#he definitely would do love testers too
andro-dino · 9 months
Prior events of the day made me think that Juno is definitely the type of gal to have played those shitty little flash dress up games growing up. He also strikes me as a Bratz dude over a Barbie or a MH dude. Do any of these ancient readings ring true? Or would he not fucking say that, as they say?
Juno is definitely a flash game enjoyer I think. Obviously a dress up game appreciator (I would not be surprised if they got outfit inspo from some), though I could see them playing a lot of different ones too. I can see them being a big fan of the devilish hairdresser series and drawing gay fanart of the angel girl and devil girl. (I’m currently picturing that one meme of the guy leaning against a poster going “oh [character name] we’re really in for it now” but with the devil and angel girls. those are her idols fr).
As for the dolls, I actually don’t think they’d be huge on bratz. I can see him liking a lot of fashion dolls as a whole though, but specifically she strikes me as an Ever After High girlie. 100% up her alley and she was devastated that the series never continues. He’s obviously a Cupid stan but I imagine she’d also be fond of Ashlynn, Darling, and Lizzie. I don’t remember her name but the white rabbit girl too. She was cool I think Juno would like her.
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bluesidez · 3 months
hiii love 💗 may I request a nsfw and a sfw alphabet thingy for gymrat miguel. I just need more of that man 😫😫
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[Gym Rat Miguel SFW + NSFW Alphabet]
lab tester: Anonymous Participant 🩻
pairing: GymRat!Miguel O’Hara x Chubby!Reader, PlusSize!Reader, fem!Reader
summary: Me answering questions and yapping about Gym Rat Miguel!
content warning: 18+ for the NSFW portion so MINORS DNI, most importantly THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS FOR THE ACTUAL STORY (nothing too crazy, but some of the questions are things that haven’t happened yet + they haven’t even been together a year yet in the current story so there’s still much to discuss), lots of fluff, possibly the incorrect use of a fidget spinner?? (it's cute I swear)
word count: 9.1k, halfway proofread (sigh...)
a/n: Hi hii!! 🩵 You don’t know how happy I was to receive this request!! Any chances to talk about my Miguels outside of their actual stories are golden. 🥺 I tried to keep the responses brief so about 2+ paragraphs per question but we all know how much I like to write and yap 😭 so there's bound to be some long paragraphs. I do hope you enjoy!!! (This also gave me a chance to flesh out his character even more, which I appreciate more than you know, so truly, thank you Anon!)
I just refer to GR!Miguel as Miguel here because…we all know who I’m talking about.
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A = Affection How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a really giant heart so he’s extremely affectionate especially when it comes to his girlfriend. Usually, boys are taught to kind of control their emotions, but even with those teachings/societal rules hanging over his head, he was always a sweet and kind baby growing up. His abuela especially taught him to lead with kindness. 
ᰔ ᩚ He shows affection often through action. While he’s really familiar with all of the love languages, he’s quicker to do something for someone (acts of service) before he does anything else. His second most used love language has to be words of affirmation. Words and communication are a sensitive thing for him so communication is key even if he can be oblivious about it sometimes. 
B = Best friend What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is definitely the "dad friend," or really, the "parent friend" that’s always making sure you’re ok. He knows how to parallel park and owns at least two of the ugliest ties you’ve ever seen in your life (thank you, George). He’s also EXTREMELY huggable, even in his tall and lanky days, and gives really nice advice. If you’re struggling with something, he would lay everything out and help you problem-solve. Overall, he’s just very sweet. 
ᰔ ᩚ For Miguel, a friendship could start with you constantly talking to (bugging) him or being able to keep up with his nerdy hobbies. You want to hear him sort out quantum physics? He’s sold. On the other end, anyone who is nice to him and treats him like a human has a fair game of becoming his friend.
C = Cuddles Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
ᰔ ᩚ Does he? He craves it! He will literally stop what he’s doing to find you just to cuddle. It’s like a way to regain his energy if you're in his arms. At the same time, he’s very comfortable despite all that hard muscle. At home, he usually wears soft sweaters and joggers so he is indeed like a giant teddy bear. The older he gets, the more his body gains a nice balance between fat and muscle so it’s just really comfortable all around.
ᰔ ᩚ When he cuddles, he’ll usually shove his face in some plush part of you. He definitely loves laying on your chest which he lovingly calls his pillows or your stomach or your lap. He’s really clingy. If you’re out and about, he'll cuddle you from behind with his chin on your head or keep an arm wrapped around your hips. When you ask for a cuddle, he’ll gladly hold you on top of him and probably fall asleep. 
D = Domestic Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
ᰔ ᩚ He wouldn’t mind settling down, but it depends more on how you feel rather than him. He’s heard many stories from his mother, Abuela, and tías about how hard childbirth is so he’s very wary of that pain being inflicted on you. His mother has told him multiple times about how giant he was when he was born so he’s scared that whatever baby he could give you might also be huge. After he learned of Tyler, Conchata told him that she wanted to cuss Tyler out, but all she had was George in the delivery room so he suffered her wrath not once, but twice. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has fantasized about you with his babies, but to his shame, it was more about the process of giving you his kids rather than having them run around. He has to admit, he would love to see chunky babies with a mix of you guys’ best qualities. One family reunion with you taking care of your baby cousins might put him in a spiral. He’s sure that you’ll be a great mama and he’s confident that he’ll be the best father. If that doesn’t work out, he’s aiming for tío of the year for the many nephews and nieces his brother is sure to have. 
ᰔ ᩚ In terms of domestic qualities, he’s spent so much time with his abuela that he knows more dishes than his mom. He’s also had times when his mom got sick of constantly cooking for him, so he’ll be up at the crack of dawn fixing his own meals. His cleaning could use a lot of work. He knows the basics, but his family always fusses at him to do more than that. In front of you? He becomes a new person. All of a sudden, he remembers the ways his mother fussed at him to clean the house.  
E = Ending If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
ᰔ ᩚ Even though emotionally he’s extremely mature, he’d probably be a wreck when it comes to breaking up with you. He loves very deeply and separating from you has a high chance of sending him to the ER. If he doesn’t pass out while breaking up, he’d definitely be extremely sick afterwards. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he had to break up with you, he’d do it face to face because anything else is an insult to you. It’ll be somewhere public enough that you’re free to walk away from, but private enough to where no one will be like “wtf is up with those two?” He'll write out what he wants to say a thousand times over and have his desk littered with notebook paper. In his ‘speech’ he’ll praise you heavily but say something along the lines of “even though you are my sun, I can’t continue to drain your light.” Just VERY dramatic and heartfelt. He’d probably be sick enough to puke after watching you go. 
[Good thing this will NEVER HAPPEN. Even I, the angst lover, can not take that torture.]
F = Fiance(e) How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is fully committed to you even without the ring. He is quite the planner, so as soon as he reaches the end of undergrad, he’s already planning out his proposal. Of course, he’s asked you how you feel about marriage and has peeked over your shoulder at your Pinterest boards so he has an idea of what you would like. However, he’s truly a romantic, so he’s pulling out all of the stops. 
ᰔ ᩚ He doesn’t feel the need to get married right away because you both have huge futures to explore, but damn it, he wants people to know that you’re taken, so maybe he’ll buy you a promise ring. He’s willing to wait until you both have stable jobs before making the huge step to marriage, but he fights the urge to propose to you constantly. He also spoils you like crazy and he wants to earn the money for your rings rather than asking his family for help.
G = Gentle How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is the definition of a Gentle Giant. Really, it’s something that first grew from his mom always fussing at him to be a big boy so as to not make Gabriel upset, but his Grandma has always been so kind to him because she felt that Conchata treated him differently than Gabriel. 
ᰔ ᩚ Physically, he’s always extra aware of his surroundings because now, not only is he tall, but he’s also wide. There’s a new strength to him that he learned to control after roughhousing with Gabriel got a little too rough, ending in a fractured wrist bone. Miguel was crying more than Gabriel on the way to the hospital. He ended up helping him in saxophone practice for weeks. For you, you’re like his personal weighted plushie. He’s not going to be too rough, just firm squeezes every now and then. 
ᰔ ᩚ Emotionally, he’s always careful of what he says to others. It takes A LOT for him to yell or blow a fuse. He knows how much words can hurt so he never wants what he says to be the reason that someone is hurt. He cries at the drop of a hat. He’s gotten better at not crying so easily, but he definitely can’t see people he cares about cry. That night that you sobbed in his arms, he cried a little with you then and a lot while you were in the shower. When you first got together, he feared that his tears might be the breaking point for you but every time he cries in front of you, you’re there to wipe them away. 
He’s definitely crying on your wedding day.
H = Hugs Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
ᰔ ᩚ He loves hugs, but he’s certain that his family is sick of his hugs. Just like how big dogs don’t realize how big they are when curling up somewhere, he is very similar when he goes to hug his closest family. His Abuela will often fuss about how he’s just a big baby and Gabriel sets a three-minute time limit, claiming that he’s going to transfer his body heat if he hugs past that. His dad is not really known for hugging and his mom gets irritated too fast. You are the only one who can stand his hugs that feel like they last a lifetime. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s hugs feel like really warm firm clouds. His waist is itty bitty so your arms can completely go around it but if you put your hands in other areas, he’s bound to start borderline purring. You’re a lot softer than him so he craves seeking you out for hugs. He likes to give them for any occasion: when you’re about to part, when you see each other for the first time in a while, when you finish a set, when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you’re out shopping and are indecisive about which color of a product you should buy, when you’re taking too long in the art store, when you’re fresh out the shower, etc. He’s just a cuddle bug read: clingy boyfriend.
I = I love you How fast do they say the L-word?
ᰔ ᩚ [According to the story] Miguel calls you his love over the phone during Thanksgiving break which is about four months after knowing you and about three months into dating. He calls you his darling by the time the New Year comes around, he also won over your mom a little after Valentine’s, and he admits to himself that he’s falling in love by the time the spring semester has ended.
ᰔ ᩚ He doesn’t say he loves you out loud until the dinner party after everyone pisses him off which is roughly seven months into dating. However, all of his actions from the handwritten cards to the handmade crafts to the thoughtful gifts to the sweet words have all been signs of his growing love for you. Quite frankly, he would have told you he loved you sooner if he didn’t want to freak you out and he tells you so the night his mother demeans you.
J = Jealousy How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
ᰔ ᩚ You haven’t seen the extent of how jealous Miguel can get, truly, you just know of the couple of times he’s almost knocked people out or been completely rude to the people he’s thought were trying to lead you on when he was standing right there. He has shocked himself with how green he gets but it doesn’t stop him from feeling that way. When he gets jealous, he’ll find little ways to show others that you’re his such as PDA, lingering a bit too close to you, glaring directly at others whose eyes are planted on you for far too long, or getting really mean towards people who make advances.
ᰔ ᩚ Oddly enough, he’s never aware of the things that he does that attracts others because he’s so busy trying to be cordial that it may come off as flirty. It’s very hard for him to push people off him because that’s never really happened to him until he started bulking up and again, he doesn’t want to hurt people that haven’t hurt him.
K = Kisses What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s kisses are consuming and soft, warm and inviting. He gives you his full attention and pours his entire heart into it. The feeling of him against you only really leaves you wanting more, so you have to snap out of it and tell yourself to regain control. He could probably spend an entire day just in your face making out without ever going further, but he might need frequent trips to the bathroom to calm himself down. 
ᰔ ᩚ He likes to kiss you on your lips mostly but his other favorite places to kiss you are your stomach, your collarbones, and your thighs. He has to limit himself from leaving marks all over your skin because he’s keen to do it if you don’t stop him. He also likes to be kissed on the lips and he especially loves it when he doesn’t expect them. Surprise kisses have him on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. He really loves it when you won’t bother to reach up to him or lean him down and you settle on kissing him in the middle of his chest. It feels like your lips warm up his heartbeat. Lastly, he feels ignited when you leave kisses on his back, especially the back of his neck. To him, it’s like a promise for more or a way to ignite him. Start kissing his back and he’s not letting you leave him for at least 20 minutes. 
L = Little ones How are they around children?
