#and yes tubbo definitely is the most creative out of all of them
brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
My exams are back😂😂 but i need answers, for the crashed au, once they all become friends, what type of shelter/house do they have? Is it really basic or does it transform into a massive house like Tarzan parents made in a tree for some reason?🤣 Withsoke crazy contraptions as time goes on, and hehe Nov 1ste get ready for Christmas vibes everywhere! Imagine a tiny with a massive cup of hot coco😋
aaa go study!!
homes are kind of just whatever they want them to be? they just go around the island and make a bunch of random shit that could be called a home or a shelter, a lot like what ranboo did. tubbo, being small, gets the lucky end of the deal and manages to get ranboo's approval in letting him stay in some of the lesser-used shelters that he's made, while tommy has to deal with making a home himself, cause, you know, two tinies aren't really going to do anything lol
he tries the plane first, by moving bodies to one end and trying to make the other end livable, but that is terribly uncomfortable and ranboo doesn't really like the plane too much, so that doesn't stay for too long. then it's just making a scaled up version of ranboo's main shelter. lots of large sticks and leaves are used. his attempt of a home becomes one of those stereotypical 'barely-surviving' things you see on tv shows like this lmaoo
but eventually tubbo does take control of the more creative side of things and gives tommy the bright idea of using bits of metal from the plane to make a more protected home. that becomes pretty much permanent.
ps. tubbo 100% ends up making a mansion :)
YES IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!! my mind IMMEDIATELY went to sapnap for the hot chocolate bit because yk he's got fire/heat resistance, he can totally just chill in a cup of hot coco >:D
mmmm christmas time at the park i wonder how that will go :0 maybe they make the tinies dress up as elves LMAO (tiny workers au)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
the difference between static and dynamic characters on the dream smp
Hi, hello, it's Ruby, back with another PSA because this fandom (specifically the people on Twitter) keeps getting worse.
/dsmp /rp
Recently, people started claiming c!Techno was boring because he never had any character development.
Now, this may come as a surprise to some of you, but if you in any capacity decide to study the ins and outs of creative writing, you'd learn that characters don't need to have character development to be compelling, loved by the audience, and have a complex personality.
This is what is called a static character. Not to be confused with flat characters. What's the difference?
Most articles seem to agree on this;
"Static characters should not be confused or mixed up with flat, one-dimensional characters. Though neither changes as the story progresses, if a character remains unchanged, it does not mean that he is one-dimensional like a flat character. A static character can be perfectly interesting, like Sherlock Holmes, who is completely ingenious, eccentric, and sometimes jerky. He never changes, but the audience still loves him. Thus, a static character could be the protagonist too, and a flat character, on the other hand, only plays a side role in the story." - ( link to definition )
Static characters are ones that don't experience any personal growth during the span of the story. They're often used in writing, because they're realistic and can be interesting if well-written. This article provides examples such as the aforementioned Sherlock Holmes, Captain America from The Avengers, and TommyInnit from the Drea- [gunshots]
But in all seriousness, c!Tommy is very easily a static character; a lot of the criticism of his character is about the fact that he doesn't change. He does gain experience and new relationships, he does suffer and becomes more and more traumatized, he does make choices out of impulse or emotion, but none of that is character development - he never overcomes his character flaws, including selfishness, stubbornness, and a lack of compassion or empathy for others. And I do not blame him for it as a person, and I do not consider him a badly-written character, even if he's a little frustrating to watch sometimes.
c!Tommy has two main reasons why he remains a static character.
a) he doesn't live in a constructive environment
It is normal for boys Tommy's age to be low on empathy. It's completely normal for them to be chaotic, immature pricks, because that is part of their growth. All of this would be just fine if c!Tommy was growing up in a highschool; however, he in actuality grew up on a land ruled by politics, wars and conflict.
I do not like using the age excuse, because I do not believe it makes his bad choices any more justified, but it's easy to realize why him being in such a position could stunt his personal growth.
At that age, you need guidance, whether it be from teachers, parents, or whatever other figures you're able to find around you. Usually, it is not difficult to find good people to look up to in today's world, but for c!Tommy, that isn't true.
In the pre-L'Manberg, post-Tommy era, there was moderate peace. Yes, there were conflicts, but none of them were damaging in the long term for anyone involved, and they were chaotic scuffles more than fights of ideals.
Once c!Wilbur came along, c!Tommy latched onto him. We all know how that went.
None of the adults Tommy had looked up to were in any capacity helpful to him growing or becoming a better person. He helped lead a revolution to help Wilbur gain power, he was lead to help Wilbur lead and unfair election, and witnessed the breakdown of the man he trusted shortly after. He was subjected to emotional manipulation by Dream, and then came to the wrong person for help. None of these things are reasons for positive change.
b) it's his major character flaw
Even in the few chances he had at genuine change, at forgiveness, at letting go, all provided by the environment or people around him, he didn't take them. Tommy doesn't like change, he fights it, and that is why he always loses. He doesn't want to change for the better, and he despises himself when he changes for the worse.
He looks for peace in a lack of activity, growth, or development. He searches for happiness in not letting go of the past, but hanging onto it for dear life, terrified that the people around him might change because he doesn't want to. And that is why, as long as he keeps this mindset, he'll never find it.
While other characters, such as Tubbo, Dream, Wilbur or Quackity seek to change the world around them, for the better or the worse, to rewind or to progress, and are willing to change themselves accordingly, Tommy does the opposite, because his biggest fear is people drifting apart and leaving him behind.
Let's get back to the point, then; what makes Technoblade a static character, and a good one at that?
His motivation is simple; he is a lawful character who sticks to his morals through thick and thin, follows a strict inner code, and is loyal to people above all.
On top of that, he is given no reason to change his morals.
No one's arguments against c!Techno have ever made much sense, let's be honest, and ever since he'd entered the server, Techno's been proven right over and over and over again.
He saw Wilbur face the consequences of having power over other people and then losing it, seeing the influence of corruption on the man he worked with. He was forced by the government to kill another person, to kill an ally, to kill an innocent. He was betrayed and used by the Pogtopian revolution, which knowingly kept things from Techno and fought to seize power, rather than destroy it. He was unfairly executed without a trial by corrupt politicians just absolutely demolishing the Geneva convention, holy crap people call Techno a war criminal, just in that one stream New L'Manberg commited so many war crimes-
Point stands that people say one thing and then do the other. Talk of freedom and then force people to do things (and no, forcing people not to force other people to do things doesn't count nor does it make Techno a hypocrite, get a better argument). Techno was never manipulated or swayed to someone's side against his ideals because he's not a man of words; he believes in what he sees, not what people tell him, especially since he's been repeatedly lied to.
