#and then we pivot to fam which i ADORE
tagged by @icychoerim! ty :D
rules : you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
① waterfall by milet
② july (later on) by lily williams
③ suzume by radwimps ft. toaka
④ there by stray kids
⑤ emulation by stargaze shelter
⑥ W●RK by millennium parade
⑦ FAM (korean ver.) by stray kids
⑧ BIBI vengeance by BIBI
⑨ INVU by taeyeon
①⓪ I GOT A BOY by girls' generation
tagging some people, but u can ignore!!
@lacunasbalustrade / @end1essquestions / @thehistorynut19 / @kawaiilizzie / @dudebro231
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
Omg imagine this:
They have a Polaroid camera and one day she ask if she could take photos of them. They agree and later they find them somewhere special bc they have a special place in her heart and life 🥺💖💓🦄
My heart is melting 😭
I gotchu fam <3
Say Cheese
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names all over the place, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
"Papa, what dis?"
Steve looked up from his mountain of paperwork. You were standing in front of the shelves in their office, examining all their treasures with your eyes (and not your hands because you were a good girl). He grinned when he recognized your little butt wiggle of excitement as you discovered something you hadn't seen before. He stood up and came over to you.
"That is a polaroid camera, my love," he explained, smiling down at you. "You take pictures with it."
"Where da number buttons on it?"
"It's not like my phone or Daddy's phone- this camera doesn't have number buttons."
"It DOESN'T?" you breathed in wonder. "Is dis from the old times?!" you followed up excitedly. You loved anything from 'the old times'.
Steve chuckled. "Yup, but this wasn't mine or Daddy's. We bought this at an antique store. Daddy and I...weren't around when this was invented," he said, side stepping the details. "But we thought it was pretty cool, right?"
"Right! SO cool!"
"You want to hold it?" he asked, as you were practically vibrating with excitement and he knew you were just dying to touch it.
"What do you say, baby?"
Steve laughed at your exuberance. "That's my good girl. Be careful now," he said, picking up the old camera and putting it carefully into your hands. You held it like it was a Faberge Egg, your eyes wide with wonder. You gently pivoted it in your hands, examining it from every angle that you could. Steve couldn't help but smile at your absolute laser-like focus as you took in everything about this cool, new thing from the old times.
"You wanna have your picture taken?" he asked gently after a moment. You just turned to him in hushed astonishment, then nodded vigorously. You wanted to jump up and down but you had to be very careful with Papa's treasure. Papa took the camera from you, flipped it around, leaned down, and looked through the small lens window. "Say cheese!"
Papa snapped the photo, then held out the camera to you. He grinned again as you tilted your head adorably, confused by the whirring sounds coming from the camera. You stepped back a bit as the photo started to emerge-you hadn't been expecting that- but once you understood what was happening, you gasped and rushed forward to examine it more closely.
Steve plucked the finished photo from the camera and shook it a couple times. "Wha you doin' dat for, Papa?" you asked, your curiosity insatiable. Steve stopped for a moment, looked at the photo, then shrugged.
"I'm not actually sure, Little One," he said. "I think it helps the photo develop faster." After another moment of shaking, he handed it to you. "Here you go, angel. What do you think?"
You were absolutely gobsmacked. This was so much cooler than you'd ever dreamed. After about five seconds of worshipful silence, however, you turned and yelled down the hallway. "DADDY!!!!"
"Hey, inside voices, baby. You know better than to yell like that," Steve scolded, which was promptly forgotten by you the second Bucky screeched to a halt in the doorway.
"What's wrong?!" he asked, breathing hard at his mad dash across the apartment. He scanned the room for intruders, blood, weapons. Seeing nothing but Steve facepalming and you jumping up and down excitedly, he was confused.
"Daddy, lookit!" you said, thrusting the photo under his nose. "We gotta take pictures together!"
"Trouble," he said sternly. "What have we told you about yelling like that?"
Instantly contrite, you looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Not ta do dat," you said meekly, biting your lips. "Sowwy Daddy, sowwy Papa. I got too excited. AGAIN." You sighed dramatically.
Bucky shook his head, trying to suppress his grin at your cuteness. Steve gave him a look that was also clearly trying to hide his smile. "We can't laugh," Steve muttered to his husband. "Don't encourage her." Both men took a second to compose themselves, before turning back to you, their eyes twinkling.
"Alright, Trouble, you're forgiven," Bucky said, ruffling your hair. "Now tell me all about these pictures."
The three of your spent the next hour doing an impromptu family photo shoot that included a lot of silly poses, a lot of cheek kisses, and tons of laughter.
About two weeks later, after they'd tucked you into bed and you were fast asleep, they were tiptoeing out of your room, when something caught Steve's eye. He gently tapped Bucky's arm and pointed. With the stealth of two super soldiers, they snuck back to the pile of "dragon" treasure you had made last week and refused to disassemble. Steve pulled on a corner of the thing he noticed at the bottom of the pile. Sure enough, it was one of the photos that all three of you were in from your polaroid fun day.
