#and they will learn to obey all the rules. It is mainly necessary for kids who need more framework. Scheduling a proper bedtime routine ma
lj-todd · 6 years
Challenge: Peter quill/Thanos
(This ended up WAAAAAAY longer than I originally intended and with a touch more angst than I wanted but, ah well, it is what it is. Enjoy, sweetie!)The ship, and the aliens, that had abducted Peter was set uponby a much larger ship only days after said abduction. Yondu had ordered a fullevacuation, not stupid enough to believe his Ravagers could stand against theforces of the Mad Titan, but they hadn’t been quick enough. Yondu had fetchedPeter himself, refusing to leave the boy behind to die, already fond of him,even if he did bite something fierce when angry.The crew had been herded into the cargo bay, held there by Thanos’ forces asthe big purple bastard had prowled forward, looking to Yondu like something outof a nightmare. He kept trying to hide Peter, having heard the stories aboutThanos taking kids and turning them into weapons. He hadn’t risked hisreputation by not taking the boy to his father like he’d been paid to do justto see the boy snatched up by a murdering psychopath like Thanos.It wasn’t enough, hiding Peter between them, trying to shield the littlehalf-Terran from sight. Thanos, big as he was, spotted the boy and, in the blinkof eye, one of his thugs had snatched him away, beating Yondu down in theprocess. Thanos had, to Yondu’s worst fears, seemed to take a liking to Peterand tucked him to his side.“The universe must have balance,” Thanos said, turning Peter away from thecrew, his thugs moving in again. “Or else it dies.” Peter flinched at theword and Thanos crouched down to level himself with the boy. “You know ofdeath, don’t you, little star? You’ve lost someone to it and you know itssting. I seek to balance the universe so that others do not need to feel it aswell.”Thanos took Peter’s hand and walked him away, towards the docking port betweenthe two ships, while his men took care of business.
Peter was terrified as Thanos, whoinsisted he was now Peter’s father, led him aboard a different ship. TheSanctuary II was, Peter would learn, a massive warship, Thanos’ home as he andhis army moved throughout the universe, seeking to, as Thanos called it,restore balance. It was, now, Peter’s home. He wondered, if only briefly, if hewouldn’t have been better off with the Ravagers.Part of his new life included training. Training to be a soldier, awarrior, on behalf of his new father.Peter was not, in those early days, well suited to it. His new sisters, Nebulaand Gamora, were better trained, having been with Thanos for months and years,respectfully, longer than him. He lost. Time and time again. To both of them.And, with each loss, he saw Thanos’ displeasure grow. He saw what his newfather had done to Nebula, pulling her arm from her body to replace it with arobotic one, all in the name of making her better, making her Gamora’s equal, andhe knew that he would share her fate if he didn’t win.Peter tried, every time he tried, but every time he failed. And then, afterbeing pinned, a blade pressed to his throat, by Gamora once again, he heardtheir father’s voice boom.”Enough, daughter,” Thanos said, rising from his chair, his throne, and Gamoraobeyed immediately, rising and stepping away, leaving Peter to cower on thefloor. “It seems your brother must be taught as your sister has been taught.”He glanced towards Maw, who had been watching the match with the others. “Takehis arm.”Peter shook and stared up as Maw approached, that twisted sneer, sadistic andself-satisfied, spread across his face and Peter wanted to run, to flee, but heknew there was no escape. Maw extended a hand and his magic hummed in the air,reaching out, and Peter screamed as he felt it coil around his arm at theshoulder.What happened next, no one would have expected. A light, bright and white andpowerful, curled around Peter’s entire body before shooting out, slamming intoMaw and throwing him across the room. The light drew back, curling tighteraround Peter, a shield protecting him and Thanos blinked in surprise as the boyknelt there, staring wide eyed at the light. When Peter reached out, fingersdancing over the light, it shifted, changing as fluidly as water. He looked upat Thanos, clearly confused, not understanding, and Thanos moved slowlyforward, crouching down, the light burning brighter as though in warning.”It’s alright, little star,” Thanos murmured, slowly reaching out to cup Peter’scheek. “It’s alright.””What…” Peter looked at the light and back to his father as, slowly, the lightfaded away. “What is…””Maw?” Thanos glanced over at his eldest son, who had picked himself up, and wasstaring wide eyed at Peter.”I…I am not certain, father,” Maw replied genuinely. “But I will hunt thearchives until I find it.”It was weeks before Maw found an answer