#the remaining younger ones will also easily follow. So
mynahx3 · 7 days
Your Own Prison 7K
Hellooo lovelies!~~~ I bring a Yandere! Illumi x Reader. I hope you enjoy!!! Warning!!!! 18 and up!!!! This DARK story contains DARK subjects of kidnapping/ implied past noncon/ dubcon/ forced relationships/ forced pregnancy Please proceed with caution!! If you don't like, don't read. Not proofread yet.
The day Illumi met you, he was out on a normal mission to gather information for his client.
The rain was merciless and came down hard on your town. It was something he would have to endure. Illumi would normally not care, being used to the harsh weather where he grew up, but today he had a job to do.
It was a simple one that paid surprisingly well.
The wife had discovered her husband having an affair with the secretary, so she launched a hit against the small-town banker. He followed the target until he went into a building, easily keeping track of him in the windows. 
Normally, he would just slip in and finish the job with an easy in-and-out stab of the knife when the target was least expecting it, but the client requested to get the job done in a more discreet manner. One that resembled an accident or natural cause of death. He decided to wait for the perfect opportunity to make it look like the banker's death was simply a tragic accident.
With his years of experience, he was confident he could adapt and complete the job with precision.
For now, Illumi decided he would wait for an opening. He was content with the view he had while also remaining inconspicuous. He just looked like another passenger waiting for the bus in the busy streets.
A few more minutes passed, and a bus arrived at the stop. Illumi almost didn’t notice you standing next to him; the crowd of people walking off the bus didn’t help. It was only when you two were alone did he notice you, looking at you with a calculating gaze. He quickly assessed you, trying to determine if you were a potential threat or just another innocent bystander.
You appeared to be around his age, maybe a little older or younger; it was hard to tell. Dressed in mainly black attire with a worn gray coat. The rain boots you had on were a dark red. Your lips moved; you seemed to be trying to tell him something.
The stoic assassin's face became annoyed as he raised his eyebrow and lifted his hand to his ear, indicating that he couldn't hear you.
The busy city streets drowned out your voice, making conversation difficult. The rain didn't help either, hammering hard against the metal roof above you both. You approached him with a concerned expression on your face. Brows furrowed, and lips parted.
When he got a closer look at you, he realized you weren't horrible looking. It was a thought that vanished as swiftly as it appeared, still irritated by being interrupted.
"That was the last bus for awhile." You said, wincing a little as you pointed to the schedule next to him.
He glanced at the schedule to you, then back to his target, who appeared to be going down the elevator. The stoic expression back on his face.
"I am aware."
The tension between you both was awkward; you shuffled on your feet, looking around sheepishly. He didn't bother looking back at you, thinking the conversation was over.
"If you're cold, my store is over there. You're welcome to wait until the next bus arrives," you offered, trying to diffuse the tension.
Your finger pointed to a corner store not too far from here. The lights flashed in the rain, illuminating the wet pavement as you waited for his response. It looked a bit older than the other establishments in the area. Faded signs were taped on the windows, advertising discounts on various items.
Illumi simply remained silent, unwilling to speak with you any further. His gaze shifted ahead, resuming what he was doing before you interrupted. The rain continued to fall, making the situation more uncomfortable.
You would shortly leave, he assumed.
Proving him wrong, he heard you open one of your bags; the shuffling of wrappers and the sound of you pulling out a small package piqued his ears. Curious, Illumi finally glanced down at what you held; it was a small rectangle, no bigger than the palm of your hand. Looking at him with a tense smile, you held it out towards him, nudging it closer to him when he didn't take it.
"It's a hand warmer!" You informed him with a wider smile. "If you don't want to come in, take this."
Illumi's expression softened slightly as he reached out to accept the hand warmer, a rare gesture of gratitude for him. He titled his head as he picked it up with the tips of his fingers, examining the item with a hint of interest.
"Thank you," he murmured with a questioning tone, holding it in his hand. He wasn't expecting that.
You nod, looking happy that he took it from you, pulling out an umbrella from your bag now.
"I hope it helps keep you warm," you replied before turning to leave him. "If you need more, we sell a few items that could help in this weather, including hand warmers and umbrellas. On sale this week!" you added with a cheeky smile over your shoulder.
With that, you left, stepping into the rain with your umbrella up. Not thinking anything of the interaction with the stranger. His eyes followed you as you walked away; a small feeling stirred inside of him that he had never felt before. The small act of kindness left a lasting impact on him.
It was something you'd live to regret.
Arguing was heard around you as you lay on the floor. You didn't recognize the voices; one was a woman and two other men. You didn't know why this was happening.
You just wanted to go home.
A blindfold was tied tightly over your eyes, now wet from your tears. Wrists tied together behind you as well as your ankles, leaving you no hope for escape. Mouth gagged with your own scarf, not helping the panic rising in your chest. You were roughly dropped onto the floor after being taken from a car, the tile pressing into your cheek as you tried to make sense of the situation. The cries you made were not bothering the people in the room who continued arguing.
"Why on Earth would you pick this girl?" The woman asked angrily; the shrillness of her voice made your ears hurt. "You have so many offers to pick from, why her?"
"It is none of your concern who I pick, Mother. Father said it was fine as long as I didn't forsake my responsibilities." The man's response was cold and dismissive, causing the woman to huff in frustration. Footsteps were heard coming closer to you, making you tense up in fear.
Gentle hands helped you to sit on your knees, making you jolt in surprise. You could feel the weight of their gaze on you, making your skin crawl with unease. You felt goosebumps grow along your arms, and your shaking intensified. It didn't help you had been taken in your sleep, so you only had on an old t shirt and shorts.
Suddenly, there was an overwhelming brightness as someone took off the blindfold. You squinted your eyes in response, adjusting to being able to see for the first time in a few hours.
In front of you was a man with pale skin, dark eyes, and short, black hair. You could only stare at him in shock and confusion. His piercing gaze seemed to burrow into your soul, sending shivers down your spine. The man's expression was inscrutable, heightening your sensation of dread.
"Welcome home, dear wife."
That would be the start of your new life.
“This is something my little brother can withstand; no problem. We need to build your resilience, dear."
Illumi stood over you in the basement. His monotone voice grated your ears as he demeaned you. Empty eyes looking at your weak form crying on the stone floors. His pale hands soaked with your blood as he wiped them clean with a towel.
He acted so casual, as if it were just something as simple as dirt, not human blood. 
Shaking in pain from what he did to you, you lay in a fetal position. For hours on end, he hurt you as you were chained to the ceiling by your wrists. Hard red welts on your wrists were proof of the cuffs digging into your flesh. Your body was covered in bruises and cuts, blood soaked into your clothes. 
Another punishment for trying to escape but it was always futile.
Kukuroo Mountain was vast with unforgiving terrain. Littered with traps to keep anyone out, which also worked perfectly in keeping people in. To your credit, you did manage to evade the highly trained butlers and Illumi for two days. It was the farthest you had ever gotten in your attempts to escape. But now, as you lay broken and defeated, the reality of your situation set in: there was no way out.
These sessions with Illumi only brought you pain and suffering. He was determined to get you to give in. For you to become his sweet wife and meld into his family—like he didn’t kidnap you from your home months prior.
Forcing his way into your life despite only having just met him. Taking anything he wanted from you with no remorse.
With weak arms, you tried to pick yourself off the ground, vision filled with black dots. Stubbornly, you glared up at him. He loved the fire in your eyes; he simply didn't like it when it was aimed at the wrong things. He didn't understand why you were fighting so hard against him. Your determination could have been utilized for more important things, like helping the family, but you had to oppose him.
A blank expression was on his face as he looked at you sit up; a part of him was surprised by that. You had cuts along your arms and legs with a few broken ribs, yet you still had that look of defiance. Seeing you this way only affirmed his feelings.
He knew you were simply meant to be. Yes, your body was weak, but your mind was strong.
Crouching to your level, he looked at you; his cold hand caressed your tangled hair with a gentleness that always shocked you. Illumi was a surprisingly doting man. After your punishments, he made sure to coddle you as you healed.
Kissing your wounds, whispering into your ear, treating you softer than ever before. Over the last few months, you felt your resolve dwindling. You let yourself lean into his touch as it cupped your throbbing cheek, eyes closed as you tried to block out the pain. For just a moment, you felt his touch bring you comfort.
Snapping out of it, you turned away from him, wretching yourself from his hold. You spat in his face, with some of your blood mingled in. He wiped the wetness from his face calmly before saying in a low, frightening tone.
"You will regret that."
His eyes darkened with rage as he looked at the mess on his fingers, and his short, dark hair fell around his face, giving him a more terrifying appearance. Knowing your disobedience would only make matters worse, you prepared yourself for what was about to happen.
"Go to fucking hell."
You awake with a start, jolting up from the plush, silken sheets. Illumi clung to your side like always, his eyes opening immediately at your movement. The nightmare, more like a memory, had made your skin clammy, and sweat dripped down your forehead. As you tried to calm your racing heart, you couldn't shake the feeling of fear that was felt in your bones. Illumi's head tilted at the sight of your distress, prompting him to sit up.
"You're shaking." His voice was soft, a stark contrast to the harshness of your nightmare. "Another dream?"
You nodded, looking at your lap, not replying much to him as he hummed. Moving your gaze to his with a firm grip on your chin, he brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his gaze devoid of emotion. His eyes lingered on yours for a moment before looking away, a flicker of concern crossing his face before he masked it with his usual stoicism.
"The doctor said you needed to rest. You're not doing that, and it's starting to show." He sighed, reaching out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I know, I know." You dismissed him, leaning into his touch as he caressed your cheekbone.
His touch was both comforting and unsettling, a reminder of his dual nature. Despite the concern in his eyes, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his motives than he let on.
"I'm here for you." He leaned in, kissing you gently before it went further. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your heart, but his words only seemed to worsen your anxiety.
"Illumi." You tried to protest, hands going to his chest, but you put no strength in them. You stopped fighting him a long time ago, now trying to barter instead. "It's late."
"I know you're worried," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing. "But I only want to help you through this."
The kiss continued for a while longer; he didn't seem to mind your slow movements. He pushed you back onto the bed, squeezing your shoulders. His lips sealed with yours, hard and demanding. Pressing his body against yours and wrapping your legs around him, he caged you in with arms on both sides of your head. The intensity of his look conveyed that he was entirely focused on you at that moment.
"I'm here." He repeated. A hand moves to caress your face again. You felt a rush of emotions in your heart as he added, "I'll always be here for you."
It didn't seem to convey the message he wanted; he was never one to be good with words. His hand moved down to clasp around your throat, not putting any pressure on you. It was a hold that conveyed his possession and control over you.
Tears silently went down your face as you looked up at him, feeling overwhelmed. Your heart was conflicted by the mix of fear and comfort that his touch brought. You wanted to fight back, to run, but you were rooted in place. Knowing what would happen if you fought back.
You have been realizing, too, that there was a tiny, tiny part of you that craved his touch.
Regardless of how much you denied it, you could feel yourself starting to care for him. The defeat in your eyes seemed to make him happy, clear from the small smirk on his lips.
"You're never leaving me, and I know you're starting to accept that," he whispered, his grip tightening, making your breath halt.
Leaning down again, he captures your lips, furthering the passion he felt. He wanted to show the extent of his love for you in more than just words. His hands begin to trail along your body in possession. Feeling and gripping at your soft flesh. It was different from the hardened, trained muscles of his. A good difference to him.
The kisses became more frenzied and hungry, his teeth knashing against your bottom lip. You didn't know whose blood you tasted on your tongue. He always seemed to lose control in moments like this, leaving you breathless and spiraling. His touch was both gentle and possessive, sending shivers down your spine.
As he deepened the kiss, you couldn't help but reciprocate with equal fervor, completely surrendering to the moment. He seemed pleased as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and his movements slowed. His lips lingered on yours, savoring the sensation of heat between you and the feeling of your tongue move against his.
Everything happened so fast; he was always the eager man when it came to you.
Without further warning, you felt him hike your nightgown up, pulling his boxers down shortly after. His hand spread your thighs more apart with ease, the head of his cock rubbing up against your wet entrance a couple times before he pushed in. As he entered you, you had to arch your back against him. You were pressed chest to chest as he pushed deeper and deeper until he was fully inside you, filling you completely.
Even though it was only a sting, the pain that followed was nonetheless unpleasant.
A whimper escaped your lips as he peppered kisses down your neck in an attempt to distract you. Your nails dug into the skin on his back, legs locking around his slim waist, pulling him closer as you tried to focus on the pleasure mingling in.
The release between your legs from earlier did help, but it wasn't enough to completely mask the pain. No matter how many times he took you, it was always on the edge of discomfort, a fine line between pleasure and pain that you both danced along.
"Breathe." He reminded, his voice low and soothing. His touch was gentle, reassuring, and soon the pain was nothing more than a distant memory.
Opening your eyes, you saw him over you, his inky hair falling in disarray around him. If it wasn't for the slight flush on his cheeks and mused hair, you would never think he felt anything other than calm control. His eyes, however, betrayed a hint of desire that mirrored your own growing need for more of his touch.
He stayed in place as you adjusted to him. Passing the time by tracing circles on your hip, the other moving up and down your spine in a soothing motion. Short gasps emerged from your mouth as your face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. Your breathing began to steady, the initial pain fading as you relaxed into the moment. Your body became more plaint under him, your insides clenched around him in a delicious ache of anticipation.
Illumi began to slowly rock into you, his hips meeting yours with a steady rhythm. His movements were deliberate and controlled, his touch both soothing and intense. As the initial sting began to fade, a wave of pleasure started to build within you, blending with the lingering pain in a bittersweet symphony.
Your body responded eagerly to his touch, surrendering to the conflicting sensations that he expertly knew how to bring. Seeing this, Illumi began to move faster. Eager to push you to the brink of ecstasy and beyond, his movements are becoming more urgent and intense.
Grunts escaped his lips so quietly that you would have missed them if he hadn't been so close. The room filled with the sound of your combined breaths, and the feeling of his body pressed against yours intensified. Each movement brought you closer to the edge, aching for release as you both lost yourselves in the moment.
"Illumi!" You cried into his ear, hand pulling at his soft hair. Hips moving against his in sync. "Illumi, please don't stop."
This only furthered his own desire, and he responded by increasing the pace and pressure of his movements, pushing you both towards the peak of ecstasy. The tension is building up within the both of you with each movement, the sensations overwhelming your senses as you reached the brink of pleasure.
Moaning loudly, you felt yourself close to unraveling but not quite there.
Continuing his thrusts, Illumi moved his hand between you, flicking at your clit roughly with his thumb. The added stimulation sent you over the edge, your body shuddering as you finally reached that peak of pleasure. Gasping for breath, you clung to him. He followed shortly after with a stuttering of his hips, his release painting your insides as he groaned in satisfaction. In the aftermath, the both of you panted for air. Sweat coated both of your bodies as you lay tangled together, basking in the afterglow.
Making sure to keep his seed plugged inside, he leaned back from you. His hand that gripped at your thigh traveled up to your stomach, where it rested. Dark eyes looked at you, filled with a mix of satisfaction and longing.
"You will never be without me," he whispered, his voice husky. "I will always be a part of you, in every way possible."
"Caladen, Illyrio. Explain yourselves."
You sat in your usual chair at the table, with your daughter on your lap and your two boys in front of you. Each looking guilty, never being one to hide from the judgment of their mother. Your daughter, Sylvia, was unconcerned, knawing on the fabric of your dress despite your efforts to persuade her to stop.
At just five years old, the two boys bore a striking resemblance to their father, and as they grew older, they undoubtedly continued to do so. Dark eyes that stared into the soul and pale skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. The only semblance of you in them was how they acted. One, stubborn as all hell that rebeled all chances he had, and the other, more obedient, an observer with a silver tongue.
Illyrio spoke first, his voice steady and confident, while Caladen remained silent, a slight frown on his face. The broken pot was behind them, proof of their misdeeds, and was being cleaned up by a butler. It was only on the ground for a couple seconds before it was swept away. Looking like nothing had happened at all.
"We were just practicing, mama."
Seeing the looks on their faces, you almost felt yourself give in to their innocent facade, but you knew better than to be fooled by their charm. It was only a matter of time before they were up to no good again. That mischievous streak was all their own.
"What it looks like you were doing," you start, staying stern with a frown. "Was messing around despite being told to stop playing so roughly in the house, especially our dining room. I expect you both to behave, you know better."
The children exchanged guilty glances, realizing they had been caught red-handed once again.
"Yes, mama."
Their heads hung low as they mumbled their response, knowing that their mischievous behavior had consequences. You couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and affection for your children. They were only children, but being a child of the Zoldyck family was no easy feat.
In your thoughts, you don't notice the arrival of your husband until he lays a hand on your shoulder. The action made you look up at him, smiling softly at him.
"Go train with your grandmother today." He said, not bothering to look their way as he leaned over you, a blank expression on his face. Voice is still plain as always. "You will need to be punished, so do tell her what you did."
This made your frown deepen; you didn't want them to be punished so harshly. The boys left the dining room without another word. They had always respected and obeyed their father.
As you watched them go, you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for what they were about to endure. Kikyo's training was notoriously brutal. They were unforgiving and left lasting scars, you knew from experience. For a moment, they looked like normal kids, laughing together as they ran down the hall. Their assigned butlers were following right behind them.
Your focus was drawn back to Illumi, who had taken your daughter from you. The baby giggled in his arms; chubby fingers immediately began pulling at his long hair. Her blue eyes looked at her father with interest, white hair framing her face in short curls.
She was an innocent, pure child, but you knew that Illumi would raise her to be just as ruthless as he was. The thought made your heart ache, but you had no choice but to watch from afar.
All of your children were Zoldycks; it was their birthright and destiny to be trained as assassins.
"How is little Sylvia this morning?" Illumi asked, sitting next to you at the dining table. She bore a striking resemblance to her grandfather, which her family valued. You knew that Sylvia's future was already set in stone from that alone, and there was nothing you could do to change it.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as you replied, "She's doing well, as always."
He nodded, a glimmer of pride in his eyes, and returned his attention to his food. Sylvia proceeded to play with the pins on his vest as he fed her.
Illumi began to talk about the typical topics. How he had dealt with his most recent target, upcoming missions, the training regiment that the boys would follow, and the time you were permitted to spend with them.
Every week, you were given an entire day to spend with your children. It was a time you were thankful for. Considering the demands of their training and missions, every hour you could spend with them was valuable.
He had noticed you weren't exactly paying attention to him, only humming in response to his words with no real engagement. Saying your name fixed the problem; your shoulders straightened, and you made eye contact.
"Your mind seems to be elsewhere, dear."
"Just thinking about the boys. Their training is getting more intense." You answered honestly, your hand reaching out to wipe your daughter's mouth of drool with your napkin.
You were often concerned about your boys. They carried a lot of responsibility being the oldest of your children and the first grandchildren.
After you cleaned up your daughter, you gave him that same soft smile you have grown accustomed to giving him. Though it seemed forced at times, he thought he'd never see those loving eyes staring at him. Still, Illumi could tell that wasn't the only thing occupying your mind.
His frigid fingers reached out and moved some hair from your face, catching you by surprise. He wasn't one to be affectionate outside of the bedroom.
The fatigue on your face was more visible in the light.
He had kept you on a strict schedule and diet since your arrival years ago, but he couldn't ignore the signs of weariness sneaking in. You hadn't been sleeping well lately, your appetite had diminished, and you weren't as positive. With the recent birth of your daughter only a few months prior, he knew it was time for a change. Something to cheer you up from the mood you were in.
"I plan to take you and the children to the village soon." He said suddenly, not reacting to the shocked look on your face, busy getting his slobber covered pin from the strong hands of his daughter.
It had been years since you left the mountain; it had been your home—prison—for the last few years. As evidenced by how much his hair had grown, now reaching his lower back from the short style he had when you two first met. Illumi had been adamant to keep your contact to only himself, his family, and the help of the mansion.
"Is it for a mission?" You asked, trying to gauge his intentions, an eyebrow raised in suspicion, sipping on the teacup in hand.
"No, it's not for a mission," he replied smoothly, handing Sylvia over to you once your hands were free. "There is a festival happening that I think the twins will enjoy. I will inform the butlers to pack."
Without saying anything else, he leaned down to kiss your daughter's head and gave you a quick peck on the lips before heading towards the door, leaving you to wonder about his sudden change of heart.
Watching him go, you still had the frown on your face. You couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his decision than he let on. While you watched him disappear down the hallway, a sinking feeling formed in your gut. You couldn't help but wonder what prompted this surprising act.
It was a thought that left quickly as your lovely daughter spit up all over the front of your dress to your dismay.
The festival was a celebration that was known for its lively atmosphere and colorful decorations.
Ahead of you, the boys looked at the passing floats with an awestruck expression. They had run off without a care in the world, eager to explore all the festivities the festival had to offer.
You were tempted to yell after them, your heart thrumming at the sight of them so far. At first, the crowd didn't help your anxiety. But as you saw the smiles on your children's faces, you began to relax and enjoy the festivities. The music, food, and laughter surrounding you made it easy to forget about your worries for a while.
Still, you were not completely at ease.
It was something you weren't hiding well, gripping the stroller so tightly, your knuckles turning white. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself to trust that your children were safe and having a great time. Their butlers were sure to stay by them, and they had their parents.
