#and tries to pretend like he’s not disappointed when he puts their and kites names in and it doesn’t get a high score
andro-dino · 9 months
Prior events of the day made me think that Juno is definitely the type of gal to have played those shitty little flash dress up games growing up. He also strikes me as a Bratz dude over a Barbie or a MH dude. Do any of these ancient readings ring true? Or would he not fucking say that, as they say?
Juno is definitely a flash game enjoyer I think. Obviously a dress up game appreciator (I would not be surprised if they got outfit inspo from some), though I could see them playing a lot of different ones too. I can see them being a big fan of the devilish hairdresser series and drawing gay fanart of the angel girl and devil girl. (I’m currently picturing that one meme of the guy leaning against a poster going “oh [character name] we’re really in for it now” but with the devil and angel girls. those are her idols fr).
As for the dolls, I actually don’t think they’d be huge on bratz. I can see him liking a lot of fashion dolls as a whole though, but specifically she strikes me as an Ever After High girlie. 100% up her alley and she was devastated that the series never continues. He’s obviously a Cupid stan but I imagine she’d also be fond of Ashlynn, Darling, and Lizzie. I don’t remember her name but the white rabbit girl too. She was cool I think Juno would like her.
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I just saw the live-action Mulan movie, and in short, it sucked.
It’s not worth the money! Not worth the 37 dollars you’ll need to pay so that you can merely rent the movie. Don’t worry, I pirated it. I didn’t give Disney any money, and I’m writing this so you won’t have to as well.
To think, my mom was so excited about this film especially since we are Chinese and the animated Mulan film was one of her favourite Disney films. But throughout the film, we were disappointed again and again.
First of all, the directing, camera work, pacing, and editing was terrible. The pacing of the movie was all over the place. The fight scenes especially, were so erratic and badly put together. Either they’d have the scene move at a normal pace but would cut and change to a new angle or perspective multiple times until you can barely tell if there were any hits or what they were doing. Or they would do slow-mo and do a zoom-in on Mulan’s blank, stiff face.
They had Donnie Yen, a famous martial artist and actor, doing some incredible swordsmanship and martial arts in front of the soldiers but then they ruined it by constantly cutting away from him to some random blank-faced soldier. What wasted potential!
Did I mention the blank faces. Everyone looked so stiff during the movie, barely any proper acting done. This was especially obvious with the Witch, whose face barely seems to move. The most emotional I saw her was when she had teary eyes, but still, the rest of her face stayed smooth.
My biggest problem lay with the fact that they took the sexism of the animated Mulan movie and managed to crank it up to a thousand. The whole concept of chi/qi was wrong. For starters, real chi lies in everyone, and it does not give you superpowers or suddenly makes you a good fighter. But in the movie, apparently only men can use chi and gain superpowers, and that if a woman somehow had chi then she’s a witch and must be outcast or killed. And it made it seem like the only reason Mulan could keep up with the men or be better than them was because she had these superpowers. I honestly have no words to express my anger and disappointment at this.
I understand they removed Mushu in the live action since it was offensive to Chinese mythology. But replacing it with a phoenix based on Greek mythology?? That made no sense. And not only that, the CGI was terrible. Not only did it look obviously fake, my siblings and I all felt like the phoenix was made of paper. One of them joked that it was a kite. The coloring also reminded me of the bird in Wings of Time that I saw in Sentosa Singapore.
Btw, Chinese don’t have any concept of witches or witch hunts. Lord knows why Disney tried to put more Western concepts when they wanted to make an Asian movie.
Moving on to the characters and their chemistry. In short, there was none. Little to none actually. I don’t understand why Honghui was supposed to be her love interest. No chemistry and barely any meaningful interactions. They met with him insulting her and continuing to insult her throughout most of their scenes. The “love interest” also spent a lot of his time staring at Mulan like one of those creepy perverts that you try your best to ignore. Is this really the kind of lesson you want to teach kids?
