himbovillains · 2 months
@startold liked for a starter from an oc.
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he’s never been great at support groups. for him, advice is always better given when the person on the other side of it can’t actually see you. that’s why he’s always preferred confession. a curtain is an incredible way to hide his features, which often betray his immediate thoughts in a way that he doesn’t want them to, not until he’s had time to correct his thinking.
so it’s safe to say that this is a little out of his comfort zone.
still, he turns up, collar starched and white as can be, and if he wishes that he had a flask of whiskey with him, then he keeps that to himself. ‘ michael? ’ the soft lilt of his words precedes his introduction to who he hopes is running this session.
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victoriousfidelity · 4 months
@escapedartgeek asked: "...Sorry. Say that again?" dissociation starters. | accepting.
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"I asked if you were alright," Sigyn's expression becomes a gentle, concerned frown as a hand settles against their shoulder. "And something tells me you aren't, Zora. Do you want to sit down?"
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romanrhodes · 2 years
where: Sunny Side Up Diner with: Andrew Carpenter Jackson ( @drewxjackson )
It had been almost a week since Roman had started to feed Andrew whenever he did work at the farm. They had eaten together a few more times since then, but there hadn't been anywhere near the same tension as that first lunch together. Roman still thought about it - the looks they'd shared, the things they'd said. Roman knew that if they'd been in New York, he'd have asked Andrew outright, but returning to East Haven had a strange psychological effect on him, throwing him back to the twenty-year-old he'd been - knowing he was different but fearful of being so.
Roman hated acting out of fear and was doing his best to shrug off the Catholic guilt and the small-town paranoia. Still... he'd grown attached to Andrew, and didn't want to risk losing him as a friend. As much as he hated it, he would treat it carefully.
He'd finally managed to convince Andrew to come to the diner. He wanted to show the place off, peacocking a little, even though he knew that Andrew had been there before. But now the diner was his, it felt different. He'd already put in their order and taken off his chef whites to change into a clean t-shirt to join him for his lunch break, taking the seat opposite him.
"Hey. How's it going?"
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nancyxthompsons · 1 year
closed starter for @drewxjackson location: Maple Hills Mall
With Renee home and the discovery that she is a grandmother, she made sure her daughter was settled before she went off to the mall to pick up a few things. They were going to need a lot of baby supplies for the house and the mall was the best place to go with it being so close. She was making her way to one of the baby stores when she spotted a familiar face and smiled as she waved to Andrew. "Drew, sweetheart, hi. If I knew you were on your way here too, I would've picked you up." She smiled at him. "Were you heading out? Or would you like to join me?"
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muutosarchive · 2 years
a woman carved in marble. the beauty of her many years, on a statuesque face. & judith can only look on in clear awe. feminine envy alight on her cute, rounded features. two lambs. cute, pink frills. plaid skirt reminiscent of the days of old, tucked away like a pressed flower in the pages of her bible. high school is an evil place, but now? she feels like she's meeting someone important. could be a goddess. perhaps. oh, is it blasphemous to assume? for if there was, it would be her. inhale is taken through gaped lips. glasses sliding up her nose, in the slow approach. clipboard resting along her arm.
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"hi. um.. are you here for the church event?"
@divinehr / / asked for jude
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chantelbedford · 1 year
who: Andrew Jackson @drewxjackson where: Chantel's House
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Things in Chantel's life had been... a bit of a whirlwind recently to say the least. The festival had been a wake up call for her; a way to tell herself that it wasn't all in her head and that things with Charlie were actually there, at least something was brewing and the potential of more than a friendship was on the horizon. And while she knew that the two of them were one the same page - you couldn't end the night with a shared kiss and not be - Chantel had waken up this morning with conflicting feelings, second guessing if she was reading too much into it, and in a moment of weakness and needing some clarity she'd called Andrew, who had showed up to her house without a question within what felt like seconds. A shared moment together had left Chantel from feeling content as it had once before to feeling more confused, therefore confirming what her heart had been telling her all along. Charlie was the one. Thankfully her and Andrew were friends outside of the physical stuff, which would make cutting things off with him physically easier, or should, but Chantel had luck that wasn't so great in most cases, therefore bringing up nerves as she contemplated just how to let him know that she thought things between them physically should end. Pulling her robe tighter around her torso to hide the tank top she'd slid on before, Chantel leaned against the doorframe of her kitchen as Andrew worked on the newest project she'd invested in; replacing the back splash in her kitchen. "Do you ever feel like you're doing the right thing with the wrong person?" she questioned, letting her gaze meet Andrew for a moment as she tried to relax the tension that was rising in her shoulders. "Or even that maybe you're reading too far into things and that if you just get out of your own head you'd be much better off?"
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 002. Your Overgrown Hatred for Assholes
003. French is the Language of Love
Kirishima was a quiet, but friendly boy who transferred from another school due to his dad's military career. U.A. was going to be the ninth school he's been to in the past ten years.
