unblogparaloschicos · 2 years
TV: Andrew Van De Kamp
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SI “Desperate Housewives” (2004-2012, ocho temporadas) hubiera tenido lugar en estos años, sin duda sus fanáticos hubiesen invadido Twitter o YouTube con sesudos análisis e hipótesis sobre los misterios y las ocurrencias de las protagonistas que emergen desde ese mundo aparentemente maravilloso llamado Wisteria Lane. En su momento fue un show que destrozaba convencionalismos por su tratamiento sobre el rol de la mujer de principios del siglo XXI. Una cita semanal de mirada casi obligatoria en que el humor negro, la tragedia y los apuntes de cotidianeidad sirvieron de condimento a una historia por demás atrayente.
Un suicidio inicia esta travesía: el de Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong), que con su acto deja boquiabiertas a sus cuatro amigas, protagonistas de esta aventura. Todas ellas con vidas y personalidades distintas: la naif Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), divorciada y con una hija adolescente a cargo; la madre múltiple y siempre al límite Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman); la sexy latina casada con un exitoso millonario Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria), la madre-esposa obsesivamente perfecta Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross) y la extremadamente sensual y rival del grupo, casi una antagonista en sí misma, Edie Britt (Nicolette Sheridan).
Andrew, interpretado por Shawn Pyfrom, es un personaje problemático y en guerra constante con Bree, su madre, de la cual aborrece su personalidad perfeccionista y la relación tirante con su padre, con el cual mantiene una relación de complicidad.. hasta que descubre su infidelidad y, posteriormente, que éste es asesinado por uno de los pretendientes de su madre. Allí todo se desbarranca hasta un punto en que Bree lo abandona en medio de la ruta tras, entre otras delicias, atropellar a la suegra de Gabrielle con su auto nuevo (algo de lo que no se arrepiente) y acostarse con Peter MacMilland (Matthew Hammond), uno de los amoríos de su progenitora, consciente de que éste es un adicto al sexo.
Andrew desciende hacia la indigencia, posición en la que le encuentra su madre al verlo en una entrevista televisiva. Atormentada por la culpa, intenta regresarlo a casa, pero el resentimiento de su hijo es más fuerte. Pequeño spoiler: el complicado muchacho disfrutará de una satisfactoria redención que lo verá casado y acompañando a Bree en un emprendimiento personal.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
7, 17, 27, 37, 47
50 oddly specific headcanon asks. 
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7. What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
Being the most embarrassing, Kevin would never reveal this. There isn’t one that outshines others but back when Kevin was nothing more than a kid --- he wanted to be cool like the other kids at school. They would often grab their bikes and skates and gather at a park near the school. Truth be told, Kevin never learned to ride a bike or was capable of using a skate. Nevertheless, he said he could do those things so that he would somehow become closer to the other boys, thus have friends. So they invited Kevin along one day to join them at the park. Grab your bike or your skate and play around with them. Which Kevin sort of did. They decided to make a race around the whole perimeter of the park and Kevin was mortified since he didn’t know how to ride a bike. One of the kids realized that and was ever so quick to mock Kevin for lying and being an eight-year-old unable to ride a bike. As the kids started laughing and mocking him, Kevin felt utterly embarassed and left ( he did drag the bike with him ), never once setting foot on that park or even approaching the other kids at school.
17. Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
No. Kevin doesn’t pray at all. He believes that there’s something out there. Whether is called God or Zeus or whatever --- there’s something else. He knows that much considering all the things he had already seen and experienced. However, that doesn’t make him a believer. In fact, it revolts him ever further. If there is a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful, a God that believes in good... why there is so much suffering in the world? So no, he does not pray to a sadistic entity that views Mankind as nothing more than real-life Sims.
27. If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
Obviously YES. Why wouldn’t he? Not like he’s afraid of heights or anything. Plus --- felines always land on their feet.
37.Did your muse ever own a Tamagatchi?
No, he had never owned one. Kevin never felt the appeal of taking care of a virtual pet that eats and shits every five minutes. Erik found those oddly entertaining and owned a couple. He even suggested Kevin take care of one. His interest showed by how the damn virtual pet was dead at the end of the day. 
37. Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
Any song coming from Marilyn Mason and ‘Sweet Dreams’ by the Eurythmics.  He will deny knowing the lyrics of ‘Hakuna Matata’ and ‘Let it Go’ from Disney. 