And Ling? Yao? Chien-po? What happened to them? Their names were barely mentioned and their characterizations were so one-dimensional. There were not enough scenes building them up as proper characters, which made them easily forgettable. Because of this, we also had trouble telling all of the soldiers apart, and this includes Honghui and Cricket. Cricket was initially mistaken as Chien-po. There was even less time emphasizing their friendship with Mulan. I also didn’t understand why the need to add Cricket in the movie as another soldier. Disney still didn’t give him any proper growth or arc beyond that one shining moment with the arrow. I also didn’t understand why he suddenly decided to play dead at the end of the corridor fight. Another “dramatic moment” that fell flat.
Where do I begin with the Witch? Shan Yu was an incredible bad guy already. Why did they try to make his falcon human and have her as a witch? For the most part, it seemed like she was just there to drive down the movie’s point that women should be subjugated. She had the power to kill Bori Khan easily, but… chose not to because she thought he would help make her not an outcast?? And even when she changed sides, instead of idk killing Bori Khan when he tried to shoot Mulan, she just… flew… in front of… the arrow… and died. Wow.
What was Bori Khan’s revenge supposed to be anyways? For the most part, it looked like he was trying to slow-cook the Emperor. Like what was up with the random forges and the 2 inch pool of lava?? Were forges back then even hot enough to make lava and have it stay red hot the whole time even when it was in that pool?? Also, swords do NOT melt that fast.
Also, the part where Bori Khan was talking to the captured Emperor was so unintentionally funny. Like at the end of every sentence he would just suddenly make sparks with his weapon at the Emperor’s face. If it was a one-time thing, it would have been fine. But he just… kept… doing it. And with every strike I just started laughing more and more.
The Emperor was… something. Of course he was probably one of the men who has chi powers judging by his sleeve attacks. Honestly, that part felt so random, my siblings and I were all laughing and going “what??”. His voice was so clearly dubbed in, and badly done. He also seemed to have been given the clunkiest dialogue in the movie. I also miss the scene in the animated movie where Shan Yu tells the Emperor to bow down to him and the Emperor replies, “No matter how strong the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow down to it.” because that line was awesome.
The sister’s character was also completely unnecessary. According to Disney, she’s to showcase Mulan’s devotion to her family and give her more motivation to do what she does. But?? She took her father's place in the war to protect him?? Wasn’t the whole point of her story is her pretending to be a man to protect her father from certain death?? Is that not already a huge motivational factor and shows her devotion to her family??
Does anyone else also find it weird that when Mulan was in the army, everyone referred to her by her full name? Like everyone had their first names and were called that, but for Mulan it was always Hua Jun? Btw for those not aware, with Chinese names, the surname is at the beginning. Hua is Mulan’s surname. So shouldn’t they be calling her simply as Jun??
Moving on, I have to bring attention to several of the changes in the movie. It’s like they cut out all the scenes that gave the movie an emotional impact and replaced it with bland scenes that didn’t add to the story at all. Her decision to take her father’s place in the war and steal his armor was replaced with some weird thing about her getting lost and the phoenix having to bail her out.
The incredible moment when Mulan gets the arrow from the top of the post was replaced by bringing two buckets to the top of the mountain. Anyone who is strong and determined enough would have been able to do that. With the arrow, she needed to think and strategize, using the weights to help carry her up. With the buckets, she just used her chi superpowers.
The drama and shock as the happily-singing soldiers come upon the destroyed village becomes a drawn-out traveling scene that has the General asking Mulan to marry his daughter, and then cuts to the army at the village.
The scene where it looked like Shang was going to kill Mulan but then he spares her because she saved his life is gone completely since they decided to split Shang into two characters instead. Even Mulan’s line where she says, “You believe Ping, why not Mulan?” was given to Honghui instead, robbing Mulan of her moment.
Honestly, there was no need for the Witch and her fight scene with Mulan, but apparently in the movie, chi is weakened by dishonesty. It’s weird that the Witch is even telling her that since they’re supposedly enemies, and telling her about the dishonesty will make Mulan stronger.
Another thing is Disney’s weirdly intense focus on arranged marriages and matchmaking, with multiple characters mentioning whether or not they are matched or asking others if they are. Even at the end, the sister goes “oh I am matched”. I didn’t see the point of having that in the movie.
