#and you can't just fill wrinkles with foundation.
neverendingford · 5 months
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transform4u · 3 months
Sin of Pride
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Derek Day, 35, had carved out a thriving career in marketing strategy, navigating the vibrant streets of New York City with a calculated finesse. After years of climbing the corporate ladder, he had secured a comfortable penthouse overlooking Central Park—a sanctuary amidst the urban hustle where Derek, alongside his husband, Alex, cherished morning walks with their dog.
Always affable, Derek effortlessly blended into any social setting with a warmth that drew people in. Yet, the youthful nights of endless parties in Manhattan's glittering nightlife had waned for him. What used to be a whirlwind of glamorous events and exclusive clubs now felt hollow and exhausting. Raised in a bustling suburb of Boston, Derek thrived in an environment steeped in academia and creativity. From a young age, he gravitated towards literature and history, finding solace in intellectual pursuits.
Switching into casual attire, Derek glanced at his reflection in the mirror, noting the slight wrinkles that marked his aging face. Instead of chasing after the next big party, his evenings were now filled with dinners with close friends—writers, musicians, and fellow intellectuals.
Tonight, longing to recapture a spark of his youth, Derek decided to visit one of his favorite gay bars in the Village. Though lately, he had often ended up at the piano bar down the street, singing showtunes and enjoying a sensible glass of wine, tonight was different. The pulsating rhythm of Pride weekend in New York City filled the air of the vibrant gay bar, an explosion of colors and bodies entwined in celebration. Rainbow flags draped from the ceiling fluttered in the chaotic whirl of flashing lights, while the beat of music throbbed through every corner of the crowded venue. A Kylie Minogue anthem continued to erupt from the speakers, igniting a wave of cheers and applause.
♪ "Can't get you out of my head Boy, your loving is all I think about" ♪ Half-naked men in glittering shorts spun around with abandon, their bodies glistening under the neon glow. Shirtless twinks danced, bears in leather harnesses clinked glasses of rainbow-colored cocktails with daddies. Jocks, leaning against the bar, flicked through their phones, lost in a series of Grindr messages.
In the dimly lit back, the stage lights flickered to life, casting an eerie red hue that contrasted starkly against the rainbow-splashed surroundings. Dressed in a gown of deepest crimson that cascaded like spilled blood, the mysterious drag queen known only as Lilith Lamentation stepped into the spotlight. Her face, painted with an otherworldly beauty, bore an enigmatic smile that hinted at ancient secrets and dark desires.
As Kylie blared over the speakers, Derek was reminded why he didn't frequent such places anymore. He contemplated heading home, but then the sound of a campy showtune and the allure of a mysterious drag queen's performance beckoned from the back room.
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Ordering a crafted cocktail, Derek found himself drawn towards the music, his steps guided by curiosity and a yearning for something new and vibrant in his life.
As Lilith glided across the stage, her gaze pierced through the sea of faces, a silent promise of something beyond the ordinary. Her voice, when she spoke, carried a mesmerizing cadence that held the audience captive.
"I bring Lilith's gift of Virility and Strength," she hissed, her words laced with a chilling undertone that seemed to echo through the very foundations of the bar. "For you, and for all in your tiny, vile, incessant universe."
The crowd erupted into cheers, mistaking Lilith's words as just another campy performance. They clapped and whistled, caught up in the spell woven by her presence, unaware of the ancient power that pulsed beneath her theatrical veneer.
Meanwhile, Lilith continued her hypnotic dance, lip-syncing a campy showtune like she was Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus. Her movements were deliberate, each step a silent proclamation of dominance over the fleeting pleasures of the mortal realm.
And as the crowd grew, Lilith's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with the knowledge that tonight, she would claim her due from those who dared to indulge in the euphoria of the night.
As the final crescendo of the campy anthem filled the air, Lilith stood at the center of the stage, a mesmerizing figure amidst the pulsating lights and swirling colors of the gay bar. Her voice, dripping with allure and mystery, carried over the ecstatic crowd. "Come on you poor unfortunate soul, Go ahead! Make your choice!"
Derek, amidst the swirling sea of revelers, felt an inexplicable force guiding him forward. It was as though Lilith's eyes, dark and mesmerizing, had locked onto his with an unbreakable gaze. "And for my next trick, I need one brave volunteer," Lilith hissed, her words dripping with a seductive promise that seemed to pull Derek through the pulsating crowd against his own will.
"I volunteer!" Derek's voice erupted, a blend of exhilaration and uncertainty echoing in the cacophony of cheers and music. His steps were propelled towards the stage where Lilith stood, a figure bathed in the neon glow of the bar's lights, radiating an aura of mystery and power.
"So, sweetie, tell me, are you having a glorious Pride weekend?" Lilith's voice, smooth and intoxicating, resonated intimately as if she already knew the deepest secrets of Derek's heart.
"Oh, yeah. I rarely go out anymore, what with my loving husband and always being so busy at work," Derek blurted out, his words rushing forth in an attempt to bridge the enigmatic connection Lilith seemed to forge.
"How nice… But wouldn't you like to relax? Wouldn't you prefer a life that was easy?" Lilith's smile widened, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes like shards of broken mirrors reflecting hidden desires.
"I mean, sure… But you know us gays, we're always busy," Derek replied, his voice tinged with a mix of hesitation and fascination under Lilith's penetrating stare.
"Don't worry, Derek. I'll soon fix that," Lilith's tone dropped to a whisper, her gaze delving into Derek's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. "Oh, Derek, I see such fire in you. Such anger. Why do you hate straight men so much?"
"I don't… They're just… They're just all so dumb. They act like they're so great with their big muscles, telling everyone what to do. They're so obnoxious and crude. Like, I tried to rush a frat in college and they wouldn't let me because I'm gay," Derek's words spilled out, each syllable laced with a mixture of bitterness and defiance.
"Oh, Derek. That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Lilith's voice carried a knowing edge, a subtle promise of something profound stirring beneath the surface. "Think back to all those cruel, obnoxious, crude straight men. Those muscles. Those frat boys. Because soon, you're going to be just like them."
A charged silence fell over the crowd, a moment pregnant with anticipation as Lilith's words hung in the air. Then, as if under Lilith's enchantment, the room erupted into cheers and applause. Wicked grins spread across the faces of twinks, bears, daddies, and every gay man present, reveling in the impending spectacle.
Derek stood on the stage, bathed in the kaleidoscope of lights—reds, greens, purples, and blues swirling around him in a mesmerizing dance. The disco ball above spun faster, casting fragmented reflections that mirrored the tumultuous whirl of emotions within him.
In that fleeting moment, Derek felt a profound shift, as if Lilith's gaze had unlocked a hidden part of himself. Her eyes held him captive, a silent promise of transformation that beckoned him into a realm where identities blurred and possibilities stretched beyond the horizon.
As the disco ball above them spun, casting fractured beams of light across the stage, Lilith's voice resonated through the air, weaving a dark incantation into the throbbing pulse of the club. "Embrace the bro within his soul's domain, Let toxic traits unleash and reign. From caring man to crude and bold, Shape his spirit, let the story unfold!"
The music momentarily ceased, creating a brief, eerie silence that hung like a veil over the crowd. In that pregnant pause, Derek felt a strange sensation creeping through his mind, a dull ache that intensified with each passing second. He brought his hands to his temples, trying to soothe the throbbing pain that seemed to radiate from within.
His thoughts, once clear and sharp, began to muddle. Concepts he had effortlessly grasped earlier in the evening now slipped through his fingers like sand. Memories of his husband, Alex, flickered in his mind, but they seemed distant, as if shrouded in a haze that dulled their clarity. His marketing expertise, honed over years of diligent work, felt like a distant echo fading into the background.
Meanwhile, unseen to Derek but palpable in the changing air around him, his face began to shift. His weak chin squared off, morphing into a strong, chiseled jawline reminiscent of a jock's confident smirk. His nose widened slightly, and his eyes, once warm and expressive, furrowed into a steely gaze that spoke of brash determination. Lips that were once unassuming plumped up subtly, while his teeth, previously ordinary, gleamed with an unnatural perfection and whiteness.
