#andy and provenza get old
mimine666 · 5 months
I saw a few months / years ago a post on Tumblr with this picture. It started inspiring me. And then, I passed in front of a Swaroski where they had kind of the same thing in display. I had to write it.
And since now it's Chrismas Eve, enjoy !
The 3 Raydor's kids were huddled in front of their mother's office, flabbergasted. "Is-that…" Started Emily, not believing what she was seeing. Mike Tao, surprised by the gathering, came to see what was going on. He saw the 3 little ornaments on his boss's desk and couldn't contain an « Ah » before biting his lips, trying to control his laughter.
"What's the matter, Tao?" Asked Sanchez, getting up. In less than a minute, the whole Major Crime Unit was gathered in front of Sharon Raydor's office.
"Did you see the cute little trees Andy gave me?" Sharon followed her daughter's gaze and asked, joy on her face and glitter in her eyes when she looked at the man. Those words caused a round of bulging eyes and snickering. "What's going on?" Asked the captain, feeling that something was off.
"You gave her that?! In the office?" Nearly yelled Provenza at Andy, causing even more snickering from Julio and Buzz. Tao was red in the face from trying not to laugh out loud, and so were Ricky and Emily.
"What?" Asked Andy, looking at Provenza. "WHAT?!" He repeated, seeing everyone laughing. "I'm not allowed to give her something pretty? I'm not allowed to give her a gift before Christmas, now? What's the matter, I went to buy some jewelry at Swarovski for Nicole and I saw them. The 3 little trees and the angel. And I know she loves Christmas…"
"You bought that at Swarovski?!" Asked at the same time Emily and Sykes, incredulous.
"Yeah, why?" He asked, starting to get agitated, gesticulating. "Isn't that pretty enough? I know what you all think but listen, what we are to each other is none of your business. So butt out!"
The room erupted in laughter, letting both Andy and Sharon look at each other, not really understanding what was going on. "Don't tell me you didn't notice" stated Ricky, pointing at the little Christmas trees with his chin.
Sharon took one in her hand, moved it around before saying "Oh" while flicking the switch underneath. The ornament, made of glass, started to shine, little lights moving inside like shooting stars. "Oh my god, Andy.." she started, amazed before Rusty interrupted her, taking the thing out of her hand and throwing it on her desk.
"Seriously Mom." She looked at him, puzzled. He was red beet on the face and seemed mad as Hell. Andy looked as incredulous as she felt while all the others seemed ready to burst out laughing.
"What? What?" She said, noting, not for the first time, that she was starting to sound more and more like Andy.
"It's a fucking butt plug, Mom?" Nearly yelled Rusty before leaving the room with an "I can't believe it".
"A butt plug? Like for incontinent people?" She asked, even more lost.
Emily and Ricky looked at each other, at the same time amused and lost. They looked at the other's in the room for help. Tao raised his hands up in surrender before leaving the room. Sanchez was laughing so hard tears were running down his cheeks and Provenza just shook his head.
"Seriously, what is going on?" Asked Andy. "Is this really something you put in your bum when you have diarrhea? Like a Tampax?" He said, sounding disgusted.
Provenza spun around, grabbed one of the little trees and shoved it in his chest. "It's a fucking sex toy, you idiot!"
"Oh" said both Sharon and Andy, in unison. The lieutenant gave the little tree to the captain, who finally understanding its purpose, threw it on her desk.
Ricky was laughing quietly. "You seriously didn't know?" he asked, surprised. He knew his mom was quite old school but he thought with her job… but Andy, he was sure the guy knew.
"No." They said, looking at each other, searching and finding only honesty in each other's gaze. Flynn moved back toward the desk and picked an ornament. "Why would you put that in someone's ass? That seems so …"
"Uncomfortable" finished Sharon.
Emily, who had a bit enough of her mothers prudishness. "Mom, it's used to open your butthole to …"
"Have anal sex, yeah I understood, thank you." Said Sharon, primly. "What happened to just using lube and fingers…" she said with a flick of the wrist, dismissing the idea.
"Young people nowadays, they don't want their hands dirty but they sure want to fuck like in a movie." Said Andy, shaking his head. He moved to the desk, collecting the little trees and storing them in his pocket before leaving the room followed by Sharon.
The two young adults looked at each other, stunned. Maybe they underestimated their mother.
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milquetoast-on-acid · 7 years
Final Cut, A Reactionary Post
Major Crimes S2xE01, Episode Review There's a new Bitch in Town
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What this episode is about: Stroh's Trial Enter Emma Rios Emma Verses Sharon and Rusty What she like? Sharon handles Rusty Andy and Provenza, tales of growing older The Last Member of his academy class Why are you walking like a clown Sharon/Andy & Emma/Julio Parallels
Stroh’s Trial
Enter Emma Rios DDA prosecuting Phillip Stroh. Here's my question. If she's the DDA prosecuting Phillip Stroh...why is she involved in all of these other cases throughout the season? She seems to make a splash in very different ways. Julio is instantly in love. And follows her around like a little puppy dog throughout much of the season. She is also rather squeamish, which is an odd thing for a lawyer who works at the DA's office. 
She acts like she's very used to getting her own way. On cases and many other things. She's hard on Rusty. And has a hard time actually seeing people. People who have feelings. 
And I love the look Mike gives him.
Emma verses Sharon and Rusty
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What's she like? I love this face that Sharon gives Rusty. Sharon is fantastic at not giving anything away. And skips right over the question. So when Sharon answers with "Lt Provenza and I will both be right there with you." He sees right through her.
"A Whorfin" So I get Emma grilling Rusty about things the defense may ask him. And being tough on him is not necessarily a bad thing. Because part of her is right the defense will be hard on him as well and he needs to be ready for that. But what's not okay is straight up name calling him. And it's bullshit for her to say it, it's bullshit for her to suggest that the defense is going to call him that. If you are a respectable lawyer you may may accusations and suggest things but you won't call the opponents names.
I love that Rusty called Emma an asshole. It's a nice comparison to when Rusty grows up some in season 5b. He's opposite Linda Rothman and gives her the middle finger. Rusty's still the same Rusty but his anger is tempered to what it once was.
"Don't interrupt me." So far Sharon has held her tongue but Emma has pushed just one step too far.  I get that Emma may think that Sharon's much too close to Rusty and that it puts the changes of winning their case at risk. But Emma's going to have to get over that. Because Sharon isn't ever going to let that boy go, unless he wants to, or it's in his best interests.  
The thing about Emma is that she doesn't see people, she doesn't consider or see their feelings. And Rusty is someone that she doesn't know. At this point, Sharon and Rusty have been living together for a year and Sharon knows him probably better than anyone else. Rusty is a willful and stubborn boy who is still at that point and could leave if pushed too hard. Not to mention that, Sharon is the only reason why he's even participating in the trial. 
And the other point I'd like to make out is that cases won't always go the way you want them to. And there are things you will have to work around or factor. They aren't always going to go so easily. Emma strikes me as a smart girl but someone who's also had everything handed to her on a nice neat plate.  
"What ever happened to professional distance and good old fashioned foster care?" I love how Sharon is first shown as someone who is very professionally distant and emotional detached. But as we get to learn more about her - that isn't who she really is inside. Sharon tries to be emotionally distant (for professional and personal reasons) but she's really someone who cares too deeply and ends up getting attached rather easily. 
My point being is that the emotional distant Sharon is a facade she uses to protect herself but it only works for so long. It's something we seen with Brenda and now we are seeing it with Rusty. Despite Brenda pushing Sharon away and thinking she was just being annoying. Sharon persisted and pushed Brenda to see that she needed a lawyer and that their was someone in her division she couldn't trust. And why? Sharon didn't have to push so hard. She could have just done her job at finding the leak and auditing her division. But it was because she cared for Brenda.
"Is that a knock on me wanting to interview your foster son today?" She's very much used to getting her own way on things. I feel like she started someone where in a smaller department and bulldozed her way through it. And now she's working on the big Stroh trial and Major Crimes and she's trying to prove herself but she's not going about it the right way. She's so confident that she's right about certain things that she has blinders on and miss things that others with experience can see.
"One of the nice things about me, DDA Rios is that when I'm really unhappy about something people never have to ask." Get set Emma. When Sharon is truly pissed it's not the yelling that you have to look out for. It's that deadly smile. It's the same smile Sharon gives Sharon Beck when she finds out that Sharon B. asked Rusty to prostitute for her. I think my favorite part of the scene besides the satisfaction of seeing Sharon wipe the floor with Emma. Is Taylor's reactions. 
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His oh shit face. Then his little laugh of amusement.
"Take a lot of meetings at night?" Here we get another hint that Jack cheated on Sharon during their marriage.
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Mike snapping that glove. Like he's going to violate the man. Like Mike is not a scary man. But I could believe that if  in an alternative universes that all of the squad were killers. Mike would probably come up with the most painful death. Like some crazy insane acid that would burn you from the inside out. 
Here comes Asshole Taylor
Let's threaten Sharon. Yet again. This time it's threatening her with removing her foster child from her home. Can he legally do that? Can he legally remove him from her home?
Sharon handles Rusty Sharon has had to learn out to deal with Rusty. In a way that won't scare him away. She has to treat him with kid gloves at times. She can't go in talking to him and telling him that if he doesn't talk he will be taken away. That will just shut him down. Instead she tells him that it's really about him doing the right thing. Even when it's so hard for him to talk about his life on the streets. "We don't just arrest people anymore. Emma. We help get them convicted." One thing that I did like about Taylor in this. Was him not backing Emma when she was so eagar beaver to go to trial.
Andy and Provenza, tales of growing older
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I just love this shot. Who ever did photography in this episode. A+!
The last member of his academy class still on the job
Poor Provenza, he's feeling kind of lost I think. As the only one of left from his academy class still working. It's interesting Provenza later starts a retirement fund with his new printer. A fund for retirement that probably won't ever happen. 
Retirement has been a subtle thread for Provenza since this season. Although I think that Intersection is the only time I only felt it from him. That he could possibly retire. Like Andy, I don't think Provenza would know what to do with himself (or who he is) without his job. Even Andy calls him out on it. He'd be bored AF. 
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"Why are you walking like a clown?" Gotta love Provenza! I don’t remember recalling Provenza saying that to him. Andy looks like such a dork walking around Provenza like that. But an adorable one. 
also...how could I have missed this line!?
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"My doctor has a problem with my health I get my xray's touched up." haha! Typical Provenza! He's such a cheater.
Sharon/Andy & Emma/Julio Parallels
I never noticed this but...
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I always thought that Andy’s dopey look here was more Tony than Andy but now I’m not so sure. Seems pretty deliberate now. Especially now that I’m seeing so many parallels between the couples now. 
"Low low family discount of 5 cents per page." Celebrity threat division I love how Amy can drum up some really great bullshit the suspects/witness' buy right into. "How could I have forgotten that?" This guy's head is so far up his own ass that he didn't even remember that his wife was pregnant. Great dad there!
What I don't like: There really isn’t much that I don’t like about this episode. Nothing really comes to mind. 
What I like: I like that there is a new cast member and that she's female and a poc. There are not enough female characters on this show. I like them adding another antagonist. 
It’s a interesting enough case to start the season on. There is a lot of stuff going on with the squad. There are different plots and character storylines that get their subtle start here there run throughout the rest of the season (and some beyond). It’s nice that we get more plotlines here than just Rusty Beck’s life. 
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Also that this episode was directed by a woman. That’s B’Elanna Torres to all of you Trek folks out there. Who got her start directing on...Voyager. ;)
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mksc77 · 4 years
A little World Series celebration/Halloween fic :) Hope y’all like it! 💜
"Hi, you guys," Sharon greeted as Provenza and Patrice followed Andy onto the back porch. She nodded at the bottle of wine in Patrice's hands. "Ahh, this is why we're friends. You bring gifts."
"I got red so Louie wouldn't drink half of it," Patrice murmured as she gave her the bottle. "I've gained a few pounds with all of this isolation and have been drinking more than normal, so I'm trying to cut back."
"So have I," Sharon agreed, "but tonight will have to be an exception. My nerves are already shot, and the game hasn't even started." October had been a crazy month for sports. Sharon nor Andy were basketball fans, but with a local team playing in the NBA finals, they'd watched most of the games and had been excited for a Lakers championship. And admittedly had the best sex they'd ever had afterward. The World Series had started just a few days later, and it seemed like they'd spent most of the month glued to the TV. With neither couple having ventured out in the last week or so, they'd decided that a socially-distanced, outdoor viewing of the game together would be reasonably safe.
Andy was watching the pregame coverage on TV. "Damn, I miss Vin Scully. Baseball still hasn't been the same without him."
Sharon rolled her eyes. "Oh, god, here we go. There better not have to be a seventh game, because I don't think I can handle another night of Scully mourning."
"The man was a legend!" Andy protested.
"Honey, it's been a couple of years since he retired. I think it's about time to get over it."
"Blasphemy," Andy muttered.
By the Fifth Inning, the game was looking grim. "I feel like I'm watching a little girl's t-ball game," Provenza complained.
Sharon raised an eyebrow. "You clearly never saw any of Emily's games. She was probably the only five-year-old in history to turn t-ball into a contact sport. I was actually relieved when she was a little older and decided to give up other activities to put more time into ballet."
Andy shook his head. "Shocking."
"Wait a minute, what's happening?" Provenza asked when the Rays coach trotted out to the pitcher's mound. "Surely, he's not taking out Snell? He's only allowed two hits all night!"
Andy shrugged. "I wouldn't complain. He's made our guys look like they've never held a bat before."
Provenza sipped his wine. "I'm not complaining, either, but this would have to be the dumbest call—yep, there he goes. This is about to be a gamechanger…He's putting Anderson in? He's been pathetic all month!"
"Did Cash bet against his own team or something?" Andy asked. "It's like he's trying to lose this game."
True to their prediction, Betts almost immediately hit a double down the left field line. After a wild pitch and another hit, the score had turned from a 1-0 deficit to a 2-1 lead in just a few plays.
"There are the boys I know and love," Sharon commented, finishing off her glass of wine and pouring another.
By the last inning, with the Dodgers up by two and one out away from winning the game, Provenza massaged two fingers against his chest. "I don't know if it's the wine or this game that's giving me heartburn. Do you know where my little purple pills are?" He asked Patrice.
"Yeah, in the cabinet right beside your little blue ones," Patrice answered, without hesitation.
"A simple yes would've sufficed," Provenza grumbled.
Andy laughed, and Sharon just focused on her wine glass, trying not to laugh, herself. "I hope there's some Xanax in there somewhere, too," Sharon whispered to Patrice.
"No, that's in my purse." Patrice rolled her eyes. "I'm not above crushing some into his wine glass when he leaves it unattended."
Rusty looked confused. "What's the big deal about blue pills—oh, gross," he whined, connecting the dots.
"Okay, come on, one more strike," Sharon murmured, looking back at the TV. "All right!" Everyone except Rusty jumped up and cheered, yelling and high-fiving. Rusty didn't get the baseball obsession and just watched.
"As much as I'd love to stay and celebrate, it's time to shift the focus to a different variety of balls," Provenza said, indicating for Patrice to get up. "If we don't get home soon, I really might need one of those blue pills, but we're celebrating, one way or the other."
"Do we have to hear this?" Rusty complained.
"It can't be unheard," Andy lamented. "There goes any desire I had to celebrate." Patrice's Viagra jab had been funny, but the following dialogue had been a boner-killer if he'd ever heard one.
"Ewwww, not you, too!" Rusty fled into the house before his gag reflex could be tested any further.
Sharon, a little affected by the night's wine consumption, just laughed helplessly at Provenza's eagerness to get home and Andy's and Rusty's disgust. When the Provenzas were gone, she ran a bath and got one more glass of wine. She'd expected Andy to join her in the bath, as she hadn't thought he'd been serious about his own desire to "celebrate" being gone, but when she got out and found him reading in bed, she was a little disappointed. Still wrapped in her robe, she nibbled at his ear and moved to his neck, thinking she just needed to get things started herself, but Andy shook his head. "Not tonight. I won't be able to do anything without Provenza being in my head, and that's just weird."
"Oh, come on, Andy, the Dodgers just won the World Series for the first time in decades, and in the same month as an NBA championship! When will we have this chance again?"
"I don't know, but not tonight," Andy answered dramatically.
"You can call all the shots," Sharon pleaded. "Whatever you want."
Andy shook his head, unmoved.
Sharon shrugged. "All right, fine." The question wasn't whether or not they were having sex tonight, she would see to it that they did, the question was just how to get there. Her first impulse was to reach for the navy chemise that he could never resist, but something about the situation wanted her to make it a little more challenging than that. Instead, she pulled one of Andy's Dodger's t-shirts over her head and slipped on a pair of panties she knew he loved. "I'm cleaning out my closet tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and rearrange some things if we're not doing anything else."
Seeing that Sharon was just in one of his old t-shirts, Andy was relieved that she wasn't going to try to seduce him, so he let his guard down. He went back to his book, but couldn't help but watch her out of the corner of his eye. Damn, those legs. They fucked him over every damn time. He admittedly quivered a bit when she stood on her tiptoes and reached for something at the top of her closet and he could see the lacy, rose-colored panties he loved for her to wear peeking out from under the hem of his t-shirt. Closing his book, his attention was now on her entirely, as he still felt safe from her trying to get him in the mood. He could just enjoy the view and leave it at that. Or not. He was done for when she bent over to put something on a bottom shelf. "All right, fine, you win. Let's do it."
Sharon turned to look at him, wide-eyed and the picture of innocence. "What? I think if I've put on an old t-shirt and am cleaning out my closet, you can assume that the moment has passed."
