#and yes I have lived in places where winter meant snow and temperatures below zero
jfleamont · 2 years
chronic migraines in the summer are just hilarious, love it when I have to stay in my bedroom in the dark because of that! nevermind that I have a million things to do. oh, and let's not forget the low blood pressure and anemia that won't let me take more than two steps without feeling dizzy! truly a lovely day.
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parkeraul · 5 years
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below zero
shawn mendes x reader words: 1.670 warning: fluffy. today’s mood is angelic mood. a/n: anon requested me! if you also have a request, disk me.
“It’s not that bad, eh?” Shawn asked as you both got back to the car after a walk on the Beachfront Park. The sun up in the sky made a fool out of you when you thought that a bright day meant a warm day. Obviously winter kicked in and you could tell by the snow covering the grass and the trees beautifully, but the wind practically cutting your face made you clench your teeth for them to stop banging against each other as your whole body started trembling. “No!” You responded. The sound of your voice came out stifled by the scarf covering your mouth as you started sinking your face more and more onto it. “It’s cozy. It’s lovely!” Those phrases sounded more like a whine, making Shawn glance at you and grab the tip of your rosy nose with his index and middle finger, curling them to softly pinch the pink skin. “What do you think about a nice cup of cappuccino before we go home?” He smiled at the vision of you being swallowed by your cap and scarf, blowing some hot air to ease the hardness taking over your fingers that was turning them into a cold stone. “For the love of God, please!” You quickly agreed as he started the car, laughing at your desperation and turning on the heater. Pickering was gorgeous… Inside of the car with a comfortable temperature embracing your body. You didn’t want him to think that you were dying to leave his hometown. You know how much it means to him that you can enjoy the city as much as he does. And it is an amazing place. Beautiful streets showing you the charming houses, the nice stores and the decorated restaurants, giving you a better impression of this new ambient around you. As the car moved, Shawn made sure he talked about every point. The neighborhoods, his favorite places to go, indicating them and proudly describing how they were like. He kept one hand on the wheel and his other hand met your thigh, rubbing it with his thumb as his palm covered every inch it could reach. Making a quick stop at the Starbucks, you both ordered your preferred hot drinks and some muffins to go due to the snow falling in a bigger amount this time. He unlocked the door to his condo, opening some space for you to walk in first so he could follow you right after, closing the door behind him and locking it once again. The sunset started to take over the large view that his window provided you. You stopped in front of it, admiring some single snowflakes hitting the glass and the city covered in white. It was breathtaking. You couldn’t even deny. Shawn came across, taking the drink off your hand and placing it on the center table between the enormous sofa and the TV. Heading over to where you were standing, he covered your back with his body, resting his chin on the curve of your neck and wrapping his arms around your middle tightly. “Do you miss being in here all the time? Like you used to be before?” You broke the silence, unable to avoid the nostalgic feeling in the air. “More than I’d like to,” He clicked his tongue and then used it to lick his lips before moving on. “It’s hard but it’s incredible to come over after a long time away.” He finished and you could sense the passion on every word as you felt his heart beating faster against your skin. “Choose something for us to watch and unbox the muffins. I’ll be right back, babe.” He broke the contact by kissing you on the cheek rapidly, bringing your heavy coat down your arms and then he left the living room. You enjoyed the opportunity to take off your shoes. Walking to the kitchen, you grabbed a plate and you sat down on the couch to open the bag, arranging the four muffins on it. After putting them together, you stepped to your shared bedroom to get into your pajamas but ran into Shawn in the middle of your action. He had a big blanket hanging on his right arm and a box of your favorite chocolates in his hand. His other arm held two pillows against his chest and his left hand was holding your pajamas. “Looking for these?” Shawn asked, smiling and already in his grey sweatpants and a comfortable sweater. You mumbled a ‘thank you’ and continued your way to the bedroom, taking the clothes with you. When you came back, he was closing the curtains. The living room was now illuminated only by the TV screen. He looked back at you and made his way to get under the cover. “C’mere.” He invited, fluffing your pillow as you got closer. He lifted up the blanket for you to join him, promptly widening his arm for you to cuddle him and lay your head on his chest. You felt everything inside of you floating in pure joy and peace. Your hand drawing circles along his torso as his lungs worked slowly to take a deep breath. Day by day, you two were discovering more and more things about each other and developing trust, partnership… Love. A love so intense and magnificent that you couldn’t think about any single day away from him anymore. And he felt the same. Every moment beside you turned out to be something to write about. From your first date to a freezing walk on a park ending up with the so-called Netflix and chill. These memories came all of a sudden on his mind, reliving them like they were happening all over again right in front of his eyes. Nothing can compare to the way he feels lost in happiness when he’s with you. It just fits right. Waking up next to you and having the chance to gaze at your serene face lightened by the sunlight; making a big mess in the kitchen whenever he joined you to make some pancakes to breakfast; listening to the sweet sound of your voice telling him how much he means to you; the scent of you stuck on his clothes, bringing your presence next to him somehow when you were away… All of these episodes were priceless, making him wish he’d never miss it from now on. “Babe?” You brought him back to reality. “Yes?” “Is everything okay? What’s going on?” “Nothing…” Shawn answered. “Just thinking about a few things.” “Can I ask you what’s on your mind?” You got up from his body. “Sure.” He guided your body to get on top of his. Your faces millimeters away from each other now with your upper half down on his and legs touching his sides. “I… I was picturing something.” “A new song?” Curious, you questioned. “Not this time.” He caressed your tender skin, making you close your eyes and exhale softly. Putting your hair behind your ear, he admired you for a while before speaking again. “Just the thought of you by my side during all this time and how much I want this to last as long as possible.” “I’ll stay by your side forever.” Still with your eyes closed, your tone came out low but clear enough for him to listen. His heart started missing the beats and found itself immersed in relief, in love… Totally in love. Your hands quickly met his neck and then stroked the hair above it. “Do you also picture us in a big house? Like… In a few years…” Shawn asked, praying to all the gods for you answer to be ‘yes’. “A big house with a big garden…” Your closed eyes were giving you the sight of the scenario. “Oh, and a big pool!” ‘Thank God!’ He thought to himself. “Where our dogs can run around the space…” You started. “And the kids can throw the ball to them.” And he finished. You opened your eyes. Meeting his greenish iris, you couldn’t help but smile. You were sharing the same daydreams and never really talked about it. “Kids, huh?” He nodded in affirmation. “How many kids?” This time, he turned it into a game to see if your minds were still connected. “Let’s answer together?” Shawn suggested, holding your waist and breathing more intensely in anticipation. “Twins!” You both talked at the same time, smiling from ear to ear in surprise and he squeezed your body in order to express his gladness somehow. “How is this even possible?” You questioned more to yourself then directly to him. “Are they a boy and a girl?” Once again, he answered the exact same words with you. He hurriedly grabbed your lips with his in excitement, adding a considerable pressure but, when your tongues touched, you two slowed it down. They were dancing, savoring each other calmly as your mouths were opening to get more of this. You tasted the chocolate from the muffin on his tongue and he tasted the vanilla from your drink on yours. This must be heaven. The kisses matching perfectly, the lips working with a light suction, experiencing the sensation of being around each other craving for more. Your head spinning in pleasure as his hands held you like you were the most delicate thing he would ever touch, mapping every inch of your back and rib bones. “God, Y/N!” He whispered. Was he still dreaming? Literally everything he asked for lying on top of him. He could touch it; he could feel it and give all of him in return. “And where would we live at?” Interested, he saved this question for last. You had shut your eyes close this time. “Canada!” He shouted. “On my warm country where winter takes it easy on me!” You rushed your words, hoping he wouldn’t be able to understand the whole phrase. His red lips formed a thin line and he clicked his tongue again. “Almost!”
