#and yeah he should meet ratchet lol
theharddeck · 2 years
out of the blue, clear sky (chapter one) // Jake Seresin x Reader
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Pairing: hangman x fem!reader (no y/n)
Synopsis: what's a bit of state rivalry between pilots? You and Hangman see each other in a new light after a late night at a dive bar, and this started as a one shot, then suddenly it was 2k words of country karaoke, and now I want to write a fluffy love story
Warnings: 18+, minors please DNI -- this is a 5 chapter deal and this one is pretty PG, but it'll ratchet up to E in a later chapter, and I don't want to mislead anyone. In the interim, there's swearing, but yeah mostly flagging this because something smutty this way comes
Length: 3.2k
A/N: This is self-indulgent to the max, and payoff is late in coming, but I hope y’all enjoy it lol. I regret to inform you that Sold (The Grundy Country Auction Incident) is required listening before reading; it’s just important to note that it’s a fun/funny song, not a sultry one. Jake’s song is “Carried Away” by George Strait, also a delight, but that one is sweet.
tagging the usuals: @peakyrogers@winterrebel04 @blue-aconite and the folks who convinced me to post: @bioodforbiood @et-homephone
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five
Should you have been out this late, the night before you had drills in this morning? No.
Should you be taking anything anyone said at this hour seriously? No. 
Should you be taking anything anyone said at this hour seriously? No. 
Were you all still going to be defensive when Bradley decided to be coastal elitist about something? Absolutely, yes.
“Man, we were having such a good night,” Fanboy muttered, as you, Bob, and Hangman were immediately up in arms.  
“You can just say you don’t like when women have feelings, Bradford,” you said. (A grossly reductive accusation, to be sure, but if Rooster was going to generalize, you weren’t going to take the high road.)
Coyote snorted, taking another pull of his beer as Phoenix came back to the table, kicking her feet up on Bob’s lap.
“God, that felt good,” she sighed, holding out a hand and waiting for someone to put a drink into it. “Who’s next?” 
“Presumably Hangman,” Bob said, handing her a glass, “to redeem the genre of country music.”
“Nah, I don’t sing,” Jake waved a hand airily, and you knew better than to look at him, but you did anyways. 
Normally, you were sober enough to ignore any sorts of feelings that fluttered, unprovoked, in your stomach when you looked at Jake Seresin. He was a pilot like you, you were in the same detachment, it wasn’t going to be something you acted on, you were far from his type anyways…you had a million little rationalizations as to why a crush was impractical, but it persisted nonetheless. 
Crushes were inconvenient like that.
This deep into the night, “normally” did not apply. 
So you looked at him, sternly reminding yourself to not do anything so dramatic as let your breath catch, or pulse leap. 
He didn’t seem nearly as deep in his cups as the rest of the group.
No, of course, he and Phoenix seemed to be the only ones whose eyes were still clear and faces weren’t flushed. In fact, he had the audacity to look as unfairly attractive as he did in the daytime in his uniform, even though you’d all been awake for close to twenty hours now. His blonde hair was mussed, and looked softer than normal, like he’d carded his fingers through it enough that any styling products had relinquished their hold, and it was a damn good look. 
You frowned down at your drink, the deep umber liquid not seeming any lower, though you’d been nursing it for half an hour. 
“It’s okay,” you said, to distract yourself, more than anything. “Texas doesn’t really count as Country, anyways.”
Mickey tittered, and you felt Jake’s eyes on you, but didn’t trust yourself to look up to meet them.
“Damn straight,” Jake huffed. “Texas was actually–”
“Its own country,” Reuben interrupted, longsuffering.
“For seven whole years,” Bradley continued, “an independent nation all of their own, called…”
“The Republic of Texas,” Javy lifted his glass. “And they were called Texians, actually, not Texans.”
The three of them clinked their glasses together in a cheers, and Jake held up his hands.
“Okay, okay,” he shrugged, nonplussed. “So, I’ve got a lot of state pride, sue me.”
“That’s okay,” Phoenix said, before winking almost imperceptibly at you. “Not like there’s any good country artists from Texas.”
Jake froze. “Okay, now, hang on–”
“Ah, you’re right,” you sighed, grateful for distraction of goading Hangman into singing. “Beyonce took all the musical talent, regardless of genre, and there’s no one left.”
Jake set his bottle down on the table. “That’s bold, coming from someone from Kentucky.”
“I can’t hear you over the sound of Kentucky-born legend Loretta Lynn,” you said calmly.
Jake sputtered. “Loretta–”
“Patty Loveless, too,” Bob said helpfully, and you didn’t know how he knew that, but you were grateful for the WSO’s encyclopedic memory. “And Chris Stapleton, if modern’s your thing.”
Jake gaped at the two of you, then held up a hand to count on his fingers. “Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, George Strait–”
“Who?” you interrupted, innocently. Your dad had a George Strait cassette he’d played until the tape wore out, but Jake’s eyes widened almost comically. 
“Please,” he asked, in the most serious tone you’d heard from him all night, “please, tell me you’re joking.” 
Behind him, Reuben had a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh, and you managed to keep your expression wide-eyed and blank, shrugging lightly. 
Jake stared at you for a long moment, then he stood up, sharply.
“Cretins,” Jake declared, pointing at you, then around at the group. “All of you!”
And he huffed his way up to the stage. 
Phoenix leaned back in her chair to hold out her hand to you, palm up, which you high fived unashamedly as Jake aggressively flipped through the song book. 
He punched a code into the machine on the edge of the stage, then dragged a stool to the middle of the stage.
“Evening, everyone,” he said into a mic, and you rolled your eyes as every female spine in the bar straightened, looking towards the stage. It wasn’t lost on you that he’d turned his accent up, as well as donning an air of “aw, shucks,” humility as he settled onto the barstool.
A couple cat calls echoed around the bar, as contemplative guitar strings plucked over the sound system. 
“Notttt what I was expecting,” Coyote said under his breath, and Hangman cleared his throat before he started singing.
“I don’t take my whisky to extremes,” Jake sang, looking pointedly at the group of you, with the near empty bottle on the table, and Rooster flipped him off. “I don’t believe in chasing crazy dreams…”
As his voice ran around the bar, tables fell quiet, turning back to the stage. Hangman’s voice, normally more callous than decadent, seemed softer, and the simple lyrics of the song rang like a promise.
“My feet are planted firmly on the ground,” Jake crooned, and that really was the only word for it, an effortless spell none of you had been expecting, “but darlin’, when you come around…”
“Well shit,” Fanboy muttered to the group as Jake went all-in on the chorus, “how are we supposed to make fun of him when he’s actually good?”
Shit indeed.
Because he sounded like someone sweet who would promise forever to a girl on the way back from a Friday Night football game, someone who'd give you their jacket and get you home by 9pm. Some sound tech was conspiring against you, because they dimmed the lights in the bar, a soft spotlight falling onto Jake. And he should’ve looked worse like that, in the dramatic lighting, but it made his jaw seem sharper, his eyes brighter, and if you listened closely, you could hear the sound of every woman in this bar falling a little in love. 
They cheered when he finished the chorus, and Hangman was eating it up, wiping his palms on his jeans, and pushing to his feet.
“This has backfired,” Phoenix mumbled, when Jake hopped off the stage, weaving his way through the tables, starting on the next verse.
“We have created a monster,” you agreed.
“No ‘we’ about it,” Javy muttered. “This is all you guys.”
And you supposed it was. 
Jake was making his way over to your table, and you steeled yourself for his arrogance, but were still unprepared.
He smirked as he siddled over to Phoenix, and she rolled her eyes but when he held out a hand, she extended hers, and the rest of the audience squealed when he brushed a kiss over the edges of her knuckles.
You winced internally, why did he have to be so handsome?? He got away with stuff like this, and you couldn’t even be mad at him–
He turned to you.
It had to be the whisky, that’s why you felt the weight of his eyes so heavily. The green of them glittered in the spotlight, and a part of you was loyally muttering “asshole” but another part of you felt like giggling with the rest of the bar.
And then he walked towards you. 
“I get carried away by the look, by the light in your eyes,” he sang, holding eye contact in a way that had to be indecent. You needed to look away so you could remember how to breathe, but you couldn’t back down, so you tilted your head and raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed.
Which, of course, he took as a challenge.
“Before I even realize the ride I’m on, baby, I’m long gone,” Jake sang, stepping closer. 
He reached for your hand, and if Phoenix could do it, you could too–but he didn’t kiss your hand. No, he lifted it, prompting you to stand and spinning you, like prom. The spotlight had followed him, and you felt it brightening the air around you as he pulled you into it. 
“I get carried away, nothing matters, but being with you,” he sang, and instead of letting you wilt back into your seat and out of the light, he dropped your hand around the back of his neck, between the ends of his hair and the top of his shirt, eyes smirking with the challenge, as he continued. “Like a feather flying high up in the sky, on a windy day, I get carried away.”
There was more of the song, you knew that.
But in another, very real sense, you were closer to Hangman than you ever remembered being, close enough to notice his green eyes had flecks of gold in them, and that he had the smallest indentations in the skin along the edges of his eyes, from where his face held the memory of past smiles. And now you knew what his hair felt like between your fingers, and that it wasn’t cologne, he just smelled good.
“I get carried away,” Jake repeated, stepping just a step closer to you, and maybe it made you a coward, but you took a step back. He smirked, victorious, and turned, letting your hand fall back to your side as the spotlight followed him back up to the stage.
Mickey opened his mouth and you glared at him. “Not a word, Fanboy.”
He closed his mouth with a snap, but the rest of the group looked entirely too amused for your comfort. 
“Thank you, ladies and gents,” Jake was saying on the stage, dropping into a deep bow and putting the microphone back. “And, uh, Kentucky?”
You looked up at the stage, annoyed to find Jake’s eyes already on you, even through the glare of the spotlight. 
“Would love,” he grinned, all teeth, “to see you top that.”
You heard Rooster chuckle, and that, more than anything, had you pushing out of your chair up to the stage. 
Jake offered you a hand as you got closer, to help you up the steps and you glowered at him as you took it.
“Thanks, darlin’,” you muttered.
“Anytime, sugar,” he shot back, and you hated that his voice sounded way more unaffected than yours. 
You were flipping through the songbook before you realized how impossible this was about to be. 
Natasha had already trotted out the ‘fuck all men’ Carrie Underwood play, and Jake had taken the soft and sweet option; you had to do something different. Something in the ‘Chicken Fried’ vein would be funny, but it would also prove Bradley's point; Gretchen Wilson would do the trick, but she wasn’t from Kentucky… 
Your eyes fell on a John Michael Montgomery song and you smiled to yourself. 
“Hiya, folks,” you said cheerily, going for cutesy rather than borrowing Jake’s bashful routine. A couple girls were glaring at you, having seen Jake serenade you and misinterpreting that familiarity, but you ignored them. 
“You’ve got this, babe!” Phoenix called, and you heard Payback and Fanboy clapping loudly. 
You gave them a mock curtsy, and waited for the song to pick up. 
And boy howdy, did it. 
A banjo, loud and proud, curled through the bar and Bob’s eyes lit up, even as Jake’s jaw dropped.
If you could land this, it would be epic. 
You heard recognition ripple through the room and someone in the front row started clapping along to the beat. You smiled at them gratefully as the fast tempo whirled around you.
“Well, I went down to the Grundy county auction,” you sang, at an auctioneer’s pace, hopping off the stage and wandering through the crowd like Jake had, “where I saw something I just had to have.”
You’d upped your accent too, and it wasn’t smooth the way Jake’s was, but you knew it didn’t sound half bad in the tenor key. 
“My mind told me I should proceed with caution,” you sang, getting closer to your table, and holding out a hand to Natasha, like Jake had, “but my heart said go ahead and place a bid on that.”
She stood, highly amused, and you twirled her into you so her back was pressed against the front of your body. Her hand slid up your legs as she put on a show, loyal like you knew she would be, and you could focus on the rapid fire lyrics as the bar cheered for Nat’s dancing skills. 
"And I said, “Hey pretty lady, won't you give me a sign? I'd give anything to make you mine o' mine; I'll do your biddin' and be at your beck and call."
Natasha was laughing, you could feel her upper body shaking but she rolled her hips and you went with her and was Coyote miming throwing money at the two of you, so you leaned into it. 
You finished the chorus in a rush, people whooped, the sultry mood Jake had said absolutely decimated by the ridiculous patter.
You spun Phoenix back out and she sank gracefully back into a seat as you walked around the group of your friends, their boots stomping supportively. As you sang the next verse, you avoided looking at Jake, knowing you needed to keep your momentum and circling back to kneel in front of Bob dramatically. 
The sweet WSO blushed at the attention, and the bar whooped when you crooked a finger under his chin to tilt his face up to you, before pointing out his ‘ruby red lips, blonde hair, blue eyes’ that matched the line in chorus. 
“If you know it, sing along,” you yelled into the mic before pointing it to the ceiling as you weaved your way back to the stage, relieved beyond belief when the rest of the inebriated crowd joined you in singing the last chorus.
It was a mercy, because you needed to breathe. 
You stepped back up onto the stage, having caught your breath, and ending the song on a yodel that had everyone laughing. Were they in love with you—no. But they seemed entertained, and you’d take that; you bowed deeply as the bar cheered, blowing a smug kiss at Hangman when you came back up.  
Which was a mistake.
Because the look on his face was something you hadn’t expected to see, an expression that wavered between respect and something you didn’t recognize, and you weren’t prepared to find out. A moment later, it was gone, chased away by a dimpled smile and the tipping of an imaginary hat as Jake broke his gaze away from you. 
What the hell was that? 
You fiddled with the mic, stepping down off the stage and nodding to a couple folks who lifted their drinks as you made your way back to the group. They cheered for you good naturedly, and gave another curtsy as you found your seat. 
“Who knew she had pipes?” Payback teased, uncapping a fresh beer and passing it to you. 
“Anything for the virtue of the Bluegrass state,” you demured, taking the beer gratefully. 
Someone from another group was up on the stage, you heard a phone ring distantly, and the normal din of the bar creeped back in as the adrenaline seeped out of your system. 
You were sure you were all going to regret this, in the morning. 
Well, most of you.
Natasha still looked fine and Jake…
Jake wasn’t at the table. 
You frowned slightly, trying to keep your expression neutral as you leaned forward in your seat, looking around the room to find the Texan. He wasn’t in your row, he wasn’t at the bar getting an order…
Your eyes found him by the bar’s entrance, holding his phone to his head with one hand, the other blocking his ear. He was pacing, and when he turned back towards the group of you, his forehead was wrinkled in an uncharacteristic frown. 
His eyes met yours.
For the second time tonight, you read something in his face that you knew you hadn’t been meant to see.
Jake’s jaw tightened and he turned away, pacing again. When he got closer to the door, he reached for it, but a moment later, his hand was back by his ear, blocking out sound as he listened intently. You saw him start for the door again, but each time needed to pull back to listen more closely to whoever was on the other end of the line.
You didn’t plan to head towards him, but your feet had you halfway across the bar before you realized you weren’t in your row. As you got closer, you could feel the tension radiating off of him in waves, even if you couldn’t hear what he was saying. 
When you opened the door for him, Jake’s gaze felt searching. 
You held the heavy door, pressing yourself against the wall of the bar so Jake could go by. As he edged by you, his eyes flitted back to yours briefly. 
