#andy ego in me
iheartradio alter ego fob links
planning to upload a screen recording after the show, if it lets them
~view original post for most recent edit/check notes~
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torawro · 10 months
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catching up with undead unluck and………dear Lord.
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months
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May I present y'all with Amryl Shadowhoard; my Gary Sue, my batman. My everything and the kitchen sink. And I adore it.
SO. Amryl [They/It; sometimes she] is a hybrid [dhampir/werewolf, roflmao], half-elf with tiefling ancestry. Why do they have wings you ask? [Because I wanted it to fly/teleport, :-(].
I haven't ironed out the deets. But basically, Amryl is the youngest sibling to my youngest durge [Isyl]. Amryl's family found/was given Isyl. They didn't have children yet and Isyl became their beloved baby. They loved [.... I think] Amryl but they could never get losing Isyl. So they - a very wealthy mercantile/trader family - spent a lot of money trying to find Isyl.
Amryl became a dhampir; not through the traditional sense but either from a deal went wrong made by her parents OR by a trash ex [I haven't decided yet]. My original thought [that I might keep] was that it died, and through regret [if I do the parents angle] or obsession [the ex angle], and they were frankenstein'd back to life. Hence the wings [and maybe the werewolfness].
It's family was very devout to Lathander but the Morninglord [and his followers] do not suffer the undead. So when they came back, he left them out in the cold. But Bahamut welcomed her with open arms. So they're a war cleric of Bahamut and a ranger 😌.
I still have not decided their personality. Other than they're a dark wearer; the blue and white is an exception to honor Bahamut [he doesn't seem the type to care but it is immensely grateful for his kindness and strength and support]. Also, their bg is entertainer.
ty for coming to my TEDtalk.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Rules {Part Four}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part Four
Tonight is the night of the dinner party and tensions are running high. Caught between the love for your family and your own desires, things take a dramatic turn when you make a choice you can't take back.
♡♡ I finally get to write about my #1 favorite TVD moment! The Dinner Partyyy! {the campyiness, the tension, the dramaaaa... Its peak TVD} Hope you enjoy! PS: there will be a part five ♡♡
6.4k words - Warnings: salvatore!sibling reader, no smut, lots and lots of drama, so much angst, Elijah being the sexiest middle-part menace he can be, secret affair, forbidden romance, Damon being over-protective, finally adding some proper Stefan moments to the plot, Elena being Elena, my sweet angel ♡ ANDIE STARRR ♡ , vervain, tension, violence, john gilbert & chocolate mousse...
{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three}{Part Five}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
Trying to fix my tags! I re-added all of you, and now you will be posted at the top!
If you no longer wished to be tagged just shoot me a DM {I won't be offended} xoxo~
@gorgeouslydangerous @starkleila @lydia1369sworld @notleylaaa @vampiresluv
@myanmy @xflowerbombxo @maryvibess @always-and-forever-daydreaming @criminallminds @rosemarypotion @spnaquakindgdom @amournoir @meeom @damienmorton @wickedmuse @sunkissedebony97 @idk00sblog @savannaounana @cs-please @complicatedandconfusing-25 @youcanhavemybuckanyday @akala6670229 @yeaiamme2 @itsjulzandmydiamonds @spideysbabe @witch-of-letters @elijahstwink @rosecentury @sekaishell @ziayamikaelson @amanda08319 @starshipcookie @li-da-savage @veggie-eggrolls @spideybv28 @loving-and-dreaming @fancycassie-stayfancy @hcqwxrtss123
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You sat in front of your vanity, outlining your lips with a deep shade of red, finishing off the look with a dab of gloss.
Damon didn't tell you any details of what he was planning, beyond having a weapon that could kill an Original, which would have seemed absurd if it wasn't your brother. You knew what he was capable of. 
Damon had left not too long ago, telling you he was going to lunch with his girlfriend Andie, and would be back later.
All you knew was that there would be a dinner party tonight and if Elijah showed up, Damon was going to kill him. 
Your phone rang and you glanced over to see Stefan's name on the screen, your pressed speaker, and went back to applying your lipstick.
"Hey," You said, pressing your lips together and checking the color.
"Hello," Stefan replied, sounding a bit tense.
"How's your trip with Elena going?" You asked, grabbing a tube of mascara.
"Well as it can be," he said vaguely.
"I guess you know about the deal then? Elena is willing to die for you, that's very sweet," you said casually, applying the mascara to your eyelashes.
"When did you get so callous? She isn't a martyr, she's just naive," he sighed.
You felt a pang of guilt for teasing him. He was right, Elena was kind and gentle, and both of your brothers loved her.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I know how you feel about her," You said, trying to sound comforting. "It's just that she possesses an unfortunate face,"
Stefan let out a humorless chuckle, and sighed. "Katherine's face,"
"Yeahhhh," you laughed.
"Funny you should mention her, Elena has been reading some old journals written by Johnathan Gilbert," Stefan explained. "It's brought up a lot of memories,"
"Didn't you eat him?" You asked, screwing the cap onto the mascara.
His silence was an answer in and of itself.
"Are you afraid that if Elena learns about your lovely alter-ego she won't love you anymore?" You teased.
"This is serious," he sighed.
"Ok, ok, sorry," You said, standing up and smoothing out your dress. "Always so uptight,"
"Not everyone has it so easy, sister," he grumbled.
"What does that mean?" You asked, your tone slightly offended.
"It's nothing," he sighed.
"No, no. Please, speak your mind," You said, rolling your eyes.
"You've always just been good at it," He began, you could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"At what?" You snapped, pacing around your room.
"Being a vampire," He said bluntly. "You claim to loathe Katherine, yet you aren't that different,"
You didn't know what to say, his words cut you. How dare he compare you to the woman who destroyed your life, turned you and your brothers into monsters. Kept them under her toxic spell while you watched them suffer.
"That's not fair, Stefan," You said softly, feeling hurt and defensive.
"Isn't it?" He asked.
You stayed silent, unsure of what to say, you just stared out the window, the sun shining brightly outside.
"Anyway, I don't have time to debate your morals," Stefan continued. "I'm just calling to tell you to watch out for Damon, killing Elijah won't be easy, he will need your help,"
"And here I thought you didn't trust me," You said, unable to hide the hurt in your voice.
"I trust you more than anyone," he said softly.
You wanted to tell him everything, how guilty and ashamed you felt. You didn't even know why you were feeling these things, Elijah was nothing to you, but you couldn't stop thinking about him, the pain in his eyes, the coldness in his voice, it haunted you.
And now you were going to kill him, Stefan was right... You weren't so different from Katherine.
"Then, trust me when I say, I'll handle it," You said, keeping your tone casual.
"Ok," he said, though his voice sounded hesitant. "Please be careful,"
"I will," you said softly, before ending the call.
You sat down on your bed and pulled on a pair of black velvet pumps. They were tall, and made your legs look amazing. You checked your lipstick and smoothed out your dress, and headed downstairs.
Damon was just arriving home, with Andie in tow. They were carrying bags of groceries, and setting them down in the kitchen.
"Hi, Andie," You smiled.
"Hello darlin," she said, her voice cheery, like always. "Don't tell me that your brother roped you into this mess,"
"Mess?" You asked, raising an eyebrow, giving Damon a questioning look.
"Andie doesn't believe in my abilities to cook," Damon rolled his eyes.
"Damon has a tendency to go overboard with things," she laughed.
Neither of them were actually talking about the cooking. Damon had obviously told her about his plans for the night.
"What are we serving tonight, then?" You asked, giving him a warning look.
"A nice rack of lamb, roasted vegetables, some salad..." Damon trailed off, looking around the kitchen. "Annnd... A dessert that will be sure to knock our guest's socks off,"
You and Andie made eye contact and she smiled, trying not to laugh.
"Sounds lovely, brother," You smiled, reaching out and patting him on the shoulder. "How can I help?"
Damon gave Andie a pointed look and she nodded and left the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone to chat.
"So," he began, as he pulled out a box of matches and lit the burner on the stove. "Change of plans,"
"Change?" You asked, leaning against the counter, crossing your arms.
"I need you to stay upstairs, away from the party," He said, avoiding your eyes.
"What?!" You said, glaring at him. "Why?"
"Because Jenna is coming, and she thinks you are Elena's age... I can't have her asking too many questions," Damon explained.
"That's such bullshit!" You growled, pushing off the counter. "You can't do this on your own,"
"Yes I can," he scoffed.
"So, what? I'm just supposed to stay hidden away in my room, twiddling my thumbs while you try and kill Elijah?" You asked, getting more irritated by the second.
"Yeah, pretty much," He said, his tone casual. "And when it's done you can help me dispose of the body,"
"Are you being fucking serious?" You spat.
"Relax," he chuckled.
"How am I supposed to relax when I know you are going to get yourself killed?!" You asked, throwing your hands in the air.
Damon put down the pan he was holding and turned around, walking over to you and getting in your face, his eyes wild and bright.
"Despite you being a ravenous little killer, you are still my baby sister," he said, his voice soft, but his eyes were still angry. "I was wrong to ask you for help, it's my job to protect you, not put you in harm's way,"
You didn't like this one bit, Damon was stubborn and headstrong, and once his mind was made up, there was no changing it. It infuriated you, the way he saw you as this helpless damsel. Yet, you weren't surprised, he had a tendency to go overboard with things and forget logic. The fact that you were a vampire and could handle yourself was something he often forgot.
You felt humiliated and helpless, and that made you angry, so fucking angry.
"Fuck you," You snapped, turning on your heel, storming out of the kitchen, Damon called after you, but you ignored him, slamming the door to your room shut.
You stood in the middle of the room, feeling a wave of emotion hit you. This wasn't like you, you never let yourself feel like this, so out of control. The last time you felt anything like this was years ago, when you were human.
You hated that feeling, the way your stomach would twist, and your heart would ache. But it wasn't because of Damon... It was because of Elijah.
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The sound of the guests arriving floated up to your bedroom. You were sitting on your bed, a glass of wine in hand. You had been drinking all evening, trying to numb the anger, the sadness, and the regret.
The plan was already in motion, there was no stopping it now. Elijah was going to die, and you were told to stay put and let it happen.
You picked up the voices of several familiar people, Alaric, Jenna, Andie, even Elena's estranged father John. All chatting happily, blissfully unaware of your presence upstairs. 
You looked down into your glass, you could see your vague reflection in the dark liquid. You couldn't stand the sight of yourself, the guilt, the shame… it was eating away at you, no longer could you sit there and wallow in it. 
Fuck it, you thought. You finished the glass off with one large gulp and got up, walking over to the full-length mirror.
Your hair was down, the curls flowing down past your breasts, and your makeup was perfect, smoky eyes and deep red lips. All dressed up and nowhere to go, nobody to see.
You headed down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible, peeking through the railing on the stairs to see if anyone was there.
Then you heard Elijah's voice, it was hushed and cold, and the words were unintelligible, but it was him, and your heart skipped a beat.
You inched closer, straining your ears, desperate to hear more.
"Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider."
His tone was dark and threatening, and you knew Damon would be on the receiving end.
"No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you," Damon replied, and you could picture his cocky smile.
"Hmm. Well, that's good," Elijah sounded skeptical, and you could hear him walking inside and closing the door.
"Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah's tone was firm and unwavering, and you could sense the tension.
You took a deep breath, steadying your nerves, and walked down the stairs. Your feet a bit wobbly in your heels, the wine was catching up with you.
Everyone was looking at you by the time you got to the bottom, and you were sure your face was flushed, your cheeks pink. But all you could see was Elijah. His dark eyes watching you, and your heart was racing. Surely he wouldn't kill you in front of all these people.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us," Damon chuckled nervously, walking up to you and putting his arm around your shoulder, squeezing you forcefully. "This isn't a party for teenagers, sweet sister,"
The tension was thick, and it was clear that Damon didn't want you there.
"I just wanted to come say hello, I was getting bored upstairs," You said casually, pulling away from him.
