#and with ladrien: they’d get together pretty quickly
asukiess · 1 year
I also think the difference between Ladrien and Ladywalker is that like.... the repression goes from implicit to explicit (but still unspoken). Adrien is repressed, yes, but he stops with the repression and he still goes by the same name, he still wears the same face. Catwalker stops and he no longer is. He must cling to that repression for the sake of the relationship.
There's something about the stunted state of growth for Ladybug and Catwalker - Catwalker can't change for the better because if he does, he no longer exists. And maybe that traps Ladybug a little bit, too. Maybe she can't be pushed in the right direction by a partner who can't step a toe out of line in fear of changing the status quo. Maybe they'd both be so afraid of the way they can't seem to break the pattern that they both realize something has to give.
anon you have my whole heart. you GET it.
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carpisuns · 1 year
sjdsjsd sorry to be that person but what are your thoughts on adrinette's development throughout the season?? it's so wild to me how their relationship evolved sm in just 11 episodes
it IS wild!! Especially after watching them just make insane heart eyes at each other for 4 seasons before this!! Im proud of them. look how far they’ve come :’)
I’ll admit tho that I do have some mixed feelings lol. Because tbh I actually really love the status quo of miraculous ladybug. I know everyone has been itching for adrinette or another side to officially get together for years, but I always just loved the dynamic of each side as it was originally. dont get me wrong, im Thrilled to see adrinette saying I love you and holding hands and being the cutest couple ever 😭 and it always made the most sense for adrinette to be the side that dates prereveal. Im happy for the development! But at the same time I do miss adrien pining for ladybug. When I see ladynoir onscreen together now they’re just so cute and theyre great friends and partners and they’ve left the drama of s4 behind which is nice bc that was hard to watch dhdnd. But at the same time im like aw I want him to be in love with his lady! </3 and ive been waiting for a ladrien interaction to no avail 😔
It’s really interesting how they flipped/reversed the love square briefly to have marinette pursuing chat noir and then she flipped back pretty quickly while adrien continued to pursue her as marinette. There’s been so much love square development this season that it gave me a little whiplash in the beginning lmao. if u have been following me for a while h probably know im a big marichat fan. So obviously I was losing my mind over all the marichat this season. I was always rooting for marichat interactions but I was never delusional enough to think we’d get THAT lmao. so ofc I was ecstatic! But at the same time I was like wait! No, not like this! Bc I was never rooting for a love square “reversal” so much as a LS “expansion,” if that makes sense. Like I wanted marinette to fall for chat and adrien for marinette, but I didn’t want them to fall out of love with OG crush. I was hoping for the dramatic “oh no, im in love with two people!” thing and them having to reconcile those feelings and then at the reveal they’d realize they’d fallen in love with the same person twice. I’ve just always thought of adrien being in love with ladybug as kind of a defining character trait for him, so it’s sad for that to be seemingly gone, but also i dont really believe it is? maybe just suppressed atm bc his love for Marinette is taking priority.
Man I probably sound whiny and entitled rn complaining that my favorite side of the square got so much attention and that adrien is openly in love w marinette now, which ive wanted for a long time lol. I dont mean to come off that way!! Im really enjoying the adrinette and the love square development! it’s just going differently from how I imagined it would so im trying to stop pushing my expectations on it and just enjoy what the writers cooked up for us. im excited to see what happens next!
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Topsy Turvy (3)
By popular demand and my current Ladrien fixation I bring to you part 3 of this fluff fest. Enjoy!
Plagg was this close to throwing an extra large wheel of cheese at Adrien’s head. After Ladybug left last night he had been skipping around his room with the biggest, dorkiest grin imaginable. Every once in a while he would stop to contemplate how hurt his friend Marinette would be about this before he perked up again. Now he was standing in a pile of clothes trying to pick out an outfit for the movies tonight.
"What about this?" Adrien held up a black button up. "It's nice but understated and it would match Ladybug’s costume. Or is it weird to coordinate? Or maybe too fancy for a movie date? I have a black v-neck that may be better. What do you think?"
"It all looks the same to me," Plagg answered, not bothering to look up from the comic book he was reading.
"Plagg! Come on! Just give me an opinion. This is a big deal for me!"
Plagg grinned, a wicked thought entering his brain. "Oh I just don't know, Adrien. I don't wear clothes so I don't have the best source of judgement. Why don't you ask the designer friend of yours? I'm sure she would love to help you."
"That's actually a great idea--hey, wait a second--Plagg!" Adrien torn the comic out from under him like a tablecloth, "I can't ask Marinette for help regarding my date with Ladybug! Are you mad? Did you forget that she's the one that I need to reject after this?"
"Oh? Is she?" Plagg feigned ignorance. This was just too good to pass up. If only this poor little kitten of his knew the truth. He was rejecting the same girl he was going on a date with. He had to mess with him a little.
"Yes, Plagg, I have gone over this at length already." Adrien sighed, with a shake of his head, "Just work with me here and say button up or v-neck."
Adrien tossed the comic back down. "You’re not funny."
"Really? I'm pretty sure I'm hilarious. You are just too young to appreciate my humor."
"Yeah, sure, that's the problem." Adrien looked between the two shirts he had before tossing the one aside. "V-neck. Definitely the v-neck."
He cradled the shirt close to him and Plagg had a moment of sincerity. Adrien was really happy about this date. He had never seen him so excited before. For decades Plagg had watched humans fall in love over and over. He could never really understand it since kwamis were incapable of the romantic love humans felt but he knew what familial love felt like. He knew that he loved Adrien as his chosen. If romantic love was anything like that then he wouldn't spoil the experience for Adrien anymore today. Tease him about any funny slip ups he may experience later, yes. But for today he would let the boy be. He deserved it.
"You really didn't have to see me off for my date, Alya." Marinette said, "I'm fine."
"You know I had to come. It's your first date with Adrien. No way was I gonna miss this." Alya kicked her feet excitedly, "I wanna hear all about it when you get back."
"What? Are you just gonna hang out here until I get home? Are you that interested in how my date goes that you’re going to wait up for me?"
"Duh, was that not obvious?"
"Well then," Marinette transformed, "how do I look?"
"You look like Ladybug."
"Right…" Ladybug looked at herself in the mirror before pulling the ribbons out of her hair to let it loose. "There, a little more casual. Right?"
"Sure, girl, a superhero wearing her hair down. Casual to the max." Alya rolled her eyes. "Now get going or you'll be late."
