#and yeah it makes sense when you take into account dps + his. Psychology. but. crying its so. its sad to watch reinhard be so casual with
suffarustuffaru · 1 year
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everything reinhard says is a call for help fr…..
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thebookofyouandi · 4 years
1 May 2020 Relapse
You know how when people have cancer, and they get completely cured, and then suddenly for no reason the Cancer comes back and effs up their lives again? P is like that. He was the one who blocked me, he was the one who cut off all contact, and just when I had completely forgotten about him, he comes back- And the only reason I can think of is that he wanted attention from his personal fan club, aka me, again. I had initially decided to ignore him and not even acknowledge his existence, and I wish I had stuck to that.... But at least now I know for sure that he likes me back, and that there could never be anything real between us ever-And I think I finally got my much-deserved closure. Here’s how the convo went down.
I texted him after like, 6 days of him following me on Insta-
Me- Did you account get hacked or something?
P- You know, expecting something unexpected is a paradox in itself. 
Me- Yeah. And expecting you to answer straightforward is an unrealistic expectation. Anyway, what’s up?
P- Nothing’s up. Are you asking in general or something in particular? 
Me- Tried small talk and failed again. XD 
P- OH Yeah!
((At this point I just rolled my eyes and went back to work, deciding to ignore him. After like, half an hour, he texts again-)).
P- How are you?
Then we talked for a while. for a while means almost 2 hours. We talked about a lot of stuff, and he even took a dig at me for not watching news channels he believes are unbiased and always correct. But we were both chill and cool. Then I asked him what he had been doing all these days. 
Me- No. Following you will emotionally stress me out. So no.
P- What?? why?? 
Me- Obvious. I had a crush on you, I got hurt, I don’t want to go back there again.
P- Don’t worry. You don’t have feelings for me anymore. You’ll be fine. 
((And I go inside my head like, wow, Ok! so instead of directly asking whether I STILL have feelings for him or not, he directly says I don’t, because knowing me, I will immediately retort with a reply. He thinks he’s so smart and all)).
Me- Go die please XD Don’t tell me what I feel or don’t feel! 
((He then showed me his paintings that he had made, and said that this is what I wanted to show you on my Insta page. They were pretty nice for a beginner. Then we discussed a poem and some nonsense, and when the convo died, i left. After just 8 mins-))  P- BTW i have shaved. I don’t look like I used to. 
Me- You’re a handsome guy. You must be looking good still. But flaunt your new look on your DP too na? ((He took a pic that very instant and sent to me, and he looked cute kinda.)) You look perfect either way. Take a proper pic and post on Insta I guess. 
P- How would you know that I posted?
Me- I wouldn’t, but that’s not the point. The point is, you look cute, and everyone should see. 
P- People who find me cute should see only. 
((Now in my dictionary folks, this is outright flirting! And he just wanted to hear more praise from his Fan club. I didn’t continue much tho. He said thanks a bunch, then said he was going to play video games, and i said bye.Texts back in 3 hrs.))
P- There? I didn’t play. 
((Then he showed me a painting he made, which was very good. And then he showed me pics he took of himself, all dressed up in a blue shirt and blazer and even sunglasses, “because you asked me to”. I said, “Try modeling.” Then I showed him a poem S shared with me- ))
P- The girl in this is a cheater.
Me- Acc to psychology, no relationship is perfect. One person will always love more.
P- What you said right there, that really hit hard. 
Me- Idk what to say to that. 
((He asked me to thank him for praising me, I did so. Then he told me he had posted the pics he had shown me, “Like you asked”. I then finally decided to follow him, and the pic he had posted had great comments, and I took credit for making him post them, and he asked me to comment too. I said no.))
P- You didn’t comment yet. 
Me- Yeah right. Are you doing this on purpose? You know I don’t hide stuff. I told you I have feelings for you. Don’t make it weird. XD
P- Comment now. I am not J. ((I said no again.)) Btw I have got admission in X college. I will be moving by Sept. 
Me- Congrats. Not surprised. 
P- Why? Ok. Never mind. 
Me- Oh good.  I find it hard to praise ppl without sounding insincere. Btw J never made it awkward. I’m gonna miss him when he’s gone.
P- Dude you first like me, then you make me count all my shortcomings too. Is your like sensor broken? 
Me- Leave it. XD I didn’t think even for a second that I had a chance with you.  You’re so exasperating! XD Your shortcoming is your narcissism. Anyway, I gotta sleep, so gn. 
((He didn’t reply, but he never does. Then after a few secs I thought I should comment on his pic. Poor guy will get happy. And in those few seconds, he had both unfollowed me and removed me from his followers too! I was like, what the fuck just happened? Is this guy psycho or what? My friend was right! He just wanted me to follow him back! But wait, that doesn’t make sense either because he removed me too! Ugh!))
Me- Wow. So you DID get weird. I thought at least now we were cool man. XD Anyways, TC. ((Seen, no reply. Then I thought, maybe I was the one at fault.)) Oh and umm, sorry I said anything. Wasn’t my intention to hurt you. 
