#and you just helped install security cages
maguuma-blues · 1 year
melatonin has a tendency to fuck with me, but this is the first time it's messed with me in lotion form
0 notes
green-eyedfirework · 3 months
Dick’s head was killing him.
He focused on that, not on the cage he was trapped in or the burning sensation under his skin or his dry throat or the useless panic button on a suit Dick wasn’t wearing, because he thought—foolishly—that he wasn’t in any danger as a civilian in Gotham in broad daylight.
One year in Bludhaven, and he’d apparently lost his self-preservation instincts.
They’d gotten him in the shadows of a dark alley, drugged him before he could put up a fight, and when he’d woken up, he’d been half-naked and shivering with a thick band of leather around his throat, duct tape across his mouth, and his hands bound behind his back.
Given time, Dick would’ve been able to slip through the ties, but then they’d dragged him out of the cage, injected him with something that burned, and ziptied his ankles too before he was thrown back in.
Whatever it was, it was fast-acting, and Dick’s general apprehension at being kidnapped slid to a sharper dread when he felt the needles prickling all over his skin.  It was going from uncomfortable to unbearable faster than he would like, and since he hadn’t told anybody of his visit, this was unlikely to have a swift ending.
Bruce was also out of town, which was the whole reason he was visiting in the first place, except if Bruce was there he would’ve promptly freaked out and checked whatever subcutaneous tracker he’d installed without Dick knowing and then Batman would’ve showed up to rescue him.
Dick tried again to get a grip on the zipties.  No Batman.  No distress signal.  No one who’d suspect he was in trouble until far, far too late.
His fingers slipped, too sweaty and dangerously weak.  Dick felt like an overcooked noodle and trying to shuffle forward, closer to the bars, made the world spin around him.
Not good, something pinged in the back of his brain, as a door screeched open somewhere in the warehouse.
“—to worry, our operation should be wrapped up by the end of the week.  Security should be minor—intel says that the Bat is out of Gotham—”
“There’s always a few birds flitting around,” a low, gruff voice said.  Dick instinctively tensed.  It sounded vaguely familiar.
“Well within your capabilities I would assume, sir.”
A grunt.  The booted footsteps were echoing in the large warehouse, sounding far away.
“There was, um, a minor matter with the issue of your payment—”
“What issue.”
“A slight shortfall in liquidity, sir.  We assure you, you will be paid in full, and to compensate you for the inconvenience, we are pleased to offer you one of our specimens.”
There was a stretching silence.  Dick was beginning to feel…itchy, but rubbing his cheek against his shoulder didn’t help.
“If I wanted a goddamn sex slave, I wouldn’t get one from Gotham.”  The derisive tone sparked another note of recognition, and Dick’s head was pounding but he registered the fear.  The knowledge didn’t come with it, not with the distracting pain, all Dick knew was that he should be very, very afraid.
“These are unique,” the milder voice said.  “Cultivated to show extreme sensitivity to touch.  All have already been given our cocktail, and can be activated with a second dose.  You can choose whichever one you like.”
“Perks of the job, is it.”  The voice was sardonic.
“Given the lack of need for training, we have a surplus of supply.  As long as your demands aren’t…unreasonable, we can accommodate them.” 
His skin felt like it was buzzing.  Like there was a static field just above its surface, and no matter which way Dick twisted, it wouldn’t go away.  He couldn’t help the wordless snarl of frustration.
He was getting distracted.  He needed to get out.  Dick tried again to grip the zipties.
“How many do you have?”  The footsteps were getting closer, moving between the rows of cages.  Several were empty.  The few that were occupied had occupants slumped over or curled into a corner.  Dick could hear ragged breathing and quiet whimpers, but nothing more.
The drugs.  Extreme sensitivity to touch.  That didn’t sound like anything good.
“Twenty or so, currently.  Are you looking for anything specific?”  There was only a noncommittal hum as the two entered his row.
The cages were low to the ground and all Dick could make out was about three-quarters of their legs.  Both wore boots, both had thigh holsters, one of them was significantly more armed than the other judging by the—
They had orange detailing on their boots.
Dick inhaled sharply.  It could just be a coincidence.  Maybe they were common boots.  Maybe they weren’t what Dick was imagining, what Dick was dreading, but it was too late, the pieces were already beginning to click into place.  The voice that Dick now recognized, the infamous color scheme, and the way the man stopped at Dick’s sudden, sharp breath.
The man crouched until he could see through the cage and Dick met a one-eyed, two-toned mask with sinking despair.
Dick held perfectly still.  Maybe he wouldn’t be recognized.  Half-naked and bare-faced was certainly not a common look of his, and his general dishevelment and the binds would contribute to the unfamiliarity.  He could not be recognized.  He didn’t even want to imagine what would happen if he was.
“Mr. Wilson?” the mild voice asked.  “Is this the one you would like?”
“Yes,” Deathstroke replied.  “Yes, he is.”
Dick had just enough presence of mind to scramble back when the cage was opened, but all his muscles seemed to be moving on a delay, and he couldn’t stop the other man from reaching in and grabbing him by the ring on his collar and dragging him out.
“It’s to keep sensation from his skin,” the man explained—Dick noticed that he was wearing gloves as he brought out a syringe.  Dick tried to writhe away but the man held him easily in place as he injected the syringe in.  “He’ll be absolutely desperate for it soon.”
Deathstroke just watched as Dick futilely cursed the man behind his gag.  This drug burned even hotter, like he’d been injected with lava, and soon Dick was trembling all over, writhing even harder with the urge to claw his skin off.
“There,” the man said, voice still mild but eyes flashing cold and cruel.  “Yours, to do with what you like.  Your shift starts at seven, you are free till then.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.”
Dick was beginning to feel lightheaded.
“I think I’ll manage to figure it out,” Deathstroke said, and there was a hand on Dick’s shoulder now.  Dick’s muscles locked up, his focus narrowed to the burning point of the warmth of the grip.
Dick wanted to run.  Dick wanted to scream.  Dick wanted to—lean further into that grip, get closer, feel more—
He went ice-cold underneath the increasingly painful heat.
Extreme sensitivity to touch.  Dick thought that meant—pain, jumping at the slightest of flinches, not this burning desire to be close to someone, a yearning, buzzing need to feel human touch.  Not something that twisted up his control until he moved easily with Deathstroke’s manhandling, looking up at the mercenary and not even trying to get free.
“This collar suits you,” Deathstroke said quietly, “little bird.”
There went Dick’s last hope that all of this was just an unpleasant coincidence.
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thesalemwitchtries · 5 months
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Dreaming Of a Grave: Chapter Five
Word Count: 3,534
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Named! Fem! Enhanced! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Child medical experimentation and cruelty (heavy on this one), sensory deprivation as a means of harm and control, child death (vague-ish but there's a lot of them), forced isolation, feelings of isolation and hopelessness, mentions of injury and healthcare bias, and canon show events
Taglist: @reblog-reblog666
Thank you so much for reading! Any comments or feedback are much appreciated!
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Crate Six was a horrific, but not altogether lonely place to grow up. How could she be lonely? Her small hands could fit through the wire of the cage and cling to Four’s beside her. On the other side was Eight, who spit and thrashed and snarled at everyone who passed by. She spent most of her time there, watching people pass with apathetic eyes, staring down at whichever specimen they had come to collect, she was never alone, and so: never lonely.
Mostly it was just waiting, for the people to come and prod at her, for them to leave, for the day when they’d roll the crate away, through the double doors at the opposite end of the hall, like they had for the previous Fours and Eights, like they probably had for the Six that came before her.
The Workshop had several security and protocol measures in place to prevent riot or escape. To limit any chance of mutiny or allowing them to out-number the research staff, specimens were kept in the long central hall, each team studying only one live specimen at a time. This inspired a quick turnover in those who weren’t progressing as hoped, and allowed for very limited interaction beyond those on either side of their crate.
If they were to escape, they would have to do it alone, and lab protocol ensured that subjects would have very little means of surviving on their own.
Specimens were fed only through an IV and with bland, uniform nutrient bars, unable to identify viable food sources of their own. They had geotags implanted in the base of their neck, and were allowed to move on their own only for the purpose of an experiment, keeping them monitored and weak. They wore thin hospital gowns and no shoes, adequate for the temp-controlled lab, but fatal in the scrub woods beyond the Workshop’s walls. 
Still, there was always the worry of exposure, that one specimen clever enough to escape may also be lucky enough to run into someone beyond their ironclad NDAs and explain what had happened to them. Best case, the specimen disappears, worst case, they return with a news crew or god forbid, law enforcement.
Researchers began looking for ways to stop potential leaks at the source, but almost every specimen they received was old enough to know the word help, and tongue extraction could hinder the ability to get necessary feedback from experiment subjects. Any solution that completely eradicated speech was out of the question.
Team Six was inspired to develop their solution when they received a young subject that had an extremely limited vocabulary upon arrival. After the typical entry rounds of behavior modification, she was fitted with Earmuffs.
They worked in two parts, one was a standard inner ear plug that branched out and connected to a larger disc that covered the shell of her ears, passively muffling the outer world, but not eliminating the sense of sound. The second part, was an internal transmitter and speakers, active noise canceling that could deafen someone to a jet launching beside them, all connected to a remote that allowed the silencing to be toggled on and off.
Earmuffs were then fitted with a bio-grade adhesive that lasted weeks before needing to be replaced, and upon installation, they had complete control over an entire human sense.
Six was an ideal specimen: one who could not complain or whine, one who could not ask for help. Without speech she could build little identity, only a shallow understanding of the world around her and her place in it. Isolated in static, contained within an approved lexicon: no, yes, bad, good, stop, start, up, down, left, right, more, less, is, was, then, now.
The system wasn’t without flaw, unable to tamp down the specimen’s instinctual desire to communicate.
So eager to learn was she that every new sound Six heard received a warped echo, a tentative attempt to understand. Automatic doors made a whoosh and so did she, someone clicked their pen and she’d do the same, the following huffs of frustration mimicked as well.
Perhaps the largest threat to Six’s verbal isolation was Four.
He’d been the most successful specimen created by the Four team, and lived in the crate neighboring hers for much longer than any of the others. They’d developed a method during years of late nights and long days in-between labs, practiced only in the most secret of moments.
