#and then that leads to the general feeling of 'fuck im broken and can't love anyone'
antisocialgaycat · 1 year
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weidli · 5 months
liveblog to von affen und menschen under the cut cause it got long
off to a good start i like the atmosphere
auch wieder mal musikalisch fun which is good cause that's what makes me like züri brännt so much i think
fucking love sunglasses isabelle impeccable
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theyre doing menschenrechte for menschenaffe als thema and they can't even bring up the basel initiative come onnnnn liegt doch auf der hand
when will they let ME take a nap in peace in the zoo zürich smh
oh isabelle reacts FAST
wo isch d'tessa??? Im Nebel. Mit Gorillas. häääää????
oh i've seen this woman before i just know it
now i need to go back to that one i love weimar episodes and i love watching actors speak high german when i know they're swiss
we're doing IMPERSONATION i love that for her
tessa das ist jetzt aber nicht sehr vorsichtig
wohnung suspiciously broken into and fucked up and she doesn't even check every room PLEASE. A BIT OF CAUTION
ehrlich gesagt aber auch very funny wie sie einfach gerade aussen telefoniert und nix mitkriegt und der typ da Ach nei jetzt chann i sie nid umbringe blöde jugend und ihri handys immer. awwwwkward
staring at the mirror having killed her twin sister (notwehr ?) and pretended it was suicide unaware that she is now impersonating the person who committed a whole NOTHER tötungsdelikt possibly a mord: es isch VORBEI . dU dumme sau. yeah pal not sure this one's gonna end well
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goodness let them sleep
jsjsjsj love all the mirror talking going on this episode . you know this DOES kind of feel like it could've been a weimar plotwise. this is great i mean that as a compliment
auch maximal chaos gerade die hälfte schlaft ein die andere hälfte hat kein plan um was es gerade geht
love tessa throwing tissue ball at noah and him looking very proud when he manages to duck. no one takes that man seriously in here
ach ja die schon oft angedeutete bundesgerichtsstelle für d wegenast
isabelle is so goddamn cute sometimes
immer noch kein plan was der eine kerl eigentlich vor hat aber ok guess we're infiltrating the krankenhaus
the simultaneous wordless sunglassed sighing. i'm in love with this episode
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oh right i forgot about the very first dead guy
somebody please let them sleep
AND THEYRE STILL SHORT ONE they haven't found nicole yet
kdhsj poor isabelle
okay i want to hear about the background child dressed as a cowboy with an arrow in his arm. tell me more
noah just sitting there while isabelle and tessa Construct Theories. i suspect no one's told him anything
this is PROPER iasip conspiracy board shenanigans
tessaaaaaa stop calling it mord if you don't know that it's mord and in fact have no clue what the motive was that's my personal pet peeve >.<
NOW we've got the full set of leichen
at least so far
isabelle taking out her gun to stand there dramatically and aesthetically and tessa's just like Cmon really ???
