#and with skales and spitz
spinjitzuladykaia · 5 months
ok so something make me think
if Fritz is forgotten by EVERY formling + people from never-realm wouldn't that mean that sorla,formling leader,kataru and AKITA dosent remember him also?!
if geo is also forgotten does that mean vania,all munces and geckles,dont remember him?!
and if spitz is also forgotten does that mean skales dont remember him?!
we dont know yet is bonzle a skulkin tho,but doc did promise we get her story to be known soon
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tricogarfield · 27 days
Okay, so, this might be a VERY HOT TAKE but...
Do you ever think about Skales' kid Skales Jr. and his wife Selma??? Like, what happened to the little guy? And where is Selma now?
That was, until it hit me;What if SPITZ is the kid of Skales???
Like, you gotta hear me out for a second,,,,what if Selma died sometime after appearing (perhaps shortly before or durig Crystallized or something?) And Skales was so caught up in the grief, he completely ignored his own son who just lost his mother? Like, a similiar situation of Cole and his dad Lou perhaps!
So Skales Jr. ventures out, completely unnoticed by his own father and starts traversing the land
And he eventually, either before or after The Merge, he ends up in the Land of Lost Things, where he takes on the name Spitz because he doesnt want to be just a shadow of his father who neglected him???
I'll admit, this is a hot take and it could very well be that you see Skales Jr. and Selma in the last episode of crystallized and I was just too blind to see it, but- this would be super interesting to see, wouldn't it??? Especially with Cole having had a similiar situation and then helping and comforting Spitz and telling him about his dad!
Anyway, this thought just randomly hit me at 5 AM and I should go to sleep now, bye TAT
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master-jarrus · 8 months
So finished my rewatch of all of ninjago that is easily available on Netflix (so the original, day of the departed and some of the shorts I could not watch)
Theories about dragons rising and therefore SPOILERS
While the merge would’ve happened no matter what BUT Ras and Beatrix triggered it early
Ras’s master is the overlord
Land of the Lost tells us what’s going on with the Departed Realm. It could’ve shown up on the map but once you’re in you can’t leave it creates a fog
Lloyd could’ve ended up in the land of the lost as a kid
I have decided that Spitz is actually Skales Junior but he got separate from his family during one of the events in Ninjago and they all thought he died and he lost all his memories
Fritz is a formling and judging by his hat he has a bird form. I’m hc that he got lost and stuck in the land of lost things during Zane’s reign and by the time anyone was able to remember him it was too late
Geo, is so obviously is love with Cole but I’m sorry I ship Cole and Vania and I won’t be swayed maybe they can be poly but I feel like a lot of Geo’s affection for Cole may come from him being the Son of Lilly and so he feels like he is the only one who can truly accept him
The Merge had to have messed with people’s memories because Lloyd keeps being treated like this perfect angel and no one wants to mention how much of a menace he was a child and I think Sora and Arin would greatly benefit from learning that (and not just in haha he was a menace and he’s getting payback from them. I really think it will help them in their learning)
Cole is most definitely going to be the one to find Jay
The administration is a nightmare but also far too real but maybe that’s just because I live in the US (cries in victim of capitalism)
The Administrator has to be either PIXAL or Garmadon but a fun twist would be Mindroid or Borg
Misako realistically would be dead by this point the youngest she could be before the Merge was mid 70s (I refuse to believe she and Garmadon got married before she was 20 because I’m so tired of cartoon woman being questionably young. I don’t care if that means she was late 40 early 50s when she had Lloyd it’s possible and actually not uncommon) BUT this is Ninjago so she’s probably alive and researching stuff
Also did anyone notice that the temple grave place Nya and Sora went to had a pillar that matched one in the Monastery and they show it immediately after in almost the same place I am really hopeful that’s important
PIXAL better be living her best life building stuff for fun and profit and they only thing missing is Zane and she just really misses him but otherwise everything is perfect for her and she won’t have to leave that but instead just move it to the monastery or the crossroads
The Geckle chancellor knew it was Zane he just didn’t recognize him at first and was embarrassed about it so he tried to cover it up by saying not even Zane himself could live up to Zane
Blazey H Speed/Racer 7 is Kreel change my mind
The explorers club has branched out significantly and now every major city that will allow them has a club house
The ninja are adults in this and you can’t change my mind
I think Lloyd is late 20s early 30s
I know Wu or the first spinjitzu master is probably who the big source dragon was talking about but I really hope it was the good part of Garmadon I just would really like to see that and it would also be funny if there were multiple versions of Garmadon running around because of Harumis ritual and then like the merge caused him to further split apart. It would be hilarious
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