#and why he seemingly ''contradicts'' his words with his actions (he doesn't it just isn't palatable to others)
anarkhebringer · 1 year
Man now I'm thinking about Zenos in general, this fucking guy that talks on and on about the hunt every 5 seconds with the WoL while not even believeing in his own words until much later on, because he doesn't want this to be a waste like he feels everything else in his life was.
For the first time in his life he feels SOMETHING and YOU spark that something, you caught his interest, but he doesn't wanna attach himself YET until you prove yourself to be worthy of the praise he gives you (Shinryu fight and how he suddenly backpedals when you say you accept him during his "we can work together as friends" monologue). You're getting there but you're not there yet, so of course he's not gonna fucking believe you until you prove yourself to him, no matter how much he wants to in the moment.
I dunno if this is because I have ASPD and see through this guy even better because of it that I think all this, but Zenos was interested from the start, even if he didn't seem like it. It was a "well you're new. Okay." sort of passive interest at first, you still caught his attention and he wanted to milk whatever information about what you can do and what you'd do to him he could since you stood out to him.
As you kept proving yourself he starts hoping that you're like what he thinks you are and what you can do with each fight. That being why he so suddenly gets all unhinged grinny and the monologues start, you're proving him right in his mind and making him feel something for the first time and he LOVES it.
BUT it's not cause to fully believe and accept yet, because that's how shit crumbles and you get disappointed and bored again, so that's when the final tests start and you pass. You made him happy for the first time in his life, he felt something with you, that's all he could ask for, and that's why he does what he does at the end of Stormblood.
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xxmothangelxx · 10 months
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 6: A Written Movie Sequal
So, I made this post yesterday, and after I was able to make a reddit post that I feel better summarized my point! It may be a tad pretentious in its writing and I do apologize for that, but still, I hope you enjoy!
As a lover of writing and Dislyte, I've always been unnecessarily invested in the story. Funnily enough, unlike most people the story and characters are really my main reason for not giving up on the game – in spite of all the less than favorable updates – so although many argue the story is sub-par, I quite enjoy it. This love of characters and story has made it so I try to keep up with most events. I'll be honest, I stopped playing the game after Valeria's event (and I have yet to read through the ones that I've missed) but I have since completed Cellblock Chaos so I'm making my way back into the game!
Needless context aside, I wanted to discuss the concept of grey morality and why it always bothered me when it was mentioned in reference to the Shadow Decree, it took me a while to figure out why but I feel that I can now put it into words. It is because the Shadow Decree are objectively an irredeemable terrorist organization that have committed human rights violations so extreme, that in a more realistic world Hyde would have been sentenced to death by firing squad upon arrest.
The issue with grey morality and the concept of an anti-hero is a lot of consumers and fans have the false mindset that if a villain has a 'point' then the villain is any less evil. Now, the issue with that therein lies with the fact that morality is less based on thought and more based on action, it doesn't matter if you have a "moral" way of thinking if your actions don't reflect that. This issue can be seen within the Shadow Decree in abundance, many of the characters have seemingly understandable reasons for being members, but their actions within the group contradict their so-called moral standpoint.
For example, many argue that the reason Hyde isn't a villain is because his research is all for the "greater good", he is an ends justify the means sort of person. However, you then have to take into account that Hyde actively partakes in and encourages human trafficking and non-consensual human experimentation. Does it really matter if it is "for the greater good" if you are actively allowing hundreds of innocents to die for experiments that lead to nothing at all?
I am brought back to two events in particular: Brewster and Yun Chuan's. In both events, it is revealed that the Shadow Decree's crimes run deeper than just bothering the Union and stealing their members.
With Brewster, we find out that Shadow Decree actively buys trafficking victims off what can only be described as a black market and experiments on them in an attempt to turn them into espers. These people do not consent, and are nothing more than cattle to them. Few are "successful" like Brewster, with a majority of them dying from the strain placed upon their bodies. Brewster himself was sold by his abusive father and still suffers immense trauma from his time under Kara.
Yun Chuan's hits closer to home however; as someone with many criticisms of the prison industrial complex – more specifically how inmates are treated – to hear that the Shadow Decree makes deals with prisons to experiment on inmates was incredibly chilling. It was one of the most true to life, realistic portrayals of how deep systemic corruption truly is, especially in how it mirrors the real life abuse of incarcerated people globally.
I simply do not see these as the actions of a "morally grey" group of people that only "want the best". I feel that the reason many are quick to slap the morally grey label onto the Shadow Decree is character bounties, most bounties are slice of life stories that show the characters going about their daily business, of course Ophelia and Catherine seem nicer and more likable. Though you then remember that they bombed an orphanage for virtually no reason and suddenly they seem less like good people.
