#and theres no war either whoa
justaduckarts · 1 year
What if ideas for a story!
Sun didn't get possessed by Afton or drop the star
Eclipse wasn't blamed for Luna's death and exiled
Pluto didn't go all crazy on Moon
Lunar's family & village didn't die of lead poisoning
Solaris was proud of both of his sons
Luna died naturally
Star Holder was raised in Eclipse's temple.
We never became the Star Holder....
Sorry for the delay <3
I must confess, I've been planning a story where we get adopted by Moon instead of going to Sun's temple, and some of your story ideas will be involved in that alternate timeline (I can't say which ones because that'd spoil the fun).
So I will choose one that DOESN'T coincide with this future story...
That being said:
What if we never became the Star Holder?
Birdsong carried across the fields. A cool breeze rushed across the seemingly endless sea of red poppies, sending their sweet smell rushing over you. Smiling, you adjusted the sack on your shoulder and carried on along the long dirt path that cut through the countryside.
Spring was in full swing. As you passed, you saw your neighbors out hanging sheets to dry or working in their gardens. Planting seeds that would become fruits and vegetables to be harvested in the fall.
Once more, you checked the list your mother had given you. Even though you were nearly twenty-five now, you were still living with her. Mostly to look after her health. Your brother had remained at home, too, taking to tending the farm to support the household. Though your sister had kindled a flame and left your village to marry the woman she'd fallen for while away for school.
Life was peaceful. Warm.
But sometimes, you felt... as if you should be elsewhere. Doing something important. What that thing might be, you couldn't imagine.
Still, the feeling nagged at you. You had these strange dreams of another life. One where you served at the sides of the gods and experienced all kinds of marvelous things. Cosmic entities. Magics. Strange creatures. Demons, even.
So, you'd become an artist. Painting all the things that plagued your subconscious onto canvas. Your works were pretty popular, too! Especially your depictions of the gods. Once, you'd even been commissioned to paint a piece for a temple. Your mother was so proud!
Life was good.
Finally, you could see the bazaar in the distance. The outdoor market was pleasantly uncrowded this early in the day. Vendors milled about, arranging their displays and preparing for the likely busy afternoon ahead. Usually, you'd be right alongside them, paintings on display while you worked on your latest piece.
Today, however, was your brother's birthday. And you and your mother had conspired to surprise him for all his hard work.
As you were approaching a table with a large scale and bags of grain all around, you noticed a pair strolling through the bazaar. Tall, dressed in elegant silks.
Your mouth fell open as you recognized them.
The gods. Here?
"Excuse me," Sun approached one of the vendors. A baker. She immediately perked.
"Oh, hello, your graces! It's an honor. What may I do for you?" The baker bowed her head.
"There's usually a painter here, isn't there?" Sun's smile was nearly as bright as the star he was named for.
"Ah, yes," the baker nodded, your name rolling off her tongue, "but I don't think they're coming today, I heard- Oh. There you are!" She spotted you behind the two towering gods and waved energetically.
Sun and Moon turned immediately.
You felt an overwhelming urge to turn and flee. A quiet war started in your head over leaving or staying. But as the two approached, you found your legs unwilling to cooperate with you.
"Good afternoon," you bowed your head, "your graces."
"Afternoon? You're mistaken, it's barely after sunrise," Moon tilted his head. Sun chuckled, patting his dear friend on the shoulder.
"Oh, Moon," he shook his head, "they're just nervous. Right?" He looked back at you. You nodded, unconsciously fiddling with your tunic.
"How may I help you?" You fidgeted. "Uh, your grace."
"There's no need to be so tense! You aren't in trouble!" Sun's milky eyes shone in the morning light, "I recently visited a temple nearby and saw the most beautiful painting. The priest there tells me you were the one to make it!"
Relief washed over you.
"It was so lovely," Sun sighed, "Moon and I thought you'd be the perfect person to paint something for us."
"Truly?" Your eyes widened, "it'd be an honor!" You couldn't help the smile on your face.
"Wonderful!" Sun clapped, "I'm sure you'll make a lovely portrait of the Star Holder. Ordina will look so lovely, don't you think, Moon?"
"Oh, yes," Moon nodded, "if you're the one to paint it, I think it will look incredible."
"You wish for me to paint the Star Holder?" You felt a little stunned. Something inside you stirred, just saying those words out loud. And hearing Sun say them... It made you feel uneasy.
You'd heard of Star Holder Ordina. The woman chosen to protect the star from those who would use it for wrong. Hand-chosen by the gods.
You couldn't imagine how her life must be.
"But of course!" Sun nodded eagerly.
Well. Who were you to pass up the opportunity to work for actual gods? It... felt right, in some ways. And wrong, in others.
But this time, it was your choice. And maybe that's what mattered.
"I'd be honored," you nodded.
"Wonderful!" Sun practically bounced with excitement. He was so... different from how you'd imagined him. Bouncy, happy, warm. For some reason, you'd always imagined him being more reserved and distant.
"Walk with us," Moon smiled shyly, "we'll sort the details." He gestured you forward. Smiling in turn, you followed the gods further into the marketplace.
Life was good.
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jirnkirks · 1 year
SNW Thoughts for season 1, be wary of spoilers
1. T'Pring and Chapel and M'Benga kiss kiss i lov u more screentime for my loves its not deep stuff but im glad we see more of them
2. Does og trek vibes pretty well!!!
3. Generally more fun and i think indiv eps are jsut better
1. I do feel like. This series. Is kind of quietly... More xenophobic??? Against aliens, sure but still generally like. Gorn are now full on Predator WHOA DISTRACTED BY FIRST SIGHTING OF HIM KIRK ON MY SCREEN RN ok anyway we have Romulans again and the Omelas planet i think its no the WORSE exactly but the Gorn's species being a full on Predator species rather than the humanity afforded to the other evil species feels. Weird? Because like. Cardassians being people is why you have Garak and all the some levels of you know. Humanity. Even Borg had that individuals could be saved. And I think painting the Gorn as an evil species isnt locked in yet but I think is entirely what Trek SHOULDNT be about. Because rn the way its portrayed, theres no real way to turn Gotn into people yknow. I also really really hate that theyve killed the bridge crew whos very obviously an alien
2. Distraction ep 10 s1 really makijg use of the dramatic TOS lightning
2. This is my problems w the Spock ships that idk why no one talks about. And i say this as someone whos tentatively digging spock/tpring and spirk lover but. Arghhh i like chapel so much but i hate that we have to sit through chapel/spock BECAUSE WE ALREADY HAD TO SEE THAT bro i hate that TOS kept making Chapel about Spock so i do have that gut hatred towards any spock/chapel. And Im really apprehensive on Tpring because what kind of character assassination are they gonna pull.... I do like to TPring just makes sense in TOS still
3. The ableism... First i do hate rukiya getting the "shes in the big castle in the sky" treatment. Not even curing her needed, but like yknow give her space chemo. And of course Pike. Rukiya is also just part of it but like- Its this feeling that SNW is makijg everything binary. Not just their opinions of actions- but writing things in such a way that there is no logical way to make it anything but a binary. Like Rukiya can ONLY be saved by disappearing or she WILL die (this one not so much). But also, Pike is like. Is so weird. Look fully- it doesnt feel great that Pikes faith is some big evil bad that can't be worked on. But also I think its kind of understandable in the sense that- Pike is gonna get locked in syndrome. Frankly, the burns the wheelchair use- those arent uncommon and more importantly, while they can affect QoL its hardly some death sentence. A lot of people live through it, adjust and adapt. But locked in syndrome? Is like? I have mixed feelings
This is where- as an abled person and I think for understandable reasons, its definitely a lot to face. But also. I think most people would say locked in syndrome is not reflective of most disabilities or wheelchair users! Hell TOS even foretold (influenced?) the use of brainwaves to communicate. Not wild to imagine... Some kind something to either improve his QoL without also swinging the extreme where Pike is totally abled.
Its!! Frustrating!!! Because its so deeply unempathic, to showcase disability like this. But also i think they choose to write themselves into the corner, because they choose to think that disabilities and injuries are life ending, that there's no way to improve qol, to adapt or to just. Portray the reality of disabilities? Like i do feel like (Was that scotty OH MY GOD IT IS) that SNW is writing themselves into this corner because their world view is so deeply jaded- that we are scared of aliens, therefore they must be unforgivingly impossibly evil. That im scared of my future- therefore it must be completely and totally hopeless.