"Okay, see you later." She jumped through the trapdoor of her balcony and was off. Her heart was thundering loud in her chest the closer she got to the theater. She stopped at the building across from it and searched the faces heading inside. Then like a beacon under the neon lights she saw him. Adrien.
Okay. Be cool. Don't do anything stupid.
She fixed her hair and jumped off the building. She landed in her best hero pose across the street from him. When she looked up he was staring at her in awe.
Nailed it!
She then promptly tripped on the curb crossing the street.
"Watch it!" Adrien caught her by the arms before she could collide with the concrete, "You okay?"
"Yeah! Thanks! I've taken much worse tumbles than that." she laughed it off. "Guess you saved me this time."
"Uh yeah, I guess," Adrien fidgeted with his ring, "You look really nice. You're wearing your hair differently."
"Heroes gotta let their hair down sometimes, huh?" she chuckled to herself. "Consider it my unofficial off-duty look. Not that I'm ever really off-duty but you get what I mean."
"I get what you mean." They stood for a moment just staring at one another in mutual lovestruck awe before either of them remembered they were here for a date.
“Should we head in?” Adrien pointed back to the theater.
“Right, yes, we should do that.” they wandered inside and immediately gazes were drawn as they made their way to purchase their tickets. Despite her arguing that she could buy her own ticket Adrien insisted on getting it for her. She played truce and bought the snacks instead.
They followed the crowd into the theater. A few people stopped Ladybug to get some pictures or an autograph. Adrien patiently waited with the snacks as he scanned the room for good seats. It was surprisingly packed for such a late showing. “Uh Ladybug,” Adrien called for her attention, “I’m gonna go save us some seats so you come by whenever you’re done.”
“I’ll be right there. Thanks.” she gave him a thumbs up before going back to her fans. She really didn’t mind when fans came up to her, she was always honored, but she was here for a date. It didn’t feel right to let him go off on his own so she could take pictures.
The lights started to go down and she used that as her excuse to take her seat. She edged past the other theater goers and sat down in the chair next to Adrien. “Sorry about all that,” she whispered as the movie started, “You have my attention for the rest of the night. Promise.”
“Don’t worry. I totally get it. People stop me when I’m out with friends from time to time.” Adrien assured her. “I’m just glad to be here with you at all.”
Marinette blushed red hot and she found herself thankful for the dark theater. “I’m happy to be here with you too.”
The movie started in ernest and they drew their attention to it. Every once in a while she would catch him watching her instead of the movie or he would spot her staring at him. They’d quickly look away and smile, trying to keep their attention on what was happening on the screen. At one point she went to put her arm on the arm rest between them and nearly jumped out of her seat when she fully laid her hand overtop Adrien’s without noticing.
“Sorry,” Adrien blurted out but was quickly shushed by the audience, “sorry,” he whispered in a quieter voice, “you can have it.”
“No, no, you can have it--I just--”
“No. Really, I’ve been hogging it all night. You take it.”
“I don’t need it. Please, just take it--”
“One of you had better take it and shut up already.” someone behind them hissed.
“Sorry,” Ladybug squeaked. She moved to put her arm back and bumped into Adrien who was doing the same thing. They giggled for a moment. Then Adrien rested his arm on it with his palm facing up.
His eyes met hers with a shy, expectant smile. Oh! She bit her lip and laid her arm on top of his and interlaced their fingers together. Tonight was the best night ever just for this!
They stayed holding hands for the rest of the movie and when they got up to leave they were still interlocked. Neither wanted to let the connection break just yet. They walked out of the theater and into the cool night air.
“This was a lot of fun.” Ladybug said, “I’m glad you agreed to come out with me.”
“I’m still surprised you asked me out in the first place.” Adrien said, his gaze traveled down to their interlaced hands, “This was really nice.”
“Do you have a ride home?” Ladybug asked.
“No chauffeur tonight,” Adrien looked down the street then back at her, his voice dropping low to a whisper, “Between you and me, I’m not supposed to be out here.”
“How rebellious!” Ladybug scoffed, with a mock scandalized face, “Did you sneak out to come here tonight? I don’t know, Adrien. That’s top tier felon behaviour. I may have to turn you in.”
“Oh please, Ladybug, have mercy.” he pleaded with the same level of theatrics, “I meant no harm! Don’t send me to the slammer!”
“Oh alright,” Ladybug giggled, “I can’t throw a pretty face like yours in jail. You wouldn’t last ten minutes with all those other big bads. All those jaywalkers and litterbugs, they’d tear you apart.”
“You underestimate me, I could have control of the yard in five.”
“I bet you could.” she shook her head. “So since you don’t have a ride home did you need a lift? I can get you back lickety split.”
“How about instead of a lift you give me an escort.” Adrien asked, his big green puppy dog eyes blinking down at her, “As fun as the movie was I didn’t really get to talk to you which is the one thing I wanted to do most tonight.”
“How can I say no to that?” she squeezed his hand tighter, “I want to get to know you better too.”
They left the theater on foot back towards Adrien’s house. Neither had anywhere to be and no rush to end their date just yet so they kept the pace slow and let themselves take the long way around.
“Let me start simple,” Adrien said, “What is your favorite color?”
“Pink. But not like a hot neon pink, more of a soft sunset pink. What about you?”
“Blue. It’s just so relaxing to look at in almost all its forms. I think my favorite shade would have to be a soft sky blue though.”
“That’s nice. Alright, my question.” Ladybug pondered it for a moment, “What is your most treasured memory?”
“Wow. Starting off strong huh? I feel kinda ridiculous with my color question.”
“Don’t be. Sorry. I should have said something a little simpler, shouldn’t I?”
“No. I like your question. I just need to think about it. Gimme a second.” Adrien said as he started to think. He was really thinking this through. “I think my most treasured memory would be Christmas Eve when I was six.”
“Not Christmas morning?”
“The morning was great but I’ll never forget the night prior.” Adrien’s eyes took on a far away look, “It was as basic as Christmas Eve’s go. I wanted to stay up so I could meet Santa. My parents said that he wouldn’t come if I stayed up though and sent me off to bed. It was around midnight and I heard a noise coming from downstairs. I assumed it was Santa so I swung out of bed and raced out of my room to catch him before he could leave.
“I got down there and I found presents under the tree but no Santa. There was a light on in the kitchen and I figured he must be getting his milk and cookies. I go up to the door and push it open. There’s no Santa in the kitchen but there are my parents. My mom is sitting on the island munching on a gingerbread cookie, father is looking in the fridge, there’s quiet Christmas music playing on the radio next to them.
