#and while they've been doing just fine sending him results from on high
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Arcane Ancient,,,, this thing,,,,
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blacktobackmesa · 2 years
Streamman Files: Meet Fang0riously
I recently realized that I've never given a full visual of Fang, Gordon's dependable IRL friend from my HLVRAI stories. On one hand, that puts the reader on even footing with the AI characters, who only know him as a voice. But you're not them, so I'm gonna share this drawing along with a rundown of who he is.
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Among friends, he goes by Fang, from the username he's been using for accounts since middle school. Professionally, he uses his first name, but honestly he doesn't mind either. He and Gordon met in high school, where they were both in the same general friend groups. They got along well, sharing plenty of common interests, but didn't really become close until after graduation, where they went to the same college and didn't want to share a dorm with a total stranger. They've been tight ever since.
Aside from being Gordon's friend, Fang's role in the Streamman saga is centered around his career in video work. While his day job is freelance editing for various companies, he's also employed by Gordon as a producer, managing OBS and keeping things smooth during Gordon's streams. He was a silent observer for the Half Life VR But the AI is Self Aware streams, and was the one to send Gordon the final message that Dr. Coomer had sent once Gordon had left the game.
Here's some more details in no order!
Wearing a beanie and a heavy jacket are his golden zone for sensory goodness. He has a variety of hats, but just the one perfect jacket.
Doesn't have a VR headset. Virtual Reality makes him get dizzy real quick, and it's not fun. As a result, he either interacts with the team as a disembodied voice or with a more standard-controlled avatar.
The Science Team has mixed feelings toward him. In addition to it being kind of creepy that he was watching them through the whole ResCas and didn't do anything, he also once argued against Gordon taking the AIs out of the game. It was a very complicated situation, both parties did things they regret.
He's on fantastic terms with Benrey and Darnold though.
He has a pet bearded dragon named Jumanji
Big fan of psychological horror games! He had a PS4 with PT still on it, and his favorite game is Silent Hill 2. He loves to talk about themes and symbolism in games. It can get insufferable in the right context, but he's no gatekeeper. Just mildly pretentious.
Doesn't think of himself as good with kids-- not because he doesn't like them, but because he will give a child whatever they want to make them stop crying. Easily manipulated by small children.
That being said, you know he gives Joshua excellent presents when Gordon brings him over for a night of Hanukkah.
He likes to affectionately shorten names. Gordon is Gord. Expect a lot of gourd jokes in Autumn.
Not a big soda guy, but he's got this ritual down with this one pizza chain in town. When he eats pizza, he's gotta mix two parts coke, two parts sprite, and one part lemonade. He started doing it as a kid and can't break the habit. Darnold thinks he'd make a fine mixologist.
A firm believer in "You can't give from an empty bowl", he prioritizes taking care of one's self before taking on other peoples' problems. If It Sucks Hit The Bricks.
That being said, if he sees that someone he cares about IS giving from an empty bowl, that's immediately his problem. He will let you know you need a break.
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blog-reflection · 10 months
One / Three - From Juicebox and Monster Fights
I tried to sleep but I couldn't. My mind was racing back and forth between what happened this day, on why my mum is the way she is. How can it be that every time I have some joy, she gets herself involved and makes me feel bad about it. I stared at the ceiling, imagining how it would open and someone pulls me out and be like " HA PRANKED '' but I guess that only happens in tv shows. I buried myself in my blankets leaving only my head out of it. I turned to the side, and closed my eyes only to open them ten minutes later .
I gave up, there was no way in sleeping I might as well give up on it completely. I stood up and walk down the stairs to get a drink. I noticed that the tv was still broadcasting which told me, that my mum was still in the living room, probably sleeping away the fact that she's drunk again. The kitchen looked like the aftermatch of one of those fancy ten year teen party. Empty bottles and crumbs of crisps everywhere. I just grabbed a juicebox and walked up again, placed myself at my desk and turned on the pc.
Discord was stuffed with messages from Jesse, my best friend. Jesse and I met in our first year at our school all the way back in Dover. They've been my only friend, leaving us to be our own little independent couple of weirdos. Sadly, Jesse got bullied a lot, to an extend where they had to move schools. They were at Truham Grammar school now, an boys only school. At first I didn't understand, while Charles - Jesse dad - was sending them to an all boys school since, well, they got bullied because they didn't fit in. But when I crashed at their place in Windsor for a view years I understood. The school was a shithole yeah. Including everything you need. Loveless hallways with some random lockers, somewhere painted blue and yellow and teachers that couldn't care less about their students well being. But the last headboy was quite charming. I always saw him from afar, never been in close contact with them but he seemed to be really nice especially since he's the first openly gay person 've seen in such a high ranked position. It gave people hope that school may not be all around bad stuff and bullying all the time. With the position of headboy he managed to make some small changes to make life at this school feel little less shit . As a result most people were fine with the existence of Jesse, even using the right pronoun and only a view gave us looks. Seems time can change even Jesse did. They got a massive glow-up, not only visibly but also skill wise. Ever since they moved, they blossomed in themself. They started creating their own music, playing the guitar, became an even bigger master in arts and craftsmanship as before and is a gamer by heart. Whenever we started something together, they made it 10 times better, and not only in school. The only subjects where I was superior were either history or forms. 