ᰔ ᩚ Kids use him like a jungle gym. He is a fan favorite amongst his baby cousins who are always asking to be thrown in the air. He would think some babies would be afraid of him, but once they’re in his arms, they’re either really excited about how high off the ground they are or they’ll fall asleep instantly in his arms. 
ᰔ ᩚ He’ll often tire the babies and kiddos out and his family will find him in a pile with him as the pillow to little heads. 
ᰔ ᩚ Another key thing is that he won’t use baby voices with babies, but rather he’ll talk to them like normal human beings. It’s very useful when he has to break up fights between his baby cousins who often argue over who gets to play with him first.
M = Morning How are mornings spent with them?
ᰔ ᩚ Mornings with Miguel are more like Miguel going to do his workout while you sleep. You’re not really a morning person, so you’re a bit drowsy whenever he kisses you all over your face before he leaves. He always chuckles at your sleepy state and urges himself to not get distracted, but more often than not, he wants to stay with you. Some mornings, he’ll get right back in the bed with you after his shower and kiss you until you wake up. 
ᰔ ᩚ On the mornings that you do go with him to the gym, it’s mostly him talking with you humming along one-word answers until you’re actually fighting for your life in the gym. Afterwards, he always takes you to go get breakfast whether that’s a smoothie or him making you something. 
N = Night How are nights spent with them?
ᰔ ᩚ Nights with Miguel are very loving! If you let him, he’d do everything from shower with you to brushing teeth together to skincare to hair care and so on. Being that both introverts and creatives often work/operate better at night, sometimes you both are up at all times of night doing anything. You could be drawing on your iPad while he’s up playing games with your feet in his lap.  
ᰔ ᩚ Sometimes this is also when he lets his most intimate thoughts slip out. With his head on your chest and your nails scratching against his scalp, he’s in his most vulnerable state.
O = Open When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
ᰔ ᩚ Rather than revealing things about himself, all of his drama just happens to unfold for him. The way he brought up Tyler Stone, the super famous tech CEO, being his father just happened to be the time when you were doing something extremely serious. 
ᰔ ᩚ He can tell you things and open up about his past, but you never really grasp how serious it is until it appears before your eyes. His turmoil with Kron was 4+ years in the making and the first time you met Kron just so happened to be the time Miguel connected his fist to his face. His relationship with his mom is something that’s been an uphill battle and you haven’t really seen how bad it can get, but you’ve felt how cruel she could be. Tyler's yearning for a relationship with his youngest son is something you see happening in real-time. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is as open as he can be, but nothing ever really prepares you for the real deal.
P = Patience How easily angered are they?
ᰔ ᩚ It takes a lot to push Miguel’s buttons because he often lets things pile up and boil over. He’s not easily pushed to true anger until someone hurts the people he loves. One time, Gabriel kept coming home crying but he wouldn’t tell Miguel who was hurting him. Once Miguel found out, he ripped the kid a new one which led to Conchatta grounding him for a week. His Abuela was proud of him for standing up for his brother and Gabriel snuck him sweets when he thought their parents weren’t looking. 
ᰔ ᩚ He really wanted to say more to his mother that night she hurt you, but Kron took most of the brunt of that anger which helped him level out a more reasonable response to his mother. He doesn’t like seeing you hurt especially over things that he finds to be beautiful about you.
Q = Quizzes How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has been taking in details about you ever since he first saw you in his Biology class. It was almost as if he was studying you. He knows your favorites, he remembers your friends, he listens to you constantly, and stores things for later. He even begins to know the subtle habits that you have. 
ᰔ ᩚ The only things that tend to go over his head are when you mention really advanced art techniques. As much as he tries, it never really sticks. He also conveniently forgets how often he asks for cuddles.
R = Remember What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a bank of lovely memories about you stored in his mind (and many more to come 😗). One of his favorite memories was when you went out of your way to make sure that those sorority girls got suspended. He often lets bad things happen to him until he can't control it, but you immediately caught the situation and nipped it in the bud right away. He’s never really had anyone do anything to that extent for him as fast as you did and even though he knew he wanted to pursue a relationship with you before, from that moment he knew that you were special.
ᰔ ᩚ Another memory is the last-minute birthday present that you got for him. It was so thoughtful and sweet and he’s constantly using it. The two of you were only at the sproutings of a relationship so to make such an impactful gift meant a lot.
S = Security How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
ᰔ ᩚ He’s extremely protective. This means little things from making sure that he’s the one walking closer to the street and watching your drink while you’re dancing to big things like intervening when men don’t catch the hint to roughing up men that don’t respect your boundaries. He’s willing to use his brute strength in order to make sure no harm comes to you but he hopes it never has to get to that point. He’d rather use his strength to carry you in his arms. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel doesn’t really feel the need to be protected but when you go out of your way to protect him, he can’t help but think that it feels nice. Like, look at my girlfriend going out of her way to make sure that I’m alright, to make sure that I know that I deserve to be protected too. There’s really no other feeling like it to him.
T = Try How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel goes through so much effort for anything that involves you. He tends to go a little stir-crazy when planning. He marks up his calendar, sets appointments, makes calls, pulls certain strings: anything he can do to see a smile on your face. He remembers so many details about you just so he can pull together the perfect gift. With Tyler trying to get on his good side, he may or may not have asked him to help him out with things that are on the expensive side. 
ᰔ ᩚ However, there are things he does that does not involve so much money. Your cafe dates, your study dates in the library, your handmade gifts, and your nights riding around in his Range Rover getting late-night food. If you’re sick, he’ll bring you tea and make you soup. He’s there when you’re cramping, soft hoodie on and heating pad in hand. He waits for you after your art classes, ready to carry your portfolio across campus. He takes your glasses off when you fall asleep with them on and soaks your oil brushes when you’re in a rush. He cares about you deeply.
ᰔ ᩚ Your one-year anniversary is soon…what does Miguel have planned? 🤔
U = Ugly What would be some bad habits of theirs?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a nasty habit of overthinking. He often thinks too much for his own good, which is why exercising is so close to him as it forces him to focus on his form and his sets rather than the running hamster wheel of words in his mind. His overthinking could lead to imposter syndrome which in turn causes him to question whether or not he deserves the nice things he has, whether or not he deserves to be with you. With the big reveal of the man he’s known all of his life not actually being his dad, it really only dug a deeper hole into the habit he’s had ever since his mom’s different treatment of him versus Gabriel.
ᰔ ᩚ On the other end of the spectrum, he can be a bit of a perfectionist which can lead to stubbornness. Conchata has berated him all of his life, so at first, he felt the need to appeal to her good side as her son. The older he got, the more this turned into battles of proving her wrong. No, he wasn’t a bad influence on Gabriel. Yes, he could get all A’s and stay up playing video games. No, he wasn’t afraid to end up alone. Yes, he would try to go to some far-off college. 
ᰔ ᩚ His relationship with his mother is far from fixed, and there's no telling how these habits are to continue to affect his other relationships.
V = Vanity How concerned are they with their looks?
ᰔ ᩚ At first, Miguel would just own a few nice looks here and there. He’d only really care about the quality of his graphic tees, the softness of his sweaters, and trying to avoid high-water pants. Between his parents and his grandma, a lot of the clothes he got made him resemble a lanky old man. It wasn’t until he started to bulk up that his wardrobe took a change. His old tees could barely fit over his arms and the bigger ones got turned into crop tops to chill out in. His sweaters went to Gabriel who threw them in the deepest pits of his closet. 
ᰔ ᩚ Gabriel ended up styling him at one point which resulted in a lot of extra basketball shorts and god-awful t-shirt hoodies. If it weren’t for Dana and his older cousins telling him that he looked like an extra off of Jersey Shore, he would have never changed. He quietly asked Tyler for some kind of stylist which in turn helped him to find more clothes that fit his new body type. 
ᰔ ᩚ When you come around, you expand his style even more with your eye for detail and your insistence on having coordinating outfits. You know what looks good on him and with the way your eyes trail his body, he for sure knows what you think is hot.
W = Whole Would they feel incomplete without you?
ᰔ ᩚ Absolutely. 1000%. (More of this will play out a bit in Part 10…)
ᰔ ᩚ Obviously, in any Honeymoon stage of a relationship, the couple can feel extremely lonely without their other half. Miguel is an absolute yearner. He hates parting ways no matter how at ease he feels by himself. He never really thought of himself as someone who needs a partner, but now that he has you, he’s trying to juggle between knowing when to give you space and knowing when to impede your space. He feels a lot lighter when you’re around, a lot freer. Tackling college felt so foreign to him, but with you, he feels like he can conquer anything. 
ᰔ ᩚ If you were to ever leave this world before him, there would already be enough bits and pieces of you left to fill the half of his missing heart. The only thing is, he would miss your presence dearly and that radiant smile of yours. In his dreams would be the only place where he could feel whole again. X = Xtra A random headcanon for them.
I have three
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel loves PDA, but sometimes, you’re still a bit shy about it, so you found a compromise: a fidget ring. When he wants to love on you so bad that he can’t stand it, but you’re hyper-aware of the people around you, he’ll take your hand and just start spinning the ring. It’s your sign that he’s craving your touch. It doubles as a distraction when you’re in crowded spaces and his energy levels are low. You can tell when he’s ready to leave an event with the way he’s fidgeting with the ring. A slower tempo means he wants to exit a conversation, a faster tempo could mean he’s overwhelmed or nervous, and moving the entire ring around means he’s ready to go. It’s an effective system for communication between the two of you.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel loves, loves, LOVES girly pop music. It gives him so much energy during his workouts and what’s better is that they’re really catchy. He hasn’t gone out of his way to watch any of the music videos or learn the dances, but take him to a concert, and he’s bound to know the words. He also has a high chance of being put on the Jumbotron or being called up on stage which could lead to intense screams from others and an awkward dance from him. Gabriel has a stan account that he refuses to show his brother’s face on because he knows it’s bound to be his most popular post.
ᰔ ᩚ Even though he’s extremely book smart and intelligent, when it comes to you, the Himbo gene activates. One compliment from you, no matter how small it is, could have him grinning like a fool all day. Whatever it is you complimented him on will be brought to the forefront constantly. He’ll buy a horrid amount of cologne just because you said you liked the way he smelled that day. He’ll take pictures of himself at the same angle because you thought one photo of him was good enough to put as your phone background. He’ll get worked up with one touch in public from you, especially if you haven’t touched him all day that day. He might even do something that you mentioned off-handedly from a TikTok or a tweet like buy a t-shirt with your face on it or have the lights on his Range Rover doors reflect your name. Sometimes you have to tell him to cool it, but if you praise him for it, he’s going to keep doing it.
Y = Yuck What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
ᰔ ᩚ In general, Miguel doesn’t like when people aren’t direct. He’s not a mind reader so he prefers when people say exactly how they feel rather than beat around the bush. People have done that far too much with him so he gets irritated when he’s put in a situation where the other party is not being upfront with him. He also hates when people are bullies for no reason. He’s not here to figure out why someone is taking out their insecurities on others but he will put them in their place. 
ᰔ ᩚ He also severely hates when people interrupt his sets. If you see he’s using the machine and he’s in the zone, why are you bothering him? He likes to think that he gives off the energy of a determined Gym Bro but in reality, he just looks really hot racking up those weights. Either way, don’t fuck up his set.
ᰔ ᩚ In a partner, he wouldn’t want someone that disrespects his family. He knows it’s a little dysfunctional, but his partner has to be truly dedicated to him before they even think about complaining about his family. He also tends to like his partners on the thicker side. He’s for all bodies, but he prefers when his partner has something he can feel so he honestly wouldn’t like it if his partner was too much smaller than him. 
Z = Zzz What is a sleep habits of theirs?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel always needs to hold onto something when he sleeps. Whether that be the pillow, the comforter, or you, he needs something in his arms. It can make for a very hot bed so whenever you guys are going to sleep together or taking a nap, you make sure to have a fan right by the bed. More often than not, he’s sleeping without a shirt on.