yay, you came all the way over here <3 thank you for reading. any tips? requests? feedbacks? confessions? wanna talk? leave me a message, gurl.
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silosene · 5 years
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Following up on the Southern Night Fury is the second dragon we’re adding to Exodus: the Light Fury! Or, more accurately, the Light Fury 2.0. I decided to give them a proper revamp after it was revealed that the Light Fury’s one special ability wasn’t so special after all. I wanted to make them more unique and interesting, so here we go!
For the Light Fury, I decided to go an arctic/aquatic route - built for cold waters and life on the ice.
CLASS: Strike
FIRE TYPE: Plasma blasts, freezing cold brine
FEATURES: Bulky features, smooth skin and ultra-fine scales, cartiligious fins, long paddle-like tail, gills, serrated claws, retractable teeth
HABITAT: Arctic glaciers/ice caps; ideally anywhere freezing cold and near the ocean
COLORS: Base coat of white with a massive variety of blue hues, often darkest on the back and outside of wings and lighter on the belly/sides. Boasts a plethora of tigerlike stripes in a number of hues of blue. Icy-blue eyes, can be anywhere between nearly white and deep abyssal blue. Scales sparkle like snow.
SIZE: Medium, around the size of a large cat like lions. Physically shorter than Northerns and Southerns, but have far more bulk
TRAINABLE: Yes, with effort
Attack: 15
Speed: 20
Armor: 12
Firepower: 14
Shot Limit: 6
Venom: 0
Jaw Strength: 5
Stealth: 15
    Water-Breathing: Unlike the other species of Fury, Light Furies are uniquely adapted to an aquatic climate. Situated for freezing temperatures and plenty of time under the waves, not only do they have a thick layer of blubber and blue-colored blood (on account of being loaded with antifreeze), but their biggest adaptation is of gills. This allows them to remain underwater indefinitely, so long as there’s enough oxygen around.
    Additionally, they possess a number of cartilaginous fins and streamlined features to help them swim through the water. Their long, thick tail is meant to behave as a paddle, and is capable of snapping bone when used as a weapon. When swimming, they often tuck their limbs against themselves and use their wings to propel themselves forward. When in need of an extra boost, they cocoon themselves within their wings and use their entire body and tail to press forward, like a porpoise.
    When over water, their gills secrete a fine mucus that seals them shut within a few minutes, protecting them from injury or cold. The mucus dissolves immediately upon contact with liquid. Light Furies will not appreciate it if you try to prove this by dumping water on them.
    Snap-Freezing Brine: In the below-zero temperatures of arctic waters, the ocean is saturated with melting freshwater from glaciers and icebergs. Brine, a type of water that is positively teeming with salt, has a much lower freezing point than the chilly arctic water. In the wild, sinking columns of frigid brine are so cold that they freeze the normal water around them as they descend to the ocean floor, creating lowering icicles called brinicles that freeze anything they touch in an instant, from fish to crabs to sea urchins.
    Light Furies have a similar adaptation. They are capable of creating and storing brine in a large throat organ, where it is kept at freezing temperatures regardless of the heat from the outside world. Light Furies are capable of spitting this brine for up to thirty feet. In their natural habitat, this will freeze any water it touches, successfully snap-freezing prey and making for an easy snack.
    This comes with its limitations, though. It won’t work in warmer waters, and it can’t freeze in open air unless there’s a significant amount of fog or rain in the area. In air, it’s nothing more than a column of high-pressure water, which is good for soaking opponents and perhaps giving them a startle, but not much else.
    Cloaking: Like the Northern and Southern Night Furies, Light Furies are capable of superheating their scales to make them temporarily mirror-like to vanish amongst the clouds. Light Furies are the ones who are most in need of this ability, as their vibrant white-and-blue patterning will often give them away otherwise. They are capable of remaining in this state for several minutes, depending on the temperature of the outside world and thusly how fast they cool down. Their cloaking ability does not work underwater, as the heat dissipates away almost immediately.
    Bioluminescence: Like all dragons, Light Furies will glow with extensive bioluminescent patterns under the light of the Hidden World. However, the Hidden World isn’t the only place these patterns show up: Light Furies have hidden stripes all along their bodies that they can make glow at will for an indefinite amount of time. They typically use this ability when in deep waters or on long northern nights, so as to not lose one another in the dark.
    Firepower: Light Furies show a similar propensity for plasma blasts as their distant cousin, the Northern Night Fury. Like Northerns, they have strong plasma blasts and have been shown to exert some amount of control over when their blast detonates. Like Southerns, though, they have a strict shot limit. They show the unique ability of being able to ignite their fire even when their head is wet - likely an adaptation on account of their aquatic lifestyle.
