#and to me kirbs is just really chill about everything
westwing19 · 11 months
I’m curious if you have a head canon for this! How do you think Kirby discovered his copy abilities and reacted to them for the first time?
Probably a very simple answer, but I figure he just... found out!
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...since putting everything in sight directly into his mouth is sort of Kirby's specialty :3 It probably startled him a bit at first, but I think he'd take the surprises into stride.
In terms of other related hcs I do enjoy the idea that his copy ability ability undergoes some growth over time, which allows him to acquire more abilities and more moves for existing abilities as he matures.
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(it doesn't hold up at all under the chronological appearances of most abilities, but it's fun to think about anyway 👍)
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butchpeabody · 1 year
Zetto and/or Kizuna for the character ask?
once again for this...i shall take more if anyone wants to send
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under the a cut once again!
favorite thing about them: when i was a kid the kirb/zetto twist did genuinely make me insane. in a good way. i think hes a really fascinating character in his like...Mentality Switches between personas yk. guy whos a jerk in a funny way vs guy who just actually sucks
least favorite thing about them: honestly i wish it was just made more clear during like episode zero or smth what his stance in sofdti as like....a living thang was? not that it would matter much in the grand scheme of his development but idk kizuna said some SHIT yk
favorite line: id probably say like...a lot of stuff from the nylocke battle in the gemini tournament. absolute lowest point of that guy its really interesting. (obligatory MY ARM AAAAAGHHHHH mention purely because holy shit he was screaming)
brotp: HIM AND GAMESOFT oh my godd them together. aughh. the only two guys who Know the guys who can talk abt shit and he can be sad. solace in understanding and so on
otp: i know its basic but like....alphazet mannn. everything abt the two of them was PAINFULLY gay and its honestly kind of funny kirb (the guy not the character) didnt notice. runner up is him and nylocke becahse i just think they are silly and funny
notp: i dont really have anyone with him that i actively LOATHE but i think its probbably him and kizuna. putting my personal gay zetto hc aside i think theyd both be wayy too codependent unless they got like. therapy. i know a lot of what ive been saying so far makes it sound like i hate kizuna but i dont i PROMISE
random headcanon: i feel like postseries hed find a way to set gs up with a virtual machine desktop of her own so her knowledge of the world can extend beyond what she knows in tome. they spend time bonding over computer science n junk :)
unpopular opinion: im honestly never good at this part but as an adult with better drawing skills now...i actually like drawing his hair
song i associate with them: zetto was never someone i had much of a playlist for back in the day so i had to scrounge a bit but i think i found something satisfactory
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: REALLY underrated secondary antagonist, interesting moral code, she has insane girlie guilt over her actions that doesnt get explored enough.....and shes a kitty cat :)
least favorite thing about them: her arc in the original series was like...a little inconclusive? i wish she couldve come to terms with sofdtis sentience and whatnot. the trajectory of a2z is changing her in a way im really liking so far though! im excited to see where she goes
favorite line: that whole rant at the tail end of the series where shes just like. a bunch of people she cared about almost died and she was freaking the fuck out. it hurts....i love her she needs THERAPYY
brotp: she doesnt get to interact with too many characters during the series but in my perfect world i think shed be chill with demonking. dont question my madness i know im right
otp: re the previous answer she doesnt interact with a lot of characters, on this note Especially im hesitant to give a definitive answer but i think if her parallels with flamey were more explored...in my perfect world.........theyd work so spicily
notp: same as zetto but also tacking gs onto this. less out of kizunas ability to see her as a person currently and more that in the future if/when she does end up coming around i do feel like gs would still be hurt by it. theyd be buddies tho:)
random headcanon: with the rpg version of tigerlily i sometimes wish that series kizuna had like...a secret lil roleplay presence. not necessarily on tome itself but she has to cool of SOMEHOW right. she made an anime catgirl avatar i KNOW she has thoughts about that shit
unpopular opinion about them: kizuna is probably the most divisive character ive done for this so far...all i can really say is like...i joke about supporting womens wrongs and stuff but i think introspectively she does have a lot of potential as a character that we dont see a lot of because most of the scenes with her are from zettos perspective. AGAIN tho im reallly liking where a2z is taking her so far i hope i get more scraps
song i associate with them: much like zetto she wasnt someone i had playlists for back in the day however unlike zetto i have the PERFECT one for her. nonexistent meet-cute (idlyam) by vylet pony.... feeling it
favorite picture of them:
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Did u enjoy the 1st A2Z compilation film?
Mod Blue: Heck yea I did!! It was awesome to see Zetto and Kizuna again !!
I think the movies are doing fantastic at adding extra context to the series, which I know some fans desperately wanted (especially in Kizuna's regard). It definitely shows the improvement that Kirb's had over his years of storytelling/animating, and it's nice to see it in the context of my favorite shark man.
