#and then there's just the two kugane ones. u know the ones.
kicktwine · 9 months
So how was stormblood? I know it's very hit or miss for people, so what're your thoughts?
I understand why it’s hit or miss! It — to get to the point i would be straight up lying if I said I was an unbiased consumer because I’m not, I’m a coastal American mid 20s rando with a Lot of very current cultural baggage around concepts like patriotism and freedom. And Hamilton references. It all has a sweet and strong and very anti-occupation message (along with themes I very much enjoy dissecting like the constant assertion that it Doesn’t Have To Be This Way, or the expansion into You may not understand this person but you must be able to accept them,) but when combined with Stormblood’s shakier coherence in writing and dialogue and pacing, it comes off as A Bit Off. to me. And I think it missed ever so slightly just due to how it was all structured and set up with the characters we have and motivations we have because the stuff OUTSIDE or Adjacent to the main story, despite how out of place it could feel, was structured great!! Like the Kojin and the Ananta trial and the Kugane mishaps and trying to murder Zenos twice and the ghost ship. Could the main structure have come across very well yes absolutely! It does it on and off it succeeds in there often! But sometimes it doesn’t. I can see a lot of where concepts were promised and not fully delivered, pacing was a bit off, things just happened without really belonging there (despite how much I loved Susano, he could have been better structured. same with many instances and also I feel like the unethical science should have been MORE IMPORTANT THAN IT — maybe it comes back. Who is that scientist.), sometimes dialogue felt somewhat canned. I feel like in a consequences-heavy expansion, many things just didn’t have important consequences, which was very strange
HOWEVER! I cannot give the new gameplay features abd dungeons any crap they are all SO GOOD. And so PRETTYYYYY. And there were so many solo duties that ruled! Every dungeon in this expansion was like whoa this is a PLACE im in you know what I mean??? I’m in a place that’s big and there’s people and there’s NEW MECHANICS and active time maneuvers (??!!!!!!!) and unique fights! I can jump on the roofs in Kugane! And, mind you, when the dialogue was good, it was good. Lyse has a fantastic voice actor. Alisaie is my favorite girl elf creature in thw world. Estinien is like the best p- the guy ever. also m’naago is my new friend. The tower was a great part of sb to me despite my singular gripe. I think Zenos’— I know it’s controversial to some people because he does assume your wol to be a bit more murderous than some people would prefer their characters be and doesn’t take no for an answer, but his um speech did something to my brain a little bit
ON that note the ending was very fast?????? Or like — not FAST, but I wasn’t expecting Zenos or Shinryu to go down in one fight. Two co-op fights, right next to each other. I kind of wanted to beat him up myself. And when Zenos was so impossible to beat before. I was expecting both of them to be WAY harder. Though Shinryu is a COOL fight I’d do the royal menagerie again in a second. I was kind of expecting a three stage trial? Like Nidhogg? I love going into space hiiii big dragon where were you this whole time… u were shafted… but u could not be suffered to live so. Maybe if we’d gotten an instance of fighting the dragon alone after beating the trial?? Could have been Themes. I don’t know
anyways no I can’t quite pin it down, but I’ve said it before I think they had the outline for the story and then built it and went oh this is too much and not enough at the same time and got stuck writing the whole thing after getting stuck in the story they already had. A COMMENDABLE job for getting turned around like that, way better than a lot of video games stories out there, good gameplay and areas that didn’t feel too empty. glances at coerthas falcons nest area. I think the ways they did the exploration thing was good, having us venture further into occupied territory etc, but so much exploration stuff felt oneoff and not there to do much for someone who has been skipping almost all of the side content except stuff I’ve been told is good. It almost felt like they were Trying New Stuff a lot, and some of it succeeded some of it failed. Such is trying stuff!! Such is trying to imitate what you had while making something new and exciting! And I can’t fault them for that
so like — putting aside the fact that I haven’t done post-sb which is like missing 40% of the Thing according to past expansions and my thoughts very well might change, i would 100% do the fights again, maybe watch some cutscenes, but I don’t think I’d NG+ this one. where is that lady selling buuz it is a CRIME i did not get to have any buuz let me buy one yoshi p
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iiroiiros · 1 year
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suzaku ffxiv verse information
born under the kururugi family line, suzaku grew up in an average raen boy's life in kugane, learning his manners alongside his swordsmanship. his mother disappeared under mysterious circumstances when he was just seven summers, and though he was still with his father genbu, suzaku was far closer to his kendo teacher, tohdoh, a hingan hyur. his life would change forever but a few years later, when a trio of young children came to live in the ijin district. three ishgardians, made up of two elezen cousins and an adopted viera brother. their names were euphemia, nunnally, and lelouch, respectively. suzaku grew close to all three of them, learning how they were effectively abandoned by their father and were sent here, as he told them of his own background. the four grew to be close friends, with suzaku and lelouch becoming especially close. one day, this happiness would unfortunately come to an end. euphemia had learned of sui no sato, the raen village beneath the ruby sea, and wanted to see what it was like considering that it was where suzaku's mother came from. though hesitant, suzaku and lelouch went through with the plan with her, nunnally staying behind in kugane as she was still too young. the children did their best, but despite even being able to cross the sea, they could not go below the waters, and instead ended up in the land of the red kojin. the kojin would let them live...however, only if they would succumb to the worship of their kami. euphemia was the first to be tempered, to which she attempted to attack lelouch under the influence of the god susano. out of defense he killed her, but suzaku had only seen that moment of the viera striking his own adoptive sister down. he reacted on impulse, accusing him of murder and attacking him back. they got lucky that they had been tracked by suzaku's father, who brought them back to kugane, but both lelouch and nunnally were gone by the next morning. genbu rationalized this as meant to happen, a punishment for trying to go out into the ruby sea, and in response suzaku attacked his own father, the fight escalating to the point where he accidentally killed the older au ra. when it was discovered by suzaku's teacher, he covered it up for him as a suicide, under disgrace of allowing his son to go along with such a thing. suzaku would then stay with tohdoh and distant relatives for the next several years, until he was old enough to leave kugane on his own. learning of the eorzean way of the sword being taught in ul'dah's gladiatorum, suzaku decided that that was where he was going to start, not only on his own personal journey of life, but on his quest to find lelouch again. little did he know how this decision would come to change the star forever.
name: suzaku kururugi age: 18 (arr), 19 (hw), 20 (stb), 21 (shb), 22 (ew) gender: male jobs tank: paladin, dark knight dps: dragoon, ninja, reaper healer: sage
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mazisetsa · 2 years
The journey to Doma was hard, Mazi stumbled every now and again, her mind playing through all of the possible scenarios that could happen once her and Naja arrived at the location where her torment had started. She let out a sigh looking at the red hair miqo’te in front of her, how upset would she be? She’d ask once safely in Kugane, she had decided as they walked towards the boat that this would be for the best. She just hoped Naja would see it that way.