i love isabelle's euphemisms for kicked the bucket. still adore the time in schoggiläbe at the hotel where they were like oh should we leave a message and she was like No need. Er ist ... schon abgereist. "hat sich Ihrer Haft entzogen" ist nearly as neat
huge fan of charlie and the affen
tessa has a sister? noted
so much is happening and there's half an hour left
aaaaand they're lost in the woods
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oh right that fuckin other guy we still know nothing about
and NOW isabelles in a garbage can. and tessas shaving a dead chimp
god bless milan truly
isabelle you're slowly losing marbles go get some SLEEP woman
oh but there is some FASCINATING characterization going on at the intersection of isabelle digging the diamond out of garbage bags and climbing into the garbage to do it so she can give something to milan and have something for herself (No one's ever given me anything). and then have tessa list out the lauf der dinge all lead by greed and isabelle says not all of us have a chance at inheriting millions and tessa says what does that have to do with this. the rich kill for greed too just more elegantly and isabelle says you mean they don't get their own hands dirty. nibbling on her gently
MORE hbf
tessas subtle hoodie and sunglasses look very funny to me personally
oh tessa charlie needs you :(
wegenast with the schüfeli funniest fucking thing
i am so much fonder of her after this than i was actually. also the triumvirate momence was real good
Yeah that was a good one :)
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
okay here's my final horizons review that nobody asked for :) the short summary is an overall like 8/10 personally with high highs and low lows to average it all out there, but like . god those highs are high
speaking of i played on hard mode for the entire thing and did not change it a single time so this also influences my perception but like im a loser tryhard sweaty gamer so that probably just added to the positives for me ngl JGKLASDFJL;KS okay anyways
amy gameplay 8/10, tails gameplay 8/10, knuckles gameplay 6/10
i am SO FUCKING SERIOUS WHEN I SAY KNUCKLES WOULD BE LIKE 9/10 IF HE HAD FREE CLIMBING AND WASN'T LIMITED TO THE RED SPOTS like it makes sense in this scenario since he's literally free dlc and like the game wasn't really made with knuckles in mind therefore if he was given free range to climb and shit like SA2 it might be weird or just lead to things you super weren't intended to do etc. BUT like. im just saying. in a perfect world he would be able to climb on all surfaces and that would be more than enough for me to forgive his glide's super wide turns (i already forgive it because it makes sense it's just like. from a player feel perspective)
i can't forgive some of those awful camera angles though it's the same issue i have with sonic when he wall climbs, wall climbing just has bad camera angles that i greatly dislike u__u also i think i was most looking forward to playing as knuckles so i was just kinda disappointed he isn't more punchy i want PUNCHY
amy was super fun to play and would've been a 9 but i am in fact a hammer believer, i know they like at least bring it up in game why she doesn't hammer more but i AM a hammer enjoyer and i think if she had more swingy hammer movesets it would be like. chef's kiss i love her floatiness and tarot cards
tails is tails he's so broken LMAOOOO and the wrench attack shit is genuinely really good and so funny, his entire thing fits perfectly with the fact that he's like, not really a Fighter fighter guy and matches with previous tails gameplay .... but i do still want a homing attack for specifically objects not enemies or something. idk that'd be hard to handle sometimes but that's my single grievance i thought tails was really good he's so cute :)
in general i wish all 3 had more combat options but again. it's free dlc. in the future if they do like sonic adventure 3 or whatever then i'll be more harsh for not having more moves for them like sonic but this is free dlc
sonic gameplay 8.5/10
i'm crazy and i thought the towers were a lot of fun, my favorite WOULD'VE BEEN tower 2 except the pink squares not respawning is genuinely like girl what's wrong with you + tower 5 eked out being my favorite anyways in the end
my favorites in order were 5, 2, 4, 1, and 3 (3 was by far the easiest but also like . i am so not into the wall climbing camera JGKALSDJFKLASDJ and also i had the funny glitch where the boostpad clipped me out of the tower which like, funny but now i have to climb the tower again) i thought these were super fun platforming challenges with the only grievance being they're literally WAY more difficult than anything from base game and so the sudden jump is like actually insane expecting little timmy to play frontiers on like hard mode which is very easy, and then doing this
the combat trials were disappointing bc like. .. the first one had some difficulty to it and then the rest were snzzzz and then suddenly MASTER KING KOCO BABYYYYY but again im insane. and deranged. i thought a time/ring limit boss rush was sick as fuck and perfect parry is what i wished the actual base game parry was so like. yeah. but again the boss fights weren't Made for perfect parry so especially wyvern, figuring out was like harder than necessary since this is something they throw at you with no warning or prior practice in the base game or anything