Actually, wait, I wanna gush about all the new scenes:
First scene:
I think first off I wished we saw more of that "worse spirits" Zetto that I would have expected post-Episode 0, though it's also SO sweet to see Zetto being more happy-go-lucky; it helps tie into Plan Z's mention of how Zetto actually hated how Rockoon and Doubling used their job as an excuse to destroy the game
I think it showcases that Zetto DOES care a whole awful lot, but also that Kizuna truly does care for his safty (that shot of Kizuna staring at Zetto's glitched stump </3)
Second Scene:
I think this builds a lot of tension about how Alpha was never meant to be involved with Plan Z... also it's just sort of funny to see Kizuna swear and get huffy lmao
Third Scene:
I love seeing Zetto and Kizuna argue; I think it definitely showcases the Factbubble mentioning how Zetto scarcely takes "the mission" seriously while Kizuna is a lot more professional. I think it's also kind of cute seeing Zetto be all "EVERYTHING'S FINE" to Kizuna's "NO IT FUCKING AIN'T"
I think the part where Zetto and Kizuna are huddled around the antivirus leaves me in awe; knowing what eventually happens, and that Zetto is still SO hopeful about it... </3
Kizuna hiding the fact that Alpha's the one with the virus from Zetto, and Zetto being so trusting of her? Breaks my heart ;n; I feel she does regret not being fully transparent with him, but she's definitely putting the mission first above all else. Maybe because she cares so much about Zetto's wellbeing, that she wants to hide it for as long as possible before he finds out, knowing damn well that he won't react very prettily...
Fourth Scene:
This is my FAVORITE scene, genuinely. It gave me chills during Chris' sneak peak and it was even better when all finished! You can really hear the anger in Zetto's voice, and I think it goes to show how much Chris has improved as an actor.
He's genuinely fantastic at letting me feel for Zetto as more than a character (since like... that IS the point of storytelling lmao). There's so much frustration in his voice at Kizuna's brief "betrayal", and that his new friends are now involved with Plan Z. It's also really cool to see Kizuna's character expanded upon; her wanting the game shut down is something only touched upon in the Factbubbles, but there's also the huge conflict between her own interests versus putting Zetto's interests first since he was the one most impacted by the virus.
It's also just nice to see Kirbopher brood a bit lmao
In the Kirbopher part of the scene, I think the little part where he's conversing with Alpha through text is really sweet. Alpha would presumably only get the text, but you can tell Kirb's much more subdued and troubled in his voice. It's really sweet Alpha asks "You OK? We can talk about it, if you'd rather just hang :("; like, that's the cutest thing in existence! Obviously Kirb isn't gonna show himself being upset to Alpha, but it's fascinating to see how he hides that from Alpha here. It's incredibly sweet he does a little smile at the end of the scene; it shows that while he's beginning to get scared over his friends getting involved with Plan Z, he still does enjoy their company and it's his little conversation WITH Alpha that snaps him out of his "oh god, my friend has the arm-hurty virus!" funk.
Fifth Scene:
I love this scene as well; it shows the moment the happy-go-lucky Zetto we see throughout the movie turns into the scary shark man in Episode 5 (literally. his fangs turn into the shark teeth by the end of the scene lol)
Even though his tone is much more angered (once again: Kirb's voice acting is so much more improved and AWESOME), he STILL comes from a place of care; he cares about his friends, he cares about the game, he cares about SOFDTI's sacrifice...
Because this scene comes after Episode 4, it leaves me in awe that such a nice experience with his friends leads him to his obsession with with mission. It's BECAUSE he cares so much that drives him into who he'll be for the rest of the series.
Kizuna's somewhat snarky nature in this scene also gets me real good because she's hot because it adds a little playfulness to her character that goes sort of "Now THATS the Zetto I know" or "NOW you're focused, awesome <3" territory.
It's really cool to see THE moment Zetto gets the arm. I quite like the way he grabs and attatches it; It's not the craziest animation by all means, but it's just satisfying to see lmao.
Genuinely, Zetto's words are kind of haunting but also endearingly nerdy lmao. The way he emotes with the same hand the virus cut off, the way he reassures himself that Kizuna's the brains to his brawn, the way he wants the virus to feel the same amount of fear that HE felt towards it... I think it's a perfect segway into Movie 2, especially since it seems like we'll briefly see Zetto MUCH more troubled about his identity... and we know damn well it's gonna involve Episode 10 too.
Also, it'll have this frame. I hope the context is as slutty as this expression because I am in NEED to see Zetto manipulate mansplain manwhore his way out of this mess
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hiii ok pt4 of Greece and yesss to everything you wrote.
Replying to brigids thoughts real quick
-firstly we are in MYKONOS!! It’s vv beautiful.
-so Jamie apparently only likes to sleep on Brigid and we are here for it!. Like security line, the chairs at the gate, on the plane. Ryan getting lost at the airport is soo funny I can even see myself laughing at him. But anyways we both get beeped and patted down as usual and we chirp each other like crazy while everyone’s just trying to get through security in peace.
- Jamie is the ultimate bf for Brigid. And Dylan’s your guy best friend just like Ryan and Braden ? Are to me :) question : what does it mean Lexi is busy with Quinner? Hehe. Anyways we are all rocking these sweatshirts that the boys gave us.
-omg I just find this interaction between cozzy and Jamie so funny. Like cozzy comfy but is slightly terrified and also sees this as a money making technique sooo he gained $50. Ok these rows are fun. Lol Kesh and Kirby just sitting away from us.