It definitely!!! Has moments!!! Of good!!! But a lot of the grander and more long term arcs (pike's menagerie future and possibly gorn war) seems. Heugh.
Romulan war be romulaning- i dont care for it either but yknow. At least so far theyre kinda more multifaceted?
I do personally think like- these thoughts are long but i do overall think of SNW positively and much of my concerns hinge on execution that has not finished or occurred.
But. Well. Whats a trek series without problems.
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zeawesomebirdie · 3 years
I'm back! With the time it took me to get around to writing an answer I feel like this is a letter correspondence :')) (I certainly hope this asks finds you well). All of this to say, I may not have read your recs yet, my brains makes decisions on its own and reading them hasn't been one of them, sadly, but the tabs are open in my browser and the names have been written down on my ever-growing list of books that sound super cool, so thank you! I get the fic length thing, and I would say a lot of the fandom actually seems to lean that way? I've read quite a lot of Kylux and Obikin now and there honestly seems to be a bigger proportion of fics on the shorter side compared to like, Harry Potter (which could be me not actually making the maths and just vaguely estimating and being biased, or also due to the fact that HP happens on a way shorter scale with way less elements that "have" to happen (like Starkiller, if it's mentioned it has to explode I feel like, I've never seen a fic where it stays, whereas I couldn't tell you of a similar HP element)) (fandoms are so interesting honestly! I'll stop rambling but it's so fun just thinking about them aaah)
All the deep-dives on wookieepedia got me thinking about trying to create an OC, and now I'm trying to figure out planets where she could have been. There are so many of them, and a lot are either uninhabitable (how many gas giants can they create honestly) or not really places a normal person would go. There's a lot of cool names though (like Empress Teta) and I've found at least two planets that specialise in maths or engineering, plus all the casinos and places we only know because "there was a battle there, during one of the numerous wars but most likely the clone wars". If there are planets you think are fun, I would love to hear about them! I'm just looking at the list of planets on wookieepedia and opening the ones that have cool names, but I know I have to be missing interesting ones haha.
Also since the last ask I've also spent a certain amount of time just... Thinking about more or less anything in the prequels but especially stuff around Obikin and I didn't think that would happen but whoa it happened and my brain won't stop. Since you were my "point of entry" in a way into all this, at least in part, I figured I'd tell you! (That and my friend who's also kinda into SW has made it very clear he was drawing the line at Obkin, which honestly I've done worse but hey) I have a few recordings of my thoughts where I just trail off into like, vague simping over Obi-Wan or essays over why everything is sad in the prequels, or ~ Obikin ~ and I'm having a lot of fun :') I'm hoping this doesn't just disappear in a month or two, that would be disappointing. (I'm telling you all this, I hope you don't mind? You're honestly the closest thing to a fandom friend I have (which sounds sad but it's not I swear) so I'm just rambling here but if you don't like it I'll stop :')) )
- ☂️
Hey there Anon ☂️!! Its great to see you again, how are you? I'm alright i suppose, irl health issues are kicking my ass but we vibing lmao. And I definitely don't mind that this has turned into a letter correspondence! I always look forward to hearing from you!!
My pleasure for the recs, and I totally get that about your brain deciding to not do something :')
Theres definitely a lot more short fics in the obikin and kylux parts than there are in, say, the Harry Potter fandom but I think that's more because theres less fics all around, so proportionately it works out to be a larger part of all fic. Obikin only just hit 3k total works on Ao3 a few weeks (maybe two months?) ago, and im not sure how many there are for kylux but id imagine its a fairly similar number. Compared to Harry Potter, one of the biggest fandoms out there, its really not surprising. And you're definitely right about how it feels like theres certain canon events that "have to" happen, I've seen severely obikin fics that have Anakin fall regardless, and several where he was with Padmé at one point but they broke up for whatever reason. Im not really sure why that is, it'd be really really neat to look into! And you definitely have a point with HP being so much shorter timeline-wise compared to SW, theres not nearly as much that can happen in only 7 years!
OCs in the GFFA are so much fun to build!! Id love to hear all about her if you want to share (and if you'd rather share in DMs thats cool too, whatever makes you most comfortable!) I have some OCs that I've been building for my canon rewrite series, and its such a process! Between picking their species and their home planet and what they do, nevermind whether or not they'd know this canon character or that one, and theres just so so much to think about!!
As far as planets actually go, I havent really looked into that many tbh. I think Bespin is really fascinating, thats the one in ESB where Lando lives, and of course Aborah is so so cool, thats the one where Darth Plagueis housed his experiments. I think the best way to go about learning about the various planets is to just pick one and learn about it, yknow? Im sorry I dont have any recommendations!!
And hey, I gotta admit what catapulted me back into SW as a fandom was obikin. These two idiots (/affectionate) have been in my head every single day since New Year’s, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way! As disappointing as it would be to no longer be fixating on this in another month or two, this time is very very well spent and you're in very very good company, I promise <3 and im happy to be your fandom friend!! I love chatting about this stuff, SW is very much my special interest and I'm more than happy to answer questions (if I know the answer) and reason out anything you want to!! Im sorry your friend isn't up for obikin btw, its definitely not a ship for everyone 😅 luckily there's plenty of us on tumblr who are more than happy to ramble at length about them!
Man that answer was allll over the place, I hope you don't mind!! These letter style asks are so much fun, you're a pleasure to have in the inbox, Anon ☂️! I hope this answer finds you well!!
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zackfiar-a · 4 years
zack fair UR HAND PLEASE?? 
it took me a bit to realize that zack had a lot of influence in ff7 indirectly (but for this instance ill be talking about the remake because i can barely remember playing the og when i was like 7) a lot of these deal w aerith but U Know + among other things that i rant about
like, helping some random dude name 7th heaven in exchange for the wood thats needed to build aeriths flower wagon, aerith wearing pink after a certain point because she promised zack to wear it every time they saw each other even tho it was ‘silly’ (also buying aeriths bow but that seems null and void in the remake), aeriths ‘just one date’, even tho sephiroth was already on the tipping point zack helped edge him just a little off the deep end asking him about ‘we’re average soldiers but what about u?’ and asking about sephiroths family (altho genesis helped him keep that curiosity), in the remake if u chose ‘how much?’ for the option when aerith offers u the flower for helping her she gets a bit aggressive than going for a measly 2 girl for a real flower (something zack told her, dont just settle for less u need to be more aggressive; assert urself), and even zacks suggestion for selling the flowers in the first place which is how aerith and cloud even met in the first place, and even mentioning kunsel in the remake (someone no one talks about because he doesnt have a face under the mask and hes literally Never mentioned again outside of crisis core) when those infantryman see cloud in the shinra building, hojo recognizing cloud as his runaway specimen (cloud: im an (ex) soldier 1st class, hojo: lol no ur not, cloud: pikachu meme), “ur eyes!!”