I was really jealous, no I am jealous of them. But they know. We had a talk about all that in autumn-break. We shared everything and communicated about stuff, the way we feel, the reasons on why act the way we do. I think that's why we work so well together even though we're torn apart by distance. Jesse is, just like their dad, the most chilled out person in the universe, mixed with the energy of a playful dog, where I am more of a loner, only coming out of my shell when needed or getting dragged out of it. We just work. We always did in school and, while things have been messed up ever since they moved, we still managed to stick together. They are my best friends and as that, they of course know that I am extremely jealous. It caused irritation back in the days before we had the talk though. But now? Now we joke about how silly we were when we were kids. Enough late night dreaming for today.   I opened my DM's and started to smile as soon as I read the chat.
Discord conversation 
@J3ss3 Today at 9.23pm         Hi just wanted to ask if you’re free         Gosh I’m so bored please come home early         Oh, btw have you seen the new Update? It’s kind of nuts!!!          We should check it out sometime @J3ss3 Today at 9.56pm         James?  @J3ss3 Today at 10.17pm      Sorry for spam I’m just super bored ugh      I annoy myself Jesus crust      Crust ha-ha @J3ss3 Today at 10.38pm      Gosh when you're home can we please play some good old Minecraft? Pleeaaassseee      I get you ice cream :> @J3ss3 Today at 11.29pm                                        JAMES, I SEE YOU ONLINE.         You’re  ignoring me now huh?
In case you're wondering, no. Jesse is no attention bitch. It's just our usual banter. I joined the call and we started gaming like when we were back at Truham. A time where I've been truly happy. A time before everything and everyone turned against me. My mum, most of my friends, my confidence, you name it. 
We were gaming way past midnight. When both of us said our goodbyes and emoted in front of each other, the time said 4.20. I giggled like a teen kid because it was one of the funny numbers that existed before I realized the time. OH FUCK ... 4.20 ... already!?! I rushed to the bath, jumped out my clothes and into my bed,  turned on alexa to play the latest episode of my favorite podcast, and stared at the ceiling. I was awake, again, unable to sleep, listening to the androgyne voice while the main cast was fighting monsters in an abandoned hut somewhere on the outside city walls. I imagined myself in that position. Would I be able to survive such an uprising? Would I even like to live in a world where monsters terrorized humanity? Would I be able to fight them too or would I be the first one dead? We don't know. After seven minutes the voice slowly faded before a scream shouted through my room, announcing the end of this week's episode. I closed my eyes, and against any odds stopped overthinking. 
I must have fallen asleep.
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hauntedurge · 1 year
delight's morals are air - tight, and while they're not judgemental about the companions being bitches to each other or strangers interpersonally, they do Not allow actually heinous Actions. like, it does not matter how nicely astarion asks or how much they care about astarion; if their choice is 'let astarion do a horrible thing that results in a lot of death/suffering/whatever' or 'kill astarion' they are going to kill astarion.
luckily, the stakes are very rarely that high; they're the leader of this merry band, so folks defer to them, and in ninety - nine out of a hundred interactions there are middle - grounds between "let this companion do a deeply evil fucked up thing" and "kill them." they can talk astarion down, they can just straight up tell him no and send him back to camp, et cetera. none of this causes any meaningful bad feelings in delight, either — they don't care that astarion wanted to do a bad thing, they care if he did it. and, since they're making most of the major decisions, he rarely gets to do it! so their feelings on astarion — or any other companion that is fucked up and evil — remain pretty positive, despite all their disagreements.
this can get complicated in a companion verse or a dual - protag verse, though, depending on the other protag's willingness / dedication to doing shitty stuff. if you try to do the Bad Thing but ultimately let them talk you down or do the less - evil thing because they've asked/demanded, that's fine. but if delight can't talk you down from making the evil choices, it's incredibly easy to accumulate disapproval really, really quickly, and they will straight up leave the party at key points if it gets to be too bad. both because they refuse to work with someone who sucks so much, but also because they're been a solo hero for a long time, and they can keep being a solo hero. their sense is 'tav's fucked this all up, but if i'm working alone again, maybe i can fix it, or at least salvage things for the survivors.' and if the worm in their brain gets too bad, they'll just kill themself before it can take them over. but they won't stay with a monster, help a monster hurt people, even to save their own life
off the top of my head, shit that's guaranteed to get delight to leave your ass is purposefully sacrificing the grove / the tieflings, and killing isobel and damning the survivors. it doesn't matter how much they owe you or how much they love you. they won't help you massacre people like their family was massacred. if they get the sense they've got a good chance at succeeding, they might even try to kill you about it.
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madeofitzits · 5 years
In honor of the impending return of Brooklyn 99, here are 99 reasons that...