Brigid+Jamie + dyl: aw yes brigid is being a good besty to dyl. No sore neck for you dyl. Ughhh I can’t with this cuteness. Jamie cuddling you and you playing with his hair and tracing his freckles. Also slight makeout sesh between Jamie and Brigid. Hehe yes jamie was able to finally braid your hair correctly while you’re playing poker w dyl.
Kesh +Kirby: hehe yes they pretend to not know us on the plane and are just being adorable on the plane. Like they get along so well.
Lexi+quinner (+Ryan): I am astonished by Quinners ability not to stay awake from drinking that much coffee but I’m not complaining cuz I get to play with his amazing hair. Hehe you telling us ‘guys stfu Jamie and the others are sleeping’ and we say ‘so what?’ we decided to be considerate and not wake up everyone. Oo yes to the freckle kissing lol I need some moments.
- yes to the food. Aww Jamie pointing stuff out to you and both of you just smiling at each other. Ya we ain’t waiting, we get up real fast. I’d probably slap Ryan awake hehe. Nah everyone’s to cool to clap when the plane lands. I agree it pisses me off as well. Look at us getting curly/wavy hair. Jamie would be admiring your hair:)) I love that feeling.
- everyone’s in a great mood. The hotel is superb. Okk yes to sharing the rooms with our bbs. I better not be hearing anything through the wall Brigid 😏. Yess to us looking hot in our suits and Jamie getting jealous and mad that somebody catcalled Brigid. Side note: I would probably buy new swimsuits for this trip +cover ups. Jamie loves to carry you so you’re just enjoying him carrying you into the water. Kesh and kirbs are just being the most amazing couple ever. It’s just so balanced. Hehe me and Quinner are vv chaotic and are tackle each other in. If it’s a competition between the four of us. Yes to the moments in the water. Like holding onto their necks and just moving along with the waves and the hair slicked back and the suns reflection. Ooo I wanna join volleyball too but Ryan would probably hit me in the face. I get ready pretty fast as well so twinsies. Yes to us looking real good in our outfits and then having more moments on the beach( making out or just being romantic and walking along the shore.)
Okkkkk next
Morning after everybody just decided to sleep in cuz we are on vacation!!. Anyways breakfast. I heard that in Greece it’s common to rent out Vespas and just ride along the path and you can go cliff diving. And just explore the scenery cuz the Mykonos have a lot of beaches etc.
So we all get ready to head cliff diving and then to a new beach later. Ok so Brigid is w Jamie, I’m with Quinner, and kirbs is w kesh. The rest of the boys are sharing together as well. Hehe it’s so pretty and we are just holding onto our boys or maybe it’s the other way around. And it’s just so beautiful but really hot so everybody is ready to cool off. We get to the cliff and the water is sooo blue 😍. Hehe we all strip from our clothes and into are suits and the boys are looking hot. Anyways, since brigid is the daredevil of the group she wants to go first and then dyl steps up as well but Jamie’s semi terrified but wants to jump as well. So he says fuck it and jumps! I’d probably jump after with Quinner and Ryan and then the rest of the team. We all just have a bunch of fun and then we gotta figure out how to get out of the water lol.
Okkk i was also thinking about snorkelling/scuba diving.
Let’s say next day, we decide to rent out a boat and go snorkelling/scuba diving. Everybody’s really stoked because it’s really beautiful. I’m more of a snorkelling type of gal.
Side note: I went snorkelling in Mexico once and while snorkelling I see two barracuda sharks staring at me so ofc I got scarred and swam away so quickly lol. My best friend was just laughing at me.
Anyways some decide to go scuba diving and are in their suits hehe. What would you do brigid. Actually if I think about it more I might try scuba . Like imagine going w Jamie and Quinner and just swimming and holding each others hands.
It was vv fun to be on the yacht and just chilling . Dylan brings his guitar and just plays us some music. I also turn on some mamma Mia hits because I’m feeling it hehe. Kesh and Kirby are just cuddled up at the front of the boat and you and Jamie are just soaking up the sun. Same w me and Quinner. Gotta make sure they are wearing sunscreen.
Okkk after snorkelling/scuba diving. We all get dressed in cute summer outfits and go to dinner but then we all decide to go explore a bit of the Mykonos night life so we are just laughing and waking around Mykonos. We take some real cute photos and the boys just hold our hands etc. Some cute under the moon light kisses. Ughh to cuteeeeeeee. And then we return to the hotel room 😏😏
Okkk hope you enjoy pt5 will be us exploring the city!
