#and to make sure to bring you guys more d.d content
c0smiccom3t · 1 year
I'm going to be a little honest with you.
I've had some deep thoughts last night. Yes, its about Pocket Adventures, but not only that, it's about IRL stuff as well. I've been trying my best to find a school for september (either in another country in the EU or in Germany) and ive been trying to pay close attention to finish pocket adventures as well. So... here's the thing.
I'm thinking of taking a break from social media.
Yes. It's not only due to personal reasons. But it's also about how i want to not distract myself and want to work on D.D full-time. Which means i'll work like everyday off social media until P.A production has wrapped, so we can take a 2-month or longer break from working on d.d content and just focus on drawing art pieces. I don't want to stress myself or anybody else out, so from now on 'll try to get a decent sleeping schedule so i can wake up early to have breakfast, stay hydrated and work on d.d.
Sure, it's tough. But that's the indie creator thing for you. Not to mention, I'm a newcomer, so i still need to be taught and know how things work in the community. Especially for webcomics. (I'm not in animation yet, i am used to making comics, but once i finish animation school and get a degree i might as well start making indie animations as well.)
You all as well have to keep in mind that content creators and artists have a life outside of the internet, they have irl stuff to do and serious stuff to do as well. And right now, if i don't get enough money to go to Canada, i'll have to think of a Plan B, which is, find a school in another country part of the EU. It's challenging, but i'm trying.
In conclusion, i want to tell you all the truth. I think it's about time i take a break from social media. I've been active on socials for like, years! (2016 in my g+ era to 2023, today.) and i think it's about time i take a break. working on d.d full-time is important for me, but self-care and handling IRL responsabilities is even more important.
Now, if i DO end up going on break from socials, you can always find me on Discord, however, i'm not going to be available to talk all the time. mostly because of working on Dimension Dyfenders. The reason why i'll use discord is to contact the co-creator (aka Alex) in case we work on scripts for the next minisodes and think of ideas and work together and other stuff about d.d. Another thing is that... I'm the only illustator on the comic. However, i would LOVE to get some more people to help me illustrate for P.A and future comics as well, But i can't, i'm still a kid, and I can't do this whole indie thingies yet. (I'll be able to do it once i hit the big one-eight and/or get my own bank account with a lot of money, hopefully... Remember, artists and people who work on indie projects deserve to be paid and get breaks for all of their hard work)
Thank you all for everything. I am glad to have been in a place in where i could feel safe, happy, and included. This whole break thing is not going to be a Good-bye. It's just a See you next time. So, yes, if i stay inactive from socials for a while. this whole post is why.
[TL;DR: I'm thinking of taking a break due to IRL situations and wanting to work on Pocket Adventures full-time, if i end up taking a break, i am available on discord and just discord, working on d.d is important for me, but self-care is even more important. Thank you all for your support <3]
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
flirtatious - d.d.
plot: you jokingly flirt with Jeff for David’s vlog, not realizing that both Jeff and David have a crush on you
requested: yes! i received two different requests about essentially the same concept: 1.  David dobrik and Jeff secretly likes the reader and jokingly flirts w her for the vlog and the fans ship them more than David and David gets jealous if you’re down:) and 2. Could you write a fan fic where Jeff and the reader are always flirting and David secretly likes her but no one knows and it ends w them getting together
author’s note: hi!  this was requested anonymously so hopefully it was something similar to what you wanted. if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message! (i have been so behind on requests lately but i am trying to get caught up. i’m trying to post 1-2 times a day so people don’t have to wait ages for me to write their requests)
word count: 1430
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"You can sit back here," Jeff grinned as you climbed into David's Tesla, searching for a place to sit since David liked to cram too many people into his car. You smiled at Jeff and squeezed into the back seat between Jeff and Matt. What you didn't notice was the smile fall from David's face when he looked in his rearview mirror and saw you sitting in Jeff's lap and him whispering to you.
One of your arms was draped around Jeff's neck to keep yourself from falling over, but from David's perspective, it looked like you were flirting with him.
You and Jeff talked between yourselves the entire drive to the party, completely unaware of David's glances. The conversation was mildly flirtatious, but that was just your personality. You had no intention of things ever escalating between you and Jeff.
"David's recording," Jeff whispered into your ear, "Let's play up this flirting for his vlog." You thought about it for a split second before agreeing, thinking that it would give David good content and there was nothing he liked more than content.
Throughout the night, you stayed by Jeff's side. Your hand was always touching somewhere on him, even when David's camera wasn't on, and you could sense anger from David, although you didn't know why. You laughed at the things Jeff said and ran your fingers through his hair.
As the night went on you noticed David was always hoovering close to you two, his camera always near you.
"Wanna get out of here?" he whispered into your ear, noticing David pointing his camera at you. You nodded, and he grabbed your hand to pull you through the crowd of people and towards the front door. David was recording the entire thing and you didn’t know what to do next.
You sat on the steps waiting for an Uber since David had driven you and all of your friends here, Jeff's arm was around your shoulder. You were resting your head on his chest when you heard the front door open. You turned your head and was suddenly blinded by a bright light, David's phone flashlight. You blinked as he quickly put his phone down.
"What are you guys doing out here?" he asked, his voice was quiet and frail.
"Waiting for an Uber," you answered.
David raised his phone flashlight and his camera up, recording you guys. "And where exactly are you going?"
"Back to Jeff's. I'm thinking we might hook up tonight," you shrugged, Jeff nodding in agreement.
"So what's going on between you two? You guys couldn't keep your hands off of each other all night." You could hear jealousy in David's voice, and you couldn't help by wonder why.  
"Uber's here," Jeff muttered, helping you up.
"See you tomorrow, Dave," you smiled, giving him a small wave. He watched you slide into the car with Jeff and wanted to scream. He couldn’t believe you were going home with Jeff, even though you had been openly flirting all night.
"So," Jeff said, turning to face you. "Do you actually want to hook up? Or were you just playing it up for David's vlog?"
"For the vlog," you answered, and Jeff's face fell. The realization hit you all at once. Both Jeff and David were interested in you.
"Oh," he said quietly. You could hear the same pain in his voice that you heard in David's earlier tonight.
"Jeff, it was your idea," you hissed, annoyed that he was offended and upset because you played into his idea to flirt all night for David's vlog.
"You were flirting even when David wasn't recording," he argued and you sighed. You were a few drinks in before even leaving for the party so of course you were going to be flirty, you were flirty with everyone when you were drunk.
 You ended up crashing at Jeff's since you were too tired to wait up for another Uber to take you home. You woke up to your phone blowing up from David posting his vlog. He used a few clips of you and Jeff pretending to flirt, or rather, Jeff flirting with you and you pretending to flirt back, and the clip of you saying you were going back to Jeff's to hook up and then a shot of you two getting into the Uber together.
People were tweeting about it, saying you two would be a cute couple. You saw a few people arguing about whether you'd be cuter with David or Jeff and you wondered what they both thought about it. Jeff sent you a text that he left to go hiking this morning and you didn't bother changing out of the t-shirt of his you had slept in, you just pulled your jeans on. You told David yesterday that you'd bring him Chipotle for lunch since he usually liked to talk to you about the feedback for his vlog to brainstorm which bits could be used again and what wasn't the best idea to include.
You went back to your place, not bothering to wait for Jeff to come back. You needed to change your shoes out of heels and you wanted to wash your face, but you didn't think twice about wearing Jeff's t-shirt over to David's. You grabbed your purse and car keys and texted Dave that you were on your way over after you picked up the Chipotle.
You pushed the front door open, finding David on the couch, as usual. He hopped up to say hi, the huge smile on his face from seeing the bag of Chipotle in your hand quickly falling when he noticed Jeff's shirt. You put the Chipotle down on the table and walked towards the couch.
"Oh, you actually went home with him," he said, his voice wavering.
"I mean I crashed at his place last night but nothing happened. He slept on the couch," you tried to reassure him, but he wasn't buying it.
