#andrew of hungary
domszobo · 5 months
It took you two weeks 😫😫
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bi-peanut · 11 months
it's hard to be a ferrari fan in these conditions
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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shov 😭🫶
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dirjoh-blog · 4 months
My Interview with Andrew Laszlo.
This is my interview with Andrew Laszlo jr.I spoke to him about his father Andrew Laszlo Sr., about his career as cinematographer, of such movies as ‘First Blood, Start Trek V, The Last Frontier, Streets of Fire, Southern Comfort, The Owl and the Pussy Cat and The Warriors and many more, He was also the cinematographer of the original series of ‘Shogun’ We also talked about his father’s survival…
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gingernutsenthusiast · 7 months
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right person, wrong time (variations on heartbreak)
@leemartenspoetry on tumblr
vita sackville-west & fegan’s 1924 café in dublin
everything everywhere all at once (2022)
@heavensghost on tumblr
i had to get out by indigo de souza
‘calling a wolf a wolf' by kaveh akbar
river by joni mitchell
‘english song’ in a little larger than the entire universe: selected poems by fernando pessoa
slumber by ron hicks
fish in exile by vi khi nao
penitent magdalene by antonio ciseri
@ojibwa on tumblr
this is what the drugs are for by gracie abrams & the awakening by angelo morbelli
as good as it gets by fizz
lonely this christmas by mud & picture of the christmas tree at trinity college dublin, taken by me in december of 2022
this is what the drugs are for by gracie abrams & picture by andrew collins via globalnews.ca
@inanotherunivrs on tumblr & a polaroid of me taken by my ex-boyfriend
‘in a dream you saw a way to survive’ by clementine von radics & a picture of my ex-boyfriend's window, taken by me
bluets by maggie nelson & the poolbeg generating station, dublin
‘unrequited’ by sasha m george & inheritance by matthew w. cornell
@ faraway on instagram & lavender sprigs farm cut by linda jacobus
the museum of heartbreak by meg leder
‘seaside improvisation’ by richard siken
@ dracarysgang on twitter
@fromdarzaitoleeza on tumblr
explosions by ellie goulding
‘i had a dream about you’ by richard siken
the beatrice letters by lemony snicket
la la land (2016)
‘catalog of unabashed gratitude’ by ross gay
@stuckinapril on tumblr
@deathlywounded on tumblr
some are always hungry by jihyun yun
‘speaking practice’ by franny choi
 a self-portrait in letters by anna sexton & a picture of my ex-boyfriend in a lake in Orfű, Hungary
@sunsbleeding on tumblr
‘there is no absolution for the fallen, only the dying’ by p.d
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Fausto Mercier — Misinput Tycoon (Genot Centre)
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Photo by Libor Galia
As Fausto Mercier, Hungarian producer Roland Nagy creates fractal splinters of sound that swirl and shift with kaleidoscopic intensity. The aural equivalent of those magic eye images that were everywhere then nowhere, Nagy’s music challenges the listener to form coherent shapes, concealing its structure beneath pixelated smears of sound. Misinput Tycoon is the product of a childhood and youth misspent in close attention to screens. Cell phones, video games, snow bound television sets, the blips and burps of microwaves and dial up internet connections, the audio-visual pollution of outdoor advertising, spluttering signs in shops and bars. It all here, fashioned into stylized simulation of the simulacrum of modern life in constant competition with the natural world.
Peter and the Wolf comes to mind as Mercier begins to insert more recognizably musical sounds into the turmoil. The fractured strings, piano chords and human whispers in “cinage”, a ruined calliope in “grassland shower”, the granular melody amidst typewriter clatter, stuttering drums and chopped up taunting vocalizations on “sleipnir/seeltouch”. These moments evoke Prokofiev’s didactic introduction to orchestral instruments and the iconoclastic dissonance of many of his compositions. Mercier’s music is at once aloof and engaging. It holds you at arm’s length but demands attention, feline in both its self-possession and desire to interact on its own terms. He may hide his melodic light beneath a bushel of effects but its there to hear and part of the fun is parsing his tracks for their internal logic. Restless jump cuts, vortices of wind tunnel noise, eruptions of glitch and erratic juxtapositions disturb the flow throughout as Mercier dismantles club music, strews the parts across the floor and reimagines new configurations. For all the bustling, hectic movement, he also allows for moments of clarity and relative calm. Although contingent on the expectation of interruption, they appear like aural oases in an information saturated landscape. 