Now, this isn't me saying that you cannot like them or that liking them reflect poorly on you as a person! I for one am definitely a Shadow Decree apologist haha, my top favorite espers are majority Shadow Decree, and I find them to be an interesting group of people with the potential for great storytelling. With that being said, I feel we as media consumers have a habit of becoming so attached to certain characters that we forget that their actions do indeed play a role in who they are.
To be a part of the Shadow Decree is to say that you are okay with human trafficking, human experimentation, terrorism, weapons smuggling, political corruption, prison industrial system corruption, child murder (remember the orphanage bombing that killed Stewart's lover and also a bunch of children?). The Union is certainly not free of skeletons, their rampant negligence shows this, however I cannot feel comfortable saying that they are in any way just as bad or worse than the Shadow Decree based on everything the Dislyte lore has told us.
TLDR: I believe the reason many argue that the Shadow Decree are morally grey, or that they're even a well-meaning group, is because many of the characters have sad backstories, attractive designs, and cute personalities. Though I cannot agree, because I feel that it disregards all the genuinely horrific (and mostly unnecessary) actions of the group; I don't see how people that bomb orphanages and experiment on trafficking victims can be any less than evil.
With all of that being said I would give my left kidney and run over a baby kitten if it meant that Catherine would blink in my direction.
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chaos-in-elysium · 2 years
Ok it's time to come forward with my evidence and claims. In August or September of 2021 I met my accuser- let's call him Elm. We grew close rather quickly and became romantically involved. One day he asked if he could add his best friend into a group chat with just the 3 of us, I said yes. It didn't take me long at all to realize that his supposed best friend was actually his boyfriend, I had a talk with his boyfriend first who claimed Elm told him that I was the best friend. After explaining that Elm and I had been romantic for about 1-2 months his boyfriend despite having a hurt tone claimed that they were in an open relationship. These discussions all happened over discord call so I don't have screenshots for it. When ai confronted Elm about it because he never told me about his bf or the open relationship, Elm couldn't give me an answer to why he just kept dodging the questions. So when two people are in an open relationship and one wants to date someone else and doesn't tell that person about the open relationship, that isn't an actual open relationship - its cheating.
I pulled back a bit after this staying friends but becoming more platonic after Elm seemingly lost interest once I called him out on the cheating. There is one thing about Elm that always bugged me, the fact he would claimed his original characters or "muses" as he called them "tool control". (This was mentioned on call) When I asked if he had D.I.D he out right denied it but it seemed that whenever I would explain that something he was doing upset me that's when his Muses would "take over" and they always tried to make him blameless. For some context I have bpd and tend to split (I call it an episode) when I notice I'm being treated poorly, this can lead to rather explosive anger- Elm know this and would continue to do the behaviors that I asked him not to. I have one major instance of his main muse taking control
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I was primarily upset because we had planned to hang out on call that day and Elm left barely 5 minutes in to hang out with a friend who randomly asked. )I blocked out names for their privacy because I know if I didn't they would raise hell. ) As you can see I'm trying to address a problematic pattern of behavior and he uses this muse to try and make me into the bad guy. He would purposely do something he knew would cause me to split, tell me to communicate if something upset me, then shame me and get pissed at me when I did. I had let him know multiple times that if I told him that an action he did was causing episodes then I would prefer it if he could refrain from repeating those actions as much as possible- he said he would but then would continue to do those same actions. This Azlute character only seemed to come out when I would call Elm out on how shitty he was treating me, and then would try to make me the one in the wrong for bringing it up. After this incident we muted each other and spent time apart to calm down after we settled we tried to remain friendly- but not fully friends. After a bit of not talking I had gone through a bit of a upsetting event with another friend and reached out to Elm this is the exchange. (I blocked out irrelevant messages prior)
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Notic ehow he said "That's doesn't mean we have to be enemies,thought. I dont want to fight anymore .i consider you...an aquatance."
This interaction was 7 months ago we hadn't talked since. His words completely contradict his recent actions, if he didn't want to fight or be enemies why bring up these allegations? If he had such a big issue with me why wait til the allegations were made to block me? It makes honestly little sense to me
Moving on from Elm, next up we have Crimsons rather rude behavior. I did not blur her username out because these are public comments made on one of my posts. Keep in mind this woman is 31 years old (according to her Tumblr bio) and yet is behaving like a chronically online middle schooler.
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First up I was already banned and blocked why would you still need evidence? Unless Elm had no evidence when the claims were made and the mods of the server decided to believe him, despite that went against our usual process.
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"There's nothing you could possibly say that could change what you've done and said." If that's the case why prevent me from even attempting to plead my innocence?
"The only reason I've said anything is because I'm not involved." Yet you're being extremely rude and aggressive, and also involving yourself??
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Once again based off her own words they did not have evidence when the claims were made.
