#and yes Kim is enby here
brother-lipsmackariah · 8 months
(A Kimtae WIP I'd like to share because I have no idea when I'll be able to finish it)
It's not an unusual look for Kim, of course. He has watched Kim's style go from strictly masculine as a kid, to more androgynous when they became more confident as a teenager, and then more feminine when Kim finally left to live on their own. Sometimes Tankhun would call Tae here just to show him pictures of Kim's Instagram account and gush over his little sibling. 
But though it's not unusual for them, skirts aren't something Tae usually sees Kim in. From his years of observation, they generally prefer pants, and of a certain material. Kim likes clothes that allow them to move freely. 
Not that it would have mattered, as Tae can't look away. He couldn't even if he wanted to, he couldn't even if this was something Tae had seen them wear a million times. That's the thing about Kim, they are stealthy, quiet and reserved, always blending in with the shadows. But they are also a performer, and when Kim wants eyes on them, they make sure they get it.
It's not just Tae, though, who has stopped whatever they are doing to stare. Kinn's mouth is open in surprise, while his older brother is glaring at Kim in offense, still being supported by his bodyguards. That's not even mentioning the complete lack of discipline and professionalism the bodyguards are displaying, simply by looking at one of their bosses in a certain way. A look that will surely get them fired-or worse- if Kinn learned of their thoughts about his little sibling.
The same same way Tae is staring at Kim right now.
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artzychic27 · 11 months
Marc: Kiran, do you know how this car got in here?
Kiran: Yes, I do.
Marc: How?
Kiran: Through the window.
Sabrina: Your sister is such a tattle-tale.
Zoé: I am not and I'm telling you said that.
Simon: Gee, your hair smells like melon. What are you using?
Denise: Oh, it's this new product called 'Gee, Your Hair Smells like Melon.'
Nino: Adrien, it's finally happened! He's cleaning liquid soap!
Ivan: Don’t be silly. I’m just cleaning my rubber gloves.
Nino: Ivan, there's no shame in therapy.
Mme. Bustier: Okay guys. Lets pick a name for our new classroom puppy. Chloé do you have a name for the puppy?
Chloé: Yes I do. Chloé.
Alya: That's your name.
Chloé: I like my name.
Kim: I have the perfect name. Mr. Dog!
Alix: Mr. Dog? Kim, when you have a kid someday what are you going to name it? Mr. Baby?
Kim: Not if its a girl.
Myléne: I think we should name him something that fits his personality. Like... Puddles.
Nino: I have the perfect name! Comet. Because he's fast and he has a tail.
Nathaniel: And he only hits the newspaper once every 76 years.
Ismael: I never had them and I never will. I'm immune to chicken pox.
Cosette: You can't be immune to chicken pox!
Ismael: Ever kid in my school had them but me. I guess when you're an awesome physical specimen like my own bad self, germs take one look at my body and say, 'Hey, why waste our time?'
Reshma: Women say the same thing.
Chat Noir: M’lady, I have a question. What's a boy ladybug called?
Ladybug: *thinks for a moment* Confused.
Denise: Papá, with all respect, you can't send me to my room now. I'm a married enby.
Flavio: No you're not.
Simon: Dad-
Flavio: Please don't call me that!
Simon: What is it you do?
Flavio: I co-own a cafe.
Simon: I will study hard...and when you die, I will take over the family business.
Flavio: … I will never die.
*Adrien and Félix walk in dressed exactly alike*
Nino: Whoa! Freaky! Try to tell 'em apart!
Félix: You'll never guess, losers.
Marinette: Ohhh this is a toughie, but I bet that the real Félix is the one that just called us losers. And you are Adrien.
Adrien: Aw nuts.
Félix: Aw hoo..
Nino: Bless you
Marc: *Putting Kiran to bed* Don't shake your head. Your story is read. Now, you must go to bed. To bed, I said.
Alyssa: Honey, you really gotta cut back on the Dr. Suess.
Denise: I'm older.
Cerise: I'm younger.
Denise: I’m taller.
Cerise: I'm shorter.
Denise: I'm smarter.
Cerise: I'm... not falling for that.