and it was the last one Thanos had everexpected. Celestial. Ancient beings of great and unimaginable power. Peter,however, based on the tests Maw had run, was at least half Terran but that, itseemed, did not stop his Celestial side from being exceedingly powerful. Itgave Thanos an idea of just the sort of son Peter could be and, to fit that, hechanged the boy’s training. Peter still trained with Gamora and Nebula but alsowith Maw, learning, slowly, to harness his Celestial powers.Years passed, his youngest son grew from gangly boy to powerful man, and Thanossaw the soldier, the weapon, he’d dreamt Peter could be. Worlds fell before hisson. People knelt and begged his mercy. Peter was everything Thanos had hopedhe would become and more.Though, and perhaps most surprising, Thanos found he disliked sending Peter toofar from his side for too long. He was, he found, overly fond of his son. Moreso than even his favorite daughter. Peter was unlike his other children. He wasloyal, yes, but he also pushed back when he disagreed with Thanos’ decisions.He dared to question, to challenge, if he thought a reason given was not goodenough. He was also, Thanos had found from the beginning, handsy. It was, Maw hadexplained after reading up on Earth, a Terran trait. They were a tactilespecies, touch and companionship as almost important as breathing, and Peter, abeautiful specimen of his mother’s species, was no exception despite hisCelestial blood and how he had been raised. While Thanos’ other children wouldstand before his throne or fan out around it, Peter would slump against it,letting a hand rest on Thanos’ arm or shoulder, or he would stand or leancloser than others might deem necessary. In the beginning Thanos had ignoredhow it made him feel, especially given that Peter’s affections were, he hadseen, fleeting at best. Lovers came and went, Peter’s interest never lingeringfor long. But, after years of it, he could not deny, to himself, how he feltconcerning his son.Peter had grown to be everything Thanos had ever wanted. Both as a son and as apotential mate. And all the touching, intentional and otherwise, did not help.Nor did the looks Peter would give him during war meetings or simple mealstogether. It was, however, difficult to tell if Peter was seeking somethingmore or simply playing a game, and Thanos did not seek to be just anotherconquest for his son. He wanted more. He saw Peter ruling at his side and, whenhis destiny was fulfilled, when he had balanced the universe, he saw the youngman at his side still. Living and loving and being happy together.So, he kept himself in check, refusing to submit to his desires.But then came the Kree woman. An envoy sent on behalf of the warlord Ronan theAccuser. She was tall, beautiful and cold. A true soldier. A testament to herpeople. And, from the beginning, she made it clear that she was willing to dowhatever it took to secure an alliance on behalf of her master.Thanos was intrigued, mainly because the woman was not, on that part at least,acting on the orders of her master. She was genuinely interested in a moreintimate deal with him.It was obvious from the moment the woman walked into his throne room that Peterhad a dislike for her. Typically with a beautiful woman Peter would turn on thecharm, maybe impress her with a trick or two of his powers, but with the Kreewoman, who clearly only had eyes for Thanos, his little star burned but withsomething other than teasing desire. And when Thanos suggested the woman retireto a prepared room and then meet him, privately, in an hour he pretended not tosee the way Peter’s eyes shimmered white.When he later returned to the throne room, he was surprised to see the Kreewoman there, as well as Peter. He lingered back, watching, listening, to thepair.”You do realize you’re nothing, don’t you,” Peter purred darkly, loungingeasily in Thanos’ throne. “Not to my father, at least. Certainly not in thegrand scheme of all he plans to do.””And you are not but a spoiled child,” the Kree woman responded firmly. “Throwinga tantrum because your father is paying attention to someone other thanyourself.”Peter hummed thoughtfully. “He does that a lot, actually,” he said with a smirk. “Gamora is actually hisfavorite, not me, but I’m okay with that because my sister earned that love.Just as I’ve earned a love from him that not one of my siblings has. A love noother being in the universe can ever lay claim to.” He rose to his feet, thelight of his power dancing between his fingers. “Do you know one of the perksof being even half Celestial?”The Kree woman said nothing and Peter smiled, cold and cruel, a look thatThanos found did not suit his beautiful son.”I don’t need an Infinity Stone to rewrite my reality.”Peter snapped his fingers and the tendrils shot up from the ground, snagginghold of the Kree, who screamed as she was suddenly hauled halfway through