"Oh, c'mon Damon, it's alright. She can stay for the food," said Jenna, giving you a warm smile. She was so kind, you didn't want to see her get hurt.
"No, really. She should be going, right sis?" Damon said, glaring at you.
"No, I think I'm gonna stay, I was promised dinner, after all," You replied, meeting his eyes, defiance shining in them.
Elijah cleared his throat, stepping towards you and Damon, his face neutral. "Nice to meet you Miss Salvatore," he took your hand and kissed it, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
Damon was looking at Elijah like he wanted to rip his throat out, and you had to resist the urge to smirk.
"And you, Mr. Smith," You replied, trying to hide your amusement.
Elijah gave you a knowing look, and a small smile formed on his lips.
"Call me Elijah," He replied, still holding your hand.
"Elijah, then," You nodded, a shiver running down your spine as his thumb traced your wrist.
You had no idea why he was acting so casual, he had to know this was a trap, and he was just standing there, touching you.
"Ok, now that everyone knows each other, let's eat," Andie cut in, leading everyone to the dining room.
Before you could follow, Damon grabbed your arm and pulled you aside, his expression one of pure rage.
"What are you doing?" Damon growled.
"Having dinner," You said, pushing him off and brushing past him, walking into the dining room.
The only empty seat available was next to Elijah, who grew stiff when you approached him.
"Is this ok?" You asked, smiling sweetly.
He nodded, pulling the chair out for you, and pushing it back in once you were seated, always the gentleman.
Everyone was seated, and the dinner party was in full swing. Jenna and Andie asked Elijah all about the local history of Mystic Falls, and he bullshitted his way through, telling them stories of the old families that founded the town, local folklore tales, and other nonsense.
Elijah seemed to relax a bit, although he was purposely avoiding looking or speaking to you, his gaze focused elsewhere. But every once in a while you could feel his hand brush yours under the table, making your skin tingle.
You were drinking wine like it was water, and you could feel the effect it was having on you. The world was fuzzy, and everything was so funny. You would giggle or let out an inappropriate snort whenever Elijah would talk, and your face was flush and hot.
"Not to be a party pooper but aren't you a little young to be drinking?" John Gilbert said, looking at you, his eyes narrowing.
You glared at him, raising an eyebrow, he knew that you were a vampire, four times his age no less. But you weren't about to argue in front of sweet and innocent Jenna, who had no clue about the existence of the monsters she was surrounded by.
"She can have a glass, as her guardian I allow it," Damon said casually, not bothering to look up from his plate.
"Ahh, I see, I suppose the rules are a bit more lax when you have Damon as a parent," John added, his expression bitter and cold.
"I think she's had more than a glass," Andie said softly, her tone was concerned as she looked you over.
You felt Elijah's hand come to rest on your thigh under the table, it made your heart skip a beat and Damon look up from his plate.
"She's fine," Damon said, his tone final.
The other guests exchanged awkward glances, Alaric cleared his throat uncomfortably and Jenna and Andie both had worried expressions on their faces.
Elijah's hand was moving higher up your thigh, and it was making your face flush, and you were starting to get wet.
You had no idea why he was touching you, considering he wanted to kill you. But you supposed there is a fine line between lust and loathing.
As soon as everyone finished their meal, Andie got up and Damon gave her a pointed look, whatever he had planned had just begun.
"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study," she said, giving everyone a smile, her gaze lingering on Elijah.
"I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company," Elijah said, smiling at her, and standing up.
"I like you," Andie said softly, returning his smile.
You watched as the men left, Damon looked back at you before he followed them, giving you a wink, and closing the door.
You were fuming, the wine making you angrier than usual, you went to follow but Andie intercepted you, handing you a pile of plates.
Sighing, you reluctantly carried them to the kitchen and started loading the dishwasher, not wanting to draw too much attention.
"Here, let me help," Jenna smiled, taking the glasses from your hands.
"It's fine," You said, forcing a smile.
"Come, drink some water, your face is flushed," Andie said, handing you a glass.
"No more for you," John added, pouring the leftover wine down the drain.
You scowled at all three of them, lecturing you like you were a child. They had no idea what you were capable of, the things you've done. They wouldn't treat you like this if they did.
You took the water, glaring at them, and chugged it, setting the glass down with a little more force than necessary.
Alaric came rushing into the kitchen with a wild look in his eye. He made eye contact with you, and he was out of breath.
"We forgot dessert!" He said, sounding panicked.
"What?" Andie asked, confused.
"Dessert!" Alaric repeated, his body practically vibrating with fear.
Whatever was going on, it definitely wasn't about dessert.
"I can make a chocolate mousse...?" Jenna began, trailing off, looking at Alaric with confusion.
"Perfect! Let's go tell Damon and Elijah," Alaric said in a rush, motioning to Andie who gave him a questioning look but followed him out.
"What is going on?" Jenna asked, turning to you, her eyes wide.
"No idea," You lied, shrugging, hoping to sound convincing.
As soon as Jenna had her back turned, you slipped out of the kitchen and headed for the dining room.
Everyone had already returned, and the tension was palpable. Alaric looked stressed and Damon was smirking, which was a sure sign of a disaster.
Damon and John were seated on opposite ends of the table, glaring at each other, while Elijah sat in center. Andie and Alaric were behind him, rummaging through her bag for some reason.
"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" John said sharply, looking over his wine glass at him.
It seemed that the dinner party discussions had finally turned to the real business at hand, you inched into the room quietly, trying not to draw any attention.
"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." Elijah's eyes flickered to you, but only for a second.
Before Damon or John had a chance to respond, Andie returned with her notebook in hand, sitting down across from Elijah, ready to interview him, "Okay. My first question is when you got here to Mystic..."
Suddenly, time seemed to slow down, you watched Alaric approach Elijah from behind, an ornate looking dagger in his hand, ready to stab him in the back.
You moved without thinking, lunging at Alaric, wrapping your hand around his wrist and snapping it with ease, causing the dagger to fall to the floor with a clatter.
Alaric crumbled to the floor in pain, looking up at you in shock.
The room suddenly exploded into action, dark veins spread beneath Elijah's eyes, and he lunged at Damon, knocking him over the table and onto the ground, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him into the air, his eyes ablaze.
John grabbed Andie, pulling her out of the way, while Alaric crawled along the floor, cradling his wrist.
You grabbed Elijah's arm, trying to pry him off of Damon.
"Don't! Let him go!" You shouted, struggling against him, his muscles were tensed, and his grip was tight, he wasn't budging.
Elijah looked over his shoulder at you, his dark eyes cold and angry. You gave him a pleading look, trying to convey how important it was that he listened.
"Please, he's my brother, please don't hurt him," You said, your voice breaking as your tears began to flow.
He dropped Damon, who fell to the floor with a thud, coughing and sputtering.
Elijah looked around the room at all the frightened faces, then to the floor where the dagger was lying and picked it up, examining it.
"Clever boy," Elijah looked at Alaric, shaking his head and tsking. "I haven't seen one of these in quite some time,"
He moved to attack Alaric but you jumped in front of him, shielding him with your body.
"Please don't kill him," You pleaded, putting your hands on his chest, trying to push him back.
He was immovable, but his gaze softened when his eyes met yours and he put the dagger in his jacket pocket. His eyes went back to Damon, who was still on the floor, glaring at him.
"Please, don't hurt anyone," You repeated, your hand moving to his hair, running your fingers through it.
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, his shoulders sagging, the tension leaving his body.
"Get away from my sister," Damon snarled, his voice rough from being choked.
Elijah looked at Damon, giving him a wicked smile and wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him, your face pressed against his chest.
"Oh, she doesn't mind," Elijah smirked, looking at Damon with smug satisfaction.
Damon looked from you to Elijah, his expression a mixture of disbelief and pure rage. His brain couldn't quite compute what he was seeing.
"What did I say?" Elijah began, pausing to pretend he was pondering, "Oh yes! If you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house,"
Your hands curled into his shirt, tugging on it, looking at him pleadingly. His dark eyes went to yours, and his gaze softened, he kissed you on the cheek, wiping away a stray tear.
"Fortunately for you, your lovely sister has been most gracious in her hospitality," He said, looking over your head at Damon.
You were visibly shaken up, looking at your brother with tear filled eyes, your hands trembling against Elijah's chest. He lifted your chin, forcing you to look at him instead of your devastated looking brother.
"So much for rule one," he said quietly, kissing the corner of your mouth.
Damon was seething, his fists clenched, and he was practically shaking with anger.
"Now, I hate to cut this evening short, but it seems I've overstayed my welcome," Elijah sighed, pulling away from you, his tone neutral.
"And as for you. Let me be perfectly clear, if you, or anyone else, attempt something like this again, I will kill you. No mercy. Understood?" Elijah asked, looking directly at Damon.
"Yes," Damon said, his voice dripping with venom.
"Wonderful. Now, I think it's time for me to take my leave," Elijah turned and began to walk out, "I'll be in touch," he called over his shoulder.
As soon as Elijah left, all eyes were on you. Damon's angry glare made you squirm, and the disgusted expressions from Andie, Alaric and John made you feel deep shame. You needed to get out of there.
But before you could , Damon grabbed you, the speed blowing your hair back. His hand went to your neck and he threw you against the wall, his fingers crushing your windpipe.
"Are you crazy? You’re fucking Elijah? ELIJAH?" He yelled right in your face, his rage so uncontrolled he lashed out and hit the wall beside your head, causing the plaster to crack and break.
"What the hell were you thinking?" He continued, his eyes wild, spit flying from his mouth.
"Damon," Andie said softly, stepping forward to calm him. John held her back, helping Alaric to his feet and pulling them both out of the room. John knew better than to get between Damon and his wrath.
"How did this happen? How did he get to you?" He shook you harder, causing the plaster dust to rain down. "Did he compel you? I told you to drink vervain every day!"
You kneed him in the stomach, forcing him to drop you, and you gasped for air.
"No! He didn't compel me, he would never," You snapped, rubbing your neck. "I...I care for him,"
Damon stared at you, his breathing ragged, and his expression completely blank. Then he started to laugh, it was devoid of any warmth, it was all bitterness and mockery.
"Care for him? What is he, your boyfriend? Did he ask you to go steady in-between planning Elena's murder?" Damon sneered.
"That's not fair," You said, scowling, folding your arms. 
"So he's the reason you've been so distant? The reason you've been acting so weird? What, he's using you to get to Elena, isn't he?" Damon was pacing back and forth, his hands in his hair.
"No... We never discus-" You tried to explain.
"This is unbelievable," He groaned, cutting you off, and walking over to the liquor cart, pouring himself a drink, then he froze.
"Please tell me you didn't fuck him in this house," he said, his voice dangerously low.
"Not exactly...," You trailed off, averting your gaze, biting your lip.
Damon downed his drink and smashed the glass against the wall, "Fuck, Y/N, do you have any idea what you've done?"
"I had a plan! Everything just spiraled out of control," You said, your voice shaking, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. "I tried... I tried to steal the moonstone, for you! For us! He caught me and... and I was stupid. I'm sorry.”
"So you thought you could pull a honeypot on an original?" Damon looked completely dumbfounded, and a little impressed. "Are you insane? Or just dumb?"
His words cut you deeply, mostly because they were the same things you had said to yourself, a million times.
"I thought it would work," You shrugged, your arms dropping, you were feeling defeated.
"And I suppose letting him fuck you was an added bonus, huh?" Damon shot back.
"Yes!" You screamed, frustrated, throwing your hands up. "I like him, Damon! He's interesting and attractive and he treats me like an equal!"
Damon snorted, "Because he thinks you're a slut."
That stung, he had never called you that before and tears sprang to your eyes. You glared at him, as they began to spill down your cheeks. You were done arguing with him, and you were done listening to him. He didn't understand, and you had nothing more to say.
Without another word, you pulled the dagger out of your bra, you had managed to remove it from Elijah's pocket without anyone noticing. You threw it at the floor at Damon's feet and stormed off.
