#and your sarcasm mmmmm
weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
Sooo remember the person I was griping about having more classes with this semester. Yeah they only asked to be friends on switch 😊twice.
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 1 month
EPISODE 86!! (If you’re unaware I do little commentaries and quotes for episodes of JRWI:Riptide cus it’s my first watch through :D)
Jazz;”I can tell by the way you carry yourself you’ve never had a man in your life” SCREAMING CRYING CACKLING WTF
Chip;“I’m scared of people, I’m deeply insecure, I have fatherly trauma, uhm, I’m haunted but I’m giving him the fuck boy face, I’m deeply traumatized by the world around me, I’m a product of my environment and I’m never good for anything”
Charlie;“What are you most scared of?”
Bizly;“B- bees.”
Jay;”My body is a temple”
Goblin;”Exactly exactly you’re getting it!”
I can’t tell if I love Jazz or not
Jazz;”If it’s such a good system what’re you doing up here?”
Gillion;*Insert uncomfortable lip bite*
Griffin;”I’m a big, cuddly teddy bear on the inside.”
Chip;”I thought it was like- 5 years-“
Jay;”5 years- how old do you think you are?”
Chip;”I don’t…I don’t know- how old am I-?”
Chip;”One time she pantsed me and I died.”
Chip;”You have a more like- calming voice! Whenever I talk people just get angrier and angrier”
Jay;”Shut the fuck up Chip- oh wait you’re right.”
Gillion;”Guys :(( I think Satan got our frog :(((“
Grizzly;”I know there’s a difference between seas and oceans but fuck that”
The way Gillion feels so fucking responsible I’m gonna go sob
Gillion;”No wait maybe this all works out! Cus maybe- killing me will fix Filipe and also send me to hell so I can get him back!”
Chip:”This is not, your, fault!”
Jazz;”uh no, i can take you to heaven though,”
Jay;”you worry me y’know?”
Jay;”You’re willing to let Filipe stab you, every night”
Gillion;”That’s what friends do.”
Jay;”Gillion, if you needed to stab me, every night. For the rest of my life so you could stay on the ship-“
Gillion;”I’d explode myself instantly.”
Gillion;”I guess I’ve never- had anyone come up to me like this- and care in this way-“ GILLION HAS NEVER RECEIVED EMOTIONALLY SUPPORT EVER DIHFKSKDJ
Chip;”We can not go to therapy we’d be there forever!”
Chip;”I’d like to teach you a new word. Come”
Gillion;”I already know cum.”
Chip;”How is saying a mean thing worse than stabbing then stabbing something?!”
Gillion;”Well- saying the mean thing hurts!”
Chip;”So does stabbing??”
Gillion;”but not in like a real way”
Gillion;”You seem like a really well put together guy”
Chip;”…is that sarcasm?”
Gillion;”BA BAM”
Chip letting Gillion read his mind so he can tell when he’s lying aw that’s cu- OH FUCK OH DHIT OH FUCK OH SHIT
Gillion;”I’m a liability?? Aren’t I?” SOBSS
Chip;”Gil im- I’m sorry-“
Gillion;”Me too. I’ve gotta go.”
Chip;”GIL- GIL c’MON-“ my babies :(((
Gillion;”Starin’ at the phone I don’t know what to say, nothing ever ever will be okay.”
Chip is thinking about how he keeps fucking up with Gillion UEUEUEUEUE
Chip;”Or is the chosen one too chicken?”
Gillion;……….whats a chicken?”
Chip;”You jumped out the window and I thought- I thought “this is the guy that’s gonna get me killed”
This lighthearted duel is gonna be the death of me I love them so much
Chip calling Gill ‘Tidestrider’ holds such a special place in my heart”
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fifia-writes · 1 year
Pillow Talk
Human Reader x Neteyam
Warnings: microscopic spice, Neteyam is aged up to 20 :P
Enjoy :)
Tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip… We were in my room, small but cozy and despite the rain outside having ruined our camping plans we had a fine night of doing “human stuff” as Neteyam liked to call it. He didn't like the word camping because it implied that I didn't really live in tune with Pandora, that nature was to be visited and not lived in long term, and even though I agreed with him for the most part nothing could beat the feeling of stepping into the air conditioning after a long hot shower, the feeling of cool sheets on my fresh skin. Safe to say I liked my “human stuff”. We laid on my bed, that he just barely fit wholly onto, and listened to the pitter patter on my window as the storm worsened. It had been hours since eclipse had made the forest go dark and we were both slowly coming to the realization that Neteyam was not going to make it back home tonight.