"I figured you just said you were going there for my vlog. I didn't think you'd actually stay there."
"Is there a problem with me staying at one of my friend's houses for the night?" you questioned, feeling your blood begin to boil.
"No, no, no," David defended, his voice high pitched.
"Okay. Good to know that it's just a problem when I stay at Jeff's." You rolled your eyes, unbelievably annoyed that you were even having this conversation. "I mean Jeff doesn't have a problem when I stay here for the night so I don’t understand why you care so much about me sleeping at Jeff's."
"I don’t have a problem with it. I just figured you were actually going back to your apartment and you said Jeff's for my vlog."
"Speaking of your vlog, I saw some comments on it. People are going crazy for me and Jeff. They think we'd be cute together," you smirked, trying to get him angry.
"They ship Jeff with every girl he talks to. Don't worry, you aren’t special." He sounded cocky, like he was trying to make himself believe it, but you knew the fact that people liked you and Jeff more than you and him was driving him crazy. He was jealous but too afraid to admit it.
"But Jeff doesn’t have a crush on every girl he talks to and I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me." David's jaw dropped and his eyes widened at your words.
"He likes you?"
"He asked me last night in the Uber if I actually wanted to hook up with him and got upset when I said I didn't," you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Wait, you rejected him?" he asked, intrigued and confused.
"Yeah, I only like him as a friend. The flirting last night was just for you to get vlog footage."
"So if Jeff's out of the picture, then I have no reason to be jealous?"
"Why would you be jealous?" you asked innocently, pretending to have no idea what was going on.
"Oh, uh, no reason," he stuttered, and you noticed his cheeks turning a rosy red.
"David." You stared at him, waiting for him to confess.
"I was jealous of Jeff because I like you and I thought you were into him," he blurted out.
"I suppose it’s a good thing I'm not into Jeff, since I like you, too."
"You do?" You nodded.
“Want to go on a date sometime?” he asked, and you smiled, giving him another nod. You inched closer to him, pulling him for a hug.
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larkiwrites · 4 years
“Redemption” - Chapter 8
AU: Supernatural Title: Redemption Chapter: Eight Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader Word Count:  2,727 Pairing: Getting There…. Warnings: Bar fight, male-on-female violence (very brief), some angst A/N: I was going to post this tomorrow but I’m too excited. Sorry for any typos/errors, feel free to point ‘em out and I’ll happily fix them! Feedback is always welcome ^_^
Chapter 7  |  Chapter 9  |  Masterlist
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A couple of weeks had passed and the Winchester men were still privately investigating, without having been hired to do so. Sam spent a lot of time engrossed in information he could find on his laptop and Dean spent a lot of time outside the motel room, doing whatever a ‘private investigator’ does. The motel room had a small kitchenette so you took up residence as the cook, insisting you couldn’t keep eating fast food and pop tarts for the rest of your life. In reality you couldn’t stifle the guilt you felt by not helping in any way or paying for anything. Luckily, as it turned out, you weren’t too shabby at cooking. The fact pleasantly surprised all three of you, judging on Dean’s reaction and Sam’s insistence that you go back to the local store for more supplies. You kept it to inexpensive and simple meals, not knowing how much money the brothers had, but you assumed getting the few groceries you had was certainly cheaper than all of the dining out.
“Thank you,” Sam said, sighing contently as he finished his meal.
“No problem, oh! And the dessert, I forgot we had gotten any….” You trailed off as you made your way to the fridge. Sam hummed in agreement, his eyes watching his brother intently as you brought over a small cherry pie.
“It’s not homemade but better than nothin’,” you shrugged as you opened the plastic container and started to scoop out a slice for each of the guys.
Dean’s eyes had widened ever so slightly when he saw the pie and he wondered if you knew… no, you couldn’t know of his affinity for pie… could you? Sam snickered and gave you this thank before digging into the dessert. Ah, maybe Sam had picked it out, he had taken you to the store after all.
“You pick this, Sammy?” Dean asked through a mouthful of pie, making you chuckle. Sam shook his head, his mouth too full to answer.
“I did, why? Is it ok?” You asked Dean before quickly adding on, “If you write a list, I can get whatever you want next time we go, I’m sorry if it’s not any good.”
Dean swallowed hard and quickly shook his head, stating it was perfect and thanking you for it. It was weird, hearing him thank you for something. He had been acting weirdly ever since you had gotten to the new motel room, and you couldn’t pinpoint the cause. All you knew is it was driving you crazy. One month he wants nothing to do with you, the next he’s thanking you and asking you to cook dinner more often.
“So, any new leads?” you looked between the two brothers. You had to get your mind off of Dean.
The two men glanced at each other as if having a silent conversation before shaking their heads and replying with a simple ‘no’ …in unison. You cocked an eyebrow at them. They were lying. You were getting better at reading them and could easily tell.
“What new leads have you found?” you rephrased the question, folding your arms across your chest and leaning back in your chair.
Dean rolled his eyes, still shaking his head. Sam sighed before stating they had found a few connections they were ‘looking into’ and left it at that.
“I hate when you guys do that, you know. Talk to each other silently as if I’m not sitting right here, watching you do it, and then lying to me,” you threw your arms up before standing and starting to clear the table.
Dean and Sam froze in place behind your back as you threw away the now-empty paper plates and used utensils. Sam stared his brother down and nodded his head toward you as if to say, ‘talk to her,’ but Dean only shook his head. It was late but he could probably get away with finding a bar so he sat on the edge of the couch-bed and laced up his boots. Sam gave his older brother an exasperated look before turning back to you.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). We don’t mean to.”
“To what? Talk to each other or lie?” you turned around and rested against the counter, folding your arms over your abdomen while you met eyes with the younger Winchester.
“Fine, we meant to lie, but it’s not to be assholes, ok? It’s just better if you don’t know too much about the cases we work.”
That earned him a heart-felt roll of your eyes, “Whatever, Sammy, it’s fine. I’m going to hit the shower.”
“She calls you Sammy, now?” Dean whispered as soon as you had shut the door to the bathroom behind you.
Sam shrugged, “I guess?”
“You guess? Since whe….you know what? Nevermind. I’m gonna go find a bar and get shit-faced. You and (Y/N) have fun, Sammy.”
Sam flinched at the anger in his brother’s words but before he could say anything the older brother had gathered his keys and left, slamming the cheap motel door behind him. A few seconds passed and you popped your head out of the bathroom door, a towel wrapped about you.
“What happened?” the sound of the door had startled you.
“Ugh, just, Dean being…well, Dean,” Sam sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at you. He quickly did a double-take at your appearance, causing you to blush.
“I, uh, sorry,” you mumbled before quickly ducking back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. You berated yourself before getting back into the stream of hot water. You needed to stop being so damn relaxed around these guys. Sure, you had been with them for about six weeks already, but that meant you had only known them for six weeks. You sighed, shaking your head.
A few hours passed, you had finished your shower quickly and Sam had taken one after you. It gave you some time to think, to be alone, and to ponder over everything. Your mind replayed the last six weeks of your life, going over every detail you could. You tried to fit some of the jagged pieces of memory that had begun sporadically popping up into place, like a puzzle that was missing most of its pieces and didn’t have a picture to guide you, but only found yourself becoming agitated. Sometimes you thought you could remember faces of people you knew, but they were always blurred, out of focus. You sighed to yourself as Sam flopped onto his bed, freshly showered and dressed, a cold beer in hand.
“What is it?” his voice was smooth, velvety soft and comforting.
“I’m just tired of the confusion,” your reply was quiet, simple and direct. No point in beating around the bush with Sam, he could read through it by now, just like you could tell when he and Dean lied to you.
“I know. I’m sorry, for what it’s worth.”
You shrugged off the apology, “Don’t, don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Hell, you’ve one so much for me, Sammy. I often wonder, will I ever be able to repay you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” it was his turn to shrug. He seemed so sincere.