The transformation continued as Derek's face altered further, the lines and wrinkles that hinted at his age smoothing away as if erased by an invisible hand. His hair, styled in its usual manner, shifted gradually to a sharp fade, a haircut sported by the athletic jocks he had envied in his college days. Its color shifted subtly, mirroring the vibrant hues often seen among those who exuded confidence and swagger.
Before Derek's bewildered eyes, his reflection in a nearby mirror no longer resembled the man he knew. It was a face that carried an air of entitlement, of privilege.
And as the beats of the club music resumed their pulsating rhythm, Derek felt a strange sense of detachment from the life he had once known. His memories of Alex faded like wisps of smoke, his career achievements slipping away into the abyss of forgotten knowledge. He was no longer the man who had walked into the bar that evening; he had become something else entirely, a creation of Lilith's spell that now prowled the stage with a newfound confidence and arrogance.
As Lilith's dark magic continued to surge through Derek, a peculiar sensation gripped him—a feeling of time unraveling, pulling him backward through the years of his life. The dull ache in his head intensified, pulsing in rhythm with the shifting memories and sensations.
At 34, Derek felt a surge of youthful energy, memories of recent years slipping away like pages torn from a book. He blinked, finding himself at 30, the weight of responsibilities and adult concerns diminishing. At 26, the carefree spirit of his mid-twenties enveloped him, followed swiftly by the uncertainty and excitement of being 23. Then, at 21, he stood on the precipice of young adulthood, the world brimming with possibilities. He was just a junior in college, barely making it by.
Through the haze of confusion, Derek's awareness wavered. He chuckled dumbly, a laugh that echoed with a newfound simplicity. "Uh, what the fuck bro. What am I doing in front of all these people?" His voice, once articulate and refined, now carried a rawness, a rugged quality that matched his shifting persona.
"Oh, sweetie. You volunteered, don't worry. We have a few prizes for you. Care for a shot?" Lilith's voice, smooth as silk yet tinged with malice, cut through Derek's befuddled state.
"Fuck yeah, bro!" Derek's reply boomed with a deeper timbre, his adam's apple visibly protruding as his voice dropped several octaves. He eagerly accepted the shot offered by Lilith, the liquid burning down his throat like liquid fire.
As the fiery concoction coursed through him, Derek felt an intense heat spreading from within. His clothes, once neat and casual, began to morph and change. The basic flannel shirt and jeans dissolved into sweaty gym clothes—a ratty shirt clinging to his broadening chest and shorts that hugged his thickening thighs.
Derek's muscles ignited with a burning sensation, expanding and bulging with each passing second. His pecs swelled into thick mounds of manly flesh, straining against the confines of his shirt until it burst open, shredded into tattered nothingness. His abs popped into existence, chiseled and defined, forming a tight eight-pack that rippled with every breath.
His biceps ballooned, veins pulsing with newfound strength as they tore through the sleeves of his shirt. The muscles of his shoulders broadened, widening his frame until he felt like he could barely fit through the stage doors. His quads and legs, once slender, bulked up with dense muscle, his stance becoming more stable but heavier with each breath.
Standing on stage, Derek breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling with the effort of his transformed body. He flexed instinctively, feeling the power coursing through his veins, a sensation that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
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Lillith smiles and nods, "Good, now imagine that you are one of those jocks you hated so much. You're at a party with all your friends, drinking and having a great time. Suddenly, you feel an intense pain in your chest. It's like someone is squeezing your heart with their bare hands. Think about what those idiot bros craved so much" "Beer, boobs and bros" Derek grunts to Lilith, between a dumb-as-nails laugh that seems to ring throughout the crowd.
Derek gasps as he imagines the feeling of his heart being crushed by invisible hands. The pain is unbearable and he can't breathe properly. He tries to scream but no sound comes out of his mouth. His vision starts to blur and everything around him starts spinning rapidly.
Derek's mind drifts back to one of his many drunken nights at the frat party, where he had been hitting on girls and trying to impress everyone with his macho behavior. He remembers how he had downed shot after shot, feeling invincible and ready to take on the world. But then something caught his eye - two guys making out in the corner of the room.
At first, Derek tried to ignore it; after all, it was just a couple of guys having some fun, right? But as they continued their public display of affection, Derek couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. His homophobia started to grow stronger with each passing moment. He began thinking about how disgusting it was for men to be so openly gay in public like that. It made him sick!
Suddenly filled with rage and an overwhelming sense of masculinity , Derek stumbled towards the edge of the stage, the two men who were now locked in a passionate embrace. "Quit it you fags!" he screamed at them while flexing his chest muscles for added effect.
Derek was becoming everything he hated in straight men, caricature of toxic masculinity unfolded with a hypnotic allure that captivated the crowd. His once relaxed demeanor shifted into a display of exaggerated machismo. He was becoming nothing more than a dumbass, toxic straight douchebag.
With newfound swagger, Derek squared his broad shoulders and flexed his muscles, each movement deliberate and exaggerated. His shirt strained against his bulging arms, a visual testament to the physical strength he now glorified. As he strutted across the stage, the crowd roared in approval, their cheers echoing off the rainbow-adorned walls.
Memories flooded Derek's mind, snapshots of wild frat parties where he had been the life of the raucous gatherings. He recalled the adrenaline rush of football games, the thunderous applause as he led his team to victory. The intense memory of being named captain surged through his thoughts, filling him with a sense of invincibility and entitlement.
Derek's cognitive faculties seemed to simplify. Basic math calculations became secondary to posturing and asserting his newfound persona as an alpha male.
As the memories of his past hookups and the frat flooded his mind, Derek's actions became larger than life. He leaned into the role of a swaggering jock, embodying stereotypes of entitlement and arrogance. The crowd, caught up in the spectacle, cheered louder with each display of machismo, celebrating Derek's transformation into a symbol of exaggerated masculinity.
His newfound demeanor allowed him to act like an unapologetic jerk without consequence. He would interrupt conversations with dismissive remarks, mockingly tease others, and even flirt shamelessly, often crossing boundaries with his comments. Despite his behavior, people didn't recoil; instead, they laughed and admired his audacity.
Derek's popularity seemed to soar regardless of his actions. People sought his attention and approval, drawn to his confident demeanor and the allure of his unfiltered personality. His ability to command attention made him the life of the party, the center of every conversation, and the subject of admiration among many.
One vivid memory from Derek's upbringing flashed through his mind—a childhood spent in opulence, shielded by wealthy parents who indulged his every whim. He recalled demanding the latest gadgets, designer clothes, and extravagant vacations without hesitation. His sense of entitlement grew with every fulfilled desire, shaping him into someone who took what he wanted without consideration for others.
Lilith observed him with a mix of amusement and calculation. She leaned in close, her voice cutting through the music, "Now Derek—hmmm, Derek is such a boring name. You're much more like a—Thad," she declared with a sly smile. "You drip wealth and arrogance with every breath you take."
At Lilith's words, something shifted. The name "Derek" seemed to dissolve into the air, overshadowed by the swaggering persona of Thad. The crowd, caught up in the spectacle, erupted into cheers and applause. They raised their glasses in a toast to Thad, celebrating his transformation into a symbol of audacious entitlement and unbridled privilege. You see it wasn't just Derek's mind-altering him, the crowd fueled his change into the most obnoxious, toxic straight bro. Someone they secretly wished they could fuck but could never have.
Thad, now fully embracing his new identity, flexed his muscles and strutted confidently through the bar. His face bore a smug grin, embodying the embodiment of self-assuredness and entitlement. In this moment, he was no longer Derek, the mild-mannered professional; he had become Thad, the embodiment of wealth, arrogance, and societal rebellion.