Bucky carefully moved one of your stuffed animals out of the way, revealing even more of the photos.
Both of their hearts swelled as they realized you had kept them both safe in the pile of your greatest treasures.
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bacchicly · 6 months
Muchness is Essential
AKA Chapter 2 - Mountain Air originally posted to fanfic.net in 2021
OR read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54640615/chapters/138507502
Summary: Luke Alvez gives an out of this world gift to Sergio and Penny has some sexy time alone.
This one is from Penelope's point of view - mostly fluff but with some sexy solo stuff at the end. Set around 13x06 The Bunker.
Penelope knows she is pretty much the definition of muchness and frankly, while at times it rubs everyone she's ever met the wrong way - including herself - gosh dang it - the truth is that a lot (and she means "a lot a lot"!) depends on her muchness! Her BAU fam certainly has no qualms demanding her to tap into her considerable talents whenever it suits them - and even more frankly - while the whole muchness thing can be exhausting - that doesn't mean it's not essential. So she needs a few more things than other mere mortals - she also gives a helluva of a lot back - so there is balance in the universe. Gaia's gotta be happy with that right? Right? She is a vegetarian after all! Although..note to self...more ecofriendly cute knicknacks should probably be in her future... if she's gonna be keeping Gaia happy...as well as herself...maybe some kittens made of bamboo? Soft ones...
Penelope, having just set some search parameters to finish up her deep dive into the victims online lives, so that she'll be ready for her usual "on the jet" call - grabs her empty (not to mention fabulous) coffee cup, pushes back her chair from her desk, swivels then stands and strides off, heels clicking furiously, to the kitchen with her brain rambling a mile a minute:
...I mean I got those nice bamboo socks last week...someone must be using bamboo fabric to make squishy kittens and unicorns and probably adorable pandas! ..but I'd better do some research first - maybe bamboo isn't as eco-friendly as is popularly assumed at the mo'... maybe the shipping of the stuff and the energy and products used to make the bamboo into fabric somehow turns the whole thing into some sort of eco-net-zero-sum-game-thing...or maybe the factories use child labour...or or locks women in for hours with... with...NO...no no... bathroom breaks...la la la not thinking about that or all the other ick which I fully know is part of this dismal dystopia we call Earth...Maybe I should make a poster or...or... start a go fund me for those poor bamboo fabric factory workers...or or a march! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait Garcia! You're getting ahead of yourself as per usual - after all, do I ever know what they say about those who assume stuff - so research! then action! why do I not have a team for that part of my life? I mean the whole divide an conquer thing works so well at work... after all, the BAU is the best team ever because many DIFFERENT minds and talents combine to make the perfect cocktail of crime fighting genius...don't they say many hands make light work... I mean if we were all the same would we ever catch an unsub? I think not! I mean that's what Descartes said and poof he disappeared! At least I crack myself up... "I think not? Poof? I think therefore I am? Oh where is Spencer when I need him? He'd laugh! Although maybe he was the one who told me that one... Still why is there so regularly noone here to hear my wit?
Penelope re-enters her office - sits on her roll-y chair that she had stood up from a good halfway across the office when heading off to get herself the coffee - then, like a glam good-fairy Davros (Man! Spencer should be here today - philosophy jokes AND Doctor Who jokes!), she pivots and pushes off at light speed - zooming straight to her desk - not spilling a drop of precious coffee. Her eyes settle on her personal menagerie of cute and cheerful...
Oh wait a gosh darn minute! Look my unicorn pens! And my mermaid in her snow-globe! And my extra special adorable stress cat that Luke got me - NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT - the point is THEY are here (unlike some Pesky Profilers I could name!) and THEY are deeply amused by my wit and style! I don't even need to say my jokes out loud. We have a connection! See? They are ESSENTIAL members of our team. That's right! I'm talking to you..you...you... Supercilious Special Agents!
One of the alarms from her searches goes off - letting her know they are ready for her human eyeballs and superb fingering techniques.
Wait - what was I doing? Gah. See? Muchness?! My brain is a very busy place. It's a lot to keep track of! So what if I need a few homey touches? Profilers. Like they have things to worry about.. well they do...but so does SHE! SO THERE! It's not my fault that FBI regulations do not allow dashboard bobbleheads to cheer them up a bit on chases. Ok - Onwards and Upwards! There are things to do! Common Garcia - the team and the human race needs your brain and your magic fingers! HERE WE GO!
All this happens at light speed in Penelope's brain, but now she's back on track and ready to pull her swivel chair to attention and get cracking on her job.
The case is finally over and her family is finally on their way home. It was another one that shook her deeply - so much of this case's particular brand of ick made her feel claustrophobic and also deeply, sadly, irrevocably lonely. She starts thinking that maybe she and Sergio really need at least a three bedroom and maybe even bigger...