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1. He was precocious enough to know, at 5 years old, that he wanted to change his name (x)
 2. He has a bunch of nicknames: Sandy Amberg, Young Sandwich, etc. but the most endearing one is 'Droidy', his family's name for him (x) 
3. He is still super close friends with people he's known since: Elementary School (Chelsea Peretti) (x)...
4. Junior High/High School (Kiv and Jorm) (x) 
5. … Summer Camp (Irene Neuwirth) (x)
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7.  ...and Film School (Chester Tam) (x)
8. Before he met Joanna, he dated other famous ladies but - out of respect - he never discussed it/them (x) 
9. He loves turtles and tortoises. When he was a kid, he had a pet turtle that he named 'Squirt' because the first time he held it, it peed on him. His Mom, Margie, accidentally killed Squirt when Andy was at Summer camp... (x)
10. … Maybe this is why, when shooting 'Popstar', Andy fell hard for Maximus (Conner 4 Real's turtle). He says they "had a good thing going" and that he wanted to adopt him. In the end, he decided against it because there are a bunch of coyotes in his neighborhood and he was worried the little guy wouldn't be safe. (Popstar: DVD Commentary)
11. Speaking of his Mom, despite being a super private person, he appeared on 'Finding your Roots' so that he could help her track down her birth family (x)
12. When he succeeded he cried (although we never got to see it on camera) (x)
13. That's because, like all good boys, he loves his Mama which is why - as part of the same episode - he said "My mom is basically the kindest person I know… and many people would corroborate that" (x)
14. Andy's Sisters, Hannie (Johanna) and Darrow, used to make him wear diapers and put his hair in pigtails until he was 5 years old. He says he didn't mind because he just liked that they were paying attention to him (x)
15. That's why he sees his identity in comedy as being 'America's kid brother'. When he was young, he would annoy his sisters until they laughed and he claims to have been replicating that approach to entertainment ever since
16. Although a bunch of his characters have 'Daddy Issues', Andy definitely doesn't. He's super close with his Papa (Joe) and has said "he's a good man" and "the best Dad in the world" (x) 
17. Joe was Andy's youth soccer coach and in one scene in 'Hot Rod', Joe's favorite photograph can be seen in the background. It shows a very young Andy posing with a soccer ball, after "scoring the winning goal against Mersey" (x)
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18. He's been a loyal Golden State Warriors fan since he was a little kid, living in Oakland (then Berkeley) and, in 2010, he correctly predicted that they would "win a Championship in my lifetime" (x) 
19. The proceeds from his Umami Burger ('The Samburger') went to a deafness early detection program in Berkeley. This cause is close to his heart because Margie uses hearing aids and used to work in the special needs program, teaching deaf kids (x)
20. He, Kiv, and Jorm have made multiple donations to their old school district, including $250 000 to its theater program (x)
21. On the subject of The Lonely Island; Andy always goes out of his way to make sure that everyone knows how much he owes to his buddies. For instance, he told Marc Maron, during his WTF appearance, that "I get a lot of credit for what Kiv and Jorm have done" (x)
22. He makes this face when he knows he’s said something naughty…
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(Gif credit: @andrewsambags)
23. During his 'Wild Horses' appearance, he said that he can't watch scary movies because they freak him out too much. He told 'Complex' that he's still scared of 'The Shining' (x)...
24. … Similarly, when he was at UC Santa Cruz he worked at the Del Mar movie theater and he had a hard time coping with screenings of 'Species 2' (x)
25. He fell in love with Joanna, the moment he met her, when she greeted him by addressing him as 'Steve the C**t' (x)
 26. He listened to 'Ys', everyday for a year, before he and Joanna started dating (x)
27. He bought the original portrait that was used as the basis of the cover art for 'Ys' and gave it to Joanna as a Christmas present, so that she could hang it in her music room (x)
 28. He loves birds and goes hiking and birding with Joanna (x)
 29. Every new comment he makes about Joanna becomes an instant contender for 'most beautiful thing a person has ever said about their spouse' (x)
30. For example, he readily admits that Jake's iconic heart eyes are the result of him thinking about his amazing wife (x)
31. There are many stories about how incredibly romantic Andy and Joanna's wedding was and Jorm has said that it featured "the most magical vows I've ever heard" (x)
32. The Newsombergs now live in Charlie Chaplin's old house (x)
33. On the Emmys Red Carpet (2015), the year he hosted, they took a momentary break from posing for the world's press to whisper 'I love you' to each other (x)
34. At last year's Vanity Fair party, Andy carried Joanna's purse for her so she could grab a snack (x)
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35. He was a semi-permanent fixture in the audience for her recent run of shows for the 'Strings/Keys Incident' tour, even officially confirming his status as the 'President of her Fan Club' (x)
36. He used his Golden Globes monologue to call out the government for framing and murdering the Black Panthers (x)
37. On the Carpet for the Guy's Choice Awards, he called the event "a ridiculous farce", adding that "men already have it so easy - it's insane that there's a show that celebrates them". That makes sense when you consider that he, Kiv and Jorm have made an entire career out of parodying toxic masculinity (x)
38. He once said that only "idiot-ass men" think that women aren't funny (x)
39. He’s been wearing glasses since 7th Grade and he has the most heartbreakingly cute habit of nudging them up his nose, (especially when he wears his Sol Moscot frames) (x)...
