#and this applies to literally EVERYONE following the story and acc like
seasonal-writes · 2 years
I am. so normal about Prince Grian potential
okay but like SAME, my guy. i have so many thoughts about him. he does what he's told. he talks back. he teases his baby brother. he would die for him. he is strong. he is so sensitive. LIKE. HE IS SO MANY THINGS ALL CONTRADICTING. prince grian, to me, is constantly trying to keep everything sorta balanced. maybe it's just the projection of 'older sibling' onto him, but like.. he's the heir. he has a big world already sitting on his shoulders. he gets told his little brother's being forced into something out of POLITICS and he fights it, tooth and nail. he would never show it, but ohhh does it hurt him when there is nothing he can do. he's offered so much say and power, and yet at the end of the day, it's futile. i like to think that's the one thing that disturbs him the most. but. similar to jimmy, he is acquainted with denial. which would probably make finding out his brother's run away a very.. interesting moment. but yeah. i don't even know what else to say about him,, just,,, ough. love him. he does have so much potential.
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sunnypogue · 4 years
jj visits you at school (headcanon)
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ok so i took a very innocent prompt and turned it into my old ass reliving my college days (this is an ode to college football + texas food)
(warnings: nsfw-ish, drinking, cursing)
after high school, you decided you needed to get the hell out of north carolina
didn’t even consider duke/chapel hill/state
applied to schools all over the country before deciding on university of texas
(jj was sad because you were leaving - and he wasn’t - but it was closer than cal, which was your next choice)
as soon as you settled in, you bought him a flight out for a home football game
basically a religious experience in texas
you swooped him late thursday night from austin-bergstrom, borrowing your big’s boyfriend’s chevy silverado
yes you had joined a sorority. yes you lowkey loved it.
you could barely see over the wheel, and were basically falling asleep because you had to book it to the airport right after your 2 hour bio lab
but you got so excited when you saw jj - he was all amped up from flying for the first time
he waved you down, holding his beat up duffle bag on the sidewalk outside of arrivals
laughed at you as you tried navigating the truck (it was HARD okay, your big’s boyfriend owned a ranch - it wasn’t meant for the streets of austin), swung open the door as you rolled to a stop, slid into the passenger seat, gave you a “howdy, ma’am” before leaning over the gear shift & tongue fucking you.
woke ya right up!
you welcomed him to texas the traditional way - honey butter chicken biscuit from whataburger
he inhaled it - “god, what the FUCK is this?”
y’all spooned in your twin xl bed - you elbowed him in the chest, twice.
took him to your gen ed history class the next morning - y’all hid in the back and sent each other dirty texts the whole time (nothing new there)
gave him the full tour of campus after & rewarded him with torchy’s after - peg leg margarita + trailer trash tacos.
he had never had queso before - blew his fuckin’ mind
“why is the food here so GOOD?”
took him to your sorority mixer that night - 70’s themed, so y’all blew it out of the water with some very authentic ABBA costumes that you coordinated with your best friend + her boyfriend
jj let you round brush dry his hair & wore the classic all white outfit to match yours
y’all fucked in the costumes later that night - you couldn’t stop laughing, and he wouldn’t stop humming “super trouper”
woke up at the ass crack of day for game day - 2pm kick off meant 10 am tailgate
jj let you dress him (you were worried about getting him into the tailgate - you weren’t really in the mood for him to have to answer the “who do you know here?” question a thousand times)
of course, you had the frat boy game day uniform all ready for him - black ut polo, wranglers & cowboy boots.
he drew the line at the cowboy hat, opting for a backwards baseball cap
he wasn’t excited about the boots, until you handed him a flask & told him that was the only way he was sneaking alc into the game
jj immediately filled it with jack, before slipping into the side of his boot - “alright alright alright”
shockingly, getting him into the frat tailgate was no problem (you wisely chose to bring him to your big’s boyfriend’s frat - while he wasn’t pledge master, he had a lot of pull, and didn’t bat an eye as you brought your semi-incognito boyfriend into the house)
and of course, he made friends with literally EVERYONE he met
shotgunning beers with your best friends and their boyfriends
betting people to ride the mechanical bull in the middle of the backyard (because what the fuck)
sharing his boot flask (“yeah, my girlfriend got it for me - yeah, she’s pretty great.”)
of course, you taught him how to “hook ‘em”
and suckered him into a picture 
literally y’all only got one good one, you on his back, throwing the horns, him grinning at you as he half-assed the horns
he was flipping off the camera in every other photo
when y’all got to the stadium, he lost his shit
easily the biggest place (with the most people) he had EVER been in
completely took it in stride - learning all the chants, (“we’re gonna beat the hell outta you!” was his favorite) cheering as pledges were forced to chug whatever crazy shit the older frat members smuggled into the stadium between the student section bleachers, going absolutely apeshit when texas would score
jj didn’t know football could be fun - football was synonymous with his dad betting big and losing hard, which meant he got the brunt of...that
after the game (horns win!), y’all headed back to your dorm for a shower & power nap before hitting sixth street later that night
you changed your outfit three times and your panties once, because SOMEONE thought it would be funny to finger you while you tried to do your hair 
you weren’t really complaining, tbh
y’all walked to a pregame, jj wearing his boots & sipping from his flask, arm slung around you
same group y’all tailgated with earlier, so jj was like an old friend at this point 
(he even got the invite to the fraternity mardi gras trip in the spring - he asked if you were going to be flashing for beads - you smacked him on the arm)
wrangled him into an intense game of rage cage (you won - he bragged about you for the rest of the night)
laughed as you and your friends sat in the uber to the bars, memorizing your fake id’s 
jj had the same one from high school - he had a whole life story for his id at this point
let you drag him to a country bar - he kept your drink full as you & your sorority sisters drunkenly line danced to “any man of mine” and “cottonhead road”
you even got him to two step 
he ended up half-carrying your wasted ass home - you passed the fuck out the second you were back in your dorm
being the good boyfriend he is, he helped you take your makeup off and change into your pj’s
you woke up in his cutoff coors shirt, and nothing else - for revenge, you woke him up with a blow job - obviously.
you both had mind numbing hangovers (he refused to admit it, but he was feelin’ a lil rough after a game day + night out on sixth), so you dragged him to brunch - hair of the dog, baby.
knocked a couple mimosas back & made plans to lay out by the pool - nothing like getting absolutely fried by the sun to revive your hungover ass
as you were falling asleep on the lounger by the school’s outdoor pool, you heard him mumble something 
“you know where austin community college is, baby?”
you nodded, not following the conversation whatsoever, playing around with his baseball cap (you forgot your sunglasses, he offered it up to protect your eyes from the sun)
“lookin’ at it” he shrugged, holding his phone up, home page for ACC on his browser
you sat up a lil bit. “you’d consider leaving the outer banks?” 
he didn’t respond right away - you poked him with your foot a couple times
“I don’t think I’d ever leave the outer banks for good - but for a few years? maybe.” “for me?” 
he poked you back “nah, i’m coming for torchy’s + whataburger. you’re just an added bonus”
you nailed him with the hat, square in the face. “shut up.”
he laughed - sat up, swung your legs onto his lap, “i’m coming for you. you shut up.”
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onlinemarketinghelp · 5 years
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The Guide to Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness http://bit.ly/303eCmH
If you’re a public servant — a teacher, a nonprofit worker, a public defender, a government worker, or another — you might have cheered when you heard about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. This program, in theory, allows borrowers to make 10 years of income-driven payments on their loans and then have the rest forgiven.
But the program’s rules are complex — so much so that we have a whole training course dedicated to getting it right — and when the first borrowers became eligible for forgiveness 10 years after the program’s start in 2007, hardly anyone who applied for loan discharge was able to get it processed.
In fact, as of September 2018, only 206 people out of more than 40,000 applicants had had their loans forgiven.
Not good.
Quick Navigation
Why Was/Is PSLF So Hard to Qualify For?
What Is Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF)?
Where Did TEPSLF Come From?
Who Is Eligible? Part 1: Type of Repayment Plan
Who Is Eligible? Part II: Procedure
What Kinds of Loans Are Eligible?
What Do I Need to Do?
What About Taxes?
Does This Actually Work for Anyone?
What Else Is Going on with PSLF?
Why Was/Is PSLF So Hard to Qualify For?
Good question. This is a program that was started with good intentions. But many of the people it was supposed to help didn’t read and/or understand the fine print, and loan servicers didn’t help; it seems that many of them gave borrowers deliberate misinformation or failed to inform them of something that could have helped them.