Damon looked at the dagger, his brow furrowed, then back up at the spot you had just occupied, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He had made you cry.
You ran to your room and crawled under the covers, letting all your pent up emotions flow out of you, coming out in gasps and hiccups. You had no idea what to do, you didn't want to choose between your family and Elijah. You didn't want to be forced to pick a side. 
You didn't want to have to give up what you felt when you were around him.
You didn't know how.
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It had been a few hours since the disastrous dinner party. You were still laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying the events over and over again in your mind.
You heard Damon leave not long after your argument. You had no idea where he ran off too. Knowing him, he went to find more trouble. Part of you regretted the fight, the other part of you wanted to strangle him.
You were exhausted, physically and emotionally. It was like every single part of your being was weighed down.
Just then you heard a loud commotion downstairs, the voices of your brothers and Elena floated up to you. There was a strange scraping sound, like they were dragging something heavy across the floor.
You quickly got up to investigate, hopping down the stairs, stopping suddenly in front of a very nervous looking Elena.
"What happened?" You asked, trying to look past her to your brothers.
"Damon told me what happened," She said softly, reaching out to touch you. But you spotted a pair of legs being dragged away towards the stairs leading to the basement.
Your eyes went wide as you figured out whose legs they were. Panic swept over you, and you pushed past Elena and rushed to the basement after them.
Stefan and Damon were throwing Elijah's body into the cell, he looked gray and cold, the dagger sticking out of his chest.
"Elijah! No, no, no," You cried, screaming and trying to get past your brothers. But they were too strong for you, holding you back, and quickly closing the gates.
"Let me go!" You punched at Damon's chest, desperate to get inside the cell, tears streaming down your face.
Damon just held you, refusing to release you, your screams filling the small basement.
Stefan locked the door, following you and Damon upstairs. You were kicking and fighting like a crazy woman, begging them to let you see him.
Once you made it upstairs, Stefan grabbed you and held you in his arms, still you fought and cried for him, despite his pleas for you to stop.
"Please calm down," Stefan begged, holding onto you tightly.
"He came to take Elena, we had no choice," Damon said, his voice sounding tired, like this had been an exhausting evening for him.
"He promised me he wouldn't," You said, your voice cracking, your throat raw.
"He lied, Y/N, that's what he does," Damon replied, sounding exasperated.
"Shut up!" You screamed, jerking out of Stefan's arms and rushing at Damon, your fist connecting with the side of his face. "You did this! He wouldn't have done anything if you hadn't provoked him!"
You managed to hit him twice, splitting his lip, before Stefan grabbed you again, pulling you back.
"Knock it off!" Stefan said sharply, giving you a firm shake. You stopped struggling for a moment, panting.
Elena came and stood next to Damon, looking more sad than angry. She wasn't sure what to say, or what to do in this situation.
"I love him Stefan, please," you begged, sniffling. It was the first time you could admit it out loud, to anyone, to yourself and you wished it was Elijah you could have told first. "You have to let me see him, even if he's dead...I just have to see him."
Your words cut through Stefan's heart. Trembling in his arms, he had never seen you so distraught and in pain. He looked over your head at Damon and Elena, silently asking for permission.
"Fine, I'll take you, but only because you'll probably burn the house down if I don't," Damon said, rolling his eyes.
Stefan let you go and you immediately ran down the stairs, your feet skidding slightly on the concrete floor. You rushed into the cell and fell to your knees beside Elijah's body.
"lijah," you said softly, trying to coax him out of sleep.
He was gray, covered in dark veins, his skin felt cold. Your fingers trembled as you touched his face, your fingers running through his hair.
You laid down next to him, resting your head against his chest, listening to the lack of heartbeat. You lay there for a few minutes, crying to yourself.
You could feel Damon watching you, and it pissed you off.
"Please leave me alone," You said softly, your voice breaking, not bothering to turn and look at him.
Damon was standing there, leaning against the wall, his arms folded, and he looked at you thoughtfully.
"He's dangerous, and he's using you," Damon replied.
"He never learned anything from me!" You snapped, glaring at him, the anger boiling over. "We had an agreement, an understanding! It wasn't like that!"
Damon shook his head, and looked away from you.
"You can't be in love with him. You barely know him." Damon was trying his hardest to get you to see sense.
"Maybe, maybe I'm not," You lied, sniffling, "I just feel like there's something there, something real and I've never felt this way before,"
Damon let out an exasperated sigh, and closed his eyes.
"This will end badly, I'm not going to try and convince you anymore. You're too damn stubborn," He said, opening his eyes and looking down at you.
"Can you bring me a blanket and pillow?" You asked, changing the subject.
"No," Damon said, turning on his heel and leaving the basement.
"Asshole," You muttered, moving back to rest your head against his chest.
A few minutes later, Stefan came down the stairs, carrying a blanket and a pillow, and a bottle of bourbon.
"Thanks," You smiled weakly, taking the blanket and covering yourself with it. You took the pillow and gently lifted Elijah's head, placing the pillow underneath him.
"Is he really dead?" You asked quietly, not looking at Stefan, staring at Elijah's face.
Stefan let out a long sigh, he hated seeing you like this, the sight of you curled up next to a corpse was not a normal one.
I'm not entirely sure," he knelt down, crossing his legs and he sat on the floor next to you. "but he isn't alive either, he's frozen, asleep,"
He reached out and touched your shoulder, turning you to look at him.
"Damon wants to keep him on ice, he doesn't trust Elijah and... neither do I," he tried to say it gently, wanting you to know the truth. "if you wake him up, he will kill us for what we've done... Elena tricked him... He will not be happy,"
"Maybe he will forgive us," you said, looking at him with hopeful eyes, "what if he can feel everything? He must be so scared and lonely,"
"Do you really think he can feel fear?" Stefan asked, raising an eyebrow. "My impression of him is that he isn't the type,"
"He has a big heart, under all that arrogance," you smiled softly, touching his face, brushing the hair from his forehead. "Kinda like someone we know,"
"You've got it bad," Stefan shook his head, a little bit in awe of your feelings. "I've never seen you like this, not with any other guy."
You looked over at him, his expression was a mix of worry and sadness.
"Do you hate me? For loving him?" You asked, a knot forming in your stomach.
"No, never," he said, pulling you into his arms. "I'm worried, and scared... But I could never hate you. Ever."
"I can convince him Stefan, I can get him on our side, I know I can," you said, feeling the tears come back.
"And if you can't?" He asked, rubbing your back.
"Then... Then... I don't know..." You said, a sob choking you, unable to speak.
Stefan hated himself for what he had to do next, but it was the only way he could think to keep everyone safe.
While you were still in his arms, he pulled out a syringe and jabbed it in your neck, pushing the liquid vervain in. It was a large dose and it took about three seconds before you passed out.
He caught you before you slumped to the ground, lifting your sleeping body and carrying you upstairs.
Damon and Elena were waiting anxiously, eager to hear that Stefan had been able to talk you down from freeing Elijah.
"Is she ok?" Elena moved forward, "Did she try anything?"
"She had a bit of a melt down," Stefan said honestly, he placed you on the couch, ensuring you were tucked in and comfortable.
"What can we do to make sure she doesn't help him?" Damon asked, leaning on the doorway, unable to come closer to you. The sight of you like this broke his heart. "she's been completely brainwashed by the guy,"
"She loves him Damon," Elena said softly, walking over to him, laying her hand on his arm.
"Don't say that," he groaned, covering his face. "That makes it worse. She has to get over it."
"I don't think it works that way," Elena said gently, squeezing his arm.
"We have to keep her away from him," Damon explained, his hands dropping, he was looking at Elena now. "It's too risky."
"That will be impossible," Stefan said, shaking his head, "she's more stubborn than you, she won't give up until she has her way."
"So what do we do?" Elena asked, glancing between them.
"The only way I can think of is to keep her sedated, until I find a way to kill him for good," Damon said, his tone matter-of-fact.
"No, Damon.. that's not right," Elena protested, looking to Stefan to back her up.
Stefan couldn't meet her gaze, instead he turned away, "We don't have any other options."
"So we are just going to knock her out? That's cruel!" Elena said, feeling very disappointed.
"Got any better ideas?" Damon snapped, kneeling down in front of you. He placed his hand on your forehead, "I can't let her wake him up, he will kill us all,"
Elena sighed, shaking her head.
"She will hate us for doing this," Stefan said, not liking the idea one bit, but it was the best they had.
"Yeah, well, I can handle that," Damon shrugged, and picked you up in his arms.
He carried you to your room, gently placing you on the bed, pulling the covers up over your body. He sat next to you, tucking your hair behind your ears.
"You'll understand, eventually," He said softly, stroking your hair, before standing up and leaving the room, shutting the door quietly.
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You were trapped in some sort of nightmare, everything around you was completely dark. You couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. You had no idea where you were, what was up or what was down.
You were calling out for help, your voice echoing back to you, but no one else was there.
Suddenly, you felt a presence beside you, it was warm, familiar and safe. You were drawn to it and you reached out, trying to find the source of it.
You heard the sound of a man laughing, it was a wild, maniacal laugh.
You started running, your feet hitting the ground hard, you couldn't breathe, but you didn't stop. The laughter kept coming, getting louder and louder.
Then the sound of a woman screaming nearly knocked you off your feet, but you kept going until you ran into something solid.
It was the edge of a coffin, made of wood etched with an ornate symbol on the top, a crest of some sort. Your fingers traced over it, feeling the deep grooves. It was the letter 'M', carved into a shield.
Finally, your hands found the lid, and you pushed, straining to open it. What was inside was three rings of fire, you could feel the heat on your face, the smoke making it hard to breathe.
The rings were getting closer, or you were falling into them, you couldn't tell. The screams became deafening. You were overwhelmed with intense anxiety, unable to move as you stared into the flames.
Then everything stopped.
And you woke up.
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{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three}{Part Five}
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Sign the Dotted Line
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You discuss the terms with Estelle and wait the week before seeing Andy again. Word Count: Over 3.5k Warnings: Slow burn, reader is broke (is that a warning?), sugar daddy offer, tension, slight insecurities, inner monologue, Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?) Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics , Header - yours truly A/N: Welcome back to my Terms and Conditions AU! Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thanks!), but any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You had a hard time relaxing after your meeting with Andy. You couldn’t put your finger on why you were wound up. The discussion went well, even better than you expected. Andy wasn’t pushy considering the power he wielded, but also wasn’t a pushover when you questioned him or offered alternatives. He conducted himself the way you needed him to, both professionally and personally. If he hadn’t, you’d have a much harder time going along with his contact.
So why am I so restless?
Estelle, once again reminding you why she was one of the best friends a girl could have, stopped by your place with wine and pizza. “You were not about to tell me over the phone what happened. Once I get this passed out, dish.”
Your friend was unusually quiet as you gave her the rundown of the meeting and terms you agreed to. It meant a lot that she listened, but you expected her to chime in once or twice with her opinion as she refilled your glasses of wine. Was she thinking carefully about what to say or did she not have anything to add?
“I have three questions for you,” she said, drumming her manicured nails along her glass. “First, why didn’t you accept his higher offer for more money each month?”
There it is.
“Because it was an excessive amount of money considering he’s going to pay my bills and rent, along with getting me a new wardrobe AND a personal driver. Unless I’m going out with you or our friends, it doesn’t sound like I’m going to pay for anything.”
Saying it out loud made you shift uncomfortably in your chair. Everything you had was because you worked for it. Soon, you wouldn't even work at the diner. To think the next nine months you wouldn’t work? It didn't sound real.
It didn't sound like you.
“All I'm saying is you could’ve used that extra money for savings,” she pointed out with a raise of her glass. “Or to stock up on wine.”
You snorted a bit, taking a sip of your drink. “I’m still going to put money aside for savings, but the amount he’s going to spend taking care of me? It’s a lot.”
“Doesn’t sound like it’s much to him if he agreed so easily.”
“It’s a lot to me,” you said under your breath.