Mercier surrounds the listener with endless refractions and reflections strewn with aural clues like threads in a mirror-balled labyrinth. Tangled, elusive in the strobing overload, the ground shifting beneath your feet, the threads may lead you to the exit or more likely deeper into the chaos. Either way, Misinput Tycoon combines witty diversion with serious intent. 
Andrew Forell
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operafantomet · 22 days
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FROM DESIGN TO COSTUME: Elissa gala designs
ROW 1: Maria Bjørnson, replica (depicted: Sierra Boggess)
ROW 2: Nelly Vagó, Hungary (depicted: Renata Krassy)
ROW 3: Roman Solc, Czech Republic (depicted: Monika Sommerová)
ROW 4: Andrew Riley Tour (depicted Amy Manford)
ROW 5: Tatjana Radisic, Serbia (depicted: Marta Hadzimanov)
ROW 6: Chiara Donato, Mediterranean (depicted: Amelia Milo)
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Eleanor Parker (Scaramouche, The Sound of Music)— Eulogized as a ravishing beauty whose looks were merely ornamental to her craft, feast your eyes on Eleanor Parker. Listen! I know you're thinking of the Baroness in Sound of Music and saying NO I won't protect the woman who tried to steal him from Maria but forget about that (like you personally wouldn't shoot your shot with Plummer)! The trailer for Scaramouche describes her character Lenore as "The glamourous queen of the nightlife of Paris. A flame-haired wildcat" and this is a woman who was able to pull off that role, and you get the vibe she was like that irl too. There's a story about her changing hair colors that never fails to make me laugh. Take note of her stunning eyes! Her amazing legs! And to see her in motion is to make note of the aura about her, she has an amazing presence. Fall in love with Eleanor Parker today, and make your vote count!
Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
This is round 3 of the tournament. (yes I know it says round 2 in the poll. sometimes I post these when I’m sleepy.) All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eleanor Parker:
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“When I’m spotted somewhere, it means that my characterizations haven’t covered up Eleanor Parker the person. I prefer it the other way around.” So shy she was actively nervous about winning awards in person, her personal life remains mostly behind the scenes. But on screen? she was a force majeure. It's a shame the role most people remember her in is the Baroness in The Sound of Music, but then again, it did make Christopher Plummer reminisce upon her passing “I was sure she was enchanted and would live forever.”
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Listen we all know Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews had insane chemistry but the Baroness deserves some love too! She has such a glamorous presence but not in a hard way
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She will be known as the fabulous baroness in TSOM, but she was so much more than that. Just as comfortable in westerns or melodrama, the scheming other woman, and the beauty that wins the heart of every man in town.
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Audrey Hepburn propaganda:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do!
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
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Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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atundratoadstool · 1 year
Stoker took the assertion that Romani attach themselves to local nobleman (and could functionally serve as a "parcels-delivery company") from Andrew Crosse's Round About the Carpathians. What neither Stoker nor Crosse delve into though is that the reason Romani were ostensibly settling around local Magyar authority figures probably had to do with over a century of forced settlement/assimilation policies in Hungary (and as a slight reminder, during Dracula, Transylvania is still part of Austria-Hungary and not yet part of Romania).
After over a hundred years of being forced by various 18th century decrees to abandon one's language and numerous means of transit/moving (with things like owning horses not for sale and setting up encampments being restricted), it might seem pretty sensible to--you know--affiliate oneself with settled people in power. Basically, the Romani moved from being perceived as antisocial vagabonds to being perceived as sycophantic hangers on... which moves them right from being fodder for traditional racist fictional depictions of colorful/exotic wanderers to being fodder for racist fictional depictions of villainous henchmen.
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ghostpoetics · 4 months
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My newest book, Unholy with Eyes like Wolves, a sapphic gothic horror romance with vampires (Carmilla/FMC/Erzsébet Báthory) is coming out on April 16th!
You can pre-order the e-book here.
“Indulgent, depraved, and sanguine, UNHOLY WITH EYES LIKE WOLVES is a gory fugue that will have readers cheering for its queer women no matter the wrongs they commit in pursuit of survival and salvation.” – Ladz, author of THE FEALTY OF MONSTERS
"Sumptuous and intoxicating as a black rose, UNHOLY WITH EYES LIKE WOLVES unfurls slowly to reveal the intricate layers of its themes, from forbidden sapphic desire to the religious subjugation of women. A must-read for those who yearn to become the monster and seek liberation through transgression." – Camilla Andrew, author of THE SANGUINE SORCERESS 
Noémie, a dishonored and widowed noblewoman in early 17th century Hungary, finds herself in an unenviable position: After grievous trauma and loss, her last chance to regain her honor comes when she must serve as Lady Erzsébet Báthory’s handmaiden. Báthory is stoic and imperious, and as Noémie struggles to acclimate and accept her present and future, she begins to have dreams about a mysterious woman. Worse, there are stories of disappearance and deaths in the castle, and Noémie might be next.
