#| &. text messages / josephine
ashtcnirwinx · 9 months
text -> josie
ash: how's my favourite mama doing? i've been meaning to text you for days now but i keep getting distracted by something and forgetting. i know, i'm the worst friend ever. ash: however, i sent over some christmas goodies for you and the kiddos and fingers crossed they arrive before january. ash: i'll come hang when we're both free, uncle ashton has been slacking and needs to step it up. i wanna be the fave uncle so i know i got my work cut out for me. ash: how're you doing, lovely? tell me everything. / @josie-skriver
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vicdeangxo · 5 months
[text]: i'm telling you, it intensifies and it's so magical. she's certainly with it, and i'm so happy that two of my favorite people found each other! no no, i want to revel in all of it's glory as you come down the aisle. don't mind me crying actual tears as you do. motherhood has made me soft. stop, that sounds perfect! a little beach vibes, a little music, a little relaxation. all the things a honeymoon should be! what are you most looking forward to about your wedding day?
( text ): i can't wait for that moment. my bad bitch reputation is going to take a hit on sunday, since i know i'll be ugly crying when i see cari at the altar. i love her and i'm the luckiest to get to spend the rest of my life with her. you've always been soft, josie. it's part of your charm. stunningly beautiful but a soft little marshmallow on the inside. motherhood has just intensified it. three days away from the road and i'm hoping we get to spend that mini honeymoon in the hot tub tbh. my dad walking me down the aisle, especially since he didn't think he'd ever get to do that. i was so vocally anti-marriage, so getting to share that with him will be magical. saying i do as well, can't wait to be a wifey. how's married life treating you? feel real yet?
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ashtoninbloom · 2 years
[text]: Family is not always blood, and I'm so glad you've found your little family. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Something tells me it won't. Ava and Luke will always be at the forefront of your mind, no matter what you do. We do, but their mom has been incredibly accommodating. For example, she let the girls stay over Christmas Eve and came over in the morning to watch them open presents when that was her time with them and she very easily could've said no when Aaron proposed the change. I wasn't sure how the whole splitting time thing would go but it's been very easy so far. Honestly, I'm dreading the day she's old enough to realize they're leaving her. Even if her heart doesn't break, mine will. That Luke sass is one-of-a-kind so I can't wait to see how she puts her little Ava spin on it. No prayers needed. A little sass is a good thing! She's alive and happy, so it's working. The same might not be able to be said about you, but I promise it gets easier.
[text]: Oh my gosh, yes please! Spam me with all the pictures at any point, okay? Especially when she gets to wear her little sherpa outfit. Well, I don't know if Luke's told you yet but I'm actually coming for a visit today! Sorry in advance if I'm a baby hog while I'm there, but I'm also not actually sorry. How is she the cutest 5SOS fan already? Thank you, that means a lot to hear. Both? I wouldn't necessarily say that we're trying but we also weren't at all trying with Collins. We're just living our life and whatever is meant to happen, will happen. Haha, well I always tease him and say I want ten kids. I loved carrying Collins and would happily do it over and over again. All I know is that I want as many babies as the universe will give us -- whether that's two or twelve is still to be determined. We should pitch the reality show now -- Babies In Bali. Follow along as ten parents introduce their little ones to one of the most stunning locations in the world and watch the drama unfold as they all collectively decide to never return home. Always on your team and always your biggest cheerleader!
[ text ]: i think i struggled as a kid with the idea of never having that intact nuclear family, something most of my friends had but the family you make for yourself is as important. my family with luke though, it's always going to be more important than anything else. our daughter takes priority over everything, work included. glad she's making it easy, that's really decent of her. maybe she realizes that her daughters should have a relationship with their half-sister and if she gets in the middle of that, it's only going to hurt the girls, who'll end up resenting her for it. you guys are all going to be connected for life, so fostering those relationships early on is so important. the girls are getting older and they'll soon start to have more say in their life, so Collins no doubt will be spoiled with love and attention by their big sisters. Ava looks so much like Luke and i can definitely see that in her personality too. i can't say no to Luke and definitely can't say no to Ava, so that's gonna make the rest of my life pretty damn interesting.
[ text ]: my phone is so full of pictures, so happy to send lots to you. you have to see her in her dungarees, it's the cutest thing ever. ahh you are?? i'm so excited to see you, are you bringing Collins? you can hold Ava and I'll get some sweet Collins cuddles. she'll forever be the cutest 5SOS fan. that's a good outlook to have, let nature do it's thing and roll with the punches. a house full of kids, huh? i feel like you two could definitely handle it, you're both cool customers. traveling with babies is horrible but for this reality show, i'm willing to do it !! you're the sweetest and i couldn't ask for a better friend. love youuuuuuuu.
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writingroom21 · 3 months
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: None
Wc: 5.2K
series masterlist
Chapter 3: A Surprise Guest
“Does this look good?” You turn around to look at the three people sitting on your bed. June, Jo, and Vi are all perched up watching as you try on different outfits. The two adults share a look as the youngest keeps staring at you. She may be young but you swear she understands what is happening. Her eyes have a glint to them like she’s aware of what you’re about to do.
Well no one could blame her, you have been talking about this all week. From the moment you came home that night you blabbed about it. The whole dinner consisted of “Can you believe he actually asked me out?”, “Am I stupid for saying yes? I should be focusing on Vi and I”, “This could end badly, what was I thinking?”. Then Jo’s favorite.
“You know it wouldn’t hurt going out for once. Plus he’s really hot.” 
If they thought that first night was bad it compared nothing to the second. Rafe had apparently stopped by the shop with an excuse for seeing you again. You had gone on about it all of dinner that no one else got a word. But honestly they couldn’t care.
“You know I was smart enough to ask you out yet not smart enough to ask for your number. So here I am fixing yet another mistake. Think I can get it?” He slid a plant carrier over the counter. Looking closer at the label you see it’s a red Chrysanthemum. You laugh at the gift and he gives you a weird look. “Is something wrong with it?” God he was so dumb for getting you a dumbass plant. You literally own a flower shop, what was he thinking? “Nothings wrong. It’s just red chrysanthemum’s meaning is I love you. I was just giggling over that.” 
The blush that painted his cheeks was cute. It made you feel better that you aren’t the only one nervous about all of this. “Oh shit I didn’t know that. Flowers have meaning?” His eyes widened and looked to the side of where Vi played with some toys. “Don’t worry she’s distracted with that new piano toy Jo got her. Every flower has a meaning to them. Years ago they would use flowers like another language to communicate how they feel. It’s actually really cool.” You look so euphoric talking about flowers, it’s kind of the same look as when you talk about your daughter.
There was a meeting he had to get to by eleven but he canceled it once he saw how happy you were. He spent most of his time there asking you what different flowers meant. At first just wanting to see that look on you, then it turned into a game. He really wanted to see if you knew every meaning because come on, there’s no way. But boy did you prove him wrong. What sealed it in was when after he said goodbye to you, he walked over to Vi and gave her a hug goodbye. It was one of the sweetest gestures you’ve seen. Her smile was so big it made you want to cry.
There was no shutting you up after that. Every text message he sent was followed with “Oh my god he texted.” Every dull moment was filled with “He’s not so bad. Like he was just telling me how he and his sisters are going to the beach on Sunday.Then he asked if we all wanted to join them. That’s nice of him.” Jo couldn’t have cared less, she’s never seen you this excited over a guy. 
Her and her grandmother keep talking about how nice it is to see you this way. Excited about your own life for a change and getting back out there. They never liked your ex, he seemed like an asshole which turned out to be true when he skipped town. They can’t help to be happy for you.
“I think the last dress was nice. Red suits you so well plus your boobs look great in them.” June swats her arm, tsking at her grand-daughter. “Josephine. I have to agree about the red dress but that one also looks really good.” You groan as you throw yourself on the bed. You’ve been at this for an hour. Rafe is most likely going to be her soon and you’re not even ready yet. 
“Where is he even taking you?” Your words are mumbled through the comforter. “Couldn’t understand a thing. But it sounds nice.” Flipping around you are staring at the ceiling. “I don’t know. He wanted it to be a surprise.” Tiny hands come into your view and then a face. Vi looks down at you with a wide smile on her face. She’s been happier recently, well more than usual.
“That’s sweet that he wants to surprise you. Richard did the same thing for me when we went on our first date.” Richard is Jo’s grandfather, he passed away ten years ago. You remember growing up and wishing you were lucky enough to have love like that. There’s a spark deep down in your abdomen, some sense of hope. You shake it off and get up. “Where are you doing?”
“I have a red dress to put on.”
By the time you are done getting ready there are two text messages from Rafe. I’m leaving right now and I’ll be there in five minutes. The last text was sent almost six minutes ago but there’s nothing saying he got here. Not thinking of it you walk downstairs to wait only to be greeted with the sight of him sitting on the couch along with the rest of the house.
“If you break her heart I won’t hesitate to hurt you. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.” Rafe laughs as he picks up the toddler trying to get up on the couch. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” June gives Jo a shocked look from how fast he answered and how he is acting with Violet. “You know it’s not just her you would be getting involved with. Her and Vi are a package deal.” 
There’s a slight pause in the conversations as he looks down at the little girl sitting next to him. Her big blue eye’s stare back up at him. He can’t explain it but there’s a part of him that feels connected to the both of you. As if this is where he was meant to be, that all the fucked up shit in his life lead him to this moment. “I know. I may not be a dad but I’m taking care of my sister so I get it in a way.” He looks at the two of them hoping they understand what he’s trying to convey.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Trying not to think much of it, you walk into the living room. The echo of your footsteps alert them of your presence. Rafe swears his heart stops when he looks at you. He honestly didn’t think you could get any more beautiful and he was wrong, you just did. That dress fits you so well and you’re just glowing. Carefully he gets up holding Vi as she clings to him.
“Hey. Wow you look wow.” He walks over and almost hands Vi over to you. His brain finally kicks in and he walks back to hand her over to Jo. “My bad I was meaning to give you these not Vi.” He picks up a bouquet of flowers you didn’t notice were laying on the coffee table. They are pretty, you look at the simple arrangement. Gardenia, morning glory, and blue salvia. Each one of them means a sort of admiration. Gardenia meaning either your lovely or secret love, morning glory for affection, and blue salvia is I think of you.
Even though you know he doesn’t understand the meanings there is still a blush forming. “They’re beautiful, thank you.” The two of you say goodbye and make your way to his truck. He opens the door up for you and puts his hand out so you can use him as leverage to get up. The ride to where you are going wasn’t too long of a drive.
“Okay, close your eyes, we are about to be there.” Giggling, you follow his instruction and close your eyes. The truck tires run over gravel making a crunching sound before the tires screech to a stop. You can’t help but keep giggling as you get more excited about what is in store. The passenger side door opens and your seatbelt is unbuckled for you. Rafe’s hands grab your arms to help you out and he holds your hand as you walk.
You are putting all of your trust in him right now. Not being able to see anything is stressful and scary at the same time. “Jo has my location just as an fyi.” Rafe lets out a huge laugh. “Damn looks like I’ll have to trick her next. Make sure I get all the evidence.” You playfully shove him only to lose your footing. He catches you before you can fall and helps you get your footing back.