When all the orderlies were gone and the others slept, Four would press the tips of her fingers to his throat and speak. Watching his mouth move, memorizing the vibrations of his voice, and then pressing fingers to her own throat and trying it for herself. Their soft whispers repeating into the night, the subtle back and forth of a pick inside a locked door.
Her first unsanctioned word took the longest, less trial and more error before Four’s efforts began to make any steady progress. Until finally, Six was able to croak out the word he’d been so desperate to teach her: ‘Lee-yawn.’ 
Years later, it would be that bright grin, round cheeks squishing into deep creases around his eyes, that she would think of when she missed Leon most. One untouchable moment.
Other words came next, her progress made slow by the constant stream of visitors in the hall; orderlies making rounds, researchers checking on their specimen, administration monitoring progress.
Sister, want, outside, see, sky, free, safe, away, each time she learned a new word he would shake their entwined fingers and give her that same smile.
Four’s secret lessons could only do so much with their limited learning time and a small vocabulary of his own.
If the orderlies saw, one or both of them would be taken through the No-Back doors, a threat that Six didn’t need words to understand. Every specimen taken through those doors was wheeled down the hall, orderlies banging on cages to get everyone’s attention. If you were Bad, you got a Lesson so that you’d be Good again.
The doors are for when you become Useless, a word that an intern had taught Six as both encouragement and threat.
Six had seen many Useless specimens roll by her, from the far side of the hall past Eight. Most of them she’d never seen before, beyond that first and last time.
When she was smaller there’d been an endless cycle of crates beside her, the Five project had discontinued before she arrived, and in their place were many short-lived Fours. On her other side there were Sevens, until a few weeks before Leon arrived, when the limp and blistered form of Last-Seven was rolled past her crate.
Six was taught the word Trash that day, and there were no more Sevens after him, the space to her left was filled with an Eight that bit at their own arms. Without verbal definition, Six understood that a Useless specimen went through those doors and somehow stopped being anything at all. 
Ever present was the idea that she was about to be made Trash, so much that she slept with one hand pressed to the wall and another to the floor, so she’d be awake when they came for her. An endless fear that she was deliberately unable to name. Her life was limited, structured to rob her of control, of even the very concept of it.
Crate Six was a fixed point that the world operated around; she didn’t come or go so much as she was brought, she didn’t do so much as she was instructed. All she had was long periods of waiting: for someone to fetch her from the crate, for the testing to begin, for it to end, for her next Meal, next Bath, next Lesson.
Chaos interspersed with the relative bliss of staring out through wire bars. 
It never once occurred to Six to wish for anything, all she knew was the way things were Now, and waiting for whatever was Next. Once they took Leon away, in the horrible way that they did, she understood wishing.
She wished that she could have him back, that she could have a name, that this waiting could finally end; even if that meant being Useless.
After Leon, there was nothing but the static that wrapped around her head. On her left Eight stopped clawing and thrashing, but kept spitting. Team Four had completed their work, and the comfort of Leon’s hand was replaced with Three, big enough that his spine and limbs pressed against the cage no matter how he laid. 
She’d tried, once, to ease him as he cried by running her fingers over the skin of his arm, but he writhed in what seemed like agony and there was no more trying.
Instead, she rested in a cocoon of apathy, letting things be the way that they were, not resisting when they made her sync or gave her the Bad medicine. Knees tucked to her chest, she buried her head down, keeping one hand on the floor by her feet and the other on the wall.
She grew bigger and more isolated, but never alone, and so at least not lonely.
There were years in that hallway, spent in a crate that she now understood had been made to hold dogs. Years spent outside after, scared and free, until the day she read her first road sign and decided to stay somewhere for more than one restless night.
“Welcome to Charlotte, North Carolina”
That was when the loneliness came, when she had finally learned to read, write, and speak. There were so many things balancing on her tongue, and no one that she could share them with. She could make friends, but there was a trench between her and all the people walking on city streets.
If she looked hard enough, Charlie imagined the trench might look like a long laboratory hallway. Cold, sterile, and existing in only her memory. 
Loneliness was in giving herself a name, and introducing herself to people that nodded politely, and didn’t understand how important having a name was.
Charlotte wanted to get a toothy smile, eyes squinted shut in happiness, wanted to introduce herself to one person more than anyone. But he was gone, and she wasn’t sure how to move on from the wanting.
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After Karen’s visit, Charlotte felt crowded in her apartment, in her mind, so she dug out the Earmuffs that she’d reinvented, and sank into the relief of turning off the world when she wanted to.
A cup of tea and spending the night bent over some circuit boards was what she needed— to hell with the inevitable crick in her neck.
Igor had been the first thing that she made at her beloved workbench; the welded monstrosity of scrap metal that balanced across drawer units and wooden trestles. At first he’d been solely a digital companion, a program she’d built so that she’d feel less lonely as she traveled, someone that would listen to what she confided, the things she could never tell others. Then she moved into this place, her own perfect corner of Hell’s Kitchen, with just a few boxes of things and a mattress. 
Her refurbished laptop and meager spread of components soon built into a wishlist and plans. Late nights were spent hunched over the floor, schematics taped up across almost every flat surface in the place. Drawing, re-starting, scrapping that and re-starting again, all while she gathered the tools and parts that she’d need.
The last few days before he was completed were a sleepless blur in her memory, barely managing to hold on until the first blink of his OLED eyes. Even five years later her heart nearly burst with pride at the memory.
She made Igor so that she wouldn’t be lonely, to help her take care of herself when she’d never been taught how. Triage was what she built when her life was too constricting, when the world felt too cramped and evil to manage. When she missed Leon.
His mutation had been special, a gift to more than just himself. Charlotte could hoard all the money in the world in a blink, could destroy entire power grids on a whim, could do things irredeemably worse if she wanted. A career in villainy wasn’t on her horizon though, and not just because she’d be caught and exposed in a heartbeat. She tried not to even think of SHIELD, too afraid that they had some secret mind-scanning device looking for freaks to recruit. The Avengers were something to gawk at, to admire or fear. That wasn’t the life for her. 
Charlotte wanted to run errands and invite friends over for drinks and know that she could help people somehow, even if it was just one at a time. 
Leon could do that. Had done that, even in his short life. With just one touch he could take your pains away. Scrapes, cuts, and aches all dissolved at his urging. With all the bad in their childhood, there was at least the joy of their extraordinary natural talents. 
If he’d lived to escape, to build a life outside of the Workshop, she had no doubt that Leon would be brave enough to do what she couldn’t. He would’ve stood in front of the world and offered out his hand to help.
It was a thought that Charlie tortured herself with on long nights of cowering away from notice. Tonight it blared through her mind stronger than ever, with the gravity of just how badly her fears had led her astray.
Four people, dead, because you thought that you could help without leaving your little hiding spot.
Charlie’s life was one of finding broken pieces and cobbling them into something new, but Leon could fix people, make it like they had never been broken at all. 
So she built Triage. To make her mind stop repeating that one horrible thought and to bring a piece of Leon back into the world.
Triage was a labor of love, forcing her to grow and work more than she ever thought that she could. He needed advanced sensors, to be able to scan and diagnose various ailments. Then he needed the medical knowledge to be able to come up with solutions, which Charlie had to find. And he needed to be taught: how to speak, how to stand, how to help people. There was always some new problem that she had to solve, and she loved the feeling of overcoming each one. 
So, how do you build a robot that’s a first-aid kit, doctor, and compassionate caregiver, all in one self-sustaining and self-learning package?
Well, you work for years, spend all your free time learning what it needs, maybe using a unique skill of your own to gather the best resources available, making prototype after prototype, update after software update, and you never give up. Even if you get super close a few times. You drag yourself back to the drawing board and start again, because this is important. 
Maybe the most important thing that you could ever do. If not for others, then for yourself. 
It’s possible that you never finish, never succeed, but you love the work. You need it, something that you’ll only admit to yourself in the most honest of moments, staring into the mirror’s eyes while you brush your teeth. Soul open to your own scrutiny, you concede that this work is what keeps you from falling apart some days.
Triage, if finally completed, could save millions of lives, could change the landscape of healthcare forever. And if not, if you work on it every day until you die, it will have at least kept you alive and hopeful.
You’ll have had something to love and devote yourself to creating, so you don’t stop. It’s not the finishing that truly matters in a labor of love anyways, it’s the doing. 
So, Charlotte labored. Bent over her workbench most nights, read medical journals like they were the morning paper, studied health field biases and machine learning while waiting for the subway. Every day was decorated by scrap-paper notes crumpled and dotted with dried raindrops, the cap of a highlighter held between her teeth, pen smudged across the back of her hand.
Triage would be strong enough to enter warzones, compassionate to those who’d been mistreated by the system, gentle enough to press a bandaid over a scraped knee.
And if he wasn’t, then she would start again.
Tonight, she worked in her blanket of silence to upgrade some of Triage's personality and accessibility features. Since his 'hands' weren’t quite graceful enough to manage legible sign, she was working on a way to create a signing caption system for his visual display. So far she was almost done with ASL, and making progress into research on foreign signs.
Personality-wise, Triage was still a bit… blunt.
Her first priority when preparing Triage for field-testing had been patient confidentiality, ensuring he wouldn’t repeat or disclose anyone’s scan information without their express consent. This left him suitable for minor healthcare scenarios, but not yet able to work without supervision.
Down the hall the Hernandezes had allowed her and Triage to examine them, field testing in exchange for not having to shell out money at the clinic for small sprains and stomach bugs. They were patient with the learning process, but Triage almost blew the whole arrangement with an uncomfortably honest assessment of the survivability of their infant’s high fever. 
Essentially he was a toddler with a medical degree, liable to say just about anything. This trait was adorable to Charlie, but not an ideal quality for a healthcare professional.
Built to lift and carry a 350 lb. human with ease, Triage needed a strong bedside manner to counter the impact of his intimidating frame, and unhelpful fatality statistics were not the way to go. Therefore, he was being taught some ideas of social convention, little things first, so as to not overwhelm him.
The sun had long set by the time she finished her last line of soldering. Barely patient enough to let it cool properly, Charlie dusted the chip with compressed air and started to prepare Triage for his update. Igor rolled across the workbench, vacuuming dust and odd bits, collecting tools to be put back in their place.