40. ... and of rubbing his eyes under them (x)
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41. He barely ever wears glasses for roles but he also avoids contacts (because he doesn't like touching his eyeballs) which means he's almost always 'acting blind' (x)
42. He has worn his glasses in character a few times - as 'himself' ('Lady Dynamite'), as 'Paul' ('I Think You Should Leave') and during a very small number of SNL sketches (e.g. during his one appearance in a 'Gilly' with Kristen Wiig) (x) 
43. He can't tolerate glare and when that makes him squint it's a sight that's too cute for words (x)
44. He owns about six outfits and has been rotating them for well over a decade (x) 
45. He barely ever breaks during shooting/while performing, so when he does it's aggressively adorable. (x), (x)
46. He's a grown ass man who persuades people to come with him to the bathroom because if he goes by himself he'll get lonely (x)
47. He didn't announce he was leaving SNL, until after his last appearance, selflessly choosing not to detract from Kirsten Wiig's huge and emotional send-off (x) 
48. He undertook a quest to smell like Lorne Michaels (x) 
49. He's ageing like a fine wine (x)
50. To protect their daughter's privacy, Andy and Joanna never announced that they were expecting. They've never released their little girl's name or date of birth and most news outlets still report that they became parents in August 2017 (even though that's inaccurate) (x)
51. Although he's careful not to talk about his daughter often, sometimes he can't keep from gushing about her. For example, when asked about his first year of fatherhood he said: "It’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Just like a beautiful, incredible dream. It has surpassed every expectation I ever had. It’s definitely been very blissful" (x)
52. After their daughter was born, Andy and Joanna spent the first 40 days at home with her (in a practice known as 'confinement'). He's described it as being "a really special time". (x) 
53. Andy is famously mild-mannered but, when asked about what triggers his 'Dad claws', he admitted that if anyone attempted to touch his daughter, without permission, he'd "probably sock them hard in the face"…
54. ...Characteristically, he went on to add that he hopes that never happens, since he hasn't been in a fight since 6th Grade (x)
55. Cyndi Lauper was his first celebrity crush and he plays her record ('She's so unusual') for his daughter all the time. (x)
56. His is the very definition of a precious laugh (x)...
57. It's made even more wonderful by the way it makes his voice go high-pitched (x)
58.  … and the way it causes his eyebrow to rise involuntarily  
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59. It's impossible not to smile at his impression of his Mom (x)
60. And laugh at his impression of John Mulaney (x)
61. He was so convinced he wouldn't win the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical, that he didn't prepare a speech. Instead, as he explained to David Letterman, he "just went… and started drinking". The resulting list of improvised 'thank yous' was perfect in every way (x)
62. As producers, Andy, Kiv and Jorm have given life to some amazing projects ('Alone Together', 'Brigsby Bear', 'I Think You Should Leave')...
63. … and gone out of their way to support women in comedy ('Party Over Here', 'PEN15') (x)
64. As well as being a comedy legend, he's a super-talented dramatic actor, who gave the performance of a lifetime in 'Celeste and Jesse Forever' but, after the movie wrapped, and it was time to do press for it, he was straight back to goofing around (x) 
65. His lip bite should be illegal (x)
66. Even though he wears the same vanishingly small number of outfits, over and over, he has a vast collection of the most excellent socks (x)
67. He always gives 'editing notes' during his own interviews (x)
68. He has a super sweet and sincere way of thanking interviewers when they compliment him (x)
69. He adjusts his hoodie constantly (x)
70. The two most perfect Jake laughs in b99 are actually real Andy laughs 'https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W38A_xuXaeg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sVm9nYrTWRQ
71. Virtually everyone who has ever worked with Andy has talked about what a wonderful person he is. This explains why so many of them have been involved with more than one of his projects (x)
72. It's not only his colleagues who talk about what a delight he is (x), (x)
73. This lovestruck fool wore his own wife's merch when he went out to dinner (x)
74. No one else uses the word 'dinky' quite like Andy (x). The same goes for 'snacky' (see point 70)
75. He does this with his tongue (x)
76. He still likes to play soccer but his eyesight is so bad that he has to keep his glasses on for it
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77. When he lets his gorgeous floofy hair grow a little it sits perfectly over the arms of his glasses (x)
78. He gifted the world with Jakey's little curl (x)
79. At the James Franco Roast, he couldn't bring himself to be mean to anyone except himself (and Jeff Ross, a little!) (x)
80. In fact, he's always been willing to laugh at himself (x) and he still is (x)
81. He changes b99 scripts to make them more feminist (x)
82. Despite their humble insistence that they just benefited from 'good timing', the reality is that Andy, Kiv and Jorm (along with Chris Parnell) revolutionized digital media, when 'Lazy Sunday' popularized YouTube, increasing its traffic by 85% overnight (x)
83. He once attended the Vanity Fair party because his Mom told him to (x)
84. He has an amazing way of subtly but firmly shutting down inappropriate questions, like when this interviewer suggested that Holt being gay was something that could have been played for laughs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=idQsYQfkR5o
85. He auditioned for SNL at the same time as Bill Hader. Hader thought he'd blown it because Andy had a bunch of props and Bill had none. In the meantime, Andy thought he'd blown it when he saw Hader and realized 'this guy doesn't need any props' (x) 
86. His bromance with Seth Meyers is one for the ages (x)
87. Every single second of this video is proof of why Andy, Kiv and Jorm deserve the world (x)
88. He once dragged Mulaney up on stage for SNL Goodnights, even though writers weren't allowed to join in (x)
89. He has a hilarious phobia of pooping anywhere except his own bathroom (x) 
90. His beautiful, beautiful, face: His smile (radiant), his eyes (caramel - hella disarming), his ears (adorably asymmetrical), his nose (perfect), His chin (the dimple… *swoon*), his jaw (could cut glass), The 'Sambeard' (another amazing layer of pretty) (x)
91. His body: His butt (x), his thighs, (x) his soft lil tummy (The ‘Sambelly’) (x), his hands. (x), his arms (x), his hips…
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(Gif credit: @amystiago /@badpostandy on Twitter)
92. All signs point to the fact that, like Jake, Andy uses his glasses case as a wallet (x) 
93. Jake's "cool-cool-cool-cool-cool-cool" is an irl Andy-ism that the writers worked into b99 scripts. What's even better is that Joanna does it, too (x)
94. He has a really good arm and is low key competitive, which is super hot https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e32K_nBDy3Q
95. He's one half of the cutest Red Carpet pose of all time (x)
96. He barely ever seems to get mad but if angry Jake is anything to go by, maybe he should... (x)
97. He's a huge nerd, who geeks out over GOT, LOTR, 'Star Wars', 'Alien(s)' and anything relating to time travel (x), (x)
98. He has a gorgeous speaking voice, especially when he’s tired or a little sick. (Bonus points for any time he uses the word ‘correct’. See point 30) (x) 
99. He’s still so committed to his b99 fans and fam, even after all this time and is as excited as the rest of us that...