Illumi was walking next to you, idly looking at the different stalls with disinterest. It was admittedly weird to see him in public with civilians. As you continued to navigate through the bustling crowd, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of your mind. Despite the festive atmosphere, a sense of apprehension still gnawed at you. It was a struggle to stay present and enjoy the moment after being kept in the mountain for so long. Seeing your thoughts racing, Illumi's hand reaches out for yours, his eyes communicating his thoughts well enough.
"Just a lot of people." You said, squeezing his hand back as you both walked.
"We can go somewhere for a moment." He suggested, waving a butler over to the both of you.
Without asking your opinion, he took you by the hand to a bench not too far but far enough to offer some privacy from the bustling crowd. The butler had taken Sylvia with no objections, leaving you and Illumi alone to finally have a moment of peace. Sitting down, you immediately felt relieved.
Awkwardly, he kept his eyes on you the entire time, unblinking.
He often likes to just watch, not saying anything. Countless times you woke up to the sight of him standing over you in your shared room. His gaze was intense, almost unsettling, but you found comfort in his presence nonetheless after the years. Illumi's silent companionship was something you had grown accustomed to, even if it still sent shivers down your spine at times.
"You know, it's nice to see them like this." You said, breaking the silence. "So… normal."
The boys were both leaning over the stroller, showing their softer sides as they cooed and made faces at the baby. They both turned to you, smiling, their eyes filled with genuine affection for the little one. Much like the rest of the family, that little girl had them wrapped around her finger. Illumi studied them alongside you, his hand now resting on your thigh as he scooted closer.
"Do not get attached to the sight. It will not last. We will only be in town for a couple nights."
His words served as a reminder of the impermanence of the moment, but you chose to savor it nonetheless. Illumi's gaze flickered to you briefly before returning to the children, his expression unreadable as always.
"Enjoy it while it lasts," he replied, standing up as he looked down at you, hand extended.
You simply took his hand, walking with him without another word.
The night went by faster than you wanted. It was nice to see your family together.
A flicker of shock went through you at the thought, your hand faltered as you burped your daughter. The butler beside you wanted to, but you refused. You preferred to take care of them yourself.
You glanced over at Illumi across the park table, who was in conversation with the twins about types of assassinations. The night had been surprisingly pleasant, and you were grateful for the rare moment of peace. In your arms, Sylvia yawned, her tiny hands rubbing her eyes as a grumpy look was on her face. It was about time for bed.
"Lumi, I think we should head out. Sylvia is sleepy."
Instantly, the boys both looked disappointed, but Illumi nodded in agreement, standing up and motioning for the twins to follow.
"Can't we stay a little longer?" One boy asked, leaning forward to you.
"We haven't even ridden the carousel yet," the other twin chimed in, a hopeful look in his eyes. You smiled at their enthusiasm, thinking it over a bit as you gathered everything.
"Gotta see what your dad says."
With a sigh, you glanced at Illumi, who didn't seem too thrilled about the idea of staying longer. A moment of silence went by as he thought it over.
You stood next to him, tilting your head slightly in anticipation of his response. Finally, he nodded in agreement, surprising you and the twins.
"A hotel has been booked in preparation. You can head over with the butlers. I'll take them on a ride or two, but you both have to accompany me to the next mission."
Illumi looked at them as they cheered before at you. Leaning up, you kissed him on the cheek, a rare display of affection from you.
"Have fun!" You smiled at him with such glee, a look of pure happiness that made his heart swell with warmth.
Illumi looked surprised at that, his eyes slightly wider, and he held the cheek you had kissed.
Checking into the hotel was an easy process. The butlers came with you, unpacking everything with ease and swiftness.
The suite was filled with everything you'd need for a weekend retreat. Two separate rooms, one for the kids and the other for you two, a living room connected to the kitchen, and a balcony with the view of the town.
Sylvia slept peacefully in her bassinet after being fed one more time and a bath.
Leaning over the railing, you watched the rise and fall of her chest.
Your children had become your whole world, their innocence and vulnerability a constant reminder of the love and responsibility you held in your heart. The first time you were pregnant, you hated the changes in your body and the loss of control. You had vowed to him you would hate them and that you didn't want them. They would be a daily reminder of what Illumi did to you, after all.
But the day you held them for the first time, all the resentment melted away, replaced with an overwhelming sense of protectiveness.
Feeling sleepy yourself, you rose from the uncomfortable position you were in. It had been time for you to get some much needed rest as well. Going into the master bedroom, you quickly stripped and showered. The butlers that guided you to the hotel had been in the living room, telling you to call for them if needed.
Oddly, they hadn't come to check on you like they usually did.
Sighing in relief, you stepped out of the bathroom. Now you were dressed in a simple nightgown that reached your midthigh. It was made of soft cotton with a delicate lace trim. You would prefer something more casual, but Illumi liked to see you in the finer things.
Idly, you had gone to the dresser, picking up the snack you had brought into the room with you. It was just a fresh abaripe, a blue fruit similar to an apple found in the area, with a small knife nearby for cutting it up. Humming in contentment at the taste of it, you continued to slice it up in your hand, deciding to watch a show before bed.
The sight you walked into made you freeze in shock, the fruit dropping from your hand. A man stood in the middle of the room, the light from the fireworks blazing behind him. You'd never seen him before, hence all the alarms set off in your head. You nearly screamed when you opened your mouth, hand gripping the knife harder, but the man instantly raised his hands, shushing you with urgency.
"I'm here to help." The man urged, taking a step forward as you took one back. "Your family hired me to find you."
You felt a mix of relief and confusion, unsure of whether to trust this stranger. Your eyes are keeping watch of him for any signs of deception or danger. After a few moments of tense silence, you finally lowered the knife and allowed him to speak more.
He explained the situation to you in a fast manner, clearly nervous at the same time. How your family had hired him to find you, how they had spent most of their money in this almost endless pursuit. He had even said he began to help out of the goodness of his heart after seeing them so desparate.
It had taken him years, but he finally found you.
Your heart only beat more, thoughts racing with the realization that your family had been searching for you for so long. You couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—relief, guilt, and gratitude all at once.
Then, it was all overshadowed by one thing—fear.
Blood rushed into your ears, your chest moving to take panicked breaths. The very room seemed to shrink around you, walls closing in fast.
What would Illumi do to you if he found out?
No, no, no, no, no, you couldn't take more punishments. More bleeding. More torment. More pain.
It had taken years to get this point. The very thought of going back to their basement made you feel queasy, the food you had eaten earlier threatening to come back up. More anxiety filled you as you thought of the worst of things.
What about your children? You can't leave them.
His touch on your arm jolted you, bringing you back to reality. You could see he was sweating, scared in his own right. If he got caught, he was worse than dead.
You weren't much better, looking like a deer in headlights, as he began to pull you towards the balcony. Your feet only planted in place, trying to slow him down if not stop him completely. Your hand is trying to wretch his from around you. His grip is stronger than you would have expected, especially considering the amount of training the Zoldycks have made you endure to be one of them.
"N-no, what about my kids?" You pleaded; you felt your heart beat frantically in your chest. The urgency in his eyes was unmistakable, and you knew he was not going to wait for anyone. Your stomach turned with fear at the thought of leaving your children behind.
"We don't have time. The butlers are knocked out, but we have to move now."
"Let me at least get my girl!" You yelled, desparation in your voice as you panicked more and more. Your vision began to blur from the tears going down your eyes. Nails digging into his hand.
You can't leave them. You can't leave them. You can't leave them. You can't leave them. You can't leave them.
He didn't listen to you, pulling you harder across the room. It was only once his hand touched the doorknob to the balcony did you react.
You put the small but sharp knife into him faster than you could have imagined. You had done it mindlessly and, by chance, got him in the throat; you had almost forgotten it was in your hand.
He let go of you, looking at you in shock as you pulled the blade out. Blood spurted from the wound like a fountain.
It almost seemed as if time slowed down. His hand slowly went to hold his bleeding throat; his other hand weakly reached towards you. The shock and horror in his eyes were quickly replaced by a look of betrayal as he realized the extent of your actions. Without saying a word, you only reacted.
Again and again, and again and again.
You continued to stab him, even as he crumpled against the glass door. The knife may have been small, but it was sharp and deadly, each stab punctuating the air with a sickening sound. Adrenaline coursing through your veins dulled the screams that echoed in the room, leaving only the metallic scent of blood lingering in the air.
Blood coated everything by the time you were done. The moon shone a red glow into the room from the amount of blood on the window. It was now silent, other than blood dripping from the knife onto the floor, a haunting reminder of the gruesome act that had just taken place.
Soaked into the carpet below you, it began to pool around you both. The body of the man was long still, looking into nothing with dull eyes. His skin now has a gray hue to it, and his lips are a shade of blue.
The only movement in the room was the slow rise and fall of your chest as you sat there, staring at what you had done.
Illumi should have noticed something was off sooner when he didn't see the butlers that were supposed to be with you.
He was a bit distracted as he walked into the suite, holding both of the sleeping boys with ease. The three of them had spent longer out, racking up stuffies they won at the scam games.
One in particular, Illumi had won for you. He had caught you staring at it for a bit earlier. It was an ugly, cheap thing with bug eyes, but something told him to get it for you.
The butler put the bag of goodies on the counter before taking the twins from Illumi to get them into bed.
Illumi silently began to walk towards the master bedroom, the stuffie in hand from the bag.
Normally, you would have greeted him by now. Even if you were tired, you always heard him come home. Sleepily getting out of bed to greet him once he entered was a routine you never broke. But tonight, you remained silent. He figured you must have been in a deep sleep; you have been tired as of late.
Once he was closer to the door, his nose picked up on the scent of rust. It was a thick scent that he knew all too well. For the very first time in his life, Illumi felt scared. The worst scenarios ran through his mind as he stepped faster, pins in hand, stuffie dropped to the floor.
Maybe you had hurt yourself? Had he really missed the signs?
Imagine his surprise and relief when he rushed to open the door to find his wife sitting in front of a body.
You didn't respond when he called out to you, still shaken and shocked by what you had done. The man's body had already become cold. He completely ignored it, cradling your face and looking at him. He was just concerned about you.
"What happened?" He demanded to know, looking over you for any injuries.
He was relieved to find you were unscathed, physically at least. Your eyes didn't look at him until he repeated your name again. Finally, you met his gaze, tears streaming down your face, mixing with the blood dried on your face.
"He tried to take me from you." You whispered, almost falling into his arms. Your hands gripped his shirt as you looked at him, your voice barely above a whisper.
He cupped your face, admiring the work of art you were, thumb smearing the bloodstains on your cheeks.
"Oh, dear. I'm so proud of you."
A twisted smile appeared on Illumi's face as he kissed you gently. You had killed someone.
His sweet wife. HIS. To stay with HIM.
With your family.
It was where you belonged. 
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willalove75 · 1 year
Being Rebecca's partner /gf ( younger like Keeley ) and some of the boys flirt with reader. Both remain professional and hide their relationship but there's just something about a possessive strict rebbeca ...
Loveeee thisss!! Thank you so much for the request!💕💕
Warnings: Smuttt (idk how to write a possessive Rebecca without it tbh LOL)
18+ only Minors DNI
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Tension was at an all-time high. Sitting next to Rebecca, you can feel the stress radiating off of her. All you want to do is wrap your arms around her, kiss her on the head and whisper words of comfort into her ear. When she glances over at you, you know that's all she wants too. But the two of you were in public and you haven't told a soul about your relationship yet, both of you agreed to keep it under wraps for the time being. Plus the season was almost over, neither of you felt the need to make the end of the season more chaotic than it was already about to be.
What was not helping the tension, or Rebecca's stress, was the fact that you were at an away game at West Ham. The team Rupert recently purchased.
Laying in your arms last night, Rebecca told you how nervous she was to go to the game, that she was anxious about seeing her piece of shit ex-husband again. Running your fingers through her soft blond hair, you reassured her that everything was going to be fine, and that you would be by her side, no matter what.
"Howdy boss, y/n!" Ted pulls both you and Rebecca out of your spiraling thoughts.
"Hello Ted." Rebecca says.
"How 'bout the two of ya'll come in for the team mixer, West Ham and the boys are all getting acquainted with one another before the big showdown."
Exchanging glances, Rebecca reluctantly stands up and you follow the two of them inside.
It was noisy and pretty crowded, also unusual for the two teams to be getting together like this before a match, but you decided to not think much of it and followed Ted and Rebecca to the bar. Just before you reach your destination, someone pulls Rebecca away to introduce her to some people. She shoots an apologetic look your way and you softly smile back at her, letting her know it's fine.
Walking up to the bar, you notice a couple of West Ham players make their way up to you. You do your best to not pay them any mind, but they make it impossible when they try and talk to you.
"This game was going to be a breeze, but knowing there's gonna be such a gorgeous woman in the stands, I think I'm gonna have a hard time focusing." One of the players says, flashing you a million dollar smile.
"If you get distracted that easily, you're gonna have more problems than the match." You retort.
"Pretty and quick, that's a rare combination."
"It's only rare when you give off the energy of an entitled football player."
The boys around him erupt in a chorus of "ohhhh shitt!" and you laugh, making the football player talking to you laugh as well.
Rebecca hears the commotion and looks over, immediately spotting you in the middle of a group of footballers. Her eyes are locked on you, there's a bubbling of, something, in her chest that feels foreign to her. Anger? Stress? Jealousy? That last one resonated more than she expected, what she jeal-
"Earth to boss, come in boss!" Ted says, pulling her back to reality.
"My apologies Ted, what was that again?"
Surrounded by the boys, you had no idea that Rebecca spotted the interaction. The player talking to you leans in a little more.
"May I buy you a drink gorgeous?"
"You're literally about to go play football, you're gonna drink?"
"Of course not, I have morals!" He says with a laugh and you shoot him a look, eliciting another laugh from the group. "I will be drinking water, what will you have?"
"I'm flattered, but no thank you."
"Please," he says, taking your hand into his. "I insist." He lightly kisses your knuckles and you stand there in shock for a second, never expecting him to be that bold.
Hearing laughter erupt, Rebecca looks over towards you again and see's the footballer lean in. Her eyes narrow when she see's him take your hand and place a kiss on it. Never in her life has Rebecca's body tensed up so much, seeing someone else's lips on your skin set something off in her that she's never felt before. Looking at your face, she knows immediately that you're uncomfortable. Even though she was in the middle of a conversation, before her brain can catch up with her legs, she's walking over towards you.
Walking straight through the group of guys, she stands next to you, an intense glare in her eyes directed at the player that was flirting with you.
"Don't you have a match to warm up for?" She says, her tone is cold and icy. It's taking every ounce of self control she has to not wrap her arm around your hip and pull you into a deep kiss, claiming you as hers.
With fear in his eyes, the guy mutters "oh right, yeah we gotta go." and walks away, the rest of the players following close behind him.
You let out a sigh of relief and turn towards Rebecca, you're surprised to see the intense look that's lingering in her eyes.
"Thank you- are you okay?"
She takes a deep breath and tried to ground herself.
"Yes, are you?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, just the usual footballers acting like dogs. You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I promise." She says, leaning into your ear. "Although it took ever ounce of self control I had to not show all of them that you're mine." She says with a low voice.
Your heart skips a beat and you feel your cheeks blush a bit.
"Well, that certainly would have been interesting, wouldn't it?" You joke.
"You have no idea."
"Rebecca Welton, I didn't know you were the jealous type."
"Neither did I, I suppose it's only when someone tries to take what's mine."
"Fuck." You whisper, your eyes meet hers. Her pupils are dilated just enough to know how sincere, and turned on, she is.
"I'm walking away now before I do something stupid." She says with a mischievous look in her eyes. She gives you a wink and walks back towards the group she was talking to before.
The players slowly leave and prepare for the match, leaving the room much emptier than before, although there's still a lot of people left. Walking around with a drink in your hand, you wander aimlessly, eventually landing by one of the windows and looking out onto the pitch.
Rebecca spots you from across the room and can't help but smile as she watches you gaze out the window. Her attention is pulled back into the conversation she was in and she turns back to the group.
You're not sure how much time had passed, since you ended up spacing out looking outside, but you're sure the match is going to start soon. Just as you're about to walk away you feel a hand wrap gently around your arm. Turning around, you find yourself face-to-face with no one other than Rupert Mannion, Rebecca's ex-husband. For a second you freeze, you can't stand this man. You're convinced that he's dedicated at least 75% of his life to trying to ruin Rebecca's - for whatever sick reason. Trying to keep your scowl at bay, you try and smile at him, hiding your distain.
"You must be from Richmond, there's no way someone so beautiful could be working at West Ham and get by me." He says, laying the charm on thick.
"Yes, I am from Richmond." You say, ignoring the last half of what he said.
"My name is Rupert Mannion, please, take a seat." He gestures to the two chairs near the window.
"Oh, that's okay-"
"I insist." He has a look in his eye that's telling you he isn't asking.
To avoid any more confrontation, you sit, trying to see if you spot Rebecca anywhere.
"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" He asks.
"Oh yes, I've heard of you. You're one of the newer additions to the fine staff over at Richmond."
"Uh, yeah."
"So, y/n, tell me, what is it that you do?"
You begin to describe your job and what you do on a daily basis. The more you speak, the further Rupert leans in. If you didn't know any better, you would be smitten by his charm. He may be a bastard, but he's certainly a charming one.
"What a coincidence, we recently lost someone in a similar position here. You wouldn't be interested in it, would you? I can guarantee you a much higher salary here than you would be making over at Richmond."
"Uh, I appreciate the offer, but no thanks, I really like it over there."
Rupert lets out an obnoxiously fake laugh.
"Oh you're a funny one. Well at least think about it, for me." He says, practically batting his eyelashes.
"Uh-" The words suddenly disappear from your lips when he puts his hand on your knee, slowly sliding it up to the middle of your thigh. You freeze, not having any idea of what to do. Well, you want to scream at him to get off of you and run into Rebecca's arms, but that's not an option for a plethora of reasons.
"I would love to have someone as gorgeous as you in my office every day, y/n." He says, leaning in.
As if she has a sixth sense for trouble, Rebecca turns back to look at you and see's you with Rupert. Her jaw clenches when she see's him talking to you. Shifting her eyes down, she see's his hand on your thigh, coupled with the look on your face, she feels like every cell in her body is bursting with anger.
Walking away from the group, Rebecca makes it over to you in an instant. You're pulled from your frozen state when you feel a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you up.
"Get your hands off of her." Rebecca snaps at Rupert.
"Rebecca, dear, how are you?" He says, glaring at her.
"Keep your hands off of my staff Rupert." She growls, pulling you behind her.
"Ah, always the protective one, must be that maternal instinct kicking in, isn't it?"
Rebecca's hand tightens around your wrist, that one had to have hurt, even if it was a little. She glares at him with an anger you've never seen before and Rupert puts his hands out in front of him, signaling he means no harm.
"Alright, alright, I was only getting acquainted with your new staff member, no need to get angry dear."
Rupert stands up and begins to walk away.
"It was so lovely meeting you, y/n."
Rupert walks out to the stands and Rebecca pulls you out of the room. Down the hall, she opens a random door and finds a supply closet, pulling you in, she closes the door and pins you up against it.
With her hot breath against your skin, your knees almost give out underneath you. Her pupils are completely blown as she stares down at you, a hungry look in her eyes.
"Sh," she says, putting a finger over your lips. "those stupid football players I can deal with, but him, that fucking asshole, absolutely not."
"I didn't-"
"I know, trust me I know that was all him, but even still. You are mine."
Before you can even agree to her statement her lips are on yours, her tongue pushing it's way into your mouth. She kisses you rough and passionately, as if she'd die if she ever stopped. Her hands pull at the fabric on your body, pressing you into her as hard as possible.
"How I would love you take you bent over his desk right now." She pants as she kisses you hard. "But this will have to do."
Her hands travel to the waistline of your pants and she unbuttons them and pulls them down to your ankles along with your underwear.
Seeing her like this, so possessive, so protective, so hot for you, she didn't even need to touch you for the wetness between your legs to threaten to leak down your thighs.
Slender fingers find their way between your folds and you moan into her mouth as they circle your clit. Once you're stimulated even further and Rebecca's fingers are coated in your arousal, she slides two fingers into you effortlessly until she's knuckle deep. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you bite down on your lip to suppress the moan.
Rebecca begins to pump her fingers in and out of you, you know this is going to be fast and rough and the thought is only making your center drip even more.
"You are mine. All mine." She says as she fucks you. "Mine to do whatever I please with, mine to fuck wherever and whenever I want to."
Your nails begin to dig into her skin as she rushes you towards the edge, you won't last long, not with how she's fucking you and talking to you. She knows what gets you going and today she's pulling out every trick in her book.
"Say it, tell me you're all mine." She growls in your ear.
"I'm- fuck- I'm all yours, only yours, yours to do whatever you- ah! want with."
She picks up the pace and presses the base of her hand against your clit, grinding into it with every thrust of her wrist.
"You're such a good girl, letting me take you wherever I want. Watching those boys flirt with you, god I wanted to take you right then and there."
"Yeah?" You whine.
"Yeah, bend you over that bar and fuck you senseless."
"Oh fuck, Rebecca, I'm gonna-"
"Good girl, that's it, cum for me, I want you to cum all over my fingers."
She thrusts harder and curls into you, driving you right to the edge. You bite down on the collar of her blazer to keep your moans from ringing out into the building. Grinding down on her you clench and she shoves you over the edge into bliss.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and your vision goes white. Your legs tremble underneath you, gripping onto Rebecca for dear life. She pulls the orgasm out of you for as long as possible before finally pulling her fingers out.
