#and whole Kingsglaive HQ
andywinter16 · 2 years
All of you better look at concept art of Insomnia. That stuff is fucking AWESOME!  I have to agree with the opinion that GTA Insomnia would be guilty pleasure.
(have a little treat in the form of images from Kingsglaive) 
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(Kingsglaive HQ, kinda loving it cuz part looks like a Colliseum)
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(is that a briefing room? The floors are banger tho)
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(hope, this is Titus office, cuz the view is on the training grounds)
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(training grounds, love that it goes to the underground)
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( is that the room where glaives received the news of treaty? those knights are cool!)
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calling4glaives · 2 years
Kingsglaive Uniforms
As we approach Lore (less than a month away!), we thought we’d do some deep dives into topics involved with the Kingsglaive as a whole: uniforms, the HQ, etc. Hopefully it will be helpful with your writing!
While most of this information can be found in our Personnel Files for the canon named glaives, we thought it might be helpful to gather it up into one location.
Apologies for the lack of pictures. There's a lot to cover here. If you ever want to fact check us, feel free to ask for the proof of any claims we have here!
Common Features:
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[[edited screenshot from @capsource]]
All the Kingsglaive uniforms seem to retain their basic form from when they were Royal Guards, what we call the “standard uniform”. The glaives in the movie seem to wear it as their default uniform when not in battle - during the briefing scene with Drautos and around the base. When Gladio, Ignis, Prompto, and Cor appear in Insomnia, this is the version they wear as well.
The jacket is longsleeved, with false short sleeves trimmed with a silver braid-like cuff over them, attached via some sort of yoke that goes underneath the shoulder loops and has cutouts at the ball of the shoulder to reveal the small kingsglaive badges there.. The yoke and short sleeves appear to be made out of a different material - a rougher leather in the game, and some sort of sparkly unknown in the movie. The large cuffs of the longer leather sleeves are ornately decorated in silver, with the rounded portion on the upper side and the more squared off bottom portion are both ornately embroidered, while the sides (where the thumb is) has a simple pattern of three angled lines. The collar stands straight up, but somewhat limply, as it is rather thin, and there are three silver blade-like decorations on either side of the throat, echoing those on the sides of the wrist cuffs.
The jacket fastens invisibly up the front, probably via hooks or loops on the back side, and has false buttons decorated with skulls on false lapels, connected by braids in horizontal lines that “connect” the pairs of buttons on each side. The center edges of the jacket curve away slightly starting at the waist, and the lower corners are rounded as the skirt portion ends just above the knee.
There are two pocket flaps on the jacket, one on each hip, but from the line of the uniform they may be false pockets. The glaives in the movie appear to have a more breathable mesh rather than straight leather on the side panels from waist to armpit, but that detail seems to be lacking in the game’s uniforms. 
The back of the uniform has a worked symmetrical pattern around a sword, with fourteen notches surrounding it. It leads down to the small of the back, where it is crossed by a t-shaped buttoned piece and transitions into material that better matches the jacket in a sort of tail.
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[[Screenshot courtesy of @capsource]]
The glaives wear some combination of shirts underneath in various styles, though the uniforms in the game appear to all follow Nyx’s undershirt design of a silver vest that zips up the front over a black tee shirt with a sword-like design and a set of overlapping diagonal belts under the jacket as well.
The glaives wear black leather pants with decoration/reinforcement around the thighs and a decorative reinforced knee under their knee-high boots. The pants end just below the knee, at least on Nyx.
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The boots have a reinforced tongue that serves as a kneepad (marked with an odd silver rectangle - a brand name?), and lace up the entire length of the shin. There does not appear to be a zipper on the standard boots (Nyx might have one on the inside) unless it is in the back where I haven’t been able to see, so these poor souls have to tighten these tall laces every time they get in or out. As if that weren’t enough, they have no less than four straps across the laces - two up top presumably to keep it tight to the calf, and two made out of metal at the ankle and toebox. Though the toes are not externally reinforced like the heels are, they are smooth enough they might be steel-toed. The soles are rubber with deep treads in a pattern of fifteen swords.
The glaives in the movie appear not to have their hoods or veils as part of their standard uniform, nor do the bros in the game, but they were part of the royal guard uniform. The hoods appear to have a snaking decorative seam that meanders down the center, perhaps to keep it in place, that splits at the back of the head, with branches that come down by their ears on either side. Sometimes they wear chinstraps, usually when using the veils, it seems. The veils themselves seem relatively unchanged from the Royal Guard days, and taper slightly toward the bottom rather than being strictly triangular or rectangular.
The distinctive silver masks of the glaive seem to have been worn by the captains of the Royal Guard, but not the rank and file.
The members of the glaive in the movie also wear a prominent badge featuring Bahamut and the Kingsglaive logo.
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Next we will look at the battle uniforms, which fall into a few general types:
Uniform Type #1: Breastplate: ft. Libertus, Pelna
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[[Screencap showing many glaives, including from the back, wearing the type #1 varient from @capsource; Pelna's promo image is from the wiki]]
This uniform is distinguished by the heavily sculpted breastplate worn on their front. It’s uncertain what the material is, but the straps holding it appear to be leather. The design of the breastplate itself seems to be abstracted but symmetrical, with a long blade down the center and wing-like designs along the top, so it could be a stylized Bahamut, surrounded by ribbons or flames. The leather straps pass under the arms and meet in a ring at the center back, which also connects to the quilted yoke-like piece across the shoulders. The shoulder straps for the breastplate attach to studded metallic strips that in turn attach directly to the yoke by the shoulderblades. While the main body of the yoke is quilted, it has harder leather around the edges, and segmented plates of the same material cover both shoulders symetrically.
The hoods attach under a ring of padding that encircles the neck with another leather strap at the front to let it open and close. This could function to keep the yoke from riding up or as further protection.
There are cuff-like pieces of stitched leather that reinforce each elbow and thigh/upper knee, each held up by yet another leather strap. The Kingsglaive badges are worn on each side on the upper arm, possibly connecting the shoulder guards to the elbow pads.
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[[image from the wiki]]
-Libertus wields a huge, axe-like blade that he wears on his back, so he has a modified harness to carry it
-he also has unique gloves with diamond-shaped plates, and claws or spikes on strips of leather hanging from the back of each shoulder piece
-Libertus’s uniform has brown leather straps
-Libertus also has the silver horizontal braids on the false lapels at the front of his uniform, as only Nyx and Luche also have
-Pelna, like a few other glaives we see, has green leather straps
-Pelna, like the other glaives in this uniform, also has a leather sword belt that attaches to the breastplate in front and the y-shaped leather straps in back
-Both seem to have the blade-like design down the front of their undershirts, but Libertus’s is short-sleeves with reinforced shoulders in greys and Pelna’s is a baseball cut with fancy cuffs in greens
Uniform Type #2: Square Spalders: ft. Axis, Tredd
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[[Both images from the wiki]]
The distinguishing feature of this uniform type is the square, chained shoulder guard worn left shoulder. The badge seems to be worn on the same shoulder, and there is an almost archery-like padding underneath the shoulder guard, crossed by a ridged strap coming from his left shoulder which appears sewn into the padding. That could be how the shoulder guard itself attaches, but it’s clearly integral as it appears Axis’s hood attaches to the padded section and ridged strap directly.
They also wear the squared off double belt over the jacket, from which a scabbard can hang via chains.
- Axis wears full gloves
- Tredd has a long oversleeve on the right with a small cutout at the shoulder and an odd leather version of the shoulder loops over it. He also has one of the segmented elbow braces on his right arm, and wears red gloves
- Both appear to wear the frog-closed black and silver shirts Luche does at Yamachang’s under their jackets
Uniform Type #3: Flame Spaulders: ft. Sonitus, Luche
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[[Luche clone from @capsource, Sonitus's promo image is from the wiki]]
This uniform type is characterized by its own distinct spaulder: a curved piece with a flame-like pattern held in place by a wide, cross-body leather strap. Underneath it is a zippered dickie patterned with garlands, anchored by braided straps that go under each arm, and a very high folded-over collar to which the hoods are attached, possibly via the rivet-like silver pieces by the neck on either side. The Kingsglaive badge is worn on the right side. There is an articulated armor or brace worn on each elbow.
Underneath, both seem to wear the frog-closed two-tone shirt Luche wears at Yamachang’s.
-Sonitus and a few soldiers like him wear the same square belts as in the previous type
-Luche and a few soldiers like him instead has a secondary strap that attaches to the wide one keeping the spaulders on
-Luche and those based on him also wear knives around their right thighs
-Luche and those based on him have a long tassel that hangs from their shoulders
-Luche also has the silver horizontal braids on the false lapels at the front of his uniform, as only Nyx and Libertus also have
Uniform Type #4: ft. Nyx.
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[[image courtesy of the wiki]]
Nyx is the main character, and thus has a very unique uniform. There literally is no one else in his category. Aside from the obvious bits of fur, dangling claws, ribbons, oversleeve, leather capelet, and decorated silver mask, he appears to get a zipper down the inside of his boots so he can get into them easier, has a silver cuff around his right thigh that anchors his second kukri’s holster. His uniform also seems to be a leather-embellished combination of the type 1 and 3 designs: a folded-collar dickie strapped under the arm but made of a crocodile-like leather rather than the garland-pattern fabric and with two straps under the arm on each side, a symmetrical yoke reinforcing his shoulders with silver spikes on top, but smaller and without the shoulder protection of the type one yoke, replacing it with a rough leather shoulder-length cape on the right side and a furred sleeve on the left that is tucked under the short-sleeve yoke of the standard jacket, slipping out once the short sleeve ends and transitioning into a wooly rectangle. Although the purple ribbons that stream from his right shoulder themselves are unique, he wears them in a similar place to where Luche wears his tassels.
In and out of uniform Nyx wears a double chain that arcs from his shoulder to one of the buttons on his front, another feature unique to Nyx and one of the few “customizations” allowed on the standard uniform. He also has the silver horizontal braids on the false lapels at the front of his uniform, as only Luche and Libertus also have
Uniform Type #5: Mages: ft Crowe
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[[image courtesy of the wiki]]
Though this unit doesn’t have an official designation, it seems convenient to call them “mages”. Notably, every one of these figures seem to be female, so we don't know if male mages would also wear this. There do appear to be female members of the royal guard and of the Kingsglaive in Insomnia at the end of the game who wear the standard uniform, so it doesn't seem to be a requirement that women wear the uniform we see the mages in. Though Drautos could have done things differently.
This uniform is different from the skin up: rather than the standard uniform, it starts with a sleeveless skintight leather bodysuit that zips down the front, which with the jacket over the top probably makes restroom breaks rather difficult. The boots go up over the knee and have more straps to keep it on the thigh, and each mage has a pointed cuff around their left leg just above the top of the boot. The jacket is also different, made out of a shinier material, stopping around the ribs, and possibly unable to close. It also has a scalloped standing collar that fans around the back of the neck, netting on the left shoulder cutout, a gemstone and chain necklace/fastener, and a red cape, though it shares the modeling of the lapels, cuffs, silver accents, buttons, and hood as well as the cloth veils (though Crowe’s is never seen) with the standard uniforms.
They wear diagonally-fastened belts much like Nyx’s as well, that support daggers at the small of their back. There are two long petal-like oversleeves, rather similar but not an exact match to Tredd’s or Nyx’s, though they are stiff enough to move with the arms even when they are raised and aren’t blown back by the storm.
 The capes are fastened asymmetrically and patterned with an eight-sided geometric tiling pattern, according to the models, and along with the red gloves represent the boldest and largest splash of color in any of the uniforms. The gloves appear to be elbow-length as well, implying a lot of padding on the arms.
-Crowe’s gem may be unique, as it’s not visible on the other mages because of their veils or angle in the briefing room
-Crowe is never seen with a veil
Hope this helps your writing! And good luck!
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
A/N: I always wanted to write something for Christmas. Failed many times. Maybe I could overcome my kind of trauma.
Words: 1.448
Warnings: none
Summary: Nyx isn't too fond of celebrating Christmas. You get that regarding his loss but you're also a big fan of the most wonderful time of the year so, you create something that reminds Nyx that he isn't alone, at all.
Kingsglaive. An honorable troup of adorable dorks who were fighting to keep other people safe. You were one who got kept safe by them. Being close friends with Nyx and the whole gang gave you support and love and everything you needed and wanted. The others felt the same as you. They could protect you. Watching out for you. You were there for them as everyone else had left.