“My father closes the fridge and holds up a piece of mistletoe he must have hidden in there. Mom laughs and when he went in to kiss her she held up the gingerbread man so he kissed that instead. Father looked grumpy and bit the head off. Mom gasped and was all like, “I cannot believe you decapitated Mister Gingy! He had three kids you monster!” which made me laugh. Of course now they know I’m there and father picks me up and tells me I should be in bed and all that stuff. I wasn’t listening and instead I grabbed the mistletoe and held it up to mom. I meant it so my parents could kiss but instead they both kissed my cheeks instead. We stayed up for at least another hour eating cookies and drinking warm milk and hot coco before I fell asleep and they put me back to bed.”
“That is so cute!” Ladybug gushed, “I can see it all in my head. Squishy faced kiddie Adrien sneaking out of bed and eating cookies with his parents. That’s a really sweet memory.”
“I’ll never forget it.” Adrien sighed. For a moment he looked so sad and Marinette wondered if maybe she shouldn’t have asked him. The memory of his mom probably hurt to think about. “What about you? What’s your most treasured memory?”
Now that was a tough one. She couldn’t really go into childhood stories since it would give away too much as to her identity. It was then she thought of the perfect story. “There is one memory I hold really close to my heart.” she said.
“I was on patrol one evening by myself. It was raining but I didn’t want to go home cause I was going through some stuff emotionally and I didn’t want to be cooped up. So I’m running and running and I almost slip off the roof. I realize I should take a break so I huddle under this awning of this closed cafe to catch my breath and see if the rain lets up. I’m waiting for maybe five minutes and because I’m not moving my emotions from before I starting to catch up to me. I’m on the verge of breaking down when out of nowhere Chat Noir lands on the sidewalk in front of me. I say land but he more or less faceplanted. He has a box covered in a plastic bag to keep it dry that he’s holding off the ground. He pulls himself up like he didn’t just have an intimate meeting with the concrete and walks over to me like it is the most casual thing in the world. Now mind you, I was not expecting to see him. I didn’t tell him I was coming out here nor did he have any idea where I was but he found me nonetheless.
“He huddles under the awning with me and takes the plastic bag off the box. I realize at this point it is a wrapped present. I ask him what this is supposed to be for and he tells me that since we don’t know when each other’s birthdays are he was going to pick a random day to give me a birthday present. And apparently this rainy evening was that day. I tried telling he didn’t need to but he insisted so I take the present and unwrap it. When I tell you, this idiot actually gifted me a black cat onesie with a cat ear hood and little toe beans on the feet. I started laughing and asked if he had a matching ladybug onesie and he told me he did. I start laughing harder and I can tell he thinks that I’m laughing at him so I quickly assure him I’m not. I tell him I really love the gift and I give him a hug. To him he probably thinks that he just gave me a nice present but in reality he pulled me back from a really sad place without even knowing it.
“Of course the second I got home I put the onesie on and started thinking of a birthday present I could get for him. I wanted it to be perfect as a sort of thank you for cheering me up when I was in a really bad mood. I never told him just how much that one little present, that one encounter, helped me but it did. I like to think about it whenever I get in a bad mood. Remembering his mop of drenched hair and that big expectant smile never fails to cheer me up.”
When she looked back at Adrien he looked close to tears. “Oh hey, are you okay? Did I say something? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he wiped at his eyes with his free hand, “It’s just, your friendship with him is great. I think that the next time you see him you should tell him how much that meant to you. I’m sure it would make him really happy.”
“I think I will,”
They got to Adrien’s house and they both stood frozen on the sidewalk. “Guess it’s time to say goodbye now.”
“Guess so,” Adrien stared up at the tall stone walls. “All good thinks must come to an end.”
“There are always more good times to come though.” Ladybug said, “Speaking of which, would you be interested in going on a second date sometime?”
“I would love to.” Adrien answered with a bright smile. “How do I get a hold of you?”
“I’ll come to you.” she let go of his hand to wrap around his waist. With a flick of her wrist she sent her yo-yo up and pulled them off the ground. They swung into his room and she deposited him back down safely. “Goodnight, Adrien. I had a wonderful time and I’ll be by to see you again soon.”
“Goodbye Ladybug. Tonight was...it was perfect.” He leaned in closer or maybe it was Marinette that leaned in but one of them leaned in. Then just as quickly they withdrew. Arms hugged close to their sides.
“I should get going,” Ladybug stumbled back towards the window. She poised to throw her yo-yo but she made the mistake of taking one final look back at Adrien. He was watching her with such a soft and loving expression. She couldn’t just end it like this.
She rushed back to him and kissed his cheek. “See you later, bye!” she fully vaulted herself out the window the next instant and booked it as fast as she could back home. She dropped down onto her balcony. Her heart was beating fast and her face ached from how hard she was smiling.
(Part 1) (Previous) (Probably another part cause I know no self control and you people enable me)
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladynoir July Day 18 - Can’t transform
This story is part 5 of a series: a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, Marichat May, and Ladrien June stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Hurricane
Rena’s mouth dropped open. Chat wanted to look away, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He found himself staring at her face, watching as the information clicked together at an incredible rate. Alya had always been a very smart girl, after all, and journalists needed to be able to put two and two together to come up with four. He could tell the exact moment that happened.
“Oh,” Rena said. “Oh, that makes so much more sense. I couldn’t figure out why you two were so willing to put Adrien in danger. But that means – your father - ?” She looked over at Ladybug, like she was hoping that Ladybug might tell her differently.
Ladybug just silently shook her head; Chat was the one who said it out loud.
“I’ve been fighting against my own father all this time,” he declared. Under any other circumstances, the realization might have been humorous. As it was, it just made Chat feel kind of sick.
“Well fuck,” Rena whispered. “This is a real shitstorm, isn’t it?”
“It really is,” Chat said. There must have been something in his voice, because Rena looked at him suddenly. Her face collapsed.
“Oh Adrien,” she said, and then, the next thing Chat knew, he was hugged so tightly that it fell like all of the breath was being squeezed out of him. Over Rena’s shoulder, he saw Ladybug giving the two of them a sad smile. She met Chat’s gaze.
“I told you,” she mouthed at him.
Chat’s throat suddenly tightened, and his eyes burned. He dropped his eyes and wrapped his arms around Rena, hugging her back.
“I should have noticed earlier,” he mumbled into Rena’s shoulder.
“Don’t you start that crap,” Rena said instantly. “Adrien Agreste, absolutely nothing about this situation is your fault. No one could expect you to think of your own father as Hawkmoth.”
“I don’t know how many people have to tell you that before you start to believe it,” Ladybug added.