...after all we do need more room for our things, Mr. Luke Who Thinks He Is So Smart! Like your sweet Roxy doesn't have things - I know she does! I got her an embarrassingly high number of those things! If anything cats need more things...after all cat furniture is a total thing...whereas dog furniture is much more of a niche market! I have done the Google search to prove that! Oh I can't wait to hug every single one of them! Minus Alvez of course - that would go against my mission statement!
At that thought Penelope ignores that she's starting to feel more and more guilty about that one...but look - even if she is not a mere mortal - she is still only human - she needs to preserve some boundaries - besides she's not convinced he'd even want to hug her...she really has been mean...and no number of homemade dog biscuits or sparkly chew toys seem to be able to get her to shake the feeling that she truly hasn't been fair to Alvez - Luke. But that swooping feeling she gets whenever he is in the room is definitely "Capitol D" dangerous to her composure. And composure is something she needs more of - not less.
She had thought for a moment at the party at her place ... caught Luke - Alvez. - looking at her a few times with what she almost wanted to believe were what any right thinking person would describe as heart-eyes...in fact it had been happening more and more lately ever since that whole embarrassing "Cool-hand Luke" slip-up...but no that couldn't be it. I mean he had thanked her the next time they saw each other at work for the chew toy and biscuits...but it's not like he knocked down her door - something she was very aware was part of his skillset - to thank her privately or as an excuse to connect outside of work...
In fact, she might be reading too much into non-happenings - but he seemed more reserved since that night.
So hands off Pen.
Let's see... how will she avoid the hug tonight? She's used almost every trick in the book that she can think of... to the point where she's actually ended up quickly hugging him a few times...which is just too too too much for today...
hmmmm...how about...
Leave Spencer for second to last and then get the brilliant and totally spontaneous idea to drag him away to her office to show him her glam Davros routine?
Perfect! It will make Spencer laugh and not look like she's avoiding hugging any one particular team member. Besides...the whole doomsday clock / Dalek thing is clearly thematically appropriate for tying the bow on this case and will let Spencer blow off some steam and do some beloved sharing of interesting points. And again due to her wide interests and nimble brain...she is the perfect audience for that banter!
See? Muchness does come in handy!
Once home, Penelope feeds Sergio then snuggles up on the couch in a comfy yet silky p.j. set. Despite being severely less cutesy than her typical jammies - which tend towards the fuzzy and the rainbow uni-sloths ends of the spectrum - this was still one of her favourites. These jammies are a rich coppery colour with teal lace trim and it fits perfectly. Three-piece perfection: little shorts, a camisole type top, and a short but flowy matching robe for over top which belts at the perfect spot on her waist.
She has complimented the ensemble with teal velvet slippers she found at a cool little second hand place a few weeks ago. They had ridiculously large pompoms on the toes like Tinkerbell and made her smile super wide whenever she peeks down at her toes.
Basically the outfit was the definition of perfect lounge wear - and she felt beautiful and swishy in it - but it was also modest enough to open the door and tip when the dinner she had ordered was delivered.
Penelope sighs as she thinks how too bad it is that she found this outfit after she and Sam had broken up - so no one but delivery people had seen it yet...and it really was designed to be appreciated...
At that thought, her traitorous mind jumped to wondering what Luke was up to tonight...
Banishing the thought, Penelope switches on the T.V. to stop her brain in it's tracks. She flips through the channels as she waits for her food. Penelope is going to relax and not think.
Despite herself, she smiles as she scratches Sergio ears the way that made him close his eyes and grin. The Davros plan had come off without a hitch of course! And - bonus! - she now knew that:
1. Davros has been compared to the infamous dictator Adolf Hitler several times, including by the actor Terry Molloy who played him from 1984 to 1988 - and Julian Bleach who played him in the 90s defined him as a cross between Hitler and the renowned scientist Stephen Hawking.
2. Some clearly dim people think he was The Doctor's greatest enemy.
The second fact had led to a rousing debate which did a very nice job of putting some much needed sparkle into her Good Doctor's eyes.
Muchness to the rescue again.
But then there had been that - that - conversation as they all left about where and how they would spend their last day on earth. Was that really necessary? She was supposed to be divesting herself of the ick as she made her way out of the building. She was not supposing to be prepping - whoops bad word choice. - not...not... gearing herself to obsess over the ick of the world all night...
But she could not stop running over and over what he had said...
Mountains? Really?
She supposes they are the opposite of claustrophobic...
...although if you were anywhere with Luke would a little claustrophobia necessarily be a bad thing?
Her cellphone rings with the tone signalling that someone needs to be buzzed up and that her food is probably here. Penelope answers quickly...
"Hey Pene - Wait just a sec this guy needs a hand with the door - sorry I'm back - hey Penelope! I'm here with your dins! Buzz me in?"