That is the first thing a good static character needs; a strong motivation. Through everything that's happened, I'd say without a doubt that Technoblade has the strongest motivation out of everyone, which is to emancipate people from the tyranny of their rulers - not just sing about it and then establish a dictatorship - but to in fact do it, no matter the cost.
He's a very Paragon-type character, which is a common type of static; his moral code is too strong to allow emotional change.
Another thing a static character needs is personality. And Techno - if you watch his streams, not just others' perspectives - has a lot of that. From his bond with Phil and Ranboo to fondness of animals to sense of humour, the character is entertaining to watch and follow. You know what to expect of him, you know he won't betray, and that despite the flaws he has he will not let personal issues hold him back. He wins because he trains, and he puts hours into pulling crazy stunts, and he's persistent - it's satisfying for the people watching his perspective to see his efforts pay off.
His interactions with others are characterized by an attempt at kindness, no matter how many times he might fail at separating his personal life from the ideals he's pursuing.
And that is compelling! To draw parallels to Tommy again, the kid has so much personality that other characters could borrow from him and he'd still be fun to watch!
Neither Tommy nor Techno are flat characters, and I think that is the mistake a lot of people make when misinterpreting both the characters; Tommy and Techno are amazing examples of great static characters in fiction, and I'd like to applaud cc!Tommy and cc!Techno for being brilliant writers.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 6/2021) - Prime Path Renovations
Ponk experiences a setback. He and Foolish discuss Plan 69 together. It’s only a matter of time.
Tommy decides to clear some of the crowded area along the Prime Path by working with Foolish, Antfrost, Ponk, Sam and Bad to tear some unused buildings (and Pride decorations) down. 
After Puffy discovers that her L’Targay was one of the builds destroyed, she decides to retaliate.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk tests out his TNT launcher and attempts to fly
- After one of the test runs goes wrong, Ponk dies in an explosion and loses all his items, including the trident. Sammy Wammy is lost forever
- It may be time to activate Plan 69. As Ponk says, it’s all about leverage...
- Ponk retrieves some items, puts on the creeper head and grabs Warden’s Will, Sam’s sword, from his underground base 
- Later, Foolish comes online and Ponk meets him at the bank, doing his best Sam impression in the creeper head. She informs him that the plan is coming together, but there is a setback (Ponk claims she was testing the security system on the bank with Sam’s voice)
- The time is soon for Ponk’s arm plan. They show Foolish a chest. Foolish opens it and looks at the contents -- the leverage -- with his screen hidden. He’s shocked
Ponk: “Foolish! It was never in vain! I am twenty steps ahead, Foolish! I am a master of chess! I am the master!”
Foolish: “Do you realize that thing -- that is nuts! Does anyone else know about that?”
Ponk: “No! No one knows, Foolish! No one knows!” (laughs)
Foolish: “And that was like -- I guess I may have to ask you later to explain where you got it, but...”
- Foolish gives Ponk some resources
Ponk: “Our time will come. We will meet again. Very soon, hopefully.”
Foolish: “But you realize -- like, what you have, though -- there’s more than just the thing that we could do, like there’s a lot more--”
Ponk: “Foolish! I am a self-centered person, Foolish. It is only for my gain! And maybe yours!”
Foolish: “Yes, but we could also do it for other gains!”
Ponk: “No! No, Foolish. No, Foolish...Some people are meant to be, in the places they are meant to be. Okay? Alright. I will see you -- I’ll see you later, Foolish.”
- They part ways
- Tommy establishes Spud Lore
- He meets Foolish on the Prime Path and asks about BadBoyHalo’s promo codes. Tommy takes down the charity sign
- He gets Foolish to take off his armor as they continue. He has figured out that no one likes rich people
- They make it back to Tommy’s house. Tommy takes his riches out of his Ender Chest and puts them in a chest
- To clear out some room, they start taking down the gingerbread house and Antfrost logs on, telling them to get away. Ant meets them at the house and they talk
- Tommy informs Antfrost that it is no longer Christmas. Ant is willing to help them take down other things, and Tommy claims partial ownership of the gingerbread house
- Next, Tommy sneaks into the Targay. They decide it’s suitable to bulldoze
- Mario interrupts. Tommy informs him that Targay has been “opening soon” for half a year. Yoshi arrives as well, but they quickly start taking it down
- Technoblade logs on just to suggest they tear down the prison
- Tommy asks Ant about his love life and how it’s going
- Tubbo joins the call and informs him of the copious amounts of TNT in his possession
- Tommy cleans up the Definitely Not Blood while Tubbo pokes Ranboo
- He also wants to make a trapped Freebies Chest
- Sam logs on while Tommy burns down the rainbow wall. Since Antfrost is there, it’s allowed
- The biggest challenge is the flag above the Community House, which is immensely prideful and an unfortunate image to destroy. Tommy takes down the Pride Flag. Antfrost simply watches
- They put the blocks in the Freebies Chest
- Next, they go to inspect the prison. Tommy hates the prison. Antfrost states that it would be a conflict of interest for him, since he works there
- Sam appears at the prison entrance and tells them to stop. Foolish tries to bargain with scaffolding
- Foolish puts on Sam’s head and they face off with Warden Sam. Tommy puts on his own creeper head and proclaims that they should get rid of this prison, as the prison system is flawed! 
- Foolish brought pot. Antfrost brought weednip
- Tommy and Foolish go through the prison entrance portal and it gets deactivated by an explosion
- Tommy has a flint and steel and Sam begs them to try and re-light it. Tommy has leverage. Sam says he has something on him that Tommy would like. Tommy takes the deal and they go back through the portal
- Sam gives Tommy stacks of TNT and the group heads off again to the obsidian Nether Portal cube
- They start deactivating it and Ponk logs on
- Tommy takes down Dream’s honeymoon resort (the iron door structure)
- Sam suggests they take down Ninja’s house, but Tommy protests. This is iconic. He tries to call Ninja
- Foolish starts taking it down to test how it feels. They explode the rest and Tommy keeps the bed for good luck
Tommy: “i’m not gonna Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Ninja Fortnite Blevins, Sam! It just wouldn’t work! I’m no girlboss. I’m merely a manloser.”