P- You said gn. 
Me- And....?
P- That means go to sleep.
Me- You never reply. That wasn’t the problem. You made me unfollow you. That was. Completely understand tho. No hard feelings.
((Seen, no reply. Then last night, I had the same dream on repeat like a million times- I ask him, what the fuck happened last night? He doesn’t reply, and I walk away frustrated. So the next morning I asked him to just explain this one thing. He said, Go back and read where I wrote, Why? Ok. Never mind. And I did, and and it made absolutely NO SENSE! But he refused to explain further. Said he didn’t have the energy. I decided not to pursue it further, and told him my exam went well today. Seen, no reply. Then I finally got REALLY Mad and texted him this.))
Me- What’s your deal anyway, P? I have never seen a more complicated person in my life. Be honest with me for once. You’re a crappy person, really. 
He left me on seen again. All the above I wrote is my interpretation. And I might be wrong, but knowing the kind of crap he keeps pulling, I don’t think I am. Anyway, I don’t like him now. I really, really wanted to kiss him, but then he went and did all that nonsense. My feelings for him died I think, like 3 months back. All I wish for him now is to feel the same desperation that I did. I saw some of it, but not all. I want him to get hurt too. And I hope he does. He is great at a lot of things, but acting normal isn’t one of them. But I know it will take time for me to completely move on from him again after he came back, so I will write all the imagines in my head here. 
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nabtime · 7 years
Reasons I Very Much Disliked the 10 Years Later Video Butch decided was probably profitable and decided to post. Like.... Let’s start with characters...
Jazz. My sweet fav Jazz. All of the designs felt pretty wrong and out of character but this one felt the most so. Butch didn’t even mention psychology, which offended me the most, and it’s like, yeah maybe Jazz grew out of her love for psychology by the time 10 years later rolled around but considering how central it was to her character? Doubtful. Like??? Butch do you know these characters at all? How in any way shape or form was Jazz technologically inclined? To the point she’d be as hooked up to wires and such as she was? That didn’t make sense at all. Maybe for Tucker, the most tech savy person ever, but not for Jazz. 
Yes she wanted to help her brother out and nearly desperately wanted to be part of team Phantom but I don’t think she’d give up everything she loved for it. Also Jazz would absolutely not want to be on the side lines. Even when she was messing up with the weapons she was still right there in the middle of the action. We also know she can kick butt physically, like her mom, even if she’s bad with weapons, like her dad. 
Honestly? I would see Jazz as a top researcher on the Psychology of Ghosts. She would most definitely have the drive and the passion to be able to not only spearhead a new avenue of research based on everything about a ghost’s brain/feelings/thoughts/etc but also be a sort of permanent head of that department. Ghosts are a sentient species that are also completely separate from humans. That’s GROUNDBREAKING. 
Not to mention that it’s a way she knows she can help without completely resorting to violence. Jazz is compassionate and nosy. She’s a busy-body that wants to fix everyone’s problems. She’s both sensitive and insensitive. She’s aggressive about being caring. And I don’t think that would be something that would just go away. I know Butch has already stated that Ghosts aren’t Ghosts but Monster (Yeah, okay man) but ignoring that I think Jazz would most certainly offer Ghost Therapy sessions Pro Bono to help them pass on. And even with the Monster thing, I still think she’d offer therapy, even if it’s just to offer comfort and the ability to integrate within human society. 
Anyway, I was real mad about how badly Jazz was treated. Her entire character was made some two-dimensional sidekick with no substance. The depth of the female characters is what made DP so great, Butch, we don’t need you ruining that just to make things look cool.
Jack. I... guess I agree with him that Jack would think being a half robot is cool, but like... Why? Why would he have gotten that scarred up? Yes, I get it, the usual “When you’re famous you make a lot of enemies.” But like.... I dunno I think the show wouldn’t necessarily take such an edgy dystopian turn like he wants us to believe. He kept just... talking about action and action scenes. And, honestly? That’s incredibly boring. And completely unnecessary. Action scenes are good but you have to have something to propel them. Something to make you care. One would think that Danny and his crew would be working to make the world a better place. To make it more peaceful. That’s what heroes are supposed to do. Not gratuitously get into fights with anyone who’s trying to pick one. Like??? 
Also this completely would take away character growth, both with Jack’s design and Maddie’s. Why are they still treating ghosts like subhumans? Like evil monsters? Since they’re literally wearing the DP insignia I’d assume they know about Danny’s half-ghost persona, so why would they still be hunting ghosts the same way?????
Honestly, with the way the show was headed before it ended you could tell there was a lesson in there about how there’s humanity even in beings you think are monsters. These mecha-ultra-action-oriented designs leave no room for that. I want to see a peaceful ambassador Danny trying his best to negotiate between ghosts and humans! I want to see Jack and Maddie supporting him! The conflict shouldn’t come from random fight scenes, but from things going awry! Let me see negotiations go sour because Jack accidentally said something loud and obnoxious. Let me see him resolve it after some character growth. One of the things about the original DP was that the grown ups had no accountability. Let me see them grow too. Show me that even adults can learn from their mistakes. 