You fall into her arms, your body almost completely limp. She catches you and holds you tight, licking her fingers clean. Resting your head against her chest, you lay there for a minute as you catch your breath and come back down to Earth. Rebecca runs her fingers through your hair and kisses you on the top of your head.
"You were so good for me, thank you my love." She whispers into your hair, pressing another kiss into it.
Standing up straight, she holds onto your waist until she's sure you're steady on your feet. She pulls your underwear and pants back up, buttoning and zippering them again. Cupping your face, she brings her lips to yours and kisses you. This kiss is nothing like the last one, this one is soft, tender, filled with love. You kiss her back and wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her close into you.
When your lips part she fixes the collar on your shirt and you fix her blazer and wipe away the smeared lipstick from her lip.
"I should get you jealous more often, holy shit Rebecca." You say with a giggle.
"Don't play with fire my love, you'll get burnt." She says, placing one last kiss on your lips.
The match started by the time you got back to your seats, you got a few questioning looks from Higgins and Keeley but you both ignored them and sat down and watched the game.
Richmond ended up losing, pretty badly at that. Even though the match was lost, both you and Rebecca left the match satisfied in a much different way.
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bs2sjh · 4 months
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My first @flashfictionfridayofficial! Thanks for the great prompt!
Fandom: Sherlock (Johnlock, Mystrade)
I'm also posting it on Ao3. It's over 1000 words, so feel free to go here to read it!
cw: implied drug use, implied suicide attempt, implied torture
There had been a number of times where Mycroft Holmes had been made very aware that he did, in fact, have a heart beating in his chest after all.
The first was when a small, red-faced infant had been brought home. As Mycroft looked down at the crying, screaming thing, he didn't expect the sudden jolt in his chest. A stab of sudden overwhelming emotion. What was equally unexpected was that when he stroked his new baby brother's face and told him to quieten, that everything was going to be okay, that he would always be protected by his big brother, the infant had listened. William Sherlock Scott Holmes simply looked at his older brother, and Mycroft felt that deeply. 
The second time was sheer pain at finding his younger brother in a drug den, surrounded by needles, barely breathing. It wasn't the first time he'd found him in a place like this. But on this occasion, it felt different. Mycroft knew that this time, Sherlock had not meant to survive the encounter. Scooping up the younger man in his arms, his heart ached at how thin the boy was, at how little life remained in him. He took him straight to the nearest hospital, where they whisked him away, leaving Mycroft with his aching heart to sit and wait. It wasn't until many days later that Sherlock opened his eyes to see the concerned expressions of his family around him. In his heart, Mycroft knew that this wouldn't be the last time his brother would be in this situation. The pain was indescribable. 
The third time was seeing Sherlock chained up in a filthy cell in Serbia. His brother had spent two years moving around the globe, destroying pockets of Moriarty's empire single-handedly. That the criminal mastermind hadn't targeted Sherlock's family should have hurt, but strangely it didn't. Knowing that Sherlock had people he cared about enough to keep them safe meant that he valued at least some people in his life to prevent their suffering. It was a pity that John Watson didn't know the lengths to which Sherlock would go to protect him. It might have saved his heart some of the ache he was currently feeling. But seeing Sherlock beaten, tortured, at the edge of his sanity. Anger filled his heart this time. That someone could do this to his baby brother. Infiltration successful, Sherlock finally cut down from his bonds, too weak to stand, bleeding and barely conscious. Mycroft hardened his heart and made sure no one who had laid a hand on his brother was left to tell the tale. 
The fourth time was the hardest to bear. To know that Sherlock had once again sacrificed his life for a love that would never be acknowledged. By now, Mycroft was angry at John Watson. He had Sherlock's undying love but was so blindingly stupid not to realise that fact. So here they were, in a prison cell, Sherlock about to be sent away on a one-way mission to the place he had been rescued from not long before. All so that John Watson could be happy. And there was nothing Mycroft could do. His heart ached at how easily Sherlock would throw his life away for someone who merely considered him a friend. But nothing Mycroft could say would make Sherlock change his mind; he refused to tell John the truth, and that was that. The relief when Moriarty appeared on the screen, the phone call that followed, the pardon that he had hoped for arriving almost too late. His heart skipped with happiness only to sink again when he realised his brother had fallen back on old habits. No one who had seen that list could think otherwise. Sherlock had not meant to land in Serbia alive. Telling John Watson to look after his brother was the hardest thing he had ever done, but at that point, Mycroft knew he had to let go. His heart couldn't take any more. One day, Sherlock would succeed, and his heart would break. 
The fifth was a surprise. As Mycroft stood blinking at his brother, who was sitting at the kitchen table in Baker Street bouncing a three-year-old Rosie Watson on his knee, his heart gave the biggest lurch he'd ever felt. He felt for the chair he knew must be there and sank into it like his strings had been cut. 
"Best man?" His brother rolled his eyes and set Rosie on the floor, watching as she toddled off into the living room.
"But what? You've been there every day, meddling, since I was born. For once, and once only, I'm asking you to be there. With me." Mycroft's heartfelt three sizes bigger; a lump appeared in his throat, and his eyes started to fill. Choking down the emotion, Mycroft coughed and turned away. 
"Don't tell me it broke him too. You two are ridiculous." John laughed as he walked into the kitchen. So a few weeks later, Mycroft stood next to his brother as he married his best friend, finally. 
If the fifth was a surprise, nothing shook Mycroft more than the sixth. He was standing on the edge of the dancefloor as he watched Sherlock waltz with his new husband, besotted expressions on their faces. It happened when the other best man approached. 
"So, normally, I guess I would be asking the maid of honour to dance. But seeing as that would either be you or me in this case, would you do me the honour of this dance?" Gregory Lestrade held out his hand for Mycroft, and at once, something like a bolt hit him straight in the heart. 
"I'd be delighted, Gregory." He accepted the proffered hand, and they waltzed onto the dancefloor. As they moved in time to the music, Mycroft felt his heart change. He continued to feel its presence long after the dance, the night, the week. Mycroft spent the rest of his life knowing full well he had a heart. It was a joyful feeling most of the time, and, on occasion, it ached. It got larger as their families grew and settled. And he never once said again that caring was not an advantage. Because he had learned that it most definitely was. 
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@totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @helloliriels @dapetty @calaisreno
If you'd like to be tagged when I post a new story, let me know!
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obitohno · 2 years
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fantasising about husband! aki who can no longer hide just how much he longs for you when you accidentally walk in on him.
fem! reader, 18+, friends to lovers, semi-angst, marriage of convenience, fluff, love confessions, mutual pining, (male) masturbation, making out, fingering, sitting cowgirl, dick riding, vaginal creampie
3.9k (unedited)
reblogs are appreciated ~
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it’s embarrassing, really, just how quickly aki adapts to a life dominated by your presence, and yet, it happens so naturally, that without realising, he’s accepting it as easily as he does breathing. 
with the both of you now settling into the final years of your twenties, your marriage had been born from the promise of companionship, should neither of you settle with a partner of your own. it was you who had drunkenly slurred the idea after he’d accompanied you home after a night out—rambling something about how much you loved him—and because you were so stupidly inebriated, you had shrieked with laughter when he’d actually agreed. 
the promise isn’t mentioned again for the two years that had followed, until a few months after aki’s twenty-eighth birthday, and it is denji, of all people, who brings it up. in truth, after ignoring it for so long, you’d actually forgotten all about that particular night, and so, after aki shoos denji away with a carefully aimed glare, you’re pleasantly surprised when he then proposes that the two of you marry, because—in his very own words—it made sense. 
it’s not quite the proposal that you’d imagined when you were far younger, enamoured by the idea of marrying your very own prince charming, and yet, it’s all too easy to agree, and a month later, your life is eternally tied to aki’s with a single signature upon a piece of paper. 
only, a year later, and the relationship that is shared between the two of you remains strictly platonic. 
you aren’t exactly sure what you had been hoping to change once the two of you married, but even power has begun to notice that your marriage with aki isn’t at all what it’s made up to be. 
‘you don’t share a bed?!’ she’d exclaimed one evening after coming to visit and poking her nose around your bedroom long enough to discover that the wardrobe is home only to your clothes. 
‘we’re friends,’ you’d stressed, brows furrowing. 
‘yeah,’ denji had piped up from somewhere down the hall, head buried within the depths of your fridge, ‘but you’re married.’ 
‘hm, hm,’ power had nodded, agreeing, and you’d had to hide your grimace by busying yourself with shoving her from your bedroom and clicking the door shut behind you. 
the conversation had quickly changed after denji had convinced you to accompany them to lunch—‘cause you’ve got nothin’ in—but it’s still one that you catch yourself thinking about when you tuck yourself into bed each night. 
lately, more often than not, he’s the reasoning behind your last thought at night, and the first when you rouse from sleep in the morning. at first, you chalk it down to the fact that now the two of you live together, it’s only natural that he’s who you think of when ordering takeout, because it’s also obvious that you’d wonder what he’d like to eat tonight. it’s also totally normal for hope to rear its familiar heat in the centre of your chest when you return home from work—because, why on earth wouldn’t you pray that he made it home safe and sound? and, of course, it’s just curtesy to ask if he’d like to join you when you’re watching one of those shitty chick flicks that are shown every friday evening, hiding your smirk behind a cushion when he grumbles under his breath about how terrible the movie is, but still comes to slouch on the settee beside you, your feet nestled on his lap. 
there’s nothing unusual about marrying your best friend. 
at least, that’s what you tell yourself. 
until, one night, everything changes. 
it’s new year’s, and your small group of friends have gathered to denji and power’s apartment. 
it’s just the four of you crammed onto the small settee, a concoction of what smells to be both vodka and beer glaring up at you from the depths of the glass that power had shoved into the palm of your hand upon arrival. you haven’t yet dared to take a sip. 
there’s another of those shitty chick flicks playing in the background, but no one is really paying attention to the screen, all eyes focusing on the clock that has been pinned—lopsided—onto the wall. there are only a few minutes until midnight, and suddenly, you’re all too aware of the heat of aki’s thigh pressing to your own, his arm brushing against yours when he lifts a hand to push a loose strand of hair from his face. tonight, the inky tresses are free from their usual tie, and for a reason known only to the heavens, you can’t stop glancing at him from the corner of your eye. it’s not as if you’re a stranger to this particular hairdo, but tonight, the blues of his hair entice your stare back toward him, over and over, and the more you do so, the more confused you become. 
fortunately, power pins your attention onto her when she all but throws her weight onto your shoulder, giggling loudly, ‘hey, hey!’ 
‘hey,’ you hum down at her, vaguely aware of denji jumping from his seat, hopping over the back of the settee, and disappearing down the hallway.
power leans forward so that her cheek is pressed to yours. the stench of beer is heavy on her breath, and when your nose crinkles, she only laughs harder. ‘you guys gonna kiss?’ 
you don’t have to look to know that aki is staring at the back of your head. awkwardly, you clear your throat, unable to hide your wince in time. denji returns, bowl of freshly cooked fries in hand. he’s already shovelling a handful into his mouth, belatedly remembering to share by shoving the bowl under power’s nose so suddenly that, in her surprise, her left foot kicks out and connects with his knee. he howls, the bowl dropped to his lap, and power snatches it, scoffing down a mouthful herself. cheeks stuffed, she points to the clock, and a garbled yelp of excitement escapes her. 
‘look, look!’ 
there’s just a minute left. 
a warm hand eases over your crown, and the way that your spine relaxes is instantaneous. it’s reflex, the way that you curl into his side—as you have hundreds of times before—and you pointedly ignore the way that power jabs her elbow into denji’s flank, his eyes watering as he chokes on another mouthful of fries. 
the clock tick-tocks, and the tip of a nose is ghosting over the shell of your ear. his fingers tickle down the back of your neck, and the brush of his lips at your temple welcomes you into the new year. 
it’s not quite the kiss that you’d hoped for, once, when you still dreamt of new year kisses way back in your teen years, and yet, your pulse skips a beat all the same. 
‘happy new year,’ he murmurs to your cheek, thumb slipping to press to your pulse, and you know that he can feel the way that it stutters, faltering beneath his touch. 
it’s just aki, you tell yourself, because it’s easier to lie than it is to acknowledge the way that your stomach twists itself into knots. 
from over your shoulder, you peek towards him, unsurprised to see that his stare is already focused on you. he blinks, once, twice, and something in his eye shifts, his lids drooping as his gaze lowers to your mouth. subconsciously, your lips part, as if to say something—anything—to save yourself from the press of the pad of his thumb at your throat, but all that comes out is a stuttered repeat of his sentiment, the words choked upon when that damned thumb of his strokes over the length of your jugular. 
clearing your throat, you try again, despite the fact that you’re sure he can feel the perspiration that has begun to form on the surface of your skin. you force a smile, one that is returned by the crooking of the corner of his mouth, and you will yourself to feign indifference, even though you’re sure that he can feel the way that your pulse jumps at the sight. 
‘happy new year, aki.’ 
the new year passes. 
the world settles into its usual routine, and things in your shared apartment appear to be just as normal. 
only, they’re not. 
aki has always been a constant in your life, this, you’re grateful for. yet, after new year’s, something changes between two of you. you’re a little slow to realise that all too suddenly, he’s everywhere. 
he’s there when you’re stirring your morning coffee, squinty eyed as he smiles when you thank him for boiling the kettle for you because you’re running a tad late this morning. it isn’t until you’re rushing out of the apartment, handbag swinging on your shoulder, that you realise that he is the one who is late for work, as he’s usually out of the door at least an hour before you drag yourself from your bed. 
he’s also there when you’re returning home from work, waiting to greet you as you’re kicking your shoes from your feet and slumping onto the settee with an exhausted groan of relief. the tips of his fingers are kneading at the ache that has formed in the arch of your foot, and you fail to realise that he’s staring at the column of your throat, as your eyes are closed. this happens once, twice, and upon the third time, you’ve started to become a tad suspicious, because usually, he doesn’t arrive home until long after the clock reads six pm. 
a month later, when he catches you kicking at the boiler because it’s stopped working, again, it is he who calls to have it fixed. in the meantime, he leaves freshly boiled hot water bottles outside of the bathroom door, ready for you to bundle into your dressing gown after you finish bathing under an uncomfortable spray of cold water. you’re a little dramatic, sure, when you exclaim that the cold is going to be the death of you, biting the inside of your cheek to hide the smile that tugs at your lips when he huffs, rolls his eyes, but still takes your hands in his to warm your fingers. 
another month passes quickly, and another, and another. you’ve grown long accustomed to the fingers that stroke at your elbow whenever he passes by, to the knowing smiles that conceal secrets that you’re not privy to, hidden behind the rim of his mug as he all but inhales yet another mouthful of coffee. he still comments on your shitty chick flicks, yet, sometimes, you compromise, and he forces you to sit through a range of disaster films that stretch on for almost three hours at a time. oftentimes, you’re falling asleep beneath the blanket that he’d thrown over you just an hour or so before, and yet when you wake, you’re tucked into the comfort of your own bed. 
all too soon, you find that each smile, each brush of his fingers, each cup of coffee, each hot water bottle, and each blasted three hour disaster film, are all driving toward something that you can’t control. 
spring arrives, and with it, so does the realisation that you are helplessly in love. 
and yet, it isn’t you who confesses first. 
today, exhaustion has you sent home from work an hour earlier than usual. again, aki’s brogues are stacked neatly on the shoe rack when you step inside, the front door clicking shut behind you. you’re too tired to ponder on the reason why he’s home far earlier than he should be, your feet kicking themselves free from the shape of your heels. the relief is instant, and a sigh has your chest heaving, shoulders slumping low enough for the strap of your handbag to slip down to the crook of your elbow. you allow it to thump to the floor, and you can already hear aki’s voice reprimanding you, but you’re shattered, and right now, all you want to do is go to bed. 
rolling your neck until it cricks, you shuffle your way down the hall, pausing by the living room door to see that the television is switched on, but muted. a brow raising, you move on, only to halt when you hear a noise coming from inside your room. if you were more alert, you probably would have hesitated just a second longer, but before you can stop, and think, your hand is twisting at the door handle, the door flying open. 
and there, sprawled across your bed, buried within your sheets, lies aki. 
only, aki is naked. 
the sheets are draped over his legs, his thighs spread, and between them, his cock stands proud, leaking an iridescent mess all over his knuckles. his abdomen is tense, muscles taunt underneath the surface of his skin, and your eyes linger for a moment too long before you acknowledge just what is happening. 
‘what the—?’ 
aki actually shrieks.
then, at the same time, you both yell at one another, the merge of your voices displaying varying tones of mortification:
‘what the fuck?!’ 
‘in my bed—seriously?!’ 
horrified, you’re spinning back towards the door, and he’s scrambling from the bed, and there’s a fumble, and all of a sudden, his fingers are curled around your wrist, and he’s begging you to stay, but all you can focus on is the wet of his knuckles pressing to your skin, and you blurt:
‘is that your wank hand?’ 
you’re not even looking at him, but you hear the stutter of his breath and his grip is tightening, ‘my… my what?’ 
you exhale loudly, skin aflame with embarrassment, ‘your wank hand—it’s… it’s wet.’ 
‘fuck, fuck,’ his fingers are all but ripped from your skin, and he’s stumbling somewhere behind you, cursing under his breath. curiosity has you daring to peek over you shoulder, but it appears that you’ve misjudged his ability to dress quickly, as he’s only just shoving a leg through the crumbled leg of his favourite sweatpants. and again, your stare is lingering between his legs, where his prick is starting to droop, his arousal now forgotten. only, he catches your stare, and he somehow stubs his toe on the bedside table, yelling another curse as he trips, falling flat on his arse as he does so. he’s wide eyed, a smattering of red staining both the bridge of his nose and the crests of his cheeks, and you can only gawk back at him, bewildered. 
for a long moment, there’s a tense silence that stretches between the two of you. 
you remain by the doorway, and he hasn’t moved from the floor, staring at you just as intensely as you stare at him. 
and then: 
‘i love you.’ 
your lips part, your mouth opens, and then it closes. again, you try, your tongue fumbling against the inside of your cheek, your breath catching in the back of your throat. again, your pulse is hurtling angrily at the side of your neck. again, your gaze slips, eyelids lowering, aimed between his legs, to where his cock is still half-hard, resting against the crease of which his hip meets his thigh. 
eyes snapping toward his, you squeak, ‘come again?’
he clears his throat, glancing at your mouth, once, twice, and then croaks, ‘i love you.’ 
your knees crumble, bending to accommodate your weight as you crouch before him. your face is buried into the palms of your hands, and your chest heaves as a tiny sob is forced from between your lips. there’s a relief, a hot, burning sensation that prickles at your stomach, and although this isn’t the kind of confession that you’ve dared to imagine, it’s a confession all the same. 
‘god, fuck, aki—’
he’s scoffing on a laugh, one that sounds as painful as it feels, and his hand is reaching to tug at yours so that he can see your face. ‘s’this where you say you don’t feel the same?’ 
you’re laughing—wetly, but still, it’s a laugh—and instead of answering his question, you ask: 
‘is that your wank hand?’ 
this time, he’s snorting, and his hands are pulling at you just as he’s leaning close enough that the bridge of his nose bumps to yours. it’s the only warning that you’ll receive, one that you deem unnecessary, as you’re already meeting him halfway, chin tilting upward just as his lips mould to the shape of your mouth.
you’re unable to focus on the taste of him, not really, not when his hands are grabbing at you greedily, your breath faltering when his fingers are urgently tearing at your clothes. the next few minutes are a blur, and his kisses are a flurry of tongues, gasps stolen between breaths when the blunt edges of his teeth bite into the plush of your bottom lip. there’s a pause when your shirt is all but ripped over the top of your head, his mouth like fire when his lips press to yours again, and it’s quickly followed by another pause as he helps you to shimmy you out of the remainder of your clothing. desperation has him kicking the fabric of his sweatpants from his leg, his fingers deftly ridding you of your bra, your knickers quickly joining the pile of discarded clothing soon after. 
his kisses are frantic, sloppy, and his fingers are blindly exploring each inch of skin that he can get his hands on. it doesn’t take long for him to discover the ticklish spot beneath your ribs, or the quiver of your thighs when his fingers grip at your waist, hoisting you atop him. a surprised oof escapes you, mostly formed around the fact that your head is spinning. 
things are moving quickly—too quickly—and when you manage to tear your mouth from his long enough to voice it so, he’s stilling, spine rigid as he peeks at you through a long strand of hair. 
‘wanna stop?’ the deep gravel of his tone suggests that he hopes for anything but. 
‘no,’ you confirm his hopes, the curve of your smirk smothered by the press of his lips. 
he’s mouthing at the pulse that beats a steady tune at your throat, his fingers, gentle as they pinch, stroke and tickle their way towards the centre of your legs. you shudder, anticipation trembling down the length of your spine, and when his thumb presses over your clit, your breath catches, eyes widening as you peer down at him. his touch is like fire, your skin scorched, thrilled, and he swallows down the lust-driven mewl that is muffled when he kisses you yet again. it’s almost painful, how slowly he works you open, your opening stretching around the press of his fingers, but he welcomes the feel of your lips at his throat, your teeth at his collarbone next, and your fingers twisting into the length of his hair. above him, your hips rock to-and-fro, and his fingers are tugging free with a wet squelch that has you grimacing, and him, grinning. your pelvis rolls, the plush of your cunt gliding up the rigidity of his cock, his balls heavy between his thighs, and the moan you exhale across the curve of his cheek is mirrored back to you, his lids blinking rapidly in order to watch the way that you sigh for him. 