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As the night wore on, Thad's presence loomed larger, overshadowing any trace of the person Derek once was. His actions and words became increasingly brazen, drawing admiration and laughter from the crowd. To them, Thad was a hero—an icon who defied norms and embraced a life without boundaries.
Lilith watched with satisfaction as Thad's persona continued to grow stronger throughout the night. She could see the change in him, how he was becoming more confident and assertive with each passing moment. It was as if a newfound power had awakened within him, one that allowed him to push past his previous limitations and embrace a life of unrestrained desire.
As Thad walked up to the busty blonde bimbo who had been eyeing him all night, Lilith couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. She could see the lustful thoughts running through his mind as he imagined hooking up with her - it was almost palpable how hard his dick got at the thought of it. This was exactly what she wanted for him - unbridled passion and carnal desires that knew no bounds.
As Thad approached the blonde bimbo, he couldn't help but flex his massive biceps for her benefit. She giggled dumbly at his display of bravado before playfully slapping him on the chest. "Ooh, you're so strong!" she cooed in her ditzy voice.
Thad grinned smugly and ordered a round of shots for them both. They clinked glasses and downed their drinks in one go, their eyes meeting with an unspoken understanding that this was just the beginning of a night filled with debauchery and pleasure.
Without another word, Thad leaned in and started making out with the blonde bimbo passionately. His hands roamed freely over her body as he groped her ass cheeks and squeezed her ample breasts through her tight dress. She moaned into his mouth, encouraging him to take what he wanted from her without hesitation or shame.
As Thad whispers into the blonde bimbo's ear, "Hey, babe. Why don't we go back to my frat house. You'll love it. hahaha" The dumb blonde can only giggle uncontrollably. Her eyes light up with excitement as she nods her head eagerly, grabbing onto his arm possessively. They stumble out of the bar together, laughing and shouting over the loud music that still plays inside.
Outside, it's a cool summer night with a light breeze blowing through campus. The air is filled with the scent of summer and alcohol as they make their way back to Thad's frat house. As they approach the front door, it swings open revealing an absolute mess: beer cans littered everywhere; pizza boxes stacked high on top of each other; empty bottles strewn about like confetti; couches covered in stains from God knows what substance… It truly is a disgusting sight to behold!
Undeterred by their surroundings or lack of hygiene, Thad leads his new conquest upstairs to one of many bedrooms filled with similarly disheveled furniture and filthier sheets than you could imagine possible. Once inside this makeshift love nest he begins undressing her slowly while she helps him remove his clothes faster than he can manage alone due to how drunk he was at this point.
Their hookup is nothing short of passionate yet sloppy – kisses are sloppily exchanged while hands roam freely across each other’s bodies without any regard for personal space or boundaries. They move from making out on top of unmade bedsheets stained beyond recognition towards grinding against one another before finally collapsing onto said bed in an exhausted heap post-coital bliss… Or maybe just exhaustion? Who knows?
All that matters now to Thad is the fact that he's the king of his domain – the big man on campus. He loves being able to strut around with an air of superiority, knowing that everyone looks up to him and wants to be like him. His life as an entitled fratbro is everything he could have ever wanted: endless parties filled with booze, drugs, and beautiful women; never-ending streams of money from parents who don't want their precious little boy getting into trouble; and most importantly, respect from his peers for being one of the biggest, douchiest guys around.
Thad takes pride in his physical strength too – working out religiously every day so he can flex those muscles whenever possible. He enjoys showing off by picking up girls or throwing back shots like they were nothing more than water bottles at a high school football game. And let's not forget about all those ridiculous hazing rituals designed specifically for new pledges - nothing makes Thad feel more powerful than watching some poor freshman suffer through them while everyone else laughs. Thad was hot shit and he knew it.
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 year
𖤓Sore Kisses
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Picture Kath on Pinterest
Chapter 7. Gender Fuck
Read on ao3 here <<<
Summary: Your friend's school has a special drag club event, you're one person short of completing the team for the competition, and Mary is available whether he likes it or not (little spoiler: he likes it).
//Finally the best chapter, even if I say so, I was so excited for this one and it's longer because of that, I had so much fun with this one and I hope you do too
Warnings: MDNI +18, Smoking, Heavy Drinking, Fluff and Angst Swearing, Crossdressing, Adult Content, Eventual Smut, Blonde Mary Goore!! Everyone is a Little Shit in here, later it gets all Soft and Smutty, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Trope.
Shortly before Frank returns to his classes at the university, there are a series of activities that you and him always participate in for the love of art, the favorite event of the two of you is Drag Night. Every year there is a different theme and the teams give their own style to said theme, the competition is organized by the student body and some already know you for putting on makeup and helping young people on those nights. Anyone can participate, and until that night you had never done it on yourself, this time you’re also going to be drag king.
Being that it was restricted to get professionals, one of the objectives of this is gender fuckery and have fun, so it is an unwritten rule that it should be a surprise of whoever finds their inner stripper and let loose, because it’s way more rewarding for the audience.
You needed one more guy to complete the squad of boys dressed as venereal punk prostitutes, that's the theme you chose for in Drag Night and Frank insists that Mary would be more than perfect, but you don't want to because you can't stand having him around, sort of, you don’t want to risk the somewhat peace that you’ve had lately.
You pretended you hadn't heard Frank suggest that you fix up Mary, you were in your room arranging your hair as masculine as you could, you weren't sure how to do it because you had never combed your hair like that and none of the boys around you knew how to fix someone else's hair, you put on your X-shaped pasties on your nipples and you put on a very transparent white blouse so that they could be seen very well through, you put on suspenders to complete the outfit and white thigh harnesses over your black pants, and of course, high heels.
With an hour to go before the show, Mary appeared at the door pulled by Frank, who was scolding him for not having arrived sooner, leaving you with little time to fix him, he grudgingly sat down across from you, a chair in front of you where you painted the other boys, even Nick. Without saying much, you just narrated a little about what you were going to put on his face, to fill the silence between the two of you when you’re left alone in your room.
You were tired so you wouldn't do much to make Mary look that good, you put on foundation and he wrinkled his face with each stroke of your brush, you lined his eyes with liquid eyeliner, it wasn’t that difficult like with the other guys, he knew how to handle the lash curler, which was a surprise, he looked so good and he didn't need much, he still needed to put on his fake eyelashes and paint his lips, despite not having his face changed dramatically, he already looked like the most feminine of all.
You warn him how it would be to put on lashes, his eyes water a little but he can stand it, surprisingly he already knew how to put on mascara. While he was doing that, you arranged his hair, a little disheveled, with streaks of red, at least he wouldn't have to wear a wig, the bastard already had nice long hair to begin with, you ended up putting a black bandana of yours on him and the bow on top looked cute.
Finally, he let you paint his lips, willingly enough, when you outlined his lips, you realized you forgot to put on glittery eye shadow, you asked him to stay still and you both looked directly at each other, and then something clicked, something in his countenance changed, his breath faltered, he wasn't just looking ahead, he was looking at you, you couldn't hold that gaze but you didn't want to look away either, looking at his beautiful lashes batting at you, gender fuck was very real, even so, he was, at least at that moment, the most beautiful person you've ever seen, and you felt that tingle in your core. Feeling his breath so close, you finished painting his lips and applied gloss in your favorite color and they looked… luscious.
"Don't look at me" you command him unable to bear it. He looked away without saying a word.
“Frank talked to me the other day...” he starts talking while you put away the things you won't need anymore.
“And?” you look for what other accessories you can put on him.
“I was just saying that I thought that you had been a couple when you lived together and I thought that if you were there…” it catches your attention that he sounds, you suppose, a bit nervous.
“Yes, he told me that, first, disgusting, second, I could have told you everything if you had asked me, and third, does that justify how you have behaved with everyone?” your words come out quickly so as not to waste time, taking advantage of the fact that he’s opening up.
“No...” his voice is cut off, at that moment you put some necklace chains on him, brush his neck and his hair gently and stare for a second, deciding if it looks good.