Chat didn’t know either. Trixx, Ladybug, and now Rena had all told him the same thing.
So… maybe they were right?
“Does this have something to do with why your costumes look so different? And why you said they have the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses, even though you’re both standing right in front of me while transformed?” Rena asked. She let go to Chat, which allowed him to breathe, but kept a supportive arm around his shoulders.
“Let’s just say that we can’t transform the way we normally do,” Ladybug said.
“Okay, I’m sensing there’s way more to this story you’re not telling me,” said Rena.
“If we can get through today, I’ll tell you everything,” Ladybug replied. There was a heavier meaning to her words, and Chat glanced at her quickly.
Did she mean everything?
He thought that she just might.
Rena picked up on it too. Her eyes widened. “You mean you’ll tell me who you are?”
Ladybug smiled. “Help us win today, and you’ll find out.” Her eyes twinkled teasingly.
“Okay!” Rena pumped her fist into the air, narrowly avoiding Chat’s head, and Ladybug laughed. Chat found himself smiling too. It felt good to smile.
“So is this the plan we want to go with?” Ladybug asked them both.
“The only other option I can think of is me making a Mirage to lure Émilie and Nathalie out,” Rena said. “If they saw a Mirage of Adrien, they’d probably come, wouldn’t they?”
“But that would only give me and Chat five minutes to search. That’s not long,” Ladybug said.
Chat cleared his throat. “What if I send the message to get them to meet me, but Rena follows them? Then she could make a Mirage whenever Émilie and Nathalie get to wherever we’re sending them. If she made it seem like the Mirage ran away, that would give us a little extra time.”
“Now that, I like,” Rena said with an approving nod and a squeeze to Chat’s shoulders.
“Me too. I think it gives us the most time,” Ladybug said.
“How are you going to get in? Will they be alerted if you disarm the mansion’s alarm system?” Rena said.
“We have a work-around,” Chat told her, flashing her the Horse miraculous.
Rena nodded appreciatively. “Nice.”
“Rena, you’ll have to message us the second that you seem them doubling back,” Ladybug said. “Émilie and Nathalie aren’t stupid. They’ll probably catch on pretty quick. Chat and I will need to know.”
“Got it,” Rena said. “You can count on me, Ladybug!”
“I know,” Ladybug said, smiling again.
“I guess I’ll send the text. Where should I tell them to meet me?” Chat asked.
Rena and Ladybug looked blankly at each other. Chat sighed but smiled. Okay, maybe there was just one more thing that needed to be worked out.
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hanaasbananas · 4 years
100 Ways to say I Love You Chapter 46
You didn't have to ask (Ladrien)
Adrien stood, disoriented as paramedics and police officers swarmed past him into the mansion, barely sparing him or ladybug a second glance.
The buzzing in his ears intensified as he stepped outside; exacerbated by the presence of emergency vehicles, their flashing lights and idling engines almost deafeningly loud compared to the silence from inside.
Ahead of him, he could hear father struggling against his restraints, arguing with the officer as he was shoved-none too gently-into a police car. Nathalie, dignified as always, was silent.
Instead of watching them go, or even running the risk of getting caught under father’s baleful glare once more, Adrien instead turned his attention to the sky where the final pink and orange streaks of sunset bled into the purple-black of the evening sky.
There was probably a metaphor for his life in there, if he wanted to find it.
He felt...hollow. As if his mind had detached from his body and was watching the proceedings from above. He was actually kind of glad for the sensation, because at least that way he didn’t have to think about how quickly his world had crumbled beneath his feet. He didn’t have to think about mother, lying in that casket, looking exactly the same as the day he’d last seen her. Didn’t have to think about father being Hawkmoth, about Nathalie being Mayura.
A gentle pressure on his shoulders had him blinking, even as his hands reflexively came up to hold onto whatever had been draped over him. Adrien blinked, looking down at the fabric gripped in his hands. A shock blanket. He blinked again, noticing for the first time that he was sat in the back of an open ambulance.
When had he moved?
From the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of red, and turned his head to see Ladybug, her expression stern as she spoke to Officer Raincomprix. Through the din, he only picked up every other word, but it was enough for him to understand.
They wanted to take him down to the station for questioning and to give a statement. Shivering slightly, Adrien pulled the blanket tighter around himself while he tried to sort through his jumbled thoughts.
They’d want to know what happened, of course. And if he’d known about any of it before. Adrien almost laughed at the possibility.
Looking up again, he watched Ladybug. How did she seem so sure of herself? So confident? Adrien was pretty sure he was beginning to fall apart, crumbling slowly from the inside, held together only by a shock blanket. He could feel Plagg in his inside pocket pressing against his chest, trying to reassure him in the only way he could, and for that he was grateful, but…
Distantly, he heard Ladybug getting closer, and he honed in on her voice “I’m coming with him. I have to give a statement as well, anyway right?” She stood beside him, taking his hand and threading their fingers together. Gently, she squeezed his hand, and Adrien exhaled slowly, allowing her touch to ground him down to the earth.
After a long silence, the officer sighed, and conceded with a nod. “Fine. Stay here, and we’ll come and get you when we’re ready.” He didn’t wait for a response-not that Adrien was going to give one, and neither did Ladybug. She looked down at him instead, her brow furrowed, and in his eyes he saw concern, and even a bit of sorrow.
That confused him. Why would she feel upset for him? She hardly knew him. Well. Hardly knew Adrien Agreste. Somehow, he didn’t think now was the time to mention that he was Chat Noir. And why had she offered to accompany him?
“Why?” he asked.
Ladybug looked startled. “Why what?”
“Why did you offer to come to the station with me?” Adrien winced at his plaintative tone “I didn’t ask you to-”
“Oh, Adrien,” Ladybug smiled sadly, smoothing his hair back from his forehead and he closed his eyes, leaning into the gentle touch. “You didn’t have to ask,” she continued “it was written all over your face.”
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claws-n-salt · 7 years
Marichat May Day 14 - Age-Up Chat Noir
Chat gets hit with by an akuma who makes people look like they aged ten years. Marinette can not handle how attractive she finds a twenty-five looking Chat Noir.
Rated T || 1,837 Words
Cross posted on Ao3 || FF
Cut Glass
The akuma should have been a quick fight, considering its powers were relatively weak. All Age-Bender did was give people the look that they’d aged ten years. Unfortunately for Paris’s two heroes, a simple fight is not what happened. Apparently, five years of judo as a civilian makes up for lame powers as an akuma.
