#and this flare is kicking my ASS
al-luviec · 14 days
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this isn't how the movie goes..
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rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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“If I could go back, one thing I would do / Try to unravel, cut down, and unscrew / The first double helix that links me to you”
Wow, get a load of these guys. What’s wrong with them?
Also song inspo if anyone would like it! It’s where the top quote is from!
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Damn all these Lucy and Erza posts throw me way back to like, 2014 XD
I always remember this throwaway line Lucy had in the GMG arc (tbh my least fav because of how dirty Lucy was done), where she says Erza’s always climbing into bed with her…
Any headcanons on that aspect? 👀
2014 was peak Erlu times! My girls need more scenes in 100 yq! I can think of a few headcanons ;)
Erza is a hardcore cuddler and Lucy is her safe person.
Erza knows she can be soft with Lucy with zero judgement so Erza's guard is completely down with her
It's actually really hard for Erza to sleep through the night. She is a really light sleeper and wakes up multiple times a night just in case she is attacked
The only time she can get a full nights sleep is when she slips into Lucy's bed. Lucy makes her feel protected
Also it's a bragging right to actually be allowed in Lucy's bed. Imagine how many times Gray and Natsu have gotten kicked in the fact and then Erza just waltzes up like "its cuddle time, bby"
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amtrak12 · 2 months
Received a super nice comment on my Lucifer WIP yesterday. My skin is clear my crops are thriving my depression lifted, etc etc 😍
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iero · 8 months
I hate talking about my IBS because most people are either completely grossed out or just like, "Shit problems, huh? HAHAHAHA" and it's like... This isn't funny and I've been living with this for as long as I remember. It SHOULD be talked about more without ridicule.
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fawndlyvenus · 8 months
When you wanna write but the motivation is miles away because ✨mental health✨
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
Good news: That Amy's frozen broccoli bake tasted real good.
Bad news: Had to take a zyrtec halfway through because my eye got super itchy, which may mean my histamines are flaring already or I really should give up on frozen foods.
The brazi bites I made the other night did not cause eye issues or itching in general, so I'm wondering if it's specifically the soy+preservatives in the broccoli bake causing me issues. Brazi bites are tapioca-based.
MCAS is a fucking ride.
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ghost-t-cryptids · 4 months
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Lil teaser for something that will take awhile
(I was gonna work on the TotK fanart but...that became too complicated for me to work on so I've put it on the back burner for now)
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edgepunk · 10 months
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yourcalamity · 2 months
i lost the tylenol in the move fuck my gay life
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bass-alien · 2 years
the way a full body massage would bring me to actual tears rn lmao
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angrymac · 1 year
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crazypossumman · 6 months
ok i’m working on something cool and while i’d love to give hints i can’t give it away. i should have the sketch soon 😈
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skydigiblogs · 7 months
back on my bullshit (thinking about translation theory in the context of my silly little monster cartoons <3)
(this ended up so so fucking long so i put it under a read more lmao)
specifically thinking about it in the context of like a handful of world/postcolonial lit courses we took and some anth courses
what i mean by that is like
when it comes to just literature there are already so many things that have to be taken into account for translation! let's say you're taking a poem. in its native language, that poem has a sound, a rhythm, a way of communicating that a lot of poetry in a lot of languages do. when you translate it to another language, like english, are you going to translate in a way that preserves the meaning most, or a way that attempts to approximate the meaning while preserving the synesthetic qualities of its sounds?
the homeric epics are a really fun example for comparative translation analysis imo. and i mean fun because there are so many translations of them into english, and at least one madlad decided to make a prose translation of an epic poem. only recently did the first translation of the poem by a woman get published, and that revealed that a lot of biases in the linguistic nuance were kind of getting smoothed over like a crease in clay.
(i have a copy of emily wilson's translation but am not the guy who reads classics in our system, i just write the essays lmao. but she wrote multiple times about the theory of translation she was working with and if you're at all interested in this topic, look her up.)
but even if you aren't translating a text from antiquity and are, say, working with a more contemporary example of literary translation, you still have to bridge the gap between two cultures that may be very different. just a word for word translation may not work too, because figurative language like idioms might not be understood by the language you're translating to.
the amount of cultural knowledge required to sculpt a truly effective translation that preserves the image of the original while making it comprehensible to an otherwise ignorant audience is just. so cool to me. i say this as someone who could never really do translation work myself, on account of not having that kind of complex grasp on another language than my native one, of course, but you don't have to be fluently billingual to understand what i'm talking about here, imo.