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I understand not posting the evidence to the public, I never asked for that I asked to see the evidence. When I gave another option to dm me the evidence she blocked me. This is the type of people running the server, people who will condemn you without evidence, who refuse to let you defend yourself, who refuse to even offer an explanation to what's going on. If the mods had just don't the mature Nad professional thing and discussed the issue with me,went through the claims, and let me defend myself none of this would have happened.
My original post was to try and reach the mods in the only option I had left to figure out what was actually going on. They banned and blocked me with zero explanation, I was left completely confused and blindsided. People are saying I'm immature but yet these mods are the reason I've had to go to extremes. I just want the evidence so I can defend myself. I'm not satin you have to believe me, I'm just saying you should jump to guilty until proven innocent.
I've had at least one person say "Well you should have just handled it privately" Well one can't handle it privately when all the mods decided to block me. I understand Elm made me out to be manipulative and when in an episode I can come across that way. Even still someone should have done the mature thing and been like "Maybe we should get Ry's side of the story and go from there".
Mods shouldn't be acting like children in this way. Especially for such an old dying Fandom such as portal 2. I feel that over time some of them lost touch with the world outside of the internet, the more they witnessed younger people struggling to separate fiction and reality, the less grounded they were. I think all of them need to step back and reflect and ask "Is this really how we should run this server?" A server that has over 100 people where only maybe 15 are ever active,a server that will have months of dead silence. Maybe it's time to move on, and to grow up.
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distort-opia · 2 years
I have no idea if you already answered that or not, I tried to find but I’m bad at searching and it would made sense if you did but I’m fairly new to Batman and bad at interpretation so. Is Joker insane or super sane or what? I do not understand the whole concept, I see people talking about it constantly and I just don’t get it? I always thought he is mentally I’ll but some people do say he just pretends? And your last answer to an ask definitely made me more interested in the matter, especially with the way you handled it. I feel like it did helped me understand some things about Batman more so that’s why I’m asking you. I hope I’m not bothering you with it too much
No worries, Joker's sanity has always been a matter of debate, even among veteran hardcore DC fans! And I'm glad my former answers helped with getting some insight. I did sort of talk more broadly about Joker and his origins, and especially his relationship with his identity as a clown (or rather, a comedian), here. There's discussion in there about Joker's mental state, but I didn't go into the supersanity theory too much.
The "super sane" term has a long history. It was introduced by Grant Morrison, in their seminal Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on a Serious Earth. In the story, a psychotherapist working at Arkham tells Batman that their current theory isn't that Joker is insane, but that he is "super sane":
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This had an immense influence on the way Joker got to be portrayed, and understood, in subsequent comics. Morrison continued this way of characterizing him in their Batman run as well. Joker gets shot in the face at some point, having to undergo plastic surgery, which leads him to reinvent himself during the (also classic) Clown At Midnight, or Batman (1940) #663. The supersanity theory itself is referenced as something established by Harleen Quinzel:
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But what does it mean? Why is this supersanity? I'll get more into it under the cut, so this doesn't clog up people's dashes. Kinda got long again.
First of all, it has to be noted current comics have pretty much made it clear Joker is not insane. King especially has delved into this, but Tynion's writing of Joker and his Joker (2021) comic point towards the same thing; Joker is putting on a performance. In Jim's own words, in #3:
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Despite the persona he puts on, Joker is incredibly calculated. The reason why he's Batman's archnemesis is because he's a genius of the same calibre as Bruce Wayne. Joker wouldn't be able to outsmart him again and again, otherwise. He's very intelligent and always ten steps ahead, even though he likes to make it seem he's always improvising or winging it. The degree of control Joker has over his own person is astounding, and contradicts the label of insanity. Because insanity, by definition, means not being in control of your actions. It means losing your ability to reason, being incapable of distinguishing between what's real and what isn't, what's wrong and what's right; this is why the insanity defense exists in the legal system. The concept of insanity is inherently connected to the one of responsibility. If a defendant can prove they were not in control when committing a crime, they can often get a more lenient sentence or be pardoned.
There are different criteria for being considered for the insanity defense in different countries. Just as an example, in the US, Model Penal Code stipulates that a defendant is not responsible for criminal conduct "if at the time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of their conduct or to conform their conduct to the requirements of the law." Joker has managed to avoid the death penalty by seemingly being unable to tell right from wrong, and to control himself, but as mentioned... that's bullshit. Joker knows wrong from right, and he's got so much control over his conduct he managed to fool Batman for a whole year while assuming the fake identity of Eric Border in Batman: Endgame; and that's just one example. So clearly, he isn't insane, but that's the thing -- one of the main reasons he's super sane is that he's too in control.