Basically, to meet the original requirements, you needed to have a specific type of loan (or consolidate your existing loans in order to get the specific type of loan), to be on a specific type of repayment plan, to certify that your employer qualified as “public service” every single year, and to make 120 payments under these conditions (not 120 payments overall, or 10 straight years of payments, but 120/10 years of payments while having this kind of loan and working for this kind of employer).
That’s a lot to keep track of, and being in the wrong kind of payment plan in particular seems to have bitten a lot of people.
Plus, FedLoan Servicing, the only servicer that handles PSLF loans, is pretty terrible overall, which doesn’t help.
What Is Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF)?
TEPSLF is, well, a temporary opportunity to access a (slightly) expanded eligibility pool for PSLF. It’s controversial right now because congressional Democrats are arguing that the Republican-controlled Department of Education hasn’t expanded the pool enough. Maybe it’ll expand further and maybe it won’t, but for the moment, the “expanded” part refers to the types of repayment programs that are eligible for forgiveness.
Where Did TEPSLF Come From?
Remember, it took 10 years for the first possible qualifiers to apply to have their loans forgiven, so that was in 2017. When news started to break that 99% of PSLF applicants were being denied due to not meeting requirements, it became a major scandal.
Due to a big push from Senator Elizabeth Warren and other student-debt advocates in Congress like senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Tim Kaine, the 2018 U.S. budget included a pot of $350 million to aid borrowers who hadn’t met the PSLF requirements, but would meet an “expanded” definition.
The money is finite, and will eventually run out — so it’s on a first come, first served basis. Hence, temporary. However, not much of it has been used so far due to another round of eligibility issues, so there’s a good chance that if you qualify, you’ll be able to use it.
Who Is Eligible? Part 1: Type of Repayment Plan
First of all, you should know that TEPSLF hasn’t gone so great so far. Nearly everyone who applied for it in 2018 was rejected — and I do mean nearly everyone. Only a couple hundred out of literally tens of thousands of applicants were accepted.
In other words, there’s still a lot of difficulty in getting your loans forgiven under the new rules. Before I go any further, here’s a link to the Department of Education’s TEPSLF website, which addresses some of these issues too.
The current focus of TEPSLF is on people who were in the wrong kind of repayment plan. Original-flavor PSLF required that borrowers be on one of the income-driven repayment plans: PAYE (Pay As You Earn), REPAYE (Revised Pay As You Earn), IBR (Income-Based Repayment), or ICR (Income-Contingent Repayment).
All of these plans tie the amount of your payments to your income, and since public service incomes are generally lower, it made sense that lots of PSLF applicants would be on one. But it turned out this often isn’t the case and lots of people were rejected for being on another payment plan.
TEPSLF expands the kind of eligible repayment plans. If you have been using a Graduated Repayment Plan, an Extended Repayment Plan, a Consolidation Standard Repayment Plan, or a Consolidation Graduated Repayment Plan, you’re now eligible as long as you meet all the other PSLF requirements.
Who Is Eligible? Part II: Procedure
It’s not just the kind of repayment plan you have though. You also have to go through a very specific procedure to have your loans forgiven under TEPSLF.
So here’s the skinny. In order to get access to TEPSLF:
You must submit a PSLF application for forgiveness and have that application denied (even if you already know you’ll be denied, you have to do this anyway).
The denial has to be because some of your payments were not made under a qualifying PSLF repayment plan (and not for any other reason).
You have to have 10 years of certified qualifying employment.
Your recent payments have to have been at least as much as they’d have been in a qualifying PSLF repayment plan.
You have to have made 120 payments that qualify (they need to have been made after October 1, 2007; to not have been more than 15 days late; and to have been made while employed by a qualifying employer). If your loans were in a grace period, a deferment, or forbearance when you made a payment, it won’t qualify. Also, the payments need to have been made on the loan(s) you’re seeking forgiveness on. If you consolidated halfway through the 10 years, then the payments you made on the unconsolidated loans won’t count.
Then you can go on to apply for TEPSLF.
What Kinds of Loans Are Eligible?
As with PSLF, only Direct Loans qualify for TEPSLF. If you had other loans but were able to consolidate them into a Direct Loan, that’s ok, but only payments you made on the Direct Loan will count.
Parent PLUS loans, FFEL loans, Perkins Loans, and private loans are not eligible.
Direct Loans in default are also not eligible.
What Do I Need to Do?
First, if you haven’t already made 10 years of payments while working for an approved employer, applied for PSLF, and been denied, you’ll need to do all those things.
That means your first stop should probably be FedLoan Servicing to ensure that your employers have been certified.
Next, you’ll need to apply for PSLF and wait to be denied. The denial has to be because you were using the wrong repayment plan for part or all of your 120 payments.
Then you send the Education Department an email. No, really! You do! I assumed there was a form to fill out, but nope:
Subject line: “TEPSLF Request.”
In the body of the email, use the sentence, “I request that the Education Department reconsider my eligibility for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.”
Include the same name under which you submitted that PSLF request that got denied (if you’ve married, divorced, or changed your name for another reason in the meantime, include the old name in the email).
Also include your date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Then, wait for FedLoan Servicing to reply to you. They’re required to confirm that you are eligible and to email you back with a determination. This might take several months (they say 60 to 120 days). You may be asked for additional information, especially about your income in the last 12 months, your family size, or your employer.
(They might want to know about your income or family size because they want to determine whether or not your recent payments were at least as much as they would have been on an income-based repayment program, which is one of the markers of eligibility for TEPSLF.)
If they do ask you for more info, move on it quickly, because you’ll need to provide it in 21 days or your request will be canceled.
If you’re denied, you may need to follow up with more information if you want to appeal. The denial ought to come with a reason and also an explanation of what you should do next. That may include submitting a PSLF application, making further payments (if you don’t have 10 eligible years’ worth), and/or getting your employer certified (which means following up with FedLoan Servicing and your employers during the 10-year period).
If you’re approved, that should be it. Your loans will be forgiven, along with any outstanding interest, and you can log into your account and see a $0.
What About Taxes?
This is a big deal! If your loans are forgiven under either PSLF or TEPSLF, the forgiveness amount is not considered taxable income.
Does This Actually Work for Anyone?
Like I said, the implementation of this program has been messy and contested. But it has worked for highly organized, persistent people who do meet all of these requirements. Here’s one story of a woman who not only got her loans forgiven, but got nine months of “overpayment” refunded to her. That ought to be inspirational!
One thing I really noted in that story is that while it’s really frustrating to deal with servicers, it can have benefits to keep pushing them. The woman in the story called her servicer maybe 20 times to check on things, insist that they look further into her situation, get documentation, and so on.
That sounds awful and it really sucks that it’s this challenging to access the program. But on the other hand, which would you rather do: call FedLoan Servicing 20 times or pay on your student loans for another 5 years when you don’t have to?
Here is another takeaway from that story: If you can afford it, it might help to hire a professional to assess your situation and help you make a plan. The woman in the story used a student loan lawyer. She still had to do a lot of the work of calling the servicer, etc., but it must have been comforting to have an expert on her side.
What Else Is Going on with PSLF?
As of April 2019, the Trump administration and several congressional Republicans have proposed eliminating it altogether.
Meanwhile, the major Democratic presidential contenders have mostly signaled support for a bill introduced by one of them, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, which would expand the types of eligible loans and payment plans permanently and reduce the payment period from 10 years to 5, among other things. (There are also some requirements for better information from the Education Department to students and an online application system that would be easier and clearer to use, etc.)
It definitely seems like PSLF has become a partisan issue, with Democrats trying to expand the program to more borrowers and Republicans trying to prevent borrowers from accessing it. This didn’t used to be the case — PSLF was signed into law by George Bush and the Obama education department didn’t exactly do a great job of keeping servicers from misbehaving — but unfortunately, it does seem now like the program has become a political football, meaning that its future probably depends a lot on who wins Congress and the presidency in 2020.
The post The Guide to Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness appeared first on The College Investor.
from The College Investor
If you’re a public servant — a teacher, a nonprofit worker, a public defender, a government worker, or another — you might have cheered when you heard about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. This program, in theory, allows borrowers to make 10 years of income-driven payments on their loans and then have the rest forgiven.
But the program’s rules are complex — so much so that we have a whole training course dedicated to getting it right — and when the first borrowers became eligible for forgiveness 10 years after the program’s start in 2007, hardly anyone who applied for loan discharge was able to get it processed.
In fact, as of September 2018, only 206 people out of more than 40,000 applicants had had their loans forgiven.
Not good.