“Thank you,” he mouthed, and he waited for your chin to dip in a nod of acknowledgement before he was turning, jogging towards his truck. You watched him struggle with his keys in the dim parking lot light, and then pinch the bridge of his nose as he realized he couldn’t drive, not like this. He turned towards the intersection, waving as a cab came into view. 
“What was that about?”
You jumped at the question, surprised to find Bob standing next to you.
“I don’t know,” you said, uncertainly. A cab pulled up to the curb and Jake folded his long body into it, the phone still pressed to his ear.
You realized Bob was holding the door for you, having quietly leaned up against it to take some of the weight so you didn’t have to.  
“We should probably head back, right?” you asked, and Bob nodded, slowly.
“Early morning, all that,” he agreed.
You drew in a quick breath, before smiling automatically, following Bob back inside. As you gathered your things, closed at your portion of the tab, and fielded compliments from strangers, you weren’t certain if it was the night air or the expression on Hangman’s face as he’d left so quickly that had you feeling suddenly sober.
Chapter Two
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petitelepus · 2 years
Could you try this? TFA Ultra Magnus and vampire cybertronian reader (who is like Marceline from Adventure time but being part punk rock and gothic) they had a past and separated from each other from some sort of break up/argument, because of Ultra changing so much and not what he used to be when they hang out. They met again in an awkward situation on earth and then they argued like some sort of someone meeting their EX or old married couple lol (everyone watching the scene unfold-)
You were one of the rare Autobots that made it to the Earth and that was fine by you, you could survive on Earth vehicles once used oil though it was a pity version of the real deal found in other Cybertronians' lines.
But yeah, lucky for you, you made allies with team Prime and their good yet cranky Doctor Ratchet became your oil donator.
You kinda liked him... He was old as you and had seen war as you had also... And he kinda reminded you of that one that you let go.
So imagine your shock when you see Ultra Magnus for the first time in millennials and you are staring at each other, but like bad breaks ups, the things between you were sour.
"What the frag are you doing here!?"
"I'm on behalf of Cybertron here to retrieve the AllSpark fragments."
"Yeah, and like Optimus should trust you!"
"I understand you're upset because I broke things off-!"
"YOU broke things off?! I'm THE ONE who left you!" You screamed and as a part of your vampiric outlier ability your sonic voice almost knocked Bots over and Bumblebee covered Sari's ears so the little thing wouldn't hear the foul things leaving your mouth and for once the prim and proper Ultra Magnus also let his composure waver. As you kept screaming at each other, things started to turn... Awkward.
"You were my first one!" He shouted and you glared at him.
"Your oil used to be my favorite thing to enjoy!"
Okay, now it was just getting weird.
"What...?" Optimus was slowly saying when Sentinel shouted, "Ugh, disgusting!"
"Watch it Sentinel Prime!" Ultra Magnus shouted, "That is my Conjunx you are talking about!
"EX-Conjunx!" You pointed out and glared at the huge blue Autobot. "And I don't need you to defend me or fight my battles Magnus!"
"Uuh, guys?" Bumblebee butted in quietly, "The bad guy is getting away...?"
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sillymuses · 10 months
✒️ the muse's canon
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//I love this movie a lot. Does it have issues? Of course. But that goes for any film out there. I know I'm in the minority when I say I whole-heartedly love the canon of the film. Most people either want the Nerissa twist retconned or the film just deleted entirely for the sake of their Chelby shipping. Meanwhile I would like to see canon be used as a jumping off point for greater stories. I would rather focus on the world of RGTK than a single ship that wasn't ever going to happen in canon anyway.
🎉 the fan favorite character of my muse's canon
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//Lord, I don't want this just be a whole rant thing because I do love Chelsea. But I'm so sick and tired of people literally turning her into the thing the movie mocked and made fun of. She is a villain. That's what she was made to be as. In every iteration of RGTK, from the darker mature story to the OG pitch Chelsea is the antagonist. That's her role. Like, I don't mind her becoming the fanon version of herself. That's called character development. But outright erasing her antagonist-ism just so you can supplant your need for shipping is just UGH. And it really sucks man because she's such a fun character on screen. She is. I love her!
🌓 crossovers
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Crossovers? Love them. Adore them!! Tumblr is the perfect place for the most bizarre rp crossovers. I remember a long time ago when I played Dr. Doofenshmirtz and he ended up meeting Rick Sanchez. It was hilarious because Rick was flabbergasted over how Doof was simultaneously smarter and dumber than him at the same time. Or back in my Ratchet and Clank days where we had this crossover thread with Sonic characters where Emperor Tachyon faced off against a lombax OC and Knuckles from Sonic. Ahh, memories. But yeah, crossovers are always welcomed here!
👀 dash commentary
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//It's a fun little thing! Admittedly I don't do it as much as I used too. But I feel like that mostly stems from how different tumblr acts now compared to how it used to be in the better days.
🎲 ask memes and sentence starters
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//Outside of just making greeters, they're the best way to show someone you're interested. Or you're just curious to learn more about someone's muse and how they work! Good stuff, yeah!
🥂 my favorite part of the canon
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//Giant monsters! Listen, I am a sucker for kaiju. It's kind of what pulled me into RGTK in the first place. And you're telling me I get four giant kaiju's in this film??? And one of them is a mermaid? Something we usually don't see?? Sign me the heck up!
And we see so many other monster statues down in the kraken kingdom and other monsters are name dropped in the art book! There's so much potential for other kaiju's in RGTK's world!!
And you know what? The Nerissa twist. But I should give some context for it. I went into this film pretty blind. I didn't watch any of the trailers. I knew it was coming out and had a vague idea of what it might be. So, I go and see it. I'm enjoying it so far. We get to the half way point where Chelsea's like, 'My mother died trying to get it.' and in my head I'm like, 'AHA. I've got this film figured out. She's gonna use the trident to get revenge for her mother. Finish what her mom started in a sort of way.'
But then we get to the final act and 'Lol, actually I am Nerissa.' which genuinely took me by surprise. I didn't expect that. Ya got me good movie. I didn't see that part coming, props to you. And then when I watched it again knowing she's Nerissa, it just makes her retroactively more evil and I love it.
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critcallylowhp · 1 year
So, Ambulon & Pharma end up having a kid, right? How does he feel about that?
Ambulon and Pharma’s relationship is going to be very different. Pretty much, pharma is just an ass. Not evil or anything, just even harder to get along with. He and Ambulon first met when Ambulon was newly stationed at a new medical outpost. Still had his old paint job and everything. He was… pretty much shunned.
Pharma certainly didn’t like him either. Gave him jobs like paperwork and cleaning and stuff despite Ambulon being very good and thorough with patient care. Their relationship remains rocky and there’s lots of tension… until pharma sees a patient lash out at Ambulon.
Ambulon is injured pretty roughly, but he brushes it off and continues his job. No other doctors or nurse help him, so pharma steps in. From there, pharma starts to see him in a new light and… sort of becomes doting. Almost obsessive. He feels bad for Ambulon but doesn’t know how to express that.
He helps Ambulon out with a new paint job, better hours, a better pay, etc. Ambulon hates it. He sees it as pity, and it kind of is. This boils down to a fight and they both scream to their sparks content. Then, after they’re tired out, they talk it out like adults.
Their relationship is solid at this point. They trust each other and care even if they annoy the hell out of each other. Rumors start flying about it being much more serious than work friends and… eventually, pharma has Ambulon stationed elsewhere. He tells Ambulon it’s to protect his own job and status, but really? He’s worried Ambulon will only be harassed and shunned again.
So, then Ambulon moves on, meets first aid and blah blah blah- stuff happens between them. They end up on earth at ratchet’s request to help out the cybertronians staying there. Eventually, pharma comes to visit since he’s now running a traveling clinic. He brings a gift too, a newly born protoform! A first generation of new cybertronians.
Everyone argues about who they should let it copy the code of, and that’s when ambulon’s human buddy gets too curious. He touches the protoform and it scans the two closest mechs. Ambulon and Pharma. And thus, their child is born.
But yeah- I have a small comic somewhere I doodled and posted to Instagram lol if you wanna see, send another ask since this one is already super long 💀
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The next dayyyy.
Class started but Rena and Satoshi were nowhere to be seen. Keiichi had already ran through the halls looking for them. Satoshi was probably mad because he forgot about his homework but he had unlocked some new secrets in Mario. He planned to impress Satoshi with them but whatever he guessed.
-they are outside in the woods-
“Soooo Shion had sum makeup in her bag. That’s for u…keiichi has a Bruce Springsteen cd…ewww no thanks!!! Rika had a flask…that’s ours now…mion had some Pizza Hut coupons…lol guess we’re getting a pizza later”
Satoshi had ransacked everyone’s bags and he and Rena emptied their bags to so that it looked like they were also victims. “Omg we have to blame this on satoko”
“Oh also I took all the money as well so we can get some of those clothes at the mall we wer looking at.” Satoshi saw the kewlest sweatshirt. It was from the gap but it was like blue n purple. But it was like 50 bucks. “Girl wait I have an idea. I’m saving the money for something else I know how I can get that sweatshirt”
They went back 2 Satoshis house again. Satoko wasn’t home so they went thru her room and looked at her diary: “Dear diary my brother is sooooo mean to me. He is a bully!!!!” Bla bla bla. Lol honestly teppei sucked n deserved to die n so did his aunt. But sometimes he agreed w them n their choices.
“Omg tomorrow we HAVE to bring this to school and like leave it in someone’s desk. It would be funny I think” Rena said
Just then the phone wrang. “Who is this.”
“Hey it’s me Keiichi! Wat r u doing right now?”
He held the phone away from his face. “Rena it’s Keiichi should I tell him to meet me at the mall” and they laughed.
“Hey I couldn’t hear u what did u say?”
“Nothing. What do u want.”
“I was wondering if I could come over n we could play Mario I have 2 show you something”
He held the phone so he and Rena could both hear it. “Yea do ur parents have any alcohol? Maybe u could being that. I’ll let u come over if u do”
��Well…maybe they’ll notice”
“Omg it’s literally not a big deal I used to do it to my uncle all the time. Just full it back with water so it looks like nobody took sum” he rolled his eyes
“Um well ok…I’ll see you soon then I guess”
“Yea don’t forget the alcohol see u later”
Satoshi hung up “We are gonna go get cross faded girl”
They went to his room and hot boxed. He had to to deal w keiichis ass.
30 mins later they heard a knock. Satoshi opened the door “Hey”
“Hey best friend!!! …Wats that smell”
“God you are such a goodie two shoes. Anyway where’s the alcohol” He grabbed it out of keiichis hand. “cool thanks. Come in”
Keiichi walked in and set up the famicom. “This tv is old I don’t even no if I can set this up”
“Are u calling me poor? R u?”
“Um no I didn’t say that. It’s retro that’s kewl”
Rena whispered to Satoshi “He is so dumb I swear to god” “Girl I know right”
“So Keiichi we were thinking of going to the mall tomorrow. Maybe you could come”
“Oh kewl kewl. Yea I’ll come the sports store had this kewl BB gun on sale that I wanted”
“Yeah the Gap had this kewl sweater…it was like 50 bucks tho…so…”
He stared at Keiichi expectantly. He knew he would look sooooo good in this sweater. He wanted to pair it with his acid washed boyfriend jeans n his converses he stole. He bought the jeans JUST so he could pair it with the sweater.
“Hmmm well we could go check it out I guess. Anyway who wants to play Mario”
Rena rolled her eyes “Who wants to fall asleep am I right” Satoshi hip bumped her “Who wants to order a pizza” she said staring at Keiichi
“Yea that sounds good to me guys. Why r u staring at me?”
“Well unfortunately whoever took our bags at school stole all my money so we r wondering if you could get it n we pay you back” Satoshi said blinking his eyelashes “Or do you not like me enough”
“Yeah cool cool. Okay that’s fine…thanks for letting me com over btw”
“Yeah ur welcome. Anyway Rena u gotta see the mag I got at the store today, Debbie gibson is in it” they sat at the table reading the magazine drinking keiichis alcohol.
“Cool I wanna join” Keiichi sat with them.
Satoshi sighed “Cool do u like debbie gibson? Sorry Bruce Springsteen isn’t in this magazine you wouldn’t like it. Anyway Rena this top is so cute, u would look soooo hot in it”
Keiichi tried to join in. “Yea you would look pretty in it. Did u guys catch last nites baseball game?”
“Ummm what kind of loser likes baseball” Satoshi rolled his eyes. Rena and Keiichi both looked at him. Satoshi went back to the magazine n read the astrology section. “My guys look what it says about Geminis this month. Apperantly I am going 2 get rich and get lots of money. Wow that would be nice”
“Wat does it say about Aries” Keiichi didn’t care about girly astrology but he wanted 2 look like he fit in
“It says this month u will feel charitable…hmm that’s nice of u.”
“Wow that’s kewl. Anyway what pizza do we want” they ordered the pizza. Satoshi and Rena started smoking weed again. “Guys what are u doing?” He looked shocked
“I guess what they say is true it’s hip to be square I guess” Rena said smoking the weed and passing it to Keiichi “I thought u wanted to fit in with us.”
“Um ok…”he tried to smoke but he coughed. “why would you wanna do this guys it doesn’t seem very fun”
They showed him how to smoke weed. If he was willing to smoke w them maybe he was a little Kooler than they thot. Keiichi smoked a lot and they thought it would b funny to just let him.
The door bell rang “Keiichi go get it”
It was SHION!!! “OMG what does that ugly ratchet dusty bitch want. Keiichi tell her we went to the mall. Tell her we waited for her but she never showed up n that I’m mad at her”
So he did. “Um why r u at Satoshis house by itself.”
He wanted to answer but he couldn’t think of anything to say “Ummmm well” he was so fucked up he didn’t know what to think “Well his plumbing was messed up so he wanted me 2 look at it for him”
“Whatever just let me in” she pushed her way in “Keiichi are u smoking weed? It’s like I don’t even know U!!!”
Then the pizza came! Keiichi took it
“Keiichi that’s a lot of pizza for just 1 person. Ur sooo high” she laughed at him mockingly “Keiichi why r u listening to Debbie gibson?”
“Ummmm well g2g. Sorry they are at the mall like I said I guess they waited for u”
He shut the door in her face
“Stupid bitch”
He took the pizzas to the other room “She’s so stupid I’m a little sick of her Tbh”
“Omg us too! She thinks she’s all that. Well newsflash…SHE ISNT!!!!” Rena said flipping her hair
“Watever guys let’s just play Mario I guess since Keiichi doesn’t want to have fun.”
They played Mario except Keiichi was so fucked up he couldn’t even play. He was just looking at the screen trying to figure out what path Mario needed to take to jump over the pipe.
“Keiichi what r u doing. U are sooo dumb. Okay let’s prank call people” Satoshi picked up the phone and called the irie clinic.
“Hi is this the irie clinic?”
“Hello yes this is! How can I help you?”
“Oh shit sorry I thought this was the nambla hotline” Satoshi hung up and he and Rena laughed their asses off
“ummm. What’s nambla” Keiichi asked and then laughed his ass off at himself since nobody else seemed to think he was funny
“Keiichi we have soooo much to teach u.” Rena said
They ate the pizza n watched tv. Well maybe Keiichi had friends after all…
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exolistic · 6 years
Mystic Part 6
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Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Genre: Angst
Stuck amidst an intricate tangle of lies and deceit, who will you choose to trust?