“Lucky I’m here or you would have fallen right in the water.” You know how they say when one of your senses goes the others are heightened? Well clearly that was not the case for you. You didn’t even hear the water until he mentioned it. But now all you can hear is the water slapping against something. “Where did you take me?” You laugh out loud. You can feel his chest press against your back, his hands laying on your biceps. “You can open your eyes now.” 
When you open them there is a boat staring back at you. You look over your shoulder at him and see that he looks nervous. “Wait fuck I never even asked if you liked the water or if you get sea sick. I messed this up already haven't I?” It might sound weird but his nervousness is nice to see. Turning around you throw your arms around him and kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect.”
The boat is nice. The upper deck is for steering, the middle is lounging, and the last floor has a bedroom as well as a kitchen. He had a table set up on the second floor deck, two chairs facing each other. The two of you are now sitting there after riding out a little further to the water. Light candles illuminate both of your features. 
The two of you are laughing over some dumb joke he said, sipping the wine that he poured for you. “Okay this has got to be the best chicken I have ever eaten. How is it this good?” Rafe swallows the bit of food that he had in his mouth. “I can ask Reggie to give you the recipe. I wish I could take credit for all of this. Probably couldn’t cook to save my life.” Sometimes it’s a shock to be reminded about how rich he actually is.
Like he has a whole chef to cook for him. It’s a crazy thought because you’ve been cooking since you were a kid. “Is it weird having a chef and people that do everything for you? I can’t wrap my head around it.” Rafe puts down his fork and leans back to look at you. “Nah. I grew up like this so it’s not weird to me at all. But I get it, it’s weird when you didn’t grow up with it.” There’s a slight breeze that moves through your hair.
From the candle light you can see a little spark in his eyes. “Maybe you could show me how? I know Wheeze only has a few more years before college but it would be nice to give her that.” It took you a second to realize he was talking about his little sister. “Of course I can. How old is she?” The boat rocks lightly as the waves hit it. “fifteen. Sarah is nineteen so you can imagine how crazy the house can get.”
“Did you always have a good relationship with them?” The question makes him freeze up. You want to take it back but he answers it. “When I was younger I loved them so much. Then as I got older I got bitter and I did things I’m not proud of. But after my dad died last year I knew I couldn’t be that person anymore. I’m trying to be better for them and for myself I guess.”
“That’s honestly very noble of you. Not many people would own up to that or take on that responsibility.” He wants to tell you that you're wrong about him, he’s not worth being praised. Sarah makes sure to tell him that all the time. No matter how much he tries she only pushes him further away. The only reason she tolerates him is for the sake of Wheezie, not wanting her to have a broken family after losing their dad. “I’m not a good person. I have a lot of issues that I’ve been trying to get past.”
You reach over to grab his hand over the table. “No one expects you to be perfect. The fact that you are trying is all that matters. No one is perfect.” He flips his hands so he can intertwine your fingers together. “You are pretty amazing, you know that?” The smile on his face makes you smile. The grip on your hand tightens for a second and then relaxes. “Tell me about your day.”
The rest of dinner went smoothly. Both of you shared stories about yourselves growing up. You found out that Rafe’s mom left when he was around nine and his dad already had a new wife around ten. You feel bad that he was given that end of the shitty stick. Sure your childhood wasn’t as glamorous as his but at least you had your parents. Even if they abandoned you in the end, they loved you growing up. 
The more you get to know him the more you can’t help but fall deeper. He’s funny, handsome, kind, and most importantly he seems great with Violet. “If you don’t mind me asking what happened with Vi’s dad?” The two of you are laying down on the main deck and staring at the stars. Your mind wanders to how he now calls her Vi and not Violet. It happened some time this week during his daily lunch visits. It warms your heart hearing him call her by her nickname.
“He left once I told him I was pregnant. Just packed everything up and left, never looking back.” Rafe turns to look at you, his hand seeking out yours. “He’s a fucking dick.” The words sink in and your eyes flicker to meet his. “You know everyone always says that.” You turn to your side so you are facing him. “What do you tell them?” You take a deep breath. “I made up some lie about him doing what he thought was best. Honestly I just want to tell them that she’s better off without him. He didn’t love me and I know he wouldn’t have loved her. She’s better off not having a dad that hates her.”
Your words cut like a thousand knives. But if he’s being honest, you’re right. He lived through that, he knows what it’s like to have a dad who hates him for just existing. No one should have to go through that. Turning to his side his other hand pushes back some hair behind your ear. “You shouldn’t have to cover for him. But you’re right, she’s better off without him.” 
There’s a mutual understanding that the conversation would end there. You two stare at each other and Rafe is the first to break. He turns on his back looking back at the stares. “Did you know that the bigger the star is, the shorter their life span is.” You stare at him for a little bit longer and turn on your back as well. “Really?”
“Yeah they fuse different elements like helium and it releases their energy. When they run out of fuel they just die, then those elements are used to make new stars.” Looking at the sky you can see the different sizes scattered around. The open water is void of the outside world light, making the stars look brighter. “Huh, I never really thought about how they die. Who knew you were such an astrologist?”
By the time you got back to land it was pretty late. The two of you had watched the stars a bit longer and decided it was time to call it a night. It was a pretty good night if you had to say so yourself. You were shocked at how you didn’t want the night to end as you pulled into your driveway. 
Like a gentleman, Rafe walks you up to the front door. “I had a great time tonight. If you are up to it maybe we can do it again.” He’s getting skittish not knowing how you actually feel about the date. “I had a great time too.” You grab his hand and swing it between your bodies. “This may not be what you want to hear but I want to take things slow. You know that I have Vi and she’s my number one priority. I like you but I need to be safe.”
You are just about ready to bolt into the house when he doesn’t say anything at first. “I get it, don't worry. We’ll take it as slow as you need. I’m not going anywhere.” He pulls your hand up and gives it a kiss. “It’s okay to put the two of you first, beautiful. As long as you get that I have to do the same with Wheezie.” You laugh at him. “Deal.”
Going to bed that night all you can do is smile. Vi had crawled into your bed after waking up from hearing you get in. She curled up into your side and let out a small sound. “Ra?” You snuggle into her and give her a little kiss. “We’ll see him tomorrow okay? I promise.”
The next morning was a crazy mess. Everyone had woken up late and you were supposed to leave for the beach an hour ago. When you woke up you had a few messages from Rafe. Morning beautiful. Sarah and Wheeze are getting ready right now so we’ll leave in like thirty. Then there was, Hey , we are on our way. Be there shortly. When you woke up there was a final one just a minute prior. We’re here but no one is answering the door. Is everything okay?
You had rushed out of your room and to the front door. “Hey I’m so sorry we overslept. Just give me a few minutes and we will be ready.” You are ushering them into the house and onto the couch. “Want anything? You can help yourself to literally anything.” The two young girls give each other a look as you freak out. The look turns into one of awe as they see you and Rafe interact.
“Hey it’s okay. We don’t mind waiting so don’t rush yourself. The beach is going anywhere.” With a kiss on the cheek you are off to get ready. It didn’t take long to get Jo up and get yourself as well as Vi ready. The three of you make your way down the stairs to meet up with the rest of the lot. June decided to stay back and let you all enjoy the day.
Once Violet lays eyes on Rafe she screams and runs up to him. “RA!” Rafe springs up from the couch and lifts her into his arms. “Vi. Hi sweetie. Did you have a good day yesterday?” Sarah has this look on her face that you can’t ignore. It’s pure disbelief. “Yes! Jo pwad prwincess.” The two teens watch the scene unfold in front of them. Wheeze is smiling at the two of them, happy that Rafe is going back to his old self. Sarah on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel.
Sarah keeps an eye on Rafe the whole day. Inspecting the way he interacts with you and your daughter. It’s like she’s watching a different version of her brother, she’s never seen him this happy. Even when he was some type of normal he wasn’t this happy. When he first told her and Wheezie about you all she wanted to do was warn you. To tell you to keep yourself and your daughter out of his way because it will only end up with you getting hurt.
She wanted to channel all of her rage and anger for him out on you. But sitting here in a beach chair watching as he chases the small toddler round she can’t find it in herself to do it. The part of her that still loves him is banging on the bars in its enclosure saying that you are what he needs. That Rafe is actually changing. She remembers Wheezie telling her she needs to start forgiving him because even if he did bad things he truly isn’t a bad person. He was just lost and is finding his way back out.
“So tell me about Rafe growing up?” The sound of your voice interrupts her thoughts. She looks over at you and smiles. “When we were younger he was amazing, always making me laugh. I guess after our mom left things changed. Then he became a teenager and turned into someone I don’t know.” She has half a mind to say what her mind is begging her to but then she realizes that maybe she is wrong. “But he started changing after our dad. I didn’t want to see it but Wheeze is right.”
“What do you mean she’s right?” You sit up using your elbows to keep your upper half upright. “Rafe has been changing and I refuse to see it. But seeing him with you and especially with her, I can tell that he actually is.” You follow her eye line to see Rafe and Vi building a sandcastle near the water. She runs to the water with a bucket and he darts off behind her. He lifts her in the air and spins her around.
You can hear her giggles from where you are laying down, his laughs following along. “Her dad left when he found out about her. Do you think he really changed? I can’t risk it, she’s getting attached.” You sit up fully and turn to face her. “I do. He still has work to do but no one’s perfect.” It’s the first time she will allow herself to admit it. This past year she’s been harboring so much resentment for him not recognizing how he must have felt. But if this is his new chance then maybe it can be hers too.
“Good because I like him. I may not fully know him but I like him.” Sarah smiles at you and pulls the sunglasses off her face to give you a good look. “Good because I think he really likes you too.” You get up. “Where are you going?” Glancing back at the blonde girl, you smile. “I’m going to go join them. Can’t have him becoming her favorite.”
You run over to them jumping on Rafe’s back mid spin. It’s a good thing you were in the water at this point because you fell right off. The water was warm so at least you didn’t fall in cold water. Rafe and Vi laugh at you as you get up. “Haha so funny” Rafe laughs more as he walks closer to you. He brings you in a hug and tries to calm down his laughter. “That was amazing, baby. Isn’t mom so funny?”
The freudian slip catches you off guard, Rafe catches on shortly after. He tensely shifts a little.  “Umm sorry I didn-” “It’s okay.” He smiles at you and shakes his head, needing the thought of kissing you to go away. This isn’t the time or place, plus you wanted to take things slow. He’s not going to mess it up. He’s willing to do whatever you want honestly.
“Come on, we have a sandcastle to build. Let’s fill this up Vi and your mom can come join us.” Rafe dips down so she can fill the bucket and walks her back to where they previously were. The three of you just spend time finishing up the masterpiece that was princess castle. The name is courtesy from the two year old. Towards the end it was just really you and Rafe sitting there as she played around it with one of her dolls. 
The two of you just sat there and talked about random things. You told him about the time in middle school where you confessed your feelings to your crush and how he ended up liking your best friend. He told you about the time when he was sleeping over a friend and accidentally caught his sister having sex. He said it was super embarrassing having to explain to his friend why he had a boner. It was pretty nice to be able to joke around with him and hear dumb little stories. Overall it was great getting to know him.