‘love you,’ he breathes, pupils blown wide as he stares at you as if seeing you for the very first time. you’re unable to describe the warmth that is burning its way up the column of your throat, and yet, your fingers tug at his hair, again, coaxing him in for another kiss. 
‘i love you,’ he groans the syllables of your name, the width of him stretching the searing walls of your cunt wider than his fingers ever could. 
‘shit, yes—justlikethat—l-love—fuck, i love—hngh!’ repeatedly, his cock claims home inside the wet of your cunny, which eagerly welcomes him in, over and over, the schlick, schlick, schlick of his sac—long stained with the evidence of your arousal—smacked tight against the curve of your rear with each thrust as he pistons his girth past the stretch of your fluttering hole. 
‘g-gonna—ah, ah!’ and then, his slit is painting thick strands of opalescent jism that have your inner walls glimmering a pretty shade of pearl. your clit is still humming with the aftermath of your own peak, pulse deafening as it thunders an uneven beat past your tragus and down the canal of your eardrums. exhaustion has your thighs trembling around the width of his waist, spine curved as you collapse just enough to rest your cheek to the sharp jut of his shoulder, gasping loud enough to encourage the gentle hum of laughter from out of his lungs. the glide of his cock thump, thump, thumps dangerously close to the tight opening of your cervix, the seam of his sac glistening with the drooling mess that somehow oozes free from the vacuumed grip of your puffy orifice. eventually, he stills, spent, and the back of his head clunks against the wooden surface of the bedside table. 
he wheezes a laugh that bubbles from somewhere deep in his chest, and the force has his shoulder vibrating, your cheek jiggling along, until, soon, his laughter titters into something that sounds less pleasant. when the tip of his nose traces the shape of the shell of your ear, it’s cold, wet, and there’s a choked sob that gargles from the back of his throat, and your fingers clutch at his ribs, desperate to feel the warmth of him just a tad longer. ‘i love you,’ he murmurs, voice thick, hoarse, strained with the weight of a fear that you understand his ego won’t allow him to acknowledge aloud. 
still, you nose at the space beneath the cut of his jaw, and there, is where his scent is the strongest, the familiarity of nothing but him, him, him now intermingled with the salted musk that clings to the surface of his skin. and there, is where the shape of your smile eases the uneasy ache that roughly thwack, thwack, thwacks his jugular against the bridge of your nose until it begins to settle into a pace that comes with the soft exhale that flutters across the back of your head. and there, is where you breathe that no, this isn’t where you say that you don’t feel the same, because, actually, you love him too. 
he’s laughing again, vocal chords twisting around the sound of relief, and when his mouth seeks yours again, his hand comes to cup the shape of your cheek, fingers brushing at the wispy baby hairs that wind around the tip of his finger. the taste of him dominates the inside of your cheeks and the flat of your tongue, and when your fingers curl over the circumference of his wrist, the corners of your eyes crinkle with the stretch of your smile. and just as aki’s lips part—awed—you tug his hand from your skin, your fingers slotting between the crooks of his own. the corners of your mouth morph into the shape of a smirk, the dampened surface of your forehead nudging at his, and you ask:
‘is that your wank hand?’
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© obitohno. all rights reserved. do not repost my works.
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HII could you do a smut abt eun hyuk and the reader having a argument before he goes back into green home as the building falls down and they meet each other again but he’s a monster and she tries to run but they end up having rough make up s3x
Yeaaa I’m a freaky gyal im also a black queen 👸🏾
Eun Hyuk x black reader
Genre: Angst/Smut
Warning ⚠️: name calling , cursing , vaginal sex , fem reader , fingering
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It’s been a few months since your fight with Eun Hyuk it was also the last time you ever saw him , the me of your argument over something so stupid something that could’ve easily been solved .. Eun Hyuk had thought you were cheating with Cha Hyun Su not knowing that he was your cousin though marriage since both you and Hyun Su decided to keep that information from anyone the image of the building crashing down on your boyfriend of years after he told you that he became infected with the virus as he knew he would soon become a monster not wanting to hurt anyone as he stayed back with making sure both you and Eun Yu were dragged out of the building as it crashed down seconds later feeling stupid as you remember going back to green home with Eun Yu only to see rubble and what remained of the building
Stepping over the rubble making sure not to step on anything sharp or that could make a loud noise parting ways with Eun Yu both searching both hoping and praying to find Eun Hyuk only finding what remained of his glasses , that was months ago now you were living in a hidden shelter that had a few months ago
Sitting in your makeshift bed inside the underground shelter away from any danger that was outside , eyes watching as a few kids the oldest of the few were running around playing with a ball that they had found while the younger kids played with what toys that remained as your eyes continue to scan the small camp soldiers walking around some carrying guns while a few stood guard
Sighing as you realized you haven’t seen Eun Yu since earlier this morning as she sometimes sleep in your space which you didn’t mind she was the only person that didn’t bother you standing to your feet making sure to grab your small cross bag , opening your bag as you place your flashlight, knife, and a bottle of water tinting as you head down the hall passing a few shoulders not paying them any mind as to not draw attention to your self
After a few more turns you arrive in front of a door looking left and right down the halls making sure you weren’t followed before opening the door heading inside the tunnels closing the door behind you , reaching in your bag taking our your flashlight pressing the button as the light shines showing a pathway down the darkness yet quiet tunnel as you make your way down the tunnel making sure to watch your step , stepping over any sharp objects or anything that could make any noise your brown eyes watching your surroundings not putting your grind down as you make it to the end of the tunnel seeing the sun reflect on the hidden entrance
Turning off your flashlight placing it back in your bag taking the last two steps towards the piece of wood that was big enough to cover the hole that was in the tunnel wall leading outside but not big enough that it couldn’t be moved carefully picking up the wood before sliding it to the left allowing the sun light to shine through the tunnel blinding you for a few seconds before your eye’s adjusted to the light before carefully stepping out of the hole now standing outside turning back towards the hidden entrance before sliding the wood back in front of the entrance turning back towards the small abandoned town taking a deep breath as you start to walk forward further into the abandoned town
Looking around the town as you see the twin covered in trees and/or grass some of which was growing inside some of the abandoned buildings and homes , empty abandoned cars that were now rusted grass growing around the cars stopping in your tracks as you stare at one car .. it still containing two burnt bodies as they still held hands seeming as they took their lives feeling a bit of sorrow for the couple as you think you might have done the same with Eun Hyuk if you could snapping out of your thoughts feeling a year run down your face as you quickly wipe away the tears from your eyes before quickly turning and heading back down the road soon stopping in front a abandoned building
It was a small apartment that you decided to make a hideout even spending a night every once in a while just to have peace and quiet not having to worry about anything , turning to look around as you start to feel like someone was watching you but only to see no one in sight becoming a bit nervous and confused before quickly heading towards the building entering the doors making sure to close them quietly behind you before entering the lobby heading straight for the stairs , pushing open the door for the stairway closing it behind you as you head up the four flights of stairs coming to a stop in fort of a door grabbing the doors handle before pulling the door open heading inside the hall of the apartment building before heading down the halls towards the last door
Twisting the door handle before stepping inside the door closing and locking it behind you as you head inside the abandoned apartment unit , there was the living room as soon as you entered the unit, a bathroom to the right once you entered the unit , a bedroom to the left of the unit that had a bed that was still inside the unit and a small kitchen that was connected to the living room
Taking off your shoes since you decided to stay a night or two here heading for the bedroom not carrying to close the door since you were the only one here… or so you thought.. placing your shoes in the bedroom on the floor not to far from the bed seeing that your blanket and pillow was still heated on the bed how you left it a few weeks before
Taking off bag along with your ripped shirt along with your ripped pants leaving you in your panties and bra placing your clothes on the floor and your bag on the bed as you walk toward the closet pulling open the closets doors sweating a few clothes that you’ve found and brought here for whenever you stayed as you looked through the small snap it of clothes jumping as you head a small knock at the door quickly grabbing a oversized shirt of Eun Hyuk’s that you still had over your body allowing it to fall to your knees since you were super short heading for your bag quickly grabbing your knife as you head out the room slowly walking towards the front door with caution eyes never leaving the door stopping a good two or three feet from the door enough for whoever it was to hear you
“Who’s there..?” Reader calls out making sure not to be to loud waiting a few seconds to get no response making the small women more nervous than before
“I said who’s there” reader repeats knife held high eyes growing wide as you see who ever it was or what ever it was grabbing the door handle as it wiggles a bit before slowly turning left and right spins becoming more violent as the intruder tried to open the door
After a couple more second the door handle suddenly stops not making anymore movement allowing your nerves to calm down thinking that the intruder had left.. oh boy were you wrong you eyes grew wide as you see a weird substance leak under the front door slowly moving indie the unit stoping a few inches in front of the door before the weird black substance formed into what seemed to be a creepy arm or something reaching for the lock causing you to freeze in your place not knowing what to do you couldn’t jump out the window since you were in the fourth floor which would leave you with serious injuries which could draw attention towards you , the only thing you could do was wait and fight your way past the intruder as you try to run for your life
Tightening your grip on your knifes handle as you feel your hand shake from nervousness eyes never leaving the door watching as the creature finally unlocks the door before slowly retreating back under the door holding your breath as you continue to wait welding your guard up as the handle soon turns slowly before it slowly pushes open, your eyes widen as your grip on the knife sudden loosens soon falling to the floor .. your mind was playing trick on you is what you thought blinking a few times before looking back at the door as the person steps inside the unit door soon closing behind his tall figure
It was Eun Hyuk… you boyfriend that you thought had died all those months ago a smile forming on your face before soon vanishing .. he didn’t look the same .. he seemed .. different and it scared you a little your eyes soon scan over his talk form, you froze, his eyes.. they weren’t normal they used to be full of happiness and hope now they’re were dull and dark
Taking a step back your eyes never leaving Eun Hyuk as you watch his eyes turn from pitch black back to there normal his now brown eyes staring through your soul as he starts to take slow steps towards you stopping a few inches away from you his brown eyes scanning over your small figure feeling a shiver run down your spine once his eyes stop at your legs before slowly looking up your body stoppering at your breast that you forgot were exposed not thinking anyone would come or brake in leaving the top three buttons of the button up shirt open exposing your bra that cover your huge breast, Eun Hyuk’s eyes watching as you take each breath causing your breast to raise and fall
“E-Eun H-Hyuk..” Reader says voice full of fear not knowing if he was the same Eun Hyuk you feel in love with it he was able to keep his self in control like Hyun su .. or if he had completely forgotten who he was like everyone else had seeing as his eyes now locked on yours
“You miss me” Eun Hyuk says deep voice sending chills down your spine your mind finally processing that he no longer seem to need his glasses his hair looking more silk and healthier than normal as he had it styled your eyes trail down his body seeing that he had on a button up shirt with the button button undone revealing his new abs his v line visible as his dress pants cover below his v line covering anymore skin you wishes to see
“Cause we missed you..although..”Eun hyuk continues eyes scanning around the small apartment before landing back on you his eyes once again pitch black a weird grin growing on his face pitch black eyes never leaving yours before you could responded you feel the knife get smacked out your hand seeing as his arm had transformed again as it wraps grabs your wrist holding your in the air by the wrist as Eun Hyuk walks closer your back now against the wall hands held above your head by the wrist
Letting out small whimper your eyes watching Eun Hyuk as he steps closer towards you barely leaving any space his eyes staring up at you for a few seconds slowly reaching his hand as he rubs at your plump thigh slowly traveling his hand up your thigh stopping once they come in contact with the waist band of your panties
“You never slept in clothes now that I think about it .. you always slept naked .. no care in the world” Eun Hyuk says his voice deep as his hand slowly pulls at your panties before slowly pulling them down your thighs letting them fall to your ankles which you soon allowed to fall to the floor causing Eun Hyuk to smirk , slowly turning your head feeling a bit of embarrassment you hated that he made you feel this way
Feeling your slick run down your thighs as you slowly rub you thighs together you missed Eun Hyuk but you knew it was him or at least right now, you also knew that he was probably still pissed about the last argument you both had but you didn’t really care you just wanted him to touch you, you just wanted Eun Hyuk
“H-Hyuk i miss u please..” You whimper just wanting Hyuk to do something you waited long enough thinking that he was dead you just wanted him to touch you
“Please what?I don’t know what you want..” Eun Hyuk says eyes now locked on yours as you slowly turn to look down at him as your still held up against the wall by the wrist feeling a shiver run down your spine as his cold hand touches your heated core moaning as his finger collects some of your slick
“Your soaked .. I didn’t do anything just yet pretty” Eun Hyuk chuckles in a quick motion he tosses you over his shoulder heading towards the room giving your plump ass a hard smack causing you to yelp while he smirks entering the room kicking the door closed behind him as he heads for the bed before tossing you on top of the bed
Before your kind could process what just happened Eun Hyuk climbs on top of you , your eyes widen realizing he’s only in his boxers grabbing your wrist with one hand holding your hands above your hands yet again as he starts to leave wet kiss down your neck moaning as he start to suck and bite at your neck his other hand slowly running down your clothes body squeezing at one of your boobs a few times before slowly pulling the shirt over your stomach his hand now moving towards your exposed cunt running his fingers though your juices as he slowly pushes a finger in your entrance gasping as you feel Eun Hyuk add another finger before slowly pushing in and out your dripping cunt growing as he feel how you squeeze around his fingers
“E-Eun..” Reader moans slightly opening your legs more to give Eun Hyuk more access to your dripping core back arching as Hyuk pushes his fingers deeper in your pussy curling his fingers as they push deeper inside you using his thumb to rubs small circles to you clit adding to the pressure as your moans become a bit louder back now arching of the bed as Eun Hyuk pulls a away from you neck looking over the makes he gave you
“Don’t move your hands” Eun Hyuk wants in a dark tone hiannow brown eyes staring into your soul nosing as you moan out a small yes eyes locked to Eun Hyuk soon feeling him let go of your hands going to your shirt grabbing at the neck of your shirt before ripping it off your body leaving you a bit shocked soon vanishing as Eun Hyuk rubs faster at your clit causing a knot to form in your stomach once he knew the shirt was off he attacked your breast squeezing and pinching at your nipple while he gave small bites making sure to leave his marks as he sucked at your now harden nipple groaning as you tighten around his fingers removing your nipples from his mouth soon giving the other the same treatment cashing the knot to snap in your stomach covering his fingers in your slick growing as he pulls away from your breast , groaning at you as he pulls down his boxers grabbing your legs as he pushes them over your shoulders making your knees touch the bed your hole tightening around nothing chuckling as he lines his harden cock with your entrance
“This might hurt” Eun Hyuk says as he punches his thick 9 inch cock past your entrance gripping at the sheets as he pushes his whole 9 inches into you tighten hole not leaving you adjust to his size as he pounds into you at a fast pace
“H-HYUK” Reader moans out forgetting about the apocalypse that’s as happening outside as you now had your boyfriend who you thought was dead pounding into your guts as if he’s life depended on it his strong hands grabs at your wrist once he let go of your leg holding your hands above your head as his cock bullies deeper into your pussy your walls tightens with each hard stroke he gave you
“Fuck y-your so wet so good princess all for me yeah” Eun Hyuk says picking up his pace as his tip kisses at your cervix a knot once again forming in the pit of your stomach looking up at Eun Hyuk with pleading eyes
“E-Eun Hyuk C-Cum..-” reader moans as she fails to finish her sentence to focused with how Eun Hyuk was pounding into your cunt the room filled with the sound of skin slapping the knot becoming more tight as you couldn’t hold it anymore soon letting it snap covering Eun Hyuk and the sheets with your juices groaning as his strokes become sloppy pounding into you a few more times before spilling his seed deep inside your cunt pulling out of you as he slowly kisses down your body stopping at you sensitive cunt your juices dripping out your holes as his mixed with yours
“Can’t let it out now gonna make a baby yeah” Eun Hyuk says as he lays his head on your plump thigh not letting you put down your legs his fingers tracing over your cunt before slowly pushes a finger inside you
“Gotta keep it in” Eun Hyuk groans as he starts to slowly finger fuck his seed back into your sensitive dripping hole
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starry-eyedblog · 9 months
just found your account and ohhh my god I love it mwah chefs kiss
but I gotta know what you think about price with a partner who bites/likes being bitten (esp. a bratty partner?? tell me that’s not a gorgeous idea)
anyway I will be following bc I love your account so far
brb sobbing, thank you anon that's so kind!! i hope you will continue to enjoy my posts (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)
as someone who loves to bite and loves being bitten, this is right up my alley so i am positively eating this the fuck up.
warnings/tags: john price x gn reader, biting, bruises
i feel like price won't really entertain you biting all over him, he's a captain and needs to remain respectable so his neck is a no go for bites. if he's feeling nice, or you’ve been behaving well, he'll let you bite at his chest a little. he secretly really enjoys when you bite and tug at his nipples but wont admit it because then he’ll never get a break from you, begging to get at his chest with your teeth.
price isn't an easily jealous man. he's older, more mature now and he knows how head over heals you are for him. he doesn't need to prove anything, especially younger men who fawn over you.
so, he won't usually go for your neck with the bites. your thighs though? now that's a different ballpark. when he's eating you out/sucking you off, you best believe your thighs will be left bruised and sore.
he’ll take his time, pressing kisses to your thighs and working his way up. when you get impatient, bucking your hips up or tugging his head down by his hair so he’ll finally put his mouth on you where you need it most, he’ll sink his teeth into your thighs harshly till you’re crying.
he’ll leave faint teeth marks that last for days, and are highly sensitive to touch. when you're being bratty, he'll press his thumb down on your inner thighs where the bruises and bites are because he knows how much they sting.
i also feel like he's the type of man to bite your arse cheek when taking you in doggy. one hand pressing down into your lower back to make you arch more while the other grabs at your ass. he'll lean down and sink his teeth into the fat of your arse while still fucking you meanly.
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In Defense Of Ceroba
Even though I'm still probably the biggest Starlo apologist you've seen, I wanna talk about Ceroba today. Particularly, my initial and current thoughts on her (but also why she works as a deeply flawed and tragic character).
Anyway, here we go.
Ceroba wasn't a character I liked at first. It wasn't dislike or hatred I felt for her, but rather... not much, if anything. She simply didn't catch my attention like Starlo did, with his larger-than-life personality. Ceroba wasn't like that. She wasn't in the spotlight, she seemed calm and level-headed, sarcastic and easily annoyed with the Five's nonsense, but also kinda just.... there, in contrast to the more 'cartoonish' Starlo.
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you can clearly see who the goofy one is
Heck, I was so focused on NOT wanting to get to know and understand Ceroba that I payed little to no attention to her, even in the Steamworks, which was her section as well as Axis'. I completely forgot about the talk option too, so I missed on a lot during my first playthrough. I didn't even laugh at her sarcastic comebacks (that I find funny now, as you can see in my post titled 'Ceroba's sarcasm is growing on me').
And when I found out Ceroba injected Kanako... let's just say she became my least favorite character. I didn't understand why she had done it. It seemed like a poor writing choice not to have Kanako get her paws on the serum and inject herself. Ceroba actively going against her husband's last wish and being the cause of her kid falling down left a bad taste in my mouth.
Only later did I finally put the pieces together.
Ceroba was depressed. Like, really REALLY depressed. So depressed, in fact, that she became blunt with her choice of words when it came to the Starlo situation and unaware of his troubles/the fact he was trying to help her out of the rut. Ceroba was clearly way harsher towards him than she used to be before all the tragedy struck (but said she was sorry)
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Starlo describes her as compassionate and hard-working (and they've been friends for a long time, so he must know). Or at least, that was who she was before all the sadness turned her into a shell of her former self.
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Now, Chujin... oh, Chujin.
Chujin meant a lot to Ceroba and that is very clear. From her blindly following his legacy even after his death, to accepting to kill Clover (someone she had grown to respect) with tears in her eyes.
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If you ask me, it wasn't Ceroba's cold, sarcastic, gloomy heart that destroyed her. Quite the opposite. It was love. More specifically, her love for Chujin.
I would, without an ounce of doubt, call this fox romantic and emotional. Someone who loves hard and deep. Someone who trusted him, her love, so blindly that she never suspected Chujin was up to anything suspicious. And when he was stripped away from her, it hurt so much. She even blamed herself for not noticing. It's sad.
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So... why inject Kanako, something Chujin didn't want her to do? Simple. Because of her major character flaw: stubbornness.
See, Ceroba had refused at first. But the line that got her to change her mind was this:
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Ceroba, still in emotional distress and not thinking clearly (much like Starlo), trusted her heart and not her head. And her heart was telling her that Chujin, wherever his soul was, would be proud of her for fulfilling his dream. Making his legacy come true. Saving monsterkind was a bonus, but I believe the main, true motivation here was honoring Chujin and what he wanted to accomplish for monsterkind. And so, instead of focusing on remaining a good parent to her only child, Ceroba chose her husband. She chose something greater that he believed in.
Ceroba loves Kanako, don't get me wrong. She remembers how Kanako and Starlo would watch westerns together, how Kanako would play with brick toys when she was younger, she says how her love for her could be enough to shatter the barrier. She'd tuck her in every night. She promised she'd be safe during the extraction. The two hugged tight and said 'I love you.' All signs point towards Kanako receiving a lot of love from her mother. She even made a drawing of the three of them, and this picture on the right says it all:
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Chujin, too, loved his daughter, and I believe this love for her was more prominent before the attack (he even gave her the chance to play video games in her room, how cool is that?). He, too, like Ceroba, prioritzed the wrong things. Instead of making sure Kanako was alright, he made Axis chase after the human and didn't stay to comfort her. He was so focused on the prejudice towards humans (he believed Integrity would have 'continued the crusade' and it hadn't just been fear or self-defense that made them attack) that he forgot that the safety of his child and helping Dalv was far more important.
