#and when my next novel-length review also gets blocked and yeeted into the nether?? we will rise to the task again!
mimiatmidnight · 6 months
The new Barbie discourse on Twitter made me think of your post about it, but I went to find it on your blog and it's gone! Did you delete it?
Hehe that's funny. If you mean my review of the movie itself, the post is actually still up, but it's unreachable through tags cause the original gifmaker I used blocked me (fair!!). But you can still get to it through a direct link, which I'll put here for you.
I think I've seen some of the discourse you're talking about, and it's pretty funny how many people I've seen say that now that there's been time to separate from the hype, they can finally be honest with themselves and recognize their real opinions on the movie. Which is no shame, honestly! Hype-marketing is a hell of a drug. Just funny to look back at my review from back then and see how apparently there is no social pressure strong enough to suppress my innate hater nature.
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