hehe ok i love all of this, but it’s longgggggggggg
ok yes mykonos is gorgeous, if anyone doesn’t know what it looks like i highly suggest you go look it up
hehe yes i love my bb jamie sleeping on me. he can do it whenever he wants idc bc i loveeeee him. also bc he looks adorable when he’s sleeping and i can trace his freckles so there’s that. i just feel like we would be elite sleeping buddies, like i usually don’t sleep that much but i would if i could cuddle with jamie
lmao ryan getting lost in the airport is so funny to me, like we would all be chirping him tbh, bc we’ve been walking for like maybe 2 min, how did he get lost already? but eventually he finds us, and ofc both he and lexi get beeped and are chirping each other all the way through security lmao
omg yesssss i love jamie, literally the perfect bf 🥰 and then dyl and i are just chaotic best friends like lexi with ryan and braden
ummmmmm ok so when i said lexi is busy with quinner i just meant like going to get coffee and stuff, idk what you were thinking. we are in a public place so it can’t be getting too spicy lmaooo
yesss we are rocking the boys’ hoodies. they look better on us then them lol
lmao yesss cozzy being slightly terrified of jamie bc even tho jamie is the softest boi ever he can still be scary when he gets mad lol. also he wants the $50. and then kesh and kirby want nothing to do with us bc it’s too early in the morning lmao
me+jamie+dyl - hehe yes got to make sure my bestie dyl doesn’t get a sore neck so we can be in peak competitive performance later lol. but then also me and jamie being soft 🥺 playing with each other’s hair and chasing his freckles, i love that. also obvi it would somehow end up with the two of us making out a little bit lol
kesh+kirby - hehe yep just the two of them being adorable and pretending not to know us, love that
lexi+quinner(+ryan) - hehe yes i think we’re all amazed by quinner still falling asleep after drinking sm coffee tbh. but it’s ok bc then you get to play with his hair and just be cute 🥺 and freckle kissing!! but then also you and ryan being loud but finally shutting up once i yell at you lmao
omg yesss, jamie just pointing stuff out to me out the window while we’re landing, i love that. and then we get up reallll quick and grab our stuff and get off right away. lmaoooo you just slap ryan to wake him up. then our hair is getting all nice from the climate and our boys are admiring it :)
hehe yes we have a really nice hotel, and we’re all sharing rooms with our bbs. wow ok lexi, dirty-minded much? jk, jamie and i’ll try to be quiet at night lmaoooooo
hehe ofc we all look hot in our swimsuits, and jamie just goes off when someone tries to catcall me. ooooh we could all go shopping together to get new suits for the trip, that would be so fun!!
anwaysss then jamie carries me to the water even tho i’m like i can walk lol, he just wants to carry me so i’m not complaining. and then kesh and kirby just being a cute unchaotic couple bc someone has to be the parents of the friend group lmao. hehe then quinner and lexi being chaotic as usual and tackling each other in, and then me and jamie join lmao
oooooh yes the moments in the water are 🥵 like everyone looks hotter in the water with their hair slicked back and stuff sooo. and just wrapping your legs around their waist and holding onto the back of their necks....
haha yes i want to join volleyball too, i used to play so i can destroy lol. haha i can def see ryan accidentally hitting you in the face, but it’s ok bc we win bc we’re on the same time and we’re like the dynamic duo
hehe yes twinsies getting ready fast! omg yessss we’d look so cute in our outfits and we could just do a cute walk on the beach during sunset, but then also have more moments ofc
okkkk next part
hehe yes we all sleep in the morning bc jet lag and also idk, maybe some of us had eventful nights😏. but then we all get breakfast together. side note: i loveeee hotel breakfast bc we only eat healthy food at home and i can eat whatever tf i want at hotels lol. oooh yes then after breakfast we can rent out vespas and just go exploring and then we could go explore the beaches
oooh yes ok now it’s time to go cliff diving, and the water is sooooo blue. so then we all get ready and we strip down to our suits, and then i’m like sprinting to the edge to jump and dyl is right behind me bc we’re the daredevils of the group obvi. but then i see jamie coming and i can tell that he’s semi-terrified so i grab his hand and pull him in with me. and then you and ryan are behind us and you get quinner to come with you guys too and then everyone else follows behind. and then we’re just chilling down in the water and having fun. oooh we could play marco polo, i fucking love that game bc i can dominate lmao. anyways eventually we wanna get out and we’re like shit how do we get out bc we don’t see a way back up. and then we’re blaming kirby and kesh bc they’re supposed to be the responsible ones lmao. so then eventually dyl and i have to rock climb back up and grab all the stuff and carry it around to a part where we find a beach and meet you guys there lol
ooooh yes i love snorkeling!! i’ve never been scuba diving but i wanna try. so anywayssss the next day we rent out a boat to go snorkeling and scubaing and everyone’s super excited obviously. i would honestly want to do both, so i would do like half and half. and for both of them i can swim with jamie and hold his hand🥺 i’d probably be pulling him along a bit lol. and then quinner and lexi and kesh and kirby holding hands too🥺 haha also i love your snorkeling story that’s so funny lmaooo. the one time i went snorkeling in hawaii i was swimming literally right next to dolphins and sea turtles and it was so cool, but i was struggling a bit with the snorkel bc i was only like 8 and didn’t know how to use it lol. but i’ve used them at swim camp since then and i can actually use them now so that’s good
hehe yeah so then also just being on the yacht is fun when we’re not in the water. ooooh or we could get a catamaran those are really fun too! and then dyl can play us music on his guitar bc apparently he’s good at that too, like is there nothing this boy is bad at? anywayssss yes you can also play mama mia, i love that soundtrack it’s amazing. and then we’re all just chilling with our boys and trying to soak up the sun without getting burnt lol. and we try to get them to wear sunscreen but they still don’t want to even after what happened last time, so aloe vera it is😏
so then in the evening we’re off the yacht and we get dressed up cute again so we can go to dinner. and we can find a cute local restaurant to go to and then after we just go and explore mykonos. ooooh and we can see the nightlife and according to my friend its really easy to get drinks there so that’s fun lol. but we could also take superrrrr cute pics and stuff around mykonos to spice up our instas. awwwww and hand holding and kisses under the moon🥺 and then it’s back to the hotel for the night😏😏 jamie and i will try not to be too loud lol
ok overall i love all of this, and i’m superrrr excited for the next part!!