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But Chujin... Ceroba can't even look at her own daughter without being reminded of him:
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Ceroba talks about Chujin a lot.
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Even though Ceroba messed up badly by injecting Kanako, not paying more attention to what Chujin had been doing, manipulating Clover and the Feisty Five, wanting to kill Clover so she'd save Kanako and monsterkind (notice how she is so blinded that, even as she talks about Kanako, it seems like she sees her as a tool for finishing what Chujin wanted, ACCORDING TO CEROBA. In reality, the man just wanted Kanako to be happy and for her to stay out of all this),
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and almost killing Starlo and Martlet, she acknowledged her situation and later admitted that she was wrong. The reason Clover hugged her and forgave her easily was because Clover is like that. Completely altruistic. Starlo and Martlet are sweethearts, too. All three have good hearts and lots of empathy and understanding. And, me, personally? Instead of it putting me off...
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...I find it admirable.
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furious-blueberry0 · 6 months
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Nali Felista (she/her), Baheera Lee (she/her), Lala Tian (she/her), Vevlar Nih (she/they)
Some infos about Baheera’s childood friends:
Lala is a stubborn and fiery girl, not scared to put herself between danger and her loved ones, and always looking forward to new adventures.
She is the best in her clan when it comes to agility and acrobatics, and she often uses this talent to hide on top of statues or other high places, especially if she is running away from responsibilities she would rather face later.
She can be pretty lazy at times, especially when it comes to studying, always preferring to leave it to the last minute
She is Baheera’s platonic soulmate, always together and attached to the hip since they were little children.
Even during their Padawan Trials they helped each other out, even if the rules did not allow it, they still looked out for the other. A quality that did not go unnoticed by their future masters, Kaavra Kan and Ki-Adi Mundi.
With a huge love for adventure, her biggest dream is to travel all over the galaxy and discover its secrets. Unfortunately she won’t be able to achieve it, as she will die on a mission at the age of 15 to protect her wounded master, all under the eyes of Baheera herself, who too had participated on the mission with her master.
She got her knighthood at honorem at her funeral.
Nali is a competitive girl and an unstoppable force, who doesn’t stop in front of anything and anyone until she reaches her goal.
She is the best at lightsaber combat in her clan, but she is also a hot-head who can get angry pretty easily, and more often than not she challenged anyone who tried to heavily criticize her or straight up insulted her, sometimes she was so overconfident she even challenged masters, just to then get her ass beaten in the most gentle way possible by the adults.
Despite her troublesome character she is quite loving and caring to her friends, wanting to help whenever she can, even if that doesn’t always bring up the best of the results.
Like that one time Baheera needed help searching for a stolen holopad from the Archives, and Nali managed to get both of them into Little Keldabe through the sewer system, and into a mandalorian restaurant.
She will become a Batllemaster and Head of the security, and she will then train a generation of great Temple Guards, until she retired from the role at the age of 45, preferring to take a Padawan of her own, and then continue teaching to the younger generations.
She will participate in the Clone War, at the age of 75, as General of her own Battalion, and then die because of Order 66, at the hands of her boys.
Vevlar is a calm and chill soul, who prefers to stand on the sidelines and be left to her own accord. She does like solitude, but also greatly enjoys the company of her friends.
She has a talent when it comes to talking with animals and feeling the needs of the plants, one of the reasons why she decided to join the Agricorps after her knighting.
Always with her head in the clouds, she often skipped a lot of her classes, as she followed where the Force would lead her. Sometimes even outside of the Temple and in zones of Coruscant where a young Initiate really should not have gone to.
At the age of 60, because of an incident she provoked where some of her fellow Jedi died, even though she had been forgiven for the mistake, she decided to go into a self exile, on an Outer Rim planet, far away from the Republic.
She remained there for the rest of her life, even as the Jedi fell she still hid there, away from the Empire that was searching for any survivors. She then died of old age at 85, far before the fall of the Empire.
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princessanonymous · 6 months
omg i just read your vampire story and it’s sooo good😩😩 i had to rewatch interview with a vampire after i read that masterpiece. i do wonder though, what happens to them in the modern age? do they still live in the mansion? do they relocate? does the reader have more permission to go outside? thank youuu <3333
𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 (Ask)
When Night Comes asks Platonic Yandere Vampire Story Chapter list
So sorry for taking so long!! I was busy with life and when I finally found the time to sit down and write it down, I didn't have the proper time to correct it bcuz of exams... I have one tomorrow but I really just wanted to finally post this. Another ask is probably coming soon but i can't really promise anything since i have a physics exam followed by one in chemistry 3 days later and one in math coming soon too. Life really isn't on my side now!
Still, here it is!
(Also some of yall might have noticed but I like putting these answers into little situation instead of telling it outright. Hope yall dont mind)
(+ This takes place during the cold war. I found it to be fitting.)
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“I can’t believe I accepted to stay in this dreadful place,” muttered her father as they walked into the new house they had bought. “This house is too small.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” quipped her dad while shaking his head, “this is what mortal Americans settle with. And they do it quite easily; this is the biggest house in the neighborhood.”
“That is the problem,” groaned her father while they walked through the already furnished house. It was a good thing her parents had paid people to do this tedious task. “We have never lived in a neighborhood before. There is no space! We don’t even have our own forest!”
“You agreed to let the little one choose our next home,” he reminded the other with a sigh. “That is her choice.”
The blond frown in distaste and looked around the living room. “Well I didn’t expect her to choose such a mediocre manor. This is utterly ridiculous.” He pinched the bridge of his noise in annoyance and exasperation as he settled in one of the satin armchairs in the room.
The girl puffed her cheeks, vexed by these words. Yes, it was true the house was smaller than the three other homes they had inhabited in America, it was definitely something she would need to get used to, but that didn’t make it less fun. Ever since they had left their motherland for the new world due to the constant attacks and bombings during the war, her existence had been filled with a neverending kaleidoscope of information and new things to see. America was nothing like England: everything was bigger and people acted so differently. 
She had indeed chosen this manor in Pennsylvania for a reason. It was gloomy and often cloudy there, just like they all preferred it. Additionally, while it was not the size her father was used to, she knew it was big enough for him to not outright refuse her request; they wouldn’t remain here very long though, but she could accept that. 
Most importantly… neighborhoods were filled with other children, and that was really the only thing that really mattered to her. The idea of interacting with others, even if they were mortals, made her giddy. If her father knew the real reason for her insistence on this estate, the girl knew he would refuse instantly, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him – or (Y/n).
It took a week before she finally was able to meet people. The day was gloomy and clouds were in the sky, indicating incoming rain. Two boys passed by the house as she was swinging on the swing her parents had ordered installed for her. She watched as they came and went multiple times, playing with their blue ball and almost cackled in glee when one of the boys, the younger one, a boy with red messy hairs and freckles, who looked to be nine years old, threw the ball too far away and it landed close to her. She stood from her swing quickly to pick up the ball and stood–
“Careful!” warned the older, a boy with dark skin and brown eyes, who only looked slightly older than she did. The girl suspected he might be thirteen or fourteen.
It was too late, because not even a second later, she felt the seat of the swing collide with her back and she fell on the floor. The two boys ran to her; the youngest holding the swing as the older one helped her stand up. She winced, hoping her father hadn’t heard the commotion; she knew he would be mad if learned she was interacting with mortals. She didn’t want to be confined to her room for a year like he had done before.
The girl shuddered at the memory. Maybe trying this wasn’t a good idea; if he found out, he would surely do worse, he had promised it last time. She didn’t want to leave, she didn’t want to remain confined again.
She hated how cold and lonely and empty her room felt when it was the only thing she saw for months, she–
“You alright there?” Asked the oldest with his brows furrowed, unaware of the fact that he had snapped her out of her spiraling thoughts.
She nodded, still dazed and gave them their ball. They thanked her and the other mortal asked, “Are you living here? Nobody’s seen the new inhabitants yet. Mom says it’s impolite to not even greet anybody after moving in. Mom said only communists would do such an impolite thing.”
(Y/n) squirmed, embarrassed by these words. She didn’t know anything about neighborly etiquette. Should she have researched the subject before? She doubted her father was informed on that matter, but perhaps her dad knew more; he had always been more aware of mortal things than they were. 
The older glared at the youngest and lightly slapped the back of his head. “Rem, you can't just say that!”
“You heard her say it too!” Protested the redhead in outrage, ready to defend his statement.
The older one sighed and shook his head before rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Excuse my step-brother, Jeremy; he doesn’t know what he’s saying. I’m Kenneth. We live just across from here.”
A smile graced her features again. "My name is (Y/n)," she introduced herself with a graceful tilt of her head, her voice carrying a controlled and melodic cadence, "how do you do? I live here with my fathers." She had to make a good impression.
Jeremy narrowed his eyes. “You have an accent,” he noted in fascination. “Where are you from? You're not a communist, are you? Mom said we can't speak to those.”
(Y/n) sensed some mistrust coming from him, and she quickly used her empath abilities to soothe him before his words registered in her mind. (Y/n)'s expression faltered for a moment, a hint of confusion clouding her features before she shook her head lightly. “I don’t have an accent,” she denied while pointing at him, “You do have an American accent though.”
The redhead shook his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest in a gesture of defiance. “Americans don’t have accents, silly,” he retorted with a grin, his eyes alight with amusement.
But (Y/n) wasn't about to let the matter go so easily. She protested adamantly, insisting that she could clearly hear the distinct nuances in his speech. Back and forth they bantered, neither willing to concede their stance on the matter  before eventually realizing they wouldn’t agree on that matter. 
"But where are you from?" he asked, his tone gentle yet insistent, "You're not from here, are you?"
She shook her head. "No, I was born in England,” she revealed, her voice carrying a faint trace of longing for her homeland. She still missed England dearly. She knew vampires typically never spent more than a century in the same country, but she had still been devastated when her parents had decided to leave; even more when they sailed to a different continent altogether. 
Jeremy looked starstruck, their small innocuous disagreement already far behind in his mind, thanks to her abilities. "Really? Did you ever meet the queen?" he asked eagerly, his imagination already running wild with visions of royal encounters and grand palaces. 
She giggled at that, then tilted her head, contemplating the question. After a brief moment of contemplation, she realized that he was likely referring to Queen Elizabeth II, rather than Queen Victoria. "No, never," she replied with a casual shrug, noting the slight disappointment that flickered across Jeremy's face at her response.
"Hey, wanna join us tomorrow at two o'clock? We'll be down this street with all the neighborhood kids. Probably going to play Hide-and-seek.”
(Y/n) smiled warmly at the invitation, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of joining in with the neighborhood kids. "Sure, I'd love to!" she replied eagerly, the thought of meeting new mortals outweighing any concerns she might have had about the unfamiliar game they mentioned.
Although she had never heard of Hide-and-seek before, (Y/n) was undeterred. As she agreed to meet them the following day at two o'clock, her mind was already buzzing with anticipation. (Y/n) knew she would have to find a way to sneak out without her fathers noticing, but she was determined not to let that stop her from joining in on the fun. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she began plotting a way to sneak out, confident that she could pull it off.
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alienpossession · 1 year
Planting The Seeds II
Blake's arrival to the party proven to be the start of the frat bros demise. After absorbing the real Blake's memory before its mother plant fully consumed the jock, the alien clone of Blake casually drive back to the frat house where the party is already at its full swing. The alien Blake blended in easily with the crowd, passing on smiles and hi-fives to girls and bros alike, practically posing like the real Blake complete with all his mannerism. Yet, his mission remained clear and he's not going to let the mission failed. With several seeds in his pockets, he's determined to move the base of his people to this seemingly highly-populated location rather than deep in the forest away from the human populace. So, he dropped several seeds inside the beer keg and then dropped the rest of it in the lush backyard of the frat house.
Throughout the night, no one noticed anything weird even when the seeds started to grow into sprouts and continued to grow. Among the boys playing beer pong and forced to chug straight from the keg, the lucky few would swallowed the seeds and started their transformation too. Blake found solace from a mission done well and he let his human's personality took rein for the rest of the night as he went on to cheer for his brothers and fucked around with some sorority babes that teased him
The following morning, Blake woke up to two cheerleading babes drooling with their eyes rolled to the back right by his side. Underneath them, right on the pool of their salivas, are several seeds that certainly comes from the two girls as they have turned into seed makers. Not only that, the window has been broken by this growing vegetation bursted from the backyard and an opened pod also stashed right next to the overgrown and verdant plants. When he finally opened his bedroom door, a wide scuplted back became his first sight in the morning. The buck-naked clone then turn himself around to face his older brother that run the mission as he welcomed him
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"Good morning, Blake. The others are waiting down below. Thank you for your massive work,"
Blake just looked at his younger siblings with admiration. He might be stiff and still sounded off, but this is definitely a perfect clone of James Honeywell. Blake went on to kiss the clone James and then asked the buck-naked clone on the original's whereabout. Turns out, the original stashed underneath the bed Blake slept on last night, so Blake guided the clone's hands to the remnant of half-consumed James' head and that's when a radiant bluish glow followed suit, seemingly flowing from the original to the clone. The clone's eyes glowed in response to the memory he received and not even a minute later, it's like as if James Honeywell has never been a victim of an alien infiltration and consumption
As they descended through the stairs and headed to the backyard, the evidence of last night party still freshly scattered around the frat house. Red solo cups, clothing articles, spilled alcohol and dust crumbs, everything indicated a very rowdy and loud party that lasted as long as it could. Some of these bodies seemingly looked pure and safe from the invasion as they are not in close proximity to a seed or anything military-related. That will have to change later today for the perfect infiltration, but for now, Blake wanted to check on his other fellow brothers
As Blake and James stepped to the backyard that is now covered in green and giving the pool an ultimate shade from the sun, they smiled widely to welcome their new brothers. The first one to burst out is Aaron, which certainly consumed the seeds last night as the real Aaron now camouflaged to the land as he lost his life upon the plant bursting out from his torso as he turned into the base of a tree. So, unlike his upcoming brothers, instead of tearing down a pod from inside, this one bursted out from a tree.
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Like a domino effect, one by one the pods started to crack, revealing the various bodies that has been cloned by the handful of plants.
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Ranging from freshmen to senior, the frat bros and the one coming from the other frats, gay or straights or even bi, these bodies emerged out from their cocoon with a look of confusion and shock plastered to their face.
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Yet, they quickly warmed up and acclimatized to their surroundings as they can sense that the two human standing in front of their eyes are just like them and more than happy to help them to become the real one through and through
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As more and more bodies walking out from the existing pods, they eventually gathered as they embraced each other after their monumontous journey from mere seeds hundreds of lightyears away into the very person they are now. With more than 20 bros already converted, they still have some more works to do with the rest of the frat house members that managed to avoid their fate in the previous night. Clad only in speedos or briefs, the converted bros started to swarm back into the frat house and ready to plant their seeds of death across the various passed out bros that still stuck in the frat house.
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✨ Might As Well Face It ✨
Summary: It started with sex, and it ended up with Pete Maverick Mitchell addicted to your love.
Words: 1.5k Tags:  masturbation, big smut allusions, love confession, age gap, student/teacher relationship, Pete is fucking addicted to you &lt;3
notes: Here is my contribution to @roosterforme 's playlist challenge Love is in the Air TGM. My song was Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love! Here, treat yourself with a video of Tom Cruise singing that song! This is also self-indulgent because I used my own call sign, Shark, for this xReader one shot. Enjoy! 💚
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He had kissed her.
No, worst than that. He had fucked her. 
His student. 
His twenty-five-years-younger-than-him student.
It all started two months ago when he decided to have a drink at the Hard Deck to relieve the stress of the day. Coyote almost crashed his plane for he had fainted during a maneuver. Fortunately enough, he managed to wake up before it was too late. Following this anxious event, all Pete wanted was a few beers, a hot shower, and a good night of sleep. When he sat at the bar counter, his eyes fell on you - you were dancing and singing to the rhythm of Addicted to Love’s electric guitars. You, the student who had driven him crazy since day one. 
He had sipped on his beer, his eyes burning with desire as he enjoyed the sight of your attractive body swinging. His focus shifted from your bratty face to your curves: first, he watched your breasts bouncing at each movement and could not help imagining how good it would feel to lay kisses on them. Then, he looked at your hips he could easily imagine grabbing while fucking you. Finally, he had bitten his lips when looking at your butt - Gosh, the only thing he wanted was spanking it to punish you for arousing him like that. He might have drunk a bit too much or maybe was it his young self breaking free, he could not tell.  Still, he had waited until you decided to leave and offered to bring you home with his motorcycle. The last thing he remembered was you, pinned against the wall of your bedroom, as he filled you with his cum.
Hot water was raining down on Pete Mitchell, who had buried his face in his forearm that was resting against the wet tiles of the shower walls. His heart sweated.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
He asked himself out loud, his breath shaky. He growled with pleasure. His free hand was holding his cock firmly, moving up and down along his length. Fuck - he had never been so hard in his entire life. The slow and languid strokes he had started with quickly turned into frenzied movements. Each time Pete closed his eyes, his mind was assaulted with the memories of your heated encounter. He could still hear your voice chanting, calling him “Sir” as he pounded you with his hips crashing against yours at each thrust.  His body shook.
After that first fuck, he had told her it was a mistake and that they should not do it again…Only to pound her harder two days later, right in the hangar in which he reached his lessons to the squad.  Another kiss was what it took.
“Fucking brat…” 
He swore, hating you for making him feel that way. 
“She could be your fucking daughter, you dumbass.” 
He swore again, hating himself for wanting you so bad. All his muscles tightened for the fire burning in his abdomen became far too much to handle. Pete threw his head back and let out a long, masculine, and final moan. His cock throbbed while releasing his seed. 
He remained there, motionless and panting, stars dancing in front of him. 
Damn, something was definitely wrong with him. 
That was why, two weeks ago, he left you in the morning. On your nightstand, there was a little paper plane with a note written on it.
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He tried. He really tried to resist - He even did his best to avoid you. But those last two weeks without you had been the worst of his life. And here he was, jerking off constantly, thinking about you, and suffering from both physical and mental withdrawal symptoms.
After a while, Pete got out of the shower and grabbed a towel he wrapped around his sharp hips. He ran one of his hands through his wet hair to slick them back and looked at his own reflection in the mirror. Despite masturbating in the shower two times in a row, the Captain’s throat was still tight and he could barely breathe.  It has been only two weeks but his body wanted more of you. His soul wanted more of yours.
He could never get enough of you.
His brows furrowed at the piercing green eyes that were looking back at him, afraid of the feelings blazing in his heart. He could not believe it. Pete Mitchell used to think he was immune to the stuff - and by stuff, he meant love stuff. He was the one who broke hearts. He was the one making girls go crazy - at least when he was younger. 
What was he supposed to do? The wiser thing was to eat something and go to sleep, but he could barely do that since your last encounter for his mind was clouded by all the thoughts he had about his hot student and her sweet liquor lips he craved so much it hurt. Maverick, the man and legend, might as well face it: he was addicted to love. Torn between his reasonable self and his feelings, Pete’s mind was tormented.
Should he stick to the good decision of not flirting with his student? Or should he risk losing everything to be by her side?  The man shook his head and grabbed his clothes to put them back on. He had made his decision - another kiss is what he needed. 
The entrance’s door slammed behind him, for he almost run to his motorcycle. Riding it, he took a quick look at his watch to check the time. It was 9 pm but he could not care less: he needed to talk to you. He needed to see you, to kiss your lips, to touch your body, and to sink in your arms, apologizing for the stupid decision he took when he left you all alone in that motel room. 
Pete drove to your house, enforcing the speed limits Maverick style. When he arrived in front of your home, he got up from his bike and knocked at the door. His heart beat in double-time as he waited for you to answer. One, two, three minutes passed but no one came to the door. Pete’s seductive smile faded from his good-looking face. Maybe you were not home?
He took a few steps back, his emerald eyes watching through the living room’s windows. His brows furrowed when he noticed that the lights were on inside your house. After another few minutes, Pete lowered his head, disappointment on his face. Why would you talk to him after he dumped you with a paper note and avoided you for two full weeks? A long sigh escaped from his lips before he pinched the bridge of his nose as if he could feel a headache coming.
“I’m a fucking idiot…”  He said to himself, out loud. Goose was probably facepalming himself up in Heavens, for he had never stopped being the same loser with girls he was when he was young.
“Yes, you’re a fucking idiot Pete Mitchell.” 
Pete jumped at the sudden feminine voice he heard right behind him. He turned around and was welcomed by the blessed sight of your beautiful silhouette. He opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out. Your beautiful eyes unsettled him.
Your instructor wet his lips with the tip of his tongue, realizing that he can’t be saved anymore. The mere fact of facing you again had him damned for eternity
“Cat got your tongue, Sir?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. Your mischievous eyes stared at him.
“I’m sorry Shark.” He finally managed to utter. 
“I know, that’s what you wrote on your stupid little paper plane.” 
“No, you don’t understand. I am really sorry.” 
Pete walked towards you. He was close, so close that your chest was almost pressed against his. You raised your head towards him to keep looking dagger at his green eyes.
“I was terrified. Terrified because I realized can’t live without you. I can’t and I don’t want to. I’ve felt more alive the past two months than I did in my entire life. But the truth is I am twenty-five years older than you, on top of being your teacher."
"That's why you fucked your student daily for two months and dumped her."