i had fun though. i had gamer fun and joy. so like <- sick in the head i just felt the thrill of battle and violence and any time i figured out the parry timing/got consistent with it and i was like being the ultimate speedrun gamer it's like. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also kellin quinn's vocals carried me because god the music never gets old dude that shit pumped me up (helps i only had to fight knight twice and the problem child was just wyvern lol)
AND THE FINAL BOSS .... supreme still lowkey is a very very very very mid boss. and the new THE END doesn't change it a Ton because like after you see the sickass cutscene and stuff, it becomes kind of a mid boss again but with really hype animations and all .... like it's not a hard fight. it's just ... jank .... the controls feel kinda wonky when you're trying to target the tube .... the camera is weird because it's so easy for sonic to not be visible from all the trees, so while parrying the meteors isn't hard it's just like ... why would you do this to me
final boss fight itself is like 7/10 carried by the visuals and setting, but then the end of the boss fight is like WHOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH LETS GOOOOO I FUCKING LOVE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG YYEAHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH so like overall good dlc imo
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hiiii i am here to tell you about the dolls of new albion the steampunk opera
so basically it starts with like. a narrator. there is a narrator whose name is kate and she talks about how this town came to be which is basically. a long long time ago there were a gambler and a monk and they had an intense philosophical debate and wanted to decide the winner with a game of cards which went on for Very Long. like so long that they had to build a whole city around it and people would come and watch them play cards. and there is a red haired dwarf with just one eye whose affairs he decides with a pair of silver dice over the zeppelin union pilots a castrati boss presides and we hear his song each afternoon as he flies by. theres prisons made of lead and gargoyles of iron shreds and annabel mcalistair whos raising up the dead ((: this is our first protagonist!! she had no friends growing up because her father was mean and made her do math and science instead and at high school she met this guy jasper and they kissed once but then she got expelled for stealing dead bodies and jasper got married and had a daughter named fay and recently he died. and annabel is very sad and now she wants to bring him back and she resurrects jasper as a lifesize mechanical doll but he can't really speak or move he just plays radio broadcasts sometimes. and annabel is really happy now because she has a friend ((: but jasper was ok dead and he did not want to be brought back. and so annabel is very sad ): and she destroys him again and hides all of her notes and discoveries forever gets married and has a child named edgar who is an asshole. and she died when he was ten and basically what im saying is annabel did nothing wrong in her life ever and i feel very bad for her
anyway the next act begins with an update on the shit going on in new albion basically the red haired dwarf with just one eye whose affairs he decides with a pair of silver dice was killed by his son. two girls are going around committing crimes and they have a pet albatross named simon and a brilliant mouse named sam and uhh yeah let's go meet edgar. remember how i said jasper got married and had a kid called fay when he was alive?? fay is now edgar;s girlfriend. but she is leaving him for a man named silof and there;s this song where all of this is happening called "edgar gets his heart broken" and thats where we got hte wonderful lyric from. the lyric is "i would have had the lime pie but i was dying inside" which honestly same anyway edgar is like "i want to kill you and destroy you. i want you died. #scene #anger #fuck #die #hatered" to silof and then he goes home and digs through his moms old things and finds her formula for raising the dead that no one was ever supposed to find out about oops????? and he starts a business. motherfucker is like "gather round friends today i will choose five lucky people and i will bring back a dead relative of their choice. if all goes well i will start doing it for money and you will have to pay me to bring back YOUR dead relative in the form of a lifesize mechanical doll!!! now in different colors!! ALSO I NEED ALL OF YOU TO FUCK THAT GUY SILOF UP A LOT PLEASE" then he goes up to fay and hes like "listen silof is a loser and i am rich and sexy. also i brought your dad back from the dead. but to talk to him you need to come bakc to me and not leave" and fay agrees but she hates him a lot also can jasper die already (affectionate) so yes i hate edgar a lot he should die so much forever