I almost forgot about the trebuchet/catapult! The Rourans are supposed to be a Nomadic people. Where are they finding the time and energy to drag that gigantic thing around? I also have to mention that the Rourans had some incredibly good aim when firing at the soldiers but missed by a long shot when they fired at where Mulan was hiding. That was… dumb, to say the least.
How did Mulan even get there anyways? And how did she carry all those helmets with only two hands? I’m even giving her some leeway because there are people who can control a horse with just their legs. The actress for Mulan also has clearly never fired an arrow before and was not given training for it. The way she loaded the arrows and how her fingers sprung open like that screamed CGI arrows
And now I’m remembering the random horse gymnastics the Rourans used to turn around on their horse so that they could fire arrows while riding. It looked cool, yes, but I don’t think that was the most efficient way to turn around.
Back to the fight scene, Mulan managed to go from chasing the Rourans into the mountains and fighting the Witch, to back to where her army was, then somehow teleported to a different mountain behind where the Rourans were. She also somehow outran an avalanche?? She also killed her own men in that avalanche. Not the best plan in my opinion.
Ultimately, Mulan’s growth and arc to become a soldier and hero of China was undermined by the fact that she was already perfect due to her chi powers. There was no need for her to grow and train because her chi made her strong, her chi made her skillful. And because of this, she lost her relatability. I hate to say this, but she became a Marysue.
I don’t know where to put this but Mulan’s makeup and outfit for the matchmaker scene was the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Green eyebrows?? Really?? What happened to her face? What happened to her dress? Everyone’s costumes also felt unrealistically colorful for a poor farming village.
Lastly, I’m sure many of you know that Disney worked with, credited, and gave thanks to the Xinjiang authorities. Those authorities are responsible for imprisoning up to TWO MILLION Uighur Muslims in concentration camps, forcing them to learn and be patriotic about China’s communist doctrine and propoganda, not allowing them to practice their faith, and subjecting them to horrific conditions, torture, sexual abuse, forced sterilization, brainwashing, and other abuses.
To end this overly wordy review, I don’t understand why Disney would willingly get so much wrong. They tried very hard to make changes and appeal to the Chinese audience but refused to have Chinese creators to help with the screenplay, directing, costume and makeup, etc. Now all they’ve done is alienate said audience.
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drakewalkerfantasy · 6 years
Stand, Overcome Your Fear (Beckett x F!MC): Part 7
Summary: Finally the longest month in Beckett’s and Maeve’s life come to the end and they find out themselves in a Mirror Hall. Will they finally find peace and solitude in their new home in Ireland. Or will someone stand on their way? Will they finally be able to be happy and end the nightmare that lasted more than 2.5 years.
Author note’s: This is AU for my MC Maeve Raven and Beckett Harrington. AU where happiness seems not possible for this two but is it so? All characters as usually belong to PB. Please let me know if you want to be tagged or removed from the tag list.
@fluffy-marshmallow-heart huge thank to you for all your support during me writing this AU, we are almost near to the end so thank you honey a lot. I appreciate this so much. @elles-choices thank you for your brilliant idea you gave me.
And thank for anyone who didn’t abandon this series just yet and read them :)
We are almost there. Next part supose to be the last one.
Author note’s 2: This lyric belongs to Aria (Kipelov), this is Russian Heavy Metal band and the name of the song is Stand, Overcome Your Fear. This song ideal for what to come next after this time of solitude
Warning:  battle, violence
Words: ~2910
Maeve Raven: Sun and Earth
Beckett Harrington: Moon and Metal
Tagging: @elles-choices @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @brightpinkpeppercorn @briarsunicorn @walkerismychoice @tmarie82 @boneandfur @darley1101 @scgdoeswhat @harrington-sinclaire @feartheendlesssummer @damienazarionos @timmagicktoad
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Exactly one month after the moment when they said their goodbyes, one month after their heated kisses, woven bodies and sincere promises, they met again in the Mirror Hall to finally depart from Penderghast to their new home in Ireland. They both could feel how their hearts fluttered, anticipating solitude this place would give them, anticipating the powerful protection this place would provide. They eyes met and a small smile of happiness played on their faces. Finally together, finally free. Their fingers intertwined, their bodies close to each other, standing here, ready to walk through the mirror without any suspicion what fate had prepared for them.