    Agility and Speed: Like any Fury, Light Furies are remarkably fast and agile in the air. They have the smallest wings and tailfins of any of the Furies, allowing for ultra-sharp turns and midair acrobatics, but this greatly stunts their ability to soar for long periods of time. Of the Furies, Light Furies typically weigh the most, as they have thick layers of blubber to help combat the arctic chill. This makes them arguably the weakest fliers of the bunch. Make no mistake, though - they’re still formidable in the air.
    Strength and Combat: Aside from plasma blasts and serrated claws for gripping to ice, Light Furies don’t have anything going for them in the combat department that other Furies don’t have too. Their scales are the flimsiest of any Fury and can be cut through easily with the proper application of force, and they are often wildly elusive, fleeing a battle before any sort of harm comes to them. To this end, they are the weakest fighters of the Furies, and are easily taken down if they can be caught.
    Stamina and Endurance: Light Furies are not built for long-distance flights or swims, but they are excellent at surviving without sustenance, even out-gaming the Southern Night Fury. In the long winters, where prey is not abundant, they can curl up and enter a hibernation-like state where they can go without food or water for up to three months at a time. Their resistance to cold temperatures is equally legendary, with a combination of antifreeze blood, blubber, slowly burning plasma for extra heat, and huddling together.
    Senses: Despite their awfully small ears, the Light Fury’s primary sense is that of hearing. They have an excellent ability to echolocate, which is often used to find prey within murky waters and navigate icy landscapes in the pitch darkness of night. Their eyesight is quite impressive as well, able to pick up on movement from over a mile away, and their sense of touch is the best of any Fury’s on account of their thin scales. Their sense of smell is a little lacking, and their sense of taste is nothing remarkable.
    Intelligence: Like any Fury - or any Strike Class dragon, for that matter - Light Furies are remarkably bright, and can solve puzzles, recognize faces, and follow commands, as well as strategize amongst themselves. They are a very social species, coming together in groups called pods. They each have their own unique personalities.
    Light Furies are highly elusive creatures, remaining in the frigid northern wastes where almost no human bothers to tread. They are quite independent, and a pod follows no set social structure. A pod typically contains between two and thirty members, with no designated leaders or followers, and members of the pod may join or leave it at any time. Light Furies depend on this for protection: as a species that lacks tough scales or razor-sharp fangs, there is safety in numbers. A pod provides protection, heat, company, and food.
    Light Furies have no set home. While they can certainly tunnel within ice, the most elaborate structures they make are single-chamber communal caves to wait out blizzards in. The impermanence of ice seems to echo throughout the entirety of their lives - everything melts eventually, even the grandest of habitats, and so they flit from place to place and pod to pod as their whims decide.
    It is equally as common to see a Light Fury living alone as it is to see them in a pod. Sometimes, they prefer to be on their own, especially if they have recently entered adulthood and left their parent’s pod. They are capable of functioning just fine during both night and day. Each individual has their own preference about hunting times, though the species as a whole leans on the diurnal side.
    As is typical for any Strike Class dragon, especially one who is so often individualistic, Light Furies are wildly varied in their personalities and preferences. They tend to be very shy and curious, especially as most of them have been raised in a practically sterile environment, free of the scourge of humans, and so they have not grown to see humans as dangerous.
    Though their tailfins are their main weak spot, harming or destroying them will not inhibit them as much as it would another type of Fury. It will certainly make them slower in the water, but so long as their body is intact, they will still be capable of swimming, which is often enough for them to survive just fine. Their biggest weakness would likely be their cowardice. Light Furies do not like confrontation, and without the support of a pod, they will often flee far before so much as a scratch can land upon their scales. Their snap-freezing brine is an ineffective weapon, and their paper-thin scales all but make them crumple under the first blow.
    A wild Light Fury is difficult to train, not only because they’re fickle and shy, but also because they are so used to forming bonds and straying away for long periods of time. Light Furies do form deep pack bonds, and regularly express affection towards their fellow pod-mates. However, this dynamic is a bit different than a human’s: Light Furies are expected to eventually feel the call to travel somewhere else, and may leave a pod for years at a time. When they return, they are often greeted warmly, as though they had never been gone at all.
    This is a frustrating habit for a trainer to work with. A would-be trainer could very potentially find themselves devastated when their friend of many years vanishes into the blue, and doesn’t return until many seasons later. Of course, to even get to this point, the Light Fury must be trained already - a task that is no small feat.
    Like most dragons, Light Furies are best trained from the egg. They do not imprint on anybody, but rather recognize their parents by their scents, sounds (Light Furies emit calls and coos similar to porpoises when underwater for long-distance communications, and have been shown to have unique names for one another) and bioluminescent markings. A trainer would be recognized similarly. Most curiously, Light Furies are incredibly quick to pick up on their given name, and respond to it with ease.
    Light Fury eggs are laid in large clutches of six to ten, with the expectation that only about half of them will survive ‘til hatching. Their eggs have a thin orange lining that shows the developing hatchling within, and the bright colors advertise the egg as a quick snack to any predators passing by. Like penguins, Light Furies will curl around their eggs for the several months it takes them to hatch, providing warmth and protection. The rest of the Fury’s pod will often provide the mother with food and company.
    If an egg is abducted for the sake of training the hatchling, it must be kept within a very specific temperature range to hatch - above freezing, but far below most average southern-going temperatures. The egg’s health can often be determined by the hue of the eggshell, which is a bright orange when healthy and slowly fades to deep, withering purple as it gets sicker. An egg that so much as dips into the purple-pink territory will often produce a hatchling with severe defects, making incubating the egg a grueling and demanding task.
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
i dedicate this volume to no one except for me bc i was the only one who wrote this. self love ok
“Halle Berry Did Two Movies Like This”
Damon was kidnapped. This is bad. Oh, there should probably be some explanation behind this. Sorry.
“Short × Backstory × Summaries”
After four years of the most iconic event the universe had ever experienced, The Sixth Augmentation, also known among the locals as The Fusion, Doomsday, and several other names, one particular group of people had formed a good family amongst themselves. This family had three human members and several other non-human members, including, but not limited to, cats, banshees, ghosts in general, reptiles, and beings our planet couldn't invent through biology and even through thought.