It would be safe to say that beach day was a success. Everyone got along together and more importantly Rafe secured the one that he set out to achieve. He got Violet to trust him which is something he really wanted to gain. Rafe knows that the little girl had a soft spot for him as he did for her, but he wanted her trust. She is a part of you and that means her opinion matters just as much. He knows that she’s important to you for obvious reasons and he wants you to know he’s taking this seriously.
It was refreshing to see the two of them being around each other. Vi has always been a happy baby, always smiling and laughing. Everyone was amazed at how well she was, never cried and always a joy to be around. Yet the joy she has when she’s around Rafe is a different level. It really warms your heart to see her this happy. Then there is Rafe. He is amazing with her, it was as if he was her dad. There wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t attentive.
Even when you went to lunch he ordered for her and helped her eat. By the time the sun was setting she was out cold in his arms. Her head was resting on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck. The three of you were walking all the way back to the car as his arm wrapped around you. To anyone else you would look like a family just having a normal day. 
But to you it’s more. On the inside you are still kind of freaking out about taking that step further. Then you look up at him and the worry all fades away. It really can’t be that bad right? It’s still new and you shouldn’t get your hopes up but at least he’s trying. He’s tried harder than Vi’s dad or your parents when it came to you and her. Maybe that’s all you need.
“You alright?” Rafe is looking down at you and back at everyone behind the two of you. “Is this all too much?” One of your hands cups his face and you reach on your tippy toes to give his cheek a kiss. “Everything’s perfect. I can hold her, you know.” He grins down at you kissing your forehead. “It's okay I got her.” 
That night was a pivotal moment for you. The voices telling you to keep your peace faded to the background, so little that you can barely hear them. A month has passed since that night and things have been going good. The two of you have gone on dates every weekend, even taking Vi on some of them. Every one she went on she enjoyed being the center of attention. Plus all the lunch dates you all had. 
The first week he showed up everyday for lunch, taking the two of you out. When he showed up the following week everyday as well and you were suspicious. Then there was the next and the next. It became a routine. He would make sure he didn’t have any lunch meetings anymore, his lunch blocked off for the two of you. 
It was the highlight of the three of your days. Rafe smiles brightly when Vi runs up to him and you're smiling at him before giving him a kiss. The same routine that’s ingrained to his memory, never to be forgotten. Rafe was running a bit late so the two of you were locking the door as he walked up to the shop. Violet, like usual, is the first one to see him and runs up to him throwing her arms out for him to catch her. 
Rafe catches her lifting her above his head to look like she’s flying. “Hey sweetie Vi. How’s my girl doing?” He pulls her down to hold her to his chest. “Ray! Good, hungie.” He laughs and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “That's  good, sweet pea, and you momma?” Your blush isn’t hard to miss, your cheek bright red.
He’s been saying that casually when she’s around. momma. It makes you blush every time, liking when he says it. He takes your moment of pause to steal a kiss from you. “It's been a smooth morning. An older couple came by and bought some flowers, they were so cute.” Rafe slings an eye around you as you walk towards his car.
“Vi did get antsy when you weren’t on time.” He dramatically gasps and whips his head at her. “Oh no Vi I’m sorry. Thought you would be able to cut me some slack, kid.” He puts on a performance for her, making her laugh out loud. “Sorry baby some guy cut me off and got the parking spot closer. Had to go a bit further down.” You go to respond but a voice interrupts you. The familiar voice is calling out your name. Looking at them you can’t believe who you see.
His smile brings back so many memories, ones you wish would be scrubbed away. “Hey. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Rafe’s arm tightens around you and he looks between the two of you. At this point you already stopped walking. Theo walks over to you and is now face to face. “Who’s Theo?” Rafe sort of whispers to you, trying to act calm but internally freaking out. Sadly the other guy had actually heard him. 
“She hasn’t told you about me?”
The cocky grin on his face makes Rafe’s face drop. He turns to look at you, subconsciously switching Vi to the other side. That way he’s blocking her from this random guy. “No.” Theo? Has the nerve to laugh at him, looking at you to see if you will say something. When you stay silent he looks over at Rafe. Staring him dead in the eye this random ass man just delivered a blow to Rafe’s chest.
“I’m Theo, her ex. You know that little girl's dad.”
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
All Goes South
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe is overworked, tired, exhausted and just... he needs a break. Everyone knows it, too. None of it is really exciting to him anymore. Then, he meets you, and something reignites within him.
CW / disclaimer: 18+, language, drinking, rpf, fem!reader, angst, mentions of smut
Author’s note: Wee woo wee woo! Last part alert! The 2004 film that inspired me was First Daughter (and I guess, that means Chasing Liberty too). Some girls got it shockingly fast and my inbox is full of messages of girls guessing correctly, so well done! Hope you all enjoy this last part!
Wordcount: 5.5k
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
That was a mistake. All of it. You. You were a mistake.
“Yea, well... we’ll see,” Joe could hear your voice echo in his mind. He’d seen it now, and desperately wished he could unsee it all.
In the car on the way to Joe's film premier, he stared out of the window with wide eyes, a hand covering his mouth, brain buried deep in thought. In shock, because what the fuck had just happened?
"She was just doing her job, mate... I don't know what to tell–"
"She's an undergrad." Joe interrupted, voice stern, not blinking, eyes still staring. You didn't have a job.
"Yea, she's interning for Victoria. Josephine helps her out a lot too... she'd been given an assignment, and... fucking aced it, if I'm being honest, so Vic's gonna offer her a job,"
Joe then turned his head, looked at his manager and felt something snap and recoil inside his head.
Joe's manager saw, and immediately jumped to your defense.
"We needed to get you out there, Joe... you were calling in sick left, right and center - we asked if you if minded an intern joining the team, you said you didn't mind, so an intern joined the team. I don't know what to tell you..." 
Joe tried to ignore it, looked away, eyes trained out the window, worked away the tears that built in his eyes from sheer anger, and got his phone out to distract him. Pretended he wasn't trapped in a car with someone defending you, standing up for you, after the most devastating thing ever had just happened to him.
"You fucked off to the toilets again, and were in there for, what, twenty minutes? She asked if she could try something, and Victoria told her to do whatever because none of us were getting through to you, we tried everything, didn't we? Josephine said she'd get Victoria to hire her right after her internship if she could manage to get you to stop canceling on everything... we were at our wit's end,"
Joe's breathing grew heavier, and if his fingernails were longer, the palms of his hands would've bled.
"And she fucking nailed it, didn't she? She did a stellar job. Got you out there. Got you smiling, all... I don't know, all happy? Paid your bills–"
So close to breaking, Joe only had to say that once to shut Alex up fully. Knew if he would've kept going, Joe would've broken down completely. Would've started crying for real, and Joe didn't know if he'd be able to stop himself if that were to happen.
A silence took over, Joe's mind reeling, and then, he blocked your number.
What a fucking mistake, how the fuck could he not have seen it? Could he not have puzzled it together? He couldn't actually believe it. This was taking humiliation to a whole different level.
He tried to make sense of it, but couldn't for the life of him.
You'd eavesdropped on Joe's meeting at that restaurant you said you used to work at. Made it sound like you weren't with them, with him, at all. They'd been lies. Lies by omission, maybe. But still fucking lies.
You'd shown him out that backdoor, and then he'd asked if you wanted to join him, like an idiot, and Joe realised, that was the first mistake he had made. He remembered all the phone calls and the texts he'd gotten that night from his team. Had you not received any?
The second mistake was banning chat about work. Would you have told him if he hadn't swiped the topic off the table? Would your silly round of questions have involved work-related questions? And would Joe have learnt then that you were part of the team of people he'd ran away from then?
These were questions he knew he was never going to get an answer to.
He could think of so many more mistakes. He should have never let you take him over to Swingers, should have never taken you over to Duck & Waffle and should have never insisted on taking you home.
And you had fucking warned him too, hadn't you?
Joe closed his eyes, absolutely livid with himself as he realised you'd actually warned him. You'd been so hesitant, had said, "I don’t want to make mistakes," which then lead to Joe taking full responsibility for all of the upcoming mistakes the two of you made. Why did he do that? What the fuck was actually wrong with him?!
But it was never fully his fault.
Because Joe didn't know.
Joe had no idea.
Joe could blame himself for a lot, but the biggest mistake was the one that you made. The biggest mistake was the information you'd withheld. The purposefully vague explanation of your internship, the exclusion of any details of what it really was that you did. That was all on you.
Joe angrily puzzled things together in the silence of that backseat. Things sort of started dawning on him. Started making sense a little more. In hindsight, Joe felt like a fucking idiot because hadn't it all been so fucking obvious?!
You'd been very jittery a lot.
Very nervous.
Would almost succumb under a pressure Joe never fully understood, but he had wanted to be so helpful, so supportive.
Was it all fretfulness to be found out? To run into someone who was going to tell Joe? Tell him that the girl he'd fallen so hard for - fuck, he was in so fucking deep - that she was lying to him? Is that what that stupid bouncy leg was all about? The clammy hands? Those fearful eyes?
Joe realised he'd bitten through his bottom lip when he suddenly tasted blood.
Shit, he fucking loved you. He realised it then and there and wanted to smash in the windows. The whole thing was a disaster.
The taxi pulled up outside of the office where Joe got changed into a fancy looking suit. The office was just around the corner from Leicester Square anyway, so he made it perfectly on time. Didn't look anyone in the eye, though. Not until he stepped foot onto the red carpet.
Joe smiled at people behind the barriers.
Joe smiled at the wall of photographers.
Joe smiled at the people holding microphones.
Joe smiled at his coworkers, at his costars, at other celebrities.
Joe smiled the whole time.
Yet, it never reached his eyes.
Joe loved you, and you'd gone and fucked it all up.
Once people started making their way inside, Joe was pulled aside, and then, was told to go home. He looked awful, like he was on the verge of a mental break down. But then Joe said,
"Oh no, I'm staying." and turned into a real bitch of a man.
"This is important, isn't it? Can't skip my own premier, oh no, this is the type of shit you come and get me for, right? The big event that I definitely wasn't allowed miss out on, just, had to be dragged from a date–" Joe closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose in frustration. He didn't like that he'd just called that a date.
"I'm staying." He finished, but as he said those last two words, he was already walking backwards.
"I'm staying. Because you need me out here, right? Need me to stop canceling on everything? I'm staying. I'm fucking staying." and then Joe stretched out both his arms with both middle fingers raised, and left.
Joe sent an e-mail to his team from the car that drove him home.
"Taking an indefinite leave of absence. Please direct any and all questions towards Alex, he'll assist."
And then, for the next two and a half weeks, no one managed to get into contact with him. They tried - you tried - but Joe dodged all calls, blocked various numbers, and let all e-mails go unanswered.
He needed time to think.
Joe granted himself the break he needed a long time ago, got drunk more than was good for him, spoke to his mum and dad a bunch, and cried when he found the toothbrush you used in his medicine cabinet.
All for a fucking job.
And sure, Joe had seen your flat, had seen the way you lived. Had heard you wish for a real job, one that would pay you enough to move to a different place. One without a messy flatmate, and one with a gorgeous bathtub.