- Are you ready, - whispered Beckett almost touching the Mirror’s glass, waiting for Maeve to nod. When he touched the glassy surface of the mirror, he knew, the same instance his fingers connected with it, that something is wrong. Instead of a shimmering glass surface, the mirror turned into pitch black, sucking them in. He tried to pull his hand away or let go of Maeve’s hand, but this was already too late as they both were swallowed by the blackness of the swirl. They could feel vacuum sucking them further and further into the void, not knowing where it takes them, not knowing what to expect. The time seems froze as they fell onto a stone floor from ceiling height. Beckett could hear Maeve’s weak groan near to him, feeling the warm liquid flowing from his broken nose. He rolled over on the side groaning, raising up and helping Maeve to her feet. His eyes met hers after carefully examining her for bruises, surprised and relieved to see that she is okay. He gently pulled her into his embrace. She could hear his heart thundering matching hers not understanding where they are and what had happened.
- Where are we, - she asked, mirroring Beckett’s thoughts, taking a step forward from him looking around on the high walls covered with claw marks and blood stains. She could smell the foul odor of blood, decaying flesh and deadly fears in the air. Maeve covered her mouth, feeling the sickness rises to her throat, feeling terrified of this place. The realization where they are and what is about to happen slowly sunk at her and she turned around to look at Beckett, fear in her eyes. She noticed the figure behind him, feeling with all her being the imminent danger looming on them. She tried to warn him, but no sound came from her stifled throat. Maeve could feel hot tears started to flow down her face feeling despair crashing her. Beckett’s brows furrowed in concern, but before he could do something, he felt the cruciating pain by every cell in his body, feeling like all the air was knocked out of him and his body hit the floor before being raised into the air and confined to the wall. He could feel the paralyzing fear enveloped his whole body, to no avail trying to fight with an invisible force holding him in place. The cold alien voice echoing around them, making their blood chill in their veins.
- STOP IT, - the voice bounced off the walls, - How dare you, fooling me. You thought you can just pretend that this is over in hope to escape me? Did you planned to live happily ever after with this…, - something similar to the smirk or animal grin crossed her face while she looked at Maeve’s terrified face, sending another wave of pain through Beckett’s body, - you may be protected by Professor Swan’s magick, but I just waited for the right moment when I could fully and slowly enjoy my retribution. You thought you can fool me? That you can get stronger? That you can fight me and be free? - her voice grew stronger and louder when her face changed to the white mask and her veins grew pitch black moving under her skin like a snake ball. Maeve could only stand still not able to move, not able to say a word. She felt as if chained to a place as if the ability to speak has been mercilessly ripped from her. Maeve’s eyes met Beckett’s taking the courage from him, feeling the growing strength in both of them as some invisible power was binding them as one whole. The power that they yet about to discover. She smiled softly at Beckett showing him that everything will be fine before fearlessly looking straight in his mother’s eyes. She could sense with all her body Mrs. Harrington’s fixed gaze, instinctively wrapping hands around waist listening for the harsh sound of her voice ringing in the silence,- Well, well, well… Then this is the infamous Maeve Raven, who stubbornly tries to date my son, thinking that I will allow this to happen? I would better watch him die than will let him date the kind of yours… I probably should know better of his own stubbornness and kill him, rather than give him a chance to break up with you on his own… I should know better, that he is weak. He always was a white sheep in our family. The only one who didn’t have the worthy attunement. The disappointment, the failure in our line… So, now he will learn how to respect me. I will teach him a lesson in obedience and what can happen if you do not obey. He will beg me for death after I’m done with you. 
- What kind of mother are you… you are a beast… a monster. He is your son and you put him through the hell, - Maeve fought back tears, her voice was strong but soft like a whispering meadow. The evil laugh broke through the room, stopping as abruptly as starting.