"I was afraid of getting fired but I don’t care anymore. All I want is to be with you and never leave.” 
"Seriously Pete. As if this Valentine's Day was not shitty enough... "
"I'm serious Shark. I don't want to leave anymore."
His eyes glimmered as he talked to you. He was struggling to hold back his tears.
A small twinge of pain pinched your heart at the sight of the legendary Maverick struggling to express the feeling he had for you. One look at his emerald eyes and all the grudge you hold against him disappeared.  What kind of superpowers he had, you thought.
“Pete.” You gently pressed the palm of your hand against his sharp jaw.
“I’m so sorry, I swear I am,” His gaze dived into yours. 
A smirk stretched the corner of your lips. Somehow, that apology was all you needed. Your fingers brushed his warm skin and traced the crow’s feet at the outer corner of one of his eyes. It was true, he was old enough to be your dad. And you could both get in trouble for your relationship... But you fell for Captain Mitchell.
And he fell. Harder.
“Might as well face it, Mitchell. You’re addicted to love.” 
“No,” he retorted, “I’m addicted to your love, Dear.” 
“Fucking idiot” You could not help but chuckle. The kind of bratty chuckle that sent Maverick to Heavens just by listening to it.
“Your idiot.” He whispered, his face coming closer to kiss you. Yet, you stopped him by pressing your index fingers on his lips. Surprised, Pete looked at you, perplexed.
"Another kiss, and you'll be mine." Your voice sang, quietly, words candy-coated with malice.
Pete snorted, amused. The way his eyes squinted when he smiled was irresistible. He chased away your finger with a head movement, only to capture your lips with his.
He was ready to risk it.
What did he have to lose? After all, he was already yours.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Gif by @pohjanneito Mav's handwritting font by @k9effect
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thevelaryons · 3 months
How is Corlys so dismissive of Joffrey and Rhaena!? 🥲 Theyre his grandkids too. Luke never knew a thing of sailing but Corlys was okay with him and he was same age as Joffrey too.
Sometimes, there is no making sense of bad writing, specifically where it concerns characters saying/doing something only because the plot demands it. In this case, Corlys is only saying what he does because the writers need him to push his bastard son as the new heir to Driftmark since that’s a plot point. However, the writers have clearly changed the whole context around it, so now Corlys’ actions will lack all logic.
When it comes to Rhaena, what Corlys says is very unnecessarily harsh. Her not having a dragon is hardly a big deal because Velaryons aren’t even a dragonrider family for the most part. Rhaena not having any knowledge of the sea isn’t a dealbreaker either because she can always learn. Luke was younger when Corlys was calling him heir and just like Rhaena, Luke also didn’t know anything about seafaring. I keep seeing fans say Corlys is being misogynistic towards Rhaena but he isn’t actually dismissing her on account of her gender. And the thing is Corlys IS a misogynist! So there was a reason right there for him to dismiss Rhaena (that even other lords of Westeros would readily accept). Instead his arguments are just random irrelevant details that don’t hold up to scrutiny.
With Joffrey, he is presently Corlys’ heir in the show. It does not matter that he is a boy of six because as long as he is acknowledged as Laenor’s legal son, he remains heir to Driftmark (six year old Rickon Stark is considered the legal heir to Winterfell by Northern lords so the young age is not a disqualifying factor and the potential rival Stark claimants are all siblings NOT uncles or aunts). Addam & Alyn are obviously going to be Corlys’ sons in the show (therefore, Joffrey’s uncles). Again, the age factor does not matter here because under the laws of male primogeniture that Westerosi lords adhere to, sons come before brothers. Laenor was Corlys’ eldest son and his original heir. After Laenor, it is his sons (who are still alive and legally considered Velaryons). After them, it would be Laenor’s brothers. Corlys cannot just pick a heir (in the book he even explicitly tells Rhaenyra that these traditions have to be followed and that she is merely an exception because of her father, the King). If it was simply a matter of picking and choosing your own heir, then Randyll Tarly would not have to go to the effort of forcing Samwell Tarly to join the Night’s Watch; he could’ve just named the younger son as heir. Nor would Tywin Lannister be seething over having Tyrion Lannister as his legal heir. He could’ve easily dismissed Tyrion’s claim for another Lannister. Jeyne Arryn was able to name Joffrey Arryn as her heir because the previous treasonous actions of Arnold Arryn had left him locked up as a prisoner (and yet many Vale lords still viewed Arnold’s line as the rightful one because of the laws of inheritance).
In the upcoming episodes, it looks like Corlys is being set up to dismiss Joffrey as his heir to make his own bastard son the new heir instead. But in order to do that, Corlys has to first publicly denounce Joffrey as a bastard or some other excuse (an heir cannot be dismissed just because they lack competence in the family business or because they are young; if such was the case, the lords of Westeros would riot over the threat this ruling poses to their own young heirs). Even if Corlys does not publicly denounce Joffrey, just by dismissing Joffrey’s claim for his own sons (therefore throwing the line of succession into disarray), Corlys sends the message that Joffrey is a bastard who has no right to inheritance. By extension, his older brother must surely be a bastard as well therefore undermining Jace’s position as Prince of Dragonstone/Heir to the Iron Throne. With those two then being viewed as bastards publicly, it also announces to the lords of Westeros that Rhaenyra is guilty of high treason and as a result, has no claim to the Iron Throne. If that’s Corlys’ true intention, well, okay then! Otherwise, he’s just creating a whole new political conflict IN THE MIDDLE OF A SUCCESSION WAR.
As it is, with these writers’ track record, none of this will actually matter. Any potential problems will be hand waived away (just like how the Silent Five/Vaemond’s sons were erased). It’s obvious that HOTD doesn’t care to explore the legality behind the characters’ actions. Whatever excuse Corlys uses in the show, it will have no bearing on the worldbuilding (my guess is he’ll use the idea that Joffrey is too young). I’d love to be proven wrong but these writers haven’t shown anything meaningful in how the competing claims are handled (still can’t believe show!Alicent was motivated by a misunderstanding 😂😂).
I’m actually starting to understand now why show!Corlys is described as a politically incompetent person by the people working on HOTD. If this is the stunt he’s going to pull, it’s going to be the height of stupidity.
Of course, this wouldn’t even be a problem if the show just followed the book. In that, Corlys passes Addam off as his grandson and has him legitimized as a reward for claiming a dragon (dragonseeds were promised lands/lordship/etc) because that is the only legal way he could be Corlys’ heir without him publicly denouncing Joffrey. It’s actually a really clever loophole. Without it, the whole situation becomes a mess.
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s-creations · 3 months
PDA - RadioStatic One-Shot Collection
Collection of 10 one-shots (5 for Alastor, 5 for Vox) that revolve around some actions that related to PDA. As stated from some website article that I read and don't remember which one it is.
This was just an idea that came to me and I feel that there needs to be more RadioStatic fluff for this fandom. So I'm here to provide.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Alastor/Vox (RadioStatic) Warnings/Additional Tags: Rosie mentioned, Mimsy mentioned, unnamed sinner, slight depictions of violence, a lot of fluff, so much fluff, call the dentist because this is going to cause some cavities, warning on a use of a slur, small moments of rivalry between Alastor and Valentino, additional tags to come if needed.
1) Sitting in Their Lap
Even if his mate was the owner of the largest tech company. Even if he had promised to carry around the infernal contraption with him to ease Vox’s mind. Even if said contraption was built specifically with him in mind. Even with all of these valid reasons, Alastor still hated cell phones. More so when that annoying vibration interrupted his evening. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, Alastor placed his book aside to better pick the wretched thing up off the side table. There was a sting of worry when he saw ‘Velvette - Social Media Bitch!’ (which she had put in) on the screen. Pressing his pointer finger against the answer button, he raised it to his ear. 
“Hello, Velvette. How can I help you this fine evening?”
“You need to get Vox, now.”
Alastor’s ears twitched, but his face remained impassive. “I see. How bad is it?”
“He’s been working for four days straight! He won’t eat, he won’t answer or even open the door.”
At that point, Alastor heard Valentino’s voice calling out in rather heavy desperation “Open the fucking door!” followed by furious banging. 
“Vox locked you out in every way, it would seem.” Alastor replied casually, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Which is why I’m calling you.”
“Fret not my dear, I’ll be over soon. Tell Valentino to stop trying to break the door down before he actually breaks something. More of himself than the door.”
Alastor ended the call before the other could answer back. Allowing himself to let his frustration show, the air filled with heavy static. He knew Vox had been at work for a few days. But had stupidly assumed the younger would actually eat and sleep without the need of Alastor to remind him. 
Apparently not.
“You workaholic idiot.” Alastor hissed out, allowing the shadows to wrap around him. Easily pulling him into the dark void to traverse across Hell.
The workers and other residents of VeesTower were used to having Alastor appear out of nowhere on occasion. So none were taken aback as the Radio Demon appeared suddenly. All situated around the large door that led to Vox’s office. Clearly more worried about the Media Overlord’s well-being than Alastor’s arrival. 
“Fucking finally!” Velvette walked over, anger being used to hide her concern. “Take him to that stupid hotel or some restaurant or something, I don’t care. Just get him out of there!”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Alastor said while patting Velvette’s head. Easily avoiding the bite attempt to said hand. “I’ll handle this easily. You all can scooch back to your normal routine of whatever you find so important.”
He didn’t wait for them to move before sinking into the shadows once more. Appearing in the Media Overlord’s office the next second. 
The technological fortress was still a nightmare for Alastor. Even if he and Vox were partners, that didn’t mean he enjoyed all the lights and noise and coldness this place seemed to bring. The way eyes had to be glued to a screen to get any kind of entertainment or information just rubbed him the wrong way. Alastor was the tilted Radio Demon for a reason after all. Even with his distaste for this all, he also knew it was the reason they worked so well together. 
Radio and Television, the Powerhouse of Entertainment. 
Trademark Vox.
That sought after power, however, only worked so well if they were put together. You know, well rested, well fed, and not looking like the dead. Or, well, more like the dead. 
Vox hadn’t looked away from his many screens, plugged directly into the feed through the ports in the back of his head, seemingly trying to take in as much information as he could at once. Seeming unaware that anyone had entered his domain. Finger numbly tapping away at the large keyboard in front of him. Paying no mind as Alastor stepped beside him. 
His first true note of awareness was when he jerked away from Alastor’s hand touching his shoulder. Screens flickering and sparking rather dramatically as Vox finally broke out of his working stupor. When his screen finally returned to normal, Vox’s eyes turned to look at Alastor. Who merely smiled back.
“...Alastor? What are- How did you get in here?”
“You seem to forget I can move through the shadows.” The Radio Demon held back his chuckle as Vox paused to think those words over. 
“No…I know that. But, that… I told you I was working late today.”
Alastor hummed softly. “Yes, you did. That was also about, oh, four days ago.”
“Four? …No, it’s only been a few hours.”
“Plus a few more. Your business colleagues called me in a tizzy with how long you’ve been in here and how you’ve apparently not been eating or sleeping. Which, seeing your collection of empty energy drink cans, speaks very loudly of this.” To emphasize his point, Alastor gently kicked the nearest can. Which caused the others to clang together in a cascade of clattering. 
“Fuck, has it been… Shit, okay, hold on, I have… There are a few things I need to finish and I’ll be done…”
“No, no, no, none of that.” Alastor quickly but gently took hold of Vox’s wrists when the Media Overlord reached for the keyboard once more. “I think you can pass whatever you’ve been working on to one of your many underpaid underlings to handle.”
“Alastor, let go. It won’t take that long…” Vox’s argument fell on deaf ears as Alastor, not only did not let go of his wrists, but also casually plopped himself down into his partner’s lap. “The fuck, Alastor.”
“Apparently my words aren’t enough to convince you. Guess we’re moving onto the next stage.”
“Stop struggling-”
“Would you just-”
“You’re making it worse for yourself.”
“God damn it, stop-” Vox’s screech of outrage was cut off as tendrils of shadows now claimed his wrists. Forcing him to wrap his arms around Alastor. Who smiled as if he had no idea what was going on. “I need to work, Alastor!”
“How are you supposed to work if you’re holding me close like this? It seems to me you’re a little needy for attention at the moment.”
Vox really wanted to argue back. But he did note how comfortably tucked around Alastor he was. As well as how easily he was leaning back into the large office chair. Even with a part of his mind screaming to get back to work, it was a very small portion. Which was ever shrinking as Alastor’s fingers gently traveled over the back of his screen. Said demon taking his time to carefully pull the cables out. 
Each time the stream of information quieted down. 
Each time Vox felt himself sinking into Alastor’s warmth. 
Each time the fight to stay awake fell away. 
Alastor watched in fascination as the surrounding screens, Vox’s face included, started to dim. Humming in contentment as Vox’s eyes finally closed and the Media Overlord fell asleep.
There was a moment of annoyance when his cell phone buzzed once more. Pulling it out to find a text awaiting him. 
‘Did you finally get that fucker to sleep?’
Ah, Velvette had an interesting way of showing she cared. Alastor sent off a quick ‘Yes’ before crushing the accursed thing in his hand. Tossing it aside as he turned back to Vox. Alastor was sure he would get an earful from the other when Vox found out when he’d just done. But that was a future issue. 
Right now, Alastor just wanted to remain in the quiet office before debating over which bedroom to head to. 
“For all that I have to do for you,” Alastor dramatically sighed. Even if no one was there to see the performance. “You’d better appreciate that I care for you so.”
2) Holding Hands with Your Partner
There were very few people that Alastor would allow to touch him. Rosie was an obvious one as he was only alive and where he was today because of her. Mimzy was another given. They were friends when they were alive, so why wouldn’t that connection be continued through death. 
It was even rarer that Alastor would intentionally initiate the contact. That he would seek out that ‘human’ touch that so many others craved. While he deeply cared for Rosie and Mimzy, he could never feel that want for their touch. 
Vox was the only being Alastor sought after. 
The Radio Demon established early in their relationship that Vox would join Alastor for his semi-weekly afternoon stroll. As a way for Vox to take a healthy break from his technology empire. It worked well…for a few years. Until Vox created those horrible cell phones. While their walks did continue, it would normally be interrupted by the Media Overlord’s phone going off. Pulling his attention away from the quiet moment. 
Alastor was annoyed at first. But he calmed himself knowing that Vox’s empire had far more moving pieces than his own. So, if Vox had to put out a few fires while they were together, so be it. 
Plus, it resulted in an aspect of a walk that Alastor really enjoyed. 
As Vox tended to not really pay attention to his surroundings while he was discussing on the phone, it was up to Alastor to keep him out of the road. Which resulted in the Radio Demon needing to hook his arm around the other’s. Gripping Vox’s hand gently to properly steer him away from danger. Like unintentionally walking into traffic. 
That was the scene set for the citizens of the Pride Ring. Vox conversed with someone over the phone while Alastor led the way down the sidewalk. Happily squeezing the Media Overlord’s hand with his own while the other hand held his staff. Uncaring as sinners quickly got out of their way. Less obstacles needed to avoid.
The quiet afternoon was shattered when a sinner, Alastor having no idea who, appeared before them. 
“Alastor!” the sinner called out, “That ‘so-called’ dangerous Radio Demon. I’m calling your bullshit out!”
Ah, they were very new apparently. Alastor’s smile tightened as all parties ignored how the street was suddenly cleared of anyone else. 
“Are we feeling bored today?” Alastor replied back casually, “Have nothing better to do?”
“Shut up! I can’t believe you’re the demon so many people are afraid of. You’re a fucking pansy. Holding hands like a faggot with your stupid little flat faced bitch-”
The sinner barely had time to blink before they were consumed by black tendrils erupted beneath them. Only their hand was seen through the mess. A muffled scream barely heard as they were lowered into the shadowy pit. Alastor watched all of this gleefully as the sinner disappeared. 
People could bad mouth him all day and he would call it ‘low level entertainment’. 
Turn that to Vox and that’s where they fuck up.
It all only lasted a few seconds, the road returning to the normal quiet calm when the shadows and sinner disappeared. 
“Yeah, okay, just give them the contract and set up a meeting next week. We’ve worked on this long enough.” Vox let out a huff as he ended the call. When he finally took in his surroundings, he frowned in confusion. “Why did we stop?”
“Just had to worry about some trash. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Alastor smirks gleefully, watching at the rosy hue that appeared on Vox’s screen. 
“Whatever, are we okay to go on?”
“Of course, dear.”
3) Holding Them Close While Dancing
Alastor didn’t turn away from the microphone hearing the studio door open. His ears twitching the only indication that he knew someone had entered. 
“Well, my dear listeners, it seems that this broadcast is coming to a close. Don’t fret yourself as I will be back next week. More wonderful music sent to you through the airwaves, along with the latest stories and tales that Hell has to offer. For now, enjoy this send off and take care.”
Muting his microphone, Alastor let out a small sigh before turning his chair, still not addressing his guest. He already knew it was Vox. Said Media Overlord would be leaning against the wall of the studio closest to the door. No doubt watching closely as Alastor placed a new record on. Using a physical record player, mind you. He’ll leave the digital aspect of entertainment to Vox. 
Speaking of…
With all of it set up, Alastor rose from his chair and turned to Vox. Softly smiling as he silently holds out a hand.
Vox took it quickly. Pulling the other Overlord closer and placing his free hand on Alastor’s shoulder. Who let out a soft chuckle as he rested his other hand on Vox’s waist. 
“Will you ever feel comfortable enough to lead?” Alastor playfully teased as they slowly began to sway.
“You mean having to take control after having to run a business all day? Never.” 
They shared a soft laugh, pressing closer. Alastor bends down slightly to press their foreheads together. Watching as Vox closed his eyes, screen dimmed softly as the Media Overlord rested against Alastor happily.
It was a sort of ritual they had started years ago. When Vox was so focused and working hard on building his empire. Just like the required afternoon walks, they’d started to share a dance on the last song of Alastor’s broadcast. A request made by Vox this time.
Alastor was more than happy to comply. 
So, like clockwork, Vox will arrive to Alastor’s radio tower just as he announces the broadcast’s conclusion. Waiting for Alastor to initiate the contact so he doesn’t interrupt. When this started, Vox would be too exhausted to actually stand, let alone dance. Both arms draped over Alastor’s shoulders while he cozied up as best he could. 
On his part, Alastor was more than happy to cradle the other close. Using his arms and shadows to keep Vox upright. When the song ended, Vox would already be asleep, meaning Alastor would have to carry him off to bed. 
As the years passed, Vox would have enough energy to keep up. It wasn’t a proper dance as the Media Overlord had no idea how to. But just slowly swaying seemed to be enough for him.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Alastor had asked long ago, whispering as to not disrupt the song, “What brought this on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s clear you can’t dance.”
“Hey now.”
“But, you’re not asking me to teach you. We just casually sway. So this isn’t a request to show off your moves. Which brings me back to my previous question. Why did you request this?” Alastor watched in fascination as Vox’s screen turned a pinkish blue hue. A clear indication of Vox being flustered. 
“You’ll think it’s stupid.” Was the weakly offered reply. 
“I very much doubt that. I may tease, but know that I do care about your thoughts.” 
Vox was quiet for a few more moments before answering with, “I was…just worried I’d be too focused on working and I wouldn’t give time to you. I know that I’m best with schedules. So, I made sure to schedule time with you.”
“Like dancing at the end of my broadcasts.”
“Yeah.” Vox’s quiet worry was quickly dispelled as Alastor nuzzled against him, laughing softly.
“Aren't you absolutely sweet.”
“Shut up.” The wide smile didn’t back up the words. 
That was all. A process they’d kept for years, never breaking it once. Potential clients learned very quickly to not get in Vox’s way when it was broadcast night. 
“Did I lose you?”
Alastor blinked a few times before focusing on Vox. Said Overlord raising a brow with a smile.
“Just past memories, nothing to worry about.”
They stilled as the song reached its conclusion. Still close as they lovingly stared at each other. 
“Don’t suppose I could ask for one more dance?” Vox asked. 
Alastor’s smile grew at that. “Of course. Anything for you.” 
4) Putting Your Arms Around Their Waist or Shoulders
While both were some time of Overlord in media form, how they built their empire was differently obtained. 
Alastor worked in the shadows. Built around mystery as he appeared to not hold many contracts but somehow held a lot of power. He was a quiet stalker who watched and waited for the moment to strike. A being who could be unassuming…if you didn’t know better.
Vox was loud and in your face. Which made sense considering his power grew from eyes on screens. He was all about being the loudest voice and biggest personality in the room. Contracts were plentiful. Always growing as Vox could convince anyone with his charm and voice to hand over their souls. Vox was teasingly marked to be the ‘face of the people’ for how often he was seen around the city.
They were practically opposites, but worked so well together. 
That didn’t mean they had to enjoy everything the other did. 
Such as Vox’s bi-annual ‘party’. An all day event where he could mingle with other powerful demons and swindle souls on hard times or those with hopes of entertainment dreams. It was absolutely his element. 
Vox loved it.
Alastor…could stomach it. Sometimes. Rarely.
This was not his favorite scene. Only going to show quiet support and to gleefully watch the idiots who gave their souls away so easily. As well as to keep an eye on anyone who could even assume they could challenge or attack Vox. As the years passed and Vox became an Overlord of his own name, Alastor spent less time at these events. Appearing more at the end of the event to make sure he could pull Vox away to a quiet room. The Media Overlord tended to get more than a little tipsy at the end of the night.
It was one such evening, rather early evening to Alastor’s normal arrival time, that he appeared from the shadows. Ignoring the frantic footsteps as sinners fleed, he instead focused on the rather blinding lights emitting from the Vees Tower as he walked in. 