Quick Navigation
Why Was/Is PSLF So Hard to Qualify For?
What Is Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF)?
Where Did TEPSLF Come From?
Who Is Eligible? Part 1: Type of Repayment Plan
Who Is Eligible? Part II: Procedure
What Kinds of Loans Are Eligible?
What Do I Need to Do?
What About Taxes?
Does This Actually Work for Anyone?
What Else Is Going on with PSLF?
Why Was/Is PSLF So Hard to Qualify For?
Good question. This is a program that was started with good intentions. But many of the people it was supposed to help didn’t read and/or understand the fine print, and loan servicers didn’t help; it seems that many of them gave borrowers deliberate misinformation or failed to inform them of something that could have helped them.
Basically, to meet the original requirements, you needed to have a specific type of loan (or consolidate your existing loans in order to get the specific type of loan), to be on a specific type of repayment plan, to certify that your employer qualified as “public service” every single year, and to make 120 payments under these conditions (not 120 payments overall, or 10 straight years of payments, but 120/10 years of payments while having this kind of loan and working for this kind of employer).
That’s a lot to keep track of, and being in the wrong kind of payment plan in particular seems to have bitten a lot of people.
Plus, FedLoan Servicing, the only servicer that handles PSLF loans, is pretty terrible overall, which doesn’t help.
What Is Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF)?
TEPSLF is, well, a temporary opportunity to access a (slightly) expanded eligibility pool for PSLF. It’s controversial right now because congressional Democrats are arguing that the Republican-controlled Department of Education hasn’t expanded the pool enough. Maybe it’ll expand further and maybe it won’t, but for the moment, the “expanded” part refers to the types of repayment programs that are eligible for forgiveness.
Where Did TEPSLF Come From?
Remember, it took 10 years for the first possible qualifiers to apply to have their loans forgiven, so that was in 2017. When news started to break that 99% of PSLF applicants were being denied due to not meeting requirements, it became a major scandal.
Due to a big push from Senator Elizabeth Warren and other student-debt advocates in Congress like senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Tim Kaine, the 2018 U.S. budget included a pot of $350 million to aid borrowers who hadn’t met the PSLF requirements, but would meet an “expanded” definition.
The money is finite, and will eventually run out — so it’s on a first come, first served basis. Hence, temporary. However, not much of it has been used so far due to another round of eligibility issues, so there’s a good chance that if you qualify, you’ll be able to use it.
Who Is Eligible? Part 1: Type of Repayment Plan
First of all, you should know that TEPSLF hasn’t gone so great so far. Nearly everyone who applied for it in 2018 was rejected — and I do mean nearly everyone. Only a couple hundred out of literally tens of thousands of applicants were accepted.
In other words, there’s still a lot of difficulty in getting your loans forgiven under the new rules. Before I go any further, here’s a link to the Department of Education’s TEPSLF website, which addresses some of these issues too.
The current focus of TEPSLF is on people who were in the wrong kind of repayment plan. Original-flavor PSLF required that borrowers be on one of the income-driven repayment plans: PAYE (Pay As You Earn), REPAYE (Revised Pay As You Earn), IBR (Income-Based Repayment), or ICR (Income-Contingent Repayment).
All of these plans tie the amount of your payments to your income, and since public service incomes are generally lower, it made sense that lots of PSLF applicants would be on one. But it turned out this often isn’t the case and lots of people were rejected for being on another payment plan.
TEPSLF expands the kind of eligible repayment plans. If you have been using a Graduated Repayment Plan, an Extended Repayment Plan, a Consolidation Standard Repayment Plan, or a Consolidation Graduated Repayment Plan, you’re now eligible as long as you meet all the other PSLF requirements.
Who Is Eligible? Part II: Procedure
It’s not just the kind of repayment plan you have though. You also have to go through a very specific procedure to have your loans forgiven under TEPSLF.
So here’s the skinny. In order to get access to TEPSLF:
You must submit a PSLF application for forgiveness and have that application denied (even if you already know you’ll be denied, you have to do this anyway).
The denial has to be because some of your payments were not made under a qualifying PSLF repayment plan (and not for any other reason).
You have to have 10 years of certified qualifying employment.
Your recent payments have to have been at least as much as they’d have been in a qualifying PSLF repayment plan.
You have to have made 120 payments that qualify (they need to have been made after October 1, 2007; to not have been more than 15 days late; and to have been made while employed by a qualifying employer). If your loans were in a grace period, a deferment, or forbearance when you made a payment, it won’t qualify. Also, the payments need to have been made on the loan(s) you’re seeking forgiveness on. If you consolidated halfway through the 10 years, then the payments you made on the unconsolidated loans won’t count.
Then you can go on to apply for TEPSLF.
What Kinds of Loans Are Eligible?
As with PSLF, only Direct Loans qualify for TEPSLF. If you had other loans but were able to consolidate them into a Direct Loan, that’s ok, but only payments you made on the Direct Loan will count.
Parent PLUS loans, FFEL loans, Perkins Loans, and private loans are not eligible.
Direct Loans in default are also not eligible.
What Do I Need to Do?
First, if you haven’t already made 10 years of payments while working for an approved employer, applied for PSLF, and been denied, you’ll need to do all those things.
That means your first stop should probably be FedLoan Servicing to ensure that your employers have been certified.
Next, you’ll need to apply for PSLF and wait to be denied. The denial has to be because you were using the wrong repayment plan for part or all of your 120 payments.
Then you send the Education Department an email. No, really! You do! I assumed there was a form to fill out, but nope:
Subject line: “TEPSLF Request.”
In the body of the email, use the sentence, “I request that the Education Department reconsider my eligibility for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.”
Include the same name under which you submitted that PSLF request that got denied (if you’ve married, divorced, or changed your name for another reason in the meantime, include the old name in the email).
Also include your date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Then, wait for FedLoan Servicing to reply to you. They’re required to confirm that you are eligible and to email you back with a determination. This might take several months (they say 60 to 120 days). You may be asked for additional information, especially about your income in the last 12 months, your family size, or your employer.
(They might want to know about your income or family size because they want to determine whether or not your recent payments were at least as much as they would have been on an income-based repayment program, which is one of the markers of eligibility for TEPSLF.)
If they do ask you for more info, move on it quickly, because you’ll need to provide it in 21 days or your request will be canceled.
If you’re denied, you may need to follow up with more information if you want to appeal. The denial ought to come with a reason and also an explanation of what you should do next. That may include submitting a PSLF application, making further payments (if you don’t have 10 eligible years’ worth), and/or getting your employer certified (which means following up with FedLoan Servicing and your employers during the 10-year period).
If you’re approved, that should be it. Your loans will be forgiven, along with any outstanding interest, and you can log into your account and see a $0.
What About Taxes?
This is a big deal! If your loans are forgiven under either PSLF or TEPSLF, the forgiveness amount is not considered taxable income.
Does This Actually Work for Anyone?
Like I said, the implementation of this program has been messy and contested. But it has worked for highly organized, persistent people who do meet all of these requirements. Here’s one story of a woman who not only got her loans forgiven, but got nine months of “overpayment” refunded to her. That ought to be inspirational!
One thing I really noted in that story is that while it’s really frustrating to deal with servicers, it can have benefits to keep pushing them. The woman in the story called her servicer maybe 20 times to check on things, insist that they look further into her situation, get documentation, and so on.
That sounds awful and it really sucks that it’s this challenging to access the program. But on the other hand, which would you rather do: call FedLoan Servicing 20 times or pay on your student loans for another 5 years when you don’t have to?
Here is another takeaway from that story: If you can afford it, it might help to hire a professional to assess your situation and help you make a plan. The woman in the story used a student loan lawyer. She still had to do a lot of the work of calling the servicer, etc., but it must have been comforting to have an expert on her side.
What Else Is Going on with PSLF?
As of April 2019, the Trump administration and several congressional Republicans have proposed eliminating it altogether.
Meanwhile, the major Democratic presidential contenders have mostly signaled support for a bill introduced by one of them, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, which would expand the types of eligible loans and payment plans permanently and reduce the payment period from 10 years to 5, among other things. (There are also some requirements for better information from the Education Department to students and an online application system that would be easier and clearer to use, etc.)
It definitely seems like PSLF has become a partisan issue, with Democrats trying to expand the program to more borrowers and Republicans trying to prevent borrowers from accessing it. This didn’t used to be the case — PSLF was signed into law by George Bush and the Obama education department didn’t exactly do a great job of keeping servicers from misbehaving — but unfortunately, it does seem now like the program has become a political football, meaning that its future probably depends a lot on who wins Congress and the presidency in 2020.