thefloor, held there with the threat that, if Peter released his power, she wouldbe ripped in half.”My sister Nebula would have killed you for me had I asked it of her,” he musedas he prowled around her, a predator playing with its prey. “So would my sisterProxima and my brother Corvus. But I find with things like this it requires amore…personal touch.” He twirled in a flashy manner, his vibrant, blood redcoat swirling beautifully. “You’ll likely get the alliance for Ronan, though Isuggest not failing my father, he’s never been kind to those who fail todeliver on their promises. But, you, you little blue slut, you’re not going tobe the one to deliver the terms to him.”Thanos saw one of the tendrils lift, moving towards the Kree’s temple and,knowing Peter meant to pull her mind apart, stepped forward.”Is this jealousy, little star?”Peter jerked, his powers wavering momentarily before the Kree woman was, unceremoniously,thrown across the room, her body landing in a crumple by the door.”Hardly,” Peter sniffed, tilted his chin upwards and Thanos looked at the Kreewoman with a questioningly look.”I would disagree,” Thanos replied, looking back at Peter. “Do you wish to bein her place? To have my affection and desire focused solely on you? You, whohave whored yourself to every being you have met?”Peter visibly flinched and suddenly it was as though a wall had snapped downaround him. Gone was the teasing look. Gone was the cocky air. Suddenly Peterlooked as he did when with a new plaything. Uninterested. Cold. Closed off toany form of emotion or attachment. Thanos found he did not like that nor did helike the knowledge that he had caused it.”Little star,” Thanos murmured the endearment, reaching out, cupping Peter’sface, feeling him lean into the touch for a moment, barely a heartbeat,suddenly looking happy once more, before suddenly closing off again and jerkingaway from him.”I’m sorry to have disrupted your evening, father,” Peter said coldly beforeturning and starting to walk away.Thanos, unwilling to let his beloved son leave this way, snagged Peter’s armswiftly, yanking him back, earning a startled look before leaning down, lightlytugging Peter up a bit as well, and kissing him. He groaned softly at thesoftness of Peter’s lips, at the taste of him, and he felt the burn for morepulse through him and he started to move, thinking to sit in his throne andpull Peter into his lap, to make it easier for the both of them but, suddenly,a burst of Peter’s powers ensnared him and, in the blink of an eye, had himpinned in his throne.”Little star,” he gasped, blinking, seeing how Peter trembled, how his sonwatched him with wide eyes, the white light of his power twisting and twiningaround him.”You…” Peter shook his head and suddenly he seemed to be the frightened boyThanos had taken from those Ravagers all those years ago. “You can’t…You don’tget to play with my feelings!” Peter’s hands trembled and his power flickedangrily, snapping like electricity around him. “You…You may be my father butnot even you get to do that! You don’t get to call me a whore in one breath andthen try to use me as one in the next!””Peter,” Thanos started, trying to move, to rise, but Peter’s power kept himwhere he was. He often forgot just how powerful Peter was but even thisreminder did nothing to dampen his desire for the young man.”I love you!” Peter’s shout rang in the room, echoing off the walls, tauntinghim and reminding him what he had known, what he had suspected, and what he hadlikely just tainted with his careless words and actions. “I love you more thanI can say and you…you act like it’s a game! Like I’m still the child you tookin, the child you molded and trained and…and turned into a weapon!” Peterblinked and Thanos saw the tears rolling down his face and his heart lurchedpainfully. He had not seen Peter cry in years and, to see it now, to know hewas the cause, hurt in a way he would never have expected. “I’ve tried, overand over again, to be a good son, to not love you the way I do, to move on, butI can’t! I can’t! I…I love you too much and…”Peter suddenly stopped speaking, shaking his head, arms wrapping around himselfand, again, reminding Thanos of the frightened child his little star had oncebeen.”I love you so much it hurts and…and you…you…you treat me like a pet, like atoy…and I…I’m sorry…I can’t keep doing this,” Peter whispered, tear dripping from his chinbefore he spun on his heels and all but ran, Thanos calling after his son, hislittle star, fighting against Peter’s power, which held him still and, by thetime it faded, by the time he was able to stand and rush to the door, Peter haddisappeared to who knew where.Thanos stood there, feeling torn in a way he had never felt before, and tryingto figure out what to do now, how to convince Peter of the truth when it wasclear his precious little star had already made up his mind.