im sure theres more because i remember a lot of things connecting to zack but i cant think of them atm rip but this boy has endured a lot of trauma that i didnt rly connect to? it was like a domino effect 
first, being pushed a bunch of missions on from sephiroth because he refused to deal w those that had angeal or genesis thus leaving zack to do his dirty work, then slaying ur mentor and close friend by ur hand thus inheriting the buster sword (which starts to conflict his beliefs, soldier honor and dreams, that has been ingrained in him since he joined or was under angeals wing haha get it?), being held out to dry because of the disappearance of lazard thus being attacked by genesis copies when he thought he killed him), which goes back to encountering angeal copies when ur like ??? thought i killed him so hes rly alive?, THEN confronting sephiroth that has convinced himself that he is the true ruler of the planet and getting fucked up in the process, now him and cloud are getting experimented on (i can only imagine what has happened seeing as zack wasnt directly affected by the jenova / s cells that was implanted into him (lots of needles, electricity, and incisions if anything assuming by hojos surgery room in the remake), angeals image appearing his mind and waking him up to save cloud who has a mako addiction and poisoning from the failed experimentation and being in a pod for 4 years, BACK to killing genesis and only to meet ur end after u promised the girl u loved that u would see her again and inheriting ur hopes and dreams on that boy u saved
hes naive, headstrong, impatient, wants to do everything to prove himself, friendly, determined, loyal, emotional af, stubborn, sucks at intaking information, sentimental, and has such a pure soul 
after angeals death he practically changed his image to be more ‘mature’ and gave such a heartfelt speech that affected more than just cloud and inspired many ppl to live out their dreams too (luxaerie if ur out there), and the bonds hes formed with ppl ie cissnei and tseng (i dont count reno or rude since he only encounters them when hes on missions w either tseng or ciss), aerith and cloud, and sephiroth too; which they never rly explained why zack joined soldier in the first place (to become a hero sure) but i assume since clouds intentions to join in the first place was because of the war hero sephiroth that zacks was similar considering how genuinely excited he was that he was going to be going on a mission with sephiroth!! whoa!!! only to lose that infatuation over time
might i say that he indirectly met vincent? what a guy, nice to see someone unironically sleep in a coffin thats a nice conversation starter
in the end he went from being a proud member of soldier to an ex-soldier because no one saw zack as that humble and inspiring guy instead to just a runaway failed experiment with implanted jenova / s cells that dont Rly Work rip to cloud but hes different, and wanting to become a mercenary?? King 
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indigopurple · 5 years
Episode review! Oh no.
Its almost 1am on a school night in finals week and I've decided hey let's do a "quick" review! I might regret this but I have zero hope or belief that I'll do well either way so whatever. LETS GET STARTED ON THIS SHITSHOW NOW SHALL WE?
Ok I must say, as someone who hasnt rlly seen any of the manga besides some panels here on Tumblr, episode 914 kinda surprised me (which was just the icing on top of the huge cake that is fucking hype and stuff obviously). We some uh, behaviour we don't rlly ever get from Luffy. Not much of it anyways. This episode was kindof a mix of impel down and dressrosa. Exhibit A.
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Ok so we see hes horrified. The castle was fucking obliverated along with possibly his and Law's crew and their allies. And so he gets mad and punches the tree (which BTW that was rlly cool, he just hit it without any haki and it fucking split in half. Laws just watching him throw a tantrum like holy fuck how strong is this kid honestly)
Also! Note that I said horrified. That's not anger at first. Gee I wonder what else it could be.
Exhibit B. A few times luffy used conquorers haki, and
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Whoa. Holy shit like this was so fucking cool. Hes so mad, and the art and the colors and I cant even show how fucking great this was in these few screenshots. So, so fucking cool.
Anyways! He's using conquorers haki WAY MORE than he ever has before in a fight. Like, dude he just mindlessly used it to shit up those guys standing by Horselina (speed) without caring. He's never, ever done that before, he always thinks of who is surrounding him first like 'oh i shouldnt knock out the innocent bystanders'. He did that like one time ever, in fishman island, and apologized while doing so. And entering the city, AFTER learning that the guys surrounding them were all bad guys, he used haki on them. Im not sure why he cares so much (maybe ill write abt that later) but he does. ANYWAYS...
Exhibit C. *sobs*
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He (tries to) convince himself that his crew is okay. Hes really not sure tho; he NEVER QUESTIONS STUFF LIKE THIS, EVER. HES ALWAYS SURE. THIS IS COMPLETELY NEW. MORE FEUL TO WHAT ILL SAY LATER, BUT...FINALLY.
Exhibit D. Finale. More crying.
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He's mad at himself. He blames himself. Has he ever done this before? Maybe. He never rlly said it out loud but I high key believe he does blame himself for stuff like this, with bon kurei and ace n etc.
Which means a lot of whats happening and how he reacts is at least mildly influenced by the war. Now.... I can finally say what I've been building up to. If its not obvious enough.....
Hes scared. Okay? Hes terrified. And hes so good at hiding it behind anger (and it USED TO BE CONFIDENCE BUT THAT WAS KINDA RUINED POST-WAR). He doesnt know if his crew is alive, his friend(s) might be dead, hes supposedly all alone (law isnt rlly on his side rn, he just wants to run away which is perfectly logical and good lord Luffy needs to calm down but he fUCKING CANT-), everything is out of his control. And he doesn't know how to beat kaido.
Which currently doesnt matter to him because all luffy can feel is rage (fear that oh my god everyones dead i couldnt protect them its happening again).
I cant add any more pictures sadly, but theres the thing where luffys like 'he got our friends. They might be dead. If I beat kaido right now, it'll be over, right?' To which law doesnt actually answer, he just gets this look like 'fucking dont oh my god we're so fucked stop it u rubber ball of anger issue's and then Luffy gets this whole cool scene of announcing his presence, jumping across the rooftops, gear third as he leaps like 200 feet into the air (could he do that before? I think he did it on accident in the fight against karakuri. Strong thighs.) and falls back down, screaming and anger as he costs his arm which is 10 times his entire body's size in haki. And he punches as hard as he fucking can. And it seems to work. God that scene was SO fucking COOL. Also throught this I think he's got conquorers haki coursing through him cuz it seems to have just been, constant. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mindless self defense mechanism. Again, He's scared, and mad, and going all fucking out. Of course he would.
Ok im done rambling. I rlly need to sleep. Think I'll just wake up and cry til im at school and then I'll just feel nothing for the rest of the week. Ah, finals.
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poppunkdee · 5 years
3-5, 28-30, 35-40
whoa okay everyone sorry for the long post someone decided to give me a million in one ask. 
3. okay so this person idk what to even say about them anymore I hardly know who or what they are like now but I guess ill talk about them when I was irrationally in love with them. They had a way to make me feel at home no matter how far from home I was. That person was super smart (to me) they had a charisma that allowed them to creep into your life and later your heart, and had you liking them even if at first you thought they were just another fake person trying super hard to be “cool” they had a way to get under your skin, to make you laugh until you’re crying and hold your attention in a way that you never really thought they might be able to. Honestly this person made me feel so many things and not all of them were good, in fact looking back now I realized that I excused so much shitty behavior towards me because of a fancy dinner, or a cute poem, or a dozen roses. God i was so in love with them and its sad really how now its just a faded memory of a person who never apologized for the hell they put me through. 
4. the thing I regret most so far is not going to the ivy league school I was accepted into bc it meant I would be far from the person mentioned above. 
5. Oh fuck. Honestly I have not had any like “amazing” birthdays. My most memorable birthdays are seared into my memory bc I was either in a funeral home, in a hospital watching my cousin fight cancer, or I myself was in the hospital bc a car almost killed me(yay 24th birthday!) really I have most fun when I celebrate my birthday alone at disneyland, which I do every year although not on my actual birthday bc it seems that on my actual birthday I’m always caught up in some kind of hospital, or receiving bad news. 
28. honestly idk if i have any like crazy out there fetishes, like dirty talk and rough sex is cool but like idk if i really have like one odd thing. I mean one of my exes and I got hella drunk one night and decided to do all the shit we had wanted to do and lemmi tell you that was a full weekend of endless orgasms and take out food. It was amazing. I had rope burn on my thighs and was sore for a week after and he had like a million hickies from his neck to his dick. 
29. okay turn ons so like these depend on the person im seeing, like for one person their voice as they whisper in my ear might end me while for another the way they bite their lip and run their fingers through their hair might have me thinking of how those fingers might feel on me. so really I don’t have like one singular set of turn ons they just vary depending on the person. 
30.OHHH TURN OFFS THO. so these will literally dry me up like the Sahara desert and make me grab my shit and leave kyle’s house. If I say "men are trash” and the guy replies with “well not all men.... “ yeah ya cancelled. okay this one is shallow I know but its there and i really cant get past it, bad dental hygiene. the white ppl who try to have dreadlocks but really they haven’t washed their hair. ANY NON BLACK PERSON SAYING THE N WORD. I can go on really bc I’m super picky with the people I sleep with and i have actually mid thrust have told a guy to stop, got dressed, left and blocked him. 
35. Things i wish I could stop doing, okay so like as yall know my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes and I wish I could stop the nail biting. Also I need to stop expecting my body to go back to how it was before my car accident, like my spine is forever hurt and i really have to learn to accept that there are somethings i just cant do anymore and its not my fault there are limitations on my body so i should stop expecting to be able to go back to the gym like i used to, or do all the adventurous activities i used to do, also I wish I could go back to driving like i used to without the PTSD fear running through me every time a big rig is next to me on the freeway. 