Lacey: Dude, lots of babies are bald.
Jean: Not me. When I was born, the doctor smacked my butt and gave me a blow dryer.
Mme. Mendeleiv: Kissing a girl who smokes is like kissing an ash tray.
Mme. Bustier: What ash tray have you been kissing?
Mme. Mendeleiv: My Aunt Ida. I mean I love her, but she smokes so much, her Dalmatian is all black.
Louis: *after looking in refrigerator* This fridge is a joke! No Ding-Dongs, no Ho-Ho's, no Nutty Buddy's... it's bone-dry!
Nathaniel: I have raisins.
Louis: I'm allergic to raisins. My lips blow up and I can't talk when I eat raisins!
Nathaniel: ...raisins it is then!
Ivan: *After Kim walks in wearing drag* Kim’s a girl.
Max: No, he's a women.
Alix: An ugly women.
Austin T: Jean here is a Shakespeare freak. Aren't you, my little Hamlet-and-cheese?
Jean: *embarrassed* Whatever.
Austin B: Jean, you're into Shakespeare?
Austin T: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and Summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Austin Q: … Wow, Jean, I had no idea you had such a sensative soul.
Jean: … Whatever.
Lacey: You two think you're so cute.
Evan: Don't worry.
Jeremy: Be happy!
Lacey: Oh no! You two ARE so cute!
Ivan: When I was a kid, the kids used to tease me. They called me 'Zorba the Geek.'
Kim: *laughs hysterically, then grows serious when he sees the killer look on Ivan’s face* Kids can be so cruel.
Marinette Chloé said she heard a strange noise outside, but if you ask me, it's a desperate plea for attention.
Sabine: Marinette, stop watching Oprah and start doing your homework.
Cosette: Are you gonna cook the baby?
Yvette: We're changing her diaper.
Cosette: Oh, then how do you roast a turkey?
Denise: … I want to look like these models.
Simon: Why?
Denise: Because they're pretty!
Simon: I think you're pretty.
M. Monlataing: I'm calling children's services to handle this.
Alix: Why?
M. Monlataing: Because if I don't, I'm going over there to straighten him out myself!
Adrien: That's it. Loosen up, be very fluid. Be very fluid-y. That's it! Now... once you get it going, you shift the weight and you go. *starts walking* And it's a strut, and it's cool, and it's a strut, and it's cool. See? Like that?
Steve Urkel: Very inspiring. *tries to walk, but instead of a strut, he walks sidways on his toes bouncing highly*
Adrien: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's, uh, that's close.
Steve Urkel: Really? Well, oh. Well, that was a walk on the wild side. But, you should ty it with your elbows out. It's much better for circulation.
Adrien: Oh, really? Like this? *sticks elbows out*
Steve Urkel: Yeah. *Adrien starts to walk*!You're doing fine.
Adrien: You, know? I do feel the blood flowing better. It's very - WHAT AM I DOING?
Steve Urkel: Well, here's another fun way to kill time. Let's share a life story. I'll go first. I was born on a cold night in Chicago, 1976, the year of America's bicenntinal. My mom was in a great deal of pain and I was charging through! And...
Adrien: Uh! I think I hear the girls in the courtyard. Why, don't you just go and... yeah. Right in the courtyard area.
Nathaniel: Hey! You girls are the ones who drilled a peep hole in the boys’ locker room!
Rando Girl: Yeah, and you're the reason we plugged it up, backne!
Nathaniel: The peep hole works both ways, Zit Butt!
Alya: *to Tom and Sabine* My mother would never let me go to a boy's apartment unsupervised, what kind of parents are you?
Alim: *Knocks on the door* Alix, are you in there?
Alix: Yeah one sec, dad! *clears off pillows off of her bed, and pushes Nathaniel under the covers*
Nathaniel: *Drunk* Wassup, Alix?
Alix: Nath, we're going to play a little game okay? Whoever stays quietest the longest gets to lipwrestle with the captain of the soccer team!
Nathaniel: Goal!
Simon: Did you happen to get a picture of the front of the horse too?
Austin A: This happens to be one of my relatives. If you wanna see yours, you could go rent "Gorillas in the Mist."