- Tommy goes to mine dirt in sorrow. Ponk speaks to them, arriving in his Robin outfit. They explore the invisible staircase
- Next, they go to take down Ponk’s pumpkin trap
- Foolish wonders what would happen if they tried to kill the dragon. He says if you kill the dragon, you get “XD” in your name and get Creative mode. Tommy doesn’t want to risk it
- Foolish kisses himself on his elbow. Self-love
- Antfrost’s eyes turn red from the weednip and he hands some to everyone. Foolish gets high and turns into Batman
- Tommy towers up and gets rid of the last of the Y:7 sign. They start talking about Tinder
- Tommy gets Phil to join VC, asking him to tell them about Big Russ
- He calls Bad to ask about the YouTooz codes. Bad says to ask Sam. Sam does not know
- They go to the Hall of Fame and debate killing Drista’s dog. Drista’s dog dies
- Everyone goes to the graveyard by Punz’s backyard and stand on the grave. Foolish says it would be very spiritual for Tommy to blow up his own grave
- Tommy suggests they bring back the Socializing Club. Ponk says it’s the essential oils shop
- Sam runs over to blow up Wilbur’s ball (owned by Tommy) but Tommy refuses, saying he would kill Sam if he did
- Tommy leaves the group to go get some more dirt
- Ponk tells Sam that he lost the trident today as well as all his things
- They chat some more and Sam tells Foolish that Bad is "on grinder.” Foolish asks him if he’s verified on it. Sam asks if he’s spoken with Skeppy about it
- Tommy joins the VC again with a “’sup, bitches.” Sam tells Tommy that Bad is “on grinder for the experience”
- Tommy says he wants more people to be on the server more often and Foolish and Sam start comparing their server statistics. Tommy has 13 days on the server. Sam has 95 days
- Tommy concludes that he must be Foolish’s father figure and calls Foolish “son”
- Once Tommy leaves, the three go to destroy the ball but Phil joins VC to tell them that if they did that, Wilbur would cry, so they don’t 
- Bad tells Ant they should go to Foolish’s summer home to destroy the things that aren’t being used there. They discuss what to destroy and destroy a red tulip
- Then they destroy Ponk’s essential oils shop 
- Bad and Ant argue over who gets claim to Alyssa’s house. They go around various areas debating what to destroy
- They go to L’manburg and take down Fundy’s election whitehouse
- Afterwards, they go down into L’manhole and clear the Blood Vines off of the flag
- Foolish and Antfrost go back to Las Nevadas
- Puffy has heard that some damage has been done. She’s been told that there were several people there, including a certain muffinhead, a furry, and most importantly, a child (and also Foolish and Sam)
- Puffy turns on the slow Able Sisters Theme and logs on, immediately seeing the cleared-out L’Targay plot
Puffy: “What in the corporation is this shit?!”
- She walks down the Prime Path, surveying the damage, until she sees that they got rid of the flag as well
- There is now room for retribution. This seems to have been targeted at her
- Puffy goes to Tommy’s house. She could either destroy Tommy’s base, or cover it in rainbows...or...
- She spies the Big Innit Hotel in the background. They could take it a step further...
- She pulls up the stream footage for receipts. She sees Tommy start to destroy the gingerbread house and learns that Antfrost stopped it. Puffy is enraged
- She wonders what Tommy’s favorite tower is and makes her way to the Disruption Tower
- Puffy gets disrupted by the Disruption Tower and then takes part of it down. She gets Disrupted for a few minutes mining before finding out that it was the wrong tower, and it was the Power Tower that was Tommy’s favorite
Puffy: “Blackstone? I thought Tommy hated blackstone.”
- After walking past it several times, Puffy finally identifies the right tower as the Power Tower
- She gets some TNT and explodes Tommy’s house. While storing the dropped items in chests, she notices that Tommy has Schlatt’s bones
- She still remembers when she was living out of a turkey and the turkey was destroyed. While others helped, Tommy was the one who incited it. The others will get repercussions as well though
- Puffy builds Tommy’s house into a mini L’Targay so that when Tommy uses his house, he will finally be using L’Targay as well
- Next, Puffy takes down Antfrost’s gingerbread house and comes across the bathwater chamber 
- She goes to Foolish’s summer home to put mustaches on all the statues, but is disappointed to find that they already have mustaches. She starts putting a brown hat on the sphinx when Quackity joins VC
- Quackity asks why Puffy is putting hats on all of Foolish’s builds, and Quackity tells her to leave him alone. Puffy informs him that Foolish is her son. They go back and forth about Puffy’s full name (Puff Big Daddy)
- Quackity is not BadBoyHalo’s mistress
- Puffy tells him about Tommy blowing up all the rainbows, so she blew up Tommy’s house. They chat a bit
- Foolish logs on, Puffy asks him why he helped in the destruction of Targay and Foolish says it was character development
- Then Quackity tells Puffy about how Tommy got exiled. Namely, that Tubbo betrayed him (he does an impression of Tubbo). Foolish sneaks around behind them
Puffy: “Do you think it would be wrong to kill my son on the server?”
Puffy: “Like do I pull a Philza?”
- Quackity says not to even think about touching Foolish. Puffy invites Foolish to the call and Quackity tells Foolish that he is Quackity’s beloved and then starts talking about metabolism articles
- They continue chatting. Puffy shows Foolish the top hats and Foolish says they actually used to have hats not too long ago
- Foolish shows off his Batman skin and Quackity becomes the Joker. They roleplay until the Joker suggests they have a threesome and abruptly cease the bit
- Foolish and Puffy head over to Las Nevadas. Foolish shows Quackity the progress he’s made on the sand and the hotel. They keep doing the Batman impressions, now with an added Bane impression
Quackity: Imagine Bane and the Joker kissing
Foolish: Can we do that?
- They talk quite a bit about Wattpad
- Foolish changes into his Superman skin
- Quackity leaves and Foolish and Puffy continue to talk in Las Nevadas
Upcoming events remain the same.
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I’m not feeling well have some very tired and bad dream smp classpects
Dream- Thief of Light. Light is relevancy, knowledge, and luck, and besides the obvious 1 in a trillion joke, Dream's whole thing is wanting to be in control and to be relevant, whether as a villain or hero he doesn’t care. Also, Vriska kinnie lol.
Tommy- Knight of Blood. Easily. Like this kid is the most Knight player and most Blood player around jfc.
Tubbo- Page of Space. Tubbo's definitely Space, with the creativity and innovation, along with its connection to nuclear power lol. And a Page, who starts out weak and underestimated, but eventually becomes extremely strong fits Tubbo really well. Starting out as someone seen as a yes-man, pushed around and unable to properly utilise his intelligence, and now suddenly he’s got fucking nukes and is terrifying.
Fundy- Knight of Hope. Knights hide themselves behind a mask be it consciously and unconsciously, and use what little they have of their aspect to guard and protect others. Fundy's someone who hides his deep insecurities and desire to be accepted under his childish and excitable persona, and used the wavering faith he had in his father as a shield for Pogtopia as a spy.