Once in Kugane, sat on one of the many benches littered throughout the entrance she turned to Naja letting out a deep breath “N-Naja, t-two things'' she mumbled sitting up straight, she moved her bag from her side to her lap, searching through it to find the tin she had been so kindly given, “F-First, I-I want you to have one o-of these, j-just to be e-extra safe.” she paused holding out her hand with one of the potion filled capsules in it.
"...You suuuuure, Mazi? W-what if I drop theeem or lose them?" Naja held the capsule in her hands like she would handle a small bird or something very precious but fragile. She shook her hand and nodded, looking Mazi in the eyes. "Nooope, won't do that..it's important, like you are Maaaazi.." 
“An-And…” she cleared her throat, nodding and glancing at her anxiously. It was now or never.  “I-I’m… n-not going t-to be taking o-one right away. I-I want answers N-Naja, I-I w-want t-to know why h-he did this t-to me. I-I w-want t-to know i-if i-it’s p-possible f-for me t-to eat normal p-people f-food w-without t-the e-extra h-hassle….I-I w-want t-to know i-if my e-eye w-will ever g-go back t-to normal, a-and w-why t-those t-tattoos showed u-up l-last night.” she rambled trying her best to explain herself and her thoughts to her best friend. She knew it was probably a bad idea, but the idea of answers to all of her questions pushed at her mind constantly. If she did kill him, she’d never have them. 
Naja looked at Mazi with a mix of wonder and fear. "...Maaazi, you don't gotta be so braaave..but..okay...I'll maaake sure..I'll maake suuure..."
She nodded and reached into her bag again, a lump formed in her throat as she took out a vial of golden liquid. She held it out to Naja to also take “I-If… th-things take a turn f-for the worse, make me drink this. I-I t-trust your j-judgment.” she mumbled blinking. She trusted Naja with her life, it was no lie.
Naja remembered what Doku had said about the potion and sniffled. "...Mhmmm...not gonna let you faaall...not even a sliiiip....Naja will be there."
She nodded, tears were threatening to spill, she was terrified. The thought of letting her tormentor into her body again and him winning the fight made her entire body shake “N-No m-matter w-what I-I’ll f-fight. N-Need m-more g-grand schemes…” she sniffled and trailed off forcing a shaky smile onto her face. 
Naja put a hand on Mazi's head. "...J-just like yoou trust me Mazi...I truuust you, okay? You're suuuuper brave, suuuuper strong...an-an-and we'll be able to haaave more schemes and...eat all kindsa tasty food...and..everything best friiiends do together."
Mazi had nodded letting out a deep sigh “L-Let’s g-get th-this o-over with s-so we c-can g-go back.” her voice had gotten stronger as she stood adjusting her bag so it was resting securely on her side.
After this they had been quiet, Mazi’s thoughts racing as they both headed for Doma, to the collapsed remnants of what used to be her own personal living hell. Doma was still as she had remembered it, the remnants of old Garlean bases and structures still looming in the not so great distance. But people seemed to be doing well for themselves and thankfully the tigers and other wilderness had left them well enough alone. By the time they had gotten to their destination it had fallen to dusk. 
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“R-Remember N-Naja, h-he has t-to bite me i-in or-order to p-possess m-me,” she whispered softly hiding behind what looked to be a newly built hut “N-No m-matter what h-he does…y-you h-have t-to st-stay here un-until N-Niseh c-collapses t-to the g-ground.” She had tried to keep her voice steady and put on a brave face. 
"...I.." Naja lowered her head, clenching her fists. A moment passed and Naja looked up, giving Mazi a big grin. "I woooon't mess it up Maaaazi..gotta maaake sure this happens...so...you can be the Maaazi you wanna be."
She nodded, forcing a shaky smile onto her face “I-I t-trust y-you N-Naja, t-the o-other h-half to o-our sh-shared b-brain c-cell.” she snickered “B-Be b-back s-soon o-okay?” 
"Baaack soon..mhmm..then we can go hooome..and do all that stuff...with a new frieeeend." Naja tried to laugh but only a little noise came out. "Love you, Maaazi."
Mazi blinked back the new wave of tears threatening to spill “L-Love y-you t-too N-Naja...” she whispered. She could feel her heart shattering at Naja’s reactions. She didn’t want to make anyone else sad. But she needed to focus. Mazi steeled herself, turning her back to Naja and walking towards the pile of rubble that still lay there. Memories had flashed through her mind with each step she had taken and she had tried her best to let it fuel the hatred and not the fear. She had to be strong. 
“Well, well, well…” a new voice called out ringing through the deadly silence in the eves air “...look who finally decided to come out of hiding.” Mazi inhaled sharply, her eyes pinning themselves on the new figure appearing from on top of the rubble. “Took you long enough, little devil.” the new voice had sneered. Mazi’s feet carried her a few yalms away, keeping her distance for now she eyed Niseh - No, The man in the mask warily. 
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“W-What d-do you w-want?” she called out, cursing the shakiness in her own voice, her arms crossed close to her chest for some sort of comfort. 
“Tsk. Tsk.” he sneered glaring at her. Her fur stood up on end, she remembered that glare. Every time something didn’t go his way, every time a punishment was in order. “That’s no way to talk to me, I thought I had that beaten out of you.” 
“I-I’m n-not the sc-scared f-fox I-I w-was.” she mutters back “W-What d-do you w-want?” she tried again. This was fine. He wasn’t doing anything yet, she had time. Or so she thought, she moved to take a step back, watching as he moved Niseh’s body towards her. Hopping down off of the pile of rubble, Mazi could see the raised eyebrow the closer they came to her. 
“Clearly your freedom has made you disobedient.” he scoffed “Easily fixed.” Mazi let out a gasp as another wave of dizziness washed over her. Not now. She couldn’t stop her body from falling closer to the ground, luckily she was able to catch herself, partially. Her right hand reached up to try and quell the dizziness. This wasn’t the damn time for more problems and now she had a disadvantage - She was kneeling in front of the bastard, down on one knee. 
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“Curious….” The man in the mask had trailed off watching the display in front of them “...the seals placed on you are fading, that means my time is running out.” he muttered thoughtfully. Mazi glared standing “Y-You p-put those m-marks o-on me?! W-Why?!” 
Niseh let out a sigh pondering over the little fox below her “Because…little fox, you would be too strong without them, too uncontrollable, defiant…” he trailed off seething as he leaned down “and you’d remember everything. I can’t have that little fox. Now.” Mazi was at a loss for words as she glared daggers at him, her claws grew as she let out a hiss but she didn’t move. She wouldn’t hurt Niseh and they both knew it. 
She couldn’t help the squeak that left her as Niseh’s left hand wrapped itself around Mazi’s neck, her hands were instantly on theirs trying and failing to pull it away as she was lifted slightly off of the ground. Her heart was pounding against her rib cage in fear as she glanced towards the other hut, she hated this. Her ears pinned themselves to her head “It’s time for a new vessel little devil” he muttered in Mazi’s ear her right hand reaching up to discard the mask on to the ground “Niseh will be fine, she was nothing more of a tool to get to the true prize.” he chuckled, tilting Mazi’s head to the side. 