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Chapter 1 of my gay mlb text fic
Can be found on ao3 here
Here goes!
Chapter 1
LuckyCharms has created the chat Francois Dupont GSA Club
Wednesday, September 3rd 17:10
cats_meow has been added to the conversation
pocketwatch has been added to the conversation
jasontodd has been added to the conversation
ratgina_george has been added to the conversation
LuckyCharms: Hello. Welcome to the group I guess. Please state y'alls names, pronouns, sexualities, grade level, and anything else you might want to share.
cats_meow has changed chat name to be crime do gay
cats_meow: *le gasp*
cats_meow: a cereal goddess??
cats_meow: can anybody be more lucky???
LuckyCharms: Your names please.
pocketwatch: hand them over :)
pocketwatch: or elsa :))
jasontodd: lmao elsa
pocketwatch: shut
LuckyCharms: Okay. I'll start. My name is Marinette, she/her, and I am the biest bi to ever bi :) also I'm a junior
pocketwatch: hey hey hey thanks for checking in im ✨still a piece of garbage✨
pocketwatch: anyways, im alix, gender is a social construct, fuck romance and i have a fake spider named Gerald. hes 2 years old but im a sophomore
ratgina_george: loving how the only thing you capitalized was gerald
pocketwatch: :)
cats_meow: @LuckyCharms i was hoping for you to actually be a cereal goddess just so i could get a lifetime supply of that cookie cereal with a wolf mascot just to piss off my cousin who thinks that frosted flakes are the best brain fart god has ever had but they're nOT THEY ARE A FUCKING TRAVESTY TO ALL THINGS CEREAL THEYRE SO BLAND
jasontodd: excuse me sir but what the fuck-
cats_meow: *ahem*
cats_meow: excuseh mwah
cats_meow: my name is adrien agreste, my pronouns are he/him, im as gay as a fucking rainbow am poly, a junior, and the first person to go when we finally eat the rich will be my sperm donor, gabriel "asshole" agreste
ratgina_george: ima give that a solid amen
ratgina_george: my name is chloe, my pronouns are she/her, and to deliberately plagiarize off of one adrien agreste, im as gay as a fucking rainbow and a huge theater nerd, evidenced by the name
ratgina_george: also a junior :)
cats_meow: @jasontodd ??? youve been ghosting
cats_meow: also, @ratgina_george rude :(
jasontodd: lmao sorry I was eating
jasontodd: I'm Kim my pronouns are he/him, I'm the straightie here but I'm trans so ig that counts for being able to be here,,, and im a junior!!!
pocketwatch: ohmigod we have a token hetero!!!!
pocketwatch: also you're completely valid you dont need to be gay to be part of the club
pocketwatch: all you really need to do is not be a homophobe and you're eligible
cats_meow: @LuckyCharms see look mom we are already hitting such huge milestones!!!
cats_meow: our very own het!
LuckyCharms: :,) my brain child,,,
LuckyCharms: so proud :,^)
ratgina_george: ew what is that nose-
be crime do gay
Friday, Sept. 5th 7:01
ratgina_george: yall
ratgina_george: asdfghjkl
ratgina_george: AAAAHHHH
cats_meow: !!!!!!!!
cats_meow: thats great!!!!!
LuckyCharms: I'm assuming you're auditioning?
ratgina_george: ofc!!!!
ratgina_george: who do you think I am!!?
ratgina_george: a peasant!?!?!?!
pocketwatch: heather chandler? 
ratgina_george: yes
ratgina_george: it's like
ratgina_george: Mean Girl Solidarity™
jasontodd: makes sense
pocketwatch: im auditioning for jd!!!
pocketwatch: me and nath are doing it together!!!!
pocketwatch: because if the teachers wont go for an enby whos biologically female
pocketwatch: then theyll have to go for another enby who's biologically male
pocketwatch: bc fuck gender stereotypes!!!!!
LuckyCharms: praise 🙏
be crime do gay
Wednesday, Sept. 10th 15:15
mimekinnie has been added to the conversation
pocketwatch: bro @mimekinnie
mimekinnie: bro!!!!!