ᰔ ᩚ One other habit is how he gets when he’s really sleepy. He gets a bit whiny and grabby with tears threatening to fall with how much he’s yawning. He’ll say things that he won’t remember the next day like how pretty you are or how much he loves you. He might talk in his sleep a bit before he’s completely out of it which makes for hilarious videos. Like this, his snores are a little louder and his face pressed against the pillow is super cute. 
ᰔ ᩚ In the morning time, when he doesn’t have a workout planned, he might have a little drool from how hard he slept. If you wake up before him, he’ll squint at the light and mumble about what time it is. 
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A = Aftercare what they’re like after sex
ᰔ ᩚ During sex, he gets in a specific mindset similar to the one he has in the gym, so it might take him a minute or so to snap out of it. He’ll be so wrapped up in the pleasure of the moment that he’ll forget that he needs to stop and make sure that you’re ok. Once he’s back focused, he’ll wipe your body clean and massage the muscles he’s sure to have stretched out. After that, he’s in dire need of cuddles and kisses.
B = Body part their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
ᰔ ᩚ Other than his face, which he agrees is pretty hot, his favorite body part of his own might be his arms. He worked hard for them! He’s always shocked looking back at old pictures of himself, seeing how he’s nearly triple the size, and wondering who that guy is. He also thinks that the Stone side has blessed him greatly with his dick. He’s always been well-endowed. When you came into his life, he found a new great appreciation for his own thighs, although he’s still battling with the thought of you wanting to be choked in them.
ᰔ ᩚ For you, what part of you doesn’t he like? He couldn’t really choose if his life depended on it because there’s so much to love. However, there’s no better feeling than the weight of your ass and thighs against his lap. If you could use him as a chair constantly, he’ll never complain. It’s the perfect position for him to feel you up and plant his face right in your cleavage. If your back is to him while you’re on his lap, then his hands are immediately on your stomach. You used to hate it at first because he would just squeeze at it or tickle you constantly, but he really loves to place his hands on the warmest parts of you, and right under your stomach happens to be one of those zones. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he said he liked his forehead being pressed up against your stomach while he ate you out, you wouldn’t get mad, right?
C = Cum anything to do with cum, basically
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel hasn’t really talked about it with you but, he especially loves it when he marks you. You always look so pretty with him painted across his skin, and he has so much to give. When his dick is down your throat and you try your best to swallow all of him, he feels feverish when it spills out down your face. He can’t help but think about how gorgeous you look. When he’s fucking your thighs and it spills onto your skin he just wants to rub it in.
ᰔ ᩚ When he’s inside of you and it just won’t stop dripping out of you, it riles him up even more. You’re his and his alone.
D = Dirty secret pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
ᰔ ᩚ He does have a few! One of which is fantasizing about you riding him on the bench press bench while the other side of the gym is occupied. It’s so unlike him, and when the thought first passed his mind, he was so ashamed he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eyes for a day, nor use the bench press without getting lightheaded. Just the thought of you leaning over him blocking out the bright lights of the gym, sweat dripping onto him,  and watching your ass hit his skin in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors was enough to get him to plan out how to build out his gym in his future home. 
ᰔ ᩚ Another is the amount of times he’s gotten off to the thought of you before you were officially together. He told you about the wet dreams, but he didn’t tell you how bad it was. He’s not sure if he’s ever produced that much cum in his life. It’s a wonder he was able to hold steady conversations with you with how head-over-heels he was. He fantasized about the sounds you would make and tried to remember how your body felt against his from the little touches you gave him. He tried to hone it down because, god, that’s creepy, but you were so radiant that you never really escaped his mind.
E = Experience how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is what I deem as a “virgin slut.” He’s very inexperienced when it comes to love, relationships, and sex, but he knows too much by proxy.  Again, he’s the parent friend that’s always giving advice, so for the most part, he knows what and what not to do. He’s heard about the things that his friends have done and he’s wondered what experiencing it would be like with you.
ᰔ ᩚ Would you like this position? Would you want to try this with him? Does he want to know what this would feel like? While he feels a little embarrassed to be so inexperienced, he’s happy that you’re excited to share these new experiences with him.
ᰔ ᩚ In terms of sex and foreplay, he’s learning as he goes, going with what feels good and what you react well to. He’s constantly researching, remembering, and trying out new techniques. You’re his first, and if he has any say in it, his last, so he feels that there is plenty of time to get to a more experienced level.
F = Favorite position this goes without saying
ᰔ ᩚ Any position where your breasts are in his face is a position he’s happy in. There’s nothing like watching them bounce while you ride him within an inch of his life. He wants to look at them, he wants to put his mouth on them, he wants to suck them, he wants to bite them: just put them in his face.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel also really adores any position he can hold you in. He notices how excited your body gets when he’s balancing you in his arms while pounding away. You get so wet that he’s mesmerized. The tight feeling of both you around him and your shaking hands gripping his shoulders keeps him going. He really just wants to see every ounce of your body move with him.
ᰔ ᩚ Did he tell you that he wanted you to sit on his face today or did he forget to set his reminder? 
G = Goofy are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is very serious in the moment because nothing is funny about your pleasure. All the laughing and giggling will happen before he’s sinking into you. He’s very serious about watching your face and your body for anything new and familiar. Did you think something was funny before? Well, he’s making sure that you’re not laughing by the time he’s finished.
ᰔ ᩚ Rather than being goofy, he will ask you something out of left field in the middle of the moment if he feels that you two have something to work out.
H = Hair how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is not the hairiest but he also doesn’t not have hair. His friend waxed him for practice one time and he’s certain that he’ll never let her do that shit again. He keeps his face clean because he feels like growing out his facial hair makes him look scruffy, although you’d argue that he looks pretty cute. 
ᰔ ᩚ His happy trail does lead like a nice present to his gift that keeps giving. He will let you trim him from time to time and help him wax when the sun is getting too hot. 
I = Intimacy how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect
ᰔ ᩚ He is very intimate during the moment, especially during your first few times together. He’s always reassuring you and holding you close. His eyes never really leave your face when you’re pleasuring yourself or reaching your peak. He loves to talk into your skin and your ears. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he’s not grabbing onto you, he’s holding your hands and rocking into you. He’s kissing your wrists and your cheeks, wiping any tears away. Where you might not be able to speak, he’s asking yes or no questions, wiping your hair out of your face, and telling you to let go. 
J = Jack off masturbation headcanon
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s sessions usually take a lot, but since gaining a roommate, he can’t go all out like he usually does. He cums a lot so he usually has to put a towel down or waits until he gets into the shower to fully let go. He prefers to use both hands whether that means lifting his hips off the bed while he jerks or holding his dick in one hand while playing with his nipple in another. 
ᰔ ᩚ His sessions after you both get together were even messier, especially with you giving him new material. Voice recordings, polaroids, phone calls: all of it is being used for him to get off when you’re not near. 
ᰔ ᩚ Once, you called him in the middle of one and he was winded as ever. You recognized those breaths the instant he talked and brought him to the hilt with your voice alone. He fell a little more in love with you that day but panicked when you wanted to switch to FaceTime. 
ᰔ ᩚ His chest was….a mess, but you giggled at how cute he was anyway. 
K = Kink one or more of their kinks
ᰔ ᩚ Praise kink: Miguel loves to hear that he’s doing well. Please tell him that he’s doing well, he craves it. There’s definitely a reason that he needs to hear you urge him on, but your voice always sounds so good when you’re in his ear. Tell him how good he made you feel, tell him you’re proud of him, and maybe call him a good boyfriend and he’ll start trembling. 
ᰔ ᩚ Hair pulling: This is one that he didn’t know he had until you accidentally yanked his head too hard while trying to stop him from tickling your stomach with his breath. He kind of froze when the groan came out of him, leaving you staring at each other for about three minutes. Once he realized what happened, his face went beat red and he wouldn’t look you in the eyes for the rest of the night. You promised him it was ok, and tested out a little hair-pulling a few weeks later which he thoroughly enjoyed. He especially loves it when you pull his hair while he’s in between your legs. He cums almost instantly. 
ᰔ ᩚ Semi-public sex: There’s something about fooling around in “private” public areas that turns him on. On the balconies of hotel rooms, in private yacht pools, in dressing rooms, in his car: he just can’t wait until he’s in the bedroom, he needs you now. Are you both louder than you should be? Yep. Does he care? Not really. 
L = Location favorite places to do the do
ᰔ ᩚ Again, he loves semi-public sex, but he also really loves even more intimate places like on vacation in your hotel room or on your dorm bed when Jess isn’t in there. (Although you’ve told him many times that having sex in that open room could be rude. As a compromise, he brings you to his dorm and fucks you there instead. Peter can live.) He really wants to make love to you in his childhood bedroom (the room is full of him but he wants your scent in his sheets), but he knows his mom is far too nosy for that to even happen. He’s not even sure if he could make out with you without her coming in there to check on you two. 
M = Motivation what turns them on, gets them going
ᰔ ᩚ Honestly, you could probably just stand there and Miguel would conjure up a way to be turned on. Seriously though, it’s little things like seeing your midriff or hearing you call him baby in a different tone, especially if you’re doing something sexual, that gets him going. If you do something like extensive PDA (rubbing up against him, kissing him long enough to use tongue, dancing on him), wear clothes that show off your body, or when you stare at him while he’s doing his work.
ᰔ ᩚ If you’re wearing a dress that he can see your fupa through? Hard. When you’re doing jumping jacks next to him in the gym during his sets? Turned on. When you wear his clothes? Rock solid. When you take the initiative? Puddy. When you let others know that he’s yours? You might not make it to your destination without him touching you in some way.
N = No something they wouldn’t do, turn offs
ᰔ ᩚ He’s not into degradation AT ALL. He’s way too much of a gentle lover/boyfriend to ever put you on a lower level than him whether it’s supposed to be enjoyable or not. 
ᰔ ᩚ He is also not into pain specifically when it comes to giving it. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He might do a light smack every now and then but he can’t bring himself to inflict pain, especially if it bruises. The closest you might get to that is if he gets too carried away when pounding into you, and once it’s all over, he’ll feel like a dickhead. It takes him a while to realize that you don’t mind it when his skin is slapping against yours hard enough to sting later.
ᰔ ᩚ One last slight turn off is choking. He’s never going to be comfortable enough to wrap his hands around your neck. You’re determined to let his thighs squeeze you at least once, but if he hurts you by accident, he might do something incredibly drastic. 
O = Oral preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel O’Hara is a munch. Miguel Munch O’Hara. He could stay down there for hours. Being that the first time he ate you out he actually had you screaming, he would say that he’s pretty good at it. But! There’s always room for improvement. For example, he wants you to sit on him and he wants to heat you out while you’re sitting on his shoulders. He’s slowly, but surely, inching his way there.
ᰔ ᩚ He likes giving more than receiving mostly because he can’t look down at you giving him head without losing his mind. At least if he’s eating you out, he can keep going if he cums. If he cums while you’re swallowing him, he needs at least a minute or two to reset. Not to mention, the sounds your throat makes when you’re sucking him in makes him conflicted. You promise you like it, and he loves the feeling, but he’s still wary of fucking into your mouth and hurting you.
P = Pace are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s pace is deep, slow, and sensual because he has to pace himself. If he’s wrapped up in you, he’s bound to forget about his own pleasure in place of making sure you’re feeling good, but once you get to sinking him in and squeezing so tight, he wants to hold that out as long as possible.
Q = Quickie their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ They seem nice. If only he could commit to them. Quickies often turn from 10 minutes to 20 minutes to way too long in a compromising position. Also, there’s way too much to clean up for what he does with you to be considered a quickie.
R = Risk are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ With you? He’s willing to try most things, although they’re mainly vanilla. Risks for him might lead to late night trips to CVS for a pregnancy test so it’s best that he researches and plans things out thoroughly. Right now, the most he might be eager to do is change up the positions and try not to touch you.
S = Stamina how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a lot of stamina! He’s not in the gym for shits and giggles. Still, to him, he has a lot of work to do in terms of going all night. Right now, he can last for about 2-3 rounds without breaking a sweat. If he focuses on you, he can extend that number to about 4 rounds. His refractory period is also pretty stellar if he must say so himself.