- SILENCE…, - the stabbing pain in her abdomen made her scream falling to her knees, but something pushed it back releasing the pain as quickly as it raised, hot salty tears run down her face, - do you want to know, what kind of mother am I? The one you never had… and the one you will never become, my dear, - she laughed mercilessly watching Maeve’s face distorting by the inner pain, her eyes meeting Beckett’s watching them mirroring the pain she felt of something that now never meant to be. She heard his screams cut through the air, watching him struggle to try and escape, watching his wrists bleeding to the floor and his face getting paler, - Stop fighting, my dear son… Is this little toy of yours really worth to die for? But don’t worry I took you both there not to watch you die, even if your disobedience should be punished. No, no, no my dear. I want you to watch her suffer… I want your pain to last forever, after her womb will be dried out not able to reciprocate, I want you to live knowing, that her tears are all your fault.
- Why are you doing this, - Maeve groaned while her insides twisted in pain, but some invisible power gaining strength pushed this pain away.
- Awwww, you will find out why. Don’t worry you and my traitor son will know exactly why I’m doing this, - she laughed circling around Maeve as a black kite around its victim looking for a better opportunity to strike, - I think you both will be interested in what I about to tell you and what will never come true now, - she stopped for a moment a smile of Death spreading on her lips, - There is a prophecy that a girl born on the summer solstice will develop the power of the sun, and will change the boy born on the winter solstice of the blood moon. Together they will be the greatest force of good that the world ever saw, and with their child, the blood attuned will stop existing, - and with this, she twisted her hands making the world explode in pain taking her breath away slowly dissolving into blackness. What happened next took everyone by surprise. Maeve could feel how some power started to rise from her, protecting her from the pain, making her body glow with a pink shimmering light. She could feel how the strength filled her and her eyes met Beckett’s while the light from her slowly enveloped him healing his wounds. Holding his mother in place by incantation, as under someone’s command she waved her hand tearing invisible chains holding Beckett down watching him getting free, rushing to take her side. His hands securely placed around her not leaving her gaze shocked and relieved at the same time. He could see his mother’s face distorted in a rage with futile attempts to break free.
- Mae, you need to leave, - he whispered to her in a rushed voice taking her hand in his, searching her eyes, not leaving any opportunity to object, - please run, don’t look behind, run as fast as you can. I’ll hold her as long as it will be possible and then… and then I will join you, - after a moment when Maeve didn’t move as if knowing her thought he continued, - I promise you, you will not lose me. I love you. I love you more than anything. I can’t lose you know.
- No, - spoke Maeve firmly, her voice hushed feeling confused and scared, but taking his side, -  I love you and I will not leave your side. I’m so sick of losing you again and again. We will fight together, as this is our fight... not yours... our, - their eyes intent on each other magick flows through Maeve’s fingers while she loses her concentration feeling how the spell stops and Beckett’s mother gets her freedom again sending the first incantation toward them. Beckett moves quickly in front of Maeve feeling how his mother’s magick hit him leaving a trail of blood at the point of contact with his skin, making him hiss in pain. Maeve’s eyes grew darker with fury when she met Mrs. Harrington’s black abysmal eyes, and she fought the urge to hit her with all the power she had within her. She knew she must not... for Beckett, but watching his shoulder bleed made her blood boil and anger rise... She put her hand gently over the wound healing it, watching his face flinch with pain from the contact. Her power pulsed through her as she still held her hand over Beckett’s wound focusing on his mother. She closed her eyes focusing on her innate energy pulling it up, feeling it coursing through her veins. She looked at her shining hand sending the beam of light in Beckett’s mother direction watching her deflect it with the darkness around her. She could feel Beckett’s body gone rigid under her touch, feeling the cold spread through him and his eyes glow with a moonlight. They could hear his mother’s cold merciless laugh when she sucked the blackness inside her releasing it with the doubled force. They could see this force reaching them ready for it to pass through them, not expecting the pink light protectively dispersing the force around them not letting it reach its goal. They both could see the opening in his mother’s protection hitting at the same time, making her stumble back watching at them stunned, feeling fury bubbling in her and the cold black as the night voice thundered in the room:
- YOU... DO YOU REALLY THINK, YOU CAN FIGHT ME? - her cold laugh bounced through the darkness, making them shudder to their bones, - DO YOU REALLY THOUGHT, YOU CAN FIGHT BLOOD ATTUNED?
- We don’t want to, - sighed Beckett, - but if... if you think I’ll be watching you hurt my family then you are wrong.