Like always when her earmuffs were on, Igor’s screen ran a jumbotron-like scroll of what he wanted to say: Clean Up, Late For Dinner.
Charlotte turned away and towards the windows, where Triage was slumped against the couch cushions. Not one to be ignored, Igor scooted a foot to his right, placing himself in view of one of the security mirrors that allowed Charlie to see behind her without turning.
“I can’t read that, it’s backwards.”
The text was promptly mirrored, and she laughed a little, feeling the rumble of it in her chest.
“Okay, half an hour, let me just run diagnostics real quick.”
Igor’s eyes reappeared, flattened into two disapproving half-circles. Knowing that he’d start ramming into her ankles in exactly 31 minutes, Charlie leaned down over Triage to get started. 
It was a bit morbid feeling, something usually so full of life now cold dead-weight, and worse was the fact that processing was all kept in his head.
Cracking open the shell in order to tinker around inside always made her a little squeamish, like she was disrespecting her friend somehow. Still, there was no better alternative, he needed malleable sides for functionality, and a mostly hollow core to ensure that he wasn’t ridiculously heavy. She already struggled enough with him being almost a half-ton. 
Soldering in the right connections, she successfully replaced the former attempts at a personality chip and attached the diagnostics cable between Triage and her laptop.
The process would go faster if she synced, but after the news that she’d gotten this morning, she was a little hesitant. Instead of slipping out of her body and giving the systems a good look, she opted for the long way— allowing a program to run through it for her.
Ten painful and boring minutes later she was given a clear scan, he most likely wouldn’t suffer any malfunctions from the upgrade.
“See, Igor, I even finished early.”
The bot didn’t respond, instead climbing up to the side table and staring down at Triage with impassive glowing eyes, haloed by the lamp behind him. She honestly couldn’t tell if Igor was experiencing sibling rivalry or just couldn’t recognize that Triage was a robot just like him. Hopefully he’d grow out of it on his own, where do you even begin to program jealousy out of a robot?
Charlie initiated Triage’s boot-up sequence, then shut his casing and sat back on her heels to wait. His internal lighting warmed and began to glow through his reinforced vinyl ‘skin’, limbs rotating experimentally as he sat upright.
Digital eyes had just blinked to life when the ground began to shake, growing from a tremor to a rumble. There were only a few seconds for Charlie to wonder what was causing it before the wall beside her exploded.
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Hope you enjoyed, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, and feel free to shares any thoughts, it helps me to keep up motivation to work on this :)
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ceciliajohanna · 2 years
A snippet taking place in the “A Significant Detail” series. It’s a stand-alone piece, but it has a lot of references to the previous installments. 
A Significant Detail
The Gardening Type 
The Golden Cage
The hero woke up with a sharp gasp, adrenaline pulsing through their veins. They quickly sat up, their eyes scanning their small bedroom in search for whatever it was that had triggered their fight-or-flight response. Moments later, the explanation arrived in the form of a noise.
Someone was knocking on their door.
Thanks to their speedster skill, they managed throw off their blanket, jump out of bed, and make their way to the hallway in less than a second. They lived far out in the outskirts of the city, practically in the middle of nowhere. The last mile leading up to their cottage-style house wasn’t even paved. The hero’s home was not a place that received unexpected visitors—especially not in the middle of the night.
They peeked through the peephole in the security door, and then sighed. Of course it had to be them. Keeping the safety chain on, they cracked the door open a couple of inches.
“I know you enjoy showing up when I least expect it, but this is just rude.”
“Hello to you too, love.” There was a note of amusement in the villain’s voice, but the lack of obnoxious cockiness immediately set off alarm bells in the hero’s head. Something was wrong.
The hero leaned back, forcing their body into a deceptively relaxed stance. “What are you doing here?”
“Still no alarm system,” the villain said, completely ignoring the hero’s question. “Anyone could waltz right in here, you know. You really should have let my people fix that door for you.”
The last time the villain had shown up at the hero’s house, they’d completely ruined the hero’s old door. Two days later, a home security company had showed up to install a new one, including a state-of-the-art alarm system. The hero had turned them down, of course, figuring that security provided by the villain was even worse than no security at all. 
“The only one who’s ever tried to ‘waltz right in here’ is you, and we both know that if you wanted to break in somewhere, there’s no door in the world that could stop you.” The hero couldn’t help but glance at the flimsy safety chain. Against the villain’s notorious strength, it wouldn’t stand a chance.
When the villain shrugged, the movement was followed by an almost unnoticeable flinch. If the hero hadn’t spent hours upon hours on studying the villain’s body language, they never would have caught it. They had, though, so they did. A knot of concern formed in their stomach.
“Are you… hurt?” The hero immediately cringed at the obvious worry in their voice.
“I’ll live.” The villain let out a short, humorless laugh, which made them flinch again. “Can’t say the same about the other guys.”
“What other guys?” An unexpected surge of anger joined the hero’s steadily increasing unease. “You’re my target. The HQ would have notified me if—”
“Your HQ had nothing to do with this.”
“Then… who?” The hero paused as their sleep-deprived brain tried to process the information. It took them a second or two to figure it out, and when they did, their anger turned into full-blown fury. “Your people did this.”
“Calling them ‘mine’ would be a stretch. They were still loyal to my boss. My former boss.” The villain spat the last words as if they were poisonous. “Let’s just say that things have been a little tense at home lately. There are people—my people, I suppose—who call me boss now. The rest seem to think that ‘usurper’ is a more appropriate title.”
The hero cursed internally as the puzzle pieces fell into place. A couple of weeks ago, something had gone down between the villain and their boss. The hero had been knocked out by a heavy glamour at the time—for their own good, according to the villain—and once they’d woken up, they hadn’t stuck around long enough to hear the full story. They’d escaped from the fancy hotel room they’d been kept in as fast as they could, breaking a lot of furniture, a window, and the villain’s nose in the process.
They weren’t naïve, though. They’d seen the look in the villain’s eyes when they’d told them about their boss’s decision to eliminate the villain’s latest “distraction.” The villain’s boss—former boss—had signed their own death sentence.  
Everyone at the HQ knew that something had changed in the murkier side of the city. Areas that had once been considered safe zones were now plagued with thefts and robberies. Many of the neighborhoods that used to take up most of the HQ’s resources had gone suspiciously quiet. Gangs kept turning on each other left and right, causing collateral damage that was nearly impossible to predict and even harder to prevent. The city was slowly descending into chaos and no one knew why—no one but the hero, who was getting very, very tired of playing dumb.
The last spark of adrenaline in the hero’s system sputtered and died. They sighed again. Deeply.
“You really messed things up back then, didn’t you?”
“Maybe, but I still don’t regret it.” In the darkness, the faint glow of the villain’s eyes had an even more chilling effect than usual. “I protect what’s mine.”
“Right.” The hero forced back the urge to slam their own head against the doorframe. They’d known from the start that their little game with the villain would inevitably end in disaster, but they’d still kept playing. The villain wasn’t human—the hero wasn’t even sure they were mortal—but the hero had still allowed their relationship to grow into a twisted companionship where vicious uppercuts and kicks to the kidneys were just as acceptable as stolen kisses at demolished crime scenes.  
Actions had consequences. The hero had made a long chain of bad decisions over the past few months, and now they had an injured criminal standing right outside their door—an injured criminal who was starting to look a little pale.
The villain wasn’t the only one who’d messed up.  
“You know that this is insane, right?” the hero said. “It’s the middle of the night, you’re hurt, and you’re standing in front of a person who could probably take you down without breaking a sweat right now. That shoulder looks disjointed, you breathe like someone with broken ribs, and you’re clearly favoring your left leg. You’re my target, and if I attacked you now, you wouldn’t stand a chance.” They shook their head. “Seriously, what on earth are you doing here?”
“I keep asking myself the same question.” The villain’s lips formed a tragically unconvincing version of their usual grin. “I think the answer is that I’ve got nowhere else to go.”
It was the pure vulnerability in the villain’s confession that did it. A tidal wave of conflicting emotions washed over the hero, easily overpowering their last shred of common sense. Their brain still tried to remind them that the villain was supposed to be their enemy, but their instincts didn’t care. They wanted to set that shoulder straight. They wanted to clean those wounds and make sure the broken ribs hadn’t pierced a lung. Most of all, they wished that the villain had left their attackers alive, just so they could kill the bastards themselves. Something deep inside of them, something raw and primal, silently repeated the villain’s words. I protect what’s mine.
Insanity was apparently contagious.
“Would you try to glamour me if opened this door?” they asked.
“No.” The villain raised an eyebrow. “Would you throw a frying pan at me again if I stepped inside?”
The hero couldn’t help but smile. “I told you I only do that to people who don’t knock, didn’t I?”
“That’s true.”  
The hero closed the door, removed the safety chain, and let the villain in.
@whumpworld @yells-in-lowercase @scorpio-smiles @whumpsday
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Two
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @ the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: PiV, cum as lube, dirty talk, my personal opinion about a certain book series
Floor Sex (2.2k)
Breakfast was ridiculously delicious, and you also got to meet the chef that was on call whenever anyone was staying at the home; Lorna was a lovely woman, her deep umber skin and warm brown eyes were soft and she was so welcoming, treating both you and Javi like her children. The older woman had been delighted when you told her how good everything was, earning you a hug and her telling Javi that she approved of you, and watching your boyfriend preen was cute until he began to shower you with praise.
It wasn’t that you hated compliments but it felt awkward sometimes, especially when the imposter syndrome kicked in.
After managing to get Javi to stop with the high praise, with Lorna’s set time for dinner already programmed as an alarm on your phones, Javi had your things in hand to go sailing together. A breezy sun dress was worn over your swimsuit, your canvas tote had a pair of water shoes tucked in the bottom on the chance you decided to take a tip in the water, and your instant shot polaroid camera with some spare packs of film were all tucked under a spare oversized hoodie for added protection.
Sometimes the sun was so bright that the pictures looked overexposed even when you put them somewhere dark or face down, or the clouds were just dense enough that things looked darker, but the whimsy of the instant shot camera and the fact that some of the resulting photos looked aged but in a good way… it was worth not being able to take a good picture every time.
Javi had refused to let you see or know anything about the contents of the picnic basket he had taken from the kitchen, you knew he certainly hadn’t made anything since he’d spent the rest of the day before and the morning with you on a much more personal tour of the house.