At least, that was what Nyx saw in you. The closest he had left he could call family. In the beginning, he had been distant to you. Keeping you at an arm's length. To keep you safe and to keep himself safe from catching too many feelings just to lose you once again.
But you had been determined in your kind of treatment and slowly but surely, Nyx grew more fond of you than he ever wanted to admit. He saw himself as bad luck. Bringing death to his family and friends. And yet, you found a way into his heart. You were sweet, smart, beautiful... You had just one, big flaw: you loved Christmas.
You lived long enough with your friends to know how their reaction would be the moment the first Christmas light would get lit. So, as the calendar changed from November to December, you turned on all the lights you could find.
As the Glaives entered your bar, they all stopped, staring at the decoration and groaning at the same time while you approached them with the biggest smile on your lips you could even produce, "And? What do you say?"
"It's bright.", Pelna said, trying to sound diplomatic.
"It's... It's sweet.", Crowe said and shot you an apologetic smile.
"It's a bit too trashy for my liking.", he said, "But you did great.", Libertus said, trying to make up for the rudeness before.
Finally, your still sparkling eyes landed on Nyx. The last one of the group. He took a breath. You never were sore about their comments but Nyx knew how much this time of the year meant to you so, he tried his best to be a bit more polite, "You did a great job with the decoration. As always."
You raised a brow questioningly while you were smirking, "Liar. You also don't like it.", you said, leaning closer.
Nyx sighed, "It's not the decoration. It's what comes with it. This whole circus reminds us what we have lost. Our friends. Our family. Our homes.", he said softly.
You nodded, "I get that. Trust me. Don't forget that I also have lost everything before I came here."
Nyx' eyes grew big with shock as he realized that you were right. You cared so much about everyone around you that he and his friends totally forgot that you also just were a refugee. Just like them. You had left your home as Niflheim took over the control. Nyx was about to apologize, feeling bad about what he had said.
But you cut him off, "It's ok. I know you didn't mean it like that. This time of the year always gives me warmth. Even after I've lost so much. It still has the same effect. But maybe we could start seeing us as some kind of new family instead of just mourning the past.", you said softly, still with a smile on your lips as you left.
Nyx stared after you. His blood was running hot and cold. You could endure so much of their bullshit. You always accepted the worst jokes. You never complained about their bad mood. But Nyx was sure, one day, you would have enough and then they would lose you. He could lose you and that was the last thing he wanted. He just needed to find a way to show you how he felt for you. A different way than just words because obviously, he wasn't good at that.
By the time your planned Christmas party was around the corner, you even had decorated the Glaives HQ much to Drautos' dismay but he let you do. You even behaved yourself with the lights - not to stress the Captain's goodwill too much - just enough to illuminate the darker hallways and the common room. The windows were covered in fake snow where real snow slowly took over the corners from the outside.
At the evening of the Christmas party, everyone you had invited came into your bar. Quickly, the small room got filled with laughter, the smell of alcohol and warmth because all your friends had found their way to you as planned - enjoying some quality time together.
Nyx stood in a corner, watching you chatting with Cor and Drautos while he let his fingers drum on the table's surface.
"What's the matter, hero?", Crowe asked, slightly swaying from the egg nog she almost devoured cup after cup.
"Nothing.", Nyx answered, trying to ignore his friend.
"Yeah...no. I know this face you make. It's your 'something bothers me face'. So, what is it?", she asked with a grin as she saw that she was right.
"Really, it's nothing."
"Oh, if I have to guess, it's something with YN, right?"
"Could you please guess somewhere else? Thank you.", Nyx said more serious, looking Crowe straight in the eyes.
Crowe patted his shoulder, "As you wish. But you really should talk with them about the feelings you harbor for them."
But before Nyx could ask anything else, Crowe was gone. And he was alone again with his gnawing thoughts if he would do the right thing or not.
Around five in the morning, the bar emptied itself finally and you walked around, collecting glasses and bottles. You were tired but happy because the party had been successful even if it had been Christmas themed.
You placed a bunch of new collected glasses on the bar counter as someone stepped next to you, "Nyx? You're still here.", you stated surprised. Somehow, you had expected him to be gone already.
"Yeah, I would never leave without saying good night to you.", he said softly, showing you a gentle smile as your own lips curled up. Some colorful fairy lights were illuminating your eyes in a magical way and Nyx knew the time was perfect. He stepped forward, getting closer to you and had your whole attention. It was the best feeling he could ask for as he saw your eyes fixated just on him. Slowly, Nyx looked up, "Oh, look what we have here.", he said, eyes directed at the lamp above the counter.
You followed his glance with a frown, "What do you mean- hey! I didn't put it up there.", you said. You liked mistletoes but you had avoided decorating them so no one was kinda forced to follow the tradition to kiss someone just by standing underneath it.
Nyx watched your surprised expression and smiled, "No. I did."
"You? But why?", you asked surprised, big eyes and a frown displayed on your face.
Nyx scratched the back of his neck. Now, there was no turning back, "You know, there's something I wanna tell you. But I think words aren't really enough, tho. The mistletoe gives me the opportunity to do this.", he said with a shy smile before he leant in, cupping your chin between thumb and index finger to kiss you gently.
You still swooned as Nyx leant away from you a few moments later. As you opened your eyes, you saw his blue eyes sparkling, "Why do you stop?", you whispered, missing his warm, perfect lips already.
"Well, I also wanted to say that this is the best Christmas for ages. Thanks to you.", Nyx whispered, leaning against your forehead with his own.
"Maybe it's just a Christmas Wonder.", you whispered with a soft smile and your heart racing in your chest.
Nyx pulled you closer, relaxed about the fact that you seemed to want him as well, "Maybe. But maybe you're just the wonder I fell in love with after all the time I have known you.", he breathed and waited for your reaction.
"Y-you do- what?", you asked startled, looking at the Ghaladian man in front of you but instead of saying something else, Nyx just cupped your face with one hand, chuckled softly and kissed you once again.
You leant stronger against him, searching hold in his clothes, pulling him closer before you snaked your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss even more. While inside the bar the situation became a bit more intimate, the first snow of the year fell silently in Insomnia, covering the city in a white coat.
Maybe, it was, in fact, just one of these Christmas wonders.
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I have a question. I read the selkie!Nyx and I'm wondering how that could tie into Heart of Thunder. Because didn't Cor give Nyx white coeurl pelts? So let's twist that a little what if he gave him back his pelt that was confiscated? Wouldn't it still kind of be the same marriage proposal? Also how would everyone's reaction from the King himself all the way down to Cor what would their reactions be when Nyx puts on the pelt, lo and behold, there now stands a coeurl...who Cor is now engaged to?
Thanks for the prompt! *jumps around* I’m an excited little gremlin when it comes to prompts. I just hardly ever get any XD
The pelt Cor gave Nyx in Heart of Thunder, was grey with silvery spots. In that ‘verse and Born Into the Wilds white coeurls are a species native to Galahd that went extinct. The colours of the others haven’t been mentioned yet.
Let’s make an AU of an AU.
One where there is an Official Thing in the National Museum of Lucis, and Cor has to be there as protection for Regis. He’s bored out of his skull by all the pomp and tamtam.
Until, in a room dedicated to Galahd, he finds a pelt. It’s from a coeurl and pure white. Cor has also seen it before. Years ago, back when he helped to process all those refugees. But he would recognize it anywhere. It had been a personal possession. How has it gotten here of all places?
The plaque isn’t of any help. It describes the fur as a donation from a generous source that wished to remain anonymous. Which is basically code for ‘rich noble’.
Cor smells something foul is afoot. So he starts digging.
It takes him some time, too many all-nighters and headaches to count. There’s not enough coffee in the world to pay him for this. But he does it anyway. Something tells him this is important and he has always trusted his instincts.
(Some days, when he feels like he shouldn’t intrude in another culture that already has been mistreated by Lucians for so long, he feels like something is tugging him further down a path Cor cannot see.)
By the end of it, it’s not just the pelt he gets to take with him, but over half of the Galahdian exhibition. He probably would also manage to take the rest with a bit more digging, but for now this is enough.
(No it’s not, something nameless on the wind screams and Cor wonders...)
So when all is said and done (for now), and even more nobles hate him now than before (which is really an accomplishment at this point), he packs all the stuff he got into a truck and drives straight to the Kingsglaive HQ.
They’re not exactly enthusiastic to have him there. Especially when he practically orders every Glaive present outside, where the truck is parked.
The first thing he takes out is the white coeurl pelt. Because it’s not only hideously expensive for its rarity, but there is also something about it. Something that makes it important.
The moment they see the pelt in his arms there is
Then, a strangled cry.
And a man stumbles forward. Cor recognizes him as Nyx Ulric.
There has always been something strange about the man. Something jagged and broken. The way he seemed trapped and not quite there sometimes. Now there is an expression of such deep longing on his face, Cor cannot comprehend it.
There’s also naked hope there, and a deep seated despair, and it makes Cor’s throat constrict. Just looking at Nyx’ face and the way his whole body trembles as he takes stumbling steps forward hurts. Libertus Ostium and Crowe Altius are close behind him. Their eyes daring him to do something stupid.
All words Cor had wanted to say, die on his tongue. So he just hold out his arms and waits. It feels like an eternity.
The moment Nyx has the pelt in his arms, he breaks down and cries. Heaving, ugly sobs, as he sinks to his knees and buries his face in the white fur. Words tumble over his libs, unintelligible to Cor’s ears.
He cannot believe-
He never thought that he would-
Nyx Ulric looks up at Cor Leonis, the man who brought back half of his soul, half of his very being, and he swears to follow this man above all others.
He can do nothing less.
It is like a damn broke. The other Glaives crowd close, and Cor finds himself with no time to contemplate what Nyx just did. Voices rise as they ask after lost possessions, old heirlooms, things the Lucians stole and called “payment” or their “just due”.
That evening, Cor finds himself in Little Galahd amidst a joyous people. There are tears of gratitude, words of thanks and declared debts. “Friend” is the most harmless of titles people call him. It makes Cor decidedly uncomfortable.
And he cannot help but wonder just how bad the Galahdians - the Galahkari, as they introduced themselves - have had it in Insomnia. He knows it’s an answer he won’t like.
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a-world-in-grey · 5 years
Sola HCs
because I need something that isn’t angst
-Contrary to what most people think when they meet child or adult Sola, bby!Sola was not a difficult baby. Or even a difficult toddler. Regis and Aulea are 100% Prepared for the Terrible Twos and Threes, but they just... never happen?
-That’s because, unlike most Lucis Caelums, Sola is very casual with her magic, using it to communicate when words aren’t enough. As a baby, most of Sola’s communication is nonverbal, which isn’t really a problem because most of the people she’s communicating to also have magic and can understand her just fine. 
-(Everyone picture Cor and bby!Sola staring at each other, magic coiling around them but not saying anything. Just staring. And various expressions that indicate yes there is indeed a conversation happening, but Astrals help anyone else trying to understand. Cor and Sola sure won’t.)
-As a result, Sola doesn’t talk for the longest time. Sure, as a baby she babbled, but her first word never really came. Regis and Aulea are worried for months, even though the doctors and speech therapists reassure them that there’s nothing seemingly wrong with Sola. She’s communicating without problem, the little girl just doesn’t want to talk yet.
-Sola’s first word comes at a two years old. Cor is napping with Sola in a sun patch when a Crownsguard comes to fetch Cor for a meeting with Regis. Only, Sola does not want to let go. Cor stares his goddaughter down, magic swirling in gentle reproof, but Sola clings all the more stubbornly, her own magic chanting no, until Cor finally tells Sola firmly that he has to go. 
-And Sola Scowls (pouts) full force at the unfortunate Crownsguard and, in the growliest (squeakiest) voice she can muster, says, “Mine.”
-Cor may or may not be Smug. Especially when Sola will Not. Stop. Saying It.
-Regis is Dying from the Cute. He has pictures. He has video.
-Sola’s favorite game is Hide-and-Seek. She just... doesn’t always tell you that you’re playing Hide-and-Seek. When this happens Cor is the best one to find her.
-Sola is very sensitive to magic. Partially because that’s how she communicates most of the time, but it’s also partially innate. Regis and Co find out very quickly that this enables Sola to find them anywhere. It also means Sola wins every game of Hide-and Seek.
-Cor of course, takes that as a challenge.
-At four, Sola is able to tell when Regis or her Uncles are Hurting, even if they’re halfway across the Citadel. When this happens, she will find them and literally sit on them so they won’t move and keep Hurting.
