#and they'd be like ''whaaat you're doing great!''
simptasia 5 months
bless all the nurses who sincerely told me i'd make a great nurse, during the months my mum was dying and i was taking care of her near constantly to the point of around the clock emotional and physical exhaustion. and then i'd have to, thank them but gently inform them I'm Only Doing This Well Because I Have To
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iamatinydinosaur 9 months
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First Encounter
Five trolls walked into an abandoned Bergen golf course. Poppy and pastel blue troll with a brown afro clung to each other as they walked through the eerie golf course. "Are we sure that he's here." Y/N said getting closer to her friend. "WHO GOES THERE!" Everyone screamed into terror as a giant clown glowed bright red talking to them. Y/N and Poppy ran and hid behind JD. "What the hell! You hoping it eats me before you two!" He shouted at the two girls. "Better you then us!" Y/N shouted back, making the other two brothers chuckle.
"Look we want no clown trouble.... We're just looking for our older brother Clay!" Branch exclaimed stepping forward. "Wait you five are trolls?" The clown asked. "So what you're a clown!" Branch retorted back. Suddenly the mouth of the clown opened wide and a golf ball jumped down the tongue. The five trolls stared confused. The golf ball popped open and stood before then was a female pink trolls with blonde hair. Y/N looked between her and her younger friend back and forth. 'They look like each other." She thought. "Well hellooo, My names Viva, it's so fantastamazing to meet other trolls!" She exclaimed rushing forward gushing over all of them. "Is she like Poppy's doppelganger?" Y/N whispered to Bruce making him laugh. "I think so." He agreed earning a glare from Branch.
"Are you hungry, thirsty? Fries, Fries I see fries! Bring out the works!" Suddenly they were all surrounded by fries, milkshakes, hot dogs and pizza the other trolls brought out. Viva downed a milkshake. "Great now I have some energy!" Viva shouted. Viva suddenly flew past Y/N and Poppy. Poppy looked up at Y/N and vice versa. "Did you just braid our hair!" Poppy exclaimed jumping up and down, while Y/N stared in disbelief.
"These fries are amazing! They'd really go great with a burger." Bruce said munching away. Suddenly there was a scream and all the other trolls ran away. "Whaaat isss happening...?" Y/N and Bruce said in unison. "We don't say that word, cause burger sounds to much like Bergen." Viva whispered nodding. "We call burgers! Meat circles." The 6 trolls turned round and saw Clay standing above them. "Clay!" The three brothers exclaimed. Clay went over to Bruce first and did an handshake with him, catching up. "Clay!" John shouted jumping forward opening his hand for a hug. "Hmm, John." Clay said bluntly. Poppy and Y/N watched the everything unfold while giggling.
"OMG Baby Branch!" Clay exclaimed running over. Finally Y/N saw Clay up close and stared at him. He's cute in person. Clay was her favourite in the band. She watched as he squished his face. "Anyway, Clay this is Poppy." Poppy jumped forward hugging the middle brother. As she asked him to do the robot and he did his "well-oiled robot" saying it's no fun Y/N giggled, catching the tall trolls attention. "It still kinda looks fun though." She said smiling at Clay. "Oh Clay, this is Y/N my best friend." Poppy said pushing her friend forward, making her stumble into his chest. The two trolls went wide eyed and turned away from each other blushing, muttering sorry to each other. JD and Bruce smirked at each other.
As time went on Clay's brothers explained about Floyd. "Okay let's go!" Branch exclaimed grabbing Poppy's hand running towards the exit. "No you can't leave you just got here, let me show you around!" Viva shouted, grabbing Poppy's other hand pulling her out of Branch's grip. Suddenly Poppy, Y/N and Branch's hug time bracelets went off. "Hug time!" Viva shouted hugging Poppy. John tried to hug everyone by pushing Y/N into Clay arms wide open. Y/N push JD away. "Nuh-huh!" Was all she said crossing her arms, making Clay chuckle. He was intrigued by this troll.
It wasn't until Viva was staring into Poppy's face walking towards when the other trolls noticed what was going on. "Sorry, who's your father?" Viva asked. "Uh- King Peppy." Poppy answered cautiously. Viva started to twirl Poppy around saying she couldn't believe she was alive. Everyone looked confused. "Poppy I'm your sister!"