“I’m surprised you didn’t get a permit to build a private dock.” Your comment was meant to be light-hearted, a bit of a jest, since you knew just how much he loved to sail when he was in Mallorca. Just taking his boat out for hours at a time to be on the water, to see the open sky and clear water and look at all the sea-life that would come to investigate when he cut the engines to drift aimlessly.
Javi glanced at you after the pair of you settled in his car, the sunshine and warm air making you feel revitalized in a good way, and he captured your left hand in his right to press a kiss to the back of your hand.
“I had thought about it but the dock that I use is both secure and well maintained, I would not contribute to putting more people out of work for my own selfish reasons given the number of people installing private docks of their own.” You couldn’t help but lean over to kiss his cheek at the bubble of emotions caught in your throat with his explanation, the reminder of just how aware Javi was about rampant poverty in the world was one you would never really get over.
As the pair of you pulled into the gated parking lot, right into the designated spot for Javi, you noticed that the workers were nudging one another pointing and part of you wondered how often -if ever- Javi brought someone that wasn’t related to him here. One of the men waved cheerfully and said something but your eyes were on the boat, this wasn’t just a simple speedboat like you had thought.
Why you didn’t think your rich boyfriend would have a yacht, even one as small as this, was honestly insane. Javi appreciated the fine things in life, shamelessly, so thinking his “boat” would just be a speedboat was a major oversight on your part. He helped you board and after a quick chat with one of the workers they had the secure steel cables removed from the hull and the go ahead to begin sailing was given.
The ship was luxurious and just from a quick glance at the interior you were reminded how different this was to what you came from, your tiny little apartment was smaller than this yacht.
“There are two different places to pilot from, indoors and outdoors, I would like to pilot from the top level before the sun is too high if that is okay with you?” Javi’s request was an easy grant, even though you both did detour to bring the picnic basket and your bag inside, the polaroid draped around your neck with the spare film tucked in the small case you had attached to the strap. There was a lounging seat and a rectangle table with a box bench seat around the entire thing, two chairs where the wheel was and you slipped into your seat as Javi waited for you to settle in.
What you could see from the bow of the yacht was a small two-person seat in front of the inner cabin where the second steering wheel had to be, along with two padded mats build into the yacht for sun bathing. Javi’s soft chuckle as you took in the opulence of the ship made your face warm but he captured your chin and kissed you chastely even as he activated the pulley to raise anchor, the engines begin to purr to life, and it was impossible not to watch him work through the process of maneuvering the ship out into the open water.
He preened under your attention but didn’t allow it to distract him from the process, opening up the engines fully once the ship cleared the shallowest waters, and you snapped a picture of him before you could think twice. It was a bit of a rush to get the film into the dark envelope you had to try and prevent the distortion from overexposure to light. There was no point trying to hold a conversation over the wind and the engines, instead you just snapped pictures of anything and everything that captured your fancy.
It wasn’t until the sun had come up and the pair of you had already applied sunscreen, twice, that Javi suggested dropping anchor and taking a break to eat. Lorna had packed all of your favorite tapas and small plate dishes, the fact that there was an actual oven was something you couldn’t help but needle Javi about.
“Of course there’s an oven, and a full fridge, because how ever would some rich socialite survive if they had to microwave their food? Or, the horror, eat something that was in a cooler!” Javi laughed along with you at your dramatics, a hand on your forehead making a swooning gesture at ‘the horror’ and his tongue was stuck between his teeth to stop him from laughing too hard. Javi showed off the rest of the yacht after you ate, the fact that there were two bedrooms with a king size mattress each wasn’t shocking at this point.
There was a kitchen, a dining table, another bench seat and small table beside the interior steering wheel, a bathroom with a tub and shower… so the two bedrooms was the least surprising thing at this point.
“Have you ever read a story about something like this? A rich man takes his lovely girlfriend out on his yacht and does naughty things to her?” Javi was right behind you as the two of you stood at the base of the short staircase leading to the master bedroom, it was not only the larger room but had an actual television seeing as the smaller room was at the bow of the yacht with the stairway into it placed between the interior steering wheel and the interior bench.
You’d managed to avoid discussing your reading -and writing- habits since your initial foot-in-mouth moment when this trip was first planned, though Javi had taken a greater interest in trying to peek over your shoulders when he caught you scrolling through your phone, but having him bring it up now made you feel cornered.
It wasn’t like you had a whole vacation home to get lost in and escape to.
Damn him.
“I think there was something about that in Fifty Shades of Grey.”
He snorted gently as he played with the hem of your skirt, both of you knowing damn well that you had only ever picked those books up once and that was to write a scathing review of the ‘poorly disguised abusive relationship with a false representation of a proper BDSM relationship’ that you’d posted for the book release magazine you’d been writing for at the time.
Javi turned you in his arms and captured you in a kiss, making you practically melt against him, and when he made you walk into the room just so he could kick the door closed you half expected him to push you onto the bed. Instead, he turned you and pressed you into the wall, big hands cupping the back of your legs and pulling so you were depending on his body to stay up as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“As much as I would love to see you come undone on the top deck, on the lounger and under the sun, I do not want anyone else even having the chance to see you as I do. To see your beauty when you come, to hear the way you sound when I fuck you.” His voice was low and hoarse as Javi began to roll his hips against yours, grinding against you, and his swim shorts provided just enough friction against your skirt and your own swim suit to heighten the feeling of his hard cock rocking against your covered slit.
Your hands tugged at the dress, pulling the skirt up and out from between you both, and Javi groaned against your neck before he was sliding one of his hands back and his fingers under the fabric of your swim suit.
“Fuck- I never thought you were the possessive type.” The attempt at a tease was cut off into a sharp gasp when he bit down on your neck, you’d never thought much about how often he would nip and bite at your skin when you did get to spend time with him but it was beginning to make more sense now that you had him all to yourself without him having to leave in a week or two.
Javi set your legs down and you half expected him to get you on the bed until he simply pulled your sun dress off, the suit quickly going with it as he dropped to his knees, and your boyfriend dragged you down to the floor after shedding his linen button up for you to lay on.
“I admit I try not to be, Solecita, but there some things I will never share and you are one of them.”
His husky declaration made you shiver with want, reaching for him, and Javi began mouthing at your collar bones before dragging the tip of his nose across your skin as he braced himself over you with one arm and slid his other hand down to run his fingers through your folds. The realization of how truly possessive he was, that any visible marks you might find were all very intentional, had made you so wet; Javi let out a low moan at the feeling.
“Does that turn you on, Solecita, to know that I want to keep you to myself? To know that I want everyone to know you’re mine only?”
He’d shoved his shorts down just enough to free his cock and when you’d tried to answer he’d entered you in one stroke, the stretch burned so good though even with such little prep; he circled your nipple with his nose before suckling at the stiff peak of it, hitching one of your legs up for a deeper angle, and his pace picked up immediately at the wet sound when he fucked into you.
Every stroke had your limbs tightening, toes curling more and more, until you were crying out his name in a broken scream as he fucked you through your first orgasm; but he didn’t stop, his pace dizzying and it was almost too much. His skin was flushed and his brows were furrowed with concentration, your hands reaching up to cup his face, and his kiss was messy and intense.
“Mark me, Javi, come on my body.”
“You- shit, Solecita, you are sure?”
“Yes Javi, let me wear your come.”
He groaned and you felt his hips stutter before he pulled out, jerking himself over you for one and then two strokes before you felt the warm liquid land across your torso and belly. You clenched at the absence of him, you’d been getting closer to a second orgasm, so you ran your fingers through the mess on your skin and used it like lube to circle your clit. Javi watched you make yourself come using his seed to do so, you wondered what was going on in that male lizard brain of his but he was too busy occupying his mouth with yours so you didn’t get to ask.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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An Interview
A JSE Fanfic
Septics Inverted AU
First IRIS Chapter | Previous
(I bet you guys thought I forgot about this. Nope, it’s just that MerMay took up a lot of my free writing time... and then like twenty more days passed in which I was busy XD But I’m back now! Let’s catch up on what’s happened to Chase since we’ve last seen him. And then we’ll peek in on Jackie and Frederick and their investigation. And yep. That’s the chapter ^-^)
Chase wasn’t sure how long he’d been stuck in here. The room had no windows or clocks, which made it hard to tell time, but he guessed it was at least a couple days. He had no real way to know. The lights didn’t turn off. He couldn’t even ask anyone for the date. Sure, there was a camera mounted in the corner of the room, watching him, but he hadn’t actually seen another human person since he woke up here.
If there was any doubt in his mind that IRIS was sketchy before, it was cleared now. It had to be illegal to transfer people to a different place while they were asleep. Yet that’s what they did. He went to bed, and when he next opened his eyes, he was stuck in a room that felt more like a cage than the literal prison cell he’d been in. At least in prison they let you leave the room a couple times a day.
That stupid camera was getting on his nerves. It just sat there, unchanging except for its blinking red light. He’d been lying on the bed in the room, but now he sat up and waved at it. “Hey. Having fun? You sick fucks. I know you’re watching.”
The camera, of course, didn’t answer.
Were they just going to keep him in here? That woman from IRIS said they wanted to help “people like him.” How was any of this helpful? If anything, it was the exact opposite.
Chase sighed. He stared at the camera in the corner for a moment more. Then idly scanned the room for the umpteenth time. The room was unremarkable on the surface. The walls were plain plaster—gray upper half, blue bottom half—and the floor was concrete. There was little furniture in the room. Just the bed and a table with two chairs. And the small alcove in the corner with a toilet and a sink, hidden by a curtain that looked recently installed. That was how Chase knew this was no ordinary room. This was designed to keep people in. Keep them for an extended period of time.
“Are you guys, like, a vigilante group or something?” Chase said, looking back up at the camera. “Is this a punishment? Cause I think I was being punished enough.” He paused. “No, wait, I got it. This is like some sort of human experimentation thing. You get people no one cares about to test your... whatever. Is that it?”
The camera still didn’t answer. Because it was an inanimate object. What was he expecting? Well, maybe there could have been an intercom in the room or something, but they probably would have used that earlier, when he tried to hit the camera in the corner with a pillow. He would’ve tried throwing the chair but he was worried about somehow hurting himself. That was a high distance to throw a heavy object.
