#and we're possibly getting two more to foster but idk
nervocat · 5 months
Hey guys look at the silly little kittens I'm fostering rn aren't they cute :33 (also umm @h2llish ik you wanted to see them so yeah. Here they are!)
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ashtoninbloom · 2 years
[text]: Honestly, and it's so refreshing to be surrounded by people who understand the value of family time. Aaron has been traveling quite a lot this past year to film, and he auditioned for a few roles that would likely film next year if he gets them. So being able to have this uninterrupted time with the older girls has been wonderful. Just trying to soak it all in because it already breaks my heart when they have to say goodbye to Collins to spend time with their mom. That's the best mindset, honestly. She's little, but she has her own little personality already and I bet you've figured out a few of her coos after just a few days. Because you're a great dad! Don't refuse the help, but maybe in another week or so. This is your bonding time with her. Sleep will come.
[text]: Is she even Australian if she doesn't love the water!? The vision of baby Ava in massive headphones is sending me right now. She's going to be so, so proud of her daddies -- cheering you on from stage right every single night. Collins is a vibe alright, and I love her more than I ever thought I could possibly love something. She's barely four months and has me wanting another already, so if that doesn't tell you something idk what does. Let me let you in on a little secret -- you're stuck with me for far longer than 18 years. We'll be old and wrinkly, showing off our grandbabies and great-grandbabies to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[ text ]: i didn't really have a tight knit family unit when i was a child, so now that i have a family of my own, i feel like i wanna work even harder to make sure we get to experience everything together. everything outside of our little bubble has taken the backseat and i don't see that changing, especially with Ava being so little still. you two have to balance a lot of things to get that family time, with Aaron's busy work schedule, visitation with his two older girls, your busy career and of course, little Collins. makes sense you'd do your best to make sure every little moment you five have together. It's hard that your baby girl has to miss time with her siblings but at least you guys are doing the best you can to foster those relationships. she's very sweet and chill but i definitely see some of that Luke sass in her too. say a prayer for me, please. we're alternating taking care of feeds, and trying to nap while she sleeps. the jury is still out on if it's entirely working but i wouldn't change it for the world.
[ text ]: true, she's getting her first beach exposure this weekend, i'll send you all the photos of my little water baby. she'll look very rock'n' roll and i have to make her a little 5SOS jacket to match that vibe. you're an amazing mum, i've known that always. is baby number two a want still or are you two working on it? you think you guys will end up having more than two of your own? Luke wants to have four, so there's gonna be a lot of babies to take to Bali when the time comes. yes please, they say it takes a village to raise a baby and i'm so glad you're always on our team, lovely.
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(We're moots but going anon because you're too cool for me and I'm shy sksksksss) Chu help me, I want to adopt a second dog but I'm still in uni and realistically I know it's a bad idea, but he's been at the shelter for so long and he's become so skinny and sad 😭😭 I'm lucky that I live in a house with a large backyard and roommates atm and I have a steady source of income and some money aside but idk what the future holds... But winter is here and I'm scared that he won't make it...
I already bought him a coat to protect him from the cold bc he kept shivering and I feed him extra food each time I go to the shelter since I'm a volunteer but he's not getting better, and now he's bonded to me on top of everything else. He's a high-energy breed too and I know I could provide him with the exercise and stimulation he needs (my first dog is actually too lazy for me and happy with one walk a day if even that despite being young and a "working breed" lmao rip). I dunno, I'm just scrambling my brain trying to think of a solution, I'd suggest fostering but the shelter really only does it for elderly or very young animals... I'd probably end up foster failing anyway lmao.
I guess I'm looking for a neutral outside pov from someone who has several dogs??
I'm so far from cool what is this perception of me
Id say your practical concerns are valid: if your roommates will accept him, if you can comfortably afford him, if you have help taking care of him if necessary etc. It sounds like most of those are answered. Have you asked your roommates about it?
The other concern is -- is his health so poor that you may lose him young? And can you afford that unfortunate possibility?
But I'd say If you're bonded and can handle it and have the means and safety net to care for him as well as (or better) than the shelter...I mean...I'd take him.
I think you've been extremely thoughtful and rational about the process and know the situation best. Talk to your roommates and don't doubt yourself. You know if you can handle him. And you'll certainly make it work if you have to, being a good match just helps lessen the stress.
Read more for a "how I met my puppers" story and why I'm not the best person to ask T.T
But my mother and I want around the whole family to shelters before surprising them with meeting the dog we wanted. Aka kinda rudely but not irresponsibly bc we had a yard and supplies fr the previous dog we had 🥺.
And I got bread while living alone in an apartment with no yard at all to speak of bc my friend heard our other coworker freaking out that her roomate let a street dog in her apartment and my friend was like (without talking to me, just knowing I needed/wanted a dog) "oh vi will take that dog"
She came up to me later like "oh hey I got you a dog." I met her after work (LITERALLY ON MY WAY TO ANOTHER STATE FOR A THREE DAY VACATION) And fell in love with my idiot 🥺 said I'd take her with ZERO SUPPLIES or preparation and a messy ass apartment and left her with that friend who watched her those first two days and I came back early) whipped my shit into shape real good real fast.
It was rash and irresponsible as FUCK but we're doing just fine now bc we needed each other (she's laying next to me in bed with her snoot on my shoulder rn 🥺✨)
All of that to say I may not be the best person to ask lololol
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monochrome-monarch · 5 years
Atlantis Days AU/Ghidorah Pulls An Anakin AU
Is it even considered an AU?
Anyway, I watched some GMK clips and two Wikizilla videos on GMK Mothra, Ghidorah and Baragon then I thought, "Hey, they should do these 'KG as the good guy scenarios' more often." which then turned into "What if Ghidorah was a good guy (read: morally ambiguous but not evil) back in the day but pulled an Anakin Skywalker?"