"Please," it was Andy's turn to beg, "whatever you want. And I'll make sure you finish, one way or the other."
Sharon pretended to think it over. "I mean, if you really want to…"
"Yes. Please. And I'll do the dishes and laundry for a week. And I'll wear that godawful chimney sweep costume for Halloween."
"Deal." Sharon bit back a smile as she pulled her t-shirt over her head. Did she know this man, or what? He was so damn easy.
The next morning, Sharon woke up in Andy's arms, which didn't happen all that often. She wasn't a cuddly sleeper, much to Andy's dismay, but she hadn't had the energy to push him off of her during the night.
"Hey," Andy mumbled, feeling her start to stir against him. Eyes still closed, he tightened his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.
"Hey." Sharon yawned and nuzzled into his shoulder. "I'm still a little weak in the knees after last night, I've gotta say."
Andy kissed the top of her head. "That makes two of us. Damn. We even scared Poppy out of the room."
On Halloween morning, Sharon was reading in the swing on the porch while Rusty studied at the table nearby. Andy walked up the back steps after working in the yard. "What do you want to do for lunch?"
Sharon looked at her watch. "It's 10:00, honey, I haven't gotten that far yet."
"It's only 10:00?" Andy wasn't adjusting to retirement very well. Being confined to the house did not suit him at all. Sharon wasn't a sedentary person, by any means, but she was better at finding things to do and setting personal goals for herself to keep her occupied than he was. She'd been exercising and meditating more than she'd ever had time for before, and while Andy worked out, he still had trouble filling his days.
"Afraid so." Sharon eyed the pumpkins lining the porch steps. "Why don't we carve the pumpkins? That'll be fun, and it'll take some time."
"Anything to distract me from Trademark Law," Rusty agreed. "I'm about to lose my damn mind."
Andy shrugged. "Sure, why not?"
"Nothing gross, Andy," Rusty warned.
Andy tilted his head. "So breasts are out of the question?"
"Mo-om!" Rusty complained.
Sharon rolled her eyes. "Both of you, stop torturing each other!" They had been driving her insane for the last few months.
A little while later, Andy was the last to finish his pumpkin. Sharon and Rusty had taken traditional approaches, but Andy had taken a different direction. "This is my general attitude toward this whole year," he grinned, turning his pumpkin around.
"Wha—Andy!" Sharon shrieked with laughter when she saw "fuck off" carved into his pumpkin. "But you're not wrong about that."
Late that afternoon, Sharon was putting the finishing touches on her Mary Poppins costume. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss last year's costume arrangement," Andy lamented, referencing a bet he'd lost with his commanding officer which resulted in a terrible costume for him, but a low-cut, form-fitting dress of a costume for Sharon, which he was always on board for. There was no party this year, but they were planning to sit at the end of their driveway with their neighbors and cocktails for those who imbibed, which was about as close to a costume party as they could get. "Was there not at least a sexy Mary Poppins option?" he whined, indicating her high-necked white blouse and knee-length black skirt. "Halloween is a good excuse to get away with being revealing, but I'm getting nothing from this."
"Oh, really? I guess that makes my night a little less taxing, then." Sharon leaned closer to the bathroom mirror to apply her lipstick. Shocking no one, Andy had honed in on her ass and otherwise barely seemed to notice she was in the room. He was so full of shit. Men. She gave him a knowing look. "But you know you can always sweep my chimney any time."
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ila9182 · 4 years
Hey! Shandy + 3. Thank youuu!
Hey anon, thank you so much for sending me this prompt ask! It’s an AU set in the Closer era, somewhere around season 7. I hope you will enjoy it!!
As always, mistakes are all mine.
For anyone who wants to send an ask, here is my post with the prompt list. Feel free to send me your request! Thank you so much!
3. “You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy. I’ve got you, love.”
Casualties at a crime scene, officers involved was the only communication Sharon had received from Lieutenant Staples. She had merely nodded, aware of the gravity of the matter and let out a sigh. She put down her purse and sat at her desk again. She needed to wait for some more updates to know if her presence at the crime scene was required. It was going to be a long night and Sharon knew that she wouldn’t go home any time soon. So much for her cozy evening with take-out food, cuddled on the couch with Andy…
Sharon smirked at the thought, Lieutenant Andy Flynn… They had been secretly together for more than a year. Their relationship had started as an uncomplicated one, just two coworkers unwinding after work, but before they had even realized, feelings had gotten in the way and all of a sudden they were discussing how much place they needed in each other’s closet for a change of clothes and essentials. Who would have thought that the hotheaded Lieutenant Flynn would show himself to be a loving and considerate boyfriend?
Her phone vibrated, interrupting Sharon’s train of thought and she froze when she read the text. It was a merely official communication but it was enough to stop her breathing, Major Crimes division involved, it said. Her mind went blank for a few seconds before she hurriedly looked for Andy’s number on her phone and called him.
Pick up, please, Sharon repeated in her mind like a mantra. Her heart thudded with each unanswered ring and when Andy’s phone went finally to voicemail, she felt like her heart skipped a beat. Sharon slowly stood from her chair, not really trusting her legs. She was shaking, her whole body was. She took a deep breath as her trembling hands reached for her trench coat. She put it on and grabbed her purse. She couldn’t wait for new updates, she couldn’t stay secluded in her office as the day could turn to be one of the worst of her life. With one last glance at her desk, she hurriedly walked out, her phone still in her hand.
Once in the elevator, Sharon tried to call Andy again. Pick up, please.It rang and rang and rang and each time, her heart rate hitched up another two beats. Her panic grew and her control began to crack. Her call remained unanswered and Sharon felt dizzy at the thought that maybe… She couldn’t bring herself to think that way. Sharon drew in a shaky breath and put her phone in the pocket of her trench coat as she opened her car door and got in.
The crime scene was crowded. The blue and red flashing lights of the ambulances and police cars pierced the dark night. Paramedics and police officers blended into one crowd going back and forth aimlessly. Sharon had received a few updates during the drive, none of these satisfying. She had learnt very little; gunfire during a suspect’s apprehension, at least one death and two injured. Sharon got out of the car and jogged to the yellow tape delimiting the area.
Please God, let him be okay, please was the only thought echoing in her mind.
Here she was, Captain Sharon Raydor, head of the FID showing up flustered at a crime scene. She was an idiot, she surely looked ridiculous. She could already picture the rumors going around the office about Captain Raydor losing it at a crime scene. She couldn’t allow that. She needed to look unperturbed, so she took a deep breath and put her brave face on, even though she felt like she was dying inside.
Sharon glanced towards the street to what seemed to be the suspect’s house. She saw Julio stepping out of the house, a hand on his shoulder. Provenza was right after him, shaking his head, as he joined Julio and put a hand on his coworker’s other shoulder to stop the detective in his rant. Brenda walked to the two men and talked briefly with Julio, probably convincing him to get checked. Sharon’s assumption was right because it took a few more minutes before Brenda led the detective toward an ambulance. Sharon’s panic grew when she spotted the mortuary van, but she shook her head in an attempt to keep her emotions in check and went back staring at the house. That was when she saw him. Andy. He was walking out of the house, Tao supporting him under the arm. Andy didn’t seem to agree with the extra support and he seemed to be complaining, but Sharon couldn’t help but notice that Andy stood hunched and that his right upper arm seemed to be injured. Sharon stood on her tiptoes trying to see over the crowd and get a better look at Andy. A paramedic had joined the two men and now Andy was gesturing frantically with his uninjured arm. He was cursing, no doubt about it. He then lifted his gaze and looked toward the street. That was when his eyes met hers. Sharon knew Andy had seen her, the faint smile crossing his features only confirming it. She nodded to him before taking a few steps back and walking back to her car.
“Sharon?” Andy called to her as soon as he opened the front door of the condo. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, leaving the keys on the console in the foyer. “Sharon?”
Andy had tried to call her as soon as he was back to the PAB after he got checked at the hospital – Chief had insisted, threatening him with desk duty if he would have refused. Sharon didn’t answer any of his calls, so he decided to join her at the condo as they had agreed on the day before. Andy was glad he had convinced Provenza he was able to drive home with his own car – asking jokingly Provenza to tuck him up in bed had been a great way to discourage the older Lieutenant from driving Andy home.
Andy heard the sound of a sliding door and saw Sharon come in, closing the balcony door behind her. “Hey…” Andy greeted her with a small smile.
“Hey…” Sharon replied in a soft whisper. She didn’t near him. She stood motionless, studying Andy in silence. He had taken his leather jacket off and she immediately noticed the dried blood and the tear on the right sleeve of his grey shirt. She could spot the white bandage wrapped around his upper arm and she sighed. It’s just a graze, Sharon, she repeated to herself, hoping it would make the lump in her throat disappear.
“I’m okay, Sharon. Bullet just grazed my arm, I’m fine.” Andy reassured her as he took a few steps toward her. “It’s not a big deal.”
Sharon shook her head and rolled her eyes at him. Of course Andy would downplay the whole situation. She walked to join him and replied, irony in her voice, a smirk on her lips, “Oh you know, honey, same old same old. I went to work this morning, got shot in the evening…”
“Exactly.” Andy chuckled as he opened his arms for her.
Sharon threw Andy a skeptical look and studied his face as if she wanted to make sure he had told her the whole truth. She slid her arms delicately around him and whispered, “You’re an idiot, Andrew Flynn.”
“Hey, what did I do?” Andy exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her, “It’s not my f-…” He hissed involuntarily and flinched as Sharon pressed her body against his.
“Andy?” Sharon asked worriedly and she slowly pulled away, her hands brushing his side. Her hand stopped on his belly as she felt something through the fabric of his shirt. Sharon arched an eyebrow and before Andy could say something, she lifted his shirt to reveal a white bandage. She gasped as she stared at him with worried eyes.
“Sharon… it’s nothing…” Andy started, but he stopped talking when Sharon looked up to glare at him. She then focused back on the bandage and gently brushed a hand over it. “Okay…” Andy sighed, aware that he had no other choice than to tell her the truth. “I’ve been shot, but I had my bulletproof vest on, so…” He immediately reassured her, but Sharon threw him another death stare over the rim of her glasses. “I have some cold patches for the bruising, that’s why I’m wrapped up like a burrito…” Andy tried to make it come off as a joke, but he knew he had failed the moment he met Sharon’s stern eyes. “Hey, come here…” He whispered to her softly, pulling her against him.
Sharon snuggled against him carefully and hugged him back. She sighed and pulled away after a few seconds, “Uhm, excuse me, Andy… just make yourself comfortable, I’ll be back shortly.” She added gesturing toward the couch.
Andy stood speechless in the middle of the living room as he watched Sharon walk away and disappear in the hallway. Just make yourself comfortable, I’ll be back shortly… It almost felt like a doctor appointment. Just take a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly. Andy shook his head and arched an eyebrow. It was odd. Sharon was odd. He sat down on the couch slowly, paying attention to his sore abdomen, as he waited for Sharon to come back.
Andy kept staring toward the hallway. Sharon was nowhere to be seen. More than twenty minutes had gone by and Andy couldn’t wait anymore. He had a feeling that what had happened to him had upset her more than she had let him show. He had to check on her. Andy stood from the couch and walked toward the bedroom. He was surprised to see that she wasn’t in there. He then heard the water running in the bathroom and for a split second he thought that he was maybe overreacting… until he heard a muffled sob. Sharon had left the bathroom door ajar and Andy hesitantly pushed it open. His eyes scanned the room and he saw her, sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the bathroom vanity. She was crying and hugging her knees to her chest. Andy now understood why she had run away from him and hidden in the bathroom. She didn’t want to break down in front of him. The thought that he had caused her so much pain made his heart twitch.
“Hey babe…” Andy whispered softly as he approached her slowly.
“Go away.” Sharon’s voice was incredibly firm despite the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t even bother to look at him.
Andy shook his head at her stubbornness and walked to the sink to turn the faucet off. Andy carefully crouched down, wincing in pain and trying to hide it as much as possible. He then sat next to her on the floor and glanced at Sharon. She was resting her forehead on her knees, ignoring him even if she was aware he was sitting right next to her.
“Sharon…” Andy whispered, his hand reaching for her hair and stroking it.
Sharon tried to move away from his touch and said, “I told you to go away.” Her voice wasn’t as firm as her previous request. Andy could tell she had used a great deal of strength to push him away a few minutes before, but right now she didn’t sound as convincing.
“I’m not going anywhere, Sharon…” Andy replied gently. “Hey look at me, babe…” He asked her as his hand ran through her hair. Her head still resting on her knees, Sharon turned her face toward Andy after a little while. Andy offered her an encouraging smile as he told her, “Better, much better…” Her puffy and teary eyes met his when Andy asked, “You wanna talk to me?”
Fresh tears escaped her eyelids, soaking the fabric of her yoga pants. She slowly shook her head and sniffed softly. Andy gazed down at her, his fingers tracing her face and wiping away the fallen tears. Sharon closed her eyes as he kept stroking her cheek. His gentle and loving gesture was all it took for her last bits of strength to dissolve. A sob escaped her lips and she hid her face against her knees again.
Sharon felt Andy slid his uninjured arm around her, pulling her closer, as she tried to move away from his embrace. “I hate this…” Sharon mumbled as she lifted her head to stare blankly in front of her. “This… this is not me!” She exclaimed, wiping angrily the tears on her face. “What did you do to me, Andy?” She quietly whispered, her voice shaking. She hated sounding so vulnerable, she hated herself for not being strong enough and for revealing her weakness to him. Frustration emerged in a wail that escaped her lips before she could stop it. The more she tried to control her sobs, the harder she cried. Heavy sobs racked her body, barely allowing a breath to be drawn.
Andy tightened his embrace around her trembling body and before Sharon could even realize, he drew her closer to him and pulled her up into his lap. Andy closed his eyes briefly and bit his inner cheek as he tried to ignore the throbbing pain that shot through his body. He drew a few shaky breaths before he focused on the woman in his arms. He moved her hair away from her face when he heard her mumble some unintelligible words. “What is it, Sharon?” Andy asked softly.
“Andy, you’re injured…” Sharon told him with a shaky voice, looking up to meet his gaze, “I…”
Andy shook his head and smiled tenderly at her, “You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy.” He pulled her head back to his chest gently, stroking her hair. He smiled again when he felt Sharon snuggle against him and he tightened his hold on her, “I’ve got you, love.” Andy whispered to her, his lips brushing her hair, before he dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
Andy rocked her in his arms, his hand moving soothingly up and down her back. “There is nothing wrong with letting yourself feel your emotions, Sharon…” He told her quietly, “I will never think less of you because you shed a few tears… or ask for emotional support after a tough day.” He went on, as he kept rubbing her back. A smile appeared on his face and he reassured her, “You will always be Darth Raydor scaring the hell out of the Major Crimes team every time you walk into our Murder Room. I’ll always know that I’d better keep my mouth shut when you give me the death stare. Nothing can change that, babe.” His hand kept running up and down her spine in a comforting way. Andy’s lips brushed the top of her head as he whispered against her hair, “Your emotions won’t make you less badass to me, holding them back is not helpful though…” Andy kissed Sharon’s hair and stayed silent for a little while before he went on, “I know what happened today was scary… I know you were scared too, I saw you at the crime scene, you came to make sure I was okay…” He smiled briefly before he admitted, “Hell, I was scared too.” Andy moved a few strands away from her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb, “I can’t promise you this won’t happen again. You know that sometimes with our jobs we put our lives on the line… and things happen.” Andy felt Sharon tense in his arms and he resumed rubbing her back soothingly, “But I am fine, I am here and I can promise you that I will fight everyday to come back home to you.”
Sharon nodded against him and her tears progressively subdued. She stroked Andy’s chest gently and kissed it before she reached up to cup his cheek with a hand. Sharon leaned up to place a kiss on his jaw and then buried her face in the crook of his neck. She sighed against him, her breath tickling the skin of his neck. “I love you, Andy, so so much…” Sharon whispered.
Andy looked down at Sharon and smiled at her lovingly. He stroked her cheek gently and dried the path left by her tears. “I love you too, Sharon…” Andy replied with a bright smile. He held her chin up with his thumb before he leaned in and kissed her tenderly.
They stayed in silence in each other’s arms for a while until Sharon whispered against him, “This can’t be comfortable for you, Andy… you’re injured…”
Andy shook his head, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me…” He shushed her, nuzzling into her hair and breathing in her familiar scent, “How are you?” He asked her, concern in his voice.
“Better…” Sharon replied, a faint smile gracing her features. She bit her lower lip, pondering whether to ask him or not, “Andy?” She called to him timidly.
“Yes, love?” Andy answered, looking down at her with a reassuring smile.
“Uhm…” Sharon fumbled. After decades of taking care of herself and her kids on her own, voicing her needs and desires didn’t come easy to her. Today was no exception. Sharon felt Andy rub her back again. She took a deep breath and tried again,  “Can… can we stay like this for a few minutes more?” Sharon asked him hesitantly.
“Anything for you, Sharon…” Andy replied as he tightened his embrace and dropped a kiss to her forehead, “Anything.”
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veky1993 · 4 years
Don’t know about you, but I’ve missed these two lately.
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So having all this free time on my hands atm, I decided to do something about it, and wrote a silly, little story called Dog Day Afternoon. Just our favorite couple suffering a long, hot day in LA. 
You can find it on ffnet, AO3 or even here.
Enjoy!  😊
Cranky was a word Andy could easily apply to a lot of people in his life. Provenza most notably, Rusty probably, his ex-wife most definitely. But Sharon? No, cranky was not a word he would ever use to describe her. Or perhaps dare. 