“My father is going to skin me you know” He mumbled, eyes closed with a smile creeping its way up the corners of his lips.
“Mmmmm” I respond half asleep and unable to form coherent sentences with his arms around my waist, encasing me in his warmth.
“I’m serious y/n, if I don't find a way home soon you might never see me alive again” sarcasm and fake worry coat his tone.
Forcing my eyes open I take in his peaceful face, if he stopped going on about his father needing him home tonight I might’ve thought he was sleeping. “Unfortunately for your father the rain is holding you hostage here tonight”
Opening his eyes half way he lets out a light chuckle “Is it the rain or you keeping me here?”
“The rain” I retort, bringing my hand to the side of his jaw “Close your eyes again”
He obeys. Moving my hand from his jaw to trace my fingers over his lips, then up the finely built column of his nose and over his brow. I make sure to trace both sides keeping my invisible patterns symmetrical. I lift my hand for the first time since starting and make contact with a freckle just under his eye but above the apple of his cheek and softly trail my finger up over his eyelid.
“You know my mother used to do this for me when I was little, when I had trouble sleeping” I tell him.
A soft smile pricks my lips at his sleepy response, he's always so serious around others. I mean I understand it, we're so young and while I’m traipsing around the lab with the science guys helping me with my studies he has the weight of an entire people on his shoulders. Expectations to be met. It's nice to see him soften, to be able to provide him a space to leave his tension behind.
“She called it painting my face, and would go from my head to my toe telling me how my toes were falling asleep, then my legs, and knees. And she would go on in this voice so hushed it sounded like it might have been a recording, and by the time she got back to my face I would be out cold” My brows and nose scrunch at the memory.
The rain came down harder as I continued mapping out his face with my fingers tracing the constellation of freckles that made their way up and down his face in linear patterns, making sure to pay attention to each and every one before moving on to the next, but before I can finish my rounds he tells me. “I bet our kids will love this”
I stop completely and stare up to him as his eyes snap open in realization “W-wait your* I mean-” he stutters out.
A smile that had been sprouting on my face grew big and before he got too flustered I stopped his sputtering and reassured him “I think our kids will like it too…if it's possible for humans and na’vi to have kids that is” Looking up into his wide eyes.
“I think we’ll manage just fine.” He responds, bringing a plush hand to my face. That's one thing that surprised me about Neteyam in the beginning, with all his training and hunting I expected his hands to be rough and calloused, with scars and such running across them as trophies for his hard work. But the first time I felt them, one on each of my arms, they were soft and warm. His hands were home.
“So you said I had to touch you all over to get you to fall asleep?” He questioned in a tone strikingly more playful than before.
My mouth dropped open in his change of pace and I grabbed a pillow from behind me and made quick contact with his face. “Teyam!”
eeehihihihiii idk If anyone will read this but I’ve had this scene playing in my head non stop for weeks and I had to write it down lmaoo. This is one of my first attempts at writing fanfic so I hope you enjoyed!! Lmk what else u wanna see and any feedback u have for me :) 
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novolocus · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
tagged by @korblez thank you dearie 🩷🩷
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: UUHHHH I am named after my grandma and just made the female version male when I figured I was trans *nodnod* Ross Mario is mah name
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: 3 fur babies yes yes
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I used to play football and basketball but I love cycling and do it regularly
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: No! Me? Sarcasm? Never….
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: their personality, the way they speak and interact with others and me. It’s crucial for me to understand one first as I do not feel any to much physical attraction to other people *nod*
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Gray :] (but I have heterochromia so one is Gray-Green)
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: How about a scary movie with a happy ending my dude?
ANY TALENTS?: I think I’m pretty good at singing 🥲 tho I’m too shy to share that
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Literally any type of arts, you name it and I’ve probably done it bc my adhd hyperfixated on it lmao
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: 3 cats and 1 tortoise
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Science and physics 🧪
DREAM JOB?: tsk! I do not dream of labour!
Also idk who to tag lmao 😭 I’m not active much on anywhere so like, mmmmm
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rainbowr0ses · 1 month
alright. I finally started Magnus Protocal- um. Below the cut is all the random notes/thoughts. None of the notes are serious, just me being silly :)
as soon as you keep reading it’ll be notes so- it starts at Alex’s starting note, and ends with Jon reading the credits.