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“Still so weak and pitiful, you truly haven’t learned anything.” he taunted, leaning down. He wasted no time biting Mazi and Mazi let out a whimper in fear as the all too familiar tingling sensation slithered its way into her mind. She clenched her jaw, forcing herself to stay in control, she would prove the bastard wrong. 
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“Tsk. Futile little fox” a deep voice rumbled from the depths of her mind “you have no chance of stopping me.” she felt the warmth of Niseh’s body leave her back as they both fell to the ground. Mazi down on one knee, Niseh unconscious on the ground behind her. Mazi clutched her head breathing heavily as she tried her damnedest to stay in control there was no way in hell she was going to let him win this fight. A pair of familiar boots appeared to stand in front of her. They stayed there in silence. Mazi fighting the onslaught of names the man in the mask continued to throw at her. Trying his damnedest to find some crack in her thought to be weak defenses. 
“You can’t do this forever, you will slip…” he had seethed as Niseh started to stir, letting out a groan from beside her “and when you do I’ll kill everyone you love.”  it echoed through her mind and she couldn’t wait to get her answers to kill him for good. To be done with such a waste of aether it was going to be bittersweet and she’d enjoy every damn second of it. “Y-You w-won’t t-touch th-them, o-over m-my dead b-body.” she had gritted back at him, outloud. 
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Niseh had awoken a few minutes after letting out a startled gasp as she looked between Mazi and Naja “...he’s…gone…?” her brows furrowed as she watched the two of them carefully. Mazi shook her head groaning as he had sneered another threat at her “I-In m-my head…” she gritted out standing on shaky legs. “C-Can y-you st-stand?” she questioned hesitantly. 
Niseh nodded a worried expression coating her face as she looked over at her adopted sister “Most likely?” it had come out as a question as she moved to stand on her own two legs for the first time in months. Her limbs felt heavy, but she managed as the three of them headed back towards Kugane “Where are we headed?” she asked curiously. 
“Homeless are we little fox?” the man had sneered chuckling in Mazi’s mind again, she had had a permanent sour expression on her face the entire way back. “D-Don’t kn-know.” 
"Mmm..gotta plaaaaaace...not the niceeeest...but it's better than nooothing." Naja muttered. "Buuut, it's kindaaaaa like hooome...at least when Maaazi visits."  Mazi smiled, nodding she liked the progress Naja had made on her place, it felt comfy.  “L-Long a-as th-there’s n-no b-baths in-involved.” she mumbled back teasingly “I’ll kill the redhead first.” he called in her mind again. That removed her smile, her fists clenching yet Mazi was quick to cover it up. They made the trek back to Naja’s quietly, the man didn’t stop the entire way and Mazi for the first time in weeks felt exhausted. At the front gates of Naja’s place she had collapsed, the world around her fading out as everything went dark.
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mintdrop · 4 years
the two of them own a small cottage in ishgard, with the top floor being their kitchen/dining room and downstairs being their bedroom-slash-living area. they (read: mint) usually host people upstairs because mint spends a lot of her time cooking and baking for her guests
estinien takes mint out on dates often when they have extended breaks from their duties. they’re usually simple things like dinner dates or theatre visits but sometimes they’ll take vacations to costa del sol or kugane.
since estinien is like.. uncomfortably touch-starved, he’s almost got some kind of hold against mint. if you see the two of them together in public, chances are mint is either sitting on one of his shoulders or is being held against his hip like a basketball.
mint loves brushing estinien’s hair, and it kind seems to calm him down if he’s feeling stressed. she also likes to help him wash his hair, which he’ll “argue” against but always give in because he secretly really likes the scent of her shampoo.
any time mint hears someone talk bad about estinien, her mood does a full 180 and she’s about 20 seconds away from running over there and punching them in either the groin or the back of their kneescaps. estinien usually has to grab her and haul her away, “i’m used to it” he says, only to hear “yeah well i’m not and i WILL make sure they know that!!” in response
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dragons-ire · 4 years
#17 - Fade
"Valka. Silvestre. We've secured the bridge. You can come up."
It took less than two seconds of silence on the other end of that linkpearl for the world to fade to stark white. He took his lance and went back through the corridor, ready to assist. He walked through carnage and corpses and two of his friends crumpled in heaps, so still they both might be dead themselves.
Standing outside on the breached rear deck of that gunship, the wind howling through the vents of his helmet, it was like something in him died as well. Fell down into that ever-burning core of him, where it ignited briefly, then settled into smolder with the rest.
He came back long enough to call for help and then he put his head down and walked and went where he needed to go until it was over.
I'm sorry you were almost the last one left to mourn us.
I thought of what we were doing to you -the sole survivor of that.
At least they understood. Both of them. Soldiers lived with death; knew you didn't go into combat without accepting that you might lose. That you might die.
It went away again with a tearful and frantic knock on his door My children- Dione. Luken. Please help me.
The way the world had been going then, it seemed better to stay a little whited-out.
It stayed gone through more chaos - through a massive and uncoordinated assault on another airship, though a backroom in the worst part of Kugane. Blood on his hands and blood on the knife and blood in the bowl that Valka held between hers. Looking at his fingers like they weren't quite a part of him anymore.
When it came back in force, it was in the middle of Oberon Icarus' lab in the Doman hills. One bullet ricocheted off his armor and the world was vibrant color and light and his lance was in his hand and he knew, for that tick of a second, that the heavens were in alignment and he was exactly where he needed to be.
A second later everything was black save the bright remnant of breath caught in his throat.
i n l o o n 
i n o h l 
i n k h u r 
The after-image lingered with a dark halo around the head over everyone in his field of vision. Eyes trying to look into his and hands trying to reach for him. I'm worried for you and what happened to your aether? and he brushed it all away with it doesn't matter and it's over.
And You know - if I wanted to fight Garleans full-time, I'd just go back to the Temple Knights. They'd take me back. They'd send me to the heart of the Capitol itself if someone needed to go there.
When he got back to the office, he found that someone had kept everything dusted while he'd been away from it. Someone had kept the fig tree watered and healthy. He picked up some papers that someone had left to look at and kept moving. Mentally counted the threads he might still have to walk tightrope across until he could forget about all of it and worry about something else.
Are you ever coming home from this?
Maybe tomorrow.
Maybe tomorrow.