“Really, Sam. I hate that you and Dean can work, bring in money, pay for everything and now you have to support me, too. I want to help. Can I help you research whatever you’re privately investigating?”
Sam bit his lip, “Um, no, no it’s better that you don’t know too much about it…”
“Are you a drug dealer, Sammy?” you asked, grinning at him. You had laughed to yourself about the thought and how it had crossed your mind before.
Sam choked on his beer, sputtering the brew as his eyes widened.
“Am I- what? Is that what you think?” he didn’t know whether to laugh or scoff.
You looked at him, still smiling, and motioned your hand back and forth in the air as if to say eh, maybe. Your grin broke into laughter at the look on his face, somehow twisted between amusement and bewilderment. You were interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing, sudden and loud. He quickly crossed the room to get it from the counter where he had left it earlier, leaving the beer in its place as he answered.
“Dean?” he paused, listening to whatever his brother was saying on the other end of the line. A couple of minutes trickled by as your curiosity ate at you, Sam humming in agreement a couple of times before confirming he was on his way.
“Heading out?” you asked, perplexed. Dean had the impala, their only car, where was Sam going to go on foot?
He pinched the bridge of his nose, pocketing his cell, “Yeah, Dean apparently needs me to drive him back. You want to come? I was going to walk over to the office and see about a cab or something.”
You bit back the grin forming on your face, ecstatic at the prospect of getting out of the cramped room.
It had taken some time but you and Sam had eventually found a way to the dive bar Dean had made his new residence. The cute girl behind the desk at the motel, the one that Sam had flirted with when he booked the room, had not looked happy to see you standing near the tall man. You had bitten your cheek to keep from laughing at her while you let Sam do all the talking. He had shyly flirted his way to getting the two of you a ride from her, since she had laughed in his face when he asked if the town had cabs and claimed the bar was too far to walk to. He had even gone as far as implying you were his sibling, stating “our brother…” when he explained that Dean needed a D.D. The girl had relaxed at that, smiled at him coyly and offered to shut the office for a minute while she took you across town.
You exited her small white sedan first, giving her a quick thanks as you shut the door and turned toward the bar. Sam took a moment to thank her properly and, apparently get her number. After a few minutes he joined you and she took off, heading back to the motel. While she was annoying and somewhat pitiful at flirting, you couldn’t deny you were glad the two of didn’t have to trudge across the sparse and widely-spaced town. The chick wasn’t lying when she said the bar wasn’t close.
“Well, shall we?” Sam asked, opening the door and ushering you in.
The clamor of bottles clinking and people laughing could be heard even over the loud music pumping from the old jukebox in the far corner. Cigarette smoke bit at your lungs as you slowly made your way through a crowd of leather-clad bikers and took a seat at the bar. So far neither of you had spotted Dean, but it was hard to see with the dim lighting and the hazy air.
“What’ll it be?” the bartender, a stout man with a wiry beard and a patch over one eye startled you. You had been searching the room for a familiar face and didn’t see him approach.
“Uh, water?” Sam answered. He didn’t want to drink, just wanted to get Dean and head back to the motel. He really had found a few leads and wanted a clear mind in the morning.
If the man cared that Sam had only ordered water, he didn’t show it. In fact, he looked utterly disinterested as he turned to you. You held up a hand and shook your head, indicating you didn’t want anything, and turned back to the room.
Sam thanked the man and took a sip of his water as he, too, searched for his brother. A man began to shout in the far corner, near the jukebox and some pool tables. Great, you thought, a fight breaking out will just make it harder to spot Dean…
“Shit,” Sam interrupted your thoughts as he swiftly returned the glass in his hand to the bar, “c’mon, (Y/N).”
Sam took your hand and led you through the crowd toward the other end of the bar. The shouting became louder as you grew closer but you could also begin to hear someone replying to the angry man in between his bouts. The voice sounded familiar but with your height and the crowd of people that had gathered near the ruckus, you couldn’t see a thing. You were grateful for Sam’s tall stature and his ability to see the commotion.
“Eat shit,” Dean’s words weren’t exactly slurred, but he definitely wasn’t sober. You bit your lip, realizing the man was yelling at Dean, of all people. Shit, you echoed Sam’s earlier sentiment.
“Ok, ok,” Sam intervened, having made his way to the front of the crowd. He stood between the man and his brother while you waited on the sidelines, watching nervously. Had you ever been in a bar fight? You had no clue.
“Look, I’m sorry for my brother,” Sam started but the older man scoffed, cutting him off.
“This asshole’s your brother?”
“Watch who you’re calling asshole, dickbag,” Dean retorted.
“Stop,” Sam practically shouted but it was too late, the older man had already moved toward the two of them. Within seconds he shoved Sam back and took a swing at Dean. You found yourself shocked when Dean, intoxicated as he obviously was, easily dodged the hit.
Everything happened fast, after that. A friend of the bar patron had grabbed Dean’s arms from behind and held fast as the man had slugged him in the gut with his fist. Sam regained his footing and lunged at the man holding Dean back, who in turn released Dean. Dean had doubled over slightly when he had been hit but he was quick to strike back at the man, his own fist catching the man just above his eye. Before you could process your own actions, you were rushing into the fray and yelling at everyone to stop. Your voice was drowned out in between the music still pumping from the jukebox, the grunts, the groans and the yelling from the men.
“(Y/N)!” Dean’s voice shouted as you found yourself between him and the man he had offended. Holding your hands out you pleaded with the man to stop, and he tried, he really did try, but he was already mid-swing when you appeared.
The man’s fist connected with your cheek, hard. Probably a lot softer than it would have been for Dean, but fuck did it hurt. You stumbled backward into Dean, who caught you instinctually. The man backed up, apologizing. Whatever Dean had done to piss him off was apparently forgotten once he hit you. You could see the shame in his eyes as he looked over your quickly-swelling face. Within minutes you were outside in the cool night air, not knowing how you got there.
“What the fuck were you thinking, (Y/N)?!” Dean shouted once the three of you reached the impala, causing you to flinch and pull away from him.
You realized then that Dean had guided you out of the bar with an arm protectively held around your shoulders, Sam trailing closely behind the two of you. He turned you to face him, a hand on each of your arms, when you reached his car. He practically screamed at you in frustration, causing you to withdraw from his grasp and bite your bottom lip. Why was he so angry? Hadn’t you helped him? You felt your eyes begin to water and fought to keep the tears back as you backed away from the older Winchester. You bumped into Sam’s chest, not realizing he had been standing so closely. His hands mimicked Dean’s as he grasped your upper-arms and held tight before turning you around to face him.
“Are you ok?” his sincerity as his gaze flitted over your face broke your resolve. A few tears escaped and trickled down your cheeks before you quickly wiped them away. Ignoring both of the brothers you swiftly slid into the back seat of the Impala, more than ready to go back to the motel.
-Next Chapter-
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
saying it back : d.d
brief summary: telling david you love him in front of everyone and his reaction isn’t what you hoped
word count: 1.7k requested: yes- by @cuddlyklaus thanks girl for the idea I love it! warnings: swearing probably
* masterlistin’ *
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Leaning against David’s chest you could feel him laughing as your eyes remained closed, but a smile was creeping up on your face. “Isn’t she so cute when she’s asleep?” David mutters as his hand brushes through your hair, making you hum in content. 
You had arrived from New York a few hours ago after a business trip. It was the first time you had been away from David for more than a week at a time since you two started dating. 
After six months you would think you could be more independent, but the second you arrived David insisted on picking you up just so he could be the first to see you.
“Mmmmh,” You mumble as you stretch out, your feet hitting Zane in the ribs as he yells, causing you to open your eyes wide. “Zane!” You groan as you sit upright, David lifting his arm up so you can curl closer into him. 
“You’re the one who jabbed me, sleepyhead.” Zane comments as you roll your eyes and David merely gives Zane a look.