A sapphic historical horror romance with vampires and based on CARMILLA. Perfect for fans of A DOWRY OF BLOOD.
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the-last-tsar · 9 months
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"In 1799, three years after her failed betrothal with the King of Sweden, another marital project originated for Alexandra. Previously in 1798, Dukes Ferdinand Augustus and Alexander Frederick of Württemberg who were the brothers of the Empress Maria Feodorovna, arrived in St. Petersburg to serve in the Russian army. They expressed the interest of Austria to join with Russia in a coalition against the rising power of the French Republic and Napoleon, and to cement this alliance, it was decided to arrange a marriage between Alexandra and Archduke Joseph of Austria, Palatine (Governor) of Hungary and a younger brother of Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor. Archduke Joseph personally came to Russia to see his bride. The meeting between them was successful. In mid-February 1799 the betrothal ball was held. Later, a marriage contract was signed in which Alexandra would be allowed to kept her Russian Orthodox faith. In October, Count Fyodor Rostopchin wrote:
"Believe me, that's not good started to strengthen the alliance with the Austrian court by ties of blood... Of all the sisters she will be given the least successful marriage. She will have nothing to wait for, and her children even more so."
On 25 September 1799, a decree was published about the royal title of Alexandra. In Russia, she was referred to as "Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess the Archduchess of Austria" with the French prefix of "Palatine d'Hongrie". The wedding took place on 30 October 1799 at Gatchina Palace, one week after the wedding of her sister Elena. To celebrate both events, poet Gavrila Derzhavin wrote the ode "the wedding celebrations of 1799". On 21 November the couple went to Austria. Countess Varvara Golovina remembered that Alexandra was sad to leave Russia, and her father Emperor Paul I "constantly repeated, would not see her since her sacrifice." According to Alexandra's confessor, Andrei Samborski, Alexandra was given a cold reception in Vienna. However, other sources offer a different view. Queen Maria Carolina of Naples (the Emperor's mother-in-law) and her daughters arrived in Vienna in August 1800 for a long stay. Maria Carolina's daughter, Princess Maria Amalia of Naples, wrote in her journal that on 15 August the Queen and her daughters were introduced to Alexandra, whom she described as "very beautiful". Maria Amalia and Alexandra became friends during this time; and the Princess of Naples wrote in her journal that the Russian Grand Duchess and her husband had a friendly relationship with the rest of the imperial family and took part in the family gatherings, parties and balls in Vienna, which contrasts with the version given by Andrei Samborski. For instance, in January 1801, Maria Amalia wrote in her journal that the imperial family used to attend balls in Archduke Joseph's residence in Vienna, where "beautiful Alexandra, always serious and sad, has a magnificent household." When she was presented to Emperor Francis II, she reminded him of his first wife Elisabeth of Württemberg, who was her maternal aunt; this caused the jealousy of Empress Maria Theresa, Francis II's second wife, who also was envious of Alexandra's beauty and fine jewelry. Imperial confessor Andrew Samborski wrote:
"Remembering the happy cohabitation with her led him (the Emperor) in extreme confusion of mind which afflicted the heart of the Empress, his present wife. After this, she became in the innocent victim of the Empress' implacable vengeance...The Empress not forgotten and humiliated her parents and siblings when she called them a family of freaks, due to the treatment that Grand Duke Constantine gave to his wife."
Once, Alexandra turned up to a ball beautifully dressed, with magnificent jewellery. The Empress was incensed at being upstaged by the Archduchess, and ordered her to remove her jewellery, and also told her that she could no longer wear them. Heeding her instructions, Alexandra only decorated her hair with flowers when she attended a play some time later. The flowers highlighted her beauty, leading her to be applauded and being given a standing ovation, making Maria Theresa even more furious. Archduke Joseph could not protect his wife from these attacks. Furthermore, her Eastern Orthodox faith aroused the hostility of the Roman Catholic Austrian court, who urged her to convert. Pavlovna was popular among Hungarians, both the nobles and the commoners. According to the legend, it was her suggestion to add the color green as the third color to the flag of Hungary. Hungarians had been using red and silver, then red and green as their national colors for centuries at the time. However, in the late 18th century, a third color was proposed to be added to the flag, to follow the style of the French tricolor. Pavlovna suggested green as a symbol for hope. By the mid-19th century, the red-white-green Hungarian tricolor became widespread.
