat of her hand.
- Enough! You will bring me your notebook at the bell. I cannot accept such behavior in this room. Class representative or good student, I don't care!
- Instead, say that you are unable to accept reality and the criticisms that go against your ineffective methods," Sara replied before taking out her notebook and putting it at the end of the table.
- Pardon? exclaimed the professor.
- Nothing. Nothing that you wouldn't be able to hear.
      She was dying to make him swallow her tongue with an atmos. Something that would have made her feel like making a fool of herself in front of all those students, but Laura Bigot would be in big trouble with the Grand Council of Atmology if she did so. However, she could already see herself joining hands, forming a skillful circle and whispering "Totopo lu hodo". A wooden cocoon would then have formed around Sarasvatî, who would have had no choice but to keep quiet. The pupils would then have said to each other "It is not necessary to joke with Mrs. Bigot! ». She would have earned the respect she had hoped for, continued her course and shared her intelligent theories on the functioning of the elements. Yet, instead...
- What's up? Are you going to take this notebook, yes or no? Instead of standing stupidly in front of me staring at me.
- Leave this room immediately Sara. You will have a report that you will remember for a long time. I would have liked to talk with you calmly, but it is obviously not possible.
- Anyway, it's going to ring. I would have liked to avoid this with you, but it seems to me that we have already talked about this problem. I won't be able to get a higher education with your damn theories. You simply have no right to do that. I'll talk to the director about it tomorrow. I'll see you soon.
       Madame Bigot kept talking, but Sara had already moved on. Then the bell rang. It was an unpleasant, strident, repetitive sound that she had never enjoyed hearing. She grabbed her black leather jacket and put it over her long sky-blue dress. Grabbing her bag, she walked towards the exit, expressionless. Her step was heavy, fast and sure. She didn't greet anyone and stopped at the door. Once in the hallway, Sara stretched out her arm and let her diamond shûmberr skin handbag dangle nimbly from her fingertips. Staring down at the large alley, a long sigh of impatience escaped from between her lips. Suddenly, a young sygreliad with long blond hair rushed towards her and grabbed her bag.
- Sorry Sara, I hadn't finished writing everything down. Damn, your bag is heavy today, what did you put in it?
- It's the weight of Madame Bigot's bullshit, did you see how it weighs?
  Annabelle smiled an embarrassed smile at him. Sara mimicked her expression by mimicking a despicable nonsense before continuing.
- Where's Marvin? Is he going to suck up to miss bullshit, or is he going to show up?
  A large wazardin with a tousled coat ran out of the room, jostling Sara and Annabelle as they passed by. He stumbled a few seconds later, knocking over all of his comrade's things in the hallway. His ruby eyes were lost in Sara's, who stared at him without blinking.
- Ah shit, I thought you two had left," he said, laughing and nervously scratching his head.
- Marvin, I think I'm going to destroy you and your whole family," Sara said dryly.
- But you still intend to continue to help me with the merçembuth history presentation?
- Maybe, if you pick up everything you just spilled in less than thirty seconds. After that time, I might purposely insert errors in your homework and insult the teachers to get you kicked out of school.
  Marvin swallowed his saliva and picked it all up, helped by Annabelle, who then picked up Sara's purse. They continued on their way out of the school. Snow was falling in large flakes on Lausya. It was a venckelbuth of the month of jalestar. This year's system was particularly cold. Every day, Sarasvatî, Annabelle and Marvin came home from school together because their homes were on the same road. Since middle school, the three teenagers had spent a lot of time together working on subjects in which they were struggling. Despite her bullying attitude, Sara knew she needed Annabelle's help in math. In return, she would help them out when they had arguments with other students, but also in other subjects where Annabelle and Marvin were not performing as well as she did.
- It took exactly twenty-four seconds to pick up everything," says Annabelle. That's it, you're saved for your homework Marvin!
- No, because you helped him so it doesn't count. So I'm not going to help you, too," Sara replied.