-When Aulea is pregnant with Noctis, she’s on bed rest fairly early on. Aulea takes to weaving near constantly. Sola, spending every moment not studying or training with Cor, curls up beside her mother and watches as she weaves a massive tapestry. Sola asks all the questions she has, and Aulea teaches Sola her craft, even getting Sola a mini-loom of her own.
-It’s not uncommon after that for Regis to find Aulea and Sola together, Sola’s face screwed up in concentration as she clumsily mirrors her mother. Sola’s fascination as the tapestry takes form under her mother’s hands, and her delight when she completes her own, small tapestry of a sun against a black background. It’s no masterwork, but Regis hangs it in his office with pride.
-Sola takes up the loom again when she starts dating Libertus. Because this is Sola, goddaughter to Cor ‘No Restraint’ Leonis, her first project is a massive design as tall as she is and twice as wide. It takes her two years, given how little time she’s able to dedicate to it, but Sola is beyond pleased with herself when she finishes it.
-If a tapestry appears in the Kingsglaive HQ one morning, depicting Galahd in its glory… All Titus is able to tell the stunned Glaives is that it’s a gift, for while the artist ‘knows they cannot replace the real thing, they wanted the Glaive to have a piece of home.’ The Glaives wander past the tapestry in a daze for days, and Sola pats herself on the back for a job well done.
-Of course, the Glaives are as curious as Coeurl cubs and three times as persistent, so Sola gets to enjoy the utter Chaos as the Glaives try - and fail - to figure out who the unknown artist is. (She probably shouldn’t find their frustration so amusing, but this is HILARIOUS.)
-(And if in the next three years, two more tapestries of equal size appear in HQ, rekindling the Glaives’ search, well… It’s harmless, and Sola has to get her kicks in somewhere.)
-Sola has a Sweet Tooth. The whole ‘how do you want your coffee/as black as my soul’ meme? Yeah, that’s Sola in a nutshell. Nyx cringes at Sola’s coffee, because that’s not coffee anymore you HEATHEN. Crowe - who is not allowed to have coffee on pain of the worst training course Titus can think up - snickers from where she cradles her tea while Libertus hoards half the coffee pot because Do Not Talk to him before he has his coffee, he is Not Awake.
-You want to bribe Sola? Chocolate. Any kind, all kinds, you bring her chocolate Sola will happily contemplate Vicious Retribution on your behalf. (Unless it’s pepper chocolate, then her Vicious Retribution will be on whichever idiot thought that abomination counted as chocolate.) This woman always has chocolate stashed in her armiger and the rest of the Glaive would really like to know just How Much she’s got, because she NEVER RUNS OUT.
-The Glaives take great glee in watching the rookies trip over Sola’s hot buttons. Because, well, she Smol, and under the uniform no one can actually see just how much muscle Sola’s got, and no one ever thinks Sola’s one of their heavy hitters. So someone inevitably makes a comment on her height, and promptly gets demolished during the next spar. 
-Mechanics… aren’t really Sola’s thing. Oh sure, she’s spent more than enough time with the royal mechanics alongside the other Glaives so they can fix whatever problems pop up in the field, and so she can keep her motorcycle in working order, but it’s not really her passion. Even if her obsessive perfectionism means she could probably start a career as a mechanic. Cid grumbles that at least ONE idiot Lucis Caelum knows their way around an engine.
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alia-turin · 7 years
Tredd. Choke the Chicken. AAAAAAANNNNND GOOOOOOO
Okay so….that’s very NSFW so y’all are warned. I had way too much fun with that and I developed shit ton of head canons about Tredd (mostly his naked body) in my head which was pleasant. ‘cus he is a dick but deserves some love. And privacy. Also to clarify for everyone who is unaware the whole thing started with my looking for synonyms of the word masturbate and google came up with ‘choking the chicken’ as one of the options. Details in this post here It’s all in good humur and not to be taken too serious.
Tagging you guys for giggles @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @kairakara101 @fromunseeliecourt
It was late night and Tredd had just finished his work out. Therewas no one in the Kingsglaive HQ and he was happy that he had the gym all forhimself. Too many people around meant too many distractions, but like that hecould finish his full work out and then some. He went to the locker room tochange which turned out to be a bit of a painful process. His body was sorefrom the training and he still had a nasty bruise on the side of his torso fromthat demon that tried to ram into him last week.
He grabbed his towel not even bothering to wrap it aroundhis body, he was alone after all, not that he really cared otherwise. Theshower room, as everywhere else was empty and quiet. He threw his towel on oneof the hangers and walked into the first shower stall. The water was hot andpleasant and was doing miracles for his aching body. He loved the warmsensation covering his chest and back, helping him relax. He probably couldspend hours here. He realized he forgot shower gel, but lucky for him someone hadforgotten one in the stall he had picked. He pushed back his wet hair from hisface and began soaping his body, white foam covering his wet skin. His handsran down his chest and abs to his groin, is dick was half hard.
“Damn pre-workout.” He had started taking pre-work out inthe last week and not only he could last longer while training but he always feltlike he needed to fuck right after he spent hours sweating and exhausting hisbody.
He placed his left on the cold tile and wrapped the fingers ofhis right hand around his shaft. He closed his eyes think of that one personthat has been on his mind the entire week, his hand very slowly moving up and downhis length. The warm water running down his skin felt like gentle touches whichmade his imagination go wild. His hand started moving a bit faster when Luche’svoice came from behind.
“Hey, Tredd.” And after a short pause. “What the fuck…”
Tredd turned around, his hand still holding his erect dick.
“Guess.” Was his answer. Luche was standing in front of himwith just a white towel wrapped around his lower body. Tredd could swear therewas no one in the entire building beside people who were on guard duty. “Whatthe hell are you doing here?”
“Training with…” Luche couldn’t finish the sentence since hewas interrupted by another voice.
“Hey Luche, you forg…..what the…” Sonitus walked right afterLuche in the shower room, Tredd could feel his annoyance growing. He was nevergoing to finish that. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I don’t know Sonitus, what does that look to you?” Treddknew the moment was gone and he could feel only frustration. “Chocking thechicken.”
Luche and Sonitus looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.
“Is that even a real expression?” Luche managed to chokebetween laughs, holding his towel not to fall.
“You know what, fuck you.” Tredd turned around ad ignoredthem, his pleasant shower ruined.
On the next morning as he walked to the locker room he saw arubber chicken pinned to his locker and a sticker on it saying ‘Don’t choke ittoo hard’. Nobody else around seemed to know what was that so lucky Sonitus andLuche had kept it between themselves. He started undressing as Luche passedbehind him and patted his shoulder. Tredd turned around to see the other mangrinning. He was going to beat the shit out of that grin during practice today.
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captaindrautos · 7 years
@pelnaxkhara received a starter!
    Two years.  
    Two years since the fall of Insomnia, since the sun had been blocked out by darkness, since mankind became prey to the daemons that roved the land.  Three years since the Kingsglaive had been disgraced, half of their rank dead by the hands of their own brethren.  Two years since “Titus Drautos,” now known as “General Glauca,” had died.
    Or so they had thought.   
    Titus had not died that day, fate was not so lucky.  Bleeding and broken, he’d pulled his wrecked body into the alcove of one of the dilapidated buildings and waited for the sweet release of death that had never come.  Even the Gods didn’t want his soul, he couldn’t say he blamed them.  
    It had taken weeks to heal, he’d survived on dirty water and scattered cans of food.  The daemons had been the worst part, without the city lights they arrived in droves each night.  Titus had barely kept them back in his weakened state.  The Glauca armor helped, but at a price.
    There was always a price.
    He’d wandered those city streets for what felt like months on end, buried the rotting corpses of his brethren, as well as some of the civilians and crownsguard he found.  Niflheim had abandoned the city limits, and the nights grew longer and longer until the sun just stopped rising.  Still he stayed, digging shallow mass graves with his own hands, fighting off daemons, watching the sky for even the briefest shimmer of a star.  There was none.  
    Titus Drautos was many things.  A coward, a traitor, but he was no fool.  Lucis was without the crystal, without the prince, without the oracle; and the darkness of legend had come.  He hadn’t believed it would, he thought it just another fairy tale.  He’d been wrong, and the whole world was suffering for it.  There was a poetic irony to that, he’d thought he’d been sparring the most lives by betraying the King, but thousands would die in the darkness.  Thousands more from the famine that would surely spread as crops withered and livestock died.  His home of Cavaugh would be hit hardest, still trying to recover from the assault nearly thirty years prior, they lacked the infrastructure to keep the daemons at bay.  Titus had doomed his own people.
    Perhaps then it was guilt that drove him from the city limits, or perhaps it was merely how hard it had become to find fresh water.  There were others, of course.  Other survivors, living like animals in the ruined city, hiding from the monsters that walked their streets.  They mostly kept to themselves, but Titus had noticed fewer and fewer of them over the last month.  If they stayed in Insomnia, they’d all die anyways.
    When he finally left he didn’t know where he was going or how he was going to get there.  He just walked, feet dragging him forward down highways that had once been busy with traffic.  The daemons peppered him with attacks at every turn, but he fended them off with cold steel.  He walked the roads for weeks before the lights came into view, and by the time he stepped foot into the hunter HQ, his feet barely had the strength to propel himself forward.  It had been days since he’d had anything to drink, and he’d lost track of the last time he’d had any real food.  His knees hit the ground and his shoulders slumped forward.  Please, just let them have water.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Omg, If I could get a chance to remake FFXV Kingsglaive ... BITCH I WOULD MAKE US ALL CRY BLOODY TEARS AND SCREAM LIKE A BANSHEE! Many of us would need a therapy after that´s for sure.
Like I would add everyones backstories, their childhood and show us how actually Galadh looks. ATTACK ON GALADH! And obviously more galadhians customs. I will show you their deep traumas and fears. YOUNG TITUS DRAUTOS AND STORY OF HIS LIFE! Discovering how actually glaives works (because I still have a zero idea about their hierarchy). We would see more of their HQ and interactions with Crownsguard. (HHOHOH COR FUCKING LEONIS!) I need more of dissatisfied refugees and glaives and REALLY SHOWING THEIR MOTIVES FOR FUCK´S SAKE! ...Ahm, It will sound horendous but show more rasicism towards glaives.  HOE TREDD! (I will pay you for that) Pranks with Noctis gang and how Titus and Clarus lost their hair. Nyx having episode and his friends calming him down. Tender moments with Axis and his lovely family. Sonitus and his other glaive friend having a Bromance. PELNA! MORE SUNSHINE BOY! AND MORE CROWE AND HER MAGES! Libertus guarding Iris and adopting another baby sister.  Drunk glaives and Luche´s dancing on the table. Darkening the tone of the movie, because we´re falling into agony of deaths. (not stupid deaths but a meaningful one) SHOW US SOME EMOTIONS WHEN COR AND NOCTIS (whole gang) DISCOVERS THEIR DEATHS!  
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kisarastrife · 7 years
thoughts on luche lazarus pls
Oooooh strap yourself in darling. This post is gonna be a long-haul.
First off, let me start by saying this; I both love and hate Luche Lazarus. He’s the kind of character that can get holed into one corner and just shit on for what we’re told in-movie ... but like, let’s use our imagination-caps.
The first we know of Luche, even before watching Kingsglaive is the info blurb released - it says he considers himself a leader of the glaive and second-in-command to Drautos. So that can affect our opinion even before meeting him - it definitely did for me. I was thinking ‘who’s this asshole who nominated himself as the leader’. 
Watching the movie through for the first time, I came to the conclusion that he’s a power-hungry shit who deserved what he go. Turning on his comrades, thick as thieves with the treacherous trio and being duplicit the whole time. Glad he burned.
But then I watched and rewatched and rewatched and I felt guilty for my initial dislike of the character.
We first see Luche handing out orders left, right and centre. He is listened to by the others and is well capable of running the field operations; he knows where his people are and how to best run this mission. The glaives listen to him and do not question him - this is a man considered a leader by his peers, not just self-nominated.
When Nyx disobeys the order to retreat, it’s Luche that grabs him with a “We have orders, Nyx!”. 
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When Drautos arrives on-scene (looking quite dashing in that evening light), it’s Luche he first speaks to, knowing he will have a full run-down on the mission’s happenings. If even the commanding officer treats him as a leader, then Luche deserves this moniker.
When we next see Luche, it’s at Yama’s bar after Nyx gets off gate-duty. This is important. He is part of the smaller circle we see our hero hanging with. Nyx, Libertus, Crowe, Pelna and Luche. He is not placed on the outside, as if he just happened to pass by the bar - Luche is there with the others before Nyx arrives. 