another example, and one that i actually wrote comparative analysis on, is work from charles baudelaire's les fleurs du mal ("the flowers of evil"). works of short poetry are effective case studies in what different translations can look like, because translations of baudelaire's poetry still portray the subject matter in a way that is presumably true to the original french. while something may always be lost in translation (there's a saying for a reason there), the philosophy behind one's translation can also highlight one's own reading of a text, and offer a closer insight into said text for foreign audiences (me, it's me, i'm the foreign audience reading charles baudelaire in world lit and going absolutely insane about translation theory).
for my mileage, you end up seeing a paradigm between translations that span between "strict" and "loose," if that makes any sense. a strict translation makes no changes in its translation, preserving the literature in its entirety as it is translated, to the best approximation possible where a direct translation is impossible. a loose translation meanwhile may make more artistic choices in its translation, foregoing certain details in order to better articulate the artistry in the original work.
okay, now, the reason i'm thinking about this today, right now.
in literature this is already a complex subject, but when you get into other forms of art, like animation in the case of this blogs primary topic, there become a lot more moving parts. like with literature, there's going to be the simple fact of looking into a cultural window and trying to communicate that snapshot to foreigners.
with subtitling, you can add things like translator's notes. this is a non-diegetic method of communicating information to your audience, and you can see it present in literature as well (footnotes or endnotes are a frequent addition to many translated works; hell, they're common even in non-translated works). in animated works where there are vocal tracks (like anime openings or insert songs), you can also have subtitles for those, no problem!
however, when it comes to dubbing, you automatically include more elements to juggle in your translation work. you have to take into account individual voice, background tracks, visuals, etc. etc.. the method most dubs handle translating the work often discourages non-diegetic methods of communicating information, so you're less likely to see translator's notes in dub work. sometimes this even includes changing on-screen text so that a foreign audience can read it.
the lengths to which a dubbing company is willing to censor in translation is also, obviously, a conversation worth noting (see again my losing my shit at pinnochimon packing heat). a phenomenon i'm sure we've all noticed when it comes to dubbing (as opposed to most translations of literature i've seen) is that dubs may market to a specific age range in translation. sometimes that may end up defanging a work's themes, or changing them entirely. the censorship of a dub may come out of a cultural difference or hesitance to show certain subjects to a younger audience, but regardless it is part of the theory behind some dub work.
i don't really have a conclusion to this, but it's just in my mind a lot while i'm watching some of these series for the first time subbed. by all means, i don't think dubbing is a bad thing (if anything it's complex), but having the experience of watching the sub is allowing me to do a type of comparative analysis i don't think i've ever had the chance to actively do.
i know that there are folks who have done more thorough comparative analysis work than i'll probably end up doing, of course (there are so many wonderful blogs here on tumblr alone about that meta-analysis). it's just that i'm enjoying engaging with a childhood interest in a way that i suppose i didn't know i wanted to do so badly.
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prettyboyeddiemunson · 10 months
i’m so depressed yall 😩😩
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villainsrph · 2 years
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hey guys !  I wanted to get another little update out and keep y’all in the loop about the next couple of weeks. ♡
• I’m definitely feeling a bit better, thank you everyone for the kind words! however, this upcoming week is still going to be a bit spotty for me. my roommate is about to be gone for three months to see family. so while I still plan on working this week, I’m going to be spending as much time as possible with them before they go!
• that being said, I should have a lot more free time for coms, while living on my own for a bit. however, I still don’t know exactly when my schedule may be overhauled. I do have an IRL job in the works, with possibly starting sometime in march or early april. if my schedule with them works out the way I’d like it to, my afternoons should be completely free for coms and not much will change here! it’s going to be an adjustment and my spoons will be varied at first, so I may be slow during that time — and when that time exactly is, I have no idea yet.
update: I got the job, I’ll be starting sometime mid to late march !
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tl;dr — I’m feeling a bit better chronic pain wise, my roommate is about to be gone for 3 months so I should have a ton more free time for coms, but I’m also likely starting a job soon, so who knows! I’m trying!
thank you, as always, for bearing with me! everything has been, frankly, such a clusterfuck the last couple months, between my mental health, figuring out everything with jess leaving, my physical pain being so up and down, new job stuff. it’s been a mess! and I really fucking appreciate you guys. thank you so much for all the love and support. I’m feeling honestly fantastic about the new couple weeks, I’ve got some good plans in place, and I’m really excited to see how everything goes. 
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