But still.
Joe couldn't get it out of his head.
Couldn't accept that in such a short amount of time he allowed himself to fully love someone that could do such awful things to him.
Couldn't accept that he loved you at all.
And that he missed you.
Fuck, he missed you so fucking much.
Joe dreamt about you a lot. Somehow couldn't shake your face in his sleep. It found him every time, and each morning, it took him real convincing not to call you. Not to reach out. Not to pretend that nothing bad had ever really happened. He had to actively remind himself that you pretended you were something else to get him to do his job.
He just hoped not all of it had been pretend.
Some things had to have been real... right?
Joe dreamt and reality-checked for days, until time settled things. Anger settled into sadness, and sadness dulled over time.
Joe was never mad at his team. He realised they were all nice, kind people who wanted nothing but the best for him. So when, after seventeen days, Joe's manager decided to stop by to check on him, Joe didn't hesitate to let him in.
Alex didn't come over to talk Joe back into work, but after a short catch up, apologies exchanged, Alex suggested for Joe to stop by the office. Not for any meetings. But, just to come by and see everyone. Joe's team cared about him. They wanted to know if he was doing all right.
But the chances of running into you made Joe hesitate.
Alex immediately took back the suggestion when Joe didn't really respond to it. "Take however long you need, mate, no rush,"
Joe blinked and smiled, but it was sad.
"No, no, it's just... I can't run into her," Joe confessed, and immediately knew he shared too much when he saw his manager's face scrunch up in confusion before it turned into a frown.
"Were you dating?"
It was as if the penny only just dropped for him then, and Joe thought, why else do you think I reacted the way I did, you fucking idiot? Didn't say that, of course. Instead, he stared at a fixed spot on his kitchen island and said,
"I think it was somehow more than that,"
Alex frowned deeper.
"Didn't you only meet like, a month ago?"
"Yea," Joe's eyes grew but remained fixed on that same spot. "It was a second nature sort of... instinctual thing. Makes it all worse, somehow,"
The fact that all of it was based on lies, Joe meant.
A moment of silence passed where neither man said anything, and Joe let his mind drift off, thought of your face for a little bit, until suddenly, he cleared his throat loudly and then Alex slapped his own legs.
"Well," Alex said before getting up, and finding his jacket to sling his arms back into. "No need to worry about running into her at the office,"
Joe looked up at his manager, blank faced.
"She concluded the internship, and then didn't take Vic up on the job offer, so, you know,"
"Hang on," Joe placed a hand over his eyes for a second, now his turn to be confused. "She didn't take the job?"
"Probably for the best, isn't it? Seeing as there... was something, between the two of you," Alex gestured vaguely, unaware of how this little piece of information derailed just about, um, everything.
You didn't take the fucking job? What the fuck?!
Alex saw Joe tap impatient fingers on the counter as his eyes darted around, clearly calculating his next move. He was about to say something, but then Joe said, "Thanks, Alex," before redirecting his attention to his phone.
You put plates down onto a shelf and rubbed the back of your hand over your brow when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You weren't meant to answer, but you couldn't help sneak a look at who was trying to reach you. When you saw, you thought for a second you were making things up.
That said Joe.
Joe was calling you.
Without even checking if any of the guests could see you from where you were stood, you answered.
"Where are you?"
It took you a moment to register Joe's question, his tone of voice, and the urgency with which he spoke.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at work, Joe. What's going on?"
"Where's work?" Joe sounded impatient and was loud, practically screaming down the phone. You heard keys jingle and the bang of a door slamming shut.
"I- I got my old job back, at the restaurant... Joe, are you all right, what's wrong?"
But Joe'd already hung up. You texted, "I'm working til close, do you want to meet after?" but the text bounced. You were still blocked.
You spent the next however many minutes eyeing the entrance of the restaurant like a hawk from behind the bar as you absentmindedly twirled a dry wineglass in a dry towel.
What the fuck was going on? Why had Joe called you? Why did he need to know where you were? And why did your gut feeling tell you that something was terribly, terribly wrong?
You watched the entrance and twirled that wineglass, long dried by now, until you convinced yourself that Joe wasn't actually going to come over to see you.
Then suddenly, you saw him.
But he rushed past the windows. Power-walked right by the restaurant without glancing inside.
The back door.
You put the glass back on its shelf and hung the towel neatly on its hook, before stepping into the kitchen.
You already heard it then.
Loud, rapid banging, unmistakably from both of Joe's fists that hammered the door urgently.
The loud banging stopped when the door opened a little at first, and then a lot, as you fully pushed it open.
Joe was there, panting in the alleyway, and he looked unwell. Pale, eyes red-rimmed, and harshly underlined by dark circles. He looked broken in a way you hadn't been able to even imagine him, and it stabbed you right in the center of your heart.
Joe looked awful, like he hadn't slept in weeks, but above all else, he looked fucking furious.
"Joe," you croaked, barely a whisper that had to compete with the loud noises coming from the kitchen behind you.
Joe's face was like an open book, so expressive, which was just the worst. You saw everything. All of it. His outrage, the humiliation, the clear desire to inflict harm, upon you, you imagined. All so recognisable, so familiar. You wished you couldn't see any of it, but you could. Joe wanted you to, and it made the guilt that had camped out in your chest for weeks now grow to a new size.
It instantly made you want to burst into tears. It was painful, but you understood you deserved that.
Joe didn't move. Just stood there, breathing heavily, looking at you, and you understood this was going to be it. Joe was going to get all of it out. Confront you about everything. Make you feel horrid in new and different ways, and even though inside the restaurant it was busy and you had a job to do, you decided that this was more important.
Joe was here to end it.
Okay, you thought definitively. If Joe needed this, you were going to bear it. It felt like the least you could do.
"I'm taking five," you shouted over your shoulder, and you stepped outside, letting the backdoor fall shut behind you. Now it was just the two of you in that grimy alleyway where you remembered Joe asking you to come with him weeks ago. When it all started.
“Hi,” you said on an exhale when the silence dragged on too long. It felt stupid, but you didn't know what else to say.
Joe faced everything he’d been afraid of facing. His heart broke and leapt for joy all at once. He'd missed you. So much. Seeing you in the flesh made it undeniable which was really fucking annoying. You'd hadn't even known each other for two months, and hadn't even seen each other for over half of it. And yet, he had missed you so, wanted nothing more than for you to collide with each other in this moment, because even though there were so many things he was mad about, he really fucking missed you.
Joe's throat swelled and his expression faltered slightly. He swallowed hard, not fast enough for you to not see it, but he hoped you didn't notice the softness within him that he still kept for you. 
The air between you was sweltering despite the low temperatures and for a moment, you allowed yourself to close your eyes. Geared up for whatever Joe was going to throw at you. Gathered what you needed and made more room in your chest because more bad feelings were going to have to fit in there.
"Look at me," 
You did, but immediately wished you didn't. You could see how devastated Joe was in close-up detail, all of the inner turmoil that bubbled up inside him, and you kind of wanted to self-destruct. Wanted it to hurt you, wanted that punishment - anything to make this inside ache go away.
Joe took a long look at you and held your gaze and fuck, it was really difficult to not look away. Then he drew a deep, angry, close-lipped inhale and finally said, 
"You didn't take the job?"  
Joe spat the words at you accusingly, eyes narrowed, facial expression one of pure disgust, like it was the worst thing you could have ever done to him. You frowned a little, confused, because that wasn't what you expected. But he was right, you didn't take that job. How could you have?
"Of course I didn't," 
Thing is, that was exactly the wrong thing to say. Joe didn't want to hear about how you had taken the moral high ground. He didn't want to hear the explanation you had ready from the start, one that hadn't changed throughout the weeks, hadn't really transformed into anything deeper. 
You looked at the person that you loved, and then hurt so viciously. 
"How could I have?" 
Joe glared at you, anger building and starting to spill out, sort of like he couldn't believe what you were saying. You thought it made perfect sense, though.  
"So you made me go through all of that for fuck all?" 
Joe gestured wildly, took a step back and started pacing. You could practically feel the anger exuding off of him. It was so heated - hot enough to burn you, if you weren't careful. 
"Made me question everything for no reason? Why? Was I not worth it?"
There wasn’t much more you could do but show your defeat. Stand still. No movement. Just, sad eyes. Let Joe know you never meant for any of this to happen, even if you understood that it was your fault that all of it had.
"Joe, I'm sorry," your brows knitted together. You were sorry. Would tell him a million times if you needed to. But you also knew that it was never going to be enough. You'd clipped Joe's wings and were now telling him, oops, shouldn't have done that. Like that was going to fix anything.
Joe then whirled around, arms held out wide, like there was an audience. 
"What does that even mean?" 
You went cold all over and could feel tears welling up as you frowned hard. 
"It means I wish I didn't fuck all of it up–" 
"You didn't take the job!" Joe interrupted loudly, making you flinch, before he continued speaking on a more sensible volume level. "You didn't take the– she didn't take the fucking job," Joe kicked against a steel bin, made the lid go flying which crashed hard against the asphalt. You flinched and saw Joe place both hands behind his head as he stared down the alley towards the main road with wet eyes and a red, blotchy face. 
"You didn't take the- you decided to lie to me for weeks, fucking weeks, and then... for what?" 
You distantly felt tears spilling down your own face, but couldn't focus on anything other than Joe who seemed to slowly, kind of... lose it. Lose himself, in real time, right in front of you.
He couldn't even look at you. Fuck, he thought so many things, but most things died in his throat because, look at you. 
He fucking loved you.
The overwhelming need to comfort and care for Joe started filling up the empty spaces in your chest and it melted together with the guilt. It made a scolding, hot, thick mash that boiled your lungs.
You took a single step forward. Wanted to take Joe's hurt away and slot that shit into your own chest where it belonged.
You reached for Joe's hand, but got his arm instead. You took it. Would take what Joe was going to give you. Joe let you hold his arm with plenty of noticeable distance between you still.
"Why did you do it?" Joe's voiced cracked right down the middle, all filled with hurt and complex anger. The eyes that watched you seemed a little cooler then, that fiery heat simmered down a little.
Your eyes moved between his in a long gaze that pleaded for forgiveness you knew you didn't deserve. Your mouth was dry as you began to speak, and you croaked, "How could I not have?"
Joe scoffed, rubbed a palm at his mouth and looked away from you. It was the space you needed, the distance the loss of eye-contact granted to get all these dangerous feelings out. 
"It.... it was magic." you sighed, and saw Joe crumble, his head fully turning away from you as you moved memories to the forefront of his mind. 
"It was so beautiful, Joe. It was real, all of it was. We went and flew south together, and it was never meant to be more than me getting you out of that meeting... I just wanted to get you out, give you the break you so desperately needed. They were all saying it, how you needed a break. And I risked my internship because it almost felt inhumane what they were making you do. I'd seen your schedule…" 
Joe impatiently shook a knee in and out of over-stretching, and you knew it was because they were difficult words to accept. You watched Joe's face scrunch up, brows knitted together, and he was completely open. All vulnerable, all real. Nothing exaggerated.
"You lied to me," Joe's voice sounded like it was made of glass, and you instinctively ran a hand down his arm to clasp his hand. To your surprise, Joe let your fingers intertwine and squeezed your hand impossibly tight, desperately clinging on.