And I’m not about to take advantage of him.
Andy was going to take care of you like he promised. You had no doubt about that. The world he lived in, maybe it wouldn’t make much of a difference in his bank account to take on your debt for the next nine months. You weren’t going to push for more money when he was giving you the world and then some.
Estelle smiled into her glass. “I haven’t met the guy yet, but I think he likes you because you’re a good person. I mean, he wants you to have dinners with him so he can talk to you and to get to know you even more,” she said, leaning forward when you tried to look away. “Which brings me to my second question. How do you feel about the ‘no sex’ in the contract?”
Your stomach sank a bit, making you wonder if that was why you felt restless when you should’ve been happy. “Is it bad if I say it hurts my ego a little?”
It was irrational to have a bit of a bruised ego. Andy gave you an explanation as to why he didn’t add that clause and it made perfect sense. The fantasy that he wanted you still played out in your mind though. But what would wanting him lead you to? What did you have to offer him besides companionship?
“A little? Mine would’ve hurt a lot,” she joked, causing your face to fall more as your thoughts crushed you. “Sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that. Just because he doesn't have it in the contract doesn't mean he isn't attracted to you. Didn’t you say he complimented the dress, which we knew you looked hot in? And your smile?”
"He did,” you answered, heat creeping up your neck that had nothing to do with the wine. “But Andy is like a full course meal. What the hell am I?"
Estelle wadded up her napkin and threw it at your head, which you dodged. "So are you. If you don't believe me, at least consider yourself to be dessert or a fine wine," she said. You wouldn’t, but you weren’t about to tell her that. "And you know what? I respect the man a hell of a lot more for not adding anything sexual to the contract.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. You said if something happened, he wanted it to be natural or organic. He doesn’t want to take advantage of you. He wants to seduce you the old fashioned way. And I say let him. You can start by taking some of that money he gave you and buy some fancy lingerie.”
You finished your glasses, wondering what Andy liked. Did he like something simple and classic? What colors would get his attention? "I was going to pay you back for the dress and the shoes," you told her.
With a wrinkle of her nose, she snatched the bottle from the table "Those were a gift and I won't accept any money back," she said, pouring the rest of the wine into her glass. You figured that was what she'd say. "And because you offended me, no more wine for you."
"You’re the one who brought that bottle, so your rules," you reminded her as she shot you a look. "Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have offered to pay you back for my present."
Estelle nodded after a moment. "Good. That's good practice for when Andy buys you something just because and you try to pay him back."
You refrained from rolling your eyes, but she had a point. You would probably try to pack him back whether he wanted it or not. "Is it really paying him back if it's with his own money?"
She pretended to think it over before laughing. "Probably not," she said as you stood up to take your glass to the sink. "Hey, I didn't ask my third question."
"Fire when ready."
"Do you really want to give it a week when you have your mind made up?"
Estelle knew you all too well. Even if you hadn't told her from the start that you planned to sign the contract, she would've figured it out. "The time frame was his call."
While it did give you time to think it through, surely he had to get things in order, too. Like your new place. God, you couldn't believe you were going to move into his building.
"You could ask him to move up the date? Worst thing he could say is 'no'."
"Yeah," you said, going to sit back down with a huff. "Are you sure you don't mind being in the know of this? And having to keep it under wraps?"
"Are you kidding? It's an honor you asked me," she said, holding her head high with such confidence you had to smile. "I got your back."
"Thanks, Estelle," you said.
She waved her hand dismissively, but had a smile on her face. "Don't mention it."
"Okay. Now enough about me," you smiled. "Tell me about your day."
"Well," she smirked, tilting her head as she paused dramatically. "I may have found a guy for Wendy."
Your eyes lit up, happy you asked. Wendy was another friend of yours who hadn’t dated in awhile. "Tell me everything."
You managed to keep your focus on Estelle as she told you about the gorgeous guy she met in a coffee shop who was just Wendy’s type. You wondered how different things would've been had you and Andy met that way. Would it change your story? Would you be where you were now?
Staring at your phone when Estelle went to use the bathroom, you debated whether or not to text Andy. You just saw him earlier today and he had a business dinner. How desperate would you look asking him to move the contract date up?
"Fuck it," you muttered, snatching the device and quickly typing out a message. Communication was key. Like honesty.
"I don't want to wait a week, but I understand if we have to. I hope your dinner went well."
“BOO!” You nearly dropped your phone when Estelle smacked the couch behind you. "You messaged him, didn't you?"
"Yeah," you giggled, holding your chest to calm your pounding heart. "Told him I didn't want to wait a week, but understood if we had to."
"Hopefully he listens. Well, he will if he wants to get in your pants."
"Stop," you giggled as your phone went off, holding your breath as you read the message.
"I'd rather have dinner with you. And I understand you don’t want to wait, but what was it you said about anticipation?"
Using anticipation against me.
"Fine, Daddy."
The three dots popped up immediately as he typed. "You're teasing me, honey."
"Maybe. I'll see you in a week."
“Looking forward to it, but one more thing I forgot to mention. I’d like a witness for the contract signing.”
"Are you two sexting?" Estelle asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"No," you smiled.
Just called him 'Daddy'.
"But he's sticking it out for the week," you said, only a little disappointed. He did have to draw up a contract. “And we need a witness for the signing. I’d like it to be you.”
"Ooh. He's making you wait for it," she said, giving you a small smile. "Give me the time and date and I’ll be there."
“Thanks,” you smiled, sending Andy back a message. “Estelle volunteered.”
“One more week and he’s yours,” Estelle smiled.
"One more week."
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It really was the longest week of your life to wait to see Andy again, but today was the day.
Your heart beat fast as you and Estelle went into the building and went through the motions with the security guard. You half expected Irene to tell you Andy didn’t have an appointment with you as you made your way to the office. It was silly to think he’d back out, but your nerves were getting the better of you. And why?
Because you hadn’t heard from Andy. Not once. You kept looking at the door expectantly during your shifts at the diner, only to be met with disappointment when he didn’t show. You also didn’t want to admit how many times you checked your phone to see if he reached out. The man had more important things to do than visit or text you.
“Cheer up,” Estelle told you in the elevator. You felt bad. You were sulking and you didn’t try to hide it. Part of that scared you because why did it matter that he had gone radio silent?
“You don’t think he changed his mind, do you?”
“No. He’s just a busy man. Get out of your head.”
“I’m trying,” you sighed.
You led Estelle to the office, expecting to see Irene. All you saw was an empty desk. The light above her chair was off, too. The double doors were shut. Maybe it was a sign. This was too good to be true.
Andy was too good to be true.
“There you are,” you heard as the double doors opened.
“Holy shit,” Estelle breathed, almost making you elbow her.
“Andy,” you said, not quite smiling when you caught sight of him. He didn’t have a blazer on and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up. “I was just-”
“Irene wasn’t feeling well, so I sent her home for the day. Come on in.”
“Can you give us a minute?” You asked your friend, who raised an eyebrow in response.
“Yeah. I’ll be here,” she said, taking a seat. Once Andy's back was turned, she mouthed, "Hot!"
Yeah, he is.
You clutched your bag a little tighter as you walked in, reminding yourself to breathe as Andy shut the door. “We’re still doing this?” You asked, your voice shaky.
“Of course, we are,” he said, pulling out the chair that you sat in a week before. “Why? Are you having second thoughts?”
“No. Truthfully, I thought you changed your mind.”
Andy paused before he took his seat. “I have no reason to back out. I offered and want this. I said I’d take care of you and I’m a man of my word. I’m happy to prove that to you if you don’t believe me,” he said, carefully looking you over as blood rushed to your cheeks. “What made you think I’d change my mind?”
You shook your head. “It’s silly.”
“It isn’t silly to me,” he said, sweeping his gaze over you once again. “You’re stiff, honey, and you’re barely looking me in the eye. What’s going on? What do I need to do to put you at ease?”
You swallowed a little. “It was a long week to think it over and I hadn’t heard from you. Because of that, I wasn’t sure if you maybe decided to change your mind,” you explained, lifting your eyes to meet his. You were met with concern and care. “Silly, right?”
“No, it isn’t,” he assured you, sliding a small packet across the table to give you a chance to look at the top page. It was the contact. He really put it together. “May I explain?”
“Of course,” you whispered.
He surprised you by moving his chair around the table so he was beside you instead of across from you. “First, I’m sorry my silence caused any doubt. That wasn’t my intention. I only wanted to give you time to think things through,” he said, his tone gentle as he tapped the contract with his finger. “Would I have this here if I wanted to change my mind?”
“No, I don’t think,” you said, feeling a bit small.
“Second,” he said, a small smile on his face as he took out his phone. “I was the last one to message you. Maybe I didn’t want to bombard you between work.”
You stared at his phone and realized he was right. The last thing he sent was “Perfect.” regarding Estelle was your witness. You never said anything else. God, you were an idiot.
“So you were waiting to hear back from me?” You tried to tease as his smile widened. It was a handsome look. “Okay. So. I may have let my nerves get the better of me. I’m sorry. I just really want this to work.”
It took a lot for you to say that, but there was no judgment from him as he placed his hand over yours.
“So do I, honey,” he said in a low voice. “For the record, you can message me whenever you want. It won’t bother me.”
“Ditto,” you said before you cringed.
Ditto? Really? So eloquent.
He chuckled as he handed you a pen, leaning in a bit closer and giving you a chance to catch that cologne of his you loved. You’d never be able to smell it again without thinking of him. “As long as you’re okay and ready, would you like to start?”
“Yes, I would,” you smiled, sparing him another glance. “Thank you, Andy.”
He didn’t have to put you at ease. He could’ve easily laughed you off as sounding clingy or desperate, but he soothed your nerves. You shouldn’t have expected anything less from an ex-lawyer and, what you believed to be, a good man.
“Of course,” he said, going to the door to get Estelle. “Come in. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” she said, smiling as she shook Andy’s hand. “Heard a lot about you.”
A pange of jealousy settled in your chest when Andy chuckled, making you look away. Estelle was the kind of woman Andy should be with. She belonged in his world. But she wouldn’t do anything. She was a good friend and knew you were at the very least attached to Andy.
I need to get a grip.
You had no idea why the voice in your head was being so cruel to you. First the assumption about Andy backing out and now this. It needed to stop.
“I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to be here. I realize there are some stigmas when it comes to contracts, so I want you to know I have her best interest at heart.”
“We’ll see about that, won’t we?” Estelle asked, winking at you as she sat down and squashing those nerves once more.
“I also have an NDA for you to sign,” Andy added as he took a seat again beside you and leveled your friend with a look. “I don’t really care what people say about me if word gets out. It won't make a difference. I won’t, however, have them slander her. So I’m trusting you to protect her.”
Estelle’s eyebrows shot up as did yours. Andy’s reputation meant a lot more than yours, yet it was you he was worried about. “You are so authoritative and bossy. No wonder you're in charge,” she said, grabbing a pen for herself. "I'll sign whatever you put in front of me."
“Okay then,” Andy smiled, tilting the paper so both of you could look together. “Let’s get started.”
Andy carefully read over each section, giving both you and Estelle a chance to object or stop him. Everything discussed was accounted for. The length of the contract, job, living arrangements, expenses, travel, he had it all. No red flags jumped out. Nothing of concern. You saw no reason to object when he stated everything as agreed.
“Any questions?” He asked, like he had after every portion.
“Back to the living arrangements,” Estelle said, pointing her pen at him. “I want to be there when she moves in.”
“You do?” You questioned with a look. “You hate moving.”
“Oh, I don’t plan on doing any of the heavy lifting,” she teased. She usually paid people for that. “But I insist on seeing your building and where she’s going to live. I may ask to see your place, too.”
His place? Why?
Andy appeared surprised by the request as well. “My place? Is that necessary?”
“If you plan on having her there, yes. I want to make sure it’s safe. I get that she’s your sugar baby once she signs the dotted line, but she’s my best friend. She was before she met you and she will be once this contract ends. You want to protect her? So do I.”