Wilbur- Prince of Doom. Princes both destroy their aspect and through their aspect, and Doom is literal doom, the inevitable, and rules and regulations. Destroying through is more obvious- thats just Pogtopia Wilbur's whole arc lol- but what was the founding of L'Manburg if not destroying the rules?
Quackity- Seer of Mind. A manipulator, Quackity seeks to know the psychology and thoughts of those around him, but lacks any true power outside of his terrifying knowledge. Also Terezi kinnie.
Technoblade- Heir of Rage. Heir's are the embodiment of their aspect completely, and, uh, let me just copy paste the Rage description because it is just Technoblade. “Those bound to the aspect of Rage are bringers of chaos. They posses great contempt for lies or false ideas, including the stability that false ideas can impart. To them, the true is far more important than the good; they would tear down a system just to destabilize it if, by their reckoning, it is built on faulty premises. Often the Rage-bound prefer anarchy to any of the alternate forms of civilization, which they believe to be riddled with lies and foolishness and obedient masses. They are bringers of confusion and doubt, and they can be frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea. If they sound dangerous, they are. The Rage-bound tend to be most volatile and unpredictable of the aspects. At their best they are original, revolutionary, and fearless. At their worst they are cruel, uncompromising, and vicious.”
Philza- Mage of Time. Mages learn their aspect first-hand, and usually suffer through it. Time is literal time, cycles, inevitability, and death. (Lots of death.). It’s also the aspect basically on Weird Time Shit Damage Control, and that does give me Phil vibes too lol.
Ranboo- Maid of Void- Maids create and maintain their aspect and through their aspect, and Void is the aspect of secrecy, mysteries, and literal void/nothingness. And all Ranboo know how to do is make more mysteries in the plot, eat hot chip, and lie. Also, he's “made” of void in that he’s an enderman… I’ll get me coat.
(I stg I didn’t mean to make half of them kinnies and also yeah this is so bad I know)
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
VOD: TommyInnit Speaks To Dream’s Sister AGAIN
(rp): Drista!! I love this chaotic child and am looking forward to seeing the children bully each other lmao. I especially love the mythos around Creative mode, and that the most benevolent god on the Dream SMP is just as likely to ban you as hand you a shulker box lol.
I do wonder how in character cc!Tommy is going to be able to stay during this stream: on one hand he’s a master at staying in character even during lh moments, and on the other Exile arc is some Dark Shit and Dristas like what, 14?? Overall I expect this to be one of the lighter streams, with a smattering of moments where we remember that, oh right, Tommy’s pretty actively suicidal at this point and he sees this as one of his last hurrahs.
Speaking of our boy Tommy: it's very clear we are getting closer and closer to the infamous pillar. He switches rapidly between Fight and Fawn reflexes and has mostly internalized Dream’s treatment and conditions at this point. The one stand out moment being him calling out Dream killing Mexican Dream last stream, and pointing out he was changing his story even when Dream tried to lie and say he died of “a drug overdose [...] or natural causes”. I’m curious if Tommy is going to bring it up again, and even more curious if he eventually believes Dream about it; something to watch out for, for sure. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this moment of rebellion happened right after he had someone both stand up for him and spend time with him that wasn’t actively hostile or going to end (supposedly, at least by intention)
Hey we didn’t start off drowning for once!! cc!Tommy was also singing, though that could have been mostly out of character as well. Still, remarkably in a better mood, he even mentions having an appetite! You love to see it, and it's clearly because he’s looking forward to Drista’s visit
He’s building a log tower and on one hand, Tommy building Towers is a natural state of being, and on the other…. I know the pillar is coming and I am scared
A mention of the Anti-Dream hole… I still worry about when exactly and how Dream is going to find it. Still, I’m glad it exists, both for Tommy having a space for things important to him, as well as what it represents about his mental state re:not giving over completely to Dream
DRISTA!!!! LOL she was already online we didn't even see her join LOL. CHAOS GREMLIN she just flew over in creative mode and started wrecking shit, as is her right lmaoooo
“You massive jer--, (quieter) whats a nicer way…, YOU MASSIVE DICKHEAD” oh, Tommy..
I like how he tries to punch her even when shes CLEARLY IN CREATIVE MODE ADSADASD
The violence inherent in fourteen year olds,,,, adsfsadfsdfds
I hate this conversation why is this the conversation asdffdsfsd TEENAGERS
Well SHE can destroy the obsidian asdfsdfds She just Spleefs
“What would Dream do” Probably worse lets be honest
Is he actually gonna go back to L’manburg?? I don’t believe it but I also want :(
Again with the stabbing
“I have the fork, but I'm also killing you” afsafsdfdsf Tommy why are you wearing your good shit omg
Lol cc!Dream trying to defend his character for mocking Tommy’s accent adsfsdfds “I would NEVER” in the totally not believable tone lmaoooo
“I will take it from you and I’ll kill him”... I have so many thoughts about how this works in lore. Is Drista possessing Dream? He can kick her out clearly, but she still has God Powers…
Lol and now SHES mocking his accent lmaoooo (... is it bad she sounded pretty close to me? lol)
Adsfdsfswd casual chaos Drista just broke the Nether Portal
Asking Drista to stop destroying things is a big ask to be honest lmaoo. Also she seems to be at least somewhat informed that ‘Dream is not supposed to be nice to Tommy’ or at least seemed hesitant to do /weather clear
“Tommy [beheaded him] actually… and killed Mexican Dream” Dream you motherfucker
“How to Sex 3” THE PANIK!!!!!! From Both cc!Dream and Tommy!!! This server is Not Child Friendly lol (Doesn’t…. That not even include sex things…. afasfsd)
Honestly I can’t stop smiling this is so wholesome somehow even with all the cursing and violence
Pigstep IS a bop, Tommy is right
“Just let him, just let him this one time” :(
“Tommy I still have the Fork” Drista totally willing to stab her brother to visit L’manburg
Yes, closing your eyes will totally protect you from Forks lol
“I don’t need school, I dropped out” Is this Lore Crumbs, is this Lore
HEYYYY ITS THE BEDROCK, the one piece of bedrock he has lol, I think he still has that in current day right?
Drista is writing her name in BEDROCK adsfsdfds “I’m not going to be able to get rid of that actually” “That's the Point”
LOL SHe also recognized the burrito as from Mos lmaooo
Somehow “I really want to go to the other place.. I don’t know why he won’t let you” hit hard… it was def ooc, and she doesn’t have the full context, but still… its just someone else wanting and asking for Tommy to be able see L’manburg…
Afsdfsd the Small Gasp when she spleefs herself omgg
Punz!!! WHY!!!! Were you there bc Drista might let Tommy through, was this a safeguard for the LORE. Also he’s currently working for Dream directly right, as a merc?