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nocherryblood · 4 years
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Hey! Just a couple of random drawings here!I'll list all the ideas and explanations behind these drawings here:
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1) Idea: Will is sick (Mason's come down with it too- and by how close Mabel is to him by trying to comfort him, she'll get it too... aww), the Gleeful twins (they're about 10 or 11 here) refuse to go to bed (which may or may not have been down to a dangerous mix of Mabel Juice and Smile Dip), Bill refuses to leave his twin until he's better so he let himself into the mansion, and Kill's playing the big brother card and refusing to leave too, instead deciding to settle down on Bill's head to watch it all. :) Ah, bliss. So, what does Stanford do? The only thing he can, drug them into submission begrudgingly read them a bedtime story about a few "adventures" he's had. Oh well...
2) Idea: Stanford and Fiddleford find one of those novelty character photo stands, and stick their heads in the holes to take a photo for a laugh. The end result is two quite weird looking "disney princess " photos.
3) Idea: Vampire Will! I'll run through what's happening in each Still!
(Top left) Will is blood-starved (which is when he's either refused or unable to get, blood) and goes crazy trying to get some. He still manages to looks cute to me in a way. And yes, when he gets mad, he goes red, just like his twin! Aww! (But don't laugh, he's thirsty and it looks like you're next...)
(Top right) Will feeding off of someone, but they've been fed from many times before... can you guess who it is (Hint, look at that "tattoo"...)?
(Left middle) During one of the times that Will is blood-starved, he walks to Dipper's college dorm (crossing through a portal to get to Gravity Falls- thankfully, DipDop is out that evening; the two of them "share" a dorm in college, even if Bill doesn't actually go to classes, he's just there to spend time with his Pine Tree), stumbling a little. Bill smiles, just happy to see his little bro, and lets him in without even questioning it (and here we see the very rare thing called "Bill's innocence"). Will asks him for a hug, saying only that he felt a bit lonely so he came to see him, and Bill accepts straight away, going in for the hug. But he's horrified to see Will's face flicker from sad to lust (FOR BLOOD. FOR BLOOD!) for just a second, but before he can do anything, Will's already bitten him several times in just a matter of a few seconds (vampire speed + vampire magic + demon speed + demonic powers = run the hell away from that OP b*tch). Bill staggers back, falling to the floor, and although Will tries to "switch back" to himself, he can't, and getting a taste of (demon) blood didn't help. The end result is... well... Bill ends up losing a heck of a lot of blood, there is one very surprised Pine Tree who comes home in the morning to find Bill passed out on the floor, and one very drunken Will, who drank way too much (especially because it's demon) blood, and it has an effect like being high/stoned or being intoxicated, it just depends. That was a fun morning.
(Middle right) Someone forcing Will's hunger to grow by smashing a vial of angel blood in his face (which by the way, tastes irresistible to him), which can be used to lure said vampire-demon if used in the right way... A smear of angel blood here on a victim and a smear of angel blood there on a victim, aaaaannnndddd... it'd be enough to send him reeling; poor victim :( And no, they (a normal victim at least; 'angel blood' victims don't stand a chance) won't get turned, they'll bleed out unless someone helps them out, because there's a special venom that Will has to inject with his fangs if he wants to turn someone... so don't think you have a chance of survival, unless:
A) He manages to get himself back and decides to help you out
B) You're a child- because Will will NOT attack children, no matter how much he wants to. There has been only one time (he was forced to by Fidds and Ford for an experiment), and he had to be left in the basement for a week before he calmed down...
C) You find him another victim quick enough (of all the three options, this is the one with the least hope- so say goodbye now while you're at it)
(Bottom right) Will's coffin! It's white, with his name written on the front in black letters written on it in cursive (though as he grows 'older', he does prefer a less 'curly' font, but at first, he likes to stick to his old style of writing- from when he was just a demon). He doesn't have to sleep in it, he can sleep in a bed-, which he does do at first, but he finds it safer in case he accidentally wakes up to find the sun's rays glaring down at him... which won't hurt him exactly, but it's not exactly the nicest feeling either...