As Ladybug’s second lucky charm failed, she knew she needed to quickly go recharge. “Ladybug, I’ll hold him off while you go find a place to recharge.” Ladybug nodded to her partner, she knew he could handle himself for a few minutes. Unhooking her yo-yo, she set off towards her house.
Marinette’s feet touched down on her balcony seconds before her transformation released. “I’ll eat as fast as I can Marinette. See you in a minute.” Tikki zipped into Marinette’s room to inhale some cookies as Marinette waited for her outside.
A minute later, Tikki flew out of Marinette’s room only to fly right back in. She was about to question the little kwami’s actions when there was a deep, gruff voice from behind her. “Well hello there Princess.” Marinette turned when she realized Chat must have gotten hit by the akuma and that’s why his voice was deeper than usual. No one else would call her Princess.
“Chat, what are…” Anything else Marinette panned on saying evaporated from her thoughts as she saw what Chat Noir would look like at twenty-five because holy hell, he was hot. She had to clench her jaw to keep it from falling open. Sure, Marinette could admit that her partner was very attractive at their current age but in that moment, she thought she might die from smoke inhalation from how smokin’ he was.
Chat’s suit didn’t hide anything. Marinette could see the toned pane of his stomach and the definition in his arms. It wasn’t just his body that was unbelievably attractive, no, his face was as well. How was that even fair? His mop of blond hair had grown longer and was in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His jawline could probably cut glass and the shadow of facial hair made him look absolutely sinful, especially with that smirk. Wait, why was he smirking? “Do you see something you like Princess? You’ve been ogling me for quite some time.”
Marinette coughed. “Ha, you wish. I was just taken aback that the Chat Noir got hit by the akuma.” She knew her face was flaming but she couldn’t get it to stop.
He faked a gasp and gave her sad kitty eyes with one hand pressed to his heart. “You wound me Princess.” How the fuck was he still so hot while pretending to be hurt? Marinette was so screwed if she’d have to resist that stupidly handsome face during patrol. “I should probably go though, Ladybug and I still have an akuma to catch. Did you happen to see where My Lady went?” Marinette pointed in a random direction. “Thank you, my Princess.” He bowed low and kissed her hand. If Marinette had spontaneously combusted in that moment, she wouldn’t have been surprised.
Ladybug was careful not to look at Chat too often during the rest of the battle. She almost fell off a roof when he called her ‘My Lady’. He’d been able to catch her before the tumble. Catch her with one of those strong arms which wrapped around her waist. Chat looked at her in confusion when she sat on the roof to take a few deep breaths after that. Luck was finally on her side as the third lucky charm of the day helped them defeat the akuma. Ladybug gave her once again fifteen looking partner a fist bump and departed from the scene. Marinette needed to take a cold shower and think about her life choices a bit.
(::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)< /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\ (::)<
Marinette woke up early for once, she desperately needed to talk to Alya about the attractive turn of events the day before. She knew her friend arrived to school early in the mornings so she could work on the Ladyblog without a sibling interrupting every five minutes. Hardly anyone was at the school when Marinette arrived so she assumed Alya would be alone in their classroom. It was because of this assumption that Marinette barreled through the door already talking. “Holy fuck, Alya, did you see how fucking attractive Chat Noir is going to be? The boy is pretty hot already but, holy shit, I was getting third degree burns just looking at him. I can’t tell you how much I wanted to push him against a wall and...” It was when Marinette looked up to her friend that she realized she’d fucked up.
There were two other people in the room with Alya. Sitting in their desks where Nino and Adrien. As in, her crush Adrien. Her crush Adrien who just heard everything she said. A small squeak escaped Marinette’s throat as she clamped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes shot to Alya in search of help but with the girl already doubled over on her desk cackling, she knew it wouldn’t be coming from her. “Wow Marinette, I never realized you had such a mouth on you. Please, continue with what you were saying.” Nino waved a hand to her as he chuckled.
Marinette shot her eyes to a very flustered looking Adrien. “Y-yeah, I didn’t realize you found me so attractive.” Adrien realized his slip and quickly tried to correct. “I-I mean Chat! I’m not Chat so I shouldn’t be saying you find me attractive.” His nervous chuckle didn’t help. His friends weren’t stupid, Adrien knew he’d just outed himself as Chat Noir. He was just so surprised that Marinette had been that effected by him that he slipped up. One’s brain does malfunction when their pretty classmate says they found them ‘fucking attractive’. Both Alya and Noir where looking at him with wide eyes, uttering their disbelief. It was Marinette’s laughter that had three pairs of eyes looking to her.
“Marinette why are you not freaking out about Adrien being Chat Noir?” Alya seemed to be very confused that her friend wasn’t on the floor in hysterics over the revelation.
“Oh, I’m so glad this is just another one of those dreams. I thought I’d actually just talked about pushing Chat Noir against a wall in front of Adrien. It would make sense that I’d have one of these dreams right after seeing how drop dead gorgeous Chat is going to be.” She laughed again. “I know exactly how this goes. The boy I have a raging crush on admits that he’s actually my crime fighting partner who I’ve slowly been falling in love with. Then I tell him I’m Ladybug and he presses me against a wall to make out. I’d really like to get to that whole making out part now so let’s get back to the script. I want to enjoy this since I’d never be this lucky awake.” Marinette clapped her hands together as a call to action. However, three shocked expressions looked back at her.
“M-my L-lady?” Adrien’s voice came out almost as a croak. The question turned Marinette’s blood to ice. This isn’t how her dreams normally went. There was a lot less disbelief and a lot more kissing usually. Alya and Nino typically weren’t there either which she found strange.
“W-wait, this is a d-dream right?” Her question was met with her three friends shaking their heads no. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m just going to walk out that door and come back in. We’re all going to pretend this never happened.”
“Like hell we are! Girl, I’m pretty sure you just broke Adrien. Look at him, he’s just staring and you! Plus, you two owe me an interview.” Marinette was a little worried at what the blogger would think when she found out her best friend was Ladybug. Looking at her now though, she knew they’d be okay. Marinette always knew Nino would be cool with finding out, Adrien was the wild card here. Adrien, who really was Chat Noir. It wasn’t just some dream.
He was just looking at her with an expression Marinette couldn’t read. The three friends jumped when words began tumbling from Adrien’s mouth. “Marinette is Ladybug. Maribug likes me. Maribug likes both of me. I like both of Maribug. Maribug wants me to kiss me. I want to kiss Maribug too.” The boy slapped a hand over his mouth when he realized he was rambling.