(Mentions: @witchesandlotuses @loadedmemory @syerraffxiv (and adjacent) )
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snowbeast · 3 years
Spoiler free Overlord light novel Volume 1 to Volume 12 review:
So, before we start, I feel the need to say that I did see the 3 seasons of the anime first before I started reading the light novel series. For anyone who doesn’t know Volume 1-3 are the first season of the anime, Volume 4-6 are the second season, Volume 7-9 are the third season, and the rest are not yet in the mange or the anime. To my understanding is that the manga is behind on even the anime and personally I would recommend reading the light novels first. Now to start the review let’s first talk about the quality of the books, these are all hardback books which are a solid black with a sort of black engraving on the spine of the book. They of course have a sleeve with the amazing artwork by So-bin, there is also a little introduction on the sleeve that you can see when u open the book for the first time. When you first open these books, you see two fully red pages, I don’t know why, but I love the red they choose. After this red page you get a 3-page foldable artwork with artworks on both sides, these are not always illustrations of the character per se, like in Volume 9 there is an illustration of the new world which is very fun to see because even in the anime you don’t really get to see it. After these beautiful artworks you get to prologue, these are most of the time not important to the story. Then you get to the first chapter, each chapter has an illustration and sometimes there are illustrations throughout the book, these don’t appear very often but are very impressive and well-made. At the end of the book there is an epilogue which leads to some events of the next chapter. After this comes probably one of my favourite features of these books, the overlord character profiles. These contain illustrations of the characters you get to meet in the story with their stats, race levels, position and sometimes even a little character description. After these there are the forty-one supreme beings' character profiles, these didn’t start appearing since volume 8, but while you don’t see their stats you do get a character description. The pages are also black for these special character profiles. Then you get the afterword of the author Kugane Maruyama, these afterwords make him seem down to earth and friendly, I really respect Kugane-sensei for being able to bring this world that he created to us. After these you get a sort of afterword from So-bin with a more sketched illustration that he made. I truly admire So-bin and I hope he knows how much quality he brings to these light novels.
Let’s talk about the story telling now, the world building is truly amazing. In the beginning you see only where the great tomb of Nazarick lies. Then you get to see the kingdom, the empire and the list goes on about new species and new locations from swamps to mountains. You get to see so many new places in this series. You won’t always read in the perspective of Ainz, but it will sometimes be about totally different characters that you don’t know of yet. There are some differences between the light novels and the anime. Some parts are presented in different times then the anime, and you do go deeper into the story, and you see some characters that haven’t been in the anime yet.  I don’t want to say too much since I want to keep this spoiler free. But do remember that the English translated does have some harder words for non-native English speakers, but most people shouldn’t have a problem reading these. I also want to praise Nigel-sama for these translations. To my understanding there will be a new translator for Volume 13 onwards by the name of Hitori, I hope that we can get faster translations with the new translator since volume 12 was released on June 2020 and Volume 13 will be released on April 2021. There are as far as I know 14 officially released volumes and I hope that we can get Volume 14 translated before Volume 15 comes out in Japan. Some do think that Volume 15 will be released in September 2021, but these are rumours, and nothing is confirmed yet.
Let’s talk about the characters now, the characters all have a unique appearance, and all have their own backstory, the floor guardians are all very loyal to Ainz-sama but still have their own interpretation of how they glorify him as a leader. They all believe that he is the greatest leader there ever was and ever will be, but they all see him in a different light. Even the normal humans all have different reason to love or hate him. The dynamic between these floor guardians and Ainz are very interesting as well, they all glorify him but Ainz doesn’t think too much of himself. I love the dynamic between Ainz and the greatest strategist of Nazarick, Demiurge, He thinks that Ainz is always a couple steps in front of him while Ainz has no idea what’s going on.
Lastly I want to talk about something that I find very important, the piracy that’s going on with the fan made translations. While I get that there are passionate fans that will still buy the books even after reading the fan made translations, I Know for a fact people are pirating these books without batting an eye. Recently the author Kugane-sensei tweeted out that there will be 17 volumes total. There were a lot of people who are worried about it being rushed, but I think that this is the fault of piracy, he has tweeted out that seeing people pirate his books made him unmotivated and even wanted to become a normal office worker again. There are threads about how these are a small minority and doesn’t affect sales, but I don’t think that’s the problem here. Working very hard to make a great series for your fans to only see them translate these new volumes themselves and basically wanting to read a book with most of the time pretty shitty translations instead of respecting him and waiting for the official English release is just not fun to see. I do agree that it takes a long time for yen press to publish these translations, I still think it’s just polite to read these books like the author intended. This piracy that’s going on is affecting the decent human beings who actually care about this series and want this series to have a proper ending. I get that people don’t like waiting but this piracy is killing this amazing series. So please if you are considering starting this series does not pirate these books, they are amazing books with an amazing quality. Also, when trying to find a release date for Volume 13 I got something spoiled for me because there was the biggest spoiler in the first sentence on google. https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/ has so many spoilers please do not go to it and look at the yen press site for release dates.
If I had to put a number on this series so far, I would give it a 9.5/10. The only reason that it isn’t a 10/10 is because the series does have some fewer interesting pages that frankly didn’t interest me as much.
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dholwrites · 5 years
Anniversary Party
Notes: Commission piece for @devilhuntress   Relationship: Aymeric x Female! WoL Rating: E  Word Count: 2887 Summary: A party calls you back to Ishgard and a certain Lord Commander awaits you. 
It was the last thing you expected when you got a letter from Count Fortempts. What really piqued your interest was the handwriting itself. It's unfamiliar from the one you’re used to seeing from Edmont. Until you found a different name signed at the bottom: ‘Artoirel de Fortemps’. That will need to get some used to. Along with the letter was an elegantly written invitation to a grand party for the anniversary of the end of the Dragonsong War.
Of course, it was a party in your honor. You wondered if these people would ever tire from hosting so many. A vague memory comes to you. Every fortnight the noble houses would light up as the families wine and dine away like no tomorrow. It always struck you as odd, noble families celebrating an end of a war they’d never participated in. Then again this was another topic for another time, a thought better suited over tea with Y’shtola.
This one is different. It’s being hosted by a founding family, making the invitation difficult to refuse. Of course, the Scions were invited too. Alphinaud was practically floating on air the entire trip back. Tataru, on the other hand, was a little less than pleased to be leaving the fine life in Kugane.
Arriving back in Ishgard felt like a dream. The gentle snow falling from the sky, the quiet streets, people rushing about to get to their destinations. There’s even a festive air with some of the houses decorating their exteriors.  Perhaps it’s the true Ishgardian spirit coming through, being able to reunite under one day.
Tataru was more than prepared for the party, giving you a dress from the latest fashion trend in Kugane. A long and sophisticated socialite’s dress that features a lengthy slit on the right side to show more than a generous amount of leg. There is even floral detailing along the length of the dress, giving it an elegant touch and a pop of color. She had even given you a pair of gloves and a hat to go with the ensemble. She was more than happy to get you to turn every head at this ball.
Truthfully, you only wished to turn one head --- just the Lord Commander’s. For the past few moons, both of you have been exchanging letter after letter. Always giving each other updates; To you, Aymeric shares the plans and progress he’s made along with the New Republic, from you, Aymeric gets to read the first-hand accounts of your adventures.