LuckyCharms: @mimekinnie Please state your name, pronouns, sexuality, grade level, and anything else you want to share
mimekinnie: ok ig
mimekinnie: my name is Nath, I'm a sophomore. I go by he/they, I'm poly and bi and my boyf changed my name to this because I drew myself as a mime one time and always wear berets
cats_meow: oh so youre the hot french guy!!!
cats_meow: ive been wanting to meet you
jasontodd: um sir that's kinda gay,,,
ratgina_george: you get out of here dc superfan
ratgina_george: marvel all the way
jasontodd: *gasp*
jasontodd: you take that back
pocketwatch: things are getting heated in the superhero fandom
cats_meow: lmao yall over here with the justice league and avengers
cats_meow: the only bitches i respect in this house are kid cosmic and the local heros
jasontodd: ok thats fair
mimekinnie > redhoodie
mimekinnie: asdfghjkl
redhoodie: lmao wassup
mimekinnie: yk that guy who always wears really fucking tight leather pants??
mimekinnie: and who has the greenest eyes anyone has ever seen???
redhoodie: oh yeah the kid who always makes cat puns
redhoodie: what about him
mimekinnie: he called me
mimekinnie: and I quote
mimekinnie: "the hot french guy"
mimekinnie: like
mimekinnie: tf am I supposed to do with that????
mimekinnie: is he flirting??
mimekinnie: is he just being nice???
redhoodie: omg dude calm down
redhoodie: if he is flirting
redhoodie: and let me assure you, he def is,
redhoodie: do you at least have a chance with him?
mimekinnie: yeah he said hes gay and poly
mimekinnie: so ig you have a chance too
redhoodie: flirt with him back
redhoodie: ill come to the next meeting
redhoodie: lets woo us a catboy
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kilmameri · 4 years
This is an old ask meme called “22 questions for nonbinary november” that I had saved in my drafts. Picked this up from @thebisexualmandalorian‘s post
So! Wanted to do this one
22 Questions for Nonbinary November!
1.Which labels do you use? I’m agender for sure. Also feel that I fit under the umbrella terms enby, nonbinary and maybe also trans, even though I don’t prefer that
2.What are your pronouns? they/she
3.How old were you when you came out to yourself as nonbinary? I was fifteen? Had just realized that I’m not completely straight and then questioned my gender. Was quite tricky as absense of gender is kinda hard to,,, figure out. It’s like a feature you didn’t know the excistense of
4.What’s one thing you’d like to tell your younger self? That that school isn’t going to work out. Just chill and learn from it. Enjoy city life when you can, I’m sorry you can’t stay yet
5.Is there a myth about nonbinary people that annoys you the most? The myth that there’s always a neutrality that we aspire to
6.Is there a nonbinary celebrity you look up to? No, I am not famous
7.If you’re out, how did you come out? I told my mom on a gas station. “Ya know how I hated how yall dressed me as a kid? and how i was and still am atypical? well heres one reason. please dont call me a girl“
8.Is there a gender-related pun you like? i love that some things dont apply to nonb ppl as theyre directed at “ladies and gentlemen”
9.Do you have friends who identify as nonbinary, too? Yes! my best friend got more than one gender and i have none so yea. venmoed them some gender
10.Do you have a favorite lgbt+ character? not really
11. Lgbt, lgbt+, lgbtqa+… which one do you usually use? Queer. LGBTQ+ if like,,, absolutely have to. “gender and sexual identity minorities“. in finnish i say “rainbow folk“
12. How do you explain the term “nonbinary” to people who have no idea what it means? Gender thats not man or a woman. Like how there are more than two biological sexes. And how gender is a social construct (but still real!)
13.Tell us a fun fact about yourself (gender-related or random!) I met some alpacas and one of them was really shy. I was the first person ever who got him to eat from my palm!
14.How did you find your name? I hate how english speaking ppl pronounce vilma with a deep v and an ö sound. like wölmä. and if i substitute the v for a k then they didnt do that. then it got shortened to kilm and kim
15.If you’re in a relationship, how did your partner react to your coming-out? N/A
16.Do you prefer partner, datemate, significant other or something else? Idk? partner, date.