but edgar and fay had a child they named byron who is a poor little meow meow an d act 3 is a generation later and edgar fucked a lot of things up and now new albion is just. full of undead dolls and there is police that are trying to kill all of the dolls. byron inherited jasper not knowing who it is. and he is now in love with him?????? there is also a political movement called voodoopunk that byron is one of the leaders of alongside his best friend amelia who is also in love with him. but she also has a really shitty life in general like her dad is an asshole basically. and hte people at voodoopunk they want jasper to be mayor of new albion but then jasper sings a song through his radiobroadcast and hes like "listen guys. i was dead before all of this and i don't want to be here" and all the dolls agree and start playing it too and then amelia was like "hmm good point" and kills herself and then everyone in town got mad at the dolls and decided to burn them and byron is Panicking because tjey want to burn jasper too and he pulls him from the bonfire
then act four begins with kate reminding all of us about the gambler and the monk from the beginning. but now she also adds that right before the game was over the gambler was like "oh shit oh fuck im dying" and he swore to the monk that he would be back to finish the game and then died. and then kate tells us what happened in the meantime so byron got himself a trophy wife and they had a daughter named priscilla but when she was sti ll young byron being a part of voodoopunk got taken away by the police and her mother got taken to a mental institution and now there is lots of police going around new albion and destroying every doll that they find. and if they see you keeping one of the dolls they execute you and there is a guy called soldier 7285 who is. important basically to them idk he is Doing His Job Very Well and jasper is still alive and he hides from the police in a room with priscilla and. ok here is the thing the reason kate reminded us of the gambler and the monk. SEE BECAUSE PRISCILLA AND JASPER ARE THE GAMBLER AND THE MONK. ISNT THAT INSANE anyway jasper is like. he complains about being alive and he only stays becaue priscilla reminds him of fay and then hes like "wow haha this game sure is neverending. the only way it would end is it someone did a sacrifice" and then priscilla is like. hm. excuse me and she goes and contemplates and reaches the decision that. she will sacrifice herself for jasper to die because he sacrificed his happiness for her and oh mygod i love them so much do you understand. they love each other so much and i love them and ))): and she calls the police and confesses that she is keeping a doll and jasper is like what why the fuck did you do that and shes like dw we will meet in the afterlife (: ily and soldier 7285 and some other people arrive at the house to execute them and everyone shoots them and kills them EXCEPY for soldier 7285 because he saw that jasper and priscilla loved each other. and hes like hm i should start a revolution actually and he does that and kate is like THAT IS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME!!!!!! that story is a whole other musical called new albion radio hour that i still need to listen to and i will anyway what do you tjink of tdona
that's shorter than i was expecting. tbh but that sounds like a Lot
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
What was Sophie’s pregnancy wobble? Im very curious and to see how Colin helped her through it!
*Trigger warning: this post contains mentions of an eating disorder.*
So for context, the night Francesca informed everyone that she and Michael were a couple, Sophie and Benedict had been planning to announce that they were having a baby. Following Francesca and Michael's news, Phillip announcing his and Eloise's engagement, and Colin's subsequent rage, Sophie and Benedict took one look at each other and silently decided that now was not the time to be revealing her pregnancy.
When Colin had then been released from his incapacitation he had popped off on a rant aimed at the three couples made up of his siblings and best friends. Eloise didn't help matters by arguing that Colin was only mad because he was jealous, that he was the one who had never been in a serious relationship, and that he was merely taking his frustrations out on all of them due to his own inadequacies and insecurities. Colin was only left more belligerent when not one of his friends came to his defence, all of them appearing to have sided with Eloise. He had raged back, leading to Michael, Phillip, and Francesca to join in with the quarrel. Sophie was the one to try to settle things down and have Colin's back, feeling bad that he was being ganged up on. She tried to raise his spirits by assuring him that he too would find love, to which Colin retorted by spitefully suggesting that perhaps like Benedict he'd fall in love with some pathetic girl who had been pining after him for years. His harsh words had not only hurt Sophie but also Penelope, who had overheard him and felt that this declaration was the final nail in the coffin of Colin ever liking her back. Sophie didn't say another word but looked away from her best friend to hide her upset, slipping her hand into her husband's before Benedict, with a parting glare at his brother, disapparated them home.
Colin wasn't on speaking terms with any of his friends or the siblings they were in relationships with for a few weeks following this incident. He had been visiting Aubrey Hollow when he overheard Violet and Daphne excitedly discussing plans for a baby shower but upon enquiring about who was having a baby, his mother and sister fell silent. Violet was then the one to break it to him that Sophie was having a baby, leaving him stunned. Apparently everyone else knew, having been informed at a family dinner Sophie and Benedict had thrown - one he had never been invited to.