5 Days Until the Party
My mind has been reeling ever since I got that text from Yixing. I feel like I can trust him for some reason, but so many uncertainties still plague my mind. I have a horrible feeling in my gut that there is a lot more to this situation than I think, and that I’m going to have to find out soon, probably the hard way. I barely slept last night, thought after thought infiltrating my cluttered mind. I talked to some of the boys of EXO, however, learning a little more about them. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t beginning to really enjoy their company.
I was told to talk to Yixing more, but I haven’t texted him yet, as I’m not sure what I should do. After the text he sent me last night, I have no clue what I should do. Will he understand what I’m doing if I randomly strike up innocent conversation? I almost sent a message so many times, but I was so scared that his previous message would show up, even though I deleted it. If people from Anonymous find that, I’m dead. I’m assuming that they didn’t see it, as I probably would have gotten an earful by now. Even more than an earful, I’m sure. I’m not sure how Yixing pulled that whole thing off, but I force myself to not dwell on it.
I continue pacing around the room, the morning light blinding my tired eyes. I can’t get Yixing out of my head, his message repeating in my head over and over again, paranoia fueling my energy.
My phone chimes, a text from Baekhyun. We’d been texting throughout the night, and I feel like I’ve grown a lot closer to him. I learned all sorts of things about him last night. I learned that he and Chanyeol are roommates, and have been best friends for years. He’s a writer, and dropped out of college to become an author after his parents kicked him out of the house. He has a dog named Mongryong, and he swears she’s the best dog in the world. I smile, remembering our conversations last night, and open the EXO app.
Baekhyun: I’m still just gonna talk to you on here. Still avoiding the chatroom at all costs T-T
Poor Baekhyun, so terrorized by the other members. I love their relationships. How they interact is what I had always wanted to have in a friend, but never got. I type out a response, a smile still lingering on my lips.
(Y/N): You’re gonna have to do it eventually, why not now? I’ll back you up when they tease you.
Baekhyun: That is not true! You already sided with them.
(Y/N): I’m going to open a chat right now, you should come and get it over with. You can’t wait forever, the party is in five days.
Baekhyun T-T
I chuckle, opening a chatroom.
(Y/N) has entered the chat
Baekhyun has entered the chat
(Y/N): Baekhyun! You’ve decided to come!
Baekhyun: I’ve come to meet my fate and suffer the consequences.
(Y/N): Once they see your name in the chatroom they’re gonna flip out lol.
Baekhyun: Don’t remind me T-T
Jongin has entered the chat
Baekhyun: Oh no
Jongin: !!!!!!!!!!
Jongin has left the chat
(Y/N): What? Was he so excited that he left?
Baekhyun: No…. he’s texting everyone else to come too. You can’t private chat while you’re in the chatroom.
(Y/N): Oh I see. Sorry Baek lol.
Baekhyun: It’s okay I’ve accepted my fate. I’ve numbed out my emotions to prepare for the roast.
(Y/N): You sound experienced, does this happen often?
Baekhyun: Possibly…..
Sehun has entered the chat
Jongin has entered the chat
Chanyeol has entered the chat
Baekhyun: Here we go boys.
Chanyeol: I already roasted him but I’m ready to see this, I’m still feeling petty.
(Y/N): I feel like a terrible person but this is gonna be funny.
Baekhyun: (Y/N) I knew you were a liar when you said you would side with me -_-
(Y/N): :)
Jongin: Baekhyun you are so fuCKING DUMB I CAN’T
Sehun: I thought you couldn’t stoop any lower than the laundromat incident but apparently I was wrong.
Jongin: Okay all of his stupid decisions with the car aside, there’s a bigger problem here.
Sehun: ?
Chanyeol: He has a lot of problems.
Baekhyun: T-T
Jongin: Why were you wearing jeans with fake pockets? I’m pretty sure only women’s jeans are like that lol.
Sehun: Oh shit you’re right.
Baekhyun: So what if they are? Don’t you dare throw gender roles at me, I can wear whatever I want.
Chanyeol: Oh my god Baekhyun.
Baekhyun: Don’t gender stereotype me!
Jongin: You’re impossible.
Chanyeol: I still think the worst part is the fact that he literally gave his keys to a stranger while his car was right there.
Sehun: I personally think the worst part was the fact that he tried to find a mother to help him.
(Y/N): This is great.
Jongin: Baek did you ever get your car back?
Chanyeol: Why don’t you tell them Baekhyun? Tell them what happened to your precious minivan.
Baekhyun: ……
(Y/N): He never told me this part!
Jongin: I’m so ready for this lolololololol.
Sehun: You guys are all pathetic. Why am I here again?
Baekhyun: It doesn’t matter what happened to the car what matters is that I’m okay. That lady could have hurt me! I could’ve lost my life! You guys should be relieved that I left the situation unscathed.
Sehun: Oh my god cut the shit Baekhyun.
Chanyeol: Baekhyun if you don’t tell them I’m going to.
Baekhyun: Why would you play me like this?
Jongin: Omg just tell us I want to hear this.
Baekhyun: FINE
(Y/N): I’m grabbing my popcorn.
Yixing joined the chat
Jongin: You’re here just in time Yixing! Tell Junmyeon to come too!
Yixing: I don’t think Junmyeon will appreciate this, but I’ll stick around.
Chanyeol: Okay go now Baekhyun.
Baekhyun: Okay so I went to the car registration place and had them check the license number to see if there had been reports and……
Jongin: ?????
Sehun: Get on with it. I have things to do.
Baekhyun: The car may or may not now be in a high speed chase across the North Korean border….
Jongin: whATDFH????
Yixing: You guys really are a mess….
Chanyeol: That’s not even the worst of it. Keep going Baekhyun, we’re all waiting.
Baekhyun: They’re also facing a felony for hitting three pedestrians…….
Jongin: oH MY GOD
Baekhyun: Speeding…..
Sehun: -_-
Baekhyun: Driving under the influence…..
Yixing: I shouldn’t be laughing at this right now.
Baekhyun: And stealing $150 worth of food from a Burger King, terrorizing the cashier.
Jongin: Okay but why Burger King??? That’s ratchet as fuck.
Baekhyun: Is that really your concern here? I caused this to happen!
Yixing: It’s not your fault, they would’ve been able to do that with any car.
Chanyeol: I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Baekhyun: So to answer your question, no, I did not get my minivan back. And now it’s probably being held by Kim-Jong-Un or something.
Sehun: Is that the whole story?
Baekhyun: Yep.
Sehun: Okay I can go now then. You’re a mess. That’s all.
Sehun has left the chat
Baekhyun: T-T
(Y/N): Baekhyun we texted about this situation for like two hours last night and you just failed to mention that whole part to me?
Baekhyun: Oops? I forgot?
Chanyeol: You are so impossible Baekhyun. Why are you my roommate again?
Baekhyun: You still love me anyways though
Chanyeol: ……..
Jongin: ;)
Chanyeol: Don’t even start with that you know it’s not like that oh my god.
Jongin: ;)))))))))
Baekhyun: I’m leaving now, you guys have roasted me enough. I’m just gonna go wallow in my low self esteem for a little while.
Chanyeol: Are you in your room? I’ll be there in a few minutes.
Baekhyun: Yeah, that’s where I’ll be T-T
Baekhyun has left the chat
Chanyeol has left the chat
Jongin: They’re totally fucking lol.
Yixing: Jongin oh my god.
Jongin: I have a whole conspiracy about it, I should explain it further to you (Y/N)
Yixing: Don’t terrorize our new member.
(Y/N): They’ll come out eventually.
Jongin: See! She agrees with me!
Yixing: You’re really something, (Y/N)
Jongin: You fit right in here.
(Y/N): I’m glad, I was so nervous lol.
Yixing: No need to be nervous, we’ll always protect you, okay?
Jongin: That’s a little intense lol.
Yixing: You know that don’t you (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes….
Yixing: I have to go now, sorry I haven’t been in the chatroom much. Just a lot of preparations for the party. I’ll talk to you guys later.
Yixing has left the chat
Jongin: I’m gonna go too, I took a break from dance practice to come into the chat once I saw Baekhyun was here lol.
(Y/N): Priorities am I right?
Jongin: Yes exactly lol. I’ll talk to you later, have a good day.
Jongin has left the chat
(Y/N) has left the chat
I set my phone down on the table beside me, unable to hide the smile on my face. I told myself I wouldn’t, but I can’t help but grow attached to these boys.
This only makes me feel more guilty for what I am doing. I want to tell them where I am, what is going on, tell them to be careful, but that would do no good. That would probably end worse for all of us, me especially.
Suddenly, my phone chimes beside me. A text from Yixing. My heart begins to race.
Yixing: Do not reply to this, delete it as soon as you see it. I’m going to call you at one in the morning, please be ready. I have some things to discuss with you in secret. Don’t worry, I have precautions in place so that you will not get into trouble. I’ll talk to you soon.
My eyes widen as I read the text, hastily deleting it afterwards. I glance at the clock, it’s currently 10 in the morning, so I have a while to wait still. Anticipation courses through my veins. I know I will be counting down the minutes for the rest of they day.
The clock reads 12:55 am, and my nerves are in my throat. I’ve been waiting all day, restless. I showered, got something to eat, and sat in my room staring at the wall for most of the day. Tao checked on me at one point, giving me a heart attack, but he only told me to keep doing what I have been doing, and then left. I’ve been living the whole day in paranoia, wondering how Yixing is keeping this a secret from them. Aren’t they going to be listening to our phone call? How is Yixing going to get around that?
My heart races faster in my chest, and I twist my fingers together in anguish.
The seconds tick by.
My heartbeat pulses in my ears.
My breath catches in my throat as I stare intently at the phone in my lap, waiting for the ringtone to sound, ready for the screen to light up.
After a few moments, it vibrates as the incoming call from Yixing illuminates the screen. Shakily, I press accept and bring the phone to my ear, scared he’ll be able to hear my heart beating through to the other side.
“(Y/N)?” His clear voice resounds through the line.
“Hi,” I whisper breathlessly, the air being swept from my lungs.
“Sadly we have to keep this call abrupt. I can only disrupt their connection from the line for so long. I’ll get right to the point, okay?”
“Sure,” I breathe, heart racing.
“Okay. Where do I even begin? The place you are at, it is dangerous. Very very dangerous. At the party we will get you out, but before then I need you to help me with a few things, is that okay?”
“Yes, I’ll help you as best as I can, this place it’s….” I trail off, my mind overwhelmed.
“I know, I know how it is. Listen, I have a transmitter in your phone where I can hear the audio around it, so I can hear conversations going on where you are. Anonymous is up to things, they’re planning something for this party, something I need to find out so I can stop whatever it is. I wish I could explain more, but I can’t right now. I’ll tell you everything really soon, though, I promise.” I can hear the urgency in his tone, and I hang onto his every word.
“I understand,” I say, my skin burning in anticipation.
“I can presume that you’re in the living quarter wing where they keep lower ranked people. I know a way you can potentially spy on the meeting room. You must go all the way to room 721, in there is a vent. If you climb in, and go all the way to the end, you will be right above where they typically have important meetings. Eventually, I’ll tell you when, but I’m going to need you to go there for me. Can you do that?” He sounds desperate, pleading evident in his tone.
He seems to know the way around this place really well. I guess he really was a member of Anonymous. Did he escape too? He doesn’t seem like the type to be involved with a place like this….
“Yes, I can do that,” I say, my voice wavering. Can I really do that? If I get caught…..
“I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, so please don’t worry. If you get caught, I can deal with it. But I will be putting precautions in place to stop that from happening. This is a very messy situation, and right now you play a big part in it. I’m so sorry you got dragged into this, you don’t deserve this. It won’t be much longer though, I can promise you that.”
“Thank you,” I breathe,  multitudes of emotions filling my body.
“I have to go now, I really wish we could talk longer. Your voice, it helps me think more clearly. We’ll meet in just a few days, and I’ll get you out of there. Please just pull through, and be ready to be my spy, okay?” His words are more rushed now.
“I’ll be ready. Thank you so much,”
“I should be thanking you, (Y/N). Goodbye now, sleep well.”
And with that, the call ends, and I’m left in silence.
My mind is overloaded with new information. Room 721. Vent. Spying. Could I really handle all of this? Something tells me I’m going to have to whether I think I can or not.
I lay awake for a few hours, wincing at every noise, scared that someone will come into my room having found out about the phone call. That doesn’t happen, however, and I eventually manage to drift into a restless sleep.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Sonamy boom how sonic found out that he liked amy or vice versa
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(x) Preview image made by Fennec! Please support her! (I love how self-aware Sonic is in this comic where he looks at his heart he just made and is like ‘crap’ lol XD)
“Sonic! A word with the bird?” Soar quickly had charmed his way into stopping Sonic’s morning run, who rolled his eyes and folded his arms; groaning.
“Mr. Hedgehog, rumors have flown up to my part of the sky and stated that you’ve been running since before the dawn of time! What do you have to say?” He almost jabbed Sonic with the mic, and he had to lunge down to dodge it.
“Hey!” He glared.
“Well said.” Soar pulled the mic back, and then turned to the camera, “Now, for the juicy gossip.” he bounced his eyebrows, as Sonic looked confused.
“W-wait a minute, I thought you just talked about rumors? Why are we going into-OFFPH!”
“Zip it, I haven’t questioned you with intimidating camera lights yet.” Soar shoved his mouth shut before then putting an arm around him and in a flashy manner, raising his head up.
“Ladies and Gentlefolks watching, it’s time for Dropping an Ease!”
Suddenly, Sonic was whisked into a chair, “Hey!” and immediately strapped down from his arms, legs, and braced to the chair.
The chair then squeakily was adjusted to move up with some pump-mechanics and a strobe light flared down on him.
“Wrong light!” someone called, and the light that was blinding Sonic suddenly changed to an interrogation light.
“Better! Roll with it!” the same voice cued and then a hand whipped to a point for Soar to come back on.
He swerved in, happy as ever, before starting up his question again, pulling out a card. “Oh, there’s the lights! Haha! Now then, Sonic…”
“I-I-I don’t think I signed up for this.” Sonic fidgetted.
“Who is…” the man narrowed his eyes, leaning closer to the chair.
“No…no… no!” Sonic kept swishing his head around, before Soar slammed a hand down on its side, stopping Sonic from struggling.
“You’re… Crush!”
“I don’t have one!” Sonic shouted out.
“Don’t lie to me! Lie to them!” Soar then pulled him out of the chair when the locks came automatically off and pulled him up to the camera.
“Honestly! I’m way too cool to have a crush!” Sonic’s face was partly smashed into the camera, as Soar pulled him away, giving him a funny look.
“Really? That’s so… Boring.” he flung Sonic over his shoulder, a humorously blank expression on his face, and Soar looking disappointed.
“Well, that was lame. Sorry, folks! But I guess that means his heart is still up for grabs! Any takers?”
The twins at home squee’d and tapped their feet on the ground.
Dave rolled his eyes, apparently having peeked into his mom’s room to see what she was watching.
Amy.. held her blanket closer to her side, and looked down.
The next day, Sonic was recounting the odd experience, but Amy seemed a bit bitter and was countering everything with sarcasm and ridicule.
“Woah! I’m sorry, but… when did this turn into pick-on-Sonic day!?”
“Last Thursday, but I forgot.” Amy glared back.
“Woah, you two need to chill out.” Tails put up his hands and stepped in-between their odd bickering, before then looking to Sonic with an arrogant glee in his eyes, “I mean. Pfft. We can’t all have love interests.” he gloated, clearly having a crush already.