17.A piece of advice for questioning kids? Most people do feel comfortable with being called their gender. If you don’t, its either internalized,,, misogynia? women bad or u being trans. so like,,, buckle up kiddo
18.Which flag(s) do you use? agender flag baby!!
19.Any tips for bad days? forget abt gender alltogether. watch some vines.
20.Do you have a favorite nonbinary blog on tumblr? not really
21.Feminine, masculine, androgynous - or none of those things? im just me
22. What are your three favorite things about yourself? im smart in multiple ways, im funny and am a good problem solver
0 notes
introisms · 5 years
*   ☆  ◞  PARK CHAEYOUNG. DEMIGIRL. SHE/THEY.  ◟  wait, wasn’t that RYAN KIM? they’re a/n TWENTY TWO year old SOPHMORE, hailing from STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK. i heard they’ve chosen to study MATHEMATICS AND STATS MAJOR while living at KAPPA THETA XI . word around campus is that they’re LOYAL & GOOFY but also quite OBLIVIOUS & LONGWINDED. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to LOTTERY by KALI UCHIS. ( PINTEREST )
gifted kids who kind of became fuck ups later in life make some noise!! yeah if you were a casual friend of ryan’s you probably wouldnt know it, that they are actually insanely smart. its only in books really, they’re super oblivious to anything in the real world yeah its definitely gotten them walked over in the passed. it wouldnt be hard to use them since they mean well and get attached to people a little bit too easy. stupid himbo
theyre part of the earth club even though they accidently killed their plants in the past from over watering them, its kind of sad honestly that they want to have a green thumb so badly but they literally wilt around them. yeah they definitely are a little bit of a vsco girl - hydroflask that they definitely stole and a metal straw that folds out of their hemp backpack.
theyre very honest about if they like you are not while theyre nice and friendly if they dont like you or theyre mad at you they will not hold their tongue and they do not care if you like them. honestly they do have a very couldn’t care less attitude towards a lot of things. theyre just not affraid to speak their mind no matter the situation.
yup stealing, ryan comes from a upperclass family so this probably started when they were younger and their parents would withold their allowance but it kind of turned into a really bad habit. theyve gotten into a lot of trouble for it like actual cops once but they batted their pretty eyes and got away with nothing but community service. they sneak into concerts, movies, dine and dash resturants constantly and no walmart or target or convenience store is safe from their sticky fingers. yes this includes test answers ;)
theyre a middle child and it defintiely shows, their dumbass chaotic nature was definitely born out of being neglected and forgotten about. living in a shadow wasnt the greatest for them and then not even getting the attention of being a baby for long by their mom and dad. they play it off as just being goofy and playful most of the time but they get up to some serious trouble all the time.
ryan is longwinded by far - they could talk forever it makes it easy for them to be an advocate for what they love which they do all the time. whether it be from the campy 80s horror movies that they love or art that they love to do. yes it can get annoying does this enby ever take a breath? it truly doesnt seem like they do. sometimes you may just want to ask them to stop talking just to get a bit of peace and quiet.
theyre president of kappa theta xi and they do take that a bit seriously they didnt think they would at first really they only joined it because their mother was an alumni to the house but all the way down to the 68% classiness they embody the house. yes their room is a wreck and on the weekends they’re known to get messy and maybe tping and graffiting one of the fraternities when theyre drunk but thats all part of the experience.
ryan is on a few sports teams as well, soccer and lacrosse they were never too much of a sports kid growing up but they used to go to soccer camp as a teen and honestly that was one of the first times their ass made out with a girl so it holds a special place in their gay sentimental heart and lacrosse was something that they picked up along the way from knowing some of those on the team.
theyre demi girl and and have no super preference between their pronouns as long as you are not refering to them as a woman or girl or feminizing them that is fine with them. they are very secure in their gender identity and while they definitely align with being femme sometimes they refuse to be seen as such. family doesnt know and they never have intention of telling them as they were raised in a very religious and catholic home but ryan is so friendly and open they are easy to share their story with and usually starts it off by saying gender is a myth created by the church to stop you from eating the communion wafers.