The large entrance showed the scars of hosting such a large event. Trash was everywhere, along with some articles of clothing that Alastor gave a wide berth to. A number of furniture pieces were either turned over or broken, no doubt Vox would be frustrated with needing to replace so many. Food and drink were found in some rather odd places. The floor practically covered with passed out sinners. 
How hard has some partied this year? No matter, they would be out on the streets soon enough and become someone else’s problem. 
Alastor weaved his way around the mess, having no envy for those who would be put in charge of cleaning this place up. Eyes continuously scanned the area as he searched for the only reason he came here. Relief hitting his chest as Alastor finally found Vox…only for it to falter seeing how uncomfortable the other appeared. 
To the untrained soul, Vox appeared to be completely at ease. Leaning against the bar with his signature smile on his face, eyes on his conversation companion. It seemed that he was fully interested in what was happening.
Alastor knew better. The smile was tight. Eyes would quickly flicker away to survey the area before returning to the other. His freehand that was holding the glass was wrapped around his middle. His entire form was tense, as if he was ready to run the moment he could. Why Vox hadn’t just left was the question Alastor had on his mind. One he would worry about after he got Vox away from here. 
While he could just walk over, Alastor decided to create a rather grand entrance by traveling through the shadows. Appearing behind Vox the next second, casually wrapping his arms around the Media Overlord. Humming softly as he rested his chin on Vox’s shoulder. 
“Hello there, dear,” Alastor whispered, “I thought you’d have wrapped up by now.”
Vox practically melted against Alastor. Arms crossed over to join the Radio Demon’s as his smirk became more genuine. “Hey you. Sorry, I was just holding a conversation far longer than I thought it would go.”
At that small gesture towards the other sinner, Alastor finally gave his undivided attention over to them. If he hadn’t known any better, he would have assumed she was from the Envy ring. Carrying very heavy aquatic features. Hair a fiery red contained in one long fin. Skin pale bluish-gray with spiral designs of dark blue patterned around it. Thick fins appear on her elbows and behind her legs, traveling up from her heels to just below her knees. Yellow eyes narrowed on Alastor. Clearly upset he’d interrupted the conversation. 
“Oh? It must have been riveting if you’re still listening.” Alastor purred back, arms tightening around Vox in a clear stance of ‘mine’. 
The glass in the sinner’s hand let out a worrying cracking sound as she gripped it tighter. 
Seems someone was hoping to score a night with the Media Overlord. How unfortunate for her.
“It was…informative.” Vox replied, clearly trying not to make the situation worse. He wanted out, not a fight.
“I’m sure you can tell me all about it later. Why don’t we retire for the evening?”
“And who exactly are you?” The sinner finally spoke up. Alastor having just moved to stare between her and Vox, back facing her. 
Smile tightengin, the Radio Demon slowly turned his head to stare back at her. The air filled with warning static as he answered with, “I’m his husband.”
She immediately backed down. Either from the heavy air due to the magic or from the sharp statement, Alastor didn’t know or care. Instead, he wrapped an arm around Vox as he led him away. Making for the elevator to Vox’s private suite. 
“Thank you.” Vox whispered with a heavy sigh. 
“I will never understand why you don’t just kill the sinners that bother you and move on.”
“That doesn’t look good if I just kill when I don’t find something interesting. Young sinners will be fearful if they think bad ideas will equate to them being killed.”
“You’re such a bleeding heart.”
“As if!”
They shared a laugh as the elevator doors opened. Alastor shifted them to press Vox against the back of the as a shadow tendril pushed the button. Claiming a kiss just as the doors began to close.
5) Gently Touching Them
The bedroom was dark and unnervingly quiet. So still was the atmosphere. Vark laid, as best he could, across the foot of the bed. Whining softly as his wide eyes looked up to the still form. Alastor, who’d pulled up one of the large chairs in the bedroom, placed a few comforting pets to the shark's head. His tense smile softens slightly to try and offer some comfort to the creature. But it was very little as they both looked back at the bed’s occupant. 
Vox had been laying in his bed since yesterday afternoon. Being brought down by a rather nasty virus. Leaving his screen black and inoperative as his body was a dull blue. It was eerie, as he appeared to be dead. Alastor would have believed so if he didn’t know better. At the moment, Vox was just asleep. 
“Energy reserve. His body needs to rest while it fights whatever’s taken him down.” Velvette had helpfully explained the first time Alastor was introduced to this. 
Even with how painfully worrying this all was, Alastor knew all he could do now was wait. Wait in painful silence for Vox to offer some sort of life. Leaving Alastor and Vark to watch on nervously.
The quiet was suddenly interrupted when Vox’s body suddenly convulsed. His screen flashing between the blue screen with a long string of text that Alastor couldn’t read to the technical difficulty rainbow signal image. Vark jerked away, having to move to avoid either being kicked or shocked by the small bolts of electricity.
Alastor stood from the chair. Ignoring the painful shocks as he held the other down by his shoulders. Waiting for the episode to subside as he watched Vox flail in pain. When the Media Overlord calmed down and the room fell back into the cool darkness, Alastor whispered out, “Vox?”
He didn’t receive a verbal reply. Instead his ears twitched hearing a small ‘beep’ sound from the same screen he was holding. Leaning closer, Alastor watched the upper left corner as his name was slowly typed out. 
Well, at least he was somewhat awake and aware. 
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Alastor spoke softly. He sat on the edge of the bed as he moved his hands to gently take Vox’s own.
“That’s understandable.”
What happened?
“A virus is taking its toll on you. Don’t worry, no one but your business partners and I know.”
There was a garbled line of text following this. Alastor had learned long ago that this was Vox’s written version of rambling rage. ‘Keyboard Smashing’ he believed the terminology was for this. He couldn’t help but laugh softly. Gently running his hands along Vox’s arms to hopefully soothe him. 
“Calm yourself. Getting angry will help with nothing, especially not in your current situation.”
An attack?
“Possibly. Velvette is looking into it currently. If it is, I’ll let you know so we can plan a proper punishment for the sinner. For now, you need to rest.”
Alastor’s touches moved beyond Vox’s arms to wherever he could comfortably reach. Along the other Overlord’s chest and stomach, neck and back, and feather touches along the frame of the dark screen. His smile softens as he watches Vox relax further. An indication that he was falling asleep once more.
“I’ll be here,” Alastor whispered, “Just relax…”
He leaned forward to gently press a kiss onto Vox’s screen.
“I’m here…”
1) Cuddling with Them / Playing with Their Hair
Vox will thank whatever higher power that had given him a chance to allow Alastor to trust him so much. Granted, it had been an uphill fight for years to get to this point. Many, many years. But it was absolutely worth it for an evening like this. Even if it starts off in a rather terrifying situation. 
It was when the feed of a certain section of the city started to flicker out of view that alerter Vox that something was wrong. He recognized the familiar static and glitch as Alastor’s. But also understood the next second that the Radio Demon was not in the best of moods because the feed was almost destroyed with how extreme the distortion was. Upon realizing there was danger approaching his tower, Vox departed from his office as quickly as he could. 
When Vox reached the entry level was the same time that Alastor all but stormed into the large shop. With an air of ‘I’ll kill the next person who even looks at me wrong’ and a mix of radio static. Which cleared out the store quickly until it was just the Overlords. 
Vox couldn’t help but freeze when their eyes connected. A cold sensation washing over him. Even if they were together, he was also aware that Alastor was not in the best place, mentally or emotionally, at the moment. So he was in a dangerously sensitive situation.
Never breaking eye contact, Vox carefully held out a hand towards the Radio Demon. Alastor’s eyes flickered down to it for a brief moment before returning back to Vox. Who didn’t dare blink. It was a tense few seconds until Alastor let out a huff and took it. 
 At least he was aware enough to know who Vox was and what was happening.
Deeming it safe, Vox blinked and relaxed slightly. Taking another risk, he turned away to lead the way back to the elevator. Never releasing Alastor’s hand as he pushed the button to his private penthouse.
First goal was to get and keep Alastor away from everyone else.
The elevator dinged to announce their arrival to the selected floor. Vox gently and slowly moved out, continually pulling Alastor along with him. Now here, the next thing to cross off was to get food in them both. While he would never admit it, one of Alastor’s comforts was feeding Vox.
The moment he was free from the elevator, Alastor broke away. Vox watched as he made his way to the kitchen. Carefully moving to the barstools as his eyes never moved away from the other as the kitchen was upturned while supplies were being pulled out. The Media Overlord more than content with watching as Alastor moved around the polished space.
In almost no time, a bowl was placed in front of Vox. Who looked down to take in the contents. Jambalaya. Ah, he really wasn’t in a good mood if he was going right to his comfort meal. He didn’t question it as he began to eat. Looking back up quickly to watch as Alastor tucked into his own portion.
His smile was still tight, meaning his mood was still sour. Point further made when Alastor let out a low growl as he glared at his bowl. Even after the food was finished, it apparently did very little to help the situation. 
Taking a bit of a risk, Vox slowly made his way over. Removing the empty bowl from Alastor’s tight grip and put them away. Hands free once more, Vox put his full attention on the other sinner. Listening for any warning growls as he reaches out to gently cup Alastor’s cheek.
The first crack in the armor appeared when Alastor easily pressed against it. 
“How about we go lay down for a bit, yeah?”
While Alastor didn’t say anything, he did grab Vox’s wrist and pulled him over to the large couch. The Media Overlord unable to hold back a small chuckle. Giving another small noise of surprise when he was suddenly pushed down onto the couch. Recovering quickly to get a bit more comfortable as Alastor joined him. The Radio Demon practically clawing at Vox’s shirt while he laid across the other. Head laying down on Vox’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. 
Freeing his hands, Vox gently ran his fingers through Alastor’s hair. Scratching at his scalp and carefully pulling out some knots. 
That got the response Vox had been waiting for. Alastor practically melted at the touches, his smile now one of genuine comfort. The Media Overlord shifted slightly so he could place gentle kisses between Alastor’s ears. Hands never stopping, moving between the hair and rubbing the large ears. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Vox whispered, hands never stopping.
“No.” Was the short reply. The only word said for who knows how many hours. 
Vox chuckles softly, “Okay. You don’t have to, I won’t force it. Do you at least want to move to the bed at some point?”
“Alright then. Guess we’re sleeping here tonight.”
And they did. Neither moving, Alastor still laying across Vox, cheek pressed against the other’s shoulder. Vox’s screen dimmed with a very faint ‘on standby’ displayed. Fingers still tangled in the red hair. 
2) Whispering in Their Ear
“Hey Bambi.”
Vox couldn’t help but laugh as he watched Alastor’s ear flickered at his gentle whisper. Voluntary or involuntary, it wasn’t quite clear. But the annoyance on Alastor’s face was very much intentional.
“Must you?” The Radio Demon’s eyes narrowed further as Vox casually dropped next to him onto the couch. 
“Must I what? Tease you? Of course! Anyway I can see your more ‘animalistic’ side, I’ll take every chance.” 
“You’re lucky I find you so amusing.”
“Only amusing! Bambi, you hurt me, I thought I was more than just entertainment for you?” Vox let out a dramatic sigh as he lay across Alastor. Who attempted to pay him no mind, but his smile did soften. 
“Yes, well, don’t push your luck.”
Alastor couldn’t hold back a laugh as Vox shifted so he could gently pin the Radio Demon down. 
“I will push what I like.” Vox teased back.
“What am I going to do with you.”
“Would you stop making it sound like being with me is some kind of punishment! You agreed to this!”
Alastor let out another burst of laughter at Vox’s pout.
The Radio Demon couldn’t help the shiver that traveled up his spine. His name whispered in such a way that shook him to his core in the best way. Previous tense posture in which Alastor was glaring at the hotel wall melted away. 
Letting out a small hum, he turned to better address Vox. Who was leaning over the back of the couch.
“What can I help you with, my Podcast?”
“Were you trying to burn a hole into the wall?” The Media Overlord attempted to sound casual.
“Now why would I go and do a thing like that? Purposefully damage my pet project. How dare you assume something so horrible.”
“Well, your face said everything that you’re pissed about something.”
Alastor hummed once more as his reply. He playfully rolled his eyes as he was gently pulled close to Vox. Happy to drape himself over the other Overlord even as his face remained blanked.
“Did you talk to Velvette?” Vox whispered softly.
Alastor’s ears flicked casually in response. “...Yes.”
“You know not all of Hell would go for the Hotel. Also, it’s Hell. Sinners will pick apart everything if they’re bored.”
“I’m more worried about Charlie,” Alastor mumbled back, “She’s been held up in her room all day.” 
Vox laughed softly, “You’re such a bleeding heart.”
Shifting closer, Alastor tucked his head closer to Vox’s chest. “Don’t call me that.”
“Of course not. Never.”
Ears flickered softly as the whispers once more. 
It was the middle of the night and Vox couldn’t sleep. Staring up at the canopy above him while his arms were gently placed around Alastor. Said demon fast asleep, eyes closed with his mouth still curved up in a small smile. At least he’d been able to fall asleep easily. On Vox’s part, his mind was a buzz of never ending information. 
One of the major downsides to being the Media Overlord was the never really finding a moment of quiet. How he could never properly connect from everything. 
Letting out a slow sigh, Vox shifted enough to look down at Alastor. Fingers gently running through the soft red hair. 
“Hey Alastor,” Vox whispered. Even as Alastor slept peacefully, his ears twitched as if he was listening. At least, that’s what Vox liked to believe. “I hope you don’t mind if I talk for a while. I know you harp on me not sleeping well. But it’s kind of hard when my mind won’t shut up. I’m sure I’ll wear myself out eventually. Until then, do you mind if I just ramble?”
Alastor’s ears twitched once more.
“I’ll take that as a yes…”
3) Massaging Their Feet
Vox knew Alastor was only his true self when it was just them behind closed doors. When the Radio Demon knew he could relax because the target was no longer on his back. Knowing he could leave whatever he needed to at the door until he was in public view once more. 
Vox also knew that Alastor would rather look perfectly put together than to let Hell obtained features be seen. 
Case in point, when Alastor decided that wearing shoes over his hooves was a practical idea.
Said Radio Demon held back a grateful grunt of relief when both of his hooves were freed. His shoes may have been fashionable, but they were also extremely tight. It also didn’t help that he was stuck on wearing shoes that were more meant for ‘humans’ and not hooves. 
“I’m still not sure I fully understand why you insist on wearing shoes at all.” Vox commented as he carried the tray filled with tea and cups over to the small end table. Setting it down before sitting next to Alastor. 
“Hooves don’t really pull the whole ensemble together,” Alastor replied while rubbing his ankles, “Apparently antlers are menacing. Hooves, not as much.”
“They are rather adorable.”
“You’re not helping.”
Vox couldn’t hold back a laugh. “I suppose deer hooves are not the same as goat hooves. Either way, the point I’m trying to get is to question if fashion is more important than comfort.”
“The short answer is yes.”
“What’s the long answer?”
“Don’t want to waste the time.”
Rolling his eyes, Vox focused instead on putting Alastor’s cup together. Holding it out and was greeted with a raised brow by Alastor.
“I can make my own cup.”
“Would you please just take it.”
Alastor did with a small huff. Following it with a small bleat of shock as he was moved to lay across the couch. With his feet resting comfortably on Vox’s lap. 
“How is this, comfortable?” Vox asked. 
Alastor shuffled slightly before nodding. “Fine.”
“Good. You just relax, I’ll take care of the rest.”
Alastor’s question of what Vox was planning was answered when skilled hands started to massage his legs, primarily focusing on the hooves that had caused so much trouble that day. There was a heavy shiver that traveled through his body before Alastor sunk further into the couch. Happy to nurse his cup while Vox moved his hands down to work on the hooves next. 
The room soon filled with gentle jazz music as Alastor closed his eyes. 
4) Gazing at Them/Into Their Eyes
Vox growled softly as his foot tapped against the elevator floor. Glaring at the glowing numbers as if that would make it faster. He really should start setting alarms instead of relying on Velvette or Peppermint to alert him when he needs to leave for the Overlord’s meeting. The former forgot just as often as Vox did and Peppermint… Maybe he’s given too much work. 
Ah, an issue for another time. 
Grumbling out a low ‘Finally.’ as the elevator lets out a loud ding, Vox slips between the slowly opening doors to try and beat the clock as he heads straight for the wide meeting room. Which did not go unnoticed by those already there, the rest of the Overlords. 
“We’re cutting it a little close today, aren’t we.” Carmilla commented without looking up from her papers. 
“Sorry for making sure Hell can function without me steering the ship. Controlling the entire electrical infrastructure tends to take up a lot of time.” Vox sniped back with a sharp smirk.
“Perhaps if you hired reliable contracts to work for you, you wouldn’t be so busy. Or, at the very least, help you keep track on time. But what do I know? It’s not as if we both run major businesses.”
Velvette was right. Carmilla was an old bitch.
Smirk becoming a little strained now, Vox turned to claim a seat next to Alastor. Only to find that all were occupied. Those closest taken by Rosie and Zestial. Vox knew he’d never get the Cannibal Overlord to move and Zestial could never be pushed from his front pedestal. 
“May I direct you to the otherside of the table for a chair?” Carmilla sweetly asked with a smug smile on her face. 
Vox didn’t reply this time. Instead he gave a small huff, keeping his head held high as he walked over to claim the last empty chair. Sitting down with the air of indifference, turning his attention back to Carmilla. 
“Now that we’re all here…” As the weapons dealer officially started the meeting. Vox’s attention instantly began to slip. 
His form eventually slumps into the chair. Eyes lidded as he followed Camilla’s movements and the information that was projected onto the screen. Resting his head on his hand to get in a more comfortable position as his attention slowly turned over to Alastor. Who was fully focused on what was happening. 
It was something that Vox found absolutely fascinating about the Radio Demon. For someone so terrifying, he did deeply care about the citizens of Hell. It’s one of the many reasons Vox adored Alastor. Because he does worry about the residents of Hell, even if he never shows it. Deciding instead to be fearful than fluffy. A scary sweetheart. Deranged darling.
He’s so cute.
“Am I boring you, Vox?”
The spell was broken by Carmilla’s voice. Vox blinking furiously as the cloud of daydreaming floats away, propping himself back up in his chair. Noting how all eyes are on him again. Alastor’s smile seemed to be wider somehow.
“Ah, what, no. I’m fine.” Vox cleared his throat, shifting a little further. 
Carmilla raised a brow, frowned deeping, but said nothing more about it. Instead, she turned back to her notes.
Letting out a slow sigh, Vox settled back down. Attempting to truly stay focused on what was no doubt important information. Only to be pulled away when a tingle of being watched traveled over him. Causing him to turn away once more, 
Vox’s search was over quickly when his eyes connected with Alastor. Who was still facing forward but side eyeing the Media Overlord. 
Alastor’s smile softened as their eyes met. Giving a slow blink that caused Vox’s heart to beat faster in happiness. The action a silent way for the other to say he missed Vox. How he wants to give his full attention to his partner but clearly couldn’t at that point. In response, Vox leans on his hand once more as he returns his own slow blink back. Eyes lidded as he watched Alastor’s shoulders shake with silent laughter. Ears twitching in joy. 
Vox unable to hold back the happy sigh as Alastor smiled back. 
“Would you please just stop!” Carmilla’s shout caused all to jump.
“You seem a little tense,” Alastor replied softly, “Whatever’s the matter?”
“Your flirting is causing Vox’s power to interfere with the building’s power.”
“Then it may be best to postpone this until you can fix that faulty wiring. It’s poor performance if your building could possibly be interrupted by Vox. I’m sure his exhaustion isn’t helping with all of this.”
“If you’re really that concerned, maybe your time would be best spent on creating a seating chart.”
With that, Alastor stood and made his way to the door. Vox followed close behind soon after. Neither said anything until they were in the elevator, the doors closing and moving down.
“...Was I really that out of it?” Vox asked, sounding worried.
Alastor laughed, “You’re such a silly little sinner. My silly little sinner. Adorable.”
5) Telling Them You Love Them
“I love you.” Vox nervously sputtered out. Feeling unbearably warm under the orange turtleneck as he held out the single rose. Insides squirming as he waited for Alastor to do…anything.
The Radio Demon observed the offered flower with a raised brow for a few moments. For Vox, it felt like hours. His fear rising slightly as Alstor finally reached out to pluck a flower from the Media demon’s hold. Said flower instantly withered in the gentle grasp. Turning whatever bravado Vox might have had to flicker away almost instantly.
“Oh, shit- fuck. I’m sorry, I forgot-” 
“It’s a rather dangerous game you’re playing,” Alastor spoke softly, “Handing your heart over to someone who causes such destruction with a simple touch.”
“You’re not always like that.”
“Can you afford the risk?”
“...I’d like to try.” Vox’s mouth snapped shut hearing Alastor’s gentle laugh. Watching in small fascination as the dried rose was raised, Alastor chomped down to completely consume the ash pedals. Vox’s only able to watch.
“You are such a charmer,” Alastor replied after swallowing. “It’s far too soon for you to say such words… But you are entertaining. I won't lie and say that I’m a bit curious.”
Hope rising once more, Vox couldn’t help but smile widely. “So does that mean… Are we?”
“What a way with words you have. I’ll save you the fumbling and just reply with yes, we are.”
Vox pulled himself back from a full crash. 
The raining of blood was nothing new. The cause of said blood was a little different. 
