#andoain the martyr
mlynar-nearl · 1 year
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kentrix11 · 2 years
I ended up liking Fiammetta a lot more than expected, I generally like characters that seem stoic but are actually really emotional and they really nailed it with her.
I love how her face is usually a rock but she’s constantly bursting with anger at every moment.
I love how her operator files have the staff look at her and just go “This girl is really mentally ill” on what’s suppossed to be a physical check up.
I love how she would probably get along with Dusk because they both hate hollywood trash movies.
I just adore how she seeks revenge for an act that didn’t directly hurt her but instead hurt people close to her and she just eventually realizes that the people that were directly hurt have already forgiven the person responsable.
And most people would just think “Well if they forgive them why would I, who wasn’t even directly hurt be more angry than them” but even then she STILL can’t forgive it.
The fucking Pope and God could forgive Andoain and she would still not forgive him because this isn’t about religion or duty, this is about her sense of justice screaming for revenge over having to watch her crippled friend lose 8 years of her life and her other friend having to abandon her previous life.
It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t accomplish anything.
It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make anything better.
It’s doesn matter if the direct victims don’t feel any better.
It doesn’t matter if this doesn’t help Laterano at all.
It doesn’t matter if this isn’t what the Pope or God want.
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I also really like Andoain and how they build this parallel with him in which both of them are motivated at their core by an event in which people close to them were hurt and they were powerless to do anything about it, so they became obssesed with it, it was something that their own sense of justice deemed unforgivable, so they dedicated all of themselves to seek justice in their own way.
And there’s this layer of dishonesty to both in which Andoain clearly still loves Laterano and his old friends, when he’s still out of it he keeps saying that he does then immediately deniying it, but he refuses to admit to it because the path he needs to go through requires him to abandon all of that.
Fiammetta gives Andoain an opportunitty to apologize for everything he’s done, because she still cares for him, the reason she is this mad is BECAUSE she trusted in him and cared for him, but he won’t apologize because he considers all of it a part of his path towards making a greater good, so Fiammetta is gonna kill him.
So there’s this strong contrast between the person that had to destroy his own life, break the people around him to reach an answer to his obssesion and the person that had to deal with the weight of the broken pieces facing one another neither able to let go of their own obsession and see each other eye to eye.
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cerastes · 2 years
Everyone seeing Andoain, the Martyr, for the first time: “What, this is just a sour old dude with a flintlock pistol, there’s no way he’s a threat in the slightest.”
Andoain, the Martyr, the moment his track starts playing and you start attacking him:
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psychopomparia · 27 days
if I had a nickel for every time I find attractive an angelic man who is currently not a playable character in their respective games, has a boss battle, grey-toned hair, is connected to religion, and is martyr-esque....
then i had two nickels...which isn't a lot but, weirdly, it happened twice this year
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inferno-cop · 2 years
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shuttershocky · 2 months
Top 3 Arknights character themes
1) Martyr (Andoain's theme) — To this day my favorite bossfight theme. Not much to say here I just like it
2) Control's Wishes (Control's theme) — Kirsten Wright is my favorite villain in AK and I really appreciated that LT-8 has Kirsten timed to appear in the stage as soon as the countdown ends when playing in 1x speed.
I still hope we get an animated adaptation of the Rhine storyline. It remains my favorite arc and I think an anime or a movie of it has the capability of really grabbing new audiences in a way the rest of the game can't. I'm telling you, Saria, Kirsten, and Silence's drama would find so many more fans if it was in any format other than a manhua tie-in to a gacha game event.
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little-lanterns · 23 days
What do you like about Andoain? ( from someone else who sincerely likes him)
I am bad at character analysis so i don't know if my words will get across alskhdalsjsa
even after reading GA multiple times I still have hard time to point out what makes me like him. the easy start would be his design
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unique halo and wings design on sankta are rare so he catches my eyes easily when he was first appeared in cn server
once the event was released in global and finished reading it, I can't help but wondering, how is it the event that's literally titled Guide Ahead with this guy seemingly in the spotlight lots of the time wasn't the featured new operator?
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I have seen so much of him. his past, his struggle with his belief and the reality of that lies beyond the walls of Laterano, his motivation that kept him walking his path, and for him to at last reach his goal, to ask that one question
The writer wants me to like and care for him because of how the event was written, but they also want to remind us that he might be a bit fucked up
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whenever I re-read GA I always stuck in this part for a long time. the first question that would pop up would be, was that piece of Feranmut really worth it betraying his squad mates and ruining their lives? both Lemuen and Mostima understood what he felt and probably would've given Lock and Key to him but we know how that went. but putting that aside, what does this mean for Andoain as a character
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he has really prepared to become the martyr, betrayed his old friends, becoming a fallen, he'd do anything for his goal. and unfortunately I will always fell for this kind of character that'd do anything for what they thinks is right and pay the price for it. hell even it wasn't said outright, I believe he used a Cecelia who just lost her mother in order to get closer to his goal but it was all covered very well with his words
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whether that was really his intention or not, up to interpretation I suppose
this is the side of him that made me love him and would talk about more if only I get to see what was he like during his stay in Laterano. but I am more curious what direction his character would take if he ever re appear in the story, because after GA it felt like he is "complete"
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Fiammetta oprec mentions that Andoain is still after Lock and Key but after getting his answer, what exactly that Feranmut has left for him? or maybe that Fiammetta still refuse to understand him. there is also possibility that he might be the next saint but I already ramble about that previously (honestly I can't remember what I wrote there). Though I only wished that he and Lemuen to talk again as it would be interesting to see their interaction post Hortus de Escapismo
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have andoa(y)in grip because this is how I felt while writing this, thanks for the ask!