Sonic groaned again and stomped off.
Once he was gone, shaking his head and growling in anger, she softened up and gripped her heart.
“How can someone NOT have a love interest?!” Amy complained at her group meeting, as the other members looked to each other, and awkwardly back at her. “I mean.. when you spend enough time with a totally cute girl you tend to fall for her, right!? Am I missing something? Could it be her hair? Her cooking? When you literally go out and see a guy-flick WHILE complimenting his manly musk- how can you not get brownie points for that? HOW CAN HE NOT HAVE A CRUSH!?!?”
The rest of the members saw her outburst, and out of fear, nodded and scooted back, all trying to reassure her standpoint or agree in some way to her while they muttered in fright.
Walking home, Sonic dashed right by her, and she mumbled something under her breath about him being a ‘fly-by’ kinda guy, before he came back, seeing her with a smile.
“Oh, hey, Amy, how are ya? Alone? Tonight? Dark night? So am I! haha..?” He suddenly chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.
“Yeah. Real chilly.” she hunched forward, sighing. “Sonic… can I ask you something.. personal?”
“Personal? Why Personal? Why do we need to be personal?” he fidgetted, rubbing his arm and looking away, trying to keep up his smile. “Ehem, but on the off chance it’s something cool, what did you have in mind?”
She sighed again, “What.. do we have in common?”
That stopped him real quick, as he looked up to the stars. “W-well..”
“I mean, we both love fighting robots… I guess.” she tilted her head, “And you like to eat and I like making things to eat, so we get along there too..” she gestured a hand out. “I just can’t seem to remember anymore…” she lightly scuffed her hand against a piece of wild wheat, letting the little particles fall where they may as she then dusted her hand off.
Sonic began to reminisce, it was a night like this one too… when he found out…
Amy acting silly and over-the-top, ranting on about the movie they just saw.
“I can’t wait to someday take down a whole evil army!”
“Yeah!” Sonic jumped up, “And I can save a princess!”
“Pfft, please.” she flapped her hand out, “I’m the one saving lazy princesses! You and go and uh… slay a dragon or… something.” she happily balanced on a pole before Sonic spoke up again.
“Hey,… I could save anyone I wanted too! That’s it! A dragon princess!”
“Lame.” Amy did a unique flip, which caught Sonic’s attention. “Woah…” he stared, “Hey, that’s actually kinda cool. And I should know, I’m the epitome of cool~” he flashed his best ‘cool-guy’ finger guns and smile.
She stared a moment before her red cheeks turned away and giggled, sitting down on the horizontal pole. “I guess I just like to be athletic.”
“And that’s totally cool!” Sonic jumped and grabbed the pole, lifting himself up by his arms, showing off. “Hey, Amy. Me and Tails were thinking… you.. you could be pretty cool if you were a hero, ya know.”
She gave him an odd look, “What do you mean? Could?” she teased, lifting her head before ducking it and seeming to blush again, but he didn’t notice, looking up at the night sky.
“I mean.. the first time I met you, you stormed through our door and demanded to be apart of our gang, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well, you made it! You took down Eggman’s robots and even out swung Knuckles! It could be fun, you know? Even if you are a girl…” he looked away, growing strangely shy.
He didn’t seem to mean coming off any particular way, but Amy puffed up her childish cheeks and went to get him.
“And what is that suppose to- ah..aHHH!!!” she lost her balance! Falling fast before Sonic impulsively moved and grabbed her hand.
“Hang on!”
He tried to pull her up, as she watched with amazed eyes before their fingers slipped.
He dashed down in a quick spin-ball like way, ratcheting off of trees and a building nearby to then grab her in his arms.
The two stared in wide-eyed enchantment at one another…
Sonic’s heart was racing, but he figured it was from all the excitement of the daring rescue.
He had never been this close to a girl before…
Amy stumbled out of his arms, growing increasingly more embarrassed. “T-there! You saved a girl! Way to go!” she seemed to aggressively speak the words out, but Sonic took it literally.
As she adjusted her dress and patted her flaming cheeks, he looked at his hands, and then smiled gleefully up at her.
“I did!”
She turned around.
“I totally just saved your life! Ha! You must think I’m the coolest dude around now!”
She couldn’t help it. She turned with a gentle smile, “You were cool without the heroics… Sonic.”
He paused a moment, watching her expression and feeling something stir once again to be closer to her again.
She batted her eyes away, a cute touch, before closing her eyes and tilting her head in a way that made her hair sway with the gesture.
“I always thought of you as my hero.”
Then, something odd and strange happened to him.
He pouted, feeling embarrassed as his face brightened and he angrily wagged his arms about.
“BUT THAT’S NOT FAIR!” he hollered, “I’m supposed to be cooler than that!”
What he never admitted, was that the heat that seemed to come from anger… was from being so touched by such a strong, graceful girl considering him her hero before he officially saved her.
Sonic shook his head from this thoughts, “I always thought we had saving people in common.” he smiled gently, not expecting her to catch on to his inside-reference.
“Hehe, yeah… We’ve always loved saving the world.” She smiled then, turning back to him.
She put her hands behind her back, “You know, we’ve saved it so many times!”
“It’s been fun.” his voice lowered, his eyes lingering on her younger self, the image in his mind.. the feeling of holding her again..
“Yeah, well… I guess it never gets old, huh?” she turned to look back at the stars, not even noticing him staring sweetly to her.
He tilted his head, “No.” he tenderly closed his eyes and looked down. “I guess not.”
He forgot the world for a second…
He’d rather save her again…
If ever she got into trouble again, she was too careful these days…
Too good at saving others and herself.
She suddenly saw something and went over to get it, before tripping and Sonic opening his eyes, almost too late to notice.
Could it be..?
His heart raced, he wondered if fate had heard him before Amy caught herself and balanced her landing with a beautiful roll and poise.
“Ta-dah! haha! No girls’ complete unless she can catch herself, huh Sonic?” she cheekily smiled behind to him, grinning wildly and hoping to make him feel impressed.
However… from his point-of-view… it was cruel. Oh so mockingly cutely..
His hand was still inches from reaching out for her…
He withdrew it back and folded his arms, turning grumpy.
“Yeah,.. swell.” he pouted. “Call me old fashion… but I liked it when heroes saved princesses…” he muttered out.
Amy blushed and looked away. “Y-yeah… I guess that’s just you.”
He frowned harder.
“But…” she giggled and kicked the ground, “Nowadays… girls need a new kind of hero..” she skipped on, and in curiosity, Sonic followed after her.
“Like what?” Sonic stated, rounding to her side. “What kind of hero do girls want?”
“Not want.” Amy stated, winking at him and turning, “Need.”
He pursued, “Y-yeah, but you didn’t answer me!”
“So persistent~ Why are you trying to find out what girls need in a man, Sonic?”
“You said hero.”
“Fine. I’ll tell you.” she put her hands on her hips and spun around. “Girls need a hero who saves them from the things that aren’t attacking them on the outside.”
He paused, not understanding.
“…A princess…” she touched her heart, looking suddenly sorrowful as she peered down at it. “Needs someone who will save her tears…”
She walked on, and Sonic found himself falling in love all over again… 
Sonic then deeply believed that it was an inexcusable sin to make girls cry.
“Oh no...” he shuttered. “I think I did lie.. But not to them.” she was already out of earshot.
“...But to her.”
He didn’t want to save princesses.
He wanted to save the one girl that saw him as a hero... before he ever was one.
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autobotskickaft · 7 years
Transformers fans unite! (A.K.A. Show urself!)
Yo yo yo? Where the transformers fans at! Stop hiding! Don’t be afraid! I might try to start conversations with u if u fave and run! (Lol) I wanna talk to some peeps! (About canon stuff and like. Finding which grump I can call ‘Mr. Grumpy Gears’ (heatwave or ratchet? XD)) and ‘What if’s’ and.. fan characters… and.. u know. Robot stuff~) >> I would also like help thinking of what stuff I can get for my car to help ppl know ‘that driver likes transformers!’ But I can’t get decals that go on the paint (it’d make paint fade ;-; ) And if u wanna show off ur transformers march go ahead! I mostly know about the tv shows but feel free to talk about comics also! I’m starting to read them~
Tv shows I’ve completed (and rewatching with friends because it’s so nice to infect friends with transformers fanatic virus! Yey! I’m not the only one! Lol) >> Rescue bots >> Prime >> Animated >> 80s (I have all seasons on DVD! Was only $40 compared to getting one season for 50 o.o)) I sadly need the animated movie since that’s in between seasons 2 and 3 (I watched at a friend’s house so I know what happens ;-; ) >> Robots in disguise
Ones I’ve yet to see/know nothing about: —-> Beast wars —-> Armada —-> Uh.. omg what else is there. Please tell me! And what order I should watch them in
I’m currently reading phase 1 of IDW comics and after that and mtmte and etc I’ll read 1980s because I wanna see Skids ‘I simply wish to be your car’ moment!!! (Note to self: Marvel #20 showdown)
Some of my fave Autobuddies~~~: >> Mr. Grumpy Gears (Heatwave) (I have his plushie~) (and omg same voice actor as tfp starscream!!! Ahhh!!! xD) >> little.. er.. big ball of anxiety (Blades) >> tree hugger (Boulder) >> mr literal (Chase) >>Dork-Bee! (A.K.A. Animated bee xD he’s such a dork!) >>Ratchet (prime and animated r the best) >>Wheeljack >> I support bulkhead being miko’ dad >> Bee and raph being bros for life >> Idk what do about jack and arcee. Maybe arcee as ‘second mom’ idfk.xD >> I do support Drift being Jetstorm and Slipstream’s dad! >> Blaster >> Tracks >> Jazz >> SkyLynx >> Grimlock >> Prime dad (seriously, I want Optimus as my dad xD ) >> Hot Rod/Rodimus >> Perceptor >>Brainstorm >> Chromedome x rewind are my gaybies (even tho I didn’t read that far into comics, when I see the fanart/comics I die And … um.. them bad dudes (decepti-chums? Idfk what the Autobots call them sometimes xD) >> Tall dark and silent (well, at least tfp Soundwave. But I like others too) …and that one dude who thinks he’s king/prince (and wears stilettos.. which I’m surprised why he doesn’t stomp humans) but g1 starscream is cool too, he even gets his own castle xD) >> Knockout (especially his voice omfg it fits) Uhhhh Who else Idk
>>> car stuff! My dad’s like ‘u’re cars too plain’.. so ‘F’ it in making it an Autobot (tho if t was an El Camino I could make it my oc. Lol) I have car merch, but I would like help thinkng what I want (for my car) I already have Autobot seatbelt covers. That’s all xD that doesn’t help ppl driving by see ‘hey that chick likes transformers! >>>> pics of my merch stuff ((updated with 80s powerglide, cosmos, warpath, beachcomber, and seaspray!) https://dj-the-autobot.tumblr.com/post/160528114870/omg-am-i-metroplex-or-another-bigger-autobot the other list here https://dj-the-autobot.tumblr.com/post/159282474550/my-transformers-merchandise-feel-free-to-share An Autobot mug! I have heatwave plush Prime Ratchet and prime wheeljack figures An Optimus and a Bumnlebee talking mask (idk. My parents randomly found them (and an iron-man mask) and was like ‘yeah, my daughter would love it) Rescue bot mini figures (heatwave, chibimus prime, Boulder, blades, chase, chibi bee) >>>(Merch. I want but not 100%) Perceptor and blaster figure set thingies and perceptor is a working microscope Tracks figure >>>>>>>>>>So yeah What merch u guys got?
Anyway So yeah I like transformers If u like transformers, talk to meh! I wanna meet fans!
Don’t ‘like’ and run’, I’m actually a nice fanatic who just wants to discuss transformers! I’m not scary! ;-; ( xD) I might try to start conversations with u if u fave and run!
Please don’t talk to me about nsfw stuff It’s gross
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Apr 17 Dancitron Movie Night - Heaven Can Wait
Everyone in the movie sucked at explaining themselves properly and Prowl hated it. But the employees in the mansion were charming.
NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm *In a much better mood than last week, Soundwave is already parked in his usual spot with Laserbeak attached to one arm and giving her scritches under the beak. Seats are gathered and snacks are out.* FakeProwl 8:31 pm *appears, and immediately sits with Soundwave. while nobody else is here and they can still talk freely—* How did your meeting go? Fabuest 8:32 pm *tumbles in* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm :> FakeProwl 8:32 pm *that didn't last long* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:33 pm Bird! :> NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm @P: (txt): Soundwave: employed. Area: security, surveillance. Probation period. Small nice apartment; necessary supplies, technology; reasonable credits; archive access - limited now, increased later. Fabuest 8:35 pm [[ ... did it not update my name. it ratchet. U TOO ARE SHOWING AS GUEST. ]] NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm {{It Swoop! Hi Swoop!}} Swoop now has a hat. FakeProwl 8:36 pm ((rabb.it doesn't update the "guest" label inside the chat itself.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:36 pm Bird! Hi Bird! :> ((The benefits of writing like a toddler. Easy recognition lol)) FakeProwl 8:36 pm ((if you hover over their icon to the left under the screen it'll show their real name, but not in the chat window)) ((which means there are two people who display as "guest" tonight and that's going to make logging the chat a bitch ;;)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:37 pm ((Want us to label ourselves?)) ((Like "Swoop:"?) araneamechanica 8:37 pm (( can they make an account real quick? also hey hey hi, might be lurking ooc, might not, we'll see FakeProwl 8:37 pm ((u don't have to, but it would make my life easier)) ((it's easiest to just make a real quick account tho)) Chillsins 8:39 pm *Is he late enough to be fashionable? No? Oh well.* NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm *Ravage eyes Windchill. He didn't drag that in.* ((five min to get what you need)) Chillsins 8:41 pm *Windchill is largely oblivious to being eyed.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:41 pm ((is swup)) NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm ((yay)) Chillsins 8:42 pm *He's going to sit—yep, you guessed it—somewhere in the back* Chillsins 8:43 pm (( Ehehehe does everyone use their tumblr icons but me? I only just noticed that might be the case.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:44 pm Bird. Me Swoop got a thing. *shows off a pic of the pteranodon fossil that tarantulas gave him* NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm ((it was just so i could spot my own dialogue easier lol)) {{You got bones? Where you getting dead Swoops?}} Chillsins 8:45 pm (( Yeah tbh. I think mine is still pretty obvious, it's just not as dumb looking as my blog icon. )) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:45 pm *the datapad with the pic has been in the dinocave and therefore very near death, someone release this poor thing from its mortal coil, it did nothing to deserve this* Dunno! It show up. It super cool. NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm. Can Wheeljack not invent a sturdier datapad?* Fabuest 8:46 pm *right well. SOME MINUTES LATER Ratchet finally takes a seat. With Prowl probably.* NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm ((okiedokie, just waiting on puff to return i think)) *Soundwave nods to Ratchet and Windchill* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:48 pm Cave got lots of bones! That where Dinobots come from. Kehehh. Not come from bones. Autobots find bones and Wheeljack "get ideas." Him Wheeljack get in trouble if him "get TOO MANY ideas," keheheheheh! NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm {{Him should making bonk-head dinosaur. Us seen them bones. Shockwave got records.}} Fabuest 8:48 pm *small wave, but Ratchet will very much be sitting on the OPPOSITE side of Prowl from Soundwave* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm FakeProwl Swoop want LOTS of DInobots! But no more until OPTIMUS say okay 😶 Fabuest 8:49 pm *I mean, obviously he wouldn't be sitting between them, but there's. there's definitely a Prowl between Ratchet and Soundwave tonight.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm It stinks NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm {{Meh meh meh. Optimus unfair. Big truck aft.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:49 pm Meh meh meh :> NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm *A huge claw taps Ratchet from the side. Zori would like to say hi.* Fabuest 8:50 pm Hey! Don't talk about him like that. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:50 pm :V Fabuest 8:50 pm It's not so easy to build Dinobots anyway, y'know. Chillsins 8:50 pm *Snickers quietly in the background.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:50 pm You Ratchet build more Dinobots????? :V Fabuest 8:51 pm Heya, bugbot. How's it goin? NoodlesAtNight 8:51 pm {{Bird not said nothing lie~}} He's big, he's a truck, and he's got an aft. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:51 pm Her Bird know eeeeeverything :> Fabuest 8:51 pm Hmm. Got other projects on the go, kiddo. But it's not off the table. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:52 pm MORE DINOBOTS!!!! :V FakeProwl Swoop tell Grimlock more dinobots NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm #Ratchet! #you are here! *And he is HUUUUUUGE* #can I sit here? FakeProwl 8:52 pm *there's no one here tonight that Prowl can bounce his holomatter avatar through, so he's just holo without the matter.* NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm ((About that... lemme buzz you on skype real quick)) FakeProwl 8:53 pm ((o7)) Fabuest 8:53 pm 'Course ya can, buggo. Still big, huh? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:53 pm *This movie as a disturbing lack of dinosaurs so Swup will just lay on the floor and be a Bird perch* Chillsins 8:54 pm A butt... NoodlesAtNight 8:54 pm #yes... *mournful beep* Chillsins 8:55 pm *He's waiting for them to say something else already.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:56 pm Dinobots play football before It okay Tackling fun keheh NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Zori scrambles up and thunks down next to Ratchet. A good friend spot.* Fabuest 8:57 pm Tell ya what though, you're a lot more pillow shaped now than ya were before. You wanna scoot between me and your boss? I can lean on you. [[ veggies done brb ]] NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm *He'll HAPPILY do*& Chaoit 8:57 pm -he's late, huh?- NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm [[Greetings, Blaster. It just started.]] Chaoit 8:58 pm Hello, Soundwave. Not too late, that's good Chillsins 8:58 pm Wow. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:59 pm Talky movie boring. Soundwave and Blaster fight instead :V Chaoit 8:59 pm Looked painful Uh....Swoop. No. NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm *Tilts his helm* [[This one has done nothing to infuriate him yet.]] Chaoit 8:59 pm Likewise Chillsins 8:59 pm *Sighs. He rather liked Swoop's idea.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:59 pm FUN fight for friends? NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm [[...He is not a friend.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:00 pm then FIGHT :V Chillsins 9:00 pm Big surprise, he's running again you guys. Chaoit 9:00 pm Can you guys /not?/ MedicalMurdersaurus 9:01 pm keheehee Chillsins 9:01 pm Oh dear. Chaoit 9:01 pm Oh. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:01 pm dead! Chillsins 9:01 pm A collision. FakeProwl 9:01 pm @Soundwave «... Where would your new apartment happen to be?» *what if they're gonna be in the same facility.* NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm {{Neheheh. Him only start new graveyard now.}} Chaoit 9:02 pm -he comes here to take a break, not get into fights with the host- MedicalMurdersaurus 9:02 pm Them skip fun part. Us not see CRASH or see MEDIC STUFF. Boring. NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm {{WHAT medic? Him deeeeeead.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:03 pm Them take parts from dead mech NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm @Prowl: (txt): Address not assigned yet. Soon. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:03 pm Recycle :> Fabuest 9:05 pm *leans on bug* NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm *claw tip tap. happy bug* FakeProwl 9:05 pm ... Why don't they just tell him he's dead. NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm [[This one may be about to.]] FakeProwl 9:05 pm Finally. Chaoit 9:05 pm Trying to be nice MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm Him pretty clean for being dead Chillsins 9:06 pm *Snorts.* Chaoit 9:06 pm Wow FakeProwl 9:06 pm There's nothing nice about failing to inform him of his own state of existence. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm Him human. Human crash goes splat. Him not look like splat. NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm {{Maybe it inside splat.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:07 pm ohhhhh Maybe! Chaoit 9:07 pm HAH FakeProwl 9:07 pm @Soundwave «Well. Congratulations on your new position.» Chaoit 9:07 pm He wasn't supposed to be dead MedicalMurdersaurus 9:07 pm What "escort" mean Chillsins 9:08 pm He might live to regret that decision. Fabuest 9:08 pm [[ 8 years. ]] NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm @Prowl: (txt): Appreciated. Pleasing. First duties: increased Metroplex, Iacon spread; track, find missing mechs. Simple. FakeProwl 9:08 pm "Escort" means going with someone from one place to another. NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Prowl recommendation known. Deep gratitude. FakeProwl 9:09 pm In this case, going with this person from his death site to the afterlife. Chillsins 9:09 pm *Cackles* NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm *Laserbeak CACKLES* Chillsins 9:09 pm *It's so morbid he LOVES IT* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:10 pm Them stealing bodies? NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm [[Changing bodies. Trading sparks.]] Chillsins 9:11 pm They're going to take the body of someone else who dies. NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm [[...Or whatever humans have. If they have anything.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:11 pm Human spark? Him should get BIG BIG body For smashing things Chillsins 9:12 pm He should reincarnate as, like...an elephant. NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm {{How him play Supered Bowl?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm Elephant pretty cool :> Chillsins 9:12 pm Now that would make for an interesting movie. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm Him stomp other player!!!! Chillsins 9:12 pm Wow. He still doesn't have a clue. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:12 pm Her have cannon 😮 Her going to fight him :V With cannon NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm [[Short fight.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:13 pm BOOM! Keheheheheh NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm ((*whacks puff's internet*)) FakeProwl 9:15 pm @Soundwave «Well. Starscream needs more mechs that aren't complete idiots. Especially ones that know what to do if their boss becomes a tyrant.» MedicalMurdersaurus 9:15 pm Her gonna fight for home Punch him! Burn house down :> Fabuest 9:16 pm *sits up* Sorry, bug, I just got a call. Hafta head out. See you another time, hey? NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm #awww #okay! *pincer hug?* Fabuest 9:17 pm *heh. pincer hug sounds okay* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:17 pm Everyone in house talk stuffy, dumb Snoody NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm @P: (txt): Ideal: Starscream not given tyrant becoming chance. {{Them rich. It what them rich doing.}} Fabuest 9:18 pm Night Prowl, night Swoop. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:18 pm What rich doing?? FakeProwl 9:18 pm Evening. Fabuest 9:18 pm *scoots* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:18 pm Night night *has no idea what "rich" even is* pagglesham paddlesam Her talk like blurr :V FakeProwl 9:20 pm *silently mouths "peg-all-sham." ???* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm *He's never heard the word either.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:21 pm Her going to run away really really fast keheheheh Chillsins 9:21 pm *Checks his saved copy of wikipedia.* *It's a location, presumably the one they're disputing.* NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm *Soundwave huffs. He's enjoying this whole on-screen conversation.* Chillsins 9:22 pm *Paglesham, but he'll keep it to himself.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:22 pm FIGHT :V aww... Bird, this movie not a fight movie :< Chillsins 9:23 pm *Snorts.* NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm {{Bird not said it fight movie.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:23 pm ???? Why not fight movie??? FakeProwl 9:23 pm They're going to get married by the end and it's going to be annoying. Chillsins 9:23 pm I have to agree, I can smell it on the horizon. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:23 pm Gross :< Chillsins 9:23 pm I hope I'm wrong. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:24 pm Lock in a closet? That sucks PUNCH HIM for closet Chaoit 9:25 pm !!! -startles awake at screaming- MedicalMurdersaurus 9:25 pm Him not good at hitting things Gotta follow through NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm [[These humans must not be experienced murderers.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:27 pm :V Chillsins 9:27 pm *nods.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:27 pm No one here. Them should fight :< Chillsins 9:27 pm Why is that table so big. They're so far away from each other. Why even eat off a table when you can eat off of the floor? MedicalMurdersaurus 9:28 pm All the humans look like Prowl FakeProwl 9:28 pm @Soundwave «So. He wants to increase Iacon's spread. Why? We can barely support Metroplex at this point.» NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm [[...How.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:28 pm black and white FakeProwl 9:28 pm ... *baffled blink* NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm @Prowl: (txt): Negative, negative. Surveillance spread. Better observation, monitoring. Chillsins 9:29 pm I see no flaw in that argument. FakeProwl 9:29 pm @Soundwave «Ah. More reasonable.» Chillsins 9:29 pm *He's black and white too, but. If he doesn't point it out, maybe nobody will realize.* I like how big her hair is. It's really dumb. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:30 pm Mirror?? NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm *Soundwave's spines twitch. He really wishes the human would stop playing that.* FakeProwl 9:31 pm *ooh. berth mirror. kinky.* Chillsins 9:31 pm *Raises a lone eyebrow.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:31 pm Keheh that little helicopter NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm {{No polo, no sail. What him old body ACTUALLY do?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:32 pm Bird, you could kill that helicopter no problem Chillsins 9:32 pm Look at it go. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:32 pm It sucks Chaoit 9:32 pm .... NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm *She puffs up with pride* {{Bird knocking it out of sky in nanos~}} Chaoit 9:32 pm -right, Blaster maaay be going back to sleep- Chillsins 9:32 pm *He thought the helicopter was cute, but okay then.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:32 pm *NOT AS CUTE AS BIRD KTHX* FakeProwl 9:33 pm @Soundwave «Well, do keep me up-to-date on anything interesting you pick up.» MedicalMurdersaurus 9:33 pm You Bird great fighter :> Chillsins 9:33 pm *NOT THE POINT* Wow, another massive waste of a table. What an outrage. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:33 pm Maybe them fight on table :> NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm @Prowl: (txt): That, -never- in question. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:34 pm :V FakeProwl 9:34 pm *twitch of a smirk* Chillsins 9:34 pm I'll define destroy for you. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:34 pm That way better movie Chillsins 9:34 pm *CRACKS KNUCKLES.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:34 pm Fight California! NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm *Copies the smirk down. Ho ho.* [[How in Primus' name do you expect them to fight a piece of non-transforming land.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:35 pm Smash stuff Chillsins 9:35 pm *Raises hand.* I would do it. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:35 pm DO IT :V Chillsins 9:35 pm I'll fight anything. FakeProwl 9:35 pm *mumbles* punch the ground. Chillsins 9:35 pm Hey I did that once. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:35 pm PUNCH THE GROUND :d Chillsins 9:35 pm And I won. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:35 pm *:D Chillsins 9:35 pm Ask Whirl. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm *Rumble from upstairs* //Punch the ground!// [[Rumble, return to work.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:36 pm ((Go team)) FakeProwl 9:36 pm *shouts upstairs* We're watching a movie. No earthquakes. Chillsins 9:36 pm *Snickers* NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm //Fiiiiiiine!// Distant laughter MedicalMurdersaurus 9:36 pm Sludge good at stomping Him ONLY good at stomping keheheh .... them fight porpoise? Him get boat. Him fight fish. That good idea. NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[They'll either fire him or think him brilliant.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:38 pm Keheheh Her jumpy jumpy Not so good at killing people 😕 This base pretty big For humans NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[It is a wonder they do not get lost.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:39 pm First lady in closet Now other humans in closet This boring. Them fight outside instead. NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm [[Closets can have their uses from time to time.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:40 pm Not for DInobots NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm *Silent ping to Prowl. A bit of humor.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:40 pm 😛 FakeProwl 9:40 pm ... I'm more interested by the—what is he, a butler? servant? than anyone else. Chillsins 9:41 pm *Squints at Soundwave's comment.* NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[He spent much of the Terrorcon epidemic trapped in one, in fact.]] FakeProwl 9:41 pm *pings back. yes indeed they can.* NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[The butler is amusing. And patient.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:41 pm What terrorcon epidemic? FakeProwl 9:41 pm The butler is handling this so calmly. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:42 pm Epidemic is sick thing NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm {{Them zombie mechs all over Nemesis. It bad.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:42 pm Ohhhh zombies :V NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm *Soundwave is absolutely not looking at Windchill right now, also.* FakeProwl 9:42 pm *Prowl aspires to that kind of cool impassivity in the face of absolute nonsense* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:42 pm You Bird fight zombies? 😃 NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm ((ngl the butler's response to literally everything is basically why i went ahead with this film)) FakeProwl 9:43 pm *he's only about 80% there. and the 20% makes all the difference.* *mutters flatly* There it is. NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm ((between him, the wife, and Mr. Jordan, it was juuuust enough)) [[To be fair, she was angry at a very different human.]] Chillsins 9:44 pm *Blinks* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:44 pm What divorce? FakeProwl 9:44 pm That doesn't mean she has to fall in love with him one day after he becomes a different one. Chillsins 9:45 pm Divorce is when you screw up really bad. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Ah. No, it does not. But that is human movie timing.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:45 pm Wheeljack do that all the time keheh Chillsins 9:45 pm *SPITS.* NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm *Laserbeak rolls over in the air laughing* FakeProwl 9:45 pm Or: they could leave out the romance. Chillsins 9:45 pm *PLEASE let Swoop keep believing that.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:45 pm *is a comedian???* NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Also a good idea.]] Chillsins 9:46 pm *Snickers at the staff.* NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm [[...What hideous decor.]] Chillsins 9:46 pm I love it. FakeProwl 9:46 pm *what considerate servants. adding a second cup for the imaginary person he's talking to.* Chillsins 9:46 pm It makes me want to punch things. NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm *Soundwave trembles a little.* Chillsins 9:47 pm *Snickers at that comment too.* FakeProwl 9:47 pm *his doors shiver slightly* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:47 pm 😕 Chaoit 9:47 pm -awake now...again- MedicalMurdersaurus 9:47 pm *is too young for this comedy???* Chaoit 9:48 pm ...whatwa....oh the movie NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm [[A second murder attempt. No need to be alarmed.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:48 pm Him look like wizard Swoosh dress Chillsins 9:49 pm It's too fancy a dress for me. *He knows it's a robe, don't correct him.* NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm [[It is a lovely color.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm [[He wonders if this is what your timeline's Necrobot does.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:51 pm Necrobot is zombie? FakeProwl 9:51 pm This story won't convince the trainer. He should have started out by telling the trainer things that only the quarterback would know. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[He's rather inexperienced with this 'death' thing. Understandably.]] Chillsins 9:52 pm This guy. FakeProwl 9:52 pm He should crack his neck. Chillsins 9:52 pm I can only assume he doesn't imagine death enough to pull this off is all. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm This dumb. Him want football body. Him steal football body. Him should steal shark body FakeProwl 9:53 pm There. There he goes. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm That cooler Chillsins 9:53 pm *Has to admit Prowl's idea if probably what will happen* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm Then him not need boat :> Chaoit 9:53 pm pfff )) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm Him kill coach and take Him body?? NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm {{Him coach too old.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 9:53 pm Yah that bad idea NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm [[A considerate host provides a chair for one's stunned guests to collapse into.]] [[He has at least a dozen and the coach missed them all.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:54 pm Him go kill other football player then no training :> Chillsins 9:54 pm PFFFFT. Well...it's not wrong, only immoral. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:55 pm Immoral means cant die NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm [[No, no. That's immortal.]] Chillsins 9:55 pm *Cackles.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:55 pm What immoral? Chillsins 9:55 pm *he's too busy giggling to define immoral right now, please try again later* NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm [[-What is the point of that cannon.-]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:56 pm Him got BAD aim. Shoot shoot shoot. No one dies. FakeProwl 9:56 pm Another word for "evil" or "bad." MedicalMurdersaurus 9:56 pm Him say "bad" next time NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm *More trembling.* FakeProwl 9:56 pm They're slightly different. Chillsins 9:56 pm Training montage Who, me? I'll say whatever I want. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:57 pm This montage sucks. No rocky music. Bird, do Rocky music :> How you BUY team? 😕 Chillsins 9:58 pm I thought most teams had owners. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm ((ah yes! there's a line coming up that implies more about Farnsworth being an awful person but nobody actually says anything)) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:58 pm 😕 Chillsins 9:58 pm We can look it up. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:58 pm ((omg)) Chillsins 9:59 pm *Don't mind him, he's researching. * MedicalMurdersaurus 10:00 pm KAHAHAH Chillsins 10:00 pm Aw, I was hoping he'd died and would have to find another body. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:00 pm Him TERRIBLE at football That good idea! Them kill him and then him can be player that killed him! Over and over and then Him in the best football body FakeProwl 10:01 pm The player in front isn't passing the ball like he's supposed to. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:02 pm Dinobots play football with Autobots before. Them run away REAL fast, keheh. Faster than this By LOTS NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm [[You played with Blurr, he takes it?]] Chillsins 10:03 pm I believe it. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:03 pm Us play with lots of bots. Hound DROVE away keheheh. FakeProwl 10:03 pm Oh, now they're passing. NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm [[They did strike a deal.]] ((if we MUST see commercials, they could at least shake them up)) Chillsins 10:04 pm (( NEVER. )) NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm ((though this is better than the golf one that came up literally every time on preview)) FakeProwl 10:04 pm ((all geico all the time)) Chillsins 10:05 pm That floral print... *Hand over spark.* NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm [[You are welcome to it.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm Her BIT NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm [[He'll keep his dark walls and lights.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm *BITE Chillsins 10:05 pm Thanks, I'll keep it all. It's so horrible I want to keep it all to myself anyway. FakeProwl 10:06 pm *mumbles* I like the dark walls and lights. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:06 pm Her head look like cloud :> FakeProwl 10:06 pm *his apartment has dark walls and lights too* Chillsins 10:06 pm *Doesn't everyone's?* Guest 10:06 pm Cloudhead NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm *Windchill should see most of the deployer rooms. The answer to that is 'no'.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:07 pm Fire is BEST light :V Chillsins 10:07 pm *Well damn that's cool. He's only seen dark rooms in recent memory.* NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave pleased decor satisfies, found comfortable. Most Autobots not accustomed. {{Boss not got fire on frame, neheheh.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 10:08 pm Dinobots not afraid of ANYTHING :V NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm {{Only many many light.}} Chillsins 10:08 pm *FAKES A YAWN* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:09 pm Bird not supposed to be on fire :> NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm {{No! No. Bird not fireproof. D:}} MedicalMurdersaurus 10:09 pm You Bird awesome without fire! Soo Pretty awesome FakeProwl 10:09 pm @Soundwave «I prefer dimmer lights than most mechs.» MedicalMurdersaurus 10:10 pm Oh, him have sight now. Maybe him better shot this time. Headshot? 😃 Chillsins 10:10 pm One can only hope. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:11 pm heeeaddshootttt 😕 FakeProwl 10:11 pm Why doesn't he just TELL her what's going to happen to him. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:11 pm *this is not what Swoop wanted* *no one's heads are exploding* *he was lied to* FakeProwl 10:12 pm She'll think he's crazy until a few months later when a stranger corroborating that story comes up to her. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:12 pm 😕 😕 😕 FakeProwl 10:12 pm Honestly. Why does nobody in this movie explain themselves upfront. The representatives from the afterlife, this man TWICE... NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[Miscommunication is responsible for much of life's problems.]] Chillsins 10:13 pm Especially in film. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:13 pm Him taking really REALLY long time for aiming KEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEH That good fall keheheh Chillsins 10:13 pm Good job. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[Well. She might believe him now.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm Him need better body this time With cannons FakeProwl 10:14 pm Miscommunication is enough of an issue without fools who fail to give an adequate explanation in the first place. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm And better aim And armor Chillsins 10:14 pm With cannons and a really big butt. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm Rhino :V Chillsins 10:14 pm That's what I would go for. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:14 pm Butt??? Kehehe. NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm [[...Why specify the large aft?]] Chillsins 10:14 pm I know what I'm about. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:15 pm ??? NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[Very well.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:15 pm Maybe Him police car this time NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm [[He doesn't think humans can cross into Cybertronian frames.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:16 pm Why? NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm [[They have no spark.]] [[...At least, not that Knock Out ever found.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:16 pm How them walk around no spark? 😕 NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm [[Organics are strange that way.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:17 pm Them have one. Cause Her Carly nice. Her bomb Decepticons and give Dinobots coloring books :> Chillsins 10:17 pm *Steeples fingers.* NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm [[...What do hats matter.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm Her make Daniel. Her an engineer. FakeProwl 10:18 pm He's an incompetent investigator. NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm [[...It's baseball night all over again.]] FakeProwl 10:19 pm *snort* NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm {{Her Carly talented. Maybe her got.}} MedicalMurdersaurus 10:19 pm Dinobots like Carly :> NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm ((DAMN IT RABBIT CAN YOU NOT)) Chillsins 10:20 pm (( Rabbit you absolute butt. )) FakeProwl 10:20 pm ((oh good, this time it wasn't me)) NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm ((i'm sorry y'all, it has moments like this... at least it's not as bad as LS most times)) Chaoit 10:20 pm ((-smacks rabbit- ((WORK NoodlesAtNight 10:21 pm [][][]A clearer picture[][][]? [[If looking through Earth dirt, perhaps.]] FakeProwl 10:21 pm *... oh, while they're on pause.* NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm *Soundwave calls Frenzy down to help him inspect the wiring. If glitch mice have got indoors again...* FakeProwl 10:22 pm *all this talk about affairs and divorces reminded Prowl.* NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm *He'll work with his feelers and stay seated.* FakeProwl 10:23 pm *ping. do repairs have soundwave too distracted?* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:23 pm *streeeeeeeeettchhes* NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm \\LOOSE CABLE! GOT IT.\\ Chaoit 10:24 pm .... NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm *Soundwave makes a small 'go on' motion to Prowl.* Chaoit 10:24 pm -awakeish now. Needs to stop passing out like this- NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm *Frenzy hears football and he's already down here, so he drops into a chair and kicks his feet up. Might as well see the rest.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:25 pm This movie so boring every movie watch tv *even Chillsins 10:25 pm I have to agree with her. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:25 pm Us go play football! It more fun than dumb movie! Chaoit 10:26 pm .... Chillsins 10:26 pm Kind of creepy MedicalMurdersaurus 10:27 pm Him go see medic. Broke body still broke with new spark. FakeProwl 10:27 pm @Soundwave «In the interest of keeping you updated on my other relationships, you should know that I'm no longer dating Quark.» Chaoit 10:27 pm Yeah..uh... NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm \\I'LL PLAY WHEN IT'S DONE. I WANNA SEE IF HE DIES AGAIN.\\ Chaoit 10:27 pm Not gonna...not gonna ask MedicalMurdersaurus 10:28 pm 😃 Chillsins 10:30 pm A man just died though. FakeProwl 10:30 pm ... So he doesn't care that the other player he trained just died. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm @Prowl: (txt): Surprising. *Stops to consider that.* Negative. Not surprising. Unexpected timing. Soundwave can request reasoning? MedicalMurdersaurus 10:31 pm It okay. Bot die all the time. Whatever. Him win :> Chillsins 10:31 pm Look at all that jizz. Chaoit 10:31 pm Right....uh...not asking. Again. NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm \\MAYBE HE'S ALL MIXED UP OR SOMETHIN'. TWO DEAD GUYS, A FRIEND COMIN' BACK, 'N A WIN. CONFUSIN' STUFF.\\ FakeProwl 10:31 pm @Soundwave «... No. It's not my business to share. Just incompatible personality differences.» NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm *His hands fidget a bit. He senses something juicy, but... he can't have it, so he stays quiet for a few seconds to get control of his words.* FakeProwl 10:33 pm *oh, VERY juicy. but prowl isn't sharing it.* NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm @Prowl: (txt): Understood. Notification appreciated. Anything needed? Chaoit 10:33 pm -yawns- NoodlesAtNight 10:34 pm \\TRAINER GUY GOT KINDA FRAGGED OVER. ALL THAT 'N HE AIN'T GOT HIS FRIEND ANYWAY.\\ MedicalMurdersaurus 10:34 pm Confusing NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm [[Why?]] FakeProwl 10:35 pm @Soundwave «... No. I'm glad it's over.» MedicalMurdersaurus 10:35 pm dead not dead dead not dead alive? NoodlesAtNight 10:36 pm [[This seems to be his final body.]] FakeProwl 10:37 pm *... rubs the back of his neck. Getting his memory wiped out...* Chaoit 10:37 pm -wait, what happened to him?- NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Also unsurprising. However, if Prowl -- Prowl touching neck. *Subtle hand offer.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:38 pm This movie dumb. Them do fight club instead. Chillsins 10:38 pm *Looks more bored with this segment than anything.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:38 pm Them in parking lot anyway That more fun NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm *The human made a mess of being the last guy with the wrong memories, can't do it a second time.* FakeProwl 10:38 pm *... brushes hand through Soundwave's hand. not solid tonight.* NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm *Of all the times for him to be unable to offer comfort.* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:38 pm Fight? :< NoodlesAtNight 10:39 pm [[Quite the opposite.]] Chillsins 10:39 pm That's a little weird, but okay. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:39 pm Opposite 😕 FakeProwl 10:39 pm @Soundwave «I'm fine.» Chaoit 10:39 pm ...I'd say I didn't understand it, but I think I slept through most of it MedicalMurdersaurus 10:40 pm It dumb. You fight Soundwave now? :> Chaoit 10:40 pm No MedicalMurdersaurus 10:40 pm :< NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged. Unfinished statement: If Prowl: glad, Soundwave also. Best outcome. [[He's not fighting anyone. He has plenty to fight here on his own planet.]] [[He will send you a copy if you wish, Blaster.]] Chaoit 10:41 pm Ah, thanks, but I doubt I'll have time. NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm *Small nod.* [[Very well.]] *At least the mech got some rest. He does wonder what all is going on in that timeline that Blaster would dare fall asleep in his base.* *...Also, he feels personally attacked by this song.* Chaoit 10:42 pm We're trying to figure out how to repair some of the more extensive damage done to Cybertron FakeProwl 10:42 pm *idly wondering if that's how the other Soundwave managed to kidnap Blaster* Chaoit 10:42 pm -nope got kidnapped after being thrown out of a space-bridge experiment- NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm *Cybertron repair u say.* Chaoit 10:43 pm -yup- NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm *Soundwave leans forward a bit.* [[What damage?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 10:43 pm Bird, this boring. Us go fly! NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm {{Okay! Onetwothreego!}} MedicalMurdersaurus 10:43 pm :V NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm *ZOOM through the smallest crack in the doors* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:43 pm keheh <3 Chaoit 10:43 pm ...Megatron was trying to dig to the Core for some reason? MedicalMurdersaurus 10:44 pm *AND OFF HE GOES* ((later nerds :D)) NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm ((seeya! 😃 )) [[Was he, now.]] Chaoit 10:44 pm That and the cities and downs are kinda ruins ((byyye! Chillsins 10:45 pm *Shakes his head.* Chaoit 10:45 pm Uh...yeah. He had his prisoners and some of the stronger 'cons digging I think he went a bit...insane? towards the end NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm [[None of them live to be asked?]] Chaoit 10:46 pm Well, Sideswipe was one ...and most other Autobots from my timeline, actually... Prisoners, I mean They got captured and forced to dig alongside the 'cons If that's what you meant? NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm [[They're unlikely to have been told. The Decepticons involved are dead?]] Chaoit 10:49 pm .....I don't know. You could try asking your alternate, though. He may have a better idea. Chillsins 10:49 pm *Stretches.* All right, losers. It's about time I headed out. Chaoit 10:50 pm But he was...kinda 'banished' to a far out outpost for some reason NoodlesAtNight 10:50 pm [[Farewell, Windchill.]] Chaoit 10:50 pm 'bye Chillsins 10:50 pm Good night, thanks for the movie about dead people. *With that, he rises and leaves.* NoodlesAtNight 10:52 pm [[Perhaps he will. Your kind should as well. Knowing what Megatron intended may give you a better idea of how to undo what was done.]] [[...Or, if nothing else, how to prevent someone repeating it.]] *He's only ever heard of a few reasons to travel to the core and none of them were good.* Chaoit 10:54 pm I hope. I would like an answer....he was insane. Not stupid. NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm [[Often the case.]] Chaoit 10:55 pm And, yeah, having a repeat would...best be avoided. Chaoit 10:56 pm But other than a large hole that nearly leads straight to the Core, we have to repair the cities...or a city. Our population is not very high NoodlesAtNight 10:57 pm *Taps his fingers against his thigh plating* [[Have you found a source of energon around which to center a first choice?]] Chaoit 10:59 pm Solar. So far we've remained in orbit around a star that the option is viable. NoodlesAtNight 11:00 pm *If Prowl ever wondered how much Soundwave intended to stick to his promise to assist Cybertrons, well...* Chaoit 11:00 pm We're working on a more permanent one, but as long as our orbit doesn't change, we are fine NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm [[-Solar?- Fascinating.]] Another small series of taps. [[Should you require assistance seeking out that more permanent form, contact him. Certain creatures here are used to find new wells. He would consider arranging the trade of disease preventative and a small trained group in exchange for information regarding your solar form.]] FakeProwl 11:04 pm *is idly considering asking about the solar form as well. but... no. it's dangerous enough that starscream has his servos on an energon extender. the last thing cybertron needs is a fuel surplus.* Chaoit 11:04 pm It's not too terribly hard...getting the amount of solar radiation is the hard part. FakeProwl 11:04 pm *as far as prowl is concerned, it's enough that he now knows where he can ask if he ever decides a solar form would be good for cybertron.* Chaoit 11:05 pm And, thank you for the offer.I will keep it in mind for when it comes up in the meetings again. NoodlesAtNight 11:05 pm *Now, Prowl, just because you know something it doesn't mean Starscream HAS to hear about it. He knew much Megatron never did.* [[You are...]] Oh, the word feels wrong. [[...Welcome.]] FakeProwl 11:06 pm *well, why would prowl ask for the form now if he's not going to hand it over to starscream? it's not like prowl has use for it.* NoodlesAtNight 11:06 pm *Because they may not always have access to Blaster, and Starscream may not always be leading.* *Bleh bleh BLEH. If only keeping his promise involved less politeness to alternate mini-nemeses.* *This is out of his comfort zone, damn it.* Chaoit 11:08 pm -Oh, suck it up, he has to play nice with the Shockwave from his timeline after the glitch tried to shoot him on sight- NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm *Fine. At least Blaster's never magnetized himself to Soundwave and gotten Soundwave thrown out of his own home...* FakeProwl 11:09 pm *Prowl's boss is his direct, native nemesis. both of y'all suck it up.* NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm *Prowl wins.* *...WAIT. No he doesn't. Starscream never formally reciprocated that.* *PROWL'S CHEATING. CALL THE COPS* FakeProwl 11:10 pm *WHICH IS EVEN WORSE* Chaoit 11:10 pm -Prowl wins that round- Chaoit 11:11 pm -And isn't Prowl already jailed?- FakeProwl 11:11 pm *yeah. by his boss.* NoodlesAtNight 11:11 pm *...Good point. Let's not get his sentence extended.* Chaoit 11:12 pm -There we go- NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm *Soundwave sits back again, satisfied for now. He will probably inquire as to progress next time he sees Blaster.* Chaoit 11:15 pm -Wednesday then?- NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm *If Blaster makes that. If not, the next of these.* Chaoit 11:16 pm -Maybe he should just start bringing his reports here too, huh?- -Well, ,the finished ones. This one is still being edited- NoodlesAtNight 11:17 pm *It's a friendly inquiry! Er... 'friendly'. He's just eager to be of service to struggling alternate planets and learn more about different Megatrons.* Chaoit 11:18 pm -'Friendly' huh? Okay, 'wave, he can roll with that- NoodlesAtNight 11:21 pm @Prowl: (txt): Time left before departure necessary? FakeProwl 11:21 pm @Soundwave «I'm still not allowed to work because of my recent injury. So I'm available all night.» Chaoit 11:23 pm -stands and stretches- Right. Need to get back to work. Thanks for the movie, g'night NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm [[Farewell, Blaster.]] ((thanks for comin!)) Chaoit 11:24 pm ((it was fun! Thanks for showing NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm (txt): ...Should not keep -all- night. However, if Prowl wishes, first repayment possible. Alternative: other activity. FakeProwl 11:28 pm *thinks the offer over* ... I've been using the forced vacation to try to catch up on my sleep, honestly. NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm (txt): Also accepted. Expectation: first time deep rest possible in many vorns. FakeProwl 11:30 pm Pf. That's not much of an exaggeration. NoodlesAtNight 11:30 pm (txt): Good. Exaggeration unintended. That, done when own war ended. (txt): Desire acknowledged; Prowl rests. Extended contact another time, perhaps. FakeProwl 11:33 pm *nods* I'll see you next time. *... leans head slightly in? they can't PHYSICALLY touch, but* NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm *Oh, good. He wanted to do that, but felt ridiculous just trying by himself given the situation. He'll lean in and be careful to go exactly to where the solid holo would stop.* NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm (txt): Dream well. Obvious suggestion: House arrest removal. {humor} FakeProwl 11:38 pm Hm. Sounds like a nice dream. NoodlesAtNight 11:38 pm *Small nod.* *Which sort of would end up a nuzzle of sorts were that solid but who's counting.* FakeProwl 11:43 pm *well. he's already said his farewell. time to actually go.* *farewell ping. avatar disappears.* NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm *Soundwave vents and sits back against his seat for a minute to stare up at his ceiling and think. There's a lot on his plate now. Life keeps getting ever more interesting...* *He'll eventually get up and move things back where they go before heading up for recharge of his own.*
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rhythmelia · 7 years
Get Out reaction post (aka lots of me yelling into the void)
Saw Get Out tonight with @ageorwizardry for the purposes of knowing of what she is writing about for beta purposes, and also because I’ve had lots of friends saying I should watch it and I finally caved, aha. Non-spoilery yelling below, possibly more yelling to follow in another post.