As a new student, he needed a mentor or someone to give him a tour of the large campus. Sero was assigned to show him around. They quickly became buddies after Sero's break down on the various cliques that occupied the school’s grounds.
Sero noticed Kirishima's aloof demeanor as he came to a stop. His eyes followed the red-head's. From the moment Kirishima saw Mina walking through the halls of U.A., he knew he had to have her. He was head over heels just by observing the way she walked and talked with her friends. Kirishima didn't care what everyone else said about her; she was a conceited, childish girl who would never date because of her father's house rules.
Of course, he was devastated to hear this at first. Alas, Kirishima wasn't one to give up so easily. It wouldn't be manly to allow a woman so stylishly wide-eyed and incredibly attractive to be swooned by a troll such as Kaminari and let him get away with it.
Once Sero mentioned Mina needed a French tutor, he knew that was his way in. Him and Sero devised of a brilliant plan: he would become a tutor for those who needed help in French. No, he didn't know the rich and melodic language , but he was willing to do anything just to grab Mina's attention from the snob, Denki Kaminari.
Kirishima was brought to when a bright red satchel was slammed onto the space next to him. His gaze followed the young lady that swiftly sat in the chair, folding one arm over the other, "Hi. Can we make this quick? Roxanne Corinne and Andrew Jarrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break-up on the quad, again."
"Oh, yeah, um, okay. I thought that we'd, um start with pronunciation, if that's all right with you." Why was he stuttering? Kirishima had never been this nervous before. He played with his fingers, feeling how sweaty his palms were. He felt like she could see right through him as her yellow irises grew.
Mina sighed, slumping her seat from the boredom that hit her, "Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part, please."
"Well, uh, there is an alternative."
"There is?" She smiled at the cloudy suggestion.
"Yeah. French food." Kirishima gulped, looking in every which way but Mina's. His cheeks flashed a color of pink as he continued, "We could eat some together, uh, Saturday night?"
"You're asking me out?" A sweet smile creeped onto Mina's face, revealing her pearly whites. The outer corners of her eyes scrunched together, "That's so cute. What's your name again?"
Kirishima moved his hands under the table, nervously fiddling with his sweaty fingers. He didn't know what he was doing. He was completely winging the entire thing, hoping she would say yes.
The red-head abashedly rubbed the nape of his neck as he stated his name, "Kirishima. Listen, I know that your dad doesn't let you date, but I thought that if it was for French class—"
Mina's face "Oh, wait a minute. Kelvin—"
"Kirishima." He kindly corrected, huffing at Mina's slight mispronunciation of his name.
"My dad just came up with a new rule. I can date when my sister does." Mina chimed, tapping her fingers against the light wood of the table. She kicked her feet beneath the table, glowing at the fact.
"You're kidding." Kirishima's heart began pounding out of his chest. He could hear the rhythmic sound in his ears, as he stared at Mina in absolute awe. He continued, "Let me ask you, do you like sailing? 'Cause I read about this place that rents out boats—"
"A beaucoup problemo, Kirkman. In case you haven't heard, my sister's a particularly hideous breed of loser."
Kirishima swallowed, not even bothering to remediate Mina once more. The lines on his forehead signified his concerns, realizing it wasn't as easy as he had wished to get the girl of his dreams. "Yeah. Yeah, I noticed she's a little antisocial. Why is that?"
"Unsolved mystery." Mina shrugged, her lips tightening into a thin line. "She used to be really popular, and then it was like she got sick of it or something. Theories abound as to why, but I'm pretty sure she's just incapable of human interaction. Plus, she's a bitch."
Kirishima was slightly shocked at how easy it was to get your sister to bad mouth you. He didn't expect it from someone so bubbly. Kirishima especially didn't expect the insults thrown to your name. He thought sisters were supposed to look out for each other, but no, Mina wasn't exactly the biggest fan of you.
"Well, yeah, but I'm sure, you know, that there are lots of guys who wouldn't mind going out with a difficult woman." Kirishima tried shedding some light on the situation, finding it hard to believe you were completely un-dateable. "I mean, you know, people jump out of airplanes and ski off cliffs. It's be like "Extreme Dating"."
"You think you could find someone that extreme?"
Kirishima smiled, realizing a plan was starting to come together, all he had to do was take action. "Yeah, sure, why not?"
"And you'd do that for me?" Mina put a hand on Kirishima's forearm. He thought he might explode in that moment. Suddenly, he felt more ecstatic.
"Hell, yes!" Kirishima shouted louder than he should've in the library, causing a few students to shush him. He shook his head, looking away from Mina as he brought his tone down a few notches, "I mean, you know, I could look into it."
⇨ 004. An Idiot with Money
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes
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fcble · 1 month
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Post format inspired by Dulce @almostyours and JJ @chcrryade. Thank you to everyone who let me mention their OCs!