Wide eyes looked up at Marinette as she walked to stand in front of Adrien at his desk. “C-chadrien wants to kiss Maribug?” An adamant nod of his head was Adrien’s conformation. Marinette removed the hand covering his mouth to hold it in her own as she bent down. When her lips met his, the hand she wasn’t holding came up to cup her face gently.
They pulled apart when Alya and Nino began to whoop and holler. “Adrienette and LadyNoir confirmed at once! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”
“No, Alya, you’re not seeing the big picture, it was a big love square! Sure we knew about Adrienette and LadyNoir but now we can also add Ladrien and Marichat to the list!”
“Holy shit. Nino you’re right. Oh mon dieu, that means they’ve both liked each other this whole time without realizing it.” Alya turned to the superheroes who were still holding hands. “I love you guys but you both can be pretty dense sometimes.”
As Adrien’s shock wore off he let a small bit of Chat leak in. “Oh, I don’t know about that Alya. I think we were both just too busy imagining pushing each other against walls to notice.” He gave Marinette a wink and a smirk. In turn she pushed him away by the nose like she’d done as Ladybug many times. Though, Ladybug didn’t blush as she did it like Marinette did.
“I mean you’re not wrong but it sounds so bad when you say it like that.” Marinette laughed as she rounded the desks to finally take her seat next to Alya. She leaned over the desk as Adrien tipped his head back to look at her. Just knowing Adrien was her silly partner who she had no problem talking to lessened Marinette’s nerves. “So, chaton, do you have any plans for lunch because I noticed the wall behind the school looked pretty comfortable.”
Adrien practically yelled in response. “Yes! I mean, no I don’t have any plans but yes to finding out if that wall is as comfortable as it looks. A million times yes to finding out about the comfort of that wall with you.”
She leaned over a bit further and gave him a quick peck on the lips before sitting in her seat fully again. “Until lunch then.”
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ralseirose · 7 years
The Model and His Hero Ladrien June- Day 4- Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention because your face is so distracting
Ladrien June- Day 4- Sorry, I wasn't paying attention because your face is so distracting
It was a pleasantly warm night. The past few weeks had all been filled with sun and the occasional drizzle of rain, so all of Adrien’s outdoor photo shoots had gone pleasantly enough. Once you ignored the occasional halt for an akuma, most of the last bits of spring had been going on well enough.
 Which was why Adrien was adamant in his new desire.
 “Why don’t we go somewhere outside for once? I have some free time in a few days because of the switch between spring and summer lines. We can go on a walk somewhere!” Adrien did his best expression of a cute little kitten which Chat Noir had been practicing. He imagined the walk. They would go together, and Adrien would work up the courage to hold hands, and they’d get married when Ladybug fell in love with him!
 Ladybug just sighed. “I have a duty to Paris. If people see me walking with you, they’re going to assume that an akuma is attacking, or Hawkmoth might start targeting you!” She crossed her arms and shook her head. “It’s bad enough that I’m here instead of patrolling!”
 Adrien pondered this for a second. “Why are you here anyway?” He posed dramatically. “Is it because I’m simply purfect?” He leaned towards Ladybug.
 “Since when were you Chat Noir?” Ladybug playfully pushed him back. Adrien blinked. He must have been embracing his Chat side a little more than was probably safe.
 Ladybug noticed his silence. “It’s because you’re my friend.” She paused. “Not that you aren't amazing or anything! I mean you're pretty awesome and incredible and perfectly handsome,” Ladybug trailed off into indecipherable speech. Adrien would have been paying more attention., but there was something about the cute face that Ladybug made whenever she was thinking and the speck of dirt on her cheek...
 “What was that?” Adrien muttered. He couldn’t qute remember what they were talking about earlier. Was it something about the way that Ladybug’s eyes seemed to shine with the brilliance of a shooting star?
 “And I mean you’re not a bad person, but I can’t say that you don’t look semi-average because you are a model gorgeous. I mean gorgeous model” Ladybug was muttering pretty quickly. Adrien couldn’t quite tell what she was saying. Despite the confidence that seemed to ooze from her, Ladybug sometimes would stutter and talk to herself whenever she was bothered or nervous.
 Usually Ladybug was brimming with self-assurance, but Adrien occasionally saw occasions where social awkwardness would take over. It was a different side to his lady, and he found that he didn’t mind it. It was cute.
 “I’m so sorry. I’m inconsolable. Can't word. I mean talk right now, and I’m sorry for saying that you’re handsome even though you are.” Ladybug was stammering.
 “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention because your face is so distracting.” To Adrien’s unending horror, he realized that he said that outloud. Judging from the way Ladybug’s face went red, she heard loud and clear.
 “I mean. Uh. There’s some dirt.” He was stammering now. “Right here.” He wiped away the speck of dust away from Ladybug's face before his mind caught up to his actions. His hand was on Ladybug’s face, and they were close. To an outsider, he almost seemed like he was caressing her face.
 They flew apart.
 “I’m so so sorry”
 “No- I mean it’s fine”
 “No. I just wanted to wipe the dirt out and-”
 Needless to say, the rest of the night was even more awkward.
 When Ladybug finally left, Plagg took his chance and pounced.
 “You two lovebirds disgust me!” Plagg flew directly into Adrien’s face. Adrien immediately began denying the accusation, but Plagg ploughed through. He’d had enough. “You realize that you’ve been up for hours! I’m starving! I want cheese!”
 “Ladybug and I are just friends and- wait hours?” Adrien glanced towards the clock to show that most of the night had been passed in conversation. Plagg started laughing. “I have school tomorrow! I have a photoshoot in the morning!”
 Plagg lazily drifted into the bed and winked at Adrien “Should have thought of that before you and Ladybug spent the entire night flirting. I've never had a chosen so akward at flirting!”
 Adrien’s face was priceless. Plagg would definitely have to remember this night. He’d love to tease them later at their inevitable- blegh- wedding.
Saying as much caused Adrien to shut up the rest of the night.  The next day was also pretty hilarious due to the fact that both he and that baker’s girl had gotten next to no sleep the last night. The ladybug girl shoved the two of them together and made things even awkwarder.
 Plagg would definitely need to keep this for blackmail. He had a suspicion about who Tiki’s chosen was. He’d love to win the bet he and TIki had made about who found the other’s chosen first.
 The chance to gather more blackmail to get extra Camembert didn't hurt.
Ladrien June
crossposted on Fanfiction.net and Archive of our Own
Day 1- Love Poem
Day 2- Cat person
Day 3- God’s gift to men/women
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thecrazydragonlady · 8 years
“Shall We Dance?” Chapter 12
Author’s Note: The snow wasn’t bad. We survived. The state didn’t shut down. But I didn’t leave home so I have like eight unpublished chapters of this story (and we’re still not even at the ball scene yet!). Shall we see how many I can get through? Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 12
The second Wednesday came and went.