  Annabelle's face decomposed. The young sygreliad gradually slowed down her walk, when Sara suddenly ripped her purse from her hands.
- Oh, but we can't even laugh anymore? It's not possible that! I'll help you anyway, I'm not a monster ! We've known each other for a long time, seriously. You're the only two people I accept to talk to, stop being afraid like that for a little bit, otherwise I won't hang out with you anymore. 
- You'll have to excuse me Sara, but considering how mad you were at Madame Bigot earlier, it doesn't make you want to be more upset than that.
- You have nothing to do with it, I wouldn't be stupid enough to make you pay for miss bigou's incompetence. And what do you think of what I said to her? Did you understand what she was talking about?
- I don't know," Annabelle hesitated. I was interested in her ideas, but she did talk fast. Anyway, it wasn't going to last long. Do you really think that letting her talk a little bit about it from time to time is so bad?
- The problem is there, and you both need to think about it too. Like me, you would like to become good atmologists later on, wouldn't you? Imagine letting all of our teachers knock us out with their unproven hypotheses for five to ten minutes per hour-long class. Imagine, in total, how much time we will have wasted! That would mean that...
  Marvin grabs her by the arm and pulls her onto the road. Sara was so carried away by his explanation that she hadn't seen that it was time to cross.
- That would mean a lot of time would be lost," he added calmly. I know, it's okay. But only Madame Bigot does that. She is new, you said it yourself, and despite that she is still a good teacher!
  Sara stared at him before raising her eyes to the sky.
- How much did you get at his last checkup, Marvin? Honestly?
- I got 8 out of 20, and you know very well that I usually get half in organic classes!
- Marvin, you got 8 and I got 10, whereas in bio I normally go out with at least 16. She's not a good teacher. And I need a record that is relevant to my entry into the top universities in Mysticiën. I have tried to be patient, I have already talked to her about the situation but the very next day she does the same thing to me. I wish she had at least been honest and told me clearly that she would continue to do as she pleased.
- And if she had said that, are you sure you wouldn't have done something, like spilling all her stuff on the floor or yelling at her that she's just incompetent?
  Sara slowed down her walk slightly and began to contemplate the sky for a few seconds as a sign of reflection. Suddenly, her gaze returned to Annabelle.
- Yeah, you have a point. Are we still on for math tomorrow at 4:00?
- Yes, I have notified my parents. I leave you here, see you tomorrow!
  She walked away discreetly. Sara and Marvin watched the silhouette in the small white coat disappear in the distance towards the east of the city, rubbing her arms against herself to warm up before she could go home. Marvin patted Sara on the back before bursting into laughter.
- Hey, Marvin. Really, I'm going to end up killing you if you touch me a third time.
- You're not cool to make Annabelle carry your bag like that! Look how tiny and cute she is in her coat, she still looks like a little girl.
  They went the other way before Sara continued.
- I took advantage of this before she became a school principal. She will eat us all if we don't dominate her first. Look at her, with her little feet and her nice attitudes. She's hiding an evil genius, that's for sure.
- Aren't you projecting your own attitudes onto her?
- No. And you want to carry my bag instead maybe?
- I can't promise I'll never drop it if you let me do it, but we can always try, I guess.
  At the agreement of her words, she jumped up and down to try to slap him on the back of the head. Marvin ducked, and the two teenagers began to chase each other around town. The discussion turned into a brief snowball fight, won by Sarasvatî. In their bickering, they had reached Marvin's family home, which was still lying on the ground. Before he got up, Sara approached him with a huge amount of snow in her arms.
- What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Notorious Criminal? she asked comically.
      Marvin concentrated with all his strength and a pink glow covered him. Sara frowned, wondering what idiocy he was up to. A few seconds later, he had taken on the appearance of Sara herself.
- Nothing. Nothing that you wouldn't be able to hear. "He replied seriously and solemnly, to imitate Sara's phrase when she had argued with their teacher.
  When she understood, she covered her face with snow and started kicking him. Marvin laughed and laughed for a good five minutes before getting up and returning to his original shape.