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kirbsnplum · 3 years
kirbs neopets story he always wanted to finish.
VenomNeo beamed down at his new baby sister with pride. If only there mother was still around to see how much Neo had grown. Flame was only one day old and she already has goals and dreams older than himself. Neo remembers the first time Flame talked, she spoke of the great Magma Pool and how she dreams of being a Magma Aisha fighting along side her Pirate brother Neo, and her Relic sister Statues.
Having faced the hardships of life longer then any of his sibling Neo took it upon himself to assist Flame in her dream of becoming a Magma Aisha. He wished his siblings luck, leaving them with plenty of food and neopoints to keep them well fed and in shelter.
“Where are you going?” asked Peanut while following Neo out the door. “I'm going on a journey, please listen to everything Statues says, she is the leader of the house while I'm gone” Neo says in a rushed whisper. Why does he always follow me around? Neo thinks to himself. Neo gave Peanut a nod of goodbye, fear ran through him as he did this. Will he be ok? The others are self reliant but Peanut needs constant supervisionNeo quickly turned around fearing that Peanut could come into harm or worse. He quickly went back inside and found Statues. “I know that me leaving is one of the hardest things you've had to go through, but I need you to look after Peanuts, he can't take care of himself and I fear for him”. “Don't worry Neo, I'll be on constant lookout” said Statues. Neo laughed at this pun “I bet you will”. He gave Statues a hug goodbye, moss sticking to his fur as he pulled away from her.
Neo walked out the front door, knowing that this may be the last time he ever sees his family, as the journey he was about to embark on was one filled with danger and.... other Neopians. Ever since his crew abandoned him upon arriving at Tyrannia Neo has never been able to trust another, besides his family and himself.
He won't admit that that's the reason, maybe it's so he can keep his sadness of betrayal a secret, or maybe there’s something more.
Neo followed the cold hard path from his neohome leading to theVirtupets Space Station Recreation Deck. Is this really the best place I could have picked for them? Neo quickly shook this thought out of his head, he didn't have time to worry anymore, his sisters wish is too important. What if they find them and I'm not there? He stopped in the middle of the recreation deck, lowering his head to hide the pain showing on his face. He quickly regained his composure, as he did this he noticed some of the Grundos quickly looking away and whispering amongst themselves. They know something Neo quickly made his way towards the hangar, trying his best not to notice the constant pointing and staring.
He made his way up the elevator to the hangar. Once the elevator doors opened a giant figure could be seen blocking his way. "Please excuse me" Neo said as courteously as possible. The figure seemed to grow in size and without any explanation it let out a deep growl that startled Neo "I don't want any trouble, I'm just trying to get to Neopia, so please I ask you again to let me through". The giant creature moved slightly, leaving a gap for Neo to pass by. Without looking at the creature Neo took the hint and tried to rush past it, as he was trying to get around the creature it grabbed Neos shoulder. A rush of fear went through him, all the fur on his back and tail stood straight up. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I hope I didn't frighten you, I ate some odd space food today and it's upset my stomach" Said the figure letting out another deep growl. Neo turned to finally see the figure in the light, it was a large shadow Grarrl, dressed as gentlemanly as a Grarrl could, and the biggest smile he had ever seen.
The Grarrl tipped his top hat to Neo, “Greetings, I am Sir Wesley.” He let out another belch “My apologies again, I'm not used to this odd food the Grundos prepared for me”. Neo let out a grunt “Maybe you should have packed a lunch” he said grouchily, he was angry at himself for being scared. “Well.. yes , I shall have my butler prepare a lunch for me before each day, good thinking Sir. May I ask where your headed? You seem to be running from something.” Asked Wesley intrigued by the small Wocky standing before him.
Neo looked over at the rental ships There's a lot of people in the queue, might as well waste some time he thought to himself. “Well Wesley it's the age old tale of a brother trying to fulfil his little sisters dreams.” Neo said, still looking at the queue. Wesley eyes widened, he was reminded of his own sister, the smallest Grarrl in his family. How he missed her so. “Do tell me more, I never had any siblings myself. My parents felt I was the only one they would ever need.” said Wesley quickly wiping the tear that had formed below his eye. Neo turned back to look at Wesley, his only good eye staring deep into Wesleys. “Well if you stand in line over there, I'll tell you about it” Said Neo motioning to the rental ship queue. Wesley gave a hesitant nod and they began walking.