First off, I don’t do horror films. I’m SO SO BAD at horror films - I hate suspense, I always manage to freak myself out ahead of the jump scares EVEN WHEN I KNOW THEY’RE COMING, I have to cover my face to deal with movie gore. And I managed to have to do all three watching this one! But it is so worth it. While there are those classic horror elements, the visceral horror of the situations Chris (main character) was in were often more psychological (at least until the last act??). On the one hand, I loved this film, and on the other hand, I may never sleep again. :P So, so many props to the actors who played Georgina, Walter, and Andre, because they were masters of making their facial expressions/tone of voice/body language to perfectly play kind of a Stepford robot everything-is-hunky-dory role while they were screaming for escape behind their eyes. Like, every time they were on screen I had the (mostly) internal screaming heebie jeebies because something was Wrong with the situation.
So, I’m non-black POC, so obvs my perspective will be shaped by that, but I thought one of the creepy/great things was how they played the “white girl bringing her black boyfriend home to meet the parents” and went with all the gross racial microaggressions, cranked them up a teeny bit, but you could clearly see how the stuff the white parents and partygoers were doing and saying were not at all far removed from the shit white folks really actually say and do in our real, non-movie-going life. Like, from what I could tell, most of that shit was not really an exaggeration at all? (I can already see the yt tears and whining about how that was all an exaggeration/demonization of yt ppl lol) Yeah, I spent a lot of those scenes going “EW. YOU ARE GROSS” at people.
Other thoughts: Chris needs allllllll the cuddles (from his dog at LEAST) and probably a zillion years of therapy. Also is it just me, but does he look like they oiled him up the few times they showed him shirtless, because, uh, WOW (also he’s so good looking!!!). Rod wins everything. EVERYTHING. He’s the genre savvy friend it is always good to have when you realize you’re trapped in a horror movie. I NEED to know more about their backstory/friendship together.
Also folks who may be more in the know: girlfriend’s brother? WTF is up with his accent? Like, I dunno what the actor was trying for but it....definitely didn’t sound like the rest of the fam’s at all and mostly I found him kind of unintelligible, and that wasn’t all because he appeared drunk for a lot of his scenes.
Final thoughts: basically spent the entirety of the movie from the word go with low-level nausea from being on edge about what was going on as the WTF meter slowly ratcheted up higher and higher, but still, so worth it, please go see it. The plot thing goes a little odd/sci-fi-ish and ridiculous, but the social commentary is the main thing, and Rod wins every scene he’s in.
EDIT: Okay I read a good article on the sci-fi-ish bit that talks about Afro-futurism and different ways of grappling with slavery, so I recant the bit about it being ridiculous, check it out: (spoilery) http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a53515/get-out-jordan-peele-slavery/
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notwhelmedyet · 7 years
Lost Light #2 thoughts
LL #2 : The opposite of “The opposite of a pep talk” that’s what that was
my page-by-page thoughts below:
page 1: you know that one gif for Star Wars TFA where Finn bicep curls up his love interests to kiss them? Well, no kissing obviously (gross), but Rod totally looks like he’s lifted Rewind up to chat with him about Functionists...who, by the way are surprisingly blase about letting the to-be prisoners monologue about universe hopping.
page 2: Interesting stuff! I wanted a moment where Drift and Megatron interacted before this, but the bit where he asks him and Rod for what to do was interesting. Also: do the functionists really only believe sentient transformers serve purposes? Like, no inanimate object can serve a purpose? Weeeeeird.
page 3: ugh I love Lug so much. Yeah, Anode, you have been a jerk to everyone and you should stop so I can move on to liking you. And oooh, mystery function? A secret that hasn’t been spoiled! :)
on a more nitpicky note...are there trees in the background? Isn’t the necroworld entirely inorganic and the flowers are just mechanical disguised as plants? Why would there be trees?
page 4: “we don’t owe them anything.” “Er—we owe them our lives, Anode” and then we got a twist! good stuff though I was at first confused if Fangry was being thrown at the monument or jumping through it.
page 5: @choomchoom has pointed out to me that CD and Rewind are exclusively here to exposition and their expositioning here is very cute. God, this ‘god’ is such an asshole. Just look at his stupid pose while he’s gadding about, floating in the air. What a jerk.
page 6: this page is dialogue heaven. firstly, Rod and Magnus are hilarious. Secondly, my boys are talking!!!! Since i started writing Observing Drift I have gotten very fixated on Drift and Ratchet interacting and I need moooore.
page 7: arghllksdfjklj Ratchet quotes a religious text in order to impress Drift, somebody call me an ambulance but not Ratchet because I don’t want him to laugh at me for getting so excited. Also, Drift observes that Primus as a ‘warrior god’ is old-school possibly implying that Spectralists don’t believe that? More next time, I mean never, on ‘what the heck does a Spectralist believe?’
and we find out that Drift’s vision led them to the Necroworld! That’s one big question I had, answered!
page 8: ya know how some people get less coherant when they’re near a cute cat? I am near incapable of writing good commentary when Drift and Ratch are staring in each other’s eyes discussing Drift’s visions on most of the page. So good. I adore how Ratchet’s new eye lines make it look like he’s super sleepy all the time because you know Ratchet is too busy worrying about his people (mostly Drift) to sleep.
page 9: Aww sweet, I’ve been waiting for the ‘shedload of moral support’ bit for a long time now. Also, Tailgate, honey. I love ya. But you’re kind of scaring me now? Lots of power and poor impulse control are a scary combination.
page 10: ACK TAILGATE! Do not do that! “He’s genuinely not worth it” is pretty funny though. And Cy is back, thank heavens.
page 11: I thought for sure Cy was touching his horn because it’s near the flashdrive port in transformer’s heads and he was going to show Tailgate a memory of him when he was younger and the actual reveal is okay but I am so disappointed. Imagine a flashback of young-and-brash warrior Cyclonus learning the lessons Tailgate will someday learn the hard way, trying to impress the other warriors and playing loose and fast with other bots lives because he can. There ought to be more Cyclonus fanfic because I want this so badly now.
ALSO: dear lord, Anode, you have the worst fricken fraggin luck on Cybertron, don’t ya? There was one sharp object in half a mile and you fell right on it.
page 12: I’m sure JR is just trying to write an enjoyable distopia but the AVL here are basically Life of Brian style incompetent and I’m not sure what emotions I’m supposed to be feeling? It feels a little too close to farce considering how serious everything is. Also, Megs looks awesome here.
page 13: Cyclonus over here pullin an Elliot Spencer and telling me he thinks about the innocent people he’s killed every day. Well that’s a big change from his ‘I was just following orders’ introduction, isn’t it? Also, what percentage of the people he’s killed does Cyclonus regard as innocents?
page 14: THANK YOU Cy, this is exactly what I was saying but worrying more about Tailgate’s health (as Cy is apt to do) instead of his mental state. Tailgate’s waist here looks so itty bitty? idk, was it always like that? Are his shoulders getting huge because he’s so buff?
page 15: Kaput is wonderful. There should be more Kaput, because he’s wonderful. I’m not super invested in this Lotty&Anode mystery thus far, but Kaput’s facial expressions are enough to keep me going.
page 16: He’s certainly working real hard to make it unclear if anybody besides Anode can hear Lug. If I hadn’t already heard whispers about that I probably wouldn’t notice at all. Also...Swerve...are you okay? Are you doing something (probably something bad) to stop yourself from feeling anything about Skid’s death? That would be very sad.
page 17: This page could be exclusively the middle panel of Rewind&Minimus leading the rescued protesters to safety and I would still love it. Little bots leading little bots to safety! Look at them run! Ugh, I love this so much.
page 18: LOL CD lassoed a god. CD as a cowboy. I’m never going to get this mental image out of my head, also 12-of-12 is a total wimp.
page 19: terminus is ridiculously supportive, literally everyone we meet is trying to get to cyberutopia these days and it’s time for the twist...
page 20: I know this is a dramatic twist, because now we’re going to find out what (at least this universe’s) Rung is for and also now everyone knows Rung is in danger and we’ve got a moral quandary about saving ourselves versus saving Rung but...just look at his face.
He looks peeved. Functionist verse Rung is so heavy metal that he meets a millenia of torture with the same expression I make when I forgot to buy eggs and I’m halfway through making crepes before I notice. 
Overall Response: I wasn’t totally invested in the functionist stuff this time around except it was entirely dialogue between pairs of characters I love, so I totally was. And more religion worldbuilding!!! Write me a pamphlet on Spectralism already JR. The Tailgate stuff keeps getting me hints about Cy’s character, which is A++. And the Lug&Anode stuff allows Lug to say cute and supportive girlfriend shit nonstop, so that’s also excellent. I’m still nervous that Tailgate and Anode and Velocity are going to do embarrassing social stuff as they continue to flail about but it’s definitely worth it.