“And won't you tell me what your problem was?” you admit your moves are a little aggressive when you put the loose powder on his face, but he doesn't complain.
“Can't” hardly says for having tight lips.
“Did he tell you what was that about? Why we lived together?”
“You guys don't have to, it's none of my business” you don't believe him that he isn't even curious, it's also better to stop having assumptions between you.
“It's not a secret either, hey, look up. Frank and I are half-siblings, but before we knew that, we were friends since childhood, when we found out about this ourselves, we were upset and certain things happened, he was kicked out of his home and I followed him because my home wasn't very nice either, there you go” you tell him all this while putting a little mascara on his lower lashes and brows, it doesn't take much to look good.
“I'm sorry, I didn’t know” you notice his realization when you briefly tell him your story.
“Yes, you are an idiot. Come, let's put your clothes on, if you rip something, you will pay for it” you pull him by the shirt to lift him out of the chair, and take them to the closet where you improvise taking out what you plan to put on him from your own clothes “I can’t say what means the most, I guess we keep saying we’re just friends because that’s the first thing we were and sometimes siblings don’t get along, maybe that’s why first and foremost, he’s my best friend.”
“That’s true, sometimes siblings hate each other” you put his outfit in his arms so that he can dress himself, a pair of fishnet stockings, a skirt, a crop top and a flannel to tie around his waist.
“My theory is, that you were jealous, because Nick and Frank, at least to your imagination, were getting some fuck and you didn’t” you start cackling loudly and he follows you laughing and shaking his head. Frank came in shortly after with two shots of whiskey, so you two wouldn't fight, you guess, he looked visibly pleased to have found you both laughing.
“Are we good, then?” you ask raising your shot waiting for him to join his.
“Yeah” he clinks the small glass with yours and his cute face smiles at you. Frank watched you both and quickly left winking at you.
After taking the shots, he locked himself in the bathroom to change, you threatened him repeatedly that you would kill him if he didn't return your fishnet stockings, just not to lose the habit.
Once he got out of the bathroom you looked at him from afar like a work of art about to be exhibited, Mary completely changed and not at the same time, he was much relaxed, it usually happens when it’s the first time doing drag and the subject is looking for her persona, could’ve been the clothing, maybe it was the talk, either way, he was a girl, she wanted to feel sexy and admired, doing spins, feeling free, smiling, playing with the outfit you gave him, blowing kisses to his male friends when he stepped out of your room and everyone cheered. Cami had brought a bunch of pairs of shoes for all of them in big sizes, Mary knew how to walk in them and he was beautiful.
 With you it was not that different, once you finished your outfit, when you put on your mustache and lowered your eyebrows many also swore that you were just another boy, only very short, but your deep gaze made many of your friend’s girlfriends nervous, it was like fishing, and once they get all coy, you raised your eyebrow to make them come to you, for a photo you sat one of the girls on your legs and they posed with you marking your lips on her neck, holding her by the waist and lifting her leg with the other hand, you wore gloves so your feminine hands would not be so noticeable, after the photo session, you noticed that Mary was looking at your direction biting his lip and blushing, it must’ve been for that girl.
The performance you gave at the club was so filthy, so nasty and twisted, John Waters would be so proud. And the best part, the confirmation that your work was disgustingly good, was that everyone was so confused that no one dared to clap. You almost fainted with laughter, the night was a success and the rest of it, is spent drinking and dancing, you didn't dance with anyone in particular, you just moved and from time to time a girl got handsy on you and also got broke tipping at the dancers in the pole, one of them almost shoving his ass on your face for you to place your tip on his G-string, you asked him to give a lap dance to Frank, that as one of the highlights of the night.
You didn't pay attention when they were announcing which teams were finalists, you only heard that the two of their captains were being dragged onto the stage, you were called up as being the only drag king in the team, they asked you and the other captain to grab the prettiest girl to settle the winner team with a kissing contest, you saw Mary and demanded him to be ushered to you curling your finger, he’s very confused at first, the other captain got a cis girl, while Mary just smiled because of how nervous he got, especially when you bend down to caress him from his ankles to his buttocks, you were determined to give a show and waited if Mary didn’t want it, but he never backed down as you hold him tight around the waist, Mary is the one who initiates the kiss, he opened your blouse exposing your breasts, at least you had pasties on, but he did it to lick you with flat tongue from the navel to the base of your neck, his hands digging into your back and waist to hold you in place while you arched your back, smearing his lipstick on that trail between your breasts, almost doing a motorboat, he looked at you directly in the eyes, you were sure that he would continue even if there were people watching, you did not feel uncomfortable, you laughed and it felt very good, you kissed him again this time more teeth and tongue, the judges had to separate you because things were getting very heated and they had already been told your team won, but you both hadn't listened.
After that, you went to the bathroom to rearrange and wipe everything that had been ruined, some people said things to you as you passed among the crowd of people "Nice tits bro" or "Fuck! That was so hot" or "Get a room, you whores". In the bathroom many gave you words of congratulations, but you could barely hear, you stayed there for a long time thinking about every second of what just happened, it was so fast and so intense, your mustache was gone, you also no longer had paint on your mouth, but you didn’t wanted to touch it up, your face bright red, your blouse was now your priority, some buttons had come off when Mary ripped it off you on stage and you weren't the least bit upset about it, your heart was still pounding in your ears, adrenaline rushing through your body from the show you put up in there, your chest wet in his spit and lip gloss both which you can also still taste in your mouth. You clear your throat to calm down ��it’s just a show” you repeat in your mind.
With the help of one of your new friends, they lent you a blouse so you could get out of the bathroom again, you danced for another hour nonchalantly without drinking any alcohol, you wanted to avoid getting drunk, when Frank signaled to you from afar to get ready to go home, you made another sign that you agreed, that meant they were going to look for the others and meet at the door, near the stairs you saw Mary much more drunk in the arms of a guy you had never seen, you didn't know how but something in the way he looked at Mary and how he moved made you think that the guy didn't know that Mary was not a girl so you decided to save the two of them from a terrible night by stealing Mary from the man who was already pulling him take him away.
“There you are, sugar tits” You put on the most seductive voice you can think of, you slowly take Mary by the hip to pull him to your side, the other young man just looks at you, "This ass is mine" you told him almost growling and showing your teeth, he raises his hand in defeat.
“Am I not pretty?” Mary speaks in a whiny tone slurring his words, worse that the other day. You both walk a little wobbly towards the door.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in this wretched place” you assure him as you walk over to Frank's car, you admire how careful he is not to fall.
In the car Frank is the one driving, Nick is in the passenger seat with Cami asleep sitting on top and Mary and you stay in the back seat, you put him in carefully even though he falls lying on the seat, it was difficult to sit him down, he had his head resting on your shoulder looking at you adoringly and smiling.
“But I feel like shit, do I look like shit?” with clumsy hands he touches his face.
“Yeah… but so do I” you smile at him, suddenly, he grabs your face to kiss you, but you refuse gently taking his hand down “No…”
“You don’t want to kiss me? But you said I’m beautiful” he whines pathetically, you do your best not to laugh and risk hurting his delicate feelings.
“Yeah, but I won’t kiss you if you’re drunk, I’m a gentleman, remember?” it occurs to you to say immediately, to distract him a little.
“Very handsome gentleman, very cute, so sexy and tasty… and short, your eyes are so pretty… I liked kissing you” Frank snorts in his seat while driving, Nick is also having a lot of fun listening to the things that drunk Mary is saying to you, you feel yourself blush, you feel Mary breathing on the skin of your neck making you shiver.
“You did? Ok” you say concisely to end his conversation and stop him from making a fool of himself.
“That was right, I got a boner in like one second” you widen your eyes and your breath catches in your throat, Nick exclaimed impressed by the boldness of his comment and started laughing.
“Ooook that’s enough, Mary!” says Frank terrified of listening. Mary didn’t seem to even acknowledge that there are people around like he didn’t even hear them.