"Yeppers My Favourite Bringer of all things yummy! See you in a tick!"
Penelope keys the cell code that opens the vestibule door. Then she stands up - much to Sergio's intense displeasure - and sashays her way to the door by way of the kitchen to set out a plate and a some cutlery and a pink shimmery cloth napkin. When she hears the knock - she grabs the twenty that she'd left on the counter for the tip. She knows it's excessive but Sutida is awesome and is delivering food to pay her way through college. She's taking welding - which is totally bad-ass and Penelope is aware that she always keeps her a few extra minutes than she should to chat.
Penelope swings the door open but instead of Sutida - Luke Alvez is standing there clutching a cat tree that appears to be about his height and covered in midnight blue and purple iridescent faux fur - it kind of looks like a galaxy was folded up into a perfect piece of cat furniture. A paper bag - definitely holding her Veggie Fusion Feast - is precariously balanced on one of the ledges of the cat tree.
"Uh Hi - I hope you don't mind - I was the one who Sutida helped with the door. I overheard her talking to you - so I offered to carry up your food along with this thing - since I was heading up anyways. Don't worry I tipped - I had a twenty in my wallet."
Penelope can't move. Her mouth is hanging open. She is completely discombobulated by this turn of events.
It feels like a full minute of them just staring at each other...when finally he gives himself shake and smiles...
"Um...can I come in? This is not super heavy - but it is - um - awkward. Maybe you could grab the bag? Balancing it on this thing might not have been my best idea this week."
"uh...yeah..I'm...sure...of course...of course.."
Penelope grabs the bag on her heel and takes it to her kitchen counter. She starts to open it - mostly for something to keep her occupied - then realises she's still clutching the twenty.
"what? wait! first here's the twenty I was going to give to Sutida..I know it's a bit of a big tip..."
"Nah keep your money - you can get me back sometime at the bar... Plus no need to explain...I figured it was the welder-delivery woman you were telling Emily about last week...and I remembered you'd said you always give her twenty to make up for the time you steal for a quick chat. I think it's just another sign of you being the Queen of Ice - I mean - Nice"
As he talks, Luke strides over to the window which is the offending portal to the nude kung fu guy and thumps down the cat tree in front of it. It fits perfectly and totally helps promote privacy. Sergio blinks at it from his spot on the back of the couch, stretches, then jumps down and makes his way over to sniff the base of his new throne. Luke turns and smiles at Penelope.
Penelope is speechless again. She just stares. So does he. Until he does that shake thing again and launches back into his stream of talk...
"Look - I won't stay long...you look...you look...ready for a nice relaxing evening in and I'm hoping to catch up with a friend a bit later...but..but..."
"Look I got home and wanted to apologise...for the other morning. I mean of course Sergio has things...I mean Roxie has things...and in fact when I got home tonight I totally couldn't believe how - i mean that her bed was looking a bit um rough..um threadbare...not really good enough for um my girl...
..and...so...and...anyways...I...um...saw this at the pet store tonight when I dropped in to see if I could find something for Roxy...and well...I'm pretty sure it would be a crime against all things good and...and...beautiful had I not...um...immediately gotten it for Sergio. I mean...um ..it kinda goes with you decor...so i hope you...and um Sergio of course...um like it."
"Totally. I can't believe...i mean... Thank you. Yeah...um just...um... Thank you. Yeah...um Thank you so much...um.. yeah. Thank you Luke."
They stare at each other again.
Penelope is blushing and Luke is rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
This time it's Penelope who gives herself a shake and restarts the conversation.
"So - um - as usual I ordered enough food for the whole army... want some?"
"No...uh...no thanks...like I said I'm trying to get a hold of a friend of mine who's having a bit of a rough time. Maybe some other time? K? Maybe? I mean I would never want to impose...anyway um...I hope you have a good night...Penelope...um... Garcia!"
At this point he's .back to the door.
"Night Sergio! Hope you enjoy...See you at work Garcia."
The door closes behind him as he talks. He spins as he closes it. Unknowingly doing a fine impression of Levitt from Barney Miller leaving the squad room.
The door closes behind him and Penelope just stares as she realises the gorgeous man who for once just out babbled her is gone and she is now - well Sergio is now - the proud owner - of the most fabulous cat tree she. has ever. seen.
She walks over and runs her hand over the sparkly soft tower that he set by the window...as she realises not only is this giant gift is literally making her beam with crazy joy...
...her naked kung fu problem seems to be at least slightly taken care of...
Huh . I guess I am not the only one who indulges in random acts of pet kindness.
Penelope has now finished her dinner and is watching a nature documentary about Wildlife in the Canadian Rockies. If anyone were to ever ask, she would say that she's not exactly sure why she settled on it for tonight's viewing. Stamped it.
...although she has some suspicions that she is trying to smother.