The post The Guide to Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness appeared first on The College Investor.
http://bit.ly/2J1Fv4W May 06, 2019 at 10:15AM http://bit.ly/2JlfbCb
0 notes
basshouse · 6 years
Kids and FAQs
And now for my best Terry Gross Impression:  If you're just joining me, my guest is Ashley Bass.  Ashley moved with her husband and two children from Seattle to New Zealand in May of 2018.  In early 2019 she started blogging about her experiences as an expatriate, parent, and regular person living life in a different part of the world.  The blog started as the best way she could think of to tell lots of people at one time how the family is doing and what the move had been like, but it turns out it’s also serving as a way to consider and learn from her personal experiences.  In this segment, she’ll try to answer some of the Questions she is Frequently Asked by her friends and family.  
Welcome back to the program!  I started this set of blog posts a few weeks back with “how we got here” and moved on to “where we are.”  Now we’re in the “what we are are doing” part of the blog, and to be honest, I have struggled with how to approach it because  I have so much to tell you about.  At least, so much to tell you about if I work under the assumption that you’re interested in fairly mundane details of a day-to-day life that sounds pretty standard...school,  work.  travel. sport. exploration. drinks. food.  Although, it seems like a fair assumption that you want to hear about it all since you’re reading this blog and anyway isn't that what facebook and Instagram are all about -- constant insight into nothing and everything all the time?!?  Well, blogs may be old school but they give me lots of room for detail. 
Or maybe you just read this blog for the pictures...?  You could just follow me on Instagram (_ashley_bass_), but we live in a world of instant gratification and high expectations, so here! 
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That’s Jason and James playing header ping pong on a cement table with a soccer ball.  Didn't expect that, did you? Me either. And yet it makes so much sense. 
As part of my effort to tell you what we are doing, I was drafting a summary of the places we have been and the things we have done/seen since we’ve been in NZ.  It was pages long...we’ve done a lot.  When I think about writing it all in a blog post I can only think of a phrase James uses all the time: “oosh.”  Or maybe it’s “ush”?  I guess it’s more of a sound than a phrase; it’s a kind of a take on the traditional “oof” but slightly less physically pained and a little more overwhelmed.  I like it, and it works in this case, and is one of the only terms I could steal from James and use in a blog.  Another option for using a James phrase would have been “butt cheek,” because he's a 17 year old boy with a vocabulary that has been stripped down to the modern version of caveman.  His catch phrases are “butt cheek” (usually used confrontation with Anily); “bot” (used in confrontation with Anily but also safe enough to apply to me and Jason when we do something he thinks is stupid, which is most things); and a wide variety of aggressive sounds that spill from his room during an especially frustrating moment of playing Fortnite or FIFA -- he has headphones on and is playing online with other people so he’s especially loud and shockingly vocal and foul mouthed. Apparently he plays with a guy named “Monkey” on the regular and seems to be either super annoyed by or excited about Monkey at any given time.  Lots of yelling.  Ooosh.  
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So I guess he’s a pretty regular teenage boy.  For example, I suspect it’s regular that he SUCKS at doing dishes but THINKS he is convincing when he argues about the relative fairness of his doing dishes versus Anily’s job of taking out the trash bins but UNABLE to comprehend the fact that we actually don't care at all about fairness.  But listen, he’s still sweet and he’s overall a really good kid.  And he got great results on his first round of NZ High School exams!  
So one way I can think to report on the goings-on is to try to report on the Qs people ask me pretty F(requently) when I have the chance to catch up on the phone, or the Qs I imagine you’d ask me if you had extra time to wonder about my life, the Qs I would ask you and sometimes ask myself about moving so far away to a brand new place.  For example, here’s one I have been asked more than once: Do you have an accent?  Well, yeah, duh -- an American one! Seriously, I sometimes realize that when I think people are listening intently to what I have to say they are literally just trying to figure out what I am saying. I haven't yet adopted a new way of delivering sentences but small common Kiwi expressions are starting to creep in to my vocabulary.  James is the most Kiwi of us all when it comes to speaking, probably because he has the most consistent exposure to it from school and from online gaming. E.g. “Oy, Monkey, what the fuck?!”  Or “Good one, mate, go Monkey go!”  
One of the most Frequently Asked Questions I get (both from US friends and people I meet here who find out that we moved across the world in the middle of the kids’ most formative school years) is “how are the kids doing?”   The short answer is that I think they are doing really well.  I can't say whether they like it better here than Seattle, but they do like it, and they don’t hate us (at least  not too much or too often, and this would likely have been the case in Seattle too).  They miss their friends in Seattle, of course.  They miss American Ketchup.  They miss American Netflix.  But they have friends here and they're doing well in school and playing soccer and futsal and indoor soccer, so in a lot of ways it’s business as usual (but less likely they’ll get shot). 
A few things are different:   For one, Anily and James will go to school together for the next two years.  IN UNIFORMS.  Including a kilt for Anily which is just heinous. if I’m honest.  Although having uniforms is great  -- no need to think about what to wear, no pressure to buy certain clothes or shoes; it’s actually super weird that the US doesn't do uniforms, when the rest of the world pretty much does.  But anyway, they would never have gone to school together again in Seattle, but because the school year is January - December and high school is 5 years, James is about to start the equivalent of junior year and Anily will start high school at the same school next week.  She says she’s too small to go to high school but as far as I can see, she's gotten pretty big!  
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Since we have been in NZ, James turned 17 and Anily turned 13.  Yeah, Jason and I had birthdays too.  So not only are we OLD, we are re living in a house with two teenagers.  And even though they are quite teenager-y, one of the best things about moving to NZ is how much time we spend together and how much we have shared in this journey. 
Here’s a fun story, and one of those times I wish I’d been recording the world around me:  On Anily’s 13th birthday we went paddle boarding down the Avon River. For those of you from San Antonio, the Avon is kind of like the San Antonio Rover -- it winds through town, creates some nice views, and is probably 2 feet deep and 15 wide in it’s largest parts.  It’s lovely, but it’s leaning pretty heavily on the creek side of “river.”  But it’s water and we have paddle boards and it was a super nice day out and I had decided on the previous Friday while I was having beers at the Craft Embassy and looking out over the river that it must be floatable.  I was pretty sure we could handle any rapids we might encounter and I might have felt a slide need to redeem myself after our recent canoe trip down the Whanganui River (more later).  So I was pretty intent on making it happen.  According to the city, the Avon is a “great source of recreation for walkers and boaters.” But the only official information I could find ANYWHERE about how to recreate in it was a suggestion to go punting, aka have a guy in formal clothes and broad brim hat push you with a pole though a section of the river that goes through the botanic gardens.  Which I think probably is nice but can you see me on this flat thing when I could be controlling my own destiny with some light paddling on a just-slightly-underinflated paddle board with James on the front of it and Anily and Jason beside me on another, slightly-better-inflated one?  
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No!  We parked a car at one end of town, drove to the other, put the boards in the water without a clue as to whether it was legal, and floated past the punters (take that punters!), through the traffic jam in the botanic gardens (learn how to paddle forward, people!), got out with the eels at the Craft Embassy, drank some beers and ate some snacks, got back in and kept floating.  It was only when we made another stop at the park that things took a dramatic turn. Anily slipped on the way off the board onto the landing.  Jason held out the paddle for her to catch her balance, she slipped, the paddle knocked her tooth out.  Like, into pieces.  There was a Japanese tourist looking at the eels (yes, more of them!) and I heard him say “ooh shattered!” as pieces of enamel flew through the air. Oh, and I lost my keys. Is this why we were the only people on the entire river -- is it cursed?! I’d do it again, we did not get to finish and we only had to walk once or twice.  So when you visit, let me know if you’re up for it and I’ll put some air in the paddlboards and buy you a mouth guard.  
We did get to file our first ACC claim as a result -- ACC covers everyone in New Zealand with a no-fault scheme if they've been injured in an accident. A little more Kiwi by the day.  
Eels in the river: 
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Anily’s tooth: 
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Oosh (Ush?) is right!  Real, truly, though, we’ve had a lot of family fun here and the kids are both pretty awesome.  At least they go along with my crazy ideas some of the time (Jason almost always does, which I really appreciate, because he’s much better at execution on these things.  Like, with the river, he's the one who suggested wearing shoes, which turned out to be very useful). I’m happy to be able to spend so much time with the kids, more than I was able to figure out how to do in Seattle,  and I think this has been a great learning and growth experience for Team Bass. One thing we learned?  Don’t be too close to a paddle if you’re on a slippery boat landing in a river full of eels :-) 
Oh also!  Anily got a cat for her birthday: 
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0 notes
savrenim · 8 years
Hi! I love your works! What got you into writing and theater? How and where did you start? Just very curious because you are so good! Thank you!