(Middle) Blood-starved Will...
Will: "I'-It's [the restraining belt] a little t-tight, Bill. Could you t-take it off, p-please? It hurts...."
Bill: "I know Blue, I-I'm... sorry... but I can't... It's not... It's not..."
Will: "It's not... safe... is it?
Bill: "Oh, Will... No... If course it's safe, I just-"
Will (distorted): "WELL THEN WHAT, BILL?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I'M STARVING!" *grabs bars, shakes them, growls*
Bill (quietly): *backs away* Will... this isn't you... St-stop it...
Will (quietly): *backs away into 'cell', sniff* Bill...?
Bill: *looks up*
Both: *run to each other, hug through bars*
Bill: "I love you, Blue..." (AS BROTHERS!)
Will: "What's happening to m-me, Bill...?"
Bill: *runs hand through Will's hair* "I don't know, Will..."
Both: *crying profusely*
Backstory time! (This could change a little, in time, but here's the rough idea-)
Well, at first, no-one thinks that being bitten by a rogue vampire is going to affect a demon that much...
At first the signs on Will are subtle, like becoming more and more sensitive to sunlight and tending to stay away from more people, unless he trusts them or knows them well... but he was fine.
Soon the signs become more severe, and he develops a sort of hunger eating (that pun tho...) away at him, and his senses are starting to get overwhelmed. But he was fine.
All in all, for first few months, Will can pretty much (mostly) just try to ignore the signs, just blaming it in being stressed rather than everything else. He could still serve under the Gleefuls (especially Stanford and Mason, hint hint ;)) without them noticing too much; the only people to noticeably be worried about him were Dipper and Mabel (Pines), and his brother- whom he was allowed to visit every once in a while. So things weren't exactly alright, but he was fine.
Until his bite marks disappear...
One Friday evening, after a particularly draining show (in which he had to use quite a bit of energy), Will is set to serve the evening tea. At first, everything is fine, and he barely notices anything is wrong.
But just as he walks into the dining room, a sharp pain pierces his neck, causing him to shriek, fall, and drop the dinner plates all over the floor. He quickly attempts to get up to clean it up, and Mason tries to help him too (if only to mock him at first), but before he can leave a snidy remark and walk away with a smirk, Will grabs his hand.
The blue demon switches back and forth between himself and the fledgling merging with him, letting go of Mason's hand as he tries to stay in control. He has visions of blood running down the walls, making him panic and feel like he's drowning, and then feeling like he can't breathe.
Flashes of consciousness of him feeding on Mason (whilst the poor boy frantically struggles to get away from him) phase through the visions to him, but ultimately, he cannot stop it. He "wakes up"on the floor, with Mason bleeding out by the wrist next to him, before Mabel rushes to help Mason. Will sees Stanford approach him, and Ford drags Will up by the collar, and down to the basement, locking him down there. He observes Will from a distance- from a camera in another room- before he begins to notice Will losing himself as he soon tries to get out as his vampire side lets paranoia about being trapped, set in. Will essentially goes "feral" banging on the bars, baring his teeth/currently-lengthened fangs, growling, hissing, rocking back and forth, pounding on the walls... you get the message. After a while, Stanford decided (even though he would usually just let Will suffer) to try to anathetise Will, before eventually just giving up and filling the room with narcotic gases to make him sleep. After a couple of coughing fits, Will finally passes out, and Stanford comes in, resolving to typing his arms next to him with an enchanted belt, so that Will can't free himself, no matter how hard he tries. He also puts a special collar on him, like a shock collar but it can also administer small amounts of the narcotics, if Stanford so wishes. So, with done, he lets Will sleep until the morning, just waiting to observe his actions... And so, when Will is denied/refused, or unable to obtain blood or energy (because he can feed off of people's energy too, it's just not a effective and fills the hunger for much less longer) then that, is when he is blood-starved, so he'll probably anything just to get some, though let it be said, the longer he has to wait, the greeider he'll become. There have been numerous experiments between Fidds and Ford, to see how long will could actually go for without attacking someone whilst blood-starved, unbeknownst to poor Will :(. But regardless of that, the record if around 2 hours and 1 minute...
(If you have any further questions, ask away!)
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ladyramora · 6 years
Hello! I love your writing sooooo much! I've been working my way through it since I found your blog a couple days ago. I was hoping for some headcanons for Wol X Haurchefant, Aymeric, Estinien, Alphinaud and Thancred. Their routine after they've been dating for a while?
(These turned out longer than I’d intended. Some more feels than fluff… *cough* Thancred! *cough* But I hope you like it. Please enjoy.)
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You spend lots of time in Alphinaud’s room. Watching him work, or draw, or just whiling away the hours in his company. Sometimes you will look up to find Alphinaud sketching in his sketchbook, - the one you are more than certain is filled with naught but drawings of you - and stealing glances at you as if he hopes you will not notice.
In the mornings, after your cuddle sessions, and when Alphinaud is sleepy and you far more alert, you will brush and braid his hair for him. On occasion indulging in your creative side to braid his hair in different styles. (Alphinaud will eventually find the guidebook of braided hairstyles that Jandelaine had lent to you.)