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"I stopped my pace and wanted to shout. / Wings, spread out again! / Fly. Fly. Fly. Let me fly once more. / Let me fly just once more." — The Wings by Yi Sang, translated by Ahn Jung-hyo
깃털 (FEATHER) is the debut mixtape of INTAK, of fictional boy group FABLE. It was released digitally through streaming services and SoundCloud on August 16, 2024, seventy-nine years and one day after the liberation of Korea from Japan's colonial rule. Unlike his work as a member of Fable, he released it under his previous SoundCloud username WND3QUD, from the phrase 중3병 typed out on the Korean keyboard. Deriving from the somewhat derogatory Japanese term "chuunibyou," his recent usage of the name is meant to be an acknowledgement and greater understanding of the person he was at fourteen when he identified strongly with it. With the album's themes of the self and the meaning of money, it is also loosely inspired by Yi Sang's 1936 novel The Wings.
The record boasts an impressive array of features from other idol groups, surprising fans who were previously unaware that Intak "knew people like that." In line with Fable's concept and what Intak sees as his due diligence as member of the group, a few of the songs contain Fable's signature traditional instrumental sound. This was a decision that went over well with the majority of the group's fans. The vocal minority are a few Haksu solo stans, who realized that the teased solo debut of this year went to Intak, and not Haksu.
There was little promotion prior to the album's release, aside from a few social media posts with the title and release date, and one Weverse post from Andrew almost two months in advance spoiling the eventual release.
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TRACK 001. 한국 (KOREA)
"@1:32 ik he was mad as hell in the recording studio. andrew count your days?" ─── A comment on the official music video, August 16, 2024
"Intak released his mixtape a couple of days ago and to say I'm obsessed is an understatement. For everyone else who missed their old sound, this is for you. KOREA is obviously the most Fable song of them all. Between the lyrics and the instrumental, the song posits Intak, Fable, and their music as representatives of Korea. I was under the impression that was their goal from the beginning. These past couple of years haven't shown that, but Intak is bringing it back." ─── 'Old Fable is back and I'm living for it' by bangchanslefttoe on r/kpopthoughts, August 18, 2024
"Ah… isn't it too much? How can he call the song KOREA and then release it under a Japanese name? He should know better. Really, it's disappointing. He said the album was inspired by Yi Sang too. Doesn't that just make it more embarrassing? F*ck I want Haksu's solo album instead." ─── '[enter-talk] WHAT CULTURE IS FABLE REPRESENTING, ANYWAY?' by pannchoa on pannchoa.com, August 19, 2024
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TRACK 002. 꼴통 (BASTARD) ft. NOAH of DEEPDIVE @bluwavez
"[checking calendar] ya we still have time for BASTARD summer" ─── @kcdjification on Twitter, August 16, 2024
"I think BASTARD had a lot of potential. I wish there was a little more in the lyrics. One Yi Sang pun in this song and it's in Noah's verse? Come on, Intak, you're better than that." ─── A comment on the album's official discussion post on r/kpop, August 18, 2024
"I know Intak's 'Feather' flew under a lot of people's radars, but I tuned in. 7/10 if I'm being generous. My favorite song is definitely BASTARD. Is it because Noah is there? Um. No comment." ─── 'ranking every kpop comeback (august 2024),' shineesback on YouTube, September 1, 2024
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"just listened to CASH. close enough welcome back karl marx!" ─── @h4nd__dr4wn on Twitter, August 17, 2024
"What did I write? Nothing. This is Intak's solo album. He's always written our music. [pause] If he asked, I would have. If not, it's patronizing. If I wanted to release a solo album, would you expect Intak to write one of the songs? [pause] Rhetorical question. Let's listen to CASH." ─── Andrew via Weverse Live, August 17, 2024
"For my solo album, I want Andrew-hyung and Intak-hyung to both write it. They're both important to Fable, and I can't image what we'd be like without them." ─── Haksu via Weverse live (immediately after Andrew's comments), August 17, 2024
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TRACK 004. GOAT ft. CYRUS of XPLOIT @ripsoff, JC of LITTLE HOUSE @okmgi
"did anyone else have flashbacks to 2013 goat remixes or was that just me" ─── @yjuntual on Tumblr, August 17, 2024
"Let's talk about the worst song by far. GOAT was certainly a choice. It's the most generic track on the album. Any rapper can call themselves the goat. It's a jarring disappointment right in the middle of an otherwise decent album. And of course I can't forget the worst part. What on earth possessed Intak to make him think it would be fun to make goat noises on the track? Easiest 0/10 I've ever given." ─── A Rate Your Music review, August 19, 2024
"i know it says ft jc in the title but tell me why i still jumped when i finally heard his voice at the end 😭😭" ─── @GOLDFlNCHS on Twitter, August 20, 2024
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TRACK 005. 태권도 (TAEKWONDO) ft. ANGEL of LUCKY @lvcky0ne
"Did everyone listen to 'Feather' yet? If you didn't, go listen to it now and then come back and tell me what your favorite song is. I like TAEKWONDO. Eolssu~~~~" ─── Byeonghwi via Weverse, August 16, 2024