This family's main members were Dennis and Aaron, and Damon and Sawblade. Their whole lives were completely changed after having to stick together in a ghost town and raise chickens and cows and plant crops for food. That sounded like a description for a rom-com or something. This is not a rom-com. Well… yet.
The family had settled down in the 74th district of the third Earth that joined the Amalgamation. The district had possessed a variety of… everything, really. The Eiffel Tower was a few blocks away, there was an upsidedown barn there, half of a condominium building, a quarter of a Tesco, and god knows what else. This diverse array of resources had been responsible for new buildings in the area that combined specialties from around the world, and while they were mostly fusion restaurants, there still existed things like Tesco cosplaying events and such. Apocalypses bring odd things to the world, and some are worth trying… for example, otherworldly foods.
This subject was a difficult topic to tackle among the residents there. Mainly, the dangers and morality of doing such a thing– you'd have to consider the effects it would bring to your health, if you're harming their ecosystem, if you're harming the people who lived with the beings before it was introduced to you– it really had to be quite challenging to negotiate a good compromise.
Well, except for Aaron. Meet Aaron… again, this time, since he's changed a lot after what happened. Aaron Russell is a simple man; most of the things he does in life are things a normal person does– eat, sleep, have companions– everyone does that, but not the way he does.
Even before he entered the amalgamation, he was always trying new things, mainly foods, but also things like video games and hobbies. Yes, the sight of the contents of his fridge could bring a stroke to someone from a hundred years ago, because goddamn, is he dangerously experimental.
The reason Aaron doesn't enter discourse on things as insignificant as what one eats is because while he does acknowledge the fact that the opinions of the natives on who should consume their resources should be very much respected, he also knows that it's human nature to hunt, to explore, and to be curious, as long as it isn't endangering oneself. He would eat risky foods, but anything that sets off his fight-or-flight instincts if he saw it live is definitely a no-no. Even though he's an adventurer at heart, he follows the rules and does what's right. But goddamn it, if he gets disappointed at a failed experiment, he's never touching anything resembling that. So, in his opinion, the safest route to an entertaining journey is…
Video games.
His library of games range from first-person shooters to slime rancher, from dating simulators to… well, a majority of video games nowadays have dating in them. But yeah, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear, Borderlands, Spider-Man, Life is Strange, Smash Bros, and Luigi's Mansion are just some of the many franchises he's into. And then the companions, God, I mean, the man lives in a haunted house with his co-worker, some random kid and, like, thirty cats. He's friends with mythical beings, now. If anything, the amalgamation changed his life for the way better.
Dennis, on the other hand… is sort of the opposite. While escaping from certain clearly bad conditions is something he absolutely loves, he doesn't really know where to go after that, since he didn't really think it was possible. His family was bad, he joined Aaron's. Then? What was he supposed to do, cut them off after decades of living with them? Thankfully, the augmentation came along. Dennis is a man who daydreams about living a life he couldn't possibly achieve, but when he does, he didn't plan ahead. To get to this amount of joy in his life was unfathomable for him; back before he moved out of his hometown, he was essentially living a lie.
His life was planned out for him– move out at 20, get a stable job at 22, marry his old high school girlfriend his parents keep bothering him about at 25, and forever dread his life starting at age 27. Then, kids at 30. Even though this life seemed to be nice, and even to him had its benefits, he still hated it. Sure, he would be open for a very short-term relationship with Chloe from French 2, but jeez, is she super republican.
Dennis's views on life differed significantly from his family's, and even though he disliked seeing anything that reminded him of them, he still moved around in the Midwest, and stopped when…
he saw a certain someone at Krispy Kreme.
Now, everything is history. He and Aaron renovated the old family workshop into a pet store, and thankfully, business was way better. Not only did Gabriel start up a traveling psychic service and Lan, a plant store, but even Dennis sold a lot of art. All thanks to the Krispy Kreme store at the end of the street that was…
… crushed by a condominium building. See, this is where it all gets messed up. The Russell family surely had enough members for now, Gabriel and Lan didn't want any grandchildren in the near future, and so did Aaron and Dennis, but, well, something, or rather someone, came along.
Here's Damon Eddmil Ameakfen, or “Nomad Middle Fakename,” after unscrambling the anagram. He, like Dennis, also couldn't really care less if he, or his family, suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. Outside of having a number of inconveniences, the thought of it doesn't bring any emotional distress to him.
Instead, Damon finds joy in finding out practically everyone he's ever known could've died as soon as he arrived on Eris-6, knowing those unlucky dumbasses don't deserve… well, not exactly ‘they don't deserve to live,’ but really, it's what they all believed, except directed towards Damon and others like him.
If Damon stayed on Earth-3 forever, and in that same, depressing place, he'd be dead by now, really. He's not exaggerating or whatever, he'd probably either kill himself or get killed. Whatcha gonna do.
But, obviously, he's still living, and it's all thanks to Aaron and Dennis for their acknowledgement and appliance of common sense when it comes to living. That sounds like he came from a family of very dangerous carpenters, but really, if anyone important in his old life had even a speck of common sense in analysing people and knowing what's right and wrong about someone, he probably wouldn't have been so suicidal.
So thanks, Aaron and Dennis.
“What's Going On Now, Though?”
Moving on to the present, the Russell family now are the only living inhabitants of [town name.] The others were tragically moved into NULL by their forceful officers. Now, they live in stealth, their identities changed. After years of searching, NULL had classified them as deceased and had closed down inspections within the town. However, they still had to be very cautious about their actions– they never went outside the city, and they always preferred to travel in tunnels and alleys, always moving around in the shadows.
For months, they believed NULL was no longer their biggest concern in living there, but unfortunately they were proven wrong.
Apparently, surprise inspections are a thing.
This story's true beginning takes place in March of 2025. Even though it was supposed to be spring, winter still ruled the other seasons because of the location of the district. After years of only experiencing the same season, the family got used to it– except for Damon…
Damon hailed from Malaysia, which, by the way, doesn't have the luxury of experiencing four seasons. Although he did visit Cameron Highlands once as a kid, living somewhere where the temperature was constantly below zero had proved to be a very difficult struggle to him. The unforgiving climate constantly cursed him with fevers and frostbite. Despite that, he absolutely loves the gloomy, cold weather, and wishes he could spend his entire life there, cozily wrapped up in three blankets.