- Wazardins, you are really dangerous people. I hope you don't take my appearance to do anything in front of others.
- Given the sanctions that await me if I do that, it's better that I avoid. Well, I'm out of here. Get home safe, and don't kill your brother if he's done something stupid, okay?
- Yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow.
      Sara's home was a few dozen meters from here. All she had to do was cross a few roads, turn a couple of blocks, and she would find the park and then the building where she lived with her brother and mother. As she continued on her way silently, Sara got lost in her thoughts. She was still organizing her future, already imagining herself in a prestigious university, studying atmology as a Creator. The Creators combine the energies of Fire and Plants to fight and explore the world. What seduced Sara in this atmological discipline was the possibility of giving life to living creatures to fight at her side. Federating a team that she would have made entirely with her own hands... nothing could make her dream stronger.
    Suddenly, as she was walking at a brisk pace, her foot stumbled on a thick piece of carjaline, in the middle of a park that she travels home through every day. Intrigued, she stopped to observe it more closely. The thick black debris reflected an intense glow. She recognized the fragments of black tourmaline, through which the last rays of the sun were seeping, then she sighed at length. It was a mechanical arm, and Sara knew exactly where it came from.
- I guess it's not ironic to have one intervention a year since high school by the Guild of Renovators, while the mayor himself leaves his pieces of inventions lying around anywhere...
      She gave a huge kick to the robot arm. The noise resonated through the entire alloy. Sara looked a little further and recognized a hand also made of carjaline. Ecology was a cause that was close to her heart, also because she had become aware early on of the harmful effects that occur when no one pays attention to it. As she walked along the road again, she plunged into her memories. Many alloys and castings like these were not so easily recycled, and ended up impacting not only the fauna and flora, but also the people of Lausanne. As
    far back as she can remember, Oscar Fanghël, the mayor of Lausya, has always considered the town as an experimental field of choice to test his prototypes. No one ever really knew what he was creating so many of them for. No one ever knew why he did not stop despite the numerous requests of the people of Lausya, and even worse: no one ever knew why the GCA (Great Council of Atmosphology), or even the GCM (Great Council of Martial Arts), had never acted in the face of this problem. Still, some members of the Guilde des Rénovateurs came to the aid of the lausois, but with great discretion.
      Sara suspected well-disguised political shenanigans. She and other lausois knew that the ancestry of the Fanghël family was highly respected, had a long arm and could quickly come to grips with any opponent. This disturbing prospect probably kept many people silent. She swore to herself, however, that when she became powerful enough, Sara would make Oscar eat all his prototypes one after the other. She hoped that Annabelle, Marvin and her other friends would join her cause and that one day this city, and others suffering similar injustices, would become more effectively managed.
    She finally reached the square in her neighbourhood: a poorly maintained place, decorated with a few benches and children's games, half of which had been seriously damaged. Buildings rose up around her, as if they were contemplating her with all the coldness of the system. A cold draught suddenly woke her up, awakening a wave of shivers that ran down her spine. She clenched her teeth, cursed and started looking for her keys in her bag before reaching the entrance hall. Then a strange smell tickled her nostrils. She knew that smell well.
- Nanthilia? Seriously, some guys start smoking this early in the day?
      The fragrance was far too close for Sara to resist knowing who, in this neighborhood she knew on the tip of her fingers, was having fun rolling nanthilia joints. The local youth - and the youth from elsewhere - loved it for the fun and soothing psychic effects it provides. Sara then discreetly walked around the large building to the right, surreptitiously walked along the wall and bent down to see if there were people further away. She heard laughter, including one she could recognize from among a thousand. A group of four young boys sat on a bench at the back of the building and laughed loudly. She approached them discreetly. From then on, only a few centimeters separated her from the boys.
      One of them turned around and fell face to face with Sara. With a hiccup of surprise, he jumped up and tripped his butt first on the field of grass. She still had her arms folded and that imperturbable expression that described her so well.
- Oh damn it! cried the young man who had just fallen. Why didn't you say you were there, Sara?