It might have been a moment of weakness from his side, but that would be fine. If Joe was to snatch away his hand in a second, at least you, got to hold his hand for that single second. It was more than you deserved, you were well aware.
"I did," you breathed heavily, closed your eyes and lowered your head. Accepted that Joe had seen the worst of you. "I did and I am sorry, I should've told you right from the start, but then–" 
"But then you didn't," 
You let your other hand reach up to cup his cheek, and Joe immediately leant into it, closed his eyes and granted himself this little moment of closeness.
"But then I didn't, and now..."  
You didn't need to finish. 
A silence followed, and for a second, your mind went back to where you were. You were in the alleyway behind the restaurant you worked at - currently were working a shift at. Any minute your manager was probably going to come out and get you. 
"And now you didn't take the job," Joe finished your sentence for you, and for a small moment, you thought he was going to step away. Let go of you. Walk away without looking back.
But he didn't.
Instead he blinked tears into his lashes and looked down as he let the hand that wasn't holding onto yours play with the ties of your apron that was wrapped around your waist.
This wasn't the end.
"I'm so sorry," you repeated yourself as you blinked tears down your own face, your hand now sliding down Joe's chest. You tried to hold yourself together as much as you could, and then promised, "I'll do whatever I need to do to make this right. I fucked up. This is my fault."
Joe let go of your hand and brought both hands to your waist before letting his forehead fall against yours.
"You should've taken the job," Joe whispered before sniffing thickly, exhaling wetly through his mouth. "It would've made it all so much easier,"
Had you taken the job, Joe could've just let hate take over. Slot you into a box labeled terrible people alongside others that wronged him in his life. But now it was all fucked up because not taking the job meant something to Joe.
They were all mistakes.
And people... people made mistakes. All the time. Never intentionally. Mistakes were never intentional.
Joe felt you shake your head a little against his, and your bottom lip trembled, but you sounded surprisingly solid when you said, "Taking the job would've meant losing you. I'd rather lose a job than destroy every ounce of a second chance I know I don't deserve,"
Little did you know that the minute Joe learned that you didn't take the job, you'd been granted all the second chances you'd ever need. Joe found himself suddenly made from second chances then, all of them individually crafted specifically for you.
That's when Joe's arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into a hug that made your knees nearly give out at how much you wanted it. Your arms slung around his neck, and Joe pressed his face into yours. It was all wet.
When he spoke again, his voice was muffled but rough, not angry but strengthless. "You're all I can think about, no matter how hard I try not to." He burrowed deeper, gripped harder and you felt the shudder of a sob as you pressed your full body against his. "I've only known you for like, a second, but I can't stop thinking about you,"
Fucking hell.
You were in the alleyway, hugging each other tightly after weeks of hatred and humiliation and guilt and regret, and you were both crying.
"I'm sorry," Joe whispered when he collected enough breath to shape the words, and his words took you off guard.
"No, this is my fault," you reassured.
"I'm sorry," Joe said again, and it made you move back enough to take careful hold of Joe's face. You had to dip your head to force eye-contact, to make him look.
You wanted to tell him he didn't need to be sorry. You wanted to say he had nothing to be sorry for. You wanted to let him know again that this was all on you. You wanted to repeat your words until they didn't feel like real words anymore.
Instead Joe leant in and kissed you.
He came in harsh, and it was deep and intimate from the get-go, his tongue in your mouth and coaxing yours into his, his breathing erratic from crying, lips and tongues smacking - it was fucking obscene, but so easy to drown into. It was wet, and salty, dried tears mixing with fresh ones, all dramatic, drenched in pent up emotions that had built up for weeks. 
You let Joe maneuver you back up against the brick wall, which scraped harshly against your skin and hurt the back of your head, but you didn't care. 
Joe's grip on you strengthened as did the pressure of him pushing himself into you more, like he was working out deep-seated anger, which, yea, kind of checked out, and you made a noise that sounded so stupidly fragile, you had to pretend it wasn't you who let it slip. 
There was no need for pretending, though. Joe had already swallowed it, and responded with a moan of his own. 
Joe was kissing you, none of it gentle but instead violent, and breathless, and you didn't want this to end, ever. Wanted Joe close forever. 
Joe pulled back enough to ground out, "Up," as his arms curled around your backside and with a little hop, you were up in a powerful hold. You immediately locked your legs around Joe's waist and without a single inch of separation between your bodies, Joe sighed deeply into your mouth as your fingers scraped into his hair on either side of his head.
You could feel Joe's erection bulging tightly in his jeans.
This is what you meant when you said that it was magic. You belonged in Joe's arms like this. This was a thing of pure beauty. This was the earth pulling the moon. The moon pulling the oceans, creating high tides Joe didn't really know what to do with. You were ethereal. This was everything.
This was birds escaping their cages, leaving the cold weather for others to deal with, flapping wild wings, and flying south.
Birds escaped their cages when the backdoor of the restaurant swung open and interrupted you. You were asked if you were going to come back inside since you were on the clock, and Joe said, "No, she’s not." You looked at Joe, all confused, still held up in his arms and pressed against that brick wall and asked him, "I’m not?" It wasn’t enough to make Joe laugh, nowhere near, but you could see a little smile that only lasted a second. It was the first stretch of wide wings, feathers reaching out, finally free of constrictive confines.
Birds left the cold weather when you woke up in Joe's bed the next day in the early morning sunlight in the nude, soft limbs tangled, hearts singing and healing, and he smiled at you before telling you he just got off the phone with his publicist. The job offer was still standing, and if you wanted it, Joe thought you should seriously reconsider. "You’d make such a great publicist," he said. "Not yours," you carefully joked, and he laughed, "No, not mine."
Wings flapped wildly and took you up high into the air when weeks later, you were talking to a client in the kitchen at the office and Joe walked by but stopped to blow softly into your ear before carrying on. A tease, a sure-fire way he knew he was going to make you blush and get all flustered. You only raised a quick shoulder to it, powered through, facial expression unwavering, and the person you were talking to had witnessed these types of things between the two of you so often, they didn’t even acknowledge it. Just kept your conversation going as you both heard Joe chuckle to himself before he entered a meeting with his team.
You flew south, crossed borders into warmer weather when, about an hour later, you saw Joe wait for the elevator after his meeting and you decided, as payback for earlier, to quickly join him for the ride down. You joined a couple of other people, and then when the doors closed and everyone stood facing the same way, you placed a warm palm over his crotch with a straight face and Joe had to close his eyes and bite his lip to make sure no noises would slip out. When the doors opened again at the ground floor and everyone filtered out, the two of you remained and Joe whispered, "This is not the same as blowing some air into your ear," and as a reply you squeezed, and Joe couldn’t wait and so didn't wait for the doors to close before he launched himself at you.
Joe'd been right when you'd first met: lone birds were bad luck.
These two birds were flying south and there was no fucking way one was going to leave without the other.
One for sorrow. Two for joy.
And it was beautiful down south. Blissfully gorgeous. Warm, and soft. Tender, and fun. Real. It was all laughter, all scalp-scratches and pure, utter, sheer magic.
It was magic.
the end
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4
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aconites · 9 months
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happy 2024! as it's a new year, i thought this was the perfect time to post a plotting call for those who might be interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will message you at the crack of dawn with random headcanons, musings and create graphics (manips, gifs manips, crackships, etc​ )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut friendly and i love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already!
faceclaims i’d love to play! * melissa barrera** * greta onieogou* * ana de armas* * phoebe tonkin* * margot robbie* * camila queiroz** * sydney sweeney* * ayca aysin turan * hande ercel * alycia debnam-carey* * simone ashley * melisa pamuk* * adria arjona* * olivia cooke * grace van patten * jessica alexander* * madelyn cline* * madison bailey * priscilla quintana* * meghann fahy * benedetta porcaroli * camila morrone * riley keough * suki waterhouse* * adelaide kane* * florence pugh * sophia bush * ester exposito * lily james * lily collins * gabriella wilde* * sofia carson * josephine langford * danielle rose russell * danielle campbell * abigail cowen* * halston sage * camila mendes * brianne howey * gemma chan * eiza gonzalez * lindsey morgan * zendaya * sabrina carpenter * candice swanepoel * elsa hosk * jasmine tookes * emily ratajkowski
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
* all the ladies above * pedro pascal** * ben barnes** * joseph quinn* * joe keery* *christopher briney* * henry cavill * ricky whittle * casey deidrick* * jd pardo * jamie dornan * adam demos * richard madden * sam clafflin * carlos miranda * scott eastwood * garrett hedlund * drew starkey * clayton cardenas * jonathan bailey * jeffrey dean morgan * rudy pankow * felix mallard * dj cotrona* * charlie hunnam** * sebastian stan* * alex fitzalan * dylan o’brien* * nick robinson * manny montana  * chris evans* * harry styles * jacob elordi * boyd holbrook
some ships i’d love to do! * any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f ) * click here for full list since tumblr has a text limit.
plots id love to do! * this unhappily married dad/babysitter plot. * * this angsty/fluffy my best friend is having my baby plot. * * this zombie apocalypse/last of us inspired plot* but also any za plot. * celeb plots! especially this one. something like two super famous actors hiding their relationship or famous person/non famous plots?* * single dad/nanny plots! give me something cute and angsty. * * escort/client plot where she breaks the most important rule… don’t fall for your client* * grumpy ceo/soft assistant plots.* * royal plots! bridgerton esqued plots! * * f/f socialites plot… blair/selena/upper east side inspired muses but make it gay* * college professor/teacher’s assistant plot.  * college professor/student plot. * crimey plots? sons of anarchy inspired? or maybe m.afia/m.ob/gang stuff?* * bodyguard/client plots bc i’m a sucker for them* * soulmates plot. i have a whole lore i’ve been wanting to write out for ages so * sugar b.aby / sugar d.addy plots *  * best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angst) * WHEN THE M.OB PRINCESS MEETS THE M.OB PRINCE: forbidden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always forbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival g.ang’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they hook up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
* MY BEST FRIEND IS A ROCKSTAR: (tw: death) muse a & muse b have been best friends since they were kids and grew up together. throughout their childhood, muse b had always told muse a about his plans to become a famous musician and as he grew older, became more and more determined to make those dreams come true. when they both hit their teen years, feelings eventually grew and the two were head over heels for each other but neither of them was ever able to admit it. they were both terrified that the feelings would be unrequited or that it would ruin their friendships so just imagine the angst of them seeing each other with other people and FGHDFG. anyway, when muse b finally turns twenty-one, he decides to move to hollywood to make his dreams come true, and muse a stays in their small hometown. they keep in contact with one another but as time went on, muse b becomes a huge rockstar with his band and their contact start to drift but they always had each other in their thoughts, wishing they were closer to one another. a few years pass and they still speak but it’s not like before. muse b was hugely successful and enjoyed the life he was now living but always felt like something was missing. that someone was missing… it’s not until he gets a distraught call from muse a telling him that her mother died does he rush on a private jet and comes home to her. after helping her arrange the funeral and being there for her through her grief, he suggests that she comes on tour with him and the band. wanting to run away from everything and everyone in her small town, she agrees. queue cute ass moments on the tour bus, traveling the world and falling in love like they did when they were young. add drama, angst ( because they’re both still dumb and won’t admit to their feels) stadium tours, TENSION!!!, groupies, etc, etc. 
