#(ofc white/other privileged people can and should be aware of them but.. acting the way he is is just basically becoming what you’re mocking
letterstotheflre · 1 year
my issue with matty healy and the “it’s just a skit! it’s a performance! he’s mocking the people who actually think like that!” excuse his fans are pushing is that… why does he think it’s funny to be a racist and misogynistic asshole in the first place?? why does he think it’s funny to do the nazi salute?? why does he think it’s okay to those awful, real life issues as a perfomance?
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g3nosarchive · 3 years
ok i genuinely think a lot of other people have this problem but stop inserting yourself when xyz issue is mentioned. when someone is telling you that a person, a celebrity, some franchise is harming their identity or anyone’s identity as a minority, or part of a certain race or religion or anything shut the fuck up and accept it.
they do not need to know your emotional attachment to said thing, your disbelief, your horror, your personal experience - we didn’t ask for all that. we know just how bad it is, cus yk it harms us maybe? we’ve already gone through the cycle of being angry and indignant and now we’re here trying to get you to understand in the hopes that as a friend you do what you’re meant to do when you became friends with us. we are not your constant ball of anger to use whenever you find something that’s “crazy, unbelievably, shockingly” once again, a hate crime, when you decide you want to feel angry and care about it.
more under the cut bc i talk too much
by doing that, you’re making an issue that you didn’t even know about suddenly yours. ask yourself, what is the purpose for telling anyone all that? to get them to sympathize with you personally so you can get a pass because you didn’t know? of course you don’t know, of course you’re unaware, that’s the whole reason why you’re being told in the first place. do not water down the issue or even try to play the ‘everything has some issue like this so there’s no point in going this far’ card. especially as a white person. the reason why you don’t know primarily is because it doesn’t affect you and it doesn’t cross your mind.
when you watch a show with a black character, you don’t care about how off the character design is or how stereotypical and borderline racist the comedy gag surrounding said character is. when you listen to your favorite white music artists or watch your favorite movie with a majority white cast, white staff, white team, and white theme, you don’t care to analyze just how outdated and stereotypical the way that token asian character is portrayed. some of y’all don’t understand and will never understand the mental struggle and awareness forever plugged into the brain of lgbt and/or poc, especially black people when we consume anything, when we go anywhere, when we meet new people, to constantly catch those micro aggressions and know what to avoid.
so when someone tells you insert classic hot mess is racist and you should stop supporting it, one of the worst things you can do beside outright rejecting it is to defend it and insinuate that we don’t know what we’re talking about, that we need 30 different sources to prove it all, that you don’t think (for example taylor swifts dream colonized africa mv) is bad. you try to say the thing or person that is actively promoting all this homophobia, racism, transmisogyny etc needs to be kindly educated, is trying their best, will learn soon enough, just wasn’t educated, will do better in the future (esp looking at u kpop stans). does their apparent regret but refusal to properly apologize actually matter? the damage has already been done.
that in itself is a privilege i could never have. i don’t even try being a fan of any major white celebrity or any kpop group because i guarantee if i search up their name with ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’, ‘cultural appropriation’ behind it something or some image is bound to show up. you will all say “oh they haven’t done anything yet” but when it comes out that they did, they have, and they do not care about who it affects, suddenly it’s a bombshell dropped on you out of nowhere.
it’s not that hard to spot these things actually. if your fav is constantly putting themselves against people of color, saying shady shit about non cishets while being a cishet themself, saying one thing and doing another, or has been silent when their voice was expected to speak up, shouldn’t you notice? y’all will reblog all these posts but in reality only 10% are actually reading and listening and actually digesting this information for future use.
and i think the thing that pisses me off is this is all from personal experience where i’m speaking from. over the past 2 days the amount of times if i’ve heard about the “tea that dropped w meghan markle” is ridiculous and annoying. a girl texted me and i sat there and i realized that she does this on a daily basis to fuel my anger and get me to validate her own useless anger. of course i knew about it and i wasn’t surprised at all - she’s still a black woman.
almost every black blog on here, when they get big enough, deals with some sort of weird shit surrounding their blackness. if you get big on speaking about issues you are now this emotionless token ‘smart black person i can actually trust’ to use as your replacement for google. this is not to say asking questions is bad, but it is so easy to pull up some of the shit you guys ask for. some people get called slurs directly, targeted for being too black or not black enough, attacked for their features and etc and someone mentioned this before but the only people that care in those situations are other black people themselves. white people will have blm in their bio but turn the other way the minute some anon starts acting up in their mutuals’ inbox, calling them a dark1e because they felt confident enough to post some selfies. and then you get sad when we dont go to you for any kind of support? 
i’ve stated sometimes that asking me questions on issues and things is okay, but one of the main reasons i say that is because whether i say it or not, i’ll be asked questions and expected to know everything and i am your personal walking encyclopedia and ofc it’s natural for me to have all this information in my head, as if i didn’t research it myself. but then i think about the numerous amounts of people that specifically say not to ask them this shit because it really does tire you out, that they don’t want to have to deal with this in any space but they still get them. 
and then the ones that don’t even know themself so people will use them as an example and say “well this person didn’t know and they’re ‘marginalized identity’ so it should be fine for me too”. good god just apologize, show that you really care, change your behavior and move on. do you think it was fun being asked the statistics for george floyd’s and other black peoples death in class? that you were being inclusive and giving me a chance to show off my intelligence, to prove to others that i really had something up here and you were my greatest star eyes white friend that gave me that chance? i cant close my posts like this properly but i want you to think about that shit and actually ask yourself if you’d do that. a lot of you will read this and think “i’m not that type of racist” “i don’t have those deep seated prejudices in me” yes you do. you just haven’t been called out on it.