“Even if you’re a bitch sometimes… I’m also a bitch sometimes… your nose is pretty…” Mary began to say in a much softer voice, you realize you were hyperventilating.
“I know, but we’re friends now, no?” you look down smiling sweetly at him.
“Yesssss” he drags unnecessarily longer and closes his eyes the rest of the ride.
His hair tickling your chin, squeezing your hand around his shoulder a little and caress his blond locks between your fingers, his free hand rests on your thigh and didn’t move the whole time you were in the car, it was strange how from one moment to the next, you had him in your arms so vulnerable and taking care of him, as if you were bigger than him, seeing him rest and smile next to you felt just like he had said "right".
You surprise Frank looking at you in the rearview mirror and you gesture "Shut up" he smiles and continues with the journey.
It was lucky that Cami was just tired and not drunk, because it would have been much more difficult to get her and Mary up, he was heavier than he looked, between Frank and Nick they got him up. Cami went to sleep in Nick's bed and you asked them to put Mary in the bathroom to remove his makeup, they accepted and went to their rooms, first you try to take off his shoes and pantyhose.
 “Hey, why you take my clothes off? You said you were a gentleman” apparently he wasn't as asleep as he seemed, good thing he’s conscious enough to protect his virtue, that means it’ll be easier to take him to bed.
“I’m just taking this off because it’ll be uncomfortable sleeping in these, believe me I know” first you took off the most uncomfortable things, because if not, it was going to get very difficult.
“Ok… just be a gentleman, ok?” he makes you laugh saying that.
“Always, now let me wipe your face off or you won’t be able to open your eyes tomorrow, this might feel weird” you say right before peeling the fake lashes. As you wipe all the makeup, he’s half asleep sitting on the bathroom floor, only boxers and a t-shirt on. You finish up taking off the bandana, you know he’s back when he smiles and takes your hand gently, locking eyes with you.
“I do have a heart…” you look at him confused “It’s just not at anyone’s reach” in a second you remember what you yelled at him at the dance, you feel ashamed.
“I know, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that…” He smiles shyly at you, followed by him starting to vomit into the toilet that luckily is within his reach, you hold his hair.
With heavy movements he drags himself to the tub to fall asleep there, it seemed instinctive, so you let him sleep there, you washed his face a little, you went to his room for a pillow and you placed it under his head.
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
listen its rib anon and i need you i need you to understand there are listed buildings i need you to hear this
You glug and you glug, salt water from sandcastle bucket. You glug and you glug and the tide turns in your stomach, splash your shoes. You complain the tap-water runs solid white, you dangle fishing line for crabs, But they're not interested, I'm your only bite.
okay listen listn this first bit right the character is drinking salt water out of the sea because the water around is poisoned but the sea water will also make them sick theres no way to win. and this is like. i would rather be sick and alone than keep trying the paranoia of an eternally broken heart still with more people. you're poisoning yourself regardless of whether the water is actually dangerous or not because you're so ucking. so fucking scared that it is and it will hurt again you would rather throw up in a public bathroom than risk the water again
then that next bit right?? theres a level of like taunting here i think like. bad relationship era for me right? looking back you think the person who stuck with you no matter how much they might have hurt you at least they stayed no one else will bite no one else will try it was just them and they're fucking gone. schlatt era (cause quackity left that didnt he? but despite schlatts abuse he stayed until he died)
I watched your face move in a compact mirror, How the powder settles in, premature crows feet, caused by worry. You say I circle you unwanted, like a seagull swoops and feeds from bin.
trying to cover up your scars abd wrinkles until you realise that you look more powerful scarred almost a "imagine what the other guy looked like" despite everyone knowing that you did lose forever hurting and inadequate and also i have to imagine that running a country is stressful. the idea that everyone just WANTS something off you no one actually likes you they just WANT you to do somehting for them do you understand me??
There are listed buildings and woe betide your listed heart. I think I'd do it for love if it were not for the money. I'll take any scraps that you can give.
what is cquackity if not a condemned building? how many times do structures (relationships) foundations (friendships) fall and the wallpaper (your own self your own morals who even are you at this point you made your identity other people) rots until you just. you condemn the building. ill take anything you offer me ill take your scraps
Come what midnight, you commandeer a fishing boat, Decree to drift further than we could swim. Come what midnight, the neon signs, have been unplugged and fade, You danced a jig down at the harbor, create your own flash show with security lights. I remember being naked to my waist though not in which direction. "and oh, I am a glutton for love, can you give me some romance? I'm a glutton for sin". We are but two atheists in lust, you know, we gotta make our own luck.
when you drift out you had a plan it was going to be productive and good (fishing boat, fucking las nevadas) and you drift out too far you can't get back and you don't know the way its midnight and too dark. you illuminate this new place where you are stranded away from anythign you used to be and cover it with neon lights and pretend it isnt dark when those get turned off in the night until you just keep them on, the city that never sleeps because youre scared of the dark.
what is the feeling of las nevadas aside from gluttony. surely if you take a little more play one more game one more drink that hole in your chest will fill up and you can finally be satisfied and happy. you can be gleeful and sadistic and powerufl but las nevadas never quite feels like a place for happiness
you're playing a game. there is no god left to help you and no god left that you would bare your soul to. you have to make your own luck
There are listed buildings and woe betide your listed heart. I think I'd do it for love if it were not for the money. I'll take any scraps that you can give. I think I'd do it for love if it were not for the money. I'll take any scraps that you can give. I think I'd do it for love if it were not for the money. I'll take any scraps that you can give.
las nevadas slowly became a ghost town before it all collapsed
ill take anyhting you give me
love me love me love me
turn out the neon lights turn the ship around and leave your listed building
find another home
and maybe try drinking the water again
(sorry too much? too much)
-rib anon
WAUGHGHGUHGUGHHHH :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( ill take anything you give me the fucking sea water cquackity condemned building im gonna cry :((((((((((((((((
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xiaozb · 1 year
Good skin is given by oil! Only by using the right methods can we effectively protect our skin!!
Once you step on 25+, your face collapses at an amazing speed. The essential reason for cliff aging is that the barrier is damaged, and the nutrients and moisture in the cuticle can not be preserved. In addition, the self renewal ability of collagen is weakened. No matter how many high concentration anti-aging ingredients are applied, it is also ineffective. It is like building a house. If the foundation is firm enough, the house can be built higher.
When damaged skin is exposed to the external environment, it is more likely to lack moisture and oil, causing the skin to become loose, dull, and rough, gradually losing elasticity, and even experiencing apple muscle prolapse.
In this situation of internal and external troubles, the difficulty of anti-aging has greatly increased, and the oil application method is the signature to deal with these problems.
Nourishing the skin with oil can not only fill the gaps in the skin's brick walls, but also penetrate into the stratum corneum to fill the skin's bottom. It is recommended to choose vegetable oils. Although they are more expensive, they can avoid secondary damage caused by many interfering factors on the skin.
Hengmei essence oil is a good choice. The formula specially developed for oil application makes skin care with oil no longer just a few drops of oil floating on the surface, but also allows the damaged skin to fully eat four tubes of oil! Really achieve effective penetration promotion and filling. The matching of various ingredients is all in accordance with the characteristics of the ingredients, not a single concentration, to enhance the effect. In the four product iterations, essence oil has made great efforts in repairing the barrier, anti oxygen and light lines anti-aging, and has studied several overnight before knowing how to match the ingredients of the product
Efficacy analysis of Hengmei essence oil:
Internal repair
Ganoderma lucidum spore oil, evening primrose oil, sunflower seed oil, grape seed oil, and camellia seed oil are five heavy vegetable oils, rich in high-quality linoleic acid small molecules, similar to the lipid structure required for skin barrier, quickly filling damaged and missing positions
Add triple ceramide to stabilize the skin's brick wall support, enhance skin's water retention ability, prevent water loss, and enhance skin elasticity.