It's turned into a two screen evening...and for more reasons she does not want to examine too closely...she has spent the evening researching hotels and cabins and something called glamping - which she can't decide is something that sounds fun or horrible - primarily at sites located in the Canadian Rockies...apparently there are hotsprings with pool and spa services... in Banff and Jasper...who knew! So far she's downloaded four trail guides and even done a poke around airfare sites...just to get an idea of what a flight would cost...
The nature show transitions to a part about grizzlies...specifically grizzly mating. So far she's watched goats, moose, elk, and some special snails get it on in the mountains. The producers of this show are clearly sex obsessed perverts. The bears are strangely a lot less violent then some of the other less fierce animals she's watched tonight...so far there has been a lot of bear making out - ear licking - neck nuzzling - general sensuous furry snuggling. Apparently grizzly couples are seriously keen on foreplay.
Penelope swallows a groan as her tricky brain replaces the bear couple with herself and a certain cat tree delivery guy. She has zero doubts that he would be an amazing kisser - she just doesn't think that he and she should ever kiss. The silky pj's are now starting to feel a bit too sensuous against her body. She also is a bit hot - so naturally she sets down her tablet and un-knots the belt on the robe so she can shimmy out of it.
The bears on the screen are still sniffing and snuggling and licking each other. She knows grizzlies are some of the most dangerous bears out there...but they are just so gorgeous yet strangely magnificently adorable. Kinda the look she rocks the best...
As the robe comes off and the cool air hits her shoulders - her nipples do that stand-at-attention thing and her breasts feel extra full and tingly. She tips her head back and brings her hands up to cup and lift her breasts - stroking her nipples through the silky copper fabric. The friction is pretty damn fantastic. She tilts her head as if there is a lover who wants access to her neck for kisses and licking and nuzzling. Of course, the face she pictures and is almost feeling against the crook of her neck is his - covered in his not too long but not too rough beard...of course it is his lips she imagines pressing against her skin - mouthing her pulse point - licking down her collar bone towards the swell of her breast...
"And now the male will mount the female..."
Penelope looks up at the tv - dropping her hands from her breasts - she watches as they show the lumbering male bear hug the female from being and begin to pulse into her - still licking and nuzzling her her neck - maybe biting a bit at her scruff - and her damn pussy tingles like mad at the sight.
Penelope flips off the tv.
Enough. Time for bed...I mean sleep.
But her brain and body think that is a very very silly idea - so she doesn't get up from the couch - instead she leans back against the arm and swings her legs up onto the sofa - her hands finding their way back to her breasts - one caressing up the side of her neck to tangle in her hair...and the other rolling its way down and around and over her tummy (which is crazy sensitive and reserved to be touched only by very very very few) - and then dipping down under the elastic of her pyjama shorts...
Penelope lets out a long moan and gives in. She teases the skin of the lowest part of her belly - stroking back and forth with an open. palm - letting her fingers dance and dip and run through her curls between her legs. She gives her curls a few sharp little tugs which she mirrors with the hand that is tangled in her hair by her face...she moans again but this time her lips form his name as part of it all...
Oh Luke...
She is perfectly able to please herself for hours...her body has always been magically responsive and her imagination is no slouch and she loves the feeling of being in her own skin...especially when she's alone - but slow is not what she's feeling a need for right now. She wants this to be quick and satisfying and now.
She starts to rub her clit in hard tight little circles - dipping down sometimes into the opening for her vagina to slicken her fingers and tease more skin. She doesn't resist letting herself imagine Luke with her - afterall nothing from this moment will make real life with the man more awkward and complicated. So she pictures - feels - what it would be to have Luke - above her - on the couch kissing her her - all lips and tongues and hands and skin and teeth... the drowning swooping feeling intensifies.
She is close. And she knows how to push herself over the edge - she deliberately changes the cadence of her breath - she actually can make herself cum just by changing her breath and making her brain swirl into a narrative of all things sexy - she briefly remembers doing it once as teenager sitting in the back of an almost empty city bus - then drags herself back into this moment. She brings both hands down - using one to shove fingers into herself as deep as she can reach - as the first two fingers on her other hand jills her clit for all she is worth.
She is hunched over herself now - red faced - rocking and gasping - she knows she would not be a pretty sight if anyone were to walk in right now but she is almost there so she doesn't care...quickly she weaves a belief that Luke's cock is deep inside her and that he is making the most incredibly sexy noises as he makes love to her...that he is momentarily holding back but then is cumming...cumming...cumming inside her which makes her release crash over her.
She shudders through the end of her orgasm and then unfolds herself from the couch and stumbled her way to bed. Ready to sleep away the rest of the night.
She opens her bedroom window to let in some fresh air and then falls onto the bed pulling the comforter up over herself.
She is asleep in minutes.
In the darkness of living room Sergio jumps to the top perch of his new cat tree, and surveys his domain.
He is totally pleased with his new status as ruler of the galaxy.