Still, you miss him. You miss running your fingers through his dark curly hair. You miss feeling the weight of his head on your lap by the fire. You miss being able to simply lay in bed with him in the morning in silence. Watching as sunlight filters through the window, casting an angelic glow upon his face. You miss him, you truly do.
The mutual agreement was to keep it out of the public, out of prying eyes. You had not even told the Scions. Instead, you spend the long, lonely nights staring at the ceiling wishing for nothing more but to be by his side, often clutching his gracefully written letters. You can't help imagining what it would be like to feel his soothing presence beside you again.
You don’t have to imagine anymore. He is so close. So close to see, to hear, to touch.
Just as Tataru had hoped, you were turning heads as you were dragged around the party. Artoirel was quick to take your hand by the entrance before you were stuck standing there awkwardly. The eldest brother eagerly takes you from person to person introducing you to vaguely familiar faces to entirely new names. From stuck up nobles to intimidated commoners.
What was undeniable were the lingering stares. You could feel eyes drawn to your every move, particularly the high slit up your dress. Despite your efforts to make some conservative choices, you can still feel the looks catching the bare skin of your waist and legs.
That doesn’t matter when you’ve locked eyes with a pair of deep blue eyes you’ve fallen in love with.
You had spotted him the moment you stepped into the main hall. At the far side of the room, Aymeric was out of his armor and in something more form-fitting and formal. A delightful dark tux with his signature blue cape wrapped around him. He stood tall exuding confidence with a well-practiced smile on his face. A perfect picture of his diplomatic self with a tall glass of red wine in hand.
You catch sight of a familiar silver-haired dragoon next to him, surprisingly also out of his armor and in a simple dress shirt and pants. The scowl on his face is enough to deter even the bravest of noblewomen from stepping forward. But not you. You easily slip out of Artoirel’s loose grip and settle between Estinien and Aymeric as if by second nature.
“Nice for you to finally join us,” Estinien grumbles, clearly annoyed at the festivities as he drains his glass of every drop of wine. “I think if he eyed you any harder, his eyes would have popped out.” The dragoon swaps his glass off for another one as a waiter passes by and drains this one of its contents. He looks like he has been at this for a while. When you look at Aymeric for confirmation, the Lord Commander only flash you an innocent smile, there is dust of pink on his cheeks.
“Wonderful evening to see you again, my dear. Though I do wish it was under slightly different circumstances.” Aymeric takes a step closer to you, under the guise of making room for the workers. He hooks his pinkie around your own, making sure to keep it hidden from view. “You look beautiful in that dress. Another one of Tataru’s creations, I presume?”
“He’s been standing here, twiddling his thumbs as if something will happen as if he says away from his office too long. I almost mistook him for your ‘little follower’,” Estinien lets out a huff into his fifth glass. His gaze falls upon Alphinaud with his arms locked and chatting away with a lady his age, an unmistakable smile on his face.
It was easy to fall back into conversation with him, swapping little remarks with each other. Estinien seems to not mind you two giggling away beside him, even occasionally offering a dry remark of his own. The sun had long and set before you know it, one by one guest start to take their leave. The moon had risen to the highest peak in the sky. The Scions had long since retired to their own chambers, with Alphinaud sweeping by to bid good night to the three of you. Estinien decides to slip out the door, to join his siblings in arms at the Forgotten Knight to ‘actually get some good booze.’
Everyone else was much too preoccupied to notice Aymeric escaping with you, his warm hand laced with yours. The retreat back to his own home was a slow one, snow daintily floating down from the dark skies as you travel along the dimly lit cobblestone path.
You barely stifle a laugh that caught his attention. Aymeric lets go of your hand to smooth his hand across your back, as he leans down to see what you were giggling about.
You hadn’t realized how much you missed his touch until now. Every trail lead by his hand, every circle traced, and every breath in your ear seems to make you want to beg him to come closer, grip tighter, take me deeper.
Everything became a blur when the door closed behind you. Aymeric’s lips crashing into yours, tasting all the sweets and drinks you had at the party. His tongue coaxes your mouth open and invading it as if your breath will save his life. His hands rubbing your sides and moving to grope and at your chest and ass through your clothes. You can feel him grow bolder, slipping under your skirt to trace your inner thigh. His fingers brush higher and higher as they slip under the miniskirt close to your panties. As a finger finally brushes over the front of your panties, you only push yourself against him trying to get his cool touch in your heated core.
“How I’ve longed to feel you in my arms. To be able to touch you and know you are right here.” He mumbles into your lips, finally pulling away but his hands remain, his breath heavier than before. “Please, stay with me tonight?”
A nod of your head has you whisked away from the main doors and into his chambers. Aymeric claims your lips in a hurried kiss. Like if he doesn’t show you how much he misses you, you’ll disappear from his arms again. You hum happily into the kiss, deepening without another thought. He gently walks you backward, both of you fumbling with your hands and legs to strip down to your small clothes.
He settles into the bed with you seated on his lap, “I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Never had I dream that an angel would bless me to be by my side.” He slowly lets his hand runs down your back until he catches of the end of your underwear, watching closely to memorize every angle and curve of your figure. He beckons you into another kiss.
With a tug, Aymeric pulls the fabric off your breast and cups one with his free hand. He rubs the stiffing nipple with the pad of his thumb causing you to whimper into his mouth. He pulls away to nuzzle your chest, taking the neglected nipple into his mouth to suck and twist with his tongue. You let out breathless moans and sighs, only to encourage him to double his efforts.
You whisper his name between your moans, scooting back to brace yourself on his shoulders. Lifting yourself higher onto your knees and removing the last of your defenses, you allow your smallclothes to drop over the edge onto the floor. He tugs you back into his embrace, littering your jaw and neck with playful nips and kisses, only to stop when you would tug at his own smallclothes.
He ignores your greedy hands to reach down and trace the folds of your wet core. The scent of your pussy is enough to make his mouth water as he collects the juice between his fingers. He thrust his finger into you slowly, then adding another, and another. A loud moan came from you, the sound of it causing his dick to twitch under your hand. Aymeric can’t handle it anymore.
“As much as I would love to taste you, I think we’ve waited too long for this.” He removes his fingers and easily lifts up your smaller form, switching places with you by lowering you down in the center of his bed. He seats himself between your legs, allowing you to wrap them around his waist. He discards his small clothes beside your own, lining himself up to your entrance and pressing into you. You both simultaneously groan as he sinks deeper in, feeling his length begin to fill and stretch you.
Your back arches off the bed as he brushes against a soft spot within you, causing squirming a bit as he stalled to move. The stretch of your pussy was too delicious, the fill too good to deny. Yet you need more; deeper, faster, hotter. A beg dies on the tip of your tongue as he pulls out and thrust back in with a sharp rock of his hips.
His long fingers traverse the planes of your skin, dipping and curving around the length of your body while his lips make slow yet precise work of your neck. Every hair stands on edge due to his touch or the chill in the air, you cannot tell. Your own fingers dig into his shoulders as he thrusts deeper, maintaining his slow and steady pace, eager to feel every last bit of you.