Chase stopped staring at the camera and stared at the door instead. It was made of metal and looked heavy. There was a small gap in the bottom, with a flap like a main slot in the door, where someone outside—he didn’t know who, because they never answered him when he tried to talk—would slide trays of food, presumably every few hours. It wasn’t bad food. In fact, it was probably better than what he’d been eating for the past year or so. But he hated that he couldn’t leave to go get it himself. The door was locked tight. He’d tried.
But just as he was thinking about how secure the door was, he heard the distinct CLUNK! of a heavy lock turning, and the door swung open. Chase just about fell off the bed as he stood up as fast as possible.
A man walked into the room. He wore a black uniform of some kind, a uniform which vaguely reminded Chase of a security officer, but with the addition of a black mask covering the lower half of his face. The man also carried a black case, and he walked over to the table and opened it up. But Chase wasn’t paying attention to that. He was staring at the woman in the white coat that came into the room. It was the same woman who’d come to “let him know about the transfer” in prison. He recognized her short red hair. Another person in a black uniform waited outside, closing the room door as soon as the woman walked in. The lock turned again. Damn it.
“Hello Mr. Brody,” the woman said, and smiled.
Chase didn’t answer right away. He gave her a quick once-over, then looked back at the man in black. The woman only held a clipboard and pen, but the man had some sort of stick dangling from his belt. Definitely a weapon. Too securely attached to grab, though. Unless he was desperate.
“I hope you’ve found everything... adequate,” the woman said.
“I’m sorry? What the fuck? Do you think this—” Chase gestured at the room at large. “—is ‘adequate’?”
“Unfortunately, we have some safety measures that must be enforced,” the woman said. “Now. I’m here to talk to you, and I would appreciate it if this was easy for both of us.” She smiled again, but there was something tight about the expression this time.
Chase glanced again at the man in black. He’d finished what he was doing. There was now another camera set up on a tripod by the table.
The woman walked over to the table and sat down at one of the chairs. The camera was directed away from her, and towards the other chair. “Please take a seat, Mr. Brody,” she said, and began writing something on her clipboard. The man stood at attention behind her, out of view of the camera.
Chase really wanted to make this difficult for these people, but there was too much risk. He didn’t know what they wanted from him. Hell, they might just kill him if he resisted too much. So, as much as he didn’t want to listen, he reluctantly walked over and sat down in the other chair. He glared at the camera. Then directed that glare at the woman. “So, are you going to fucking explain what I’m doing here?”
“One second, Mr. Brody.” The woman glanced at the camera. A red light started blinking on it. She nodded. “The date is August 13th, 2019. We are interviewing... please state your name for the record.”
“Why? You know my name. You just said it.”
“It’s for the record, sir,” the woman said calmly.
Chase sighed. “Fine. My name’s Chase Brody.”
“Mr. Brody is a five-foot eight-inch white male in his early thirties. He has had contact with an individual who has been exposed to ALTR 114209, and has likely been exposed himself, though it’s unlikely that there has been exposure within the past twelve months. Mr. Brody, what do you know about this?”
Chase stared at the woman. “Uh... I’m sorry, that was a lot of words just now. Most of which I don’t understand. In this context, at least.”
“Ah, that’s understandable.” The woman nodded. “We’ll explain everything later. For now, we need to know if you’ve ever seen or experienced anything unusual?”
“I mean... define ‘unusual,’ I don’t think my life is ‘usual.’” Chase rolled his eyes.
“Anything that seems unnatural,” the woman explained. “Perhaps even supernatural.”
Chase’s heart stopped for a moment, though he maintained a neutral expression. Anything unnatural? Fuck, he’d have to narrow it down. IRIS was looking for the supernatural, then? That’s why they came after him. But that still didn’t explain what they wanted. And frankly, he wasn’t going to help them. Not after they’d shoved him in a room for a couple days and locked him in. “I dunno. I mean, everyone thinks they’ve seen something, right?”
The woman nodded, and wrote something down. “Alright. Mr. Brody, we know you lived with an individual named Jack McLoughlin for two years.”
Chase stiffened.
“Did you notice anything unusual about him in that time period?”
“Uh... I don’t know.” Chase stared at the woman, trying to figure out what she was getting at. But her face remained pleasantly calm. “Jack was a bit weird... He was, uh... f-f-forgetful... and spent... a lot of time, um... inside... a-and stuff.” He stumbled over his words as guilt curdled in his stomach. All of Jack’s ‘weirdness’ was his own fault, after all.
The woman flipped to something else on her clipboard. “While that is concerning, it is not considered unusual, since the cause of those behaviors are well-documented in police files, and has, in fact, been confessed to by yourself and your two companions.”
“...right.” Chase laughed nervously. He gripped the edge of the table tight.
“Was there anything unusual about Mr. McLoughlin besides those symptoms?”
There was a floating fucking eyeball and a living glitch. “N-no, not that I can think of.”
The woman nodded. She flipped back to the first page. “Do you recognize this facility?
“Uhhh...” Chase was about to instinctively deny it, but something stopped him. “Well, I don’t recognize you, but...” He glanced around the room again. There had been something about it... “This... building is familiar. It’s...” He paused, then hie nodded slightly as he put a name to it. “It’s like I’ve been here before.”
“Mr. Brody, I assure you, you’ve never been here before,” the woman said gently. “We have no records of you in this building before this.”
“No, it’s not like that, it’s...” Chase struggled with the words. “There’s... an energy here that I’ve felt before. But... it’s probably just deja vu or something.”
The woman’s eyes glanced sharply up. “Have you experienced instances of this before?”
“Like what? What do you mean?”
“Like... feelings of deja vu, like this has happened before,” she explained.
“Uh, yeah, of course. Everybody has.” Chase shrugged. “It’s just the mind playing tricks on you.”
“Have you had any similar experiences?” The woman asked. “Like, for example, seeing things that aren’t there, strange objects appearing out of nowhere, or losing track of time?”
Chase shook his head. “No, I’m not psychotic, if you’re asking.”
“That’s not what we were asking, it’s if you ever experienced occurrences like that,” the woman said.
“Well, I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. That’s such a vague series of shit, I’m sure that everyone would answer positively to something. Losing track of time? Really? Everyone’s gotten caught up in stuff.”
“Hmm.” The woman nodded vaguely. “Mr. Brody, I referenced ALTR 114209 earlier. Do you know what that is?”
“I’ve never heard that word and series of numbers before, no.”
“That’s not what I was asking, Mr. Brody, I asked you if you know what that is.”
Chase threw a hand up in the air. “That’s the same fucking thing. So no. I don’t know. What is it?”
“We’ll explain later, Mr. Brody,” the woman said, not even looking up from her clipboard.
“Fuck that!” Chase shouted. “I’ve been stuck in here for at least two days, if you’re being honest about the date, the least you can do is tell me what the hell’s going on!”
“This concludes our session—”
“Session?! It’s been like two minutes!”
“These sessions will not be long.” The woman stood up. “I’ll be back tomorrow to give you an assessment—”
“What, like a psychological assessment or a check-up at the doctor’s?” Chase interrupted.
“You’ll see. You just have to be a little bit patient.” The woman smiled.
“My patience is going to keep wearing thin for as long as you guys keep me in here.” Chase gestured at the room. “You had such a low bar to clear, and yet this is worse than being in prison. This has to be a war crime or something. What the fuck.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Brody, we know what we’re doing,” the woman said in what was supposed to be a reassuring tone, but which didn’t reassure Chase at all. “Try to get some rest, tomorrow will be a big day.” And then she started walking towards the door.
“Hey! You can’t just leave me in here!” Chase bolted to his feet and started running after her, but a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He’d forgotten about the man in the black uniform.
The man roughly pushed him towards the bed, then followed the woman out of the room. Chase took a few steps forward. But he wasn’t fast enough. The two of them were out of the room. The door closed and locked behind them.
“Assholes!” Chase shouted. “You’re all fucking accessories in kidnapping! Trust me on that!” He sighed. They probably didn’t care. And he doubted they would answer for their crimes. If IRIS was able to make some kind of arrangement with the Mirygale prison system, an arrangement that let him just vanish into their care with no complaint, then they probably had enough power to avoid the consequences of all this.
He turned and started sitting down on the bed—not much to do but sleep in this room—but then he stopped. They’d left the camera on the tripod in the room. Was that on purpose? It had to be, right?
He stared at the camera for a while. Until he was pretty sure that anyone outside the room would have left. Then he stood up and walked over to the camera. “Hello there.” He waved. “So one wasn’t enough? You had to leave a second?” A pause. “Well I’m gonna say this is on you, then.”
And he reached out and took the camera off the tripod, turning it over in his hands. It looked normal. A bit old-fashioned in how bulky it was. The one weird thing was that there was no way to see the video the camera was recording. But he didn’t really care about any of this. He wasn’t really curious about the stupid camera anyway.
With one smooth motion, Chase threw the camera against the far wall, putting all his force into the throw. It flew through the air and crashed against the wall, falling to the floor. He walked over to check it out... but the camera was completely undamaged. Not a scratch on it.
“Fucking figures,” Chase muttered, picking it up again. He looked at the camera hanging from the ceiling. Taking careful aim, he threw this new tripod camera at it. SMACK! Metal clashed together. But the ceiling camera hadn’t so much as swiveled from its position, and the tripod camera was fine even as it landed hard on the concrete ground.
“What the fuck are these made of?!” Chase shouted. He walked over and kicked the camera on the ground, but that didn’t do anything.
He glared up at the corner camera, then at the door. He waited for someone to come in and tell him to stop it. But... nothing.
Unease creeped up on him. That... that probably hadn’t been a good idea. He’d let his frustration take hold, and had forgotten the fact that he was entirely at IRIS’s mercy. They could totally just leave him in here to starve to death. No one would ever know. Well... Jackie would probably know. Stacy and the kids would, too, even if he wasn’t sure Stacy would care. But the point was, they couldn’t stop it from happening.
Now thoroughly unnerved, Chase walked back to the bed and laid down, staring up at the ceiling. He wondered if people were noticing his absence now. If the story about the “transfer” was holding them over.
It didn’t matter. He doubted they could find him even if they knew about IRIS.
- - - - - - - - - -
“I want to come check it out.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Frederick looked up at Jackie, standing in the doorway of the bedroom. “Do you know how hard it’ll be to adjust the wards for you? There’s one designed to specifically keep out non-magicians.”