Apprehensive maybe? Yes. Nervous? Sure. Restless? Definitely. But cranky? Hell no. 
Only… And he winced at the mere thought...
She was cranky.
And he couldn’t really blame her.
It was hot as hell. Just glance-at-the-sun-and-melt-on-the-spot kind of hot. Even in the shade, the air was scorching, suffocating. It stood still, without even the faintest breeze to offer relief. In an above average hot week, today the heat index had reached its peak.
It was just so damn hot, and he was cranky, too, because his day was not going well.
As luck would have it, on the hottest day in the city in the last 30 years, their AC gave out. Any other day, it would be no biggie. He’d get someone to fix it and voila, problem solved. But do it today, and the earliest someone could come to fix it would be next week. Not in a couple of hours, not tomorrow, not even the day after tomorrow, but in seven goddamn days!
He might have yelled at Sharon when he told her, not that it was her fault, she just happened to be a convenient target for his annoyance.
The glare he was subsequently rewarded with burned almost as much as the LA sun.
So now he was sitting in the living room, their window drapes enveloping the room in semi-darkness, in front of the TV, miserable, sweaty, bored, alone and… irritated.
Because frankly, she’d been snippy with him all day, and did he glare her to death? Did he retreat to their bedroom, hiding and fuming?
He sighed and flopped his head on the backrest of the couch. Even mad at her, he still couldn’t really blame her for any of it.
All kinds of warnings about going out and about in this scorching weather had been issued, and being in the ‘at high risk’ part of the population due to their various heart issues, they had been pretty much cooped up in the house for days now. Evenings offered the slightest of relief, but then the ground itself seemed to radiate heat, and that was nearly as bad as the sun.
Today, Sharon seemed to be faring worse than most days. She had done laundry, and when he offered to help, she initially agreed, but when all of a sudden she found his folding technique lacking, she had unceremoniously kicked him off the task. 
“If you can’t do it properly,” she had said, taking a T-Shirt out of his ‘done’ pile and refolding it the way she preferred, which, in his humble opinion, was precisely the same way he did, “how about you don’t do it at all?”
When they decided to make lunch together, and he accidentally dropped and shattered a plate, she had let out such a long, exasperated sigh, that he had fled the kitchen before she could even think to kick him out herself. After lunch then, he didn’t even bother offering to clear the table, but smartly got out of her way, lest he did something else to set her off.
Still, he understood. At some point your day just sucks, nothing can please you, no matter what you do, and it was a wonder really that it had taken her this long to reach that point.
So, in an attempt to snap her out of that funk a little, he had optimistically suggested they go out, somewhere indoors with air conditioning. Simply to get out of the house. Restaurant, shopping mall, museum. Anything. Sharon had refused it all. Not even gently, with her usual gratitude at his sweet thought, but brutally, flat out, she had said, “No.”
At that point, he had given up, hoping the next day would be better, because surely this one couldn't get any worse. But when half an hour later, he then heard a desperate, "Oh, no, no, no," from her while he was coming back from the bathroom, and found her furiously tapping and shaking the AC remote, he was proven terribly wrong.
Five disappointing phone calls later, Sharon had wordlessly stalked off to their bedroom, barricading the door, and he hadn't seen nor heard from her since. The soft thud with which she closed the door made him decide that cranky wasn’t a word he would use to describe her after all.
Whatever she was, it was much much worse than merely cranky. Although maybe that was his own crankiness talking.
With the back of his hand he wiped off the sweat on his brow, and groaned. If only they’d gotten that house with the pool. They could have used this heat to their heart's content and nothing else would have mattered.
“Goddammit!” he muttered under his breath. Looking around the room, he stood, a decision reached, and made his way through the house to the garage. 
There he located his tool box, and as he carried it back into the house whipped his phone out to google, ‘fixes for central air conditioning.’
For a good half hour he then sat at the kitchen table, reading through tips, even quickly going over some instructional videos, before he finally got up again to give some of those suggestions a go.
He almost changed his mind when he got out to locate the central unit. He thought it was even hotter than an hour ago. Nonetheless, he braced himself, and courageously got to work.
“Ouch!” he yelped some time later, sucking in his thumb between his lips, glaring at the machine he had disassembled. “Go to hell, you damn piece of junk!” he added, smacking the thing with his open palm, and in turn sending another jolt of pain through the limb. “Ah, for fu-”
He whirled around so fast he could hear several loud pops coming from his spine in the process.
“What are you doing?”
He just stared at her for a moment. Cranky or not, she was going to give him hell for this, he was sure of it. Didn’t matter if she had a good reason to, or not.
Trying to compose himself in light of the outburst she just witnessed, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, accidentally hitting himself with the butt of the screwdriver he was holding. As the pain registered, his suppressed ire quickly resurfaced, and he cursed loudly, either at himself, the screwdriver, or perhaps even at Sharon, he couldn’t tell, nor did he really care in the moment. “I figured,” he finally started, his voice strained and rough as he struggled not to start yelling again, “if the thing’s busted already, what’s the worst that can happen if I try to fix it myself?” 
Sharon just looked at him, her face inscrutable, and he suddenly found himself holding his breath. If she was angry with him before, he thought, looking around at the mess he had managed to make of their backyard, she might just file for divorce after this stunt. 
Then to his absolute horror, she burst out laughing. Not just simple laughter either, but snort filled, almost hiccuping laughter. 
Recovering, he got on board with what he decided was a good, if insulting reaction. “Now, wait a minute,” he waved his hands at her and managed to get her attention even though he could tell she was on the verge of laughing again, “I just gotta tighten this,” he turned around and tightened a screw, “pop this back into place,” he pushed at what resembled a tiny radiator with small pipes sticking out of it, “and it should start up again.” He took a brush that was next to his knee, worked it over the piece one more time, then reached for the cable and plugged the machine in with a fairly confident look on his face.
When absolutely nothing happened, Sharon promptly dissolved into snort infested laughter.
He didn’t find it amusing himself though. In a couple of jerked movements he got up to his feet, profusely ignoring the protests of his old bones, and glared at her, his temper flaring within an instant. “You know what? Laugh it up all you want, sweetheart!” He threw the screwdriver into his toolbox, not even registering it bouncing out of it and clattering down to the ground as he refocused on Sharon. “But I’m miserable in this goddamn heat, too, and I’m at least trying to do something about it instead of making you feel like shit! And you know what else? I’ve been sweating my ass off here for no other reason than to try to cheer your cranky ass up by fixing this piece of crap, while you brooded in the bedroom. And what do you do? You laugh at me. Well, ain’t that just great. Thank you so much. I feel so appreciated.” With that last sarcastic remark, he walked past her, only barely keeping himself in check enough to not intentionally bump his shoulder into her.
Before he was out of her reach though, her hand caught the bottom of his shirt, and she almost panicky said, “Andy, wait!”
“What?” he whirled around on her, a thunderous expression on his face.
She waited a moment, the way she always did when he got worked up like this, and when he saw the rather dumbstruck, and what was more a rather guilty expression on her face, he found himself taking a deep breath then slumping his shoulders as he exhaled.
Noting the change in him, she reached for his hand, and ran her finger over his thumb. It wasn’t until she worriedly said, “You’re bleeding,” that he noticed he had not just pinched, but cut the digit.
Still too worked up, despite his earlier efforts, he jerked his hand free of hers, and growled, “Who cares?”
“I do,” she said, with more than a little force in the words. Then she grabbed his hand, this time not allowing him to pull it back, and led him back into the house until they reached the kitchen.
Brooding in silence, he just let her run his hand under the tap water and as she dug through a drawer to find a bandaid, she finally spoke again. “It wasn’t my intention to laugh at you.” He looked at her with dubious eyes, but she ignored him. “In fact, I came out to apologize.”
Surprised, his eyebrows shot up. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh,” she mumbled, running her thumbs over his now bandaged one, then releasing his hand. “I’ve taken my sour mood out on you all day, and for that I’m sorry.”
“But,” she cut him off, giving him one of those ‘don’t interrupt me looks’ over the top of her glasses, “so have you, and I don’t mean just now.”
He deflated completely now, and sighed. “I know, I’m sorry. I was an ass.” He looked around, the guilt for his earlier outburst swelling up in him, and added, “I didn’t mean-”
“Yes, you did,” she interrupted, this time gently, reaching for his hand again. “But you’re forgiven.” After a pause, she added, “Unless there’s more you need to get out of your system?”
He chuckled self deprecatingly, then raised his free hand in surrender. “No, no, I’m good.”
She chuckled, too, then leaned over to give him a quick kiss. “How about we clean up this mess of yours then?”
He shook his head vehemently. “No, I just had to clean the evaporator, maybe I missed a-” He abruptly shut up when he caught the skeptical look she was giving him. “Or,” he gave up, “maybe I really don’t have a clue what I was doing.”
“Maybe,” she repeated, and when he caught the shadow of amusement on her face, he couldn���t help but laugh.
“Can we just forget about this,” he stood, “clean it up and go die of this heatstroke in peace?”
She laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”
When they were done, his tools put away, and the air conditioning unit reassembled into its seemingly undefective state, Sharon made them some iced drinks and led them to the living room.
She took a spot on the couch, but instead of joining her, Andy pulled at his shirt, ungluing it from his sweaty skin and said, “I should probably take a shower first.”
“Or you could just take it off?” she offered, looking at him, amused.
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Or you could join me for that shower?”
“And break a hip?” she countered, hiding a grin behind her glass.
“And have the time of your life,” he corrected smugly.
She burst out laughing.
He clutched at his chest. “You wound me.”
Even as she chuckled, she reached for his hand, and pulled him to her. “Oh, would you just get over here?”
For the briefest of moments, he considered taking that shower first, because with her track record today, he was really in no mood for another scolding, this time over sweat stains on her precious couch. She seemed to be more relaxed though, and humor was definitely a good sign, too, so he finally did take a seat next to her, and decided to give voice to his musings. “You’re in a better mood, I see.”
She leaned a shoulder into the couch, facing him. “I took some time to cool off.” 
He chuckled. “You sure about that?” he asked, running a finger across her damp forehead and pointing it out to her.
She laughed, then added as an afterthought, “No pun intended.”
He grinned.
“I really am sorry for today. Everything,” she waved a hand through the air, “just kept on piling on all day long, and then that stupid AC and-”
“I know,” he caught her fidgeting hand, prompting her to scoot closer to him, “bad day.”
“Something like that,” she agreed.
“Good you have a punching bag like me,” he suddenly said, grinning again.
She eyed him suspiciously. “One that likes to punch back,” she pointed out.
He didn’t even bother with another apology. It wasn’t the first time they’d taken their foul moods out on each other, and with any luck it won’t be their last. Instead, he said, "You forget how big of an ass I can be when I set my mind to it."
She laughed, not disagreeing. “Aren’t we a pair, huh?”
“The best,” he decided, stealing a quick kiss from her.
Still smiling, she leaned her head against his shoulder, and changed the topic, her tone conversational. “So how exactly did you picture this ‘dying of a heat stroke’ plan?”
“About that,” he started, waiting until she looked up at him, and when she did, he leaned down and kissed her. When he had her sufficiently breathless, he asked, just as conversationally, “How about a change of plans?”
“Depends on the plan,” she replied, distracted with plans of her own as she inched closer to kiss him again.
Avoiding her lips, Andy grinned. “It’s a compromise really.” 
The look she shot him told him she was quite unimpressed by this game he was playing, but she played along anyway, her final response leaving her lips in a carefully measured, yet intrigued tone. “Really?” 
He continued grinning, then wagged his eyebrows at her. “A cool bath.”
She didn’t need to be asked twice. Even as she said, “Oh, I like that,” she was on her feet, pulling him up to his, to lead the way.
Once in their bathroom, undressing each other became an entirely too hot affair; slow, deliberate and interrupted by scorching kisses, so when they finally entered the bathtub, it wasn’t just the LA heat they slowly cooled down from. With a content sigh, Sharon relaxed against Andy’s chest, and he chuckled as he peppered her shoulder with kisses. Rightfully so, he sounded rather pleased with himself, when he asked, “Enjoying yourself?”
“Immensely,” she agreed, but in a playful attempt to curb his smug attitude, she pinched an arm he had wrapped around her.
He merely laughed though, even pulled her more snugly against him, before leaning fully back, nestling them both safely against the bathtub.
He closed his eyes for a moment, soaking up the relief from the heat provided by the water, and simply basked in the feel of the woman in his arms. The goosebumps that erupted all over his skin had little to do with the cooling water, but rather everything with the way she started running her fingers up and down his forearms. He relaxed even more, and smiled to himself when in a similar response, she shivered, as he grazed a thumb across the side of her breast. 
Inviting himself to more, he placed one sensuous kiss to the back of her neck, then another off to the side, then one more to her shoulder. When he drew a quiet moan out of her, he continued showering her skin with kisses, but just as he was about to give his hands free roam of the rest of her body, too, she suddenly stiffened and stilled his hands, causing him to pause. 
Sitting up, he rested his chin against her shoulder and inclined his head gently to look at her. Surprised, but not entirely too worried when he saw the amusement in her eyes, he asked, “What?” 
“Did you really call my ass cranky?”
For a moment his heart dropped and he worried that he had ruined her improved mood. There was an ominous ring to the question, indicating that he had better come up with a very good answer if he wished to stay in this bathtub with her, but then he realized she was fighting a smile, clearly teasing him. Not one to pass up an opportunity to make up for his little slip though, he put on his most disarming smile in return, dropped an open palm to the object of her question, and quickly apologized.
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this-geek · 4 years
For the Sleepy/cozy prompts, shandy 3 please? Thank youuuu 😘
Sorry this took a little while @ila9182, I had to think about this one a little. I hope you enjoy it. Any grammar mistakes are mine.
3. “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer” 
This was totally ridiculous, Andy thought as he followed Captain Raydor through the heavy snow of a small town; where in the morning they were due to pick up an informant who according to Chief Pope, liked to antagonise and reap the benefits from officers knee jerk reactions hence Flynn's travelling companion Captain Rulebook herself. 
So far, Andy had found her extremely rude, which was little surprise, she had not offered to drive and she had been on her phone for the majority of the trip. 
Having finally reached their destination, a small local B&B which a very Ye Olde style. The lobby was dark, the floors and walls and the lack of light only came to heighten this darkness. With a side glance at each other they went to the check in desk. 
"I'm sorry but you missed the check in time so your room was filled," Flynn and Raydor huffed with the former slamming his hand down on the desk, "but we do have a room if you want it, it's not exactly the same as you booked but..." the receptionist tilted her head and before she could finish Andy had accepted. All he wanted was to get his wet and cold clothes off and into a warm bed. The two turned to head upstairs but were called after upon turning Andy was handed a large pile of blankets. 
"the pipes froze" the receptionist offered a sad smile and returned to her post as Flynn and Raydor made their way up the stairs to their room. They had some trouble getting the door to open but when they did; both wished they hadn’t.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Andy huffed dropping his bag on the floor. The room was small and featured no more than a bed and a chest of drawers. There was a small door behind the bed on the right that presumably was an en-suite.
“At least you aren't here with Provenza" she joked and headed straight for the en-suite. The temperature was terrible and the thought of taking off her clothes made her shiver but having to sleep in her day clothes wasn't really an option laying out her pyjamas she made a quick switch and then hurried through to the room where Flynn was drawing back the covers. Now, Sharon wasn't the most prepared for this trip primarily because it had been sprung on her suddenly so her pyjamas had been grabbed with haste leaving her in a navy blue top and grey striped shorts. She shivered before diving under the covers and squeezing her eyes tightly. 
Andy had draped the two extra blankets on the bed but from the amount of shivering he could feel coming from the other side it was helping much. In the middle of the night Andy got up to pee; as he usually did as he passed by Sharon he glanced at her she somehow looked paler than normal and her whole was not as relaxed as a sleeping persons should be with her screwed closed eyes and down turned mouth. 
When he returned moments later she had balled herself up a bit more and in a moment of confidence he got back into the bed and spoke. 
"Are you cold?" there was a moment of silence before she replied. 
"a little but I'll be fine" she replied, her voice less steady than normal. 
"come here" he whispered, moving to create a space against his side. She rolled over and looked at him eyebrows raised. 
"don't be nervous, you can come closer. I won't bite" he chuckled. Sharon looked at him and schooched closer, he was a lot warmer than she was. Her head lay on his chest and his arm wrapped around her. 
"how are you so warm?" she mumbled. 
"Ran my hands under the hot tap when I was washing them. I’m a pretty hot guy anyway” His hand rubbed against her arm. She chuckled softly against his chest and he could feel her relax in his arms as they huddled for warmth.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been great company. My son was coming home this weekend and now he’s back at my condo on his own. I don’t see him as much; I miss him” She admitted to him. Andy sighed.
“My son doesn’t talk to me. My daughter has started but I get missing your kids” he admitted. Sharon knew of his addictive tendencies and he knew of her husband’s similar addictions.
“You try and that is what counts. They will see that eventually” her voice was slow and quiet, Andy whispered a thank you and closed his eyes. The two fell asleep peacefully and when morning came they were both hesitant to admit it was the best night’s sleep they had both had in awhile.
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madamairlock · 5 years
Fictober Day 10: “No, And That’s Final.”
Fandom: Major Crimes
Pairing: Sharon Raydor/Andy Flynn
Rating: G
Read: AO3 or below
She knew she couldn’t leave Andy home alone for long. He was bound to get up to trouble in one way or another, whether it was with the grandkids, Provenza, or often enough, just by himself. But she also didn’t want him to suffer through her salon appointments and shopping trip. Andrea and Gavin managed to keep her distracted enough as they shopped and ate lunch, but she couldn’t ignore the slight concern she felt as she pulled into the driveway.