      She didn't answer, then looked at another boy in the group. He was shorter than the others, had a black hair in a battle, big black eyes, and wore a red flannel shirt with white checks. He was the one with the nanthilia joint in his hands. His eyes were red with fatigue. When Sara saw the joint between her fingers, she raised her eyebrows without taking her eyes off it. The young man did not blink.
- Name of a kannidus, Sara. Do you want to become a cop for the GCs now or what's it like? You can shove your witchy eyes up your ass.
- Are you kidding me, Kieran? she replied.
      Sara moved towards him to rip the joint out of his hands, but in response, he backed away. She grabbed him by the arm and eventually ripped it off, threw it to the ground, and crushed it vigorously with the tip of her foot.
- We had an agreement between the two of us. You had to behave better and make an effort because I warned you about the consequences of this thing, and I find you three days later smoking with three idiots from the neighbourhood?
- Oh eh, that's good," replied one of them, ready to defend his cause.
      Feeling the anger rising, Sara turned to them as if to forbid them to dare to speak again. The boys preferred to stay there and walk away, stunned by the effects of the nanthilia. Sara began to feel tired and disappointed. She didn't take her eyes off Kieran, who, on the other hand, was very angry.
- You're really annoying when you get into it. I've already told you that this situation is my business! Why don't you want to get off my back, don't you have classes to study or whatever else you need to do in your corner with your nerdy friends?
      For the umpteenth time today, she sighed.
- We're talking about your future Kieran, I'm not doing this just to annoy you. I'm your sister, it's my job to warn you about the effects of these things! Do you realize that mercenaries and explorers use this to cause psychic disturbances on their opponents? Do you think it's normal to blow your head off with it?
- Yes! because it's my skull and I do what I want with it! I don't want to do mega-studies like you, me.
      She remained silent as Kieran assailed her with all her favorite phrases to express her desire for independence and freedom. Her tirades continued for minutes on end. In the hall, in the elevator, and until they entered the apartment. He slammed the front door with all his might.
- If you're going to sneak up on me like that all the time, I'm just going to end up breaking into someone else's house without telling anyone! I'm tired of having you on my ass, you understand that? You're pissing me off!
- You're not doing what you want here Kieran," she shouted back. You're fourteen years old, you're a minor, you don't have to make these kinds of decisions, let alone talk to me like that! And if you want to run away, I'm going to find you whether you like it or not!
      This time it was the door to Kieran's room that slammed. A few seconds later, he launched a hard rock song at maximum volume. Sara was about to tell him to turn it down, but when she put her hand on the latch, she heard him turn the key in the lock. She put her hands to her hair and growled in irritation before going into the kitchen. The room was dirty, dimly lit with a light that Sara often described as "too white. Tired from work, her mother Naska didn't always have time to clean the apartment. Kieran would never get down to it, and Sara was far too busy working on her lessons.Putting her purse on the floor, she abruptly pulled out one of the chairs and dropped herself on it, taking her head in her hands and closing her eyes. A warm smell of boiled yone permeated the room. Naska, was cooking. Sara hated boiled food. It was the worst day she could have hoped for.
- Then my dear, why did your brother go to his room? Why are you still arguing? she asked softly.
- I've already come out of a class given by a poor incompetent and when I get downstairs, I find him smoking nanthilia with a bunch of jerks from the neighborhood. I had spoken with him not even a week ago, he told me that he understood and that he was going to make an effort, and look what he's doing!
- Don't be hard on your brother, honey.
- But how can I not be hard on him when he literally doesn't care about the world?
- You know that the situation is not easy for Kié. He needs time to act, and he's a young boy. Give him some time.
- If I'm the only one trying to be a little firmer with him, frankly, it's not going to help him. At some point you're going to have to do something serious. Let me remind you that I'm the one who pays for the private lessons that Amaëlle gives him! I work two days a week to help with homework for those in difficulty, but also to pay for her lessons! It's not by getting high on nanthilia every night that he's likely to learn things and use his memory well. I don't want to do that for nothing, it also impacts me, you understand?