Oh hi Alex, thanks for torturing my ears ig
oh that’s so spooky. It actually reminds me of little nightmares (I LOVE LITTLE NIGHTMARES)
JONNY (I want his voice and I get reminded of that every time)
Computer beep beep :3
Oh it’s printing
I love them. I heard their voice. 
Scottish man scary (silly)
I forget how I notice the accents, just- so apparently
I have no idea who is who, and I doubt I will until later. (It took me so long to differentiate Jon, Elias, and Tim-)
Was that person at the beginning Alex
Who??? Which of the women 😭😭😭 who is Alice and who is Gwen 
Why is the name is so wordy (lettering)
I love family dynamics- especially when it’s a joke
I have legit no idea what’s going on
C a k e
Oh spooky computer things 
Booting up pt. 2
I hate paperwork. 
Alice is so silly
Poor Colin
I- what the heck is the wrong with this computer
“Everythings legal in the government” (“everything is legal in Jersey”)
That- I’m getting flashbacks to every diatomaceous key I’ve read in science 
I hate this so much
This paperwork sucks
This is worse than school
a year ago???? 🤨🤨🤨
MOOOOOM Jon’s being spooky again
CHECKING IN?????????? (I hold checking OUT in my hands-)
Ooooo spooky statement time
A…. Cemetery (hey guys- hey guys. Wasn’t the first official Micheal meeting in a cemetery (or around one)??)
Preface, the random thoughts I have aren’t “THEORIES 😱😱” it’s just me being silly and writing down whatever comes to mind
The mechanisms messed with the name Author to me
A figure-?
A wrong shape?????
I love that this an email-
Oh- so it’s giving stranger
Stranger and like- distortion vibes- but mainly stranger 
Impossible is my key word for distortion
It’s a lose-lose situation when you check something out. If you do? Your life’s ruined. If you don’t? Your life’s also ruined. There’s no way to escape. And the police don’t do anything-
I love the ai voice for the entire thing-
Elias Bouchard (but Jonah) vs. Jonah
I love sarcasm
I thought I broke my headphones from the-
Guys I don’t think we’re in the bathroom
e c h o e c h o
“A Holliday? 😐🤨”
“Im a vegetarian” me too, Colin
Type type noises
Guys I think Gwen is going to be my favorite character 
Spooky earth noises
I want his voice
Spelunking you say? 
I’m realizing that the earlier voice was Alex-
Magnus Institute spelunking????
H u h
it’s the calm ai voice-
Guys I know it’s like- Jon voice acting, but he’s breathing. You can HEAR breathing
“Really weird.” Yeah no duh. “Really weird” and the “Magnus institute” are practically synonyms at this point
This is- screaming- actually-
Paranoia? And the Magnus institute?? 🤨🤨
Hard time uploading things you say
I love how both series talks about a struggle with technology
Burnt down Magnus institute, you say?
“Tbh” 💀. I didn’t know I needed to here Jon say tbh till now
Cool vibe fr I agree
Ooooo spooky ghost
No doors
it burnt down. And there was nothing. At all.
Back to the ai voice-
We were really getting emotional there
oh lol no photo 
Old- wooden thing- wonder what that could be?
Damn- that’s real discourse for real
Oh damn the paranoia is getting to him now
OH I HATE THAT ICKY ICKY (I *hate* the idea that using a site is not how it’s actually preformed. Like receiving anonymous/private messages when *you shouldn’t be able to*)
bro is so casual
“Image removed by moderator”- giving tumblr fr- (silly, don’t kill me tumblr staff-) “Canaries should stay above ground”- that’s such a line. I- mmmmh. Jonny sims’ writing cooks in my brain
I- gross? The heck you mean gross
oooh emotion in the ai’s voice
I know it’s text-to-speech not ai, but it’s funnier to think of an ai voice going “are you alright 😨?” Than a text-to-speech voice (they’re similar, but there is definitely a different vibe)
Oh no. Not the temporary ban
“Thread locked by moderator” oh? What do the mods know?? It’s a valid question, and I doubt it went against any rule as it wasn’t even questioning the mods, only asking if someone is still banned to see if they’re okay. At least that’s most forum rules. In a normal situation, this would be really weird.
“So is Gwendolyn” IM DYING-
This is the like the most toxic/healthy work environment
Oh- funky audio?
Fine print. I feel like that’ll come back later. 