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He already has a drink and is sitting at the table equally with his friends. Yes - his friends.
Even when Nyx arrives, Luche stands to let him pass by and remains at the table, though standing and watching by the railing. I don’t see this as a meaningful disassociation - Yama’s is small and the tables only seat so many. Luche stays by the group’s nucleus and participates in the conversation. 
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Even when he tells of the empire sending an envoy, it’s not to be a ‘buzzkill’ as Nyx would put it; it’s the truth and he doesn’t want his friends to become disillusioned ... false security means danger for soldiers like them.
I’ma say this here and get over this thought-speed-bump; Luche wasn’t corrupt up until the final encounter.
Yeah, yeah but just hear me out.
When we learn of the imminent treaty and surrendering of the outlands to Niflheim, Luche looks disappointed; maybe he still had family out there or a home somewhere. He’s not outright angry and annoyed as many of the glaives are - just a downcast look at the floor.
Even when Libertus flips the lid and makes to square up to him, Luche doesn’t react. He knows Libertus, knows that he can act rashly in the moment. He lets the others intervene and doesn’t once try to get a reaction from Lib. Unlike Tredd who loves to just pull at that thread.Luche honestly looks sorry in this frame:
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Also - notice that in the briefing-room scene Tredd, Axis and Sonitus stand together after Drautos leaves; Luche gravitates towards our nice group of Nyx, Lib, Pelna and Crowe. Because they are friends.
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Next we don’t see Luche. We hear him on Nyx’s earpiece; “Nyx is the princess with you?” and when Nyx says no, Luche responds with “Because the Niffs just left for the ceremony and she wasn’t with them”.
These are legitimate questions. Not misleading ones; this man is running the security operation in the captain’s absence and these are fully valid questions.
Even at glaive HQ, Luche rallies the troops and then gives Nyx the lead. Why? Because Nyx was the one who guarded the princess, who figured out what the empire were playing at and who thought to locate those coordinates. But also because Nyx is untethered so-to-speak; he just lost Crowe and Libertus quit the glaive. Nyx needs to do this mission - Nyx done the leg-work for this mission and Luche knows his friend needs it.
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Look at that face and tell me he’s planning to shoot the boy later. Luche did not turn until after the treaty-signing shitstorm.
Of note in this scene is the treacherous-trio (Tredd, Axis and Sonitus) standing to the side and they don’t raise their arms for the Hearth and Home mantra ... suspicious fucks.
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Even after the Ultros shitstorm (poor lovely Pelna) and glaives turning on each other, Luche calls to Nyx from the other ship and he looks genuinely horrified at the scene of his friend dangling, holding the princess and Ultros screeching in the background. He calls to Nyx and Nyx tries to warn him before Ultros hits him away. But he’s genuinely shocked and confused by the drama unfolding:
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NOW ... here’s where we have that grey area. We do not see Luche again until the big bad reveal where he shoots Nyx. He is not with the treacherous-trio when Petra Fortis intervenes and this is important.
We don’t know what happened in that interim. I am of the opinion that Luche was approached by Drautos and filled in, coerced and convinced that working for the empire was the only way. He’s seen his comrades turn on each other, been at the end of the king’s disregard for the outlands ... the perceived apathy for those immigrants who put their lives on the line to serve the throne, only for it all to be for nothing.
Maybe there was leverage? Maybe a family out there or the insistence that this was the only way to ensure the city’s safety. Maybe even tortured until he complied.
But wait you say, what about Crowe? His friend. The one he killed ...
NO. Nowhere are we told that Luche killed Crowe.
“All Crowe could do was scream when one tore her insides apart.”
This line of dialogue only tells us that Luche knows what happened to poor Crowe who deserved soooo much better. Luche knows she was shot. He could have been informed of this by Drautos or the treacherous-trio. I am putting it out there that the trio of Tredd, Axis and Sonitus were the ones responsible for Crowe’s death. We don’t here Axis or Sonitus speak aloud ... so either of them could have owned the deep voice of the driver who dropped Crowe off. 
It states on Tredd’s page that he’s highly-trained and on Sonitus that he is a master of weaponry; a tag-team of those two could have taken Crowe out. (Even though I am forever salty about this - she could have incinerated both of them!) AND we see Sonitus hand Crowe’s box of personal effects to Drautos ... probably means nothing but meh. But these three fucks are always together watching drama ..
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Anyways, without digressing too much. I don’t think Luche killed Crowe ... but I do think he knew insinuating so would rile Nyx. Luche wasn’t happy with his position in this whole thing. But he knew Nyx ... knew he needed his friend to hate him because he hated this himself. And what better way than to hit him with the revelation of Crowe? Even the whole speech about the Kingsglaive being ‘an old man’s battle fodder’ ... the tone, body language and harshness - it’s like something Luche is trying to convince himself about, not Nyx.
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And lastly ... the look on Luche’s face when Luna says power. I argue against anyone who says Luche is power-hungry. No. What we see is a contemplative face ... a look in those eyes that is weighing up his options. Give the Ring to the empire and most likely be killed? Or try to command its power - save himself and the people around him?
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In conclusion ... I don’t think Luche killed Crowe or that he was complicit in the Kingsglaive’s betrayal.
So yeah ... my thoughts on Luche are a conflicted mess because I love and hate him and it’s all because of @treacherousglaive.
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lady-asuka · 7 years
finally - Nyx x Fem!OC (Anima) SFW fluff
previous part: click here
word count: 1683
including: Noctis, Prompto, Chocobo and Glaives :D
tagging: @themissimmortal @blindbae @zacklover24 @nykamito @fieryfantasy @crybabyporcelain @valkyrieofardyn @chocobropuffs @itshaejinju
2 weeks passed by since Anima’s and Cor’s ‘father-daughter-day’ and she hadn’t heard a word from Nyx yet. She got used to the feeling and tried to avoid thinking too much about her beloved hero. Gladio did his best to cheer her up and she even approached the prince and his strange blonde chocobo-friend a bit. Today she wanted to go to the royal garden because her sweet self-hatched chocobo lived there since they had come to Insomnia. Anima tried to meet him every day and she felt bad not doing so. As she went into the gardens she met some familiar faces from the Crownsguard – they all greeted her and she walked directly into the gardens.
“KWEH!”, she heard as she walked in and her big fluffy chocobo ran towards her – well almost jumping upon her and snuggled his head to Anima’s. Since Ani had found his egg and hatched him, she was like a mother for the big bird. He even bit people who got too close to her – she was his mom and he protect her.
“Hello my big boy. How are you?”, Anima said, almost squashed by her chocobo. Her big company just ‘kweh'ed at her and enjoyed how she ran her hands through his yellow feathers. She was happy that her chocobo could stay there – he had enough food and water around here; even enough room for running a bit. As both laid down and cuddled a bit, the chocobo heard something and looked in the direction of the garden door.
“OMG. Do you see this, Noct? A REAL CHOCOBO!”, they heard from the distance. Anima recognized this voice – it sounded like that weird chocobo-friend of the prince. The blonde guy was very strange. He seemed to be extremely shy and didn’t even utter a word in near her – but he seemed to freak out because of the huge yellow bird. A few seconds later prince Noctis and his friend Prompto made their way to them.
“OMG NOCT. A REAL CHOCOBO!”, the blonde one freaked out again and clung to the arm of his best friend.
“Jeez calm down Prompto.”, the prince said and looked at the young woman. “Hey Anima. How have you been?”, he added and tried to get rid of his friend who still clung to his arm.
“I’m fine. What about you?”, she asked and looked at Prompto. “Is he okay?”, Ani wanted to know and she was a bit amused how the boy seemed to be a fangirl of chocobos.
“Yeah ignore him. It’s normal”, Noctis explained and bowed a bit down to the chocobo. “May I?” he asked slowly and wanted to pet the big bird. These chocobos were very rare in Insomnia and they never got to see one of them up close.
“Sure. But be careful. He bites.”, she explained and smiled a bit – in this second she heard a clicking sound as Prompto took a photo of her and her chocobo with his camera. Anima looked a bit grumpily at him but she took a deep breath and just let him do before she got up. “Be careful too okay?”, she said to Prompto and watched the 2 boys who approached her chocobo.
“Kweh!”, he screamed and looked skeptically at Noctis’ hand. He sniffed a bit at his hand before he pushed his head to it and allowed the prince to touch him. Noct smiled happily and caressed the soft feathers of the big bird who enjoyed that totally. Prompto freaked out and took a lot of photos of that moment. Anima watched everything and smiled amused – she even was impressed that her chocobo allowed Noctis to touch him. As Prompto tried to touch the yellow bird – he wanted to bite his hand.
“Sorry Prompto. He doesn’t seem to like you. Maybe next time. But I’m impressed Noctis – my big friend normally doesn’t like strangers.”, Anima explained and walked towards them – stroking the feathers of her bird.
“I love animals and they love me. But it’s a pleasure to meet a real chocobo. Thank you for this experience Ani.”, the prince said. He really called Anima with her nickname – actually just close friends did that and she didn’t know Noctis that well.
“No problem. If you want to have a real exciting experience you can ride him someday. It’s much better than driving a car – just ask me, okay?”, Anima suggested and saw the gleam in the eyes of both boys. They looked like little kids whose dreams would come true soon.
“Sure! Thank you, Ani.”, Noctis said totally excited while Prompto took a lot of photos of the chocobo who even tried to snap at his precious camera. As the prince wanted to stroke the bird again he heard a familiar voice. It sounded like a stressed Ignis Scientia who was looking out for the young Prince to do his studies for his final exams.
“Damn he is looking for us Prompto. Let’s get out of here before specs finds us. Thank you, Ani, – see you later”, Noctis said and rushed out with Prompto – usneen from Ignis’ eyes. Anima waved at them and giggled as she saw this show. Poor specs – he was almost a babysitter for the two 18 years old boys. She cuddled her chocobo a last time before she made her way out again – she decided to visit him more often and to go out with him for a nice ride again. As she walked outside she took a deep breath in.
Anima slightly enjoyed that day. The weather was wonderful and she was in a good mood – but she kinda missed fighting and using her magic. She had been raised for such things and now – she lived here in the peaceful Crowncity. Anima had to admit, it was a bit boring. She walked through the city as she was near the Kingsglaive HQ and saw how some black trucks headed towards it. Her heart raced as she saw it and she took a sharp breath in.
“Could this be?!”, Anima said to herself and walked a bit closer to observe what was going on. Some Glaives leaved the cars – all looking very tired and exhausted. She breathed relieved as she saw Crowe and Pelna – even Libertus seemed to be okay. As she finally saw who she wanted to – she couldn’t suppress shedding some tears of joy.
“Nyx…”, she murmured, her heart raced and she smiled happily. He was finally back – safe and sound how it seemed. Anima was so overwhelmed that she wasn’t able to move for almost a minute. She watched how he helped to unload the trucks until Crowe stretched herself and looked around and saw Ani standing in the distance. The Glaive smiled and nudged Nyx’ elbow; who looked at her confused. Crowe seemed to giggle and guided the hero’s view to his still staring girlfriend. As their looks finally met, Ani’s heart seemed to do some jumps – especially as he smiled at her. Oh, how much she had missed his lovely smile.
“Nyx!”, she said, didn’t waste any time and ran towards him. Nyx walked towards her with open arms and held her so close to himself as she jumped right into them. Anima couldn’t suppress tears of joy now – she was finally back in the arms of her beloved hero. She clung to him and buried her face at his chest.
“I’m back, babe.”, he said lovely and placed a kiss on her head. He wiped Anima’s tears away as she looked up at him. His face showed some blood and dirt – his beard had grown a bit longer now, just like his hair. Nyx looked tired – he really needed some rest now.
“I’m so glad… I was so worried…”, Anima confessed and slowly caressed his left cheek. Nyx leaned his cheek against her hand and smiled at her. Ani giggled, wrapped her arms around his neck and finally kissed her beloved one again – after all these weeks. Nyx gladly returned her kiss and held her close the whole time. This was what he needed after all the shit he did and saw the past 6 weeks – he felt relieved again. Some Glaives let out some whistles again - while Libertus just watched this and said nothing.
“Why are you standing around here?! Unload the trucks already. You can leave afterwards!”, the stern voice of Drautos growled to his Glaives – he seemed to be tired too. Nyx and Anima snapped out of their kiss.
“Sorry babe… I love you and I’m all yours after my duty is done. Don’t run away, okay?”, he said happily and kissed her again – all wanting and full of love.