Adrien couldn’t meet with Marinette for practice due to an unscheduled photo shoot but she was happy to report to him on Thursday that she’d managed to not injure Nathaniel again nor any of the other guys she’d been partnered with. In fact, Madame Amelie had praised her for the most improvement since the week before.
She thanked him for his help.
He couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. His stomach twisted painfully at the idea of other guys dancing with her but he couldn’t say anything. Technically speaking, he and Marinette were nothing. Whether it was him or Chat Noir. He hadn’t returned to her balcony since Monday; it seemed like his bad luck had finally decided to pay a visit, packing his nights with modeling, projects, and an akuma attack that’d left them so tired, they didn’t even hang around to talk after it was purified. They’d done their usual fist bumped, lacking its usual energy and luster, but then went their separate ways.
He wasn’t happy with the wall that was building between them.
It needed to come crashing down soon.
As he sat in his regular seat on a slightly dark Friday morning, it was a wonder no one could point him out as Chat Noir. Had he been suited, there was no doubt in his mind that his tail would have been swishing back and forth like a real cat’s. Nino and Alya shared a look at his expression. They’d clearly never seen him like this before. Nino started to ask him what was up when Madame Bustier began her lesson. He smiled to his friend and shook his head. He’d talk later.
Marinette came running in the room a couple of minutes later, only stating she’d over slept. Everyone in the room basically rolled their eyes as their class president shuffled to her seat abashedly. Adrien kept his eyes down. He didn’t want the heat in his face to be so obvious.
Nino raised an eyebrow.
When they were dismissed from class, Alya and Nino both grabbed Adrien by the arms and dragged him out of the room. Marinette watched in confusion. Alya paused long enough to shoot her some excuse of needing to speak to Adrien about something majorly important and that she would catch up with the dark haired girl later. Marinette shrugged, collected her stuff, and went off to find a quiet place to work on her historical research project for the ball.
The trio found a secluded bench in the park across the way. The two doing the holding tossed their hostage onto the bench and Adrien landed with an –oomph-. He rubbed his shoulder and started to say something but backed off immediately, seeing the slightly peeved expression on both of their faces. Alya stood with her hands on her hips. Nino’s arms were crossed. Both were looking down at him. He sunk into the bench a bit, scared for the first time ever for his life, and he’d yet to find out why exactly his life was in danger.
“I don’t know what’s happened,” Alya practically hissed, “but you and Marinette have been acting weird since Monday. She won’t tell me what’s going on but one of you is going to spill or so help me, I’ll make both of your lives miserable.”
Adrien flinched. What could he say? This whole thing with Mari was a mess and he didn’t know how to fix it. He opened and closed his mouth several times before releasing a frustrated groan, running his hands through his hair furiously. “Look, I don’t know what to tell you two,” he finally stated. “I know you’re worried about us but I really can’t share anything. Mari and I… well, we’re just going through a rough patch is all.”
“Dude, a rough patch,” Nino snickered, “You call this a rough patch? You’ve been growling and making eyes at any guy that’s been near Mari all week….”
“She hasn’t been sleeping,” Alya added quickly.
“Both of you barely talk to each other….”
“Mari’s been acting like a zombie….”
“You’ve been daydreaming more than usual….”
“So I’ll ask again: What happened?”
Adrien blinked at the both of them. He was amazed. He knew that both of them were loyal and observant but this was a new level. He sighed and wrung his hands together. “Look, I really can’t say anything. There are things going on between me and Mari that… well, we just can’t share. I know you two are worried but please, give me a little more time. I’ll make it work. Promise.” The two of them shared a look. Nino sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. Alya dropped her hands.
“Look dude, we’re here for both of you.”
“Not going to lie, it’s frustrating to be left in the dark but if it means that much to both of you, we’ll wait until you’re ready to talk to us.” Adrien smiled up at the two of them.
“Thanks. Really.” Nino offered him a hand to help him up. Alya paused and caught Nino’s arm before they started heading back.
“Should we tell him,” she whispered.
“What? That we know about him being Chat Noir? Not yet.”
“I know,” he patted her hand. “We’re best off waiting babe. Until they come to us. Pushing it’ll only cause more cracks and we don’t want that right now.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Especially since I have a bet to win.” She rolled her eyes before placing a peck on his cheek.
“In your dreams. Adrinette is definitely going to beat LadyNoir.”
“But don’t forget about Ladrien or Marichat.” They giggled together over the stupid ship names they’d created for their oblivious friends and caught up with Adrien who’d noticed their absence at the entrance and paused to give them time to catch up. They brushed it off as wanting a brief make-out session. He only rolled his eyes and together, they all headed off to find Marinette in the corner of the library, working very diligently on her project.
Marinette was completely nervous. Friday night was cool over Paris but it was only part of the reason why she currently was shivering on top of Notre Dame. Since an akuma attack had taken place yesterday, their normal patrol schedule was cancelled in favor of a Friday route. It was something they agreed on that required no talking which is why she’d been able to basically runaway after the fist bump yesterday. She was early by nearly thirty minutes for their patrol. This gave her plenty of time to panic and worry about how Chat was going to react to her since Monday had been a complete wreck. On top of that, she’d turned to a civilian for emotional support; the same civilian she’d basically hurt Chat over. She wanted to scream in frustration.
Soft footfalls from behind told her that he’d arrived. She gripped the edge that she currently sat on, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, “Hello Chat.”
She could feel his eyes burrowing into the back of her head and she was pretty sure she could make out the soft swish of his tail and the sound of his baton shrinking to be stored on his back. He approached her slowly.
“My Lady,” he greeted. He kept his voice even and soft to not scare her off.
The last couple of days had been hell for both of them he knew; Alya and Nino had called his attention to it. After they’d returned to school, Adrien watched Marinette. Really watched her. He saw the bags under her eyes and the clear lack of sleep she had. Her head had been bobbing towards the table several times. He felt so guilty because it was obvious that his talk with her late Monday night hadn’t done anything to help ease her worries about hurting his own feelings.
She stood, bringing him out of his thoughts. A quick tug at her yo-yo pulled it off her hip and readied it for throwing. “East or West?”
“East or West Chat. We can talk after.” He paused. He could see her shoulders shaking even though she didn’t turn around to face him. His own slumped as he deflated at the sight of his lady, his princess, his Marinette, standing heroically over the city she loved but shaking from fear because of him.