Vox could only watch with one functioning eye, hand covering the part of his screen that was broken, as Alastor easily tore the nearest sinner apart. In his full demon form as his glowing eyes hunting down his next victim, the air filled with horrible static. Loud enough to cause the lighting in the nearby area to flicker. 
As the alleyway cleared out, Alastor started to finally calm down. Not enough to be rid of his twisted form fully. But enough to at least shrink down to look Vox over better. Intending on taking stalk with how damaged the Media demon was. 
On his part, as soon Alastor was within reach, Vox cupped his hands around the scared cheeks. Uncaring at how deformed the other was. His only visible eye showing nothing but adoration for Alastor. All of which caused the Radio Demon to pause in slight confusion.
“You’re fucking beautiful…” Vox’s voice glitched but was clear enough to sound breathless. 
Alastor let out a crackly chuckle as he nuzzled against the hands framing his face. 
“I love you.” 
A gentle nip to the skin was the reply.
Alastor was practically dancing as he moved around the sleek, modern kitchen. Humming along with the song playing on the radio he’d brought along with him. Seeming to float as he built that evening’s meal. 
Vox more than happy to watch, sitting at the island as he leaned on his hand. Eyes lidded as he took in every inch of his partner. Which eventually caught the Radio Demon’s attention.
Leaving the soup to simmer, Alastor turned to lean over the island countertop. His smile softened as he reached across to gently pull Vox’s hand free, placing a kiss on the back of it. The Media Overlord’s stomach felt warm with growing happiness. 
“Are you enjoying the show?” Alastor asked, voice so low that it caused a shiver to travel up Vox’s spine. 
“Of course. To use your own words, if I may, you’re very entertaining.”
Letting out a chuckle, Alastor nuzzled against the hand he still held. “Intimidation is the highest form of flattery.”
“I don’t think using your quote is intimidation.”
“Just take the compliment.”
“I love you.”
A small but joyous huff sounded, Alastor placing one more kiss. “You’re ridiculous.”
“I thought I was entertaining!”
“That’s my title for this evening. Yours is ridiculous.”
“This is so unnecessary.”
“Just take it Alastor” 
“I don’t need it.”
“It’ll make me feel better.”
“That sounds like a you issue.”
Vox let out a low groan as he laid his face against the smooth tabletop. The hand that was holding the practically shiny new phone still propped up to hold it out to the Radio Demon.
“Alastor…please…I’m just trying to help.”
“In what way would a cellular device help me? Unless you’ve made it so it can be transformed into a weapon of some kind.”
“I could do that.”
The Media Overlord let out a heavy sigh as he stared the other down. “Alastor.”
“What would you have me do with this?”
“Call for help?”
“Oh, please.”
“What if you needed to contact Velvette or Valentino?”
“Why would I need to contact your business partners?”
“What if you need to contact me?”
“Are you planning on severing our bond?”
“No, never!”
“So no need to call.”
“This could help you look up recipes.”
“You know I prefer printed materials.”
Vox let out another groan.
On his part, Alastor tilted his head with his smile softening. “What are you so adamant about me holding onto this?”
“Because I love you and this would make me feel happy in knowing you had this on you. Like a ‘just in case’ kind of thing. Plus, I have one of your radios, why can’t you have one of my phones?”
Alastor’s face was a little tight at this. Shoulders dropped as he turned away. Eventually letting out a sigh of his own as he picked the phone up from Vox’s hand. “Well…how could I argue with that logic…”
Vox beamed. 
Alastor checked his tie one last time in the nearest window before entering the Vee Tower’s property.The area practically vibrated from the music pouring out from inside. Which almost knocked Alastor over when the double doors opened. Ears flattening at distress.
The launch party was in full swing. Sinners dancing, drinking, and engaging in some rather intense intercourse on whatever flat surface that could be found. Alastor pointedly ignored as much as he could in his attempts to peer through the strobing lights. Trying to find the reason as to why he even showed up to the stupid event.
Alastor’s search was paused when an arm was casually draped around his shoulder. Ready to tear it and the sinner apart, only to stop himself when he saw it was Valentino.
“Glad to see you could finally show up.” The Lustful Overlord said softly, clearly unhappy with how ‘late’ the other was. Or possibly just being upset that Alastor was here at all. 
On his part, Alastor slowly plucked the arms off of him and dropped it away from him as soon as possible. “I’m not here for the party, you know this. Where is he.”
“He who?” Valentino’s smirk made Alastor’s glare harden.
“Where is Vox.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’s here somewhere.”
“If you’re worried about me being properly supportive, then allow me to be so for the person who needs it. And you aren’t breaking any new grounds, neither is Velvette. Although I put my money on her having the creative streak after Vox compared to your ‘works’. If I’m to show support, I need to be with Vox. Therefore, I need to know where he is. So…where is he?”
Valentino’s smirk fell into a glower, but he did nod his head towards the elevator. The one that went to Vox’s private penthouse. Alastor gave a nod and turned, knowing he’d only gain a small victory at that moment. But he would take it.
The ride up thankfully quieted the blaring music, eventually causing it to disappear soon enough. Doors opening to a darkened penthouse. 
Vark was laying at the foot of the couch, raising his head when the elevator opened. Tail gently thumped against the floor happy to see Alastor and laid his head back down. He knew that Alastor meant safe. On his part, the Radio Demon walked in and understood why Vark was where he was.
Vox was laying on the same couch, screen dim and completely limp. Clearly asleep. No doubt the many sleepless nights of getting the project ready for release finally caught up to him. Letting out a small coo, Alastor appreached. Grabbing a blanket along the way and draping it over the still form. 
Vox twitched before his screen turned on, eyes looking around quickly. “Wha…”
“Just me,” Alastor whispered quickly, “Just me, my dear. You’re okay.”
“Mmm… When did you get here?” The Media Overlord let out a warm cycle of air before gently grabbing Alastor’s hand. Who sat as comfortably as he could sitting on the edge of the cushions. 
“A few minutes ago. How’d the speech go?”
“Fine…you would have been bored…”
Alastor hummed, watching as Vox started to fall asleep once more. “I’m very proud of you.”
“Of course…”
Vox’s system let out another heavy cycle as his screen turned dark. Sleep claiming him once more. Lifting the hand he still held, Alastor placed a kiss to the knuckles, smiling softly.
“I love you…”
21 notes · View notes
Hello! Could you do a yuta x reader oneshot where reader is a year younger then him and also uses a sword. They are compared to yuta and put down as lesser when going against Kyoto in the goodwill event. So when she meets him she has a rivalry without him knowing. Some rivals to lovers energy. Thank you so much!
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Pairing: Yuuta x Reader; request says fem but no pronouns were used to describe reader.
CW: Mini tsunderes; slight Yuuta dragging because reader is jealous. Lol First attempt at Yuuta, let’s goo.
Summary: You meet Okkotsu for the first time. He’s friendly, you on the other hand…
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“He looks like the type who got bullied in middle school.”
That’s your first thought upon meeting Okkotsu for the first time. His hair is a bit messy, the disarray obviously from fighting, and his eyes are dark and a little sunken, exhaustion, also obvious to you. The most intimidating thing about him is the tremendous amount of curse energy swirling around him like a thick fog, indicating he definitely had more than enough fire power to earn the reputation that follows him. Yet compared to Gojo, he lacked the flare that you thought all high tier sorcerers were supposed to possess and traded it for gloominess.
Even as he kicks the cursed spirit you were fighting off the broken hilt of his blade, you don’t really feel intimidated by him. It makes you question if this was the same Okkotsu that everyone talks about:
“When I saw another katana-user I got all excited, thinking you’d be like Okkotsu.” The image of that condescending shrug from that thick-headed gorilla known as Todo still haunts you. “But you’re nothing special.”
At least Panda tried to cheer you up after that exchange. “I didn’t know you were a blade-user. It is too bad Yuuta isn’t here. He could probably give you much better training than we could. That’s not to say you don’t know what you’re doing!”
And seeing how average looking he appeared was making you angry and slightly disappointed all over again. This guy is the one who is supposed to be the school’s supreme student?
“Oh, you’re one of sensei’s first years. (Name), right? I didn’t realize the school already stationed someone out here.”
His soft voice easily catches your attention, and it reaffirms your idea that he definitely got bullied in middle school, but what you hadn’t noticed was him getting closer until he was nearly on top of you. Stealthy. “I was assigned to clear the city of remaining curses, but they didn’t tell me that it was a duo mission,” you explain, taking the opportunity to size him up. You didn’t think you could match his cursed energy reserve, but your technique could at least be better.
“I’m not. I noticed a lot of curse energy build up in the area. I’m glad I came to check. You looked like you were in trouble. You’re not hurt, are you?”
You almost make a sarcastic remark, but you’re disarmed by him smiling at you. It’s more innocent and purer than you’re expecting from another sorcerer, and you immediately understand what Panda meant when he claimed that Maki is a little softer around him.
“No, I’m okay. But the area has already been evacuated, and I have the curse situation under control so there’s no need for you to be here,” you tell him, gripping your hand tighter around your sword as you prepare to move to the next city block.
Then, he stops you. “I already killed the remaining curses.”
You freeze in place, your mind flashing with the memories of your assignment and all the curses you’ve taken on since you’ve been here. You had to be out here for at least 2 hours, and he’s saying he finished it all. “All of them?!”
“It really wasn’t that many. Twenty or so. A lot of them were little guys.”
Your jaw must be rusty because it takes three good tries for you to clamp shut your gaping mouth. “I-I see,” you sputter out. “Well, I took the majority anyway. There were three times that when I started.”
“Ah!” He chuckles lightly at you. “I’m sorry to have got in the way then.”
You can’t believe he has the nerve to laugh at you, and you turn to hide your pout. “Just so you know I don’t split mission payment.”
“That’s not a problem, but do you mind if I borrow that? I happened to break mine,” he asks, pointing to the sword latched on your hip. You instinctively clamp your hand around the handle, so tight you can feel the cord burning against your skin. “Please, ma’am. It’d really save me a lot of trouble if I didn’t have to return to the school. I’ll make sure to escort you back to your pickup zone as well.” He folds his hands together, bowing slightly; and though you can’t disagree that something in you likes having the boy you’re always compared to pleading to you or calling you ma’am, your body refuses to hand over the weapon.
“Yes, I mind. You should be more careful with your stuff if you don’t want it breaking, pff, guess your technique isn’t that great after all,” you shrug, and he jerks back slightly at your rejection.
Taken aback, he blushes slightly from embarrassment. “Sorry. Did I do something to make you upset?”
“No, not personally,” you admit quietly, but your conversation is interrupted by the cracking of the ground under your feet. It doesn’t take more than a second to register the cursed energy seeping from the cracking void underneath you. There must have been one hiding all this time.
You duck in Okkotsu’s direction before the ground erupts, revealing a tank-sized scorpion curse. “Looks like you missed one,” you blurt out, and he steps in front of you one hand stretched out in front of your waist to stop you from taking a step forward.
“Stand back,” he instructs and swipes out a katana at his side before moving to take on the curse drilling holes into the ground in front of you.
You scoff as he takes the frontline, as if you were going to stand back and let him do all the work. When you reach for your sword, your fingers grasp nothing but air, and you realize your blade is gone from its scabbard. You search for the familiar glint of steel, only to find the source of your missing blade is non-other than him.
When did he even grab it!
“Hey, you!” you yell out, ignoring the fact that he’s in battle with a curse, not that you think he’d have any trouble judging by the stories; and certainly, you understand now that you would have a lot of catching up to do simply by how easily he takes on the overgrown spirit all by himself.
As soon as the curse spirit fell, you stomp up to him to yank your sword out of his hold while he’s distracted watching the body disappear. “Give me that! Who do you think you are swinging my sword around like that?” you scold, scrutinizing the length of the blade for any knicks. “You, you scratched it!”
He smiles sheepishly, scratching at his cheek to rid himself of the nervous sweat working down the side of his face. “I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to have it repaired.”
“That’s not the point. This is a Grade-1 blade! You can’t pour that much cursed energy into it all willynilly like you did,” you scold with a huff, ignoring his apologies and only stopping when his palm cups your face.
Thinking he was about to pick a fight with you, you brace yourself with an influx of curse energy for protection but it’s only a few seconds for you to register the calm flowing into you.
“Your face is cut up,” he explains, ghosting his thumb over your cheek to swipe away a smear of blood. “Some of the debris from the fight must have hit you.”
“Those are just scratches. Nothing to be concerned about,” you grunt out but it’s not enough to stop him from healing you.
“There. All done,” he says, and you’re momentarily disarmed by that smile again. You guess up close, he’s a bit handsome in a way and the way he handles himself is a bit opposite of the gloomy demeanor you originally predicted. “So, I hate to bring this back up, but—"
Sighing, you suppose you owed him one, at least this once. “You better bring it back in one piece,” you demand, handing the sword off to him.  
“Yes, ma’am.”
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bianca-d1-angelo · 4 months
✧˚ · ˚ + ˚ · . ➳➳ INTRO ➳➳. · ˚ + ˚ · ˚✧
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Hello! I am Bianca Di Angelo! I am the daughter of Maria Di Angelo and the Greek deity Hades. I am also known as the deceased sister of the Ghost King, @the-ghostking-di-angelo! I am currently 12 years old and will forever remain 12 as I am dead. I was a Hunter of Artemis before I died, and would have been a current resident of Cabin 13 at Camp Half Blood. The Fates did not consider social media when writing the rules centuries ago, so this is a technical loophole I have decided to exploit since Elysium is a bit boring. OOC: Please send asks or tag me!! OC's are always allowed to interact <33
Nico - my younger brother! he's honestly just a sweet little kid. If I find anyone being mean or even remotely rude to him, I can easily show you the horrors the Underworld will have have in store for you :)) @hazel-the-jewel - my sister! she's so sweet and responsible and talented. im so proud of her! she's the praetor of New Rome and everything! Once again, if I hear a single comment about her, I will find you and make you wish you never opened your mouth :))
@will-shoelaces - Nico's boyfriend! Very nice kid and a gentleman. Nico really cares about him so I fully support him! He's also a healer and can glow! if you dare break his heart, I know where you live :) @frank-zhang-praetor Hazel's boyfriend! Very responsible and extremely kind. Hazel loves him a lot <3 But once again, if you dare break her heart, I know where you live :)
@lightning-boi-is-here - he's my brother's best friend! he's a good person and really friendly. Honestly reminds me of a golden retriever @forbiddensonoftheseagod - Son of Poseidon and a greek hero. He's really nice and extremely loyal. 10/10 quest mate!
@grover-the-can-eater - Satyr and Lord of the Wild! Apparently he's a protector so he might follow you and your brother around for a while in a totally not creepy or terrifying way.
@pinecone-face-thalia - Daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis! Very cool and a bit intimidating. Nice to talk to though!
@annabeth-w1se-g1rl - Daughter of Athena! Dating Percy and friends with my sister! She's very cool and I admire her leadership.
@p1per-mclean - Daughter of Aphrodite! Hazel's friend and Nico's friend. She's really nice though she seems like a troublemaker.
Shel! - Mortal! She's Piper's girlfriend. She's really sweet and easy to talk to.
@fireboy-supreme - Son of Hephaestus! Nico warned me not to trust him. He does look like he gets into a lot of trouble.
Reyna - my honorary sister! She's one of Nico's closest friends and joined the hunt! She has an aura that demands respect and is a very sophisticated and cool person
Rachel - Also a Mortal! She is also the Oracle! (I'm so sorry Rachel for that repeating prophecy my dad sent, I told him twice would be enough)
OOC: (Kinda Important So Please Read! )
Hi!!! Before I begin, this is a Percy Jackson RP account for my Bianca cuz Hera knows shes too underrated! We still have some slots open so if you want to join, DM me or @hazel-the-jewel or @frank-zhang-praetor
pictures from banner are not mine! (i did make it tho) pfp is by _kaminarty_ (yes, it is wednesday, but they dont have bianca and its supposed to match with the others in the rp group lol) GO LOOK AT THEIR ART!!! ITS AMAZING
I MISS TONS OF SOCIAL CUESS!!! I'm trying to work on it but if i ever overstep my boundaries or make you uncomfy, pleasee let me know <33 im just a bit oblivious sometimes
IM SEX REPULSED! totally cool, do your thing but please DNI if you're an NSFW blog!!
I am a minor! pls keep that in mind!
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tinyletterz · 2 years
♡ winter wonderland— [ twst ]
: winter prompts with the twst students :
♡— contains: gn! reader, fluff!!
— [ note: WHY DID THIS TAKE SO LONG??? AND you guys are acutely enjoying my works?! what thank you sm for 75 followers! as always, ortho is platonic, the rest can either be seen as romantic/platonic ]
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— riddle takes you ice skating. he skates like a professional; it’s something he enjoyed when he was younger. if you don’t know how to skate he’s going to teach you, helping you whenever you slide and fall. after skating he’s going to bring you to a cafe and bask in the warmth
— trey is rather busy during the holidays, helping his family's bakery in the winter months. he's always thankful for your help in the kitchen, delivering orders to customers, or just keeping his siblings busy.
— cater wants nothing more than to sit in front of a fire with you. listening to the quiet cracking of fire and your voices filling the room just adds to the calming atmosphere. he would take a picture if he didn’t feel so comfortable with not moving, but maybe this is a memory to keep in his mind
— ace started a snowball fight with you. it turns out he’s very strategic in his plays and doesn’t just throw blindly. forts we’re built, words were said, and only one will remain victorious. despite his plans, he’s too easily caught off guard and you take the final blow
— deuce also takes you ice skating except he has no idea how. the entire time you guys are holding hands, trying to keep deuce from losing his balance. and if you can't skate either? oh boy what a ride the two of you will go on. and if there are little kids who can skate better?? they will make it their life goal to teach deuce to skate
— leona drags you along with him to take care of cheka. his nephew wants to go to all different shops and restaurants, but his parents were too busy. now, because leona has to suffer, you do to. but cheka's so much fun to be around, playing with the other children in the snow, buying warm cookies from the cafe for you and leona to share. all of you are bundled up warmly you don't even feel the chilly wind pass by.
— ruggie invites you to charity events to help people in need. he knows how it feels, so he wants to give extra blankets and food his grandmother made for the people. your extra hands and conversation make the moment more meaningful
— jack brings you sledding. he is a trained veteran in the art of sledding so you’ll be perfectly safe. the moment is breathtaking as you slide down the mountain with the snow flying past. no jack’s tail isn’t wagging from happiness, it’s just really cold okay?
— azul is going to master the art of making hot chocolate with you. he's still new to dwelling on the surface, so there are plenty of things he's not used to. piling marshmallows on top of marshmallows, adding hints of vanilla and mint, finishing the warm drink with whipped cream. he truly enjoys seeing what concoction you brew up together.
— jade will bring you along to go hiking the snow-covered mountains. there’s so much wildlife that only blossoms when the frost arrives. of course he knows it’s cold, so he encourages you to bring layers onto of layers. while taking moments to stop he brings warm drinks and takes in the scenery with you
— floyd bought matching sweaters for both of you. they’re probably ugly sweaters too, but he thought they would look so good on you and him! he will follow you around until you wear the sweater and show you off to jade and azul
— kalim will pull you outside with him to enjoy the early snow. as soon as he spots the first snowflake on campus he's already ready to enjoy the wintry scene with you. making snow angels, building snowmen, just simply enjoying the winter weather with you.
— jamil teaches you how to make traditional food from his culture even though he's sick. the cold got to him too quickly and despite your protest, he refuses to sit around sick and let you cook by yourself. it turns out to be a fun experience, even if you almost make a mess of the kitchen while telling jamil to get some rest.
— vil loves window shopping you with. seeing all the shops decorated with holiday decor, the flashing lights, the fresh smell of ginger in the air. he enjoys watching your expression when you see something displayed in the shop that caught your eye. and even though you're "not supposed" to buy something you see in the window, expect vil to purchase it for you.
— rook wants to enjoy the scenery with you by his side. it’s only once a year that the world really comes together to help those in need, the snow falling ever so gently, and the flowers that bloom when the ground is covered in snow. such beauty, how marvelous! and he gets to enjoy the scenery with you by his side
— epel visits winter markets with you. he used to go to them with his grandparents when he was little, so he wants to bring you with him. the handcrafted jewelry, freshly baked goods, and live music for entertainment. he wants you to enjoy yourself, while showing you the places he went while growing up
— idia thinks this is the perfect time to binge an entire season with you. it's way too cold outside and what better than to spend the time to do something meaningful? he has snacks laying about his room so you never have to leave, the temperature is just right, all that is needed is you to say yes to his invitation
— ortho builds gingerbread houses with you. he’s interested in the architecture and creating little gingerbread people to fit inside the house. he loves decorating and playing festive music to fill the rare times of silence. 10/10 best experience and ortho would love to do it again sometime with you!!
— malleus is another one who just wants to roam the streets with their lights. he'll mostly take you with him at night to enjoy the lights when they are brightest. he is like a child and wants to drag you to see all the light and their designs
— lilia can and will fight you with candy canes. it is a battle to the death and he is determined to win. he's going to poke you with the point he creates with the cane and it will be a duel to the death. hopefully, you are prepared.
— silver wants to take this time to learn to knit. if he’s going to be asleep for most of the time he would at least want to have something comfortable with him. he’ll come to you and ask if what he’s making is comfortable, he’ll come to you for color and pattern designs. don’t be surprised if you find him asleep in the middle of knitting because it’s just very comfortable
— sebek needs your help with baking. he wants to create something for the entire dorm so he goes to you, the most tolerable human. and despite his loud voice and the occasional bantering, sebek enjoys himself when spending time with you
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