#and this isn’t bc he’s dating taylor btw. i’ve always been thinking this but everyone seemed to have their heads up his ass
letterstotheflre · 1 year
my issue with matty healy and the “it’s just a skit! it’s a performance! he’s mocking the people who actually think like that!” excuse his fans are pushing is that… why does he think it’s funny to be a racist and misogynistic asshole in the first place?? why does he think it’s funny to do the nazi salute?? why does he think it’s okay to those awful, real life issues as a perfomance?
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tthankstoyou · 4 years
headcanons of glee x the álbum lover? (lover by taylor swift, obviously)
for example, when i heard "it's nice to have a friend" i think on kurt singing it to mercedes when she's supporting him in his coming out or in marley singing it to unique bc she's the one who always treats her right <3
Thank you sm for the ask!!!! This was a lot of fun to do <3
• I Forgot That You Existed - Rachel would sing this when she was finally able to get over Finn in s2 instead of ‘Firework.’ She would open ‘Comeback’ with this song (which fits the theme of that episode perfectly)
• Cruel Summer - Mercedes would sing this in ‘The Purple Piano Project’. JBI would interview her and say “Is it true that you and Sam Evans had a fling this summer?” and she would be like “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” After that, she’d walk away from him & sing this while a montage of them spending their summer together played.
• Lover - Imagining we got episodes showing Klaine being all lovey dovey in NY, Kurt would sing this in s5 after Blaine moves in. I’ll breakdown how the lyrics in the second verse would fit perfectly with them: “We could let our friends crash in the living room. This is our place, we make the call” correlates to how they let Sam stay with them until he found a place. “And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you” is about Sebastian, Eli C, Rachel, and Tina. “I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all” They were dated 3 summers in a row & now they’re engaged, it goes with them so well.
• The Man - Skank!Quinn would sing this. Shes done putting up with all of the shit that the boys in Glee club had been giving to her, which is a reason why she left and joined the skanks. She sings this as a middle finger to Mr. Schue. She finally decided to let all of her feminist frustrations out.
• The Archer - Quinn would sing this after Finn breaks up with her at Sue’s sisters funeral. She would leave the car and start singing as she walks away. This would be one of her most vulnerable songs she sings on the show, she feels unlovable with never being able to keep a boyfriend or her parents. She would definitely let herself cry while singing this.
• I Think He Knows - I said this in a different headcanons post, but I think it would be so adorable if Sam sang this to Kurt in glee club (in a universe whre hevans actually happens 😪)
• Miss Americans & The Heartbreak Prince - OKOK Quinn would sing this when she transforms into a skank, kind of like a makeover scene but it’s her crying while chopping her hair off and dying it.
• Paper Rings - This is the Klaine anthem! Kurt and Blaine would sing this together after Blaine gives him the ring made out of gum wrappers <3
•Cornelia Street - Dani would sing this about Santana! A lyric I think fits well is “You hold my hand on the street, walk me back to that apartment.” That line fits so well with Santana walking Dani home after shifts 🥺💗
• Death By A Thousand Cuts - Kurt would sing this after Blaine cheated on him in s4. He’d sing this an episode or two after the breakup when he’s in the stage where he’s filled with anger towards Blaine.
• London Boy - Kurt would obviously sing this when him and Adan start talking.
• Soon You’ll Get Better - The New Directions would sing this at Burt’s hospital bed instead of a religious song that Kurt asked them not to sing.
• False God - Santana would sing this about Brittany in s4 before their breakup when she’s coming back to Lima to visit her.
• You Need To Calm Down - The New Directions would sing this with Kurt as a lead. It would be an ending group number in ‘Theatricality’ after they stand up to Karofsky and Azimio.
• Afterglow - Santana sings this after she breaks up with Brittany in s4. She’ll start singing this as she starts packing up her stuff to go back to the Univeristy of Louisville.
• ME! - They sing this as an ending group number in ‘Born This Way’ (not replacing btw, I’m forcing them to sing two ending songs at the end of this episode lmao)
• It’s Nice To Have A Friend - I’m going to go with your Marlique headcanon for this song, nonny! I think it fits them perfectly since this is the friends to lovers anthem. They’d sing this as Marley confesses her feelings to Unique in the last episode all of the newbies are in.
• Daylight - Kurt would sing this in ‘Silly Love Songs’ after Blaine tells him that he wants the Warblers to help him serenade his crush & right before Kurt finds out the crush isn’t him.
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petersasteria · 7 years
Ours - George Smith Imagine!
A/N: I have New Hope Club feels don’t fight me.
Shout out to the George girls out there! 
Song Preference: Ours by Taylor Swift
Disclaimer: P.O.V’s switch from time to time, and if your names are Gabbie or Anna, I’m deeply sorry just change the names. 
* * * *
Elevator buttons and morning air
Stranger’s silence makes me wanna take the stairs
If you were here we’d laugh about their vacant stares
But right now, my time is theirs
George’s P.O.V
Today the lads and I are going somewhere and to be honest, I don’t really know where we’re going. They say that we’re here attending a meeting and I hate it. I can’t wait to go home. I woke up really early today and I all I want to do is spend the rest of my day with my girlfriend, Y/N. 