Your mewls of pleasure bounce from the walls in the quiet room. Aymeric shivers when your breath ghosts against his cheek and your lips graze against the shell of his ear. You mumble incoherently as his pace beings to quicken, as a heat blossom in the pit of your stomach.
Aymeric pulls away and studies your face, your mouth shaped into a perfect ‘O’, your eyes misty and skin flush from the pleasure. He leans back further and hoists one of your legs up onto his shoulder, creating a new, blissful angle. A deep groan of complete and utter lust rumbles from him as you watch him brush back his perfect curly bangs.
You cry out his name, your hands move to claw away at his sheets while you throw your head into the center of his pillow. He is completely entranced by the sight below him. He mutters your name, whispering praises under his breath. “Halone, you’re beautiful, so beautiful.” He places kisses on your calf and continues his relentless pace, watching with dark intense eyes as your breasts bounce from the motion. Your back arches up when he hits a sensitive spot, your gasps and moans only encourage him even more. With his free hand, he traces the valley between your breast, down to your stomach and continues further down until he reached your clit, rubbing small circles around the bundle of nerves, adding a sensation that is almost too much to bear.
He pulls his lips between his teeth, pink and swollen from the prior kisses. “I’ve been thinking about this since seeing you in that dress. If only you knew the things you do to me.” His sentences are strung together with barely any room left for a breath in between, but he refuses to stop whispering sweet things for you to hear.
Another wave of heat runs from the tip of your toes, past the ends of your fingers and to ends of your hair. It tightens the knot in your stomach, threatening to snap any minute. Another moan forces its way out as he lowers your leg and buries his face in your hair, breathing deeply of your scent. You wrap your legs around his waist, urging and nudging at him to pound deeper, needing more than anything to cum.
“I-I’m so close,” You plea to him, your voice breaking at the words. Your hands fly up to find purchase in his raven locks. If you were holding on too tight, Aymeric did not say a thing. His thrusts begin to become sloppy and desperate, sending your stomach into twists and turns at the sensation. You weren’t sure if you could hold on any longer. “A-Aymeric, please, I'm going-”
“I know, my love, I know.” His deep, purring voice near your ear, his breath ghosting onto your bare neck, hot and heavy. Your clit jolts as your pussy tighten around him, causing his breath to hitch. “Cum for me, love. Cum for me,” he whispers, giving your hips a tight squeeze. Mixed with perfectly timed thrusts and dirty words, he sends you over the edge. Gasping and moaning as you were sent into blinding pleasure. Your eyes shut from the intensity of your orgasm, one hand raking your nails down his back while the other tightens in his hair harder and harder while he continues to fuck you through your climax.
He mutters into your skin, his voice rising in pitch with every word. His own high hits him like a storm. A sharp intake of air, followed by his gasps and moans, his eyes glazed over. Aymeric comes to a slow stop inside you, spilling his seed all over your walls. You can feel every spurt of the hot cum from his throbbing cock hitting your cervix, and prolonging your high as you feel the heat fills you.
Aymeric pulls out of you once he was spent, yet still hovering over you to take in the sight; your messy hair, your skin cold and clammy with sweat yet flushed red, the look in your eyes as you slowly came down from your own climax. You gave him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. You look enchanting, ravishing, the most enticing woman he had laid eyes upon. He pulls away and straightens up between your legs, the warmth of his cum inside makes you feel all the hotter.
Licking his lips, he takes your hand and presses a delicate kiss over your fingers. Starting a trail from your fingers and slowly making his way up your arm until he was pressing at your bare shoulder. His gaze piercing and dark from desire, he couldn’t help himself from stealing another from your lips. He cradles your chin with one hand giving you slow and sweet kisses.
Unable to resist the temptation with you underneath him, the kisses start to turn heated and heavy again. His free hand traces up and down your shaky legs, body still tingling pleasantly.
The delicate moans from your lips fan the flame inside him. Aymeric leans over you and pleads with his deep blue eyes. “Round two?”
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egg-of-mankhad · 5 years
Prompt 12: Fingers Crossed
“Saisho wa guu” Three pumps of a fist, hitting the air. Saisho. Wa. Guu. Like so.
The young Xaela, watched. Silently. Bouncing in place to the beat of the fist pump. At the last beat the boy across from him paused, as though waiting. And taking that as a cue, he would try to repeat with his tiny fingers gripping at his toes. “Sayeeshuh…”
“Dame...dame. Koiu…” No...No. Like so. The boy would gingerly take up a hand and would hold it gently for the other boy, who had stopped bouncing about and waited. He was shaking, was he okay? “Koiu.” He would take his hand and would hold it up and down in a pattern. Three beats. Fist closed. “Sa-i-sho! W-a! Gu-u!” On the last beat he would let go, smiling helpfully. Now you try.
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“Saisho. W-a.”
The boy watched as his strange dark skinned peer moved his mouth. He looked super confused. Super frustrated. These words felt alien, foreign to his mouth. He probably didn’t even know what they meant.
“...Nigira reta!” He knew how to help the other boy, of course. It was easy. He just needed to find some visual help. He held up a finger as though to say ‘wait here’ before scrambling off to look for a tiny wooden box he kept underneath his bed. Said box was a cigar box that his father had brought from Kugane, but the young child had only know it as a secret box. A treasure box. It was where he kept various treasures such as seashells. Dice. Plenty of rocks.
One such rock he took out readily and held it tight between tiny fingers as he raced back to sit with his new friend. “Guu!” he beamed, pointing at the smooth surface of the pebble.
The dark haired boy would reach for it, and for a moment he would hesitate. It was his special pebble after all. But the darker child didn’t seem to want to take it, as much as he wanted to address its existence.
A nod was given! Right! The paler boy would hold it into a fist, showing the darker boy the way his fist was almost like a rock in its form. Then holding his fist back...he would show the boy the three beats!
“Saisho! Wa! Guu!”
Rock goes first. Such a moment would produce a fit of giggles and laughter from his friend, who would then sit across from him in such an eager manner. He wanted to try again. He wanted very much to play this game of rocks.
Tatsuo nodded. “Ima issho ni…Saisho wa guu!!”
One. Two. Three. Beats.
This was the start of the learning process, for the language of the Hingans, for young Eigengrau. A simple small game, in which he learned how to say rock, and scissors, and paper. In which he learned what ‘yes’ meant, and what ‘no’ meant. Or ‘hold on’ or what’s this. Tatsuo always was very patient with him, combining the use of hand signals with words. Pointing, shaking his finger, or waving over or waving down. Tiny signal cues, for things that Eigengrau didn’t understand. Things he didn’t know.
Eigen could still remember the first spoken interaction they had ever held. The boy pointing to himself, “Tatsuo.” Then pointing at him in a questioning matter. Waiting for a simple name.