Andy hummed thoughtfully. “What do you think?” he asked you.
You would feel more comfortable with someone you trusted there. Not that you didn't trust Andy, but the situation wasn't normal and you understood Estelle’s insistence. Still, seeing his place? Was she being a bit nosy? Was she curious about the man?
She's looking out for me.
“I think that’s fine, all things considered,” you replied.
“Okay. You’ll be there when she moves in and you’re welcome to see my place,” Andy agreed.
“With me there,” you added. She had no reason to see Andy’s place all by herself.
“Duh,” Estelle smiled with a wave of her hand. “Proceed.”
Minutes later, Andy finished and signed the document when you didn't raise any concerns. He slid the last page in your direction and your hand trembled a bit as you went to sign. You caught a look of worry on Estelle’s face when you hesitated. You were so close.
“Honey?” Andy asked so softly you almost missed it.
“I said I’d take care of you and I’m a man of my word.”
With an exhale, you signed your name. This was it. For the next nine months, you’d belong to Andy. Well, in some ways.
Andy’s smile warmed your heart as he passed the sheet to Estelle. Her smile was bright enough to light up the room as she signed. She was thrilled for you.
And you allowed yourself to feel happy, too.
“You’re officially a sugar baby!” Estelle said, quickly signing the NDA as you and Andy exchanged a look. You wished you knew what he was thinking. “We need to celebrate.”
Andy cleared his throat. “Actually, I was kind of hoping I could steal her away for a bit after I make her a copy of this.”
“You were?” You and Estelle asked in unison.
“Yeah,” he smiled as he got to his feet. He practically towered over you where you sat. “I want to take you to the diner myself so you can turn in your notice. What do you say?”
You smiled as Estelle clapped her hands together. “Let’s go.”
After that, you could celebrate the next chapter in your life.
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It's official! Here we go! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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fob4ever · 10 months
i was at a bookstore yesterday that had a copy of the kerrang: living loud book that featured the FOB watergun fight article i've never seen transcribed anywhere so i made a transcript of it for archival purposes. enjoy! from kerrang, may 2005.
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For a man staring down the barrel of a loaded gun while wearing just underpants, Fall Out Boy bassist Peter Wentz looks remarkably chipper. Especially when you consider the person about to unload in his face is guitarist and vocalist Patrick Stump, grinning madly despite the fact that fellow six-stringer Joe Trohman has a pistol to his temple. He in turn is firmly in the firing line of drummer Andy Hurley, cackling loudly with his finger hovering over the trigger.
Passers-by stop and stare, waiting for the inevitable, messy climax of this "Reservoir Dogs" scenario. The tension mounts, onlookers brace themselves, the band get ready to open fire. Suddenly it happens.
"Argh!" screams Wentz as several litres of icy water soak him. "That's fucking cold!"
No, Fall Out Boy aren't about to blow each other away, They're having a water fight for K!'s benefit in a car park at the Chicago stop on travelling punk circus Warped Tour, where they're knocking out their "softcore" wares ("We're basically a hardcore band that couldn't cut it as a hardcore band," laughs Wentz) on the main stage alongside big hitters like The Offspring, Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance. The Windy City is more than just another stop for them; Chicago is Fall Out Boy's hometown, the place where they formed out of the ashes of their old hardcore bands, and where they still live with their parents- who are here for today's show - during the few weeks of the year they're not on tour.
It all started for Fall Out Boy here in 2001 when the members wanted a break from playing in their various bands. Long time friends Wentz and Hurley got together with hardcore associate Joe Trohman to do something a bit less heavy. Following a conversation about avant-metallers Neurosis in a bookstore, Trohman introduced Stump to the rest of the band. When their other bands folded, they took on Fall Out Boy full time.
"We wanted to do things before we were ready," chuckles Peter Wentz fondly of the early days of DIY tours for the benefit of the one or two people who would show up. "We'd plan two-week tours, just to see the world. Nobody would book us, so we had to do it all on our own."
"A lot of bands have scenes to go into and surround themselves with those people," says Stump. "We had no scene, so we would just play anywhere, with whoever."
FOB have come a long way from their humble roots. Right now they're America's fastest rising band. Radio smash 'Sugar, We're Goin' Down' has placed them squarely in the mainstream, having spent three weeks as the Number One song on MTV's 'TRL', a prime-time show usually devoted to pop acts like Maroon 5 and Ashlee Simpson. So dizzying their Stateside assent has been, they had to cancel their recent European tour in order to play the MTV Music Video Awards, where they are also nominated for 'Sugar...'. Thankfully, FOB haven't let the screaming adoration turn them into big-headed twats.
"A piece of shit with legs on it could walk onto 'TRL' and people would still go crazy," laughs Wentz. "That stuff just goes straight by me. With the fast turnover in the music industry, how can anyone have an ego"
Andy Hurley chips in. "You can be today's main stage and tomorrow's trash."
That's to find out tomorrow, though. Today among the madness of trying to plan anything on the Warped Tour - stage times are decided daily by lottery - Fall Out Boy have to try and find time for hanging out with family and friends.
"Three weeks on Warped is like three months on a normal tour," says Peter Wentz.
"Home becomes like Atlantis on tour, you wonder if it actually exists after a while," adds Patrick Stump.
Now FOB are big stars, a lot of old 'friends' have been coming out of the woodwork. Joe Trohman and Peter Wentz have polarised views on those who didn't give a toss back in the day suddenly becoming your pal once you've made it.
"The way I look at it is if someone's a dick to you and you don't know them, so what?" says Trohman. "Just care about who did support you, keep those important people close, not the people who five years ago called you a loser."
"I work the opposite way!" Wentz counters, before adding darkly, "The people I think about most are enemies. My brain works on revenge!"
Though a tight knit group of close friends, Peter Wentz is clearly Fall Out Boy's spokesman. He does most of the talking during the interview and writes the lyrics, and seems like the most driven one of the lot. As well as doing Fall Out Boy, Wentz has also written a book with tattoo artist Joe Tesaure, 'The Boy With The Thorn In His Side'. It's a dark, twisted tale that could have come straight from the brain of Tim Burton.
"I've always been into Roahl Dahl and people like that, and I was friends with a tattoo artist at the time and we came up with this idea to do a book together," he explains. "It wasn't something I felt fitted in with what Fall Out Boy is, I hate when bands do something that's not 'them'. The book is what it is, and Fall Out Boy is what we are."
Despite all thise talk of nightmares and revenge, FOB are upbeat individuals, enjoying their newfound success, while refusing to allow success to go to their heads. They'll tell you they don't like the shallowness of groupies or industry parties, and that the trappings of rock stardom hold no appeal.
"I don't feel like I deserve it," says Wentz in closing. "It's not like, 'this amount of time and this amount of shows = this kind of bus'. I appreciate what we've got. We've toured in a tiny van and it was cool, but now we're having new adventures living like this. I don't feel we deserve it more than any other bands do."
He surveys the sumptuosly appointed tour bus for a moment before chuckling heartily.
"Actually, that's a lie, we totally deserve it more than anyone else! Ha ha!"
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
My girls perfect
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: you and Eddie are dating have been for a while. Your a cheerleader he's well... Eddie. So when thr jocks make a comment to try make you feel insecure to piss eddie off, Eddie doesn't let it slide easy.
During the school week you and Eddie sit together ever day but Friday. Whether it's just you two or with hellfire. However Friday was normally basketball day so you was needed being a cheerleader. Friday was also hellfire day which meant Eddie was obviously needed.
He would sit with hellfire. You'd sit with the jocks. It was like you didn't exist to eachother on Friday between 11 am to 8 pm. Neither of you minded ofcourse. You had your own things and lucky they fell on the same day. It had been that way for 2 years.
However something was different about this Friday. Eddie was sat at the hellfire table laughing and messing around. Well and annoying the jocks. But after his usual stand on thr table thing on Friday he always looms to you to se you smirk and give him a sarcastic eye roll. But you looked out of it. Like you didn't want to be there.
You starred at your tray didn't turn to look at Eddie. It's like you wasn't there. Eddie sat back down in his chair frowning and kept glancing over at you. Until you pushed your tray away from you got your bag and walked out of the cafeteria some of the boys saying "oh y/n Common."
Eddie glanced at his friend's who was also starring at the table you was once sat at as was other people in the canteen shocked by you leaving. "Be back." Eddie said standing up walking off. He walked to the table you was sat at and stood at the end of it.
"What do you want freak?" Andy said. Eddie rolled his eyes looking at Andy and Tommy sat next to Jason then to Jason.
"What the fuck did you say to her." Eddie said bluntly starring at the three boys blankly.
"Just said she should be more like Chrissy and carol and focus in her appearance more." Tommy said smirking leaning back in his chair folding his arms over his chest. Eddie nodded and walked back over to hellfire.
"Dude tour just gonna let him say that your way to calm." Gareth said looming at Eddie in disbelief.
"Doug can I borrow your milkshake ill buy you another on Monday or before hellfire." He ignored Gareth asking doug. He nodded and handed it to Eddie who bit thr inside of his mouth thanking him before walking off. He walked around thr table of jocks and cheerleaders as if he was going to walk out of the door.
As Eddie got to the head of the table he threw the milkshake so it went over the three boys not stopping walking. "Maybe you should worry about yours I suppose you've gotta have a big ego to make up for thr rumours about your small cock." Eddie said ruffling Tommy's hair as he walked past him wiping his milkshake covered hand on Jason's back.
"Fucking freak." Tommy said standing up. Eddie took that as he had to run. So he did. He ran down the halls with the three boys following him. He went left and as he went down the hall he saw you walking. He slowed down as he approached you.
"Hey baby." Eddie said as he stopped next to you. You smiled up at him. "Here lemme take those." HE said taking the two books you was holding and your bag. He put thr books inside and slung it over his shoulder holding you into his side. "Don't listen to em ok? There is nothing and I mean nothing wrong with you. Babe some of them girls look like they haven't eaten for days cause they listen to them dicks. Your healthy. You got a beautiful face, amazing personality and a banging body." Eddie said holding you closer.
"Banging... Jesus Eddie." You laugh slightly.
"I'm serious want me to prove your perfect the way you are and there's nothing wrong with your weight or body?" Eddie askes stopping you both. You nod skeptically. Eddie wraps his arms around your waist picks you up and spins with you.
He puts you down after a moment and your both laughing. That's what he wanted to see. He wrapped his arms around you hugging you and you did the same. "See I can even touch my other arm don't listen to em." Eddie smirking kissing your cheek.
"I love you so much you fucking weirdo." You giggled kissing Eddie.
"I love you so much to you fucking freak." Eddie smirked back.
"Love how you went from saying how perfect I am to calling me a freak babe." You laughed pushing Eddie shoulder.
"Please we've been over this there is nothing wrong with being a lil freaky sweets." HE sid pulling you back into him.
Before you could answer you heard Tommy, and and jason at the end of the hall shouting Eddie name.
"What are they covered in?" You ask.
"Milkshake." Eddie smirks.
"What why?"
"CAUSE no one fucks with my girl and gets away with it... yeah we may need to run." Eddie says grabbing your hand and running down the hall with you.
Moments later you reach the van which luckily Eddie never locks he swings the passenger door open for you then runs around to the drivers side getting. You get in yourself and slam the door pushing the lock down Eddie doing the same the starting the van up and driving out of thr school faster then anyone should.
You look in thr mirror to see the three boys stood looking pissed. Then over to Eddie who's lighting a cigarette. "I'm not going to cheer tonight they'll be fine without me." You say leaning back in the chair.
"Yeah? Come watch hellfire could be fun babe." Eddie says exhaling the smoke. You nod smiling at him.
"Besides the boys think it's funny when your there cause apparently you make me go all stupid n they think it's funny when you tell me to stop being mean to them." Eddie smirks. You laugh and kiss his neck.
"I love you so much." You say kissing the spot again.