they pretty much drink only black coffee energy drinks and on mondays those are usually spiked in the morning yes that means theyre not paying attention in morning stat classes but is that really that big of a deal? to them no even though its made their grades slip in the past but so does them staying up all night trying to solve cold cases and listening to ghost story podcasts.
theyre entire wardrobe is only black jeans and platform boots and shirts with the ugliest prints on them. yes they are pretty much a gay goth dad on vacation that is their ideal aesthetic. during the colder months its worn denim jackets on top of that and call it a day.
terrible for speaking first and thinking later they joke constantly about things like eating dirt that their fish brain is pleased. theyre a bit strange but they try to make it come across as endearing as possible. the things they say arent always jokes some of it is very real. this also goes for impulsive decisions like doing someones stick and poke tattoo at a party or wanting to go bungee jumping.
they come across cocky and narcissistic at times, saying that they are a god and cant be killed theyve convinced themselves that theyre pretty much untouchable. sometimes being up your own ass is not always a good thing but truly who is going to clock them? some one might have too.
exes ( any gender ) though ryan is mostly into coochie they have and are not against dating c*ck owners. ryan is the type to be infatuated fast and then get bored and get over it just as quickly so i would say theyve been a serial dater in that respect. this probably doesnt always happen so we could definitely say your muse broke up with them.
childhood friends for the new york area theyve lived in multiple different boroughs of new yorks mostly manhattan and staten island from moving here and there. so definitely could have known them when they were younger.
camp friends. they went to soccer camp where they had their first kiss with a girl and math camp where they got lost in the woods and bible camp where they definitely ate a page of the bible LMDSLMSDLDSLM so that would be fun.
party friends they definitely party a lot ryan is known to get a little bit too wild and do stupid shit and really needs someone to make sure they dont hurt themselves. this also goes for not just party but they dont sleep a lot so this could go for someone who goes out to get food with them at like three am and hang out at a park eating it
siblings!! they have two siblings an older and a younger and i would suuuuuuuper love them please!
someone who they tutor and have just stolen answer to exams for them they dont always ask for payment but they do ask for ious.
snuck them into a concert with them and maybe they drank when they were too young and ended up almost in trouble with the cops because they got caught. or just generally they dine and dash together or movie hop or go and do dumb shit together.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before ryan kind of gets crushes really easily so i super dont mind who is on either side of the crush.
they stole your muses bike and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
pen pals theyve written letters to each other all the time and still do even now. sometimes ryan send them really weird things like paper dolls but theyre equations for them to hang up on their walls or just little letters that say sweet things in them.
honestly anything works your muse could even hate them because they think ryan is kind of annoying or fake because they have a tendency to be overly nice and friendly to everyone.
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
or anything im down for brainstorming!! :D
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artzychic27 · 4 years
François-Dupont Performs Carrie- Rehearsal
Luka could not keep a straight face during the interrogation scene
The actors actually related a lot to this song
Marinette and Adrien blushed when they saw Kagami in the red gym outfit
Most of the female actors weren’t so great in the volleyball scene, so the director is gonna have the girls volleyball team fill in for them
The girl’s immediately apologized after they had to insult Nathaniel
For the iconic shower scene, Marinette added velcro and straps to the towels so they wouldn’t fall off
To make it look like blood was running down Nathaniel’s leg, they just used some food coloring
The male actors blushed and looked away when they saw the girls throwing tampons and pads
Alix: They’re just period stuff! Grow up!
Nathaniel kept tripping over his skirt, so Marinette hemmed it. (Cuz he short)
Open Your Heart
For the scene where the boys are walking home from school, Alix gave Kim skateboarding lessons
Kim was a little hesitant to lift up Nathaniel’s skirt
For the part where Billy falls off his skateboard, a thin, hardly noticeable rope was tied to it, and one of the stagehands would pull on it
The school choir sang behind the curtain to mimic the radio
Eve Was Weak
Nathaniel couldn’t help but laugh at Alya’s dramatics
She accidentally hit Nathaniel with the Bible
Alya: Oh my God! I am so sorry!