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anteroom-of-death · 4 years
Life, For Dummies p5
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a/n: deconstructed angst with a slice of life. idk, i cried too many times lately n now we here. enjoy my pretties.
You fell into a comfortable routine of sorts. No set pattern or time sheets to fill out, no schedule. Just adventure after scheme, mind-numbing body flaring fuck after pleasurable expeirence, after explosions and wine and dine. 
He’d even begun to train you to pilot the TARDIS. He made it fun, and used sex and punishment like a drivers education teacher uses gold stars and red pen. Land it perfectly or even in the right vicinity, he’d toss you up over the console and toss your legs behind his shoulder and eat you out like you were the last snack on the planet. Leaving you with beard burns and gushing…
Manage to wreck the TARDIS into something or massively screw up? He’d pull you by your ear until you were lower to the ground and take the notebook you’d eagerly scribbled notes into, tear your panties down and use it as a flogger, “Now maybe it’ll get through your skull now?” 
You didn’t know which rednesses were which anymore. 
Once you even set up in a kingdom after killing the King and Queen and using telepathic manipulation. It was an annual tithings feast akin to the Purge. The survivors of it would give the king and queen the losers goods. You did admit it was good having everyone fawn over you and treat you like royalty. The Master laughed and nearly died laughing the first time you truly didn’t fuss over the genuflecting, sputtering masses. After that was done, he took only the prettiest and most useful object and drug out the corpses of the former rulers and mockingly made them on their thrones.
He did take the most grand tiara and place it on your head one night and said, “Queen of the Whores...look at how well you know how to kneel!” Before cumming on it, your face, and the wall behind you.
You insisted on lots of rest days in the TARDIS and even out. He enjoyed having a solarium open to the most grand suns for naps during this time, all curled up, you on his chest and you knew this might be the legitimate only time the alien ever had some semblance of a sleeping schedule. 
He’d taken to playing slightly with your hair and humming a bit to you. It was simple and always drained out to a slight snore. He was opening up and relaxing more around you. Even informing you of his life. All the good with all the bad. It was slow to start, but you knew it was a lot.
He was right, all those months ago, this was the Real Way to See the Universe. Having it brought to you and not at random. Each day an a la carte and having loads of time to unwind. The days of randomness and ill-adept piloting, half lies mixed with earnest truths and long-winded explanations were a fever dream of lives past. You understood him better. At his level.
Things became clear and stuck.
You wondered off hand constantly if this was what regeneration felt like one day. 
“I can assure you. It’s much more painful.” He said, responding to your wonderment, tracing a small circle around the base of your neck one day at a beach on Momia 18. “You at least get to keep this smashing body, I have the lottery. Will I end up a dashing man with hands that can do this- “ He went lower and massaged the outside of your bikini bottoms, “And these lips you can never tear your filthy little mind away from…” He stopped and pulled you back, “Or something boring and less exciting.” 
“Damn, you have a point there.” 
If not for the people who he demanded you get called by your preferred name and or, regal terms, you half-thought sometimes you’d forget your name. What was it again? Y/N? 
You were always “Pet” or “my pet”. Unless he was being cool with you, then it was a terse “love”, which always made your heart plummet into your stomach. 
You’d only fought once so far, and it was over something so stupid, you happened to land on Earth and it was a festival and he wanted to scheme and lure in her, but you wanted a nice day perusing the booths and eating, maybe getting a haybale ride in. You ended up cutting your nose off to spite your face and slamming the door to your room and barricading it with a chair, screaming that he had best not come in there. You froze him out for three days and you two took two fucking weeks to make it up. 
It was, at the end, you paid in pain and delayed pleasure. He had you you choked out and chained on the floor of the TARDIS, slowly torturing you with fucking your brain up with images of him pleasuring you. All while using an electric zinger. The Master had you begging and pleading while informing you that Pets don’t get the chance to freeze out their Masters. That they were to be warm and receptive. Always obedient. Once you got the point, he brought you to the most extreme orgasm you ever had, then spent the next day caring for you and yet making sure you wore your new marks with pride.
You could have, in retrospect gone without him, but hindsight is perfect vision. 
You knew you were changing, you were constantly reminded, not just by your creeping suspicions, but by the few, brief times you checked in with your old reality on Earth. You said your excuses, blamed mental illness and lied through your teeth to poor Graham who wanted to send you a box of scones he made. 
He’d been a surrogate father to you in a few many ways.
Yet you never felt so far and so disentangled. 
Not that all change was bad. You were becoming more confident and stood straight up. You were always learning, whether at the hands of your Master, or by the innumerable amount of books he had falling over the place, even by your own tinkering. Your reveries became smaller and fewer in between. And you didn’t let fear get in the way of you doing anything, even falling great heights. 
You were a ghost within a ghost wrapped in a human shell.
Chaos over Chaos. 