Vaguely long answer (extremely long way too long I’m so sorry I think this is the most I’ve talked about myself on tumblr in years) under the cut because I ramble a lot about my own life and these two things have been stupidly important in my life?
So I was a very solitary kid because ew what was being outside, that’s boring, which meant I spent every single day from about fourth grade, when I was finally allowed do this, to eighth grade, during recess and lunch, in the library reading. (Same in high school, except we had different periods and breaks and by that time I was in enough AP classes that it was usually homework I was doing.) I read so much as a kid. Then there were also the classroom libraries that were just, like, two shelves of books that you could read during class if you were done with your exercises, those I’d read every single book on the shelf since, like, second grade, although each grade new classroom new shelf so new books, but by third or fourth grade I was on my third read-through of everything on that grade’s shelf and was so bored of books that I’d read already and decided then and there that if there were no new books for me to read, I was going to write my own book to read.
I don’t think the .docs exist anymore of this really shitty story that I started in third grade that I’m pretty sure were about three triplets who were princesses and the Chosen Ones and had all sorts of magical powers but it was a world where everyone had different types of powers but theirs were more powerful because they were Special with a Capitol S…I think one could manipulate all water, one could make force fields (which, of course, she could use to fly, you can do anything with forcefields if you try hard enough) and I forget what the other one could do, probably control energy/electricity? It was somewhere between 30 and 50 pages of Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced. The Princesses had to run away from someone trying to assassinate them and take over the kingdom and train and learn to use their powers and the only thing I remember is that their powers kept getting more and more ridiculous as the story went on as I got more and more creative with applications of them (like the water one made a boat out of water and they escaped in the ocean sitting in this water boat as it propelled along like that scene from The Incredibles except the boat was all water instead of Mom and Dash), it was a mess but it was a beautiful mess and now it is gone forever probably because I think my mother’s computer has crashed and been replaced a couple times since then. RIP.
I’ve never really stopped writing, like. I wrote a shit-ton of fanfiction in high school because I found a show that I really liked the world background and felt like not enough of the characters were explored so I just hit the ground running, I think there’s, like, 550k or so of fanfic I wrote on an account that I have buried at the bottom of fanfiction.net and will never reveal to anyone ever. There’s a draft of a novel from high school too, this one, like, 95k, and I still have it. I may or may not have been re-working it as a part of a 7-novel biblical apocalypse in space idea that I had for a while, but that all got put on hold when I started it feels more like a memory. Um. Since high school, I did NaNo four or five times and have vague half-drafts sitting around from a bunch of those, too? Then there’s an immense amount that Wayfinder has played into my writing, which will be covered in the theater section, but I’ve probably written somewhere around 200k for Wayfinder, and then I’ve participated at this point in 102 Wayfinder games, I’ve kept a list, and those feel like living in a novel for anywhere from two to five hours and are just…all life-changing in terms of gaining perspective. But yeah, there are a dozen half-finished drafts of this and that that I’ve got on my computer that maybe one day will become something, maybe won’t, they keep me warm on a cloudy day type deal.
I remember when I first entered college four and a half years ago I was really proud because I’d passed the landmark of having written 1 million words of fiction so far in my life. I’m probably around a million and a half now? I stopped counting. But I was obsessed at the time with the 10,000 hours rule which when applied to writing was the 1 million words rule so I officially thought I maybe Wasn’t Crap™ after that.
But, yeah, writing has always been a huge part of my life, and a mostly private part of my life? It was just something I did in my free time for me and if I ever shared it, it was fanfiction, and in high school that meant it was anonymous in that it was under a pseudonym and disconnected from me as a person in every other aspect and thus very compartmentalized. Never something I had to worry about confrontation or being judged about. As a kid I always wanted to be a novelist, like, do science and math and then publish cool science fiction on the side. I still want to do that, write and publish and original novel. Although it’s less of a life goal and more, like, if it happens it happens. I was worried for so long about getting a manuscript accepted by an agent or editor but as I’ve gotten older and older I’ve started hating capitalism more and more and would want anything I write to be available for free online, and my friend @ink-splotch has been talking to me and giving me advice about what self-publishing is like, (also go read her books) (they are the best in the world and I’ve gotten a ridiculous amount of inspiration from just aaaah the writing style and the world mechanics and the casual folklore and treatment of side characters), but, like. Yeah. Maybe I’ll publish one day. I’m considering writing a sequel to it feels more like a memory and writing it as an original novel because the main things that the sequel deals with are the consequences of “what does a Seer mean in terms of modern physics” (as in our modern type modern, maybe even a bit in our future) and, of course, our favorite cast of characters still appears but it’s not terribly important that they be the specific historical characters and there’s a lot of issues surrounding “any story about these historical characters is a story that is intrinsically exalting slave owners” that at this point, like, if I’m writing a story that’s no longer set in the historical setting, why should I stick so solidly to the names of people that at this point have evolved very much beyond their historical counterparts and will probably eventually evolve past the direct musical interpretation too, when I could just change names and then have it be my own original fiction that could either stand on its own or be read as a direct sequel, and then it’s not connected to the atrocities that Hamilton characters are connected to, and also just I really do want to try my hand at original fiction again. So that might be on the horizon.
Um, writing. Yeah. I’m really only used to doing it for me. To be honest, it’s ridiculously weird to me the following that it feels more like a memory has gotten, and kind of uncomfortable at times? I mean, I wouldn’t change anything, I’m really grateful for the massive response and how much it’s mattered to various people, it’s not mine anymore, it’s a collective experience this attitude almost definitely also comes from my experiences at Wayfinder and mostly it’s just really weird to me how big of a part of my life this has become? Like, when I look back on 2016 and 2017 and maybe 2018 decades from now, they’re going to be the years when I was first doing math and physics research and publishing papers in scientific journals and applying to grad school and working on my cool shiny space thesis but also the years that I was writing it feels more like a memory, like, literally, there are pages and pages of handwritten scenes scrawled in my personal journals right next to mathematical calculations and notes and research and grad school lists. This fic has kind of really changed my life. It’s been a huge part of what I think about on a day-to-day basis, I’ve put an immense amount of time and energy and resources into it, I’ve learned so much about a bunch of subjects that were never relevant to my life before, I’ve made friends, I’ve started talking to people, also just, like, bouncing ideas around and going back and forth about the musical Hamilton and writing plans and writing techniques and James Madison has been one of the reasons I’ve gotten really close with a person that I consider to maybe be my best friend today. Even this blog has gone from “my Wayfinder friends and maybe a few campers follow me” to “holy shit a whole bunch of people that I don’t know, like, an entire order of magnitude more than the people that I do know, follow me now,” and it was just really…unexpected. I started writing it feels more like a memory for me. It was an experiment, it was just curiosity of trying to reproduce the sense of inevitability and growing doom caused by Aaron Burr’s dual role as narrator and character, it was never supposed to become…this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really grateful, I think it changed me for the better, and this isn’t me going “I wish everyone would unfollow me so I could go back to being a hermit,” I’m just kind of…still in shock. That it’s grown bigger than me. And that maybe if I keep doing this writing thing, life won’t go back to normal, this is the new normal.
Anyways that was probably way more deep and introspective than you asked for, let’s move on to
My father is a tenured professor at UCLA in the math department, he got a joint math-physics PhD from Princeton, he taught me how to do algebra over the summers before I learned to read, you can see where I got my math genes from.
My mother, who is an accountant and a damn good one too so also does a shit-ton of math, was really really into musical theater before she settled down to do taxes, and did a bunch of theater and singing, like, she was a Madonna impersonator once and totally toured Japan with an Elvis impersonator giving shows, she and my father met at a singing competition that she won and I don’t think my father ever got over it, she and my dad are divorced now but the person she’s currently with and has been her ~soulmate~ for forever she met because they were in a production of Lancelot and he was playing Lancelot and she was playing Guinevere.
(It’s really funny because actually the woman that I’m in love with and that if I believed in soulmates would defs be my soulmate, it’s scary how in sync we always are it’s like we can legit read each other’s minds, literally, and we consistently call each other at exactly the same time not having planned it and finish each other’s sentences and have been on the same page about everything for as long as we’ve known each other and also literally dated the same dudes vaguely in reverse order before we went “wait what if screw guys, we were dating instead” and she maybe hopefully will become my fiancé when I’m in a stable enough position financially to ask, I also met her through theater camp after we kept being cast in roles in which we were romantically connected to one another until we went “what if we did this in real life too.” So I guess it too runs in the family.)