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hunterfromtheabyss · 2 years
22 and 23
i need to know if people are as addicted to AK music as me
22 - favorite EP
Phenomenal Agents, but if you want specifically an operator theme, Sentenced (Penance). It's my song of the year and it came out last month. 428 times. It's so good. Additional shoutouts to Go My Way (Vigil), Stainless Heart, Eternal Flame (Fiammetta), Awaken (Specter), and Requiem.
23 - favorite in game OST
Andoain's boss theme/Martyr. Shoutout to Under Tides boss theme, Specter Alter's doll sfx, Signore dei Lupo, Ideal City boss theme, and Operation Pyrite, Pine Soot, and Blade.
I've listened to all of Arknights's OST and it was insanely hard to narrow it down this far, so it's honestly safe to say I love everything from the soundtrack, these are just the ones that stand out.
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
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little-lanterns · 1 month
I am obsessed with like only two characters from akn and they both aren't that unpopular but I want to make a post with both of them in it anyway
hortus de escapismo is an important event that serve as build up to zwilingsturme, future seaborn event, and future laterano event where andoain is possibly going to be involved. why? idk just a gut feeling? when I first read the event story I didn't expect much that I will get anything about him but I actually get a lot more than expected which shouldn't surprise me since it is literally the sequel to guide ahead
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this is the event where it is revealed how andoain got the idea of what he wants laterano to be, but it is also where it is put into a test if this little paradise could last
this guy isn't in the event at all but it really feels like he should to see the answer to that one question, is it really not possible?
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even arturia after witnessing that herself wanted to realize it too
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there is also this part that got me giggling. I always find this funny because the title Martyr didn't appear until the very end of guide ahead and it was said by cecilia, so it is unknown who gave that title to him. was it his followers? or is he now famous among the lateran for what he did?
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his effect on lemuen is obvious because they were once close, she is the only lateran who understand him, even forgave him for what he did. but what about other lateran? were they too drunk in sweet and explosion that they didn't even notice what he did? well I guess some did because he is a wanted criminal now
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I also speculate that the person they are talking about at the beginning and at the end of the event is him. after all this is the guy who is famous for going through all those shit just to ask question to the pope. he seems like the perfect person to ask something that only sankta understand but also held some doubts on it to actually gives a meaningful answer
there were some uncertainties because he called them friends but we know from arturia's oprec that the pope would personally visit each candidate of future saint. so this is the part where I don't like that much. if that's really the guy then it means andoain will be future saint. my impression is, I don't think if he want anything to do with laterano, though I could say the same about arturia
which brings us to the next point, The Disaster.
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what we know about it is that laterano and the sankta will be the one affected first. and if what the pope said is true then the Law will also take a hit. what would sankta be without their halo? without their law? without their empathy? idk, it is not only about them, other country will also be affected, it just happen that laterano was able to foresee it. will this push him to help and accept the title of saint? maybe? it is hard to tell when we don't even know where he is and what is he doing
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but it is not like Law cares what are the candidates current goal is to be appointed as a saint
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there were some clues from fia's oprec but isn't it odd, why would he still go looking for mostima, didn't he find the answer already. seriously where the fuck is this guy
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so whatever that laterano event will be it is going to be huge, definitely an 3 weeks/intermezzi event
what does this has to do with my other favourite character? azazel could also mean fallen angel and its symbol resemble sankta. there are no information about it so there is non-zero chance that the leader or founder of azazel is one. which could mean a lot or nothing when it comes to the next laterano event. after all isn't it weird that some small clinic in some ursus city has symbol that resemble a sankta?
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
"Even if I cannot comprehend it, there is still an Answer waiting."
"Then what kind of satisfaction will that Answer even be if you can't put it into words or understand at last? You threw your life away, Andoain. I might understand what you want to know, and why, but you're still a cruel, selfish, and pathetic man. Determined to burn others to the ground just to feel righteous. Forever walking a path that forbids him happiness to appear pious in your miseries. I meant it when I said you have a martyr complex. In that you want to be a Lateran martyr more than anything, to the detriment of anything you could truly have."
Andoain lowers his eyes. "Maybe so."
"There's no world in which that's all worth it to me. It's that simple." He pauses. "Fiammetta loved you. Cardinal Lemuen and Miss Mostima loved you. But that was never enough for you, was it."
Andoain doesn't respond. The trees rustle. Shealtiel is gone again.
obligatory shealtielposting (this is from my document of conversations he’s had with andoain) (i just really enjoy “[they] loved you but that was never enough” as an interpretation of andoain’s bullshit that he has. it is technically in part correct. it’s definitely not all of it. but-) 
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