“She’s clearly jetlagged, Zane. Give her a break.” David tells Zane as David resumes his conversation with Natalie and Jason about the podcast. 
“Thanks, Dave, I love you.” You mumble as you yawn but as soon as you realise what words just left your lips you froze. 
David’s arm loosened around you, and all fell silent making it more obvious to everyone what was just said. “Wait,” Zane speaks up, sitting upright as David lifts his arm. “did you just say?” 
“I’ve gotta go.” David mutters before rising to his feet, grabbing his keys and heading out of the house leaving you all sat in silence. 
Everyone turned to face you as you quickly sat upright, tucking your hair behind your ear as you fought back tears. “Can’t say I anticipated that kind of response.” You laugh uneasily as Jason reaches out, but you shake your head. “It’s okay guys, I’m just going to head home.” Rising to your feet you pick up your things and head out. 
Once the door is closed you call for an uber and sit outside of the house, finally allowing your tears to fall. 
It had been three days and you hadn’t heard anything from David. You had been put on ghost mode by him and you had no choice but to wait it out. Whatever the outcome was didn’t seem too good in your favour, but his feelings are his to control, no matter how much you do love him. 
“I didn’t mean to say it though. It did slip out.” You sigh loudly as you pace around your apartment as Kristen tries to ease your worries, but it still isn’t doing much to help. 
“Honestly I think David just got a bit spooked. When Scott told me he loved me I wasn’t ready to hear it, but I knew I felt the same way.” Kristen reasons and I nod along. 
And then I relive the moment I saw pure panic in his eyes. “But I don’t think he was even thinking in that way. He left his own fucking house because I told him I loved him.” You were past the point of tears cascading down your face, you were just tired of his behaviour. “All I want to know is if he feels the same, and if not, are we over.” You simply tell Kristen who mumbles to herself.
“I know Zane’s gone to talk to him today, we’re all fed up of his silence.” Kristen admits and you pause, sitting down on your sofa.
“He’s not talking to anyone?” You ask slowly, bringing a cushion to your lap as you lean against it.
“Nope, not a soul. Scott said he came back once you were gone and went straight to his room. He’s been texting Natalie work, but he’s just not himself.” 
All you can picture is David, completely lost. “I hope Zane does talk to him.” You push the cushion off of yourself as you lie down, bringing your hand to your head. “I think I might have a nap, I’ll talk to you later.” 
Finishing the phone call with Kristen, you leave your phone on the floor as you turn on your side, allowing yourself to drift off into a needed power nap. Completely unaware of the fact your phone is blowing up with texts from Zane, informing you David was on his way. 
As David stands outside of your front door he takes a deep breath, shaking his hands. He rethinks his conversation with Zane, realising how stupid he had been not saying it back. Now was his chance to talk to you, have a private honest moment with you where he could finally be honest after three days of pure solitude. 
Knocking on your door there’s no response. Usually, you call out, tell whoever is in front of it you’ll be a moment. But you don’t speak up, you don’t tell him to come in or wait. 
Lowering his head, David considers turning around, walking away and leaving you to get on with your life. But he can’t, it would be the biggest mistake of his life to let you go without telling you how he truly felt.
“Y/n? Can you hear me?” David yells through your door and slowly you begin to stir on your sofa, unsure if you’re still dreaming or if he’s really here. “Come on, please open the door?” 
Turning on your side you roll off of the sofa, landing on your floor with a thud. “Fuck.” You groan as you rise from the floor and rub your eyes, hearing the sound of David still coming from the doorway.
“I shouldn’t have walked out like that it was stupid and I’m a dumb idiot who should’ve at least said something. Please just open up so we can talk.” He continues to speak and you hover by the door, reaching out when you hear the sound of another voice. 
“Y/n open your door or so help me God I will make you. Let this boy in I am tired of hearing him whine like a little bitch!” Opening your door you drag David inside without a second of hesitation, giving your neighbour a small smile.
“I’m sorry Cilla, I’ll make sure I know he’s coming next time.” You mutter before closing your door and remain still as you take an uneasy breath, knowing he is stood behind you. “Hi.” You speak to the door as you keep your eyes closed hoping you might still be dreaming. 
“Hey,” He speaks softly. “I don’t know if you heard anything I said out there, but I really just wanted to talk.” He admits and you turn around, your eyes locking with his. 
It’s surprising how drained he truly looks. His eyes are struggling to remain open as he focuses on you. His shoulders are slumped forward and he hasn’t shaved since you last saw him. Three days of silence and this is what happens to him? 
“Okay,” You sit down in your armchair as you cross your arms. “rooms all yours.” 
Sighing, David sits down on the sofa, perching on the edge so he can be closer to you. “I want to start by saying I’m really sorry for being such a dick to you that night and walking out.” He starts and you nod. “There was a right way to react and a wrong way, and based on my actions it was neither, it was the worst way to possibly react.” 
You laugh lightly as you nod along. “It was pretty shitty, David.” You mutter before allowing him to continue. 
“And when I was sat in my car I realised then I shouldn’t have walked out. I should’ve taken your hand and walked into my room with you. We could’ve sat down but I was so overwhelmed and taken by surprise I panicked.” He continues to explain and you remain quiet, not wanting to interrupt him again. “But then when I came home, Zane wanted to talk but I wouldn’t.” 
You think back on what Kristen said. That David wouldn’t speak to anyone and kept to himself. “So what made you talk today?” You ask as you lift your head up, meeting his gaze as he rubs his lips together. 
“I just knew I had to talk to you, but Zane insisted he talks to me first as a voice of reason.” David chuckles to himself. “That I should practise what I was going to say to you on him to make sure it sounds authentic.” 
Chuckling to yourself you shake your head. “As authentic as a Laura Lee apology?” You joke and David smiles. 
“I didn’t want to rehearse anything because I didn’t know what I was going to say to you.” You lean back in the armchair as he admits this, but seeing you move away he reaches out. “No, not like that.” He states. “Just in the sense I knew I was going to tell you how I felt, but I didn’t know what else to really say as there’s so much to say.” 
“Say something at least.” You quietly tell him as you reach out, accepting his hand. 
He looks down, watching it closely as he holds your hand in his, squeezing it lightly. “I love you, Y/n.” He focuses on your eyes as he tells you, not letting them shift in focus for one second. “I knew I did when you told me, but it took me by such surprise. I planned how I was going to tell you, thought about the perfect date and it threw me off my game,” He laughs lightly and you join in. “but you deserved being told straight away, not left hanging.” 
Shuffling closer you place your hand on his cheek. “All that matter is you told me, Dave.” You mumble as you lean closer, kissing him softly. “I love you, you big doofus.” You laugh and David kisses you again, resting his hands on your waist until you’re sat on his lap.
“And I love you, my doofus.” 
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poisxnyouth · 6 years
neighbors. chapter 5. (d.d)
A/N: pls don't kill me. i swear. i had to do it. -hailey (also i'm on mobile i'll put in a read more once i get home)
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: smutty ig
He fucks you before he lets himself tell you the truth. You let him fuck you before you let yourself tell him the truth. There was one, teeny, tiny, unexpected, maybe-shouldn’t-be-called-an-issue, but it is one: issue. You can’t take it back, either, because you want it too much.
David had played a sneaky game, stepping away from dinner under pretense of using the bathroom before locating the nearest bodega in search of condoms. He condemned himself for it his entire walk and purchase, softly cursing at himself under his breath. He, of course, quickly obtained them, opening the box on his walk back to the restaurant and tossing the evidence, sliding its contents into his back pocket. David thinks he’s slick as he arrives at the restaurant and places himself in the seat next to you, cheeks pink. You immediately look at him skeptically.
“What did you do?”
“I just, um-,” he scratches his head, voice low, “you wanna have sex tonight? ‘Cause I-,”
“David! You did not!” you gasp, hand covering your mouth as you try to stifle your laugh. Your giggles make him flush a deeper red, palm pressed against his face. He only nods in response.