      Naska marked a time of silence. Busy with her dish, she grabbed a bowl of spices and poured a tiny part of it into the broth she was preparing. She then drained the fragrant rice before continuing.
- You should relax a little bit Sara. I know you do a lot, but you could ask Amaelle for an advance for the classes.
- No. I'm not going to do that. I just want Kieran to get to work.
- Be patient, there is no reason to get into all these states. You must not push him to leave the house. I will be sad if something happens to him.
- I am already patient. All the time. And so am I...
      Sara felt that no matter what she might say, her mother would remain relaxed, or at least pretend to. Between the loud music played in her brother's room, the smell of boiled yone that was going to make her nauseous, and that incarnation with Madame Bigot earlier, she began to think that spending the evening here would be a bad idea. So she went to her room and made a call to Marvin.
- Hello Mrs. Solenelle?" he answered.
- Marvin, can I come to your house tonight?
- It depends on what for. Like, if it's for the presentation, I'm okay with it.
- Do you have fresh choums? Do you still have your two controllers to play with? Do you have an interesting topic of discussion in mind?
- Wow, we have a real program here, don't we?
- Yes or no?
- Yeah, yeah, it's quiet. Are you sure you're okay, Sara?
- I'll be there in five minutes. I'm sleeping at your place.
- Well, okay. I'll see you in a minute.
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If Lyra and Iorek were hoping for a quiet stay, they were wrong.
It was incredibly chilling how much a city could smell so of fear, of escape, of life left halfway in that picturesque colorful landscape, yet cold and bare despite the sea waves creating a sort of contrast between the tranquility of an abandoned country and the awareness to be alone in a place so ... empty, messily chaotic for the matter.
But still empty.
The only figures to fill the calculated spaces with a triangular architecture connected to itself were the girl, her daemon, and the white bear. All three were battered with no injuries, so on this side they had been fortunate not to have suffered bodily repercussions from crossing parallel worlds. But they were hot and cold at the same time, tired and badly in need of a full night's sleep.
But caution was inherent in Lyra's footsteps: she and Pan walked a few paces ahead of Iorek, who was holding the rear guard with a skeptical, wary, unconvinced look of his surroundings. Lyra had seen him snort just before passing him with two steps, but immediately he had stretched his muzzle and through the delicate use of his teeth had pulled her back to him from the teal shirt that she still wore from Bolvangar. "Do not start walking away." he told her. Offended, Lyra turned her wild head towards him. "I wasn't! I was looking around!" she bristled, her nose wrinkled in the process. Any other human who faced him so brazenly would have ended up with his face smashed to the ground without going out of the way: but when Lyra was proving her worth, not backing down, Iorek felt his heart grow so proud. And also amused in a way, because the sight of that little face so ferocious yet still so childish brought up big smiles. But Panserbjørne don't smile, they show their affection in other ways.
And his affection was playfully snorting in her face, tickling her cheeks in the process. Lyra immediately chuckled, albeit with some annoyance, shielding her face. "stop that!" she screeched laughing. "Iorek!"
"Now listen to me. Walk beside me and don't go away." he said "if I lose sight of you, I won't have the chance to find you here."
His senses might not work as well as in their world, and if Lyra got lost, finding her would be a mess. Prevention is better than cure.
Lyra, who was stubborn but not disobedient, realized that Iorek had no intention of giving her way. Then she followed him: Iorek had the power to make her obey in the net time of five seconds, seven at the most. But because Lyra admired him so much that even just arguing as she did with Asriel seemed disrespectful to her, precisely because Iorek had great respect and admiration for the little girl he had renamed, and whom he considered as one of them. It would have been ungrateful.
Then the little girl walks cautiously next to the white bear as he gazes at his surroundings equally wary and cautious. The city was a real disaster, a slaughterhouse. Some wooden doors had been removed from the hinges, others lay on the ground ... there were writing erased on signs everywhere and childish drawings on the walls. Some shops still had clothing and food inside, but all the doors that remained were wide open.