36, okay so as of rn my guilty pleasure is that I read the twilight books bc my roommates got me into it and like holy shit i went through the whole saga in less than a weekend and I now need to rewatch the movies. honestly thank god for this gay twilight renaissance I’m living. But really tumblr is full of my guilty pleasures so like just scroll through my blog bc its all there, half of this shit is not on any of my public social media,.... or wait actually i think it is, i don’t really hide who i am so like it definitely has affected the way people judge me before they really know me but i know the people that are my friends after seeing the shit i post kinda really like me.  
37. Damn okay so this is kinda, ugh, okay so im sure my best friend is tired of me running back to this person but like i like ppl who ruin me i guess. So this person and I started dating after i had gone through like a horrible breakup, AND I got the news that my uterus is like a war zone for new cells(make of that what you will). Anyways here I am five months into a depressive episode i cut off all the people that i had thought were friends but who turned out to abandon me when i needed them the most. so here enters this person with their puppy dog love and gives me wonderful dirty kinky sex along with the hugs, cuddles, after care and takes me to these cool experiences in the city I thought I knew. They support my dreams and help me work towards them, honestly it was a great three months, but this person told me they loved me one night while at a night club and i thought hey youre drunk pls don’t do this and honestly it was mostly cowardliness that drove me to end it bc i didn’t feel the same way and i felt like i didnt deserve this new pure love i was receiving.  Anyways we hooked up a bit after we broke up and then they started dating someone else and we just kinda saw other people but would come back to each other after our different flings ended, until they got into like a real relationship with some one else and like I was cool like they deserve it, could have used a heads up but like i keep my space like the respectful person that i am, although lately this person has told me they are not into the person they are with and has been hitting me up and like the part of me that thinks im in love with them is really pushing for me to go for it but also they ARE STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP AND ITS NOT OKAY THAT THEY ARE SENDING ME MESSAGES LIKE THIS!! so anyways i think im more in love with the feeling they brought me those few months we were together bc i was just so fucking depressed and they helped pull me out of the hole i was in. So not really in love with the person but with the feeling i guess. 
38. songs that remind me of people. oh god, yall can i just make a spotify playlist and link it later bc theres so many. I have a few songs for like everyone that I know that i can make playlists for individual people so like i’ll just link a playlist when get around to it pls remind me later. 
39. OHHHH BOYYY. things i wish i had known earlier. i wish i had known men are trash earlier in life so that i would have been somewhat prepared for the men that caused trauma in my life. I also wish i had known how little time i had with certain people. (people i regret not making more time with) Also wish I had known about the accident that had me in a hospital on my birthday bc a year later im still plagued by nightmares, PTSD, and anxiety on the road. I also wish I had known about my cousin’s accident. GOd if there’s one thing i’ve had to learn the hard way this past year is that we never know when it will be the last time we see our loved ones and that we have GOT to tell them we love them bc we NEVER know when it will be the last time.  
40.okay last one, the end of something in my life. I wanna talk about a good ending bc i feel like yall got some insight on bad shit so like good endings i’d say is when i left socal for norcal. I come back literally anytime im homesick but like it was a huge step for me to take to leave, I was given a full scholarship to the wilderness and an apartment thats a ten min walk to the beach. It was definitely hard leaving all my friends and family behind but it was also kind of refreshing to be able to go out on my own to make my own path and do something i love. im back in socal for the summer and although im so happy to be back in the warmth of LA im definitely looking forward to my small apartment that constantly smells like a mix of sea breeze and damp forest. 
0 notes
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Happy Sunday! We experienced Over Easy Kitchen in Marlboro, New Jersey. Man oh man, theres your everyday greasy breakfast stop, and then there is your that homey yet, special sit down style where either your casual Sunday loungewear or Sunday best is encouraged. You just gotta come hungry, and come with the bubbly if you want to mimosa it up with your brunch.
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Walking in, the decor is elegant, and so inviting. The menu is divided into Egg Shop, Griddle, Sandwiches, Side Kicks, Paninis, Cafe, and salads. We took advantage of their Specials, since a kind gentleman serving as the host mentioned that specials are not offered daily. Thats what makes them special. “You gotta get ‘em while their hot.” Most popular being served table to table was the Lemon Ricotta Pancakes. Whoa. What a site. This beautiful plate is finished off with a fresh wild berry compote, and whipped Marscarpone cream. Cheeseburgers looked incredible making an appearance on many tables, as well as the Avocado Benedict.
On every table sits a carafe of organic squeezed orange juice. Not freshly made, but certainly a refreshing leg up from the usual. You are welcome to bring your own bubbly to make your own mimosas! The luxury of the “Bring Your Own” that New Jersey has! The special that you gotta keep on your radar is The Last Ribeye…This is an 8 oz Ribeye steak, cooked to your liking, then topped with a potato croquet, filled, with crab meat and crunched to perfection. On top of the croquet is 2 poached eggs, ready for “yokes-plosion” and a chipotle cream. Well I must say, if that is the last brunch I ever had before death, I will die a happy woman. This takes care of all of your brunch desires in one dish, and is just a party for your palette.
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You can also never go wrong with the classic game O.E Eggs, three eggs any style, with choice of meat, toast and home fries, crisped to perfection. Go for the bacon, and multigrain toast for you health nuts! This is a classic done to perfection! We couldn’t skip “dessert,” We had to try what really brought us to wanting to step foot through their doors…house made pancakes. The Lemon Ricotta Pancakes are to die for. You can skip christmas cookies, or even birthday cake for that matter and just savor these. They are fluffy, and perfect as they are. The fresh berry compote, and whipped Mascarpone are a symphony of bliss when that and this sweet hot cake hits your tongue. Another interesting hot cake, that Overeasy is the master of creating is the Star Cakes, in honor of the new Star Wars movie. Quinoa, orange, berries infused in the famous, top secret OE batter, topped with ginger poached orange slices & whipped cream! Wow, just wow. What an incredible ride of flavor and texture in one. bite. The ginger really makes it!
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Next opportunity you get, take a break from stressing about breakfast, catch up with an old friend and treat yourselves to a life changing brunch that you will nap happily after experiencing.
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WHERE: Overeasy Kitchen
460 County Road 520 
Marlboro, NJ
WHATS THE WAIT LIKE: Long on Weekends
WHAT TO ORDER: Any of the Specials, *The Last Ribeye, Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, *Starcakes, O.E Eggs, Avocado Benedict, Fresh OJ
0 notes
fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #147
"Brothers, Azrael and Slender, Mission of Mercy, Drunken Dragon”
[Jeff] - Let go!
[liu] NO!
[Jeff] - YES!
[liu] NO!
[Doc] Looks over at the two. - Hey Jeff? How's Jane doing?
[Jeff] - Snobby but beautiful... FUCK!
[Doc] Aww. I know she's still mad at you for burning her, please let her know she can come back anytime she wants and I'll work on her skin some more.
[gem] -lets go of jeff since liu has him-
[Jeff] - Shut up!
[Doc] But you will tell her? Won't you?
[Jeff] - Oh fuck no!
[Doc] Even if it would give you a better chance with her?
[Jeff] - No!
[Doc] shrugs- Okay. It's up to you. She'll probably get curious and come back on her own anyway. She seemed rather intent on having it healed, I think she just has trust issues with me.
[KB] No. It's just me who can turn into a cat. My Steve isn't the brightest person I know, that's all I can say.
[Doc] What's the situation on your home seed KB?
[Jeff] Growls and struggles against Liu-
[liu] -is doing is best to not let go-
[Jeff] Struggles out of Liu's grip-
[liu] nooo brother!
[Jeff] Bolts a distance away with Smile running after him-
[KB] Hm? How my world is in general? Or?
[Doc] Well you're here, so I wondered if it was something specific that made you leave and go wandering. Some brines flee because of war, others just because they feel unwanted.
[KB] I come and go wherever I feel like most of the time. I guess I just needed a break from my own universe.
[Doc] Ah, okay. Well you're always welcome here.
[Notch] Can I ask... what your NOTCH is to you? Apart from someone you don't like.