External anti-aging
The combination of Agrimonia pilosa extract, Ganoderma lucidum extract, and tocopherol has excellent antioxidant effects, synergistically clearing excess free radicals, and improving the aging phenomenon of dark and waxy skin. Paired with a large amount of oil usage methods, it also strengthens the "muscle base membrane" structure between the epidermis and dermis, making the skin more and more tight, and solving the problem of wrinkles easily.
Oil application method
Hengmei essence oil can make skin feel fresh while increasing the effective penetration of oil, so it is difficult to effectively play the role of anti-aging repair with 2-3 drops of traditional facial essential oil. Only when it is used in large quantities and no more drops penetrate into the skin, can it be deeply filled.
How to use: 2 tubes of essence oil for priming (it is recommended to apply it instead of pressing, which is more suitable for subsequent facial massage)+one piece of facial mask for absorption+2 tubes of additional coating where there is depression. Use a large amount of essence oil to help skin balance over hydration, make the aging skin caused by skin collapse more firm and plump, so as to achieve the anti-aging repair effect of nourishing skin with oil
This is a bottle of essence oil that can't find any problems with its skin feeling and efficacy. Whether you are 25+people who often stay up late to choose the first bottle of essence oil in life, or 30+people who have dry and gray skin and mature muscles, you can directly close your eyes and rush!
0 notes
gllamours · 3 years
loving embrace
viktor x assassin! reader
you come back home from the under-city, clearly tired and over worked after a long, month long job.
tags: self deprecation, thoughts of breaking up, angst with fluff/comfort, (implied) unofficial marriage, established relationships
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you trudge past glaring enforcers, they clearly weren't fond of you, and you didn't feel like faking kindness towards them. grime of the under city was smudged on your cheek, smothered your hands and caked your clothes; you felt out of place in piltover.
wiping your dirty boots off on the mat below your feet, you sigh as you enter viktor's apartment complex, not even bothering to greet the neighbours who were happy to see you back from a long trip. you wanted to go home, get cleaned up and hold your boyfriend for a bit, was that too much to ask? apparently so, as the receptionist stops you. "hey, kid! you can't cake mud and whatever else all the way through the complex." the old woman scowls, and you sigh. "and you can't cake foundation on expecting it to hide all those gross wrinkles, grandma." you sneer back, storming past.
knocking on the door, you here viktor call out. "just a moment." you hated how unenthusiastic he sounded. eventually, after a few faint thumps, the door opens and viktor immediately smiles. "welcome home, my love." he ushers you inside, taking your weapon's holster off as you place your sword upon it's rack near the door. taking your filthy jacket off, you sigh, leaning back against his door, eyes fluttering closed as you allowed yourself to relax. "i'm right in assuming you had a hard time there, hm?" viktor asks, glancing over at you; hiding his worry.
"yeah... i almost got stabbed, twice." you grimace, and viktor turns to face you fully once more. "what? are you alright?" he steps over, trying to check your body for any wounds. "yeah vik, i'm fine." you give a strained smile, and he sighs. "go clean up, i'll make some dinner for us, hm?" viktor walks away, and you smile. he's always cooking for you, which made you think that perhaps you should take him out to dinner sometime.
viktor smiles to himself as he hears the shower start, deciding to leave some of his clothes on the bed for you before starting up your favourite meal. you deserved to be spoilt after a difficult hit in zaun. viktor always wishes to go with you, but he wasn't very compatible with your field work. it saddened him, as you would go for weeks, even months with the possibility of getting hurt or killed; but he tried not to let it eat at him as he knew you always came back. you promised to always come back, that neither of you would leave the other.
resting his cane against the counter, viktor tries his best to manoeuvre the kitchen at a faster speed, a form of physical therapy he found helpful as his kitchen wasn't that large; he enjoyed it. so absorbed in his surroundings, the scientist doesn't notice that the shower eventually turns off.
warmth spreads through your chest as you realise he left his own clothes for you instead of your own, a fondness filling your heart. getting dressed, you allow his oversized sleeping shirt swallow your aching body, taking in his comforting scent. slipping on a pair of his boxer shorts as well, you sigh before leaving the bedroom, heading towards the kitchen.
viktor was stood facing away, clearly absorbed in reading through whatever was on his phone as he waits on the food. you seize the opportunity, walking over and hugging his back, nuzzling your face between his shoulder blades. "ah, my love. are you feeling better?" viktor looks over his shoulder, smiling at you. "yeah..." you whisper, holding on a bit tighter, not caring how his back brace dug through his shirt and into the flesh of your cheek. "good, good. i'm glad you're feeling more like yourself." viktor chuckles, unbothered by your tight hold, finishing his reading before putting the phone down.
"come then, we can sit for a while as the food cooks." viktor takes your hand, grabbing his cane with the other. you let him lead you to the couch, letting him sit down first before snuggling into him. you both end up cuddled on the couch, lay tangled in each other as you both talk about anything; which is mainly just confessing how much one missed the other. "how was the job you went on? it must of been rough if it took you a month." viktor asks, arms squeezing your waist, almost as if he believed that if he let go you would leave again.
"it was alright... it's like one big game of cat and mouse, and it's not easy." you huff, almost moaning as viktor's fingers massage large knots out of your muscles. your fingers grasp his shirt, pulling viktor closer as you press your nose into his neck. "i couldn't imagine being an assassin... especially with my condition." viktor sighs, kissing your jaw gently. "yeah... it's a hard job, you're always running risks. i wouldn't want you doing this." you frown, and viktor can practically sense that something is bothering you.
"what is the matter, my love? you're rather quiet." viktor mumbles, right hand massaging larger circles into your back as the left rest upon your hip. "why do you wanna be with me..?" you ask, voice barely a whisper. at first viktor believes he imagined the question, completely taken aback. "what?" viktor leans back, gazing at your sombre face. "why.. why do you want to be with someone like me?" you frown, eyes refusing to look at him. "what do you mean..?" viktor's eyebrows furrow, completely unsure by your thought process.
"i kill for a living, surely you don't want to be around someone like that, let alone love me... i'm a murderer vik." finally, your eyes meet his and viktor wants to hold you as close as he can. "because we promised that no matter what we would stay together." he reminds you, and you sigh, looking away. "don't tell me you... thought about leaving me..?" viktor frowns, grasping your chin gently to force you to look at him. you squirm under his gaze, eyes flitting away. "yeah... i have. you deserve someone better, viktor." you almost gasp as he tugs you close, accidentally knocking heads as viktor cradles you close.
"you can't leave... you promised me, and i promised you. i don't care about your profession, or about the ridiculous standards you set for yourself. i love you, so much, my dear." viktor sighs, burying his face into your neck. you bite back a sob, hugging viktor tightly as you rest your head upon his shoulder. "thank you..." you whisper the words as if they were a mantra, a hand slipping up to cup the back of his head as the other clutched his back. viktor soothes you with hushed words and gentle kisses, wrapping his leg around one of yours to pull you closer.
"you are so, so, so precious to me, my love. i couldn't imagine life without you..." viktor admits, kissing your pulse softly. you sniffle, pulling away a little and allowing him to wipe away tears, pressing your forehead against his once he finishes. viktor sighs gently through his nose, kissing you gently every time your lips brush against his. "ah, shit- the food..!" viktor gasps, sitting up and scrambling over you, grabbing his cane. you can't help but giggle as viktor rushes to the kitchen, listening to him fussing.
luckily, viktor manages to save the food, coming back with two plates. you accept yours with a smile, kissing him gently as he sits next to you. "thank you, darling." you mumble, kissing his cheek, neck and jaw a few times each. "don't worry, i get it. eat your food, my love." viktor chuckles, kissing your lips sweetly. the two of you begin to gossip as you both eat, laughing and smiling as viktor shares an embarrassing moment that happened to jayce when you were away.
viktor smiles fondly at the sight of your happiness, simply staring as you giggle. "don't look at me like that." you protest jokingly, and viktor chuckles. "i'm afraid i don't understand darling, like what?" he teases, and you laugh. "like you're a lovesick puppy." you reply, kissing him gently. "hmm... is that how i look?" he mumbles, admiring your lips. "totally..." you whisper back, kissing him again. "i'm not sure if you're complimenting me or insulting me with that." viktor teases between a string of kisses, smiling against your lips. you shrug, a hand coming up to cradle his neck as your lips moulded against his perfectly.
seemingly done with dinner, the two of you clean up the dishes together before putting them away and heading to bed, or at least you should be. viktor was in the bathroom when you slipped out of the bedroom and onto the balcony connected to the living room, sitting upon the railing in deep thought. once viktor finishes his routine, he leaves the bathroom, freezing as he immediately notices your absence. panic slowly freezes over his body, and he feels sick as he practically runs, dropping his cane. he checks everywhere in a panicked frenzy before finally spotting you sat on the balcony, practically deflating as he limps over.