“I mean, I guess. Only this once.”
He nods again, changing the subject and continuing business as normal. Dave eventually becomes impatient, feeling as though the dinner is purposely being dragged on longer than usual. It gets the best of him, mind swirling with thoughts of you, feeling thirteen again as he attempts to scoot closer to you in the shared booth. You and the girls are paying no attention to him, sipping on wine and carrying a casual conversation. Your hand finds his shoulder, not thinking twice as you have a side conversation with Francine before you feel his hand slide up your thigh, stopping halfway up. You clear your throat in response, crossing your legs in an attempt to hide his hand from Francine.
You finish your sentence and turn to him, “What are you doing?” you whisper, removing your hand from his shoulder and placing it over his. He shrugs, face in his phone as he scrolls through his Twitter feed.
“You wanna go to the room?” he asks, avoiding your question, eyes not leaving his screen as he moves his hand again. He makes a point of lacing your fingers together, hand still on your thigh.
“No. You can wait,” you roll your eyes, turning away from him and back to Francine. You hear him huff like a 5 year old, his thumb rubbing affectionately at the skin under your dress. David feels himself getting more and more impatient with every moment after you remove your hand from his, allowing his hand to drift further and further up your thigh before it gets smacked and relocated.
He groans lowly in frustration, feigning boredom as he sits up in his seat, adjusting his dick discreetly and asking politely, “Y/N, can we go to my room? I have to work on something.” You look up at him from your wine glass, eyebrows raised before you give in, nodding. He attempts to hide his relief, sliding out of the booth before taking your hand in his, aiding you as you stand. He pulls his wallet out, handing Natalie one of his cards and his camera, bidding the girls his goodbyes. You insist you’ll meet them back at Francine’s apartment and follow him out of the restaurant.
He holds the door open for you, immediately groaning, “Holy fucking shit, I’ve been hard ever since I got back and that’s the one time you guys decide to talk for 5 more hours?” You laugh at him as you begin to walk, pointing out his exaggeration of time.
“Literally, Y/N, if I don’t cum within like, an hour tops, I’m going to die of blue balls,” he complains as you flag down a cab.
“Well, pretty sure no one told you to go out and buy condoms in the middle of dinner,” you retort as he holds the car door open for you, taking your hand in his. He climbs in next to you as you inform the driver of Dave’s hotel address. Once you pull off and into the street, you push up the partition.
“We’re getting fucking tested when we’re back in LA,” Dave promises in a whisper, pulling you closer to him in the backseat as his hand slides up your dress again.
“Absolutely not. Don’t you remember the words, ‘just this once,’ coming out of my mouth?” He wraps his free arm around your waist, leaning his head into your neck.
“You’re trying to kill me, Y/N, I swear to God. Can’t we just fuck on the side?” He mumbles, teeth nipping at the skin by your collarbone. You tug him up by his hair as his hand continues to travel further north. You don’t stop his hand as he jerks your underwear down your legs and throws them haphazardly into your purse.
“Stop thinking with your dick; you know that’s not a good idea.” He nods, muttering a wimpy I know as you pull him into a kiss. You let your hands search his pockets for his wallet amid the kiss, pulling away to see how much cash he has on him.
“Look at you,” he observes almost too affectionately, pushing your hair out of your face, “What happened to not wanting me to pay for anything?” David moves his hand from your thigh to the side of your neck, sliding in between your hair as he kisses at your cheek and down your neck sloppily. Part of him cares about being so public in his desire, but he can’t bring himself to do anything about it. The aged man driving is probably used to it (at least that’s what David tells himself).
“I will do anything if it means you buy shit for me. Stop paying attention to him, he can’t see us. Pay attention to me,” you plead, leading his face down your neck.
“Good to know,” he hums in response, pushing your hair past your shoulders for easier access, “So, does that include bribing you into doing this with me again?”
“Don’t be a smartass,” you reply, “I’m not trying to be your sugar baby. I can support myself.” Dave groans against your skin in frustration.
“So you’ve said,” he responds, voice dripping with sarcasm, “But that’s not what it’s about, is it? You liked when I bought you that dress last night, that expensive dinner, the heels, this dress…It’s not about what it is or you being able to buy it for yourself, you like it because I bought it for you.” He’s prying.
“Come onnnnn. You don’t like the sound of me dropping five thousand dollars in your bank account and telling you to go shopping for me? I can PayPal you a few thousand right now and we can go to Bergdorf’s tomorrow morning before our flight. You can try shit on for me. Suck my dick in the dressing room?” David is in front of your face now, almost in a kiss as both of his hands slide up your thighs and under your dress once more. You shiver against him.
“Cartier? Get you rings of your own?” He adds unnecessarily, his point already having come across.
“I am not having this conversation with you right now,” you whisper.
“You’ve lived your whole life in luxury, designer everything, and it takes me to get you all breathless over it? What does that say about you, baby?” Dave takes your chin between his index finger and thumb, forcing you to look at him. It’s the first pet name he’s called you.  “Answer me.” You don’t.
“Tomorrow. Bergdorf’s, Dolce, Cartier, Tiffany's, Versace, Fleur du Mal, and we have a deal.”
“Fleur du Mal?” he cocks his head to the side.
“Lingerie.” He doesn’t give you a full reply as a delicious moan works its way out of his throat and into your mouth as he kisses you, both hands finding your waist. He pulls you closer to him as he leans his body weight against the interior of the car door, arm rest digging into his back. Dave doesn’t think about it as you climb into his lap and grind your hips into his. He tries to ignore your lack of undergarments.
“Does this arrangement include me calling you Daddy?”
He ruts your hips into his again, letting out a groan, “Oh, fuck, I didn’t even think about that. You want to?” You shrug in his hold, indifferent. You weren’t going to try it out now. Maybe once you’re in the room.
“What the fuck is taking so long?” He mumbles against your lips. Dave feels 16 again as he becomes aware of how desperately he’s grinding into your hips.
“Baaaaabe, we were in Jersey City and you’re staying in the Upper East Side. We’ve got like, 15 more minutes at least.”  You emphasize the pet name. He’s getting needy and whiny, attaching your mouths once more to try to subdue the thoughts stemming from the lack of friction his dick was receiving.
“I did not work as hard as I did, graduate from Yale, or move across the country to be a sugar baby for a dude I’ve known for two days.”
“You know that you didn’t have to work that hard. What schools did your parents go to?” This is odd dirty talk.
“Harvard and Princeton.”
“Yeah, you didn’t need to work that hard. Fancy Manhattan private school, parent alumni,” he kisses down your shoulder, “you were practically born with an Ivy admission. You could’ve gotten in with a 2.0 GPA-,”
“Fuck you,” you breathe, wanting to push him away as he moves to kiss down your chest.
He pushes your dress out of his way as he continues, “You worked that hard because you wanted to feel like you did it, you didn’t wanna be some weird shadow of your parents. ’S that why you’re in LA? New York rich kid complex, I guess.” He mumbles against your skin as you tangle your hands in his hair, pulling him up to your mouth.
“You think you’re in charge now, but if you say one more word about my life - ,” he doesn’t let you finish, murmuring a half-hearted mmhmm as you muster a small, I am so much richer than you.
It takes him off guard, slightly pulling back and saying, “So we both know money doesn’t actually mean shit in the long run.” You nod in his hold, hands against his chest.
“But you still wanna do this with me?” You look up at him, nodding slightly again as you run your hands over his shoulders. It’s a double entendre; he’s asking for solidified consent, but also pointing out the hypocrisy of what both of you agreed to.
“Oh, so you’re a whore,” he pulls you into him, “I’m just kidding, baby. Don’t get so tense.” At this, he adjusts you in his lap, purposely sliding his hands up your dress as he attaches your mouths. He wants to hear the noises that slip out of your mouth every day until he dies.