[KB] My Notch? I used to rule my universe with him, before he exiled me. So I see him as greedy and careless.
[Notch] What happened between you to change your alliance?
[Doc] We did have a case where one NOTCH AI injured and impersonated a more peaceful one in order to destroy his brine.
[KB] He said I was getting too violent with the power. And he found out something else. Which I don't want to share. And huh. What happened with that?
[Notch] I understand.
[Doc] Maybe if you feel more comfortable in the coming days or months we can speak of it again, if you wish.
[Notch] It was very sad... It was Cp's father. The NOTCH that raised him and Stevie. Another NOTCH invaded their seed and impersonated him. It nearly destroyed CP and drove him straight into the arms of Slender and his ilk. I was there when we found his father, so glitched he was dying slowly in a bed tended by the other refugees he'd gathered. I.... watched him go, and Cp just... crumbled. Stevie doesn't know. He thinks I'm his real father. Please don't tell him.
[KB] Maybe. We'll see. And yikes. Guess not all Notch's are good then.
[Notch] Their temperments vary as much as Herobrine's do. Cp's father was kind-hearted. And the ones we took in as refugees are peaceful. Most of them have some kind of PTSD and just want to be left in peace.
[Doc] They're not on this seed exactly. It's a sub seed I've loaded on a console. It's in a locked room underground and they can't get out from there without one of us. But they have plenty of space to live and build where they are. They're sharing the seed with several Enderdragons, mostly babies.
[KB] Oh. I see. My Notch is all about "peace" and wanting what's best for his world. -He cringed a bit, baring his fangs.- Guess I was ruining that "peace."
[Doc] A control freak and a griefer are never a good combination. But then I guess banishment is mild compared to some of the horror stories I've heard.
[gem] like mine he was very much a horror story he ripped off my wings
[Doc] See?
[Jeff] - Who fucking cares!
[gem] you should about you brother
[Doc] I don't expect you to give a shit Jeff. As far as I can tell you only care about yourself.
[liu] -is on the ground crying-
[Jeff] - Hey, I care about my dog too asshole!
[Doc] Rolls hir eyes.
[Notch] Goes to Liu - Hey... It's gonna be okay, don't cry.
[liu] I just want me and jeff to be close again
[Notch] Sits down beside him, - I know. It's hard. But creepypastas teach eachother that showing emotion is weakness, it's hard to get around that mental block.
[liu] he can't even forgive him self when I forgive him.
[Notch] I know... It's like Cp and Stevie. I want to see them close again as well, but Cp never stops fighting it.
[liu] -is calming down and wiping away his tears but he is still sniffling-
[Notch] Rustles around in his inventory and offers Liu a cookie.
[liu] -takes the cookie- thank you -noms on the cookie-
[Notch] You're welcome - pats him on the shoulder. - And if you need someone to talk too, I'm usually around. I've got a new house right in front of Lies - Points
[liu] thank you notch
[Notch] Anytime. Are you still knocking around Doc's house? Or have you made yourself a place yet?
[Stevie] Opening a side door- Father!  I'm hungry!
[liu] I've been staying at doc's in jeff's old room but I think I am going to make a place around here soon
[Notch] Perks up a little - Rude, but acceptable. [At Stevie]
[Stevie] - What's rude?
[Notch] Don't be a stranger, okay?
[Notch] Turns to Stevie- It's not nice to demand that people do things for you. It's much better to ask politely.
[Stevie] - Oh...  Sorry...  But brother does that all the time with Lie!
[liu] I wont be.
[Doc] Yeh and it's not okay for him to do it either, but he's a bit big for the frequent spankings it would take to correct his behavior. You, however, are not.
[Stevie] - No!- He runs back inside
[Doc] Looks over at Notch. - You or me?
[Notch] Gets up with a sigh - I'll do it. - Goes after Stevie. His voice can be heard as the door shuts. - If that's the way you want to be; bad little boys don't get any dessert.
[Stevie] - I'm not bad!
[Doc] Grumbles- you will be if you model your behavior after your brothers....
[Jeff] - ...  Who the fuck was that!?
[Doc] Hmm? That's Cp's little brother, Stevie.
[Jeff] - He has a brother?
[Doc] Yes. They were estranged for a long time. But he got a bad potion and turned back into a child so Cp and Notch and Lie are taking care of him.
[Jeff] Starts laughing- Stupid fucking asshole fucking deserves it!
[Doc] What? Taking care of his brother? Cp loves Stevie or he wouldn't be doing it.
[Jeff] - Yeah right, just like he "loves" that whore?
[Doc] You know every time you call her that I have to resist the urge to smack that look off your face. Lie is not a whore and Cp does love her and his brother. You're just jelous that he can show some affection without having a panic attack and running away like you.
[Jeff] - I do not have a problem and the bitch is a whore!
[Doc] Do I have to dump more honesty flowers on you? Get over yourself Jeff. You're likely also mad that he actually managed to secure a relationship when you fucked up so badly.
[Jeff] - Hey, I'm perfect and beautiful
[Doc] There's good self-esteem and then theres being a narsisstic ass bag. Guess which one you're doing?
[Jeff] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] No thank you. I also have a mate already. Because I know how to properly treat someone I love.
[Jeff] - Shut the fuck up asshole
[Doc] Is flapping hir fingers in the form of a mouth in time with Jeffs words.
[Stevie] Comes running back outside-
[Doc] Gives him a suspicious look -
[Notch] Comes out running after him. - You get back here!
[Stevie] Whines-
[Notch] And stop whining. I thought you wanted to eat?
[Stevie] - But I'm not a bad boy!
[Notch] At the moment yes you are. You're running around all crazy instead of eating your lunch, that you demanded no less.
[Stevie] Shifts nervously before approaching Notch-
[Notch] Holds the door open for him- That's better
[Stevie] Walks through-
[Notch] Fading as the door shuts- I made chicken and potatoes, just be good and eat.
[Jeff] - You know what, fuck this place, I need to get back to Slender, who the fuck can open a portal for me?
[Doc] Cp can do it. Also Silver and Splender.
[Jeff] - Endrea said CP was resting
[Doc] You asked who could, not who would. I think Glitchy and Strangled can make portals too. But I'm not sure where Glitchy is or if Strangled will even talk to you.
[Jeff] - Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
[Mew] Mew.  -Just plops onto Doc's head-
[Doc] Hey I'd let you out but I can't make portals into the real world, only into other games. -is bonked- Oh! Oh, hey Mew.
[Mew] Mew.
[Jeff] Grumbles angrily-
[Mew] Owner would take you back. But good luck finding him. I think he was at that place with all those horses last? - sways tail back and forth-
[Jeff] - What fucking place with all the horses!?
[Mew] Well If you were to ask nicely...... I might show you....
[Jeff] - Fuck that
[Mew] Well! Then you're stuck here!
[Jeff] - Screw this! I don't care is he's "resting", like that Bayard sleeps anyways, in gonna go tell at him-Starts tromping up the stairs to Lie's house
[Doc] Shrugs and follows, Xe makes a gesture to Kittybrine and Liu to do the same if they want. -
[Jeff] Kicks the door in, breaking it- Hey fucke- Whoa!
[Honedge] Is now on the defensive-
[Doc] Yeah it's not hard to break wooden doors, but breaking into a brines house is a super quick way to get your ass kicked.
[Jeff] - Fuck off you stupid sword!
[Honedge] Prepares for an attack-
[Mew] Get rekt, prick. -making a nest out of doc's hair-
[Doc] Hey Mew? Fair warning, you may get Pikachu-style shocked if you rub my hair the wrong way, Why don't you sit on my shoulder instead?
[Mew] ...Nah, its comfy here.
[Doc] Okay, just don't want you to get pissed off because of something that comes to me naturally. - a little bit of a crackle spikes along the edges of hir hair.
[Doc] Decides to walk over a bit under the bridge and call out - Hey Lie? Are you up? You might be needed to stop cp murdering Jeff in a few minutes.
[liu] -is looking though the door watching jeff-
[Lie] Grumbles as she pulls the blankets on the bed closer- Oh come on, it's ben a relatively quiet morning!