Drista trying to save Tommy!!!! Punz why are you winning a fight with someone in creative adfsadfsd He’s too good lol
They have negotiated a visit… I’m so emotional I wasn’t expecting this…. No one told me we got a real L’manburg visit !
BIG Q SHES FOURTEEN!!! Omg they didn’t tell him it was Drista. BIG Q!!! BIG Q DON’T SELL HER DRUGS
“He was Naked” good for you Drista, good for you. There’s something so hilarious about Drista just stabbing Quackity over and over again cause she’s uncomfortable lol (as is her right)
Wha --- what video was it????? What is this Tommy picture on the Technoganda???
….”are you sure I’m allowed here” Dream’s conditioning is strong :(
“At many minute I could get mugged” To be Fair Tommy, that was true before
Did Tommy just suggest spawning in a Wither asdfsdfds
DRISTA DOG ARMY!!!! Aww and Tommy has one too~
THE BENCH!! THE HOUSE!!! Aaaaaaaaa He’s sitting on the bench nature is HEALING
…. Who destroyed the front of Tommys house?
,,,,Drista what are you doing with that soULSAND
“OK we'll turn on him” adsfsdfsd
OH HEY TECHNO!!! Lol “Oh god he meant me” fucking mood big man
……. Tubbo hallucination……… fuck
To be fair, logging against a /kill is probably the only way to get away lmao
“Getting thrown off a cliff is literally how Theseus died!!” lol its also hilarious to me that Tommy def does not remember being called that. Personally I don't think it fits him super well anyway, but I do like it as something Techno calls Tommy, that shows how much he misjudges Tommy's character and intentions. No heroes here, just a kid trying to do good by their friends and what they care about
Techno actually looking up how to kill someone in creative mode
…. :( I just want my actual clingyduo content this is meeeeannn
OH HEY TECHNO …. You fucker he would and it would be HILARIOUS (get mad if Drista opped Techno that is lol)
Oh F Techno got him with the Obliterator lmaoooo
“I have 114 levels PLEASE” asdfdasfsdf
LOL Tubbo with the TNT there's our nuke boy, I'll take my crumbs where I can get them
Techno immediately snitching about Elytra and dRISTA GETTING THE ACHIEVEMENT
Drista being the chaotic giver of illegal gifts is so fucking good I'M THRIVING
THE RUN ON PUNZ !!!! omg
Also can we just take a minute to appreciate Tommy being allowed around people <3 <3 This is so wholesome and good and chaotic as all hell
“I thought I was Tom Cruz for like a whole week” ...TOMMY??
Dristas on a banning Rampage afsdfsdf
Omg shes actually making a wITHER DASDASDFAS
Oh no poor Tubbo I didn’t know he was liVE
319k viewers jeezus
Awwwww Techno hyping up Wilbur's song :) that's so sweet actually
…………….Fuck you Dream :( saw the chance to Twist the Knife in c! And TOOK IT
Lol ironically the Bedrock bros song is the oNE COPYRIGHTED ONE, god why did Minecraft ever copyright Pigstep what a shit move honestlyyy
Pigstep fucking goING TO TECHNO LOLLLLLL “this is the most powerful item on the server since it DMCA’s people”
Poor Sam he actually has to BUILD give this man a SHULKER
Lol Everyone wants a shulker so much
….aww he tried to toss the pigstep disc lmaooo DRISTAS LITERALLY HOLDING IT Scaaaaaammmmed
Drista “I NEED IT ON HAND” So committed to violence !!!
The fucking creepers on the way out omg fuckign PERFECT
LOL TOMMY WASN’T READY FOR THE TURN AROUND ON CURSING LMAO You can tell he's always been the youngest who people aren't sure how much they can curse around lmao He's so soft honestly he talks such a big game and then CRUMBLES when called on it lol
Asfdsfs she fell through the same hole again afsdfsdfsd
Drista has been introduced to a Weapon and she’s gotten ATTACHED lmaooo
Wait HOLD THE PHONE Dream has multiple sisters??? Lol
“Yeah I like Shit” Dream: “whAT???”
Bye Drista it’s been nice!!! I hope she had a good time, she seems like a good kid (who is definitely not a content creator lol though she keeps up admirably)
Drista’s one of the few people who can make Tommy speechless lmaooo he looks actually shocked lol
Also first mention of GhostInnit…. cc!Tommy…..
Keep preparing…. Was his original plan to rush Dream even if (maybe especially if…) he died? Fuck man
Also holy shit was this stream right before Quackitys? ? amazing
This was honestly such a BLAST and a really good time, and I can see why its viewed as one of the few breaks we get during Exile :) I feel so refreshed and it was so so nice to have Tommy hanging out in L’manburg having fun with his friends (even if Tubbo was stuck being a Hallucination and Also Banned lol) No deeper insight, I just haven’t stopped smiling for an hour and a half <3
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Thoughts on the Pogtopia Traitor - My Tubbo Theory
I’ve been hearing a whole lot lately about conspiracies for who the “unexpected” Pogtopia traitor is gonna be, who will likely be revealed on the 16th during the big Dream SMP stream event. While there are lots of advocates for people like Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno, below is my explanation of why I wholeheartedly believe that Tubbo would be the most perfect choice for the traitor, and who I hope will end up being said mole in Pogtopia’s operation.
And here we go: why Tubbo is the perfect, unexpected, most reasonable possibility for the traitor.
I definitely think that Dream’s word choice of “finding out” about a traitor among Pogtopia’s ranks is significant. It’s a direct reflection of who ended up recruiting the person - and the only rational remaining option for who the recruiter was is none other than Jschlatt. Now, I get it: “Why would Tubbo side with the man who just tried to execute him in front of the entire Manberg population?”
You know why? Because Tubbo understands. Here’s the layout:
Although the two seemed to have an incredibly strained set of relations following the festival events, recall what Tubbo said to Wilbur and Tommy before he gave his speech: he never explicitly stated that he wasn’t happy in Manberg. All he said is that it would be better if Tommy and Wilbur were there as well. Yet, his desire to be with his friends in that sense takes a massive hit when Wilbur soon thereafter calls Tubbo a “yes man”. And if you’ll notice, Tommy never blatantly disagrees with the notion before Tubbo takes his place on stage.