I was in choir from, like, first grade on all the way through high school, religious choir in 1st-8th and then “we perform cool arrangements” choir in high school. My father coached me in signing lessons so I could be in the school-wide talent show in first grade. I was a total ham, I loved the spotlight. I took piano lessons for a little while? So I can sight-read. But, like, the theater side of things, I was in every single musical I was allowed to be from 7th grade, where they first let you into the drama program, through the three years I was in high school before I technically dropped out of high school. I ran lights and soundboard for a bunch of events in college because wheeee work-study jobs, so I was in on the technical side of theater too for a bit.
The real theater thing that I’ve actually been really involved in and really active in has been a summer camp called “The Wayfinder Experience”. It’s…I call it “gay theater camp” a lot because it really is, like, the amount that it is a safe space for LGBT kids is ridiculous, I’m pretty sure there are more non-straight and non-cis people in the community than not, and Wayfinder is just…absolutely unique in what they do. I found them when I was 15, a counselor from AstroCamp that I was absolutely enamored with went “you should really come to Wayfinder, I think you’d love it,” and I did mostly because I was absolutely enamored with them, and it changed my life.
Wayfinder is technically a LARPing camp, I guess, but they’re so much more than that. What they do revolves around these “Adventure Games” that are run, but there’s a huge amount of improv workshops and community-building exercises and spending time in nature and ridiculous games like Blood Rush which the best I can describe it is “Vampire Murder Football” but everyone hangs out, gets to be silly, gets to play all these really cool different things during workshops, but then also there will be a writer for any given week of camp that has prepared a whole world with its own mythology and history and geopolitical landscape and religions and important conflicts, we range in genres from high fantasy to cyberpunk to apocalypse settings to Westerns to just…anything that anyone can imagine. And the gamewriter will, over the course of the week, lead workshops where they tell everyone about this world they wrote and cast people as characters in it and everyone will do character development workshops where they flesh out their own backstories and make connections to other characters and are led through exercises that is everything from “how does your character walk” to “what are slang words that your little friend group uses” to “what do you dream about at night”. And then for game, the Sets and Props department turns the entire campus into an area in the world that the gamewriter designed, and everyone gets a full costume designed for them from the costuming department and then just for, like, three to five hours, we all enter the world that we’ve been learning about all week and just…act. Improvise. Like, there’s “flow,” or quasi-planned events that staff members who are cast as characters that generally have some power to shake and move things (i.e. politicians, respected scientists, mad wizards, evil Lords of the Dead) will be told “okay about an hour after game starts if these things happen do this or move things in this direction,” but otherwise it is the campers who are kind of deciding the fate of the world by their actions and their choices that they make fully in character.
So yeah. It’s like living in a novel. And I’ve gotten to do it 102 times at this point, for the first summer as a camper and then pretty much immediately I got hired as a staff member. I’m every once in a while a Workshop staff, aka leading forty-to-sixty kids in theater games and improv games and run-around games outside etc etc, I’m usually costuming staff which means wheeee so much sewing and organizing from our pre-existing costuming, although I’ve done Sets and Props a fair amount of the time too. I also was involved in the founding of the Frontier Adventures, which is an off-season year round program that every other month on Saturday runs a full day event and all proceeds go to the Hero Fund where kids who can’t afford to go to camp can get to go for free and so I was doing, like, directing and hiring and renting the land and organizing the schedule and just running those events for the last two years. I retired for the 2016-2017 season to concentrate on applying to grad school.
And then, of course, I’ve done a lot of gamewriting for Wayfinder. I’ve written and run four pretty serious games that I’m stupidly proud of—The Old Land, Octagon House, Requiem, and The Wishing Well. Writing a game is like nothing else in the world. It’s kind of like writing a novel, it’s certainly as much work as writing a novel, except you get to watch your novel come to life. You have to know your world inside and out—in the world background workshops, you’re going to have fifty kids throwing questions at you that are anywhere from “how’s the gay thing going” to “so you know your werewolf world has seven different moons for the seven different tribes of werewolves, and the sixth moon has an irregular orbit, first of all I’m assuming this is a rocky planet because it holds life so it can be at most four times the size/density of Earth but then also all of these moons are large enough such that their gravity makes them spherical, what does that do to the tides? As well as are tidal forces strong enough to affect volcano patterns on this planet, like it does on Jupiter’s moon Io? Also how in the world does the sixth moon have an irregular orbit, was it created more recently than the others or tugged into the gravitational well of the planet within the last few millennia, or—“ to, you know, more answerable questions like “how does [this part of the mythology] affect [this geopolitical issue].”
But it also just—it makes storytelling such a collaborative process. You write something, you dream up a whole world and the unique incredible people who live in it and the thousands of stories that make up their lives and the bursting potential of where a story can go, and then you hand it over, you give it to a community that you know and you trust and you’ve just met, you gift each of your characters to someone new, and then you watch as their bring your world to life. Your story isn’t your story. It’s the story of everyone who has experienced everything along with you. And it’s so incredible to be on the other end of it too, to be gifted a character and given the fate of the entire universe that rests on the decisions that you and your friends make in the moment. You live and you die and you laugh and you sacrifice everything and you find bravery within yourself that you never had before, and when you come out of it, you’ve…you’ve got fifty or sixty new best friends that maybe you haven’t known them in the real world for so long but you’ve bled (not usually real blood, we’re a summer camp for kids, after all) and sweat and cried and changed the world next to them, over and over, and it forms bonds of trust and a community in the real world unlike anything else.
So, yeah. Wayfinder has been a huge part of my life and my worldview and my experiences for the last…six years now? They’re my community, they’re my best friends, it was where I turned when I was scared and hurting and didn’t know where I was or how I was ever going to get through life and it was just…everything. And it sort of still is. So yeah. Gay theater camp. It’s the best.
I learned about Hamilton through Wayfinder, actually. I was Patient 2, but, like, I learned about it one day after Patient 0 learned off of an add on Amazon.com, Patient 0 showed it to Patient 1 who the next day when I was driving him and two other staff members to the cleanup for a Frontier showed it to me and then I infected, like, 100 campers within the next two months so I feel like I really deserve the title Patient 0 but technically I’m Patient 2.
I kind of really miss doing musical theater, like, theater on a stage type deal for an audience, I’m just way too busy now with math and physics things to consider that. But, yeah, theater, it’s great, it was a huge part of my childhood and then gay theater camp was the biggest influence on me during my formative years.
Hope that answers your questions!
10 notes · View notes
Clone Wars     Episode 9
     (Cloak of Darkness)
[Title     Scene!]
  Quote; Ignore your instincts   at your own peril
Acc  o    un   tability       Instincts
But also sounds like a vague threat to the   viewer
“Vice        Roy,”
  This       is where we’re starting off       on?
   Not the best episode
The first one to get a strike   from me
Who knows maybe it’s just a bad starting place   and they make something out of it
 “Luminara        And      Ahsoka,”
Interesting,     that is a good start
Showing that   Anakin has no control of his   Padawan
And opening the door for   New dynamics
Sounds interesting
Honestly, I don’t   know much   about     Luminara       so this      will    be    a   good        For        Her
“ under heavy guard,”
 It’s   two     people
 Face      Trial
 And       Get       Acquitted
“For    his   many        war   crimes,”
 Why   don’t   you   just   kick     this   bitch   from   society
Make   him   deal   with   himself
 What     did     the    other   prisoners      do      to   deserve          his            Company
   Oh            This character
   Also - still don’t   get the close-ups on      her face
Is this like the   second time   it’s happened?
Don’t think it happened with any other characters though  Obi wan is a glory hound
“ have you made contact with the   cruiser?”
  Good leadership           (Kinda)
              Assumed                    authority                               Kind
Good scene
But those dude’s eyes
Bull shit
Scam art       ist
I’m glad it seems to have the awareness   not to have the clones fall for this
Fuck off old man
Also Luminara just called him    ‘Subtley’     a piece of work
Good for her
Dude don’t   respond to him
Don’t let him have any control   or say in your life
“Tempting   offer,”
“ I have a   gift for you,”
Snarky   little   shit
Also; I thought he was going to go for the   gag
What     have   really   been      the    tea
“Finally,”          Nope       Tone     is   already     out     the   window
 I’m   starting      to   think     it’s      a   problem     with   female   characters
  But      Lumi nara       hear      sounds     perf   ectly      fine
Maybe     it’s    just   child   female   characters...