[Doc] I'm sorry Lie, but i think it's nessesary
[Lie] Groans-
[Jeff] Is busy dodging the angry Honedge- FUCK OFF YOU STUPID FUCKING SWORD!
[Doc] I have something to show you if that makes it any better
[Lie] - But the bed is warm!
[liu] jeff be careful.
[Doc] but your entryway is about to be soiled with bloodstains
[Lie] - ...  CP, there's somebody at the door
[CP] Growls a little and shifting can be heard as he gets out from under the blankets and starts making his way towards the front door-
[Doc] He might not be there for long....
[Honedge] Jabs forwards as it spots an opening only to be jerked to a stop as CP grabs it's sash-
[CP] - That's fucking enough
[Doc] waves cheerfully
[Jeff] - There you re you fucker!  Open a fucking way out!
[CP] - Did you seriously disrupt my morning just for that?
[Doc] he just came to pick up Smile
[Jeff] - What?  It's not like you and that whore were doing anything!
[CP] Immediately punches Jeff in the face which sends him tumbling down the stairs-
[Doc] Glutton for punishment
[liu] jeff are you ok?
[Doc] I told you he loves her, you're so stubborn
[CP] - Go ask BEN to let you out
[Doc] See this is why you need to teach me Cp
[liu] ben is busy with hyrule.
[CP] Grumbles and glares at Doc, he's not happy about his morning being interrupted-
[Lie] Comes out of their bedroom, heading for the workroom- I'm going to get some breakfast
[Jeff] His nose is now bleeding- YOU FUCKER!
[CP] - I don't care what BEN is doing, this fucker is his partner, he can deal with him
[liu] I think aven is too tired to watch hyrule because of the giant flood she accidently made
[Hope] Peeks around CP's leg and mews a little-
[Mew] Mew.
[Hope] Mews at Mew-
[Mew] Meww.
[Doc] is standing in the doorway, and falls into step behind Lie
[Lie] Yawns a bit as the Vulpix runs ahead of her- So what brings you out here Doc?
[Doc] I was just keeping an eye on Jeff, but he seems determined to get slapped around by everyone on the server
[Lie] - I wonder if it's like that in the real manor as well?
[Doc] maybe less then you'd think since the Slenderbeings seem to smack them when they get out of hand
[Lie] - Perhaps that's a good thing in his case?
[Doc] He's a narcissist and emotionally constipated, I'm not sure corporal punishment as done much for his temperament so far.
[Lie] - Well what can we do then?
[Mew] Owner punched Jeff once. -Just leaning down a bit and resting paws on Doc's face- Once. It was oddly satisfying to see though!
[Doc] pushes up Mews paws-
[Mew]-Slides them back down very slowly- Mew.
[Hope] Is following them-
[Doc] Lifts Mew off and sets them down in front of Hope. - I think that's enough of that
[Hope] Sniffs at Mew-
[Mew] You're no fun. Normal cats are so boring...
[Hope] Pounces Mew-
[Lie] Yawns again as they enter the work room, spotting Notch and Stevie eating- Morning
[Stevie] - Morning miss Lie!
[Doc] So anyway I have something to show you, TLOT did a little floral project and I put some enhancements on it, but I think you could make it grow normally and maybe get some seeds from it rather then just me copying the same plant over and over.
[Lie] - Oh?  What is it?
[Doc] Xe takes out what looks like a potted bird of paradise bloom, the petals ladder up from purple to red in a rainbow pattern.
[Lie] - Okay...  Was he bored or inspired?
[Stevie] - Pretty!
[Doc] Actually it's a defensive plant, it makes interference when you shake it. If you're vigorous enough it makes such a riot of colors and lights you can make someone faint with it.
[Lie] - Okaaaaaaaaaay...  What brought this about exactly?
[Doc] We were thinking of calling it a Color Plume unless you've got a better suggestion. Oh? I think the thing with the peacock was irritating him and he thought flowers would be more relaxing. The usage was my idea.
[Lie] - I see, and I don't mind the name at all
[Luna] Is carrying a bundle of laundry down to the laundry room of the manor, she's still nervous about being in the manor-
[Solace] -Folding laundry to have something to do, he can't exactly leave yet, after all.-
[Luna] Trips as she goes through the doorway with a small yelp-
[Solace] -A tendril flicks up to stop Luna from falling to the ground-
[Luna] - Ah, thank you Solace...
[Anne] Scoffs as she walks past Luna with a stack of bloody bandages which need washing.  She see's Luna as pathetically weak-
-There's a tiny gust of wind that blows under the front door of the manor, it wends it's ways down the halls with ease since two of the more powerful Slenders are away. It amuses itself with a puff of cold air on Luna's neck. -
[Luna] Yelps a little and tries to turn around in Solace's tendril to see what's there-  What was that!?
[Anne] - Nothing, you stupid little girl, honestly, your too skittish
-The quiet entity chuckles to itself, drawing a feather it was gifted invisibly across Anne's cheek.
[Anne] Lifts her hand and rubs under the straps of her medical mask before dumping the bloody bandages into a bucket of cold water-
[Xophiel] Whispers a few words to Luna. - Slender should know. There are wolves in the woods, but they'll eat the SCP too.
[Luna] - Seriously!  Who's there!?
[Xophiel] A... friend... of the one who saved you.
[Luna] Is still very nervous- Solace?  I'm hearing things...
[Xophiel] Shhhhh, just deliver the message little one.
[Solace] This place tends to do that, don't worry about it.
[Xophiel] Offender especilly will understand.
[Luna] - It's saying there are wolves attacking the SCP?
[Anne] - Wolves?  No animals can be within the woods proper without the Master's knowledge...
[Xophiel] They're not ordinary wolves, and their master is far harsher then your own. But it does allow them so fun occasionally.
[Luna] Is getting more than a little panicked now as she moves closer to Solace- Solace?  I don't like this...
-Solace tucks Luna close with her arm, tendril retreating now that Luna was close enough-
[Solace] It's fine, I promise Luna. This sort of thing is normal here, odd things happen all the time.
[Luna] - If...  If you're sure...
[Luna] - Wha...  What do you want me to do?
[Anne] - How about you shut your mouth
[Solace] Anne, if you're smart, you'll stop.
[Anne] - You are not my Master
[Solace] Maybe not, but I will not tolerate that attitude.
[Anne] - And why should you care?
[Luna] - Solace, it's okay...  I'm not as strong as them, it's...  Understandable, that they be irritated with me...
[Solace] Even so, that gives them no reason to be rude.
[Anne] - Well you'd better get used to it
[Anne] Begins working on washing the bandages-
[Xophiel] Has added ink to the washing machine so the bandages come out nearly black and smelling faintly of cassia.
-Levels a mildly annoyed look on Anne, not that you can tell.-
[Solace] - begins to lead Luna out of the room-'
[Anne] - What the fuck?- She pulls out one of the bandages and scowls behind her mask- What the hell? We need these for the others!
[Luna] - What's wrong Anne?
[Anne] - The bandages are somehow even more soiled! I swear, if this is someone's idea of a joke...
[Azrael] Has manifested near Slender and is catching souls as he kills the SCP
[Slender] Can sense Azriel, having run into him a few times before- It has been some time, old companion
[Slender] - True, although mine of late keeps being taken from me and...  Changed- He sends a tendril straight through a humans torso raising them up to impale them on the branches above
[Slender] - Yes I know that!  I was hoping they'd have gained more control by now
[Slender] - She is what she is, even she is finding it harder to find victims
[Slender] - I see...  Still, as knowledge of our existence becomes more well known, the more difficult it becomes to hunt, they avoid the woods, they avoid Offender's roses, they avoid the sights which the digital pasta's sometimes use to hunt as well
[Azrael] THEN I wOulD sAy... let them heal. - he's seems to be struggling to keep his funeral intonation at a more normal tone and it's a sound Slender has never heard from the lipless mouth of Death.
[Slender] Tilts his head in interest at the sound- I have tried, I have watched them, to see if it were capable of it, even with Insanity removed I'm having to stop Jeff from cutting open his face, Jane still has her night terrors about the night Jeff tried to change her.  Even though she is gone, her effects seem to be too far ingrained into them
[Slender] - I will admit they are interesting, they did prevent me from losing Sally...  But what are these others you mention?