"I love you so much too... you know you could always leave a little mark there I mean I for sure wouldn't mind it. Just saying." Eddie said pretending to be serious. As he drives you leave him two hickeys inna heart shape and he smiles.
At hellfire that evening the boys notice it and every time Eddie runs a hand over his neck or through his hair the boys have plenty of comments.
"Woah who's the real master ed?"
"Maybe Eddie's curls arent real after all."
Then they notice you have one to you didn't know about.
"I do not have one!" You protest to the boys at the table.
"Yes you do I fucking put it there." Eddie chims in. You shake your head and Eddie kisses under your ear. "Relax there just jealous cause your more perfect then them so you get one." Eddie says kissing you sweetly. You smile and Eddie turns to go back to his campaign but doug then has a memory.
"You still owe me a milkshake!" HE points at Eddie and you laugh taking Eddie's hand in yours.
"What seeing Jason, Andy and Tommy look like they were covered in shit wasn't good enough for you?" Eddie says leaning back in his chair.
"Was for me made me feel better." You laugh
"Look Eddie you may have been getting your revenge for your fantastic girlfriend-"
"Which was totally a lie what they said by the way babe they inly said it cause you date the person they hate most and are hottest on the team." Eddie cuts off doug looking at you earning a smile a squeeze of Eddie's hand.
"Yeah big lie. But. I TAKE MY LUNCH VERH SERIOUSLY!" Doug shouts pointing at Eddie making the others laugh.
"Fuck off doug ill get it to ya Monday." Eddie says kissing you.
After the campaign your helping Eddie tidy up when he speaks. "If he ever makes you feel like shit again tell me. Either me or one of thr others will tone em down. N it would only be the others cause I'm running to your rescue." HE says stretching.
"Really bothered you huh babe?" You say walking over to him.
"Well yeah, I get them being mean to me bit they don't need to drag you into it nd try make you feel insecure. Your gorgeous and they just jealous." Eddie says putting his arms around you.
"Thank you." You says nuzzling into his neck.
"Don't thank me for looking after you against them dicks I'll do it everyday I love you."
"Mm yeh. I also meant for letting me wear your hellfire top when I got cold in the campaign n you sitting there with no top on under your jackets but ok." You giggle kissing him.
"Did I look hot." HE laughs.
"SO hot honestly babe would've jumped your bones right then if you wasn't in the middle of a campaign." You say kissing him.
"Guess I'll have to keep thr jackets on when we get back to the trailer." HE wiggles his eyebrows.
"Your so weird."
"You love me."
"Mmm I do.... let go of my ass."
"Never." HE laughs squeezing it before letting go.
"I knew that conversation was a bit to serious." You say picking up his notebook.
He nods kissing you sweetly.
No matter what anyone said you knew deep down there was nothing wrong with you and of it took you a moment to remember you'd always have Eddie to remind you. As he held you and kissed you you both pulled away resting your foreheads together.
"You still owe doug his milkshake."
"OH fuck off." Eddie laughs kissing you again.
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biteofcherry · 4 months
for sinday: edging + Andy
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"Nghhh!" You whine, both hands gripping Andy's forearm. "I can't wait anymore!"
Despite your fingers clenching desperately, Andy doesn't budge. Veins protrude along his forearm, muscles flexing as his fingers keep stroking your pussy in a maddening up, up, stop rhythm.
He's smile is cheeky, his blue eyes glinting with mischief - a rare look for a serious DA.
"You're the one who wanted it," Andy reminds you.
"You tricked me into wanting it," you protest, rocking your hips upward to reach that needed friction.
Just one stroke against your clit and you'd topple into that sweet oblivion.
But Andy stubbornly keeps away from your pulsing nub, occasionally drawing a circle so close to it. Not touching it, though. Only pushing another finger inside your dripping pussy.
"Tricked you?" He laughs, angling his body over yours, so that his coarse chest hair grazed your hardened nipples.
"You made the whole speech about men not trying enough to not get to the point right away."
It started with a silly banter, how often sex was reduced to focus on the orgasm. You tossed arguments back and forth, Andy's wit matching yours and not once rising to anger with a flicker of fragile ego.
Unfortunately for you, it turned into a challenge. Of experiencing and giving pleasure without getting to the climax part, as long as he could.
Seems that Andy is more capable of it than you were.
"Well, now I want that point!" You demand, letting go of Andy's arm and wrapping your arms around him.
You rake your fingernails down his back, quite smug with the way his eyes flutter closed for a second and he hisses out in pleasure. When he opens his eyes again and looks down at you, the blue of his irises appears ink dark.
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Andy Barber Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Thought of the day—Jealous Pippa (tame of course)
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Pippa sits with her friends, dissecting the latest campus mystery over a Jaffa cake. Her eyes scan the room, always observant. then she sees you—her girlfriend but you aren’t alone, close at your heels is the girl you’ve been tutoring in literature. You’re huddled with her on a table a couple over, books sprawled out explaining the nuances of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Pippa’s chest tightens.
‘Why is she so close to you? Why does she laugh at your jokes? Is she touching your arm? Bloody hell Pippa, focus on your friends’
Pippa’s mind races. She’s never been possessive, but seeing you with someone else ignites a fire within her. She wants to stride over, stake her claim. But she’s Pippa Fitz-Amobi—the girl who solves mysteries, not the girl who admits vulnerability. She’s more level headed than that.
‘ Why does she need a tutor? Why does it have to be my incredibly hot girlfriend? Why couldn’t it have been William from Political science? And why does that girl keep flipping her hair? Is she flirting? No, Pippa, don’t be ridiculous.”
Pippa, you’re being absurd. She’s allowed to have friends. You’re not exclusive. But damn it, she smiles at that girl like she’s the sun rising. Maybe I should just focus on the case. The missing library book. Yes, that’s it. Not the way her fingers trace the edge of her textbook.But what if she prefers that girl’s company? What if she laughs more with her? What if—
“Pip, stop. You’re unraveling faster than a locked-room mystery.”
Cara nudges her. “You’re staring at that girl again.”
“I’m not,” Pippa retorts, too quickly.
“Jealous much?” Connor says from his side of the table.
“Yes,” Pippa thinks. ‘I’m jealous of every second she spends with someone else.’
Pippa’s jaw clenches as she watches you across the canteen. The other girl—the one with the wide eyes and the innocent smile—leans in close, whispering something in your ear. Pippa’s fingers tighten around her jammy dodgers, turning them into nothing but biscuit dust, leaving Cara mortified. “I was going to ask if you wanted them but I can see they are well past being eaten” she had whispered sadly.
One day, after a particularly intense tutoring session, you invite Pippa to join you for lunch. The other girl is there too, and Pips stomach twists. The girl leans in, her lips so close against your cheek. “Thanks for helping me,” she says. And then, to Pippa’s horror, she kisses you on your cheek—a soft, lingering kiss that sets Pippa’s nerves on fire. Your eyes are wide, brain halting, wait did that just happen? Did she know who was sitting right beside you? Your girlfriend of two years?
Pip doesn’t shout. Instead, she calmly sits close to the other girl. “Mind if I sit?” she asks, her voice steady as she peers at the girl. Pip is all dark eyes and sharp quips, you can see her body language. How she sits close beside you, enough that the girl’s eyes flutter between you and pip.
The girl blinks, surprised. “Uh, sure.”
Pippa sits down, her gaze never leaving the girl’s face. “I don’t like you,” she says matter-of-factly. “But I respect boundaries. So, let’s make this clear: she’s mine.”
You watch, wide-eyed, as Pippa leans in. Her lips brush against the girl’s ear. “Next time you touch her,” she whispers, “remember that I’ve solved tougher cases.”
The girl stammers, her cheeks flushed. “I didn’t mean—”
“Good,” Pippa interrupts. Her voice calm, yet firm. Her smile so saccharine it makes your stomach twist. “Now run along.”
The girl immediately takes her bag and flits off, looking a little to eager to get away from you two. You turn to pip. She smiles at you, all to proud of herself. You don’t know wether to be angry that she just cost you a tutoring pupil, or quite swoon worthy over the performance of heroism. So you settle on the first one, not wanting pip to grow a big head. She’s already got an ego after the Andie Bell case. (That she’ll only admit to you alone)
“You know she payed me five quid per tutoring session” you piped up, eyebrows set in a firm line. You move to lay your head on the girls shoulder, taking small bites of pip’s food from her tray.
Pip laughs, her eyebrows creasing in amusement. “Well it must be luck that your girlfriend owns a true crime podcast that makes more than that a day. 5 quid is amicable, but for a girl in your position I would offer top dollar”
“I’m not taking any money from your university fund pippa” you deadpan.
Pip sulks, her eyes holding faulty hurt. “Not even a measly five quid?”.
You hold her glare, lips seeming to turn as she eyes you with those puppy dog eyes. You grab her hand in your own, lacing her finger with yours.
You watch her eyes as they flit between your eyes, and you laugh. “I can pay in the form of kisses” she suggests.
You perk up at that suddenly aware of the way pippa’s fingers are on your thigh, fingers hot to the touch.
“I’m sorry but our bank doesn’t accept eager customers”.
Pip’s face falls, her blue eyes glaring into you with wide eyes that scream ‘annoyed and very displeased girlfriend’. Pip only shakes her head, “you know I hate it when you withhold affection!” She mumbles.
You laugh, only shaking your head before kissing her cheek, “I’m only playing with you. How much would you like to withdrawal Miss Amobi?” You ask, eyes glinting as pip moves closer. Her eyes peering over at your lips, “oh I don’t think I have an exact figure at the moment” she speaks, “I’m sure you don’t have the amount money to accommodate me”. You flush, “I’m sure we can settle on a fair amount”.
Your far to busy chasing pip’s lips with your own, feeling her lips moving against yours with fervor, chasing your lips like it’s her favorite game to play. Feeling the way pip’s lips detach and tease your jaw just slightly making you giggle. “Connor can you please sit in front of me? I’m getting an eyeful of pip snogging her girlfriend and it’s making me slightly scared for her girlfriend’s life” you hear Cara mumble, but you don’t care one bit.
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dreamnants-mis · 10 months
Something that only came to me while re-reading the manga after the anime came out involves the name of Andy itself and I think it's actually pretty interesting to think about.
Spoilers for the later half of the manga (roughly about up to Chapter 124)! .
After the mess with the Union goons, Fuuko asks about Andy's name after calling him "Zombie" for most of the chapter. Andy responds that he doesn't remember and says being called "Undead" is good enough. Fuuko doesn't like that and decides to give him the name "Andy" instead. Andy clearly doesn't like the name very much, but considering he knows he'll have to humor Fuuko to find a way for her Unluck to kill him, he just accepts it.
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In fact, I've noticed most people at first tend to call him "Undead", a dehumanizing sort of term, such as Void and the Union goons. Which considering Andy's desire to die is rooted from the guilt and loneliness being immortal brings, serves to further create emotional distances from others and perhaps even himself.
And even "Undead" doesn't quite fully fit him either because Andy is an alter ego of the original Undead Victor, so even that name wouldn't be really unique to him specifically since there are technically two different individuals with the ability.
(On a tangential aside, the first person aside from Fuuko that calls him Andy consistently is actually Shen after hearing Fuuko call him that…and he's essentially the closest thing Andy has to a bro. Make that as you will.)
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But I think where Andy starts to view the name differently happens starting in the climax of the Spoil arc, with Fuuko telling him they still have so many more things to do together and then literally risking her life trying to bring him back after Victor takes over the body. And Andy knows and Fuuko also knows he is using her for the sake of finding a way to die.
It's also after this event that Andy calls Fuuko by name for the first time after she wakes up in the hospital after having called her "brat" every time up to this point. Of course, this time, he takes it back, but Fuuko notices the significance of it to want him to call her by name again.
Anyway, both of them get sent to the black market auction and Fuuko picks a dress that needs some bust tailoring. It's something I didn't really pay attention to during my initial reading when it came out, but Andy signs his name as "Andy" on the delivery form. While it might have been for practical reasons, the fact he used that name for the signature is actually pretty significant because it implies Andy is slowly beginning to accept the name Andy as his own and not just something Fuuko calls him.