"you scared me, my love. come inside." viktor beckons, the cold air of piltover biting his exposed skin. "i will in a moment, darling. i'm just thinking." you sigh, lowering your head slightly. "hmm... for some reason, i don't believe that." viktor closes the door behind himself, walking over and hugging you tightly, his chest pressing into your back snugly; as if it were made to be there. your lack of response worries him as he rests his head upon your shoulder, gazing up at the stars. "is it about us? about how you think i 'deserve better'?" he asks, kissing your neck gently.
"no... maybe..?" you sigh, head lowering sheepishly. "am i right in thinking that you were considering leaving right here?" viktor's voice is quiet, soft. "maybe..." your own voice is barely above a whisper now, shame flooding through you. viktor lets out a small sigh, arms squeezing you tighter. "don't..." a quiet request, it makes your knees weaken slightly. "i... i could be putting you in danger. if any rivals find out-"
"please don't go..." he practically begs, a few tears wetting your neck. you freeze at the feeling, viktor hasn't cried since his mother's death; yet now he was willing to cry over you because you thought about leaving. "viktor..." you turn, looking at him; watching him wipe his eyes meekly. "we promised to stick together. you said you wouldn't leave me..." viktor looks away, and you feel guilt eating at your heart. "i'm not going." you assure him, hugging him tightly.
"good. you don't get to just walk out... not after everything." viktor half heartedly scolds, and you sigh. "til death do us part, love." you whisper, kissing his cheek. viktor presses his nose against your jaw, clinging to you tightly as his leg begins to ache from lack of support. "c'mon, love. let's get you in bed." you pull viktor from your neck, kissing him lovingly before helping him walk back inside.
as soon as the two of you are in bed, viktor latches onto you; tangling every limb with yours as he nuzzles into your neck. "i wouldn't leave you, viktor. i'm just scared that you're going to get hurt because of my profession." you whisper, fingers running through his hair over and over again; you were practically petting him. "then talk to me. you can't just get up and go..! if you left, i don't know what i would do." viktor replies, matter of factly, and you squeeze him tightly.
"i'm sorry." viktor sighs, kissing along your neck. "it's alright, my love. please, sleep. we'll talk about your worries in the morning. for now, i want to hold you." you smile, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. viktor sighs, nuzzling into you further as he gets comfy. "i love you." he yawns, and you smile once more. "i love you too, viktor."
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unabashegirl · 4 years
"You lied to me"
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I’ve been writing this for a few weeks now. It’s just a lil something. I hope you all like it. 
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list and don't forget REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Love you all
“Yeh lied to me” He had been watching her for a few minutes. He was quite surprised that she hadn’t noticed his presence through the window. He had just woken up from a quick nap and come out of the bedroom to find her. She was just where he expected her to be— in his office. 
His office was her nook. It was where she spent the majority of her day especially when he wasn’t around. The room was tainted with Harry’s personality all over. Both walls had built-in bookshelves. Packed with all types of literary pieces. Books that Harry had taken the time to pick. By just reading the titles anyone could tell what type of man Harry was. The books told his story. They were part of him and his incredible journey. 
A floor-to-ceiling, arched window was placed at the back of the room with two French doors adjacent to it, making it the most naturally illuminated room in the house. One of the many reasons, she loved spending her time there. The room was decorated with dark furniture. Although the mosaic carpet and colorful throw pillows contrasted. 
“I did not” Y/N argued back without knowing what she was denying doing. “What did I do?” She make sure to mark the page of her book before turning her seat to get a look at her boyfriend. 
“You are wearing my shirt, Darlin” A smile dangled on the corner of his lips as he pointed to his “daddy but I love him” shirt on her frame. He had been looking for it for weeks. He had looked through the piles of laundry and the closets. Harry had even searched through her t-shirt drawer, but it had been all in vain. She had tucked the bottom of the shirt under her bra making it the ideal little crop top to match her high-waisted blue jeans. “On top of that, you dared to wrinkle it by wearing it incorrectly” He teased as he strode into the room. 
He wore blue jeans just like hers and a simple button-down shirt. He had no shoes and his hair was tossed around from rolling around in bed. This was her favorite type of Harry. He was always cuddly and playful just after a nap. He was also his most relaxed. It was refreshing to see. 
“It was too big on me” Y/N explained as she crossed her legs. Harry gripped the arms of the chair preventing her from swiveling. 
“S’not! Are you calling me fat?” He hunched over her as he got lost in her mesmerizing eyes. A “boop” left his lips just after poking her in her bare stomach knowing how ticklish she was. But never once losing his confident smile. 
“You could weigh 500 pounds and I would still love you, doofus” She laughed as she swats his hands away from her. There she was; declaring and reassuring him of her unconditional love towards him. Something that still made him feel like the day he declared his love for her three years ago.
His fingers gently grip her chin, guiding her mouth to his. He kissed her, reciprocating his love. Y/N pecked his lips gently while he pressed his forehead against hers. 
“I love you” she whispered as Harry’s hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her up to him. She wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck as he walked them back to the couch. She straddled him as he pushed her hair off her shoulders revealing the necklace that he had gotten her for Christmas. 
“Aren’t you tired, lovie?” He questioned while fiddling with the pendant. He had ordered it weeks ahead. The present had almost not made it to Christmas. He had also almost ruined the surprise because of his excitement.  She shook her head at him while he planted gentle kisses on the skin of the crook of her neck. 
“Then I didn’t do a good job this morning m’love” Y/N giggled as she is tickled by the slight stubble that he had. They were mostly night owls when it came to sex, but this morning she had woke up to Harry pressing himself against her backside. Eager for some relief, she complied and probably experienced one of her best orgasms. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about how exquisite she looked this morning.  And how gracefully her hair looked when the morning sun hit upon it as she rode him. The lust her eyes carried as her hips worked magic on him. The way her deliciously smooth skin left like heaven against his. He still couldn't get the sound of her moans and her soft voice asking for more out of his mind. And how her overly kissed lips looked after he had finished with her. 
“Wha’ are we going to do about these shirts dilemma?” Harry asked as he pulled on his shirt that was on her. It was all a joke, he enjoyed teasing her. And he loved seeing her in his clothes. Most of his sweaters and t-shirts hung on her side of the closet, but he didn’t mind. He found adorable the comfort she found in wearing his clothes. 
“You could always wear mine” Y/N gave him a toothy smile. “Tit for tat” she smiled playfully knowing they would never fit him. Half of his long torso would be uncovered due to the difference of statues between them. Her shirts on him would be crop tops. She planted a kiss on his defined yaw. 
“Nu’ uh. They are very uncomfortable” Harry loved her sense of style, but some of the shirts had too many straps and looked quite difficult and complicated to wear.
“Hey! They are very comfortable” Harry gently got her off his lap so he could stand up. “Where are you going?” Y/N asked with a giggle as she watched him leave the room. “Baby!” She yelled after him with no luck. 