Ooh they’re so sappy
Oh tragic backstory
It’s giving Jon and Georgie (but like if they actually talked about things for once)
Huh- that’s an interesting theory-
Patron saint of cute what-
The sound effects are so cool! 
Colin-?? My good sir-??
Oh it’s more normal-
Man’s is speaking so fast-
I swear he didn’t talk that fast before- maybe that’s just the music
Shout out to all the people! Everyone did such a great job, and it sounds so cool!
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 8: Trapped
Lee Todoroki
Ler Shoji
“Finally I trapped you thought I would never get you” Shoji panting, he was steady his breathing. Shoji was trying to trap him for the past 2 hours so catching him was a relief.
It was Jirou and Shoji trying to capture Bakugou and Todoroki.
“Good job” Shoto congratulated with a bit of a sarcasm behind it.
“Are you— never mind what’s the color code?” Shoji asked. They we’re training how long it would take for them to throw in the towel, after being captured that is.
Todoroki tried everything he could to escape until he blew some cold air near shojis limb which caused him to loosen up his grip.
“Oh no you don’t” Shoji tightened his gripped including the limb that was wrapped around his midriff which caused him to let out a muffled giggle.
“Did you just giggle?” Shoji asked confused.
“I think so yeah why?” Todoroki being todoroki he openly admitted, unaware of what’s yet to come.
“Oho todoroki… you sure you don’t want to tell me the code y’know it’ll be much faster and easier” Shoji scoffed finding out little shoto is ticklish.
“I’m not telling you shit” todoroki said with a smirk on his face surprising yeah I know.
“I— THE PROFANITY” shoji dramatically widen his eyes. “That’s it you snarky little punk” was the last thing Shoji said before he grew more fingers to tickle Todoroki’s torso.
“I-I w-wohon’t te-ehell y-you” todoroki muffled his giggles.
“Oh but Bakugou already told jirou it’s just you now, But you already know that I have my ways” Shoji lied, assuming jirou had gotten the code out of him.
“Noho st-stahp i-i’ll nehever tell” Todoroki slowly started giggling.
“Your being very stubborn which is very out of character of you” shoji tried making a sad expression with his eyes.
“Nahahah AHahhahaahaHA”
“Just tell me giggle-roki” shoji kept teasing
“Stahahahahap ihihihiit”
“Mmmmm I don’t wanna”
“Nohohoho dohohon’t
“Don’t what?” Shoji asked genuinely confused on what he was talking about.
“Dohohon’t whaahahaha gahahahaha” todoroki manage to get out.
His numerous fingers danced up and down his torso until it hit his underarms.
“Tickle tickle shoto” shoji couldn’t help but tease.
“Come onnnnnnn y’know you wanna tell me” Shoji raised his eyebrow
“You sureeeeee”
“That’s also what you get for being so snarky and sarcastic, I think you hang around bakugou too much” shoji chuckled.
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sarahstreep7 · 3 months
Questions for 15 friends
I was tagged by @die-schwanenkoenigin and @jennamacaroni Thank you!! 💕🥰
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: yup idk there’s a couple Sarah’s going back..
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: ummm… idk 6 months? Maybe more😬
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: mmm I used to run? And whatever sports they made us do in school
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: happy endings all the way!
ANY TALENTS?: mmmmm? Don’t think so?
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Ireland (almost England 😵)
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: knitting, crochet, painting, quilting I’ve been giving embroidery a go..
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: yes! 3 cats
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: like 5’3”
DREAM JOB?: no job ✨
Tagging @electric-eccentricity @itslacroixsweetiedarling @golddustdykes @wise1rabbity @nonnymoose17 @mandarlay and anyone else who wants to do this 😊
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babsvibes · 1 year
for the rivals / enemies prompts…and ONLY if you want to….louigan, #3?? 👀 again NO pressure…..🫡
#3: taking care of the other while one is unconscious
How about established relationship domestic fluff for a Neighbors AU piece? Technically, this only works for the prompt because Louise falls asleep at the end, but let’s pretend yeah? I also tried to cover @sailoreuterpe’s suggestion of insults as a love language (because even if it’s not her favorite trope, Nikki knows her audience lmao)
At first, she thought the knocking emanated from a terribly annoying dream, but with every second of blooming consciousness Louise realized it was no figment of her imagination.
She groaned, eyes peeling open slowly then blinking at the new morning. The sheets rustled to the left of her. Glancing at Logan, whose furrowed eyebrows nearly took over his face, she snickered.