When delivering his speech, there was a clear delay in Tubbo saying the words for Wilbur’s explosion activation, only ever bringing them up hurriedly at the very end when Schlatt asks if he’s done talking. When I watched the stream, I legitimately thought he wasn’t going to say them at all because he felt hurt by his two closest comrades. It was a blatant sign of his hesitance to go through with the plan, and therefore hesitance in his loyalty to the current ideals of Pogtopia.
Despite the fact that Schlatt tried to expose Tubbo at the festival for conspiracy, he still ALWAYS listened to Tubbo and his ideas to improve the nation whenever he proposed anything. He always complimented him and gave him power to do what he wanted. Tubbo was a very crucial part of Schlatt’s cabinet as his right hand man, keeping the nation organized, productive, and growing. And you know what?
Even though Schlatt had his moments of lashing out and all, Tubbo was one of his most valued acquaintances - and Tubbo knows this.
When he wasn’t getting outed for helping Pogtopia, Schlatt was always with him on his ideas and things he wanted to do to help improve. It was consistently, “Great idea, Tubbo.” “You are so important to this team.” “Thank you for your input.” “Where would we be without you?”
You know who never truly expressed that same sort of mutual respect for him? Wilbur.
“Tubbo, I want you to promise me that you’re not going to speak to Tommy.”
“Wilbur said he wasn’t going to hurt me.”
Let’s remember that Wilbur could have easily communicated with Techno that he should not go through with the execution. He had the time, with how much Techno was stalling to protect Tubbo. And with Tommy being subservient to whatever Wilbur says, despite the fact that he TRIED TO BLOW UP MANBERG, his trust in his friends’ decisions are brought into jeopardy.
Tubbo also knows, with his vast understanding of the government that he practically kept afloat half the time, that Schlatt technically did the disciplined and reasonable thing to maintain the nation. There was a traitor looking to take down the government, so to consequently prevent it, he took it out effectively. I think secretly, Tubbo gets that and respects it in a way.
Now lets look at some of the other proposed Pogtopia traitors that I’ve seen, and compare them to Tubbo’s circumstances.
Here we have the most obvious option with Technoblade. Techno is a clear option for traitor material. He’s said it before that he likes being the outnumbered one and that’s why he sided with Pogtopia in the first place. Even Wilbur himself claimed that it was very likely during the recent stream. However, Dream stated that this time around, the traitor is going to be a more surprising shock than Eret back in L’manberg’s fight for independence. Could Techno still technically decide to fight with Schlatt and Dream when the fight arises? Sure. Do I think this is who Dream was referencing when he was talking about a mole in the ranks? Absolutely not.
On the other hand, we have Wilbur. He is unpredictable, clearly unstable, and very hellbent on getting vengeance. But what I think many are forgetting is that Schlatt is everything he despises about Manberg. He’s the one who started Wilbur’s thirst for revenge in the first place. He exiled him, cut him off from everything he’s ever worked for, and has never once held any semblance of remorse - only rubbing it in that he’s always one step ahead. No matter if Wilbur is off his rocker at this point, it’s a reach to think that he’d side with Schlatt, especially if Schlatt has apparently made a deal that “neither Wilbur or Tommy would have ever agreed to” regarding the fate of L’manberg territory. And just to set my reasoning in stone for this one, Wilbur’s surprise when he discovered that the TNT was gone from the bunker did not seem falsified or played up to convince the others. It felt like a genuine reaction. That’s why I don’t think it would make sense for him to be the traitor.
Finally, as for Tommy, he’s too much of the protagonist role for his sole betrayal to make much sense. I feel like it would leave a lot of people a bit lost. While people think that there’s an incentive hidden there with Wilbur telling Tommy that he would never be president, I feel like his betrayal would have happened much earlier on in the storyline, and the fact that he stayed with Wilbur despite his harsh words and psychotic ideals to blow up Manberg leads me to believe that he would not leave Wil behind. My idea that Tommy would never side with Schlatt is only emphasized by the fact that Schlatt legitimately tried to execute his best friend, Tubbo, in front of the entire Manberg population. He would never take a side with him after that point...
...unless, he had some persuasion.
Tommy and Tubbo are very frequently a package deal. Everyone saw Tommy’s response when Tubbo was shot by Techno at the festival. The two even joked about running away from the entire conflict before, just the two of them. They would clearly protect each other with everything they had. So what I think could happen is Tubbo announcing his betrayal to the rest of the SMP and attempting to persuade Tommy into joining him. Tubbo isn’t gullible, stupid, or assuming. He’s incredibly organized, very observant, and a very reasonable person. I don’t think it’s hard to believe that he could convince Tommy to see his side of things.
Just as an extra note, everyone absolutely loves Tubbo, no matter what side of the conflict you’re on. Who in their right mind would say no to him? No👏freaking👏body👏 - he’s a solid negotiator, can be serious and silly, and has the creativity to find solutions that would make everyone happy. If someone finally saw that potential in him and offered him a place at the table, I think he would grab at it for sure, especially at a point in time where he doesn’t know who else to turn to besides himself.
So yeah, I think Tubbo’s the traitor. Send tweet. His role in this entire situation is so underrated despite the amount of sway he could have, so I really hope my thoughts come to fruition at some point. To be completely frank, he’d make an outstanding leader as well, so it would be super interesting to see how that sort of twist would play out.
Thank you for coming to my rant :p
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unincised · 4 years
Okay, let’s break this down:
We need to sit down and have a discussion about the current lore in the Dream SMP, guys. Especially after today’s stream (w/ Quackity). This doesn’t make any sense ‘cause I’m tired but OH WELL WHO CARES?!
Also, remember this is all roleplaying, and when I discuss this it is in terms of lore. Be respectful during bits and know that no one truly wants to brutally murder the other (hopefully). :D
My predictions for the Factions that will happen (along with those that already are):
I’m definitely missing a lot of people, but these are the main players in the game.
Connor (?)
Mexican L’manberg
Karl (yes, I put him twice. He’s a bit of a wild card when it comes to picking sides)
Dream SMP
Punz (technically a merc)
Puffy (which might also mean Niki, since... marriage?)
Tommy (I’m almost guaranteeing this, you can @ me if I’m wrong tomorrow)
Why Tommy and Techno should not team up with Mexican L’manberg or the Badlands:
Techno is anti-government. L’manberg is government, Mexican L’manberg is government, the Badlands are an oligarchy (their land is neutral, but it’s still overseen by Bad and friends). Therefore, Techno has no reason to team with any of them. He is a wanted, exiled man -- not exactly an assassin-for-hire.