 Really         Like          The        Design       Going        Here
  Ooh      Sweet     columns       Here
All around the sides give it abstract   value
Like salagtites
Why   doesn’t someone   muzzle   him?
Like I know the moral reasons   why
But   if you’re going to     enable     Please   do with the utmost care to your   safety
And   at least bring some of   ear phones
So... you don’t have to   listen to this   tox
Lit      igator
On one hand   playing by your own rules
On the other hand, accountability
And   how it lends itself to vigilante justice
 “Keep moving,”
Assault’s not   cool
I’m sorry
Is with the dude’s    design?
He looks like   a guy   out of an old Timey      story   book
“His locks shimmered in the breeze like   Golden sunlight,’
He looks like his name is to be      Valor   Mic   -do        -good
I’m sorry that’s enough   roasting of   his design
(It’s not that         bad)
Commander    Gre-
“Let’s   move,”
  Right      Into     His     Ear
 Gree   doesn’t     give       a     fuck
Getting   revenge     for   getting     his      ear     talked     off
Just   tossing       him      off
   Oh       no       wait        they’re   following   him   good
    I      expect   some   treachery       to      go    down
  Senator       Commando   s
 “Rate        all   security,”
  A) he’s           a war criminal
     They   want to make a show out of him
 And show they can handle it
 It’s a propaganda move
Secondly they operate under the   enabler, “Several people dec     ided to enable him so clearly   only he’s   the problem and the   others   were just poor souls   lead astray,”
(Despite the fact that this completely   un   dermineds the ability of   choice
And paint them as well-)
Actually children does work in this   analogy
 Since they will just   do   orders      And   that’s   why   they’re   not   accountable
(Only    wish      “Uncle”       Eeroy            Was       up           There)
            If I can                twist                 that             episode                 into                 any              positive                light                 it’s             showing                 how                adults                  will                  try                   to                  use               children                   to               validate             themselves                (And                  their             bullshit)
          Don’t           let            your       overconfidence           give        Gunnar         another     advantage
   She’s a child
 Gunnery       already       has       the       advantage
   As an adult
   Sure she has a gun
   That.... expression is more along the lines of what I was   expecting
  We’re going for   dull
  Ahsoka wouldn’t really   care
 Also,       ships
Don’t look like   Republic   ships
And   intimidating   music   is   playing
What’s the scoop?
 “Vice        Roy,”
    He’s going to escape ?
   I have already put a plan into action   my Lord
   Also cloaks just coming back in   style
 Also   glad   we’re     getting     to    see     more    of   the     other     villains
Having   focused   on   Grievous   for     hours
  * They wore it   better
  “ my best apprentice            Asaj Ventress,”
   Oh we’re getting a bit of a          re-introduction to her
    And (Kinda) an answer to who that person he was      communicating   with earlier     are
   * or silence him
 “ Ventress,”
  I like   how they keep     the diagonal lines      On Sidious’s        face
   To make his       chancellor    persona
 That’s    good   attention       to        detail
  “ you are putting a lot of faith in an operative      that has failed us in the past,”
   Call back
  “She’s a gifted       assassin,”
Aww,      he looks so innocent     here
  Also,     complements
“ you may proceed,”
Off,       Sidious sounds pretty old in that last line
  “There        is no   margin for error,”
Okay,     woah, woah    gross
 She supposed to be a grown woman     right?
  Because otherwise holding her to the completely Wrong standard
  That’s not how you do    over sexualization of children       If Not that that’s just a standard   tox
  Comparing a grown woman to     an undeveloped-
 Let’s just hope   they don’t go down      that lane 
“ being my apprentice,”
 Being my   sub-servient
“ I am worthy,”
 “ As you shall       see,”
 Having to prove your worth   to others
Dressed     Like    Cen      turons
 The design  in this episode     is   very     goofy
Walking   towards   a normal      clone
How     goes    the   interrogation
 Oh   that’s   an     interrogator
(Also    his   voice   sounds   surprisingly   normal)
Then   again    he   seems    to   be   special   ops    /    FBI      Degree         of   enforcing
   So           maybe      more     initiative
   “Has     Vice      Roy       cracked,”
  Yes   screw   accountability      and   making    them    deal    with   themselves    away    from   society   where    they      can’t     hurt   anyone      Or   having   faith     in   society     that      no     one     will    enable
Let’s    go   Third   degree 
The   Jedi   will   wear   him   down
🎵 The Jedi are complicit in torture 🎵
   “ your thoughts betray you, Vice Roy,”
     Aka I saw you do it
   I can sense your concern   
    your fear
    That you will lose the power        and the wealth
    Falsely accumulated!
      Also no being has authority         over others
 “ I have no idea   what you’re talking about,”
You hide   great many    things
Asoka’s   showing      too      much    emotion
  Also what’s the betting that Asoka breaks the trial   completely irrationally
 She’s   tapping her   fingers
The locations of their   bases
“ I am an innocent pawn       in all this,”
  Bull. shit
   You. Made. A. Choice
“ if you are merely a pawn        then who are you protecting,”
Don’t enable this
Hold him accountable
And if you stumble across the bastard
Hold him accountable
Just...   Hold people    accountable
[Also, Asoka’s there   like yes   I’m helping,”]
No one   I know   nothing
Bullshit   enabler
“Liar,        Liar,”
 Told     ya
Well     At least they didn’t      Pretend Ahsoka       Was capable of doing    bad cop good cop
   Still       a completely unrealistic   outburst
  [there’s a reason why the people in bad cop- good scenarios   are adults
 This is why
Literally applying unnecessarily emotional, mental, and physical   stress
  Instead of holding him accountable
   Bullshit,   M’lady
 Just as guilty     
Asoka just brought to a new   extreme
And what would’ve been a   good scene about     how Anakin   and by default   Obi-Wan’s     ‘abuse’      Or     lessons   to do    so
We get a scene with     an irrationally angry       Ahsoka       That shows   unrealistic      child-   like        Behavior
More   befitting    of an adult
This could’ve been a good scene about Luminara getting slapped in the face with the things she’s enabling
And   Asoka    not   realizing     (Not   able    to   realize)   The harm    in her robotic   automated   action
        And that considering       Asoka and Anakin are both under 22               The fact that she can technically               Unfuck the situation         (at least for the next generation)                And the conscientious    decision, to not to 
 Despite all the bad   signs
     Don’t know about the toxicity   level      it’s looking pretty tox
   “ I wasn’t serious,”
    You were unrealistically unchildlike
   And, by adult standards ,  you’d be had for toxicity
But   this    is   just   bad   wri   ting
“ The only way he’ll talk is if        he’s scared enough,”
  Or if he wants to
Literally, only if he   wants- to
  Em,        perhaps I was too hasty
   Let us   negotiate
  He just   decided   to do that
[I really    hope they aren’t    going   the direction   of the last   episode
And   blaming     all the    adult problems      on the child
“Status      Report,”
   Good      captaining
[Weird animation with   flailing arms]
Fighters    in      -coming
 They brought   boarding ships
Hey   actually doing some thing
Prepare to     repeal   the enemy
 Tough    Bastards
 Right   through     the    ship
Right   there     thing      is droids
Ok how are they going to hold off   tanks
That requires some kind of explosive
There’s   another    gun
They    get     shot   down
 Again, explosives
Oh, immediate   fill in
 [they didn’t even take that guy      to the medic!]
Also yeah stand in the same spot with   no cover
They got   one
 [are we sure that Guy didn’t     just die from exhaustion?]
Oh, yeah cannons
Get some explosives
Lot     to go
  Seriously get explosives
  Super battle droids
  I just called him   tanks
 Jedi are you waiting for    Cue?
They’re headed for the   detention level
Night buddy
“ we need reinforcements- oh,”
   That was the most disinterested      scream of getting shot
  I’ve ever heard
[are we sure he didn’t get hit by a    stun weapon?]
Also,           no,   you need more    grenades
   Throwing       bodies        at it       clearly        isn’t      helping
  Commander: I’ll need your   assistance
Also; now you help
 After everyone’s dead
 Sat   there   listening      to   chatter      for    about    5 to 6   minutes
 “You stay here with captain Aguyis,”
   Also,       no how    about         better idea
    You       stay      here      and      deal      with      the   negotiations
  Asoka      and the   captain go to deal      with it
    So you don’t leave a child with a     manipulative maniac
    (Not encouraging   child soldiers)
   Nor   do I think   Ahsoka     can   take  them
“ Guard      the   viceroy,”
  Guard   the     manipulative     maniac       with        no     muzzle
It’s a terrible idea!]