The house was quiet when she stepped inside which immediately set off warning bells in her head. She stepped out of her shoes and left her purse and bags on the table, stopping short when her foot stepped in a wet spot. She furrowed her brow and looked down, surprised to see small puddles of water trailing from the stairs and around the kitchen and living room.
“Andy?” She called, completely at a loss as to what he did to cause this.
Instead of receiving a response from her husband, she heard an excited bark. The sound of light footsteps followed by Andy’s came from upstairs.
“Andy?” She repeated, sidestepping the puddles as she crossed to the stairs.
She was halfway up the stairs when a brown blur ran past her. A second later, Andy appeared at the top, but he stopped short when he saw her.
“Sharon, hi!” He smiled sheepishly and ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re home early.”
“What are you doing?” She glanced back down the stairs, but the blur was gone.
“Umm. Bathing the dog.” His hand moved to rub the side of his neck.
“We don’t have a dog.” She raised an eyebrow and fixed him with a hard stare.
“Um.” He stopped and cleared his throat. “I found him in the backyard after you left.” She stared at him, at an utter loss for words. “I should get him before he makes a mess.”
“Too late.” She stood to the side so he could pass her and she followed him downstairs.
“Copper! Copper, come here!”
“You named him?!”
“Well.... yeah. I couldn’t keep calling him “Dog,” could I?”
She held back a groan and gestured to the entryway where she could hear the dog running around.
“Contain that dog and then we’ll talk.” Her voice was firm.
She avoided the puddles once more to grab her stuff off the table, her steps a little heavy as she headed upstairs.
Nearly an hour later, the floor was completely spotless and Andy was sitting on the couch with the dog at hit feet. Sharon walked into the living room with a glass of water, an eyebrow shooting up at the fact that her childish husband had had enough good sense not to let the dog on the furniture.
“We’re not keeping him.”
“What? Why?”
She sat across from him and took a deep breath to center himself. “No, we’re not keeping him and that’s final. We don’t need a dog, Andy.”
“We don’t need anything,” he immediately retorted. “But we have this house with a huge yard, time to care for him, and the kids will love him. You will too.”
“You’ve had him for half a day!”
He shrugged and gave her his signature lopsided grin. “I get attached quickly.”
She rolled her eyes and looked at the dog, her earlier resolve already starting to crumble. Damn Andy and his grin she loved so much.
“What if he’s microchipped or sick?”
“We take him to the vet and find out.” He smiled, knowing he was starting to break her down.
She rested her elbow on the armrest and her head in her hand, her gaze roaming from her husband to the dog.
“Is he even trained? We spent too much money on the flooring to have him...” She waved her hand and settled her gaze on Andy.
“He is. He’s just excited. Can’t be more than a few years old.”
She shook her head, amazed that she was even considering this. “I don’t know...”
“We could try it out...” he offered, deciding to meet her halfway. “We’ll keep him a week and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll find him a good home.”
“What if he gets attached to us in that week?”
Andy shrugged, knowing full well that by the end of the week, Sharon would be more attached to the dog than he was.
“Sometimes I swear you’re a child.”
“But you love me.” He grinned and leaned over to kiss her. “So, can we keep him?”
“It’s amazing Ricky isn’t your biological son; he gave me that same look when he found a stray. He was also six.” She smiled teasingly. “We’ll see what happens then week.”
Andy grinned triumphantly and scratched Copper’s ear. “Hear that? You get to stay!”
Sharon didn’t bother to correct him and instead tentatively held out her hand for the dog to sniff. “But we are taking him to the vet tomorrow.”
She gently pet the dog’s head, not too upset with the turn of events. If anything, her nice floors were clean.
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Sharon/Brenda #72
72. “I’llmeet you halfway.”
 “BrendaLeigh…” Sharon sighed, rubbing her forehead as she watched her lieutenants anddetectives work on the other side of the glass. It had been several months nowand she was still getting used to the fact that this was her team now, her unitto lead. At least that period of adjustment extended to her team as well. Theywere all missing the blonde with the charming accent and questionable taste inclothes.
Well,some a little less than others.
“I don’tmean tonight, maybe tomorrow if you’ve wrapped up your case. I just miss you.”Sharon could easily picture her on the other end of the line, sitting on hercouch that Sharon had told her to replace because it really didn’t suit the apartmentshe had moved into. She’d offered to help her decorate, but never actuallymanaged to make that offer reality with the new job and a teenager living ather place.
“I missyou too. But it’s not just work, I have Rusty at home as well.”
“And you’restill not ready to tell him you and I are dating.” While their relationship wasgetting a little better, she didn’t think he would react well to the fact shewas seeing Brenda and had been for a couple of months. Knowing him, he’dprobably see it as a betrayal of his trust. She needed him less skittish andmore able to believe that she wouldn’t abandon him at the first sign of trouble.Maybe then she’d be okay with telling him about her and Brenda.
“I amnot.”
“Alright,so I’ll meet you halfway. Lunch tomorrow at your office.” Sharon looked atProvenza and Andy. She didn’t know if Brenda kept in contact with them. Shedidn’t ask either. Despite the difficulty of the situation, she tried to keepher work and Brenda separate, for now. If they all had weekly lunches together,she didn’t have a clue and it was probably for the best.
“Are yousure you want to come here?” With the way Brenda had left, her old team and hersoon to be ex-husband walking around the building, it didn’t seem like the greatestplan, but she wasn’t one to judge. If Brenda wanted to face all of that to seeher, she wasn’t going to stop her, per se. But the short silence told her thatBrenda hadn’t considered it at all and was doing so now. Some things neverchanged, like her ability to so completely focus on her goal, that she forgoteverything else.
“Right.Maybe not. So that little Italian place right around the corner. You can’t buryyourself in work, Sharon.” Sharoncouldn’t help but let out a wry chuckle at that.  
“Exactly,who better to tell you? So, it’s a date?”
Sharonpaused for a moment, smiling when she saw Rusty appear with Buzz discussingsomething. “It’s a date.”
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Saying Good-Bye to Yesterday-Chapter 10
Well, it’s taken quite a while to get this chapter posted, but it’s finally here.
 In this chapter, Rusty reflects on the way his feelings toward Andy and Sharon's relationship with Andy have changed over the years. 
You can find it here:
And here:
“So, your Mom is getting married. How do you feel about that?”
Rusty looked up from the chessboard, a flash of surprise crossing his face as he met the curious gaze of his psychiatrist. Blowing out a deep sigh, he shook his head with resignation. “I don’t know why I should be surprised you already know. It’s not like you can keep any secrets around here.”
Dr. Joe’s lips twisted with wry amusement. “I’ve been invited to the engagement party. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“How do I feel about it?”
“Well, my Mom is happy, so of course I’m happy.”
“Of course you’re happy?“
“Yes. Why are you looking at me like that?”
“How am I looking at you?”
“Oh my God. Like I’m not telling you the truth.”
“Are you?”
“Okay. Because there was a time that wasn’t the case.”
“What wasn’t the case?”
“You being happy about it. There was a time that your Mom was happy about her relationship with Andy and you weren’t quite so sure about it.”
He shrugged. “That was a long time ago.”
“Not so long.”
Rusty slumped back in his seat and gave Dr. Joe a long look. His feelings about his mother and Andy were complicated and had gone through many changes over the years as he‘d watched them grow from adversaries to friends, from lovers to engaged. Back when Sharon had first taken him in, she‘d also just been promoted to leading Major Crimes, and as an outsider, with an inside view, he’d been a keen observer of the dynamics running through the division.
It hadn’t taken long to notice that Sharon most often relied on the blunt, no-nonsense Andy Flynn, rather than her second in command, Provenza. Which he supposed made sense because Provenza had been slow to overcome the grudge he had over her getting the job he assumed would be his.
And, when it came to finding his biological mother, it was Andy she approached for help. The brash lieutenant was sarcastic and didn’t give an inch, but strangely enough, Rusty rather liked that about him. It was honest. Andy didn’t pretend to like him and he never tried to bullshit him. He hated people who tried to bullshit him. Later, when they’d found his mother and convinced her to return, Andy was the one that Sharon asked to accompany him to the bus stop to greet her.
What happened at that bus stop was something he tried very hard not to think about. Though he hadn’t known it then, that night was the final severing of any kind of mother/son relationship he would ever have with Sharon Beck. And Andy Flynn had been sitting right by his side when it happened. He’d been worried about how Flynn might react when he met his mother. She was the kind of woman for whom the caustic detective would normally have nothing but contempt. A drug addict who’d run off with her drug addict boyfriend. A dirtbag who’d abandoned her thirteen-year-old son to the streets. Those were the kinds of judgments he’d never been shy about making. Instead, rather than condemning the woman, Andy had been surprisingly kind and gone out of his way to help calm his nerves while they waited.
Then the bus arrived and nothing played out the way it was supposed to. His mother was supposed to walk off that bus, pull him into her arms and apologize for all the years she’d neglected and abused him. All the years she’d brought violent and dangerous men into their lives.
She was supposed to get down on her knees and beg him to forgive her for walking away and leaving him behind to fend for himself. She was supposed to magically transform into the kind of mother he‘d always fantasized about having.  It was supposed to be the moment he’d been dreaming about for two years.
Instead, he stood next to Andy watching as the passengers began disembarking from the bus, his excitement quickly turning to dread as the line of people began to dwindle down. When the last of them stepped off the bus and it became more and more apparent that his mother was not on board, his stomach clenched painfully. For a moment, he thought might throw up. Andy gave him a hand gesture, urging him not to panic just before he hopped on the bus to see if maybe she was still on board. But he’d known Andy wouldn’t find her, maybe he’d known all along.  His mother had taken the money Andy sent her and disappeared, probably used it for drugs, and every hopeful fantasy he’d had about their reunion came crashing down around him, causing him to run before he burst into tears like a baby.
He’d had two choices that night. Run away again and disappear into the night like so many other homeless, broken teens. Or, recognize that he was not that homeless, hopeless boy anymore. That he had a place to go. A woman who had opened her home, her pocketbook…and her heart to him. A woman he was quickly learning would never let him down.
Back at the condo, he’d finally forced himself to look at his childhood without the blinders he’d been wearing for two years. The blinders he’d put on the day he realized that his mother had truly abandoned him. Because he had to believe it wasn’t her fault. No mother would just walk away and leave her child behind. It was Gary’s fault, he’d made her do it, and one day she would get away from him and come back and they would live happily ever after. He had to believe that. Had to cling to some kind of hope that he might return to a life that had never really existed because the life that he was living on the street was about as bleak and ugly as it got. Now he knew that happily ever after was never going to happen, even if his mother did one day return. Because the truth was, the life that he’d led before she left him behind had been anything but happy.
Looking at his past square in the face, he saw a young boy living with his addicted mother as a squatter in an abandoned, condemned crack house. It was filthy, reeking of vomit, urine and body odor. No one ever cleaned. Cockroaches crawled all over the place and a rat had even bitten him once while he slept. His mother and her boyfriend of the week stayed up all hours drinking and shooting up. By morning, they were too wasted to even wake up. So, he did his best to find something to eat, more often than not finding nothing, and left for school. Because if he didn’t go to school the authorities would come looking and they would take him away from his mother and he‘d never see her again. Whatever kind of mess she was, she was all he knew. All he had.
But when he got to school, his homework wasn’t finished because he hadn’t understood much of it and the help that he’d needed wasn’t there. So, he’d just given up and not bothered with it. Moving from school to school to school didn’t lend itself to a great education. But that didn’t bother him as much as the kids who wrinkled their noses at him and called him names because he smelled bad. He couldn’t find any quarters in his mother’s pockets to go to the run-down Laundromat around the corner and do their laundry, so he’d been forced to wear dirty clothes. And he hadn’t showered in days because the abandoned house they were living in had its water cut off.
Then, when school was out, he had to go home, such as it was. And he didn’t know whether to hope his mother and her boyfriend were still passed out, or awake. Because awake could sometimes be so much worse. Awake meant that when he let the door slam shut he got a beating for making too much noise. And while he was getting that beating he was being called a “little shit” a “bastard” a “noisy motherfucker” and, the worst, for him, a “faggot”. Too young, too weak to defend himself, he’d slink off to a corner filled with pain and anger. His mother, the one person in the world who should have protected him, never defended him, never stood up for him. In fact, if she even bothered to check and see how he was, she would blame him for the beating, telling him he should have known better than to make so much noise and set off Bob, Mike, JC, Coot, Gary, whichever man she was currently in “love” with.
And then, after she’d left him behind and he‘d gone through a string of abusive foster homes and a year on the streets, he’d ended up here in this beautiful high rise condo in the heart of wealthy Los Feliz where everything was always neat and clean and smelled good, like scented candles and the fresh flowers that always graced the tables. He not only had a bed with clean sheets and blankets, but he also had his own bedroom. He was living with a woman who not only took care of herself but took care of him as well. A woman who brought him grocery shopping and asked him what kinds of food he liked to eat and then stocked her refrigerator and cupboards with his favorites. A woman who made sure he had healthy meals right down to the apple she put in his lunch sack every day.
For the first time in his life, he did not have to worry about where his next meal was going to come from, or if there would even be a next meal. Nor did he have to worry about dirty, torn clothes. This woman took him shopping and bought him new clothes. Not just his school uniform khakis and light blue polo shirts, things he actually liked, and they were always freshly laundered so he had clean clothes every day.
Yes, this woman had rules and there were boundaries and no he didn‘t always like that, but she always spoke to him kindly and with respect. She didn’t lash out and call him names, even when he knew he might have deserved a few when he was being particularly rude and disrespectful to her. She had conversations with him, gently leading him toward making the right decisions rather than forcing them on him. She talked a lot about his future and offered to help him with school applications so he could get a good education at some fancy private Catholic school she wanted him to attend. She even offered to hire a tutor because thanks to his haphazard schooling he was so far behind other kids his age.
For the first time since he could remember, he was not in the parenting role. For the first time, he had someone taking care of him. Someone who checked in on him at night before bed and who got him up in the morning to go to school because she was already up and dressed, impeccably so, for work. No drug-hazed mornings for Sharon Raydor. He had someone who cooked for him rather than him having to cook for her because she was too strung out and sick to be hungry as had been the case with his mother.  Sharon Raydor WAS the parent; she had herself and her life together and did not need anyone taking care of her the way he had always had to take care of Sharon Beck.
Sitting in what had become “his” bedroom he’d finally faced the reality of his life as it had been, as it was today, and where it might be in the future. And, with that reflection and the recognition that his future might very well be right here, he was able to let down a few of his defenses with Sharon, even filling out paperwork for that private school she wanted him to attend.  But, he’d put up a few walls with the lieutenant he’d run away from that night. The naïve eagerness for his mother’s arrival that he’d expressed to Andy while they waited for the bus was humiliating. When he thought about all those things he‘d made Andy promise; to be nice to her, to not question her decision to abandon him, to make sure there wasn’t a mini bar in her room, it made him cringe. He felt like an idiot, and Andy had witnessed it all.
To his credit, Andy had never mentioned a word of it. And, when his biological father had shown up on the scene and turned out to be a selfish prick with a quick fist, Andy had been nothing but supportive.
Then, just he was putting his biological parents behind him and was starting to feel more comfortable in his new life, his friend Kris had ratted him out, telling Emma Rios about the threatening letters he‘d been receiving. In an effort to keep Rios from persuading Chief Taylor to send him off into witness protection, Sharon elicited the help of her second in command. With that shift, Lieutenant Provenza suddenly became the central male figure in his life.
That gravitation toward Provenza continued after Sharon attended Nicole’s wedding with Andy. Because something had definitely changed between them that day. There was a new dynamic when they were together. Overnight the close professional relationship they shared had suddenly, and unexpectedly, become personal.  
Andy was no longer Lieutenant Flynn, he was just Andy, and Andy, much to the chagrin of Provenza, was the only member of the team to refer to their Captain more informally as Sharon. That had certainly not gone unnoticed and neither had the fact that the two of them had begun doing things together outside of work. Sometimes Sharon would call to say that they were working late and she was going to run out for a bite to eat with Andy or she’d go off to some movie she’d been dying to see with him, or to a baseball game or an art gallery opening. He’d even heard her on the phone asking him to be her plus one at some charity event, which had really surprised him because those were the kinds of things she usually asked Gavin to attend with her. Andy even started showing up occasionally on Sunday afternoons to munch on nachos and watch football with her, his favorite garlic guacamole and cranberry lime seltzer water now stocked in her fridge. Which, if he was being completely honest, wasn‘t all bad because it kept her from bugging him to watch with her. Despite her best efforts Sharon had yet to turn him into a football fan.
All of this made him look at Andy through new eyes. Though he despised analyzing his motivations, he did recognize that he was, by nature and circumstances, suspicious of people. In his experience, people weren’t ever what they pretended to be. Well, except for Sharon. Sharon was the only genuine person in his life, the only one who‘d turned out to be the real deal. Most people, he’d found, had ulterior motives for everything they did. So, once Andy had become a bigger fixture in Sharon’s life he’d started wondering if the man’s helpful intentions had been more about making a good impression and helping Sharon than about helping him, and he’d continued to turn more to Provenza for advice. Given Provenza’s more adversarial past with Sharon, he knew the man was completely unbiased and not looking at things just from her perspective. The same could not be said for Andy. Andy was always protecting Sharon and her perspective.