Then these designs happened:
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Some notes on this AU(?) Warning: canon divergence probably
- Everyone is younger here. Like I guess college age by Titan standards?? If we're talking who's the eldest and who's the youngest, well, Eldest is tied between the Ghidorah Triplets and Mothra but no one knows how old Ghidorah is (they're still considered young by their planet's standards, though) and Mothra and Rodan take turns being the youngest, mostly thanks to Mothra dying and coming back.
- Dagon is the Alpha of this time period and Gojira is his heir. They are not related but they do have a familial mentor-student relationship. Dagon /probably/ would've adopted Goji had he lived longer
- Mothra is sorta Dagon's daughter?? They're close friends and he plays parent whenever Mothra is reborn as a larva. Okay, maybe she /is/ his daughter.
- Rodan is Dagon's foster son, taking him in after his entire flock got slaughtered by something. Rodan's parents also took in Dagon's son (yep, Dagon is the biological father of BabyG) since I sorta headcanon that Alphas trust someone to be the surrogate/foster parent of their young and well, Rodan's parents were kinda suited for the job since they're loyal to Dagon, are great fighters and no one is dumb enough to invade a nest situated in a volcano. As thanks for their service and also out of pity, he took in Rodan (Did I explain that well??) Btw, the egg doesn't hatch until the Beginnings of the Mass Hibernation. Also, Rodan and Dagon have a good father-son relationship, even if Rodan sometimes likes to annoy Dagon.
- The Ghidorah Triplets are an anomaly, having fallen from the sky but, thanks to a really rough landing which resulted to bad head injuries, they have no memory of their life prior to their fall. They were initially taken in by Leviathan before being dumped on Orochi when they were a little older. Years later, Orochi then sent them to go train under Dagon and maybe figure out who they were. P.S. They eventually fo find out about their past. . . Their not so good and fun past. . . Which resulted in them going back to their conquering ways
- The six of them were actually close friends back in the day
•Gojira and the Triplets had a friendly rivalry going on, especially in terms of combat. However, the Ghidorahs are also pretty jealous on Goji being Dagon's heir but they don't know why (when they remember their past, they find out why)
• Goji and Rodan see each other as brothers but they also like messing with each other. Goji is usually the one that bails Rodan out and makes sure he doesnt get into too much trouble or even hurt while Rodan cheers Goji up and is usually there to back him up. They also have a habit of throwing tiny pebbles at each other.
• Mothra is everyone's mom friend but she surprisingly Moms the Ghidorahs the most, mostly because of their mysterious origins and their own individual flaws that will warrant them an asskicking (Ichi being an arrogant douche, Ni being irritable and quick-tempered but then again, he doesnt mind fighting everyone and San being too curious and not too bright). Ichi usually gets annoyed, Ni is indifferent at first but does get annoyed too while San doesn't mind. They secretly appreciate it, though
• Mothra still Moms Goji 'Too Tired for your BS but I will still kick your ass' and Rodan 'Will start a fist fight for kicks'. However, at least Goji helps her out by acting as Tired Dad friend though, Rodan does help. . . By fighting people. Also, to be fair, Goji ends up fighting people too but only if someone insults his friends, especially Mothra.
• Rodan and the Triplets are disaster friends who get into trouble a lot, usually them getting into brawls with others or with each other (to be fair, it's all in good fun in the latter case). Though, when they're not causing trouble, they're probably chilling at a temple or a tavern. Rodan has a different dynamic with each triplet but he's still close with all three of them.
- If Rodan or Dagon is busy, everyone takes turns watching over the Egg. Mothra is the most trusted for obvious reasons.
- Yes, Goji and Mosu have a crush on each other but are lowkey trying to egg the other into asking the other out. And no, neither of them have cracked yet. Yes, Rodan and Ghidorah have a crush on each other but they're hella confused. On Rodan's side, it's "Do I have a crush on one of them or all three of them??" While on the triplets' side, it's "WTF is this feeling???"
Design Notes:
- I headcanon Atlantis as a Melting Pot aka a lot of cultures and races integrate here and have a huge influence on the place hence the outfit influences. Also, you can totally see the D&D influences in some of the outfits.
- Mothra's outfit is based on one of the Shobijin's outfits, just a bit more suited for flying and being in a kingdom in the middle of the sea. I tried to make it as extra as possible, I swear. Surprisingly,the fluff coat doesnt get in the way of her wings
- Am I the only one who actually likes the idea of Rodan having feathers? Idk, it sounds cool. He doesn't have feathers when he's fighting, though. Also, thanks to his tail and the fact that his wing membrane is also connected to the said tail, Rodan wears low rise bottoms. Also also, he wears shorts under his kilt.
- Goji tends to prefer simpler clothes since he doesn't want any fancy stuff getting in the way of him swimming or mediating but he doesn't mind wearing fancy clothes, though. Yes, he also likes wearing his hakama like that. Mothra can be caught staring at it
- The Triplets were originally supposed to be dressed in Celtic Clothing before I decided for celtic-inspired fantasy clothes instead. It's just emphasize on how out of place they are on Earth. Also, their styles have some differences because people got fed up with trying to guess which brother is which. However, they were matching armor when training/fighting. San arguabling dresses more simpler, especially when he's out hunting. Wouldn't want to ruin your fancy clothes when out hunting.
- Their heights are as follows: Mothra is 5'5, Rodan is 6'0, Godzilla is 7'3 and Ghidorah is 7'5. Yes, the boys hit their heads on doorways, especially Ghids.
Will edit this if I change my mind or have more ideas. Also, feel free to ask me questions about this AU
Edit: Wording and spelling Errors
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