He sulked for several days, despite the rational voice in his head acknowledging that his childish behaviour, what he had thrown in Sophie's face the last time he saw her, and not to mention the general dissonant support he had given the couple had done nothing to warrant him deserving to be included in their happy news. Nevertheless, the petulant brat in him wanted to lash out and confront Sophie and Benedict for being left out.
Colin apparated to My Cottage, wanting answers and a chance to vent his agitation, but the home was empty - or so he thought. He had been about to turn and leave when he heard noises from the bathroom. The door had been left ajar and when he peeked in he found Sophie hunched over the toilet, spilling her guts out in between broken sobs.
All at once his resentment disappeared and he rushed to her side, trying his best to soothe her as he rubbed her back and pulled her hair away from her face. When her stomach had finished ridding itself of all its contents, Sophie continued to cry.
"I hate it." she choked. "I hate this so much. I can't keep anything down. It hurts, Col. It really hurts. I hate feeling the stomach acid burning in my throat." 
"I know, Soph."
"And I feel awful every time I eat..." she confessed. "It feels like seventh year all over again and I'm back to being that sad loser... hiding out in the girls' bathroom and making myself sick with Moaning fucking Myrtle for company... I feel disgusting. I feel so so disgusting." she wailed.
Colin's heart broke for her as suddenly he was transported nearly ten years earlier, back when Sophie had first broken down and told them about her eating problems. She had suffered so terribly and to know she was reliving that ordeal made him feel awful. What was even worse was that Sophie had never previously mentioned making herself sick back then. She had talked openly with them as she received counselling and he thought she had shared everything with them, but apparently not. All they had known was that she had been starving herself and avoiding mealtimes so she wouldn't be tempted to eat.
"I... I only did it a few times." Sophie's voice wobbled, as if she had read his mind. "Just in that week when we came back from Christmas. I... I just wanted to feel beautiful but every time after I threw up I had never felt uglier. And I hate that I feel like that again. I can't bear this." she shook her head dispiritedly.
"Soph." Colin uttered helplessly, having no idea what to say to make her feel better, to pull her out of this psychological rut.
"I just want this to be over. I don’t want to feel like this any longer." she sobbed wretchedly. "This sickness is killing me... but I don’t want my negative thoughts to affect the baby... I can’t miscarry... not again..."
It felt like someone had stabbed Colin right in the stomach, not only hearing his best friend’s utter despair but learning that she had already suffered the loss of a pregnancy. While he felt an initial pang for not having known anything about Sophie previously being with child, he was far more overwhelmed with guilt. There was the selfish guilt that he had pushed Sophie and Benedict so far with his lack of support for their relationship that they didn’t feel comfortable sharing personal information with him, but overwhelmingly the guilt he felt was due to Sophie’s suffering and being unable to do anything, not even waving his wand could cure her or give her any peace of mind. 
The only thing he could think to do was pull Sophie against his chest and let her cry into him, holding her close and continuing to stroke her back soothingly. Eventually she exhausted herself out from all her sorrow and Colin helped her to her feet and walked her to the bedroom. As he carefully got her into her bed, he observed her small exposed bump and he felt his heart swelling with warmth at the thought of the tiny baby Sophie was carrying. 
"I’m sorry." Sophie’s voice trembled as he tucked her in. "You must think I’m so pathetic,"
"No." Colin instantly cut her off. "Absolutely not, Soph. You’re far from pathetic. You’re the strongest person I know. Never, ever think that about yourself. What I said to you the last time I saw you was completely out of line. I’m the one who’s pathetic, not you. Never you, Soph. I unfairly lashed out at you when you were the only person who tried to comfort me, and for that I’m so sorry. I’ve been the world’s lousiest friend and you deserve far better than that."
"You were just upset." she said quietly, still trying to be kind and assuring to him when he didn’t deserve it.