- Then so be it.
Beckett could see his mother’s eyes glistening red and her hands turning into claws. Black energy with sparkles of blood pulsating around her turning into a stream of air rushing toward them. They reacted both at the same time, Maeve’s beam of sun cutting the dark energy making it fall apart, while Beckett sends the energy of Moon toward his mother hitting her in the chest making her stumble backward in surprise. He could feel Maeve’s hand on his calming and soothing like a breath of fresh air, not letting his anger to rise, sensing the power around them pulsating and throbbing. He can feel his own energy started to rise, getting stronger. They caught sight of a red vapor coming from Beckett’s mother hands, slithered over to them like a snake making their hearts race and their heads spin from the lack of air, feeling like suffocating. Not thinking twice Beckett called for Air spell brushing it off, reverting the red vapor backward, watching his mother’s black aura absorbing it. He groped the metal surrounding them, concentrating on it, pulling it toward him forging it with hot flames into a pair of handcuffs. He sends them toward his mother, to chain her to the wall, watching them twisting and writhing before disappearing in the air. His mother’s eyes were focused on him, not noticing how Maeve slowly raised her hand pointing fingers where she stood watching how the stone floor crumbled quickly beneath her and the roots came out of it circling up binding her body. The scream of anger filled the air making it thick and foul ripping off roots that bond her throwing them in their direction not giving them a chance to block debris from them. They could feel how she started to lose temper hearing her murmur ancient incantation filling them with fear. They never heard it before, but Beckett knew what that meant and what is about to come. His mother was performing the spell that would cause shadow monsters to be released and it will mean that while his mother will feed on their strength, they will lose more than just their powers, they will lose their lives. Not thinking twice Beckett interlocked his fingers with Maeve’s, watching how her power pulsating around her in a golden light creating a perfect bubble of safety wrapping the pink light inside. His own power starting flow making his hand glow in blue moonlight interlacing with Maeve’s golden light. They both could feel how their magick started to transform becoming stronger lighting up everything with Northern lights ready to burst out of them. They eyes met knowing that they need to act fast or it will be late, unleashing this new combined power toward his mother, making her stumble backward in surprise. They could feel her struggle against this wall of light, that hit her in the chest in pulsating waves, fighting it, losing her power, anger and fear flash in her eyes. They could see blackness dissolve around her leaving a tired being lay on the floor not magnificent anymore, but vanquished. They let go of each other’s hands their eyes met, feeling drained and tired. Beckett took a step closer to Maeve placing his hands around her, wrapping her tighter into his embrace, his hands securely placed on her waist. His face buried in her thick golden hairs, his heart still pounding in his chest after the battle with his mother. Lifting his eyes on his mother he started to speak.
- Mother, no matter how much pain you made us feel, you will not be able to break this bond between us. I’m sorry for you, sorry that you cannot understand or feel what we can. But I forgive you..., - he looked at Maeve smiling at her weakly watching her to nod, before continue, - we forgive you. I hope you will find it in yourself to let us be. Goodbye, mother, - he said lowering his head and reverting his gaze from cold and bloodshot eyes of his mother, - Let’s go, - he murmured into Maeve’s ear brushing his fingertips over her still slim belly and kissing her forehead. He carefully took her hand in his turning to the only mirror he could see, hoping that it will take them to the destination in mind... their home. Not quite able to believe that they created a new life, still scared to lose them both. As by instinct, he turned his head meeting the cold eyes of his mother pointing at Maeve the black aura pulsating around her and he could feel how his heart drops. Without thinking twice, he let go of Maeve’s hand gently pushing her aside and taking her place reverting his mother incantation at her, watching it hit her in the chest where the heart supposed to be. He could feel hot tears pricking his eyes running down his face watching as his mother hit the floor breathless. He stood motionless feeling pain clutching his heart, not able to move. He felt a soft hand placed on his shoulder pulling him out of his daze, turning his head to meet the warmth of Maeve’s forest green eyes. He could see the pain and the grief in her eyes... the one that he felt himself... the one he tried to fight. “If only she would let us go,” he thought, taking Maeve’s hand in his, squeezing it lightly, hoping that they will find the way home.
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