[Slender] - Herobrine had mentioned those before...  And before you ask, no, I will not give the precious child to you
[Slender] Growls a little- The matter of his brother has been driving Jeff into distress
[Slender] - Yes he was, but it is the only kill he has ever regretted, he cannot bring himself to forgive himself
[Slender] Stabs another human, beginning the process of disemboweling the human-
[Azrael] I GUESS IT IS ALL ON HOW DEEPLY HIS BROTHERS LOVE RUNS. HUMANS CAN BE RATHER TENACIOUS- he reaches forward and plucks the soul from the screaming human, holding it like a delicate egg in his skeletal hand.
[Slender] - Oh come now, you could have let that one suffer longer!
[Slender] - You know full well I do not feast upon souls...  And I have met the one who bears your powers...  And since when do you interfere?
[Slender] - You still have not answered my question
[Azrael] SINCE I... - his voice changes again, it seems a little deep but normal and calm-  I... was given free will.
[Slender] - A powerful ability, I remember when I gained it myself, not long after I first entered this dimension
[Slender] - I simply want my family back again to how it was, plus a few new additions I have heard of
[Slender] - I saw the flames of the one, and I've been informed of BEN's touch.  I must say it will be interesting to see how things turn out with Herobrine's mate
[Azrael] IT'S... not the healthiest relationship, I think. BUT SHE IS PATIENT, AND THE DOCTOR IS RATHER PERSISTANT IN MOLDING HIM.
[Slender] - So long as he is still capable of doing his job then I would not mind a little less violence.  There is a reason I usually refer to him as the Destructive Child
[Slender] - Ah yes, I heard about the feline form- He senses some electrical equipment nearby and blasts it with an EMP
[Azrael] Bigger smile then usual - I'VE SEEN THE PICTURES.
[Slender] Sighs- If the others know I've seen it they will want to as well
[Slender] - Yes, I believe your daughter had a hand in helping my little one
[Azreal] OH YES, and with my blessings, I know how important Sally is to you. SHE WAS qUiTe adaMant iN telling me you were rude to her friends as well.
[Slender] - I was out of my territory around your child!  I had a right to be on edge!
[Azrael] She was upset because you tried to infect someone who was terrifed and only there to meet you. Akhet is very serious about people keeping their promises.
[Slender] - You know that I do not have absolute control over Insanity, it was one of the moments where my control...  Slipped...
[Azrael] She uses you Slender. Someday you'll have to admit it. If only to yourself. - Death gives him a wicked grin- Perhaps it's time you had a few more dealings with this Doctor. They seem quite competent and determined for a being that somehow managed to forget their own name. - chuckles and then speaks more softly- I know you'd be lonely without her voice. But perhaps I could introduce you to Lilith, I think you'd get along quite well.
[Slender] - Insanity has been here as far back as I can remember, even before I entered this dimension
[Azrael] So? She's old, so what? What about Tiamat? Do you have any problems with reptile women?
[Slender] - Why does it seem like you're trying to hook me up with someone?- He grabs a few more humans and snaps their necks
[Azrael] Just making suggestions. I think.... TimE is MOvinG alonG AND yOU NEED tO MOVE WITH IT, OR PERHAPS... BE LEFT BEHIND.
[Slender] - Horrors like myself are more effective when considered something much older.  Besides, from what my brothers say, the more modern times are rather hectic
[Azrael] As if you've never lied about your age... These are interesting times, I agree. SO MANY HUMANS, BUSY BUSY BUSY.
[Slender] - Luckily the youth are still just as idiotic as ever, daring each other to enter my woods
[Azreal] You wouldn't believe some of the ways I've seen them meet their ends... THEY THINK THEY'RE IMMORTAL AT THAT AGE.
[Slender] - Why do you think so many of the pasta's are of youthful age?
[Azrael] You certainly have your hands full Slender, I'd think you'd welcome some of them being absent and someone else's problem for  a while.
[Slender] - Their absence is a chance for them to come to serious harm...  Especially with some of their mentalities...
[Azrael] You... really think they can be hurt in a place where I have little to no authority?
[Slender] - Just because they are near impossible to kill, doesn't mean they have not come home with limbs almost missing, blood greatly missing, or most of their bodies burned
[Slender] - It is pointless for me old companion, Even with the games barricaded to withstand my powers, I will still cause harm to it
[Slender] - I will owe her nothing
[Slender] - And I take care of my own as well
[Azrael] Casts his starry eyes on the carnage around them. He sweeps out a silvery wing and gathers a few more souls close to catch them in his hands. - I KNOW.
[Slender] His head snaps his head around, letting out a staticky hiss- Masky- He begins to quickly move through the trees towards his proxy
[Azrael] Follows curiously -
[Slender] - After several long hurried strides he finds Tici Toby supporting Masky, leading his away from a clearing.  There's blood blossoming on Masky's chest and a bit of it trickles out from under his mask
[Azrael] Hangs back and checks Masky's lifetimer.
[Toby] - M-m-master, he g-g-got-crack- shot
[Slender] - I can see that- He kneels down to check his oldest proxy over
[Slender] Hisses again- Toby, go find Offender, now
[Azrael] Grins to himself, he gives the lifetimer a bit of a shake and puts it away. Melting back into the shadows of the woods.
[Toby] Gently puts Masky down before running off to find the other Slender brother-
[Slender] His tendrils wave menacingly in the air as he waits for his brother, a single SCP agent dared to get close and was immediately destroyed.  There was a soft sound as Offender teleported nearby, no usual sign of his cocky nature as he kneels next to the proxy.
[Offender] Without a word lifts Masky's jacket and begins drooling on the wounds, his saliva a natural healing agent-
[Slender] - How many are left?
[Offender] - Not too many, we should have either chased them out or killed them within the next day or two
[Slender] - Make it a single day
[Offender] - Got it, you know, Rake and some of the others are injured as well?
[Slender] - Which is why I have Anne back at the manor prepping.  Who isn't injured?
[Offender] - Jane isn't, and I don't think Locklear is either...  Jeff still hasn't returned with Smile though
[Slender] - Then get him back here!
[Offender] - Hey now, talk to Splender about that, not me
[Slender] He's about to snap at Offender when there's a whirring sound and a large blade sliced across his back, taking some of his tendrils with it.  Offender quickly reaches out with his own tendrils, grabbing his brother and Masky before teleporting them to the manor-
[Offender] - Hang on brother
[Offender] Reaches out mentally for Splender-
[Splender] Stiffens as he hears Offender's message, quickly teleporting to where Jeff is and grabbing him- We need to go, now!
[CP] - Whats the rush Splendy?
[Splender] - Big brother is hurt!
[liu] whats going on?
[CP] - What, Slender is hurt?
[Splender] - That's what Offender said!  Now where's Smile?
[Smile] Snuck in after Lie and Doc to beg for food-
[Smile] Whines at Doc-
[Doc] Peeks out the back door - Splender?
[Doc] What's going on? You look rather agitated. Wait, where's Ej and Sally?
[liu] -hugs jeff one more time- bye jeff come back and visit.
[Doc] Shit, really?! - wide eyes
[Splender] - YES!- He starts making an opening
[Doc] Is kind of sidling forward, - do you? Need help?
[Splender] - I DON'T KNOW!- The main foyer of the manor can be seen through the opening
[Jeff] Is growling a little-
[Doc] Yells- CP! I need you!
[CP] - I'm right here asshole
[Splender] Is already pulling Jeff through who calls for Smile to follow-
[liu] -is waving good bye to jeff-
[Doc] Is obviously torn between the urge to help someone hurt and not wanting to be somewhere xe can't get out of, the thoughts are loud enough for Cp to hear quite clearly. Xe bites hir lip in a panic and gives him a rather helpless expression.
[CP] Grumbles- Fiiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Grabs his hand gratefully and pulls him through with hir. - Thank you
[Smile] Comes barreling towards them from behind and accidentally bumps Lie through-
[Lie] Yelps as she falls through-
[Doc] Stoops to help Lie up, - ah shit....
[Splender] Isn't paying attention as he shuts the opening-
[Lie] - Thanks Doc- Shudders as the atmosphere of the manor falls over her
[CP] Is on high alert, knowing that Lie is there-
[Doc] Spawn one of the flowers you made for Sweet Alex, it should cut the smell.