“Of course, my beloved hero.”, she said happily and smiled at him as he turned around to help the other Glaives to finish their work and walked into the Kingslgaive HQ to unload everything. Anima’s eyes just followed Nyx the whole time. She was so happy right now – she didn’t even notice that Drautos watched her a bit.
“Is something wrong?”, Ani asked as she finally realized that he was watching her. Her voice sounded annoyed. Nothing had changed for her the past weeks concerning him.
“No. Everything is alright.”, the Captain said and passed her by to walk into the HQ too. Anima looked at him, sighing and bit her underlip.
“Titus?”, she asked him and took a step towards him. As he heard how she called him by his name he turned around slightly. He remembered his dream as they had left Insomnia and he wanted to give all this a new chance.
“Yes, Anima?”, he wanted to know and looked down at the young woman – something seemed to bother her.
“Well… uhm… I’m glad you’re back too.”, she muttered and looked directly into his eyes. Drautos expression turned into a slightly confused one – but he smirked a little bit.
“Thank you, Ani”, he just said and turned around again to finish his work for the day. It was a small step for both and Anima wanted to give him another chance.
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onceuponaprime · 7 years
11. “I almost lost you” kiss: Drautos/Cor
Always great to get Cor/Drautos prompts from you friend~I thought I could make this a short 500 word drabble and I was wrong.Sort of became a weird idea yeah i dont know it got away from me. 
Perched on a hillside away from the battle below the sniper searched for his next target. Better up here than down there, where those Kingsglaive soldiers warped about with all their magic. Red amidst all the black caught his attention, and he focused on the figure, steadying his scope. Perfect.
“Commanding officer in sight.”
“Yeah, the Captain is always on the field-” his companion kept speaking, but he was too busy lining up his sights to pay any attention to him.
“Taking the shot,” he announced, his scope painting a perfect target on the man’s head.
“What?! No you idiot!” His companion lunged, throwing off the aim as the sniper fired, but if the silence that followed was anything to go by, he’d hit his mark.
And he would pay dearly for it.
The battle was swiftly turning in their favor. Every counter pushed Niflheim back further and further. Titus expected nothing less, but it was pleasing to see the Glaives near another victory.
“Luche, what’s the word from the East squadron?”
“Looks good on that end, seems like we might-” whatever Luche planned to say next was lost to his sudden shout.
Glauca clawed beneath his skin as Titus staggered back, the bullet tearing into his shoulder. His focus narrowed to the struggle within himself, using every ounce of his strength and will to keep Glauca contained as it tried to protect him.
“Captain Drautos is down. This is Luche calling for a full retreat. Rendezvous at my position. Repeat Captain Drautos is down. ” Distant and frantic, something Titus could hardly hear over the monster screaming in his head. At least if he died now it would be better than revealing himself too soon. He was unaware of the violent thrashing of his body, all he knew was that he was suddenly tired, and he could rest now for a little while.
Then Titus heard nothing.
Cor strode through the halls of the Citadel with a purpose and the niggling feeling that something was wrong. Clarus did not summon him for such audiences often, let alone with such need for secrecy. It almost made him nervous. He reached the office in record time, knocking once before Clarus beckoned him in. The king’s sworn Shield did not use the space often, and it was obvious in the way the room felt almost stagnant. His old friend looked grim, head resting atop laced fingers, elbows propped on the cluttered desk, and his brow furrowed.
“Take a seat, Cor.”
“What’s going on, Clarus? You’re not usually one for such secrecy.”
“The Kingsglaive have been forced to retreat from their assault in Leide. Captain Drautos has been injured, and the way the Glaive that contacted us put it I fear he might not recover.”
“Might not recover?” Cor replied with a frown as he tried to process the words.
“We need to prepare for the worst,” Clarus said. “If he dies, I want you to take charge of the Glaive, at least temporarily. You have more experience with them than the rest of the Crownsguard, and Drautos trusts you.” Letting that sink in was hard, the whole business was harder than it should have been. Thinking of Drautos dying was… was unpleasant.
“I will do whatever His Majesty requires of me, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“So do I, old friend,” he sighed, “so do I.”
They brought him in as dusk settled over Insomnia, rushing right to the Citadel so the private doctors there could tend to the Captain of the Glaives in secrecy. A local hospital would have been quicker, but the matter was delicate and best not broadcasted to the people until things were sure. No need to put the people into a grief stricken panic in the middle of the night. Cor would have been present even if he didn’t need to be, as it stood he had an excuse with his task of wrangling the nervous Glaives. Cut off the head of the snake and the body will follow, and the present Glaives were doing just that, nervous energy buzzing from each and every one of them. The others had been ordered to return to their headquarters, Cor’s next stop once he was finished here, and he felt more burdened than he’d felt in years. Drautos was pale when they unloaded him, and Cor tried not to stare as the doctors swiftly wheeled him away from his soldiers on a stretcher.
“Glaives!” The five soldiers stopped and stood at immediate attention, but their expressions remained uneasy. Two of them he knew, Luche the unofficial second in command, and the young mage Crowe who was open in her dislike of him, the Glaive medics with them escaped his knowledge and the driver had a familiar face he couldn’t place a name to. “With me, we’re heading to your HQ.”
“What about the Captain?” Luche said, glancing at the Citadel entrance and back to him.
“Captain Drautos is in good hands,” he assured them as much as himself. “He’s strong, he’ll pull through.” There was a knot in his chest, and he hoped the words were true. Shoving his worry aside, Cor moved to the waiting van and the Glaives followed mutely. As they drove Luche recounted what happened and Cor listened in rapt silence as worry gnawed at his gut.
“What do we do now, sir?” Crowe asked when the pulled into the HQ’s garage, and it was the first time she’d ever addressed him with any formality. Outside the van windows he could see the rest of the Kingsglaive waiting nervously for word.
“For now we wait, and hope for the best.”
Under the fluorescent lights of the Citadel’s medical ward Drautos looked pale. The doctors insisted he would be fine, that he was recovering from his wound at a remarkable rate, but Cor remained anxious. Drautos had been out for two days, soon three if he slept much longer if the clock on the wall had anything to say about it. Cor read through the report in his lap again even though he’d already memorized it. This was the first visit he’d allowed himself, and really he should have already been gone, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet.
Suddenly the machines Drautos was hooked up to began beeping frantically, and Cor’s attention went back to the hospital bed instantly. Drautos was waking up, eyes fluttering open to the bright room and grey ceiling above and Cor watched what could only be described as terror fill those eyes. He was up from the chair and across to the bed in an instant. The beeping quicked with his breath as Drautos lurched forward in a panic, hand frantically making to rip the IV from his arm. Cor snatched his wrist in an iron grip before the damage could be done.
“Drautos stop, it’s alright. You’re in the Citadel. It’s just us.” He kept his voice low and soothing and he watched the dazed expression on the other man’s face slacken and calm as Drautos met his gaze. His breath evened out and the incessant beeping beside them returned to normal before it could draw the medical staff’s concern.
“What happened?”
“You were shot, sniper fire on the field, the Glaive’s called a retreat and rushed you here. You’ve been out for almost three days, but they say you’re healing fast,” Cor said, dropping his gaze to his hands, and Drautos grunted like that was the answer he expected.
“Just another scar,” he replied, and Cor heard the rustle of cloth as Drautos like rubbed at his bandaged shoulder.  
“We thought you were going to die, Drautos,” Cor snapped, and their eyes met for a long and tense moment.
“What’s another casualty, Leonis?” And they crashed into each other like they always seemed to do. The kiss was bruising, a rough meeting of lips that Cor clung to desperately. He’d almost lost him, and that was a dangerous thought, and it was dangerous how much desperation lied in that one kiss. Cor pulled away from it harshly like the motion would sever the feeling. Much to his dismay, it didn’t.
“The Kingsglaive can’t afford to lose you,” he snapped, and then he turned on his heel and walked away. Adding a hasy, “I must inform the king,” as he made his retreat. Not giving Drautos a chance to answer he was out of the room before he could change his mind about leaving.
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geochic03 · 6 years
Amber Sunrise: Chapter 4
Previous Chapter                                                                          Next Chapter
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Gladio x Female OC, Mention of  Ignis x Female OC
Rating: T (For now)
Words: 3,672
Read on AO3
A/N: So I am introducing Ignis's significant other and more, kind of, in this chapter. It's really just a mention but I plan on including her down the line in the story. In reality, I have a whole character profile for her and outline of a story based all about their relationship and how she came to meet the bro's during their journey. It will be a loooong story so maybe one day I will get around to posting it. But for now enjoy!
It had been a few weeks since he had taken Peri out for a drink at her own family’s tavern.  Since then Gladio had been too busy helping Cor train new Kingsglaive recruits and orchestrating some larger hunts himself.  He had barely been back in town a few days before he was called upon by the Marshall again to help take out a demon nest that was starting to crop up near Cauthess.  If they didn’t act now things would get out of hand. 
He and Peri had exchanges a few texts here and there but that had been the extent of their conversations.  He hadn’t made much headway in getting to know her better and he had to admit, it frustrated him.  Girls had always come easy to him, never taking more than a few smooth lines and a drink to get them to open up to him.  But Peri, she was different.  Closed off and abrasive she never gave out more information than necessary.  By now he would have moved on, tried his luck with another girl, but there was just something about her that he couldn’t put his finger on…something that kept drawing him back in.  As soon as he had more time he was going to make it his personal mission to figure out what her deal was, starting with deciphering whatever it was her sister, the tavern girl, mentioned was in her past.
 As Gladio chugged down the mud water that passed as coffee he placed his mug into the shared sink as he went to grab his travel bag.
 “Leaving already Gladdy?” he heard a soft voice say behind him.
 Gladio looked up to see Iris, clad in her night shirt and bathrobe yawning by their shared bedroom door.  She had changed so much over the last few years.  Aside from growing her chestnut locks out her features had grown hard, toughened by the last seven years of darkness, she even had a few scars that could rival his own.  Came with the territory he supposed with being a demon hunter.  As much as he despised his little sister taking up the fight, he has grown to admire her determination and unwavering spirit as a leader for not only her fellow hunters but for Lestallum as well.  He was proud of her no matter how all of this ends up turning out.
 Gladio gave her a small smile as he threw on his leather jacket “Yeah, the Marshall called, said a nest is getting out of hand near Cauthess.  Wants me and the guys to help take it out.”
 “Ignis and Prompto?  Wow, you guys haven’t fought together in ages.  Must feel good getting the band back together.” Iris said with a small smile as she joined him in the small living space that made up their apartment.  It was a tight squeeze but manged to work for the two of them plus Talcott.  Between the three of them only two are ever there at the same time, especially now with Talcott training with the Marshall to fight.
 Gladio gave her a shrug “I guess, it’s not like I never seem them.  I just saw Prompto out at a bar a few weeks ago.  And I saw Ignis at HQ last month.”
 “Yeah but you guys don’t fight together like you used to.  You know when you guys were with…” Iris began but trailed off as she remembered the glue that held the group together.
 Gladio gave a heavy sigh as he rested his hand on her shoulder “He’s coming back…and when he does we will all be ready.”
 “Yeah…I know…” Iris said looking up at him, trying her best to give him a reassuring smile.
 “But until then, there is a demon nest calling my name.  I’ll catch you later sis.” Gladio said giving her a kiss on the cheek before departing their apartment.
 Gladio gave out a large sigh as he entered the narrow streets of Lestallum.  It wasn’t that he wasn’t looking forward to the hunt, or seeing the others.  It was just every time he saw them, when they were together, it was a constant reminder of who wasn’t there with them.  He would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel a little lost the first few years without Noctis.  His whole life’s purpose was to be the king’s shield.  And here he was, a shield with no king to protect.  So instead, he poured his everything into training, hunting and helping out where he could.  For a few years it was enough…but lately he couldn’t help but feel like something was missing from his life.  Maybe that’s why he was so determined to figure Peri out.
 As if on queue he looked up to see the object of his thoughts briskly walking through crowded streets, decked out in her EXINERS uniform, he could only guess by her lack of thermal gear that she was either just getting off work or was assigned to inspection duty.  Gladio’s eyes lingered on her, noticing her loosely tied back brown hair and how her eyes shinned in the artificial lighting.  She was in her element, and she looked beautiful.  
 At that moment he decided to delay his meet up with the Marshall for a moment, making his way towards her at a fast pace.  As he caught up with her he placed his hand on her shoulder gently, causing her to startle and jump back, immediately getting into fighting stance.
 He watched as Peri’s demeanor changed, her eyes narrowing and then letting out a relieved breath as she saw it was just him.