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | ten | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“My client is not in agreement with these terms.”
Josephine clenched her fists. She’d been in this damn conference room for two hours while her lawyer argued with Michael’s. She just needed this to be over already. He was the one that kicked her out, so why the hell wouldn’t he just sign the damn papers and be done with it?
“I think you’ll find these conditions are more than favorable for your client,” Her lawyer responded calmly, “Mrs. Miller isn’t asking for any assets, in fact she wants nothing from your client. Mrs. Miller’s only request has been made very clear, we feel it’s quite simple.”
Jose could hear Michael mumble something on the other end of the phone. She knew he was there, of course, even if they hadn’t said a single word to one another. They’d been going back and forth through their lawyers for weeks now. But he kept dragging his feet at every turn, making every possible excuse as to why the divorce wasn’t fair.
“You and your client are asking my client, Mr. Miller, to sign away his rights. This is no simple matter.”
“I think you’ll find, given the situation that-”
“Michael, can you hear me?” Jose cut off her lawyer. 
“Mrs. Miller, please.”
“I’d like to speak with my husband, since legally, we’re still married. Michael?”
She could hear him clearing his throat, “I’m here.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? You’re the one that made this happen,” Jose reminded him softly, “I’m not asking for anything more than what you made clear you wanted.”
“Oh, that’s how you see it?” He scoffed. 
“You threw me out, in the cold. I had nowhere to go, because I didn’t have a life outside of you. All because I dared to say I wanted to keep the baby,” She reminded him, “You didn’t want anything to do with either of us, and you still don’t. Stop acting like you do.”
“No, no, you made that choice. You chose to leave.”
“You can keep everything, the apartment, the money, all of the investments we made. I don’t want any of it anymore,” She pleaded, “Just sign the papers, please Michael. Stop the cycle here, don’t be like your father. Don’t use this child…my child…as a bargaining chip.”
“Josephine, you just love to paint everyone else as the villain in your story. It’s always everyone else’s fault, never your own. You told me you weren’t able to conceive, so we made a different life for ourselves. Don’t blame me because you lied and changed your mind.”
Jose held onto her stomach, feeling his words hit her like knives, “You know I never lied about that. You were at so many of those appointments. Michael, please think about what you’re doing. You’re trying to use an innocent little baby girl as leverage. She hasn’t done anything yet, she didn’t choose to exist, but she does. It isn’t her fault.”
The silence seemed to be so loud it almost hurt. Her lawyer sat quietly next to her, waiting for the next move. Up until now, Michael and Jose hadn’t spoken to one another since she left New York. Aside from the text messages Michael sent to tell her to get Jake off of his back.
“It’s a girl?”
She wasn’t sure if she imagined the sound of his voice breaking or not, “I found out last week. She’s healthy, ten fingers and toes. Mi, our marriage was over a long time before she came about. You know it just as much as I do. Don’t punish her for our mistakes.”
“You want me to sign away all of my rights to her.”
“It’s just as much for her as it is for you. It’ll protect you, no one could ever claim you have to pay any type of support. Your name won’t go on her birth certificate, as far as anyone is concerned, I’m her only parent. Michael, you can continue to live your life with no strings. You can find someone who will actually be good at all of the games. I was never fit for that life, no matter how hard I tried.”
“Josephine, I-”
“We loved each other once, Michael. I know we did. But those kids that fell in love and got married have been gone for a long time now. We’ve been holding each other back and hurting each other at every turn. So please, do right by our daughter. The best thing you could ever do for her is give her up.”
“I-” He took a deep breath, “You’re right. The papers will be faxed to you no later than tomorrow evening.”
Josephine sunk back in her chair with tears swelling in her eyes, “Thank you.”
“Yeah Mi?”
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” He said softly, “Our daughter…your daughter is lucky.”
“I hope one day you get to see her, Michael, but it will always be her choice.”
“Goodbye, Jose.”
“Bye, Mi.”
When Jose came bursting through Jake’s front door three hours later with signed divorce papers in her hands, she didn’t expect to run right into Jake and Phoenix on the couch. They both jumped up, quickly moving away from one another. Which only seemed to make Jose laugh. 
“Sorry, don’t mind me,” Jose held her hands up, “Go back to whatever it was you were doing. I’ll just leave.”
“Hey wait!” The other woman yelled, “How did it go?”
“Well, the next item on the to-do list is to legally change my name back to Wilson,” She shrugged, “Michael agreed to sign the papers. The office sent them over an hour ago, I’m officially no longer married.”
Jake and Natasha were on Jose in an instant, both hugging her tightly. Jose laughed and hugged them back. Her baby might not legally have a father, but she already had some of the best family. In another world, Jose might be scared about doing this without a partner beside her, but she knew she wouldn’t be alone. She would always have Jake, and Phoenix, and Bradley and anyone else that came along with them. She was making her own little family. 
“How did you manage it?” Nat asked her once they all settled into the living room. 
“I think I appealed to the boy I fell in love with. There was still some humanity left in there somewhere.”
“Have you told Bradley?” Jake questioned. 
“No, I came straight home to tell you.”
Natasha pulled out her phone, “I’m telling him to get his ass over here.”
“What? Why? Nat stop!”
“Too late,” The woman grinned, “You probably have less than five minutes.”
“I say she has two,” Jake chimed in, “He’s pretty fast.”
“Why did you do that?” Jose questioned, standing up. 
“Because you like him,” Natasha shrugged, “And you’re single now.”
“I’m pregnant! It doesn’t matter who I like!” Jose argued, “Jake! Help me!”
“Sweetheart, we’ve had this conversation one too many times already,” Jake sighed, “And I’m tired of Bradshaw playing a one sided game of twenty questions about you while we’re on base.”
“He asks about me?” 
“Too much,” Jake rolled his eyes, “In any other situation I wouldn’t be supporting this. I know you’re scared, but I also know the two of you have some kind of bond that I don’t understand. I trust him. So, let your guard down for a minute.”
“You know why I can’t do that,” Jose argued. 
“Don’t use her as an excuse,” Jake was standing in front of Jose now with his hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay that you’re scared, but don’t use your daughter as an out, okay? Be a big girl and accept the fact that you have feelings.”
“Jake, I think it’s a good day to sit out on the back patio, don’t you?” Natasha questioned, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Phoenix, I think that’s a great idea,” He smirked, leaning over to kiss Jose’s forehead, “Holler if you need us, Sweetheart. Play nice.”
“I hate you both so much right now.”
It took five minutes for the knock on Jake’s door. Josephine’s hands were all sweaty by the time she reached for the handle. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say, or what Natasha even said to get Bradley over here. 
It took her less than a second to realize just how nervous she was. Which seemed weird, she never really felt nervous around Bradley. Always an overwhelming sense of calm, yet not her heart was pounding like it might burst.
“Hey are you okay?” Bradley asked frantically the second Jose opened the door.
“I’m fine,” She said quickly, “I promise, everyone is okay.”
“Phoenix said I needed to get over here as-” Bradley stopped and looked at the woman in front of him, “Why are you smiling like that? What’s going on?”
Jose reached forward, pulling Bradley towards her. His eyebrows were pinched together as he put his arms around her. Despite everything, Jose couldn’t think about anything other than the man before her. 
“I’m free,” She told him softly, “He signed the papers today.”
“Jose, that’s amazing,” His voice was so tender it made her heart seem to jump. 
“I meant what I said,” She whispered, “I want you in my life.”
“I’m right here.”
She had to get on her toes, which in her current state was harder than it should have been. Bradley stayed still, not wanting to scare her. But he liked when she seemed braver, he liked when she was like this. Her eyes flicked back up to his for a moment before she leaned in the rest of the way. 
Then it was just them. Just Bradley and Jose, and the sparks that she wasn’t going to ignore anymore.
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gemmahale · 5 months
WIP Wednesday (5/1/2024)
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot Games
Title: The Feylands
Pairing: OFC Josephine ‘Josie’ Kaplan + Everyone (Capt. John Price, Kyle 'Gaz’ Garrick, John 'Soap’ MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost’ Riley, Kate Laswell (and her wifey!), Gary 'Roach’ Sanderson, Alex Keller, Farah Karim) (Not a relationships are sexual nor romantic here. It’s…complicated.)
Synopsis: The Court of Maevonia have been in search of a human for their court plaything for a while. Josephine Kaplan fits the description of what they want. But when she accidentally shows up unannounced just as a war with a neighboring kingdom is kicking off, it seems like things might work out differently. Can Josie work with the Court to save not only Maevonia, but also Earth from the Penumbra and it’s Shadow Bringers?
AKA: ...shhh. Gemma's worldbuilding. 😉
General CW’s: Stalking, Dub-con, Climate Catastrophe (Earth), mild horror, weird time-space-dimension distortions
Snippet CW's: None.
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Divider by @saradika-graphics
Josephine subtly let her eyes roam over the man as she strolled to the restroom. His eyes were focused on the TV screen above the bar, the hosts droning on about team points and predictions for the upcoming season. It was the perfect situation for looking him over without being caught.
He was tall, his leather work boots resting on the barstool’s rung. His shirt was cuffed up, displaying the gentle muscular curve of his forearms. He took a sip of his beer, raking his hand through his reddish brown curls that flopped back to their original position. Josephine got one good glimpse of his profile before having to look away - strong jaw, five o’clock shadow, a faint scar just along his cheekbone. 
Jane was right, he was attractive. Unfairly so, almost. He looked like he belonged out in the wilderness - with the sturdy work boots and dark jeans, he’d be better suited to chopping wood and blazing trails than here in the heart of the city. Josephine snuck another peek at the man as she returned to the table, irresistibly drawn to him now that she was aware of his presence. 
This time, his eyes caught hers in the mirror as she slid into the seat next to Jane. They held eye contact that way for a moment, before he smirked, winked, and raised his glass to her reflection in quick succession. Josephine’s cheeks warmed under the attention, and her eyes flicked down to her hands on the table - partially ashamed she’d been caught ogling the man, and partially excited that he’d noticed her. 
“See? I told you.” Jane whispered as she pushed Josephine’s fresh beer to her. “He’s into you, Jos.”
Josephine scoffed, taking another sip and letting her eyes roam over the stranger’s profile as he let his attention fall back to the screen. “Doubtful. He just happened to catch me staring and didn’t want to make it weird.”
Jane groaned, shaking her head as she stood. “Jos, you sell yourself too short. You deserve a good man in your life. I’m going to the restroom, don’t make eyes at him all night.”
Josephine snorted, pulling her phone out. “I won’t, Jane.” She flicked open her text messages, responding to a few texts from Lucy before starting to scroll through her social media accounts. 
She failed to notice Jane plopping down on the bar stool on the far side of the man, gesturing to their table, and clapping him on the shoulder before continuing on her path to the ladies room, wide grin on her face.