“Mmm, babygirl, stop,” he gently pushes you away after a while, pulling out his phone. You’re almost offended, still sitting in his lap, underwear still off, before he opens the PayPal app. He passes you the device and watches as you quickly type in your username and hand it back to him. Your head is resting on his shoulder as he sends you ten grand at the drop of a hat. Your eyes widen and you choke, clearing your throat as your phone chimes with the notification.
“Is that enough for you?” He asks, hand on your hip as he texts Natalie and tells her to not worry about the ten thousand dollars he just sent you. He knows she’ll bombard him with questions about it later. Dave makes sure to add on a Don't come to the room just yet. We're gonna fuck.
“We’ll see.”
“Just because you’re rich too doesn’t mean you can be a brat for me,” David says too nonchalantly, shoving his phone back in his pocket as the sentence sends shivers down your spine. He digs his fingertips into your hip, hard enough for bruises to remain. You’re pulling up to his hotel as Dave pulls out two twenties and tosses them through the now open partition. He opens the door too quickly, taking your hand in his as he helps you out onto the curb and tugs you inside of the lobby. His fingers are itching to touch you as he presses the elevator button.
David even gets impatient waiting for it, sighing as the doors ding open. He immediately presses his floor and the button that closes the doors, kissing you again as soon as it complies with his orders. He had dressed up for dinner, wearing a black button down, whose collar is now tight in your hands as you pull his mouth somehow even closer into yours.
The elevator dings again, forcing you apart, reaching for each other’s hands and hurrying down the hallway quietly. David, as always, fumbles with the key card and lock.
“Daddy,” you whine, “hurry up.” He stills at the name, biting at his lips as he flushes red and clears his throat. His Adam’s apple bobs nervously as he opens the door for you, hands still intertwined. Dave spins you into his hold, letting go of the door and pushing you against it as his free hand goes to double lock it.
“Second time in this situation in twenty-four hours. I think we have a problem,” he says, now pulling you off the door and leading you to the bed, not wanting to waste any time. You don’t answer him as his fingers find the zipper of your dress, sliding it down while you kick your heels off. David gets increasingly impatient as you undress each other; you quickly unbutton his shirt and cuffs, pushing the article of clothing off of his shoulders and down his arms. He's hurriedly able to unclasp your bra once your dress is off, the thousand dollar garments haplessly thrown on the floor.
"You want this? You want me to fuck you?" He's searching for consent a final time, a sweet thing to do but something you don't have time to think about as he pushes you into the bed, sliding his belt off. You whimper a yes.
So he does.
You're both half asleep in each other's arms as his phone begins to ring at midnight on the dot. You're both still buzzing from your orgasms, skin still sweaty and sticky as he moves, getting up to slide his boxers on and answer his phone. He presses accept as he crawls back into bed with you, fingers carding through your hair as you lay your head on his chest.
"Are you guys done yet?" you hear Natalie's voice on the other line, "'Cause I'm super tired." You look up at him, concerned, before he gives you a reassuring look.
"Nat, she's asleep, can you just like, sleep at Francine's? I feel really bad waking her," he lies through his teeth, hand now sliding up and down the sides of your bare torso.
"Yeah, I can, I guess. What's up with the ten grand?"
"I'll tell you later. It doesn't really matter. Do you need to come by here for stuff? Like, for your contacts?" She tells him yes, that she'll be by soon, and for him to put some clothes on. Dave hangs up, placing his phone on the nightstand before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Speaking of ten thousand dollars, we need to talk about that," he says, "Do you actually want to? 'Cause I mean, I'm down -,"
"It's not that which concerns me," you reply, drawing circles into his chest with your fingertips, "It's just like, I don't - I don't wanna get hurt." You feel like a child giving a wimpy confession, but he doesn't pay any mind to it.
He scrunches his eyebrows together, pulling you closer into his torso as he processes it, "I won't - like, that's not an intention of mine-,"
"Yeah, but it happens. It's why I wanted you to get over whatsherface first." He shrugs under you.
"I haven't even thought about her all day. I probably wouldn't have. I don't know, Y/N," he changes the subject and strokes his hand down your arm, "I think it'd be fun. I've never done it before."
"And if we start dating?"
"Then I will be a very, very generous boyfriend who you just so happen to call Daddy, 'cause holy fuck that was hot." He tips your head up from his chest so he can kiss you properly, pulling you closer by the back of your neck.
You pull away and out of the kiss, "If we do this, I'm expecting to end up in a relationship with you. I really like you." Your admission makes him smile and his heart flutter, his hand on your cheek as he murmurs his reciprocation and kisses you again.
You continue that way for a few minutes, hands delicately feeling each other's skin as you kiss softly. It's sweet, slow and lazy, minds somewhere else as you hear a key swipe through the reader on the door. The handle turns and Natalie is unable to open it; David had double locked it. You hear her mutter a Damn it, David before David's phone chimes with a text from her.
He groans softly, pulling away from the kiss. Dave whispers an order for you to pretend you're asleep, pressing a kiss to your cheek, but you peek at him as he pulls a shirt and sweatpants on before opening the door.
Natalie creeps in, attempting to be quiet as she unzips her suitcase.
"Did you guys just come here to fuck?" She asks him as he shrugs in response, moving to slink back into the sheets next to you.
Natalie eyes him, gathering her belongings, as he embraces you in his arms.
"Her friends like you, you know. They think you'll be good for her. You like her?" David keeps his hand on your waist, nodding at Natalie.
"Yeah, I do. A lot. She's great."
"I knew you would. She's cool. She really likes you, too," Nat smiles at him, filling her purse with items required for her stay at Francine's.
She's heading for the door before stopping, turning to Dave and admitting, "Be careful, David. I think this'll be good for you, but I don't want you hurting her or her hurting you. It sucks to see you like that. I love you. Text me in the morning when you guys are up." He doesn't have a chance to respond before the door shuts.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
you aren’t here to kiss me - d.d.
plot: the reader and David get into an explosive fight on New Year’s Eve, resulting them spending the night (and many of the following days) apart. 
author’s note: hi! this story is inspired by the song “you ain’t here to kiss me” by brett young. it has a bit of angst, but i’m not the best at writing fight scenes because i like when the characters and stories get happy endings, so this is an attempt. i hope you guys enjoy reading my work!
word count: 2.25k
read part two: can’t say goodbye
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"David, I'm not having this fight with you right now," you sighed, throwing clothes into your suitcase. This was the third time you two would have had this fight in the last week, and you couldn’t even count how many times you've had it in the past.
You and Dave had flown to Chicago for Christmas and your friends had landed yesterday to spend New Year's Eve with David's hometown friends.
This fight was one you two had fairly often: his vlog. For months you've been complaining that you feel like he does certain things just for content, and a few days ago you had mentioned that you think the Christmas present he had gotten you was just for him to get a reaction for his vlog. He had gotten you a silver Cartier ring that matched the ones he had, but your ring had an engraving in it, the date you two had started dating and his initials.
"It's a promise ring," Dave grinned as you helped it up and gasped.
"Oh my god, I love it," you said in a whisper. "And you. God, I love you."
"I love you too, babe." he beamed, taking the ring from your hand and sliding it on to your right ring finger. He leaned in planted a kiss on your lips.
As you admired the ring on your finger, you noticed that David's camera was recording, and your stomach dropped a little. Of course he was recording an intimate moment between you two.
"Oh, I almost forgot," David said, pulling you back into reality. "I wanted to get you a little something else, too." He handed you an envelope. Inside were two plane tickets to Aspen. "I know your dream vacation is to go skiing on the Swiss Alps, but since I can't leave the country, I figured Aspen was our best bet," he grinned.
"Dave," you started. You were overwhelmed by the gifts, and you genuinely appreciated them, but part of you couldn't get over the fact that he was filming it. It felt insincere, like he only wanted to get a reaction for his vlog. But it was Christmas, and you didn't want to fight, so you didn't bring it up. "Thank you so much. I love you, bub."
"I love you more," David whispered, snuggling up next to you.