“Well that seems like discrimination, if you ask me,” Jackie said.
Frederick chuckled. “It’s helpful. We don’t want random people breaking into the building and finding out magic exists. Anyway. Can we discuss this in the morning and not when I’m about to go to bed?”
“I wake you up every time I go to bed, anyway.” Jackie shrugged.
“Not every time.” Frederick had been lying down on the bed, but now he sat up straight. “Alright, let’s talk about this. Are you sure? You’re the one concerned that IRIS put tracking devices in their tech.”
“And you’re the one who reassured me that your safe house has all sorts of magical protection.”
“I’m going to repeat what I said about it being hard to adjust the wards for you.”
“Well, you should’ve thought of that before you let me help.” Jackie folded his arms. “If you didn’t want me to come check out the fancy WTCHR camera your magic taskforce bought, you shouldn’t have told me you were buying one to check out in the first place.”
“Yeah, that’s on me, that’s fair.” Frederick nodded. “Look, I’ll have to talk to the others. It’s a group thing, after all.”
“Who’s in charge? Just ask them.”
“That’s not really how things work.”
“What d’you mean? Someone has to be in charge.”
“No, we’re all the same,” Frederick explained. “We’re all agents. There’s no ranking system. Sure, we have supervisors, and of course, the Magi is in charge of everyone, but it’s not like I’m a—a lieutenant and someone else is a captain. It’s all equal until someone’s promoted to supervisor, and none of us are.”
“Aren’t you and Yvonne like... special agents for tracking down black magic magicians or something?” Jackie asked.
“Yeah. So are all the others in the group. Except for Briony and Nick. They’re wizards, which are technically different, but it’s still about equal to an agent. Just with a different skill set. Anyway, that’s only two out of seven, so it really doesn’t matter.”
Jackie stared at him. “The ABIM is weird. Anyway, can I come look at the IRIS stuff you guys bought or not?”
“If the others will agree, yeah, of course.” Frederick nodded. “But I have to ask why you want to see it. Just curiosity?”
“I want to help,” Jackie insisted. “Have you guys done any magical experiments on it yet?”
“Briony’s kept it in a detection box since it arrived this morning. It has to run for a full day for us to get the results, so... not really.”
“Well, maybe once you’ve done those magical experiments, and maybe if you don’t find anything, my non-magic eyes will give you a new perspective,” Jackie said. He hesitated. “And... yeah, I’m a bit curious. I want to see what you guys are gonna do to examine it.”
Frederick smiled. “Alright, melon. I’ll try to convince them. Here, I’ll start right now.” He reached over and picked up his phone from the night stand nearby. “I’m messaging everyone.”
“Can’t believe the magicians have a regular-ass group chat,” Jackie muttered.
“It’s a Discord server, actually.”
“Holy shit that’s even more unbelievable!” Jackie gaped.
Frederick laughed. “C’mon, magicians have been able to protect their stuff online since the beginning of the Internet. You know this. It can’t be that hard to believe.”
“It’s just weird to hear you name-drop popular online stuff.”
“That’s fair.” Frederick went silent for a while, typing. Then he paused for a moment. “No immediate replies. I’ll check again this morning.” He looked up at Jackie. “Now can I go to bed?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jackie shrugged. “I’m gonna be here in like an hour, though, so don’t get too comfy.” That was a bit of a joke. He knew that Frederick fell asleep quickly; he would absolutely get comfy.
“Good night, Jackieboy.” Frederick set his phone back on the night stand. “Turn the light off, please.”
“Got it. Good night.” Jackie turned the light off and left the room, closing the door behind him.
He said he was going to go to sleep in an hour, but that didn’t happen. There was something bothering him. He wasn’t sure what it was. It was just a gut feeling that something was wrong. That he was being... watched. It made it hard to calm down, and he ended up staying up until three in the morning, trying to distract himself. But that didn’t fully work. He ended up switching from video game to video game, and nothing could immerse him enough to make him forget about that feeling.
Eventually, though, he had to try to sleep. He got changed, brushed his teeth, and walked into the dark bedroom, silently finding his way to the bed and climbing under the blankets. As he’d expected, Frederick’s breathing shifted, and he mumbled something in Chinese before rolling over. One arm draped over Jackie’s side and pulled him closer.
Jackie let out a breath. He felt a bit less uneasy now. A bit safer. But the feeling of being watched still didn’t disappear, not until he eventually drifted off to sleep.
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artichokefunction · 2 years
the agent is in its cell, a bare gray cube of a room with a bed and a table. it has been stripped of everything that wasn't bolted to it, which did leave it with all of its internal enhancements. the simple white clothing it was given leaves its arms, legs and face exposed. you can see it's sleek metal jaw prosthetic, and it's hard for you to spot on the security cam screen but you can just make out the many patches on its limbs where the skin connects to silicone and scar tissue. it pops open a panel on its upper thigh, takes a quick look at whatever's inside, and then tries to slam it shut. it doesn't fit perfectly, perhaps something has grown or deformed, but it manages to wedge the panel closed. it gets up and walks around the room, looking for... something.
inspecting, that's probably a better word here. there shouldn't be much for it to find, provided everything was put together correctly. the room is an almost perfect Faraday cage, to prevent communication signals from getting in or out, as far as you understand. it's searching has brought it to the security cam, it looks up at it and you find yourself staring eye to eye with one of the most deadly killers alive. or- it can't see you, there is a screen in between, but still... you feel like you can't look away. it's eyes are an obviously unnatural shade of red. one pupil expands and contracts like a camera lens but the other stays very, very still. finally, it looks away, and you flip through the other security cams, hands shaking slightly. that got to you more than it should have, honestly. it's not gonna jeff the killer you, it can't even see you. there isn't much else of note going on, eventually you cycle back around to the agents cam. you are just in time to see it launch itself off the table, at the security camera wedged in a corner of the ceiling, and rip it right off the wall. as your display goes to static, you take a moment to catch your breath, and then you follow protocol and call up the security guard team, but if you're being honest here you don't really expect it to stay in containment for much longer.
the cam in its cell is dead, so the next thing you see of it is it running through the halls as the alarms blare, making a beeline for the storage units. there is almost no way for it to already know the layout of this facility, maybe it just has internal trackers installed??? god. the doors are as locked as they can be but it rips through them anyway, it does something to its left hand and the skin [which you assume is silicone] falls off the metal bones underneath, which it uses to rip and cut. it finds its gear and takes the time to put everything back on, which does give security more time to find it. unfortunately, by the time they get there it is fully armed, and it mows them down easily. it's confident now, it takes its time going through the halls of cells, looking for its partner, you assume. the person it was captured with, listed in your database as 'special operative grenadine', 'the handler'. their real name is fully unknown, which is probably a testament to their skill at hacking and information handling. you switch to the camera feed from their cell, but there isn't much to note. they seem to have significantly less augmentations than their partner. you switch back to the feed of the agent. it guns down every guard it sees, specifically avoiding the other inmates. it doesn't free them, either, which is better for you, you suppose. from your spot behind the monitor there is nothing you can do to either help or hinder it as it finds and frees its partner. that didn't last long. nothing you could've done, though. hopefully you won't be fired.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
The sun is pretty Sharp these people are paying and they do stuff like in the movie and they come back here and they say they own him when they get hit. A few odd things in the movie. Jason is Captain in the ship. The bad guy is inside Dolph lundgren's body who wants to put devices into the cavern. Stalone on tried to destroy the nuclear weapon, and fired on it in the last minute attempt so that the Titanic would not be destroyed and the detonator would destroy a lot of it but the nuke would have destroyed all of it. The ship proceeded on, yes a few miles down no it's about a mile and a half. And it blew up at depth. And pretty deep down. A lot of people think the ship blew up but in fact it broke in half. Are these people try to survive off of our son's blood and they feel miserably yet they continue to. Really we don't appreciate it. This movie is the precursor to the Meg and what gets it going is people figuring out that the Concordia is the Titanic. Then this movie erupts and is trying to sink it to put the device in and that's supposed to knock out the Kaiju so he can try and install controls. Some people think Tommy f is acting but he's getting his ass kicked. The ship sinks and you can see the two halves it's happened plenty this year and everybody's after it they think the panels are on it and we think they're not they used to be the Jupiter and world war one and was the first aircraft carrier and it was our son's ship he helped design it and we did too and Hera did and it was just a flat top that's what he calls it and that's why his hair is cut that way. It was used to stop dangerous people with big weapons and this being used these days to do the same. They don't like it because of that so they want to use it against the Max and the rest of the world they say what device in the cavern and have Trump do it has been hurting them and he's going to do it anyways they go down there they put the device in the vertical tube prematurely because someone else did and it blows the cavern and releases the Caju. The nuclear weapon detonating nearby fuels the cage you a little bit yes and a radius the ground there it's almost on top of them and also softens up the Rock and such and it's necessary.
It's not Cabo it's the island off of Africa that's making all the storms here and people want the damn thing down they're going after the Concordia right now they do have the deck cleared and it is going on fairly soon. Jason is the one who puts the device on board and the armament and everything else and starts to go down there and he's trying to use it from topside he wants to drill the hole and that's what he's up to and people think he's nuts and he is nuts
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Tommy f says a lot of people wanted to happen but not that many and most of the clones don't social security why Tommy f is doing it and what he says is it's close and go either way and he's trying to arm the kju with a device and the whole is small too small from them to fit through and her friend says they're not the only ones with them you can see it in the movie and he's laughing kind of but that's not what happens and is wondering who would blow the cavern and it'll be someone trying to stop Tommy f and they do it all the time
Thor Freya
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lanaibrightsblog · 1 year
Lanai Bright: Your Specialist for Pool Cage Ave Maria
Are you searching for a reliable and knowledgeable expert in pool cage installation and maintenance in the Ave Maria area? Look no further than Lanai Bright. As a specialized company, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch services and solutions for all your Pool Cage Ave Maria needs.
At Lanai Bright, we understand the importance of having a well-designed and functional pool cage. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering exceptional results that meet your specific requirements.
With years of experience in the industry, our professionals possess extensive knowledge and expertise in pool cage design, installation, and repair. We have successfully completed numerous projects in Ave Maria, earning a reputation for excellence and customer satisfaction.