"not to be overly parasocial or anything but intak and andrew's arguments in the fable dorms must go crazy bc andrew would never write a song like this. open discussion does andrew even know what TAEKWONDO is." ─── @kkotcheoreoms on Twitter, August 17, 2024
"promotions for this album are literally so bad if i wasn't locked in to literally everything lucky does i would've missed out on angel content 😔" ─── @.cheonsarang on Twitter, August 19, 2024
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TRACK 006. BUCK ft. HERO @anqelblccm
"🔥🔥🔥" ─── Mingeun via Instagram stories, August 16, 2024
"you guys don't understand how badly i need a live performance of BUCK hero would eat that shit UP please please please please please" ─── @hrts4hero on Twitter, August 17, 2024
"Ever since Fable's Intak released his mixtape earlier this month, I've been hooked on a handful of the songs. I know everyone likes Fable for their traditional concept, but they have some extremely solid b-sides in their discography. Enter BUCK. Went platinum on my Spotify last week." ─── 'recent underrated bg b-sides you should listen to,' evvnemoon on YouTube, August 27, 2024
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TRACK 007. 무리야 (FLAKER)
"3. FLAKER. Introverted king. He's so me. #intakforpresident2k24." ─── 'ranking every feather song! (nothing to do with sabrina carpenter lol),' @flwrble on TikTok, August 17, 2024
"everyone is clowning intak for putting a song about introversion on an otherwise deep album but i think there's a deeper meaning here where he's trying to be a different person except this is his nature and he can't escape that and anyway it ties back to the wings bc that protagonist is in a pit of self-deception so deep he might as well be six feet under and intak's interpretation moves past that to the slightest glimmer of self-realization like bro looked in the mirror so yes i've connected the dots" ─── @cyb3rn1ghts on Threads, August 18, 2024
"'You're Intak's token extrovert.' I see everyone's listened to FLAKER. You mean his friend. That's how friendship works." ─── Kiyoung via Instagram live, August 20, 2024
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TRACK 008. 날개 (FLY) ft DIAZ of VARSITY @ncrdyboyz and EUNJUN of ARM CANDY @hearthr0b
"idk why but this part of the song always makes me tear up 🥹🥹 fable ur sooo important to me" ─── @berryseop at 1:42 on SoundCloud, August 17, 2024
"Another Feather factoid: The Korean title of FLY is the same as the original title of Yi Sang's novel that inspired the album." ─── @prodbyfable on Twitter, August 17, 2024
"FLY is a dreamy collaboration between Fable's Intak, Varsity's Diaz, and Arm Candy's Eunjun. The trio delighted us with the back-and-forth narrative between Intak and Diaz, paired with Eunjun's smooth vocals. Although a b-side, it definitely has title track potential." ─── '10 of Our Favorite Recent Kpop Collabs' by S Kim for Soompi, August 31, 2024
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"he credited eunsu as eunsu of fable. brb i'm gonna break down NO ONE TALK TO MEEEE 😭😭😭😭" ─── @twosuluvr on Twitter, August 16, 2024
"PUNGGAKJAENGI is a really fun song because every verse is in a different dialect. Jaeseop's uses the Gyeongsang dialect. Although he was raised in Seoul, he was born in Gyeongsan, in North Gyeongsang. Intak's is Jeolla's dialect, given that he considers the South Jeolla province home. Eunsu's uses his Gangwon dialect. As a side note, this might be the first time Eunsu has so openly spoken satoori. If I didn't know he was from Taebaek, I would have thought he was born and raised in Seoul." ─── @prodbyfable on Twitter, August 17, 2024
"crediting the pansori singer as a bunch of question marks is certainly a decision! not sure what they were thinking there" ─── @haksubak on Twitter, August 17, 2024
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iamumbra195 · 9 months
!Spoilers for pretty much all of Teenage Mercenary!
I just need to get my facts down about some of the things going on in the background cause it's confusing to me and I have shitty memory. This is pretty much how I've interpreted everything that is going on, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
Iron is the head of the whole organization that Camp and Forest were a part of. They take in jobs and send them down as orders to either Camp or Forest. Forest was formed after camp and considered inferior to the numbers
None of the numbers know where these orders are coming from and they are currently investigating
They are likely the ones who killed those 26 numbers Ijin disabled during his escape, ordering someone from Forest to do it or directly ordering a traitor number (my theory) to do it because Mad Dog didn't seem to know who killed them that day. They probably killed them because they were becoming too uncontrollable and there was no real leverage they had over them to keep them working for them the way they were doing to Alice with her little brother and Ijin's escape was their best bet to get rid of them all as they were incapacitated and unable to protect themselves
The Camp has completely dissolved at this point in the story and of the 14 still living, we only know 9 so one of the missing five is likely a traitor. Maybe all five of them are and they've been integrated into Forest. 002 doesn't seem to care much about them so it's possible. Or maybe they just died. Who knows?
SW is one of Iron's competitors and is growing relevant in the world of weapons export and war. When Jiye's brother reached out to them to kill Jiye, they were more than happy to do so as that would be a blow to their competitor and would give them a way to destroy SW from the inside if the brother signed a contract with him like he initially wanted to. Ijin obviously ruined this.