"But I had no right to act like such a dick. You all deserved better. Michael, Phillip, Eloise, Fran, and Ben. I’ve always been the one causing an issue all because... all because Eloise was right. I’m jealous of what you all have. I feel like I’m being left behind - but still I have no right to take it out on all of you."
"You know we all love you, Colin." Sophie grasped his hand in hers. "We all just want you to be happy."
"I know that... and I should be. For having the friends and family that I have who love me unconditionally, even when I don’t deserve it... and I really am happy for you all. You all deserve it. Especially you, Soph. You’re going to be the best mum. That little bump has no idea how lucky they are to have a mum like you."
"Thank you." she gave him a small watery smile and he pecked her cheek.
He then got up to let her rest but her hand grasped a hold of his.
"Do you have to go?" she croaked. "Can you stay? I... I don’t want to be alone."
Colin didn’t hesitate to lie down next to her and let her cuddle into his side - it was so rare for Sophie to ever ask of anything and there was no way in hell he’d ever turn his back on her in her loneliest hour. He continued to stroke her back until he heard her breathing evening out and felt the soft air against his chest to know she had fallen asleep. Even though he could have slipped out, he stayed, not wanting her to wake up alone. He had nearly drifted off himself when he heard a crack from downstairs. 
Moments later Benedict creaked open the door and looked in. Colin held up his hand in greeting before gently drawing out of Sophie’s hold and creeping out of the room.
"Where’ve you been?" he asked Benedict, not in an accusatory tone, but of genuine curiosity. 
"I had a meeting with a gallery." Benedict answered, his eyes remaining on Sophie tucked up in bed. "I had already put it off but she insisted I go. It’s a good opportunity."
"How’d it go?"
"They’re... they’re giving me an exhibition."
"Merlin’s Beard, Ben! That’s fantastic!" Colin enthused in a quiet voice as they remained hovering in the bedroom doorway.
"Thanks." Benedict smiled modestly. "How’s she been?" he then asked, his brow furrowed with concern.
"I found her in the bathroom. She was really upset,"
"I know." Benedict sighed sadly. "It kills me to see her like this. When I was out I actually tracked down this little store," he began to explain and held up the paper bag he was holding, "they specialise in enchanting food that can’t be regurgitated. It comes highly recommended for people suffering from sickness in the early stages of their pregnancy so I’m just praying to the heavens above that it’ll do the trick."
Colin found himself with a lump in his throat as he listened to his brother and watched how Benedict’s gaze remained unwavering on his poorly wife with all the love in the world. 
"Thank you."
Benedict finally tore his gaze away from Sophie and to his brother, his brow raised quizzically in response to what Colin had just uttered.
"For what?"
"For loving her the way you do. For making her happy. For being the best husband in the world." Colin replied. "Sophie deserves the world and I wanted nothing but the very best for her... and I’ve been the biggest idiot to not realise and fully accept that there’s no one else better for her than you. All you’ve ever done is love her, Ben, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted towards not just you but to Sophie and your relationship."
Memories flashed through Colin’s head right from the moment Sophie had come into their lives and for the first time, as if a fog of distortion had been lifted to allow him to see properly, he could now look back and pinpoint so many little moments between Benedict and Sophie that he had missed.