 “Uh…hi…” Gladio said with a low chuckle.
 Peri frowned as she let her guard down “Damn it Gladio what the hell?!?  I thought you were some weirdo coming up from behind me like that!”
 Gladio nervously rubbed the back of his neck “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
 Peri rolled her eyes as she folded her arms “Just don’t do it again.  Did you need something?”
 “Nope, just wanted to say hi, haven’t seen you around in a few weeks.” Gladio said as moved closer to her.
 “Right…uh hi…” Peri said looked away from him, rubbing her arms nervously.
 “Are you just getting off work or…” Gladio began trying to make small talk.
 Peri shook her head “No…Holly needed me to check an energy transmitter out near the front gates.  Said it might be on the fritz.”
 Gladio smirked “Sending out her best huh?”
 Peri waved him off as she began walking again “No…I was just the lucky victim.”
 “Well she must trust you enough to send you out on your own?” Gladio asked her as he followed her.
 “I guess…don’t you have somewhere else to be or something?  You know, other than following me around Lestallum.” Peri asked him as they continued.
 “Trust me…no following here, just a coincidence.  But, it just happens to be that I’m going that way too.  About to set out on another mission.” Gladio said with a wink.
 Gladio couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he watched Peri nervously rebuff his flirting attempt.
 “Right, just a coincidence…” she said as she looked away.
 They walked in silence a few more moments before Gladio spoke up again “So…why did you stop hunting?”
 Peri bit he lip before looking at him “I…Sera said something to you didn’t she?”
“What no…I just…you know you never said why.  I was just curious because you’re a pretty good fighter and…” Gladio said in his defense.
 As they rounded a corner towards the main gate to the city the two were stopped by the sound of someone behind them.
 “Gladio…” the deep voice said.
 The pair turned to see Cor standing behind them with his arms crossed.
 “Uh hey there Marshall…I was just headed over to the convoy…” Gladio said running his hand through his long locks.
 Gladio looked over to see Peri staring up at the Marshall in a state of shock.
 Cor looked them both over, lingering on Peri for a moment before giving her a nod.  Peri responded with a small nod of her own before turning his attention to Gladio.
 “We’re meeting over in the departure area, I would suspect you won’t be much longer?” Cor said to him with a stern look.
 “Right…got it.  I’ll just be another second.” Gladio responded.
 Cor nodded in confirmation as he turned to Peri “Good to see you again.”
 “Uh…you too…sir.” Peri stuttered out as Cor walked away towards to the departure area where Ignis and Prompto were already waiting.
 Gladio turned his attention back to Peri “Do you guys know each other or something?”
 Peri bit her lip and turned to him “Listen…I told my self what’s in the past is the past.  I’d really rather not talk about something that has little to no value in moving forward with life.”
 Gladio frowned “That doesn’t mean you should just forget about it you know.”
 At that moment Gladio heard Prompto call his name from the truck Cor had reserved for their mission.  Gladio gave a heavy sigh as he looked back at her.
 “Peri...just…listen I have to go take care of this daemon nest thing out in Cauthess.  I’ll probably be gone a few days but I’ll probably have some more free time after.  The Marshall owes me that much after the jams I got him out of these last few months.  Maybe we can get together for a friendly drink again…or a dinner…as friends.” Gladio said giving her a hopeful smile.
 Peri gave a heavy sigh “Ok…fine…as friends.”
 Gladio gave her a wide smile as he placed his hand on her shoulder “Great…I’ll text you when I’m back in town.”
 “Ok…” Peri said as she watched him wave to her as he walked off towards the departure area.
 As he left her he couldn’t help but smile, she had actually agreed to see him again.  Before he got too far he heard a voice shout behind him.
 “Hey Gladio!” she yelled back at him.
 Gladio turned to see her running up towards him.
 “This mission…is probably dangerous…right?” she asked him.
 Gladio waved her off “Nah…don’t worry.  It will take more than a few daemons to take me down.”
 Peri gulped hard before responding “Ok…you know…don’t do anything stupid.”
 “Aye aye captain, I’ll try my best.” Gladio chuckled giving her a mock salute.
 Peri rolled her eyes and shook her head “Forget I said anything…goodbye Gladio.”
 With that he watched her turn away and walk back towards the transmitter Holly had wanted her to take a look at.  Gladio couldn’t help but smile knowingly as he watched her, hopeful that when he returns, they could pick up where they left off.
“Hey Gladio!  Long time no see man!” Prompto said cheerily as he taped him on the shoulder.
 Gladio rolled his eyes “Did you forget about that beer I bought you a few weeks ago?  And that girl I set you up with?”
 Prompto waved his hands in defense “No no I remember!”
 “Setting you up with a girl?  Well do tell how that panned out…” Ignis smirked as he joined them.
 Gladio smirked at Ignis’s comment “Yeah, I practically handed her on a plate to you.”
 “Uh well…I got her phone number but, I haven’t exactly had a chance to call her yet…” Prompto said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
 “Well what are you waiting for?  She seemed pretty into you last I saw.  You shouldn’t keep a girl waiting you know.  She might get snagged by another guy.” Gladio lectured.
 “I don’t see what you would have to loose.” Ignis added.
 “Well I just…who knows what she thought about me!  For all I know she was just being nice and will never respond back again if I text her.” Prompto began before Gladio cut him off.
 “How bout this, I recently found out that she has an older sister who I’ve been texting on and off lately.  How bout when we get back you clear your schedule and we go out to dinner with them?  With her sister there I am sure she will at least agree.” Gladio smirked remembering what Peri had agreed to not moments before.
 “Whoa a double date with you big guy?  I mean, shit I am honored you would even let me come on a date with you!” Prompto said excitedly.
 Gladio rolled his eyes “First of all, you’re not dating me.  Second of all it’s just a friendly dinner between friends.”
 “Right….well big guy you have a deal.  Just tell me where and when.” Prompto said ribbing him.
 Gladio turned to Ignis and smirked “Well, what do you say Iggy, want to make it a triple and bring Juliet with you?  I am sure if Iris is in town I can convince her to watch your little one for you.”
 Ignis waived them off “No that’s quite alright, thank you for the offer though.  Once we return Talcott has agreed to head out to Malmalam Thicket to inspect the royal tomb there for more information concerning Ardyn and the prophesy.  Maybe some other time….if all goes well that is.”
 Gladio shrugged “Ok…if you say so.  Figured I would give you guys a break.”
 “So, are we ready to go?” Cor said as he approached he men.
 Ignis nodded “Yes, and good to see you again Marshall, hope all is well.”
 “Yes, you as well Ignis.  You look in good spirits, how is Juliet and the little one doing?” Cor said with a soft smile.
 “They have been well, Juliet is anxious to get back out on the field once she has been cleared for combat as you can imagine.  Isabelle is much the same, I must admit though, she is growing much too quickly for my liking.” Ignis said with a smile.
 Cor nodded “I can imagine.  When I have time I will stop by and see how they are doing.”
 “I am sure she would very much appreciate that.” Ignis responded as he adjusted his visor.
 Gladio looked on as he watched Ignis speak fondly of his family.  He couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealously for the man, one day hoping he could find such happiness in life.  He had to admit, having a child had changed Ignis, in a good way.  He finally had something else to live for other than his duty, and someone else to take care of other than his charge.  He was the kings shield but Ignis was proof that there was life beyond duty.
 “Well we better get a move on.  We have to make a detour at HQ and pick up a few other hunters who volunteered to help out and then we will make our way to Cauthess.” Cor explained as he walked to the driver side of the truck.
 “So Marshal, do you know that girl I was talking to earlier?” Gladio said as he joined Cor in the front seat.  Prompto and Ignis had both opted to ride in the back of the truck for fresh air.
 “I don’t know her per se, but I most certainly remember running into her before the darkness fell.” Cor explained as he started the truck.
 Gladio thought for a moment before respond “How did you run into her.”
 “It really was just in passing.  She used to be apart of a trio of hunters.  It initially piqued my interest when I was at Meldacio helping them coordinate taking out some meddlesome beasts by the Vesperpool while you all were running around Cauthess.  I thought it was strange that a threesome would be going out on hunts as typically the hunters stuck to pairs.” Cor explained as he drove through the darkened haze towards Meldacio.
 “A trio huh?  Who else did she hunt with?” Gladio asked still trying to pry information from him.  He knew about her twin brother, but a third member she failed to mention.
 Cor looked over and narrowed his eyes “I’m not one hundred percent sure…why do you ask.”
 Gladio shrugged “No reason.  I teamed up with her at the power plant a few weeks back.  She has some impressive fighting skills.  I’m just surprised she would waste her talent by working at the power plant.”
 Cor shook his head “Not everyone is cut out for the hunter lifestyle.”
 “Yeah I guess so.” Gladio responded looking out into the void.
 There was silence between the two before Cor spoke up again “I can’t believe I am about to give you girl advice, but if you are so curious why don’t you just ask her?”
 Gladio chuckled at Cor’s comment “Who would have ever thought.  And for the record, I did…but she wasn’t exactly forth coming with information.”
 “Give it sometime.  Not everyone is as much of an open book as you are Gladio..  Trust me, when she’s ready, she will tell you.” Cor explained.
 Gladio nodded in agreement before looking over to his long time mentor curious “You know something don’t you?”
 Cor smirked “Maybe…but it’s not my story to tell.”
 Gladio sighed as he went back staring out his window.  It wasn’t that he wasn’t patient.  She was different than other girls he had met.  He wasn’t even sure what he could call their relationship acquaints?  Sort of friends?  They have run into each other enough times now that they weren’t acquaintances but they had only ever hung out once when he bought her a drink.  But she did agree to a dinner as friends.  So distant friends he figured at the very least.  Maybe before he dropped the double dinner date bomb he needed to let her know that he wasn’t going to pressure her.  Maybe the Marshall was right, he needed to back off a bit and let her come to him.
 He quickly took out his phone and pulled up the contact in his sights.  He quickly typed up a message and sent it off, turning the screen off knowing that he probably wouldn’t get a response back.  To his surprise not a few minuets later his screen lit up with a text notification.  He gave a small smile as he read the response before typing his reply putting his phone away.
 Gladio: Hey, I don’t mean to come off so strong but I’m not gonna lie, you are a pretty mysterious chick.  Whatever happened in the past is in the past.  But if you ever do feel like talking about it, I’m all ears.
 Peri: Ok.  Just make sure you come back alive.  I heard a few off duty hunters say that the nest that’s out there in Cauthess is the worst seen in years.
 Gladio: Like I told you before, it will take more than a few demons to take me down.  Just keep the lights on and everything will be fine. I’ll text you when I’m back in town.
 Peri: Like I told you, nothing is taking this plant down on my watch.  See you around, Gladio.
 Gladio smirked at her last line.  Maybe things were starting to go in his favor after all.  As he put his phone away and looked out at the scenery passing him by, he could help but think that maybe he was finally finding something worth coming back home for.  Something more than just duty.  But where ever his new found relationship with Peri goes, he knew one thing for sure, this was the beginning of something and only time would tell what the something ends up being.
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Ignisxreader fanfic chapter 1
So here is my fanfic, I’m definitely nervous to post this just because I haven’t written in many many years, I used to write all the time but I fear I’ve grown rusty so please forgive that. I really do hope you all enjoy and id love some feedback. So this is a FFXV fanfic, and is Ignisxreader, it’s just much more in depth then that. So this fic is really based on all my daydreams I have, I have a very active daydreaming mind and so this character is kind of my OC and her adventures with the Chocobros, so this is incredibly near and dear to my heart since it is a piece of me since I’ve spent many hours and days daydreaming this up. I just wanted to share it all with you, so jump in and enjoy! I welcome any and all feedback! Also help me come up with a title for this fanfic I’m at a lose.