But he’d been okay with their friendship, even as he could see a growing connection between them. A certain softness in their eyes when they thought the other wasn’t looking, a way that Sharon had of always reaching out to touch Andy, and the tender way Andy talked to her, not at all the tough, cynical guy he was at work. Things you would have to be blind not to see.
Or in denial.
But there had been nothing romantic, nothing sexual. And he found that platonic dating was fine, especially when it kept his mother focused less focused on him, giving him greater freedom.
Then, Christmas a couple years ago when Andy and Sharon had been struggling to define their relationship to Nicole, he’d had to go and rock the boat, bringing to their attention everything that he’d been witnessing, and something had clicked. For his mother anyway. He was pretty sure that Andy was well aware of what was going on. But with his mother, he’d seen it all play out on her face. Oh, she’d tried denying it, but the look in her eyes contradicted her protests that they were not dating. She knew it was true. They’d been dating all right, just not in the romantic sense.
And then she’d come home one day and told him that Andy had asked her out on a date. A date. She’d never used that word before when it came to going out with Andy, it had always been, “I‘m going to a movie with Andy” or “I‘m going to a Dodger game tonight with Andy.”  But even with this new terminology, he still hadn’t worried too much, figuring it would just be more of the same. After all, middle-aged people weren’t into romance and sex, right?
How wrong he’d been. The night of the date Sharon was as nervous as he’d ever seen her. She’d tried on at least five dresses, including a new one, asking his advice on each one. After the fourth dress he‘d had enough, groaning, “I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up, it’s just Andy, he sees you every day.” She’d given him a glare, then turned back to her bedroom muttering, “I knew I should have called Gavin.“ This unsure woman plagued by nerves was someone he didn’t know. It was a side of Sharon he’d never seen before.  The only Sharon he knew was calm, cool, self-confident and decisive.
Later that night he’d been sitting on the couch doing homework when she came home from the date all starry-eyed, like some teenage girl swooning over her latest crush, her fingertips playing over her lips in a way that suggested she was reliving a kiss. That was when it really hit him. When he realized that his mother’s relationship with Andy had taken a dramatic turn and that romantic dating was definitely a whole new ballgame.
And yes, that did make him a bit squeamish. In the three years that he’d lived with Sharon, he’d never seen her in any kind of romantic or sexual relationship. Even when Jack had come to stay for a few days back when they were still married, Sharon had made him sleep on the couch and there had been no affection whatsoever between the two.
So, when Andy had to move in with them temporarily because of a dangerous blood clot in his carotid artery and suddenly his mother was all flirty and giggly and she was cuddling up to him while they watched TV, sharing soft, mushy looks with him and kissing him goodnight, it felt awkward…disconcerting …as if he didn’t know her anymore. Because he’d never seen this side of her. Ever.
Still, when Sharon had explained the seriousness of a clot in the carotid artery and that it could be life-threatening, the cold dread that settled like a weight in his stomach made him realize how much he had come to care about Andy. The idea that he could actually die had scared him enough to offer Andy his bedroom after Sharon had assured him that he would not be sharing her room.
Which was another thing that was really strange.
In the 13 years that he’d spent with his biological mother, he couldn’t ever remember her dating anyone the way that Sharon was dating Andy. No man had ever treated her with the kind of respect that Andy treated Sharon. No man had ever shown up at her door with lavender roses because purple was her favorite color. And certainly, no man had ever taken her out for a night on the town and then gone home without getting the one thing he‘d come to believe every man wanted…to get laid. When his mother met a guy there were no traditional tokens of affection, no dates, it was straight into bed.  
And then, just as he’d grown a little bit more comfortable, things changed yet again. Not too long after Andy’s surgery on the clot had healed enough for him to be able to move back into his home in Valencia, he had taken Sharon away down to Orange County for a weekend at the beach. He wasn’t a dumb kid. He knew what that meant, but he didn’t dwell on it. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. But when she came home from that weekend, she had approached him with a conversation regarding “overnight guests to the condo“. After clarifying that she was not referring to him having overnight guests, it hit him like a ton of bricks. She meant that Andy might start spending the night…in her bedroom this time. Once the initial shock wore off he told her he was happy for her, as she said he should be, but he‘d still felt conflicted about it. He liked Andy, and of course, he wanted his mother to be happy. But…just the idea of them doing that made him shudder. Not so strange, Dr. Joe had later explained, “No child ever thinks of their mother as a sexual being and it certainly isn’t easy coming face to face with the man she is having sex with. Watching a parent fall in love is quite a strange phenomenon that with divorce rates being what they are, more and more kids are having to come to terms with.”
But it was more than that for him, and he couldn't put his finger on why he felt the way that he did. Not until the day that he came home early because he'd had a fight with TJ after having told Sharon he would be out late.
He walked in the door, his mind still on the fight, when he heard a soft, low moan come from the direction of his mother’s bedroom. He paused for a moment, not sure what he’d heard. Then he heard it again, this time with an added sharp cry of pain. The door was wide open to the hall so he had no problem hearing her. With a surge of panic, he started to rush forward, sure that she was injured, but just as he reached the doorway, a deep, harsh male groan brought him up short and he froze. Then he heard it, the telltale thumping of her padded headboard against the wall, the low creaking of the bed and the soft sighs of “Andy…Andy…Andy…“  telling him everything he had to know about what was going on in that room. Mortified, he stormed off toward his own bedroom, the shout of Sharon’s name seeming to reverberate throughout the condo. It was that last cry of completion that caused him to slam the door to his room harder than he’d intended.
He threw himself on his bed fighting waves of nausea, his fists clenched at his sides. He wasn’t sure why he was reacting this way. His biological mother had slept with dozens of men, even prostituting herself when times were lean. He’d learned to live with it. But dammit, this was different. This was Sharon. His adopted mother was as different as day and night from his biological mother. And he needed it to be that way.
A few minutes later, his mother knocked on his door and entered his room wearing a short silk bathrobe he’d never seen before. Something a woman would wear for a man. Her skin was flushed and he could swear he could smell Andy on her. His stomach roiled. That smell still lived in his nightmares.
“You’re home early,” she said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He grunted. She brushed a lock of hair back from his face and he flinched. She sighed.
“I’m assuming given the way you slammed your door that you heard us when you got home.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He rolled away.
“Well, I think we need to talk about it. I did warn you that Andy might start spending the night here once in a while.”
“Spending the night is a little different than having to listen to porn.” He felt her tense, saw the little flicker of hurt in her eyes and wished he could take back what he’d just said.
Sharon took a deep breath, trying to regulate her temper.  “Look, Rusty, I’m sorry you’re upset. I’m sorry you had to hear that. If we’d known you were going to be home early, of course, we would have been more discreet. But this is my home and if I want to have Andy stay over; I will. What you heard was not porn it was lovemaking. There’s a difference.”
He gave a derisive snort and rolled his eyes. “Sure there is.”
“Look, I know it had to be awkward to hear us that way, but why is this bothering you so much? Why are you so upset?” She set a hand on his shoulder and he sat up his eyes flashing with anger.
“I guess I just thought you were above all that, okay.”
She flinched, her brow creasing with confusion. “Above it? What do you mean by that? You think I‘m not human?”
Rusty shrugged. “What am I supposed to think? For all the years that I’ve lived with you, you never had a boyfriend until Andy. You didn’t even let your husband sleep with you when he stayed here.”
“Because we were legally separated and that part of our relationship had been over for a very, very long time.”
“That’s what I’m saying. You didn’t need any guy that way. You just always seem so perfect.”
“Oh my God, honey. I am so not perfect. You’re right, in the past few years, I haven’t had any men in my life until Andy. But I am not a saint. I am not a nun. I am a woman. I have needs like any other woman, any other human being.”
He grimaced. “Can we please stop using the word ‘needs’?”
Her lips pursed in an effort to conceal her amusement. “Fine. But I need you to know that I am not perfect, not by any means. Do not put me on a pedestal.”
“A pedestal?”
“Yes. Because you know what happens when you put people on pedestals?”
He shook his head negatively.
“It deprives them of their humanness. It keeps you from seeing them clearly. I have imperfections and flaws. I have challenges and struggles. I have insecurities. And, yes, I’m sorry to say, I have needs. And when you think a person doesn’t have those human qualities, when you think they are above that, it’s dangerous. Because now you’ve created a standard of perfection that no one can live up to and that can only lead to disappointment. The way you’re feeling right now. And that isn’t fair to me, because I have never claimed to be perfect.”
The anger left Rusty’s eyes. “I guess I just never see you that way. You always seem to have everything so together. You always seem to know what to do and what to say.”
“Well, maybe it seems that way. But I have made plenty of mistakes, dear child, and there are times I don’t exactly know what to do or what to say. This is one of them. I’m sorry if hearing Andy and me embarrassed you.”
He shrugged again. “It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. But, Sharon,” he sat up drawing his knees into his chest. “I don’t get it. You have this great condo, you have a lot of money, a car, you can buy whatever you want, you‘re okay on your own. What do you get out of it?”
She quirked her head to the side, confusion again creasing her brow. “What do I get out of it? I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, you don’t have to do it.”
My God, was that really what he thought? “Sex? You’re talking about sex?”
He nodded and her face softened with sympathy.
“Oh, honey. Sex should never be about doing something you don’t want to do just to get something in return. It’s not a transaction, or at least it shouldn’t be.”
He stared at her blandly. He knew he was seriously screwed up when it came to sex. But the one thing he‘d always been sure of was that it was all about quid pro quo, a transaction, as Sharon said. His mother used sex to make money for food and drugs; she used sex as a way to put a roof over their heads by finding a man with an apartment and ingratiating her way into staying with him. She used sex to keep those same men from throwing them out on the street and to keep them from beating her. At the time, it had sickened him and he hated those guys. But then he’d gone and done the very same thing.  He’d sold his body to survive, for food and shelter. And every time he did it, he hated himself more and more. Hated them. Hated their dark, dirty needs. Hated the sounds they made and the smells they left on him. He hated them because they had stolen his childhood, his self-worth and had turned the act of sex into something dark, shameful and degrading.
Sharon continued on gently, “I know that what you went through on the streets has probably warped your views on sexuality but----”
“Mom, I really don’t want to talk about this with you, especially after you‘ve…well,” he gestured toward her attire.
“I know discussing sex with a parent is uncomfortable, I get that. I’ve been through it with your sister and brother. But I want to make sure that you know there is nothing wrong with having sexual needs. All people have them, it’s part of being human. It’s the way people act upon those needs that can twist and pervert them into something ugly and painful”
His chest tightened at the flicker of pain in her eyes, evidence that she too had experienced a darker side to sex.
“Sex, at its best, is not a transactional act. It’s something to be shared, a need to express your love in a physical way, a desire to give your partner pleasure and to accept the pleasure they want to give you in return. Really it’s about sharing the most intimate part of you.” A flush of embarrassment stained Rusty’s cheeks, but Sharon continued on because she was pretty sure this was a conversation he’d never had before and it was important that he understand.
“I don’t sleep with Andy because I feel like I have to be with him that way. I’m with Andy because I want to be. And, I know you may think this sounds corny or old-fashioned, but there really is a difference between sex and making love and one day I hope you will have that experience.”
And so, with that, Andy began spending more and more nights at the condo. Rusty grew used to seeing him come out of Sharon’s bedroom, sometimes in just his boxers, and even seeing him in her bed. It had been quite jarring the first time he’d knocked on their bedroom door, was told to “come in”, and Andy was lying there in bed, Sharon’s head resting sleepily on his bare chest. But now it just seemed normal.
Then, one night during supper, they’d tossed him another curveball. Andy was looking to sell his house in Valencia to find a place closer to theirs in Los Feliz. Okay, no big deal about that. But then, all of a sudden they were talking about moving in together and buying a house together. In an instant, he was that little boy again, sitting on the outside, ignored and forgotten while his mother focused on her new man.
Things had simply never gone well for him when Sharon Beck brought a man into their life. Each time she hooked up with a new guy she would get so wrapped up in him it was like she forgot she even had a son. One day after she‘d moved them in with her latest boyfriend, just to see if she’d notice, he disappeared for two full days. He thought for sure she’d be frantic with worry and would cover him with hugs and kisses when he returned. But when he walked through the door, she hadn’t blinked an eye…because she hadn’t even known he was missing. Had simply assumed he’d been up and off to school each morning. He was 9 years old at the time.
And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, because the men his mother hooked up with were usually drug addicts or drug dealers, or sometimes pimps, they were almost always violent. They treated her like dirt and treated him even worse. They beat her and they beat him, and no matter how awful things got she always took their side. And in the end, when Gary the dirtbag got sick of having him around and told her to dump him at the zoo, she had done just that. Nothing in his life would ever hurt more than that betrayal.
Of course he knew that Sharon Raydor was not Sharon Beck, not by a long shot. But when she‘d come to him and said Andy was moving in, all those old feelings had resurfaced, flooding through him in a series of waves. As much as he knew that Andy wasn‘t Gary, that he wasn‘t going to suddenly start knocking him around and that his mother wasn‘t going to get so fixated on Andy she’d forget about him, it was hard to let go of those old feelings. And if he were really examining his emotions, as Dr. Joe made him do, there was something else he was feeling, something Joe told him was a little more expected.
For four years he’d pretty much had Sharon all to himself. Sure, she had Emily and Ricky and he’d had to work through some of that jealousy when they came home for visits, but they didn’t live close enough to be an everyday presence. And, sure, she had friends that she spent time with, but for the most part, until Andy, her life had pretty much revolved around work and him, especially during the time when his life was being threatened. In the beginning, he’d chafed over what he’d considered her helicopter parenting. For as long as he could remember he’d done whatever he wanted when he wanted and hadn’t had to answer to anyone.
But now, it was different. He liked having a mother who loved and worried about him. Though he wouldn’t admit it to her, it made him feel all warm inside when she immediately placed a hand on his forehead to check his temperature when he said he wasn’t feeling well, or asked what time he was coming home when he went out then checked on him to make sure he‘d returned safe and sound, because for the first time in his life he had someone who really cared about him. And he was afraid of losing that.
Because now there was Andy. Andy was part of the decisions she made. That had never been more apparent than when she’d turned down what could have been a dream job for her, head of security for the NFL because it would take away from the time she could spend with Andy and possibly put a strain on their relationship. He had become such a big part of her life, their life; there was no getting around that. And while it hadn’t been an easy transition, he‘d successfully navigated through it all and, before too long he’d come to realize that having Andy around wasn’t so bad after all, even if he did hog the TV watching ESPN every night. His moving in, once Rusty had come to terms with it, had been a good thing in many ways. Now that his mother had a partner, and they were off doing things together, it took some of the focus off him, gave him greater freedom. And, unlike the way his biological mother had brought men into their lives, Sharon, and to be fair, Andy, had both gone out of their way to make sure that everything went along as it normally had and that he still felt included in their lives. It had been a bit awkward at first. At times he felt like a third wheel, unsure if they really wanted him around or if he was in the way. But they kept extending him invitations; to eat meals with them, to watch TV with them, to go out to a movie with them. And Andy played chess and video games with him while his mother still made his favorite meals and worried about him when he was having a bad day. It felt an awful lot like he was finally part of a traditional family.  
But when Andy found a house up in the Hollywood Hills that he thought Sharon might like, the old fears had rushed through him. Was he in the way? Was he cramping their burgeoning relationship? Would Andy want him gone so he could have Sharon all to himself? He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they’d like their own place, a place where they wouldn’t have to worry about him walking in while they were making out on the couch or to have to be quiet when they were doing….other things. He’d expressed some of those fears to Buzz, well, everything but the sexy stuff,  and Buzz had told him to get it all out there with Andy. So, he did. Andy had quickly and forcefully, disabused him of such notions, even chuckling over the idea of what Sharon would do to him if she ever thought he was trying to find a way to get rid of her child. Then, Andy had suggested that he join them to look at the house so they could decide as a family if the house was right for them or not.
A family.
That day had been a changing point. From then on, he’d started to view Andy, not as an interloper, not as the man stealing his mother’s attention, not as the man his mother was sleeping with, but instead, as the man his mother loved and with whom she was sharing her life. A man who had become important to him as well. Andy was someone he could turn to for advice. An ally who was willing to help him navigate through the minefields when his mother was set against something he wanted, and who, conversely, wasn’t afraid to tell him to back off when he felt he was pushing her too hard. He was also an honest, but caring source of information about addiction when it came to his biological mother.
Somehow, over time, Andy had become his father figure, and that bond seemed to grow stronger every day. He didn’t trust many people, but Andy had proven himself trustworthy. And when it came to him as a partner for his mother, Rusty no longer had any reservations. Andy loved his mother, he respected her, and there was no denying that he made her happy. Since he’d come into her life she was so much more light-hearted, she laughed more, she teased more and she was far more relaxed. He liked seeing her that way.
So, by the time Andy came to him hoping for his blessing in asking Sharon to marry him, there had been no hesitance at all in his response. His rather exuberant yes had been a no brainer. Maybe it was because he knew Andy so much better now, or, maybe it was because he was getting more mature, but whatever the reason, none of those old feelings of insecurity had resurfaced when they announced they were indeed getting married. This time there were no red flags warning him of possible disasters, nothing to mar the surprising content he felt over their relationship becoming official and permanent.  
“Earth to Rusty?”
Dr. Joe’s amused voice yanked Rusty out of his trip down memory lane. “Uh, what?”
“I was saying that it wasn’t all that long ago that you had reservations about your mother and Andy.”