It only took Harry a few seconds to come back into the room, attempting to wear one of her favorite tops. It was a corset that had been recently sent to her. Y/N was quite impressed that Harry had been able to button it at least a bit. 
“This? This is torture” Y/N let loose a loud laugh as Harry turned, showing her how poorly he had been able to tie it at the back. “How can you wear this?”
“That’s a corset baby. They are meant to be uncomfortable” Harry shook his head to his girlfriend as he tried his best not to stand straight and potentially ruin the modern-day torture machine. “What about my Rolling Stones tee? I am sure you can wear that one”  He left frowning in search of the shirt. 
Y/N’s hands itched to record the small, private fashion show that was taking place. She abstained knowing that if she wasn’t concentrated on recording, the sweet memory of her boyfriend wearing her clothes, would be further preserved in her mind. 
“Loot at you! That one fits” She giggled at Harry as he stood before her with his hands on his hips. He looked exactly like that episode on Friends when Ross squeezed himself into Rachel’s favorite shirt. One of their personal favorite episodes. 
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“I might tear it” He chuckled minutes before he yanked it off his body. “Did I prove my point?” Harry asked as he flopped back on the couch beside her.
“Fine” Y/N exhaled loudly and standing up. “you clearly can't wear my shirts. Therefore, I will have to stop wearing your clothes” she frowned,  grabbing the hem of the shirt and pulling over her head.
“Wha’ are yeh doing?”
“Giving you your shirt back” She responded innocently undressing in front of her boyfriend. “Too bad” she shrugged. “My boyfriend sings about treating people with kindness but doesn’t allow his girlfriend to wear his favorite shirts” She teased, “What would his fans say?” 
“Oh! That’s it! Y’are getting it!” Harry laughed as he shot up from the couch and went chasing after his topless girlfriend around the house. Their laughs and love-filled the halls of their house, the very same thing that built the foundation of their forever home. 
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the-three-idiots · 4 years
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1328AE Jacobs Apartment, Divinity’s Reach 9:20AM
Jacobs apartment, located in the salma district, in between the plazas of Grenth and Lyssa. The apartment is sparsely decorated, a double bed, a cabinet and a desk that occupy the room. Jacob wakes up and looks around,  he looks over to his left. Jacob expects to see someone there but can't remember who. Jacob gets out of bed, walks over to the window and opens them. He looks across the  streets, seeing the busy crowds amongst the streets.
Jacob feels like he should be somewhere, Jacob knows he doesn't have to be anywhere but feels like he should be. Jacob turns and looks back at the bed, his back facing the window. He notices the way the bed sheets are ruffled in the wrong direction. As if someone else had been in his bed.
“NICE ARSE MATE!” shouts a bystander from the streets below.
Jacob’s train of thought is broken, he looks down and notices he isn't wearing any clothes, he closes the windows and steps back. Jacob looks over to the cabinet and sees his pajamas, perfectly folded. They have not been touched since the previous evening.
Jacob looks around for his clothes and more importantly his coat. Jacob walks around to the other side of the bed, Jacob looks confused at his clothing on the floor.Like he was stripped off.
Three knocks on his door causes Jacob to quickly grab his trousers and put them on.
Jacob walks over to his door and opens it cautiously. Jacob smiles as he sees Mrs Ainsworth.
Mrs Ainsworth is Jacobs landlady, around sixty years old, grey hair, wrinkled skin and the pleasant aroma of cinnamon. Mrs Ainsworth is a former fire mage, who retired and became a baker.
“Good morning Jacob.” Says Mrs Ainsworth 
Mrs Ainsworth raises an eyebrow at the shirtless Jacob, Jacob cracks a cheeky smile.
“Jacob, when you started paying rent, i remember telling you if you were going to bring guests over, you should at least give me some notice.” Mrs Ainsworth says in a calm but annoyed manner.
Jacob looks confused.
“Excuse me?” asks Jacob
Mrs Ainsworth crosses her arms and shakes her head.
“If you're gonna bring back ya whores Jacob, some warning next time.” Snaps Mrs Ainsworth
Mrs Ainsworth turns and walks away, clearly not happy. Jacob walks back into his apartment and puts on the rest of his clothes. He checks every pocket looking for his pipe but fails to find it. Jacob looks towards his desk and sees his pipe.
Jacob walks toward the desk and sees a small white card next to his pipe. Jacob picks his pipe up, sees that it's been filled with tobacco and places it in his mouth. Jacob snaps his fingers, which produces a flame and he places it into the top of the pipe, igniting the tobacco.
Jacob looks back down at the desk at the white card, he grabs it and looks at it. A small logo of a sword through a hollow circle with a single word in bold black writing which reads;
Jacob looks at the card, a weird sense of deja vu overcame him. Jacob grabs his coat, puts it on and walks out  the door in a hurry.
Seraph Headquarters, Divinity’s Reach 10:03AM
Jacob enters the headquarters of the Seraph, an old stone hall, lined with banners and torches. The hall is filled with Seraph soldiers, filling out paperwork and taking criminals to the holding cells.
Jacob scans the room, looking for Logan Thackery. Jacob walks through the crowds, he looks at the scum and villainy the soldiers arrested. Jacob looks around once again but trips over a soldier and lands face first into the floor.
“Need a hand?” asks a rather feminine voice
Jacob looks up to see a blue sylvari, her skin is a dark blue  with light blue ‘hair’ which is composed of leaves styled into a smart left parting. The sylvari offers her hand to Jacob to which he accepts, the sylvari pulls him up.
“Thanks” Jacob says
Jacob smells tobacco from the sylvari, specifically the brand of tobacco he uses in his. The sylvari looks at Jacob and recognises him.
“Persistent aren't you?” asks the sylvari
Jacob looks at the sylvari, trying to recognize her. He had a bad habit of forgetting new face, so it wasn't uncommon for him to recognize some people. The sylvari let off a whistle and a norn woman seemingly appeared next to the sylvari.
“Did i see you at a crime scene once?” asks Jacob
The norn and the sylvari give each other a look of concern.
“Well, nice to meet you. Good luck with these lots. They seem to be busy today.” says the sylvari
The sylvari and the norn walks off, Jacob looks back at them.
“Aesa, i thought you said the wallets worked best on men?”  asks the sylvari
“The chemical should have, Thackeray doesn't remember a thing…” replies  the norn
Jacob turns around and heads toward a desk at the edge of the hall, Jacob sees Logan sitting down, talking to a skritt and charr. Jacob's sense of deja vu comes back to him.
“I don’t care if you are a part of the queen’s scientific advisory, I have better things to do than come to some lab of yours-” Logan sees Jacob “-oh thank the gods, if you could excuse me, detective!” says Logan
Logan stands and rushes around the desk towards Jacob, the skritt and the charr see Jacob. They look at each other and walk off hastily. Logan sees them walking away and smiles.
“Thank gods you arrived, they were giving me a headache.” Logan explains
Jacob raises an eyebrow.
“Who were they?” asks Jacob
“Some science group, funded by the queen, I think. Anyway what can i help you with?” asks Logan
Jacob hands over the white card to Logan, Jacob looks at it. He studies it and walks over to his desk, Jacob follows. Logan pulls out a  giant leather bound book. Logan opens it and flips through the pages. He pauses at a page and points to it.
“The Excalibur foundation, royal science corp.” Logan says
“Do you know where i can find them?” asks Jacob
Logan looks at the book with confusion.
“Maiden's whisper, Rurikton.” Logan says
Jacob and Logan look at each other.
“The tavern?” ask Jacob
Logan nods.
“Ok thanks Logan, ill take a look at it.” Jacob says
Logan crosses his arms and looks at the busy hall.
“Can't come, kinda busy. Just busted a bunch of rebels on the city limits” replies Logan
Jacob smiles.
“I shall leave with your paperwork then.” Jacob retorts
The two shake hands, Logan gives the white card back to Jacob. Jacob nods and walks away. Jacob exits the hall, not knowing that the blue sylvari was watching him.
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