It was early morning and you knew you hadn’t been asleep for long when you heard the clinking coming from the kitchen. You were stiff and your left arm was asleep, that’s what you get for sleeping on the couch. It was so much easier for you to crash at your best friends home then your own, his was much closer to the Glaives headquarters and you had spent the whole day and most of the night training new recruits. You sat up on the couch slowly stretching your arms above your head, your hair falling in your face as you gave a loud yawn. “Ah you’re awake, I’m sorry if I was too loud” he walked out of the kitchen carrying two steaming mugs “I was hoping to let you sleep a bit longer” he sat down next to you handing you the mug, you took a deep breath of the ebony coffee and smiled before taking a long sip. You noticed he was only wearing black lounge pants, and no shirt, whenever you saw his perfectly sculpted body you couldn’t help but stare a little, he has the body of a gymnast but it seemed more like a god to you, hell he even gave Gladio a run for his money in your mind. “No don’t be sorry, I was almost awake already” you lied with a smirk, he knew you well enough to see right through your lie. “Thanks Iggy,” you nodded at the coffee “I’m sorry I crashed here again, it was a stressful day and having to train the newbies right after coming back from fighting daemons, just I was exhausted and didn’t think I’d make it home, hell I almost crashed at HQ” you said with a small laugh trying to hide your exhaustion, your lips going straight back to the coffee. God you loved how perfectly he made your coffee, you always miss it when you leave for missions. “Don’t you be sorry, if I had an issue with you staying I wouldn’t have ever given you a key or offered in the first place” Ignis sighed as he pushed up his glasses with his middle finger giving you a stern look, he was very sick of having this conversation with you. You just nodded and looked away. He broke the silence between you two" How was the mission?“ You sighed and your shoulders sunk down, you could only manage to stare off and put your chin into your hands and give him a quick side stare. He immediately knew this was the wrong thing to ask. “Ignis” you breathed out “I’m so tired of watching my Kingsglaive die” “It was a defeat, they overpowered us with daemons, huge ones I’ve never seen before,” you motioned with your hands “they shot fireballs from their shoulders!” Your eyes got big “and after our retreat the empire just…left” your voice trailed off in defeat. All Ignis could do was sit in silence and listen, once you were done he stood up and took your empty coffee cup and went back to the kitchen and refilled it. “Well,” he walked back handing you your cup of liquid gold “you honestly did all that you could do, I know you and you did everything in your power to protect your Glaive, and succeed” he stared you down with such caring eyes and the feeling you always got in your gut when he gave you that look was indescribable “don’t blame yourself.” you sighed deeply, he always managed to say what you needed to hear and knew how to ground your feelings. You set your cup down on the coffee table and tucked your legs up under you, wanting to change the topic you ask what he’d been up to since you left “oh the normal,” he said nonchalantly “errands, council meetings, tending to the prince. Things haven’t changed but I feel they may soon” He ended his words slightly ominously, you just watched him and in your heart knew exactly what he meant. “Well let me get out of your perfect hair” you said with a laugh standing up and grabbing the pieces of your uniform you had discarded all on the floor the night before and putting them back on. Ignis looked slightly disappointed for a split second but understood you’re a very busy person just as he is. You headed to the door with your typical saunter, and gave a look back at Ignis “stay out of trouble, I’ll text you later” you smiled with a wink. “Same too you, also next time you stay over please don’t sleep on the couch and please wake me and take the bed, I see the kink in your neck, I don’t know how many times I’ve had to tell you” Ignis smirked behind his hand which were pushing up his glasses again, you just laughed with a wave of your hand and walked out the door closing it behind yourself. You made your way along the busy streets of the Crowned City making very careful to not bump into the people you were rushing past, you needed to get home, take a shower and get into a clean uniform, you didn’t realize how dirty you were and felt a tinge of guilt for sleeping on Ignis’ spotless couch. You walked up some stairs of a rather old apartment complex to your door and pulled out your keys, opened it up and walked inside turning on a light switch. Your apartment was rather basic, considering you were rarely home between commanding the Kingsglaive, training, missions, and spending your free time with your favorite boys, you mainly used your home as a stopping place to sleep and store your belongings but nonetheless it felt very homey and welcoming. You walked to your bathroom and stripped down turning on the hot water and stepping in letting the heat relax your aching muscles. You looked over your arms and legs seeing all the new bruises, cuts, and scrapes you had acquired on your last mission, you knew you’d get a couple new scars to add to your collection. You thought over your last mission, how you had lost so many good men and women, how you needed to write the letters to their families, you felt your heart sink, your job was never easy. You were in a position of high authority, you helped command the Kingsglaive, the kings military, you were right above the lead of captain Titus. You were the Commander but you let Titus take most control of the Glaive for the most part, as you were typically sent to do special missions from the king himself or from his right hands. You did your best to always be by your Glaives side during battle and to lead them showing them you would always be willing to die at their sides and how they meant more to you then just being another soldier, but these times during the war were becoming rarer. The king was sending you on many missions alone to attempt to infiltrate and take plans from the Empire or take out a bass in secret. You were an incredibly skilled fighter and had many a special talent. You tried to keep it secret but most everyone knew, you were very special and rare, a gift from the gods as King Regis put it. You could harness and use magic without the need of the crystal, you could summon your own array of weapons and had your own secret move up your sleeve, one incredibly deadly secret that only the king and his closet confidantes were aware of. You’re only sole purpose on Eos though was to protect the king and his kingdom at all costs, you in essence were a weapon and bodyguard from the gods for the Kings of Lucis. It probably didn’t hurt your cause that you had originally been born in a far off land to a long line of famed daemon hunters. To put it in the best of terms you were a badass, and you knew it. You turned the water of your perfectly temped shower off and stepped out and wrapped a towel around yourself, you walked to your room and got dressed. All you really wanted to do was lay in your cozy bed piled high with blankets and sleep a little but sighed as you knew your day was going to be busy, you knew you needed to write reports to the king, write letters to those poor families, train with the Glaive, catch up with Captian Titus, and to spend some much needed time with your favorite boys at dinner. You left your apartment with just enough time to get to the headquarters, you walked briskly through the crowds of people to busy to notice anything but what was a concern in their own life. You were about to be at headquarters when your phone went off letting you know you got a text, you figured you’d check it later so you wouldn’t be late. But as you got closer your phone went off multiple times. “Must be Prompto spamming me memes again” you thought out loud as you dug your phone from your pocket. You opened the messages to see you had a message from Prompto, Gladio, Titus, and a couple from Ignis. You thought this was rather odd to have them all texting you at once so you opened them and began to read them. “I just saw what happened on the news, are you ok?” Prompto wrote with a sad face emoji “Call me when you are most available to talk” “I hope you’re doing ok” Ignis had sent “I’m sorry. How’s the Glaives taking the news?” Gladio wrote You started to become incredibly worried “I need you at HQ immediately, peace treaters have been signed, bad news for the Glaive, they need you now” Titus had sent You immediately felt your heart sink and face lose all color, you full on sprinted to the Kingsglaive headquarters.
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Running All Night pt.3
“These were all we could find,” Nyx lifted his head, his gazed landed on the captain who was holding a box out to him and Ignis who was sitting on his right, dead silent, head hung low. The man didn’t even flinch when a drop of water landed on his face. He hesitated before slowly reaching up and taking the box into his hands. “It’s not much, but it is better then nothing.” even Titus sounded somber, upset. Despite being part of the Kingsglaive much longer then Nyx, and no matter how much more experience he had, the older man felt the loss of one of his best men deeply. Hell, it wasn’t even because he was a subordinate, Luche was their friend. He was the one in their group who always made sure they were well fed, well rested or even just in good spirits. Nyx rested the box on his lap, he took a glance to Ignis who didn’t seem to even want to look at the box, or anyone but the floor in front of him.
“Was it worth it, Captain…?” Ignis asked, tone low and so full of sadness and hurt. It made Nyx flinch a bit, Ignis usually was good with hiding his emotions, but when it came to family and friends, that wasn’t the case. Because here he was, so broken, so sad, feeling so alone despite the friends he had and despite the lover who was ever loyally at his side.  “Was the mission worth it?” all three stayed silent for what seemed like several minutes before the Captain took in a deep breath and exhaled before speaking.
“I’ll make sure no one interferes with the investigation.” That was the last thing he said before the man turned and walked away. Nyx looked down at the box on his lap, it was closed, and he was sure that maybe Ignis would be the one who had more right to it then he did, after all, Ignis is- was Luche’s younger brother. Nyx leaned closer to the younger male when he heard a small sniffle escape the green-eyed male, when their shoulders brushed, Ignis was quick to lean against him completely. Both closed their eyes, ignoring how the dark clouds that loomed over the Crown city finally let go of the rain they held. A clear, but stereotypical indication of just how upsetting this day was, at least Nyx thought so. Minutes passed, the rain only got worse. Nyx could feel Ignis shaking next to him, reaching out he laced their fingers together, giving the younger male’s hand a reassuring squeeze. There was nothing he could say that would make either of them better, Nyx knew that, perhaps he would be the only one who knew that. perhaps he was the only one who would understand the pain Ignis was feeling right now.
“Nyx? Ignis?” Nyx wanted to ignore the calling of their names, but with the tone he knew ignoring Crowe wouldn’t help anyone, so he opened his eyes and turned his head in the direction of her voice. “Do you two want to come inside? Or want some company?” she asked, to tell the truth, no he didn’t want to go inside, and no, he didn’t want company, but he couldn’t speak for the future Advisor.
“Well, do you want either of those things?” he asked softly, pressing his lips to the other’s temple, he felt the younger man shake his head instantly. “No, but thanks for the offer Crowe.” He replied, turning to look back down at the sealed box on his lap, wrapping his arm around the still silently crying male. Nyx startled when he noticed the droplets of rain stopped hitting his body, he looked up and wasn’t in the least bit shocked to see Ravus standing over the two, holding an umbrella over their forms. He gave the man a weak but forced smile. he didn’t get one from the other man.
“It’s alright to feel hurt. To mourn over the loss of a loved one,” he started, looking at Ignis who had yet to look up once since he and Nyx arrived to the Kingsglaive HQ. “But, I wouldn’t advise making yourself Ill.” The man took a knee in front of Ignis, reaching out and placing his hand on his back, gently rubbing there. Nyx opened his mouth to respond, but the weight and someone wrapping his arms around his shoulders stopped him from speaking. He blinked a few times before it hit him who it was exactly. He smiled a sad smile, his eyes stinging as he placed a hand over the arms pulling him into a hug. At that moment, he finally let the tears fall, unlike Ignis though, his crying wasn’t silent and the hands that fell on his shoulders, head, neck, cheek and knees didn’t help the issue.
This was one of the many times that Nyx was grateful for having the Kingsglaive as part of his family, because with the loss of his sister and now the love of his life, he truly did feel like he had no one left.
Keeping track of time while being beaten just about every other day was impossible. At least it had become impossible after four days. Luche had given up after four days of trying to keep count just how long he had been trapped here. throughout his time here however, they had never once stopped questioning him about why he was sent. Though he wasn’t proud to admit that their methods got brutal and made him nervous whenever they came to get him. their most recent method? To start cutting away layer by layer of skin where his L’Cie brand was located. His screams of pain where not something he was proud of, but he was proud over the fact that he never allowed any information slip from his mouth. Now, Luche found himself leaning against the dark colored wall of the cell he was held in, his eyes where closed, giving off the appearance that he was dead asleep. His breathing was shallow and little quicker than normal.
“Still showing symptoms I presume?”
“Yes, infections of the wounds he has seemed to have made him ill.” At the sound of voices, Luche opened his eyes, letting them drift over to the two men standing in front of the cell. He gave them a blank expression, his eyes narrowed slightly when one allowed his eyes to drift to his left wrist which he kept cradled to his chest. “He’s what is called a L’Cie, humans branded and picked the Fal’Cie who once ruled over this world many, many centuries ago,” one man started explaining as he punched in a code on the small keypad by the cell doors, his glare only intensified when the said door slid open, allowing two soldiers to walk in. normally he would have fought back, but last time he had they managed to dislocate his right knee. And that was a whole different type of pain, so this time around he allowed himself to be hauled up to his feet before being lead down the dimly lit hallways of the facility. “If it wasn’t the Fal’Cie, it was the Crystals of the time. There was once a total of four, each one looked after by a different kingdom. Each one giving its L’Cie different magic abilities. Though, over time, all but one Crystal survived the passage of time, and eventually, with the dying of the three Crystals, the need for L’Cie became obsolete. Thus, new ones were never picked again. that is,” the man paused, once again entering a code into a keypad next to a set of heavy metal doors.
Luche frowned as he watched the all too familiar doors slid open with a loud hiss. Inside the room was the same as it always was, the same device he was first strapped to sat in the middle of the room, clean as usual. Even if he wanted to fight back against the soldiers as they got him once again restrained, but with the injuries he had and with how weak he felt right now, there was no chance that he could get away. He winced when his arms were pinned up above his head, a sharp pain shot up his left ribcage, he had almost forgotten that they fractured and or broke two or three ribs. “Until you and one other man made your existence own to the Crystal your beloved king protects. That’s when it decided, for whatever odd reason, it needed two. No more, no less.” Luche felt his blood run cold, that’s right, he had forgotten that Ignis’ being a L’Cie was not a secret. He stayed ever silent, only grunting in pain when his left wrist was fastened tightly into place. “Which then brings up the very important question; Why two? And of all the people in the world, it picked two plebeians.”