Right from the off it had been Benedict who had brought their mother’s attention to the shy and nervous little girl who was all alone in the middle of Kings Cross station. It had been Benedict who had always asked after Sophie in passing conversation, who had brought her back sweets from Hogsmeade, who had spent the entirety of the first Quidditch match Sophie had ever watched explaining everything and pointing things out to her. It was Benedict who had immediately jumped to help Colin go and rescue Sophie in the summer before second year, he was the one who had convinced Anthony to drive the car, and he was the one who had subconciously magicked Sophie’s abusive stepmother away with a sudden gust of wind when she had gone to hit her. Benedict was the one who put more thought into her birthday and Christmas presents, Benedict was the one who told Colin off when Sophie was too polite to ask him to stop distracting her when she was trying to study, Benedict was the one who had taken a Bludger for Sophie during the first Quidditch match she had ever played which had consequently allowed her to catch the snitch and win the match. Colin also suddenly remembered how mopey his brother had been following the Yule ball, how much moodier and out of sorts he was, how he had seen Benedict’s eyes shining with even greater sadness only when he looked at Sophie. Benedict had been the one to notice Sophie wasn’t eating normally over the Christmas break, had been the one to hold Sophie for the longest out of the family before they departed on their interrailing adventure, had been the one who couldn’t take his eyes off of her during Michael’s birthday in Greece. In the week leading up to Daphne’s wedding it had been Benedict who had helped Sophie make the dinners, who had picked her to be on his team for the family game of Quidditch, who had seemed peeved everytime Colin joined them on the sofa or for a walk or down in the kitchen for a snack in the middle of the night. And then of course once they had gotten together Benedict’s smile had never been wider, his mood permanently on cloud nine, his joy unbridled and unparalleled when he announced they were engaged and again for the entirety of their wedding. 
How Colin had managed to be so blind for the first eleven years, not once picking up on the innate love that radiated out of his brother for Sophie was staggering to him (and that’s not to mention the willful ignorance he had stubbornly stuck with for the last four years as he chose to believe that Benedict’s love wasn’t genuine). The signs had always been there, had always been available for him to use some critical thinking and connect the pieces by himself, and yet he had missed them all completely. Benedict’s love for Sophie came so naturally, was so pure, and it had always been so clear to see, just as the sun in the sky was, and for the life of him Colin would never figure out how he had failed so spectacularly to notice it. 
"I’ve acted like a massive brat for the last four years when I had no good reason to be. You’re the most thoughtful, soulful, and compassionate person I know, Ben. You treat Sophie the way that she deserves to be treated, and you’re going to be the best father, without a doubt."
At the same time they both lurched forward into a brotherly hug, patting each other on the back as Benedict let out a sigh of relief. 
"Thank you." Benedict replied.
"What for? For not being a dick?" Colin jested as he pulled back.
"Well... yeah. " Benedict couldn’t help but agree and the pair shared a quiet chuckle. 
As a further extension of his olive branch, Colin then offered to cook dinner for them using what Benedict had bought while his brother had a cuddle with his wife. When Colin went to fetch the couple later he found them curled up together in bed, talking happily as Benedict’s hand rested on her small bump. 
The brothers had explained that hopefully she would be able to keep her food down though the pair could tell how apprehensive Sophie was still as she gazed down at her meal almost with fear. They let her take her time knowing how she was struggling to even enjoy eating any food as of late since she had grown accustomed to bringing it all back up, but little by little, bite after bite, Sophie managed to finish her plate. After dinner they chatted and caught up, trying to keep Sophie’s mind off of what was or wasn’t going on in her stomach as they waited to see if the charmed food had worked. 
It wasn’t until midnight that Colin even noticed what the time was as conversation between the three of them had breezed by, and it was only then that Sophie’s face lit up as she registered the fact that she hadn’t been sick - the food had worked and this time when Sophie cried it was with joy and relief. She had pulled the brothers into a group hug but Colin had slipped away and let Benedict be the sole receiver of the embrace seeing as the food had all been his idea. Sophie still ensured she gave Colin a hug, thanking him for cooking the meal for her as well as being there for her and staying when she asked him. Before he left Benedict also hugged him and quietly thanked his brother for taking care of Sophie.
"It’s the very least I could do." Colin insisted. "Especially after being an absolute dick to you guys."
"Col, you might be a bit of a dick; but you’re our dick." Benedict had grinned. "And I’m just grateful that during those eleven years when I was too stupid to act upon my feelings and tell Sophie I loved her, she always had you to shower her with love and attention. You’re her best friend, Colin; you’re a good person, and you’re going to be a great uncle, without a doubt. So long as you don’t turn try turning him or her into a weasel, that is."
"Ugh, you’re never going to let that one go, are you?"
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