Things like that, were how they communicated. Though there were other ways. Like fits of giggles shared between friends. Soft and gentle guiding touches. Lots of pointing and waving and interlocking fingers. Sometimes, when it rained, Tatsuo would hold on to him, and he would hold back, not knowing that rain and lightning were real fears of the boy’s.
“Eien ni tomodachi ni naritai.” During such a night, when the two boys were all bundled up. Eigengrau could remember Tatsuo taking a pinkie, and coiling it around his own. Clinging softly there. His pale yellow eyes staring into Eigengrau’s own hopefully. “Yakusoku suru...?”
He didn’t quite get it at the time. The coiling of the pinkies. The fingers crossed. He didn’t quite understand, but there was a look in Tatsuo’s eyes that made him want to say yes. That he understood.
He promised.
That was the last time he spent time with his friend while he was alive, the last time he had seen his friend still breathing. He promised him something that night. He wouldn’t know what until much later in life, but something had told him it was extremely important. Impossibly important.
Eternally important.
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Of Getting Gifts & Bargaining with Foxes
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Mori stood before the Nine. A red chord, with a golden bell, wrapped around his joined hands. It was a slight trick of Geomancy to lure all the fox shiki to the shrine room, but it was far better than running about the property trying to collect them all. Even if Kyuu normally followed him underfoot, the others were normally prone to playing hide away from the koi priest. “Why have you called us here?” Inquired Ichi – levelheaded and mature, but even Mori knew better. Foxes were foxes after all.
“Yes, why?” Nana chirped after. Go accused: “Tricky fish using a pretty bell song to lure us out!” The other middle three joining along in that protest. “We thought it was dinner time!” “Well, you can say it’s similar.” Mori mumbled. One hand lifted to cover his lips, elbow resting in his other palm. It took all he had not to smirk at his own cleverness. Because – to be frank – he hadn’t expected this to work at all! He had never tried a fox luring charm before. “I have a request, and it certainly comes with a prize far better than the typical fair we’ve been giving you Nine in offering for your good behavior.” Nine pairs of ears perked up with that, and green eyes twinkled in delight as he noticed he had their attention now. “I’m to go into Kugane to fetch some items, I wish for you all to keep Hokusai here and away from any of the sake. Basically – keep him busy.” “That is a lot to ask for.” “You will have to offer much.” “That you will, Bubbles!” That nickname made Mori’s confidence flicker for just a moment. His cheeks turning slightly red. “I wouldn’t just make a big request and not offer something of equal value in return.”  A deep breath in, and he grounded himself again before continuing. “I am going into Kugane, so I intended to get fresh filets of salmon for each of you. Since I’ll be going in the dark of morning, the markets will certainly have only the best out from the docks.” Fresh salmon? This certainly got the attention of all the Nine. They were used to the normal offerings of bonito flakes, or various dried fish from Hokusai’s catches. Thus, the mere mention of something as delectable as fresh salmon was the equivalent to emperor’s gold to these foxes! Well, it was a good idea until Hachi spoke up, “Good fish needs best sake!” “Yes!” “Indeed.” Ichi may as well purred the words. Mori winced. This was going to become a costly endeavor. How was he going to explain hitting the temple’s budget that hard to appease the Nine’s demands for his favor-seeking? He chewed at his lower lip and glanced away nervously. “I suppose it is only fair.” The Nine’s youngest yipped in glee, and Mori was certain he saw the eldest three preening over their victory. “I shouldn’t be long, but if the sun sits high at noon and I still haven’t returned, let Hokusai know where I have gone.” It was only for the better. Mori was prone to getting lost, and well – who knew if he’d get in trouble out there? He was confident he wouldn’t, but it was ever best to err on the side of caution.
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To call the markets overwhelming would be an understatement. Even if he ventured at such an early hour, the people were already filling up the streets to catch the best items from street vendors and stores. Mori was certain not even Shizunda’s main village – just past Toya shrine – didn’t get this busy outside of the festivals. Not that he knew better since his ventures beyond the Shrine had been a number needing only one hand to count. All he knew was there was enough people that standing still was difficult. It became impossible just to pause and look at shop door signs to make sure he was going in the right direction when he checked the quick map and note that W’Behna had left him after getting the order in for him. Truly, he had no sense for what any of the scribbling meant! There was what he assumed to be a bridge, a few buildings etched out with landmark notes, and some extra alleys and roadways marked. Certainly, if he just counted them it wouldn’t be difficult, but the stands were throwing him off! When he went to the side to get his bearings, it was one such merchant that had snatched him up with an enthusiastic greeting. The man waving hands over the many hair ornaments and other such charms and jewelry bits. “If you’re heading for the Tea Houses, these are certain to be the best gifts for the girls there, sir! You’ll get the attention of every set of fingers skilled at the zither, if you get my meaning!” Mori’s gaze fell to the piece. Never mind giving these to the ladies of the red-light districts, he found them lovely enough to wear himself. A shake of his head, and Mori looked back up to the merchant. He had a task to see to after all! “Ah, n-no,” the priest blushed, “I am just looking for th—” The mere mention of not being interested in the wears, lost the attention of the merchant. By the time Mori had half a question out, the man just went on to dragging in the next customer. What a pain! He looked back to the items littering the table and noted the many hair pins and other knick-knacks that were certainly good gifts. Amongst them he spotted a black bamboo flute amongst them with a red tassel and a piece of amber carved into a charm. It practically reminded him of Aka, but did he even play instruments? Maybe it would be a good chance to get closer? Mori could teach him the instrument without a doubt! A hand reached out then towards it, “U-uhm excuse me sir, how much is this?”
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Accumulating stuff proved far easier in the market than Mori had anticipated. The raen had purchased the flute from the merchant, gotten his directions, and went to the shop W’Behna noted for the other order. Now he had two, or three parcels, filled with items. One was the silk wrapped wooden box that contained the original gift he had set out for, another of sake, and the last with the filets of salmon he had promised. Not accustomed to so much, he just plopped down on a bench and set the items down with a long breath. “Kami spare me, this is more than I anticipated!” 
Happy Birthday!! @the-lost-shrine
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
happy starlight!
hello everybody! as luck would have it, i started this blog almost year ago! the 26th, actually! but as i probably can’t get an entire other write out within that small amount of time, i’m chucking this with this one!
so anyways thank you to all of you who follow me, everyone who interacts with my blog despite the ffxiv, everyone who interacts with my blog despite the non-ffxiv, those of you who reblog, those of you who comment, those of you who have stuck with me since i started!
aaah more words! anyways! here’s the write :>
Three people is certainly enough for a party. Ikael doesn’t know where everyone’s (well, the two other people’s) criticism is coming from. From a non-festive spirit, that’s where.
“—and I really do have to go back to my mountain of paperwork, Ikael! Ikael?! Are you listening to me?”
Ikael is not, in fact, listening to Tataru—he is too busy worrying about whether her and Alisaie will like his presents. He smiles, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. The bell on his hat falls and hits him on the forehead. He carefully repositions it.