As the psychoterapist in A Serious House on a Serious Earth describes, Joker perceives huge amounts of information (both from his world and potentially others), but he is incapable of assigning intrinsic value to any of it. Good or evil are simply constructs; everything is. His understanding of the world is the most extreme form of nihilism and existentialism you can imagine, where absolutely nothing matters because everything is subjective and malleable... including himself. Joker is capable of erasing his own memories, his own past, in order to recreate himself as who he is now. And even as Joker, he's went through so many different iterations of himself, on purpose (excerpt also from Clown at Midnight):
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Joker is hypersane in the sense that he can take who he is and destroy it, reacreate it, reinvent it, again and again. It's a level of control over your own mind that's very difficult to fathom in real life, which is why we're talking about a comic book character. But to summarize... if insanity means lacking control entirely, Joker has too much of it, and that's the main reason he could be called supersane.
But there's a second dimension to it, that the psychotherapist in Morrison's story mentions -- the fact Joker is constantly assaulted by sensory streams, from all sides. This is something mentioned in multiple comics, actually; Joker's mind being constantly under siege by input, and in some cases it's described as an attention deficit disorder. But, if you take a bird's eye view of Joker's portrayal over the decades, it's not just an ordinary kind of sensory overload -- it's Joker's perception extending to our world. And that's the kicker: on some level, Joker knows he isn't real.
I've talked about Joker's breaking of the fourth wall, and the way he can tell there's something off about the Universe he's in, in this other ask. To summarize it, Joker can sense he's a fictional character, and it's part of what others perceive as insanity within his own Universe. When Joker says that nothing matters in their world, that only him and Batman are real, that meaning does not exist -- there's this aspect of him being factually right, and knowing it. The people he kills, the atrocities he commits in the DC universe, indeed do not matter. Because they aren't real, and having partial awareness of this is what Joker genuinely despairs about. This is what he needs Batman for; to give him any reason to live at all, to make something matter.
To conclude, I wouldn't agree with the simplistic description that Joker pretends. In ways that are similar to Bruce, Joker desperately believes his own lies. While he does choose to portray insanity, he needs to believe it's real in order to keep functioning, so he buries that awareness. Joker is mentally ill, there's no question about that; but he's also definitely not insane, and due to his status as fourth-wall-breaking character, his mind is something psychologists within his own Universe can't even categorize.
Obviously, this is just my understanding of the character, but I do hope this helped make some sense of it, Anon! And I'm sorry for the belated response.
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dominaecaede · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 7 results: 88% chose to move quietly
〘 twitter 〙
The following story will have themes such as blood, gore, situations that may cause anxiety and major character death. If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not proceed.
[Additional warning: needle mention]
Chapter 8: Regret
Shouto peeked above his cover that he'd taken from a lab sink and observed the akuma before ducking down again. His heterochromatic eyes looked up at Bakugou and the others.
"We have to move quietly," he whispered. "If we shoot them all down, that will only trigger a hoard. This isn't a videogame, Bakugou."
"Tch." Bakugou clicked his tongue and peeked up to also see his surroundings. "Don't you think I know that?"
Deku rested his chin on his fingers as he began to think of a route. His eyes lit up in success. "There are other wash stations in the lab that we can use for cover to catch our breath. We'll have to be very careful. I'll lead."
Shouto nodded in which prompted the others to do the same. Deku peeked up once more to see if any akuma were around before proceeding. He lead the group down a path that seemed more clear towards the right of the room and everything was going well. It wasn't long until they were in front of their teacher's cage doors. A surge of confidence surged within the greenette.
"Almost there...!" He whispered.
Before he began creeping towards the cage again, there was a sudden slam coming from the group's proximity. It alarmed them, but when Dabi hushed them, he peeked up from their cover to see what was going on. Guns suddenly began firing, immediately forcing Dabi back down. From the corner of her eye, Uraraka can see almost every akuma go down with no effort and adrenaline made her heart pump rapidly. When the firing ceased and the creatures stayed dead, the sound of rapid footsteps were soon to follow.
"Coast is clear," a firm male's voice spoke out, sounding as if he were wearing a mask.
The sound of heavy footsteps soon took over their eardrums. Each step echoed within the walls of the lab. It wasn't hard to figure out that whoever made those footsteps was wearing heels. A feminine chuckle followed, and Aizawa grunting in distaste.
"Looks like you made a few friends while you two got comfortable," the voice spoke, obviously to the two men who were stuck in cages. "How are you two holding up?"
"Is that supposed to be a trick question?" Aizawa grit his teeth. "Your taunting is annoying me. I'd rather be sleeping than listen to you any longer."
"Oh, Shouta. That'll soon be arranged but it's best to not get too excited," the woman chuckled. "You two have - or should I say, had - powerful quirks. Your transformations are something worth seeing."