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torturedbrxs · 4 years
@andrewvandekamp​ // Sean & Andrew
This was one of the few times that Sean had Andrew all to himself. He’d invited his Chief of Staff over to his place for a strategy session and planned to cook. “So Mr. Van de Kamp... can I interest you in some wine?” Sean asked with a smile as he got two glasses out for them along with a bottle from the fridge. He’d gotten the bottle special for tonight, so he was hoping that Andrew would at least have some of it. “I was hoping you’d like pasta. It’s one of the things I can manage making on my own.” He’d already plated and served it, the meal for the two of them now resting on his kitchen table. 
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assfcrdays · 4 years
find me at @andrewvandekamp (kinda. working a lot.)
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itsambersworld · 9 years
I just started watching Desperate Housewives and I'm so obsessed with the show. It's really amazing. I dislike some characters but I really hate Andrew. He's such an annoying brat. Am I the only one who hates this character??
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
👄 – to share a kiss under the mistletoe with my muse
Winter Holiday Symbols
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“OH, FOR FUCK’S SAKE.” Kevin despised Christmas. He hated the cheerful carols being sung, the ugly sweaters, the overkill when it came to candies, and the fake smiles all around the room. While the festivities were bliss for everyone else --- he hated them. Christmas at the Deaver’s household was not like most people. Nothing but fake smiles and putting up with appearances for the guest's sake. There were no happy memories when it came to it. Not then and definitely not now. 
BUT LEAVE IT FOR ERIK TO CONVINCE HIM. To attend the annual Van de Kamp Christmas party. The Van de Kamps were old friends of his parents. Bree Van de Kamp was actually a very good friend of their late mother too. And Kevin hated it. It was a whole session of flashbacks coming to mind, one right after the other. The Stepford Wives vibe, the pearl necklaces, the eggnog, the decorations... everything about it left him a sour taste on his mouth. Enough to make him want to vomit. But Erik was happy. Shaking hands. Exchanging smiles...
SHIT. Kevin rolled his eyes and abandoned the main portion of the gathering, choosing a quiet place by the kitchen where his only company was the vintage Scotch in his hand. How he hated Christmas. And it would seem that he wasn’t the only one tired of that bullshit. Andrew --- that was his name right --- was also there. Alone and sulking in the kitchen, probably too damn tired to deal with the pretenses of everything being utterly perfect when things probably weren’t.
A FEELING KEVIN KNEW FAR TOO WELL. “Rough night?” Bringing his glass to his lips, Kevin approached the younger man. He could see the same rebellious glint on the other man’s eyes that he once had when he was younger. How they despised that sort of thing. That theater put for other people to see and enjoy. A full-on fucking circus. “I know the feeling. I’ve been there too. It doesn’t get better. You can only pray to move out and then come up with excuses to avoid attending this sort of thing.”
EYES SCANNED THE ROOM AND FOR A MOMENT, KEVIN’S FINGERS SEEMED TO TENSE AROUND HIS GLASS. RIght above the two of them, a mistletoe had been placed. Who the fuck hangs mistletoe in the damn kitchen? Maybe a feeble attempt to avoid people swapping spit all over the house. “Know what that means, right?” Men. Women. Old or young. Kevin couldn’t be bothered by such technicalities. The only good thing about Christmas was probably the damn mistletoe.
LEANING DOWN, HIS LIPS ARE PRESSED GENTLY AGAINST ANDREW’S. A gentle pressure, maybe just the tip of his tongue designed to taunt the younger man a little bit. Bree would have a stroke if she saw her son kissing another man under her roof --- and that sort of made things even more entertaining. So Kevin prolonged the kiss for a while longer, making sure to bite down Andrew’s bottom lip as he pulled away. “Maybe this party is not a full loss. Just... maybe.”
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
What makes you terrifying and dangerous?
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Your Mystery
Your mystery is terrifying...
You keep to yourself, no one really knows anything about you. The mystery surrounding you is both scary and alluring, which is your power. People don't know you, they don't know what you're capable of, and because of this they likely won't push you. And on the flip side, most people will do a lot of what you say to, in hopes of being the one person who knows something about you.
You can be whoever you want to be, whenever you want. You could be the shy but nice person, the creepy person, the cool if reckless person, and all because no one knows you. All you need to do is suggest at things, and people will believe you.
As my dad told me... Mystery is power.
tagged by: @wrathfulmercy ( thank yooooou )
tagging: @enduringalpha @brycecousland @andrewvandekamp @xwolfbonds @mercyprevaild @sxmebrxs ( flynn ) @lotcria ( sebastian ) @norighteouspath @theregoesthebellhop @hcartcfstcne @trashedrps ( leon ) @the-soldier-and-the-reporter​ ( billy ) + whoever wants some of this.
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