This problem had a butterfly effect on him being kidnapped, though. Snow was one of Damon's favourite things about the climate, and that meant he went outside a lot. He usually made it home safely, except for one unlucky day.
“The Abduction”
It was a normal day for the Russell family. They followed their daily routines, but unfortunately, NULL intervened.
“Hoodie, other hoodie, three scarves, watch, bracelets, mittens, metal bat, pepper spray, water, keys, backpack, hockey mask…” Damon muttered to himself, “I think that's all.” He walked over to the dining hall, meeting Dennis and Aaron. “Hey, I'm heading out,” “want anything?” He asked, his face almost covered to protect him from the cold. “Uh, not really. We're outta cereal, though,” Dennis replied, petting Sawblade, who was laying on the dining table. “Moisturizer, if there's any.” Aaron requested, eyes unmoving from his year-old newspaper, annoying Damon slightly. “What brand… what kind… which outlet… how much… just moisturiser, or a whole set?” Aaron pondered for a while, “Two,” “from Wal-Mart.” he teasingly replied. Damon rolled his eyes and stomped out the door. “Heh…” Aaron smirked.
Damon walked outside and immediately jumped facedown into the snow, making a snow angel. “hheheheheheeeheheh” “snoww” he giggled, rolling around. “Okay, enough of that. You're 19, dude,” the man muttered to himself disappointedly, dusting off the snow from his clothes and readjusting them. “Moisturiser… cereal… um…” he thought. “Yeah, that's all.”
Damon continued walking before realising something he forgot. “Camo! Shit!” He yelled, completely disguising as a snowman, carrot and all. He bounced along the street, as it was the least sketchiest way to go to the shops there. As soon as he reached the grocery store, he dropped his empty backpack onto the ground and faced the other way, ignoring the store.
Damon noticed the usual sound of rustling leaves, followed by the backpack being swiftly dragged across the pavement. Chittering, and after that, the bag was thrown back at him. It was packed with the groceries he wanted, and a bottle of shampoo. “Hey, my hair's not that bad.” Damon commented sadly, facing the store again. A small, teasing chitter shot back, making him narrow his eyes. “Sure, yeah, whatever, man,”
Damon hopped back home, questioning what the being, or beings, running the grocery store were, but eventually accepting that he'll never know that. Suddenly, loud squeaks grabbed his attention. It sounded like it came from the store, but why? Did he get the wrong order? Did he steal something on accident? What's going on? Damon anxiously thought of all the horrifying possibilities until he saw what he never thought would terrorise that city again.
NULL agents.
Despite his efforts to escape and hide as fast as possible, an agent caught him and chased him. Damon, seeing this, scuttled underneath a passageway they never used. It lead to a tunnel that they tried to develop for the past year, but ultimately failed to do so. Luckily, it was the perfect opportunity to block himself in with the remaining dirt pile next to it, thanks to Dennis's unwillingness to throw it out.
Except it wasn't.
Frogs hopped everywhere in panic, scaring Damon enough for him to stumble over. Ah, he remembered this. Aaron turned the dirt pile into a froggy apartment. Whoops.
Swatting the amphibians away, Damon was trying his best to cover the hole leading to the tunnel, but…
A NULL agent grabbed his arm and used a stun gun on it, leaving him helpless and screaming in pain. Suddenly, an idea sprang to mind.
Damon sprayed the living hell out of the agent with pepper spray, but sadly, their helmets had proved that idea to be useless.
Then, he was left with no choice but to whack his arm to death with a metal bat. So long, watch he had from 2014. You could've taken the UPSR exam next year…
Well, except he couldn't chop it off, there were frogs on the bat, and he just put on hand cream this morning. That means they could die at his touch, and that would be more tragic than his death. Damon was now running out of ideas, begging for some ghost to hear him and come kill the bastard, but no one came.
Oh, nevermind.
Dennis and Aaron came rushing in, with Aaron unsheathing a katana and Dennis loading a rock salt rifle. How they got those weapons, Damon really doesn't know, but thank God they're here.
“DAMON, ARE YOU OKAY?!” Dennis yelled loudly, his voice cracking and tears streaming down his face. “DO I LOOK–” “ARM!!!” Damon shouted back, “OTHER THAN THAT, VERY, BUT I HAVE FROGS!!!” Aaron signalled to Dennis to split up, with both of them on either side of Damon. “TRY NOT TO DIE!!” Aaron wisely advised, grabbing Damon's arm and getting into a fighting stance. “HOLY SHI–”
[squelching sounds]
[heavy breathing]
[loud yelling]
[splattering sounds]
[gunshot yet again]
“Okay, don't freak out, I sterilise this baby every day,” Aaron softly assured amidst Damon's screams of pain. Dennis aimed the rifle through the dirt, shooting it again. “HOW MANY FUCKING BULLETS DO YOU HAVE??!!” Damon shouted angrily, continuing his screaming shortly afterwards. “Okay, we're just gonna carry you,” Aaron said reassuringly, although Damon felt like he was in walking distance from the grim reaper.
“Herhehsjjdnfbdjs” Damon cried. “YudhrhuYduYdudh” Aaron looked at him sadly. “Okay, there ya go.” Damon thought he was engulfed in the flames of hell by then, but thankfully, it was just the operating table from the old pet shop.
“Hey, this is okay. You can be like Junkrat now.” Aaron said softly, somehow successfully calming Damon down. “Yeah… Junkrat…” “Or like… Iron Man… or something…” Damon responded slowly. Dennis watched them worryingly before realizing something. “Shit!” he muttered before running back to retrieve the arm. Sadly, it was gone and probably under NULL's hands now, so there was no getting it back.
Aaron looked at Dennis while he was treating the wound, hoping for him to retrieve the limb. Alas, the man shook his head, sweating in fear. “Oh, that's okay, I can, like, staple a stick here or something…” Damon assured. “If anything, having a gnarly scar and a fake arm is way cooler than just the scar, guys.” he said calmly as his arm stopped bleeding.
“Is that bad?” Damon asked confusedly at Aaron. “What? No! That's a really good sign!” he said happily. “That makes it sound even worse…” Damon confessed sadly, sending Aaron into mega-reassuring mode. “NO!!! NO!!! IT'S GOOD, DAMON!!! YOU'RE ALIVE NOW!!! ALIVE!!! PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!” Damon just stared at him in further confusion.