In the end Jack looked like a horribly colored Santa that’s too trigger happy. Also? With the way everything was action oriented and revolving around violence... I dunno, when you treat your enemies like targets and forego all compassion, are you really the hero anymore? Even if he escaped the fate of Dan, it seems to me like Danny is still a bit of a villain like this. :/
Maddie. Just. Let me. AAAAAAA. No. First of all that haircut. Maddie would never. There’s no reason for her to change her hair that drastically and just, ugh. And those clothes on a 50 year old woman? I dunno, women can wear what they like at any age but it just doesn’t fit Maddie’s style. Anyway. Also, Butch totally degraded Maddie’s character to just “bad-ass action woman that fights a lot, has big weapons, and is bad ass.” Totally taking away her maternal side. Totally disregarding the fact that she’s often the brains of the operation behind the weapons. And totally making another awesomely dimensional female character flat and without substance. Congrats Butch.
Secondly, can we talk about those ghosts on a leash? Omfg. Whoo boy. Let’s talk about how many things wrong with that there are. Just. Yeah, remember a few paragraphs ago I was talking about the “humanity in monsters” bla bla bla. WELL. One: cruel. Two: weird. Three: wrong. Like on a basic moral level. Anyway, like I’m going to stop there with that because I don’t want to think about it anymore. Eugh.
Vlad. Lmao, let’s take one of the best motivated, best background story given child’s cartoon character and say his most interesting trait is his being a Greenbay Packers fan. Like, yeah it’s a pretty cool thing about him, but come on Butch. 
Also, i like how even you are ignoring Phantom Planet and you made that horrible mess. You dug your grave now lie in it. 
A clone??? Can we talk about the moral implications??? Like yes, I know Vlad is a villain and he does bad things but like??? We already went through this as a plot point we don’t need to go through it again. Vlad may be obsessive but he’s smart enough to know when to give up a failed plan. He’d start a new one. But anyway the moral implications of a clone. I’m not talking about Vlad, I’m talking about society. That is obviously a clone of Danny. That was obviously unconsensual. Vlad would blow his cover as a civilian and be revealed as a villain to the public this way, assuming he still has a cover. How does he live?????As a constant villain??? Wouldn’t he be arrested??? I just. Logistics man. And with the weight of Danny as a trustworthy superhero now, and the fact that its pretty obvious everyone knows Danny’s identities, Vlad has no leverage over Danny to keep his secret. Danny could full on spill everything about how evil vlad is. And what about team Phantom?? Wouldn’t they try to take the clone away from an abusive asshole like they did with Dani?? How does the clone feel??? This is a literal whole new character!!! 
I’m not even going to talk about the tiger.
VLAD. DOES. NOT. WANT. TO. BE. A. KING!!!! That’s so totally not his villain MO!!!!!! What was so great about Vlad was that he didn’t want things like that. He wanted power, yes. But only to further his plans. He wanted three things: Maddie, revenge on Jack, and Danny as his protege. That’s what made him interesting!!!!! Not every villain has to be power hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Medieval vlad having a sword so he can just go into battle and just smash things. Wow, okay, right back to the action with no substance and also totally ignoring the classiness and finesse that vlad usually utilizes in fights. but okay. 
Oh! Well look! Phantom Planet actually mentioned!!! Also the alien enslavement thing was actually a pretty cool plot thing so KUDOS TO YOU BUTCH SOMETHING I LIKED!!!! But, how, may i ask, are you going to deal with aliens existing? are they going to never be mentioned again?? are they going to come looking for vlad on earth? how will they clash with the ghosts? will danny have to reluctantly notice that his once archnemesis is not who he used to be and take pity on his wretched new state in order to help fight against the aliens? will vlad beg for dannys help or want to fight him for revenge? that’s some good plot right there.
Side note: “Maybe if I do a Danny Phantom 10 Years Later part three video, I’ll do an aged up version of Young Blood.” Butch. The whole point of Young Blood is that he’s young. Like forever young. BUTCH. THIS IS YOUR OWN SHOW. BUTCH!!!
Anyway. Dani. Is she evil? She was under the influence of Vlad after all. NO???!?!?! Literally that was the whole plot of her character arch Butch. She was taken away from that influence and allowed to roam free, If anything I think she’d gain lots of wisdom and worldly experience from her travels. 
“I kind of buffed her up”  👀 👀 👀 👌 👌 👌 👌 💯 💯 💯 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 !!!
But also back to, “By party I mean she likes to destroy ghosts” BUTCH. I already went over this. Everything action oriented like this totally takes away from the original series and makes everything boring with no purpose. No drive. Also while yes I love her design, i think its ignoring whatever experiences she might have had while traveling. and makes her yet another flat female character. She’s there to look sexy and hit things and thats it. there’s, again, no substance. Whatever.
Also, how does she make a reappearance in the series??  Has she integrated into the family? (Thatd be rad). Does she just pop up from time to time? is she there for back up in case theres a need for reinforecements?
i have questions butch.
this has been long. bye
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