"Transformations...?" All Might coughed. Izuku winced at the sound as he kept listening to the conversation. "What are you planning to do with us? You know what, it doesn't even matter. Just don't hurt the students..."
"I'm touched. However, I can't promise anything. I'm sure your students know how much you care. After all, they're not very slick."
The hand of one of Clearnox's security grabbed at Bakugou's shoulder and the stronger figure yanked him up, making the blonde stand. Deku shot up automatically in panic.
When the greenette turned his head, his eyes widened a bit. There stood before him was a woman with short wavy blonde hair and alluring tangerine eyes. She had a seemingly polite smile but the expression in her eyes contradicted any sign of kindness she might've shown. The woman was surrounded by four armoured soldiers, including the one having a hold on Bakugou. Three of them were masked. The only one who didn't wear a mask was towards the woman's right side, and he looked like the kind of villain you'd see in an action film. The soldier's vests had Clearnox's symbol embedded into it. Deku immediately recognized who she was from all the news he's watched and realized his mother was right about having doubts.
"Yuna Hana...," Deku muttered as he raised his gun at the woman. He wore an intense expression, his emerald eyes watching her every move. "Let him go."
Yuna's empty grin smiled as she walked towards the blonde, who was trying to fight his way out of the tight grip with an angry expression much more different than usual. She stopped in front of him and pulled up the touch screen pad she was carrying.
"Bakugou Katsuki," she read from her screen. "Student of UA High School... Placed first in the sports festival? Impressive."
"Let him go!" Deku shouted again but was completely ignored.
"Let's see... Birthday: April 20th... Quirk: explosions? Interesting..." She continued to scroll on her touch screen before putting it away and reaching to grip his jaw. "Not that bad looking, either. He'd make a fine addition."
Bakugou yanked his jaw from her grip and attempted to bite her hand. "Piss off, lady."
Yuna had reacted in time, letting out an amused chuckle. "Your feisty attitude will come in handy, too. Take him to quarantine."
"No!" Aizawa had shouted from his cage. Deku aimed his gun at the soldier walking away with Bakugou and almost pulled the trigger before another one landed a punch on his jaw with brutal force, knocking tbe greenette down. Dabi had gotten up from his cover and threw a butcher knife conveniently found next to him towards the soldier who had the blonde. The knife plunged into his arm and he screamed, letting go of Bakugou. The blonde used this to his advantage and began beating him up before shooting him with his shotgun. Shouto and Uraraka stayed down but it wasn't like they weren't doing anything. The firing gave a distraction while the two-toned haired boy was thinking of a plan.
Bakugou had rushed back to Deku's side and aimed his shotgun towards the woman, the greenette doing the same.
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"Let my teachers go," Deku said firmly. "I'm not afraid to shoot you."
The blonde woman chuckled. "A kid acting big and bad. That's cute."
"A fucking bullet in your face will be cute, too," Bakugou snarled.
The woman's eyes grew emotionless, her empty smile fading. A sigh escaped her lips before she simply turned towards the door she came in from. "Maybe," she finally responded. "But your chance to shoot me hasn't come just yet."
"Wait, what is she doing...?" Uraraka muttered. She was following Shouto, who was creeping towards one of the soldier's standing guard next to the cages. Shouto hushed the brunette as a response.
However, the two were stopped in their tracks when they saw Yuna holding up her watch that she wore on her wrist. She pressed something on it, they were too far to tell what it was, but a loud noise was heard from behind them. When Uraraka looked behind her, she could see that a hoard of akuma were headed their way.
"...! Shit...!" Shouto muttered.
The other boys soon noticed the hoard coming and fell back. "Fuck...!" Bakugou shouted.
Dabi didn't waste any time. He began shooting the two other soldiers through their masks before they could react. He aimed his gun towards the woman, but she was unfortunately already walking through the door with the only unmasked soldier.
"Dammit...!" Shouto spat. "We have to get the teachers out of the cages before that hoard gets here!"
"Already on it!" Uraraka nodded and ran towards the metal bars. The lock was a heavy one, and she didn't have enough time to look for a key so she found another way. "Stand back, you two!" She told the teachers. Aizawa and All Might stepped as far back as they could as Uraraka got her gun out and shot the locks. She hastened to open the cage doors and helped them out, however, All Might stumbled a little. Uraraka helped him up and the man smiled kindly towards her.
"Did you have an escape route planned?" Aizawa asked the group.
"We have to head back towards the elevator," Uraraka answered while she had All Might's skinny arm wrapped behind her neck to keep him up. "Yuna blocked the other way out."
"Then let's go!" Deku nodded.
The hoard of akuma was already charging at them and Bakugou shot some of them down to hold them off. Luckily the elevator wasn't too far ahead, but before they could all enter, All Might stumbled again.