“So what do you want to know?” Said Neo as they came to a stop behind the lineup. “You can start by telling me why you seem so agitated, I bet if someone dropped a pin you would start brandishing your sword about.”Wesley said with a chuckle. Neo gave him a stern look, then turned his head to the hangar window, looking out at the stars flicking in the darkness of space. He then began his tale.
“C-c-captain N-neo S-s-s-ir?” asked Aladir, his body trembling as he knocked on the wooden door that let to the captains quarters. “WHAT IS IT?!” Boomed neo, the thick wooden door did nothing to stop the force of his voice. Aladir jumped “W-w-we have a-r-rived at T-T-Tyran-n-nia Captain N-neo Sir.” he said, inching away from the door. The door swung open, hitting Aladir to the ground. “Don't grovel boy. Up on your feet!” Said Neo as he walked through the doorway. “S-sorry S-sir” squeeked Aladir as he clumsily stood up. Neo made his was out onto the deck of his ship, The night is young, and the wealth is old He smiled at this thought. As he walked onto the deck he sensed something was wrong, the crew seemed too pleased to have reached land. They know only I profit from these journeys, why are they so happy? Neo brushed the thought away, he needed to address the crew, can't let them sense fear.
Neo walked deliberately slow and loud over to his stand. The crew fell silent, all heads turned to the Captain, all smiling. Neo got up on his stand, he looked out at the crew taken aback by what he saw. SMILING? WHY ARE THEY ALL GRINNING!?! This made him mad, this was his crew, they needed to fear him not like him. “Take those smirks off your faces before I slice them off.” He said sternly. The crew dropped there smirks, fear washing over there faces. Neo smiled, his crew knew his strength, they knew they had to obey. “We have arrived at Tyrannia and I plan to take everything these prehistoric Neopians have.” Proclaimed Neo “We all know the dangers we face, the lost Petpets, the lost crew. But what I WILL NOT tolerate is lost loot. Anyone found dropping, losing, hiding, or otherwise doing anything with the loot besides bringing it to me will be severely punished.” The entire crew let out a loud gulp.
Neo had his crew lower the bridge to the docks, he then lead them into town. The smell of dung was everywhere, entire houses were made of it. I was told these prehistoric Neopians had wealth but no smarts, but houses of dung? “Where is the loot you promised Aladir? You said that many traders had come from this land with Paint Brushes and Concert tickets.” He asked turning to Aladir. “T-this w-way Sir” Aladir said pointing to one of the nicer looking Dung residences. Neo followed him into the dung house, he had his two strongest men enter as well. “Make sure we are not disturbed.” Said Neo to the rest of his crew before closing the dung door.
“This is disgusting, I have dung on my paw, where is a towel immediately?” he said flailing his paw around in disgust. “Over here Sir” Said Aladar, as a grin stretched across his face. As Neo turned to look he heard a loud thud, pain went through Neos head.. then darkness.
Neo awoke, his head pounding as he lay on the ground, darkness surrounding him. Where am I? This thought echoed in his head, or did he say it? “HELLO!” He yelled, slowly raising his head. His yell echoed through the darkness, seeming to get louder the longer he listened. The echo kept growing, Neo covered his ears with his paws, the sound was deafening. STOP PLEASE I BEG YOU He cried out through his thoughts. The noise suddenly stopped, replaced with a quiet clicking noise. Neo searched through his pockets, finding the potion he was looking for he quickly drank the entire bottle in one gulp. A feeling of relaxation washed through him as the potion took effect, clearing his head from the pain. The clicking noise became more defined, the noise sent chills down Neos fur.
Neo raised himself up, wiping the dirt off his clothes. He turned his head toward where he thought the noise was coming from, it was too dark to be sure. He began making his was towards it, running his paws against the ground slowly, making sure not to trip on any rocks. He keeps walking through the darkness, the clicking leads him to a wall, then the sound stops. Neo runs his paw along the wall There has to be something here, a lever, a button, ANYTHING?! He begins banging against the hard rock wall “LET ME IN” He shouts, half pleading. He jumps as the clicking returns, but louder It's coming from the left now he follows the wall and the noise around a corner, a dim light could be seen in the distance. Neo runs as fast as he can, but the light seems to get farther and farther away. He begins to pant, forcing himself to run faster. CRACK Neo trips over small rock, banging his head against the hard ground.
Neo awakens, more pain, this time thorough his whole body. His pockets pants feel wet There go my potions he thinks to himself, fear growing at this realization. He opens his eye, blinded by the light that he see's. He blinks a few times forcing his eye to focus, he can see a torch on the wall in front of him. How did I get to the light? He rose to his feet, darting around to see who could have brought him further into the cave. He found nothing. He turned back to the torch and walked over to it, he reached up to pull it from its stand, as he did this the clicking came back, pointing him in a new direction. Neo followed the sound again, he seemed to walk for hours through a mixture of tunnels and soaked pathways. Finally he came to the end of the cave, a small rope could be seen hanging from a hole in the ceiling. He looked through the hole, seeing nothing but a black empty put above him. I need to get out of here, I hope this is the way his thoughts were the only thing keeping him company in this cold dark cave. He looked around for a place to put the torch, he couldn't climb the rope and hold a torch at the same time. But it looks dark up there Neo stood there for a second, thinking of what he could do. Thinking quickly he tossed the torch up the hole, he saw the cave above light up for a split second, before the torch fell back through hitting Neo in the head, and landing in a small puddle on the ground. SSSSSsss the fire hissed out, he was in complete darkness again.