Before everyone knew it Poppy and Viva started singing. Soon the Brozone bros started singing together. Y/N felt out of place, like an intruder. Clay looked over and saw how Y/N stood off from everyone. Clay walked over and grabbed her hand. Y/N looked at their hands and up to the back of his head. "You should sing and dance with us." He said not turning around. Y/N smiled up at the troll, because his back was to her she didn't see the slight blush forming on his face. As they sang Y/N and Clay danced together laughing.
The trolls ran into Ronda. Y/N sat on the couch waiting for Poppy and Branch to come inside. She felt the couch dip down. She turned to her side seeing Clay sat next to her. They smiled at each other being comfortable in each other presence.
A/N: I didn't realize how long this one is. I love me some Clay and I kinda got carried away. Hope you like it. I don't know why but I've always seen Clay being with a sassy troll. I don't know why.
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sparkles-rule-4eva 1 year
It's been like a million years since I've actually been able to post a fic for Wednesday, but I've got one!! I've finally got one!!
"Girl Talk"
(this takes place in the Sonic Boom universe, after the episode "Cowbot")
It had only been yesterday when Sonic and Tails had found themselves spending a day and a half over at their lair of their supposed arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman, to help him repair his defenses. Sonic still wasn't sure why they'd bothered helping the guy, considering he was always trying to destroy him and his pals.
Well, he supposed that was a hero's duty. Help everyone. Even if they didn't deserve it at all.
Beyond the fact that they were helping their enemy, probably the thing that had caught Sonic the most off guard was Eggman's completely unexpected question at the campfire.
"What's up with you and Amy?"
He'd had absolutely no idea how to respond to that. In fact, he'd never responded. He'd just made some lame attempt to change the subject, though he no longer remembered what he'd said to do so.
What was even more nerve-wracking? Tails had looked just as interested to hear the answer.
Sonic stared at the ceiling of his shack as he reclined uneasily in his hammock. Pfffft, he had no reason to get so flustered over such a silly question. He was Sonic the Hedgehog! He feared nothing! He especially didn't fear something as simple as love, and attachment, and relationships . . . ? Right?!
"Why do you look like you just got back from Meh Burger?" a familiar voice called teasingly, and he jolted upwards, almost toppling off the hammock.
Tails was walking through his empty doorframe, a gleam in his bright blue eyes and his twin tails waving up and down behind him.
"It's nothing!" Sonic protested, standing up and stretching, overall trying to act as casual and relaxed as possible. "Just thinking."
"About whaaat?" The tone couldn't get any more teasing. "About who?"
"I don't know what you mean," he tried to bluff, but the little fox's eyes glinted at him knowingly.
Sonic sighed heavily.
His little brother knew him far too well.
"Fine, fine, fine." Sonic waved a hand, then glanced around nervously. "Can we just take this somewhere more . . . private?"
"We can go to my lab?" Without waiting for an answer, Tails turned and helicoptered away back towards his workshop. Sonic took off after him, reaching the place at least five seconds before his brother did.
"So . . . what is up with you and Amy?" Tails asked once the door was closed and the windows were locked, quite clearly repeating Eggman's words.
"Amy's just a really good friend!" Sonic tried to protest. "Yeah, yeah, she's got a thing for me, but that doesn't mean I reciprocate!"
Tails shot him a look. "So you know she likes you, and yet you don't discourage her, you hang out with her alone, you're always making jokes and puns around her and waiting for her reaction, and you even go to the movies together?"
"Those are all normal friend activities!" Sonic practically screeched, his voice high-pitched with desperation. "Sure, I like being with her. She's a great person. And she's a great friend. And a cool fighter. And she's strong. And independent. And . . . well . . ."
Sonic trailed off, realizing his argument no longer was making sense, all he'd done was go on a tangent about all the things he liked about Amy, and Tails' smirk was as smug as ever.
But when his brother finally replied, it wasn't as teasing as he'd expected. "She makes you happy, doesn't she? The way Zooey makes me happy?"
"You're not old enough to be giving me advice on girls," Sonic grumbled.
"I'm not the one running from my feelings," Tails pointed out.
Sonic made a frustrated noise.
"Okay fiiine, I guess I do kinda sorta like her. So what?"
"So . . . ?!" Tails bounced up and down a couple times. "You should go ask her out!"
"But I don't actually know what I'm doing when it comes to girls!" Sonic complained. "Yeah, Amy's not the only girl to have ever liked me, but I've never actually had a girlfriend. How are you even supposed to treat them? And doesn't being in a relationship mean getting tied down somewhere and not having freedom anymore? I'm not even sure I want a relationship, Tails."
