#and these games are too fecking huge to have one or it's so far away that it's basically unattainable and might as well not be there at all
Listen, gamers. I'm sorry. But I will never play The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption, Baldur's Gate, Skyrim, No Man's Sky, and a bunch of others I'm not gonna list here
Why? Because, as a notorious "I have to see and do every possible thing or I will explode" kind of person, AND a "I can't start with a new game until I've finished this other one" kind of person, they are my absolute nightmares.
They are no doubt masterpieces worth playing, but they are unfortunately too enormous for my lil brain to handle (= enjoy)
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ihadthisdreamwhere · 6 years
The Psychic Adventure Trilogy
Okay- so I actually had three dreams last night but they were all pseudo connected (except maybe the last one).
The first one started out with me trying to drive home in some heavy rain but the temperature just kept dropping, and dropping, and dropped until it became all snow.
Well it got to the point where I basically couldn't drive- wind pushing the car, the wind howling so loud I couldn't even hear the radio, just covering the road and the car.
I got to my house but I couldn't even leave the car safely so I just stayed there for the night despite ring like, 20 feet tops from the door to my house.
I wake up and everything is quiet but the snow fell HARD. Anyways, I wake up and it's early morning. The snow had fallen for a few feet and everything was completely still- not even the train that runs through here I live was running. Everything was silent.
So I got out of the car and this little girl who's pale with short hair and dresses in rags starts saying this crazy gibberish and trying to give me her toy and instantly I'm like, "That's a spirit." So I start saying a spell or a passage in Latin to ward off evil spirits.
She backs up and I keep doing it as I get inside but she leaves me her doll. I take the doll inside and everything is fine.
The next day I wake up to kids outside playing and it's a whole family but my mom is there with them. This family had like, 10 kinda and all of different ages between 2-20.
I go out there and am talking with them and see my mother holding the little girl in her lap except I've noticed the little girl is the only one not talking. I try counting the kids but theft move around too fast and they see me so I say, "Sorry, I'm just trying to count your kids! You have so many you could have a T.V. Show haha."
And they reply with, "Oh well, thank you haha. But we used to have more."
"More, what happened?"
"Oh never mind that-"
"Did one die?"
As Soon as I asked that everyone got quiet and started listening to us. The woman said, "Well, kinda. In a way. Some people claim to see her."
And I look at my mother and point at the girl in her lap. My mother's like, "What?" The woman says, "Yep, to most people there's nothing but air sitting there."
So I say, "What happened? What's is it?" They look offended. "Not 'It', sorry, what is she?"
Then their tone shifts to laughter and forced smiles and they're like, "Oh she's fine! Just a joke. Haha."
I'm not buying it. So later that night I'm sleeping and hear a little girl laughing and this night some snow has fallen.
I got outside and there are hare footprints in he snow leading down the road from there house to my porch and then off my porch down back that way. I follow them but then they just stop and there a picture of a little girl with her Barbie doll.
I take the doll from my pocket and notice her head is heavy. In the head is an Opal Stone (the one I actually own IRL). Anyways, I basically am like, "I've got to cleanse her."
So it's the next day and I collect a huge mason jar of rainwater and then I get some fairy sugar (???). At night fall I take the jar outside in the cold and mix some fair sugar into the solution. Then I take the rock and attach it to a string and dip it in there (like making rock candy). It sits under the moon light alllll night getting all magical and when I take it out the inside is hyper opal-like. If you've never looked through a clear-ish opal stone, google it because it's like that but time 50.
Anyways, sunrise is almost here and I talk to my mom and she's like, "You can't harness the powers of the moon to cleanse something. It's basic for most but too hard for you."
So this pops into my head as I'm trying to pull some power into this stone and I accidentally grab the power of the sun which is supposed to be dope or something?? Anyways, now the inside is all cracked and fractal-like since the rock shouldn't be able to hold that much power but your boy made it happen.
I place it in the doll's head and give it to the ghost girl and she thaws out and becomes like a normal girl but then walks off into sunlight even though it's night and leaves the rock behind.
Dream 2 is this huuuuge island thing where me and my mother are on a mission for something and basically we got stuck in this part where skeletons would reanimate at a certain part along our path and we'd have to flee back down to the lower shores where this old house was??
Hard to explain geographically but basically pirates have trapped us and it SUCKS. We try multiple, I mean MULTIPLE, ways of escaping and none work. It's mostly blurry but we end up getting chased to some sand dunes and Gavin to lay down and blend in while this skeleton looks directly at us since it can't tell if we're alive or dead.
Meanwhile it's crew mates are in their Fort tossing grenades and tomahawks into the dunes (WHERE WE'RE AT) out of sheer boredom and we have to hope and pray it won't hit us but we can't move either.
Literally I had grenades fly over my head, land next to me and just barely roll far enough away to not affect me- a tomahawk even grazed my face. It was intense but they notice I'm alive when I pull away and get up but I slingshot a rock into the skeleton near us's pelvis knocking the bottom have off and we ran for it.
The third dream involved school and we're all part of this new school program or field trip- it's basically birding school though and far away from home.
So we're all assigned roomate's, classes, and groups to be in for after activities and stuff.
My roomate's are fine, classes are normal, but it's my free time group that sucks. Basically they fecked up my application and made my free time group the volleyball group or something like that?
Anyways, the girls were great and we were all friends, but the guys HATED ME. Basically because I was gay they just tormented me.
They made me mow the school lawn (??), they made me do their laundry, they had this sports game where if I failed they kicked me in the balls, it was actual torture. They also kept sexually harassing the girls.
I finally asked to quit since it was lunch and they just filled my plate with grass shavings and we're going to make me eat it but I came up with a distraction!
Basically I started talking to the girls like, "What the hell? Haven't you told someone? Pressed charges?" And basically the staff doesn't care, they're blocking communications with our family as well as with local authorities. The main boy's dad is also the town sheriff or something.
So I get caught and I start saying we were talking about a new plan for the next game and basically I DEAD UP MAKE A SONG UP IN MY DREAM, ON THE SPOT, WITH VERSES AND A CHORUS AND RHYMES AND ALL.
The lyrics make sense, they also have SECRET MESSAGES FOR THE GIRLS which make sense, it's in a singular key, and when I got done I think I impressed myself because everyone in the dream was looking at me in shock and just let out in huge applause. Also, I felt super embarrassed because I thought it sucked in the dream- accurate to real life.
It was a bop and the dream ended there.
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