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(Andy has really nice penmenship, as an aside.)
But it's only during the Ragnarok arc that the significance of the name Andy really changes.
In Chapter 99, Lucy asks Andy who is he after he saves her from an UMA. Andy initially introduces himself as "Undead", but then immediately nixes it and re-introduces himself as Andy. And this is actually the first time he's introduced himself as Andy because everyone else who calls him Andy usually only does so because Fuuko calls him that (such as the example with Shen). This leads into what happens in Chapter 124, where Andy finally calls himself "Andy the Undead", accepting consciously that his name is Andy, a member of the Union and Fuuko's partner in slaying God.
In other words, Andy fully accepting Andy as his name is a form of humanization, which is something Fuuko helps him to understand is what he truly wants is to feel human.
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m00npill · 4 months
[Transcript] Fallen Angels
source: x the other page missing ;-;
2007 Kerrang! No.1142
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PETE WENTZ is an hour late.
Because of this the first thing you learn about Fall Out Boy is that nothing happens without him. His three other bandmates - singer and guitarist Patrick Stump, guitarist Joe Trohman and drummer Andy Hurley - sit waiting. They're in a conference room on the first floor of the Marriott Hotel in Lowell, Massachusetts, a pretty, vanilla flavoured town 60 minutes north of Boston. The reason the group are here is because in three hours they're due to play four songs in front of 8,000 people gathered to watch the local radio station's Christmas concert. But first they're forced to wait. Because picturing Fall Out Boy without Pete Wentz is like imagining a motorway without traffic.
"See, that's not right," says Patrick Stump. Stump is wearing a small frown and an indulgent smile. It's been said that he has no ego. As you hear him now he's checking out his own entry page on Wikipedia. "No, see, they've got that wrong...
We don't have much time. Fall Out Boy landed at Roston's Logan airport at 4pm. This lunchtime they were in Chicago; by dawn they'll be in Manhattan. The band's ride pulled up in Lowell an hour ago. It's now 6:30. At 9:25, they're due onstage. Before that they need to pose for photographs and answer questions.
"Pete's in his room," someone says. Andy Hurley goes downstairs to the toilet, taking a security guard with him. Fall Out Boy have two security men: one for Pete Wentz, one for the others.
Wentz calculates that he spends 40 minutes out of every hour on the phone. He receives up to a 100 emails a day. He owns a film production company. He's a published author. He owns his own record label. He owns his own clothing line. He's modelled for Gap. He'd be modelling for us if he could be bothered to be here.
But Pete is in his room, laid low with depression. He's sat on the floor "calling random people from [his] home town [Wilmette, Illinois]", people whom he believes will "understand [him]". Problem is, when they pick up the phone he "can't think of a thing to say". All the while it's getting later and later. He feels self-conscious about how to time his entry, aware that he might be thought of as "the asshole American guy in a band". Even now, two and a half hours later, these feelings are still resident in his mind. "It's weird," he'll say. "Although I'm functioning, half of my head is in another place.
Do you see how people might look at you, see your wealth and your privilege and your opportunities, and think: you ungrateful son of a bitch?
"Of course," he says. "I think that all the time. But you asked me about depression and so I'm talking about it. It's the culture we live in."
You don't seem to mind talking about it. "The only problem I have with it is that I don't want people to read this article and go, 'lt'd be so amazing to be depressed! That'd be cool!'. I don't want to create an industry of misery."
These days, Pete Wentz has prescriptions for Xanax, Praxil, Prozac and Ativan. To compliment this, he's taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors (more anti-depressants). In the past, he's been administered anti psychotics. If Wentz were to die tomorrow his coffin would need to be fitted with a child-proof lid.
"Sorry I'm late," he says, entering the conference room, shaking hands. "I'll be your self-conscious rock star for the day." Paul Harries, Kerrang!'s photographer, tells the bassist that we don't have much time. Pointing the lens at his face he tells him it'll need to see his full repertoire of poses. The subject understands precisely what the photographer means, and as the flash lights zap before him he gives him just that. The camera loves Pete Wentz, even if at the moment Pete Wentz hates himself.
He's depressed. You'd never know.
"NOT TO beat up on the press," says Joe Trohman. "But they do tend to take one look at our band and and say, Pete Wentz is Fall Out Boy." Trohman is answering a question as to whether it grates on his nerves that the band's bass player is the one who garners most of the public attention. "Not at all, no. Pete is the public face of the band because we want him to be the public face of the band.
Would you be screwed without him?
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Andy Herrera x DeLuca! sister reader. Carina brings her sister to the firehouse and they both secretly fall for each other. Then one day Andy gets hurt on the job and after she is released from the hospital she goes and confesses her feelings to the reader. After secretly dating for about six months the two are caught kissing by both Maya and Carina who both freak out but are happy for the two. Fluffy and angsty, please?
All you need is love
Summary: Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x DeLuca!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1494
a/n: can we talk about how underrated Andy is in her own show??
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Looking around the downstairs of the firehouse, Y/N has an impressed look on her face as she nods. “Your girlfriend is the captain of this place?” She peeks into the barn where the firetrucks are located, letting out a small ooh sound.
“Yes.” Carina laughs, her brows raised as she stares at her younger sister. “You like it?”
“Yeah, it’s cool.” She shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, but Carina knows her sister.
Grabbing her arm, Carina starts leading her upstairs. “Let’s go, they’re cooking dinner and we’re joining them.”
Y/N gasps. “Is this one of those situations where your girlfriend tries to make a good impression on me, because you won’t date someone who doesn’t get along with me?” The words come out quickly, at times stumbling over them.
“It totally is.”
With a sigh, Carina rolls her eyes. It is that kind of situation. She just doesn’t want to feed Y/N’s ego by letting her know how valuable her opinion is to her. But she knows.
When they walk into the kitchen, Y/N notices Carina’s girlfriend stiffing a pot, having seen a picture of her, but she isn’t the one who takes her attention. A brunette setting the table is. It’s like she can’t take her eyes off of her.
“Carina!” Maya exclaims when she notices them. “You’re here early.” She turns off the stove and walks over to the two, wiping her palms to her pants first.
“Our shift ended early.” Carina kisses her before pulling her near Y/N. “This is Y/N, my sister. This is Maya, my girlfriend.”
“Hi!” Smiling, Y/N shakes Maya’s hand. “Nice to finally meet the famous Captain Maya Bishop. Carina talks about you all the time. Maya is so hot. Maya is so muscular. Look at this picture of h-”
“Y/N!” Carina slaps the back of her head. Giggling, she steps away from Carina’s reach, rubbing the spot she got slapped on. “Behave.”
She rolls her eyes. Maya looks between the two, not sure how she should react to the two sisters. “Uh, it’s great to meet you too.” She points behind her, where the rest of the team is, introducing everyone to Y/N. They all wave and smile, saying their his, but Andy walks up to them.
“Hi!” She shakes Y/N’s hand. “You’re doctor too?” Andy looks at the white doctor’s coat she is wearing.
“Yes, I didn’t want to be the family disappointment by not becoming a doctor.” Carina glares at her, but Y/N ignores her. “I’m in general.”
The two stand a little bit too close to each other for someone who just met each other, but the others pay no mind to it. They just finish cooking the food and gather around the table, immeasurable bombarding Y/N with questions.
She answers to them to the best of her ability, though most of her attention is on Andy.
Humming quietly to herself, Y/N looks through the patient files on the tablet. She keeps glancing at her phone, frowning when there’s no new notifications. Her and Andy have been texting nonstop ever since they met, but now, Andy hasn’t answered to her in hours. Usually it doesn’t take her that long even if she’s working.
With a sigh, Y/N pockets her phone and sets the tablet down to a table. She has a surgery in half an hour, but until then there’s really nothing to do.
She turns towards the sound, her brows furrowing once she notices Andy walking towards her. “What are you doing here?” She meets her halfway. “Did something happen?”
“There was an accident during a call, but I-“
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s eyes start going up and down Andy’s body, looking for any significant injuries. She has a bandaid near her eye, but nothing else catches her attention.
“I’m okay. I wanted to see y-“
Y/N interrupts her once again, “are you sure? Did you already see someone? I can page someone over.” She takes out her pager, but Andy grabs her hands.
“Y/N, I’m okay. I wanted to see you, because I need to tell you something.” Nodding, Y/N stays quiet, giving her the space to talk. “I have feelings for you,” she starts, her voice quieter now, “and I would really like to take you out on a date.”
A big smile appears on Y/N’s face. “That’d be nice.”
“Okay, great.” Andy nods, smiling too. They look like two lovesick fools in the middle of the hospital hallway. “I’ll pick you up today at eight?” She raises one of her brows. “Wear something casual.”
“Got it.” Grabbing the tablet again, Y/N starts backing up slowly. “I have a surgery to go to, but I’ll see you today.”
Andy waves with a grin before walking away, feeling victorious.
Knocking on the door frame, Y/N walks into the locker room. “Hi, mi cara.” She smiles when Andy turns around.
“Hey,” she walks over to her and grabs her hand, pulling her deeper into the room to kiss her, “I am so happy to see you here.” Andy grins, moving them towards the rest room.
Y/N giggles. “I’m happy to be here,” she kicks the door closed once they’re inside the room, “the others have already gone home?”
“Yeah,” she kisses her, “we have all the time we need.” Pulling away momentarily, Andy pulls the doctor’s coat off of Y/N. “You look incredibly hot in your scrubs.” She eyes her body up and down.
“Even when I’m all hot and sweaty?”
“Even then.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N pushes Andy to sit down on the bed before getting on top of her, draping her arms over her shoulders. “You look very hot in your work clothes too.” She mumbles, going back to kissing her.
Andy grabs the sides of her waist so she wouldn’t fall. Y/N’s hands are about to go down to the hem of Andy’s shirt, but the sound of the door opening interrupts them.
Their heads snap towards the now open door, where Maya and Carina are standing, both shocked to see them together.
“Carina!” Y/N struggles to get up from Andy’s lap. “What- what are you doing here?” Andy stands up as well, her eyes wide. Truth to be told, she’s kind of scared of the Italian, especially now that she walked in on them making out.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing?” Her hands start moving in the air. “Since when have you two been together?”
They glance at each other. “Like, six months.”
“Wh-“ Carina groans, throwing her hands in the air while mumbling in Italian, which makes Y/N scrunch up her face. “Six months and you didn’t think to tell me?”
Y/N shrugs, “sorry, there was never really a right time, so, you know,” she glances at Andy, trying to come up with some kind of explanation, “it just never came up.”
Carina has her arms crossed over her chest and her face is in a deadpan look. Maya has a tightlipped smile on her face, “well, I’m happy for you two.” She turns to look at Carina, her brows raised.
With a sigh, Carina walks over to hug Y/N and Andy. “I’m happy too, but you are supposed to tell me things.” She points at Y/N once she has backed away from them, giving Maya room to hug them both.
“I’m not ten anymore.” Y/N smiles, holding Andy’s hand.
“You’re still younger.”
She sighs, but nods, there’s no use to fighting Carina. “We were about to go out to eat, do you want to join us? Or did we interrupt something?” Maya smirks, looking at the jacket still laying on the ground.
“Maya!” Carina looks at her with wide eyes. “That’s my sister.”
“Oh, shut up, you had a study on orgasms.” Y/N picks up her jacket and puts it on. “We’ll join you, but I think we have to change first.” She looks at Maya and Carina’s nice, fancy clothes before turning to her and Andy’s work clothes that they’re still wearing.
“We’ll wait for you in the car,” Maya states while they step out of the room, “don’t take too long!” The door closes.
Andy turns to Y/N. “That’s one way for them to find out.” Laughing, she grabs Y/N’s hips. “I’m guessing you’re borrowing some of my clothes?” She mumbles and smiles when Y/N nods. “I love to see you in my clothes.”