ᰔ ᩚ Now, whether or not you can keep up with him is to be determined. 
T = Toys do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has been too scared to own a toy living in his mother’s home, so he’s never bought one. (How Gabriel got away with buying the most obscure things, he’ll never know) The only thing he has is the bottle of lube that he frequents and his extra sets of towels to cover his bed.
ᰔ ᩚ On you, he’s happy to try out whatever you’ve got. He was really fascinated with the mechanics of your rose toy, but he’s also determined to make you have the same reaction with just his mouth alone. What kind of boyfriend is he if he can’t make you forget about your tiny pieces of plastic?
ᰔ ᩚ He’s also interested in trying out different types of lube, but he’s got to research which ones are really worth it.
U = Unfair how much they like to tease
ᰔ ᩚ Open the dictionary, flip to the T section, slide down the pages until you find the word “tease,”  and you’ll see Miguel’s government name on the third definition of the word. He likes to claim that you’re a tease when really, he’s just a horny himbo. He knows what he’s doing when he sends you sweaty gym pictures. He knows what he’s doing when he dresses up all nice for you. He knows what he’s doing he’s all in your face in public, feening for a reaction out of you. He messes with you on purpose. 
ᰔ ᩚ Let this behavior make it to the bedroom and he’s either going to regret it once you take over OR he’s going to continue it until you’re coming apart in his arms. Teasing you always leads to great, great sex.
V = Volume how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is loud as fuck. He has to cover his mouth when he’s alone in his room thinking about you. When he’s inside of you, if he’s not moaning into your mouth, he’s breathing heavy right in your ear or groaning loudly right into your shoulders. He’ll often be louder than you. If you’re moaning with him, he encourages you and sings right along with you. 
ᰔ ᩚ If you’re focusing on his pleasure, he’s hyper-aware of the sounds he makes so he tries to muffle them which leads to whimpers and whines. You love it when he gets this way.
W = Wild card a random headcanon for the character
ᰔ ᩚ Hip thrusts are a great exercise for the lower half of your body and should never be missed on leg day. They pinpoint the glutes, the abs, the hips, the hamstrings, the back, and the quads. With a steady added weight, anyone who is doing this exercise possibly is sure to grow those muscles greatly over time.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is never missing a chance to do hip thrusts because he is determined to fuck you this way. He can only imagine the shock on your face as he holds you up and pumps into you with a steady rhythm. 
ᰔ ᩚ He’s never missing leg day.
X = X-ray let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
ᰔ ᩚ He’s definitely a shower which is why his tiny little exercise shorts can get buck-eyed looks sometimes. The first time you saw him, you felt yourself panic a bit. But the weight in your mouth? Indescribable. 
ᰔ ᩚ To you, he’s the prettiest you’ve ever seen. If you had to guess, he’s probably 8- 9 inches, but it doesn’t really matter when you’re watching him leak like a faucet. He curves so nicely and definitely feel the effect of it when he lands. Watching it twitch to life has given you more inspiration than you care to admit.
Y = Yearning how high is their sex drive?
ᰔ ᩚ It’s too high for his own good. He can switch like a light and be ready to go down in you within minutes. It’s that foggy himbo mindset and the fact that you’re his first girlfriend. There have been many times where he’s gotten distracted by just thinking about you and the things he wants to do. He riles himself up when researching techniques, so of course he’s ready to be in you at any time.
Z = Zzz how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
ᰔ ᩚ Once you’ve both settled down, he’s out like a log. Let’s be real, not only has he probably worked himself up, but you definitely knocked him out with how good you gave it to him. He uses all the stamina during sex and when it’s over, the energy just fizzles out. It’s funny because you would think you were supposed to be the one that’s barely holding on, but there he is, mumbling into your skin.
ᰔ ᩚ This is definitely the time to get really soft responses out of him: satisfied, pussy-whipped, and dozing off.
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This was really fun! As always, like, reblog, and COMMENT. Let me know how you guys feel! 🩵
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hanafubukki · 9 months
*breaks your door with an axe in the shape of bat and peeks inside* hey.
So! I got hungry for soft Lilia and baby silver with a Yuu that accidentally space time traveled in the wrong direction for a couple of days.
And for a couple of days they help take care of a baby silver, with a moody malleus showing up from time to time in the span of the weekend Yuu stayed.
So cottage core family moments! From preparing Silvers milk/food to telling certain dragon to stop staring from outside with a threating look so Yuu doesn’t put anything sus in the food.
“Malleus, please, stop! If you want, you can come in and help with the cooking”
“Help? How bold of you human, asking the prince that so humbly allows you to exist in this land, to help you with a task reserved to who are my servants,”
“Shame, I was going to ask you to be my taste tester for the ice cream. Guess I can ask Lilia,”
“But I am kind and I will assist you in your cooking endeavors!”
Yuu’s food is too good to pass for MalMal, as Yuu knows exactly what to put that he likes whenever he comes over! Which is almost every day.
He may be a prince, but no one is mighty enough to not lick the cake batter from the bowl.
Hello Anonie 🌺🌻💚
With all of you breaking down my door, I think I’m going to be cold this rainy winter 🤣🤣
…do you think Diasomnia will let me stay with them? 😆💞 also, can I have that axe I want to use it on the senate 🤣 (at least you didn’t go “here’s Johnny!”)
You are speaking my love language because yes!! Time travel shenanigans my love!!
Malleus adores Silver. He would see you and remember the stories he heard about human and would be extra protective. Lilia says it’s fine. You have the blessing of the night fae on you. Fae can tell when people lie and you have spoken nothing but the truth.
Haven’t given them details of the future, but he can’t blame you for being precautious.
Even so, Malleus keeps his guard up until, well, you bribe him.
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You had seen all sides of Malleus Draconia from your time at NRC, that whole dream fiasco, and even beyond that.
But this side? The very protective and yet slightly rebellious side? Was new to you. You kind of enjoyed this more expressive Malleus.
You definitely enjoyed taking care of baby Silver. He was beyond precious and such a happy baby.
You can see why Lilia loves his sons so much. Both of them are adorable.
A part of you wanted to stay, wanted to enjoy this tranquility.
But no, you couldn’t.
You had so much waiting for you in the future.
These little ones will grow into fine men.
A lover who you adore with your whole heart.
You couldn’t wait until you returned to your time, so you can tease them.
“I see Malleus warmed up to you.”
“Not with any help from you.”
Lilia laughed, “I knew you could handle it.”
“Father’s intuition?”
“A bit of that and something else.”
With the way Lilia eyed the chain around your neck, you knew he had an idea.
The chain held your wedding ring.
Your husband always was a cheeky and smart one even during the NRC days, baring a certain event that is.
Smart bat dad.
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You opened your eyes to fluttering kisses all over your face.
“Welcome back, Precious.”
You pulled Lilia down into a kiss.
“I’m back.”
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☺️🌺🌻 Surprise! They are married and you were from a further future beyond nrc time.
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pommpuriinn · 4 months
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⋆˚࿔synopsis-ೃ⁀➷₊ how Athena is with each member and cute habits they have for each other
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𑄽౿ the kitty duo! Always doing cat poses together every chance they get along with randomly meowing at each other. There’s this viral clip of the two during a group live where they just started meowing at each other, and the members just let the two be not bothering them
𑄽౿ “Athena Athena~” Jungwon sometimes sings Athena’s name cutely to get her attention or whenever he wants to cuddle. While Athena rubs her cheek on his shoulder when she wants his attention
𑄽౿ physical touch is the duo’s love language; back hugs, holding hands, cuddling, and head pats
𑄽౿ whenever they have to face each other while performing they make cute faces towards each other trying to make one of them laugh
𑄽౿ always is the one to break Niki and her’s playing fighting because he wants to make sure Niki isn’t going too rough on her
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𑄽౿ enhypen’s centers since the iland days. The two would always be voted as centers and with that came one of Athena’s many viral lines, “damn, I guess we’re just that good.” She said with a jokingly cocky tone while shrugging making everyone laugh
𑄽౿ even though they are close now back then they were always competing with each other during iland, and the show didn’t shy away from showing those vulnerable moments. With those moments the two grew closer after understanding and clearing up the tension between them
𑄽౿ love spending their money by shopping whenever they travel outside of Korea
𑄽౿ Athena loves annoying him because she knows he could never be actually mad at her, it’s the goddess treatment she gets from the members
𑄽౿ the two always in the studio together creating music and helping the members while recording their songs
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𑄽౿ Athena is Jay’s little taste tester whenever he cooks, she sits on the counter and just watches him cook. True cat energy she’s giving
𑄽౿ they both sometimes randomly start dancing and even have little dance battles just cause
𑄽౿ have deep conversations when they drink or go out to eat together, they either talk about the future or what they want to accomplish within themselves 
𑄽౿ is protective of Athena towards hate comments or rude interactions that she faces during in person events
𑄽౿ they constantly hype each other up no matter what they’re doing, but they mostly do it during variety shows and concerts
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𑄽౿ english representatives of enhypen! They mostly talk to each other in english sometimes they like talking “shit” (their joking) about a member to see if they understand
𑄽౿ Athena always asks about Layla and demands to see new pictures that his family sends to him. She definitely went crazy when Jake brought Layla to the Hybe building
𑄽౿ when they have time the two like playing soccer together and Jake taught Athena all the terms and rules since he used to play
𑄽౿ sometimes when Jake gets too excited Athena has to back away which engenes compare them with videos of cats backing away from the over excited dog
𑄽౿ Jake admires Athena a lot because of her skills and her kind personality because during iland when he felt like he was behind Athena would notice and immediately start helping him
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𑄽౿ Athena brings Sunghoon out of his shell with her straightforwardness either it’s her playing around with him or sometimes opening flirting with him
𑄽౿ Athena has a habit to always hug Sunghoon’s arm whenever she’s feeling excited, or anxious which leads to him pulling her into a hug because he knows she might be having a panic attack
𑄽౿ watches Sunghoon figure skate with heart eyes which engenes and the members love pointing it out because it flusters Athena
𑄽౿ Sunghoon is also protective of Athena and always guides her away from danger
𑄽౿ he is another member that Athena shares her love language of physical touch with the only difference is that she sometimes shares sneaky kisses with him
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𑄽౿ the ✨babygirls✨of the group for sure
𑄽౿ will be caught gossiping in the back of vlogs or whispering to each other during award shows
𑄽౿ Athena warmed up to Sunoo the fastest back in iland causing them to be the closest during that time, they were each other’s rock
𑄽౿ always serving in their selcas creating iconic poses that fans and some idols recreate to post
𑄽౿ Athena is Sunoo’s #1 defender, when a member is messing with Sunoo she’s ready to start fighting or scolding them
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𑄽౿ Athena doesn’t really treat Niki like a baby more like a little annoying brother that she loves dearly
𑄽౿ they always start play fighting and the members have to remind Niki to be careful with Athena, and can’t rough house with her like how he can with one of the boys
𑄽౿ they’re a sneaky duo when it comes to playing games either on variety shows or on en-o clock. Athena always finds a way to cheat and brings Niki along with her
𑄽౿ Athena tries to speak in Japanese to Niki and make Japanese dishes just so he doesn’t feel too homesick
𑄽౿ TikTok dance duo! Engenes always looks forward to dance challenges with the two because they eat it up every time
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777sturn · 2 months
𝐛𝐟!𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝜗𝜚 matt sturniolo
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉. . . matt is a boyfriend
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝒔) none just cute little things i think matt would do if he was a boyfriend
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓’𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 i love him to death he fs will treat his gf like a sweetheart (i’ll add more in the future!) sorry for being so inconsistent 😭😭 im trying to get back into writing againnn yippee
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bf!matt who is definitely a huge quality time person. hes willing to be around you everytime but he isn’t too clingy (ofc he still is) he especially enjoys those late night car rides with you and blasting music through the windows (mac miller, frank ocean, etc.)
bf!matt who loves watching movies with you no matter what. he literally watched 10 thing i hate about you (im not over this guys pls) and he is willing to watch any movie, as long as hes cuddled up next to you.
bf!matt who is a literal yapper when he’s around you. usually he’s quiet and reserved but as soon as you’re with him, he just talks and talks and talks. its probably about the most random topics too or giving you a rundown on his day.
bf!matt who’s a cuddler by heart. he loves when you lay your head on his lap while he twirls his fingers around your hair but he loves when his head is on yours so he can admire you from down below. he loves holding you close to him and pepper gentle kisses all over your face.
bf!matt who isn’t too cheesy but cheesy enough. he loves to refer to you as ‘my girl’ or ‘baby’ and he will go absolutely insane when he gets called baby by you. like he gets all flushed and will hold you forever.
bf!matt who is the type of boyfriend to buy you a bouquet of flowers but takes one for himself so he could see when it dies to buy new ones. he will also spoil you to death. for example, if you bring up something that you want or mention a stuffed animal, expect to see an amazon delivery box on your porch step.
bf!matt who is willing to try anything for you. for example, your cooking or baking and you need a taste tester: he’s there! when you wanna try out new skincare or making: again, he’s there! he just wants to spend a lot of time with you and making you happy
bf!matt who you don’t argue with often, but when you guys do, you end up making up by the end of the day. he will spam you saying you guys should talk it out and if you dont answer he will be at your doorstep holding flowers and a fast food bag of your favorite food.