  Hopefully        the      captain        a     more   responsible     Guard
   OK maybe will get a look into who’s ordering Ahsoka     and their general ideals
   Is it Master used        just for apprentices
  Shouldn’t Ahsoka be calling her something like    my lady, or some other    high old’ medieval title
It appears you are no situation to   negotiate Padawan
She has
A light saber
Also this is the problem with leaving   children     with toxic     adults
Never mind they’re going Full on   unchildlike with   Ahsoka right now
Screw   interesting   narrative
That   ended   quickly
 There she   is
That dude is   still alive
Seriously, was that the dude that got shot over the   Coms?
Also      no one going to         notice that?
What     have you found?”
  Some       one    noticed
  Clearly           Not
   And      she      has      the     cuff
 Guess    she liked it?
 Good for her?
Battle droids are everywhere
Guess   she likes    the radio
 Also,      Luminara       didn’t kill      those droids?
 ‘Cause there were      way more than one
 “ we have to     protect the prisoner,”
  That literally     didn’t change     any      thing
  Also so Luminara is right back where   she started
     Whole scene      was pointless
  How do      they stand         -?
   Also     hope     clones      get       good     health   coverage
 Again     Cannon
  Unnecessarily      dead
 How long does it take   her to walk?!
Also who killed all those dress setting   battle droids   then?
Think it was the authors
Could’ve done this   five seconds ago
Also, sneaking around in   vents
Why   are     you     here?
This is not where   prisoner
Is it the   security   core?
[is it to ship   hyperdrive?]
Skeletal~ *Shivers*
Sorry am I supposed to like     this   droid
[I’m trying    but it looks like a    human spine]
There     she     goes
See   anything
People    are   getting     massacred      and     you just switched back to everything’s all right     mode        that   quickly
Creepy   Roomba
Engine   room   seems     clear
We’ll     lock     it   down
Seriously     everyone      went      back       to   normal     real   quickly
Shouldn’t      you      be   hauling   someone     to     the   medic
  Or     PROTECT   ING       the     Priso    -ner
Seriously     no     one     can    seem        to    keep     the consistency      and the battle scene       was over      way too quick     without any confirmation
   And I’m on guard
 Not for Ventress
 But     the     droid   things
[only two of them    in that hallway?!]
 The enemy   is approaching towards the   prison level
You- do realize how much that doesn’t fit up
 [” oh yeah Joe I’m just grabbing some   donuts
  “ oh good the enemy is about to capture the very important prisoner we   have,”
    Isn’t that always how it is?
     [Laugh track]
  “We’re on our way,”
  Keep watch 327
 Ok 327   T
Also cute
 Even       if     it        does   look   like   a           dismembered        spine
 Do you know     droids never like to be called by their   nicknames
Pretty sure that’s like calling you by your last   name
Nicknames     are   different
Again      I   wasn’t     too   worried    about    her
I’m worried about those droids
[Though do you like the sass they gave her   in this frame]
Really   playing   around   
with the droid
Looks    like     the     last        of     them   commander
 But    I   sense   our   troubles   are   not     over
Maybe because you left a child soldier do with a     mani-
Sounds like your rescue-
Cocky Ahsoka
Don’t mind me   as my brain just slowly numbs out
[Your child shouldn’t have more cocky and   sass than your adults]
I am ready to discuss our         bargain   again
This   dude   goes   back      -and-     forth   like    a   top
Padawan       Tano     may       I   have     a   word
[if     I    leave you won’t go anywhere will you?]
The enemy has been repealed
Why are you telling her     this??
Where is          Luminara     then?
[Seriously   how long does it take     her to walk?”]
And, subtlety             just went out the roof
[almost     literally]
Whelp,       really   showing     off
“If it isn’t-”
 Again, child
No sass
This should be Un     knowledgeably       Terrify-       Ing
Hey, some snark
“ Skywalkers little pet,”
   If only...
    More so Skywalker’s    unchildlike abomination
  So this is a child vs adult
  This isn’t a battle of      equals
  It’s an ass beating    waiting to happen
 “ i’ll give you a     merciful death,”
“The Padawan,”
 The   unchildlike     semi   abomination
  That’s     not      a    child
If   so   it   would         Follow       the     rules      of   writing      a   child
 As such         I have no        Commit     -ment?     Invol     vement?
In the   fight
It could turn something into a toaster   and I’d just have to accept that
Clones   never   help
Again,   ass-       beat
 This a     curb stop battle  
waiting to happen
Whelp     See
Also   that   Guard   has   plot   armor
Whelp       -yet
Hard     pull
You     Know-
“ Skywalker’s not here to save you now,”
 Again      she   can   just   pull     a   toaster    out     of    her     ass 
This     is     the   problem    with   breaking    the rules of   writing
“I don’t need saving,”
  COMPLETELY UN     - realistically
Seriously, movie
Children for the Woobies
Adult for a bad asses
Get it right
 Any way...
Still     repels
“Over        Here,”
She’s not getting repelled by a     literal child is she
 “Buy you a planet,”
Oh, no she can just the phase through the doors....
My sense of   suspension isn’t really broken
But it is very   well damaged
  (Especially with      Ahsoka)
Blah blah tempting taunting whatever
Irony is when an adult, one that can be held     accountable, does something     This        is poor   writing
     With       no        investment
(You   didn’t    earn     that)
 Ventress         stick him for double irony
     (Actually      deserved        irony)
( I’m filled with so much       anger)
Why would you check     there
Finally       got    there
Whelp       Heck       ed 
Blah,         Blah  
Dude    got away didn’t he
There’s too much riding for this to be a   success
 Bull shit
  I watched that   animation!
 She didn’t press a button!
And they all died
That dude’s a   weakling
Frick       That
There     You        Go
[Dude left behind without even a   scratch]
[Or he disappeared in a    cut scene]
Cause he’s not there
Blah     Blah
That power’s kinda of neat     though
What     are we waiting   for?
Protecting       the   prisoner
Common       sense
Everything   running   haywire
The engine   got blown up
Shouldn’t you be   busy
Should someone be switching on the back up power
[Shouldn’t the power been off for a   few seconds?]
That wouldn’t screw with the   buttons
Also   there   he is
[I’m five seconds from calling bullshit-]
An explosive bomb     Caused- 
[Frustrated     inhale]
Too     Tired
 To   yell at enable(r) logic
       [oh so yeah there clearly are explosives!]
[Fru       strated]
[i’m getting a damn tox     headache from this ]
Tal     king
What     ever
Neither     do   you
Argh    -
 Bull shit
 ‘ superior        my       ass’
Nice fight   scene
I don’t   care
‘cause        it’s   overshadowed      by     Asoka’s   bullshit
 What-         Ever
They’ve got it all reversed      They’ve given     Luminara     all of Ahsoka’s      helplessness         (And     reactions)      Asoka has ended up with all of the     Luminara’s         Self-assured     confidence      (One of     which can be       switched     because an     adult     react     (Almost)       as much       as they wish     (Child-like      naivetè     absolutely      not)      Does    not     work   the     other         way
    That’s      what’s wrong      with this cut     scene        (Scene)
  And        It       Gets      Worse...
Count     Dooku
Blah    blah    blah
Whatever       That’s        Cool
“I can’t dis-”
Back to this     again
Stop saying    
start doing   movie
Also   you know     what would be great?
Having     Luminara         Have         This        Con     versation        Debating        if     she     should     disobey     her     previous         handlers,         as      she     sends         a      child        to       their       very         literal         death            Giving           the        watcher          some               hope              when                she            decides                to           eventually             decides                 to               rescue                 Ahsoka
Or   the   feeling    of   dread        as     she   continues      to     follow   orders     cutting   with     Ahsoka   getting     her     ass   kicked      to   contrast       the    wrongess         of           the         situation
    Ventress,         eventually         leaving           her         out          of          pity
      The        Future          now         with a           lot          more        distance            to          cover
         If            it          ever           wishes           to       recover              ...
 Wasted potential
    It even            Has the            Line        Over stepp          ing                  Bound       aries
    And          Gene        rational          Back          Stab...
      It      does     everyt           hing          wrong
    For           the        common         courtesy         of not           Blast         - ing              My           Ears            Off            Try  ing         To         Ma       -ke              An       abus      -i        ve              Mom         ent-               A              Nice          One
     It          Gets              No          Tox      (Though              it        Certainly         Te sts       The      Boundary)
      (Even a moral           about how       you’re expendable to           enablers...
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