You are calm in the mornings. Touching one another easily. Alphinaud will help you with your boots. You will twirl his braid around your hand and give him his morning kiss.
Mid morning you will receive your duties for the day. Before departing you will pull Alphinaud away to a darkened corner to kiss him goodbye. Alphinaud will blush, of course. Mildly scolding that you not show such favoritism in front of the other Scions. You hardly contain the rolling of your eyes. The other Scions knew full well who you favored. It had been Alphinaud from the start.
Lunch is often spent apart. Gone are the days when Alphinaud was always in your company. You are not too embarrassed to admit that you miss spending so much time with him. Though Alphinaud was considerably less bossy now.
Ah, those days when Alphinaud would command you with that upturned nose in the air, finger raised to the sky as he quirked a pale eyebrow at you in classic Leveilleur snark. It only makes you smile now thinking of what a smug know-it-all he had been. You will remind Alphinaud of it later, to delight in the adorably embarrassed faces he will make.
At night, when you are tired from your daily tasks and adventures, Alphinaud will bring you dinner. It is rare that all the Scions are about to share a meal together, usually it is only you and Alphinaud. Sitting close and sharing meals.
Alphinaud will talk quietly with you. Tell you of his daily accomplishments, or express his relief that you are well. You will hold him close, kissing him sweetly and expressing your own same sentiments.
You will clear away your dishes as Alphinaud readies for bed. Taking your own turn in your shared washroom after and then helping Alphinaud to loosen his hair, dragging your fingers through the resulting waves. His kisses taste like toothpaste.
You go to bed, stroking your hands over his hair and back as Alphinaud presses an ear to your chest to listen to your heart. His fingers long and pale as they slip through the spaces of your own to grasp at your hand. You hold him close, pressing your lips to the top of his head. Thankful for tomorrow. For another day with Alphinaud.
You both are busy, of course. But it does not mean that you do not make time for one another. You often sleep at De Borel manor. Waking early in the morning to Aymeric’s kisses. Struggling for the will to leave the warmth of his arms.
You help him into his clothes. His gloves, his boots, his delicate earrings. Running your fingers through his gorgeous hair. Kissing those full, seductive lips that ever smiled for you.
You eat breakfast together, sitting close, or even on his lap, as Aymeric makes absolutely certain that you’ve been sufficiently fed before you leave him.
He kisses you, slow and sweet with lips that taste like birch syrup. Holding you in his embrace like he does not wish to let you go. He wishes you well in all the ways he is able, kissing you until you absolutely must go, and then watches you depart.
Some days you eat lunch with him, some not. But you always check in with Lucia or Handeloup to be sure that he had. Aymeric was wont to get caught up in his work and forget to eat. Never to take his tea though. A sweet tooth on that one. You make certain that his favored syrup never runs low. Leaving sweet treats you find in your travels with Lucia so that Aymeric might have something with his tea.
Night time finds you back at De Borel manor. If early, you eat dinner with him. Aymeric will offer you wine and ask about your day. Always interested in your daily life no matter how dull you claimed your day to be. He will smile and listen with chin in hand. Staring at you with those bewitching eyes of his.
If you were not already together you would claim he was seducing you. You still do, and watch as Aymeric laughs and then proceeds to lay on the charm so thick that you wonder why it took you so long to notice his interest before. Oh, right. Because he was absolutely gorgeous! You still have your suspicions that Aymeric had been sent to seduce you away from Hydaelyn. It was working. It was still working. Aymeric will laugh when you tell him of this.
If late, there will be a plate left for you. You try for early, but most nights you are very much late. You eat, wash away the sweat and grime of the day, and crawl into bed next to Aymeric carefully in hopes not to wake him. Either way he will curl himself around you, warm and sleepy. Murmuring sweet sentiment to you even as he is half asleep. He will fall asleep with lips pressed to your skin mid kiss. You stroke your fingers over his soft, gently curling hair until you, too, fall asleep.
You will wake up more often than not with a certain Azure Dragoon wrapped around you. One that treats the idea of leaving bed before a certain time with extreme prejudice. If appropriately snuggled and kissed to his morning requirements, said Dragoon might be amenable to leaving bed to break fast with you.
Estinien has his own duties, yes. He is efficient in his handling of them. In a turn around of his earlier proclivity for vanishing without notice, Estinien will often be seen at your side. Reluctant to part with you. But he has his work, as do you, so with some grumbling and quite a few kisses will Estinien leave you.
Often will he return later in the day, in a flair of Dragoon jumping dramatics, with lunch for the two of you. You eat together, in high places where a flying mount would struggle to land. In grassy fields filled with bright blooms untouched by man. Estinien will sprawl across your lap, yawning and grumbling like a jungle cat after being thoroughly fed. You comb your fingers through his unbound hair, ever spellbound by his handsome face. Estinien will huff and mutter, demanding more kisses must you stare so. You happily oblige.
Night time finds you thoroughly exhausted. Despite your protests that you can walk fine on your own, Estinien will sweep you up into his arms and carry you. To his apartment or your own dwelling, it is a coin toss, really, as you are equally comfortable wherever Estinien decides to take you. You are most pleased to be allowed in Estinien’s own space, you admit. To be trusted with that knowledge.