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syluscore · 4 months
Leon's Special Recipes
~neighbor! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader~
randomly had to write this at 3 am last night. definitely leaves space for a part two if anybody's interested, but i do ask for an idea on how it should go! how would you react in this situation?
Word count: 1068
Content warning: nonconsensual cum eating, male masturbation
“Hi, Leon! Come on in,” You open your front door wide for your neighbor. You live in adjacent townhouses, him living on the end so you’re his only true neighbor.
He steps into your entryway and kicks off his shoes. “So, what brings you here?” He pushes a plastic container into your hands. You open it up and are met with the sweet smell of cookies. “What’s all this?”
He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “Oh, nothing really. Trying new things; new hobbies and such. Trying my hand at baking and needed a taste tester. Luckily for me, I have a neighbor with a sweet tooth.”
You aren’t looking at him as he speaks, rummaging around in the container of freshly baked sweets. “Oh my God! Chocolate chip?” You pull a cookie out and take a huge bite, eyes rolling into the back of your head as the sugar and gooey chocolate hit your taste buds.
You moan out happily and Leon can’t help but smile widely at you, while also shifting his hips to hide his hardening cock from the sounds you’re making–but that’s not important right now. 
You swallow the bite down quickly before taking another. You talk with your mouth full, doing your best to cover your mouth with your hand, but too excited to bother with proper manners. “These are amazing, Leon! How many did you make?”
“Oh, about a dozen. I did keep some for myself. If a man won’t eat his own product, then it’s not a product worth sharing,” He lies through his teeth. He made a half dozen cookies especially for you. They’re not for him, or anyone else at all for that matter. Only you.
You finish a whole cookie and lead him into the kitchen. “Thank you, Leon. That’s so thoughtful. These aren’t going to last long over here. Can’t control myself around sweets.” Perfect. Knew his girl was greedy and it’s working in his favor so nicely. 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thinking about trying peanut butter, oatmeal, white chocolate, and sugar cookies. Gotta keep myself busy when I’m not working, you know?”
You reach into the container and pull out another cookie. “Sorry, my mouth started watering at the sound of all of those. You gonna stop at cookies or are you going to expand your baking resume into other goodies?”
He hums thoughtfully, “Maybe. You like cupcakes?”
You smile brightly at him, pure joy in your eyes, “I love them!”
He was hoping you would. He’s been looking at homemade frosting recipes and he thinks he could make a pretty good batch of it. It’d be easy to slip his secret ingredient into those. Yeah. Next time he’s at the store, he’ll buy them out of cupcake supplies. Gonna keep you fully stocked on them. 
“I’m glad we can help each other. I got someone to eat my treats and you get treats.” You nod your head as you nibble on your second cookie. “Anyway, sweetheart. Can’t hang around long, got an early morning tomorrow.” More lies. If he doesn’t get his hand around his cock within the next 5 minutes, he just might come in his pants. 
“Oh, of course. Let me walk you out!” You finish your cookie before walking over to the sink and washing your hands, drying them quickly on your pants before leading him back to the front door.
He’s slipping his shoes back on as you thank him again and he quickly heads out the door, for the safety and privacy of his own home. 
He practically slams his front door and locks it before his hands undo his belt, yanking his cock from his jeans and groaning out as his hand squeezes the base. 
He’s not sure where he read it online, or what he was even looking at to find such a thing. Probably a Reddit thread or some gross porn flick. But as soon as he got the idea to put his semen in food, he couldn’t keep himself from feeding it to you. 
He was constantly popping an erection the days leading up to baking your special cookies. But he kept from touching himself so he’d be loaded and desperate when it came time for your filling. When he was finally ready to add his come to the batter, all it took was a few strokes for him to shoot the fattest load he’s ever managed by himself. 
He quickly shoved his dick back in his pants as he stirred it in and poured them onto a non-stick pan. He was still so pent up, he was hard again before the cookies were even done baking. 
He made 6 average size cookies and 1 mini one. He didn’t really enjoy the idea of eating his own semen cookies, but he had to try it to make sure you couldn’t taste something off. He didn’t think it would make any sort of difference, he maintains an okay diet so he doesn’t taste half bad. But he needed to be thorough because he was desperate for this plan to work out.
And as soon as he popped that mini cookie in his mouth and started chewing, he knew you were going to love them. So many chocolate chips and sugar, it’s a sweets lover’s wet dream. He laid them out to cool while he cleaned up and by time the mess was gone, the cookies were cooled down enough to bring to you. So he cleaned himself up, packed up the cookies and walked over to your place.
Within minutes of returning to his own house, he’s leaned back on his couch, shirt stuffed in his mouth as he shoots more come across his abs. His mind is filled with the fresh memories of you eating your cookies and loving them. Thanking him for his special little treat for you.
And the next day when he runs into you on the way to your car and asks if you ate any more cookies, he’s super pleased when you tell him they’re all gone. Ate another before you went to bed. Got up in the middle of the night, tummy growling for another one. And then ate the last two for breakfast. He tells you he’ll get to work on your next batch and you giddily tell him you just can’t wait to try more of his yummy desserts. 
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forgeofthenine · 27 days
Ok but hear me out…. How would the bachelors do cooking/baking for their significant other?
The Bachelors in the kitchen
I've said this once and I'll say this again, he snacks on the food while he cooks/bakes
If he's making cookies then half the dough isn't even making it into the oven
He's pretty good at cooking and backing though
He's used to doing quite precise work with fire, and cooking a meal is generally easier than making a sword
Dammon is more of a simple home cook anyway and you'll see him making a lot of 'meat and three vege' and stews
Simple, hearty food that makes you feel warm inside when you eat it usually because it's a little spicy
If you have a sweet tooth he's happy to bake for/with you
Just expect there to be a smaller than usual batch size for anything he makes
It's hard to tell him off with the how happy he looks snacking away on chocolate chips or cookie dough
He's a bit of a messy cook though, so expect there to be a few dishes hanging around
Dammons definitely someone you can trust to know his way around a kitchen
Zevlor is definitely used to campfire cooking and making food on the road
He's one of those people that's able to find food anywhere, even if it's slightly unusual edible plants
Once he settles down and starts living the quiet life he gets more into cooking and baking
Has a wide collection of different cookbooks, most of them second hand, and he uses them a lot
He feels more comfortable following the instructions that recipes provide, especially when stepping out of his comfort zone
You're his taste tester too
Expect for Zevlor to call you into the kitchen only to hold out a spoon of what he's cooking for you to try
He'll hold his hand under the spoon while feeding you, and he desperately wants to know what you think
Our lovely paladin actually ends up being a very good home cook after a bit of practice
Zevlor is real househusband material
Rolan had to invent magic fire alarms to let him know when he's burning something
Which is every time he cooks btw
Don't even ask this man to fry you an egg, somehow he'll end up with burns on the countertop and egg on the roof
With a bit of supervision and a helping hand it's much easier to control the chaos
Like hell he's asking for help though lmao
Every time he steps foot in a kitchen Cal and Lia strong arm him into letting them help, they end up telling you to do the same if you value your house not being on fire
Rolan can, however, make things that don't involve fire or heat
He definitely makes a mean sandwich
Like the little diva he is, he also makes little cheese boards and such
Expect him to prepare them for when the two of you have little dates reading together
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heats-lover-girl · 1 month
Daddy Time
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How they bond with their babies
Feat. Kid, Killer, Heat, and Wire
Tw: mentioning of conceivment, slight cussing
This is the last baby thing before going back to other scenarios, coming up soon; Where They Like to Kiss You, and Sexy Accidents (They're Not That Sexy).
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Tinkering in his workshop
He doesn't let Eilidh touch anything and he doesn't weld because getting a baby to wear eye protection is a hassle in itself
So he has her in a playpen next to his bench and does simple things with his devil fruit.
Eilidh loves it anyway because her dad makes funny faces when hes frustrated with a piece of metal that wont work for him.
She likes to slap the work table and babble at him too and Kid eats that shit up.
"No Eili, I dont think that gear goes there, but how about here?" Or "Ya like the desk huh? You better, it's the whole reason your in the world Tot."
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Baby Victoria is his little taste tester and you cant tell me otherwise
When she was too small to taste anything he just had her strapped to his chest, talking about each recipe he was making that day, but once she was able to eat solid food; it's over.
Now she sits in a little high chair her uncle proudly made for her, smacking her little hands and babbling back to him when he talks.
"What do you think this needs Ms. 'Toria?" "AaaAaaaa!" "Your right, needs more oregano."
You've walked into the kitchen to see both their faces covered in spaghetti sauce and looking at you like they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
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Nap time!
He had heard through passing that skin on skin contact made for great baby bonding, so when little Ailsa was born Heat took it apon himself to be her designated nap time buddy.
He has a whole little routine.
Heat knows he runs hot, so he makes sure she's wearing some little bloomers over her diaper and takes off his corset so the rough fabric doesn't irritate Ailsa's baby skin.
Cracks the porthole open so they can get some air flow (and also some ASMR from the ocean waves), and then lays her on his chest. His arm holding her so she wont roll off (plus the added pressure of his hand is like a weighted blanky).
All that combined with his heartbeat knocks the little pirate out with Heat not far behind, you have multiple pictures of them it's so cute.
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Ocean watching
He'll sit on top the skull figurehead with Adair held snug to his chest, quietly looking out at sea and listening to the wind and waves.
Sometimes fish or some type of marine animal would breach the waters surface and he would point it out if the little boy wasn't already asleep
When it gets colder because of the wind, Wire uses his cape to wrap around them like a cocoon as they continue to watch the waters
They've come down from the figurehead that way and Wires somber face, with Adair's baby face peaking out underneath his father's chin is definitely a sight to see.
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ipseitydelrey · 10 months
Can I request a nsfw alphabet for Carmy?
of course you can !! and thank you <3
nsfw alphabet ☆ carmen berzatto
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ship carmen berzatto x afab!reader
warnings reader has afab anatomy but uses gender neutral terms, smut, oral (m and f receiving), slight bondage?, biting, fingering, use of protection (stay safe kids!), masturbation, sex toys, tiny bit of degradation mixed with praise, tiny bit of exhibitionism, sexting/nudes, teasing
a/n i’m gonna be totally honest: i haven’t finished watching s2. i’m almost done it tho, i’m on episode 7 so my idea of carmy is solely based on everything that has happened up until s2:e6 (technically episode 5 bc episode 6 was entirely set years before s1 takes place soooo).
enjoy !!
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A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
typically, carmy would be too tired to get up and get washcloths, so he’d rather just hold you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. that’s his idea of aftercare anyway.
B = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and of yours)
he likes his hands the most. he likes how sometimes you trace the tattoos on the back of his palms and he just loves to hold your hand. during sex, he sometimes likes to finger you so he loves how you moan and writhe while his fingers pump into your fleshy walls.
as for you, it has to be your mouth. he loves to cook for you and you’re the taste tester for a lot of his experimental dishes when he was curating the menu for the bear! although, on the lewd side, whenever you give him oral, it’s so arousing to him how your mouth takes in all of him.
C = cum (anything to do with cum)
he likes to finish either in you or on your stomach, although he does wear condoms regularly so he mostly finishes while still in you. however, when you’re giving him a blowjob, he likes to give you a facial.
D = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
he wants to fuck you while you have an apron on and nothing underneath. he hasn’t told you this fantasy yet, but if he ever catches you doing it, best believe that he’s bending you over the kitchen counter.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
oh he definitely has experience. mostly hookups and one night stands, though.
F = favourite position (this goes without saying)
his favourite would have to be camel style. carmy loves having you ass up with your face pushed into the pillow while he pounds you.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
when you first start having sex, he’s more on the serious side. though, over time as your relationship grows and you’re more comfortable with each other, he does crack a joke or two.
H = hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
curly and messy, but controlled. sometimes you help him with shaving!
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
he only ever said “i love you” during sex around one year into your relationship. it was a slip of the tongue, and you can tell how worried he got when he said it. he quickened the pace when you said “i love you too.”
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
rarely to sometimes, probably once or twice a week. if he’s pent up but he can’t leave work just yet, then he’ll go into the office or the bathroom and masturbate.
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
at the start of your relationship, you were both pretty vanilla (keyword: were). maybe five or six months into your relationship, you suggested trying bondage — just tying your wrists together. one of his other kinks that he suggested was biting; mostly biting you, but he wouldn’t mind if you reciprocate the action.
L = location (favourite places to have sex)
while he does prefer the privacy of the bedroom, there are times when he enjoys doing it in the kitchen or a car.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
a random turn on he has is the way you eat specific foods. for example, ice cream in a cone. when it melts a little and you lap up the ice cream with your tongue, he can’t help but think of you sucking him off.
N = nope (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
obviously, he would never hurt you, either physically or verbally. and although one of his turn ons his how you eat, one of his turn offs is using food (like whipped cream, cherries, etc.) during sex. he finds it to be a waste of using perfectly good ingredients that he would rather use to cook you something.
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he likes both, but he likes to be on the receiving end. at the end of a typical day working on renovating the restaurant, he’s tired, but sometimes in the mood. so you’re happy to give him a handjob/blowjob while he lays back and relaxes. if he wants to perform oral on you, then he likes it when you just sit on his face.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on his mood, which most of the time is pent up anger. rough sex is common in your shared sex life, so it’s a welcomed rarity when he wants to go slow.
Q = quickies (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
honestly, he’s perfectly fine with quickies. granted, he’d rather take his time with you, but if you’re in public like a bathroom stall or something, then he’s all for it.
R = risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
he would be fine with experimenting a little, maybe with bondage, sex toys, and a bit of degradation (usually mixed with praise). he also likes taking risks in semi-public places (for instance, the office at the bear; you two have definitely done it there anytime you come over to visit).
S = sexts (yes? no? pictures?)
more pictures are sent than actual sexts. the texts themselves are more teasing than explicit, as are the pictures. you both partake in send one another nudes, but they’re always either tasteful or the sexual organs are covered just enough.
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he himself doesn’t own any toys, but if you do — especially later in your relationship when you start to experiment a little — he’ll definitely use them on you.
U = unfair (how much they like to tease)
there are no words to describe how much carmy loves to tease you. the teasing is toned down a bit in public (with a couple of exceptions, like maybe if someone is trying to flirt with you…he’s definitely jealous and will tease you relentlessly), but when it’s just the two of you, he can be so unfair.
V = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
he’s the type of guy to not moan. maybe some grunts here and there, and there are whispers of ‘shit’ and ‘fuck,’ but no moans or whimpers.
W = wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
one time, you suggested eating aphrodisiac chocolates to spice things up in the bedroom. of course, carmy does know that he can just buy them at a sex shop or online, but he decided to make them himself. and yes, they definitely put you in the mood…
X = x-ray (dick size)
slightly above average, but girthy. he’s also the type of guy to have that one prominent vein that runs along the side that just feels so good when he’s pumping in and out of you.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive? how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
again, depends on mood. if carmy is pent up and still energetic when he comes home, then he can last three, maybe four rounds tops. however, if he’s tired, then one or two rounds before he clocks out.
Z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
most days, he falls asleep pretty quickly (hence, his definition of aftercare being quiet praises and cuddling). he does tend to fall asleep before you (sometimes, he can clock out right after he cums), but on days/nights where he’s still energetic, he’ll clean you both up and you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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astro-pioneer · 1 year
hello!! can i pls request the sumeru men with a reader who's a confectioner? and like, they can make from cookies to cute bento cakes to super elaborate, detailed, huge cakes.
affectionate confectioner!
he thinks your job makes you even sweeter. 『wanderer, tighnari, cyno, kaveh, al-haitham』
get him out of the kitchen please i beg
he loves you, sure, but he loves inconveniencing you even more
scale? gone. any measuring tool? gone too
since he doesn't enjoy sweets all that much he won't show much interest in consuming most of what you make
seeing you design the cakes, though? amazed
if you somehow annoyed him that day and you're making something small (like cookies) he'd definitely try to mess up a batch just because
if it stressed you out or something he'd lowkey feel bad and "begrudgingly" help out
if you ever make him something that's not as sweet (or a dessert that's meant to be bitter) as your usuals he'd nag you for ages to make it for him
aka he does it whenever he's in your kitchen
can't complete any customer's orders with him around smh
your bento cakes are his favourites but he advertises everything you sell to anyone who shows interest
you gave him one that had cute mushrooms and aranara
wouldn't shut up about it and sometimes orders it whenever he stops by
most of the time he picks something up for collei because sweet girl deserves it
sometimes cyno too but most of the time he allows him to get it himself because he's tired of the jokes
but! whenever he does get something for himself he makes sure to brag to his rangers but in a passive way
he doesn't seem like the biggest sweets guy so other than the bento cake he'd most likely buy cookies once in a while
the last time he bought something for cyno was for his birthday
never again would he do that
collei and him wanted to leave the small hangout they planned because he wouldn't shut up
he's your self-appointed taste tester and no you can't stop him
due to his position he sadly can't visit your shop as much as he wants but he makes sure to be there when you're trying something new
when you experimented with jam sandwich cookies he barged into tighnari's room with a container of them
and proceeded to say a horrible joke. and explained it. like always
"what did the blueberry say to the strawberry? 'i can't believe you got us into this jam!' this relates to these because-"
he repeated it at dinner (which included himself, tighnari, collei, and you) before doing three others about the same cookie
tighnari was debating on just foraging for dinner at this point but he knew he wouldn't be safe from the jokes
he still remembers the feeling of the general hunting him down to show him the combination you were nervous about and the jokes he had prepared
but due to his somewhat constant visits some of his coworkers started to check out your shop
he unknowingly became your walking advertisement as well. oh well
dude is all for your extravagant cakes
he breathes architecture and design so seeing the sketches for the client's cake got him like ⚆⚆ ⚆⚆ ⚆⚆
usually he doesn't get involved in your business because that's not his forte but just seeing the plans for an upcoming event had him begging for permission to help
but like how could you say no? one) he's one if not the best structural designer in sumeru and two) he's cute and you love him
turns out the cake was for the celebration of al-haitham's promotion to acting grand sage
biggest disappointment in his life but he got to spend time with you so who cares
but in terms of consumption he chooses more towards your fruit-orientated pastries
like you made this fruit tart special with fresh fruit on top and he bought basically all of them
the same thing happened with a pie you made
it got to the point where you had to decline him from buying any more for the day
he takes high interest in any scones and simple cookies you make
also anything he can enjoy in the morning with his coffee
enjoys snacking on any extras you bring home for him while reading throughout the day
he doesn't mind the other things you make but he finds them more of a hassle to eat while passing the time so he usually avoids them
whenever he's craving something a little extra he might get a cupcake or bento cake and enjoy it in your shop
also gets a slice whenever he's looking over submitted applications for archived files
he either lures in or away business - it's a struggle for you
there's sometimes some akademiya nerds who wanna be closer figuratively to the scribe and buy a lot before scurrying away when he glances up
then there are people (kaveh) who see him in the corner and immediately leave
he got so annoyed with people (again, kaveh) continuously entering and leaving where it got to the point where he asked to move in the back
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
hiii tate :)) could i request what's the op men's love language please? (monster trio, ace, sabo and law?)
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𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕘𝕖
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Love Languages: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Receiving/Giving Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service
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Sabo, Sanji, Ace, Law, Zoro, Luffy
Blk! Fem Reader
CW: LL, Fluff, Suggestive a little(?), Established Relationships
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Probably the only man that actually shows and loves all Love Languages equally.
WoA: He will praise you until the day is gone, and even in his sleep he mutters ways of speaking so highly of you; “Y/n…my love! My sweet! My beautiful princess…” He loves moaning your name whether in bed or…y’know in bed (😉) He adores how flustered you get from his words, how everytime you change something just so slightly about yourself he notices and gives it all the attention. There isnt a moment that goes by where he isnt finding new ways to express his love for your verbally. Even with little notes he passes to you through out the day. That doesn’t stop there though he loves YOUR words more. When you tell him how much you love him, how pretty he looks, even from how great he cooks he melts in the palm of your hand.
PT: He’s a pervert for one. Of course he loves touching. Man loves PDA more than anything. But ignoring the perverted touches he does to you like while you both are sleep he creeps his hand under your shirt to squeeze your breast or his hand always “accidentally “ falling on your ass when you stand by him. He does a lot of mindless touching you, you actually became his personal stress toy, being squeezed on whether it’s your hands, thighs, or cheeks. Your skin is so soft and plushy and he loves when you do the same. He blushes so quickly when you kiss his cheek, play with his fingers and give his knuckles a kiss while you both sit together. He can’t get enough of touching you.
R/GG: His heart skips a beat when you come back from being apart to see you bring him back something that reminded you of him. Sanji always brings you back flowers, snacks you may like, an outfit, whatever because he always thinks of you and your likes and dislikes. You once bought him a lighter with his name on it on your first date, and though it is no longer in use because he used it so much he still has kept it in his pocket and from time to time he takes it out on accident and just stares at it in awe. A small reminder of the many reasons why he loves u.
QT: Sanji doesn’t really like when people are so close and “distracting” him too much from cooking. But when you stop in and ask him to try his latest dish it sparks up a new level of happiness. “W-would you mind sitting here and staying as my taste tester?” He shyly asks as an excuse for “Please stay in here with me.” Believe it or not Sanji keeps himself busy to run away from the lingering thoughts he gets when he is alone (as well as the other men). But sometimes cooking/smoking isn’t enough, but with You being there it helps immensely. More than you’ll ever know.
AoS: He loves catering to you. He loves being your little butler. Though you dont see it that way. He just loves to be needed by you. He loves that you depend on him. He loves that he can depend on you. His pride doesnt like to admit it though. Not in a “alpha male” kind of way but he never had much to depend on in his younger years up until Zeff so you definitely taught him to love and accept love when given.
When Zoro loves he loves hard so when he expresses his LL to you it’s usually pretty intense.
PT: Though he isn’t very into PDA that doesn’t stop him from simple things like Hand holding, picking you up, or even a small gesture like fixing your hair or wiping the frosting off the corner of your lip in public. He is a touchy guy in private though. He didn’t realize it until you pointed it out when he kept rubbing his thumb on your hand while you spoke to him privately on the floor of the CN. It was embarrassing for him, but it didn’t stop him from touching you more. When you touch him back, he freezes. His cheeks get so hot you can almost feel the heat when you get up close and personal. But it’s soothing. Your touch is what relaxes him. When you massage him or simply hug him suddenly from behind. It’s a comfort he cant explain. He also loves touching you ass.