The final piece of this fell in when you finally encountered her, the Doctor and all your old friends. Yaz, Ryan and Graham. 
It was an accident.
You’d been laying the foundations for rebellion to happen, the Master was quite put out with the establishment and told you, “Let them eat cake!” as you pointed out, that it’d be longer to wait, but more fun to sew the seeds of discourse and let them march the leaders' heads out on spikes, then swoop in later as glorious alternatives. 
He kissed you so hard you nearly stumbled over and quickly blurted out, “I love you for this! What a clever idea.” 
Of course, the Fam was here and trying to create peace and make sure “order” happened and not your beautiful chaos. 
It was a stand down and you’d literally just walked into those two circling around each other like snarling dogs for a meaty bone. 
“I knew you’d probably be behind something as sinister as this!” She barked. 
Yaz and Ryan were calming a crying leader’s wife and Graham was recharging his Laser shoes. You wondered offhandedly how a supposed pacifist would let him have a weapon purely for killing.
You allowed yourself one, “Fuck.” a little too loud to escape quietly and go deal with this and smooth over the best saving grace for your long plan you both poured all three of the available hearts into. 
“Y/N?” The Doctor pivoted and spun around to the shadow you’d been off stage in. 
The Fam all dropped whatever they were doing immediately and began to gawk at you.
“We thought you died? I went to your home to pick you up and it was deserted-dusty!” 
“We tried calling!”
“I mailed you a postcard!”
“We checked every local hospital and scanned the records for your death!”
So many voices and shouts shook you into the first of a massive reverie in a while. A dull ringing set in and snapped. People started bickering between. For a second you couldn’t hear a single peep from anyone and lost your mental footing.
“How could you betray me? After all we’ve been through?” The Doctor demanded, rolling into your face and nose curling in utter grievances. Fire and sadness filling her eyes. You felt guilt, but saw the pure disgust radiating out of her.
“Enough.” You pushed back and screwed yourself up again. 
“You left me, and them.” You pointed your commanding hand at the Fam. “All alone and on our own to get home! What was I supposed to do? Stand by and wait like I’m being stood up? We waited days. We always wait for you. Always.” Hurt and violence pouring out of every syllable. “What are we, hmm? Us companions? Toys for you to play with for character development then toss away when you learn your lesson?”
“He’s got your hypnotised! He’s evil! You know he’s a baddie!”
You let out a manic laugh, “So?”
“Look what he’s turned you into!” She pointed, “You didn’t look like this before.”
You clapped your hands and chortled, “I’m happy!”
You saw out of the corner of your eye everyone, even the Master, stepped back and observed the two of you’s scene. Yaz? Horrified and like she’d seen a murder. Ryan, confused and hurt. Graham, hurt, but just looking glad he wasn’t in the middle of it.
But your Master, you thought you heard him coo under his breath and felt a warm tingling in your brain.
Yaz, ever the Officer and The Gentlewoman approached you and asked honestly if you were okay. 
At the moment you didn’t know, you crossed a hand over your gut and inhaled sharply, slouching and swallowing a lump in your throat. Graham was beginning to look beyond concerned and in a fatherly sort of way. “You seemed shaken up the last time we talked, Y/N. Did he hurt you?” He approached you and put out to comfort you…
The Doctor was turning from shock to anger and betrayal overruled. “What’s that? It’s like he’s taken over you!” The Doctor made a broad sweeping gesture.  
The Master went to speak and you waved him off, your mind crashing around you. You could feel him getting worried and angry. He looked like he was to kill the Doctor. But not in the little smirking way you’d grown to adore. His teeth were out, but not in a wide, dopey grin. Purely feral and ready to open something like a can opener…
He stopped, looking confused but a little proud. He had a front row seat to your mind and the cacophony of thoughts inside it, yet was shocked. 
“Oh- it’s not like you don’t take us and mould us to your liking? Worlds speak in hushed reverent tones of you sacrificing your Children of Time. Then you go move on to another set. No big deal! You can always pick a bunch of suckers. Your TARDIS might as well be a white panelled van.” You tried matching her equally for the amounts of emotions or a monologue she would do. “You’re just as bad if not worse! You play the hero and the martyr! You lie to us!”
To rub salt in the wound you quietly added, “He’s many things, but I know he’ll never lie to me.” 
You didn’t know how much of a hard-ass you could successfully pull off. You considered her a friend and up until this moment still had a lot of loyalty and love for her. You still loved despite always being a misshapen puzzle piece the human part of the Fam.The ringing settled in your jaw and you felt her pain. 
Your facade began shaking.
You started to tear up. “What was I supposed to do, huh? Stay home? The world was in lockdown, and my anxieties were numerous. I was worried sick about you, and forget me? Graham’s elderly and has health problems!” Your lower jaw began to shake. You were scared for the first time in ages. 
“Sue me, so I left with the Master.” 