For once, Luche scoffed, shaking his head for a moment before he glanced down at his feet. He blinked in surprise as the two soldiers walked out of the room with a wave from the scientists’ hand. Typically, his ankles were also fastened to the metal stand he was currently on, however, either they got cocky that he was to hurt to try anything, or, they were new to the job. Either way, the blue eyed male merely gave a small grin, it disappeared as quickly as it came. For now, he thought it best to wait, he didn’t know how long he had been in here for, but he knew it was long enough to memorize the guard schedules. And he may or may not have remembered the override code said lab coat wearing man had.  Though, he could know all of that and have mobility of his legs all he wanted, but what good would It do him when he couldn’t even get his hands free? Thoughts cut off when he felt the cutting of his skin just over the unworn L’Cie Brand, though, there was something he noticed under the pain he was feeling, both of his wrists were not pinned as tightly as they should have been. Another win for him, now he just had to wait.
And six only knew how long he would have to. For once since being trapped here, he didn’t feel ashamed of his screams of pain that echoed down the hallways.
“How long do you plan to keep on letting him sulk?”
“Depends on how long you plan on continuing to watch your guy get the life beaten out of him.” Fang scoffed, arms crossed over her chest. Though she supposed the goddess queen of old had a point in that, she was more then capable of getting her charge out of the situation he was currently in, being she was the only one willing to go against orders of the crystal to do so. “And depends how much you want to say, ‘screw you’ to the crystal and the gods, or should I say Bahamut?” she could tell by the narrowing of the other woman’s eyes and the tightening of her hand around her red colored lance that she struck nerve with mentioning her once Eidolon. “Fang,” the pink haired woman started as she walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What are you planning?”
If there was one thing Lightning knew about Fang; it was that she was extremely protective of her charge. Compared to her, Fang was much more involved with him than she was involved with Ignis. Though that was more due to personal choice, she didn’t want to make it seem like she was there to hold his hand, though she also knew that she was making it seem like she was leaving him on his own to figure things out. Which in a sense she was, but Fang? Oh no, not Fang, sure the woman never once gave Luche the immediate answer to situations, but she was much more willing to give out hints and help him out as much as she could and as much as he would allow while also being okay with. Despite both of their charges being connected, the two seemed to be taking two very different paths to the same goal.
“I’ll pull some strings.” She stated simply, judging by her tone, the woman was not only going to pull some strings, she was going to be there herself. Goddess Queen Lightning maybe, but she knew better then to try and get in Fang’s way, after all, Fang never once tried to tell her how to handle her charge thus she never tried to tell Fang how to handle hers. The two women had an understanding form the years and years of knowing one another and eventually even falling in love. Once brought together for a common cause, now once again brought together for another common cause and it was to save their once world from being destroyed and to keep the Oracle and Lucis Caelum lines from coming to an end. “I’ll see you later, alright?” Lightning could only nod as she watched the woman take her leave.
“Be safe.”
“Think they’re gonna be okay?” it was a question everyone at this point who knew Nyx and Ignis had been asking themselves since they received the news of Luche’s passing. Though Prompto was the only one willing to verbally ask. Noctis sighed, he had never once in all his years of knowing Ignis, seen him this upset. It had been about three days since a box of whatever belongings Luche had on him was given to the two. It remained untouched at the Glaive’s HQ, the two clearly having a hard time coping with the loss of their lover and older brother respectively. Ignis was already reserved and kept to himself, but these days, it was rare to see Ignis leave his home. As for Nyx he rarely went out with anyone these days; preferring to stay home and keep to himself. From time to time he and Ignis would meet up, however they never really spoke, they only sat at the highest point of the Glaive’s HQ to watch the sun set over their city.  “Noct?” the said dark haired prince could only shrug as he leaned against the gunner. “Maybe we should try talking to them.”
“I’m sure people have tried but its clear that it hasn’t helped any.” Prompto huffed, getting up forcing the prince to sit up right. He watched as he walked over to the pair and sat between them. Noctis was a little shocked to see Ignis lean on their Chocobo loving friend so quickly. but it was a comfort as well, it was a sign that Ignis hadn’t pulled away from them completely. Seeing that, Noctis was quick to get up and sit on Ignis’s free side, wrapping an arm around his waist. “You know, dad tells me you often can feel when something’s happened to a loved one. So, maybe Lu is okay.” that seemed to get a reaction out of their green-eyed friend, he sat up and looked at the prince for a moment as if he had just given a clue to some great riddle of the world. “Ignis?” said man was quick to get to his feet, grabbing the back of Nyx’s shirt and pulling him to his feet despite Prompto being between them. “Hey. Ignis what’s-“
“The Crystal, come with me and I’ll explain everything.” The words spoken so quickly, Nyx was sure that maybe he had misheard the man speaking. Though this didn’t stop him or the group from the following the emerald eyed man down to the elevator to the bottom of this tower. “As you all know, Luche, much like myself is a L’Cie. Chosen by the Crystal to do its bidding for the grand scheme of things, however, despite both of us being chosen,”
“Only Ignis got training to balance out his new role to the Lucian Royal family, Luche was kept a secret, basically left on his own to figure out what it is he was supposed to be doing while taking on a lot of solo missions.” Nyx explained, taking longer strides to keep up with the slightly shorter, but younger man as he leads them out of the elevator and down the hallways. Though, Nyx could tell from the confused on Noctis’ face along with Prompto’s that they couldn’t grasp why Luche’s being a L’Cie was kept a secret verses Ignis who was basically outed to the world. “Luche was used for Recon missions. Assassinations and things of the like, verses Ignis who was outed to the world as a….” he trialed off, thinking over a better use of words as he didn’t exactly want to offend the man. “He was used and seen as a last resort situation.” He finally settled on. The group paused as they approached the Crystal room, they watched as Ignis spoke with the guards, they seemed hesitant on letting him in, though seemed to finally go along with his words as one turned to punch in a code then use a keycard to unlock and open the set of metal doors. “Ignis, what are you planning?”
“L’Cie often times can sense when another L’Cie is around, though that’s only if they are in close proximity,” Ignis stated, nodding to some of the men within the room as they stepped aside, allowing him to punch in a few codes into the keyboard in front of him. they watched as the metal panels around the large Crystal hissed and glowed with life as they slowly parted away from the brightly shining rock. “Though, who is to say I cannot ask the Crystal if he is still alive or not?” he asked the group as he walked around the long tables of computers and up to the said Crystal. With a large intake of breath, he bit his lip, pulling his gloves off and lifting his hand up to the rock. It took only an instant for the Crystal to react to his closeness to it. “Please, show me, please show me where he is and that he is still alive and well.” Ignis begged silently, wincing when the brand on his chest started to burn and ache.
For a long moment, he believed that nothing would happen, that perhaps his theory had just been that, a theory and something he used as an excuse to cling onto a sliver of hope that was fading away so quickly.  though, the instant he went to pull his hand away, his ears rang, and head ached before images flooded into his head. Nothing but barren, snowy landscapes of Niflheim from what he was able to see, though in a matter of seconds he saw him, he saw the man they believed to be dead running though the snow, firearms in hand and wounds covering his body as he scrambled onto a snowmobile before riding off with several Magitek soldiers following behind. with a loud gasp his yanked his hand away, falling back and hitting the ground as he breathed heavily. He was vaguely aware of the group who had followed him now kneeling on he ground at his side. Worryingly checking over him for any signs of injury. “Ignis, Iggy what happened? What did you see if anything?” taking a few more breaths, mostly to calm himself, he lifted his head to look at the concerned gazes of his friends, for a moment he could see sorrow making its way back into Nyx’s eyes. Ignis gave them a smile, which in turn earned him gazes of confusion. “Iggs?”
“He’s alive. Hes alive and currently escaping from Niflheim.”
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaives reacts to you having a tattoos - Titus Drautos
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Titus saw many tattoos through his life, so for you having a tattoos on your body isn´t some big deal. It suprises him, but not in a bad way. Truth to be told, in his eyes it enchances even more your beauty. It´s integral part of you being yourself. Also praises you and your artist, such fine pieces of art on his precious s/o. Loves to touch your tattoos, with permission of course. (Never understood why people gave shitty treatment for tattoos or piercings. It´s your body not theirs for fucks sake.) Titus also has a tattoo, it´s Kingsglaive insignia on left side of his chest. He will show you, if you ask nicely ;)
So the first time he saw them, was extremely warm day. You dressed more comfortably in shorts and top. Today, you had  for once a free day, so you went after him to work. Your plan was to get him to have a lunch with you. (Always so busy the captain of yours) You arrived at HQ, so glad you made it. The public transport was nightmare in such weather. After greeting your fellow glaives ( who didn´t look any better, many of them lose their jackets in order to cool down a little) your steps leads to familiar corridor in which on far end is Titus´s office. One knock on the door and you´re in.“Greetings to my fairest captain in the whole land, I have come to rescue you from evil paperwork! We shall ride together to the sunset on my stead! And then stop for meal because mister, I know damn too well you didn´t have anything to eat yet!” Titus hunched over papers, rolls his eyes affectionately at your dramatic antics.  He stands up and you hapilly run to his embrace. “Oh, I wasn´t aware you had a tattoos y/n”. You sheepishly looks at him, uneasy feeling sets in your gut. “ They suit you, my love” the kiss he gives you is breathtaking.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaives reacts to you having a tattoos - Tredd Furia
Autor´s notes: Hi, there´s mentioning of harassment towards the reader. (Not from Tredd!) So if this triggers you in some way, then please don´t read it. I want my writing to be enjoyable and not to cause any harm.
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He would be a little shit. “You think you're tough with all those tattoos, eh? Let´s prove it in the ring.” “Where else do you have them, somewhere spicy?”  ¬‿¬ You can punch him to your heart content. Teasing you whenever he has a chance. His overall attitude is I don´t care, galadhians have tons of tattoos.(The one that he shows around people at least) However when you start talking about them and their meaning, he intensively listens. When you are wearing something more revealing his eyes traces them. Truth is he finds them fine as hell, kay? He will lowkey fish for informations about your tattoo artist, if it was paintful, if you will get another one. He´s just being Tredd.  Also you somehow notices that Tredd´s touching you much more. (He means no harm with it, but if you don´t like it, he backs off) You wouldn´t believe me with this one (I am shocked too), but Tredd, after  incident with very touchy and rude fellow, become your personal attack dog. (He knows you can protect yourself, but something in him wants to make sure, that you´re safe)
The first time he saw them was in a very unpleasant situation. You swaped shifts with Sonitus because he was moving into his new flat. You didn´t mind afternoon shift at all, besides sleeping in was always nice. It was spring and whole Insomnia was blooming. You could feel it in the air, in the warm rays of the sun that danced on your bare hands and face. It was still quite chilly, so you took your Kingsglaive hoodie.( It was actually Tredd´s but you confiscated) So you made your way slowly to the HQ, quite ready for afternoon shift when some man stopped you in your track. “ Hey, you look like a fucking colouring book. It´s ugly as shit.” he sneered at you. “Excuse me, sir?” you tried to avoid him but he stood firmly in your way. He has got closer to you, the smell of alcohol oozing from him. The smell was so unplesant you had to cover your nose. “ A fucking refugee, go back to your shithole that you crawled from.”  That man tried to grab you, but you swiftly evaded him. “The fuck you think you doing to them, shithead” In corner of your vision familiar red flashes from warp. 
Tredd was peacefully smoking his cigarette, occassionally flirting  with female colleagues. You know, just being himself. Tredd smirked, his favourite person was coming to work. He lit a cigarette and went to meet you. He saw how some jerk blocked your way and started harassing you. Oh ho ho, not on my watch fucker, flashed through Tredd's head. From his jacket he pulled out his old lighter and throwed it towards you. Magic sizzled and Tredd warped next to the man. He caught him by his throat and pulled him closer by hem of his stained shirt. Tredd looked ferocious, his teeth bared in snarl. “You fucker, touch them again and I will break your fucking spine. Now, get out of here or I will have you locked up” he pushed the man on the pavemend. “Let´s go Y/N, don't waste your time with this moron” Tredd grabs your hand into his warm caloused one and drags you to safety of HQ. “Those tattoos are pretty neat, Y/N. Don´t let those fuckers tell you otherways.” you were taken aback by his statement, it made you fuzzy inside. “Is that my hoodie, Y/N?” you grinned at him.
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