“People pretending to sleep don’t usually look that angry.”
“‘S not my fault,” he grumbled. “It’s been going for like… a million minutes.”
“So what time does that make it?” Louise asked, figuring he had been on his phone already.
Her eyes snapped out of their half-lidded state. “In the morning?! Who the hell is knocking on our door at seven in the morning?”
“It’s the first Saturday in December. Who do you think?” Logan, still refusing to open his eyes, shuffled closer and pulled at her waist. She sunk into him, enjoying being spooned as he kissed her neck in that perfectly lazy way reserved only for weekend mornings.
And another fucking knock rang out.
Louise balled up her fist and punched her pillow.
“Go make it stop,” she demanded.
She felt his “Nmn” rumble from his chest and down her back.
“Mmhmm,” she replied.
“Nn” “Mm” “nnNNn” “mMmMm”
When they both hummed the same note over each other to see who would last longer, Louise cracked first, unable to resist snorting at the absurdity. Logan followed suit.
“I think that means you lost, shortstack. Go tell off Annie.” She didn’t move, so he continued. “You’re just so much scarier than I am.”
“Keep talking.”
“And so brave and cutthroat and beautiful-”
“Alright alright, enough of that,” Louise sighed. “I’ll go. Just move back. I can’t get out of bed if you’re wrapped around me like this.”
Logan didn’t budge. Shuffling, scooting, and otherwise wiggling to freedom proved fruitless.
“Seems like… maybe you don’t want me to get out of bed?”
Before he could respond, the knocking resumed. He sighed against her neck, giving in and loosening his grip.
“Every day I am in awe of your strength and sacrifice,” she said, sarcasm dripping from every word.
Logan replied by poking her one ticklish spot. With an involuntary laugh, she moved away and pointed at him menacingly. The warning was wasted as he still hadn’t opened his eyes.
Gathering up all of her courage and the edge of the covers, Louise heaved herself up only to meet Jack Frost’s frozen testicles slapping her in the face. She yelled and buried herself back under the blankets. “Nope, no, absolutely not. Too cold.”
Annie, or at least who they assumed was their apartment manager here to drag them into holiday shenanigans, continued to relentlessly knock.
Logan sniffed. “Is that… is she knocking Carol of the Bells?”
“Carol of the Nine Hells more like,” Louise grumbled, hiding under her pillow.
“She’s just going to keep at it. Remember that time she needed Victor to sign a release form?”
“She camped outside for four days.” With a sigh, she emerged partially from her cocoon. “Okay, tell you what. How about we go together? That way we can suffer as one.”
It was Logan’s turn to sigh, but he finally cracked his eyes open. Morning had a way of making an honest man out of liars, and she watched him melt at the sight of her, genuine and soft. They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then he leaned in. She met him halfway for a quick kiss. When they broke apart, he sighed again.
“Fiiiine. On the count of three?”
“Works for me.”
“One.” “Two.” “Three.”
Logan all but fell out of bed, joints popping as though arthritis would be killing him in the next couple of hours. He stretched to the sound of more popping, blinked the sleep from his eyes, and looked back at her.
Louise had failed to move and, if possible, snuggled even deeper into the mattress.
“You witch,” he accused, grabbing a pillow and hitting at the general area of her butt. “You tricked me.”
“This isn’t the first or last time; you knew what you were getting into, idiot. Now go get rid of Annie.”
“Ugh, fine. But when I get back I want to be the little spoon.”
Louise hummed in acquiesce, shuffling the blankets so there was a spot for him to slip back into. When she finished and settled in, the only visible parts of her were a mess of black hair and the tiniest hint of a pout.
As he left their bedroom, Logan wondered how he was supposed to scare away anyone with the dopey smile he couldn’t drop.