Nathaniel: Now I really am bleeding!
The World According to Chris
Marinette, as Sue, learns that Corey is a trans male
The liquor was just cranberry juice
Aurore got really into this song
Evening Prayers
The make to Biblical figurines float, Max added small, barely noticeable propellers
Dreamer in Disguise
Marc and Nathaniel may or may not have been exchanging glances with each other the whole time
Adrien threw a paper ball at Nino while he was acting as Mr. Stephens, leading to a paper ball fight
Marc was looking at Nathaniel the whole time while singing
Once You See
Having slight anger issues, yelling comes natural to Nathaniel
Unsuspecting Hearts
Aurore immediatly apologized to Nathaniel after she yelled at him during the apology scene
Aurore unleashed her inner Chloe when she threatened Kagami
This is Corey’s coming out scene
Instead of the girl’s room, Kagami took Nathaniel into the boy’s room
Do Me A Favor
Nathaniel immediately said yes after Marc asked him to prom
Nino: Not in the script dude-
Alix: SHUT IT!
I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance
Max used a remote control to make the windows shut
The students began to feel bad for Margaret after realizing she was assaulted
Two or three of the students had panic attacks. Margaret’s part was very descriptive
A Night We’ll Never Forget
Kim doesn’t like being called stupid, so Aurore just said “damn shit”
Mylène nearly fainted at the sight of the “blood”
The blood is just some water mixed with red food dye, curtesy of Marinette’s parents
For the scene where Corey makes his outfit, Marinette offered one of her old sewing machines
You Shine
Since Tommy is gay in this rendition, he and Sue were supposed to go to Prom as friends
Why Not Me?
Some of the lyrics were changed to fit a male character
‘I’m gonna walk in three-inch heels’ to ‘I’ll walk with my head up high’
Stay Here Instead
This song somehow reminded Adrien of his dad
Adrien: Man, I gotta sit down.
When There’s No One
Nino: She sounds so pretty when she’s planning to kill someone…
Adrien: … Dude.
Prom Arrival
Juleka also played the photographer
The Prom Committee helped decorate the set. They mean business
The prom outfits were either bought, brought from home, or made by Marinette
Unsuspecting Hearts (Reprise)
Kagami’s character is a lesbian (Cuz I said so)
Everyone’s in agreement- Kagami’s and Nathaniel’s voices sounded amazing together
Alix: This contest insults women and excludes enbies!
Marc: Preach!
Dreamer in Disguise (Reprise)
Marc has no idea how to slow dance, so Nathaniel took the lead and made it look like Marc was guiding him
Nathaniel and Marc immediatly kissed after finishing the song
Kim: There’s not kissing in this scene-
Alix: It’s call “improv”!
Kim: But they-
Prom Climax
Aurore accidentally spilled the “blood” a few times, so they had to put a lid on the bucket until the big scene
Alma Mater
Alix: This contest insults women!
Nino/Kagami: Ally Vale and Corey White!
Marinette and Marc were both kicked out of prom after Marinette as Sue went to get help
It took a few tries to get the “blood” to splatter right on Nathaniel
And in case the “blood” didn’t splatter right, the lights are gonna turn off for a few seconds, then come back on but this time Nathaniel has on a red tuxedo jacket
The Destruction
Chloé taught Nathaniel how to do dramatic hand movements for the “Psycho telekinesis scene”
Max rigged the doors to close using a remote control
So simulate a fire, the tech crew used red stage lights and had crackling fire play in the background
Aurore and Kim had barely noticeable harnesses strapped to them to make it look like telekinesis was being used on them
Carrie (Reprise)
It took Alya a while to memorize the prayer Margaret recited
When they hugged, some of Nathaniel’s hair got in Alya’s mouth
Alya: Ugh! He does not taste like a tomato! You were wrong, Alix!
Alya sings lullabies to Ella and Etta when they’re sad, so this just came natural to her
She accidentally dropped the knife on the floor
Alya: Aw, shit.
Nathaniel: *Scandal gasp* Murderer!
It took all of Marc’s willpower not to kiss Nathaniel during the death scene
Nathaniel: *Whispers* Do it.
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