What sets Lanai Bright apart is our commitment to using the highest quality materials and the latest techniques, ensuring that your pool cage is durable, secure, and able to withstand the elements. We understand that every client has unique needs, which is why we offer customizable solutions to perfectly complement your property and enhance its aesthetic appeal.
Our services extend beyond installation. We also provide comprehensive maintenance packages, ensuring that your pool cage remains in pristine condition and functions optimally year-round. From routine cleanings to repairs and upgrades, our team will keep your pool cage looking its best.
Lanai Bright is not just a pool cage company — we are your trusted partner in creating a safe and enjoyable outdoor living space.
Lanai Bright is a trusted and highly specialized provider of premium Pool Cage Ave Maria area. If you are looking for a reliable and professional solution to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your pool area, Lanai Bright is the name you can trust.
With years of experience in the industry, Lanai Bright takes pride in delivering top-notch pool cages that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each client. Whether you are in need of a pool enclosure for residential or commercial purposes, Lanai Bright has the expertise and knowledge to deliver exceptional results.
A Pool Cage Ave Maria from Lanai Bright not only adds an extra layer of safety and security to your pool area but also provides an array of other benefits. By keeping out unwanted debris, leaves, and pests, a pool cage helps to maintain the cleanliness of your pool, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance. Additionally, it acts as a barrier against UV rays, providing protection from excessive sun exposure while still allowing for ample natural light.
One of the key features that sets Lanai Bright apart is their commitment to quality craftsmanship. Each pool cage is meticulously designed and constructed using the highest quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. Lanai Bright understands the importance of seamlessly blending your pool cage with your existing architecture, and their team of experts will work closely with you to ensure that the end result complements your property’s style and aesthetics.
Customer satisfaction is paramount to Lanai Bright, and their dedication to providing exceptional service is reflected in the positive reviews.
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alcatrazlocksmith · 1 year
Where Can You Best Place Your Home Security Cameras?
You can currently use the very best CCTV camera a human can ever use and yet be a victim of burglary without having a trace of the suspects. It’s one thing to get a good home security camera, it’s another thing to properly position it. 
In our years of business, we’ve reached a sensei-level of understanding to guide you through the best places in installing your home security cameras to provide you with the best possible security you need. 
There are considerations to make before positioning your cameras. You don’t just install it anywhere you perceive should be the best nor do you make your choice trying to do it just like your neighbor. 
In this article, we have listed down some helpful tips to guide you through your choice. We also unpacked the considerations that you should take in when making your choice. 
Let’s dive in!
 Best Locations for Home Security Cameras
When a burglar breaks into your home, there are certain areas they must go through. Knowing those areas will provide you with the first considerations to make when trying to rightly position your camera. In this session, we will show you those places where your CCTV camera works as well as watching dogs because of its strategic position.
1. Front doors
Front doors aren’t just meant for homeowners and friends of homeowners alone. Burglars can also enter your home the exact way you do – right through the front door. Whether they walk in through your door unlocked, kick it open, or have access to a spare key, most break-ins happen through the front door. 
Statistics have it that 34% of burglars enter homes through the front door. It’s important to have one home security camera surveilling the front door. Don’t make the mistake of overlooking the front door. To protect the camera, you can install it at the second-floor level or by fitting a wire cage around it. What matters is that it covers your front door. 
2. Back or side doors
Front doors might not seem like a great idea to some burglars. They might feel a high chance of success using other doors that an authorized person might not use. The back door and side doors seem great. Studies show that 22% of break-ins happen through the back door. Any entrance into your home is seen as a potential channel to access it. Front, back, or side alike. with Your CCTV camera should all cover them. Use the same precaution as advised in the previous point to prevent tampering. 
3. Off-street windows
Apart from your doors, your windows are also channels to gain access to your home. So you should subject it under surveillance. Overlooking and assuming it to be too small is a big mistake that can cost you a lot. Especially windows that aren’t facing the busy street. Such windows, if not properly secured with cameras, are a good entry and exit spots for burglars. 
4. Garage or detached buildings
Sometimes, burglars are interested in your garage even more than in your home. If you have valuable equipment or a really nice vehicle, then you need to protect your garage as well. Sometimes, what burglars can steal from your garage can be worth more than what they will go after if they entered your home. Protecting every part of your home should be the goal. To do that, you shouldn’t ignore any aspect, including your garage. 
If your garage is connected to your home, then you should keep it safe whether it contains valuables or not. Because anyone can walk right into your home through the garage. Place the camera inside the garage at the best angle where it can capture all activities in the garage. 
5. Backyard
How do you protect your valuables in the backyard from crooks? Especially when you aren’t home. I’m sure your kid’s pet and your gardening machineries are all stacked in your backyard. All these are inviting burglars. Make sure you keep it safe by smartly installing security cameras around your backyard. Cover every aspect of your backyard with a sufficient number of cameras properly hidden. 
7. Indoors
There’s a present misconception that CCTV cameras are exclusively for outdoor surveillance. Well, that’s not true. Installing CCTV cameras inside your home can help capture suspects that sneaked without being captured with the outdoor cameras. These indoor cameras are best concealed, thus, giving a better view of the suspect’s face for easier identification. It’s not unreasonable to install CCTV cameras indoors. It’s like a double-check. And double-checking makes sense. 
Where Not to Place Security Cameras
As important as a CCTV camera is to you, it can also get you in trouble. Installing the camera in the wrong location can get you spending some moments in the slammer or involved in unnecessary altercations. Let’s help you prevent that by giving you tips on where you shouldn’t position your camera to avoid breaking the law or moral conduct.   
1. Neighbour’s property 
Make sure you focus your security camera on your property. Avoid focusing it on someone else’s property or even worse installing yours in someone’s space. It is illegal to record anyone without their consent in places where there’s an expectation of privacy. You can be sued if you place a camera in your neighbor’s space.
2. Bedrooms 
For the sake of your privacy and that of your loved ones, avoid installing one in your bedroom. Even with valuables in your bedrooms, leave the camera away from this space. It’s your private space and you need that privacy as well as your spouse. 
3. Bathrooms 
If it’s not advisable to have cameras installed in your bedroom, then installing them in the bathroom is just abnormal and very weird. It’s very unlikely a burglar would get much out of your bathroom. 
Securing your home is beyond buying a good CCTV camera. You can have the best but not get the best results. You can improve the effectiveness by installing the camera in the right places. Get yourself a good home security expert to get the camera properly installed and in the right location. Here in Phoenix, Alcatraz Locksmith knows just how and where to rightly install your CCTV camera. Reach out to us today!                                                                                                           
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gcgutters · 1 year
Effective Gutter Maintenance Tweed Coast Guidelines for Common Issues
As a homeowner, you're responsible for a wide range of tasks, including cosmetic ones like repainting the walls and replacing worn out furniture. and rain spouts to collect the water? Although it's not fun, fixing the locks on your doors is an important home maintenance chore that will keep your family and possessions safe. A blockage in the gutters may lead to more issues than just a diversion of the water. Water that flows off your roof may pool near to your foundation, which may lead to damage or leaks, and the collection of this material causes wear and strain on the gutters. Gutter failure may cause the gutters to separate from the roof and leave your home vulnerable to water damage. Here we'll go over some of the most common gutter problems, how to fix them, and best practises for keeping your gutters in top shape. Any upkeep on the gutters will need the use of a ladder.
Overflowing Gutters
House gutters should be cleaned at least twice yearly, in the spring and fall. Debris like leaves, sticks, and the like are less likely to accumulate in this way. Cleaning gutters by hand entails donning gloves and entering the gutters themselves to remove debris. A wire brush may be used to remove stubborn buildups. You may use a hose to wash out the gutters and get rid of any remaining leaves and dirt. Choosing the Gutter Maintenance Tweed Coast service is essential here.
Gutter Holes or Tears
If you see a break in your gutters, the first thing you should do is to cut a piece of metal to patch the hole. Roof cement should be used to seal the hole from the inside of the gutter. In order to push sheet metal into roofing cement, it must be gently bent. A patch may be fixed by adding a layer of cement over the damaged area and waiting for it to harden.
Peeling, Rusty Areas of the Rain Drainage System
Guttering is susceptible to tiny rust spots due to exposure to the elements. Thankfully, they don't need much effort to repair. To clean the gutters, use a wire brush to gently scrape away all of the rust. Thin coats of roofing cement should be applied using a putty knife.
Frayed gutters and downspouts
If your gutters have separated from your home or shifted away from the structure, water may be able to run down the exterior of your structure and into the foundation, which may lead to leaks and other problems. First, drill a pilot hole, then connect the gutter or downspout using U-shaped brackets and short sheet-metal screws. Choosing the Gutter Cleaners Gold Coast service is essential here.
 Not having any downspouts
If just a small portion of your downspout is damaged or missing, it may be easily fixed. As a first step, please measure the affected area. Using the hacksaw, remove the old section of downspout while paying special attention to keeping the new cuts square. Cut the corners off and secure them in place using U-shaped brackets and screws. Seal the joint by caulking the gutters.
These guidelines can help you replace your gutter guards if they are broken or missing a part. Install a wire-cage strainer (available at Lowe's for $3) over the downspout connector. Gutter guards should be trimmed to length before installation to provide a snug fit in gutters.
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utvdirect · 2 years
This Is the Flip-Up Windshield Your Polaris Ranger 1000 Needs
If you have a full-glass windshield on your Polaris Ranger UTV, that’s great. They’re strong, durable, clear, and you can get them straight from Polaris.
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But there are superior upgrades, and modding is half the fun of owning a side-by-side UTV.
So if you have a Polaris Ranger 1000, allow us to take this moment to introduce you to the Seizmik Flip-up Windshield (polycarbonate, compatible with Polaris Ranger XP 900/1000 UTVs).
Here’s what you need to know.
All the Benefits of a Glass Windshield and Then Some First and foremost, this flip-up Polaris Ranger windshield is made from .22” thick, two-sided, hard-coated polycarbonate.
Just in case you’re not familiar, polycarbonate, A.K.A. “polycarb” is crystal clear and extremely strong - up to 250 times stronger than glass.
It also doesn’t break the way glass does, and it’s exceptionally shatter-resistant. It may not be as hard as glass, but that’s barely a trade-off.