“Maybe it wasn’t that long ago, but it feels like it was. I can honestly say that I am happy about this marriage. For them. And maybe even for me. “
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lolcat76 · 6 years
There was once a time she liked Vegas - I'll let you pick between Shandy and Shajack/Shack
There was once a time she liked Vegas - she’d gotten married there and still held fond memories of the little white chapel and the cheap motel where they’d spent their wedding night. 
And if Jack had spent most of their two-day honeymoon at a poker table, well, he was young, and she could entertain herself by the pool. 
They’d gone back for long weekends several times a year, because Vegas was close enough to drive and the lodging was cheap. Emily had been conceived at a slightly less shady motel in Old Town after Jack had won three hundred bucks. 
She told herself for years that it was romantic to revisit Vegas so often, right up until the night that he didn’t come back to the hotel (this time the Tropicana - Jack was going all out to impress her since he’d landed a new job, not caring that she was left dealing with two small kids when he disappeared at 8am to gamble). 
Alone in the hotel room with a colicky, bellowing Ricky and an Emily who was tucked in a corner of the room, staring at her with baleful eyes as she wondered how she was going to get her children and her husband home in time to make it to her shift on Monday, she made a decision. She packed up the kids and the car and drove home. 
Jack didn’t bother to call for three days, and she didn’t bother to ask where he’d been sleeping since she’d checked out of their room when she left.
Irony of ironies, the suspect was holed up in the newly renovated Tropicana. On any other case, she’d have sent Provenza and Sykes (not Provenza and Flynn - she hadn’t forgotten their last trip to Vegas, with the flight attendants), but Sykes was down with a fractured rib and Provenza refused to go without an unlimited expense account. Tao would have gone, but it was his anniversary, and Sharon didn’t want to be the boss that wrecked her team’s private life. Julio was still on notice with FID, so it was up to her and Andy to fetch the suspect.
It just had to be Vegas. Her nose wrinkled the second she stepped into the terminal - public smoking had been banned, but she always associated slot machines with cigarettes and desperation. “It just doesn’t ever get better, does it?” she muttered.
Andy shrugged. “It doesn’t get worse, either.”
Sharon bit back a sharp reply. Of course it got worse. She knew full well how much worse it could get, but that wasn’t Andy’s problem. For all of his faults, and he had many, she doubted he’d ever forgotten his wife as he gambled away two paychecks.
Andy was raring to go, ready to trace down the suspect based on the intel they’d gathered in LA, but Sharon reminded him as he unpacked his suitcase that they were guests in the city, and anything they did had to be cleared by LVPD. He grunted as he shook out his suit jackets and hung them in the closet.
They weren’t sharing a room, because she was his boss and their friendship notwithstanding, she wasn’t going to breach impropriety just because she’d made other mistakes in her personal life in this hellhole of a city - but she’d come through the door of their adjoining rooms in time to watch his meticulous unpacking. 
Jack had never bothered to unpack in Vegas. Just thrown a suitcase on whichever flat surface was unoccupied, dug out his wallet and disappeared.
“Two plainclothes detectives will be here in an hour,” she said, ignoring his sulk that they couldn’t just go out on the floor, guns a-blazing.
“Fine,” he muttered. “An hour.” He brushed imagnary lint off the jacket that cost more than her original honeymoon. “What can we do in an hour?”
…he didn’t seriously expect an answer?
“I know!” A smile brightened his face. “There’s this Italian restaurant, just a few blocks off the strip. Good food, great wine. Let’s go get something to eat.”
God bless Andy Flynn, he was a simple creature. Just the thought of food was enough to distract him from almost anything else. “Great wine?” she asked. Not that she didn’t trust him - she’d had front-row seats to his sobriety struggles for almost 20 years - but it was Vegas, and Vegas had a knack for ruining even the best intentions.
“I’m told.” He shrugged. “I know you like your Chardonnay. Me, I like their pesto. The marinara is kind of shit, though.”
Having heard Andy’s opinions on marinara sauce throughout the city of Los Angeles, Sharon couldn’t help but laugh. “One of these days, we’ll have to go to Spoleto, so you can tell me why their marinara is up to scratch.”
His eyes lit up. They’ve had several meals together, usually after a long night when it’s just the two of them left in the murder room - and she was well aware that the reason he stayed late was that she stayed late. But he didn’t bring that up because he didn’t want to spook her. “One of these days I’ll cook you my own marinara and see why the others are shit.”
One of these days, maybe.
He guided her across the casino floor, his attention focused on the exit. Sharon couldn’t help craning her neck, searching through the high-stakes poker rooms for a familiar shock of white hair and a laugh she hadn’t heard in years.
“You said we can’t be on the lookout until the local PD shows up,” Andy whispered into her ear, so close her skin tingled at the breath puffing against her neck. “No fair cheating.”
She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she wasn’t looking for the suspect, but he probably knew anyway. He laced his fingers through hers and tugged her toward the door. “Come on, Sharon. Nothing you need to see in there.”
She used to like Vegas, and listening to Andy Flynn wax poetic about garlic and spices, his attention focused solely on her and the plate of risotto they’d decided to share, Sharon Raydor thinks she could like it again.
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leauh2o · 6 years
Locked doors
Fanfic dabbling - a work in progress - not proofread or edited yet
It had been a long day, followed by a longer night. When her cell phone rang at day break, Provenza was not met with a happy Captain. Sharon pressed her palms into her tired eyes. With a sigh, she struggled out from under the duvet. She took a moment to run her fingers through her hair as her feet touched the floor. A little nagging voice in her head mocked, ‘getting to old for this.’
She moved more slowly than was her norm. Still absently trying to roll the knots from her neck, she opened the bathroom door. The thought of a hot shower the only positive she could hold onto at this hour.
She was not prepared to see a wet naked Andy stepping out of the shower.
“Oh God!” She couldn’t jump back into her room and close the door quickly enough. Her hand covered her face, ‘Oh God, Oh God’ running through her head.
Andy hadn’t heard the door open. Her voice sounded higher and filled with surprise. But the look on her face. That look.
She leaned against the door jam shaking her head.
Andy couldn’t stop the laughter that erupted. He guessed that she was embarrassed. Hell, so was he. This was not, how he envisioned Sharon seeing him naked for the first time. But the look on her face, the way her hands moved in a way that could only be described as flailing, that had him in stitches.
She rolled her head up toward the ceiling. My God was he laughing? Laughing at her. She turned as if to open the door and confront him. Why didn’t he lock the door! But she didn’t dare open it for fear she would find him standing there towelless and damnit, still laughing.
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milquetoast-on-acid · 2 years
White lies is the best arc that made your crimes ever did! Pt 2
I love how this episode is framed. The majority of the episode is told and flashback. As Sharon is confessing to her priest that she feels nothing for having killed Dwight Darnell. It is quite honestly one of the more experimental episodes that major crimes ever did.
Sharon is such a stickler for the rules that she tells her priest. How many times she has lied.
One of the wonderful things we learn is that Andy has officially moved in with Sharon and Rusty. I love how Sharon confesses this to her priest but doesn't have any issue with it in the way the church does. Sharon to Father Stan: "Your rules not mine."
Although it's really disappointing to learn that Andy moved in with Sharon completely off screen. Especially when it was their big storyline for season 5. Part of having really great storylines is great resolutions/climaxes. Imo don't start storylines you don't actually plan to finish. This was a huge problem in this show was that they had always packed too many storylines into the show with little to no good resolutions. I hear this is a huge issue that plagues the shows that Duff is currently working on. Moving on...
Sharon's faith was a big part of her character but it's not something that's really shown all that much, not until this episode.
RIP chef Taylor... Not Sharon though because she's still alive honeymooning with Andy in Ireland!
Mike: "Can you please remind our local Nazis that they lost the war a long time ago." Amy: "They'll love hearing that from me." Amy you have my ❤️! But girl you go out there tell them fuck you, racist assholes!
I think this is the last episode that we see Chuck. Honestly I think Amy and him broke up... They just seemed like they wanted different things in life. He wanted kids and she didn't.
Andy: "You might want to tell Chief Howard this is going to get naughtier before it gets nice." I miss that sarcasm!
I love Wes' introduction! The drunken Nazi he takes a swing at Andy and ends up arrested.
I love how Andy perfectly dodges that punch too! Especially after Wes calls him grandpa. Listen Andy might be old but he's still got it!
Morales: "Poison. Hope it was delicious." Haha wooow!
As much as Provenza grumbles about Julio having other priorities (has he forgotten that Sharon also adopted a kid?) He is supportive in his own way.
Speaking of support I do love how everyone throws their support to buzz regarding his father's case.
I love this moment where Andy hangs back with Sharon. She's lost in thought and when he calls her name she doesn't answer him. It's not until the next episode that we get a scene that bookends with this one.
Sharon: "I've always believed that adult children must take responsibility for their own actions both the good and the bad."
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We all know that's the exact opposite of what Rusty does at the end of the show... Moving on from that ending.
Rusty to Buzz: "No matter what happens you have done an awesome job." On a positive note I do love that Rusty is very supportive of Buzz here.
I love how super soft play by the rules Buzz suddenly becomes so aggressive in this most important interrogation.
Haha buzz's dad is just Phillip Keene with his natural curly hair. 😂😆
Hecht: "I don't get this ... It was 30 years ago man". Time waits for no murder.
Even though this wasn't one of my favorite storylines I do love that this is something that's mentioned all the way back in season 2. When Rusty asks everyone why they became a cop/work for the police. That we actually got follow up and a resolution to that is pretty incredible when follow through on this show was never the greatest.
Andy: "Yesterday this pea brain took a swing at me." 😂😂
I totally forgot that Rusty learned at some point that Dr Joe was really alive.
Is white lies the last time we see Dr Joe too?
It's interesting to think that Sharon can't really talk to Andy about Dwight's death. He isn't going to really understand her dilemma.
Gus: "You know what bothers me? Your reaction to Dr Joe's death. You're almost not reacting. I mean sometimes you seem disconnected from your emotions." Like mother, like son. Although honestly, he didn't tell Gus that Dr Joe is really alive? When does Rusty follow the rules?
I guess maybe because he just got his ass handed to him a few episodes ago when buzz told him to stop filming Hecht's print. I've never seen Sharon that mad at him. 😆 Girl was shaking!
I'm so salty about Rusty and Gus. They had their issues sure! I thought they were such a cute couple. Like Gus seemed so good for Rusty because he pushed him to be a better person who would look outside of himself. That is until Gus had to go and cheat on Rusty and I noped right out of that ship.
Jerry: "I got personality. Chicks dig that." I love the look on Andy's face when that creep says.
The idea of behavioral sciences absolving her from disqualifications related to her psychological response. Is kind of a lie because she wrote the questions and the answers. And I think this is the issue that I have with the resolution to her storyline in this arc. She is clearly not ok over shooting Darnell.
Wildred: "Dwight did not grow up like that... Dwight had friends of all different races. I didn't teach him hate." While I do believe her... On the other hand his dad is the freaking guy in charge of the z brotherhood.
I love this shot of all of the major crimes squad meeting Graff in the middle of the murder room. Sharon leading her army with one of her lieutenants standing a little behind her having her back. Andy is completely focused on Graff. Just waiting for him to make any kind of move to physically harm Sharon.
You have to give it to buzz he knows how to do some damn good research.
There's that scene I was talking about earlier! When Andy calls to Sharon and she is so lost in thought that she doesn't answer him. This time she does because she's gotten forgiveness from the one person that she's hadn't through most of the case. Dwight's mother.
Andy: "I rolled over and you weren't there."
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That is some fucking messed up foreshadowing. Enough with the salt though.
Look at them in their pajamas! I remember when this scene dropped! Everyone agreed that Andy's pajamas were definitely a gift from Sharon.
Sharon actually wearing a negligee to bed. What a turn around from that hideous nightgown she wore when Jack busted into her condo unannounced!
Andy kneeling down. There's a whole ass couch next to him he can sit on but, no he chooses to kneel.
He's definitely been practicing proposing. How long has he been thinking of asking her? Then again they've been dating for like three years at this point.
Them holding hands is endlessly sweet. She's holding his one big hand with both her hands!
And then he kisses the back of her hand! He loves her so much!
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The fact that Sharon and Andy just moved in together and Andy already feels when she's out of bed. That tells me that they were basically living together at that point. Andy did not go home very often. Kinda like how they started dating officially. They had already been dating for two years at that point.
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mksc77 · 4 years
This is a ff.net request for Andy having an ex-girlfriend show up and Sharon being jealous.  Jealous Sharon isn’t really my thing and is hard for me to imagine, so I tried to make it entertaining enough to make up for the parts that I obviously struggled to write. And I know Madam Secretary didn’t come on Monday nights, but its schedule just wasn’t working for me :)
As was usual for a Monday evening, Andy came home from a meeting to find Sharon and Rusty curled up on the couch and watching Badge of Justice. "What do you guys see in this show? It's awful!" 
"Johnny Worth," Sharon and Rusty murmured at the same time. 
Andy rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on." 
"May McDonald's not hard to look at, either," Sharon commented. "That's one woman I would kiss." 
"Huh..." Andy looked at the TV and back to Sharon, an intrigued look coming over his face. "You would absolutely have my blessing. As long as I get to watch. That'd be pretty hot." 
"Andy!" Sharon reached up and jabbed him in the side. "Don't make me call you Andrew."
Andy grinned. "Maybe I like it when you call me Andrew."
 Rusty looked disgusted. "All right, if your goal was to get the living room to yourselves, you got it. I'm out."
Sharon pawed at Andy with her foot until he sat down and settled her feet in his lap. "Ohhhh, that feels amazing," she hummed, closing her eyes as he kneaded them. "I hate breaking in a new pair of heels. My feet have been killing me all day." 
"How you walk in those damn things without breaking your neck is a mystery to me." 
"Hmm, a little lower," Sharon directed, ignoring him. "Little bit more—there. A little deeper...That's it. Please don't stop." 
"I was kind of hoping I'd hear something like that tonight...I just didn't think your feet would play such a large role." 
"I'd kick you if this didn't feel so good...But keep rubbing, and I could be easily persuaded." Sharon looked over at the TV. "After Madam Secretary." 
"Don't worry, I know where I stand on Monday nights." Andy looked down at his phone when it started buzzing. Catherine. Again. They'd dated several years ago and had come close to getting engaged.  They’d managed to end on friendly terms, but now she was wanting to get back together and wouldn't leave him alone, despite the fact that he'd told her he was in a serious relationship. He didn't realize he'd stopped rubbing Sharon's feet until she impatiently nudged at him to start again "Sorry." Setting his phone aside for the time being, he got back to the task of getting her into bed. 
On Tuesday morning, Sharon had an early meeting and was rushing around the kitchen, trying to get out the door. She heard Andy's phone ding with a text message, and she accidentally looked at it out of habit. "Is that Provenza?" Andy called from their bedroom. 
"No, it's Catherine." Who the hell was Catherine? Sharon had never heard Andy mention a Catherine before. 
Damn it. Andy finished getting dressed and went to the kitchen for his phone, knowing Sharon was going to have some questions.
Sharon eyed him.  “You’re dressed early.”
“Yeah, I might run a couple of errands if I can get out of here in time." 
Sharon was a little suspicious, but she had to leave now to be on time for her meeting. Not about another woman, but just that Andy was hiding something in general. "Okay, well I have to go. See you at work." She pecked him on the lips, grabbed her things, and left. 
Later that morning, Sharon thought it was odd when Andy, Provenza, and Buzz were all a half-hour late and hadn't texted or called. She was checking her phone again to make sure she hadn't missed anything when Andy finally called. "Hey, uh...We caught a murder." 
"Okay, where are you? Are Buzz and Provenza with you? What happened?" 
"Yeah, they're here." Andy paused for a moment. "Uh, we found a body in a pool. Looks like homicide." 
Sharon was confused. "How is this a major crime?...Wait, you found the body? How did that happen?  Where are you?”
Andy sighed. "Well, Provenza and I..." 
Sharon rolled her eyes. "Oh, good, because every good story starts with Provenza and I." 
"I found a house I thought you might like, so I wanted to show Provenza and see what he thought. I brought Buzz so he could film it for you, and then we found the body." 
"Okay, I'll send the others. Text me the address. Tell Morales to let me know when he needs me at the morgue." Well, at least this solved one mystery from that morning.
Later that day, Andy walked by a crowded interview room and nearly panicked when he recognized Catherine. "Provenza!" He hissed. "Who are all of these people?"
 "Huh?" Provenza was busy going through the deceased realtor's phone. "Oh. They were all interested in the house, and it's not too much of a stretch to consider them suspects. Since you want it, too, this will keep any of them from acting on it."
 "You're responsible for this?! And you don't even think it's necessary?" Andy's face started turning red as his voice got more high-pitched. 
"Ye gods, what's the problem?!" 
Andy looked toward the interview room and back at Provenza. "Catherine's in there." 
"Catherine who?" 
"Catherine. You remember. Catherine." 
"Was she the one with the cats or the one with the eye twitch? You’ve gotta be more specific with the who’s who of your dating history, Flynn." 
Andy shook his head. "No, no, Rachel had the cats. Amanda had the eye twitch. Catherine's the one—" 
Provenza's eyes widened. "Oh, yeah, the one you almost—" 
Andy nodded. "The one I almost. And now she's been texting me for the last few days, wanting to get back together." 
Provenza chuckled. "I tried to tell you this would all go to hell when you started calling the captain 'Sharon.'" 
Andy rolled his eyes. "You're not helping." 
"Oh, I wasn't trying to." 
"Lieutenants? Is there a problem?" Sharon walked up and looked from one to the other, wondering why they hadn't made a move. 