“NEXT!” Wesley and Neo turned to look at the large Grundo receptionist. “Guess I'll tell you the rest later.” Said Neo as they moved up to the desk. “How can I help you today?” Said the receptionist to Wesley. “One rental for Neopia round trip” Neo Huffed. The receptionist tilted her head over the counter, peering down at Neo “I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you with your parents young man?” Fire burned in Neos eye, he grabbed for his sword, Wesley grabbed Neos hand before you could reach it. “My son is going on a shopping trip to Neopia, I was letting him order the tickets so he can learn how to get around.” Wesley said in a smooth calm voice. “I understand Sir, it's just company Policy here at Virtupets Ship rentals that all minors be accompanied by a paying adult.” Neo let out a growl “Oh I wasn't aware, please a ship for two then.” Wesley says while holding Neo back. Wesley quickly pays and leads Neo to the rental ship. “Does that happen a lot?” He asked carefully. “All the time. I haven't gotten any respect since..” Neo lowered his head, he didn't want to admit what he had done. “Never mind, don't worry about it.”Neo said as the arrived at the ship.
Wesley and Neo boarded the ship, Neo began to feel guilty for not thanking Wesley for getting them on the ship, it was too late now. The ships interior smelled of fish neggs and dung. Memories of Tyrannia came flooding back, the fear of the cave, the darkness, the loneliness. “Well where are we headed?” Asked Wesley, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. “Moltara.” Said Neo, Wesley gave him a worried look “What's in Moltara?” he asked. “My sisters dream.” said Neo, lowering his head. Wesley nodded while turning to the command console, he pressed the big “AUTONAV” button to initiate on the automated navigation system “PLEASE SPECIFY DESTINATION” Boomed the loudspeakers. “Moltara” Said Wesley slow and defined. “DESTINATION SET TO: MOLTARA. PLEASE REMAIN SEATED FOR Please report time estimation error HAVE A NICE TRIP.” “Well that's just great, but I figure 14 hours just to get to the planet, sorry I couldn't afford a better ship for you.” Said Wesley, grinning at Neo. “Don't worry, I appreciate the generosity, though I have nothing to give you in return, I didn't even have money for the ship.” said Neo feeling more and more guilty.” “How did you expect to get to..” Wesley stopped himself, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. “Well we have a long trip, how about you finish that story?” Neo looked up at Wesley, a small smirk growing on his face, he could finally get it off his chest. “Well the torch had just gone out....” Neo continued the tale.
Neo started to shiver, the cave was getting colder, but the clicking was still coming in from above him. He felt around for the rope, his right paw closed around it, he gave it a tug to make sure it was sturdy then began climbing. The rope felt wet and slimy, he slipped a few time as he tried to climb the long rope in complete darkness. Neo finally felt the ledge, he pulled himself up, almost losing his grip a few times. He pulled his last leg over and collapsed to the ground When was the last time I ate? I feel so weak The clicking was louder now that it had ever been, and it was coming from behind Neo. The fur on his back and tail stood straight up, this was the first time the noise had sounded terrifiying. Neo slowly turned around to face the noise, the darkness so thick you could cut it with a knife. He knew he wasn't alone, the clicking was getting closer, but Neo wasn't moving. The clicking stopped right in front of Neo, he could feel the breath of something, the smell made him sick to his stomach. GRAWWWLL!!!! The beast flung itself at Neo, somehow visible in this darkness, Neo quickly rolled out of the way. The beast wasn't quick enough and crashed into the wall, rocks began to fall from the force of the crash. Neo dodged falling boulders as light began to pour in from above, never removing his eye from the beast. It quickly turned around to face Neo, drool pouring from its open mouth, fangs glimmering from the sun above, there was now a giant hole in the ceiling.
Gotta think of something, come on Neo COME ON! He looked around for something he could take the beast with, he was without any weapon, probably thanks to his crew. The thought finally hit him They did this to meHe felt angry, betrayed, he needed to get out, for revenge. The beast spread its wings, roaring again at Neo. Neo looked at the hole in the ceiling, something was glimmering on the edge of the hole, Is it a weapon? Without debating he starting jumping up the rocks, making his way to the ceiling, the beast watching with increased anticipation. Neo made it about halfway up before the beast let out another roar and began flapping his wings, lifting off the ground. Neo looked down at the beast I can beat this thing he looked back at the glimmering object above, it was a sword, and it was Neos favourite colour, purple. Neo made it to the last rock, but the beast was there to meet him, he glanced at the sword it was still to far to reach, the beast roared at Neo and tried taking a bite, Neo jumped out of the way but too far, he swung himself around the grab onto the rock, he was dangling in front of the beast, and it was hungry. The beast took it's opportunity to grab Neo, he sunk his teeth into his back paw causing Neo to let go of the rock and let out a scream. The beast swung Neo back and forth, playing with his food before he ate it, for he was The Beast.