Tommy has a personal agenda that doesn’t line up with any of the factions’ endgoals (at the current moment). Taking over the Dream SMP w/ Mexican L’manberg and The Badlands might help him with retrieving his disc -- especially since Skeppy would be on his side during it -- but we aren’t too certain that’s all Tommy has going for him. He loves his discs, yes, but he also cares a lot about Tubbo. Going against Dream could get Tubbo targeted for use of leverage (and that’s a whole can of worms I’d like to open :D).
Why George was a “bad” king:
Dream’s one rule for Kingship was for George to stay neutral. He claims this was the case for Eret’s crowning, but Eret technically bought his title in exchange for the betrayal of L’manberg during the First Revolutionary War.
Of course, Eret was dethroned after his siding with Pogtopia during the “Final” War, and the crown was given to George on account of his neutral stance during it all.
But George, immediately after given that little bit of power, went and abused it.
Chopped down the L’mantree
Griefed L’manberg (built a mushroom house in front of Tommy’s) even though he was specifically instructed not to enter the walls on account of safety and diplomacy)
Taunting Tommy during his trial
Became VP of Mexican L’manberg w/ Quackity
Used his role as a protection, subsequently making Sapnap and Dream shields in order to stay alive after getting in trouble.
Why Sapnap is betraying Dream:
Sapnap is hurt. He’s been overlooked many times by both Dream and George. He’s often viewed as more of a grunt than a friend. Their trio dynamic has been off for the past few arcs -- being paired together by mere formality than loyalty -- and it’s finally past the breaking point.
Dream’s speech during the Tommy fiasco seemed to have pushed Sapnap over the edge, thus sparking his whole rebellion arc and general hatred of Dream. Dream does still care for them both, in my personal opinion, but Sapnap is taking Dream’s “I only care about one thing on this Server” to a personal level. It’s completely understandable, and I was actually waiting if it’d ever be addressed, but in practise it is becoming a lot more than just a friendly dispute.
Why the Badlands are asking for so much land:
Simple: They don’t really want to establish borders, per se, but more of a general consensus that the Badlands would be overseen by Bad and Friends as a neutral territory. A wilderness in an otherwise governed Server. As for the amount -- their reasoning is that no one is currently using the land, nor will it ever be used on account of distance. If flying was enabled on the server, there would most definitely be structures further from the mainland, but everyone’s main transportation is walking... so...
What alliances does Dream even have anymore?
To be honest, not much. We can’t rely too much on Techno, since Dream’s loyalties lie on the server’s best interest and Techno’s is to just create chaos.
Dream has Punz (hired), Eret, Purpled, possibly Ponk, and if Techno teamed up with them I wouldn’t be too surprised -- but it would be off character. Along with that is Dream’s access to creative mode (which I’d doubt he’d do just to win a fight, but it’s still an opportunity he has) along with his pride that will give him more of an edge than anything.
Why Tommy is getting the blame:
Tommy has been against Dream for most of the SMP. The only time they paired together was because they had a common enemy: Schlatt. From the beginning, however, it’s been constant squabble. The discs, Spirit, Revolution, Wilbur’s corruption, Manberg’s Last Stand, etc. So, in Dream’s eyes, Tommy is the main man to blame for all of this chaos happening now.
But Tommy is a kid (we’re still talking Lore, don’t forget!) who has lived through nothing but war and betrayal, now with a mindset of “nothing stays, cherish it while you can”. So he’s always trying to be the one coming out on top, to help stem any more of his treasures getting stolen, killed, or hurt. This ends up leading into wars, and going against the peak of the hierarchy -- Dream.
(Dream should know better than to blame children, tut tut.)
Also, please send help I’ve been writing this while the Dream SMP is building a wall of cursed George pics. I keep losing my train of thought. This was supposed to be a meta post but I’m literally just crying over G R O G.
So, apologies if this doesn’t end up making sense. It’s 12 AM and I’m tired, haha.
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honkster · 4 years
Okay so I did miss a few things
Mainly stuff that either I didn’t think were important enough to address or I just didn’t think of.
Let’s get to it.
1. Techno betraying Tommy.
2. Ghosty bois coming back.
3. Tommy and Quackity as ab*se survivors.
I try to be as un-biased as I can whenever I say “From a writing perspective”, I kind of disassociate and look at the story how I would write it if I had to. You know, purely analysing the characters without the attachment I feel for them as a viewer.
But I don’t have to do that to say that Techno is not going to betray Tommy.
I get the angst – oh do I get the angst. I’m a fan of angst, I used to write only it for a while.
But Dream. You know how much Techno cares about Dream?
He’d rather read his donations than not risk Dream’s wrath at avoiding the admittance of Tommy in his house.
Techno has shown that he cares more for Tommy than he fears Dream (Fear is probably the wrong word here. Neutrality as he bides his time until he can strike – much more Blade. Because no matter what, Dream is just a temporary ally to Techno, much like what he started to view Pogtopia as.) He is shielding Tommy from him, he is reluctantly reminded the he owes Dream a favor, he dismisses his role as Lycomedes in this myth that’s so accurate to the story. Not even once in the streams Tommy and Techno did together (and the subsequent Techno or Tommy solo streams) did it seem that Techno was even considering a Tommy and Dream meetup. Yes, the favor is looking to be another Chekhov's gun, much like the TNT under L’manburg, but whoever said it means that Techno will succumb to Dream?
When did we decide that Dream cashing in his favor with Techno doesn’t mean that the pig will take that chance to betray Dream?
When did we decide that Dream cashing in his favor with Techno means that Dream trusts Techno unconditionally and won’t try to betray Techno?
Dream and Techno are in a unique stalemate currently. Techno can’t harm Dream, not when he has creative mode, and for Dream Techno is far more useful as an ally. That favor that Dream is holding over his head? That is the one-up he has on Techno. Until, perhaps, Techno pulls a Spirit and decides that Dream doesn’t control him…
Is this better anxiety than angsting over Techno potentially turning Tommy in? :)
(Bonus: I’m pretty sure that Techno and Tommy are even when talking about betrayals. Tommy established a new government in front of Techno, Techno blew the government up. Techno isn’t going to betray Tommy because he’s still salty. Tommy was slightly petty when he huddled under Techno’s house, but he seems to have gotten over that and now it’s just sibling banter.
They betrayed each other and then were angry at each for it. They’re even, stop the angst.)
Another thing I keep seeing despite everything…
The Ghosty bois returning.
Schlatt through possession, Wilbur through some method Philza may find months after the moment he first wrote it in a book.
My answer is… What’s the point?
Okay, you bring back Schlatt. What’s he gonna do, re-establish Manburg?
As if.