“Marinette….” She jerked but tossed her yo-yo. It latched onto a nearby gargoyle.
“I’ll go East. See you at the tower.” A quick tug on the string sent her flying towards the East. Chat watched her take off and he sighed, decidedly hurrying to the West, just to make this conversation happen faster. After all, she couldn’t really escape afterwards now could she?
But she already knew that. Ladybug only half paid attention as she patrolled the East part of Paris, nearly missing a robbery in progress, before she ended up at the Tower. They normally met on one of the beams just short of the viewing platform because it was more freeing to be standing on an open beam than caged by the safety barrier. She landed on said beam, panting. Chat was already there, leaning against one of the cross beams, arms crossed, and eyes closed. His ears twitched to hear her land. This prompted him to open them and stare at her. She swallowed painfully. He walked towards her slowly and she began to lose her nerve. With each step he took, she took one back until she was pinned by another cross beam. Her back was pressed flat against it, hands flat, and her face turning as red as her mask. She had to fight hard to keep the tears at bay. Chat smiled at her and ducked his head a bit. “You can’t runaway now Marinette,” he whispered. She kept her eyes adverted from him. Quickly biting her lower lip helped to keep it from quivering. “Ladybug, please look at me.”
“I-I... can’t.”
“Yes you can.”
“No I can’t.” She swallowed again, curling her hands into fists against the metal. “I know you’re upset with me. I know I hurt you. I promised Tikki I wouldn’t and one of the first things I do is hurt you.” He smiled softly, grabbing her chin gently to turn her head to him. She kept her eyes adverted though.
“Does it look like I’m mad at you Marinette?” She blinked but stayed silent. He ducked his head more. This forced her eyes to finally meet his. All she saw was warmth in them. There was no hint of anger with her or even hurt; if any of it had happened, he was good at keeping it hidden from her. She slumped back against the beam. “I promise. I’m not mad at you. I’m not disappointed or upset or any other negative emotion you can think of. I’m none of it. What I am, if anything, is sorry.”
She balked. “Wh-what? Why? You’ve got nothing to be sorry for!” She reached forward, clutching his shoulders. “I’m the one that’s sorry! I tried to rush things and I was stupid and said things I shouldn’t have and I hurt you. Don’t lie to me. I know I did. It was me doing all that. Not you. If anything, you’re innocent of all guilt. I….” Chat placed a finger on her lips to stop her. She fell silent.
“No there is something. I didn’t make sure to clear everything up. I ran away and I left you to panic about hurting me. I didn’t make it clear that what we were doing was alright, that I understood everything, and truly, I trusted everything you said.” He ducked his head lower again. His eyes glowed green in the near darkness his shadow created; she gulped but couldn’t tear her own away. “Can I make-up for it now? Can I show you?”
She nodded slowly and kept going until his lips made contact with hers.
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladrien June Day 23 - Squall: Security detail
This story is a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, and Marichat May stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Squall
After much thought, Adrien decided that his best bet was heading to the school that he knew his father had attended in his universe. It was a long walk there, but he was stubborn enough not to give up – particularly when he knew that Gabriel was stubborn enough to have spent many evenings and even nights on campus. He felt that the alternate universe version of his father would be the same way.
“This is it?” Trixx asked, briefly poking his head out of Adrien’s pocket just to get a quick glimpse.
“I think so.” Adrien stared up at the building. To his inexperienced eye, it looked a bit different than the one in his universe. But that seemed to be par for the course for this universe.
He climbed the steps and made his way inside. No one gave him a second glance; given the time of day a lot of people had already gone home, and those left behind were too preoccupied to worry about a teenager. Again, Adrien marveled over the anonymity this universe afforded him. Everything else might be weird, but he relished the chance to walk somewhere and not be fawned over or even noticed.
After examining the sign on the wall, he began making his way upstairs. The staircase was open to the floor below, and he paused for a few minutes to watch the movie that was being filmed. It looked like student work, and it made him remember that time that he and his classmates had filmed a movie together. They’d gotten a pretty high mark on the project from Madame Bustier too.
Of course, this was a much more serious production. There were a bunch of lights and camera equipment set up, to begin with, and all of the actors were wearing what Adrien could tell were expensive suits. Some of them were acting as a security detail, while others were taking places behind podiums. It was nothing like the silly little scenes that he and his friends had acted out.
Nothing like almost kissing Marinette before Chloé interrupted them…
Adrien’s face burned at the memory, and he quickly turned away from the production, hurrying the rest of the way up to the second floor. Just thinking about how close he and Marinette had come to kissing made butterflies fill his stomach. He’d always thought so highly of her, but now that he knew Marinette was Ladybug, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was way out of his league.
Guess he should’ve kissed her when he had the chance, Adrien reflected, shaking his head – though just the thought of it made him blush harder, so maybe not.
“Excuse me, can I help you?”
Adrien stopped and turned to look at the person who had approached him. It was a teacher, he realized.
“I’m looking for Gabriel Agreste,” Adrien said. It might be dangerous to give out a name like that, since he didn’t want to meet Gabriel face to face, but it seemed better than wandering around the school.
“Oh? Monsieur Agreste’s classroom is down there. He’s probably still here, but he doesn’t like to be disturbed,” the man said, which made Adrien smile wryly. Apparently, some things truly didn’t change even in an alternate universe.
“Thank you,” Adrien said. “I have – uh, I have a message for him. I’ll try not to bother him for long.”
“Alright.” The man still seemed a little doubtful, but he allowed Adrien to go on without being questioned further. Adrien walked down the hall towards the room that the man had pointed to.
Luckily, all of the doors had windows.
Adrien stopped in front of the right one and peeked inside.
He immediately saw that it was definitely the classroom of design students. There was sewing supplies and fabric all over the place, along with a bunch of half-finished designs on dress forms lining the side of the room.
And right smack in the middle of the room was a young man with blond hair and a very familiar stern frown.
“It’s him,” Adrien breathed, leaning closer.
Gabriel didn’t notice him, which was probably for the best because he didn’t seem to be in a good mood. He stood back and looked at his dress form for a few seconds, then scowled, stomped over to it, and ripped a bunch of fabric right off it. Adrien’s eyebrows shot up at the rough handling of the design, especially when Gabriel then dumped the ruined fabric all in the garbage. Apparently he wasn’t happy with it.
Movement in the room made Adrien duck down a bit instinctively as he realized for the first time that Gabriel wasn’t alone. His first excited thought was that he was going to see his mother.
But he was wrong.
None other than Bridgette Dupain walked over and wrapped her arms around Gabriel, hugging him.
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