"A-All Might...!" Deku shot back and rushed towards him. "C'mon, we're almost there!"
All Might wheezed. "Sorry... Looks like those soldiers landed some pretty rough blows on me."
Deku looked down and noticed that the white shirt All Might was wearing was tainted red. He knew his teachers were in bad shape but it's only now that he's seeing just how bad the damage was. All Might was stabbed in the stomach twice and cut up pretty bad on his arms and cheeks, along with bruises to his face and neck. Deku was horrified.
"What did they do to you...?" He whispered.
The group had gone ahead and was holding the elevator door open. They were ready to go back to the first floor until they saw that Deku was with All Might. Shouto immediately ran towards them and took one of his arms.
"Come on, we have to go. I'll help him up!" He told Midoriya.
"N-No...," All Might answered. "I'm too badly injured. I'll just slow you all down."
"All Might, you gotta try! Come on!" Deku had taken his other arm to try and hold him up. When they began running again, the teacher had only stumbled again. The panic began clouding the greenette's mind.
"No no no... Come on, we're almost there...!" Shouto heaved and pushed on.
It took a huge effort, but both boys had managed to carry All Might into the elevator. Aizawa saw how close the hoard was getting so he closed the door before they could get to the group. Uraraka sighed in relief, and Shouto and Midoriya helped All Might sit down on the ground of the elevator and rested his back against the wall.
"He's in awful condition...!" The brunette gasped. "Did they do that to him?!"
Aizawa grunted. He gripped his side and sat down. "They tried to torture us until our minds b-broke."
"Why?" Dabi raised an eyebrow.
Aizawa looked up at Dabi, then raised his eyebrows at Deku and the others. No words were needed to see that their former homeroom teacher was confused why a villain was helping. Deku only nodded, and that was enough.
"All Might and I overheard the guards talking," he began. "F-From what we heard, they were going to try and turn us into those freaks and Yuna was going to oversee the whole operation."
"And why the hell would she do that?" Bakugou asked.
"All I'm thinking is that maybe it's because of the kind of quirks we had. Otherwise why else would she take us?"
Shouto listened as he began thinking. His eyes lit up and he turned his gaze towards Midoriya. "Mutations..."
Midoriya blinked in confusion at first before realizing what he meant. Shock fell before him. "The quirks people used to have determine how mutated the experiment will become... That's what happened to Shigaraki! The reason why he looked like that was because he had a strong quirk! If Yuna was trying to turn you into those things..."
"... Then she was trying to mutate us," All Might wheezed out. "B... But why?"
Aizawa blinked. "And how did you even come to that conclusion, Midoriya? You went up against Shigaraki Tomura while we were gone?"
Midoriya nodded. "Dabi was helping us get better equipment that happened to be located at the League of Villain's hideout. We found a very deformed akuma and fought it, but we soon found out that it was Shigaraki. He was fast, too. Looked like an insect..."
"Gave me the fucking creeps," Bakugou shivered.
Aizawa blinked again and looked down. "That's insane..."
The elevator binged to it's stop and the doors opened to a familiar hallway. Bakugou helped All Might up while Midoriya lead. The group wasn't too far behind.
"This way," the greenette called out.
They reached the familiar set of stairs that lead back up to the trap door. Slowly they crept out and looked around to see if the coast was clear before continuing on their way. Shouto closed the trap door when everyone was out and let out a sigh.
"Alright, we should head back to the others and get All Might patched--"
His speech was interrupted by one of Clearnox's soldiers gripping him and covering his mouth. The others immediately got defensive and got their guns out.
"Todoroki-kun!!" Uraraka shouted in worry as she began firing at the soldier holding onto him.
"Uraraka-san, be careful! You could hit Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya spoke out.
Shouto was wriggling in the soldier's arms and trying to kick himself free, but the sound of a helicopter interrupted everyone's thoughts. The helicopter landed just in front of the group as Yuna Hana appeared from the industry's entrance.
"This is the one we need," she spoke out to the soldier. "I took the liberty of researching information on this little group. He's the son of Endeavor and Todoroki Rei. No doubt he had a strong quirk. Take him."
"??!!" Shouto made an angry muffled noise and continued to fight the strong grip holding him. His constant wriggling opened a window and he bit the soldier's hand hard. The masked individual winced and landed a hard punch to the dual-toned haired boy, making him cough out a little bit of blood.
"Icyhot!" Bakugou shouted and pointed his shotgun at the soldier, but Yuna Hana shook her head at him before he could even pull the trigger.
"I wouldn't try that," she told the blonde boy. "My men might use your friend as a shield."
Bakugou grit his teeth before noticing the other soldiers pointing their guns at the rest of the group. Shouto was weakened from the punch but he still pressed on. He wriggled some more and grunted in frustration, and this only made Yuna sigh. She walked over to the captive boy and pulled out a syringe she had in the purse she carried.