The Vorrei Family (which consists of Sophia the blond girl, her brother, and Chairman Andrew) is currently in a contract with Iron but is heavily considering signing a contract with SW and their subsidiary SW defence and whether or not this happens will help with the growth of their weapons export business
This obviously angered Iron and they sent Anna to kidnap Sophia and her brother under the care of SW which would of course ruin the relationship between Chairman Andrew and SW but Ijin ruined this. This created a very good relationship between the Vorrei Family and SW
Alice has infiltrated SW because Iron wants insider information on SW so they could effectively ruin them from the inside, however the mess with the numbers and 004 being a presumptuous little prick (I love him regardless lmao) ruined everything for them
Now the timeline of Ijin's backstory
The plane crashed ten years ago when he was nine (Korean age so technically he was eight and is currently eighteen)
The Camp picked him up from the plane crash and patched him up, forcing him to join the whole training with no memory of himself or his past while speaking in a foreign language. He was trainee #982 out of the initial 1000 ppl that were at the Camp
He met 005 almost immediately after joining
Inhumane training and missions had to have continued at least until he was twelve or thirteen before the initial 1000 was whittled down to a measly group of 40.
During that training, he constantly went against the Camp's teachings, never leaving behind anyone who was injured and taking those who were dying to a peaceful area for them to pass away in rather than dying in the middle of a battlefield. He was punished for it a lot but it made most of the other trainees trust him and see him as their leader. Some of them admired 002 and regarded him as the leader and were later upset when they saw that Ijin was granted the number 001 but 002 was fine with it and followed Ijin's instructions
At some point, Mad Dog assigned him as leader of the numbers and went to kill 016 because he collapsed during a roll call of some kind but Ijin got in his way. They got into a fight and that's when Ijin gave Mad Dog his scar. Mad Dog has hated him since
He remained at camp until he was fourteen and at some point, he had killed a mother and daughter, a memory which stuck with him and traumatized him in a certain way. I believe it also provoked his 'betrayal'.
He disobeyed orders from Camp and Mad Dog sent most of the numbers after him. He incapacitated 26 and some of the other numbers like 006 turned a blind eye to let him escape however they became angry when they were told that he killed the 26 numbers even though he didn't
He was heavily injured and passed out in a river where he was found by Lucas, the mercenary village chief.
All the stuff in the village and the looters (Immortal and his gang) happened and then he became Jin for the next five years. He briefly ran into 018 and that one girl who tried to kidnap Jiye during this time and saved Sophia from her kidnapper. Saving Evelyn and her mother also helped jog his memory and remember his mother telling him "--Jin, I love you" and while the plane was crashing with an oxygen mask on his face, his parents hugged him and told him "--Jin, Mommy and Daddy love you very much." I love the fact that he started to remember after he saved Evelyn and her mom, it's such a nice detail man.
Also, someone thank Grandpa Lucas for trying to protect Ijin from the horrors of being a mercenary despite already knowing he was a child soldier. He bandaged him up after he got injured and told him to take better care of himself, gave him a lot of food and practically raised Ijin for a good chunk of his teenage years. His last message to Ijin (Chp. 163) and Ijin crying for the very first time hit me right in the feels
Ijin met Yeona's dad during his time as Jin and after the dad died, word got back to the Head of SW about Ijin.
Major Kang was attacked six months before canon and because he was Jiye's fiance and this was clearly an opportunity to meet his son's savior (and a potential asset for his developing weapons subsidiary but that's another topic -__-), he hired Jin to save the Major and his troop
I do believe SW was involved in finding Ijin's family both in order to fulfill Yeona's dad's last wish to get Ijin out of the warzone he lived in and because Grandpa Shin is shady af and probably wants to use Ijin. I don't think he's a bad person but he doesn't really have Ijin's best interests in mind. He's a businessman, after all. Good men don't make good businessmen.
Ijin being there has also brought him a ton of opportunities and prevented him from losing his granddaughters and a fuck ton of opportunities if Ijin hadn't been there to save the day so it makes sense that he and Jiye as well, are so adamant about keeping him by their side
But anyway, that pretty much concludes my info dump with a mix of my personal interpretations for now. Like I said before feel free to correct me if I've said something wrong
Now take this random badass panel of my children :)
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comicwaren · 6 months
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From Star Wars: Mace Windu Vol. 2 #002, “Underground”
Art by Georges Jeanty, Dexter Vines and Andrew Dalhouse
Written by Marc Bernardin
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effervescentvesper · 4 months
Henry is Eleven's father? Probably.
Alright, I know its played out, and honestly I've been one of those people denying it, but since the last season's release I've had some time to brew on it and I've decided that I think Henry Is eleven's father.
Let me get this out of the way: Look, I know Andrew Rich exists, being terry's Ives boyfriend in the spin-off novel, Suspicious minds and basically being confirmed (in the book) that he is the father, but honestly that is so boring and he's boring, and its a waste.