"That's not what relationships are about," his brother argued. "They're about love, duh. Choosing to love and care for that one person. Finding happiness and contentment in each other's company. Putting their needs before yours, because they're special to you." Tails' blue eyes gleamed. "Isn't Amy special to you?"
"Well, I guess, yeah," Sonic mumbled, kicking at an imaginary rock on the ground. "I just . . . I don't think I'm ready for a girlfriend, at least not yet. Can't I just give it some time?"
Tails snickered. "Of course you can. There's no rush. I just wanted to make sure you understood this stuff."
"This feels backwards." Sonic sighed, but grinned. "Okay. Ya got me, lil bro. But!" He jumped up and grabbed his brother by the wrist. "Everything that was just said is entirely confidential! Got it? No breaking the bro code!"
"I know, I know!" Tails laughed, squirming away as Sonic started playfully poking him all over. "Understood!"
馃グ this'll be posted on AO3 ASAP! (It's a busy day for me haha) it's already posted on Wattpad if you follow me and the one-shots book there. 馃槣馃憣
Update: here it is on AO3!
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liopleurodean 1 year
Season 7, Episode 23: Survival Of The Fittest
Here we go again
Not much to say about the road so far
Oh you liar
Astute deduction, Watson
Of course
Wow, so generous
That's true
He won't do it
Or maybe he will
Oh jeez, hold on. This conversation is the first to come up in an spn ambient track that I like to use to fall asleep, and that just made me really tired
Was it?
I still think it should be Dean. You know, Righteous Man and all
I want to know this story
Also, I previously had thought that the asmrtist had stitched together bits of dialogue, but nope. That's just... how the conversation went
Dang it, Bobby
This is horrifying
Okay, that makes sense
So picky
Good for you
Alright then
Oh boy
Not exactly
That's weird
When is it ever good news?
Who, Cas?
If Bob Ross was a song
Did it hurt?
That is a fantastic question, Cas
That's weird
So Cas knows
The question of the hour
Change of tactics
Oh great
Yeah, Meg should run
Uh oh
They still don't know
Don't act like you don't keep secrets, Crowley
She's aware
See? He's loopy
Is that-?
Okay then
Something they'd like to know
Of course, Marcus
A two-for-one deal
Seriously, Cas
Dang it, Bobby
What did he expect?
That's concerning
Like a freaking dog
Gee, that's helpful
Ooh, Twizzlers!
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best
That's weird
Why didn't he put the blood on the stabby end?
Hi Cas
Thanks, Cas!
Whose is that?
Like a doctor's office
That's freaky
Good for you, Kevin
Something's up with her
Ooh, go Kevin!
Oh boy
So like... Leviathan caviar
When is that?
He won't make it
Uh oh
This is concerning
There are multiples
This is horrifying
It's like rabies
Oh no
They have company
They found out
Bad idea
He's not listening
It won't work!
He disappated
It was Bobby
That was a weird way to say it
Dean. Man, y'all need to be more careful with what you say
Are you sure?
Oh, Cas
What, Sam?
Harsh, but... kind of needed
It's still possible
Doesn't mean much
Taking a lot of self-control
Oh, Bobby
...why do you want to know, Dean?
I think that's the plan
You will. I promise
About 7-8 years
...which, in retrospect, is kind of soon
That's a hot fire
He went pretty calmly
Oh, Dean...
I just want to give him a hug...
Cas, you're being weird again
That's a new game
Ooh!!!!!!! Are they getting Baby back???
I guess
But you're still a help
Season 7 is Destiel season, apparently, which is wild because I think this is what they call the "divorce arc"
Mm, yeah, well
Thanks, Cas
Make a show out of it
There's my best girl
Gorgeous as ever
Ooh, that's gonna scratch the paint job!
He let Meg drive Baby?????? Is he psycho?????
I guess that works
...that's a new type of insult
Keep moving
Oh that's just fantastic
Good info, thanks Kevin!
That's true
It is. For you
It's working
That was just weird
And also that seemed too easy
Where are Dean and Cas?
That's the question of the hour
He's a person!
Yes and no
At least he's not insane anymore?
Wait. We're already almost done with the episode???? That felt like it was five minutes long!
Well, at least they're together
Cas sounds better
Good question
That's freaky
Cas, don't leave him alone!
How the heck is Dean supposed to survive that??????
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