So he possessed Quackity/Tubbo. Again, what’s he gonna do? L’manburg is not the same thing that it was before, when Schlatt and Wilbur first found their power. It’s not a place where words mean more than weapons, where no armor is worn yet wars are won. Since L’manburg’s pacifist dictators have died/been changed to more violent ways, L’manburg has adapted to the landscape of the server and become just like every other faction – fighting wars with weapons.
So again, what would happen if Schlatt returned, in one form or another? The moment someone realizes what happened, he gets taken down. No one likes Schlatt, no one is on his side, everyone would stab him in his weak heart and twist the blade to “just make sure” he is truly dead. No one will rally behind him, he will have no power. You don’t gotta worry about that ghosty boi.
Wilbur? Well, if we dive into meta and what the cc himself has said, it’s going to take more than just a totem of undying to bring him back. And from a writing perspective, Ghostbur needs to come to terms with himself. Him just forgetting the things that he did, the people he harmed and just being wholesome – that’s not the end of his arc. It’s not even the middle. Ghostbur has a long way to go to be at peace with himself and stop haunting the server, to move on to the afterlife.
Him being brought back to life, to return to what he tried to forget, and then most definitely being killed again, quickly or after he’s able to do more damage, returning to his Ghostbur form… Well, that can do two things.
1. It could, possibly help him come to terms with Alivebur’s actions, being so suddenly dropped into his life again and forced to confront the trauma of it all. It could, possibly, maybe, slightly start him on the path to being at peace again.
2. It resets his progress so far.
I know which option is more interesting, more… character-developing.
Sadly, that one is the less likely option.
More trauma doesn’t help deal with previous trauma. Things would have to go a very specific way for Ghostbur being brought back to life to be actually helpful to him. Ghostbur isn’t an amnesiac, not in the way where his memories were just given a soft reset and his only job is to find things that would help him unlock them again. He’s a ghost, no one can fully understand how he works and what he needs, and how he may act if he is brought back to life after being dead for so long.
Not even another ghost.
Who’s to say that Schlatt, if he ever appeared in-character, in ghost form, isn’t just as confused as Ghostbur? Who’s to say he isn’t “traumatized enough” for selective memory? Who’s to say that Schlatt hasn’t moved on like Ghostbur hasn’t been able to?
Wilbur’s not gonna come back soon, if at all. His arc, coming to terms with making L’manburg the way it is now, has relevance to the current events happening (especially since L’manburg’s death seems to be inching closer and closer, and Ghostbur seems to be only related to it, out of all the things in the server.) but it has very little plot-changing importance. Who’s going to listen to the ghost of the man that made this mess happen in the first place? Definitely not the people making similar mistakes to him!
Oh I don’t like talking about ab*se. I’ve had enough of Dream and his manipulation of Tommy, it’s why I hated the bastard so much.
But this? Quackity and Tommy having the same mixed feelings towards their manipulator, a deep hatred and also a deep attachment, resulting in just a lot of confusion whenever the bad guy in question is brought up?
Yeah I got nothing.
Mainly because Tommy and Quackity haven’t interacted in that way just yet. Most people, in-character, don’t realize what Quackity went through (that’s a problem for a lot of the characters though, how their trauma is almost invisible, but very loud in terms of their actions.) or at least don’t realize that Quackity wants Schlatt back. Cause no one wants Schlatt back – what are you, crazy?
It is definitely an interesting parallel. How both of them were manipulated, then suddenly left the manipulator, how both of them were introduced to different ways of coping. Tommy with Techno, someone who cares about him and is determined to get revenge on their behalf, someone who is just sensitive enough to realize that you shouldn’t do certain things when talking to the traumatized person. Quackity with The Butcher Army and El Rapids, being given an outlet for his anger and confusion, a way to hide the pain he feels and focus on something entirely else, something he can actually understand and not question endlessly as he slowly goes insane. A way to do good, to try and do good things for other people, or at least fight the bad ones, even though you are utterly baffled at what is going on inside you.
...I’ve been dancing around this for a long time but uh… From experience, both of those ways are valid.
Listen, listen. Facing your trauma, going on the tough path of healing from it and coming out a different person, one not affected by whatever was done to you – that’s good. That is a good recipe for moving on to bigger and better things, this should be the path taken.
But (not) realizing your trauma, and instead deciding to flourish in spite of your manipulator, becoming stronger than them or even fighting them (or whoever you blame for your trauma) head on and WINNNING, purely out of spite and anger that you were actually that weak or that you didn’t notice what they were doing to you, remembering the things that you thought were normal and now being horrified at what your life was like…
The whole SMP needs therapy. They all need to have a sit-down, and a talk, and come to certain conclusions about themselves and whoever wronged them, and repeat that for a few days (weeks, months maybe). They all need to learn healthy ways to cope.
But this is the Curse. The Author’s Curse.
Therapy is boring.
Yes, we love these characters. Because we love them, we would much rather see them healthy and well-adjusted, and ending the cycle of ab*se.
...But the SMP isn’t peaceful enough for that.
More from the writing perspective – the foundation of the server right now is violence. Endless, gruesome violence, it has become the number one way to deal with whatever is plaguing you. Talking has worked once (The Pet War (?) ending), but even then it was after extreme violence. And this will continue, because any other way of dealing with things has just become… irrelevant. Some people can only speak one language, and it��s not one that is healthy.
So not only do all of the people on the server need to be shouted at for being so violent, bullied into considering more peaceful options for things, but also the people who cannot or will not change their mind, because they have become delusional with their power and only believe in that singular language, must be eliminated.
It all comes back to Dream. It all comes back to more violence. The Curse cannot be broken.
But… It can be, if used properly, a way to at least eliminate most of the evil in the server.
You’d need a whole guidebook for that though.
And the problem wouldn’t be fixed.
That server reset’s gonna be a huge part of the lore!
And I know I may be coming off as aggressive here like “Oh stop making up headcanons that will never happen” but that’s not my intention because if I truly took that standpoint I would be incredibly hypocritical. I thought Techno was going to be this battle-hardened warrior, able to detach himself from everything in this world to focus on war – mans turns out to be the most secretly caring person in the server. I sometimes dismiss characters that turn out to be actually really powerful (Ranboo, for one. BBH and Puffy for three.), I’m wrong on a lot of things.
So honestly, if you have an AU for Ghostinnit or Ghostbo (Toast) or Dadschlatt or Dream redemption arc, or just irl AU, Harry Potter AU, Starinnit – fucking amazing. You play out your canon-divergent dreams you funky little writers/artists. I’ll stay over-analyzing stuff over here, don’t mind me! Your ideas are super cool, and you can bully me for not having any hcs and never thinking of an AU of my own. /gen
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