QT: Naps, eating/drinking together, going on walks that leave you both lost, you name it Zoro wants to go with you. Even just sitting in silence can have the man happy. He doesn’t care about any awkward silences. Knowing you’re in his presence is enough to want to keep having you around him. “Woman. Come here.” Damn near sounding sassy and demanding asking you to follow him back to his room to just separate each other from the chaos of the Sunny. No complaints though. Even if you want to talk about nothing he is more than willing to hear you. He loves bantering with you the most.
AoS: Zoro tries his hardest to show his love with words, but he fails most times. He just isn’t accustomed to speaking his feelings since he never did as a child. So. Just like Sanji. He loves that you depend on him. Please do he is happy to do so. When you call on him just to open a jar he loves to tease you about it too. “😏So you need a real man to—“ “JUST OPEN THE JAR!” “😒” He is there to open jars, listen to your problems, and even whoop a man’s ass if you need it. He will never complain to putting himself out there to assist you in the best way possible. It’s the same with you as well, he usually prides himself on not needing help because he’s a piece of crap, but when you come to his aid after a fight or when he needs assistance on what to wear he’s always appreciates it. Giving you a temple kiss and a small mutter of “Thank you, mama.”
His love is so expressive you can’t ever question if his feelings for you is fake or not.
WoA: Man can make anybody blush. He’s made pretty much every person he knows flustered. It’s a gift. His sweet big smile and giggle after complimenting your skills and intellect will always leave you speechless. If Luffy had a tail he’d be wagging it everytime he heard you praise him as well as when he praises you. You’re his favorite person, and with that you will get at least 3 compliments a day. MINIMUM. Accompanied with a smile. A smile that makes you match it everytime he does it. Match his energy though and compliment him back! Who knows.. you may be one of the few people that can make Luffy blush.
PT: Touchy boy. Loves to wrap his limbs around you. Loves to smooch you. Loves PDA (doesnt even know what that is). Loves being close to you. You have officially became his personal Teddy Bear. He squeezes you alot. If youre a bigger girl you definitely will have moments in the day where he just clings onto you like a koala. You smell as good as you look to him so dont be surprised if he stays on you like an extra limb until lunch.
AoS: He will always be there for you. You’re his girlfriend but most importantly youre his friend. Youre his. And he doesnt even realize the way he expresses his love for you everyday is with how he protects you. He is very emotionally intelligent and available when youre down. He may not be the brightest but he always finds a way to pick up a solution to your problems. And it’s the same with you, when you can be there for him. It makes his stomach grow butterflies.
He doesn’t believe he is worth loving, but dammit the way he expresses HIS love is almost remarkable.
WoA: He will nickname you to DEATH. “Pretty girl”, “Babydoll”, “KoalaBear”, “Cub”, “Baby” “Babe”, “Sunshine”, “Dollface” the list goes on. Even some nicknames are pure inside jokes. He loves to also hear how much you love him. Your actions do speak louder than your words, but damn he loves when he hears you say “I love you, Ace.” His whole day is completely refresh when he hears his name and “love” coming out of your mouth. He blushes like he’s a little kid again when you cup his face and tell him, punctuating with a kiss on his nose.
QT: You and him are what most people say “Inseparable “. Wherever you are, he is and wherever he is you are. It’s not even on purpose you both just love to be around each other. You both gravitated to each other the first day Ace was on board the MD. You both are always caught holding hands or you are on his back traveling. Granted he is sometimes stubborn and follows you when you have to travel alone, which gets him in trouble, but it’s worth it.
PT: Like I said you both are always hand holding. He actually developed this LL because of you. You both got closer during the winter and one night he noticed how cold you were and wrapped an arm around you. His warmth was something you grew attached to and though your sudden touches always blindsided him. He almost developed a separation anxiety because of you. Sleeping with you, eating with you, even showering with you. He wants to touch your plushy body at all times….sometimes its not always sexual. Sometimes.
AoS: You both kind of have a tit for tat relationship. You cover for him. He covers for you. You buy him food. He carries you back home. He cleans yall shared room. You massage his back when he feels sore after a fight. It’s something you both love doing for each other. He loves knowing you have his back and he has your no matter what the situation is. He calls you his mini me sometimes for how you help him out.
A stoic man yet he’s so expressive towards you at the same time???
WoA: He compliments you aggressively. “You’re too fucking cute.” “Stop looking so attractive.” “You’re too smart. Stop that.” It’s….interesting to say the least. He looks at you in awe and in his mind he is malfunctioning and spazzing out on how amazing you are to him and how perfect you look even in his shirt, but his words just…well..he tries. You however arent afraid of how much you compliment him and he is embarrassed on how much he loves hearing it. When you tell him how educated he is or how much you loved his new attire he gets a little big headed and thinks about your sweet words all day even behind his frown.
QT: Another man that loves his peace. He does, but whether you actually give him that or not it doesnt matter as long as youre with him. When he invites you to stay in his office as he studies he sometimes just looks up at stares at you, you could be fast asleep on his couch or reading a book, he just likes knowing you’re close by. It almost relieves the tense feeling he have been holding in for hours.
A revolutionary man with a revolutionary way of expressing just how much he loves you (ik that was corny)
WoA: His sly words always leave you blushing. He’s like Luffy with his praise but in a more mature manner. Pointing out the small details he loves about you so randomly it almost throws you off balance the rest of the day. “That ponytail you had on this morning made you look like you were glowing, sweetheart. I loved that look on you.” Always leaving you wanting to compliment him back, but he leaves you no time after landing a passionate kiss afterwards. He knows the effect his words have on you which is why he loves drowning you in them.
QT: Eating out, long days in the office, naps, long walks you name it. He loves being productive with you. Even if it’s to accompany him. You’re like his little sidekick. Being around you is what puts him at ease. Even if the job he is doing is boring he promises to make it up to you later that night for being so patient with him.
AoS: I mean yeah. Just like Sanji hand and foot by your side to assist you on whatever issue you have. He is the only person he wants you to come to. You’re his one and only and due to that making sure you’re, happy, safe, and sound is one of his first priorities.
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hotchs-big-hands · 2 months
HI ADA 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
okay so do you think Aaron would hit you or choke you or anything like that during sex? THIS IS SO STRAIGHTFORWARD IM SORRY 😭
I mean it in the way that he sees so much in his line of work that it's sorta out of the question for him. Like he couldn't do what he sees others do, let alone to you
Ykwim? If you talk about it and you tell him it's okay and you enjoy it, maybe he'll start slowly (and end up enjoying too maybe 🤭) but at first this sweet ass man would be so shy and afraid to do so i love him 😭🫶🏻
JSJCWJFJSJ helloooo anon thank yu for sending this ask!! Yur fine being straightforward LMAO💅
Okay so! I have thots (thoughts) abt this! Imma put them under the cut cuz obvs it’s nsfw and also it’s not everyone’s cuppa tea which is understandable and okay!
Minors dni 🔞
Short answer is: with sitting down to do some research with him and educating him about choking/slapping different areas and how to do it safely, he would definitely be up for giving it a try and I think he’d be quite into it. But ion think he would do choking/face slapping when he’s like. Angry fucking you. He would draw the line there.
Now the longer answer!
At first he’s like um. No. That’s abuse. He isn’t too well versed in BDSM culture and many kinks, so he thinks choking as in cutting off your windpipe, rather than applying pressure to your pulse point. And slapping as in assaulting you, rather than slapping sensitive areas like your ass, breasts, pussy and light face slaps. So you ask him if he would be willing to sit down with you sometime to do some research into it and if he still isn’t into it then that’s that. He agrees.
Now if it were me I’d make a whole fuckin PowerPoint presentation LMAO but whatever means of introducing and showing him these different kinds of play, you’re gonna have him taking it really seriously. Explaining to him about the pleasurable benefits of such play, how they could be incorporated into your sex life, but also the risks that are needed to be aware of. And if he tries something and doesn’t like it then you stop and don’t do it again.
Introducing them to the bedroom would be one thing at a time, and only doing one each time at first. Spanking your ass first, then breatheplay choking you the next time, then slapping your breasts and pussy. And finally face slapping. Every time you’d introduce something you’d do a tester for each thing to see how far you want to go with it, the pain level, the amount of pressure to your pulse point.
He’d only slap your face enough to surprise you, rather than actually hurt you. Slapping it when you don’t tell him what you want fast enough, or if you don’t call him sir (or daddy hehe) and accidentally use his name (during those sessions). He likes the dazed look on your face, the way you whimper and whine, the way your eyes roll back when he’s fucking you hard and choking you. Over time you start incorporating them together in one session, and it’s safe to say he enjoys how fucked out for him you become.
But also after these sessions he needs a lot of reassurance that you enjoyed yourself, that you were more than okay with the choking and slapping/spanking (which is true to irl as well. Always give your dominant partner their own aftercare and reassurance). And he’d become more confident with it, initiating such play with you. Perhaps you’d wear an item of clothing or accessory that tells him subtly you’re okay with him going ahead with initiating without asking beforehand.
Ofc this is just my opinion about it and ik it’s not for everyone/other people may think he wouldn’t be into it. And that is very valid! But yeah that’s my thots on this :3
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rinkkuma · 1 year
ft. chigiri hyoma, reo mikage, & sae itoshi
tags. a bit of cussing, the use of “blackmail” in reo's part is used jokingly (no toxic relationships here!!), reader implied to have longish hair in chigiri's, gn!reader, all fluff ! / author's note. thank you sm for the support on the first part!!
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loves doing his haircare routine on you, and if you're too tired, he'll be a sweetie and do it for you! as much as he loves skincare routines, but his hair is his top priority.
tests new hairstyles on you and you pull every one of them off, but when he tries them on himself, he's upset about how they don't look as good on him as they did on you.
plays those random dress up games online, (gacha life) and makes you and him.
has disney movie night marathons with you! his favorites are definitely tangled, (totally not because he just wonders how she takes care of that much hair) frozen, the little mermaid, and lilo and stitch. sets up the couch with lots of pillows, blankets, and snacks to make sure you're comfortable! you end up not using half of them and just use him as a pillow the whole time.
wakes you up early (which you don't mind) on sundays so you guys can go to the local farmer's market. people running the stands compliment you two for being such a cute couple! chigiri buys lots of fruit while he's here, (he believes farmer's market fruit is the best, he's right) especially strawberries. he also likes going to strawberry fields with you to pick strawberries during the sunset.
would love to adopt a cat with you! (canon that his favorite animal is cats! sorry if you don't like cats) has a whole list of names planned in his notes app and a bunch of toys he plans to buy for the cat.
a little cliché, but look at anything for a little longer than one second and he buys it for you. i mean, what else is he supposed to do with all of his money? if you could fill a room with all of the things he's brought you just because you looked at it, you would need multiple rooms.
his whole ‘hidden’ photos folder is full of silly photos he has of you just for a little laugh every once in a while. (totally not to use as blackmail and to send them out of the blue to you) truthfully though, he doesn't think you have a single bad photo.
has a dedicated section in his closet full of clothes for you whenever you stay over at his house mansion. (bro probably has a walk-in closet that could be a size of a small bedroom)
two words, staring problem. just having a conversation with him, and his eyes are burning into your face, carefully listening to every word as if you're giving a very important speech. (which you are in his mind) you could be talking to a friend across the room, and he will be staring and pouting, waiting for you to hurry and come back to him. point is, man is staring at you 24/7.
although you two are dating, still stalks you on social media. (shamelessly) deadass one day he got up to use the bathroom and he left his phone on the bed, and you decided to peak at his phone, (not trying to be noisy, just curious) and saw that he was looking at the instagram highlight you had that was photos of you. you never let him live it down and still tease him relentlessly to this day.
holds your hand anywhere, anytime. while walking, sitting on the couch and chatting, while you guys sleep, literally anything. the warmth of your hand brings him comfort and makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
has a secret instagram account dedicated to you. posts all of his photos of you and the captions are just him ranting about how much he loves you. he blocks you to make sure you never find it because he's a little embarrassed. maybe he'll tell you about it one day though.
loves baking! his favorite thing to bake is muffins and bread, and let's you be the taste tester! request something for him to bake, and he makes enough to enjoy the rest of the month! if he ever needs to leave the house early for practice or meetings, you always wake up to a muffin, freshly cut fruit, and a note on the kitchen counter neatly set for you. on days he doesn't need to leave the house early, you wake up with breakfast in bed!
puts up with you and your shenanigans. hungry and too lazy to get up? he already prepared your favorite 10 minutes earlier. can't sleep? cages you into his arms and strokes your hair until you fall asleep. bag too heavy? he was already carrying it. you're the only person he'll put up with.
although the doesn't quite know how to express his emotions with words, definitely does with his actions. to physical touch, gift giving, and just spending time with you, sae doesn't let his inability of expressing feelings with words stop him from letting you know how much he loves you.
needs you to give him a kiss before you or him leaves the house for anything. these kisses last a little longer depending how long he'll be gone. if he's leaving for a trip overseas, he kisses you until you're breathless and pulls away every few seconds to murmur an ‘i love you’.
loves going on walks while it's raining with you. brings an umbrella and makes sure you're bundled up, you can't get sick on his watch!