We arrive at the building and it had no life. It’s like one of those sad films with poor quality. Kinda like those films that were made ages ago. I can just imagine the black and white filter in this building. No one was happy. Geez, when did their lives get sucked out of them? 
We go to the reception area and I look around as Reece asked the receptionist the floor of where our meeting is held. Reece turned to Blake and I and said, “4th floor.” We walked to the elevator and almost every employee is there waiting for the elevator. 
After standing in silence, the elevator made a ‘ding’ sound which means it arrived. Everyone from inside the elevator walked out, as employees who were standing with us went inside. As we were walking, we knew that the elevator would be super packed. Everyone was pushing through other people, so the boys and I stay at the side to avoid this.
“Ugh. Can we just wait for the next?” Blake asks quietly, not wanting anyone to hear his complaint. 
“No, because we’ll be late.” I reply. 
“What do you mean "we’ll be late”? We’re early!“ Blake whispers angrily.
"Actually we’re not. You literally stayed in the bathroom for nearly an hour just to fix your hair.” Reece butts in with a small smile on his face.
“I second that.” I say in a normal tone. I swear Blake and Reece take so long just to fix their hair. I understand girls who take their time to put on make up and fixed their hair in the process, but I swear these two! If I were asked who takes the longest in fixing their hair, I would say Blake. He takes the longest. Seriously, watch all our Club Cams. 
“It’ll just take a few minutes.” Blake shrugs. 
“No, Blake. We’re five minutes late already. We can’t afford to be late for another minute. Now, let’s go.” Reece says sternly as we follow behind him going to the elevator.
The elevator was so full that I was standing in the middle of the elevator with Blake on my right, and Reece on my left. It’s so quiet in here, I thought to myself. The elevator’s slow, and there’s no elevator music to at least make things alive. 
I look around the elevator and hold back a laugh. Everyone has spaced out. Even Blake spaced out! I look at Reece, and I think he’s bloody lost it. He’s bobbing his head -as if listening- to music that isn’t there. I look away and got out my phone to send a quick text to Y/N. 
From: George 
To: Babe ❤
Hey babe! Good morning. I have a meeting today, and I didn’t want to wake you. There’s breakfast on the table if you’re hungry. Btw, I’m currently in an elevator and if you were here we’d probably laugh at all these people’s faces! Hahaha! Everyone spaced out (even Blake)! I’ll tell you all about it later. Love you! xx
“You’re so whipped.” Reece says with a light chuckle whilst shaking his head. I ignored his comment and put my phone back in my pocket.
Ugh this is taking forever! I wish I used the stairs. I would’ve been there on time. Plus, it’s a quick exercise. 
The door opened and we’re finally here! Everyone was rushing out at the same time, even Reece and Blake. I wanted to do the same, but I guess God had other plans for me. Instead of being out in the open like Reece and Blake, I got left behind the elevator, because I got pushed furthermore in it. (a/n: like Taylor Swift in the video above.)
Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves
They’ll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do 
The jury’s out, but my choice is you
Your P.O.V
I woke up to the 'ding’ sound on my phone. I look at it and see that it was from George. 
From: Georgeous 😂
To: Y/N
Hey babe! Good morning. I have a meeting today, and I didn’t want to wake you. There’s breakfast on the table if you’re hungry. Btw, I’m currently in an elevator and if you were here we’d probably laugh at all these people’s faces! Hahaha! Everyone spaced out (even Blake)! I’ll tell you all about it later. Love you! xx  
He made me breakfast? Aww, how sweet. 
I sit up and leaned on the headboard whilst typing a message to George.
To: Georgeous 😂
From: Y/N
Good morning, babe! I just woke up. Good luck with your meeting. Don’t reply to this message. I don’t want to disturb you. Thank you so much for breakfast! And I’m excited for the story you’ll tell me when you get home. I’ll be out with my friends today. Text you later. Love you! xx
I get up, stretch, and do my morning routine. After that, I eat the breakfast George prepared and washed the dishes. I go back upstairs and charge my phone. Whilst charging my phone, I hop in the shower and stayed there for 10 minutes. After that, I looked for something to wear. 
It’s simple, but I didn’t want to dress up that much. 
When my phone finished charging, I removed it from the charger and put the charger in my bag. I always bring my charger with me. Hey, you’ll never know where you end up in. 
I walked to the nearest Starbucks to meet up with my friends, Gabbie and Anna.
They see me from afar, and wave at me. Of course, I waved back not wanting them to look like fools. “Hey girls!” I greeted them as I sat down in between Gabbie and Anna.
“Hey Y/N! So, I’m going on a date tonight. I don’t know what to wear!” Anna sighs.
“Wow! Okay. Where are you going?” I ask, not really knowing if I’m of good help.
“That’s the thing. It’s a surprise!” Anna crosses her arms and sips her drink.
“Then wear something nice. Not too casual and not too fancy or something.” Gabbie suggests. 