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rurounidrift · 7 years
Aug 16 Blurr’s Horror Stream - The Mummy
Drift met his alternate, the ~triplechanger.~ He’s impressed.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: / oh yeah he's here. My bad. Forgot to put it in / Wing: *he brought snack today. for once* Drift: *is also here! for the first time in like three weeks* B l u r r: / he's probably half laying on the couch, tbh. / B l u r r: / yay snacks / B l u r r: / wiggles claws at wing and drift from couch / Star: /shows up/ B l u r r: / hisses at / Wing: Hello. *he'll set those snacks down and find a place conveniently nearish to Star* B l u r r: Hey, Wing. B l u r r: [[ well when people are ready, lemme know. ]] B l u r r: [[ small crew tonight ]] Star: Greetings to you as well Blurr. /Waves to Wing before taking his seat/ Hello, Wing. B l u r r: ... Ew. Wing: ((i sorely need coffee but ready whenever)) B l u r r: [[ get coffees? ]] B l u r r: Don't say hello to me like we're friends, /Starscream / Wing: ((but that would require me to leave my tent)) B l u r r: [[ oh no ]] Drift: *flops down on top of blurr* Drift: ((ready)) Wing: Hello, Starscream. B l u r r: / oof! / B l u r r: Excuse you. /nudges Drift lightly / Star: /simply rolls his optics at Blurr as he waits for him to start the movie/ Drift: *nudges back* Ratchet: ((Ratchet here! :O )) B l u r r: [[ hola ! ]] B l u r r: /smirks a little / Are you comfy? B l u r r: [[ let itunes get its life together. Time out. ]] B l u r r: [okay it's together ]] Ratchet: /just gonna walk in with a snicksnack/ Oh, Earth movies? B l u r r: Ratchet!! My mech! Wing: *leans back against a wall. wall gargoyle* B l u r r: How is she supposed to live again if you take out all her organs, you moron? Don't humans need those? B l u r r: / just gonna lounge here with Drift crushing him / Drift: Nah. There's something lumpy under me. *pokes at blurr* B l u r r: ? B l u r r: / wiggles a little / Oh, really? Is it... sharp Ratchet: Hm, I suppose if you get replacement organs, you could resurrect a human... Maybe Drift: Really sharp. Like a hundred knives. And maybe a chainsaw. B l u r r: / smirks and pokes Drift / Maybe you should move it B l u r r: / looks upside down at Ratchet / That's how you make us, though. B l u r r: Just recycle things. Drift: Yeah? *pokes back* Maybe I should push it on the floor. B l u r r: Now, that would be rude. Ratchet: Well I don't know much about humans. /shrugs and sits down/ Star: /is too into the movie to even pay attention to anyone/ Star: /doesn't normally get to watch these/ B l u r r: There's not much to know about humans, unfortunately. Ratchet: What I do know is they squish easily B l u r r: That they do . /shifts and wiggles. Trying toget comfy with Drift / Wing: *soft sigh and a shift* Wing: ((i have coffee)) B l u r r: Oh pits, look at all the books. Wing: *wince* Oh. B l u r r: Huh... B l u r r: I wonder if there are places like that around the verses... Imaginehow much we'd benefit. Wing: *that sounds familiar* Ratchet: Ah, I didn't know humans could be this... Barbaric. B l u r r: It's entertaining, isn't it? B l u r r: / wiggles under drift and stretches out / Star: /chuckls at the bad negotiations/ Ratchet: /glances over to Blurr and Drift/ You two seem quite comfortable. B l u r r: Well, you see, Drift sat on me first. B l u r r: Quite rude, you see. Drift: You were taking up most of the couch. *wiggles to get more comfortable* B l u r r: This is true, but you surprised me. B l u r r: [[ the bEST SCENE ]] Star: (lmao) Ratchet: That's an odd trick of the light. There's something like that on Cybertron too Star: (I like him telling everyone to charge with his open umbrella) B l u r r: ... Is there? Ratchet: Out in the Rust Sea yes. B l u r r: ... Oh? Star: Oh dear... /those poor diggers/ B l u r r: Hnh... I wonder if Rodimus has that place under security. Ratchet: Most likely, there's lots of resources out there amid the toxic air B l u r r: I could handle toxic air for a while. B l u r r: I've done it before. Ratchet: Oh that's... Unfortunate Ratchet: that insect was very interesting... Ratchet: Ah, I wouldn't recommend doing that Blurr. B l u r r: Oh, why not? B l u r r: /leans over Drift a little / Maybe you should invent a bug like that. Ratchet: The rust in your processor. The air could make that much worse B l u r r: / shrugs loudly / What's a little more rust for the rust? Wing: When you fall apart one day, Blurr... Ratchet: I suggest if you want to know what's in the Rust Sea, you should send someone else. Star: /looks over at Blurr then back to the movie/ B l u r r: The Rust Sea is vast. It has a lot in it. B l u r r: I'm the Captain of my ship. I should lead. B l u r r: / waves claws/ I won't fall apart ! Wing: You're rusting to pieces and won't do anything about it. You will. Give it time. Drift: The captain of the ship knows he's no good to his crew if he doesn't take care of himself. B l u r r: I'm not rusting to pieces. B l u r r: / flicks Drift's helm / Drift: You're not NOW. B l u r r: And I  do take some care of myself. Drift: *flicks the hand that flicked him.* You need to take more. Wing: *just shakes his head* You have rust in you still. As I said, give it time. B l u r r: Mm... I have been working on it. Drift: The fact that you're not "rusting to pieces" now doesn't mean you WON'T be if you don't take care of yourself. A lot of care. B l u r r: / motions claw at Ratchet / That's what Ratchet is for. B l u r r: My trusted medic. Drift: No. Part of the responsibility is yours. Drift: You can't do things that will knock down a building and then say it was the architect's responsibility to keep it up. B l u r r: I suppose... Drift: Not taking care of yourself is like blowing up the foundations in the basement. B l u r r: All right, all right... geez. drift changed their nickname to tyDrift. B l u r r: I'll take care of myself... as best I can anyway. Wing: Mmhm. *crosses arms over his chest. he's heard that before and he'll believe it when he sees it* B l u r r: Look how cute they are!! tyDrift: [ shows up late and doesn't even have starbucks ] B l u r r: / waves at Drift/ tyDrift: [ waves and finds a seat ] B l u r r: / come sit near here / Drift: *looks at the new guy. who's thi— SITS BOLT UPRIGHT* Hey!! B l u r r: Drift, this is my best friend, Drift. B l u r r: Drift, that's Drift. Wing: *two Drifts? huh* Star: /is so into this movie you won't believe/ Drift: Yeah! Hi! Alternate! Nice to meet you. Ratchet: well, this is slightly confusing. tyDrift: Ah tyDrift: Hi Drift: You're the, uh—triplechanger, right? Helicopter? tyDrift: Yes tyDrift: You're not? B l u r r: [[ i love how he has all of them ]] Wing: ((yeee)) Star: (same) Drift: Nope. Just a car. tyDrift: [sits by blurr] tyDrift: That's... so inconvenient tyDrift: Where do you keep your swords? Drift: Hip sheaths. Check it out. *stands* Not as, uh, elegant as recycling them for rotors. That's what you do, right? S'what Springer does. tyDrift: Yes... though, I'm not familiar with the name Springer Drift: Oh! Wrecker. Big green guy. Chest the size of five regular chests. tyDrift: [excuse him he's just.... trying to takes all of this in] B l u r r: Mine's better. Drift: *take your time* B l u r r: Eh, he sounds overrated/ tyDrift: He sounds interesting. Drift: He's an all right guy. Didn't know him really long. tyDrift: Is he the loud, boisterous type? B l u r r: That's Crosshairs. Drift: Not as much as some Wreckers. Buuut kinda. tyDrift: Mm, I was going to say Hound tyDrift: But Crosshairs is just as well B l u r r: Crosshairs is obnoxious. B l u r r: [[ why would u sleep when u r wanted by a mummy demon ] Star: (gonna need some super strength mouth wash) tyDrift: Crosshairs tries B l u r r: I prefer the real Wreckers. Ratchet: ((I'm gonna head off to bed, our AC is busted and the heat is making me sleepy!)) Wing: ((niiiight)) B l u r r: [[ ni ni! ]] tyDrift: (gnight ♥) Star: (Night!) Drift: ((gnight)) tyDrift: [would argue about what constitutes a 'real' wrecker, but he's too tired] tyDrift: [just pats Blurr's arm] B l u r r: / reaches over to pat his helm / tyDrift: < < B l u r r: / B) / Drift: ((punch him)) Drift: ((don't just yell at the mummy, punch him)) tyDrift: ... I guess that works Drift: ((... okay but what if she kissed him and the giant dust face started making a kissy face)) B l u r r: [[ perfect ]] tyDrift: (oh god) Star: (lmao) B l u r r: / reeeaches over for on of the snacks wing brought / B l u r r: one* Drift: *... reeeaches too* tyDrift: [leeeans out of the way] B l u r r: / snags one and shoves it in his mouth / Star: (the two of them in the background though lol) Star: /gets up to go answer a comm/ tyDrift: [frowns] They're walking corpses, how strong could they be... Drift: They DO have the supernatural on their side. Their strength is probably greater than their mere flesh. B l u r r: ... I wonder if you really can do that.. tyDrift: Supernatural strength, and yet they crumble like dust Wing: What were the empties, then? B l u r r: Oh Empties aren't like this... B l u r r: They're nowhere near as organized. Drift: High attack, low defense? Wing: Not as organized, but aren't they dead? *he may not be remembering that right* B l u r r: Empties? No... they were never really alive to begin with. B l u r r: The Zombie combatants were dead B l u r r: Those are, uh... /fun/ . Wing: Oh. Drift: ... If it's that simple, why do they need the book? B l u r r: Humans make things overly complex. Drift: There's a giant army of humans who were devoted to making sure this guy wasn't resurrected, right? Drift: Why didn't they just teach them all that spell? tyDrift: I suppose they didn't know the phrase needed B l u r r: This idiot. Drift: It was in a book. The very first generation of people in the army could've learned it from the book and then passed it down the generations. tyDrift: Hindsight is the greatest power... tyDrift: I guess they didn't think they would ever get this far Drift: I mean—that shouldn't have been hard for them to figure out ahead of time. B l u r r: Especially if she's the expert. Drift: ... At least his death will be fast? B l u r r: And satisfying tyDrift: They needed that mechanism to open the book didn't they? Did they have it before? Drift: This army has been around three thousand years. It was probably established back when this guy was first buried. Drift: They could've taught everybody the secret spell BEFORE they buried the books. Drift: (("oh, please." me 2 buddy.)) B l u r r: p[[ same ]] tyDrift: It was sweet Wing: *wing stretch* Different. tyDrift: (hush you two drift loves sappy endings lol) B l u r r: Oh of course /you/ liked it tyDrift: Is it so bad if I did? tyDrift: I wish I could have made it sooner.. Drift: ((so does my drift. but drift's mun, she Judges.)) B l u r r: Well, I might show the others. B l u r r: I find it interesting. tyDrift: (it could have been worse lol they at least seemed like they had some chemistry) Drift: There's more? tyDrift: There are more? B l u r r: There are three. Drift: Hey. That means the monster survived. Wing: *he had his mouth open to ask the same but...* B l u r r: / grins/ He did! B l u r r: ... Yeah! Star: (came back and the movies over pft) B l u r r: [ aww my poor friendo D: ] tyDrift: (wow that was a long call, sorry you missed it :c ) Star: (Tis fine. I've seen the movie a hundred times anyway ^-^) Wing: ((it's a good movie)) tyDrift: [he may or may not be looking up the other movies right now] Star: /sorta just peeks through the doorway/ Oh the movies over....oops. B l u r r: / stretches out all over Drift / B l u r r: / er. Bestie / Drift: *how the turntables* B l u r r: / yes good / Wing: *nods* Yes. The creature was killed. The girl was saved. The end. *light shrug* B l u r r: You know... I've been bored lately. B l u r r: Maybe raising the dead can be a new hobby. K-Kyeheheh. Star: Well that summed it up /he huffed/ tyDrift: [sighs] Blurr... B l u r r: Mm? Wing: It's how most movies end. B l u r r: That's true, Wing. tyDrift: I think you need a hobby that isn't raising the dead B l u r r: I have one. /relaxes/ Star: Well I don't normally watch human movies so .... Star: /besides the first one he watched here everyone died at the end/ B l u r r: What, you and Megatron don't have date nights ? Star: /deadpans/ No we do not. B l u r r: [[ tag urself. I'm John Jay, sick after 5 essays ]] B l u r r: Oh, what a pity. I'm sure dates with him are just sooo entertaining. Wing: *he did say most* Human movies, then. B l u r r: What does Megatron even /do/ ? Does he do math problems when he's not parading around like a saint? Star: I don't date Megatron and no he's nothing like that. /folds his arms over his chassis/ B l u r r: You're not dating? /mocking gasp / Oh for pit sake, Starscream, did you burn the anniversary cake? B l u r r: / sneer/ With how much you stick by his side, I'd think you two were an item. Wing: *rubs his forehead. Primus help him* B l u r r: I find it odd that humans write so many odd endings. Drift: *paps blurr* C'mon, implying Megatron and Starscream are a thing is just gross. I'm gonna be sick. Star: /glares at Blurr/ And here I thought you could attempt to be civil for once. B l u r r: / glances at Drift / Mm... true. B l u r r: / snarls at Star / I AM being civil. Have I attacked you yet? Wing: Starscream, would you like to go for a flight? Star: /lets out a slow vent/ All because you haven't attacked me doesn't mean...you know what never mind. tyDrift: [shifts awkwardly] B l u r r: /scoffs/ You threaten me and then expect me to be civil. B l u r r: Tell Megatron if he wants me so bad, to come get me himself. B l u r r: I'm ready for him. Star: ...Give Grimlocl my regards /he stood up/ Thank you for the movie, and yes Wing I would. Star: /and he was gone/ Star: Grimlock* B l u r r: / rolls optic and settles back on his couch / B l u r r: [[ Grimclock ]] B l u r r: [[ the spoopy clock ]] Star: [xD] Wing: *shoots Blurr a look* Thanks for the movie. *and he'll follow Star out* B l u r r: / settles back in his spot/ B l u r r: There's apparently a line of mechs on the way to kill me. tyDrift: ... Shouldn't you be preparing then? B l u r r: Preparing for what? They'll kill each other before they get to me. B l u r r: See, Grimlock is selfish. He wants to finish... what he started. And Megatron is just a hypocrite. tyDrift: You're not concerned they may team up? B l u r r: / shrugs/ Wouldn't be the first time. B l u r r: I'm just saying... /scraping digits together / If they're gonna kill me, they better make sure I'm dead. tyDrift: ... Are you going to need help? B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. Ahh, I think I can die just fine on my own. B l u r r: / wait. / Oh, you mean to fight? Well. /pats bestie/ I don't know. B l u r r: Drift here is an ally of my crew. Plus, there's the Tyran Wreckers and JT's crew. tyDrift: [frowns] Of course I mean to fight, it wouldn't be right to leave if you need me B l u r r: Oh for pit sake, I'm not useless. You mechs know I survived a war, right? /sort of / tyDrift: Concern isn't belittling tyDrift: Or at least it shouldn't be B l u r r: I'll be fine. B l u r r: I'm always fine. tyDrift: ... If you're certain tyDrift: [stands] I should be returning then, thank you for inviting me again B l u r r: I'm fine. B l u r r: / lifts claw and waves / See you later, Drift. B l u r r: Maybe you two can have a Drift party. tyDrift: [frowns because doubts] tyDrift: Maybe, if you can manage to find a third Drift: *waves* Only need two for a party. B l u r r: Nah, you two are fine. Drift: Honestly, I'd rather see you in battle sometime. B l u r r: / leans over to bestie / He has anger issues Drift: So did I. They can be tamed. tyDrift: The fighting on Earth has subsided for now, fortunately. I wouldn't be opposed to sparring with you though. It would be interesting. tyDrift: [side-eyes blurr] B l u r r: / smirks at him / tyDrift: It's contained, I assure you B l u r r: / B) / B l u r r: Oh, I'm sure it is. Drift: Uh—don't spar. I was thinking fighting /alongside./ tyDrift: [ignores blurr] Is the fighting still frequent for you then? B l u r r: / pat tyDrift on the helm / tyDrift: [IGNORE] The Decepticons have been neutralized for the most part on my planet. We only deal with stragglers mainly. B l u r r: Are you guys going to become Amica Endurae? All buddy buddy. B l u r r: / SEE. HE KNOWS THE WORD / tyDrift: > > tyDrift: [stops ignoring for just a second] I am not familiar with the term B l u r r: It means, uh... /scratches audio finial. Looks off into space for a second. Mumbling / B l u r r: Right right. You're right. /back to drifty mcfly/ It means like really close friends. B l u r r: / he was close / tyDrift: Ah tyDrift: Maybe Drift: Basically. Best friends forever, but in a legally binding way. Drift: ... And spiritually binding, I feel like. B l u r r: Oh oh yeah. B l u r r: If you need a doctor, apparently the Amica can ... permit that. B l u r r: / he tried / Drift: ... If one of a pair of amicae endurae is injured, the his amica has authority to make medical decisions on his behalf. Drift: Unless he has a conjunx. Conjunx outranks amica. B l u r r: ... That's what I meant. Drift: I thought so. *pats* B l u r r: / chews on another snack / tyDrift: Ah, I see. That's an interesting concept. B l u r r: It's something in his universe /motions to bestie / tyDrift: Seems very... formal though. tyDrift: There aren't enough of us left to be concerned with legalities. Those who are left just be. B l u r r: [[ me : constantly cries at this part because im garbage ]] B l u r r: [[ also me: knows all the words and sings them ]] tyDrift: (very nice ♥) tyDrift: ... I am required to return to my post though, and it's approaching that time. B l u r r: Really? Huh... Drift: And I should get back to the Lost Light, too. B l u r r: ... I suppose we should head back out, too. Drift: Just for a couple of hours. Then I'll probably be back here. To sit on you some more. B l u r r: .. /rolls optic / I'm sure. B l u r r: We're gonna start moving locations, so. Try to keep up with the fleet. Drift: I'll just bridge on your ship. I haven't bought my private one yet. B l u r r: Ah, right Drift: Still haven't got enough of a crew to justify it. I'm trying to convince Whirl to come, but... B l u r r: Ah, well. B l u r r: You know, I've got an agenda of my own as is. Maybe it's better if you lot don't tag along for a while. Drift: I like getting involved in your agendas. B l u r r: Yes, I know. B l u r r: I'll see you later, then, Drift.
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