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rottmntsimp · 5 months
Hey! Love your writing! if reqs are open, would you be willing to write rottmnt Casey Jr x reader? Maybe something fully and/or cozy, like them having a lazy night or doing some housework or something? There’s such a drought of CJ content :c
Leisurely Love [Domestic Headcanons]
Pairing[s]: Casey Junior x Reader A/N: Finally posting after months of writer's block!! 💪 Anyway, sorry the order's a bit scattered 😅
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Casey Junior
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💖 - Starting off with the kitchen <33
💖 - I've said this before in one of my earlier headcanons, but CJ does not understand the concept of good food. To him edible = food, regardless of taste or texture. "What do you mean it's burnt? It's still food!"
💖 - If you like cooking, you're in luck! He'll gladly be your personal taste tester!!
💖 - And with enough effort, care and love, my boy will be cooking you a small meal in no time!!
💖 - He definitely has a habit of hoarding things he likes
💖 - Back in the apocalypse, keeping things was a risk on its own, especially when you never know when you're gonna have to move.
💖 - But now that he's safe, my boy will keep anything and everything. You guys will probably have a drawer or two dedicated to things that remind of him of his family from back in the apocalypse, you, or just something really pretty :]
💖 - Baby boy loves gardening! Or at least getting to watch the plants grow :]
💖 - He doesn't exactly trust himself to care for them, seeing as the last few he tried to keep withered within a week.
💖 - But if you're into gardening or keep a pet plant, he'll gladly let you keep some around the house!! Hell, he might even help with planting some outside if you really wanted.
💖 - Animals, oh boy...
💖 - Personally, if not for the apocalypse, I feel like CJ would've LOVED dogs-
💖 - But due to his experience with the Kraang, some of them shaped like animals...best to say it'll take some time for him to warm up to them.
💖 - My boy has warm hands. How do I know? I just do.
💖 - If you have cold hands, believe me when I say he is never letting go.
💖 - He's not much of a cuddler, or so he claims. There's an underlying fear in his head that he might accidentally kick you or push you away in his sleep, so he chooses to instead just fall asleep facing you. It comforts him to wake up to the sight of you, messy or not.
💖 - Daily reminders that his life is not constantly at stake? Yes please.
💖 - Favorite place to kiss you? Your forehead <3 [We love a gentleman 😌]
💖 - If you're terrified of bugs, fear not!
💖 - Casey will kill them in the blink of an eye, maybe even pick them up and leave them outside if you ask.
💖 - When it comes to cleaning, he doesn't like to throw things out, as I said earlier.
💖 - He's the kind of guy to organize the mess instead of actually cleaning up. "Messy? But I know where everything is!"
💖 - When he discovers music, it's like his eyes had just opened for the first time. Help him go through this journey please.
💖 - Introduce him to your favorite artists, help him find his type.
💖 - Eventually, this will become "your" thing.
💖 - He will run over to you, excitedly rambling on about this new song he'd just listened to, before making you listen to it too, saying how "-you've got to listen to this!"
💖 - Lazy days consist of introducing him to modern culture!!
💖 - I'm talking memes, shows, films, games, everything- Hell, consider it a sleepover at this point, because my boy is willing to give anything a try. Show him the wonders of the modern world ♥
💖 - Now if we're talking about the FAR future? I'm sorry, but he does NOT want kids, adopted or not.
💖 - He saw how much of a handful they could be back in the resistance, and he'd be dead by the time he admitted wanting that.
💖 - If it's any consolation, he might become more open to the whole pet situation.
💖 - Regardless, indulge in the poor boy's hobbies and interests please. Give him some love and you're bound to get some back <3
💖 - Anyway, 11/10 roomie/partner ♥♥
Taglist: @lemme-be-cringe-damnit@sleepytime-fics@ray-of-midnight-storm@hamthepan@charismakat@flapajacker
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
Aw those best friend hcs were fun! Can you do everyone else at the hotel? Especially Vaggie?
A/N: I absolutely can! I'll make a part 3 or edit this one if I somehow forget someone (it could happen). This is quite the little grouping 🤣 I hope you like it!
Having them as best friend's part two:
Includes: Vaggie, Sir Pentious, Niffty, and Cherri Bomb.
Part One
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Her deal is tough love.
As her best friend, you're used to being called an idiot half a dozen times a day.
You'll just be chilling after making some decision or saying something and she'll be like: "Not only are you blind, you're fucking stupid too!" But it wouldn't hold any malice
She's never really been one for gossip, but you can bet that she'll listen to how your day was.
Definitely the friend who would interrogate anyone you show interest in.
If someone says something out of line about you, she's putting them in their place before you can open your mouth to defend yourself.
Vaggie isn't very touchy, but she'll hug you sometimes. Especially if it was something like after the battle and she was just happy you were alive.
She's almost always there to ward off the bad.
Sleepovers! They're never her idea, but she can't say no when you give her those puppy dog eyes.
Really, she's always there for you, but with a sibling dynamic that makes some question if the two of you really tolerate each other at all. You do, but barely lmao.
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Sir Pentious
He's a drama king. Sweet, but definitely dramatic.
100% the friend to hold your drink at a party. . . Because he's HOLDING EVERYONE'S DRINK!
If you had to go anywhere, he's sending the Egg Bois with you. They call you 'not master' and it's the cutest thing ever.
Sleepovers would be his idea, no doubt. An offer that couldn't be refused.
He calmly interrogates any potential suitors of yours, and if they seem fine, he might let them go on a date with you.
Will literally cry if you call someone else your best friend. Friend's are okay. But if you called Angel Dust or Charlie your best friend? Immediate tears. "But. . . I thought I wasss your besssst friend." Apologize, right now.
Gives you some new weaponized invention and your favorite Hellish sweet treat every year on your 'death day'. He takes it very seriously.
He's all for the tea, but only if there's 100% truth behind it. Like you witnessed the HOTTEST tea of the month and just went 'Sir P NEEDS to know'.
Everyone mistakes the calmness and caring nature of Sir Pentious as having feelings for you. Common misconception. That's just your slithery best friend.
Y'all take naps together at random because you can. And naps are life.
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You're almost as chaotic as she is, but you're better at hiding it. Sorry not sorry.
Because of her, everything you own is cleaner than when you got it and you found it disturbing at first, but eventually got used to it.
She climbs you like a tree and uses you to see better in large crowds.
She talks so fast half the time you could barely understand her until it clicked and you could reply.
She's very knife happy. Someone breaks your heart? "STAB! STAB! STAB!" Followed by maniacal giggles and her footsteps down the hall.
She tries new recipes and uses you as the taste tester to see if the others would enjoy it. The answer is usually yes.
Niffty is super blunt. She won't hold back a single thought, even if it could potentially hurt your feelings.
She rarely takes breaks, but when she does, her small frame is usually beside you, watching TV or relaying the latest drama she heard on the streets.
She's a good listener, but once again, she's also blunt.
Every picture of the two of you, she has that same far away look in her eye. Every. Single. One.
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Cherri Bomb
She's a bad influence, that much is certain, but no amount of peer pressure could get you to do something you didn't want to do. That's why you're best friends.
She loves partying and dragging you out, but most nights, you stay in, which then in a way, forces her to stay in too.
"[Y/N/N], you bitch, why aren't you dressed? I thought we were going out tonight!" No. No you weren't.
She encourages you to step out of your comfort zone 24/7, because you're in Hell and it could only get so much worse.
She listens, but doesn't really pay attention all that much. There's almost always something else on her mind, but she makes it up to you somehow.
She'd probably push you down the stairs for fun if she felt like it.
Most likely to sing karaoke with you, absolutely plastered in a bar somewhere on the outskirts of the Pride Ring.
If you handed your cup to her to go to the bathroom, she'd probably misunderstand and drink it.
Glares at anyone who looks in your direction, purely because she doesn't trust very many at all.
Would reluctantly agree to a sleepover if you asked, just because you're her main bitch.
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
— scenario: how twst characters show you how much they love you
— characters involved: riddle roseheart, leona kingscholar, malleus draconia x gn reader
— cw: fluff! reader is implied to be shorter than the character in leona and malleus's part
— a/n: happy international women's day! just wanted to write some fluffy troupes for you guys (after a really painfully long mia and my laziness)
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were you late for the unbirthday party that riddle invited you to? don't worry, this cute boy won't scold you about punctuality
instead, he would ask for the reason that made you late
did crowley give you too much work again? did the trouble makers in his dorm drag you into some mess again? let this red haired dorm leader settle the burdens for you
riddle can be quite naggy sometimes, especially towards the dorm members when he spots them not following any queen of heart's rules
however in your case, he is naggy towards your own well being. did you take your lunch today? are you sleeping enough? did anyone bully you in school?
would occasionally invite you over to his dorm just to try out new pastries that trey made (the both of you are taste testers for trey's pastries and no trey totally did not try experimenting new stuff just to give you guys extra lovey dovey time)
i believe he never really read any romance books before, but starts picking them up once the both of you started dating, so that he could get a gist of what a boyfriend should do and how dating should be like
a little awkward sometimes but he tries his very best to make you happy
overall he's just a small little chipmunk that looks out for you in every way and tries to improve himself for you and a little clingy
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he's like the.... most unbothered person in the whole campus
doesn't care what's going on as long as it doesn't bother him
has zero tolerance for pests
...... you do know that he doesn't see you as a pest, right?
his ears perched up whenever he hears someone mentioning about him
definitely had his sleeves rolled up tight in case he needs to fight whoever that was bad mouthing you
leona hates loud people, but he doesn't mind you talking his ear off and telling him about your day
he may look disinterested, but trust me, he remembers everything that you say. why? because he cares
you often find yourself surprised when he remembers something that you told him the last time while he was "asleep"
another thing that he does to show his love towards you is that he shares his food to you
he's a big sucker for meat, and a big man like him definitely eats a lot. he doesn't like to share his stuff too, so be glad that this grumpy lion is sharing you his portion of food
frequent head rubs!! he likes to rub his cheek on your head while holding you tight against his body, the warmth of your body lulling him to sleep in an instant
btw lions show affections by doing head rubs :D
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congratulations, you are now the most spoilt person in twisted wonderland
for every second you breathe, gold coins starts pilling up in your room
for every second you blink, treasures starts littering itself everywhere in your dorm
for every second your heart beats, you find a clingy dragon fae snuggling into your chest, a tight grip on your waist as he holds you close to him
malleus is a big man, and everyone would assume that he would love being the big spoon
the truth is, malleus enjoys being pampered by his lover
no, he doesn't need money, treasures, or some weird magical artifacts
he just needs his lover to pay attention to him, THATS ALL
in return, he would do anything for you, anything
do you wanna play in the snow in the middle of june? night raven college should be making preparations for early winter
are you eyeing on that tiara that vil happens to wear on his set for a movie? well, it's yours to wear now
are you having some intensive late night cravings? sounds like a good timing to go on a date right? let him just teleport the both of you to the other side of the world, where the sun is still high while the both of you can enjoy a hearty meal and explore the place
he's the type of lover that would burn the whole world just for you
nothing can ever exceed or surpass the amount of love he have for you
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