"This makes my present for you seem super lame," you giggled, resting your head on his chest.
"Nothing is ever lame if it comes from the best girlfriend ever," he smiled, kissing your forehead.
You had forgotten that you wanted to talk to David about recording your reaction until he asked you to watch his vlog before he posted it and he had included the clip.
"Do you have to put that in?" you asked quietly, looking down at him.
"Do you not want me to?" he asked, and you knew he would take it out if you told him to.
"It's just," you sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "It was a personal moment between the two of us, bub. And sometimes I think you forget that not everything you do has to be for the vlog." 
"Babe, I didn't put the clip in. What are you mad about?" he argued.
"God, David, that isn't the point!" you shouted, turning to face him. "You never even answered my question. Did you only get me the ring for your vlog?"
David hesitated to answer the question, which you took as a yes, even though he had answered with a no. Your heart shattered.
"Fuck you, and your vlog. We're done!" you shout, pulling the ring from your finger and throwing it onto the floor. You grabbed your phone and purse and sprinted out of the room, David quickly following behind you.
He quickly caught up to you, begging for you to talk to him in the elevator ride down to the lobby. Instead you called an Uber and ignored him.
You stood outside in the freezing cold Chicago winter, realizing you didn't have your jacket. You didn’t have anything with you as a matter of fact aside from your purse. David was still next to you, and he pulled his hoodie off and handed it to you. As much as you didn't want to take it, a small part of you did. You gave him a small smile as you put the sweatshirt on, but still not wanting to talk to him.
"Can you at least tell me where you're going?" he begged.
"Home,"  you answered coldly. He didn’t know if you meant back to LA or to your parents' house, and to be honest, you didn't know either.
When your Uber arrived, you climbed in without saying anything to David. As soon as you shut the door, you started to cry. Looking out the window, you noticed David standing outside sobbing. This felt like the beginning of the end of your relationship, and as mad as you were with him, you weren't ready to say goodbye.
It was just after 9 o'clock when you got to the airport, and you bought a ticket to San Francisco, since that flight would be boarding in 20 minutes. It was also a good distraction, since David most likely assumed you would be going to LA, and you were, you just didn't want to go there right now, in case he came to the airport in search of you.
You quietly boarded your flight, finding your seat. It was a window seat, the rest of the row being empty. The plane was half empty, with couples scattered about, including an annoying one in front of you. They were driving you crazy with all the kissing and cuddling they were doing, but it reminded you so much of you and David whenever you traveled together, and your heart ached for him. 
The flight attendant came around handing out glasses of champagne just before midnight to cheers to the new year, and as you took a boomerang for your Instagram story, you realized that you won't share a new year's kiss with David, and your heart breaks. You posted your boomerang, saying "Flying solo with only this glass of champagne to kiss at midnight." And shortly after you posted, you began getting calls and texts from your friends wondering where you are and why you aren’t in Chicago, but you ignore them. You aren’t in the mood to explain anything, and you most definitely overreacted to the situation. There was no reason you should be sitting on a flight alone instead of sharing a kiss with your boyfriend.
The pilot came on the intercom and did a countdown to the new year, and you wanted to cry. You buried yourself in Dave's hoodie, wishing he was here with his arms wrapped around you. You watched the couples around the plane share sweet kisses with each other, and you downed your glass of champagne. A few minutes later, you asked the flight attendant for something stronger, and she poured you two vodka sodas.
"Going through a break up?" she asked sympathetically, handing over one of the drinks. You weren't sure how to answer that. Technically you and David didn't break up, but this was by far the worst fight you two had ever had. You told her you didn't want to talk about it, and she continued on down the aisle.
When you landed, you booked a flight to LA. That flight didn't leave until 7am, so you have time to kill. You thought about calling David, telling him that you overreacted, but you couldn't. You weren't in the headspace to do that. When you finally landed in LA, you decided to talk to someone.  You called an Uber and sent Natalie a text, asking her to tell David that you were in LA and that you still didn't want to talk to him. She immediately called you.
"What's going on?" she asked. "Dave didn't tell me you left Chicago. He said you weren't feeling well and didn't want to come out, so he stayed in too, but he locked me out of his hotel room. At least, until we saw your Instagram story. He called me as soon as he saw it."
"Are you with him now?" you asked, suddenly afraid that he would be listening to everything you said.
"Yes, but he's in the shower. He bawled like a baby to me earlier, you know. He thinks you left him forever."
"We got into a fight and I overreacted. It was stupid and wrong. I would never leave him, I just couldn't." You were fighting back tears at this point, wanting so badly to just hug David and apologize. "Can you tell him that I'm sorry and that I love him when he wakes up? And that I'll talk to him when he gets back to LA. I don't want to ruin the rest of his trip."
"Yes, I'll tell him, but you should really be the one to tell him. He won't trust it if it's coming from me."
"I know, but I can’t think straight right now. I don't know if I'll be able to say anything."
"Are you sure? He just got out of the shower, I can put him on the phone," she suggested, but you rejected it. "At least send him a text, he needs to hear it from you that you're okay," she said before you two exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.
After finishing your phone call with Natalie, you contemplated sending David a text, but you couldn't. You knew you had to be the one to reach out to him first, since you were the one who left him. You knew he was debating with himself about whether or not he should call or text you, and he had most likely decided against it, assuming you didn't want to talk to him. But you so badly wanted to say something to him, so you did: hi bub, i love you and i miss you and im sorry. i just need some space. talk to you soon. 
A few minutes later, you got a screenshot from Natalie of her and David’s text conversation. David said he would be staying in Vernon Hills until the end of the week to give himself time to clear his head. 
The next few days felt endless without having David by your side. He had missed his last upload, posting an instagram story saying he was sick and still at home so he didn’t have time to film anything, and that the next vlog would be up when he was back in LA. You knew David was spending some time away from vlogging and was with his family. The family you had been with just over a week ago. They had welcomed you in with open arms, and now you were responsible for breaking David’s heart.  
Natalie had given you a heads up that David was flying home today. You just wanted to hug him and tell him that you loved him and missed him. 
The next day around 7pm, you headed over to David’s house. You needed to talk to him, and from what your friends were saying, he wasn’t talking to anyone. You had given him a day of being back in LA before ambushing him. You sat in your car for almost thirty minutes before working up the courage to knock on the front door. Standing out on his front steps, you almost turned around after knocking, not entirely sure you were ready to face him. But you swallowed your pride and fiddled with your fingers while you waited for someone to open the door. David walked up to the door, confused as to why you were here. 
“Can we talk?” you asked in a low whisper. 
“Why? You said we were done.” David said, staring blankly at you. His eyes were empty, there wasn’t a flicker of hope in them. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, and it looked like he hadn’t showered or shaved in days.  
“I was angry and upset. I didn’t mean it,” you plead, looking for any sign of remorse from him. 
“You left the fucking state!” he shouted, startling you. David hardly ever raised his voice at you. “You can’t just run away when something goes wrong! Yes, you had every right to be mad at me, but God, you can’t just disappear on me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears flowing down your face by now. David’s cold eyes softened, he hated seeing you cry. Without saying anything, David wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. You were sobbing at this point, and you knew he was crying too. “I’m so sorry.”
David didn’t know what to say. He was still in love with you, but he wasn’t sure he could be with you. It was his turn to say it. “I love you, I really do. But, I need space. You should go.”
Your arms dropped from around his waist and you stepped backwards. This couldn’t be the end, you wouldn’t let it. But this wasn’t a decision for you to make. You were the one who left, and you were the one who had to walk away until David decided he wanted you back in his life. So that’s exactly what you did. You walked away. 
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
delicate morning - part two : d.d
as requested here is part two of delicate morning, to make a bit of sense you might wanna read part one if you haven’t. and whilst you’re at it why not check out the rest of my writing on my masterlist? 
thank you for all the love and support, I’m excited for the new year and all I have planned! :)
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Sitting opposite Joe he leans forward, a stunned expression on his face as he struggles to contain his laughter about the entire situation. 