Crates of fruit had been spilled on the ground, and apples, pears, apricots lay motionless on the roughly set stone ground. Lyra bent down to pick a few, just to understand what she was talking about. "someone must have gone in a hurry." Pan murmured as he leaned over to smell a very bad looking fruit. "It's been a while ... this stuff has gone rotten." His marten face twisted at that acrid smell. "this kind of fruit goes rotten quickly." corrected Iorek "they may have been gone for a day."
But the town was too decayed to have been abandoned for a single day. It had been uninhabited for weeks, perhaps ... difficult to understand. "what happened in this place?" Lyra wondered as she stood up and started walking next to Iorek. "maybe Asriel...?" Pan began.
"I wouldn't rule it out." Lyra responded with acidity and anger, continuing to observe the town and the sky slowly unfolding above their heads.
Something had happened in this place ... maybe people had fled for an outside attack? Iorek surveyed the walls, peering at them carefully with a critical eye. He excluded a war on his own: there were no signs of blood or marks from bullets or arrows. It was as if the city had depopulated overnight. "Lyra, can you consult the alethiometer and ask where we are?" but before Iorek could even finish, an unknown though subtle rage in Lyra railed at him briefly. "I'm not going to ask that thing anything." she growled, not looking at the Panserbjørne in his eyes. Lyra had been, more often than not, quite calm beside Iorek's presence. But now he could clearly see anger in her and frustration, clearly at Roger's death. He paused to watch her marching, her soft brown curls sitting on her shoulders and rocking with each abrupt step. "Lyra-" Pan began.
"No." she answered resolutely, her thin brows curled down threateningly as she looked at the wall beside her for signs in their language.
Not even Iorek recognized the language he saw written everywhere ... By ear it could have been Latin, but it was much less articulate and short."now we have to make our way alone." Iorek spoke calmly, "Lyra, try to be reasonable."
But the girl shook her head, lips tightly closed in a strike of silence.
And once Lyra gets stubborn like this, good luck trying to move her. Iorek gave her a nudge with his nose to make her walk "let us find a place to stay, then we shall decide what to do."
"what place?"
"It is full of empty houses, any one will do."
The house they found, which seemed quite spacious from the outside, had been closed with wooden poles stuck between the two handles of the main door. But once those were broken, the house would be accessible.
"Can you break down the door?" Lyra suggested to Iorek.
"Let's try the sweet manners for once." replied the bear, simply cutting the piece of wood in half with his index claw (thick, strong and sharp as a knife) The half-broken wood fell to the ground with a crashing sound, and automatically the dusty doors swung open sending dust in the face of the trio, who coughed and sneezed in response. "we're off to a good start ..." Lyra commented, sneezing into her arm. Pan sniffed "A dusting in here wouldn't hurt." Iorek did not deign to answer them, he just poked his head inside the house to observe the surroundings. He smelled stuffy, musty ... but the oxygen was there and seemed quite livable. He took a sniff in the air to see if there was any danger, but the way seemed clear "Come in, but do be careful." he said "don't go upstairs until I tell you."
"you say there might be someone here?"
"Do not move too fast, and do not attract attention anyway."
Whose attention, exactly? that city was empty. But without arguing and wasting their time Lyra walked in behind the bear with cautious and slow steps, coat still leaning on her shoulder and her daemon trotting behind her. Iorek now had one paw resting on the rough surface of the symmetrical stairs leading upstairs, neck tilted up and nose functioning to detect foreign odors or dangers. Lyra put her coat down on a chair, walking towards the back of the stove to see if there was any water they could carry around so as not to die of thirst, when suddenly she felt watched.
It wasn't Iorek.
It wasn't Pan.