Polycarbonate can also be treated with UV-resistant chemicals, making it just about as sunlight resistant as glass - not to mention, capable of protecting the interior of your Polaris Ranger from UV damage.
This Seizmik Flip-up Windshield also features a one-piece gasket with molded corners and fully-welded seams, creating a weather-tight fit within the channel of the Pro-Fit cage.
It’s also Seizmik and OEM compatible, with most aftermarket parts and door kits as well as with OEM roofs and cab system components. It can even be trailered when properly installed and prepared (up to 65mph).
This Seizmik Flip-up Windshield is made for durability and ease of use. It features a single-point release system that is easy to open with a twist of the handle and a latch that engages securely with minimal force.
The windshield also features a center retainer and rub plate to help minimize oscillation when riding with the windshield in the open position.
It offers superior visibility with fewer distractions; slimmer, ¾” round tubing and nylon mounts are thinner and less distracting than most stamped steel systems.
The windshield also features two tinted polycarb vents which can be opened to increase airflow into the cab, to keep things cool in the hotter months. These vents feature gasket-sealed components for ultimate protection against wind and water when closed.
Their easy-to-use louver also allows for great flexibility - these vents can even be used to direct air over the window surface, to act as an improvised defogger.
Practical, versatile, and durable, it’s the last Polaris Ranger 1000 windshield you’ll ever need.
Where Can You Get This and Other Accessories for Polaris Ranger 1000 UTVs? Whether you’re interested in upgrading your Polaris Ranger with a new windshield or just want to look around and see what sorts of parts and accessories for Polaris Ranger 1000 UTVs you can find, visit UTVDirect.com.
They carry these windshield upgrades (and others) along with door kits, rear windshields, mirrors, and a bunch of other cool and practical Polaris Ranger accessories. Check out their website and if you need any help, contact them at 888-718-1660.
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shopystore0 · 2 years
Safe and Comfortable Outdoor Stay for Your Pups: Dog Kennels
Dog kennels keep your dog safely in place, whether you’re an expert trainer or have a dog that escapes out of boredom and smells other dogs causing trouble. There is no need to worry about your dog escaping again, just so it can occupy its time with you, as our kennels are perfect for your pups.
Safe and comfortable dog kennels for outdoor use. We have a variety of styles, so whether you are looking to provide shelter for your beloved friends outside or keep them contained until they are ready to enjoy the great outdoors again, we provide cozy and safe habitats with enough room to stretch their legs.
Browse through our collection and find the right dog kennels for sale that suit your furry friend’s style.
Is It Good To Put Dogs In Kennels?
Leaving your dog in a traditional caged kennel can do more harm than good. Dogs left in these types of places often go through feelings of abandonment, sensory issues, and stress-related behavioural changes.
Are Plastic Or Wooden Kennels Better?
Plastic Kennels are lightweight, easy to clean and made with strong materials. They’re also resistant to corrosion and come in a huge selection of colours, patterns and sizes to accommodate your dog’s personality. But wooden kennels are sturdier and can withstand harsh weather conditions.
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An indoor crate is a safe and secure place for your pet where your dog can stay for short periods of time. An outdoor kennel is just the opposite. A kennel is somewhere that you’d leave your dog overnight, or even year-round if possible. Its size makes it a much more sturdy structure than a crate, but it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
What Are Some Benefits Of Dog Kennels?
1. Training Your Dog At Home Is Easier Than Ever
One of the biggest benefits of having a dog kennel is that training your dog at home is now much easier than ever. You can keep them in one place and give them commands without ever leaving the house. This makes life much easier when it comes to disciplining your pet.
2. You Can Keep Your Pet Safe And Secure
Another benefit of having a dog kennel is that it keeps your pet safe and secure. If you’re away from home, you can leave your pet safely locked up in the kennel while you’re out. This way, they don’t get into any trouble while you’re gone and you don’t have to worry about them getting lost or stolen.
3. They Get To Stay Clean And Neat All Day Long
Another great benefit of having a dog kennel is that they get to stay clean and neat all day long. With no need for constant supervision, your pet can run around and play without worrying about getting dirty or messy. This helps to keep them entertained and healthy too!
What Are The Different Types Of Kennels Available At Shopystore?
Shopystore offers a wide range of kennels in different sizes, finishes and styles. From small metal kennels to extra large wood kennels, we have everything to suit your pet’s style.
Small Kennels For Pups
A small kennel is ideal for small dogs, especially if you just want them occupied for a short while.
Large Kennels For Dogs
A large kennel usually suits big dogs and is comfortable for them to move around in.
Extra Large Kennels
These extra-large kennels mostly suit bigger dogs and offer plenty of space for them to move around and sleep comfortably. Extra large kennels are usually made of wood and are our best-seller.
More Pet Supplies For Your Dogs
Besides dog kennels, dog collars, dog lead, dog leashes, dog beds, dog bowls, dog swimming pools and dog car seats are our best-selling pet products. Our products are well-known for their pet-friendly products and are suitable for a variety of canines.
Shop Dog Kennels Today and Pay Later at Shopystore
With Shopystore, you can shop smart and save more on dog kennels. Take advantage of our affordable prices and get your kennel delivered straight to your door. Not least, order your favourite kennel now and pay later in interest-free instalments as you wish. Shopystore is one the best Afterpay stores that deliver the best pet products Australia-wide.
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salonpiner · 2 years
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Often when we try to install apk file of games and apps, we see a message showing 'Application not installed'. How to fix 'application not installed' error: After that, you can enjoy your game by unlocking different levels and game features. Step 5: After some time, the installation process will be completed. Wait some time for the process to complete. You will see the installation process taking place. Step 4: Then open the file and tap on the 'Install' option. You can search for the file in the file manager or in the download list. You will just have to locate the Hill Climb Racing 2 apk file. Step 3: You are now ready to install the file. You might even be asked to enable it permanently or just for that specific download, so you can choose the appropriate option. This allows installation from unknown sources. Now scroll to the option and swipe right. Tap on the option and find the 'Unknown sources' option. Step 2: Then you will have to launch your phone settings and go to the option ' Lock screen and security '. Why? It is because your phone settings may have prevented you from downloading from unknown sources. However, you may not be able to install it. Now search the apk file on your smartphone and install it. You can download the apk file directly to your smartphone by clicking the download link below.
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Step 1: Firstly, you will have to download Hill Climb Racing 2 Mod Apk on your Android phone. How to Download and Install Hill Climb Racing 2 Mod Apk:
You can share your score screenshot with your friends.
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Games come with unlimited coins and gems so you can enjoy all game features.
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The game offers tons of customization options to upgrade your automobiles engines, suspension, roll cage, tires, paint and much more.
It offers a number of options to customize the driver's appearance, such as changing clothes, cap, etc.
You don't have to pay a single cent to install it. With unlimited coins on your device, you can show off your score, vehicles and game in front of your friends. With this version, you can face incredible challenges and use any vehicle of your choice. It helps you to enjoy your game without interruption and play as many levels with the vehicle as you want. You can use coins to unlock all levels, vehicles and tools. Hill Climb Racing 2 mod apk file is a modified version of this game that is changed in such a way that you will get unlimited coins and gems when you install the file on your android device. What does Hill Climb Racing 2 mod apk file offer? Now this would take you months but you don't have to worry as the mod apk file of this game is available on our website. However, it is necessary to collect various coins and gems to unlock the levels, change the appearance, upgrade the car and enjoy the game to the fullest. It also offers a variety of customization and upgrade tools through which you can change your character's appearance and upgrade your vehicle's parts. Hill Climb Racing 2 offers more fun and exciting levels, amazing vehicles, stunning graphics, challenges, physics engine and takes entertainment to the next level. Its developer-Fingersoft has now come up with a sequel to this popular game.
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heiwhite24 · 2 years
Smart Home Security - Everything You Need To Know
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With the advancement of technology, you can easily integrate smart home security features that ensure your home is secure no matter the location you're in. For security of your home, you must set up outdoor and indoor security cameras. Modern cameras have software that makes it possible to stream live camera feeds through your TV, computer or mobile phone.
The major benefit of the installation of smart home security features is peace of mind knowing that you are assured that the house is secured regardless of where you are. When you install security equipment within your home it is not just the live feeds but you also receive notifications whenever someone who is not authorized attempts get access into your home.
How can you access the security system?
It's simple to purchase this smart security for your home since all you have to do is to purchase it. A lot of security companies can install the gadgets into your home at no cost or at a minimal cost.
Alongside mounting cameras you must install electronic locks on all doors. If you're strapped for cash , it is recommended to choose couple of doors to put your locks. Doors that are electronic require code to unlock and gain entry so it is difficult for burglars to gain access to your home. Get more info about Works with AiDot.
How to set up a security cameras
Cameras are crucial security devices , and how they are installed determines the level of security your home will be. To assist you this guideline regarding how to set up the cameras:
To determine the most suitable areas to put the cameras, you must first go around your house and imagine yourself as the burglar. You need to identify the most likely areas the burglar could be able to gain entry into your home. While conducting your research, you must consider the points of entry including garages, driveways entrances, front doors, and fences.
Also, explore the inside of your home and pinpoint those areas you'd like to watch. For instance, if have children, you must be armed with a camera that is pointed at the bedroom of your children.
Positioning: You must place the camera in a proper way so that you can get an excellent view of the objects you're protecting. Be aware that you must also safeguard the camera itself. More info: www.aidot.com
It is important to place them in secure places. In other words, you need to put them up high enough that no one is able to reach them from below. It's also important to install them inside a cage in order to safeguard them from harm.
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In the case of cameras for indoor use, you must place cameras at the corners of your house to have the most expansive view. To prevent lawsuits and possibly arrest, you shouldn't install cameras in bathrooms.
Home security systems that integrate smart technology can be essential in keeping your home safe. Modern security systems include outdoor and indoor cameras, and are equipped with technology that keeps you informed and provide peace of peace of.
AiDot Co., Ltd (the "AiDot Co.") is a place to call home to the entire world. We want to help you achieve more than you've ever before! Plug in your gadgets, helpers and routines to begin creating your perfect environment. You can play and plug with any manner you like; combine and mix rooms, devices concepts, and ideas and use them in any way your imagination allows. We're just bringing more of you in your home. That's how it ought to be.
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