You take turns making dinner depending on where you spend the night. Estinien is surprisingly talented in the culinary aspect, with a bonus of looking particularly fetching in an apron with his hair tied back loosely and his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Effortlessly seductive, that man.
Well fed, and far more sleepy with it, you will take turns getting ready for bed. Helping one another with buckles and laces. Brushing out Estinien’s lovely, pale hair. Dressed (or not) for bed, Estinien with sweep you up again to tuck you in. Curling himself around you like a snuggly dragoon-shaped blanket. You kiss his face until Estinien turns it away in embarrassment, then directing your attention to raking your fingers through his hair. Whispering to him all the things you are thankful for. Estinien only ever replies that he is thankful for you.
Your room and Haurchefant’s quickly become interchangeable at the Manor. Though you find yourself drawn more to his room than your own.
Spending your mornings curled together in his bed. Watching Haurchefant sleep as surely as he watches you. Kissing his face when it is time to wake. Keeping in him in bed far longer still as Haurchefant absolutely adores cuddling. He’ll not let you leave his arms until he’s decided you’ve been given a thorough morning kiss.
Dressing is a rush of activity as you try not to be late to breakfast for the umpteenth time. There is much stumbling and giggling, the swapping of boots and clothing. Shared kisses in between.
You are met with the mild reproach of Count Edmont when you finally make it to the breakfast table, the lord doing his best to hide his own softness at seeing his son so happy. Still he cannot hide his approval, and sends the both of you off after breakfast with a shooing motion, shaking his head with an exasperated smile.
You embrace again before parting for the day. Haurchefant cannot seem to help himself when it comes to doting on you in his every affectionate whim. Whether it be your cheek, your nose, your forehead or lips. He must give you a kiss and a packed lunch. He will tell you to open it later, as he always does. He will give you no hints, but the contents inside are usually a delicious lunch along with a sappy love note that never fails to make you smile.
You will try your hand at writing a same such note to him later as you devour your lunch, but crumple every one as they fall short of your actual feelings.
At night you will either make for Camp Dragonhead, or Fortemps Manor. Dragging Haurchefant away from the paperwork at his desk to eat with you, and then retire to bed. You massage his temples and ears, soothing away the stress of his day and melting your lord into a puddle of boneless elezen across your lap. He will often forget what he was saying mid sentence when you do that.
You show him how much you love him through kiss and caress, whispering your heart for his ears alone. Haurchefant is wont to become a little emotional, no matter how many times you tell him. He will tell you how much he loves you, in such a beautiful articulate, very much Haurchefant way. He makes you sound so much more than you are. You love him far too much.
You fall asleep in his arms. Laying your head on his chest to listen to his heart and allowing the sound to lull you into slumber.
Thancred is always gone in the morning. Already awake, or perhaps unable to stay asleep. Still it is the smell of breakfast that wakes you. A tray of food - still hot enough to let curls of steam into the air - left at your bedside. There is always a note explaining his absence. Wishing you good morning. You would much prefer to wake in Thancred’s arms, but do not begrudge him his reasons.
You search for him after breakfast in hopes of a good morning kiss. Thancred is incredibly good at hiding, you only ever notice him last minute when he sneaks up on you. You know that he will sneak up on you, but are never prepared for the when. He will usually wait untill you are alone. Slinking from the shadows to embrace you from behind, inviting injury every time, and somehow escaping unscathed.
You will huff, swiping at him playfully, and give him his morning kiss. Thancred is smug, of course, whenever he successfully sneaks up on you.
It is rare that you get to spend your days just basking in one another’s company. On such days you will often find Thancred at your side. Showing you tricks he had learned. Allowing you the use of his lap as you both flipped through books of research at Urianger’s request. Sometimes even indulging in a midday nap where Thancred let you cuddle him to your heart’s content. These such moments are those you hold close to your heart.
Other days you will be kept apart by your duties, rarely needed in the same place with your differing skill sets. Though through personal linkpearl, or simply going out of his way, Thancred will make certain you’ve had time to eat. To rest for but a moment. That you do not push yourself in the same way that he did.
Dinner is usually with the Scions, as many as there are about not delayed still by their duties. There will be drink, laughter, and food. A time for you to unwind from the stresses of the day. Thancred does not drink like he used to, but does still playfully try his hand at finding a drink you favor. You indulge him if only to see his smile. It is far too rare these days.
At night, when Thancred believes you to be asleep, he will pull you into his arms and whisper almost inaudible apologies into your skin. Asking forgiveness for his past failures. You hide your face, listening in silence. You know he will not listen if you tell him there is naught to be forgiven. Thancred was the one who could not forgive himself. You pretend to wake, and curl yourself around him tighter. Wishing you could fight the inner demons that plagued Thsncred’s mind.
Thancred will ask if you had a bad dream. You will kiss him and tell him only that you missed him too much to stay asleep. Thancred laughs at the sappy notion, but for a time the light you bring to him will push back his dark thoughts. He will hold you close. Clinging tight like he was afraid you would disappear. You embrace him for as long as he will allow you, often falling asleep doing so. Thancred may be gone from your bed come morning, but he is never too far for you to find him again.
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