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idolatrybarbie · 5 months
get to know me 🧐
I've been gone for three billion years but this is fun - thanks for the tag lexiii @bastardmandennis ilu
were you named after anyone?
nope! in fact there have only ever been 5 people with my name in the whole province in the history of Canada. so that's a slay.
when was the last time you cried?
don't remember - a while. also brother what is this question.
what sports do you play/have you played?
none <3
do you use sarcasm?
considering the username is a joke on celeb worship while also indulging in exactly that...yes.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
usually their mouths and/or smiles. or lack thereof.
what's your eye colour?
brown eyed supremacy 😁
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies all the way man.
any talents?
writing, public speaking, I was a semi-good semi-shit brass musician there for a while
where were you born?
writing, cooking, journaling is less a hobby and more a therapeutic thing, research, reviewing media and food/travel.
do you have any pets?
not with me but two cats and two dogs.
how talk are you?
five foot seven.
favourite subject in school?
right now? radio.
dream job?
mmmmm television writer.
hello everyone here are some no pressure tags @atinylittlepain @covetyou @secretelephanttattoo @wannab-urs
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Michael's thoughts POV N.3
Note: This one is for Trans Michael, he's got an T Dick and Manussy. Also there's some speaking parts in this one
NSFW MDI Reader is Male
Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck Me OH!!
*Heavy Breathing, legs shaking in Doggie Style*
Fuck, He's just destroying my guts from those thrusts He's doing
Uh, I can feel him hitting my sweet spot, mmmmm so good
I found love through you, I was never loved by anyone else back at Smith's Grove. They hated the true me, thinking I was more crazy than before
*You brushed his T surgery scars*
"You're so beautiful. Especially with those scars Michael, they make you look cuter." You said to him as you kissed at his neck.
But you. You have accepted for who I am
*You start to rub at his T Dick*
Mmmmmm, yes rub it my love, stroke it good like if it's your own
*You start to stroke his dick quickly*
"OH!! JUST LIKE THAT KEEP STROKING LIKE THAT!!!" Michael said out loud
*He can feel his Orgasm coming*
"Oh God, I'm Gonna Cum Y/N, I'm Going to Cum!" Michael said through tears
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Michael Orgasmed screamed as he came what used to be his squirts now coming through is T Dick, falling face first on the bed with a drooling smile on his face. Ass still in the air as you still thrust into him still
Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm high from cumming
"Oh fuck Michael, you got tight. You want me to cum inside you so bad dont ya?" You said to him, he replied with a nod
"Oh yes, please cum inside me. I want to feel your seed filling my womb." Michael said
"Yes yes yes yes." Michael said with a grin as his man cunt squeezed around you as your trusting began to get sloppy from his wetness
Oh god oh God, OH yessss
*Your climax came with the release of your seed into him*
Oh yeah
That feels so good
*You slowly pulled out of Michael, letting him feel your shaft, leaving his mussy. He finally got the cause now to lay fully on the bed*
"You know Michael, I always had the thought of seeing you pregnant." You remarked to your exhausted boyfriend.
"Me? Pregnant? In your wildest dreams." Michael said with sarcasm on that idea
Although that doesn't sound too bad
I didn't know how to end this post cause I wanted to finish it before the New Year
Happy New Year
Hopefully, I can do some more writing here
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kebriones · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Tagged by @evecc
1. Are you named after anyone?
My grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
mmmmm last week?? 10 days ago? I don't remember. I cry and then forget.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did basketball for 7 years, swimming in a competitive team for maybe 5? Table tennis for 1 year...I think that's all. We were forced to play volleyball every other day in highschool, which I despised, and I took part in the schools vs schools football games once but I wouldn't count these.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?I
Definitely clothes, face and way of moving if we're talking about what I notice when I'm seeing people on the bus or walking down the street. Usually if it's a closer interraction I zero in on specific details like jewellery or if they're holding something or stuff like that.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary endings or happy endings?
happy endings, who likes scary endings??
9. Any special talents?
I can whistle fairly well. I can also fall asleep anywhere at any time if allowed to.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
walking and taking pictures, collecting stuff (all the stuff, from rusty nails to bones to sticks to LPS toys to tickets to everything), playing videogames, reading, all that normal stuff.....I guess these are the hobby-ish hobbies. I do a lot of things just because I like them, such as spending time with animals and researching random stuff not related to my work/studies that I don't do as a concious hobby, I just find myself doing them.
12. Do you have any pets?
A cat and a rabbit and I used to have 2 daddy-long-legs in my room for several months but I think one of them died because it's gone so now I only have one. It's been living in my house and I see it every day so I can count it as a pet by now I think.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
If this means back in actual school it was biology. In university now, my favorite courses are ceramics and history of comics.
15. Dream job?
Train driver/puppeteer. That's the silly answer from my heart. The real answer would be that my dream is to make a studio where I live and work together with other people and artists to make indie games, graphic novels, animation and other such stuff with a focus on the artistic value/expression/supporting artists to put their ideas out there rather than making big sales and stuff.