Stranger things has always had parallels, so it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to think they'd do a star-wars type thing and reveal it. Not to mention the fact that the spin off novels are more kind of like fanfiction the duffers allowed different authors to write and actually publish, some of the novels and comics have already been de-canonized by season 4 (referring to the ones talking about the others subjects). Which could always mean that he could be completely written out.
I will also point out that Jamie Campbell Bower and Millie Bobby brown share similar facial features, which could always be by accident, but usually casting is done with a certain intent so I don't think it was by mistake.
Also how would it be that eleven, not the youngest subject, not the eldest, just the eleventh would be the most powerful? She wasn't given henrys blood like the others, she gained her powers biologically, and we know that terry was experimented on, which could rebuke this idea, but also keep in mind that Henry's and Elevens powers are extremely similar, and he takes special interest in her.
So Why? Why I ask because 002 is strong, the others too, some of the other subjects could read minds, do arguably more than eleven could at the time, so why'd he pick her? Perhaps pity, which is likely, but could it also be that he felt a connection? a paternal connection, seeing his child, wanting to help, but only from a distance?
I'm also going to add in the fact of Terry's rampage into Hawkins Laboratory; Henry knows about this event, knows about eleven's mother. How does he know who terry is in the first place? Her involvement in the Mk-ultra was covered up, she was able to get into the lab easy before she started killing people, meaning she likely went unrecognized, unknown. Even after the event, everything was covered up, it wasn't like it was common knowledge, even terry's sister didn't know, so why would Henry of all people know?
I seriously doubt he was there to witness the event, and I doubt Doctor Brenner told him, so why would he know terry, and how would he know she was Eleven's mother?
My guess is that henry would've had to known Terry at some point before the rampage, perhaps in passing, or through whatever event that created eleven.
(They also literally never mention Eleven's father in the show, so honestly I'm positive they will get rid of Andrew Rich since he's so inconsequential. )
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viillette · 3 months
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A playlist for Sharon Kay Penman's Welsh Princes Trilogy {Here Be Dragons, Falls The Shadow, The Reckoning}
"She must not laugh. If she did, she'd not be able to stop. Like her mother. So many years ago, but Joanna could still hear her, hear peal after peal of that shrill, hysterical laughter as her mother looked at her, at her bastard child, her 'mistake.' We pay and pay for our sins, she'd gasped. We pay and pay."
001. the rains of castomere by the national, 002. family tree (intro) by ethel cain, 003. mausoleum by rafferty, 004. what you done by lera lynn, 005. soldier, poet, king by hildegard von blingin', 006. queen of peace by florence + the machine, 007. foreigner's god by hozier, 008. thanatos by soap&skin, 009. a lyke wake dirge by matt berninger and andrew bird 010. no place to hide by jace everett, 011. kingdom fall by claire wyndham 012. who shall vigil stand by hildegard von blingin', 013. come what may by the last bison, 014. funeral bell by phildel, 015. family tree by tv on the radio, 016. jenny of oldstones by florence + the machine (L I S T E N)
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hezekiahwakely · 8 months
More detailed notes before the next episode drops. I should see if I can put my silly powers of trivia to work and help edit the wiki.
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Transcribed below the cut:
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TMAGP#002 - Making Adjustments 1/23/24
Sam asking lots of questions 👁️
- What DOES DPHW stand for?
Incident - CAT3RBC1567-23092022-18012024 Transformation (full) -/- dysmorphic [video call]
Listed in transcript as a "case file"
- Accessed by FR3-d1?
Daria and therapist
Ink5oul on Instagram (they/them) -Dubstep -London studio -Livestreaming -Floral serpent tattoo on arm & neck
Daria's paintbrush design -Floral patterns -Unknown, glittering symbols -Started on forearm, then spread across body as she made more + more alterations.
Caught by roommate Sarah.
Gwen + Alice conversation - Breakroom CCTV
Gwen thinks Lena is planning lay-offs, overheard her on phone saying they're "expanding external operations."
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TMAGP#002 Notes con. 1/23/24
Alice thinks it more likely she'll "hire another Sam."
Alice barely speaks to Lena
Gwen desperate for respect, thinks Lena views them as disposable.
Alice's Phone Conversation
28th is payday
Brother, Luke, is in band: Dredgerman.
- Sam knows him
Sam researching the Institute!
Alice trying to dissuade him from getting caught up in this.
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TMAGP#003 - Putting Down Roots 1/28/24
Computers Malfunctioning
.jmj error (!)
Colin doesn't trust/believe in central IT.
- Doesn't like Alice humanizing the PCs.
Colin believes he's the only one who knows the most about the system.
- Believes it's malfunctioning on purpose.
Alice flirts w/Freddie lol
- Also thinks Robert Englund would have made a better Jack from The Shining.
- Horror fan?
Incident - CAT2C8175-03042009-22012024 Infection (full body) -/- arboreal [journal entry] (written by guest writer Graeme Patrick)
Seems to be a police evidence record/email? Gleaned by FR3-d1.