“Yes, darling. Don’t worry; I’ll take you back to Kugane when it’s over, okay? Or maybe tomorrow, if you want to stay for the evening?”
He gives Tataru the best pouting face he can manage while dressed up like a child’s fantasy of the Saint of Nymeia. She spasms stressfully for a moment before slowly melting.
“Oh, alright,” she says, touching his cheek. “But don’t give me that look to make me do things! It’s unfair.”
Ikael winks at her before heading back to the kitchen to check on his pie. It is coming along nicely—it will be done in a few more minutes, he thinks. He will wait and make them hot cocoa in the meantime.
He finally goes back to the atrium with three mugs of hot cocoa and his pie on a tray, and smiles when he sees Alisaie leaning forwards in a chair, head in her hands, paying acute attention to what Tataru is yattering on about.
“And I’m just worried he’ll forget, you know?” Tataru is pressing her hands together. “He forgets a lot of things! Once he went clothes shopping with me and forgot to bring his coin purse! Sometimes he forgets that he’s put something in the oven! It’s a fire hazard!”
Ikael clears his throat to get their attention, hoping the flush of embarrassment he can feel in his cheeks is not visible. He… does tend to forget some things. Of… varying importance.
Tataru squeaks, spinning around to face him. Ikael smiles at her awkwardly. Alisaie simply looks amused.
“I, uh, didn’t forget to bake this, though!” He lifts his tray, showcasing the pie.
“It’s a bit… small.” Alisaie looks as if her smile is somehow paining her. “You weren’t expecting anyone else, then.”
Ikael coos at her immediately, setting his tray down on the coffee table. Poor thing probably needs a hug. Ikael will gladly give her one.
“Why are you making that ridiculous noise?” Alisaie says into his—expensive, but very nice-feeling—coat, voice muffled. “This isn’t a pity party, it’s a holiday party. Of… some sort. I am sure.”
“Yes!” Ikael’s ears attempt to perk up, but cannot, since he is wearing a hat. It shifts a little. “Well. Starlight cakes are usually relatively disgusting fruitcakes. So! And especially considering that we are all very sad and lonely, I thought it best to bake a pie!”
He beams, looking from one of them to the other. Tataru beams back, clapping her hands. She loves his pies. At least, that is what she tells him whenever it is time to eat lunch. Or breakfast. Or supper.
Alisaie looks at his pie. “… What kind?”
“Rolanberry crumble! My favourite. A-ah-ahh—pie, that is. Ye—yes.”
Alisaie takes her mug of hot cocoa, peering at the pie with renewed interest. Neither she nor Tataru seem to have noticed Ikael’s stumble, thank Hydaelyn. He is not quite ready for that secret to slip out yet.
“This is a very… oddly-shaped present, Ikael.” Tataru is holding it as if it might bite her. “I’m almost worried to unwrap it, to tell the truth.”
“It’s safe, I promise!” Ikael insists, pressing his hands to his cheeks. He waits excitedly as Tataru slowly tears away the wrapping paper, tail whipping from side to side. When she finally holds out the gift and stares at it, he jiggles on his toes.
“It’s a leash for your carbuncle!” he says happily. “I-I-I thought—you know, since it’s always running away! This way it can’t!”
It is a brilliant idea. Ikael is a genius.
“I… cannot believe you thought of that! Thank you, Ikael,” Tataru says, and Ikael jiggles harder. She likes it! Ikael is so happy. He has been so worried…
“And for Ali…” He digs in his bag, searching for her gift.
“What did you just call me?” Alisaie asks. Her voice is soft with something akin to disbelief. Ikael is not paying attention.
He pulls out his second gift with a flourish. Alisaie takes it hesitantly, and he smiles at her, patting her on the head. Hm—she needs to wash her hair.
“It is… a very red dressing gown?” Alisaie holds it up once she finishes unwrapping it. “Uh…”
“Red is your colour!” Ikael tells her, in case she has forgotten. “And this was so nice! I wanted to get another one for myself, but I didn’t have enough money! And besides, it wouldn’t be special that way.”
“I…” Alisaie looks bemused. “… am grateful to… finally have something I can…” She looks at Tataru,  who nods at her for some reason, “… read… books! In. Thank you, Ikael.”
Ikael coos at her happily, opening his arms for a hug. She smiles, and gives him a gentle one.
“I have more!” Ikael declares. He reaches into his bag again.
“I… did not get either of you anything.” Alisaie’s voice is low with regret. “I am sorry. With everything that has been going on… to tell the truth, I barely noticed it was approaching Starlight.”
“Oh, it’s alright.” Tataru smiles gently at her. “It is your company that matters, after all! Your presence, not your presents.”
She giggles. Ikael giggles, too, since that is a very funny joke.
“Okay.” He takes out his last two gifts for them, which he has not wrapped, and hands them out. “I-I… knitted these. I-I am sorry if the craftman—if the—if it is not… very good.” Ikael is very much a beginner.
“Oh, this is a lovely blanket, Ikael!” Tataru shakes hers out; a lovely lavender and pink. Alisaie’s is red, orange, and brown—autumn-themed, Ikael had tried. It is Starlight, but… he likes the colours.
“Mine is, ah, the same size as Tataru’s, I see,” Alisaie points out. Ikael reaches up to tug at his ear nervously. He ends up jingling the bell on his hat instead.
“I-I, um… tried to make sweaters. Apparently those are not very… beginner-friendly projects.”
Ikael picks up the scarf Tataru had given him as a present and sticks his face in it, inhaling. It smells like very lovely wool.
“It is a treasured thought, Ikael.” Alisaie’s voice sounds kind. “And the yarn seems very exp—I-I mean… It looks as if you put a lot of effort into this, and that is what matters.”
“… Wait.” Tataru’s voice does not sound as kind. “How much did the yarn cost?”
Ikael whines into his scarf, his tail hitting his leg. He paid for all of gifts out of pocket.
“Hello, Thancred.”
Ikael gazes upon his unmoving, self-declared best friend. He looks dead—Ikael does not like that at all. Not at all not at all not at—
He draws in a shuddering breath. He leans down to kiss Thancred's nose, then his forehead. His cheek. His other cheek. Draws back.
“I-I-I, uh, knitted you a-a… um, blanket?” Ikael’s voice rises in pitch with his uncertainty. He squeezes the soft wool in his hands. “It… was supposed to be a sweater, but… o-oh well. Haha!”
He is going to start crying again. He sniffs, then carefully places the… blanket… on Thancred's chest, smoothing it down.
“I-I made yours dark red, bec—because… you said you liked it. Um, remember? U-um… some time ago.” He sniffs again. “I-I… um… know you don’t have the best fashion sense. But I can—I-I can agree with you on this one. I-it looks—it looks good. On you.”
He gives Thancred one last kiss on his cheek, then straightens up.
“Happy Starlight,” he says softly. “H-hey. You know what’d be a great present?”
Thancred does not reply. Ikael gazes at him for one long, last moment, then leaves the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
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