Your words rang out but not as intense as they should have.
“Did I really fit in with you at all?” You posed an easy question. Expecting an easy answer.
The tears began to fall freely.
“He’s evil...” She reminded you.
“Does not matter.” You rebutted. 
“He’ll kill you.”
“Whatever.” At this point you began wishing someone would murder you. 
She pivoted and lunged straight at him, “This a big part of your plans? Take my companion and pervert her? Then have her trot out…” she straddled him and grabbed him by the lapels. “Dressed like you dressed her? Huh? What method of mind control-” You went to go save him from the honey badger in blue. 
He began to laugh, not exactly manically, but not exactly mirthfully as well. “Oh, I’ve been more or less avoiding you. Out of respect for my pet.” The tone was taunting and bitter. “You think I wanted to hurt Y/N? Like this? Oof- how little your respect for me, Doctor!” He spit her name out like a fatwa. 
You closed your eyes and began to break. Mentally, you were draining down and physically it felt like you’d received a punch to your guts. You felt spiritually bereft. The Doctor and the Master fighting made you feel like some doll for these virtual children to deal with.
You wished you could pop a valium.
Giving the rest of the Fam an imploring look, you swallowed and gathered yourself up. You hoped your eyes could give them all the apologies and information you needed them to know. That you cared for him and weren’t in trouble. All the facets of you crashing and burning. You were being torn apart, playing a game with your held heart. 
But in the end it was fruitless. So you pulled the two Time Lords off each other, glowering at the two of them.
“I’m going back to the TARDIS.” You gave it your best shot to look commanding and in charge.
You turned around and tried to stalk out with all the bravery you could muster. You couldn’t relate to a happy state, feeling your blood run cold in your ears.
So you ran.
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enchantechante · 2 years
My friends mom died and I've been doing my best to be there for him.When she died I found out through a friend via facebook then I text him and he confirmed.I knew she was in the hospital because I had already been communicating with his family about it while she was.He's also my ex(broke up because my schedule was getting in our way due to work and I realized I had no time for a bf)but we stayed close and his mom adored me.I like to give people space and let them deal with things in their own way because I know he has some issues mentally when things get really hard on him.I haven't heard from him in four days but saw him posting on facebook so I just text him before messaging you.I let him know we can get away if he wants to give himself a break and it's all on me.I just started feeling weird out of no where because... I was like,you know I have a lot going on in my life and my mom has cancer etc so I'm trying to be there for everyone even though I'm barely keeping it together but we're supposed to be best friends and I just don't hear from you at all. No update about his mom's service etc.And the last time we talked last week before his mom died his sister in law made a comment. She said... And this is why she(me)doesn't want to take you back now.He said something weird because he has anxiety bad and suffers from depression so he really just be in his own world but still... As a friend,am I wrong for feeling left out?I have no idea what is going on about anything plus I work 12-14 hour shifts five days a week so I can't just pop up late at night you know. I'm not trying to be an asshole I just feel like the fact he's not even from NYC and his fam and friends are on the other side of the world,he should reach out to his only friend here which is me.He does any other time.I'm just trying to be there and see what I can do but he's confusing me. Made me question our friendship too because before his mom died unexpectedly I had just told him we need to get together and talk about his behavior,us etc and he agreed. Smh. But I'm still not taking things too personal yet.I'll give him more time but we definitely need to talk about so much especially him claiming he wants me back.I am confused as hell.
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"not taking things too personal yet" / "he should reach out to his only friend here which is me". Maybe he's trying to fix that only-friend thing by reaching out "friends" on Facebook? You're literally taking that personal.
No shade but obviously you want him back but your current circumstances wont permit that.
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So instead you're trying too hard to force a friendship with as much intimacy as possible (in person talks about "us", expecting him to reach out re: his family's funeral plans/feelings, getaways just for us two etc). He's going to have to move at his own pace with that while you work to accept where he's at with it.
If you don't accept his pace for things you're going to continue with these unrealistic expectations. You're gonna keep pouring out energy, finances, communication etc. With nothing in return. You're going to be very drained. In an effort to preserve your energy/resources for more important things (Like caring self care, like your mother, like being there for your family rn) put a hard pause on pouring out for your ex so you can pivot your energy for yourself.
Things aren't going to be what you expected.
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No response is a response. No action is an action. It is a choice. And we have to honor that when it comes to others.
Rebuilding your friendship after this break up is going to take patience and equal effort. You can't coerce emotional intimacy. I believe that you deserve more for your effort, attention, time, love, and compassion than this. I just think you're asking it form the wrong person.
If you think your expectations are fair, then continue in that way. But if you want something different to happen other than what's already been happening you're going to have to try diff actions.
That being said - you don't have to block him. You don't have to never talk to him again. You're just going to have to wait it out. You're going to have to find a healthy way to distract yourself instead of giving into this person that gives nothing back.
It's not sustainable.
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