- Case: 1201/19 -Serial #: 72003210 -Collector: Special Constable Caroline Jennings 2911 -Routing to: South-East Evidence Storage - Lewisham
First journal entry dated 07/12/09... eight months ahead of this record (03/04/09)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
Dr. Samuel Webber
- Killed wife, Maddie -> cheated/possibly married w/Gerald Andrews
- Isolated and unappreciated by those around him (in his mind). Lonely driving someone into the arms of Corruption?
Aspects: bombed out church, jasmine, time distortion/separate dimension (isolated), dead whispers, infection, forgiveness/guilt free, love, blooming
- Allotment - (British English) A plot of land rented for individual gardening/farming.
- Lock-up - (British English) A rentable garage (storage locker).
Alice gives correct categorization for this Incident (infection: arboreal)
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TMAGP#003 Notes con. 1/28/24
According to Alice, Sam has "wobbly... little stick legs" and "noodle arms." He is also a "cute wimp."
She wants Sam to go behind Colin's back (stirring the pot?) to IT
He says no and avoids getting involved in the following arguement. [sic]
He can stand up to Alice (wonder what their breakup was like).
Alice is a lot more nasty toxic and resentful than she lets on.
- How much does Gwen actually have to do with the upper class?
Does Alice also want to know what's up w/the PCs?
They're all coffee drinkers
workin' the night shift
Gwen has a party on the 27th (27/01/2024) w/old friend who made partner at a law firm. She feels envious.
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historiavn · 15 days
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╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀UNIVERSE :     Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀CLASSIFICATION  :    Original Character
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀CASTED WITH  :      Luke Newton
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀AVAILABLE CROSSOVERS :      This muse can be written in any fandom, universe, or time period!
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━━━━┅━━     001. ⠀ ⠀BASIC FACTS
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╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀ NAME  :      Augustin Giles André
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀ ALIAS(ES)  :      _
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀TITLE(S)  :      -
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀PRONOUNS  :      He / Him / His
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀SEXUALITY  :      Biromantic Bisexual
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀HOMETOWN  :      Paris, France
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀RESIDENCE  :      Paris, France
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀ LANGUAGE(S)  :      English, French, Italian, German, Spanish.
━━━━┅━━ ⠀ ⠀ 002. ⠀ ⠀ DEMEANOR
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╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS    :      Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising.
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀CHARACTER TRAITS  :
He has a heart of gold, but is nevertheless driven by logic rather than emotion.
Skeptic when it comes to spirituality and the paranormal.
Tends to repress his anger; uses music to work through and process his emotions.
Charming and extroverted when in social situations.
Loyal to loved ones, even to the point of martyrdom.
Selfless, generous, and altruistic.
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀MOST SIMILAR TO  :    Nick Young (Crazy Rich Asians), Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Theodore Laurence (Little Women), Charles Bingley (Pride and Prejudice), Marius Pontmercy (Les Misérables), Horatio (Hamlet), Robert Crawley (Downton Abbey).
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀HOBBIES  :      Playing the Violin, Reading, Swordsmanship, Music Composition, Playing the Piano, Painting, Singing.
╭      ⁞ ❏. ⠀INTERESTS  :   Music, Literature, Poetry, Philosophy, Opera.
━━━━┅━━ ⠀ ⠀ 003. ⠀ ⠀ BACKGROUND
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→ ⠀ Only child born to Monsieur Giles André and Catherine Valois; his mother perished in childbirth, leaving Giles the task of raising the boy alone.
→ ⠀ Began learning the violin at age four; considered an international prodigy by age sixteen due to media publicizing his performances for Queen Victoria and President Grant.
→ ⠀ Attended university at the Royal Academy of Music.
━━━━┅━━ ⠀ ⠀ 004. ⠀ ⠀ HEADCANONS
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→ ⠀ ⠀ -
→ ⠀ ⠀ -
→ ⠀ ⠀-
━━━━┅━━ ⠀ ⠀ 005. ⠀ ⠀ UNIVERSES
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PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ⠀ ⠀(Canonical Timeline)
→ ⠀ ⠀ When Monsieur André and Monsieur Firmin gain joint management of the Opera Populaire, Monsieur André’s only son — Augustin André, the internationally acclaimed violin prodigy currently twenty-one-years of age — joins the Opera Populaire as the pit orchestra’s concertmaster violinist. What begins as an ordinary advancement in his career, however, soon goes awry as the mysterious “Phantom of the Opera” begins interfering in the Opera House’s affairs. Caught up in the chaos of it all, Augustin strives to avoid acquiring the Phantom’s ire lest he become collateral damage, but will he truly manage to escape unscathed?