“Sorry, I hope I’m not intruding,” Josephine’s hand stuttered, inadvertently liking a post as she fumbled her phone. She blinked up into smiling amber eyes, her mouth drying further as she realized it was the stranger from the bar standing over her. “Your friend suggested I should come introduce myself.” 
Josephine wordlessly gestured to the seat across from her, sliding Jane’s beer off to the side out of the way. His voice was warm, honeyed and husky all at once and she suddenly wanted to hear more of it.
“I’m Gary,” he offered, as he slid into the seat Josephine offered.
Her voice warbled. “Josephine.” She absentmindedly traced swirls in the water droplets on the table, trying to mask the sudden onset of trembling in her hands. 
“A pretty name for a pretty lady,” Gary murmured, smiling at her.
Josephine’s heart pitter-pattered at the compliment, heat climbing up her cheeks as she mumbled a thanks, their eyes locking again. 
He was even more handsome up close, a smattering of freckles playing across his nose and cheeks, his heavy framed glasses accentuating his eyes. A small hearing aid was tucked beneath a curl of hair. The scar she noticed across his cheek actually stretched across over the bridge of his nose, like a pair of lab goggles had pressed a permanent indentation into the skin. He rubbed at his chin, smirking at her.
“So, Gary,” she started, taking a sip of her beer to mask the exhilaration and glee racing through her veins - no one this attractive sought her out intentionally. She coughed as the alcohol coursed down her throat. “Sorry, I’m not used to hot men just coming over and introducing themselves like that.”
He laughed, and it sent giddy shivers up her spine. “It’s understandable. Usually I don’t find such a lovely woman to introduce myself to.”
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scbrvght · 4 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ( starter call ) - I've been just seriously feeling supernatural au so ♡ for a starter for one of my muses with a supernatural verse listed below ! I used to have this whole au sn!verse option so we can use that or take things in another direction. will shoot you a message to clarify muses and things ! ♡
I've always had this lil sn!verse set in like a dark academia university for sn kind of thing... think wednesday or the witch school sabrina went to in caos vibes. I used to advertise this verse a lot more years ago & I miss it n' feel super musey for it.
if you're interested in supernatural things outside this setting I'm totally okay with that too !!
st. cuorem's university
hidden deep in a misty forest in oregon, st. cruorem’s university serves as a sanctuary of arcane knowledge and supernatural prowess. outwardly, it masquerades as an elite private school for the wealthy, but beneath this facade lies a realm steeped in dark academia and ancient secrets. its sprawling campus, a blend of gothic architecture and enchanted landscapes, boasts ivy-clad stone buildings, towering spires, and grand archways adorned with intricate carvings of mythical beings. the grounds, perpetually shrouded in twilight, hum with magical energy and the scent of pine. inside, dimly lit corridors resonate with the whispers of centuries-old incantations and the soft rustling of ancient tomes. flickering candlelight casts elongated shadows on walls adorned with portraits of past luminaries, their eyes seemingly alive with hidden knowledge. the library, an expansive labyrinth of texts, houses volumes from alchemical treatises to forbidden grimoires. the student body is a diverse assembly of supernatural beings, from vampires and witches to werewolves and more enigmatic creatures, each honing their unique abilities. rigorous training occurs in hidden chambers and expansive, enchanted arenas where students practice spellcasting, combat, and mastery of their inherent powers. st. cruorem’s is not just a school; it’s a who's who of the supernatural world. the social hierarchy here is fierce and competitive, with the elite vying for prominence in a world where power is everything. ancient lineages of vampire royalty, demon nobles, and other powerful entities create an environment of intense rivalry and elitism. secret societies and ancient orders vie for influence, their clandestine gatherings adding to the campus's air of mystery. for those who see beyond its facade, st. cruorem’s is a proving ground where alliances are forged, rivalries ignited, and the future leaders of the supernatural world are shaped.
participating muses
alice winsor ( fc: emily alyn lind ) - vampire royal
estella pierce ( fc: sabrina carpenter ) - succubus
cooper vincent ( fc: rudy pankow ) - succubus
xavier bloom ( fc: benjamin wadsworth ) - demon bastard son
nova lin ( fc: chase sui wonders ) - hellhound
serena anders ( fc: madelyn cline ) - witch
isabelle brooks ( fc: josephine langford ) - siren
monroe tate ( fc: madison bailey ) - werewolf
finley acosta ( fc: evan mock ) - vampire royal
ezra jones ( fc: felix mallard ) - werewolf
logan calloway ( fc: katie douglas ) - reaper
reid calloway ( fc: drew starkey ) - reaper
camron calloway ( fc: jeremy allen white ) - reaper
tinsleigh howe ( fc: kristine froseth ) - witch
elias howe ( fc: barry keoghan ) - warlock
arlo zimmerman ( fc: sean kaufman ) - werewolf
colby alira ( fc: thomas weatherall ) - vampire
lunara polat ( fc: derya pinar ak ) - cupid
max ortiz ( fc: gabriel guevara ) - warlock
elodie moreno ( fc: nicole wallace ) - witch
kalen asher ( fc:  jonathan daviss ) - warlock
river st. james ( fc: nicholas galitzine ) - vampire
dane amato ( fc: simone baldasseroni ) - demon prince
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karinasbaby · 7 months
your reblog !! haven’t used tumblr in a hot minute and realized i couldn’t respond right back as a direct comment 😕 but i’m sending a message in ur inbox because don’t we all love getting those?
i’ve made a mental note to go through your list of works (including the one you just posted!) because i loooove your writing style and the ideas you bring to the table. i also enjoy giving feedback in the form of long post comments because it feels right to be vocal about how much i love certain things. i also think jay should personally ask me for my number so we can get the ball rolling 🤩
anyway i adore you equally and hope you’ve been having a very good week <3
MY SWEETEST JOSEPHINE HIIII :D !! <3 you’re always welcome in my inbox baby !! you’re so right we all do love getting those😭🫶🏼
pls you’re actually making me giggle and laugh like a crazy girl rn like wdym you’re gonna read all of them (im so nERVOUSSS) i will for sure be looking forward to ur reactions :0 !! and i really really hope that u enjoy them !! thank u so so much for ur sweet and kind words baby they mean so much to me :( thank u for enjoying my writing and all the random and questionable ideas that i have i appreciate this so so much my love !! and me & u are on the same boat when it comes to giving feedback in the form of long comments ! personally i have a passion to yap continuously with no intentions of stopping especially when it comes to my friends’ works (as u can tell by the way i can’t stfu about hana rn🙏🏼) and i love love love reading feedback in the form of long comments they never fail to make me feel so warm bcs they’re always so sweet 😭 and i’ll be texting jay as soon as possible to ask for ur number baby i’ve got you 💪🏼 i genuinely can’t wait to start yapping about ur works now ESPECIALLY the hee fic i saw u post that’s gonna be a whole feast 🙏🏼 and pls do add me in ur sunghoon smau that i will be catching up on the moment i’m free bcs i’ve been wanting to read it for ages now !!!
again, thank you so much for taking time of ur day to send me this sweet ask that i’ll cherish :( sending u so so much love baby and i hope u have an incredible day ! week ! month ! & year !! love u so so much baby sending u so many hugs & kisses :] !! ♡♡
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hfrpfanmail · 10 months
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This meme will run from 12/04/2023 until 12/11/23 at 11:59pm EST. If you have not signed up for this meme, please do not comment or participate in sending out asks. 
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Quick Meme Reminders: 
You will have until Monday 12/11/23 at 11:59pm EST to complete the meme. 
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If you are unsure if someone got your ask, feel free to IM them to ask what they have in their inbox.
After you have completed the meme and have sent out to everyone, you are to comment your emoji on THIS post. If you need a refresher on how it should look for multiple FCs, please refer back to the pinned post at the top of the blog linked here. IF YOU DO NOT COMMENT YOUR EMOJI, WE WILL ASSUME YOU DID NOT COMPLETE THE MEME AND WILL BE ASKED TO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE MEMES TO COME. 
Hateful anonymous messages or questions will not be tolerated and if we are made aware of this, we will discontinue memes until further notice. Be kind, always. 
Margot Robbie ( @margseliserobbie )
Molly-Mae Hague ( @mollymaehague )
Anne Hathaway ( @hthaway )
Aaron Taylor Johnson ( @aarontaylorjohnscn )
Danny Amendola ( @dannyamendcla )
Joe Burrow ( @josephburrcw )
Josephine Skriver ( @josie-skriver )
Olivia Culpo ( @oliviaamendola )
Romee Strijd ( @rcmeestriid )
Florence Pugh ( @florenvcepugh )
Miley Cyrus ( @milcycyrus )
Lucy Hale ( @hale-raiser )
Lily James ( @lilyjxmes )
Kelsea Ballerini ( @kelsxaballerini )
Lupita Nyong'o ( @lupxtanyongo )
Kendall Jenner ( @kcndolljcnncr )
Carrie Underwood ( @carrieunderwccd )
Zoey Deutch ( @zocydcutch )
Vanesa Hudgens ( @queenvh )
Sarah Hyland ( @hf-sarahhyland )
Natalia Dyer ( @thatnattyice )
Maika Monroe ( @maikeymonroe )
Paul Mescal ( @mcscals )
Joe Keery ( @djokeerv )
Lauren Jauregui ( @famejauregui )
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WTNV quick rundown - 136 - The Mudstone Abyss, Part 2
Read the rest here!
Featuring the voice of Kevin R Free as Kevin of Desert Bluffs and Jeffery Cranor as Charles the Theologist!
Age is just a number that counts quickly upward to an ending point. Welcome to Desert Bluffs.
Construction on the Mudstone Abyss is going slowly as people don't seem to want to, or be able to, find time to work on it. Kevin reprimends them for this, in his own way, insisting that they NEED the Mudstone Abyss for various reasons. His solution to help everyone have time is to build a commune around the dig site so people don't have to commute and to make other businesses and schools half half-days. He keeps claiming much of it is Lauren's idea but it's unclear how much of this is to do with her.
As they begin to carve the sacred texts into the walls they're digging, they start to glow. This causes people to lose the ability to correctly use language, speaking various forms of gibberish and not able to comprehend each other despite believe that they are speaking clearly. This lack of language also extends to citizens Jerry Kramer and his daughter Morgan who communicate entirely in sign language.
This eventually makes it way to Kevin as vaguely humanoid hazy shadows rise out of the Mudstone Abyss and start to drift around town causing traffic accidents.
Charles leaves Kevin a message saying he believes that the shadows as the souls of those who are so impure that even being devoured by a Smiling God cannot save them and that only by stopping construction on the Mudstone Abyss will these shadows stop dismantling everyone's language. He is only able to speak correctly at that moment due to a special hat he is wearing that allows him to block the power of the impure spirits at least temporarily.
Weather: “She Left Without A Goodbye.” by Cerah
'Many weeks back' Kevin and Charles went on that first date. They ate at DB's fanciest restaurent, Vermillion, which specialises in lip meat. Kevin wore rabbit fur coveralls and a rainbow striped headband. Charles wore a rose-gold lamé cravat and soccor shin guards. They are both theocrats, were raised in the Arboreal Faith and aren't virgins. They especially aren't virgins after going back to Kevin's house to get it on (on the first date no less!).