"Ah, no." Andy looked around, trying to conceal his growing panic. Sharon had stopped trying to understand Andy's and Provenza's antics long ago, so she didn't think much of their odd behavior. 
"Well, come on, then! I'd rather not be here all night." 
Andy's face turned pale. "You're going in there, too?" 
"To speak with potential suspects? Yeah, I'd planned on it, if that's all right with you." Sharon impatiently nudged Andy forward. 
Andy thought quickly. "It looks like you guys have it covered, so why don't I, um, try to find out more about the ex-husband?" As far as Catherine knew, he was still in robbery-homicide, so if he could manage to stay away from her, he might get out of this alive. Sharon gave him a questioning look, but didn't press him about it. 
Andy retreated to his desk. A couple of hours later, he got a warning text from Provenza that they were about to let everyone go, so he went to hide out in the bathroom for a few minutes. When it sounded like the crowd had died down, he waited a couple of minutes before going back to the murder room.  Just to find himself face-to-face with Catherine. So much for that plan. 
"Andy! I was hoping I'd run into you." 
Andy looked over his shoulder toward the interview room door and back at Catherine. Much like the murder victim, she'd had some work done, no question. Both to her face and other areas that he couldn't help but notice. "I told you, I'm in a relationship." 
"Oh, please, you're going to have to come up with something better than that. I won't try to pressure you into getting engaged this time. I don't want that anymore. Come on, we were great together." 
"We can't do this here—" 
"Can't do what here?" Sharon approached them, noticing the sexual tension immediately. The nervous look on Andy's face and his avoidance of the interview room were helping her put the pieces together. "You guys know each other?"
"You could say that." Andy shot Sharon a pleading I'll explain later look, but he couldn't catch her eye. He could tell by her expression that she was already well aware of the answer to her own question. "This is Catherine. We, uh, dated a long time ago. A really long time ago." 
"Ah, Catherine." Sharon's demeanor turned from mere amusement to slight suspicion. Of course Andy had old girlfriends that he might run into every now and then, but texting them was a different story. If it was even the same Catherine, but she had a sneaking suspicion that they were one and the same.
Andy smiled nervously. "It was so long ago that there were still cops around older than Provenza the last time we saw each other." He'd forgotten that Sharon had seen where Catherine had texted him that morning, and he didn't blame her for being taken aback. 
"I see." Sharon wasn't the jealous type, but this woman and her not-so-subtle attempts at disguising her age and once-smaller breasts unnerved her. The past is in the past had been her mantra regarding Andy's former relationships so far, but seeing it in person was different. "Well, Catherine, it was nice meeting you. Thank you for your help today." There was no question from Sharon's tone that what she really meant was goodbye, and Catherine took the hint, having guessed pretty quickly that Sharon was Andy's "relationship." She gave Andy a look that said this isn't over and left. 
Sharon couldn't help but smile to herself when Provenza walked out of the interview room, widened his eyes in panic at the sight of the three of them, and did a 180 and went right back where he had come from. That brought her back to reality, and she pushed Andy and his sack of plastic, fifteen-years-his-junior ex-girlfriend to the back of her mind for the next few hours. 
Later that evening, Sharon sat on the balcony with a blanket and a glass of cabernet. She'd never doubted Andy's devotion to her for a second, but knowing that a much-younger ex-girlfriend had been texting him was getting under her skin. He could've at least told her about it. She still didn't know why she was letting it bother her so much. Even if this Catherine low-quality-plastic-surgery-barbie-knockoff were after Andy, she knew the efforts wouldn't be reciprocated. But why was Andy still communicating with her? Looking back, Andy had been acting strangely, especially sometimes after reading a text, for a couple of weeks now. If there was nothing to hide, then why was he acting so weird? Her suspicion heightened when she got a text from him that he was going home after dinner with the AA member he sponsored instead of to the condo. That was pretty common, but in light of recent events, her mind was in overdrive. 
Sharon went inside to refill her wine and returned to the balcony. She called her sister, not to talk about Andy, but just to get her mind off of him before it drove her crazy. By the time they hung up, she heard the balcony door sliding open, and she was surprised to see Andy. "I thought you were going home." 
"I was, but then I realized what that might have looked like..." 
"Hmm." Sharon sipped her wine and looked out over the city. She'd actually been looking forward to relaxing alone and having her bed to herself, as she knew deep down that Andy wouldn't be unfaithful. 
Andy stood awkwardly by the door, not sure what to make of her mood. "Do you want me to go home?" 
"You're an adult, Andy, I want you to do whatever you want to do." 
"I want to be with you. That's all I want. I promise." 
"Yeah, you've made that clear." Sharon didn't know why she was in such an ill mood about this, but he was annoying the hell out of her with every word. 
Andy wasn't sure what to do now. She seemed to want to be alone, but going home seemed like a dick move at this point, so he settled for going inside and changing into his pajamas. When he came into the living room, Sharon was refilling her wine glass in the kitchen. Instead of placing a soft hand on his shoulder or pecking him on the cheek like she normally would've done when she walked by him, she fixed him with an irritated look. "I'm taking a bath." Sharon placed her wine glass on the edge of the bathtub and sifted through her bath oil collection while her water filled up. Finally settling on a rose scent, she discarded her clothes on the floor and set a towel nearby. After tying up her hair and starting a playlist on her phone, she climbed in and slowly lowered herself into the hot water, hoping it would help her relax. She didn't like how she was acting, but she was aggravated and couldn't help it. Only the Good Die Young usually put her in a good mood, but it wasn't doing anything for her this time. The water was getting cooler by the time she finished her wine, so she climbed out and dried off. She was in a slightly better mood, but not much. It had been a long day, so she said a quick goodnight to Andy and got ready for bed. 
Sharon's mind was still racing long after she felt Andy climb in beside her and softly kiss her cheek. As usual, he fell asleep in just a couple of minutes, and she was still running through the day's events in her head. She hadn't thought much of his remarks about the realtor's "enhanced" physique, but after seeing Andy's ex-girlfriend and hearing a couple of remarks about how the realtor was known for getting a little too friendly with potential buyers, she was starting to have doubts. 
The next morning, Andy got up early and made breakfast. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong, but he hadn't exactly handled the Catherine situation very well, either. It was going to be a long day, and he guessed Sharon would be opting for coffee, so he went ahead and got it started and placed her favorite mug on the counter while she was in the shower. 
Sharon smelled coffee as soon as she stepped into the hallway from the steamy bathroom. With her silk robe wrapped around herself, she padded down the hall with wet hair and bare feet. She'd been running through the case in her head, and she couldn't help but laugh at remembering Julio's amused-turned-somber "butt...implants, ma'am" comment. But, all that did was remind her of Andy's comments and the doubts she’d started to have the night before. 
Andy was standing at the stove, cooking eggs, and damn it if he didn't look so cute in his striped pajamas when she wanted to be angry with him for a minute. "Thanks," she murmured as she filled her mug. She took her coffee back to the bathroom, brushed out her wet hair, and applied her makeup before going to eat breakfast. 
"Crap, these are a little runny," Andy muttered as he scooped some eggs onto a plate. 
"Oh, those aren't firm enough for you, either?" Sharon retorted. 
Andy turned around, and Sharon felt a little guilty when she saw the pained expression on his face.  "I've been either ignoring Catherine's texts or trying to get her to stop, and I told you I didn't mean anything—" 
"I know." 
"Then what's with the cold shoulder?!" Andy demanded. 
"Nothing, Andy, just—I just—just give me a minute, okay?" Sharon knew she had nothing to worry about, especially since Catherine's uneven implants obviously hadn't been done by a doctor as skilled as the murder victim's doctor, but this was the first time she'd even thought about doubting Andy so far. She wasn't sure how to handle her feelings about it, but they would have to wait for now. 
Sharon hurried through breakfast and quickly got dressed. "I have to stop by Taylor's office on my way in, and that's never a quick process, so I'm going to go ahead and go." 
Andy nodded. "I need to go home tonight.  I have a guy coming to look at my dishwasher and a couple of things I need to take care of at the house.  You can stay over, or you can FaceTime me as many times as you want. That's all I'm doing, I swear." 
"I know, Andy." Sharon stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "See you in a little while." 
Late that afternoon, they reached a bit of a standstill in the case, so Sharon sent everyone home for the night so they could start fresh the next morning. She was kind of hoping Rusty would be staying at Gus's again so she could have a rare night to herself at the condo, but she wasn't disappointed to find him at home that night, either. She had a feeling that he'd been avoiding her lately, not wanting to talk more about his other mom's baby, and she and Andy had spent a lot of their free time looking at houses, so she hadn't seen much of him. She was tempted to talk to him about calling his mom and his unfavorable attitude toward the baby, but she decided to give him a break tonight. They ordered a pizza for dinner, and they were watching TV when Sharon remembered that she had the video from the house Andy wanted to buy. She could tell before they even played the video that Rusty wasn't thrilled with the idea of a new house, but her preoccupation with her own thoughts kept her from dwelling on that for the time being. As irritated as she was with Andy, his impish grin at the beginning of the video made her heart melt, and she realized that she missed him tonight. He was lucky he was so damn cute. 
Rusty seemed to read her mind. "What's with you and Andy? You guys seemed kind of weird today." He didn't necessarily want them to break up, knowing how that would hurt Sharon, but he couldn't help but hope that something had slowed down the "buying a house/moving in together" conversations.
"It's nothing, honey. Just a misunderstanding. We'll work it out." 
"Whatever it is, which is worse?" Rusty asked, never missing a chance to throw Sharon's own words back into her face. "Whatever you're arguing about, or being here without him?" 
Sharon rolled her eyes when she recognized the advice she'd given him about Gus not so long ago. "We're not arguing, it's fine. We just—can you believe Buzz jumped into the pool like that?" She asked, changing the subject. 
Sharon went to bed not much later, but between Rusty's obvious apprehension about a new house and feeling guilty about how she’d been acting toward Andy, she couldn’t sleep.  She sat up and texted him, hoping he was still awake, and she felt a little better after they’d texted back and forth a few times.  After telling each other goodnight, she was able to find sleep a little more easily. 
The team wrapped the case on Thursday evening, and Andy hung back in the murder room with Sharon as everyone else hurried to get out. There hadn't been much time to talk, but the distance from him and the distraction of the case had allowed her to let her aggravation simmer and see the situation more clearly. Andy knew her well enough to know that she just needed a little space sometimes, but he had sensed a change in her demeanor toward him and was pretty sure she was ready to talk. "Look, Shar, I blocked Catherine's number, which I should've done weeks ago, but I didn't want her to find out and be hurt. We were serious years ago, but she started texting me out of nowhere just a few weeks ago. I kept telling her I was with someone else and wasn't interested, hoping she'd give up, and I just didn't handle it very well when she didn't. You can read our texts—" 
"That's not necessary, honey." Sharon hoisted her purse over her shoulder and laced her fingers through Andy's. "Let's go home." She leaned against him as they walked toward the elevator, and she couldn't help but laugh when she thought of the poor woman's lopsided breasts. "I haven't seen such a botched boob job since the nineties!" 
Andy had noticed as well, as it would've been incredibly difficult not to, but he didn't want to respond the wrong way and start the fight all over again. "Really? I, uh, didn't notice." 
"You didn't notice?! They were like this!" Sharon pointed one index finger toward the ceiling and her other one toward the floor. 
"Yeah, well, I was a little distracted." Andy pressed a kiss to the side of her head, pausing to smell her hair. 
A couple of nights later, Sharon closer her book and placed it on her nightstand. Andy looked down as she lay against him and traced her finger down his chest. Her mind had drifted back to the most recent case, and she was suddenly curious about something. "Do you have any fantasies?" 
Andy looked confused. "What do you mean?" 
"Sexual fantasies, I mean. After the last few days, this obsession with perfect appearances just has me curious." 
"Oh. Why? You might do it?”  Andy asked incredulously.
Sharon shrugged, but gave him a look that clearly said yes.
Nurse and patient," Andy answered, without hesitation. 
Sharon looked up at him. "Really? I wouldn't have thought that." 
"What would you have thought?" 
Sharon shrugged. "I don't know. You strike me as the French maid type." 
"Well, it used to be banging the boss, but..." Andy kissed the top of her head. "That fantasy has become a reality. While we're on this, any for you? You can't bring this up and not tell me." 
"Pilot and passenger." 
The answer was so quick and certain that she had obviously thought about it before, and it was Andy's turn to be surprised. "Talk about unexpected. I thought you would've gone with something like the student and the professor." 
Sharon shook her head. "All of my professors were either old as dirt or assholes, sometimes both. That fantasy never did much for me." 
"Well, then, valued passenger, allow me to—" 
"No, I'm the pilot," Sharon interrupted. 
"Oh, right. Of course you are. So, now that we know this about each other..." 
Sharon cupped her hand behind Andy's head and pressed her lips to his neck. "Prepare for takeoff."
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ila9182 · 4 years
Hey! Can I ask for prompt 34, for the dialogue thing? Thank you 💜
Thank you so much @allons-y--spaceman for the prompt! I’m sorry it took me so long to write it. I know it has been months, but with all the mess happening in the world right now and some of my own issues, I haven’t been able to write. I’m not happy with the prompt: this is very far from what I used to write (both grammatically and creatively speaking), but I can’t do better right now. I just hope it doesn’t suck too much.
So here’s the prompt. It’s taking place right after the Christmas Party (3x15 Chain Reaction) and I was originally inspired (then kinda lost my inspiration) by a song “Love Show” by Skye. You’ll find some of the lyrics in the story as well! I hope you’ll enjoy this prompt even if it isn’t really good...
34. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Sharon sighed happily as she looked around her office, making sure nothing was out of place. Her eyes fell on the report she had been writing up before Andy interrupted her with a knock on the door a few hours ago.
“You know, if you can't make it home for the holidays maybe home can come to you.”
A smile crossed Sharon’s features. Andy. He had surprised her with a Christmas party in the break room with her team and her children. It was all his doing – Ricky confirmed it to her during the party – and she had felt and still felt overwhelmed by his thoughtful gesture. Andy. He had shown himself to be a trustworthy friend in the last three years. He had been there for her; a silent support during a bad day, a hand on her shoulder when they worked a tough case, an encouraging smile before a meeting with the Chief, a wink during one of Provenza’s rants. He was always there. Sharon couldn’t believe how far they had come; if someone would have told her a few years ago when she was still working in FID that the hotheaded Lieutenant Flynn would have become one of her closest friends, she would have laughed at the absurdity of the situation. It wasn’t an absurd thought anymore. Without even noticing, Andy had become a constant in her life and Sharon realized she couldn’t picture a life without him in it.  
Sharon grabbed her purse and glanced one last time at her desk before she left her office. She closed the door and turned to leave when she noticed Andy walking toward her. Sharon smiled at Andy and he told her, “Okay, so the Christmas Village is safely packed in your car as well as some leftovers. I tried to convince Ricky to leave the Christmas Village in the break room for the holiday, needless to say he didn’t like this suggestion at all.” He shrugged, a grin crossing his features.
Sharon chuckled and covered her mouth with a hand before replying, “After I threw his old pinecone elves away, I think Ricky won’t trust anyone with his Christmas decorations anymore.”
Andy laughed softly and shook his head. “Now I understand why the poor guy was so worried every piece was wrapped up with care.”
Sharon rolled her eyes and chuckled once again. This was so Ricky she wasn’t even surprised. She could see her son bossing everyone around about handling the Christmas decorations with care. Sharon met Andy’s gaze again and she told him with a grateful smile, “Andy, thank you for everything… for setting up this party, for bringing the kids here, for helping Ricky with the Christmas Village…”
“…that you left in the storage.” Andy cut her short with one of his renowned grins. “Believe me, you’ll never hear the end of it. He’s a sensitive kid, you know.” Sharon rolled her eyes and Andy squeezed her arm, his face turning serious while a soft smile graced his features, “It was a pleasure, Sharon. I know you were upset you couldn’t be home with the kids… I just wanted to do something nice for you… for all of you.”
“Thank you.” Sharon repeated, her tone wavering with emotion while moisture clouded briefly her eyes. She blinked it away and regained her composure quickly as she went on, “And thank you for the present. You didn’t have to get me anything, Andy.” She told him in a serious tone before a smile reached her eyes and she added, “I love it.”
“I’m glad you do.” Andy replied softly.
They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds until Sharon cleared her throat. She ran a hand through her hair and readjusted her purse on her shoulder before she whispered to him, “Merry Christmas, Andy.”
Andy offered her a smile as Sharon let go of his upper arm with one last squeeze and started walking away. He shifted the weight from a foot to another as he watched her walk away and pondered whether or not he should speak. He felt suddenly brave enough – or maybe he was just being foolish – when he called to her, “Sharon?”
Sharon stopped and turned around gracefully, a smile still lighting up her face, “Yes?” She asked him.
Andy opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He suddenly wasn’t brave anymore. As he stared at her green questioning eyes, any strength he felt before was gone. “Uhm, I…” He fumbled, unable to get intelligible words out of his mouth.
Sharon arched an eyebrow. “Is everything okay, Andy?” She asked him softly. She could sense his sudden uneasiness and she couldn’t quite explain the change of mood between them.
“Uhm, yes, yes…” Andy let out quickly, suddenly short of breath. “But listen, I…” He paused and looked away from her insisting stare. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Sharon studied him with a worried look. She walked back to him slowly, her eyes never leaving his figure as Andy started fidgeting with his hands. He was still carefully avoiding her gaze and Sharon couldn’t help but worry. “Andy, what…”
Andy stopped her with a hand gesture. He took a deep breath and met her gaze hesitantly when he started, “Sharon, you… you’re very important to me.” He finally managed to say.