for all the shit ive dealt with above, if i’ve ever talked to you about this before dont come to me to apologize i do not need it and you are not the only person i’ve received this from. i guarantee you that there’s about 20 other people i’ve thought about while writing this post considering i’m a black person in the real world, so keep your guilt to yourself an deal with it
white people don’t add on to this
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
Thoughts on the snl joke? Regardless of how harmless the joke itself was, snide shit like that only encourages the overwhelming amount of hate Z gets daily. U know damn well if the situation was reverse Z would be getting CRUCIFIED. It wouldnt be a harmless joke then, it would be Zayn being washed up and bitter. Truth is H and L get away with murder and that's undoubtedly white privilege. For once I'd like to see so called ot5/zarries/etc call out the bullshit. Just say you dgaf about Z and go.
hey nonnie, so my thoughts on it are probably an unpopular opinion but i have to say i mostly agree with rodger on this. and that’s not to say that i don’t understand where the fandom is coming from, people have every right to their feelings and i do think that, regardless of anything else, harry should have been at least mildly aware of how the fandom would take it and how upset people would be by it. but at the the end of the day he knows better than any of us how zayn or any of the other boys would feel about it and given that they’re the ones that are affected the most by this (and not us) and he still made the decision to go through with the joke (not to mention the way liam publicly reacted to it in the way he did) i think shows how little of a deal it probably is to them. look at this way, if he REALLY wanted to hurt zayn, i mean like TRULY, he could’ve done/said something a lot more hurtful, like making a terrorist joke or drug addict-related joke or mental illness joke or saying any number of things wayyyy more snide and cruel about him leaving the band than just pretending to forget zayn’s name and replacing him with a beatles member. i recognize that people have different senses of humor but imo as far as petty jokes go in particular, this one was fairly tame (though you’re free to disagree ofc)
that said, i WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you that things would be VERY VERY different if it came from zayn, and that h and l do get away with an OBSCENE amount of things that zayn has been, or would be, vilified for were it him in their shoes. the biggest examples i can think of off the top of my head rn is 1) the fandom’s general reaction when they first found out that zayn smoked weed vs the news of harry doing fucking shrooms/damn near hardcore psychedelic drugs and biting part of his own tongue off - zayn got absolutely decimated for a little fucking weed to help with his anxiety and creativity/music-writing but harry gets what? a shrug of the shoulder? a bat of an eyelash? and even worse for me is 2) the notorious weed vid - not only was zayn the main one vilified for smoking weed and labeled a druggie and an addict despite the fact LOUIS was also clearly getting high right beside him, LOUIS was the one to mention the coke reference (‘chicken in chile’ or whatever tf) not zayn, and LOUIS was the one to use a motherfucking abbreviated form of the n-word - where was the outrage over louis’ racist ass, entitled rich white boy ass behavior? absent. yet how many people unstanned zayn a couple years later when they only thought (THOUGHT!) he said the n-word in some random snapchat/ig vid even when it was confirmed that he didn’t and it was just the black guys with him that said it? and that’s not even the end of it, like people hold up things zayn or liam have said or done from forever ago as evidence that they’re homophobic or hated the band or whatever the fuck but harry or louis say or do almost the same damn things and it’s either dismissed or they’re praised for speaking out like what the actual fuck? i honestly can’t fucking stand the way this fandom acts with their racist ass double standards. if you’re gonna excuse one, then excuse them all and if you’re gonna dismiss one, then dismiss them all. life’s not a fucking burger king, you can’t just pick and choose which problematic behavior you’re gonna ignore and which you’re gonna accept only when it suits your own personal agenda and that’s on top of the fact that holding onto shit from ages ago ignores the fact that at the end of the day these boys are still regular people and regular people might’ve said dumb things when they were younger (or even now still) or phrase something wrong but that doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to learn and grow and mature or to get more informed and change their opinion or behavior
anyway enough of me ranting, and sorry this got so long but i just have a lot of feelings when it comes to the racism and double standards that run rampant in this godforsaken fandom
#asks#anons#zayn#louis#harry#double standards#my thoughts#also wasn't trying to get into this in the actual post cause it's only tangentially related#but while we're on the topic i think it's so wild how far these double standards really spread#cause i mean like#there's a ziam blog on here that i used to follow#but now i'm pretty sure has me blocked cause they hate little mix#and i guess i talk about them/defend them way too much for this person's liking#but anyway point being this blogger claims to hate lm cause they've done racist/culturally appropriating type things#but yet they still stan louis who literally said the word 'nig' casually out of his own mouth on fucking camera#so louis (a rich white british boy) using an abbreviated racial slur on camera is totally okay#but a british girl wearing some clothing item that she probably had no idea was even of native american origin#is completely reprehensible and unforgivable?#lmao where is the fucking balance please?#if little mix is cancelled for their behavior then why isn't louis?#is it because you recognize that louis can mature and change and grow out of his past idiotic behavior because he's your fave#but the girls of lm can't?#like wtf?#it's situations like that that make it obvious that some people are literally just looking for any excuse to hate someone#no matter how asinine or hypocritical it may be#anyway enough of me writing a goddamn thesis in the tags#so sorry to the one person who actually bothered reading this far lol
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