“If it helps, you'll see Brendon Urie in hell later.” Dennis said softly. “I'd rather die infinite deaths.” Damon shot back, disgusted in the offer. “What's wrong with Brendon…” the redhead asked. “He's racist, Dennis,” Aaron replied, examining Damon for any other wounds. “Jesus, that's a lot of bacne.” “Brendon Urie's racist? I thought he was g*y.” “G///ay people can be racist.” Damon replied. “I thought you liked the guy?” Dennis asked in confusion, looking at Damon. “Dennis, that's Gerard Way,” “What the hell!”
“Sorry,” Aaron apologized. “just some bandages so it doesn't get infected or anything.” He explained, gently wrapping Damon's… well, what used to be his arm, in bandages. “I'm Rick Sanchez… no wait… Deckard…” Damon mumbled happily, forgetting Rick Grimes' surname. “Yeah,” (Rick Grimes has his arm cut off in the comics, they didn't do this in the show due to budgeting concerns)
A short while later, the three joined Dennis in boarding up the windows and doors to keep NULL out. However, due to Damon's injury, he instead helped carry around tools and other equipment with his healthy right arm.
The house was now the most secure it had ever been, with no direct contact to the outside world. Gabriel had organized shifts for the house ghosts to surround the house and guard it. Dennis and Lan moved the farms into spare rooms, and Aaron distributed weaponry to the whole family. Note to self: Gabriel and Lan are still alive and you should put them in at the beginning.
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hokkaidodo-blog · 7 years
an untitled post - because it’s 2am and my brain feels like trifle
First of all, how on earth has it been longer than two weeks since I last posted? And more importantly, how have I been living in Japan for longer than a month already? It seems like I’ve only just arrived but then also it seems like I’ve been here forever. After a month, I’m surprised at how much you can settle in to a new place relatively easy. Even after two weeks or so, I no longer find myself awkwardly sitting in a doughnut shop in Sapporo underground station, politely declining many free refills of coffee just so that I could hide in the corner and use the Wi-Fi to desperately try and figure out which of the station’s bountiful exits would lead me to campus  (it seemed so easy when I was with someone else); nor do I feel like a confused and terrified rabbit in the market when 1) I can barely fit down the isles because I am not a petite Japanese person, or when 2) I have borderline zero idea about what to buy/look for/cook with regards to Japanese vegetables/meat/condiments/toiletries.
Being in the tail end of Autumn at the moment, everything is stunning. I’ve never seen trees with such beautifully coloured leaves, Hokkaido University being one of the most famous spots in Japan for tree-viewing with its “golden leaf” festival. It’s definitely getting colder and I can feel that winter is going to hit us running faster than a middle-aged lady at the Boxing Day 5am Next sale. I’m excited to see the Hokkaido winter (Hokkaidonian? Hokkaidan?) Japanese winter, but especially up here in the north, there is no going back once it strikes. The feeling that we will have snow from (probably) the end of October to mid-February is something that yes, I was very aware of before I came to Hokkaido. However, to someone who is used to two or three days (three being ambitious here) of ‘snow’ a year – snow that abolishes all hope of any form of public transport running or schools being open, forcing elderly folk to manically panic buy the entire stock of Hovis bread and twenty-four pints of milk from the local Costcutter to serve them through said nuclear winter, just to find that a day later everything is fine and people are left wondering if the snow even happened – it is something that you cannot easily prepare for.
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Fun trivia fact: The yellow leafed tree is called a “ginko” and translates as “silver apricot”. Yeah, move over Alan Titchmarsh.
I feel so scatty because it’s been so long since I wrote something and there’s hardly been a day where I haven’t been busy with something, so this is going to be a mish-mashed “look at a few of the things I’ve been doing! Aren’t they fabulous” kind of post. Apologies in advance.
Saturday. Planned to hike up a mountain close to my dorm to see a beautiful sunset and a breath-taking of the marvellous city below. Woke up. Cloudier than a cup of tea made by someone who puts the milk in without taking the teabag out first. (FYI – sorry in advance, but if you do this you are a cretin who should have their tea-making duties revoked immediately.) Typical. However, we took the rope way up to the top of the mountain and after nearly being blown over the sides of the mountain into the abyss, the sun fortunately came out and the clouds filtered away. The view was stunning and like something out of a hand-drawn art film. There was a bell at the top that lovers are meant to ring to signify their commitment and love for one another, so, because I am in love with myself, (insert RuPaul quote here) here is a pic of me being apparently super twee and declaring my commitment to being a mega-tourist. (The pic also features my raincoat and umbrella, which to the great delight of my new international friends are both incredibly British things and therefore a prime and hilarious source of glorious banter.)
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In the middle of the beautiful Hōheikyō dam, surrounded by hundreds more autumnal trees, we found a stunning natural onsen, or hot spring. There are onsen in the city which are inside and are like giant communal hot tubs where you can relax, however what was so beautiful about this particular bath house was that the baths were all filled with naturally occurring, mineral loaded water, heated and pumped straight from the earth. Bathing culture is something that I find quite interesting in Japan. Being British, there is the stereotype that we are prude with our nakedness, but when you go to an onsen you must forget any embarrassment or shame you might have, shed your shyness, and just embrace ‘the Japanese way.’ This is the belief that old or young, fat or thin, rich or poor; when you are in the onsen, you are there to relax, to appreciate your life and the nature around you and to be free of any social constraints, no matter what your walk of life may be. It was quite liberating and surprisingly easy to be so open with myself and my body. It was also interesting to see fathers bringing their young sons to the onsen for the first time, teaching them Japanese behaviours and etiquette and as such, there was a peaceful and very comfortable atmosphere here.
Obviously, picture taking was forbidden inside, so here is a pic from the website. Imagine this but at night, with lots of paper lanterns and orange leaves!
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It’s hard to find a photo that shows the beauty of the springs! 
And here’s some random thoughts and pics before I wrap this post up for today:
1)      Went to an owl café with the most beautiful owls. Found a new friend and then got told we look awfully similar.  
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It’s the eyebrows.
2)       I don’t know how or why this became a thing, but I’m apparently collecting photos of myself next to any mascots or statues I find. Lol Japan.