“Yeah, that could work! Let’s go, because knowing Anna, she’d stay there for a long time.” I chuckle.
“Hey!” Anna says as she pretends to be offended.
We got in Gabbie’s car and she drives to the mall. We arrive there and Anna immediately drags us to every store. After what seemed like a year, we took a break in an ice cream parlor. 
“So Y/N, how’s life?” Gabbie asks as she ate her ice cream.
“Yeah. We haven’t heard from you in months! What happened to you?” Anna asks with concern.
“Relax, guys. I’ve been great! I was busy with school work.” I say. Gabbie and Anna no longer go to the same school as I do, so they often ask me how I’m doing without them. 
“Ah, I see. What about that popstar boyfriend of yours?” Gabbie smirks as she nudges my elbow playfully. 
“George? He’s fine! He’s doing really well with his band. I’m really proud of him.” I smile. The thought of George being so passionate about something he loves doing is really inspiring. 
“George is great and all, but I hate to break it to you. He’s not really for you. I mean, you guys are a great pair, but I think he’s not right for you!” Anna says as I look down and avoid her gaze.
“I don’t mean to sound judgmental or anything, but he’s in a famous band and you’re just you. You live a simple life and he’s traveling here and there. He won’t have time for you. What if his band thing doesn’t work out?” Anna asks, “Let’s say you’ve graduated college and you’re working. Your job is your dream job. Now you and George are still together, but his band thing didn’t work out and now he doesn’t have a job. Y/N, I’m just looking out for you. His job is great, I have to admit that, but it’s not stable.” she adds. I didn’t say anything. I just looked away and tried to block them out.
“Anna, I get your point, but we don’t know what’s going on. We don’t even know George that much. We only met him once and that was when he was going away for tour. Let’s just support Y/N and respect her decisions. After all, it’s her life. But as her friends, we need to be here for her no matter what happens.” Gabbie says calmly, but I know she’s about to lose it. I look at Gabbie and mutter a little -but genuine- “thank you”. Gabbie just smiles in return. 
We finish shopping and I got some stuff for George as well. Gabbie brought Anna home first and then me. I thanked Gabbie for the ride and for defending me. She said it was no problem. I wave at her and walk to my shared flat with George. 
I open the door and put the things that I bought for George on the coffee table in front of the couch. I kick off my shoes and laid down on thee couch. Geez, shopping is tiring.
You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me
Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles
But I don’t care, 'cause right now you’re mine
George’s P.O.V
I got Y/N’s text a few minutes ago. I followed what she said and didn’t reply. After the meeting, the lads and I decided to eat lunch and roam around a bit. We decided to eat at Nando’s. 
-time skip bc I can’t think of anything is brought to you by 'Make Up’ by New Hope Club is now Vevo-
The lads and I are walking around the mall in silence, until Blake brought up a topic about exes.
“I suddenly remembered my ex.” Blake groans.
“Why?” Reece snorts.
“I don’t know. If any of you noticed, we passed by a group of girls who sounded like her. Y'know, a nagger.” Blake rolls his eyes at the thought. That’s true, though. His ex was an absolute nagger. Thank goodness he broke it off before it becomes worse. 
“Anais was nice and all, but it didn’t work out.” Reece shrugs. “What about you, George?” he asks.
“What? Oh, my ex? Y'know she’s where she’s supposed to be.” I simply shrug.
Reece and Blake look at each other with confusion written all over their faces. 
“Where?” Blake looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.
“In my past along with my other exes. I don’t care about them anymore.” I say. Seriously, they’re not my priority anymore. I’m sure they’re happy right now and my last ex probably hates me, but whatever. “I’ve got Y/N now, and I’m happy.” I add.
And it’s not theirs to speculate if it’s wrong and
Your hands are tough but they are where mine belong in
I’ll fight their doubt and give you faith
With this song for you
George’s P.O.V
After lunch with the boys, I went home only to find Y/N sleeping on the couch. I kiss her forehead and look inside the paper bag that’s on the coffee table. She got me some stuff that I need. I’ll thank her when she wakes up. 
I kick off my shoes and go up to Y/N and I’s shared room to change into something comfy. After changing, I walk back down and see Y/N wide awake.
“Hey babe” I greet and sit next to her.
“Hey.” Y/N says with no excitement in her tone. Oh no.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. 
“Anna told me this morning that we aren’t a good match. She said that you’re in a famous band and that you’re traveling here and there whereas I live a simple life. She kept on going and said that you won’t have time for me. She told me that your job wasn’t stable and that nothing will happen to you if your band thing doesn’t work out in the end.” she says in one breath. 
Wow. That’s a lot to take in. I take her hands in mine and look at her straight in the eyes.
“Listen to me. We’re a good match. Don’t listen to anything they’re saying. They’re trying to break us up. That won’t happen, because I won’t let that happen. And even if the band doesn’t work out, I’ll still find a way for both of us.” I assure her.
“Really?” Y/N looks at me with those Y/E/C eyes that I love so much.
“Really.” I smile.
* * * *
A/N: Sorry if the ending wasn’t what you expected. I did my best.
Lmao reblog if you liked it
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