Wikipedia of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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Holy Rood Day is a religious observance celebrated on May 3rd each year.
The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to give it it's more convulated name, celebrates two historical events: the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, in 320 under the temple of Venus in Jerusalem, and the dedication in 335 of the basilica and shrine built on Calvary by Constantine, which mark the site of the Crucifixion.
So what is this got to do with Scotland? Well it ties in directly in with one of our fondest remembered Queens, Margaret, and one of Scotland's most treasured and enigmatic relics, the Black Rood, said to be a piece of the True Cross set in an ebony crucifix. Here's the story to date.
The Black Rood is said to have been brought to Scotland by Margaret who fled north in the years after the Norman Conquest and married Malcolm Canmore, Malcolm III. A bit of Margaret's background is relevant. She is said to have been born in Hungary but was in England during the reign of Edward the Confessor who was her grand-uncle.
On her death in 1093, Margaret is reported to have left the Rood, described by contemporary historians as a ''great national palladium'', check out the link for a great telling of how Margaret called for the rood as she lay dying in Edinburgh Castle.
To the Scottish people. It is recorded as having been taken south along with the Stone of Destiny in 1296 as part of Edward I of England's booty from his Scottish ''tour''. Its significance for the Scots is indicated by the fact it was only restored by special treaty.
Almost half a century passes before it surfaces again, this time as one of the relics carried by the Scots army in 1346 to the Battle of Neville's Cross near Durham where we were soundly drubbed and David II was taken into captivity, (Remember my wee post on this the other day courtesy f my friend Andrew Spratt)
The English considered the acquisition of the Black Rood almost as important as the victory itself and it was kept for the next 200 years in Durham Abbey ''on the pillar next to St Cuthbert's shrine in the south aisle''. During the chaos of the Reformation, like so many other religious artefacts, it disappeared.
You don't have to believe in all the religion surrounding the Holy, or Black Rood to understand that this was one of the most treasured relics from our medieval history, just rooting around in history and you can find other legends regarding pieces of the Cross, so much so the reformer John Calvin thought there were enough pieces of the "True Cross" floating around to build a battleship or I would add, perhaps an Ark.
Check out the link for more info on the Black Rood here
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wirtziala · 5 days
Hottest Player in Every Euros Team, Group A & B edition
inspired by @kvaradonaa except all my choices are the right ones. as always my opinion etc. etc. also yeah im not explaining my choices soooo
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Germany - Leroy Sane
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Switzerland - Leonidas Stergiou
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Hungary - Dominik Szoboszlai
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Scotland - Andrew Robertson
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Spain - David Raya
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Italy - Lorenzo Pellegrini
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Albania - Taulant Seferi
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Croatia - Josko Gvardiol
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wejustvibing · 2 years
we came in wanting to do some experiments with the car and the ones that we did in FP2 have taken us backwards. there's a couple of things we're going to be undoing tonight - shov
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itracing · 4 months
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Vantage GT3 to make British Racing Debut with Hawkins
Aston Martin Racing aims to extend its phenomenal legacy of success in the British GT Championship as it joins forces with partner teams Beechdean AMR, Blackthorn Racing and the newly-created Forsetti Motorsport, to bring five brand new Vantage GT3 and GT4s to three classes during 2024.
Among the headline acts participating in this formidable line-up will be Aston Martin Aramco Formula One Team Head of F1 Academy and Driver Ambassador Jessica Hawkins, who makes her British GT Championship debut when the series begins at Oulton Park (29 March – 1 April). She joins six-time class champion Beechdean AMR alongside team owner and series veteran Andrew Howard as the duo make an assault on the Silver-Am class with a brand-new Aston Martin green Vantage GT3.
Hawkins, who tested an Aston Martin Formula 1 car in Hungary last year, is a W Series podium finisher and a race-winner in the TCR UK series. The 29-year-old was also one of several drivers entrusted with testing the new Vantage GT3 during its development over the winter.
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jamesvowles · 3 months
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Andrew Shovlin + the Mechanics/Engineers at Honda | Hungary 2006
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