I feel bad tagging people, if you see this consider yourself tagged >:C no pressure >:C
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I was tagged by the wonderful @themagnusbane 😘🥰
1. Are you named after someone?
No, I'm not. My mom just liked the particular color of the gem I was named after.
2. When was the last time you cried?
When I knew my sister in law would pass. Inevitably despite knowing it was likely, accepting it didn't hit until that moment when I spoke with my grandfather.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I would like them, I have enough nieces and nephews though I suppose to make up for any fertility issues I have and I'm content with that.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Nooooo, never.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If they smile with their eyes as well as their mouth. That spark tells me a lot in their eyes.
6. What’s your eye colour?
Brown, simple brown lol.
7. Scary movies or happy ending?
Why not both? I need the morbid to balance out the happiness. Otherwise I wouldn't know what makes being happy so good and worth it.
8. Any special talents?
Mmmmm... I dunno I'm told my glares are chilling does that count?
9. Where were you born?
My mom told me not to answer this.
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading anything I can, and I mean literally anything since I have a low attention span. Writing fanfic, drawing, playing video games, picking on JC stans (wait who said that?)
11. Have you any pets?
So many... cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, chickens.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
(Laughs hysterically)
13. How tall are you?
5’1 and a half!!! The half is important!!!
14. Favourite subject in school?
Literature and history.
15. Dream job?
If I was rich I would own my own damn exotic zoo of pets. I WANT A PANDA AND PENGUIN!
Any followers are totally encouraged to reblog this as well to learn about each other!
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kratosfan6632466 · 1 year
Wrecker wrapped his arms around zima as she was cooking dinner
Wrecker: somethin smells good cyrare
Zima : yeah it’s dinner
Wrecker: what is for dinner ?
Zima : this is chili
Wrecker: smells good
Zima : wanna be my taste tester?
Wrecker: yeah!
Zima picked up the spoon and blew on it and then fed it to him
Wrecker: mmmmm delicious!
Zima turned off the stove
Wrecker smiled and looked at her
Zima : dinner!
The rest of the clone squad walked over to get food
Omega : you really make good food mrs zima
Zima : thank you sweetheart
Zima said as she gave omega a bowl of chili
Everyone was eating
Wrecker: was about to grab a cookie as zima hit his hand with a wooden spoon
Wrecker: ow!
Zima : sorry wrecker but you need to finish your dinner first and it just got out the oven
Wrecker sat back down
Zima : I didn’t hit your hand too hard did I ?
Wrecker: nah
Zima : ok good
Zima : I would’ve felt terrible if I had actually hurt you
Wrecker: aw you care about meeeee
Zima : obviously I do you gentle giant
Wrecker smiles as she pat his head
Wrecker continued eating his chili
Zima finished and sighed as she was full
Wrecker: aww you full meshla?
Zima : yeah
Wrecker finished his food then picked her up and sat on the couch
Zima blushes as she felt wrecker touching her belly
Wrecker smiled and rubbed her belly knowing how much she loved whenever he did this whenever she finished eating
Zima purred as he rubbed her tummy
Crosshair: this is weird…
Wrecker: I only do it because she likes it plus it makes me happy to see her so satisfied
Crosshair: yeah ? Well I stand corrected
Wrecker: is that sarcasm…..?
Crosshair: what if it is
Wrecker got up and cracked his knuckles ready to fight
Zima : wrecker…..
Wrecker: hm?
Zima : please don’t fight him over this
Wrecker: but he said that it’s weird
Zima : it’s ok I find it only a little bit weird myself
Wrecker sat back down and cuddled with her
Wrecker: sorry I jus thought he was being rude
Zima ; if he did he doesn’t mean it
Crosshair: I’m not THAT mean
Zima yawned getting tired
Wrecker smiled and picked her up and went to the bedroom and gently put her in the bed and laid down with her
Zima purred as she had fell asleep wrecker smiles and covered her body in a blanket as he shared it with her he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek
Wrecker: good night my love….
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iricathel · 2 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!