WIZARDING WORLD ⠀ ⠀(Crossover Timeline)
→ ⠀ ⠀Work In Progress
MODERN ⠀ ⠀(Alternate Timeline)
→ ⠀ ⠀Work In Progress
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nancyxthompsons · 1 year
closed event starter for @drewxjackson location: Founder's Square, Nancy's booth made with the beta editor
"Alright, hun. Here's that burger and fries you ordered and a beer." She said as she handed the customer who was waiting their order and smiled. "There's ketchup, mustard, mayo, and anything else you might want on the side right there, okay? Help yourself." She smiled and wiped her hands as they moved aside and she looked around; finding Andrew standing there. "Drew! Hey." She said and closed to him. "You come to get some food? What do you want? It's on the house." She smiled at him.
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0 notes
(047) Die drei ??? und der giftige Gockel
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»Millionen werden sterben!« flüstert das Unfallofper. Wer ist der Täter? Die drei Detektive schalten sich ein, und ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt! Schon bald merken die drei Freunde, dass sie auf der richtigen Spur sind, denn ihr unbekannter Gegner schlägt zurück ...   
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): Crimebusters 002, 1989, Megan & H. William Stine, Murder To Go Buch (Kosmos): 048, 1990, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 047, 1990
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Schwester Elisabeth, Krankenschwester
Kelly Madigan
"Big" Barney Crown, "Chicken King" und Inhaber einer Fastfood-Kette
Julia Crown, Tochter von Barney Crown
Hauptkommissar Reynolds
Michael Argenti, Inhaber der Fastfood-Kette "Chickobello"
Don Dellasandro, Marktforscher für "Miracle Tastes" (😈)
Peggy Bennington
Sean Fellows, Julias ehemaliger Freund
Maria Gonzales, Julias Freundin aus dem College
Mr. Sweetness, arbeitet für Don Dellasandro
Pandro Mischkin, Spezialist für Geschmacks- und Aromastoffe (😈)
Dick Miller, arbeitet bei der Autoverwertung
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Chicken King, Fastfood-Kette
Chickobello, Fastfood-Kette
Miracle Taste, Firma zur Herstellung von Geschmacks- und Aromastoffen
Beverly Hilton, Hotel
Peters und Bobs Autos werden das erste Mal erwähnt
Bob wird langsam sehr sassy ...
Drippin' Chicken, Ein weißes Chicken-Crown-Brustfilet in einer Teighülle, die goldbraun und knusprig gebacken wird mit Soße.
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Barney Crown: "Hey, [Türöffnen] du gefällst mir, Junge! Hast ordentlich was auf den Knochen, genau wie meine Hähnchen! Hier, zwei Gutscheine für euch. Schönen Dank auch."
Peter: "Spinnst du?! Wieso zerreißt du die Gutscheine?" Justus: "Meine Diät! Gebratenes und Gegrilltes ist für mich streng verboten. Das solltest du doch wissen."
Justus: "Äh, keine Angst, Schwester. Wir ... gehen pünktlich." Schwester Elizabeth: "Das will ich hoffen." Bob: "Sehr freundlich, die Dame."
Schwester Elizabeth: "Allmählich ödet es mich an, dass sie jede halbe Stunde anrufen und nach Julia Crown fragen. Ich habe noch mehr Patienten." Bob: "Die ist ja glänzender Laune."
Peter: "Sag mal, was hast du da gesagt? Ich bin ein guter Fahrer? Wow! Ein Kompliment von Justus Jonas. Und ausgerechnet jetzt hab ich keinen Zeugen." Justus: "Na also, ich dachte eigentlich eher an die Kosten für den Druck neuer Geschäftskarten."
Justus: "Oh, die Dinger sehen fabelhaft aus!" Peter: "Sag mal, spinnst du? Da kann Gift drin sein!" Justus: "Hä?" Peter: "Stopf sie in deine Hosentasche." Justus: "Was?!" Peter: "Im Papierkorb würde man sie finden, also mach' schon!" Justus: "Und deine Hose?" Peter: "Die ist zu hell, das wird man sofort sehen."
Peter: "Na? Wetten, dass auch Sweetness hinter der Aktentasche her ist?" Justus: "Mann, das nenne ich eine beachtliche Schlußfolgerung! Hattest du irgend welche Gehirn-Nahrung zum Frühstück?"
Justus: "Es stellte sich nämlich heraus, dass diese Substanz möglicherweise karzinogen ist." Bob: "Was?!" Peter: "Was heißt denn das?" Bob: "... Krebserregend."
Don Dellasandro: "Jetzt müssen wir reinen Tisch machen." Bob: "Mit einem Revolver."
Happy Meal Justus macht Diät
Aufgelegt! Der Anrufer legt einfach auf und das wir kommentiert!
Tritt drauf! Peter muss schneller / langsamer fahren, je nachdem, was schlechter ist
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Barney Crown: "Das ist Pandro Mischkin. Er ist Spezialist für Geschmacks- und Aromastoffe. Er leitet die Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung. Und wenn er sich in dem Job bewährt, bringe ich ihm die übrigen 24 Buchstaben des Alphabets auch noch bei, Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa!"
Justus: "Mister Sweetness arbeitet für Sie, richtig? Der Bursche in der Militäriacke." Don Dellasandro: "Mister Sweetness! Ein wahrhaft passender Name. Ja, er ist mein Mann. "
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