[Anne] Goes past carrying many bandages and towards the living room-
[Lie] - Good idea- She spawns a mild one, not wanting the smell to be overwhelming
[Splender] Races after Anne to the living room-
[Doc] Follows at a quick pace.
[Slender] Is on the ground, his black blood spilling from the large gash on his back, there are visible stumps where his tendril were.  Offender is next to him gathering his saliva-
[Doc] Holy.... Sorry in advance Slender! - Runs right for him.
[Slender] Gives off an aggressive static hiss-
[Splender] - Careful it's not often that brother is in this sort of pain, it makes him aggressive
[CP] Keeps Lie close to him, debating if he should have her wait in his room or not-
[Doc] Xe spawns a bucket of lava and takes a handful before putting it away, Xe grips it like a ball and cauterizes the stumps of tendrils with it.
[Slender] His remaining tendrils whip out at Doc as fast as a bull whip-
[Offender] Reaches out with his own tendrils to try and contain Slender's-
[Doc] Gets smacked in the face and hard enough on the arm to send the ball of lava flying into the fireplace where it eats a small hole in the brickwork.
[CP] - And something else for me to fix...  Great
[Lie] Spawns a few of her healing flowers around the room-
[Anne] Is laying out bandages-
[Doc] Hits the floor with a muscular crack. - Fuuuuck! - Hir leg is twisted at an unnatural angle.
[Lie] - Doc!
[Doc] Xe lets out a growl of hir own and turns to sit flat before snapping the limb back into place with a burst of static.  - Want to play rough eh? - Xe pulls out a needle and thread.
[Splender] - Be careful Doc!
[Slender] His static is growing to near painful levels-
[CP] Checks on Lie to make sure she isn't effected by the static-
[Doc] Bolts forward and wraps an arm around Slenders neck from the back, Xe sticks the needle into the cloth of his suit and struggles to hang on as xe's bucked around.
[Slender] His mouth opens wide, sharp teeth bared as he tries to get his tendrils free from Offender, Lie's healing flowers aren't as strong here as usual-
[Doc] Gets a good grip on his neck and is actually stitching his back wound as the Slender being tries to bite at hir arm under his chin.
[CP] Pushes Lie back and away from the danger-
[Doc] Bites off the thread and spawns a healing potion before splashing it over the wound and a large area of the carpet.
[Offender] Grins- Well that seems a tad more efficient than my saliva
[Doc] Nearly bites off hir own tongue from the bouncing - Slender! Please calm down!
[Slender] Angry noises-
[Doc] Suddenly stops - OH! DUH! Offender! Let go of him!
[Offender] - Nope, he will impale you faster than you can imagine
[Doc] No, I've got this! Trust me! I'm faster!
[Offender] After an affirmation from Splender he let's go of his brother's tendrils-
[Doc] Is already transforming, faster then lighting xe's wrapped around Slender like a python, with all his remaining tendrils pinned against his body -
[Slender] Releases an EMP blast-
[Doc] Swears very loudly-
[Lie] Yells a little and grips herself in pain-
[CP] - SHIT!-  He's quickly going over Lie's code, trying to correct it
[Doc] Jerks reflextively, going rigid like someone electrocuted. Hir jaw accidently smacks Slender on the top of his head.
[Slender] Hisses-
[Splender] - We could always lock him in his room...
[Doc] Is still holding Slender securely - I think I'm gonna throw up - xe wheezes.
[CP] - Hang on Doc, let me take care of Lie first
[Doc] I'm not errored. I just need a drink.... oh gods anything.... please
[Splender] Darts to the kitchen-
[Doc] Is obviously dizzy. - That may be the rudest thing a patient has ever done to me....
[Offender] Pulls a bottle of whiskey out of his coat and offers it-
[Doc] Just opens hir jaws for it. Xe's holding Slender with hir paws anyway-
[Offender] Dumps the bottle in- I have more if you want any
[Doc] Swallows the burning mouthful and hir head sways for a moment. - Please.... little more....
[Offender] Pulls out another bottle and pours more-
[Doc] Gives a little hiccup and hir expression softens as hir head goes fuzzy. - Thanks for that.
[Offender] - No problem
[Splender] Returns with water- HERE YOU GO!
[Doc] Focuses on Slender again - And you... you are rude. Rude rude rude!
[Offender] - Yeah...  He's out of it, this always happens when he gets this injured
[Doc] Rolls a bit to free one paw, xe pats Slender on the head- Reminds me - hic- of somebody elshe I know.
[CP] - Shut it Doc- He's got Lie's code almost completely corrected now
[Doc] Nope! Not gonna. because, Because I did gooood. I get to gloat a liiitle bit.
[Lie] - Is...  Is Doc drunk?  Here?
[CP] - Yup
[Doc] Immm not. That's a dirrty lie. Hahah, Lie isn't dirty though. She's lovely and mostly white.
[Lie] - What do we do with Doc now?
[Doc] Do? You don't haf to do nuffin Lie. Me and mah buddy Slendie here- xe flips hir tail fluff towards him - we're just gonna... gonna chill on the carpet for a leetle bit. -hic-
[Doc] Oh an shanks for the drink Offie, fucking interference dosen't hurt so bad when my heads fulla wool blocks and alkiehol.
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The Most Life Changing Brunch is Over Easy Kitchen
p>Happy Sunday! We experienced Overeasy Kitchen in Marlboro, New Jersey. Man oh man, theres your everyday greasy breakfast stop, and then there is your that homey yet, special sit down style where either your casual Sunday loungewear or Sunday best is encouraged. You just gotta come hungry, and come with the bubbly if you want to mimosa it up with your brunch. 
Walking in, the decor is elegant, and so inviting. The menu is divided into Egg Shop, Griddle, Sandwiches, Side Kicks, Paninis, Cafe, and salads. We took advantage of their Specials, since a kind gentleman serving as the host mentioned that specials are not offered daily. Thats what makes them special. “You gotta get ‘em while their hot.” Most popular being served table to table was the Lemon Ricotta Pancakes. Whoa. What a site. This beautiful plate is finished off with a fresh wild berry compote, and whipped Marscarpone cream. Cheeseburgers looked incredible making an appearance on many tables, as well as the Avocado Benedict. 
On every table sits a carafe of organic squeezed orange juice. Not freshly made, but certainly a refreshing leg up from the usual. You are welcome to bring your own bubbly to make your own mimosas! The luxury of the “Bring Your Own” that New Jersey has! The special that you gotta keep on your radar is The Last Ribeye…This is an 8 oz Ribeye steak, cooked to your liking, then topped with a potato croquet, filled, with crab meat and crunched to perfection. On top of the croquet is 2 poached eggs, ready for “yokes-plosion” and a chipotle cream. Well I must say, if that is the last brunch I ever had before death, I will die a happy woman. This takes care of all of your brunch desires in one dish, and is just a party for your palette. 
You can also never go wrong with the classic O.E Eggs, three eggs any style, with choice of meat, toast and home fries, crisped to perfection. Go for the bacon, and multigrain toast for you health nuts! This is a classic done to perfection! We couldn’t skip “dessert,” We had to try what really brought us to wanting to step foot through their doors…house made pancakes. The Lemon Ricotta Pancakes are to die for. You can skip christmas cookies, or even birthday cake for that matter and just savor these. They are fluffy, and perfect as they are. The fresh berry compote, and whipped Mascarpone are a symphony of bliss when that and this sweet hot cake hits your tongue.  Another interesting hot cake, that Overeasy is the master of creating is the Star Cakes, in honor of the new Star Wars movie. Quinoa, orange, berries infused in the famous, top secret  OE batter, topped with ginger poached orange slices & whipped cream! Wow, just wow. What an incredible ride of flavor and texture in one. bite. The ginger really makes it! 
Next opportunity you get, take a break from stressing about breakfast, catch up with an old friend and treat yourselves to a life changing brunch that you will nap happily after experiencing. 
WHERE:  Overeasy Kitchen  
460 County Road 520 Marlboro, NJ
WHATS THE WAIT LIKE: Long on Weekends 
WHAT TO ORDER: Any of the Specials, *The Last Ribeye, Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, *Starcakes, O.E Eggs, Avocado Benedict, Fresh OJ 
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