"I didn't want to use this, but you leave me no choice, young one."
She gripped Todoroki's hair and pulled it to the side to make his neck exposed before inserting the needle into it. The effects were quick and he began feeling drowsy, but even so, he fought to keep his eyes open.
"That should calm him down. Bring him in. We'll go to the center of operations," Yuna ordered.
Midoriya felt panic grip his bones. He began running towards the helicopter while gripping his weapons. Whatever that was in that syringe was strong. Shouto's vision began getting cloudy as he tried to lift his head up to see his friend. All he could see was a blotchy figure with a green head.
"Mi... do... riya...," He muttered quietly before becoming unconscious.
"No...," The greenette whispered as he watched Shouto being put into the flying vehicle. The helicopter began flying up before taking off. "TODOROKI-KUN!!!!!!" He screamed.
He heard the clicking of the other soldier's weapons and anger spilled into his veins. He screamed and began shooting at all of them, his eyes glowing with a rage that made Bakugou jump. But even so, it made the group join him. Midoriya showed no mercy as he shot every one of them down. They landed a few bullets into his arm and leg, but he didn't feel the pain over the adrenaline talking over. When the last soldier was down, Midoriya didn't even stop. He began kicking and stomping the body's face into the ground until the face wasn't even recognizable. The body's blood was even getting on his pants. Uraraka rushed towards him and took ahold of his back, holding him close while closing her eyes painfully.
"D-Deku-kun, that's enough...!" She spoke out.
Midoriya didn't seem to come back to reality until Uraraka's hold made him stop. He began shaking and tightened his fists. He knelt to to the ground and slammed his fists on the gravel, finally letting out a scream he held in. The group couldn't tell if he was crying but they weren't about to judge him. Bakugou walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, gritting his teeth in anger while looking up towards the direction they took their friend. All Might slowly trudged towards Deku and gently petted his head to calm him down. Both Dabi and Aizawa looked towards the direction Bakugou was.
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After a moment of silence to allow the greenette to calm down, Aizawa spoke up. "We have to patch up All Might. Let's go to the others-"
"No," Midoriya interrupted. "You all go ahead. I'm gonna go get Todoroki-kun back."
The group shot up a look. "By yourself?! Are you crazy?!"
"Look, I'm going!" He stood up, making Uraraka let go of him. He began walking towards the helicopter's route. "You're either with me or you're just in my way. I don't care what you choose."
Of all the irritating things he could say that would irritate Bakugou, this one seemed to take the cake. He stomped towards him and gripped his arm.
"Oh hell no, this isn't the time to act like a reckless hero, shitty nerd!" He shouted. "We all wanna save Icyhot but we need to get All Might to safety first. Your ass is coming with us whether you like it or not!"
Deku shot back at him. "What, and stall time while they're doing god-knows-what to Todoroki-kun?! No way! I'm not failing him like how I failed saving you before!"
Bakugou gripped his teeth and didn't hesitate to sock his childhood friend right square in the jaw. It knocked him down, as to be expected from the force. The blonde knelt down and gripped Deku's shirt to make him look at him.
"You're irritating as fuck, Deku, but that crossed the damn line!" He shouted in his face. "How are you gonna save him if you can't even save your own first?!"
"That's why I said to go on ahead without me!" Deku shouted back, not caring to wipe his bloody lip.
"To hell with that! We're in this together and I'm not about to let you die without me making it happen first!"
Deku tightened his lips. Bakugou looked at him angrily before letting out a frustrated sigh. He let go of Deku's shirt before standing up. "You know what? Fine. Go. Go and play hero and get killed. But don't you fucking dare think for one damn minute that I didn't try and stop you."
Bakugou began headed back towards the group but he stopped in his steps and looked back at Deku, who was still on the ground looking at him.
"You act like we're just abandoning Icyhot. We're not that fucking stupid," he put his hands on his waist. "But we're not that smart, either. That's why if you want to actually save him and not get killed, we need time to think of a plan. You of all people should know this."
Deku looked down and furrowed his eyebrows. Bakugou had a point. He can't just swing in there recklessly. But still, the more time they waste, the more Shouto would be closer to being dead. Or worse: mutated. His train of thought was interrupted by the sight of Bakugou's hand reaching out towards him.
"Look," Bakugou started again. "We need to make sure our group is secure and we need time to think of a plan. But one thing's for sure: we're gonna shoot those damn doors down. We're gonna shoot their fucking skulls in and we're gonna save that half n' half bastard. We'll teach them not to fuck with us, but first, you need to use your damn brain. It's the only thing you're good for. So come on. Get your ass up."
Should he:
• Take Bakugou's hand?
• or save Shouto now?