His eyes dart from both of us as he lifts his fingers pointing between us to which I merely nod. “So, you guys actually,” His words trail off as I see David nod out of the corner of my eye, and Joe leans back into the sofa. “oh wow.” He starts laughing to himself before clapping his hands together.
“Did you see anything happen between us last night?” I speak up in hope of interrupting his overdramatic laughs. “Anything, Joe?” My voice becomes louder to drown out his laughter, and his giggles die down to a mere wheeze. 
Clearing his throat he pauses momentarily. I turn to look at David who focuses on Joe, rather than meeting my gaze. “I saw you guys pretty close in the kitchen. Dave spilt his drink on your dress as the evening was coming to an end.” 
I try to picture it, last night. Faintly I recall us talking in the kitchen as everyone was leaving. There was only us, Joe, Zane and Corinna. 
“I remember seeing Y/n head into the bathroom, but I didn’t see you again after that.” Joe tells me and I let out a deep sigh. “But I saw you a few more times that night Dave,” My ears perk up as Joe continues to recall the events of last night. “you were legless, to say the least.” 
David groans lightly into his hands and I pat his back lightly. “You weren’t the only one, remember.” I mumble and he slowly lifts his head back up, focusing on Joe. 
“You said to me you had to go see Y/n and everyone started leaving around one I think. I checked up on you but you were in bed when I left, and yeah.” Joe scoots closer off of the sofa, his arms resting on his thighs. “I guess after I left you guys just, got it on.” A small smirk forms on his lips and I roll my eyes. 
“Nothing else?” I ask helplessly, but Joe shakes his head. 
“So, this mean you guys are a thing?” He asks, raising an eyebrow to us both with a small smile on his face. 
I let out a dry laugh before looking over at David. “No, no no no.” I state clearly with a small laugh. “No that was,” Turning to look at David he remains quiet, not interjecting or agreeing. “a one-time thing.” I stand up and grab my bag. “Anyway, thanks Joe. I should probably get going. I told Zane I’d film with him and Matt today.” 
Letting myself out I feel my cheeks burning at that simple question, and I can’t help but let it linger for the entire day. 
David was just so David. 
He was David, the guy who was always there but not someone I always found myself looking at. He was sweet, kind hearted with a big grin on his face the majority of the time I saw him. 
But the David I woke up next to wasn’t the same David I’d seen and partially knew. This version was sexy, he was funny and a gentleman who respected my boundaries. 
Shaking my head I pull up at Zane’s and without needing to say anything I am greeted with that look. 
I sigh loudly and raise my hands up in defeat. “Alright Zane, say what you wanna say.” I grumble as I pass his judgemental gaze and head for the kitchen. 
He slowly follows behind me, making his footsteps heard clearly as he leans against the counter. “You guys slept together didn’t you?” He phrases it as a statement as opposed to a question. 
Turning to close the fridge door my eyes meet his. “Do I even need to respond?”
He claps his hands together and laughs loudly, “Oh wow, I didn’t expect you to have actually done it.” He exasperates and I take a seat at the breakfast bar. “How was it?”
Shrugging my shoulders he seems unconvinced. “Neither of us remember anything.” He frowns before rolling his eyes in response. “Hate to burst your bubble, but can we get on with filming at least?”
He murmurs to himself before motioning to my appearance. “Best get you cleaned up first.”
After turning the camera and equipment off I lean back into the sofa, yawning loudly as Zane sees me struggle to keep my eyes open.
“D’ya need to take a nap?” He asks and I shake it off.
“I’ll be alright, I should probably go see David.” I respond and he raises an eyebrow to me. “To see if he’s found out anything else about last night.” I explain, but Zane keeps that smile on his face before disassembling his tripod.
“Whatever you say, baby.” He states clearly as he walks me to the door, waving me off as I head back to my own house.
As I pull up to my own driveway I try to think about last night. But it is a broken record at this point, playing the same lyrics over and over. I remember leaving my house, arriving at David’s and immediately being brought into drinking games with Heath and Zane. The second I try to think any further into the evening it is all blurred and censored by own minds restrictions. 
Yawning loudly I take my phone out of my pocket, going to text David, but he’s one step ahead of me. 
is it alright if I come over soon?
sure, let yourself in 
Throwing my phone on my bed I lie down, finding myself slowly shuffling closer into my pillows as another yawn slowly escapes my lips. 
My eyes feel heavy as they start closing and I mumble to myself, “Just a few minutes won’t hurt.” 
Closing my eyes I bring my legs close to my chest, kicking my blanket up over myself as I keep my phone face up, knowing the second I hear a text come through I’ll awaken. 
Turning the front door I silently let myself in. I let out a shaky breath as I wipe my hands on my jeans as I head through the hallway. Usually, music sounds through the rooms, but today there is nothing. 
“Y/n?” I call out as I slowly pace towards her open living room. 
I take the moment to look at the photos on her shelves, the ones I’ve never really noticed before. 
In each of them, she’s different. She’s happy, drunk, with family, laughing with friends, playing with her pets at home. 
I can’t ignore the smile on my face that I see reflect through the picture frames, and I cast my eyes away. 
After last night I can’t deny how I feel. Whatever lead to us being together last night, whether it be a mistake or something more I can’t act like it didn’t happen. If Y/n wants us to go back to being kind of friends so be it, but I think it might be hard to distance myself after being so close. 
My ears perk up as I hear the sound of a soft snore and I turn to see a door slightly ajar with some cushions decorating the wooden floorboards. 
And there she lies, all curled up in a blanket. She has her mouth partly open as she snores quietly whilst her hand rests under her cheek whilst the other holds onto the blanket. 
Remaining still I analyse this current state, the one I wasn’t able to admire this morning due to sheer panic. But now, now she is perfectly calm, content. 
I reluctantly move closer and step over the cushions towards her bed and sit down next to her. 
Moving the flyaways from her face I gently tuck them behind her ear, her cheeks so soft, so smooth. 
“I know you’re fast asleep, which is actually kind of a relief.” I whisper with a small laugh as she is completely out of it, not hearing a single word I am about to say. “But last night, however it happened, well I know how it happens but I mean, the events leading to it I, I don’t regret it.” 
She shuffles ever so slightly and I freeze on the spot. I swear I can see a small smile forming on her face, but I shake it off, convincing myself I am merely imagining it for my own sake. 
“And yeah, I am glad it happened. I, I guess what I’m trying to say is I wouldn’t mind it happening again. Maybe not the way it did last night, but, but,” I sigh loudly, running my fingers through my hair in frustration as the words struggle to form. “I like you, and I don’t really know what to say as I don’t know how to talk about this and you’re unconscious so you won’t even know I’ve told you this when you wake up.” 
Quietly laughing to myself I realise how pointless this all is and turn around, facing the window as I focus on the sun setting over the city from her window. 
“Hey,” She whispers and I quickly turn around, seeing her hand rest on top of mine. “I like you too dummy.” 
She moves to sit upright, blanket still draped over her and the imprint from her rings leaves a mark on her cheek. But despite her hair out of place and still being half asleep, she looks beautiful. 
“You heard all of that?” I ask as I cringe internally, and she simply chuckles, nodding in response. “And you still like me?” 
“Yeah,” Y/n answers with a smile growing on her face. “I mean, I didn’t exactly know what to make of last night but I did a lot of reflecting on my drive home.” She explains and all I can do is focus on the glint in her bright eyes and the movement of her lips. “I never thought of you in that way, but now that I have I wouldn’t mind giving it a go.” She clears her throat and nudges closer to me. “I mean, only if you do that is,” 
I rest my hand on her cheek and lock eyes with hers. “Yeah,” I whisper as I close the space between us and place my lips on hers. 
Closing my eyes I feel her hand rest on my arm as she deepens the kiss. 
Even if we did this last night it feels like the first time, and I know there is so much more to come. 
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