“Don’t start anything now.” Y/N raises her brows, pulling away from Andy to go to her locker and grab some of her extra clothes from there.
“After dinner?”
“Definitely.” She kisses Andy and winks at her, before going to the bathroom to change her clothes, leaving Andy to the locker room with a grin.
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zeeinkzquill · 3 months
I though I might post this again because although I haven't updated it in a while I thought it would good to finish it
Throughout her time in the Digital Circus, Ragatha has had to master it all. From twisted creatures to twisted traps to even dealing with annoying lengthy rabbit's shanagenes. Jax has always found a twisted joy in his time at the Digital Circus. That joy has a sweeter taste when a certain rag doll falls for his tricks and traps. Yet though it all she's pushed through, when the wacky ringmaster comes in with a new challenge, making them face more than wacky and crazy creatures of this world. Through candy heart songs and paper flower bouquets, through late-night talks to the moon and plays, they find more that there is more to this world than fears and tricks.
(This story was based around the song Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers from the Raggedy Ann and Andy: Musical Adventures. And I just built a story based around them performing this song)
🥰🥰Some of my fav line of this story (so far...)🥰🥰
"Oh, dollface~. If you only knew how easy you were." "No need to boost my ego, Caine," "So romantic~," Bubble echoed in the background."
"Wait if that's the case then why is my only role is a tree ?" Gangle murmured
"We have a mentally unstable cast, an even more unstable director. Oh," he turned to look at the ragdoll in the mirror in front of them. "And star who can't even handle the spotlight. Sound like a delicious disaster to me."
Wanna Read It? Click one of the links below
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jyndor · 2 years
what’s fascinating to see is the juxtaposition of cassian as a recruiter (as an axis or a fulcrum) and luthen as a recruiter.
the show has been playing on chirrut’s words in rogue one: there’s more than one kind of prison.
so you’ve got luthen who every episode gives me more and more former jedi vibes - and say he is actually a former jedi in hiding, say it’s not just a similarity. he has made his mind a ‘sunless space’ and thinks of himself as damned because he is using his enemy’s (the sith’s) tools against them - anger, ego, unwillingness to yield, eagerness to fight. “they’ve set me down a path from which there is no escape.” i mean im not ready to pound the gavel yet but he’s definitely a jedi in hiding who has felt a need to use the very tools that he doesn’t believe in. that are antithetical to his very belief system. even if he’s not a jedi, he’s trapped in a world that he loathes, selling the pieces of cultures that have been marginalized and oppressed to fund a rebellion, a rebellion he believes in but cannot serve without selling his soul. that is a horrifying thing.
you’ve got mon mothma who lives in luxury and affluence but has locked her truth away to protect herself and to protect the rebellion - and is in a traditional marriage that began when she was a teenager, a child. for all of her privilege and she does have that in spades, that is something the show is saying - that mon is in a prison of sorts too. vel as well - though she has her freedom when she is with the rebels and with cinta.
you’ve got jung who has been undercover in the isb for six years, who now has to live with the guilt of kreegyr’s rebels likely being massacred so that the isb doesn’t find out there’s a spy in their midst. man luthen that was cold.
but those are metaphorical prisons. and that’s important to remember because ultimately while they are at risk, they’re also not in literal prison. they’re not enslaved like cassian and the others on narkina-5, or tortured like bix.
and a metaphorical prison IS easier to survive, no matter what mon says. the irony is that while cassian has been in many ways lying to the audience and to everyone else in the show until narkina, he’s always known what he’s against. to borrow saw’s words, cassian has clarity of purpose from the moment he is imprisoned. we don’t see him worn down although he surely is exhausted, we don’t see him disillusioned like melshi or in denial like kino loy (who andy serkis says was put in prison for organizing his workplace. fun fact).
he is at serious risk of torture and death but cassian is more alive and more himself than he’s seemed in the show until this arc. he’s organizing, he’s being a leader, he’s recruiting - and he seems like he’s free in some ways. because he knows the enemy intimately like luthen, but in different ways. the fact that he knows the empire thinks they’re not even worth listening to because he’s lived that his whole life, that liberates him to openly rebel in a way that seems counterintuitive. but he’s right. and it works.
but unfortunately recruits don’t always live. shit goes wrong or someone doesn’t get the help they need when they’re at their weakest - kino loy - sometimes someone has to die - like tivik, like kreegyr’s rebels - to get a message to people who can do something with it. like cassian and jyn and the rest of rogue one.
that’s where cassian is when we meet him in rogue one. back in prison, but more of a metaphorical prison (i mean saw’s cell aside lol) as chirrut notes. a mental prison, like luthen’s. like lonni jung’s.
kino loy says that “if we can fight half as hard as we’ve been working, we will be home in no time.”
rogue one is when he can finally liberate himself again and go home.
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hawkcoyote · 5 months
Let’s talk Tennis
Now this is the tennis fan in me taking things a little too seriously. But as I continue to think about Challengers and I have rewatched the film again, I’m kinda looking at Tashi a little bit side ways. One thing people always talk about is how Tashi coulda/shoulda/woulda been this amazing player had she not been injured. And it’s not to say she wouldn’t have been. But she’s never actually had to put her money where her mouth is. And her being a great tennis coach for Art does not mean she could have been a major contender in her own career. I mean how good of a player was Richard Williams? Honestly, most of these coaches don’t have anything to their name. It’s a little convenient she got injured right before she actually had to make the transition. We never actually get to see whether or not Tashi had what it takes. We are all supposed to believe that because someone she beat in the junior league means she would have been on top. That’s not how tennis works. But she can forever believe that she was robbed of greatness based on her results in the junior league and college. Like okay…. And it’s like sis could have been proven herself. She wants to be the goat, but the goats were out there winning slams or at least coming close at her age. While she was playing against players she can easily crush.
So my theory is that Tashi prioritized attention over tennis. She liked being the big fish in a small pond. She liked being seen as special. That’s why her fight with Patrick rattled her so much. The idea that she’s not special affected her so much it breaks her knee and ends her tennis career. Does she really have the mental toughness to actually be a good tennis player? Idk. Cuz to me, she prioritized her ego over tennis. It cost her dearly, which is why I feel like she can’t feel satisfaction over what she’s actually accomplished. Because when she was playing tennis, her main focus wasn’t really tennis. She didn’t want her only skill in life to be tennis. She chose going to college over her tennis career because of education and branding!! To me her commitment to the sport only really showed its head after her accident. She was even being dodgy about going pro when she was playing at Stanford. Tashi is too stuck on what’s she’s lost, and she allows it to overshadow the fact that she did want other things. There were other things that were important to her and might have even been more important than tennis.
Also as much as what happened to Tashi breaks my heart, I wished folks stopped downplaying what she was able to accomplish. Only Tashi is allowed to do that, and it is very much a character flaw of hers. Because as a tennis fan, I don’t think y’all understanding why Tashi can be right alongside Art in the Aston Martin campaign. Because you have this 20-something year old girl coaching her boyfriend into winning titles and slams?!? Are you kidding me?!? Women don’t even be having female coaches like that! Please!!! A young biracial/black woman coaching her white husband into being one greatest American male tennis player’s we’ve seen since Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi?!? The last American man to win a grand slam was Andy Roddick! Especially when you factor in her story. You think folks wouldn’t eat that up? Hollywood would be making a movie about her!!! She’s gonna be the one making book deals!! She would be the reason why the GP would even know or talk about Art. And the best thing about it is that Art would completely feed into it and hype it up.
And folks be disrespecting Art too much. Calling that man a mediocre player. First off, he was a finalist in the junior grand slam alongside Patrick. There’s also nothing mediocre about winning six grand slams guys. And who even knows how many titles he has. So why folks acting like he wasn’t a great tennis player is crazy to me. Only Art gets to believe that he’s not as talented as Tashi and Patrick. This is very much a character flaw. He is a great tennis player, he just struggles to believe it because he has such a low self esteem. Tashi from the jump thought he was a good player. Art just didn’t have the confidence because he’s bisexual and hates himself. He just assumes people are better than him because they have what he lacks within himself. The idea that he couldn’t be a big tennis star without Tashi’s coaching is silly to me. Congratulations, he has a great tennis coach! Most athletes need great coaching to get them where they need to go especially when performing at that high level. I don’t think Tashi is so singular that Art couldn’t find someone else to coach him to grand slams, the only reason why he couldn’t win is because he needs Tashi in order to give a damn. So all folks are really saying is that man was able to win all those titles just to please his wife. Y’all that’s absolutely nuts. Seriously imagine the monster Art would be if he did care? So in conclusion, we are kinda feeding into both Tashi’s and Art’s delusions. We have no way of determining if Tashi would have been a great professional player. Just because her junior league rival is a tennis star four years after the fact does not mean Tashi would have been huge. We are being a little bit delusional. And Art is not a mediocre player. Because even if we like to pretend that the junior league is a measure of talent, Art was literally right along side Patrick. Like he was the second best player in that tournament, that’s not mediocrity…. Art just deludes himself into thinking he’s not great because he hates himself.
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persepor · 1 year
Let's talk about DJ Subatomic Supernova...
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Ah yes one of the most eccentric, funniest, and coolest designed bosses. DJSS is the very first boss you fight and acts as a sort of test after the lights up audition tutorial. He is very interesting and his personality is through the roof, so let's get started shall we?
"What have you done today? Simpletons!"
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DJSS has an ego, you could say it's planet sized (ba-dum tss). Anyways, even though he has an ego he is one of the most loved characters in NSR. I can see why, he has a huge personality and a really cool theme going on with it being based on space.
Unlike other NSR artists we do know he had two jobs before becoming an artist, a university professor and an astrophysicist, which explains his vast knowledge of space. He knows a lot about space and uses his knowledge in really funny ways. One example is this quote: "You remind me of......Pluto! Once thought to be a planet of the solar system but no longer is."
I love love love his personality and the fact that his head is basically a black hole. I always thought that his head breaking symbolized his ego getting shattered. Seeing that he thinks even if NSR is defeated, his music will last after the fall of NSR.
I could go on and on but I'm gonna save it for later.
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His boss fight is very fun.
You start out with him at his turn table and you hitting disco balls to damage him. This is very interesting as you move around him, with DJSS being in the center. He's the center of the solar system in his fight.
Second phase he gets bigger and now it looks like you are in a solar system as the disco balls are now planets. He has more attacks, such as being able to throw comets at you and still being able to move the planets like he's turning a record. His head becomes more shattered as the fight goes on.
Third phase he makes himself even larger and not he has noodle arms. Not only does he still have his planets and comets but now he also has a laser. While this phase isn't harder you do have to worry about a lot of things at once.
Once you get through those three phases you then have to reach him. His head will then crack fully and a black hole will appear, you have to run to DJSS while dodging music notes along the way. This is fairly easy to get through as you have enough time to dodge the music notes.
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I feel his battle, or phases rather, correlate with his ego/personality. If you ever pay close attention to his head it starts to slowly crack, like his ego is gradually crumbling. He gradually grows in size to assert he is in control of what's around him, like someone with some huge ego.
His music genre is Disco Stellarum House, for those who don't know what that is, it's a genre of edm but the inspiration could come from disco house. Disco house is an edm genre that mixes the funky tunes of disco with the electronic sounds of house music. You can clearly hear this in his theme. His theme is an absolute bop when it comes on, you can't help but to dance to it.
He is also self-centered with him depicting himself as the center of the universe, but I went over that earlier. I wanna talk about the record cover when B2J defeats him.
They are literally using his head like a basketball. They are dunking his head in a basketball hoop. THAT'S HILARIOUS AND SO FUNNY, just imagine you've been defeated by these "plutonians" and they're using your head as a basket all. Pure, funny, and hilarious to think about.
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Dj Subatomic Supernova is a very fun character and has a lot of appeal to him. This may be why people love him so much.
So let me ask you all a question.
Why do you like DJSS?? + a Dj Sub doodle.
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