Their second date the week after is to the Sandy Blossom Bowling Alley and Arcade Joy Compound where they bowl and play video games before walking along the 'beach' and eating from food trucks. Charles then admits that he has a five year old son, Donovan, but didn't want to introduce him to Kevin right away in case it didn't work out.
Kevin expresses some discomfort at this sudden change but agrees to see Donovan. He is having a hard time keeping his smile as he is not able to be passionate with Charles in front of Donovan and Charles is just talking about parent stuff. Later, during his message about language, Charles asks that if Kevin isn't ready to be a father he say so now and break up with Charles sooner rather than later. He doesn't promise he won't be hurt and bitter, but that he will be less so if it's done soon.
Kevin's friends from church are also the police.
Kevin's house is directly next to the church.
Grandma Josephine was babysitting whilst Charles was on his dates with Kevin.
Donovan's toy of choice is a toy aeroplane.
There's no sign off for this episode.
Proverb: Girl, did you fall from heaven? Cuz there's a giant crater where you landed and radiation levels are spiking.
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vicdeangxo · 5 months
[text]: it’s going to be the best day! let me tell you, the tunnel vision is real and you’ll only have eyes for her. somebody told me that and i didn’t believe them because my eyes usually gravitate to him, but it’s this indescribable phenomenon that you’ll know when next sunday comes. and I can’t wait to see what you wear! we are, but back home to the babies soon 😌 where are you honeymooning?
( text ): that tunnel vision is very real already tbh. i haven't ever been monogamous, but now i'm pretty sure no one else exists. i'm so ready to get married, and i never thought of myself as the marrying type. no spoilers on the dress but it's sheer and sexy and so me. wearing a veil too, something traditional. cari's on tour, so we don't have much time but we are heading to Ibiza for a few days in mid-may.
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ashtoninbloom · 2 years
[text]: Honestly, and it's so refreshing to be surrounded by people who understand the value of family time. Aaron has been traveling quite a lot this past year to film, and he auditioned for a few roles that would likely film next year if he gets them. So being able to have this uninterrupted time with the older girls has been wonderful. Just trying to soak it all in because it already breaks my heart when they have to say goodbye to Collins to spend time with their mom. That's the best mindset, honestly. She's little, but she has her own little personality already and I bet you've figured out a few of her coos after just a few days. Because you're a great dad! Don't refuse the help, but maybe in another week or so. This is your bonding time with her. Sleep will come.
[text]: Is she even Australian if she doesn't love the water!? The vision of baby Ava in massive headphones is sending me right now. She's going to be so, so proud of her daddies -- cheering you on from stage right every single night. Collins is a vibe alright, and I love her more than I ever thought I could possibly love something. She's barely four months and has me wanting another already, so if that doesn't tell you something idk what does. Let me let you in on a little secret -- you're stuck with me for far longer than 18 years. We'll be old and wrinkly, showing off our grandbabies and great-grandbabies to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[ text ]: i didn't really have a tight knit family unit when i was a child, so now that i have a family of my own, i feel like i wanna work even harder to make sure we get to experience everything together. everything outside of our little bubble has taken the backseat and i don't see that changing, especially with Ava being so little still. you two have to balance a lot of things to get that family time, with Aaron's busy work schedule, visitation with his two older girls, your busy career and of course, little Collins. makes sense you'd do your best to make sure every little moment you five have together. It's hard that your baby girl has to miss time with her siblings but at least you guys are doing the best you can to foster those relationships. she's very sweet and chill but i definitely see some of that Luke sass in her too. say a prayer for me, please. we're alternating taking care of feeds, and trying to nap while she sleeps. the jury is still out on if it's entirely working but i wouldn't change it for the world.
[ text ]: true, she's getting her first beach exposure this weekend, i'll send you all the photos of my little water baby. she'll look very rock'n' roll and i have to make her a little 5SOS jacket to match that vibe. you're an amazing mum, i've known that always. is baby number two a want still or are you two working on it? you think you guys will end up having more than two of your own? Luke wants to have four, so there's gonna be a lot of babies to take to Bali when the time comes. yes please, they say it takes a village to raise a baby and i'm so glad you're always on our team, lovely.
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pprodsuga · 7 months
hello my sweetest josephine !! just wanted to pop in and give u ur daily dose of hoon 🫶🏼 (imysm pls text me the moment u wake up)
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good morning!!!!! i would love to point out sunghoon’s fangs. i would also like to kiss them.
pls wake up and/or get online i miss u and have left enough messages to make ur brain go a little crazy 🤯
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original-orbus · 9 months
Stories from Argo Academy part 2
Once again crossposted on A03. Will link that and the last part at the end.
Hello once again, and welcome to my 3 a.m. writing, Sesh. Today I have for you a follow-up or parallel chapter following Josephine. To set the scene, this is the second part of a three- or four-parter, setting up Argo Academy and opening the floor to more demigod stories. Don't worry though; you will still see a lot of these two after this resolves. Also, I don't know how to denote text messages in writing, so I will place them in these things until I get a better idea.
Being a child of Poseidon comes with its ups and downs. On the one hand, you have an incredibly powerful heritage, only truly rivaled by the children of the other big three. But on the other hand, you are perpetually stuck in second place, always falling behind someone or something.
For Josephine, this wasn't as big a deal; she was always comfortable where she lay, able to satisfy her desires, and fit wherever she needed to be. However, there were times when even she would look towards someone else and wish that maybe she could stand where they stood, have what they had, or perhaps even drag them down to her level. She was like the ocean in those kinds of ways, fluid and warm, but also greedy and envious at times.
There had been a lot of that this week. First, she had to deal with a transfer camper practically hanging off her partner Charlie (the son of Apollo), which, all in all, wasn't actually that bad, but it set a precedent for the week to come. Then she got into a fight with a son of Zeus over bathroom cleaning duty, where she so desperately wanted to emulate a previous Poseidon child and blast their ass. And to top it all off, tonight her frustrations almost boiled over because her friends cancelled their night out at the last minute, only to go out with their other friends. Maybe this last one wasn't as bad, but she had been looking forward to tonight, giving her a much-needed escape from her camp responsibilities for just one night, and so to have it pulled out from beneath her left her feeling some type of way.
So now she lay upon the roof of her cabin, staring up into the night sky, watching the stars, and trying to get her mind off her woes. It wasn't as easy to see the stars out here as it was back home, but at least laying here like this brought her back then momentarily.
She couldn't help but remember those nights every now and then, back when she still lived out at sea, when nothing else mattered besides the metal beneath you and the dark waters around you. Back then, it was just her and her mom, living off the sea for half the year and staying on the mainland for the other half.
As these memories rose within her, she began to feel the sting of saltwater in her eyes once again as she clenched her jaw and fought to stay afloat as the waves came crashing down inside her.
After what seemed like an eternity but was most likely just a matter of minutes, Josephine regained control of her vessel and stilled the waters.
She would sit up from her position on the roof and look out over the camp, the place she called home for half her life, and something she had been musing about for weeks would click into place.
Despite every bad thing she's experienced since coming here, Camp Half-Blood was truly home to her.
But it was time to move on, to find something better. She would push herself off the roof as she pulled out her phone, steps of water forming underneath her as she formulated a message to send.
~If you are receiving this message, then I think you would be interested in what I have to say. I love Camp Half-Blood, but despite that, I'm leaving camp. I'm hoping to go out there and create something new, another safe space for demigods. I don't know if I will succeed, but I feel like it is something I must do. I am extending an invitation to you all, whether you choose to accept it or not. If you are interested, meet down at the lake at midnight.~
As she typed and erased, and typed and erased, she would make her way over to a familiar cabin, covered in colors that seemed to drain life out of everything around it. The Hades cabin is the home of Kenneth Michael Armstrong.
Unfortunately for her, as she climbed the steps towards the front door, she would find her friend missing. Normally, at this time of night, she could find them sitting on the steps of their home, sketching whatever ends up wandering through the night. Tonight instead, all she found was Kenneth's personal Undead, Arthur, cleaning up the empty cabin. As she approached, Arthur would look up slowly before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders before returning to the task at hand.
Despite this setback, Josephine would type out another text to her dear friend before waving to Arthur and doing an about face to walk off.
~Hey Ken Ken, I stopped by your cabin on the way to the lake but found you weren't home. I'm going to assume you went out and lost track of time. If or when you get back tonight, let me know. We need to talk.~
As Josephine walked the path towards the lake, she would feel the shadows shudder beside her as a familiar presence appeared beside her and matched her stride. She gave Kenneth a quick glance, immediately placing the frost covering their clothes and the snow dusted throughout their hair.
"Aww, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your trip to the tundra? I'll try to keep it quick so you can go back." Josephine would tease her friend as she reached out to brush some of the snow away.
"If you must know, I decided to stop by the arctic to see some penguins, and I would really like to get back to them. They’re almost ready to accept me into their pack." Kenneth would respond back in kind, their voice rough as if it hadn't been used in a few days. "Anyway, what's this about? Did something happen?"
As Kenneth spoke, they would take note of the state of Josephine’s eyes, seeing the telltale signs of her crying. Silently, they would reach into the shadows around them before retrieving an ice cream bar from his stash for her, to help her feel better.
In response, Josephine would pass her phone over to Kenneth in exchange for the ice cream bar, with her phone screen open to the message she sent out on the way over. She took the time when Ken was reading to begin snacking on the sweet treat.
As she ate her treat, Josephine would once again look over at Kenneth. It was moments like these that reminded her why she loved them so much. If it were anyone else, they might have made a big deal out of it or even not noticed that she had been crying. But Kenneth always seemed to notice and offer silent support until she needed or wanted to talk.
"Oh, you're working on Argo again? I can't say I'm surprised, but what decided it?" Kenneth had previously been Josephine's partner in crime when it came to working on Argo stuff, so they immediately recognized what this meant. After reading through the message once more, they opened up the member list of the group chat to look over who was recruited.
"I don't know, Ken. Something finally clicked for me tonight. But you and I both know it was going to happen sooner or later." Josephine would briefly pause in her speech, her tone full of certainty and emotion. "Despite everything, this place just ain’t right for us, and it's not right for a lot of people."
Kenneth would remain silent in response, thinking through their own feelings. She was right; despite how much they both tried to make it work, as they grew older and older, it became more and more obvious that they were mismatched.
"What're your thoughts on the recruits? Anyone missing?" Josephine would take her phone back after Kenneth was done reading.
"I think it wouldn't hurt to include a few more people, reach out, and see if anyone from Jupiter wants in. I'm sure someone from there feels the same as we do." Kenneth hadn't spent as much time over at Camp Jupiter as others, but there were likely to be people like them. "Aside from that, you have a decent split of gods, which should make construction and planning easier. Let's just hope they all show up."
And with that message, the two would continue on towards the lake, discussing the pros and cons of the different people on the list as well as possible locations to set up shop.
Alright, everyone. I think I feel moderately good about this chapter. I didn't really plan to update this so soon, but this sort of mini-introduction arc should hopefully lay the groundwork for more stories in the future. As always, let me know your thoughts, and thanks for reading. Next time, it will probably be the meeting or the aftermath of the meeting. Maybe a whole new perspective. Who knows? Not me.
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