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None have been as soul-penetratingly scary as the melon-bear. Yet.
3)      If the light at the pedestrian crossing is red, nobody will EVER walk. Ever. No cars have passed by for ten minutes? 2am standing in the rain with no coat? People will still wait for the green man until they cross. It’s just the rule, man.
4)      Japanese food = the absolute best. Gaining 15 stone = not so great.
5)      Conversely, Japanese cheese (more specifically, the lack of) = the worst. Mumma, if you’re reading this then please send emergency supplies. Mental stability maintained by mayonnaise and cheese is dwindling fast. Help.
That’s all my ramblings for now. I’ll try and keep updating this more often if I don’t lose my fingers in the sub-zero temperatures or go into hiding and become a recluse due to lack of a good British cuppa. As always, thank you for reading!
Bonus pics:
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Just a human and his owl.
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I have nothing to say about this.
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Story: When walking through a forest path to reach the mountain, you will see these stone statues lining the walkway. Every single one adorned with a hand knitted blanket or wearing a crocheted scarf or shawl of some kind. These statues are of Jizō – the god who is the guardian protector of children who have passed away too young. Just as Jizō protects the spirits of these children and looks after them once they have left this world, the idols are also protected by gestures of Japanese people who will hand-make scarves and hats to protect Jizō from the elements in the harsh winter. The original Japanese folk-tale tells of an old man and old woman whose grandson had passed, living in the mountains with barely enough food and resources to make-do for themselves. However, despite this they still selflessly placed their own hats on the statues during a snow storm to keep them warm. In turn, it is said that the statues came to life and delivered food to the old couple to thank them for their generosity. The old couple had so much food that they returned it to Jizō to continue the cycle of gratefulness and gift-giving. The tradition of gift-giving is an ancient Japanese custom and something that is very typical of Japanese life.
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Maruyama Zoo 
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artsoccupychi · 6 years
How To Beat Winter Blues
Winter is officially upon us and, for many of you, it has declared its arrival with sub-zero temperatures.
As I write this, a deep freeze is settling over most of the country. Even places such as Nashville are looking at temperatures in the teens and expecting a snowy New Year.
Erie, Pennsylvania saw a record 4 feet of snow in just over one day’s time, and even my friends in North Florida texted me that they were expecting snow!
It’s time to share a few tips—some of the natural methods, products and nutritional remedies to beat the “winter blues.”
We’ve got three months until spring…we can do this.
Seasonal Depression? The Effects of Winter Light
This time of year affects everyone a little differently. You may feel a little ache, like the loss of a good friend that’s moved away—that good friend being warmth and sunshine.
The human organism was meant to be outside, and sunshine is one of the greatest anti-depressants.
On the more extreme end of the spectrum, you may be part of the 5 percent of the U.S. population that experiences full-blown seasonal depression, otherwise known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
A milder form of this type of depression is experienced by approximately 10 to 20 percent of Americans.
Symptoms of seasonal depression include:
Apathy and decreasing interest in activities
Tension and anxiety
Disturbance in your sleep cycle from oversleeping to insomnia
Extreme fatigue
Craving for starchy or sweet foods that leads to overeating
It’s important to be aware of your changing moods and take some steps to relieve your anxiety before it gets entrenched.
Here, then, are a few of the tried and true remedies for the winter blues.
Light Therapy for Winter Blues
I live in a snowy state–15 minutes from a ski resort, in fact–but I work at home, and position my desk where I can open the blinds and get sunlight through the windows, on sunny days during the winter.
Sometimes I take off everything but shorts and a tank top, and stand in the sun, in the window, for 10 minutes.
Remember, Vitamin D is one of the hormonal factors you can “bank.” You don’t have to get it every day, for it to have a mid-term effect, beyond just the effect on the day of exposure.
If diminishing daylight hours is a problem for you, you may want to consider investing in artificial light therapy. Unfortunately, most light boxes use full-spectrum fluorescent lights at an intensity of 10,000 lux. So, while getting bathed in a sea of light, you are also exposing yourself to a bath of electromagnetic radiation.
If possible, plan two short vacations to sunny places, during the winter. Put on your snowshoes or winter boots and enjoy a jaunt through the sparkling snowflakes.
Color Therapy for S.A.D.
If below-freezing temperatures make the outdoors relatively painful, besides sitting near a brightly lit window a few times a week, consider “designing” your way out of the blues, by painting the walls of your home and office. (I’ve painted my bedroom yellow, in my last three homes, and it makes me happy!)
When choosing your palette, think the opposite of the blues and grays of winter and spruce up your walls with the bright colors of a tropical sunset. A golden glow or earthy colors can also promote a feeling of peace and warmth.
Plant Therapy
In addition to color, bring the outdoors in with one of the best reminders of spring—plants!
Dracaenas and palms do well indoors. Better yet, buy some bulbs and fill your home with flowers. Amaryllis and paperwhite narcissus are beautiful choices as well as crocus, hyacinths and mini-daffodils.
Put them where you spend most of your time.
Now that you’ve set the stage, let’s look at what’s happening inside your body and how we can bring a little “happy” back.
Winter Darkness and Vitamin D
Just as plants require sunlight to produce life-sustaining oxygen, we, as humans, require sunlight to produce Vitamin D.
In fact, we derive only about 10 percent of this vitamin from our food. And it is Vitamin D that promotes the production of serotonin—a hormone which plays a large part in regulating our moods—and one we’ll be talking about as it relates to the winter blues.
So, just how do we get more Vitamin D into our system, when the days are shorter, and we’re keeping so much of our skin covered up?
Keep an eye out for that ray of sun shimmering in between the trees and make spending some time in it a priority. The truth is, the sun is not vanquished by the coming of winter. We just don’t have the same inclination to bask in its rays when temperatures are in the teens.
Did you know that after you go in the sun, your body needs a few hours to convert the substances collected on your skin to Vitamin D in the body?
So after any sun exposure you can get, don’t take a shower for several hours! This will convert better to strong bones, but also to a positive, upbeat mood and high productivity.
If you’re wondering if the sun’s rays are strong enough where you are to synthesize vitamin D, here’s a great test that the Linus Pauling Institute recommends.
If your shadow is the same height or shorter than you, you can get enough sun, where you live.