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hiraephim · 6 years
Mika deserves better: A mindless rant
(I accidentally deleted my last one lmao)
Clarification: : I do not hate Shinoa. I already know people are going to claim "You just hate her because you're a desperate fujoshi that wants mikayuu for life!!1!"
I hate what Kagami is doing to our characters. POTENTIALLY, I chalk it up to bad writing. Their character development is so messy and poorly correlated that they've become foriegn. The reason I say potential is because, coming from a writer myself, he can be redeemed if all of this has some underlying reason. Maybe there's intention behind it and if there is, that's not bad writing, Just cruel.
But seemingly, there's absolutely none.
Note: This also isn't me disregarding anyone else's trauma or claiming they've healed from their past.
I WAS only going to talk about the most recent turn of events and why Kagami potentially pairing Yuu and Shinoa together makes for a bad plot, and completely trashes probably the best loved character in the series: Mikaela
I will get to that of course, but lets go back a little further to help make sense of everything.
Mikaela has suffered and is STILL suffering from that rock of loneliness he's experienced in the last 4 years.
I'm not angry that Yuu found a new "family" to place his will into. It's much healthier to place your meaning into protecting your loved ones instead of avenging them. BUT, none of that matters if you become selfish and greedy with your desires. No desire is good once you fall back into your own ego and are blinded by all else to reach your end goal.
Not. One. Desire.
You end up making heartless mistakes and using/hurting the people around you for your OWN sake, like Yuu is now.
I'm getting off topic though.
Mika never got that opportunity to connect. I do believe there is meaning in his relationship with Krul but that doesn't compare to what Yuu was able to find in his situation. Love, care, opportunity, and promise.
(while I believe Yuu DID find some type of worth, it was a toxic kind. It's causing him to contradict everything he claimed he stood for)
Mika's been stuck with this agonizing belief that he's filthy. A monster, wallowing in self-hatred and caught in a toxic cycle with Ferid, the very man who put him in this situation.
He grew up in the same place he resented so dearly.
Furthermore, he's well aware of these dangerous experiments they're doing on the only man he's living for. The hatred of human experimentation is common theme for Mikaela (as well as other characters.)
Then, after finally finding Yuu with the means to save him, the first thing he gets is toyed with.
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Yuu is playing with his emotions here. Fear of loneliness and blatant guilt. And sure, Yuu DID beg him to stay alive and drink his blood, but his later actions don't have an excuse.The rest of the time, Mika is staying right by Yuu's side in an attempt to save him. Protect him from how he's being used.
You can say he's allowing Guren to use him because of his trauma but that still doesn't excuse the fact that he's neglecting Mika's emotions (which yes! is! very! important!) among everything else.
It's still a factor in his selfishness.
Every little word Mika says gets thrown out the window in favor of Yuu's desire to "save anyone and everyone", no matter the cause. No matter what danger he puts the people he claims to love in or how he disregards them emotionally AND physically. Totally contradicts himself. He's blinded by his greed.
Mika's concerns are neglected entirely and he is only met with hostility when he expresses them. Is he going to leave? Of course not! But right now, he's damn near an unpaid babysitter, watching the man he loves more than anything- his reason for life- swallow up and immerse himself in everything that goes against his morals. While, in the process, that man is hurting everyone around him without care.
Now, back to my point in the beginning,
To pair Yuu and Shinoa together AKA make Shinoa's love NOT one-sided is simply cruel to Mikaela.
You cannot deny the bond that Yuu and Mika have runs much deeper in any aspect under the sun than anyone else in the Shinoa squad.
These two have created connections and attachments that are not and will never be shared with anyone else. They've lived, fought, and resented with one another from the beginning. They have breathed each other. It is human to favor or at least feel DIFFERENT torwards another person based on your history together.
They're soulmates.
I am in no way trying to say they should abandon everyone else for each other. The Shinoa squad are amazing friends.
Anyone you fight with in such devastation will become like family to you. That's a given.
I also don't think It'd be right to rip happiness away from Shinoa. Not what I want either. I don't wish to see her suffer at all. I truly don't hate her character.
I'm saying it's only cruel and unfair to knock Mika down to just another member of the Shinoa squad and not be favored in some way. Being humans, the only way that makes sense to me would be romantically. Right? I feel as though it is unrealistic for Yuu to catch feelings for anyone else, at least at this point in the story.
That's what makes this writing bad (again, among other things.)
On another note, Mika never got the reconciliation and resolution with Yuu that he absolutely deserved, whether they end up romantically or not.
Everything I just ranted about probably doesn't make sense and is put into words poorly lmao (probably many a grammar error as well) and I got lazy with providing panels but if you read the entire manga, you should know which scenes talking about. I have more to say but it'd just be way too much.
I do want to discuss this !!
Please reblog ^^
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