An endearing smile graced Sharon’s lips as she closed the gap between them and put a hand on his arm. “You’re very important to me too, Andy.” Sharon replied softly.
Andy looked at her in the eyes and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “Uhm yeah, but I mean…” He fumbled uncomfortably. “It’s just that… uhm… you’re important to me more than a friend… more than a best friend, more than…” He was rambling, he knew it. He glanced at Sharon and she was still staring at him silently, her hand still on his upper arm. He had to get to the point. “Uhm what I’m trying to say is… I…” Andy paused before he finally blurted out, “I’m in love with you, Sharon.”
Andy met her eyes carefully and he was surprised to find Sharon staring blankly at him. He couldn’t read her face and the fact that she seemed now emotionless worried him. She let go of his arm out of the blue and took a step back before telling him, “I have to go. I don’t want to keep my children waiting.”
Andy knew she was running away. He knew it was her way to escape an emotional situation she couldn’t deal with. He knew it, but it didn’t hurt less. He tried to reach out for her but she was already too far away from him. “Sharon…”
“I need to go.” Sharon muttered before looking down and turning her back to him, “Thank you again, Andy.” She whispered as she was already walking away.
-------------You don't know somebody's aching keeping it all in… ----------------
Sharon stood lost in her own thoughts as the Christmas tree lights reflected off her face. She brushed her thumbs over the small green package she was holding in her hands and her mind drifted to Andy’s confession in the Murder Room. She had run away, leaving him there alone when he had exposed the most vulnerable part of him to her. Andy deserved to be treated better, he deserved better than this. He deserved better than her.
Sharon opened the package to reveal an angel ornament. It shined beautifully in the box; a delicate crystal figure with a golden halo. Andy couldn’t have chosen a better gift; he knew her too well.
“It’s beautiful, Mom…” Emily whispered as she peeked over her mother’s shoulder at the small opened box she was holding in her hands.
Sharon hummed quietly. She had heard soft footsteps approaching, so she wasn’t surprised when she heard her daughter’s voice.
“So that’s the present you’ve been clutching for most of the Christmas party?” Emily asked with a smirk. She didn’t need an answer; she had noticed the small box when her mother had hugged her but she hadn’t managed to see what was inside. Her smile grew wider when she inquired, “It’s from Lieutenant Flynn, isn’t it?”
Sharon merely nodded and Emily smiled at her mother’s unusual silence. “I’m glad there is someone here you can rely on, someone who cares about you…” Emily trailed off, waiting for some reaction from her mother.
“We’re just friends.” Sharon blurted out, turning to face her daughter. She arched an eyebrow as she looked at a grinning Emily.
Emily’s face turned serious when she asked her mother in a gentle tone, “Would it be so bad if it was more than this, Mom?”
Sharon stared at her daughter silently. Was it that bad? She wondered. Of course not! was her first thought, but she couldn’t find the strength to admit it. She felt like she couldn’t speak, the words dying in her throat. Sharon sighed and looked down at the small box in her hands. She brushed a finger over the precious ornament and smiled softly. No, it wasn’t bad at all. She just couldn’t admit it out loud, especially to her daughter.Not yet. Sharon took the angel from the box and turned toward the Christmas tree. She hung it delicately and took a few seconds to admire how the Christmas lights shined through the crystal figure.
“It’s perfect.” Sharon whispered after a little while.
Emily smiled softly as she noticed her mother’s eyes shinning. She didn’t need an answer to her question, she had it already. She squeezed Sharon’s upper arm before replying, “As if it has always belonged here, Mom…”
I’m in love with you, Sharon. Andy’s words echoed in her head and her stomach fluttered all over again. Sharon glanced one last time at the angel ornament before turning around, looking for her daughter. Emily was already heading to the hallway and she stopped when her eyes met her mother’s.
“Honey, I…” Sharon started, but her voice trailed off when she realized she didn’t know what to say.
Emily smiled and nodded her head toward the front door. “It’s okay, Mom, go. I’ll hold the fort while you’re away trying to save Christmas.”
---------------------- Somebody won't let go of her heart ---------------------------
Andy didn’t know what had gotten into him. He didn’t know why he had felt the need to tell Sharon about his feelings. He let himself fall unceremoniously on the couch, trying hard not to think about how idiot he had been. He knew he had ruined everything. Sharon running away from him without a word was a clear indication of how much he had screwed up.
Andy ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He hadn’t even bothered to change into comfortable clothes; he had discarded his blazer on the couch the moment he had stepped in. He had leaned against his kitchen counter with a mug of black coffee in his hand. Drinking coffee late at night was the last of his worries; he knew his mind would keep him up all night anyway, reminding him what a fool he had been.
A soft knock interrupted his train of thought. He stared at the front door, almost convinced his mind had made it up until he heard another knock, more insisting this time. He frowned and walked to the door. Only one person could show up at his house so late at night, actually two people could but Provenza was with Patrice so he was definitely ruled out.
Andy felt suddenly nervous as he was about to open the door. The feeling only increased when he found himself face to face with Sharon. His breath caught in his throat and for a split second, Andy thought she was there to yell at him to never show up at work again. He would have probably deserved it. Sharon didn’t speak and they stared at each other in silence for a little while before Andy found his voice, “Sharon, I…”
Before Andy could even go on, Sharon took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She put a hand on his upper arm while the other slid behind his neck, urging him to lean down. Her lips teased his hesitantly as if Sharon wasn’t sure her kiss was welcome, and she pulled back before Andy could even kiss her back. They stared at each other in silence, their gazes switching from their eyes to their lips before they closed the gap between them again, with more confidence this time. Andy slid an arm around Sharon to hold her close while his other hand cupped her cheek. He kissed her in a way that left no doubt to his feelings and the corners of his mouth turned up when Sharon moaned in the kiss. They pulled back slightly, their noses still brushing when Sharon whispered, still out of breath, “I’m sorry I ran away…”
“I’m the one who’s sorry.” Andy cut her short, shaking his head. He still had his arms wrapped around her, almost afraid that if he let her go she would disappear and he would realize he had fallen asleep on his couch and that it was only a dream. “I have the worst timing, I should have never said it at work and…”
“No…” Sharon stopped him, putting a finger over his mouth to silence him. She smiled softly at him and pulled back slightly, so she could study his face better. She thought back of his words, of how hard it must have been for him to tell her how he felt. “How long have you been keeping this to yourself?” Sharon asked him gently.
Andy looked down, feeling suddenly uneasy. He turned his head slightly, breaking the contact between them as he tried to pinpoint the moment his friendly feelings changed into something more. What could he say? Nicole’s wedding…?
“Oh Andy…” Sharon added softly as she reached for his face again. She cupped it with both hands, her thumbs stroking his cheeks soothingly. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that…”
“It doesn’t matter, you’re here now.” Andy interrupted her gently, leaning in to whisper the words to her.
“I’m here now.” Sharon repeated with a bright smile before she met him halfway for another kiss.
--------------- But the truth is… it's painless letting your love show ----------------
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commanderraydorsass · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @mikusc, so here we are. I also only have 3, though.
As the Dust Settles (post-S5 finale): Andy knew he was going to be in hot water with Sharon, and probably even higher authorities, when he made the trek across the street, but he couldn't bear being a desk monkey for another second. If he could just prove that he could still do his job away from his desk without dropping dead, then he could kill his doctor, Sharon, and Provenza with one stone and be back where he should be. Now, walking down to his car with Sharon, this was their first moment alone since he'd jeopardized his job and his sex life for the foreseeable future. He hoped that the drama from the bomb and the excitement of the new Assistant Chief and her promotion would distract her from laying into him for the time being. She hadn't said a word on the elevator or as they walked to his car, and he wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She was still teary-eyed, just staring at the stars representing her new status as Commander in her hands. Why, of all days, did her car have to be in the shop today, which had required her to ride to work with him? Being alone in the car with her for the next twenty minutes frightened him more than any cold-hearted dirtbag could even think about. At least at home, Rusty would be around, and she would probably at least tone it down a little bit when she was handing his ass to him.
Back in the Game (set during S5 hiatus—Andy and Sharon are looking forward to their first “night” together after Andy’s heart attack, but a health scare causes Sharon’s maternal instincts to get in the way): After closing a rather difficult case, Sharon was happy to get home early enough one Wednesday afternoon to cook dinner. It had been almost a month since Andy's heart attack, and he had a doctor's appointment the next day to determine whether he could go back to work. His heart attack had, thankfully, been mild, but given the stressful nature of Andy's job, his doctor hadn't yet cleared him to return to work. Sharon stepped out of her heels before she'd even closed the door. She looked around for Andy and spotted him reading on the patio, so she decided to change into more comfortable clothes and get dinner started before going to greet him.
Much more comfortable in yoga pants and her favorite beige sweater, with her hair pulled back, Sharon tied her apron on and started dinner. The news was blaring on the TV in the background, so she never heard Andy come in. She jumped when she felt his arms around her. His lips went straight for the sensitive spot on her neck that made her crazy. This was his signature way of initiating bedroom activities, and, more times than not, he was successful.
Then and Now (late S4—Sharon and Andy are navigating the sometimes-awkward stages of their new physical relationship, and Sharon is looking through old pictures and reflecting on Emily’s and Ricky’s childhoods): Sharon quietly closed the door behind her when she slipped into the condo after a doctor's appointment one Friday morning. She'd scheduled it for the first appointment of the day so she could have most of her "sick day" to herself. Andy had been sick for a few days, but she'd thought he was going back to work today until she noticed his car still in his spot in the garage. With Rusty planning to spend most of the day with Gus, she'd been looking forward to having the condo to herself for a few hours. Andy had been staying overnight as a partner rather than a patient more and more recently, which she was thrilled about, but she was still getting used to the recent change. While having the day to herself would have been welcome, she wasn't disappointed that she'd have company, either. As long as said company kept the whining to a minimum, because he'd been driving her up the wall. He'd handled the blood clot situation with no problem, but a few cold symptoms and a slight fever had him acting like he was on his deathbed.
Sharon placed her purse on the rack in the entryway and stepped out of her sandals. Shoes in hand, she went quietly through her room and to her closet to change into something more comfortable. After pulling on some leggings, she realized the sweatshirt she wanted to put on was in the laundry room, and Rusty wasn't home, so she started for the laundry room in just her leggings and bra. "How was your appointment?" Andy mumbled from her bed.
Sharon jumped. She hadn't realized he was awake. She was much more comfortable with being undressed in front of him than she had been just a few weeks ago, but she hadn't yet reached the point where it didn't faze her at all. And she wished she were wearing one of her better bras. Any of them would've been better than this one, and she should've thrown it out long ago, but it was her favorite. She hadn't expected to be seen in it today, so she didn't worry about it when she put it on that morning. She sat on her bed and got back under the covers. "It was fine. I thought you were going back to work today?"
Andy sighed dramatically and looked up at her with pleading eyes. "I still wasn't up for it. I think my temperature went up again."
Sharon managed not to roll her eyes before leaning down to kiss his forehead. "You don't have a fever."
"But I still don't feel well!" Andy insisted.
"I know, honey," Sharon said patronizingly.
Andy gave her a suggestive look. "Rusty didn't come home last night, did he?" Sharon shook her head. He'd texted her the afternoon before that he was staying at Gus's, and his car hadn't been beside hers when she got back from her appointment. "Well, there's one thing that I'm pretty sure I am up for..."
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this-geek · 4 years
Dialogue prompts, Major Crimes, 21? Thank you 💜
Okay, this took a bit longer but I had to fact check a little and I only have my phone with me. I hope this is good.
Apologies if there are any errors cultural or grammatical.
I'm not 100% sure this is plausible but this is fanfiction so I don't care as long as its fun, right?
21: "Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy" 
In an attempt to have the divisions of the LAPD work in better harmony together a New Year Quiz had been organised. The divisions had had a week to submit answers for 10 questions then there would be a New Year's Party where every division had to have some people there to answer a further 20 questions which would determine who would win the secret prize promised to them by Pope. 
Now the major Crimes division had struggled somewhat with the initial questions due to the level of tension coursing through the group who were still adjusting to the change in commanding officer. Captain Raydor had tried to promote it and Amy along with Sanchez and Buzz tried to contribute something but the influence of Provenza had dampened their enthusiasm but it got done. Nobody had wanted to go to the party but Flynn felt a bit bad and offered to go with the Captain who despite her professional exterior had seemed quite excited at the idea of a party. 
They had driven to venue separately but managed to arrive at almost the same time. He watched her get out of her car and grabbed a small bag; she was wearing her black coat that had become familiar over the years. She smiled at him. 
"Lieutenant, you didn't have to come. I could have represented is just fine on my own" they walked in together Andy shaking his head a little. 
"That would have defeated the purpose of team spirit Captain. I don't mind a little quizzing anyway" he explained and held open the door. They quickly found a seat and looked at the question sheet which didn't have the questions laid out which probably meant they'd have a live host read them out. 
"So, how is you general knowledge?" Andy asked glancing round the room at the other officers laughing and chatting amongst themselves. 
"I know a decent amount of knowledge that might help" she shrugged and glanced in the same direction as Flynn was looking, "it's not great just the two of us is it?" she rolled her lips and placed her hands on the table lacing her fingers
"It's not your fault…" 
"but it is because I am the commanding officer. I should be able to bring my team together" she interrupted, her voice quiet and almost bitter as though she were annoyed with herself. In a move he didn't expect himself to make he took her hand and squeezed it. 
"then let's win this quiz together and show our team that we all could have had a good time together" Sharon nodded her eyes wide as she glanced at their hands clasped together. He dropped her hand and went to the bar getting them both a drink. 
Andy couldn't help but stare at her, she was actually really good at quizzing. The movie questions had been water off a ducks back and he'd barely said a thing during the music round. In the penultimate history round he had tried to help but she had shut him down quickly; she was a bigger nerd than he ever thought her to be. Knowing the law off by heart was clearly just the start of Sharon Raydor's knowledge. 
"Captain, how do you know all this stuff about the civil war and the war of independence?" he asked as she tallied up their score so far. She shrugged. 
"It won't shock you that I wasn't the most popular person in school; it was better in college but high school my first friend was the librarian. She'd recommend so many books. I think it stuck because my mother was a teacher too so learning was central in my life growing up" She smiled mentioning her mother. Flynn seemed almost shocked, he would be lying if he said he'd never assumed that the Captain's mother was more of a lady of leisure. 
"What did she teach?" he asked, while they had the chance to talk. 
"She taught maths, that was her speciality but after she retired she helped run a community programme for children who did not have ready access to education, I had to help too" she added turning their paper over to the final general knowledge questions space. 
"Ah, so you were a bit of nerd and it carried through to now" he joked at her but she didn't quite see it as funny as him. Her eyes rolled, she was not impressed. 
"Alright folks here is your last question," Pope announced, "which country did Chinese Checkers originate from?" Andy scoffed and started writing but the pen was quickly slapped from his hand. In neat writing Sharon wrote Germany. 
"um, captain the clue is in the name" Andy whispered trying to take the pen from her. 
"no, I'll tell you why in a minute" the sheets were handed in and Sharon turned to explain but heard some others boasting about the answers they put down. She rolled her eyes she knew she was right anyway. Andy came over to her. 
"it's only one question" he muttered as he drank his cranberry juice. 
"it's not, Chinese checkers comes from Germany and was renamed by Americans to sound more exotic. Had the question been a bout Chinese chess the answer would have been China but it was not" she replied matter of factly. Andy shhook his head he did not believe her at all. Music started and people started to get up and dance. 
"you can find someone to dance with" Sharon smiled happily nursing her 2nd glass of wine. Andys head shook. 
"so what did your father do?" he asked turning to her. She looked at him her head tilted, her lips rolled and she placed her glass on the table. 
"he was JAG. He went to Law school, passed the bar but wanted something else so he joined the Judge advocate General Corp. Both my parents have a love of learning and education, my brother is a doctor. What about your family? "she explained, Andy watched surprising Sharon in his interest. 
"My old man was a…" he was interrupted by Pope clearing his throat at the mic, the music being turned down. 
"Now then before we welcome the new year quickly I want to thank all for coming and tell you who has won the soon to be annual quiz. In third place with 23/30 is Robbery Homicide," there was a pause as the division went up to collect a trophy and a small envelope." in second place with 25 is Forensic Sciences" again a pause occured so the group could collect their trophy and envelope "now first place, just pipped the post by 1 point it is Major Crimes" Sharon smiled Andy pulling him up from his chair. She took the trophy from Pope with, a smile that if you did not like her would you'd say was a shit eating grin but if you did; as Andy did, you would say it was a giddy and quite excitable grin. 
The two returned to their table and opened their envelope to find a voucher for some fancy restaurant and by the look of it, it had enough for the whole division to have something. Andy chuckled
"I suggest we tell everyone we lost and keep this for us, and Rusty if he wanted to join" he rushed to add, although if he was being honest he would mind have dinner alone with the captain at all. 
"we can't do that, can we?" she started to chuckle. Her expression changed suddenly and she rushed from the table returning moments later with the marked question sheet her grin went smug as she pointed to the final question. 
"would you look at that, sometimes being a complete nerd comes in handy" as she boasted her win over Andy, the man in question realised the countdown to New Year had begun. He congratulated Sharon and as the countdown reached one he took a chance, kissing her cheek. 
"I really want to spend that dinner voucher on us, our win" he whispered in her ear. She looked at him and maybe it was the wine or the joy of outsmarting someone but she kissed his cheek and agreed  to go to dinner with him.
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