And when a dark hand came to touch her shoulder, her nerves jumped before Iorek could even warn her of the danger. She turned with a lightning jerk, violently planted a hand in the shoulder of the one behind her and gave a shove grabbing the opposite arm of the other to keep it yanked backwards and with equal violence she sank her elbow into the back of their neck, shoving with all the force that stood straight on the surface of the table with a dull thud. Whoever it was, landing so hard on the wooden table was hurt quite badly. "Lyra!"
Before Iorek's voice could even reach her, he had already rushed to her rescue. But he had stopped immediately at the sight of a boy, at a guess much taller and stronger than her, stuck under Lyra's elbow and trying to tilt his neck to look at the one who had just landed him against a table without a precise reason. "you're hurting me!" he said in a loud, frightened voice.
Lyra had no mercy. In fact, she gritted her teeth and pushed her arm even further into the back of his neck. "so you learn to move stealthily." she growled straight into his ear.
"okay! I scared you! I'm sorry!"
"you didn't scare me! I scared you!"
Iorek had never felt more proud.
The boy spoke again. "let me go, please." he said quickly, breathing heavily. With yet another shove against the table Lyra freed him, and he hurried to get up and walk away from Lyra with his back to Iorek. And the bear was silent. "who are you?" the boy asked.
"Lyra Silvertongue."
It was the first time the new name Iorek had given her had left Lyra's mouth, and with so much pride. As if she meant 'yes, Silvertongue will forever be my name.' as the boy picked up some meanwhile fallen vase pieces, inadvertently bumping into the white mountain that was Iorek and backing away before he even got to look him in the eye "oh my god-"
"that's Iorek." Lyra replied nonchalantly while Iorek's eyes flashed in the direction of the boy, intent on fearing for his life as he swung his gaze between the girl and the bear. "Where does it come from?"
"he, not it." Lyra corrected sharply "his name is Iorek, and I'm Lyra. Are you deaf or what? Is this your house" The boy didn't seem angry, he was just confused and a little sore. You know how it is ... An unknown girl had just slammed his face against a table, and a white bear was glaring at him. "No. I'm Will." he answered, keeping a safe distance from both of them "Will Parry." he gave a tentative smile, but it was cut off quickly because Lyra was glaring at him suspiciously. At least until Pan came out from behind her, little black eyes looked at Will in surprise. "finally, someone else to talk to!" he said.
Will's eyesbrows shot up.
"and that's Pan."
The boy remained silent, total silence as he stared at Pan with wide eyes "how does he talk?"
Iorek and Lyra blinked in sync. Why did the boy seem so perplexed and surprised?
"Is this your town?"
if Pan's voice had unsettled him, Iorek's voice made him jump with fright. Hearing a bear speak in such an inquisitive way would make anyone turn white. Will opened his mouth, suddenly dry, and tried to let out a few words. Amazement stopped him, and he turned back to Lyra indicating briefly to Iorek "He talks too?" And the girl shrugged "yeah, but he doesn't talk much." She answered.
Pan began to look around the boy, while Will waved his gaze between Iorek and Pan "Talking animals ..." and a smile had made its way across his serious face. He didn't even try to reach out to caress Iorek, because he knew losing a limb would be all too easy. He then he turned to caress Pan's little head, bending over to the counter and holding out a hand.
But before she could even get close, Lyra tensed and stepped between Pan and him making a steady, threatening eye contact with him. "he's not a talking animal!" she exclaimed indignantly. "he's my daemon!"
In the sense of a demon?
Will felt his brows curve down. "your what?"
The bear took a step forward from behind them, eyes pricking up. "you don't have a dæmon?" Lyra asked, looking around. "I don't see one." Pan enchoed softly, a lot more softly than Lyra.
Who was this girl? Who were the animals that accompanied her? Will shrugged gently. "I don't know what you're talking about- I don't know who you guys are, nor where you come from-" But it was at that moment that an unfriendly spark appeared in Lyra's eyes, and the girl immediately backed away. "No." she murmured, turning only to the last when she was towards the door. "Pan, Iorek, let's go." The ermine on the counter followed closely, the bear did not hesitate to go behind them leaving Will alone in the room.
"Lyra Silvertongue, wait!"
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