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hurryguruau · 2 years
Here, hurry guru provides the right reasons and importance why your children must sleep in their beds. We also supply a collection of kids trundle beds for sale with utter utility and a special appeal by adding a wooden trundle bed. Just take a glance below to know the benefits of having beds for your children. 
• Get Good Sleep: Most parents find it difficult to make their children sleep every night. Kids need at least 12 hours of sleep every day.  Hurry Guru’s kids race car beds do not contain any Phthalates, BPA, VOC, and Splinters. So, your kids will sleep safely. Parents don't have to be concerned about their children’s sleep time.
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• Improves Kids Growth: In most small houses, keeping a separate room for your kid is difficult for parents. It is essential to make your children grow up and motivate the kids to sleep in their beds. So, your kids will learn how to sleep alone.
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• Setting up A Firm Routine: The important thing in creating boundaries for your children is to have a systematic regime. The practices develop a structure in which children can stay. So, your kids will know how to sleep, play, and they will learn to obey all the rules. It is mainly necessary for kids who need more framework.  Scheduling a proper bedtime routine makes your kids be well prepared for getting a good night’s sleep. It can also be a perfect time of great bonding for parents and kids.
• Ignore Co-Sleeping Stigma for children: For especially older children, sleeping with parents can be shameful and embarrassing. Little kids don’t have any peers that will embarrass them to sleep with their mother and father. School-aged children are subjected to every sort of ridicule from peers. As they get older, children will get worse and be afraid to sleep alone. So, keeping an individual kids car bed will make your children confident and bold.
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• Ensure Your Kids To Gets Adequate Sleep: On one side, it may appear to be that your kid is having an amazing good night’s sleep as you are the activity which covers back from your children or holding your kid's elbows and feet out of your view. On the other angle, parents may think that their kid may be having a hard time getting good sleep, and afterward, your children wake up at midnight to come to the parent's room. Children generally are not getting the best quality or quantity of sleep as your kids want it either. Hurry Guru provides the good kid's race car beds that will keep your children sleep healthy as well as in the same room.
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Hurry Guru is so proud to offer their kids a race car bed that develops new ways to play and get all the kid’s dreams to come true. Moreover, it creates unlimited childhood memories for your kid. Your children will learn to sleep on their own. Don’t miss this amazing chance to give your kid restful sleep. Let’s buy Hurry Guru’s race car bed to keep dreaming, playing, and exploring with your kid.
#Here#hurry guru provides the right reasons and importance why your children must sleep in their beds. We also supply a collection of kids trundl#•#Get Good Sleep: Most parents find it difficult to make their children sleep every night. Kids need at least 12 hours of sleep every day. H#BPA#VOC#and Splinters. So#your kids will sleep safely. Parents don't have to be concerned about their children’s sleep time.#Keeping Your Kid’s Safe: Hurry Guru’s cool and unique kids beds Australia keep your children’s safety during sleeping. Our kids car bed wil#you no longer have to worry about your kids may fall from the bed.#Make Your Kid To Be Self-Soothe: Hurry Guru’s beds help your children to be independent. So#your kids will learn how to sleep properly without their parents’ sleep. There are many times when situations occur in which parents cannot#Improves Kids Growth: In most small houses#keeping a separate room for your kid is difficult for parents. It is essential to make your children grow up and motivate the kids to sleep#your kids will learn how to sleep alone.#Maintain Parents Privacy: Generally#every parent wishes to sleep privacy. Because of the modern lifestyle#most of the parents may come late in the nighttime. It would disturb your children’s sleep. By having this hurry guru kids bed#your kids will never wake up from sleep in the nighttime.#Setting up A Firm Routine: The important thing in creating boundaries for your children is to have a systematic regime. The practices devel#your kids will know how to sleep#play#and they will learn to obey all the rules. It is mainly necessary for kids who need more framework. Scheduling a proper bedtime routine ma#Ignore Co-Sleeping Stigma for children: For especially older children#sleeping with parents can be shameful and embarrassing. Little kids don’t have any peers that will embarrass them to sleep with their mothe#children will get worse and be afraid to sleep alone. So#keeping an individual kids car bed will make your children confident and bold.#Ignore Crowd: If one kid will become practiced to sleep in the bed#the remaining younger ones will also easily follow. So#your children will never have to suffer in sleepless nights and crowded beds. It makes your kids sleep freely without any disturbance even
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