Its finished, I'm over Neo felt the darkness coming over him, he began to feel sleepy even thought the pain was so great. Memories of his parents flashed through his head, his new baby sister Statues just being born, he remembers his parents talking about having more, but Neo knew they shouldn't they were much too old and sickly to care for them for much longer. “Neo honey, you're going to be late for work.” “Five more minutes mom I'm tired.” said Neo throwing the covers over his face. His mother pulled the blanket to the floor “You get your tail out of bed mister, or I'll send your father in here.” Said Neos mother sternly. Neo opened his eyes, the sun was blinding, but there was his mother, smiling sweetly at him. “I'm up, I'm up.” He said raising himself out of his bed. “I'm off to work now too honey, so I hope you have a great day and I'll see you tonight.” She hugged him while she said this, Neo basked in the warmth of the hug, the security it brought him, the love he felt. His mother let go, but Neo didn't want to, he tried reaching for he but she was already gone, his room was empty. He quickly looked around for where she could be, but his room had changed, it felt dark now. The sheets scattered around the floor, cobwebs could be seen in each corner of the room. Bars now adorned his bedroom window. This wasn't real.
Neo opened his eye, the sun was again blinding, he was dangling, he looked to see what from and met the eyes of the beast. It was flown to the top of the cave and perched there to enjoy Neo as its dinner. Neo became enraged, he was not a meal, he was Neo, he had a family, he had dreams. He needed that sword. He looked at the rim of the whole, the blade was still there, shimmering. He was closer to it now, he could see the design, and something was written on it, he couldn't make it out. The beast seeing that Neo was awake began shaking Neo again, hoping it could get all the fun out of him as possible. With each swing Neo was becoming more and more faint, his eyes began to dim, but then he noticed something, with each swing from the beast he would get closer to the blade. He received renewed strength by this realization, dropping his paws to give him more reach, he times it perfectly. One last swing from the beast and Neo had the blade in his had, he saw the word on it clearly now, he smiled and let our a roar, swinging himself against the beast, he plunges the blade deep within its chest. The Beast drops Neo causing him to let go of the sword, he falls to the ground landing on his damaged leg. Hes to determined to feel the pain. The beast screeches, flapping its wings to try and escape, the blade still stuck inside its chest.
The blade starts radiating dark purple beams of light, the beams forcing there way into the beast causing bright purple veins to appear all over it. The beast let out one last cry of defeat before exploding in a purple cloud of smoke and ash. The blade came crashing to the ground, still glowing. Neo limped over to the sword, wiping the ash from his eye with every step. He bent down to look at the blade, it seemed to be calling out for him, the Word was glowing more than the rest of the sword, he stared at this word. It was so familiar to him, it was the first thing he ever heard Why does it bare my name? He thought, looking down at the glowing VENOMNEO that was written on the sword. Take me... take me... he heard the voice in his head, was it the sword? He slowly reached down to pick up the hilt of the blade in his paw, beams of the same dark purple light shot out of the blade at his touch, they focused on Neo driving themselves into him. The force of the beams raised Neo into the air, he felt the beams coursing through his veins NO! He thought, fearing that he would meet the same fate as the beast. As quickly as the beams began they ended, slowly lowering Neo to the ground. You are me, I am you, we are one.
Neo stopped talking, taking a look at Wesley. Was my story that boring? He thought as he watched the Grarrl sleep. “I ENJOYED THE STORY” Boomed the ships loudspeakers. “Thanks I guess” Said Neo, unsure if the ship had real feelings or not. “Any chance you know how much time is left?” “There is currently Please report time estimation error Hours left” “Ya.. thanks for the info.” Said Neo with a slight laugh. Neo rest his head against the ships window, Maybe I could take a nap his eye slowly began to close, he started drifting off into a dream. He was in his bed again, the same thing happened, his mom woke him up, pulled off the covers, but as she goes in for the hug Neo stops her. “Who are you?” He asks her. His mom gives him a puzzled look. “Are you feeling ok hon.” Neo interupted her “My mother.. you.. you're not my mother.” Her eyes begin to turn a deep purple “I am you.” She says in a deep tone. His mother reaches her hand out towards Neo, he feels the blade in his hand and slashes at her. He sees his the figure fall, it continues falling straight through the floor. Neo falls to his knees, the soft feeling of the carpet calms him.
BZZZT BZZZT BZZZZT Neo awoke to a loud buzzing sounds coming from the ships speakers. He looks around for an off switch, instead he sees Wesley frantically pressing random buttons on the command console. “What happened?” He asked Wesley while wiping the sleep from his eye. “Well.. I'm not sure but... but I think we've crashed.” Wesley replied, giving Neo a worried look. “Crashed? What could we have crashed into were in outer space.” Neo said walking towards the console. He glanced up at the display but it was too high up for him to see. BANG! BANG! BANG! CREEEEEK! They both whipped there heads towards the source of the noise, it seemed to be coming from the door of the ship.
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