🌺 Random facts about admin Lina 🌺
-> Mmmmm well I can say that I am one of those people who has never broken a bone, had to be hospitalized or suffered a serious injury... In addition, I have a very good immune system since in my whole life I have been sick with the flu, which also heals in a matter of 3 days at the most 🤸🏼‍♀️
-> I am a very warm person in terms of body temperature since my average is 37.4°C Yeah Covid times were pretty fun for me (sarcasm ofc). So I suffer A LOT during summer or high temperatures in general
-> I am more talented in languages and the arts than in sports and science. It is very easy for me to learn new languages and I do them quickly, I even studied Latin and ancient Greek in high school; about the arts: I went to after-school activities such as dance classes of Latino origin (bachata, salsa, merengue and cumbia), art classes and I have even participated in and won poetry and drawing contests. As for sports, even though I don't like them that much, I did tennis, swimming and volleyball (this last one is my fav)
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1. Am I named after anyone?
No :v my brother has my dad’s middle name, my sister has my aunt’s middle name, my half siblings all have names taken from grandparents and junk, i alone have my own name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like tuesday. I came to a strong realization about myself. I’ll make a lil post about it so it can be under a cut, cuz it kinda is a big thing
3. Do you have kids?
No, I have 8 siblings, almost all significantly younger than me, who i helped raise. I absolutely need a break from children. My mom also did daycare out of the house most of my life. I’m not against having kids some day, sometimes i really like the idea of it, but none right now.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really, only as a partof a larger joke. Make a shit ton of puns tho
5. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
I mean, I’m pretty good at noticing things, but the things i focus on are their eyes and mouth. If they smile, how they smile, what sort of expressions their eyes are showing. Idk, I’ve trained myself to sorta make and keep eye contact when talking to people cuz it’s supposed to be like a confidence thing and manners and all sorts of stuff, and I’m socially awkward and afraid of people so I got myself to do that, so I pay most attention there.
6. What’s your eye color?
Blue, kinda like a slate gray or icy color with yknow lighting angle and such
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I like to think there’s good things and they make me very happy to see, but sometimes a little jealous, kinda bittersweet. But that’s really only when I’m in a bad place
8. Special talents?
I’m really good at singing, but like I’m also super sensitive about it. I’m really really good at figuring out how things work and piecing things together. Like logic and comprehension. And I’m pretty good at remembering things. I can also juggle which i think is neat. I’m a jack of all trades, naturally, which is both cool and disheartening sometimes.
9. Where were you born?
Grand Rapids, Michigan
10. What are your hobbies?
dnd (playing and dming), crafting things (drawing, leather, jewelery, all sorts of crafts), i play video games, i like to do karaoke, i used to larp but... drama happened. In college i would do yoga and rock climbing but not quite that active anymore.
11. Have any pets?
a bunch of cats
12. What sports do you play?
In school i did football and wrestling, outside of school i did judo, jiu jitsu, to shin do, rock climbing, and fencing. 
13. How tall are you?
5′ 11″ (181 cm)
14. Favorite subject in school?
mmmmm math or physics
15. Dream job?
I’ve never really had one. I don’t really care what I do so long as I can be happy when I’m home.
I was tagged by @sensitivelystoned
I’m tagging (if you wanna do it, you don’t have to)
@toto-the-cactus @plaid-n-converse @kittyofinsanity @ghost-feratu @gothneighbor @mauvv-is-dead
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maverick-wingman · 1 year
15 Questions!!
Thanks for the tag @averagewriter-inthedark
1. Are you named after anyone?
No I am not, my parents didn't make a big deal when it comes to names.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, due to stress, fear, and overthinking. (Mostly my brain conjures up all these fake scenarios that I think are real)
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nooo. I am not good at using sarcasm and also not good at knowing if it is sarcasm.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Mmmmm maybe their smile and eyes. It tells a lot about someone.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy ending?
I don't think I really have a preference, as long as the story line is good, I will watch it.
8. Any special talents?
Being a procrastinator, that's what I'm good at. I'm the type of person to say "I for sure failed that exam" but I end up passing (most of the time)
9. What are your hobbies?
Reading fanfiction, listening to soundtracks from the movie, crafts, cooking. I'm starting to get back into writing fanfiction again
10. Where were you born?
In Asia, but I moved to the US
11. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat that is about to turn 1 soon.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
For fun, racquetball and tennis.
13. How tall are you?
5’2. Everyone in my family is short.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Hmmm not anymore, I hate everything now cuz all these courses are required for graduation, and when I am forced to do something I like I end up hating it. But in high school, I loved this coding class.
15. Dream Job?
Something media related.
No pressure tags: @youlightmeupfinn @khaylin27 @multificwriterslibrary @callsign-joyride and anyone else who wants to do it
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