And remember, sunlight is also needed for the health of your hypothalamus—the little gland in your brain responsible for sleep, mood and appetite.
It needs sufficient levels of daily natural light through your eyes to stimulate and regulate it, so spend some time outside, each day–with your sunglasses off.
Food for Happiness
Yes, you can eat your way to happiness and, no, happiness is not found in that bag of salty chips. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in food, is a precursor to serotonin.
Because of this, many people have been mistakenly loading up on turkey and other animal proteins such as eggs and beef with the intention of boosting their serotonin levels.
Don’t do that! Studies comparing animal-protein meals vs. carbohydrate meals show that brain tryptophan levels go up after carb-rich meals, but down after protein-rich meals. Why? Because tryptophan requires carbs to transport it across the blood-brain barrier. (Think healthy, whole-foods carbs.)
That’s why when you’ve got the blues, you may think that your body is in self-sabotage mode as it reaches for that chocolate bar.
Not so fast! The truth is that your body is smart: it knows, at some level, that sugar produces insulin, which helps tryptophan get from the gut to the brain.
Skip the processed carbs–you want to get complex carbs from whole foods like greens, legumes, and sprouted nuts and seeds, or whole-foods carbs with simple sugars and also lots of fiber and nutrients, like a piece of fruit.
You also need nutrients from whole foods to keep your gut microbiome healthy, since tryptophan is synthesized by the good bacteria in your gut.
More happy winter foods include those with Vitamin D, like mushrooms and organic eggs, but don’t rely on them in place of sunlight–in the winter, you will probably need to supplement (more on that later).
You should also consider green tea in your mood-boosting diet. Green tea contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain.
Supplements for a Boost
Vitamin D: You will probably find it difficult to get the amount of Vitamin D that you need from the sun and food during the winter months.
Over 80 percent of North Americans are chronically deficient in Vitamin D, and not only does this affect your wintertime mood, it massively increases cancer risk of all types, as well!
The most assimilable forms will be in olive oil capsules, rather than hard pills. And make sure it’s D3, not D2! Best of all is an oil-based D3 with Vitamin K added, for best absorption.
Probiotics: You should also take a probiotic, preferably with prebiotics and enzymes. The exploding research on microbiome diversity shows that mental health relies on gut health.
Your gut bacteria are responsible for making all the hormones that modulate mood, sleep, weight, mental energy, and even pain, so keep them healthy with a good supplement.
Omega-3s: Omega-3-fatty acids have also been shown to be a key component when treating the winter blues. Don’t get yours from polluted, rancid fish sources!
Instead, you can add sprouted, ground flaxseed to your smoothies, batters, and other foods. Like probiotics, you need omega-3s all year round, but be especially vigilant in wintertime.
Curcumin: Curcumin, the active ingredient in the herb turmeric, has been a popular supplement for its strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but it also helps increase serotonin production.
SAM-e: Many SAD sufferers have also gotten relief by supplementing with SAM-e (S-Adenosyl-Methionine), a naturally-occurring compound that helps produce and regulate hormones.
Exercise for Energy
It’s easy to let the weather put a damper on your exercise routine. I remember visiting Portland and thinking, “Wow! Look at all the active people here!”
Everywhere I looked, there was someone biking, running or walking. Then, the next day, the rain came, and the streets were empty, and I realized that everyone was taking advantage of that rare day of sunshine!
Make 30 to 45 minutes of low-intensity exercise a priority in your life, and you will be amazed at the changes you feel in both your body and mind.
Exercise is an important way to release those feel-good chemicals—serotonin and dopamine. If it’s just too cold outside and winter hiking is not your thing, get a rebounder and jump…or take the stairs.
Touch Therapy
Most of you know about the power of touch, particularly therapeutic touch. The energetic exchange we get from other human beings cannot be overestimated, and if you aren’t getting that, from an intimate relationship, pay someone for a massage!
What you may not be aware of is that massage has been shown to release serotonin.
The University of Miami School of Medicine conducted a study that showed a 28 percent increase of serotonin and a 31 percent decrease of cortisol (a hormone associated with stress) after a massage.¹
Massage has also been shown to release oxytocin, our “love” and “trust” hormone.
Melatonin and Sleep
It’s hard to be happy if you’re groggy and tired most of the time. Melatonin is the hormone that plays an important part in our sleep/wake cycle and, while daytime sun limits its production, darkness sends the message that it’s time for melatonin to increase.
The seasonal changes in light exposure have been shown to disrupt the normal ebb and flow of this powerful hormone in your body.
Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University placed 68 patients suffering from SAD into three groups, two of which received low doses of melatonin.
Their conclusion? Melatonin can relieve the doldrums of winter depression.
If you still find yourself feeling the blues after trying these natural approaches, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.
Talking to someone who understands what you are going through can bring awareness and camaraderie. Join a Meetup group, related to any interest you might have, and try not to be alone, too much, during the winter.
Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself.
Remember the words of Edna Jacques when the walls begin to close in:
“Go out, go out I beg of you. And taste the beauty of the wild. Behold the miracle of the earth. With the wonder of a child.”
  –Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is a blogger and author of bestsellers The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and Vibe.
She explains how she learned to make delicious, easy, and inexpensive shifts to a whole-foods diet, and recovered her and her family’s health, in this free video masterclass.
  Disclosure: this post may contain Affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
1. Field T, et al. Cortisol decreases and serotonin and dopamine increase following massage therapy. Touch Research Institutes, University of Miami School of Medicine. [email protected].
2. Lansdowne, AT. Et al. Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter. Psychopharmacology. 02/1998. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9539254
3. Michels, Alexander PhD. Can you rely on sunlight to get enough vitamin D this winter? Linus Pauling Institute. 01/2016. http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/linuspaulinginstitute/2016/01/25/sunlight-vitamin-d-winter/
4. World Happiness Report. United Nations. 2017. http://worldhappiness.report/
5. Altshul, Sara. Natural Ways to Beat the Winter Blues. Health 03/2013. http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20428713,00.html
6. Weil, Andrew Dr. Is SAMe Worthwhile for Depression? Weil. 11/2011.
7. Melatonin Improves Mood in Winter Depression. ScienceDaily. 05/2006. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060501113832.htm
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